tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN February 5, 2016 6:00pm-8:01pm EST
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before that massachusetts. >> have you participated in every time and gone out every time the presidential candidates have been here? >> ever since i was 18, i voted in every election. local, national. i voted in everything. >> thank you for talking to us. coming up next, a mother and son. what is your name? >> eight and. -- aiden. >> what you think about what you saw tonight? >> i like him. his idealism, taking down isis. instead of president obama's leading from the back. he wants to go forward into it more. >> why does isis concern you? how old are you? >> 14. and it concerns me because the freedom of them, they don't have as much freedom. if they come over here, we could lose our freedom. >> are you going to go out and
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convince other people to go to the polls on tuesday? >> yup. >> what even a say to them? >> vote for jeb bush. >> you are mom? has your son always been interested in politics? >> he is the reason became tonight. i did not want him to miss the opportunity. >> did he have to come because of school or because he was enthusiastic? >> he wanted to be here and learn about the candidates. it wasn't school-involved at all. it was all him. >> what about your own interests? did you know you're voting for? >> i am undecided. i like what i heard from jeb bush today, and that pushes me a little bit more towards them. -- m. him. i don't have to make a decision quite yet. >> what you do for a living? >> data entry. >> how are you feeling about the economy? >> it is not in the greatest spot. i think it can get a lot better.
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i think if we stay with what we are doing right now, it's not going to. more taxes for more programs is not the answer. >> new hampshire has a lot of independents in it. your politics are where? >> i independent, but more am towards the conservative side. there is a lot of conservative stuff i like. >> fiscal policy? and social policy? >> a lot of the social policy. actually, all of it. what we are doing now is not working. we know that these programs that give people everything, they don't bring anyone up. they keep people pushed down. we need to move to where we are bringing -- as jeb bush said, start from the bottom going up. >> you only have a couple of days to make up your mind. when you going to do that and what will tip the scales for you? >> i am going tomorrow night as -- to see rubio and what he has to say.
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i will probably make up my mind at the polls. there is a very good chance. as i am filling it out i will make the final decision. >> are you going to go to the marco rubio in event even though your supporting jeb bush? >> yes. >> why? >> i want to hear what he has to say. it might make a difference in my thoughts. >> thank you for talking to us tonight and enjoy the selection. we are talking to people who have been at governor bush's event. what is your name? >> darren ryan. >> tell me about your own politics. are you here as a republican, independent? >> i consider myself a conservative. i came to this bush rally two days after a donald trump rally. i was fascinated by how much momentum trump can bring. it makes me wonder -- if donald trump can run a rally so smoothly and generate that momentum, i wonder what he can do for our country. i came to the bush rally
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thinking what can bush offered that trump did not offer, and i felt like the people tonight listen to what he had to say, but did not hear anything. >> why did you come to that conclusion? >> we were not moved. i feel that bush's seems to be caught up in a cycle of memorize lines. i want a leader who says more through his actions than his words. >> and mr. trump, have you made up your mind? >> i am constantly fascinated by him. yes, i am leaning towards trump. he seems to be a leader who shows you who he is without any of these political lines, without any memorization. he seems to show you who he is and what he wants to do for this country in a meaningful way, and in sort of a truthful way. he speaks what he believes. >> you mind if i ask your age? >> i am 19. >> this is your first election? >> my family and i have been coming to these rallies since 2008.
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we try to visit every politician. clinton, sanders, fiorina. we tried to visit all the candidates. >> are you from new hampshire? >> i am from dallas, texas. >> no kidding. you have made it appear with your family to watch this. >> my sister goes to cambridge, harvard. so we stay there and travel up to new hampshire to see how human the candidates are. >> how many have you seen so far? >> we have seen five, but intend to see them all. >> thank you very much. at governor bush's townhall meeting. c-span will continue the coverage of candidates until tuesday. we invite you to watch the coverage we have been doing on our website. if you are undecided, you can watch many of the speeches we have at more from the road to the white house later today with
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both democratic candidates. hillary clinton after her win in the iowa caucuses and senator bernie sanders speaking tonight at the mcintyre dinner for doing answer democrats in manchester, new hampshire. our live coverage starts at 7 p.m. eastern here on the span. >> the citizens of the granite state are not easily won. meeting places are hotbeds of political discussion. ♪ >> and village, town, and city, voters brave snow and sleet to cast their votes. thanks to the people of new hampshire, >> good to be back in new hampshire. >> new hampshire. >> new hampshire. >> new hampshire. >> it's great to be back in new hampshire. >> one reporter called answer's primary the first -- new
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hampshire's primary the greatest of political rights. ♪ [cheers] >> thank you so much for coming to an answer. -- new hampshire. >> this is where you can observe the candidate in the heat of dialogue, in the heat of getting tough questions about their positions on the issues. it's not just a place where you give a speech. its firstpshire takes in the nation primary status really seriously. >> is a series of town hall meetings we will be having. >> this is my 20th townhall meeting. 115thcome to the townhall meeting here in new hampshire. >> c-span's campaign 2016 is
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taking you on the road to the white house. >> let's go win the nomination. >> thank you and god bless you. >> in iowa c-span brought to you speeches. >> thank you all very much. >> meet and greets, town halls and live caucus coverage. this week c-span is on the ground in new hampshire following the candidates leading up to the first in the nation primary. live election coverage starts tuesday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span radio and thanks for coming in to new hampshire to join us this morning, mr. smith. we want to talk about this new poll you put up for cnn and w m you are. -- wmur. bernie sanders has 61% in new hampshire. hillary clinton, 30%. >> we have seen that lead for
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quite some time. sanders pulled ahead of clinton back in the fall. i think the clinton campaign made a enormous mistake ignoring sanders as a major challenger, thinking he would go away or the democrats would not support someone who had just recently become a democrat. sanders has held on and extended -- expanded his lead. he has tremendous support among younger people and people who have not voted in the primary before. i guess the only saving grace you can see for hillary clinton right now is those people are the least likely to show up in the election next week. host: who are those people? ted chung: people under the age of 25 or 30, and people who have not voted in a primary in 2008 or 2012. we know younger people are less likely to vote than people who are in their 30's, 40's, or 50's. voting is a habit and if you voted in the earlier primaries, there isn't much better chance that you will vote in the current primaries.
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then someone that has not done that in the past. host: have somebody who has observed, covered and research new hampshire politics for a long time, mr. smith, what if bernie sanders wins by 10 points or what the wins by 30 points? what is the significance? >> what is really important to remember is it is not if you win or lose any of these events, but how you manage the expectations set for you by your campaign, and by the press. given where clinton is in the polls right now, if she is able to lose in single digit, that is almost a victory. if you remember her husband bill clinton in had been losing by up 1992 to 16 points and pulls -- polls right before the primary. he lost only by eight and he claimed that was a victory and claimed he was a comeback kid. he used that to build momentum to win subsequent primaries. if clinton is able to do the same things and get into single
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digits, she could plausibly make the same case. however, if this lead for sanders holds up, it will be difficult for her to explain away a 20 point loss. it was because sanders is from a neighboring state. what we have seen historically is yes, candidates from new england do better here. the major reason isn't because they are better known. the democrats for example, in new hampshire are very similar to the democrats sanders is used to dealing with in vermont. timeon will have a hard explaining away a large loss. that would damage her and build momentum for bernie sanders and make him a much more credible candidate in states like south carolina. host: we have set aside a line for new hampshire voters. (202) 748-8003 is the number for you to dial in on. write " thereou
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is some importance attached to the new hampshire primary, but that it could be overblown." >> that is true. back in the 1980's governor sununu had a slogan that said "new hampshire first, always right." we have seen the last three presidents won but not in new hampshire. bill clinton finished second in 1992. george w. bush was blown out by john mccain. he lost by 18 points in 2000. hillary clinton beat barack obama here in 2008. all three went on to win the presidency. even since 1992 only half of those candidates who won the party nomination have won new hampshire. it is not as important as it used to be, but it is still the single most important dates in -- state in the nomination process. iowa is important, but because iowa and new hampshire have campaigns going on at the same
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time and for roughly the same length of time, they are like parallel campaigns, new hampshire can often stop the momentum of the candidate who wins iowa. on the republican side the electorates in iowa and new hampshire are so different that the new hampshire candidate is typically the one who gets the momentum going forward. it is not the dominant state it used to be in the early part of the 1970's and 1980's when the parties and candidates were just figuring out the primary process nomination process. it is still the single most important state. host: let's look at the republican side. here is the most recent poll. it was put out by your organization. donald trump, 29%. marco rubio up to second place with 18%. ted cruz, 13%. john kasich, 12%. jeb bush, 10%. chris christie and carly fiorina
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each have 4%. what is significant in that to you? mr. smith: the takeaway is that donald trump's numbers have not budged before or after iowa. again that is typical. , even though he did not win in iowa, he came in a disappointing second for him it has not , impacted voters here. it is also not surprising that ted cruz who won iowa is not getting much traction here. there has not been a republican candidate other than a sitting president who has won both the iowa caucuses and the new hampshire primary in the same year. mainly because the iowa caucuses are dominated by more socially conservative and evangelical voters. whereas about 45% of new hampshire republican voters are moderate to liberal and are not that concerned about social issues. it is not surprising that cruz is down fairly far. marco rubio is the one to watch. what we have seen is marco rubio
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is one of those candidates who is pretty accepted with the conservative wing and the more mainstream wing. voters like cam. they don't find much to dislike about him. we will see what happens this weekend. rubio is getting a bit of a bounce from his third-place finish in iowa, the unexpected third-place finish. what i think that is allowing or letting voters in new hampshire to do is to take a second look at his campaign to see if he might be the more mainstream republican who are right now bunched altogether. if you get behind rubio and cruz, use the kasich, bush, and christie bunched together. we expected one of those candidates to pull away from the others over the last weekend. rubio may be that person, but it is still too early to say. host: the population of new
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hampshire is about 1.3 million people. 873,000 932 registered voters. 44% of the registered voters or undeclared. 30% are republican and 26% are democratic. can anybody vote in any primary? mr. smith: no, new hampshire is a semi closed primary. if you are registered as a republican, you can only vote in the republican primary. those we call independents can vote in either primary. they are mistakenly called independents because it makes many people, certainly many people outside of the state, as well as people here in new hampshire, that they are free agents. they can choose in the republican and democratic primary. that is absolutely true, but most of them are democrats and republicans. 38% are really democrats and 33% or so are really republicans.
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the remainder are truly independents. undeclared voters that are really democrats vote like other democrats. they will vote primarily in the democratic primary. the republicans similarly, do about the same as registered republicans. those people who could truly pick up a ballot from either party makeup a very small percentage of the overall electorate, somewhere in the 3%-7% range. it varies from election to election. it is nowhere near as large as the 44% that is thrown around as the big block of independents that will sway the election. host: andy smith has been the director of the university of new hampshire survey center since 1999. he also teaches political science at that university. the first call for him comes from kerry in simi valley,
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california. go ahead. caller: hello, and thank you for taking my call. i would like to ask you to what do you attribute the bernie sanders-trump phenomenon? i was raised to believe that we elect our officials if you are qualified for a job because of recommendations, experience, your proven records. yet in both of these men there is not much of that. my husband is a purple heart recipient from the korean war, and bernie sanders was on the committee for veterans administration and the quagmire the gridlock of appointments and men dying and not getting treatment where is that then as it is now. we are only hearing about it. what did he do for the veterans to change that? host: thank you. let's leave it there. mr. smith? guest: it is interesting.
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we have come around to think that the qualifications for a president means you must have served previous elected office, governor or at least a senator. that is a more recent phenomenon. the founding fathers outlined what the characteristics were for office, and they were honesty integrity, strength of , character, wisdom, but they do not say anything about elected office. during the 19th century we often elected generals who had not been political at all. even as recently as 1952, we elected dwight eisenhower who had no previous political experience. so much so that the democratic and republican parties were recruiting him to run for president in 1952 simply on the strength of his celebrity and his being able to prosecute the war in europe.
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that said, i think some of the anger you are seeing expressed in both republican and democratic electorates has its roots in some economic stagnation that has taken place over the last 20 years. people are working more now, and even in new hampshire, we have an unemployment rate of 3.1%, but there are still people angry about the economy. we are anxious about the economic future and they have a lot of debts. younger people in particular have not been able to get jobs both here and in other parts of the country and have enormous debt out of college. i think it is the anxiety that is leading people to say, ok, we need somebody different, somebody outside of the normal political structure to look at. i think that is why you are seeing trump and sanders. not that the trump and sanders voters might switch over and vote for the other guy, the partisanship really prevents that from happening. but i think that is one reason you are seeing these outsider
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candidates, candidates not in the mainstream of their parties, having more success. host: carl is in baltimore and a republican. hi, carl. caller: hi, how are you doing? host: please, go ahead. caller: thank you. i am not real educated. i have six college credits. i was in the army for four years. when i looked for a job, i get the job because i qualify for it. i don't go for a mechanics job and not to anything about it. the president of the united states is the commander in chief. some people didn't really answer it. you run for president because you are in the military, it is a military job. you have a problem in the nation, we have congress. you vote for people who believe in what you believe in and will accomplish what you want to accomplish in the congress.
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the congressmen, senators, house of representatives, they will rule the country. we put too much on one man. he is there to protect you. the commander in chief, like george washington said, i don't want to be a king. i'll be in charge of the military, your commander in chief, that's it. host: who are you currently supporting for president? caller: i am a republican, so i will go with republicans. let trump does not qualify. none of the front runners qualify. they are not military people. host: that is carl in baltimore. any comment for him? guest: he is right. throughout the 19th century and starting with george washington, people with military experience have often served as president and they pointed to the military experience as a major qualification. but since we have gotten to the 20th century and the later part of the 20th century, the role of the president has expanded the
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-- beyond the traditional and more constitutionally-based role as dealing with foreign policy, primarily with outside relations, and letting states deal with what happens in terms of domestic policy as federal government become bigger and bigger, the president takes on the role as chief executive more than the commander in chief of the united states. he has been seen as the person who is essentially a giant governor of the country. i think that is one of the reasons you have seeing -- seen governors be more successful in 20th century. many of those people have had military experience, but if you look over the past several presidents we had, barack obama did not have military experience. george w. bush was in the national guard. bill clinton did not have military experience. george h.w. bush was the last
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you could say it really had military experience with his time in world war ii as a pilot. host: how important are military issues to new hampshire voters? jeb bush talked quite a bit in this town hall last night about veterans. guest: broadly speaking foreign , affairs and terrorism related issues are the top issue on the republican side. the democratic side is economic. but it is important for republicans, and we have had republican candidates talking very tough on things like what they would do it isis if they were elected, how would they deal with the soviet union -- showing my age -- how they would deal with russia and how they might deal with china? donald trump has made this essential part of his campaign and he wants to get the u.s. military back to where everyone will fear us and no one will mess with us. that is attracting veterans and nonveterans. the whole issue about veterans affairs and dealing with veterans has been interesting in new hampshire. one of the issues we have
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up here is we are fairly suburban and if you live in southeastern parts of this day, -- the state, you have access to veterans facilities in massachusetts or new hampshire. but a lot of the veterans of the rural parts are stuck. it is a long way for them to get to a veteran facility, so there has been efforts to make it easier for them to go to regular hospitals and get treatment. host: four days out, what percentage of voters are undecided? guest: historically, anywhere between 35% to 45% of primary voters have told people and then -- in the exit polls that they made up their minds in the last three days. 15% to 20% said they made up their mind on election day. the poll and we are seeing right now on the republican side shows that about only about 40% of republicans say they firmly decided who they are going to vote for. that is about 65% of democrats who say they decided to they will vote for. not surprising that the
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democrats are more decided since they have a choice between two people. we could see a lot of movement over this weekend because many have not made up their minds. host: bill on the independent line. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i have followed mr. sanders closely and listened to his speeches. i understand completely what he is saying. he articulates his positions extremely well. my problem is that i see all of the republican contenders calling themselves conservatives, but i don't understand what they are offering to combat this leftward
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shift in the democratic party. are they purposely avoiding these issues and waiting for the general election? but i can't follow exactly what the specifics are to deal with the challenge that mr. sanders is presented. -- presenting. and also hillary clinton. i am confused. all of the republican candidates seem to be running at the right end of the republican party, but when they come to the election in the fall, whoever is the nominee is going to have to run from the center. host: i think we got the point. andrew smith? guest: that is the quandary that political candidates are in.
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richard nixon famously said to win you have to run as far to the right and then run like hell back to the center and i think that is the case in both parties. the republicans are trying to out-conservative each other, whatever that definition might be, and on the democratic side, there is quite a debate on so which of the candidates is the two progressive, meaning further to the political left. in primary nomination processes or schedules, typically, with the notable exception of new hampshire, only the most activist voters come out and vote. those activist tend to be far more to the polar extremes of the parties. so you have to appeal to the voters during the primary process or the nomination process and then you have to hope that the things that you said during the primary do not allow you to be painted too far to the extreme for the more moderate general election voter.
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i think you are right. both parties are having trouble with this right now. bernie sanders has forced hillary clinton to run further to her left and she wanted to. sanders does not have problems with that and he is doing quite well among democrats who want to hear that. on the republican side, they're moving to the right. many different versions of conservatism over there, but the notable exception is donald trump. but whoever wins both party nominations will have the challenge of moving back to the center because these processes have made the move to the extremes of the parties. host: what if it snows on tuesday? how does that affect turnout? guest: we are used to still -- to snow even though we have not had much this year. it might dampen turnout a little bit but they would have to be an enormous snowstorm to dampen turnout significantly. last year, we had over 100 inches in new hampshire. so we are used to it and we have
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people who know how to get about the streets and their sidewalks quickly. host: record turnout for republicans in iowa at the caucuses. what do you predict poor turnout -- for turnout this year? guest: 2008 we had record turnout in new hampshire. we had about 54% come to voting eligible population voting turnout. in 2016, it was record turnout for republicans -- excuse me, 2012 was another record for republicans and obviously not for democrats because they did not have a competitive primary. this year, both are competitive. i think we might see another record turnout. so that if 24% -- 54%-50 5% range could happen again. that is important because in new hampshire, we don't really have just activist determining who wins the primary. it is regular voters, people who don't pay as much attention to politics, who don't know the candidates as well, the issue positions of the candidates.
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i think that is the major reason why you see the new hampshire electorate being more volatile than the electorate in other states because you have people who are essentially choosing flavors of ice cream when they choose a candidate and they don't see a lot of difference. they will be happy with whoever wins their party nomination. host: we have said aside our fourth line for people in new hampshire. (202)-748-8003 is the number to call. sue in new jersey. democrat. you were on washington journal. caller: good morning, gentlemen. i only have an opinion that the both parties are nothing but actors and they always try to use situations to their benefit and convince the voters that they are the best for the country. there is not a single person in
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each party that has the best of the people in their hearts. therefore, my question is, is there any chance that someone with a good heart and a love of god in their heart and they care about the people in this country and those people that are suffering around the world that they can come together, both parties, and bring the world to a calmer situation. host: that is sue in new jersey, any comment? guest: after watching presidential elections for many decades, i think that come to a cynical conclusion that you have to the half crazy or certainly psychopathic to run for president, to think that you are the person who deserves to be most powerful person in the world and that you alone are qualified to do that job.
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i think sue has a point that the people who run for office are only out to tell the people what they want to hear or what they think they want to hear and get power for themselves. the most important rule in any elected government is to get elected. if you are not elected, you don't have the ability to affect a change of up to make. that is the trade-off that you have in any democratic system. you have to appeal to voters first. edmund burke talked about this in his letter to the people of bristol that basically says, you are elected me for my wisdom and judgment, not to do what you necessarily want me to do and you can always throw me out if you don't believe i am living up to what you wanted me to do. and he was thrown out of parliament after that. [laughter] it is a problem in a democratic society -- what do you have to do to appeal to the voters and how do implement what you think is best for the country once you are elected? host: there is a debate on saturday night, a republican
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debate, but some candidates have 10 events this weekend. all through new hampshire. andy smith is someone who has observed this process for a long time. what will make more difference, the debate or smaller events where new hampshireites can meet the candidates? guest: we don't know really. the debates have the potential of being very important and having a significant impact, but we don't know. we have seen sometimes which debates have been hugely important. i think the debate in 2008 with hillary clinton was important and that helped her secure the democratic win that year. but there are other times when debates are more the same so it remains to be seen. the shaking hands and meeting with people is important, but most voters really don't ever have a chance or don't bother to try to meet a candidate and shake hands with the candidate. you have the opportunity to do
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that in new hampshire if you want to, but most voters don't take advantage of that opportunity. i think with the campaigns are really trying to do is making sure their get out the vote machines are ready to go and identified the number of voters they think they need to have to get to their level of success. that they have identified and can really turn this people out on election day. the campaigning is designed -- obviously, it is designed, you want to meet people, have them leave with a good sense about you as a candidate. media attention in local media and national media from that stops.n but it is really making sure that your kid out the vote machine is ready on election day. host: amber is in pittsfield, new hampshire, democrat. have you ever attended a candidate event? caller: good morning, gentlemen.
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actually, i did go to one way back when, but i just had a quick question. if someone is registered in new hampshire as democrat and they wanted to vote independent, will that be a problem? do they have to go to one or the other? guest: if you are registered as a democrat, you can only vote in the democratic primary. if you wanted to change a registration to independent or declared, you would have had to do that back in october and early november before the filing period for candidates was open. if you vote, you can change your status to undeclared or independent after you vote, but if you are a registered democrat before you came into this election, you will only be able to vote in the democratic primary. paul is in nashua, new hampshire. caller: i am talking about the
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electability and the general election. i believe bernie sanders being a socialist will not be able to make deals for the country work for him, so what is your opinion, sir? guest: that is the argument that the clinton campaign has been making. clinton herself has not been making it has directly, but the rest of the campaign and the surrogates have been making that case. one person earlier referred to the potential republican ad against sanders as standing next to a hammer and sickle, referencing the soviet union. so it is something central to the minds of a lot of democrats, but we also see a lot who really don't have the bad or negative associations with socialism like older voters. if you think about somebody who is a 25-year-old, the berlin wall fell before they were born. the soviet union was gone when they were just children. they do not think of socialism as the gulags of the soviet
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union for the cultural revolution of china. they think of socialism as may -- maybe that nice trip they made to denmark, sweden, germany or france, socialized medical programs of this country -- countries which seem to be popular. so the perception of what it means to be a socialist are changing as the historical era of the cold war is disappearing into our rearview mirrors. host: your senator, jeanne shaheen, is campaigning for hillary clinton and campaigning this weekend for her. barbara bush was out with jeb last night, what if john mccain stepped into the race? i guess the awkward -- just trying to gather up endorsements. do they matter? guest: endorsements i don't think really matter too much. i think what helps is if you have a surrogate that can go out
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and attract people enough so you can be as the candidates in more than one place at the time. the most viable is the time and people want to hear the candidates, but if you are able to bring a movie star, a rockstar, famous politician, people might want to come out and hear that allows you to be multiple places at one time. i think endorsements in and of themselves don't really help. you mentioned john mccain. he was an avid supporter of lindsey graham and he essentially went nowhere. i think that is not john mccain's fault because ultimately it is the candidate who has to attract support and not the surrogates. host: jeff in gaithersburg, maryland. please go ahead with your question or comment. caller: good morning. i wanted to say i think you are on the right track earlier this morning asking about the conservative and progressive question. we should dump the parties and
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just go with that -- conservative and progressive -- and let the people make up their minds about what that means to them. i wanted to ask mr. smith about the polling on the actual voting. doesn't it seem like a lot of people, if they see what the result is going to end up the -- and being for certain election, if they are going to vote the opposite way, why bother, you know? why bother going through the process of voting if it is already tabulated by way of a poll? guest: i can speak directly to that from new hampshire. the final polls in new hampshire, those are the polls taken over the last weekend and essentially finished on sunday that before the election, they are notoriously inaccurate. we certainly saw that in 2008 where all of the polls show that barack obama would win by now -- an average of 7% and hillary
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clinton won by 2.5 points. back in 1990, polls show that john mccain would win by eight points by average but he won by 19. back in 1984, walter mondale was leading in the polls but kerry hart won. even though he was not leading in the polls. in new hampshire, i think holes are wrong as often as they are right. the reason is that in new hampshire, people are not largely listing the polls but they do make up their mind in the end. polls may influence some people to not vote for some candidates in a multiparty field who they feel has no chance of winning and not to go with the votes, but it does not meet the candidate who is leading is going to win. we have seen these changed dramatically in the past and i would not be surprised at all if we see changes in new hampshire over this last weekend. host: monte in rockville, maryland. caller: good morning, gentlemen.
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my comment is about how you just mentioned the clinton campaign is raising bernie's electability issue and i see hillary clinton is having a credibility issue. whether it is e-mail, transparency, she is not willing to release her transcripts or saying openly that she will release her transcripts. i think she is underestimating the fallout from the independent-minded democrats like myself, or just independent voters. she is denying she is a part of the establishment and stating the obvious that she is the first woman. the voters are not that ignorant just a think they will vote for her because she is a woman. otherwise, she would have won in 2008. they are going to vote for her based on their positive factors. and she keeps saying she is going to be a fighter. we need a leader, someone who will bring consensus and action in
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washington and not someone who will bring continued fracturing. i think hillary is in real trouble and bernie is bring that out. she cannot make that up, so i think there will be challenges. i'm sure your polling data shows that. so thank you very much. guest: we are seeing that in the polling data. that the e-mail controversy, not for all democrats and not for clinton supporters, but it has undermined her credibility. we asked democratic primary voters which candidate they think is least honest and 55% named hillary clinton and only 10% to 15% named bernie sanders. there is a credibility issue that clinton has been fighting, not only this time around but also in 2008 as well. you can see that during the debate last night. the issue up her speech transcripts coming up. that is relatively new to the campaign and has not been something that has been talked about too much until recently. that might be something to pay attention to over the weekend as
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well. that it fits in with the problem that a lot of democrats had about her credibility and how that could hurt her electability in november. but we have been seeing in new hampshire, which is a swing in general elections is that bernie sanders has been doing much better than hillary clinton against all republican candidates. i think that credibility issue that you speak to is part of the reason for that. nationwide that hillary clinton -- host: a new poll out shows nationwide that hillary clinton has 44% and bernie sanders is that 42%. let's hear next from betty in planters go, mississippi. republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am a latino, christian, hispanic american and i wanted to comment on what happened on the caucuses. i was really strongly looking at ted cruz and marco rubio and i am very disappointed on the dishonesty. after looking at everybody on the news, the last person that really confirmed it for me was
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karl rove with numbers. there was a deception and ted cruz and marco rubio knew about it. they were both in on it and i am disappointed. first of all as a christian. when we confess to christ, we cannot use christ to an -- when an election. god is big enough to win an election, but dishonesty is very bad and i am so disappointed. i really wanted to vote for either one of those men, but when they pulled that dishonesty against mr. carson, it broke i heart. i will not be voting for them. they apologized. ted cruz apologized and marco rubio said he was not in on it, but everybody says he was. host: betty in mississippi. mr. smith? guest: honesty is essential characteristic that voters are looking for in the president. but to think that there is not dishonesty in politics, and no offense, but it is somewhat
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naive. most politicians have to, at times, be at least deceitful in how they work and politics is a dirty business and dirty game and dirty tricks go on all of , the time. i do not think he will see many candidates, if any, at the national level who have not engaged in some sort of dirty tricks at some level of their campaign. there is an old joke about politics. how can you tell of a politician is lying? their lips are moving. this is not something new. host: she identified yourself as a christian. how important is the conservative christian vote in new hampshire? guest: not very. new hampshire is the second least-religious state in the country. evangelicals make up a smaller segment of the electorate and only one state, massachusetts
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has a segment of evangelicals are born again christians in the republican primary or caucus electorate. the kind of candidates that can appeal again to the social conservatives and evangelical christians in states like iowa, or south carolina and others, those voters largely do not exist in new hampshire. the major religious denominations in new hampshire are catholics first, and after that you get into mainline protestant denominations. congregational church, presbyterians, etc. but the evangelical church and the evangelical segment of the republican electorate is quite small. not typically very impactful. the way that you can see this is in some of the social issues that are important, for example, abortion. like the republican primary voters are pro-choice in the country is a whole.
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so republicans here are pro-choice. and they are not concerned about things like gay marriage. they are not church attendees by and large. they're much more like what you see up and down the east coast. far less religious than other parts of the country. host: jerome is an tennessee on our independent line. go ahead. caller: good morning. thank you c-span for taking my call. just a few comments as we had to -- pull up the stakes in iowa and had to new hampshire to put up the big tent. basically, every four years what i see is first of all, the voters are hypnotized and down the road when the candidate wins you are desensitized to the fact that they are the candidates and all they can possibly do is 30% of what they promised is actually completed. they will send you down the aloe -- yellow brick road, but they don't play that there is a hot
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air balloon so you better click your ruby reds clicking three times and hope you get back home. one final comment. i think this should be mandatory. any person running for the highest office should take a mandatory lie detector test and then we will find out who rises to the top. have a great day, america. host: andy smith? guest: i think he is expressing the sentiments of a lot of americans. the lie detector test might be difficult because we have a fairly thin rank of people running for office in that was the standard that was used. what you make of the donald trump campaign? guest: we have seen this in the past before when the republican electorate was unsettled. most recently, i would look at pat buchanan back in 1996. he won in 1996 and he put up a
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strong challenge against george herbert walker bush in 1992. so we see this populism anti-establishment republican candidate do well in the past. trump is a little bit different than a guy like the canon because he is much more famous and he has a lot more money. buchanan was not able to continue after new hampshire because he did not have the cash to be able to do that. whereas trump certainly has the money to fight on in other states, even if you should lose in new hampshire. so it is not a new phenomenon but it is slightly different than the past because of the celebrity of trump, but we have seen it before. host: what is your methodology and polling? guest: we use random digit dialing techniques where we randomly sample landline and cellular telephones. about 65% to 70% of the telephone numbers initially an hour samples are cell phones and then we randomly sample of adults within the household and we don't take the first person who answers the phone.
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we have a series of questions that screens down to what we consider likely voters and go on from there. i think that is an important point. because the electorate in new hampshire changes so quickly. between 2008 and today, about 30% of the potential voters in the state are different people. about 12% were not old enough to vote in 2008 and about 18% to -- did not live in new hampshire in 2008. he might go, why does this matter in polling? a lot of organizations have used previous primary voters as their sampling. that is the list of where they get the names of people to call, and if you did that on the democratic side this year and looked at the 2008, the last time there was a competitive primary on the democratic side, and you wanted to get voters who voted in that primary, you have systematically excluded younger voters who just turned 18 as well as the new people who voted or moved into the state and have
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not voted in the primary before. if you did that, i think you would seriously underestimate bernie sanders' support. among people under the age of 25 years old, he is up 80% among that group and over 70% or 75% among people who said they never voted in a primary in 2008 going -- or in 2012. so the methodology that you use can impact the results again on your surveys. that said, no survey is i think necessarily predictive. not because of methodology, but many voters have not made up their minds. host: when will your next poll be out? guest: today. we will have a tracking poll released today and one more tomorrow. sunday, this is something many people have not talked about, but we have this thing on sunday called the super bowl. if the patriots had been in the, it would have been a superduper bowl because this is new england patriot territory, but that has
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-- that will throw a key into the campaign because those voters will not be paying attention to campaigns on sunday evening and they will not be answering their phone to talk to pollsters on sunday evening either. so we will continue our surveying somewhat into monday and have our final poll released on monday evening. host: the current poll shows that bernie sanders is at 61% and hillary clinton at 31 percent in new hampshire. donald trump at 29%, marco rubio at 18%, ted cruz at 13%, john kasich 12%, jeb bush at 10 , christie and carly fiorina at 4%. let's finish with this tweet, karen asks, if new hampshire has not been successful in picking the ultimate nominee, why put so much importance on it? guest: frankly, because it is first in the nomination process that we have now the early states having a much larger impact the later states because
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they eliminate people and they identify the strongest candidates. while new hampshire has not picked the winner in the last three presidents, nobody since 1972 in the modern primary cycle has won their party's nomination or the presidency, without either finishing first or second in new hampshire. host: that was andy smith from the university of new hampshire survey center. professor smith, we appreciate you coming on c-span. guest: thank you for having me. >> the citizens of the granite state are not easily won. country meeting places are hotbeds of political discussion. in village, town and city, voters brave bitter snow and sleet to cast their votes. thanks to the people of new hampshire -- >> first in the nation primary. >> new hampshire. >> new hampshire.
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>> he's from new hampshire. >> it's great to be back in new hampshire. cherished oft american political tribal rights. [cheers] >> thank you so much for coming to new hampshire. >> this is a place we can observe a candidate in the heat of a dialogue, getting tough questions about their positions on the issues. it's not as a place -- >> new hampshire takes its first in the nation primary status seriously. >> this is one of a series of town hall meetings. >> this is my 20th town hall meeting. >> welcome to our 115th town hall meeting in new hampshire. [cheers] ♪
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>> c-span's campaign 2016 is taking you on the road to the white house. >> lets go when the nomination. >> thank you and god bless you. >> in iowa, c-span brought you candidate speeches. >> thank you all very much. halls, and greets, town and live caucus coverage. this week c-span is on the ground in new hampshire following the candidates leading up to the first in the nation primary. live election coverage starts tuesday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span radio and we continue our live coverage tonight on the road to the white house. this is the verizon center in manchester, new hampshire. the 100 club celebration.
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the annual dinner held by the party and we will be hearing from the two democratic presidential candidate, hillary clinton and bernie sanders. bernie sanders expected out first. they will be showing video of the two candidates. taking a look here at the room as they get ready, our c-span crew on the ground giving us some of the details and behind-the-scenes flavor of this event. people who are seated or eating here on the floor at the verizon center. they pay between $250 and $1000 per seat. then there are stand on the side of the room. they went for $25 to $50 for the fundraiser. served iswines being a new hampshire apple wine blended with maple syrup. new hampshire primary coming up tuesday. we will have live coverage of that as well. you can see all the coverage of the candidates we have had so far on our road to the white house on our website, taking a look tonight at the two
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democratic side at this point. host: who is at the top of your list? caller: bernie sanders on the democrat side. with the republicans, it is a tossup. i like john kasich. i'm afraid that both john kasich and bernie sanders will not be able to gain momentum throughout the process. more than likely, they will drop out, k six first. kasich first. , think his mudslinging ads referencing those with all the republicans slinging mud at each other, i wish you would come across as -- i mean, he really does mean his words.
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he has done much more, i believe, then marco rubio or ted cruz. he has balanced the budget in ohio. if people got to know him, and i don't -- and the funny thing is, i talked to a lot of people in chicago. he has gained a lot of traction. host: x for calling in. kelly is colligan, democrat line. -- calling in, democrat line. caller: i'm a strong hillary familyer, and so has my than. we are tying again. i have been listening to all the
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shows and comments, and the one thing i don't think that people realize that maybe, because i have been involved in a lot of elections, presidential elections, is that they are a , as far as bernie sanders. he is a good guy. he has a lot of good qualities. great that he is sticking to the message and not getting into dirty politics. what people are not realizing is that the reason why bernie is doing so great is because the republicans are not touching him . they want him to win, because they don't want to run against hillary. hillary is the one who can win, not bernie. immigrants need to remember that. we need a vote for somebody who can win. host: are you worried about hillary's chances? caller: what do i think?
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i'm concerned because of the dirty politics and the fact that people are not understanding, again. she has been a target for a long time from the republican side. he keeps bringing up how he got paid all that money for speaking tours, among celebrities and famous people. she is not getting bribed. i hear other callers bring up things like the e-mail thing. do people not get it? she is more scrutinized, her and her husband, or scrutinized in than any other two human beings on earth. host: i need to get a couple more colors. callers.
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this is the mcintyre-shaheen 100 club celebration. this is a fundraiser for the democrats. a lot of eyes are on your state, as well, jenna. you're on the republican line. what are your thoughts? caller: i am tuning in to stay informed. obviously, i am a republican. but, i like to hear what the other candidates are saying. host: who are you interested in in terms of who you might go for? i'm a committed a fan of carly fiorina. i'm glad that you guys are covering one of her events tomorrow, even though she is being excluded from the debate tomorrow night. i'm glad to see your balanced coverage. host: that's at 10:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow morning.
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a number of events with if you want to check out political coverage so far this season? rodney on the line, for the democrats. i'm a disabled veteran, and i served in lebanon in 1983. were blowing up, and i was exposed to contaminated water in camp lejeune. more experience in being a president. obama has done a wonderful job and a lot of people are trying to discredit it. position ass that another portion of her resume. you can't say, "he or she is not qualified." everything has changed in this world. there's a lot of bad on both
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sides. donald trump says, "i love the military guys." he loves everyone, the police, the military, but he never served. he doesn't answer specific questions. be a time for a woman to president, but i don't think ast she should be president the first lady to the president. yeing?who are you e caller: a lot of ladies. barbara boxer. this qualified democratic women. i don't know if most of the republican women are qualified. , the more religion republican right, over the american dream. host: who will you vote for? caller: the democrat, of course. why shouldn't they went with all of this being thrown around by donald trump? host: bernie sanders or hillary?
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caller: i want bernie sanders to win, but i was there was another woman. you cannot play both sides. me that the lack of hasrience that obama has been more work than all the extremes that george bush has good -- has. host: thank you for your phone call. i got to get to a couple more colors. italy clinton and bernie sanders will be here.-- hillary clinton and bernie sanders will be here. elliott is on the line. caller: i'm a republican, and i favor carson. he has a strong moral compass. mrs. clinton does not have a strong one.
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she has locked into her husband ,nd the campaign, clinton fund and if you're getting tens of millions of dollars or $675,000 or a speaking engagement these different dictators around bought.d, you are she is bought. host: we're having a look around the room. hang with us, we think things are getting started here in new hampshire at the verizon center for the mcintyre-shaheen 100 club celebration. ♪ [applause] [crowd noise]
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[applause] noise] >> there are politicians who have been here much too long. >> we need change. people like sean o'connor will lead the change. >> he will work on bringing both sides together. >> you can reach out to republicans, democrats. >> i think sean is somebody we can trust. i think he will vote for families. sean.nie and >> sean stands up for unions.
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>> it has a real passion for business that she has a real passion for this is-- he has a real passion for business. >> i'm absolutely committed to raising the minimum wage to $16. i will enact legislation to raise the minimum wage. americansassure all that a high-quality, affordable education is possible. it is a tough domestic situation, the domestic violence. it can be devastating. >> i think in washington, we need change. what i think we need his creative problem-solving.
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-- his creative problem-solving. problem-solving. >> shawn o'connor will fight for us. americat to make sure is the greatest country in the world for my generation and the generation to come. [applause] high, i'm running for governor. rather than me doing all the talking, there are the folks who know me best. him in college. >> jim romaine. ok, here we go.
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married. he will be expanding medicaid. >> he also got funding for planned parenthood, something we won't have to fight for again. we didn't have to strike. i am colin van ostern and i am running for governor to build a stronger economy. up andr, we can stand keep -- moving forward for every family. ♪ [applause] ♪ connolly's story is the
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new hampshire story. he believes in the power of community, the court is the defined as they did a new hampshire native, he was raised by a single mother. his journey was not an easy one, neither was that of his brother, combat veteran. in 1976, he was elected to the legislature at age 21. he worked his way through darkness he went to work with the army corps of engineers in alaska. following a successful 20 year career in business, he was appointed deputy secret ary of state. he was singled out nationally for fighting corporate greed and special interests. directorshe board of
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-- forcing them to resign. he has secured record-breaking settlements over financial groups, including a $20 million settlement on behalf of new hampshire students from ubs. every child in new hampshire deserves a world-class education. deservesan and family -- [applause] state deserves the promise of new hampshire, that if you work hard and play by the rules, you get your shot. >> we have to come together. as governor, i have worked my entire career for -- say i am withto
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mark. what you please join us? >> i am with mark. >> i'm with mark. >> i'm with mark. ♪ [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. the seeding program -- the speaking program is about to begin. [applause] i am honored to be able to join all of you this evening, as we celebrate new hampshire's democrats. >> i recall how president kennedy came to new hampshire several times during the 1960's. he asked the mother civil question, which party serves the nation best? the answer was clear in 1960. after all we have been through
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in the recent months, the answer is clear today. does anyone anywhere in new hampshire want to reelect the tax cutting, education shortchanging, environmental trashing, medicare slashing, social security threatening, antilabor, antiunion, republican majority in the congress of the united states? does anyone want that? we have our work cut out for us. let me ask you some questions. when you stand with me to fight to improve education for the children of new hampshire and massachusetts and all of our culture? >> people can't afford to come to these events because there is so much going on in their lives. democrats are supposed to care. if you seek security and opportunity for people, when
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there is a sense of the common nationally, rather than a situation of speculation, then we have a great nation. too often we hear that each individual needs to take care of themselves, walking away from the spirit of our great country. we need to get back to the sense of caring about each other. that is what made america strong. that is the job of the democrats. >> i think new hampshire democrats -- [applause] >> the rest of the democratic party has a lot to learn. >> democrats -- [applause] win when thes voter turnout is low. our job is to make that voter
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turnout skyhigh. the people of new hampshire want the opportunity to help build the coalition we haven't seen in a generation. you can come together, democrats, independents, and even republicans to stand up and say, "we are one nation, we are one people, and our time has come." ♪ [applause] >> please welcome former party chair ambassador george bruno, and share net helms.
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>> wow. hello america. life in new hampshire, it is the 2016 new hampshire democratic party animal dinner, starring over 6000 activists, democrats from all over new hampshire. plus -- [applause] us here tonight. [applause] our governor and candidate for the united states senate. our former governor and senior u.s. senator jeanne shaheen. [applause] second district congresswoman, and ann mclane kuster. [applause] >> dnc chair debbie wasserman
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secretary of state hillary rodham clinton. [applause] >> what a crowd. what a crowd here tonight. my name is george bruno. former new hampshire democratic chair from 1983 to 1987. on behalf of nine former new hampshire democratic party chairs tonight, collectively representing over three decades to call us feel free
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the "comeback kids." i welcome you four days before the february 9 presidential primary, the first in the nation. [applause] outsidete the blizzard and six inches of new, white snow, we are making history, tonight. largest gathering of democrats ever, and come this november, we will make history again. [applause] now, i am pleased and honored to welcome my friend and her former state party chairman joe grammys on. [applause] >> in 2016, we celebrate the
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100th anniversary of the new hampshire president of primary. -- once every four years, we focus on the granite state as we make this choice. we take this responsibility seriously, and we take pride in celebrating 100 years of being first in the nation. first in the nation, just as god wanted. [laughter] [applause] good evening, i am that helms-- i am ned helms. 60 years ago, supporters of john f. kennedy organized the first 100 club as a way of promoting both his candidacy and rebuilding the party. held year since, we have this dinner, building the state party beyond the imagination of
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the proud new hampshire democrats back in 1959. just look around. [applause] >> look at you all. [applause] >> six years ago, we rebranded the event. and jean ande billy, because the names are very often inseparable, two theles that are truly founding families of the modern new hampshire democratic party. [applause] later this evening, we will present an award. it is my honor to his knowledge walter donley and leo can terrace, two people who were
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best friends who gave so much of their lives to the democratic party. thank you for making this the extraordinary event that it is. thank you. [applause] please welcome, former state party chair chris guru, joe keith, and michael king. [applause] , pleasew democrats stand and join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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♪ oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, o'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. o say, does that star-spangled
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>> you know, it is really quite a night for this party, when it takes you half an hour to get up or to accept the award. i would say i was speechless, but my friends would not believe me. this is a major thing for me. leo can terrace-- leo wonderful people who supported this party through lean years.
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room andok around this see all these great democrats, and all these great democratic officeholders, and a huge array of wonderful presidential candidates, all coming to say jane,to us tonight, ray, thank you very much for this. thank you all. [applause] [applause] >> i am former party chair joe keith. a word about martin gross. he was a friend to many of us in this room. some of us practiced law with him. some were anti--- some were
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active democrats and i will tell you, he was one of the most collegial, professional, wise, dogged, indefatigable champions of this state and its people that we have had the pleasure to be on this earth with. lawyer, democrat, citizen, there is clearly no institution in the state today, whether the new hampshire bar association or the new hampshire charitable foundation or the new hampshire public radio, the capital center of the arcs, that marty gross did not make a difference with good -- with. his presence was always consequential. it is fitting that we honor him and his memory tonight. it is my pleasure to introduce to you the offices of the new hampshire democratic party.
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chair, rayoduce the buckley renamed this club the haheen club not too many years ago. there's few people i'm closer to -- than mcintyre and shaheen. we are very proud to be a part of this tradition. officers of the party, you have seen his work before you, the chair raymond buckley. vice chair martha clark. second vice chair dorothy
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>> i want to thank, in doylsean doyle and all the members of us have to put together this video and have done a terrific job tonight. [applause] brothers andur sisters in the unions, who are doing all the work of producing this event. thank you to you too. [applause] >> it is my pleasure to introduce to you former chair, michael king. >> good evening. i am so pleased to have you all here. this is a fantastic success. it was nice to hear on audio,
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[applause] rights [applause] >> maggie for new hampshire. [applause] >> my longtime friend, and a custom -- annie custer. [applause] >> the friends of jeanne shaheen. [applause] w and the very supportive 2320. [applause] >> thank you all for attending and intervening. the sponsors made it all
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worthwhile. thank you. thank you. [applause] >> please welcome senator jeff woodward, former state party ther kathy sullivan, and chair of the new hampshire democratic party, raymond buckley. [applause] >> what a great night. i'm jeff woodburn from new hampshire -- from westfield new hampshire, upstate. i'm honored to be here as the niner chair, a leader of great democratic s enators. david waters, take the stage. david pierce from lebanon. molly kelly from king. some city from here in manchester-- donna from manchester.
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and from the fourth district, thank you. [applause] >> the dean of the senate, lou dell saundra-- dealesandro. thank you. the great betty lasky. and dan phelps from concord. thank you. [applause] recognize and thank for their service, we have several members of congress, did swett. dick cheryl schaefer.
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house, stevein the cheryl. paul house members, stand up. all the house members, stand up. [applause] >> thank you for your service, thank you, thank you. we have great mayor doing great work in our cities. jim dodges from nashua. [applause] >> dana hilliard from somersworth. [applause] belay--ered mayor jim - the newly elected mayor of rochester, jim -- [applause] >> and to new hampshire ambassadors who we are proud to
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call sons of the granite state. jim smith. [applause] course, terry shoemaker. thank you very much. introduceleasure to kathy sullivan, who needs no introduction. [applause] good evening, everybody. it is great to be here. i'm here with the greatest democrats, from the greatest state democratic party in the country, the new hampshire democratic party. [applause] >> it is my pleasure to introduce the guests, who are here tonight. please hold your applause until the end, we will give them a great new hampshire welcome.
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we have actress meredith baxter, dnc chair and congresswoman ,eborah wasserman schultz senator amy korver sure, senator booker,en, senator cory senator david avenue. frank cologne. john sarbanes. john mcmillan. massachusetts state treasurer deb goldberg. francis slate. bob buckhorn. i'm really honored to sit the next name, lily let's hammer --
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ambassador rufus gifford. ambassador henry scheuer. ambassador lars rosie. again, let's give them a great round of applause, from the greatest democratic party in the country, new hampshire democrat s. thank you. [applause] and now, it is my pleasure to introduce our chair, and i have to say, when raymond buckley was vice chair, during those eight years, he kept saying to me, please, can we please have an event in the verizon, soon to be known as the share center. i kept saying, no. too much work. finally, he gets to be chair,
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and ask him if he had a vision, and he carried it out, this is the second event we have had here at verizon. job, andne an amazing it is my pleasure to introduce the longest-serving chairman in the history of the democratic party, raymond buckley. ♪ all buckley: let's thank eight of our former chairs for this elevation. george, joe, and a, chris, joe, michael, justin, kathy. thank you for your years of service. [applause] chr. buckley: i also want to introduce executive counselor, and then host her. van oester.
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and christopher bevis. [applause] to many of you, this may be your first big party event. they are always this day, trust me. they're always fun. whether this is your first event th, no matter who the nominee is, they need a strong state party to elect them in november. it was the people in this room that knocked on doors and make phone calls, every day, in 2014, i will say it one more time, across the country, turnout for 3%, and thes, down
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state of new hampshire, it was up 3%. that's a huge compliment. we did that. we stood against the republican ties by building strong, local infrastructure. acted -- wey reelected jeanne shaheen for new hampshire. [applause] in 2014, whenand chris christie came rolling in with his big wagon of 4 million rga dollars, the people of new hampshire said hell no, we are we electing maggie hassan. [applause] say goodbye: let's kelly, goodbye kelly, goodbye kelly.
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somehow, their staff told me that she gets irritated when i do stuff like that. one more time. goodbye kelly, goodbye kelly, goodbye kelly. we were able to hold onto the second congressional district, annie custer. [applause] of. buckley: so, in a matter just four days, no matter what the party, the values, have been well served by the candidates. by senator bernie sanders. [applause]
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the republicans are appealing to the worst of society. they have spent over $100 million spreading fear, hatred, and negativity. now, they have turned on each other. how sweet it is. [applause] no matter who becomes the republican nominee, they will not win. because theyn, face a united hampshire democratic party. [applause] the minorey: disagreements we have pale to what determination that each and , to give of us have the republicans out of the white house. [applause] chr. buckley: now, since this
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just happens to be the longest political fundraiser in new hampshire republicanse kill our unity. are we united to take back the majority in the state house? are we united? united? [applause] are we united to keep cenunnu out of the governor's office? he only lives in nashua. if you yell loud enough, she might actually here.
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