tv Washington Journal CSPAN February 6, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EST
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and jack keith. he gives his preview of the primary. we will also take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal is next. ♪ good morning, it is saturday, debbie were a 6, 2016. we have three days to go until the new hampshire primary. we are once again taking our viewers up to new hampshire -- manchester, new hampshire to talk about gop debate tonight. before we do that, with new hampshire representing the first chance for underplayed -- under cleared -- undeclared voters. whether you are satisfied with the current field of presidential candidate. could you see yourself supporting any of the major party candidate and if not, what
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could a candidate due to get your vote? we are putting the phone lines of the regionally. a special line for new hampshire voters. to us onlso catch up social media on twitter, at c-span -- our facebook page. a very good saturday morning to you. by talkingday's show to independence about whether you're satisfied with your choices for president. you can begin calling in now. so much focus in the days leading up to the primary on independence. here are a few of the headlines from the past few days. will --shire candidate woo the independents.
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the nbc station there, independent and new hampshire could determine the primary and into the boston globe -- the headlines saying what is a new hampshire independent voter to do. in new hampshire, the undecided easily can become the deciders. the story noting that their unpredictable, stubborn and many still do not know who they will vote for. the famed new hampshire independents. a block of swing voters. they are being intensively targeted by several candidate in both parties. the story noting a january poll that found 44% of undeclared voters saying they were likely to vote in the republican primary. undeclared voters can pick which primary they want to vote in.
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we want to talk to independents around the country. are you satisfied with your choices or president? just to give you a sense of how big the group is, here is the most recent gallup numbers, 6 through january 10, party affiliation across the ofted states, 26 percent americans saying republican, 29% sane democrat. 44 percent classified themselves as independent. you're talking about before percent. phone lines are split up regionally and especially line if you are an independent, undeclared in new hampshire. we start with linda, lexington, kentucky, independent. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to be able to say this.
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i am an independent that usually votes democrat. republicans have gone way too far to the right. i am finding that the democrats gone crazy. i am going to go there, it is called [indiscernible] it is for millennials who complain and whine about everything. with bernie sanders same he went to goldman sachs, i think we when he says when he goes and gives speeches to the communist party. not the socialist party, the communist party. this is like ostrow, he thought nicaragua -- castro, he thought nicaragua was great. the communist party is
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fine. why do you classify yourself as an independent? why not register as a democrat? caller: there are some people -- seriously, i would consider john kasich. he is a rational person. parties to me that both have gone ape crazy. i don't even understand what they are doing. cruz. even wants ted i thought the democrats were smarter. i can trust either party if you are going to let us, almost communist, man run for office. no one is checking into this. vote kids are on a fad to for bernie sanders. it is just a joke to them. host: pedro, good morning.
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why are you independent? caller: i am calling c-span. host: ok, glad to have you. caller: i am a former democrat. i am voting independent because i want to vote for [indiscernible] in the selection. reasons,n is this, to jobsal immigration and the that congress is giving away to china. we need those jobs back for americans. we need to have jobs for .mericans the economy is hurting badly. you have to wait like six hours now because so many people there
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are illegal and it is a big problem for the population. because they are exploiting the poor american citizens. we need to get down with all of this. i was born in puerto rico, but all americans are citizens. i thank you for your time and may god bless c-span. host: katie is that the net from sunset, texas. meyer you independent and you like any candidates? caller: i really don't like any time, butdidates this my choice of be bernie sanders. and i was a in iowa democrat, ok?
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my parents were both democrats. then i lived in texas for the last 35 years, so i basically turned over to the republican party. i don't like donald trump's filthy mouth, and i don't like ted cruz's antics of dishonesty, and i don't like hillary clinton. nafta in her husband's administration. it used to be a prosperous town until nafta and all those companies, which i heard on the c-span channel that all those companies moved out, making that whichrty-stricken area, has happened all over the united states of america. she is involved with the big bankers. you cannot trust what she says.
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the only thing i would say about bernie sanders -- he doesn't change his story. c-span isat in a way, a little bit prejudiced against hillary because they give her more time. she interrupts, she gets more bernie has notnd had that. i think that they need to be more fair. the media needs to be more fair. know, and giving candidates a chance to say what they really want to say. be happy to have any of the candidates on "the washington journal" to take calls from the public. the candidatethat you would support his bernie sanders. here is bernie sanders from thursday night's democratic debate. he is talking about his independent views and being the
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leader of the democratic party if you were elected president and the united states. here's a bit from the debate. bernie sanders: i am the longest serving independent in the history of the united states congress. they sent me as an independent. on the other hand, when i was in the house for 16 years, i caucused with the democrats. in the senate for nine years, caucused with the democrats. i was elected by the democrats to be chair of the veterans i amttee three years ago, very proud of, and a ranking member on the budget. president as ar , and if elected, not only do i hope to bring forth a major change in national priority, let me be frank, i do want to see major changes in the democratic party. i want to see working people,
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young people coming to the party in a way that does not exist now. 50 state strategy so the democratic party is not just a party of 25 states. host: bernie sanders on thursday night. this morning, as the show goes on, edgar writes in that c-spanwj that republicans are too far right and that bernie is the independent choice. "the weekly standard" covered this week -- the headline -- "it is hillary versus the sadnern istas. " you can see the artwork that they put together for this week's weekly standard. in a story about hillary clinton and bernie sanders by sean macomber, he says to label sanders as the leader of a political revolution, it would be widely inaccurate. for one thing, they are nothing
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you can't find on the periodic table of the mainstream left. you can't the standard issue out this week. it is the front page story about bernie sanders and hillary clinton. we are talking to independents and asking if you're satisfied with your choices for president. i say so far, there is plenty of time left in the campaign, and there are some speculations about former new york mayor michael bloomberg getting into the race. here is a story from a cbs affiliate. the political world is watching and waiting on a potential presidential run from the former new york mayor bloomberg. his name popped up on the 2016 greater following last month's report that the 73-year-old would consider running the donald trump or senator ted cruz took the republican nomination beatenator bernie sanders hillary clinton on the democratic side. a recent gallup poll revealed that 60% of voters created the creation of a third political party and 44% consider
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themselves independent. we are asking that 44% to wait in this morning. just for the first 45 minutes we are talking to them. chris is up from ohio. good morning. caller: good morning. host: why are you an independent? caller: because i just don't go with groups and i don't like to follow people. i like to make my own choices and think for myself. which is what i think an independent does. -- [laughter] i am kind of amused by this season, this campaign season. i really appreciate donald trump being out there. has raised issues nobody else has raised. number one, he is not bought by anybody. he is running on his own and he
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sure is independent. [laughter] i don't think he's really republican, but i would not vote for the guy because i don't trust him. host: do you agree with this from that "washington post" story? one of the theories they put andh about independents undeclared voters falling in new hampshire, is that they fall for trump. they see the brash outside has rallied the frustrated and angry masses who feel silenced by the power structure of both parties and that he will become a magnet for independent voters. you agree? caller: i think he definitely could be. i think he could feel to them. he voices -- he says things nobody else is going to get away with saying. he is speaking truths for the although, his facts
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are not always accurate. honestly, i am leaning toward because the thing is people get all uptight about one word -- socialism. what is socialist? well, we, the people, that is socialist. federal highway systems, that is socialism. isicipal collection, that socialism. higher department -- fire departments, police, the military -- all socialism. the word is -- [laughter] people are uptight about the word. here is the thing, i am for bernie sanders but i honestly -- i don't know if you can get i don't know if anything can them because the
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health for anybody who wants that job. i said the same thing. i voted for barack obama twice and i said the same thing about him. you have to question the mental health of anybody who wants that job. host: that is chris from ohio. the tweet says none of the above will do anything that i want. we will hear from independence about your thoughts on the current field of candidates and why you are an independent in which way you are leaving this cycle. up next, the rain from cop -- lorraine from colorado. caller: good morning. host: how are you? caller: i think i am like many people in this country. this satisfied with the candidates that are trying to become president of the united states. on mental health for anybody who wants that job. i said the same thing. i voted for barack obama twice and i said the same thing about him. you have to question the mental health of anybody who wants that job. host: that is chris from ohio. the tweet says none of the above will do anything that i want. we will hear from independence about your thoughts on the current field of candidates and why you are an independent in which way you are leaving this cycle. up next, the rain from cop -- lorraine from colorado. caller: good morning. host: how are you? caller: i think i am like many people in this country. this satisfied with the candidates that are trying to become president of the united states. i do not think one of them will be able to address the division going on. feel like there is one person who is able to help together to work with congress to solve the problems. problembecoming a big in this country. this is the craziest election and i have never seen anything like this. it is rather disgusting. host: is there anybody outside candidates field of you think could bring the country together? i really doubt it. i just don't understand what is country, not this even the presidential candidates. it is everybody. for one side or the
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other, there's no in between, solving problems. we make such a big deal about running for the presidency, but do we ever hear about the other running?s the senators are the ones who make the law. the president has just become a figurehead in the country. understand his side. i don't know if it is the primary season, political junkie. we have certain people that we see every minute of every day and there are some people that we don't see at all, the time it around to out of the
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primaries and we actually do have a candidate, we really don't know. we don't know what they are going to say. it has become a problem i am frustrated with. host: jack is in jacksonville, florida. good morning. good morning. good morning, c-span. i am dissatisfied with the republican and basically the democratic party. the democrat party has two anyway, i am leaning toward bernie sanders because it is just like -- i think it was chris in ohio -- naming about the different social programs that the united states has, but i want to say another thing.
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i got two cards from the supervised election, and i cannot vote in the democratic all republican party because my wife and i vote independent. i think that is wrong and that could be the main reason why the united states electoral system is in the situation that it is. people are denied the right to vote in simple primary -- in simple primaries. if everybody voted at the same time, we would get some of these wonderful people out of office. who would be a buddha put in who we won, we, the people, like chris said, we, the people. our state government is given tax money to the nfl, professional football games, plus, the daytona 500 and all stuff. it is ridiculous. -- and all that stuff. it is ridiculous. host: we talked about that on thursday's show, the different there, changing the primary process if the primary process could get changed. you might be interested in going back to look at the last 45 , we will listen to
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independents and get your thoughts on the candidates in the field. go ahead romney in minnesota -- nie, minnesota. you with us? go ahead. tell you what, we will fix that connection and we will go to wayne in illinois. this is wayne. how are you doing? host: good. why are you an independent? i vote for mrs. clinton. host: ok. caller: and she do a good job. i vote for her. host: you always vote for democrats? why do you consider yourself independent? caller: because i like mrs. clinton. host: ok, we're going to date in york. -- dave in new york.
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caller: good morning. i feel it is unfair that i cannot vote in one primary or the other. you kind of feel left out. , butd to be republican they got -- i hate to say this [indiscernible] they have gotten crazy. i cannot go that way anymore, so i cannot be a democrat, so i became independent. i will tell you what that guy points, it isg bernie sanders. he is talking about things that are mechanically wrong with this country, the income inequality, we will never have a middle-class level as long as there's no money here.
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and thedressing things other thing, student loans. i have been through this. i have sent a few kids to college now. they come out of college and their like eyeball deep in debt. host: did you say your friends were not believe it if you were supporting bernie sanders? white is that? caller: i was always really conservative. put a label want to on -- they want to label him a socialist and that is supposed to be the deal killer, but i think sometimes you have to listen. do not become so narrowminded. everything had to be to the right of center to get my nod on it, but what bernie sanders is saying, there is something really, really wrong with this country. think that we have
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tried moderate, we have tried for a conservative -- i don't think we have ever tried liberal. i don't know if we have or not, -- it just doesn't seem don't know. i don't know of it. i am 70 years old. i don't recall any really ultimate liberal like bernie sanders. me gavey it out capitalism -- and we gave capitalism a super track, and we could try and see how long it can go. we have seen the other ones go badly wrong. host: on twitter, steve prides -- the perfect candidate who becomes the perfect president never existed. compromise: that's a problem we have now. , good morning. what could the candidate say to you to sway your vote? and i: i take a good look
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don't know anything about bernie sanders except that he is an old man trying to run for office, hillary andthat bill, together, a great combination. they were married during the office the first time, they went through trials and tribulations together, she held her composure through the whole thing, and he is still out there and she is smart, intelligent, and a woman. it is time for a woman to take the reins because they have always been in the background and they are there and helping all the time. give her a chance because she will make one great president. thank you. host: sander in massachusetts. hillary clinton releasing a new
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in new hampshire. we will talk about new hampshire a lot today on today's show and the next three days leading up to that primary vote. here's a peek at hillary clinton's campaign ad. >> think about it. i would bomb the [beep] out of them. >> carpet bombed them into oblivion. >> sit down and shut up. >> i think we should repeal obama care. >> defund planned parenthood. >> they are dangerous, so ask yourself, who is the one candidate who can stop them? hillary clinton. tested and tough. to stop them, stand with her. >> i am hillary clinton and i approve this message. host: that is the latest ad. we will be showing you several of the latest on "the washington journal," but we want to focus on independent viewers who have not made the decision or who have. what do you think about the current field of candidates for president?
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josephine is waiting in new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. i am a registered independent like others have said and we don't have the right to vote in primaries. that is wrong. having said that, let's start off by researching behind the candidates. don't just listen to buzzwords. is a goodnie sanders example. for anybody interested in puting out, google and bernie sanders name there and next to his name, put sandinista and the speeches you are hearing, he is talking about a communist nicaragua. the person said it earlier, they are not kidding. the man stood for and praised castro. the man is a communist! he is not a socialist. i was shocked. go on, go look it up and his words are there. you are not reading anything. you will hear him talk.
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hear him spout his philosophy which is communism. i am shocked. now, her trunk. everybody -- now, to get to trump. this is a man who with his first wife was in the newspaper and she said it -- he raped her. he is a rapist. host: as an independent, who would you support? is there somebody outside the current field he would support? caller: i am still trying to look for someone who is genuine. i don't have to agree with spout, i really don't. i am not one of those, but you have to be genuine. you have to have one word, character. if you don't have character and moral backbone -- i mean, sanders was in the 25 years. what legislation did he ever come up with? none. why? thehave to get 60 votes in
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senate. we would love to have everything we want, but you cannot get through the senate. explain to me why he has not one senator supporting him. if you are a democrat, you say now, how is it you don't have one senator? you have two people from the house, but not one, ted cruz is another one. one senatort supporting him because he is so despised and hated. he is the one who caused the shutdown, cost is 24 million, people, do your homework! josephine mentioned donald trump. -- host: josephine mentioned donald trump. here is the latest from his campaign. >> it is really cool to hear him speak the truth. he wants to make america great and that is what i want. >> we have a country we are proud of and that we love and that we will not lose.
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there is an assault on everything that we stand for and we are going to stop the assault. we will make america great again. i'm donald trump and i approve this message. host: that advertisement playing in new hampshire. we will show you from several of the other campaigns that are playing in new hampshire. chuck is next in saint augustine, florida. go ahead. caller: good morning. i wonder if all of the folks out there realize the most successful program we have had in the united states in the last 10 years is socialized? socialized banks, created by president bush. maybe the some of that socialism is good, like social security, socialized medicine. care inor the health
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iraq, what kind of deal is that? , labels -- all parties wear them. but i think as far as the power goes, as far as getting what we want to save this country, it has got to be tried. -- trump. i like bernie's views, and i like trunk. i think he will get it done. hopefully. when he do start something. host: jerry in tennessee. why do you consider yourself independent? caller: the last four presidential elections, i voted independents from texas area ron paul, ron paul, ross perot. most of your viewers have an internet connection. they will get on wikipedia and
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look up jim webb and read his resume, they will find out he is the most courageous, heroic, and patriotic, and for the people. america, then anybody we have ever had in my lifetime. i'm 76 years old. look up jim webb. host: you are talking about the former senator from virginia who dropped out of the democratic campaign? a democrat, been he's been a republican, he's been secretary of the navy, he's been assistant secretary of defense. withme out of vietnam three purple hearts, he came out of vietnam with the navy cross, which is the next thing below the congressional medal of honor. he came out with three bronze stars. look up the man. he's the only person out there that is true american. the rest of them are just a bunch of greedy bastards.
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thanks for c-span. host: for virginia, erika, good morning. why are you an independent? -- ir: i'm an independent do have a candid and i'm supporting. but he is very conservative. i haven't been a republican or involved in the republican party. views, if my christian have been conservative in some issues. i'm always pro-life. i'm really looking into bernie sanders. middle-class going to probably lower than that, because of the economical system. he speaks about the issues that really pertain to my social class. i want to see public education to be affordable or free. i want to see health care.
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i want our forces to be heard. and he has been very honest saying he might not be able to accomplish all by himself, but we have to rally. every time the congress is going to pass a law, a vote for these issues, we have to rally. we have to demand our rights. even though being very i'm very disgusted about ted cruz, when he talks about we are facing this evil forces. he uses fear for his gain, to get evangelical votes. i think that's very disgusting. i don't believe all the republican candidates on their campaigns, they are talking about cutting taxes on corporations because they take 35% of taxes, when the reality as senator elizabeth warren had explained, they have a lot of loopholes. they really don't pay the 35%.
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,hey have a lot of exceptions they end up most of them paying way less than that and some of them paying zero for their taxes. this is what's going on in washington. why, as an independent, going to be voting for bernie sanders. that iserika -- host: erika in virginia. here's a bit from bernie sanders' ad. [video clip] sanders: one says it takes millions for big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan is to break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. expand health care law and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules of i'm president? -- if i am president? you would better believe it. i'm bernie sanders, i approve this message. host: bob is an independent from
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new york, new york. bob, good morning. as an independent, what do you think about former mayor michael bloomberg possibly making a run for president if bernie sanders and donald trump emerges the nominees?s -- as the caller: thank you for taking my call. i was hoping i could talk about the issues. host: talk about what you want to talk about. caller: i agree with the caller who said we need genuine leadership in this country. we are very much and i can't locate an era. we don't know what's going on. we just hear the politicians and many different candidates are running for presidency complain different issues, they complain about tax, the goal of late about war, the complain about money -- they complain about war, they complain about money. it's difficult to understand. i was going to vote for ron
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paul, i loved his way of things. i was kind of hoping he could actually be the president as an independent, i was certainly going to vote for him if he hadn't suspended his run. i think he had something to say. as the general idea of what we have today, we have this two-party system which is totally dysfunctional. it's not going anywhere. it's just corrupting day by day, no one is doing anything. an independent, have you ever voted for independence, or have you always voted for a democrat or republican? caller: i was always waiting to see which candidate comes up .ith more genuine i cannot decide simply who to vote. i was going to vote for independent in this election. but independents have no say. they cannot even reach out to normal people.
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almost blocked. they cannot do anything. i think we need to fix this. we need to let other voices in this country, in this great country -- we have many people who could claim to be the best presidents of this country that we get a receipt. look at the republicans, that's all they been doing all these years. they have just given us more wars on a more perpetual wars. fallhave made this country into this horrendous debt that we have right now. they have been telling us lies. this two-party system is only good for the corporations, for those people who own this country, who own this country, and they own the money. they just leave people, they just treat people like sheep's. that's what i believe. york,that is bob in new the home of former new york mayor michael bloomberg, who is contemplating a possible presidential bid. yesterday,m upi
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talking to the democratic national committee chairwoman about that potential bid. story noting the chairwoman said the former new york mayor's possible white house run won't be necessary. in an interview with wolf blitzer on friday, she said the current slate of candidates on the democratic side already protect bloomberg's major policy up the gunring issues and economic issues. she said i think michael bloomberg's agenda as well cared for, and advanced among our democratic candidates. his candidacy, i think he will find, won't be necessary. course, was once a republican and a democrat, and is now an independent and being closely watched in the 2016 campaign cycle. harold is up next from illinois. you are on "washington journal." caller: good morning, c-span. i'm actually a nonparticipant. --aven't voted in election
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in an election since i have the right to. i am 52 years old, i have never thought anybody is going to help me up there. i finally found my candidate in bernie sanders. i think he has got the thing nailed down to a t. that he is going after the money that is in -- it is corrupt. the whole political system has been corrupt. when you can buy a person's vote, when you can give them money and they can vote your way, that used to be a bribe. i don't know what they call it today, besides lobbying. it is just not fair. i think i'm going to vote now. and the only way bernie's thing is going to work is if everybody gets behind bernie. no person can do it on his own. when congress and the senate gets up for election, you people have got to vote for your people. you have got to get them out of there.
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we've got to get all of those career politicians out of their. -- out of there. butcher, thet the baker, and the candlestick maker up there. they would be glad to make $175,000 a year. they would show up every day, maybe they would get something passed. host: are you frustrated with politics before now? why didn't you vote in previous elections to try and get people out of there? caller: i don't see there is anyway my vote counts until we get congress out of there. we need to get bernie and there to start off with. and then if we clear out congress, you will see this country turnaround. we don't need a two-party system, we need a one party system. the patriot party. everyone who is just for america. if you ask the american public what they want, they have a whole different set of values than with these politicians are actually passing and voting on every day.
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we got things that are more important to us than with the big banks are doing, or how we're going to lower the big guys taxes. we have just got other issues. i think if we got our people and .\eir -- in there it's up to me. i need to be more involved. and if bernie sanders is the elected, i'm going to vote everyone of those conversations up there. host: bill is up next on the "washington journal." caller: every time a look at you, you look better every day. [laughter] caller: what the gentleman just said, we got to change the way we are doing business in this country, we have to change it. i want to ask him one thing. how do you get the people to stick together? that is the key. we can't get the people to stick together. that's the problem. if we stick together, we could
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get them all out of there. the only guy who i think can do something at this time, the guy doesn't need no money, i think it's donald trump. guy is going to do it, because he doesn't need the money. he wants to make america great again. let's give him a chance. america, wake up. rid of these guys all the way out of washington. we only one party in this country. host: have you voted for republicans and democrats in the past? have you ever voted for a true independence, or did it come down to one party or the other? caller: i will be asked of you. i have been playing with politics for a year or two. but if we also together, that is the key. host: that is bill in redding. carly is up next in texas.
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caller: good morning. host: go ahead. old, thism 26 years is my second time i will be voting. i'm very excited to be voting, because i love having the right to vote. the reason i'm going to be voting for donald trump isn't because of his political party, but more or less because of what i think he will be will to accomplish in this country. not only because i think the other candidates aren't good, but more or less, i think we need somebody who really understands that we need to try and get more jobs back in america. and not just try and only get people who are rich to try and give more money to the people who don't have. i only say that because not every person who gains their own wealth should have to give it up to other people, just because other people don't have it.
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i believe that we need social services, and that everybody to be able to get things that they need, i don't think we need to be taking so much from others that are actually doing that. host: you mention this is your second time voting. do you mind if i ask who you voted for in the last election? caller: [laughter] don't do i voted for, honestly. i can't even remember who the candidate was because i didn't like any of the candidates. i just didn't want obama in there, and then he ended up being in office. host: what makes you an independent? honestly likey, to follow the standards of george washington, and he was an independent. i really don't think favoring sides based off of their political party really helps us. we need to start going off of what people's backgrounds are, with the records are of what they have actually done, and start actually trying to hold people accountable to what they actually have done, then what they say they're going to do.
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host: tj on twitter writes in the media establishments from both parties think your president for you. you think you are voting from the want, but it's been cold down by then. down by then. m. doug, go ahead. caller: i was a registered republican, worked for reagan years ago, and became an independent one jeb bush favored this terri schiavo case. social issues just went too far right, and i became an independent. years,e last couple of or election cycles, i can talk to my friends that are both democrats and republicans, and they don't put up a wall. and whatever you say, you are one party or the other. and currently supporting hillary clinton, even though i think bernie sanders has great ideas.
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possible thaten with the gerrymandering of the congressional districts, the way it's all set up, i don't think his revolution is a chance to get his platform passed. i think hillary's time it may not be right, i don't think there's a lot of passion behind her supporters. i did vote for obama the last two cycles. that what is right for the country gets done. i think hillary's rationale, and the way she wants to approach her platform is correct for the cycle. host: doug, our last caller in the first 45 minutes of the "washington journal." progressive talkshow host arnie arneson, and we are later joined by conservative talkshow host jackie -- jack heath.
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we are taking live to the red arrow diner in new hampshire, we talk about campaign 2016. >> an establishment that is important in politics in new hampshire, we're joined by tyler isabel. >> thank you for having me. >> talk about the importance of this diner in new hampshire politics. >> it's so cool for the diner and everyone in new hampshire. in such a focal point in the community. you don't know who's next to you on the left or the right. on the right could be a homeless guy, on the left could be a big-time lawyer. you have no idea. that's why as a central place for the candidate to come in. they really want to see who is here, who is going to be talking, with their views are. i think it resembles something, because of such a new hampshire
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landmark. >> who have you seen? >> lucien ben carson, donald trump, a couple others. we had acame in, couple of past candidates, 10 discontinued -- lindsey graham. i think it's significant for the diner. , you kind of see it different side of things, which i love. see who is here for 20 minutes, in and out, shaking hands, looking at the next person. you know they are just here for show, they could care less about the people, which is sad. then you get the ones that sit down and stay for two hours, eat some food, look at you run in the eyes, do you have any more questions, do you want to know anything else? i think that's awesome. i think it's about the views and what they are going to do, but it's also about the type of person they sell themselves to the country, how they represent the country and everything. it's really cool. >> you probably get a chance to hear a lot of political conversation amongst the
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patrons. are those conversations civil or heated? >> when i worked for the diner, i try not show my personal views. they will take one little thing -- you don't know if that's a reporter or something, and they will say red arrow loves this person, don't go there. you got to be really careful. but it is so cool, you get in heated arguments all the time that one little view. they won't bring up a specific version, they will bring up a topic. we turn off the music, you get the whole diner talking about it in discussions. i love it, it's so cool. diner, youok at the get asked so my questions. how you think about trump? personally, i would never vote for trump, but he was one of the most impressive candidates who came in. he had a deep-fried mac and cheese burger, that was cool. you see people come in and come
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out. >> tyler isabel is the son of the owner. thank you. >> i appreciate it. host: we will be checking back in at the red arrow diner and the breakfast crowd all morning here on the "washington journal." and now we're joined by arnie arneson, who is stepping away from her radio microphone did join us on television this morning. she is the host of the attitude with arnie arneson on wnhn. it was a year ago that a lesser-known senator named bernie sanders joined you at a home you own close to the state capital there to talk about possibly running for president. what was the expectations like in the room? we are showing a picture of the room that danley january. what really excitations like them for his candidacy? guest: i live in a house that is as being a house where
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president of candidates come. he was a powerful democrat, she was a powerful republican. carter has slept in this house, bill clinton slept in this house, bob dole slept in this house. , who recently died, was a libertarian republican. the house has a history of presidential candidates coming in making their pitch. and then we find out whether they ultimately become president of the united states. i have known bernie sanders for 25 years, i did radio in white river junction, vermont. issueswas covering local -- political issues, he was the only congressman. so we have known each other for a long time. back in january of 2015, i get a phone call. , and hernie sanders says can i borrow the house? and i said are the house, why? he said i think i'm
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contemplating running for president. and i said two things -- i'm in the media, i don't endorse. second, of course you can borrow the house. is is is always -- the house always open and available for president in waiting. i told him i would lift a finger, i would provide chairs and bottles of water, but that was it. 150 people show up. i'm like where did they come from? we were laughing. the room got really full. you know, nobody expected anything. so he goes on and he starts talking and talking and talking, and people are excited. the message you're hearing is pretty much the message you heard back then. but then i raise my hand, and i said you haven't answered the $64,000 question. party? because her member, he is an independent. saidok a breath, and he
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democrat. and it wasn't easy, i think, in the beginning. but let me assure you, i smiled at him and said i have been a democrat my whole life. sometimes it's not easy for me, either. and that's how it started. did anyone think it would be like this today? andould have crowds of 7000 10,000? i was blown away by 150 people at my house. host: a year later, he's up to to one against hillary clinton in new hampshire. guest: i don't believe apple -- that poll. i know hillary clinton very well, i ran for congress, i was the first woman nominee for governor in state history. when i first rode running for governor, iowa such an interesting entity. bill and hillary clinton were third string democrats from
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arkansas, i committed bigger crowds than them, because we were they? -- because who were they? i have known the clintons since 1991. let me just say two things. bill and hillary clinton have been around here for a long time. they have the best lists, they have all of the establishment behind them, they know where every voter is. they probably have people on the payroll who have been on the payroll since 1991, and other grandchildren are on the payroll. they really know the state, they know to work the state, they know the buttons to push, they know exactly where to pull the voters out. that is what hillary clinton has. but bernie has the passion. host: speaking of people who know the state, already arneson -- arnie arneson our guest. the phone numbers of you want to call and join us, republicans, call (202) 748-8001, democrats, call (202) 748-8000. independents, call (202) 748-8002, and we are giving a
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special line for new hampshire voters, (202) 748-8003. we will get right to land in philadelphia, pennsylvania, and independence. guest: hey, linda. caller: how are you? guest: fine. caller: i have been watching the debates, this is what i think and how i feel. my head says bernie sanders. i will tell you why. we were always taught to vote with our heart, to go with her gut. man,e sanders is an older that i like his views when it comes to the middle class. people who have been kicked out of the program's, kicked out of the system right now. we are out here fending for ourselves. i think it's very sad. i am also thinking that donald trump -- i want to put him in there too.
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i think he has poor impulse control, and i'm very afraid that if he gets into the white house, he might make impulsive decisions. that's coming from what he likes to do. and throw us back into another war, where a lot of our young men, which he doesn't have to participate, but a lot of our young men will have to go fight again and get killed again, and get maimed again and come back home in deplorable condition. i don't think that's a good idea. i would hate to see that happen. i don't trust his poor impulse control. host: that is linda, an independent in pennsylvania. arnie arneson, your sense of independents in new hampshire. guest: we have what is called undeclared voters. you can call them independent, but we call them undeclared. of thesent 44% to 45%
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electorate. on the day of the election, those undeclared can walk into the voting booth, and they can choose a republican ballot, or democratic ballot. they can really go either way. what i think is so interesting in new hampshire is, i see two things happening. and john kasich, aggressively going after those undeclared saying vote for me, pick a republican ballot. i see hillary clinton going after those undeclared helmet -- thoseme extent, undeclared ballots. the undeclared is the powerhouse. everyone is looking at the base of the democratic party and the republican party, but in the end, it's the undeclared. some of them go one way or the other, they are not really like independents. they are probably more democrat or republican. i was married to a libertarian
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atheist. he was undeclared. i never knew what ballot he would pick on the day of the election until he walked into the voting booth. i was married to him. so it always surprised me. but that is power. being able to try to persuade those people in the middle, it's one of the reasons why, unlike iowa, a lot of the candidates have to sort of moderate their message. we are very different from iowa. you heard last week, what steffen schmidt was telling you about iowa is there are a lot more evangelical christians in iowa. republicans have to sound a certain way. democrats are fairly liberal in iowa. but in new hampshire, it's an interesting mix. host: the numbers in new hampshire, undeclared about 383,000 as of the end of december 2015. republicans, 261,000, democrats 229,000.
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the headline we showed our viewers earlier from the "washington post," in new hampshire, the undecideds easily can become the deciders. guest: the powers there. mexico, good new morning. had one basic thought, thank you for c-span. i watch every morning as long as you have been on the air. i feel connected to the country through c-span. west, the press will be over with before the mexico gets to voice their opinion. we are not anything like those radical liberals or corn farmers. if you set me on fire and you wouldn't get me to vote for any of the democratic candidates, because i feel like the party left me. i changed to republican this all my was a democrat
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life, my mother was a democrat all her life. my grandparents on that side of the family as well. but if you are a white person, i'm going to play the race card, it's impossible to find a job today. this is something that is not being addressed. we have gone so far with all of the groups, all of the activist groups for every race, religion, creed, and color. ltte -- lgbt's. but for a white person, you have got to be the best dam white geton that got ever made to an edge. guest: the problem isn't white, the problem is job creation, that's your problem. we have economic stagnation, we haven't seen significant job creation. it's not a function of your color, it's a function of what's happening. we lost our manufacturing sector, we have all these trade
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deals. take a look at what's happening. we haven't invested in the american worker, we've invested in wall street. it's not your whiteness that it's theet you a job, jobs don't exist here today. we need to have more job creation. if you want to go with the republicans, that's perfectly fine, totally understandable. but understand what butters their bread. what butters their bread isn't the kind of investment the get you a job. don't think a black has trumped you or anesthetic has taught you. black people are hispanic people, it's with all of us. what happened to jobs in america? stop investing in our infrastructure. for every dollar you invest in building a bridge or a highway or fixing a sewage treatment plant, how much do you leverage in the private sector? anywhere from five dollars to seven dollars in the private sector. by the government fixing infrastructure -- look at flint.
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flint is a story of poverty and a lack of infrastructure. that problem is going to exist everywhere. the member bridge that fell down in minnesota? that was a pretty white state, and a failure to invest in number structure. if we invest in jobs, if we invest in infrastructure, it doesn't matter what color you are. you will find a job. host: arnie arneson, a progressive radio host in new nhn.shire at whn i want to ask you about what progressivism is, the idea of what a progressive is came up in thursday night's debate between bernie sanders and hillary clinton. [video clip] sanders: i commented, not making in overall valuation about the secretary. she was in ohio in september or november, and she said something like i have been -- i'm paraphrasing -- i have been criticized as people think i'm a moderate. moderate. a
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that's with this came from. it wasn't me paraphrasing her, it was what she said. there's nothing wrong with being a moderate, but you can't be a moderate, you can be a progressive. either standon: that senator sanders is trying to distinct himself, i understand that. that's what you do in campaigns. at the same time, let's not be in i think, an unfair way, making an accusation or making an attack about where i stand, and where i've always stood. it is fair to say, senator, that in your definition as you being the self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism, i don't know anyone else who fits the definition. arneson, what is your definition of progressivism? guest: i describe myself as the radical middle. what is the radical middle? i'm a liberal, i'm a
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progressive, i believe you get information, not of that information to make the best decision possible. be meansrogressive may that you are more than willing to look at change. that you understand the patterns. you want to respect the history. you want to hold on to what is valuable from the past, but you are not afraid of making change. hillary is right, it is about progress. but i'm also a liberal. and as a liberal, i want to make progress that benefits the community. but we also make investments in that committee, we create a level playing field, and then based on merit, not on crony capitalism, you are successful. bill clinton was never a progressive. he was part of the democratic leadership council, whatever that is. that is part of the problem. what are these labels? how do people evolve over time? -- isl clinton more like
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hillary clinton more like bill clinton, friendly with wall street, work with the insurance industry and wall street? a capitalistbring structure within the democratic party. the problem is, we ended up with crony capitalism. that is not capitalism. that's basically unfair. as bernie said the other day, it's a little like fraud. when you put your finger on the scale, its knowledge you are getting a result that is based on hard work and effort. it's because you rig the system. was.w what bill clinton he was more of a new democrat, moderate to conservative democrat. but today, hillary clinton is saying she is a progressive and she is fighting bernie over that definition. i love it. keep the fight. it's really so interesting that now it's a word they can embrace. where as before, they run away from progressivism, they run away from liberal. awaymeans we are running
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from a lot of opportunities to look at new ideas. host: this debate happens in the democratic party, let's go to a democrat. elizabeth is in fort lauderdale, florida. caller: good morning. i don't call that often, i listen quite a bit but i don't call often. it gets frustrating and confusing a lot. your guest is very sensible. my love what she just said. hearingten, i'm idealism versus realism. bernie sanders is idealistic. that is fine and good. we wish the world was like that. the world is in that way. the world we live in is a realistic world. who was present in realistic issues? hillary clinton. please don't cut me off, i don't call often. the republicans come i've heard iowa, i want to go
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against bernie. they're going to beat him like a drum. his issues are fine. they are lovely. but is not going to work. congress, we've got senators, we've got representatives. which one of them are going to vote any of his issues up? none. none of the senators. he won't get them through. people don't understand them. they don't understand what's going on. well as thereme as world scene, who is best qualified? think about it. who is lit best qualified? is --the idea of iowa idealism versus realism. guest: hillary clinton has been a lawyer, and the spouse of a very powerful president. she became a u.s. senator after she moved to new york where wall street is, and wall street is her constituents. and then she ran for president,
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lost to barack obama animator secretary of state. has been thes mayor of the city, burlington, a city that had to thrive with capitalism and business coming was a successful mayor. he then ran for congress. congress in vermont, there is only one. that's how tiny the state is. and then he ran for the united states senate. so both of them have pretty impressive resumes. and both of them are smart. and both of them understand how the system works. they also understand it you can pass and what you can't. let me remind you that there is a real machine. if there's a democrat in the white house, there will be a republican ability to try to stop everything. let me give you an example. remember barack obama? you know with the affordable care act, his big health care plan? it was newt gingrich and the
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heritage foundation's plan for health care. it was the most republican of plans. as soon as barack obama put it on the table, it became a communist plot. and the only way barack obama got the of affordable care act was not with one republican vote, caller. not one. let's talk about idealism and realism. let's be real here. the only way you got the of affordable care act was because of democrats. and we worked with republicans refuse to work with him. becomes do youn think because bernie is talking about making significant change and hillary clinton is talking about massaging the system -- just because you are talking about making significant change, the you are not willing to compromise? let me use the spectrum. if you start the conversation over here, where is the middle? over here. if you start the conversation over here, where's the middle? here? where are you?
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i suspect here. money isn't unrealistic about what he can get done, but he knows what he wants and he shows the direction. i think hillary clinton is moving in the same direction, that is a celebration. they are now talking about universal health care and finance reform. they are fighting about being more progressive, they are now talking about all of these things. but until bernie came into the race, he has actually moved hillary. what does that say about how you move a congress and the country? line forgo to the republicans, michael is waiting in our squash, wisconsin. you are on with arnie arneson. caller: first of all, i want to [no audio] check on the line for republicans in sebring, florida. -- chuck. caller: i think the whole thing is jobs. guest: it is. caller: i'm ashley voted democrat and republican, but
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re for as been in thei while, he is unable to do nothing on the job issue. of whole thing is because the immigration issue. these are hard-working immigrants, they are bringing our wages down. that's why i'm going to vote for trump this time. i think he could stop the immigration. we are not going to get any jobs. -- any jobs back from china. if he could stop the immigration, that would be a little better on the job situation. host: i'm going to let arnie arneson respond to your thoughts. i wanted to give you latest on the jobs numbers that came out monthly job that report. it showed employers added 151,000 jobs last month, well-off last year's average gain of two under 28,000 as pointed out by the wall street journal. the unemployment rate fell to
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449% on a falling below 5% for the first time since february, 2008. host: arnie arneson, go ahead. guest: immigration isn't the problem. if you look at the number of people that are moving back to places like latin america and mexico, the numbers are moving backwards. but that's not the problem. the problem isn't immigration, the problem is job creation. whenfense of barack obama, he got elected president, we have the worst economic meltdown since the great depression. here's what the problem was. we decided that we had to come to the rescue of wall street. we had to bail them out after they brought us to our economic knees. instead of bailing out america and bailing out people that lost their businesses --
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caller: i lost my whole [indiscernible] we spent a lot of time repairing an economy that wall street brought to its knees. we had some interesting trade agreements that don't always protect american workers. significant and for structure investments. we haven't done the things about job creation. it's about what we have done to basically aid and abet corporations, there's no connection to place here anymore. that's the problem. we don't have corporations, we have multinational corporations. they go where they can make the profits and pay the lowest wages. they don't care about america, they want to make sure to manipulate so they can get the benefits they want. it's about time we start looking at what is good for america.
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i want world trade, i want fair trade. people to do well in india and china, because they will buy our products if we make any. that's what this is about. i think what is really interesting is that when we begin to see the companies that have moved to china, i think some of them are beginning to rethink the idea. they are beginning to realize you can't drink the water, you can't breathe the air, there's a problem with the chinese economy. maybe it is an opportunity for us to look at what it is it that we can do well. change -- climate climate changes but the liability of a gift. here is the gift. create new opportunities for new energy, we can be in control of it. we can build them, we can develop them, we don't need the middle east because of oil, because now we produce more than anyone else. we must start building things that we can buy and sell around the world.
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it is an opportunity, don't blame immigrants, weimar policy. policy. our corporate america knows, they just don't want to invest here. host: robin is waiting on the line for independents. caller: i'm a 60-year-old african-american woman who has traditionally voted democratic. as far as barack obama is concerned, bill clinton was the first black president. he has done more for black people that obama could ever do. i'm very disappointed with barack obama. times,oted for him to which is why i decided to become an independent. i'm going to vote for bernie sanders. and it bernie sanders does not get the nomination, i will then vote for donald trump, because despite the fact that i am black, and african-american, i'm sick of this immigration problem.
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i live in los angeles, and it really is ridiculous. fortunately, i have always been employed, and have the opportunity to have a job. i'm in the legal community. i learned the trade in ohio. i'm from ohio, where they had vocational programs in the 70's for kids in high school. so despite the fact that i don't have a college education, i'm making six figures after working in this field for 35 years. but the system is rigged. this is the first time where i clearly see, and clearly believe that it is, in fact rigged. i have done my homework, and i can see through hillary clinton, , orshe takes for granted assumes that she automatically has the black vote. when she doesn't. host: arnie arneson. guest: congratulations on being so successful. i'm glad there were vocational opportunities for you in ohio.
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it shows that education and investment at that stage can actually create economic security for you. i'm going to go back to say i don't think the problem is the immigration problem. i do want to say was interesting here. you talk about bernie and the system being rigged. and that is the problem. remember senator dick durbin? after economic meltdown, he was watching all of the activity going on in congress. you know what he said? as he watched this disaster happen, knowing that it happened because the system was rigged and wall street had sent the right amount of money and have the right lobbyists and the right revolving doors? senator dick durbin said the banks own this place. bernie, that was dick durbin. today, we didn't break the banks. we have even smaller number of banks, they are more powerful. i think hillary clinton has a problem right now. you didn't necessarily mention this.
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but hillary and bill clinton have made $150 million on speeches since bill clinton left office. and a lot of that money came from wall street and banks. my question then becomes you know there is money in your super pac's, you know you have gotten money from wall street and banks. i understand. this is about personal cash. you have to understand, if you made so much money from banks and wall street on your speeches , and so much money is going and your super pac's campaigns, how do you really have the ability to regulate them or tell them they have to change their behavior? that's a problem. host: do you think we will see transcript or video from the speeches? if so, when do you expect we will see them? guest: hillary clinton leaves the secretary of state position, and makes a little over $3 million in change. , one of in the debates the town halls, that she took all that money -- she said i
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really wasn't sure i was running for president. come on, hillary. find another excuse, but don't say that. everyone knew you were running for president. answer, which was ridiculous. host: the acknowledgment that she knows it looked bad for future presidential candidates? look bad.does that's exactly what you showed you. my question is why did she have to do it? they were really rich by the time she left the secretary of state's office. they didn't need the money, she was really rich. everyone knew she was getting ready to run for president. that is why everyone was afraid of even thinking about running. everyone assumed she was the anointed and there would be no competition. bernie was the only one with courage to say excuse me, i think we should have a conversation during this campaign. the proof that bernie and martin o'malley were the only two people to show up tells you that
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everybody understood for years that she was running for president in 2016. she knew it, we all know it. that was a stupid answer, number one. just be honest with us. but the reason why people want to look at the transcripts is they want to know what did you say to wall street that was worth $12 million? what did you say? what did you say that would make them keep writing checks and keep inviting you back? that's the problem. i understand it when she became a u.s. senator, wall street was her constituents. now she is running for president. who are her constituents? us. youse where the money, -- square the money, you square the speeches, and you tell me why we don't ask questions. money teaches, money pushes you. i'm environmentalists. you know what i like the bottle bill?
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when you spend a nickel or dime on a can or a bill -- a bottle, you don't throw it out. it's worth something. money persuade you to do certain things. like the bottle bill, you don't throw it out. what do you get when you get so much money from a very powerful constituency? i will go back to dick durbin. the banks own this place. host: let's go back to the line for democrats. tracy is waiting in sterling, virginia. caller: good morning. i want to start by saying i was an independent for a long time. are along withws the republican agenda. i don't believe in big government, i am an african american woman, i'm a christian. i follow the evangelical vote. overi find, systematically the last couple of years is that the republicans do not identify with me, as a minority voter.
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and typically, the candidates that they have put on the platform have just been too idealistic and too radical. i am looking at hillary for a lot of reasons. and i do believe, as i heard on recent news channel, that bernie wants us all to dream big. but hillary wants us to dream big with our eyes open. i think it is definitely time for us to start moving towards the issues. if there was a way that hillary and bernie could work together -- guest: wouldn't that be incredible? caller: i'm all for it. i want to say to the other lady who called in. i find it and trusting in the african-american me it, a lot of minorities did not vote for obama because he was black. we felt like he earned it, we felt like he was entitled to give the country a chance at looking at the presidency. i think he has a great job, and i think it's unfair when people like her that we call in and say she was expecting something from
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him -- i wasn't expecting anything from him as a minority. i was expecting him to come in and do a job the best he could. think -- i'mg, i loving you, but i think it was a cheap shot about your comment about wall street. i think if hillary was offered $600,000 for a speech, go for a girl, take it. guest: mcgivney the transcript. host: -- but give me the transcript. know, thet you clintons control the contracts. control the terms of the contracts, they give the contracts to the institution and the institution signs off. their standard fee is around $250,000. that is a lot of money. when bill clinton left office, he charged $150,000. the last time i look around, he doubled and tripled his fees. an article from 2015
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where bill clinton went to 150,000 dollars to getting as much as $700,000 from a speech to the telecom industry in china. $500,000 for a speech to russian bankers. he has made money on speeches. and the reason why you have to ask that question is -- what was so valuable that you said to them? if this is going to be a public process, and a transparent process -- and in the end, you want to and i want to trust our president to you want to know they're working for us. we want to know they're going to create a level playing field. i don't want to whack a rich person or only help a poor person. i want to make sure the system is fair so that people can climb up the ladder and the rich don't get something that the rest of us don't get. host: i have a couple of colors and stacked up from new hampshire, i want to get to them and let you ask them questions. a win is a first in salem, the line for republicans.
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owen on the line for republicans. caller: the classic definition of the progressive is a liberal that is so open-minded, their brains fell out. guest: [laughter] not exactly. richard is in amherst, new hampshire on the line for independents. caller: i couldn't agree more about the job situation and the need to bring them back to the united states. i do want to point out that the loss of the jobs started in about 2000, when clinton allowed china to get into the world trade organization, which subsequently was supposed to thew two-way trade between united states and china. and we were going to make the products and send them to china. when the wall street crowd got involved, which is one of bill's and hillary's favorite
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patrons, those jobs went to china. subsequently, we have lost ,pproximately 70,000 jobs 70,000 factories of closed. unemployed workers swelled to 25 million. these are high-paying jobs. you can look at your 449% job growth or whatever, your employment rate. jobshose are really good where the middle class can earn a living, join a union, and get a retirement. if you want to talk about the clintons, think you want to look at their wall street connections. readld recommend that you books about these two incidences. when they get $500,000 for a speech, there is a quid pro quo for that. someone on the other side makes 10 times that much. guest: let's not absolve the republicans. ultimately, you have to understand that things like tpp, the republicans love them too.
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the clintons may like these trade policies, but this is aided and abetted by a lot of republicans. it isn't about democrats or republicans, it's taking control from a democrat. if they can buy a democrat, they can buy a democrat. if they can buy a republican, they can buy a republican. the koch brothers understand what the investment is. it's not an endorsement, it's a check. you know that. the problem with these trade deals is who is sitting at the table when they are negotiated. who is representing workers? who is representing the american economy? that is part of the problem. when only international business, and only international corporations and major institutions are at the table, my problem is that the trade deal doesn't benefit workers, a benefits people that will now have an opportunity to move
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their corporations outside of the united states, move their profits outside of the united states. andre left holding the bag, they can hold up the trade deal and say you don't like trade? like trade, i want to be at the table when you negotiate. host: who was the last republican to stop by your show? guest: a good friend of mine, john mccain. i have known john mccain for 20 some odd years. when he was running for president in 2000, your member remember that. i was doing morning drive time radio, and john is very good at understanding how to use radio. he is brilliant at it. primary ining of the 2000, and my producer says john mccain is on the phone. and i say the phone kicking john, you are -- i can't use that word. and john says, i know, what
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country do you want? i know john kasich, i didn't get to know lindsey graham which is unfortunate because i think he was a solid candidate. he had his eyes wide open. he is too much of a hawk for me. he also understands where america is. let me make one last point. i was listening this morning because jeb bush and chris christie are worried about marco rubio. they are not tag teaming, but they sort of our because marco rubio is no number two in the polls, having a strong finish in iowa. do you know what is interesting? jeb bush and chris christie are now using the abortion issue against marco rubio. marco rubio is all over the top on abortion. there is no help accession -- exception, life exception, nothing. now, abortion is coming to the eight of jeb bush in chris christie. i think planned parenthood
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should step into the race. i think it is wonderful. what does that tell you? new hampshire is a different landscape in iowa. i was very evangelical. here is the story about new hampshire. we don't trust the government or big church. it is an interesting place for republicans to figure out how to negotiate the landscape and a fascinating place for democrats to have a conversation with people who were undeclared, who might move more in the republican cap, but if the republican cap as more trump like or evangelical, more intolerant, they may actually choose a democrat. host: if our viewers want to hear more about the conversation that arnie artisan had, it is on wn h and radio. thank you so much for stopping by our studio in manchester this morning. up next on the washington journal, we will be joined by conservative talk radio host jack health. first, we take you out to the red arrow diner in manchester and our own pedro.
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collects we are back talking to patrons at the red arrow diner. show of hands, who has made a decision about who they will vote in tuesday's i marry -- primary? one solid decision. who is that? >> who are you going to vote for? >> i'm going to vote for trump. >> why is that? candidates, the left, right, center, he is the only guy who doesn't owe anyone to anybody. whatever he says he is going to do, you know he is able to do it. i like what he says he is going to do. >> for all of you undecideds, what are you waiting on, what are you holding out for? collects to find out what is the best candidate for us. collects when do you think you'll make a decision? >> before the time you're it
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quacks let me rephrase. how close are you to make a decision? >> pretty close. >> what goes into your decision-making process? quacks people who aren't going to bow down to special interest groups, and people who can be firm and mean what they mean and say with this -- mean what they say. quacks what is it like being in the state at this time every four years about the experience of people like us? >> chaos. [laughter] absolute chaos. you can't go anywhere to get a simple breakfast anymore. [laughter] >> by the way, we brought these folks because there is a hidden talent out there. ladies and gentlemen, would you mind giving the folks back home a sampling? ♪
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>> i knew someday, you would come away. it happens today. somehow that you would a lively morning as usual at the red arrow diner. we will be back at the diner later on in today's program. back in our studio in manchester, we are joined by radio host jack heath. he hosts a three-hour morning show each morning on current events and all it takes. something we can appreciate on the washington journal. a busy day yesterday on your program. you cohosted with presidential candidate carly fiorina who missed the cut to appear on the stage at tonight's gop debate
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that is being hosted by abc. why did you have her on your show yesterday? before, i hadht learned she was being boxed out of the debate. as a former television news director of the local abc affiliate that is having this debate, we didn't allow the networks to come in in new hampshire and draw a line based on national metrics and national polls. it is the new hampshire presidential panel -- primary, not the new hampshire primary. i made noise on my show. i thought it would be very easy for them to include carly her newbased on hampshire standing, her fundraising, showing in iowa where she beat a few of the people were going to be on that stage tomorrow night, and in the latest university of new poll,hire poll and wmur she is tied with kristi and ahead of carson. why is she not debating tomorrow night? it is beyond me.
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the official criteria, candidates needed to place in the top three in the iowa caucuses, place among the top six in the average of national polls, or pole in the top six in the average of new hampshire polls. that was the criterion that she didn't meet. if she was to be on that stage, who do you think should be off the stage if you had to replace her with one of the candidates? >> i don't think you have to replace her with any of the candidates. that is where the process is at. the first preference of actual voters was just last week in iowa. everything they are basing this on is mostly national polls. the first votes were cast. she defeated a few other people. this is what i think it should be about. eventually, it is going to send out. i have never seen this early in the process, going back to several months ago when the national networks and the national political powers tried to sin the herd so early, that is the point of the early process.
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so what if there are a lot of candidates? might remember the year bob dole ran and won the nomination. i was the abc affiliate a mile or two from where the studio is. we had about eight candidates and a fellow from maury -- named maury taylor from michigan had been running. the cnn political director at the time try to tell me as news director these few people are not debating. i called new hampshire secretary of state bill gardner, the actual curator of this primary who by law sets a first in the nation. i asked him, who are the major candidates and what criteria? he didn't use national polling. he used new hampshire -- metrics. he says the people trying to kick off the stage are major candidates. i think carly fiorina should to be there.d she earned it. they are not when to listen to me. rubio,onald trump, marco
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ted cruz, ben carson, and the three current or former governors, jeb bush, chris christie, and john kasich are the seven who will appear on that stage. amk heath is with wgir radio. he is our guest for the next 40 minutes or so. if you want to call in, republican, 202-748-8001, democrat, 202-748-8000, independent, 202-748-8002. a special and all morning for new hampshire voters, 202-748-8003. as folks are calling in, it is or so hard to tell who wins the debate. who in your mind has the most to lose of the seven candidates who will be on stage? nice -- will tell you a tell you in a second. i'm sorry cut your. carly fiorina is losing airtime. an hour and the phone was ringing off the hook.
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i thought it was a fun thing to show. not to endorse her. i don't endorse candidates. it was to show respect for her standing and the presidential can -- primary against the national networks try to muscle eminent. the early state. who has the most to lose? donald trump, ted cruz, same story. who has the most to gain? john kasich, marco rubio, maybe jeb bush. i don't know why chris christie hasn't been doing better in the polling here. we might be missing something in these, even the state polls. i think donald trump and ted cruz want to not lose any ground and i think rubio and case it, if i had to guess, have the most to gain. if viewers want to talk more about the preview of tonight's debate, now is the time to call in. michigan, line for democrats. good morning. this is for all americans. stuff can't buy your own
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-- if the only thing you have is for an stuff to buy, you don't build a strong america. there, you americans out republican, independent, democrat, if you are not buying american, you are not building a strong america. that is the bottom line. you are fighting wars in foreign land, spending all of our treasure, we can't even build our own country. that is a shame. host: the issues of manufacturing and trade, are we seeing them from the campaign trail this cycle? guest: i think stephen should run for office. he has a pretty good platform. unfortunately, i don't think we have seen the major issues discussed, particularly among republicans. the national media -- i've moderated the first forum. we try to get to some of the issues. substance abuse, opioid crisis, immigration, and
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his point about manufacturing is a good one. new hampshire has lost a lot of larger corporations, manufacturing as they have gone overseas. no one is talking about should we lower the american tax or to the a: of canada -- to the equivalent of canada? the republican side is try to make this a wrestling match. trying to get the candidates to go after each other. you haven't seen that with the democrats who are talked about what they want. he made a good point about manufacturing. >> are the moderators of the debate that you are seeing doing a good job? you are someone who has done the, been in the trenches as a moderator. what is the right way to do it? guest: it is not about you. i am blessed that i live in new hampshire by choice. i love this state. i wouldn't be anywhere else. the show is grown and i am humbled by a. my point is i have done the tv thing, i'm not looking for a job in new york, i don't want to be one of them. i've worked in boston, i've had a lot of fun.
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i'm here because i want to be here. the primary comes around every four years. when i moderate these things, i know what is want to leave on wednesday. you get the candidates who are putting in this time to talk about the issues. carly fiorina on my show yesterday, she said i go to these events, i listened to the voters, they are talking a different dialogue, almost a different language of issues by the national media. obviously, maybe i have ruffled feathers. these people from the national media, i don't mean to bash them are they are smart, good at what they do, they are at the top of the game. talk substance. the american people want -- like your last caller, why are we talking about the debt? why are we talking about oil prices dropping? of thepshire has one highest per capita veteran populations in the country, almost 10%. we have soldiers coming back iraq, withistan,
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ptsd, and no one is talking about it. veterans take their lives every day in this country. not one candidate has been asked a question about that. i think they just are -- unfortunately, this time around, it seems that ratings are what is driving this, not issues. host: tennessee where gary isn't waiting on our line for republicans. -- is waiting. caller: i am for trump all the way. he is, in my view, he started out and has not changed any of his views from the beginning. , including candidate democrats, have pretty much been on board with what he is doing. his polling and stuff has been there. for that reason, that is the reason i'm going to vote for trump. if i had to vote another way, it would probably be sanders. he is basically running the campaign of what trump is
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running during he has a lot of views that trump has. i would not vote for hillary. i don't understand why this hasn't been brought up enough. the movie that is out. working hours. if anyone has watched that movie, that would change my mind completely against hillary. not just hillary, that is just the government that we have now. it has to change. somewhere down the line. democrats, that is good. it needs to be wiped out. everybody needs to the for what the people need instead of what the party needs. aboutthe caller talking donald trump. he has been a fairly frequent guest on your program. guest: is it gary, the caller? think about what gary just said. this is a dynamic that amazes me in new hampshire and nationally. he is a trump god.
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there are a lot of trump people here. trump hasn't set on my show, if he runs, he is going to do it his way and say what he thinks and he doesn't care. he has certainly done that. then, the caller said if it is not trump, it is sanders. talk about diametrically opposed political views. a socialist talking about wall street and a lot of people with a lot of money, a guy with it billion dollars and the caller just said i would vote for this guy or him. totally different people, individuals come their lifestyles, their backgrounds. host: he is not the first caller who has felt that way. there have been saying bernie sanders and if not bernie sanders, donald trump. guest: that is the phenomenon with this election. americans are so fed up with washington and politicians and the same soundbites and rehearsed stuff, they are fed up with it. i think you will see some surprises tuesday. that is why sanders is resonating on the left, the more progressive left. trump is resonating here because they both -- if they can't
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change it, they want to tear it up. their message is authentic, it is not rehearsed, it is from the belly, and people like that. look at bernie sanders. his hair, he is all over the map. he passes the polygraph test of what he believes in. even if you don't believe in it, he believes in it. donald trump, same thing. he doesn't care. he is unfiltered. that is why they are resonating. host: arlington, virginia up next for our line for independents. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am an old man. i would vote for these -- for the first one who comes up with a gotten -- a dollar a gallon gasoline tax. we need money for the mastech problems. , foron a gallon infrastructure rebuilding, $.10 for social security and $.10 for medicare and so forth.
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we could get this country back on its feet. we can attack the international problems and so forth in congress. thank you for taking my call. infrastructure, social security, medicare, the problems domestically that the caller is worried about. talk: it is not for me to about what he wants for policy. i understand what he is saying. my problem is i think most people would react to that and say we need to rebuild bridges, roads, and infrastructure. this is why trump maybe more than sanders would handle this one. you put that tax on. we already pay a big tax, a big federal tax on gasoline. americans are liking the lower gas prices. you send that extra tax money to washington, the problem is the way washington is right now, you don't know if that money will go to roads and bridges. look at social security. these candidates aren't being asked about the disability portion of social security that is a most bankrupt.
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these programs are -- they are in trouble. we have a debts deficit. when was the last time the candidates were taught -- asked about how you would say that? they don't want to answer the question because they would lose votes with older voters. what do we need to do so that younger americans paying into social security will have something? these issues on coming up enough in this auction enough in my opinion. -- in this election enough. caller: getting back to the original question about carly fiorina, i believe she should have the opportunity to be in the debates. just one extra person, down to an eight person fields now. trump, it is funny because the difference between donald trump and bernie sanders is bernie sanders is part of the progressive movement and donald trump is part of the regressive movement.
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there is a huge regressive movement in the united states where people want to go back. they want to take back things that we have fought for and earned. it is a matter of wanting to regress. sanders should be the model of the republican movement. fiorina off the stage is emblematic of the wreck -- regressive attitude. it is a boys club. they want things to stay the same. guest: good point. he is showing his political view with what he says -- what he says regressive. they want to take some things and change some things, they don't like the last several years, but i think both sanders and trump, getting back to this caller and the earlier caller, they are almost populist. certainly, the democratic side of the aisle has a more liberal, progressive bent, if you will. the debate the other night in new hampshire, this is all most of using to me, you have them up there trying to say which,
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sanders and hillary clinton, they were debating the other night at the university of new hampshire, trying to say which one is more progressive. i think it is pretty clear that bernie sanders is that guy, not hillary clinton. they are populist. they are also sanders and trump are hitting on another court. it is called anger. they are feeding off the unrest for different reasons. the economic feeling that wage growth is not happening so what you do is get people fired up, so that people have more marbles , more toys come more goods, more money. people want more money. you get them fired up, that is a good way to run a populist message. donald trump is getting people fired up. we are going to close the borders, make mexico pay for it. we are gorgeous stop heroin from coming in. we are going to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies like crazy. what does that mean? negotiate like crazy? it is a populist message.
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feeding off people. we're not going to let putin pushed as around to it i think it is not regressive. bernie sanders with his economic message, he has been on my show several times. i have asked the senator, what is your personal income tax plan? he doesn't have one. he says i'm working on it. how can you be a presidential candidate with economics as your entire platform and not even be able to answer a question on your personal income? it is because he doesn't have to. he is talking about the same, simple message. get people fired up on wall street. the banks are bigger because the federal reserve made them gobble up bear stearns or merrill lynch and become bigger. it doesn't matter. people don't like big corporate greed and money and they are somehow getting angry. same with trump who is using anger in a populist message to score in the polls. to give people a sense of how busy you are, go through the past week since the iowa caucus. who has stopped by?
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first day, marco rubio crashed my show. when i say crashed, you know when you have your great producers, by the way, you have a great group your. they schedule you. they know who is coming on next. my producers tell me we have calling, chris christie and, jeb bush, and all of a sudden, marco rubio is there. right after iowa. like that are happening. it is a chance on a bunch of radio stations to hit a bunch of voters in the morning who are informed and will vote. this week, we had christie, jeb bush two days in a row. one funny moment is when rubio called in a few days in a row and one day, he showed up at the studio and he has momentum here, and i had to take him first because he kind of one the wild card in iowa. he was the hot guy, if you will. i had to get him on the line on the phone during the break and say governor, to governor bush was a very nice person. jeb bush, he is a gentleman, a nice person. i said, i am sorry governor, i just does rubio just crash the
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show. can i take him first? he said, that is fine. it has been that kind of week. carly fiorina in their guest posting for an hour, people showing up to get pictures of her, we are on the ee, a few days left. this is typical for new hampshire. wgir-610 am in new hampshire, new hampshire today with jack heath, our guest for the next 20 minutes or so. taking your calls and questions. not everyone is an advocate of keeping carly fiorina in the debates. on twitter, carly did not meet the neutral criteria for participation. no support in national polls, time for her to go. guest: does that person worked for abc? i am kidding. next inrginia is up florida, line for republicans, good morning. caller: i'm a first time caller. i just turned the television on this morning. i noticed that they mentioned the carly fiorina wasn't going
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to be participating in the debate tonight. i think that is wrong. that they excluded her from this. -- she isecessarily not necessarily the candidate i was planning to vote for. that means nothing to me other than the fact that she brings so much to the table. i am just about ready to vote for her now. she -- i think she should be included in the debate. there aren't that many candidates now on stage. i really think they ought to decide to include her if she would be willing to do it. even at this late stage. another thing i wanted to find out was what channel is going to be televising and what time will the debate be?
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i can't them to find it. >> it is the abc news debate happening tonight. check in with your local cable listings. it will be shown in your area. , i want to talk to you about the idea of candidates skipping debates. specifically, donald trump skipping the debate just before the iowa caucus. did that hurt him? do candidates get dinged by voters for skipping debates? are these national audience that they are playing to, more nationalized debates these days? i will come back to what the caller said about carly fiorina. as far as trump, hindsight is 2020. he lost by a few points. he probably wished he had debated. my personal feeling, as i didn't buy the flap with nugget -- megyn kelly and roger aeros. trump and roger aeros are good friends. chavez been pretty good to fox. he sat on the lead.
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just like a sports team, the game is a few days away, you rest him, i think the event he had for veterans was a great move, he raised almost $6 million. he called in on my show this week and pledged $25,000 for a radio fund we have coming up for veterans. he has been good on veterans. i think it was a calculated mood -- moved by his campaign. they want say they regret it he is never wrong. carly fiorina -- why is abc, and by the way, there is no book. you know this.n, there is no book where you can page two -- turn to page 232 and read were the criteria is for a national debate. there is none. they made up these metrics. fine, you have three criteria. they goes back a month or so. the votersng on is voted in iowa in the caucus and they are about to vote in new hampshire. look at the current metrics -- who cares what you said a month ago?
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why is chris christie debating tonight? why is ben carson up there? she is tied or ahead of them. that is current. who cares what you said a month ago. there is no formula here. this is the new hampshire first in the nation presidential primary. it is not the new york city primary. it is the new hampshire first in the nation presidential primary. these candidates have been up for a year and a half working and campaigning. in the red arrow diner, having lunch, meeting voters. in homes, in shops on street arners, in events, they have working hard. carly fiorina is one of those people. she is polling, she is organized, she has money. she is being cut off the stage because two executives in new york city at abc made some rules. then some. i sat on my show the other day, i don't know if your listeners -- maybe they have heard of a guy who plays football for the new england patriots, i said carly fiorina and bernie sanders
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in iowa, because i think bernie sanders one iowa, they must feel like when he goes off the line and two guys are hanging all over him and he is try to catch a football, and he gets called for offensive pass interference, she said of my show yesterday, the system is right. .t is rigged she should be debating. by the way, what are these rules? it is like the nfl, when you see a penalty, it is like they made it up last week. they are making it up as they go. they don't want as many people up there. she is the only she on stage. it is not just because of that. she is a formidable candidate. they are making a mistake. host: special and for new hampshire voters in this segment of the washington journal. eddie is on the line from some cold, new hampshire. he is a republican. caller: good morning, gentlemen. just to go back to what you guys were talking about as far as when you were interviewing mr. sanders and you told him, and you had asked him about what his
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-- what would his plan b for personal taxes, and he didn't have an answer for you. that is what comes down to not being left or hard right. it is just a common question for a presidential candidate. if he can't answer that, the answer is because if he is going to go after all of the billionaires and all the corporations and then he is going to come after the middle expoundsd he openly that the middle class will play hard -- pay higher taxes, those are the real questions. we have to stop looking at populace to this, populist that. look at what the man will do across the board from the top to the bottom. much -- that is the answer there. i will take your answer out the air. guest: i don't think there is anything to add to what he said. i think you made his point. i have nothing to add. i agree with him. these are questions this late in the game. think about that. what is your tax plan? you are running on economic
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warfare. big wall street, they have to much. you have enough. i am bernie sanders, like me. if i am making $92,000 a year, a new hampshire there's a question, you do not need a staff to figure that out. these candidates need answers. in fairness, donald trump has not had a lot of specifics on how he is going to do things, he just says we are going to do it. i think the caller has a point. host: you mentioned you plan to endorse. is that a possibility? guest: i think sometimes the moderators make it too much about themselves and that is about ratings. franken is for c-span. -- frank goodness for c-span.
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i will vote, but i do not think it is up to me to tell my listeners if i'm behind one person or not. i do not get behind political stuff. i love talking about it and have newsmakers on my show, but i do not think that is my role. host: how would you prescribe -- describe your political -- we used to argue at the dinner table when we were 12 or 14 years old, i was like michael j fox in his sitcom when he was young. i have always been a fiscal conservative. even on the environment, i ski and hike and i like clean rivers. somehow, if even question climate change and if it is real or not, people put you in a
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corner. i have my own views. we are a live free or die state. i think what people think socially and religiously it is up to them. what i love about my show in new hampshire, bernie sanders calls and and the governor is on my show a lot. i will have republicans calling in and that is why it works. my view is that i do not injected into my interviews, i do not argue with the people i'm interviewing. they are on there for listeners to make decisions. i will ask tough questions and give my own commentary, but it is not like i do three hours of what i think. host: 15 minutes left with jack heath. now's the time to call in. burial is waiting on the line for democrats. caller: hello john and jack. opinion and i
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think you have explained your direction very well. hillary, supporting but i would like to get back to your criticism of the media. media,ne respect the honest to goodness. these people that are on television or even in the print media, they do their job. compared to what is happening in our congress with the republicans in the house and republicans running the senate, nothing has been accomplished. the only thing they wanted to do for the last eight years was to defeat our president in every way they could. that was so stated by the leader of the senate, mitch mcconnell.
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opinion and an politics and what is fair is fair. all i can say is, i believe in the work ethic and do a day's work for a day's pay. the media that we have in our country is superb and i think they are very hard-working, they are out there in the snow in the rain and everything else to do their job. guest: thank you. i share a lot with what you are saying, i was one of them. i was out in the snow in the rain and i've been in media most of my life. we have free speech. unfortunately, today, my point on this debate, it has become more about entertainment and not information. ago butears
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unfortunately, journalism died a long time ago in this country. yes, we still have journalist, but people in the media, and you know you are, the craft has changed. even some of the reporters he's to come up. , print has gone down as a medium. media is still about making money. the salary have to be paid, equipment has to be bought. in new hampshire, great that reporters would come up and cover these people, but today has become more of an entertainment game. there are good people in the media like every profession, that was not my point. i do not like manipulation and there's a process in place for reason. i think she made another point about hillary clinton. -- it was appointed by congress. i agree with it. they have missed the chance even before the election took place
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and they put bills on the presidents desk like cutting americans tax rate or cutting some of the rifle spending, the health care. they talk about obamacare india filbert care -- and the affordable care act. what did they put on the table? not one republican voted for a obamacare and a government run program. the republicans failed by not putting a plan in place. i agree on what she said in that place. host: city on the line for independence. -- in thed the 7 1970's, a family of four could live off of $450 a month and that was all of your bills played -- paid including mortgage. now, a family of four takes over $3000 a month to feed your and pay all of your utilities. raise,u ask for a pay
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they say no those are job creators. they are not asked for a raise. they wonder why so many people today are on food stamps, welfare. how do they expect the american people to live off what they get ?or what it costs now today i o most of the people that are running have been born rich. they have no clue how the american people live and they are paid by these big companies. the first time ted cruz was elected senator, he jumped in front of the camera. thing for done a damn texas. the only thing that did something for texas was perry and they made a laughingstock out of him. i think she is expressing her point of view.
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i get it on the economic point and wage growth. that has been a big theme on this election cycle. it is true about how expensive it is to have kids today. the irony is what she was talking about how -- suppressed interest rate down to almost nothing. the fed finally increased that at the end of the year in 2015 by now they're talking about if they will keep it there. enough.t growing there are problems overseas and oil and gas is causing some of the energy sector big layoffs and problems. we do not have inflationary pressure and so the caller is right. why does it cost so much money to live? why is everything so expensive? she has a very good point. i do not know the answer to that. i am not a candidate running for president and i do not know the answer. she has a legitimate frustration that people work hard, but they
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don't feel like they are keeping enough with what they're working from. if i was running, i do think that the growth comes from the private sector and companies have not had this urgency to plan because of politics in washington and overregulation. i'm not saying get rid of the over regulations. businesses will grow like a tree in the forest if you get out of the way and just water them and let them grow. that is where you get more money when people get to keep more of what they earn. i'm a fiscal conservative. not all these people running for president were born rich. it is ok to be successful in this country and have more than someone else if you work harder and you are blessed and good good fortune your way. there is no snap of the finger that will give people like this caller more money to run a household. it is tough, i get it, but things are getting more expensive in this economy is not growing. government cannot make the
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economy grow, the government can stifle it more and more. host: the line for new hampshire callers, evelyn has been waiting as a republican. caller: this will be a good time for the candidates and the debate tonight to try getting together and boycotting this debate unless they allow carly fiorina to participate. stage, what ist the problem? guest: i agree. donald trump's campaign contacted me after at carly fiorina on my show and he said he should be there. i won't be there unless she is there because they're worried about trump's ratings. i did i said. carly fiorina can easily be added to the stage. now, it is an insult if they do
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today by noon. ,he does not need to prepare but you need to get into a mindset before the debate. i stated why she should be there. well republicans have their path and if they do not end well in new hampshire? guest: possibly carson, possibly carly fiorina, i do not think jeb bush if he does not do well. he said he is in it for the long haul and he has raised a lot of money. i do not think ted cruz if he does not do well with drop out this early. trump certainly will not drop out this early. what is going to be the surprise three days from now? new hampshire is famous in history for always sending us a price for the rest of the nation. ironically, what happened in iowa -- new hampshire has a different vote. i'm not sure that will happen this time.
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if hillary clinton defeated bernie sanders, that is a huge surprise. i do not see that happening. i think the only question is how big does sanders beat hillary clinton. host: the surprise is no surprise? guest: it is by how much. his bernie sanders going to win by eight or 10 points for 12 to 15 point? a lot of people say it is because he is vermont. vermont has very little interest. most people do not know he is from vermont. if use from massachusetts, a group with thousands of people moved, you might face because he is from massachusetts. more people live and work in massachusetts and new hampshire. new hampshire has a bigger influence on the net -- if trump does not win, that is a huge surprise. if you does win by little, the
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national media will say who was in second and the comeback kid? bill clinton finished second in his answer primary, but he finished second to paul simon. he did not win the new hampshire primary. the surprise i think will be on the republican side. i do not know what it is, but i think the polls are moving as we speak. i do not think it will be with the national polls are right now. that is another reason why carly fiorina should be on that debate stage. it is up in the air. i think the republican races up in the air. i still favor trump, but who was in second? i think it is rubio. what a john kasich comes in third? what if jeb bush comes in third? new hampshire will send as a surprise on the republican side. host: we will show the viewers on where the candidates are in new hampshire. trump is that 30%, rubio moving
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up since it's finished in third place in iowa at 17%, and ted cruz at 13%. bush at 9%. just a couple minutes left with jack heath. ruthll try to get in with on the line for democrats. caller: good morning. i was calling in consideration of what is happening with our young people. hillarytalking about clinton in a way that she is so wrong. think about bernie sanders who has been in the senate for years. what has he accomplished? everything that bernie sanders did was after something else someone else i created in the beginning. we cannot push that through. facts, i'm tired of
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hearing about facts. why hasn't someone thought to him about our economy go what are you going to do to help the people in the state? mike flint, michigan, what are you going to do in these crises happen? are you going to go back with facts? what is your plan? guest: i think i understand the callers point. bernie sanders is running as an outsider and appealing to young people as the oldest person running. he has been in the senate for decades. whens the mayor of vermont i went to college at the university of vermont. he has been in politics is whole life and coming off as a progressive rock star who has a part of washington. host: quickly on the pole, if trump is that 30%, the winners will be in the mid-20's. guest: i think the winner of the
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new hampshire primary will be 25%. it will be interesting to see were the other numbers go. wgir jack heath with radio. you can find them online and on twitter. thank you so much for your time this morning. in our last 45 minutes on washington journal, we are opening our phones back up to all of our viewers. we want to ask this question, where you talk about politics? -- is ithome, online at home or online? tell us the places you go to talk about politics. the numbers on the screen. let's go back out to pray drove -- pedro in new hampshire. >> where you talk about politics? let's talk to people outside the
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diner. >> i try to keep politics at school and work. is a good way to lose friends. when you talk to people about politics, you mainly talk to people who agree with you or don't agree with you. >> most people who don't agree -- the whole idea is that it is not just people who agree, it is people who want to learn from each other. host: you learn and engage from each other? do fights break out? >> yes. it is all about listening to other people. fun if it is the same thing over and over again. host: what do you learn the most from political conversation? >> as a state senator in connecticut, we are involved with it all the time. to me, i think the political
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discussion is so important to have that dialogue where people can agree or disagree, but move forward for progress. we have been able to do that from washington to our very state. people have gone so partisan and it is important. i wanted to bring these wonderful young adults to engage in understand and watch where politicians are accountable to the people. it is a refreshing perspective. host: we have heard of three of the four. when you talk to people about politics, has never changed your mind on these discussions? >> and normally doesn't happen, but if i do hear something i want to look into, it is important to reflect on your own views and research it on your own. i think that is an important part of political discussions. as a young adult, you run into a lot of people who tend to not want to have the discussion and just want to have their own views. hearing those opposing views and having the chance to reflect on those views and stripping your own, that is something we can all benefit on.
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manchester about where we have your political discussions. gentlemen, thank you for your time. host: we will be checking back in with atrial outside of the --er dash steve is waiting in jacksonville, north carolina on the line for republicans. caller: good morning. i talk politics with my kids and my grandkids. politics to to talk everybody that is listening and c-span. you have a gop line and a democrat mine and an independent line. why don't you have a cs line? common sense. we need to get rid of the tea party, freedom caucus, and go to sense party.
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we just need a common sense democratic party. i think i will country has got it to the point where we do not use common sense when we discuss politics. but folks call in and say the first thing that republicans want to do to president obama after he was elected was not getting him elected and get rid of him. any party that loses the next day will have that ambition. we talked about planned parenthood. --had to have common sense folks will call in and say we still need to fund planned parenthood. we talked about spending in the military, but yet we do not make any, since decisions on the spending by the pentagon. that is steve arguing for a common sense line. where you talk politics?
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is it online or mostly with family and friends or at work? chicago, illinois online for democrats. caller: good morning, how are you doing? host: i'm good. caller: i talk politics wherever they will listen. it is a shame that people calling and don't get the facts and on the with their talking about and only listen to the republican side. these are the three republicans want to tell people about. marco rubio goes around the country and calls himself mocking president obama. my parents came years immigrants, we came your poor, i know what it is to be poor and not have anything. this is the same guy that came illegally and made where he can come in and run for president. he is putting his foot down so the rest of these people can't get in. how can you tell me you know
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what it is to suffer when you tell me you don't want me to have health care and have a decent job. $15,000 is enough for me to live off, you live on $170,000 on your job. host: who are the other republicans? caller: the others chris christie. anytime this guy goes around talking about how he will run the country, you did not even know what was going on in your own office. you have four or five people under your nose you claimed you did not know that what they were doing. host: the last republican? caller: the last republican is cruz. , $25ut the government down billion about obamacare. 50 votes over obamacare. the day he said he was going to run for president, go in your archives, i would get rid of obamacare. somebodyday, he told he was going to take obamacare because his wife left her job to
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go on the campaign to help him win the presidency. host: we are asking our viewers what he thought about politics? there is a participation poll run out of purdue university with 1100 american adults. where are most people likely to share their views on civic matters? 36% said they only share their views and private settings and 20% said they do not tend to share their views at all. on socialey posted media and 10% said they write a letter to the editor or comment on news content online. 3% say they call in to broadcast programs. least 1100re at americans say they participate. we would -- we want to know are you talk about politics? is it online or at church? dennis is up next on the line
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for republicans. caller: good morning. i spent most of my time talking about politics with friends and family. you want to talk politics with other people, you have to be willing to listen. a lot of people have closed minds. besides that, i think both parties have failed the nation. whether you shop at walmart or youet, see all of the goods buy are manufactured. are made few of them from this country anymore and that is the problem. people are going to wake up and realize why all those factors have been shut down. why manufacturing has not been exported in both parties have done that. we do need to change. i do not think there is any candidate that you can be sure
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will do that. i am for trump right now because he's not being supported by any large group that has a lot of money and a big influence over him. he is a non-politician and does , but we need time to have a person like that to at least try. if it doesn't do anything, we can always burn them out in four years. host: the caller says he mostly talked with politics with friends and family. -- those whoe out talk about politics and identify that they do it a few times a month were asked to identify free people with whom they discussed the topic most and described their relationship. it turns out that women are more likely than men to share conversations about politics most often with a parent or child.
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the research said the report also noted that in addition to having differences and with a turn to for political conversation, men and women differ more generally put their overall interest in with discussion politics. men talk about politics more often in women in the enjoy doing it. about three out of four men say they discuss politics a few times a month compared to six and 10 women. wendy from fort lauderdale, florida. caller: i talk about politics mostly at home with my family. what i would like to talk about is when people were upset about carly fiorina about not being on. i have a theory, they did not
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put her on because she is a woman and she would shut up hillary clinton. hillary clinton is a democratic candidate and a woman. they do not want another woman on the other side challenging her. becoming say that i'm more disillusioned with the entire system. i think the election is rigged and has become a show. i think journalists and broadcasters love the election so they can setback and the work is pretty much done for them. it is a show, a circus. host: how much of your political discussion with others are about the system and how much are about the issues that you care about? caller: very little about the issues i care about. i care about the debt and our national security, i care about the economy and young people. i care about immigration, those are issues that are important to me. mud aty do is sling
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each other and i think the moderators and stem on. they love it and it is disgusting. ian on twitter says are mostly talk about politics with my sister, but for three hours every morning i'm here on twitter watching c-span. if you are on twitter, you are inclined to participate online. where you feel most comfortable talking about politics? is it online or just with family members? mary is from pennsylvania on the line for democrats. caller: usually, i discussed the politics with my family, friends , and i called directly to the political parties that are in power. the democrats and the republicans, i call them both. especially when i disagree with
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the policies that they are trying to enact in this country that is against primarily the american people. i want to hear more from the candidates and how they are going to engage our military. using ourroblem with military when we have security forces in all countries. league,nato, the arab the european union, the african union. --n he to step up, not use they need to step up, not use american soldiers, which i support our military 100%. host: when you call elected officials, do you ever get through? is it always a staff member? caller: no, it is always a staff member.
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they basically know my name by heart and i let them know what i disagree. regarding funding other countries, boosting of the country's for everything. you are not our allies when you are doing this. you are basically our dependence. host: mary in philadelphia, pennsylvania. we are going to head back to just outside of the red arrow diner where the c-span bus is parked. we are meeting with some of the folks at the breakfast rush. pedro: tell me a little bit about what it is like to be a new hampshire resident and watch this process play out every four years. in theppreciate our role primary process.
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especially that we get to meet these people up close and in person. we get to listen to them and hear what they had to say and we can press them on issues to get more than a sound bite answer. : how do youdro identify yourself politically? i am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. pedro: who do you like so far? >> a tough question. tough to say. i have not found one that is everything i need and that is a challenge. when you look at the republicans, there are so many of them running with the mueller messages, it will be a challenge for people in new hampshire to wean that down. there will be some dropouts after tuesday which will help us focus in a little bit more. on the democratic side, a little less variety in the number of people but variety in the messaging in the content.
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pedro: who will you vote for? >> i will have to hold off on that. i will probably make my decision sometime on tuesday. part of the decision is in new hampshire, you can declare yourself either a demo rat or republican -- either a democrat or a republican and i have to see where my vote will have the most impact. : thanks for your time. host: outside of the red arrow diner. c-span cameras at events around new hampshire today. we will be bringing them live you here on c-span. at 11:30 a.m., marco rubio will be holding a town hall in bedford, new hampshire. you can see that here. donald trump will be at a at 7:50 rally and later p.m., hillary clinton will be in portsmouth. you can watch all of these events all day long live here on
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c-span. back to your calls. we're asking where you talk about politics and with whom you talk about politics? .j is in minneapolis, minnesota line for independence. caller: good morning to you. thank you for allowing me to get in. you are -- i am a truck driver and i drive people to and from their medical ailments. the radio is my best friend. i listen to all of the political shows on the radio. they have informed me about so much. that duringed barack obama's first term and when he first came out with the affordable care act, republicans said no but they did not come up with anything. yeah -- where is there's and now they are trying to -- where is theirs and they
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are trying to criticize him with having one. every state in america has a governor. it seems to me that these governors, they only seem to cater to a district that is already doing good. host: you mentioned that a big part of your job is driving people to and from appointments. do you find it easier to talk politics with strangers or is it easier to talk about politics at home or with family members? van,r: when they are in my and i happen to have it on the radio, the subject easily comes up. sometimes, when i am not listening to it and they want to talk about it, it just comes up pretty easy. from what are you hearing the people you are driving around on both sides of the aisle? we have heard a lot of
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frustration from callers. caller: the main thing is that they are sick and try to get to their appointments. the biggest market in my business is dialysis. the majority of the people i drive ic three times a week and they are very sick and very we ak. they do engage you on politics, what is the sense you get from them? caller: i sense that they really do not care because they are busy getting what the -- whatever they are supposed to get in their medical benefits are still there. --y are mainly concerned they do like the president and they don't think the congress has been really fair to the president. they are frustrated the way the congress has been treating this president. black, white, and i deal with people from all walks of life.
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the majority of the people are totally dissatisfied with the congress. host: let us go to diana. mainline for democrats. caller: with my family, in the grocery line, call-in shows. everywhere. theed to write letters to newspaper but my computer broke down. host: what is more interesting for you? to do it with family members or strangers? caller: family members when they agree with me. i think a lot of people are misunderstanding bernie sanders message. you have a guy coming in and saying that congress is nonresponsive to the people. theyhey are not because are bought by the big corporations and the money. when they are in there, they do not want to answer to the people. bernie sanders is trying to get our government back to us. when we call our representatives and congressmen, they will say
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all of the money in the world will not buy it. host: is there any place that you do not talk politics? to be at workd but i don't work anymore. there is no place that people are safe from me. host: we want to let our viewers know that on newsmakers this week, we were joined by thomas friedman, dr. thomas friedman, he is the doctor director for the centers of disease control. he came to talk about the zika virus. here is a bit from that discussion. >> the real risk here is to pregnant women. it is extraordinarily unusual to discover a new cause of a major fetal malformation. the last time this happened was more than 50 years ago. i am quite concerned about what
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we can do to protect pregnant women and reduce the number of children born with microcephaly or other complications. it is very important to be clear about what is the riskiest situation and what is not likely to be a problem. it is clearly a major concern and we understand the anxiety of women who are pregnant and whom have traveled to places that have the virus spreading or are thinking about traveling to places where the virus is spreading or who live in a place where the virus is spreading. the focus is on protecting part -- pregnant women so we can reduce the number of infants who could be born with this potentially devastating fetal affirmation. that how confident are you the guidance cdc can put out is beneficial? guest: as we learn more, we will refine the guidance. we will continue to adjust as we learn more.
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even two weeks ago, was the first time we issued travel advice for pregnant women not to go to zika affected area. we issued that guides the very first week that we first identified the zika virus in the brain tissue of infants who had tragically died with a zika infection. >> what is most concerning teal? guest: zika is spreading overwhelmingly by mosquitoes. these are really tough mosquitoes to control. the mosquito will bite 4-5 people at one blood meal. breed in a read -- drop of water. best positive --
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possible mosquito control in areas where this is spreading. morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern and again at 6:00 p.m. you can also catch it online at our question for the last 20 minutes or so here on the "washington journal" is where you talk about politics. this saturday morning. we have been showing you residents from new hampshire outside of the red arrow diner. thoset to hear from around the nation and new hampshire about where you talk about politics and with whom you talk about politics. is -- aer, he runs it political discussion group every month to talk racism and politics. gets heres in that she political talk in the morning. if it were not for twitter i would still be yelling at the tv. how much is waiting in california. -- alma is waiting in
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california. i am 83 years old and i am very mad about carly fiorina not getting a chance to be up there. she is a woman and it is a woman's do. i think hillary is for the birds. anyone voting for her is crazy. sanderson would even be better but however, carly should be given a chance. let her get up there. if she can express herself for us women, she should be heard. she is a very good person and an honest person. that is all i have got to say. host: who'd you expect to be talking about this too later today? caller: two my family and my friends and anywhere that i can talk. i talked to all kinds of people about politics. host: are there any places that are off-limits?
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caller: i watched this every day and i love it very much. i lost my husband a year and a half ago but this is my entertainment. our country is going down the tubes fast. obama has done a horrible job. we need someone up there that will straighten out this country. if it worked from -- donald trump, fine. carly fiorina should be heard. there is no reason for her not to be heard. there -- it is a shame that they would just show -- throw her off. host: let us go to north hampton, massachusetts, line for democrats. caller: good morning. thank you. i am a political junkie. c-span is one of my stations.
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one of my things is truth. i am having a problem with the truth with the candidates. way, i talked with my friends, facebook, family, sometimes in the grocery line we get a good conversation going. mediumsich of those gives you the most satisfaction in terms of having a real little discussion and getting to the issues? great deal of a friends on facebook that are politically minded and we go back and forth a lot. i am not hearing you. host: go ahead. i just want to hear your story. caller: ok. background of the candidates to me is very important. lately does not impress me. -- a candidate come lately does
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not impress me. a person who has consistently been -- been working for the people in my mind is bernie sanders. i also have to tell you guys about the infrastructure. here in michigan, about infrastructure, we are looking at me driving from north hampton and if there are so many -- on the bridge, i am nervous. i was summoned to get down to business. do what they have to do. be firm about it. as far as bernie sanders going in to this republican congress, as so many of us have said in the past, we have got to get bernie in there and then we will vote out those who are not working for the people, who have been bought by all of the corporations. host: heading back to new hampshire where pedro is just
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outside the red arrow diner. we are joined by two guests who are not from new hampshire. where are you from? new york state. pedro: what brings you to new hampshire? >> we came on a bus to work for mr. donald trump's campaign. pedro: why did you come all the way up here? >> we wanted to help in anyway that we could with the ground campaign. we wanted to support the ground swell of enthusiasm for his campaign. pedro: what initially got you to make this trip? what convinced you that this was important? the first campaign i have ever been active in. i believe in what he stands for.
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i believe he needs to turn our country around. we have been going in the wrong direction for too many years. this new hampshire primary is important. pedro: have you been active before? >> first time. tele -- pedro: tell us a little bit about the things you will be doing before tuesday. doorlf of the group went to door in a snowstorm yesterday. we have been manning the phones with calling personally all of the people asking them to support mr. donald trump and if they can to bring friends to the polls. pedro: what have you learned with this being your first campaign? it is exciting. it is important to get the grassroots. the citizens like myself getting involved. we the people need to take a
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more active role and hopefully, the people we elect to go to washington will listen better to us than i have in the past. pedro: when you return to new york, what would your activities be? >> we will help them out in any way that we can. we've got some local people that keep in touch with us through social media and e-mail and telephone. we are ready, willing, and able. they are here to help the donald trump campaign. thanks for your time. host: from outside the red arrow diner. the front pages to some of the major newspapers in new hampshire. here is the new hampshire union leader. one of the headlines -- primary countdown, three days. the campaignome of stories on the front page of the union leader including a story about carly fiorina.
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we have talked about her not appearing tonight on the debate stage. the front page of the concorde monitor -- the lead story, do not call ted cruz and extremist. -- an extremist. over to the boston globe which is one of the main newspapers that is circulating in new hampshire. days before the vote, a tighter gop race. bernie sanders retains lead over clinton. the headlinesf going on that new hampshire is waking up to. back to the phones on this question about where you'd -- where you talk about politics and with whom. linda is on the line for republicans. caller: i generally talk to people, women primarily, in stores, sales clerks, at restaurants, only because i like
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to see what they think. life inpent my entire the tech industry so i want to say something to alma who called in earlier. with carly fiorina. she is the worst possible candidate. she destroyed lucent. she destroyed hewlett-packard. i worked for hewlett-packard were 20 years before carly, my customers like to buy support. moved, the, when she world's number one top quality manufacturing right in manufacturing out of roseville, california to houston, texas , ire the compact site was had dead on arrival's every week. i spent at least a day a week
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ameliorating equipment that shipped not viable. she did that for money. carly fiorina will stand on stage and talk about the rollout of obamacare, about the website and how she would not allow that. rolled aackard software package to integrate all of the five companies that she had to integrate to meet her deadline to get her multimillion dollar bonus. hewlett-packard was unable to ship product for almost three months in anything resembling normal. is in delaware, the line for democrats. jennifer, where do you talk about politics? i talk about politics everywhere i have the opportunity. family, friends, social media. literally, everywhere i go. i must say able -- that i am not a political
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person. i hate politics. mostly because they are all establishment. they are all paid for which makes me excited about bernie. with him not having any super pac's. i have introduced a lot of whole who have no idea bernie is. i have introduced him and i have shown videos and let them come to their own opinion in reference to bernie. when you say you introduce them, is it a social media introduction or do you do it and are sent -- or do you do it in person? caller: both. do you find it hard to talk to strangers about politics or do you enjoy it? caller: to be honest, i hate
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politics like i said. difficult but i have been following those democrats and republicans, trying to keep an open mind. it all keeps going back to bernie. next, missouri, line for independence. caller: hello. thanks for having me. usually, i am cut off short but the politics i talked to -- i talked to people everywhere. everywhere i go. host: i want to let our viewers know that dr. ben carson, when at the republican candidate is outside the diner where c-span cameras are. you can see him walking on board the bus. and finished your
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comments. as dr. ben carson walks on the bus. caller: when you talk politics, the only thing we are talking about is division of our country. if you are republican or democrat or independent -- they america.a label for if you are an american, you are an american. you may have chinese heritage or african heritage -- we label ourselves in politics all of the ime and it is obvious -- if am a republican american, you are putting a label on us and we are being divided. that is what politicians are doing. they are dividing our country and the people in our country. it is hard to explain to people because they want to shut you off when you are talking about reality. they talk about banking. politicians talking about banking.
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that is my point. politicians divide us come they want to keep us divided. that way they can keep us under control. are andbor is what we that is what we get used as. carsons we show you ben getting interviewed by one of the student journalists that is on the campaign trail in new hampshire. that interview taking place on the c-span bus. we will keep showing you images of that as it is happening. we go to rudy in california, line for democrats. caller: i'd like to talk about politics everywhere. my sentiment was with the gentleman just before. we are divided by the politicians. when i speak to somebody, i let them know that i am a liberal,
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not a progressive. i am an american who happens to be lax. i am not african-american. i really -- i am an american who happens to be black. it gets to be interesting listening to people. i talked to them in the doctor's line, at the tire shop. it really gives you a good perspective when people know where you come from. host: speaking of tires, we go to goodyear, arizona where susan is waiting on the republican line. caller: good morning. i kind of agree with a lot of your folks that have been calling. it is all divided up. name thate ladies will not be on the debate? host: carly fiorina. caller: i saw her yesterday.
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she was talking to a little girl who gave her a note about how to be a leader. i hope and pray for her to go on that debate and walk up there. was onson, donald trump an american tv show with david lender on one american news. and they said she needs to be on there. she had three points. host: where do you talk about politics? this is something you do online? do you do it with family members are strangers? caller: at home. i talked to my son who is in the military in georgia on the phone. a have a son-in-law and daughter in nebraska and we talk about
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politics with the nebraska governor being on the television for a while. isy don't like the way he talking about nebraska because it is not true. they are going for donald trump or ben carson because they are tired of it. talking about tv stuff now that he wants to do that donald trump and ben carson have been talking about. host: let us go to david who has been waiting in madisonville, louisiana on the independent line. caller: i will talk about politics anyplace. i am not concerned about that. the problem is there are a lot of people who do not want to talk about politics or express their views. they have seen the ramifications of expressing their views and making their point known through political pressures. anyone in the tea party can be audited. go back further to the kennedy assassination, if you say what
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you think, you can be killed. so many people are afraid to say what is on their mind. it is incredible. this needs to change. int: to another david missouri, on a line for republicans. caller: i get most of my political talk on facebook. it.t 95% of host: is it easier to talk online? caller: i like to talk to people who know what they are talking about. toson told me 18 months ago stop yelling at the television and go on facebook. you tune inure that tomorrow. we will be back in manchester, new hampshire with a lineup of just including kevin landrigan of an h one news. he is the chief local correspondent there. neilll also be joined by
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hampshireew department of politics. and carrying a really will also join us. norelli will also join us. in the meantime, have a great saturday. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> this is a live look at maple avenue elementary school where republican presidential candidate carly fiorina is about
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to hold a town hall with voters. this is about nine miles east of new hampshire -- will not be part of that abc news debate since recent polling has her coming in behind the top six candidates in new hampshire and nationally. clear politics showing her with 3.9 percent average based on a combination of polls. to getct this event underway shortly. our white house road -- our live coverage of white house race is live on c-span.
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