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tv   Question Time  CSPAN  February 14, 2016 9:36pm-10:01pm EST

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what more heme thinks the british government can do to try to promote the political track and ensure that it reaches the most speedy possible success? prime minister cameron: i thank my right honorable friend for what he says about the syria conference, and that gives me the opportunity to thank my cohosts, the norwegians, the germans, the kuwaitis, and the secretary-general of the united nations. in one day we raised more money than has ever been raised at one of these conferences, more than $10 billion, and i pay tribute to my right honorable friend the secretary of state, who did a lot of the very hard work. that money helps because it will keep people in the region, feed and clothe them, and make sure that they get the medicine they need. but we do need a political solution and we will go on working with all our partners to deliver that. that requires all countries, including russia, to recognize the need for a moderate sunni opposition to be at the table to create a transitional authority in syria. without that, i fear that we will end up with a situation
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where you have assad in one corner, and daesh in the other corner, the worst possible outcome in terms of terrorism, the worst possible outcome in terms of refugees, and the future of syria. diana johnson: i am sure that the prime minister is looking forward to visiting hull next year, and as the uk city of culture, we are already backed by many prestigious organizations like the bbc and rsc. but we could do much more to make this a real national celebration of culture. will the prime minister join me in urging the many london-based national arts organizations to do their bit and contribute to the success of hull 2017? prime minister cameron: the honorable lady makes an important point, which is that our national cultural institutions have an immense amount of work and prestige that they can bring out to regional galleries and centers when there is a city of culture event, or
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more broadly, and i talk to them about that. i am looking forward to visiting hull, and as it is the city of wilberforce, i am sure my honorable friends will want to join me. it is a city of poets, including andrew marvell, and it was home to philip larkin for many years, and, of course, stevie smith. sometimes one might want to contemplate what it looks like not waving but drowning. mr. speaker: order. before large numbers of honorable members file out of the chamber, i remind them that the election for the chair of the environmental audit committee is now taking place in committee room 16. voting will continue until 1:30 p.m. voting on a deferred division is taking place in the no lobby, and this will continue until 2:00 pm. >> you have been watching prime minister's questions at the house of commons. question time is live every wednesday at 7:00 eastern and
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heirs again sunday at 9:00 eastern. watch anytime at day,is president's american history tv on c-span3 will feature special programs on the 1966 vietnam hearings. the hearings include testimony from witnesses who opposed or defended president johnson's actions injured -- in vietnam. we will hear from george kennan, in a special report from february, 1966. then james gavin, followed by questions from senators. >> in korea, we learned that air and naval power alone could not win a war. ground forces cannot win one either. it is incredible to me that we forgot this bitter lesson so soon that we were on the verge of making the same tragic error.
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general, as far as you know, are the conditions in indochina any different today? >> we will hear from general maxwell taylor and secretary of state dean russ. for the complete schedule, go to night, supreme court roberts talks about the public perception of the court and the crafting of supreme court ruling. the event was hosted by the new england law school in boston and happened before the death of justice scalia. watch the interview tomorrow night on c-span. on this morning's washington journal, we looked at the life and career of justice scalia, who served on the high court for three decades. we discussed what his vacancy means for the court moving forward.
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death istice scalia's opening a partisan battle. that is the headline available at about what imprint did he have on the high court? caller: he had a huge imprint from the conservative standpoint. he was nominated by president reagan and unanimously confirmed, something you will not see in the next decade, a supreme court justice being unanimously confirmed. you would see on capitol hill, not a recluse. he would go out. &a"now you are playing the "qq with brian lamb. he was very much a social person
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on the washington scene. even though liberals disagreed with him, a lot of them respected him, especially justice ginsburg, they had a very close relationship. i thought it was interesting to see the reactions from democrats. are reading from nancy pelosi, a very gracious response. host: he was a devout catholic. frequently seen at st. joseph's on capitol hill, a block or two from the supreme court. important was his catholic faith to his life and court rulings? caller: it was very important. he cited it regularly. is -- hisething that catholicism, his italian heritage, was near and dear to him. he had nine children.
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in talking to people, friends, and also in his decisions, he would always talk about the family. his faith was very important to him. it was something he talked about regularly. host: this is a photograph of his family, taken when he was first on the supreme court in the 1980's. something that is highly unlikely to happen in our lifetime, a unanimous vote. .et's talk about what is next by all indications, the president as a plan in place to replace justice scalia. you heard it republicans say, not so fast. what can we expect from the senate and white house? guest: i think that the president has to move quickly with a nomination because you are going to have -- and you are already having both sides,
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democrats and republicans, cite precedent. democrats are saying it has been 80 years since a supreme court justice was nominated and confirmed. basically saying we need to wait for the american people to weigh in. democrats knowing that the longest deliberations were 120 days. 280 or so until the election. i think we will see a nomination quickly. then it will be a question of, will republicans, who have indicated that a majority leader will say, we should wait for the next president, will republicans give the next nominee hearing? i imagine they will, but they will not say so. usually, they take their time. the president takes time to vet potential nominees. the president has already gone
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through this process. he has considered a number of people since he nominated justice kagan. there have been a lot of people that have been vetted. that is why i think you will see something. terms, i historical think it will be a quick domination. host: we are talking with bob cusack on the passing of justice scalia. the latest is available on the names that have been mentioned, and the coalition are -- andy k laubesheur. how does that impact any decision by mitch mcconnell? guest: i do not think that is going to change much. wrong, but i think mitch mcconnell has made his opinion quite clear. he is not going to be acting on this nomination.
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certainly, if it is a colleague in the senate, it would change the dynamic to some degree. but based upon the statements that have come out from republican leaders, i do not see them changing their mind anytime soon. the think it is likely that president is probably going to pick someone who has gone through the process in the lower courts. one of the names that has come up was the deputy solicitor general with ties to the gop- appointed judges. i think he has to pick someone who is left of center, but somebody who has been approved by the senate at a lower level just so the president can say, this is not a controversial pick. i deserve to pick my nominee. the senate should approve.
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of course, the senate can say, well, thank you very much, but we are not going to move on this. as the majority party, we have the right not to bring this up. this will be a massive p.r. battle in an election year that will be talked about on the campaign trail. i think there will be a lot of polling. the big question is, how far will the president co to get his way? what will he threatened to do? he has to apply the pressure. the power does rest in the senate. he will have to use the bully pulpit to pressure the republican senate to act. it will be quite a showdown. seismic, huge, all the adjective being used on the passing of justice scalia. the idea of a recess appointment -- can you walk us through what the scenario would be if that were to happen? guest: the president can appoint
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a justice and any judge during a recess appointment. for both is a recess the house and senate. this has come up before the courts. the president a couple years ago nominated recess appointments when the senate said it was not in recess. up losingent ended the case. that, unlessedent the president acts quickly, meaning over the next week, the senate will not be in recess. it will take breaks, but there are procedural ways were they keep the senate technically not a recess. a recess appointment certainly would be extremely controversial. based upon the president's
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i think het night, will be doing this the traditional way in the near term . nominating somebody, probably not putting out a recess appointment. down the road, we will see how that plays. republican leaders in the senate will make sure they are technically not in recess in citing that high court ruling you recent history, saying cannot just nominate somebody. i think that is probably an unlikely scenario, but you never know in this town. host: bob cusack, editor-in-chief of the hill, thank you for joining us, trying to put the events of the last 24 hours into perspective. thanks for being with us. >> on the next "washington ahead to theook democratic caucuses in nevada. us, directorjoins
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of the league for united african american citizens. also, matt lewis on the republican party and how it has changed from the election of ronald reagan until today. ian swanson of the hill about a new e-book that gives a look into key moments of the obama presidency. journal live every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. monday night on "the communicators," the commissionerng fcc talks about major communications issues, including the spectrum option, the net neutrality rules, and unlimited streaming of some internet providers. she is joined by john mccain and. >> we should always be evolving,
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improving, and always attempting to bridge gaps so people can help themselves. this is about enabling individuals to help themselves, providing them with the technological means to get in touch with a doctor so their health can improve. to have educational options when they might not have a certain course in their schools. to bridge those gaps, these divides. not just the digital divide, the opportunity divide. >> watch "the communicators" monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. >> next, homeland security secretary jeh johnson delivers his annual homeland security address in washington. mentionedjohnson counterterrorism, cyber security, and personnel training among the priorities for dhs.
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he provided an update on immigration enforcement. this is just over hour. orcement, cybersecurity and refugee programs. this is wilson center, just over an hour. [applause] >> i'm not used to the applause. walter sackson or bringing -- isaacson for bringing some dignity to the wilson center. c.e.o. of the nd center. i want to recognize my colleagues from the advisory council, especially my co-chair, -- in the middle there,
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number two.d [laughter] > and here's a list of other dignitaries. let me first recognize my colleagues from that committee. we have on to michael, the director of the program. formerly of some very senior intelligence posts. crowley, raj day, mike ayden, another of the luminaries from the intel world. david hayman. jim loy, christian -- who used to be chief-of-staff to jay him homeland ll number four. former member of congress. morell deputy c.i.a. director. head of majorrmer gency, intel agency at the pentagon. xford, john pistol, former tsa
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administrator. starnes walker and web sler. demarco, who is and the on's wife, superior member of the johnson household. [laughter] secretary- the deputy of the homeland department, susan spalding, who is cyberand tary for infrom structure and a former team harman on capitol ill and the current tsa administrator and former senior coast guard official. johnson's retary jay third tour at the wilson center. it's like a rock band. getting him a of smithsonian badge. and it means great deal to me has made his t tate of homeland security address, a wilson center tradition. when i saw him a few nights ago for ntioned that his draft
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this year's speech had hit 6,600 words. up from 4,000 last year, so we'll be passing around pillows blankets, settle in, folks. as some of you know i was one of godmothers of the department of homeland security so let me before jay insights begins. as many of you know, dhs, i you know the painful history, dhs was kobld 22 ther in 2002 out of agencies. just about every cabinet department kicked in a bureau of two, whether it was dod, doe, justice treasury, or even agriculture. and that department had to report, still does, to a whole congressional oversight committees, in one of the most omplicated mazes i have ever seen. it's a game of where is waldo? structure a reporting from hell, the focus dhs has rought to its mission is
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impressive. it certainly is more focused than congress is. in large part that's a credit to jay, who brings incredible gig as the s department's fourth secretary. chertoff, as mentioned, secretary number two, manageable ke dhs a organization. and while the polls of workplace aren't tion still sterling, the improvements have been significant. deed goes no good unpunished, jay is getting urgent ew responsibilities such as countering violent extreme ifl coordinating to protect infrastructure and private sector networks. by suzanne w led spalding, who i just introduced. hese are incredibly tough tasks, but to paraphrase, the late great jack -- i sleep each night -- i sleep each night a little better, a little more confidently, because
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the helm of the homeland department. jake can probably tell you how many hours and minutes he has left before he gets to retire. susan, will kill me if i suggest he stay any longer he has to. it's a fact, the homeland secretary number five, will have big shoes to fill. so it's an honor to welcome a ear friend, secretary of homeland security, jay johnson, back to the wilson center. [applause], thank you very want to say welcome to the many distinguished guests. the senior leaders of the components of the department of security, who are here. ecretary chertoff, judge webster, members of the aspen
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of the press, dr. and her sister, claire o'hare, who is visiting from elly.ticut, and my niece, most of all, sarah harrison, who of my slides. [laughter] morning, everyone. thank you, jane, and the wilson me again forosting this annual ritual. supporter of ific our department and our homeland voice ofmission, and a strength and common sense in this town. in a for the third year row, i continue to appreciate your leadership and your mentorship. thank you. today i'll outline the progress 2015 and the goals that the president and i have for the department of homeland 2016.ity in in the remaining 344 days of his administration, there is
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much to do. i intend to make every day count. the former president of my alma mater, moorehouse college, used students, we only have just a minute, but eternity and it's up to us to use it. with the deputy secretary as my partner we'll push an aggressive end.a to the i begin these remarks with a shout out to the men and women dhs, led by the terrific component heads seat before me. the nature of our business n homeland security that no news is good news. but no news is very often the and ct of the hard work extraordinary courageous effort every day to in keep the american public safe. ast fiscal year, for example, tsa screened 695 million
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passengers. more than the year before. screened 450 million pieces of highest in age, the six years, and, at the same number ized a record 2,500 firearms from carry-on luggage. which were loaded. cvp screened ear, 26.3 million containers. 11.3 million commercial trucks. one million commercial and private aircraft. ferries, and trains, 103 million private 382 million d travelers at land, marine and airports of entry to the united states. at the same time, cbp collected 46 billion in duties, taxes and fees, making at this ime second largest revenue collector in the u.s. government. made a cal year, hsi record high 33,000 criminal arrest


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