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tv   British Prime Ministers Questions  CSPAN  March 6, 2016 11:56pm-12:33am EST

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announcer: for free transcripts or to give us your comments, visit us at q& programs are also available as c-span podcasts. announcer: if you liked this program with robert kaplan, here are some others you might enjoy. pulitzer prize winning anne applebaum on her book. jay nordlinger talks about his book. and the inquiry into the sons and daughters of dictators. and margaret mcmillan, detailing the assassination of franz ferdinand and other events that led to world war i.
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you can find those interviews -- youat stop can find that those interviews online at nancy reagan died today at her house. susan swain moderated a discussion about how his or he might hurt nancy reagan's legacy will stop here is a clip. >> nancy davis was an actress in the blacklistng area. she found her name on a blacklist. she was a young actress without much clout. she go to theted screen actors guild and he would help her. ronald reagan.
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into a longturned dinner and romance and ultimately she was aware of his lyrical ambitions because the screen actors guild was very much involved in politics. she had some early missteps in washington. was always known throughout their political partnership as the person who had his back. she was called the personnel director. she watched everybody that's rounded that president and made sure they were with him first and foremost and of a were not, they were -- >> ronald reagan really was as nice a guy as he appeared. he was as close to being without guile as any president in american history. he believed the best in people.
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he did not automatically assume that people had agendas of their own, which is all admirable traits, but it places a particular word in on someone whether it is a white house chief of staff or in this case, a spouse, who in a sense compensates for that unqualified trust that reagan gave to people. i believe when the history books are eventually written, we are only beginning to see. i think mrs. reagan will get even more credit for the enormous role she played the hide the scenes. substantive as a political partner, advisor, and judge. absolutely for the role that she played in protecting. that was what she was interested in. she was there to protect her husband, sometimes from himself.
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next washington journal, we get your thoughts on the passing of former first lady nancy reagan. also a look at third-party candidates in general elections. larry sabato joins us. we will take your calls and look for your comments on facebook and twitter. "washington journal" is live every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> monday on "the communicators," we examine a telecommunications act with two of its chief offers, jack beal and massachusetts democratic senator edward markey. two will discuss whether the act is outdated and whether it should be updated. >> words like google and youtube
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are part of the culture today, but they were impossible to be created before the act. we got a lot right. nothing is perfect, but one thing we did do was we move not only our own country but the whole world to digital. goal was to take away the lines of demarcation that prevented competition, and by unleashing the competitive forces, it created the investment that was needed to bring it to this world today. >> watch "the communicators" live monday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two. >> during question time, british prime minister david cameron spoke about the u.k.'s membership in the european union. he responded to questions about childcare in britain and the syrian cease-fire agreement.
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minister takeime this opportunity today to explain why this was the case? smp can chide an agreement after a settlement was put in place. what we have built is a
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powerhouse parliament for scotland which will have more ability to set tax rates, more ability to determine benefits for its citizens. it's time for the s&p to stop talking about grievances and get on with government. mr. speaker, csa group in my newtituency has taken on constituencies. we have had more than 1000 apprenticeships started. does my friend agreed that it is time for the government to stick with the plan some more companies have the opportunity to take on apprenticeships? prime minister cameron: we have an ambitious target for apprentices to be trained. we will do our bit by funding those programs. we want business to do its part by contributing to the apprenticeship levy, but we need small businesses like csa and the public sector to get fully
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involved in training apprentices to give young people the chance to earn and learn at the same time. >> thank you, mr. speaker. years since the policy of announced a tax-free childcare. could the prime minister tell us what the holdup is? > we prime minister cameron: are introducing the tax-free childcare along with the 30 hours of childcare for everyone with three and four-year-olds with a 6 billion pound commitment this year. mr. speaker, the treasury website described it as a long-term plan. it certainly is that, because it was announced in 2013, and it isn't going to be announced until next year.
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could the prime minister tell us is not there for one in three working parents who want their children to be cared for in preschool? prime minister cameron: first of all, we lost a court case against some existing providers. there was a delay. tax-free childcare will come in in 2017. as for the 30 hours, there will be pilot schemes this year and full implementation next year, which is in line with what we said in our manifesto. i am delighted he is helping me to promote government policies. when i became prime minister, i think we only had 10 hours, and to 12, 15, and now 30. these are things you can do when you have a strong economy with a sound plan.
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you are able to do all of these things. i'm glad we are able to talk about them. >> today, mr. speaker, the national audit office confirmed one third of families promised 30 hours of free childcare won't receive it. this is a broken promise. the report warns that many childcare providers are not offering the new entitlement due to insufficient funding. there are 41,003-year-olds missing out on free early education. interveneime minister and ensure those children get the start in life they deserve. prime minister cameron: we want all of these children to have to they deserve. let me read you some of the things the report says. it says the department has successfully implemented the entitlement with almost universal take up. i think we should be congratulating the secretary of
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state. parents and children are benefiting from these entitlements. stakeholders are positive about increasing the entitlement to 30 hours. we've got a strong and sound economy. what a contrast it would be if we listened to the right honorable gentleman. hisn announce to the house -- he warnedsor the greek finance minister who left his economy in ruins. that is labor's policy into words -- acropolis now. >> mr. speaker, that is not much who to the 41,000 children are not benefiting from what they were promised by the government, and looking further on in the educational life of children, according to the
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government's own figures, half a million children in primary classes over 31. 15,000 are in classes of over 40. we know the importance of preschool and early years of education to give all children a decent start in life, and yet half a million are living in poverty. isn't it time for a serious government intervention to sort this out yet go -- out? prime minister cameron: obviously, introducing these extra hours is a huge operation for child care providers, but i can update him. since the audit report that said 58% of disadvantaged to your olds were accessing the offer, now over 70%. you mentioned the number of teachers and classes. there are 13,100 teachers more
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than there were in 2010. we have invested in teacher-first. we have made sure that teaching is a worthwhile career. when it comes to school placement, there are actually 453 fewer schools that are full or overcapacity compared to 2010. progress. there are 36,500 fewer pupils in schools overcrowded. why we have been able to do this, we protected education funding, the money following every people into the school, introduce the pupil premium. we've done all of that so our school system is growing. there are fewer overcrowded schools, all because we've got a strong economy. >> the problem is that class sizes are growing. the problem is that there is a crisis of teacher shortages.
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i have been talking, as i'm sure the prime minister has, to many teachers. got a question from one. "i've been teaching for 10 years, and i'm ahead of design and technology at a successful secondary school. with increasing numbers of teachers leaving the profession, will the government except that there is a crisis of recruitment and also of retention of teachers in this profession?" prime minister cameron: there are 13,000 more teachers in our schools then when i became prime minister, but if he worries about teacher recruitment, perhaps he can explain this -- how is it going to help, his party's proposal, to put up the basic rate of tax in scotland. that is going to mean classroom teachers, nursery teachers, all paying more tax. what we are doing is helping teachers by saying, you can earn 11,000 pounds before you pay income tax at all.
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i don't think recruiting teachers is simply about money. it's also about having a good school system in place. it wouldn't help if we listen to labor and put up people's taxes. >> the prime minister seems to be in a bit of denial. the national audit office confirmed there is a shortage and a crisis of teachers, and ensuring there are enough excellent teachers in our schools is fundamental to the life chances of children. warned% of head teachers , they are now having to use it time the, isn't government intervene and look at the real cost of this, which is damage to children's education, but also 1.3 billion pounds spent last year on agency teachers? aren't we moving into an era
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which we can term "agency britain"? prime minister cameron: i think he's got to look at the facts rather than talk down people who are working hard to teach children in our schools. our teachers are better qualified than ever. a record 96.6% of teachers in state-funded schools have a degree or higher qualification. those are the facts. i would argue that going into teaching, and now teach first is the most popular destination for oxford graduates -- if you want to look at encouraging people to go into teaching, you've got to know that you have a good school academies, good preschools, higher qualifications, making sure we have rigor and discipline in our classrooms, but that is only possible when you have a strong and growing economy to fund the schools our children need. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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business savvy in my constituency is one of several u.k. power stations that has seen a closure this year. in germany and holland, both of whose carbon emissions are higher, they are building coal-powered stations. much of that we are going to import. it's hard for me to explain the logic of this to my constituents. could the prime minister review the pace of our closure program in the context of next years energy crunch? prime minister cameron: my honorable fred raises an important question, and he is right, there is big change in this industry. we want to see an increase in gas capacity, an increase in renewable capacity, and the restarting of our nuclear program, which i will be discussing with the french president. security of supply must be our priority. we announced we are going to bring forward the capacity market to provide this boost to
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existing stations. would say to him and everyone, all these decisions we take about energy, they have consequences for peoples' bills. german electricity prices are 40% higher than the u.k. the level of subsidies makes up about 30% of german bills. ours is less than half that level. we do have to think through these decisions. we all have a right not to be discriminated against on the basis of age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or ethnicity. workers have the right to paid holidays and the right to work for no more than 48 hours each week. all of these are guaranteed through the european union. does the prime minister agree
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there are huge benefits by being members of the european union? prime minister cameron: the point i would make is, in recent years, what we have done, including under this government, is add to the rights people have, including maternity and paternity rights. i think the emphasis in europe now needs to be making sure that we expand our single market and make it more successful for our businesses, recognizing that social benefits matter, but principally, i believe it's a matter for this house. >> millions of u.k. citizens live elsewhere in the european union. physicians have helped reduce sulfur monoxide emissions. will the prime minister concentrate on the positive arguments for eu membership and reject the approach of project
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fear? prime minister cameron: my argument about being stronger in the reformed european union, safer in the reformed european union, and better off are all positive arguments. i would add the point he makes, that things like pollution crosses borders, so it makes sense to work together, and the fundamental point he makes is one worth thinking about. he and i are both postwar children, but we should never forget when we sit around that table that 70 years ago these countries were murdering each other on the continent of europe. for all the frustrations of this institution -- believe me, there are many -- we should never forget that fact, the fact that we resolve our disputes around that table. >> thank you, mr. speaker. those with foster children deserve our full support. friday, i visited g
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fostering, which was established in 2003 and has helped over 1250 children find a loving and caring home. would my right and honorable friend join me in thanking g fostering, but would he also agreed to looking into how funding could be simplified to ease the transition of children into adulthood? prime minister cameron: my honorable friend makes an important point, which we started to address in the last parliament. 18-year-olds were being automatically rejected from foster parent homes, and we all know as parents it is important to give people the support they need. that is why we changed a lot in the last parliament so local authorities are under a duty to support young people who choose to remain with their foster carers beyond the age of 18.
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we are providing over 44 million years.every three most half of those eligible to stay put have decided to do so. this is a real advance. you, mr. speaker. this is my first ever question to the prime minister. this match as mothers high expectations. mother's high expectations. last year, a man was stabbed to death in my constituency. his mother found out cps would not be prosecuting his murder. the home office blamed police for the low prosecution rate, and i resent the position that local police are not up to the job. commite prime minister to making sure that my local
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police have the funds necessary? prime minister cameron: the honorable gentleman raises an incredibly important issue, which is knife crime. the good news is that knife crime has come down 14% since 2010, but he makes an important point about the level of prosecution. last year, there was something like 11,000. the rate is similar as for other areas, but clearly everything we can do to help the police, the crime prosecution service to increase the rate is worthwhile. we need to give the police the .esources they need, and we are we need to educate young people on the dangers of knife crime, and we need to make sure those who commit these crimes are punished. where is the fella? he's not here. we will hear from somebody who is here! [laughter] mr. speaker.
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>> way my tear from the right honorable gentleman. >> thank you, mr.'s weaker. for five or six people, migrants have hundreds of thousands tired and the immigration. this may be a germanic underestimate. we only know the truth of the matter is they really say that i'm at dave. while the prime minister to release the statistics immediately so they can understand the truth about european union integration? >> i'm glad we've got the single transferable question. therefore my honorable friend.
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the reason why these numbers don't tally as of course you can get a national insurance number for a short-term visit and people who are here can apply for them. these numbers are quite complex. they have given greater information and i will make sure that continues to be the case. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the proposed changes to the trading are causing great concern to many retailers, shop workers, families, yet before the election, but prime minister has no plans to change the trading laws. when did he change his mind or is assigned to scrap the great reddish compromise so that the election was out of the way? >> i thought i was right to bring forth these proposals because they are genuinely new
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proposals. good that we are devolving to local authorities to make this decision. secondly, crucially and i'm sure the numbers will be interested in mess that we will be introducing new protections not only for new workers on sunday as, but all workers on sundays. i think the house should prepare for this idea and not based because constituents are able to shop online all day every day including sunday. i'll be evidence shows this will be welcomed by customers, will create more jobs than i think we have nothing to be scared of moving into this new arrangement. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. i visited the young enterprise trade when the local stop school, including the entrepreneurial skills. will my right honorable friend join me in wishing good luck to
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all of the teams and does he agree with me the initiatives such as this are a key transpiring the next generation of entrepreneurs? >> by honorable friend makes an important point that not enough was done to encourage and surprise a notch premiership. we know so many jobs in the future will come from start of business is an small businesses and rapidly growing startups. in our schools we should be promoting not only to teaching but through exercises including starting businesses for young people but by giving them solid growth. the >> yesterday five quarter energy sees the trade. their goal was the instruction of gas for quality under the north sea. google has failed to provide support to secure foreign direct investment compared to its dcg secures supply, it would also provide the stock to grow our
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industry and all of that. will the prime minister looked into this appalling opportunity and urgently change course and develop a meaningful industrial energy structure their british industry workers and playing it so badly needs? >> i will certainly look at the kc raises because we back all energy projects that create jobs and growth in our country. we have the very act of industrial strategy for that. i know he's disappointed, but i was say that is an extra billion pound capital investment and even after that, there is no sign yet that carbon capture and storage can be even close to competitive to nuclear power or offshore wind. look carefully at the kc mentions. >> prichard batman. >> a large proportion of the
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fish cockfight reddish vessels landed in the u.k. are exported to e.u. countries. a great many of our fishermen of the european countries in a reformed regime led by the british government. does my right honorable friend agree that those that exploit them in the communities they support are better off in a reformed european union. >> i agree with my honorable friend and pay tribute for the huge work he did to reform the common fisheries policy from what was a very poor policy to one working much better for fishermen. when it comes to fishing and farming, the key issue is making sure europe's markets remained open that we demand and produce and its vital in the debate in the months ahead.
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>> misters weaker, more than 1,601,600 families, when workers are forced to leave the city due to the cost of hospitals discharged when your families have to close future benefit. can the prime minister specifically say why of the 2.5 high-value homes from public land without building a single home? >> that decisions made in your planning or for york city council and local plan. but i would say, one of the things that we did in the last parliament specifically designed to help was to change the change of use provision so empty offices could be used to build flats and houses for local people, which is happening in new york and will help to make sure the city continues to
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thrive. >> will my right honorable friend agreed to meet me when laurie come a brilliant young farmer whose business is put at risk because the rpa hasn't paid his basic payment. will he also confirmed the figures that they keep putting out our fictional identity agreed with the secretary that it is the e.u.'s commissions followed for making the cap so complicated? >> what i say to my honorable friend the system is complicated and we need to make sure the agency does the very best that it can. to date, 70,000 farmers have received their payments, which is not 81% of all claims paid. but there's always room for improvement. we should look at all the default areas and how they are coping with this problem. in terms of the issue more broadly, it is very important we
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maintain the access that our farmers had without tariffs, without tax to produce the cleanest and best food anywhere in the world and exported uninhibited to 500 million people in european single market is. [shouting] >> yesterday, the chair of the board, mr. richard gere the house of commons to meet with members of parliament as well as you, mr. speaker. will the prime minister followed the example set by the united states, canada, germany and japan and the chinese authorities to express this can turn about the counterterrorism laws introduced. >> i wasn't aware of the visit by richard gere. i will look closely at what he said and get back to the honorable lady about the issues he raised. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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in 2004 come thousand four consisting of some of my constituent was murdered and was secured through joint enterprise. the recent ruling in the supreme court caused many of the victims families a great deal. will my right honorable friend enabled these to discuss their concerns with ministers and understand what the ruling might mean in cases like those. >> through my honorable friend, can i extend my constituency to my constituents. we should remember the famous above those that lost loved ones who are worried about the judgment of what it might mean for them. i'm happy to facilitate a meeting between him and let the justice ministers to discuss it. it should be clear that judge may prefer to narrow category of joint enterprise cases and it would be wrong to suggest everyone can make it under joint enterprise was grounds for appeal. i will fix the meeting he calls
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for. >> people in the midlands are absolutely furious to learn that governments aborted a contract to make british medals to some french company. imagine this. you've open a distinguished service order and assess fabricate -- i visited lens and adult manufacturers. they are the best in the world. we should go back, calling the minister and get the scandal sorted out. [shouting] >> the other point i would make to the honorable gentleman i'm sure all of those in wales would want to contest the fact that they make a fine mist in the united kingdom and i'm sure the competition between them and irving janis berry intends. i wasn't aware of this issue,
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but i'm always in favor where we can make something of britain, we should make something of britain. >> the recent investigation carried out by my local experiment at a facility during the 60s and 70s. can i ask the prime minister to ensure a thorough investigation into the situation now undertaken? >> i'm very happy to give my honorable friend that assurance. they are very serious allegations. it is vital the full facts are considered. by understanding that they are working together as a process under the safeguarding children borne in mind that this procedure is. i would encourage anyone who knows any thing to come forward and give their evidence to that court. >> miniscandal. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the cease-fire is russia
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continuing to attack inside si bobbles and let islamic terrorists continue to pass into syria across the turkish order. what is the british government doing to ensure the cease-fire is properly monitored and in particular to produce serious tension between russia and our nato ally, turkey. ..


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