tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN March 12, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EST
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through his mind? [laughter] i guess i'm batting cleanup here, so on behalf of my family, thank you all for coming here. we really appreciate it. my sister patty and i who suddenly find ourselves orphaned, really appreciate being surrounded by so much love and kindness. to jim, tom, everybody else who spoke, their kind words, appreciate that very much. and to the folks at the library here who put this whole thing on. what a terrific job they have done. we so much appreciate that, too. she did love a party, and she would want this to be a party. this is not a tragedy, this is a celebration. i hope you had a chance to have a look around here.
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some of you, of course, have been here many times before. i hope you realize, none of this would have been possible without nancy reagan. i do not mean that she was active in fund raising, building the library -- of course, she was. what i mean to say is there would be no ronald reagan presidential library without a president ronald reagan, and there likely would not have been a president ronald reagan, without a nancy reagan. of course, it may not have happened that way, if she was not made of such stern stuff, she may not have made it all the way to being mrs. ronald reagan. my dad played hard to get a little bit when they were dating, way back when. he had already purchased a ranch not too far from here in malibu, and he loved to go there and ride his horses and buck hey, generally get dirty and sweaty outdoors. not the kind of thing that she
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is really crazy about, my mother. but she was a good sport, and she wanted to participate in this. if he loved his ranch, well, she was going to love the ranch, too. they would go out there, and she would wonder how she could help. this ranch in malibu, about 700 acres, had a long driveway that led to the house, about a half mile, fences on both sides. so they would go out there and hang out, the ranchers, but she wanted to help, as i said, so she asked him, what can i do to help? did i mention that the fences lining that half mile driveway were unpainted? so he handed her a bucket of paint and a brush, and my mother painted a miles worth of fence. every post, every plank, both sides.
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once. [laughter] in that paint job lasted for the duration. now, my father was confident, but he was not an arrogant man at all. it takes a great deal of the to run for president of the united states or even governor of california, for that matter. and her absolute believe in him gave him that chutzpah to run for office. my mother provide encouragement. she guided him, provided a refuge into which he could repair to gather his strength, she guarded his privacy, she protected him. both possessed great individual talents, but as a couple, they were more than the sum of their parts, and it would be a
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mistake, by the way, to consider her somehow subordinate to him, just because he was the one usually taking center stage. they were co-equals. they complement and one another. individually, they may have gone far, but together, they could, and did go anywhere. my father was inclined to believe that everyone was basically good, and that certainly, anyone who worked for him was pure of heart and could never be nursing a private agenda. my mother did not share that inclination. [laughter] and she did not have that luxury. in my mother's world, you are either helpful to her husband, or you were not. i think we all know which side of the equation you would want to be on. since we are among friends, i think we can admit, she was not always the easiest person to
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deal with. she could be difficult, demanding, she could be a bit obsessive, truly, a royal pain in the ask, when she wanted to be. but usually only so that my father did not have to be. you did not want to get on mom's bad side. particularly by hurting her husband. if you did that, you had earned yourself and implacable foe. if you happen to run into the ghost of don regan sometime, just ask him. on the other hand, yucatan as for a more loyal or dedicated friend. just ask joan rivers, should you run into her in the hereafter. when jones husband died, she was on the east coast, and joan could not get the corner to release the body, so he could come home to the west coast. joan is a comedian, she did not know who to call. who do you call to pull strings
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like this? she was acquainted with my mother, but they were not great friends yet. nevertheless, she bucked up her courage and called the white house and got my mother on the phone. joan's husband's body was on the next plane out of town to the west coast, and joan became my mother's body for the rest of her life -- buddy for the rest of her life. i see the faces of many friends here today, people that have known and loved my mother for years. but most of my mother's bodies are gone now. she is among the last of her cohort, the old gang, her generation, and now she is truly with them. if my mother had one, great talent, it was that she knew how to love, and she loved one man more than the world. in her later years after my father had gone, she used to ask me, whether i thought she would be with him again when she died.
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i'm not a believer in the supernatural, but i always assured her, wherever that had gone, she was surely going to go there, too. we should all be so lucky to stand up where we have always wanted to be, and today my mother comes to rest on this lovely hilltop with its far-reaching views, next to her beloved ronald reagan library, and by the way, from here, she will be able to keep an eye on things. just saying. no slacking. how long will it be before tales begin to emerge with a petite chanel spirit roaming the galleries and the halls? just checking to make sure that things are running smoothly. but most importantly, she will once again lay down beside the man who was the love of her life, the one that she loved until the end of her days.
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they watched the sun dropped over the hills over the west toward the sea as night falls, they would look across the valley. my father would tell her the lights below are the jewels for her. the moon and the stars will turn overhead, and here they will stay, as they always wished it to be, resting in each other's arms, only each other's arms, until the end of time.
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to gate of eternal life so that in quiet confidence we may continue our force on earth, until you're called and we are reunited windows that have gone before, amen. please be seated. today, we are exactly where we ought to be, standing with this family, and one another before the mystery of life and death, say in our prayers and farewell to nancy davis reagan. the great 20th century rabbi was once asked, what is the most important thing that a religious person can do? his answer was given in one word. remember. that is precisely what we do this day, this is what we do as religious people every time we gather.
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we hear again and again the stories of encountering god, ancient and cherished, stories that point to god as ineffable mystery, yet still revealed to our fragile and mortal humanity. we were ever god's saving love, for the human race and family, and in that act of remembering, the god of life and giver of every good gift is present to us. in these moments that i speak to you, it is really for one purpose, to gather all the remembrances that you have just heard, those that you carry in your hearts, those of the people of our nation and the world, and to remind you where to place them all, before the living god, who gave nancy life from the first, and who now receives it back again. who is this god? this is the one who raised of israel out of bondage in egypt,
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fulfilling ancient promises, and who raised of jesus from the dead and who resurrected life. the gone in whose presence we gather today and to whom we commend the life and soul of nancy is a god of justice. who wants to lift up the poor, the vulnerable, and all on the margins of life. a god of love who wants you to know that in every circumstance of life, that you are beloved, precious, sacred, just because you are you. this is a god who loves fiercely, who traffics in light and death, and is encountered in every dimension in life, beautiful and complex. nancy knew of this. she knew it because she lived it. in november 2014, i was invited to meet mrs. reagan at her home.
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there were four of us, mrs. reagan and two of her dear friends. we entered her bedroom where mrs. reagan dressed comfortably, and with a quiet elegance, was partly reclined on her bed. we were there over one hour. i mostly listened, as the three of them told stories from the white house years and beyond, some dramatic, some hilarious, and others that caused us to fall into a companionable silence. turn to the photographs on the bedside table, i asked about several of them, and one by one, she looked at them and spoke about places and events over long years. finally, i picked up the one closest to her. it was worn and creased, slightly weathered. what about this one, mrs. reagan? she held it in silence, and turning to me, she said, this
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one is my favorite. the photo was of president reagan, who had begun his dissent into alzheimer's. he, too was mostly reclined. the angle of the photo was their profiles. nancy just above them, their faces very near to one another. nose to nose, eye to eye. it showed a deep tenderness, even in the illness. of all the photos, this was her favorite. she kept looking at it, seemingly transported to another place. i said, mrs. reagan, that is a picture of you living out the promises of your marriage and fidelity and love. after a brief silence, she said, yes, it is, and handed it back to be placed on the table, nearest to her.
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poet henry van dyke written, time is too slow for those who wait, too swift or those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice. but for those who love, time is eternity. nancy reagan glanced at truth. she and her beloved ronnie shared a great love. a very great love. that is legendary and could instruct us all. now she knows that eternity is about so much more than time, for it is about fulfillment and completion. and so important for nancy, reunion, as she is joined with her beloved ronnie. so, last week, as we give thanks for the life of nancy reagan, i want to speak of an even greater love.
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it is one that we know as christians, and the life, death, and resurrection of jesus christ climaxing at that first easter. each gospel tells of it differently, ironically, undergirding the veracity, providing a stereoscopic view of a truth, unparalleled in all of literature and life. the events of holy week leading to jesus's death sent his closest disciples into fearful hiding and finally brought the strong women to his tomb in the dark of that first easter don. there, god had acted, a cosmos-altering explosion of divine light and life was released, surging at god's command, breaking the three-day canopy of silence. there jesus rises. from death to new life.
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and all creation rises with him. in a newly beheld radiance that is without analogy in the risen christ. death is defeated, vanquished, forever. god raised jesus that you and i might share in his resurrection. it is true, we are raised with him as is nancy, who now stands on another sure, and in a greater light with a multitude of saints that no mortal can number. in our last visit with mrs. reagan, i asked, at the end, to be alone with her. we spoke for a few moments, and then we prayed, giving thanks for life, for the love that god had brought to us, and for strength and grace for the days
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ahead. now, we all read things, but i have made a life out of trying to read human hearts. in those last moments with nancy, she was at peace. as if she was already leaning into heaven. and now, she has fallen asleep, and awakened in the heart of god. now she knows intimately of what the 17th century anglican priest and poet john dunn wrote in these closing words. bring us, oh lord, god, at our last awakening, into the household and gate of heaven, to enter into that gate and well in that house where there shall be
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no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light. no noise, nor silence. but one equal music. no fears, nor hopes, but one equal possession. no ends nor beginnings. but one, equal in eternity. in the habitation of that glory and dominion, a world without end, amen. nancy, dear, nancy. may you gaze upon our lord, face to face, may angels surround you, and saints welcome you in peace, and may your heart and soul now ring out in joy to the living god, in whose presence you are held, forever.
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amen. now let us all join together. our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory. in peace, we pray to you, lord god. almighty god who has been together thine elect in one community and fellowship in the mystical body of your son christ our lord.
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on earth, the highlight and -- thy light and thy peace. granted all who had been baptized into christ death and recommend -- resurrection and to rise to newness in life that through the grave and gate of death we may pass with him to our joyful resurrection. great to us still who are in our earthly pilgrimage and who walk by faith that by holy spirit may lead us in holiness and righteousness all our days. grant thy faithful people part and in peace that we may be cleansed from all our sins and serve the with a quiet mind. grant to all who mourn a short confidence in thy fatherly care that casting on their grief on the they may know the consolation of thy love. give courage and faith to those who are believed, that they may have strength to meet the days ahead and the comfort of a reasonable and holy hope, in the joyful expectation of eternal
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life with those they love. help us, we pray, in the midst of things we cannot understand, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection to life everlasting. grant us grace to interest nancy to die never failing love, receive her into the arms of thy mercy and remember her according to the favor which now embarrassed onto that people. granted increasing knowledge and love of the she may go from strength to strength and the light of perfect service in the heavenly kingdom. grant us will all live and die with the hope of the resurrection to have our consummation endless in thy eternal and everlasting glory and with all thy saints to receive the crown of life which abound does promise to all share in the victory of thy son jesus christ who live with and rated with being the holy spirit, one god, for ever and ever.
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would you please rise for the commendation. give rest, o christ, to thy servant with my saved, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing but life everlasting, not only aren't a mortal of the creator and maker of mankind and we are multiple forms of the earth and onto earth shall we return, for so creators dos thou art and onto dust shalt thou return, or we go down to the dust, yet even at the grave we make our song on
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hallelujah, hallelujah. give rest of christ to thy servant with by saint, for sorrow and pain are no more, neither sighing but life. and to thy hands are merciful savior, we commend thy child and servant nancy. we humbly beseech the, sheep of thine own fold, a lamb of thine own flock, a sinner of thine own redeeming, receive her into the arms of thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light, amen. the blessing of god almighty, the saw there, the son, and the holy spirit. this day and ever more, amen.
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>> all that the father give me i will cast out. he then raised of jesus from the dead and brought life for mortal bodies. wherefore my heart is glad and my spirit rejoices, my flesh also show rest in hope. thou shalt show me the life. in the presence is the fullness of joy at the right hand there is pleasure forever more. hope of thecertain resurrection of eternal life through our lord jesus christ, we commend to our almighty god our sister nancy and recommit -- we commit her body to the ground earth to earth, ashes to , ashes, dust to dust. the lord bless her and keep her,
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the lord make his face to shine upon her and be gracious unto her. the lord lift up his countenance upon her and give her peace, amen. rest eternal grant to her overlord. let light and perpetually shine upon her. may her souls and all the souls of the faithful departed to the mercy of god rest in peace. amen. now may the god of peace and our lord jesus christ, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight and the blessing of god almighty, the father, the son, and the holy spirit be upon you and all beloved to you this day and forevermore, amen.
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hillary clinton talking about economic opportunity in st. louis live at noon eastern. see both events on c-span. campaign 2016 continues on tuesday with primaries taking place in missouri, illinois and swing states ohio, north carolina and florida. live coverage of the election results, candidate speeches and your reaction begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern. taking you on the roads of the white house on c-span, c-span radio and this morning, christopher anders from the american civil liberties union talks about reporter was the pentagon admits to using unmanned spy drones in the u.s. discussesl ikenson why presidential candidates are criticizing past trade deals and deals currently under consideration. creighton phelps with the nih's
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alzheimer's disease center was in the theater treatment of the disease. we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal is next. ♪ hundreds of protesters forced donald trump to cancel a massive rally in chicago last night. they called up the event before it started citing security concerns. classes between trump supporters and protesters have grown increasingly hostile. he has sent mixed messages about the violence at his raucous rallies. last night he said he does not take responsibility for the us committee tensions, a republican rivals say he deserves part of the blame. we want to hear from you. 80 you hold responsible for the violence at truck rally -- trump's rallies. democrats, (202) 748-8000.
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