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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  March 12, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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diplomacy, to keep america safe and strong. [applause] president obama: when i took office, the right to marry who you love was limited to two states, now it is in all 50 states, from coast to coast. that is changing can believe in. [applause] president obama: we have been busy. [laughter] president obama: we have been busy. we have been as busy as a one eyed dog in a smokehouse. [laughter] thatdent obama: i heard while i was down here. [laughter] [applause] president obama: and we are still busy. still hustling. we have more work to do. cynics wex told us -- -- told us we could not change the country, they were wrong.
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if somebody had told us we would have 20 million more jobs, marriage a party and bin laden out of the picture, you would not have bought what they were selling, you would have said they were hollering down a well. the truth is, america is pretty darn great right now. america is making strides right now. it is better off right now. the american people should be proud of what we have achieved together over the last eight years since the recession hit, we are great right now. [applause] and what thema: folks who are running for office should be focused on, how to make it better not insults. or schoolyard brawls. hats.cturing
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the lines of race. certainly not violence against other americans or excluding them, we are a better country than that. happening inbeen policy lately is not an accident. , weyears, we have been told should be angry about america. and that the economy is a disaster and that we are weak, and that compromises weakness, and you can ignore science and say whatever you want about the president. and feed suspicion about immigrants. and muslims, and poor people, and people who are not like us, and say that that is the reason america is in decline, because of those people.
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happen last just week. has been promoted now for years. it did not just spring out of nowhere. and of course, none of it has been true. reality, thees reality that america is the most powerful nation on earth. the reality that our economy is not only stronger, that it is right now the real bright spot in the world. that our diversity is a great gift that makes us the envy of every other nation. [applause] president obama: so the narrative that has been pushed is false, the monster really false -- demonstrably false, and we should not be surpred when
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in the heat of political season getsts carried away -- it carried away. we need to say no to that. we can have debate without turning on one another. we can have political debate without thinking that those who disagree with us are motivated by malice. we can support candidates without treating opponents as unpatriotic or treasonous. deliberately trying to weaken america, that is not just one candidate, some of those so called responsible candidates, including a gentleman from this state -- [appuse] president obama: you read what rooted int is no more reality than some of these other statements. policiesint out that
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without describing them as a government takeover, assault on freedom. by the way, when i say this, this is not about political correctness. it is about not having to explain to our kids why our politics sounds like a schoolyard fight. we should not be afraid to take them to rallies or watch debates. they watch the way that we conduct ourselves, they learn from us. we should be teaching them something about democracy as a vibrant and precious thing. it will be there's some day -- theirs someday and we should be teaching them how to disagree with them, how to engage, analyze facts, and how to be honest and truthful.
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make a mistake, teach them that politics is about a battle of ideas and resolving differences without resorting to violence. those whoaders, aspire to be our leaders, should be trying to bring us together and not turning us against one another, speaking out against -- fear.or efforts to if they do not do that, they do not deserve our support. the best leaders are the ones that are worthy. even in a country as big as ours, what we have in common is more important than what divides us. with08, we had rallies 50-80-100,000 people. i am not bragging. i am just saying. [laughter] [applause] president obama: we had big
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rallies. sometimes you hear people say, that rally is big. i say, i don't know. we had pretty big rallies. i'm just saying. [laughter] [applause] president obama: we had one in austin, texas. ron remembers. more than 20,000 people in austin. was telling the folks in austin, remember i saw a guy who had a nice looking cowboy hat. i said, that is a nice looking hat. he said, you take it. and if it really good. i looked really good in it. and somebody took a picture of it. i cannot find that hat. [laughter] president obama: so if you a still out there, sir -- [laughter] [applause] nah, that looks
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good on you brother. when i come down to shake hands, i might see how it fits. [laughter] president obama: that is why i love texas. right there. back -- amecans were frustrated then too. upset about wars in iraq, inches about the housing crisis, the financial crisis, that would plummeting.kets all of that happened while we were campaigning. but, some of you who went to those rallies, there was not a meanness.anger, people were hopeful. looking about, how to bring folks together.
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we tried for something different, better. we believed that we were greater together, not as divided as politics is just -- suggest. as democrats, that is what we need to offer, a politics that reflects the best, not the worst. we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. we need to do better. we need to offer a better path for america. we know what we believe. by the way, when you know what you believe, when you know what you are for, you do not need to spend time trying to find somebody to be against. we believe the economy grows when everybody gets a fair shot, not just a few. we will not let republicans roll back progress by letting banks and hedge funds make their own rules. we will build on our progress and rebuild and researcher, raise the minimum wage and make college more affordable and meet obligations for the poor and of
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honorable and work on family leave and paid leave and early education, so that everybody can get a shot at life. that is what we believe and what we are about. we are for something, not against something. [applause] [cheering] [indiscernible] president obama: i can't do that. in a country as wealthy as ours, everybody should have access to health care. and we made progress, but we have more to do. right here, there are a million more texans with health care. we need more women with mammograms. the governor will not do it. not because it is not the right thing to do, but because of politics. and we cannot put people's health ahead of politics -- not put politics ahead of health care. [applause] president obama: as democrats,
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we believe things like, science. it is -- it has resulted in great improvements in our lives. science. that is why we have things like , huh --in, airplanes you know? we appreciate science and sciences. and when scientists tell us that climate change is real, we should not waste time debating whether it is real, we should be working together to make sure that we create clean energy jobs. to make the place better than average. in texas, wind power is cheaper than fossil fuels. we cannot let republicans roll back this progress. and keep on subsidizing the past instead of investing in the
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future. that is what we believe in. we are not against something, we are for something. [applause] president obama: does anybody have any idea what -- is for right now? i do not know. [indiscernible] president obama: they don't? that is why they are selling wine. [laughter] [applause] i -- i had toa: say this, i said, has anybody about that wine? liket to know what it is -- what it tastes like. come on, you know that is like five dollar wine. they put a label on it, they charge you $50, saying this is the greatest wine ever.
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come on. [laughter] president obama: ha. oh, boy. selling wine. that is not what we are for. [laughter] president obama: could not make it up. democrats, as democrats, national security is protecting the american people. year and a half, we have led a coalition with other countries, hunting down and destroying isil, going after their financial networks, leadership, going after their infrastructure. we do not do it with phony --, we do not go around talking -- hawking stuff, we do. more than 10,000 airstrikes.
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men and women, special forces, right there, takingare of business. progress is not made by over-the-toplaims or suggestions that we will bomb innocent people. that is not strengthen our leadership around the world. we do not strengthen our position, are standing, we do not make ourselves safer by insulting muslims around the world. pinning groups of americans against each other, we are going to keep america safe and respected around the world by doing the right thing. and using all of the elements of our power, that is what democrats believe in. that is what we believe in and what we are for. not just against something. as democrats, we believe our right to vote should be easier to exercise, not harder. [applause] president obama: i love folks who say how much they love the
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constitution, love the american way. and then, do everything they can to make sure that americans can't vote. right here in texas. republicans have systematically made it harder to register and vote. four years ago, texas ranked in the bottom five in voter turnout, two years ago, the bottom three. , 7 millionters unregistered. accident,s not an that is on purpose. -- it has a systematically been structured to prevent folks from voting, discouraging folks from voting. so, i tell you what, democrats believe that despite those
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efforts, we are going to go ahead and make sure that we got a big turnout. we are going to prove everything is bigger in texas and get more people regisred and get back to the polls, tell them, don't mess with texas is right about -- texas's right to vote. everybody should participate, everybody should be involved, everybody has a point. our country works better that way. andk, white, asian, latino, gay, immigrant -- this estate is home to everybody -- state is home to everybody, people from all kinds of places. that is what makes the loan start great -- lone star state great. that is what makes america great. we believe that everybody deserves an equal shot. we fight for people who have not
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had the same chance as we have. fight for kids who may not have the same opportunities, no matter what they look like, where they come from. we believe they should be able to make it. we look out for somebody else's kids, not just our own, because when our kids grow up, then they will be living in a better world if somebody else's kids have a chance, tool . that is what we stand for as democrats, as americans. that is what is at stake. that is why i am proud to have all of you on our team. let's get to work, dallas. let's get to work, texas. let's move the country forward. remember what you are for. let's lift up hope. let's reminder cells -- ourse lves how much progress we have made and how much people who
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love our country, deciding to come together, nothing can -- nothing can stop us. god bless you. [applause] ♪
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♪ >> i will provide for you
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and i will stand by your side ♪ >> what is so unusual, if i can be sappy, to be able to have professional and personal partnerships over more than 15 years, that is an unusual thing. >> even temperament and great vision in terms of editing is something i do not have and have spent time on. and i have been very close to the ground -- grunt side the equation. , join us.night >> it will be a great adventure, we were bureau chiefs in moscow, we have done that over thing -- overseas thing together but we've never spent time in israel
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and we are looking for to learning a lot. i think it should be a real adventure, part of the world that has so much history and a vital part of today's issues. we have spent a lot of time writing about it, but never been there on the ground. looking forward to that. >> and we will be changing roles and continuing with politico in , rollaround how opportunities growth, innovation, we are continuing to expand in the united states and internationally. we are looking at creating and launching new things. i came to political to start the magazine about 2.5 years ago, we started it and it has been a really exciting new platform to take us into longform reporting and the reporting of ideas. >> sunday night on c-span. in his weekly address, the president pays tribute to the
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former first lady, nancy reagan, by discussing her legacy. the jenkins of kansas has republican response, talking about women's history month and how the gop congress is making efforts to create equal opportunities for women and children. helloent obama: everybody. this past week we lost an american icon, one of the most influential figures of our time. former first lady, nancy reagan. born in new york city, nancy davis graduated from smith college in 1943. as an actress, she appeared in 11 films. offspring, she starred in a real-life romance with the love of her life, ronald reagan, who she married in 1952. as president i know how important it is to have a strong life partner and ronald reagan was as lucky as i am. she redefined the role of the first lady.
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in addition to serving as a trusted advisor to her husband and a hostess for the nation, she was a passionate advocate for issues that touch the lives of so many. she raised awareness about drug and alcohol abuse. she was a supporter of american veterans. after her own battle with cancer, she spoke in personal terms about the need for women to get mammograms. the american people were moved by the love that she felt for her husband. , inere inspired by how their long goodbye, she became a voice on behalf of families experiencing the aching reality of alzheimer's. she brought her characteristic intelligence and focus to stem cell research and alzheimer's research. and when i signed in order to resume stealth -- stem cell research, i was proud that she was one of the first phone calls i made. toody understood better
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pursue that treatment. that is why last year, my administration announced an initiative to advance the ability to tailor health care and treat diseases like cancer and alzheimer's, by accounting for individual differences in people's environments and lifestyles. last month, we took new action to foster collaboration between researchers, doctors, patients, data systems and beyond, to accelerate medicine. more than 40 organizations made commitments in this field. we have also launched the brain initiative, to revolutionize the understanding of how the brain works. of peoplethe efforts like nancy reagan, i have never been more optimistic that we are getting closer to the day that every patient can get the care they need and deserve. i've never been more optimistic that we will one day find a cure for diseases like alzheimer's. and i can think of no better way
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to honor her legacy than by working together as one nation toward that goal. thank you. representative jenkins: in march, we celebrate women's history month and take the opportunity to focus on the progress we have made and the work ahead. it seems that when men look in the mere -- mirror, they see a congressman staring back. this is not the same for women. it is not until prodding from family and friends that most women consider running for public office. even now, imo members make up only 20% of the u.s. house of representatives. but that number is growing. it is now possible to see the day when we no longer use only as a precursor when we speak to the number of women serving as elected officials. the challenge we face is encouraging more women to put themselves forward in public
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service and in the private sector. that is why republicans are working every day to foster equal opportunities for all. we have improved the education system for our children, so that every child, male or female, has more choices and more tools to succeed. we have enacted the first real trafficking reform, which means more resources to stop those crimes, and more support for survivors as they work to rebuild their lives. we have created tax free savings account for individuals with disabilities. and we have expanded middle-class college savings plans. still, we have more to do. right now, republicans are working on an agenda to tackle the most important challenges that women and families are facing. if you are a female entrepreneur trying to get your business off the ground, we will offer ideas
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to fix the tax code and bring in crippling redtape. if you are a mild -- if you are a mother caring for a child or parent, we all offer improved access and quality of care, and lower health care costs. if you are worried about the safety we live in -- safety of the world we live in, we will offer ideas to protect our threats wed the face. we want to empower everybody to live there on american dream. together, we can build the confident america that both our daughters and are sons deserve. for now, i hope we will all take a moment this month to celebrate the great women in our lives and in our history. thank you. on c-span, the communicators is next with a look at the fcc. followed by the canadian prime
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minister justin trudeau's visit to america this week. and later, our road to the white house coverage brings you events with donald trump and senator marco rubio. c-span, created by american cable companies, and brought to you as a public service by your local provider. it has been about a year since the fcc voted to regulate the internet. up next, a discussion and vote on privacy rules for the internet. ert, whatr -- halb exactly will the fcc be discussing? >> the issue is that for many
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years, the federal trade commission was the entity responsible for the enforcement of privacy on the internet. byirtue of the net neutrality has changed that. because it is classified internet access providers as common carriers, effectively, in order to push forward the net neutrality rules. that creates a void where the fcc can no longer regulate that , the providerpect access of the business. lew there is a role -- a ru coming up, where the fcc will decide what to put in place in lieu of, or replicating, the rules under the new fcc authority.
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host: john simpson, do you support the fact that the fcc may do some rulemaking? john: absolutely. once they reclassified this as common carriers, like a telephone company, that meant had toeir regulations apply. and there are specific privery seg lyings that relate to the data that gets scattered over the network by the provider. they have to do it. the question is, most of the rules that exist existed in the world of telephones. now that they've extended by reclassification the situation to cover i.s.p.'s, they have to come up with rules that are appropriate to the world of the internet. not just the telephones. that's what


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