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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  March 12, 2016 7:00pm-9:01pm EST

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this, we americans do not understand. we do, however, have a little canadian whiskey. that we do understand. this visit has been a celebration of the values that we share. we as a people are committed to the principles of equality and opportunity the idea that if you , work hard and play by the rules, you can make it if you try, no matter what the circumstances of your birth in both of our countries. and we see this in our current presidential campaign. after all, where else would a boy born in calgary grow up to run for president of the united states? [laughter] [applause] president obama: where else would be see a community like
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nova scotia welcoming americans if the election does not go their way? [laughter] president obama: and to the great credit of their people, canadians from british columbia to new brunswick have so far rejected the idea of building a wall to keep out your southern neighbors. [laughter] we appreciate that. we can be unruly, i know. but on a serious note, this visit reminds us of what we love about canada. the solidarity shown by the canadians after 9/11 when they welcomed stranded american travelers into their homes, the courage of your service members standing with us in afghanistan and now in iraq, and the compassion of the canadian people welcoming refugees, and the prime minister himself who told those refugees, "you are safe at home now." justin, we also see canada's
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spirit and your mother's brave advocacy in mental health care , and i want to give a special welcome to margaret trudeau tonight. [applause] president obama: and we see canada's spirit in sophie, a champion of women and girls, because our daughters deserve the same opportunities that anybody's sons do. and the spirit remind us of why we're all here, why we serve. justin, sophie, your children are still young.
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they are adorable, and they still let you hug them. [laughter] president obama: when we first spoke on the phone after your election, we talked not only as president and prime minister, but also as fathers. when i was first elected to this office, malia was 10 and sasha was just seven, and they grow up too fast. this fall malia is going to , college, and i'm going to choke up. so it was in my remarks. [laughter] and i can't do it. it's hard. but there is a point to this, though, and that is we are not here for power. we aren't here for fame or fortune. we are here for our kids. we are here for everybody's kids to give our sons and our , daughters a better world, to pass to them a world that is
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a little safer and a little more equal and a little more just, little more prosperous so that a young person growing up in chicago or montreal, or on the other side of the world, has every opportunity to make their life what they will, no matter who they are, what they look like, how they pray, or who they love. justin, i believe there is no better words to guide us than those you once used to describe what your father taught you and your siblings. to believe in yourself, to stand up for ourselves, to know ourselves and accept responsibility for ourselves, to a genuine and deep respect for each other and for every human being. and so, i would like to propose a toast. to the great alliance between
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the united states and canada, to our friends justin and sophie, to the friendship between americans and canadians and the spirit that binds us together, the genuine and deep and abiding respect for each and every human being. cheers. >> cheers. [applause] [chatter] [applause] prime minister trudeau: president, michelle, all of you gathered here, it is an extraordinary honor for me to be
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here with you tonight. thank you so much for the warm welcome you have extended to the canadian delegation and us personally. thank you. incredibly touching to be able to be here, not just as a couple, sophie and i, but being able to bring our families down well. , they sayom and dad hello and look forward to a future with sophie. [laughter] and of course my own mother , margaret, whose last state dinner here was in 1977. so it's wonderful to have you here. it's also touching to meet malia and sasha, who are here in their first state dinner, and quite
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frankly the memories for me of being a kid and not being old enough to attend these kinds of events with my father almost makes me wish i had gone through my teenage years as a child of a world leader, but not quite. [laughter] i admire you very much both of you for your extraordinary strength and your grace to what is a remarkable childhood and young adulthood that will give you extraordinary strength and wisdom beyond your years for the rest of your life. one thing you have us received from your extraordinary parents are the tools to be able to handle the challenges and the opportunities in front of you. so thank you very much for joining us tonight. [applause] in thinking about what i wanted to say this evening, i came
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across a quote from president truman, who shared these words with the canadian parliament nearly 70 years ago. he said canada's relationship with the united states did not develop spontaneously, did not come about through the happy circumstance of geography. but was compounded of one part proximity and nine parts of goodwill and common sense. it is that enduring goodwill and common sense that i believe defines our relationship to this day. it's what makes our constructive partnership possible. it's what allows us to respectfully disagree and remain friends and allies from the few occasions we do. for example, i would argue that it's better to be the leader of a country that consistently wins olympic gold medals in hockey. [laughter] [applause] president obama would likely
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disagree and yet, you still invited us over for dinner, because that's what friends do. [laughter] because now that i think of it, we are actually closer than friends. we are more like siblings, really. we have shared parentage and though we took different paths in our later years. type.ame the stay-at-home [laughter] you grew to be a little more rebellious. [laughter] i think the reason that goodwill and common sense comes so easily is because we are canadians and americans alike, guided by the same core values, values like cooperation and respect, cooperation because it keeps us safe and prosperous.
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and respect, because it's the surest path to both safeguarding the world we share and honoring the diverse world with whom we share. when it comes to security, for example, we agree that our countries are stronger and the world is safer when we work together. for more than half a century, we have joined forces to protect our continent, and we have been the closest of allies overseas for even longer, fighting together on the beaches of france, standing shoulder to shoulder with our european partners in nato, and now confronting violent extremism in the middle east. in every instance, we realize that our concerns were better addressed together than alone. together, we have realized the longest, most peaceful and most mutually beneficial relationship of any two countries since the birth of the nation state. it's a relationship that doesn't
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just serve its own interests. it serves the entire world. canadians and americans also value economic interdependence, because we know that it brings greater prosperity for all of us. over $2.4 billion worth of goods and services cross the border every day, evidence of one of the largest and most mutually beneficial trading relationships in the world. and one of our most popular exports to the united states, and i need you to stop teasing him, is another justin. [laughter] no. that kid has had a great year. and of course, leave it to a canadian to reach international fame with a song. a song called "sorry." [laughter] together, canada and the u.s. negotiated trade agreements that have expanded opportunities for our businesses, created millions
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of good, well-paying jobs for our workers, and made products more affordable for more canadian and american families. we must never take that partnership for granted. i can promise you that my government never will. but nor should we forget our responsibilities extend beyond our own borders, but across generations. which means getting rid of that outdated notion that a healthy environment and strong economy stand in opposition to one that when weeans come to issues like climate change, we need to acknowledge that we are all in this together. our children and grandchildren will judge us not by the words we said, but by the actions we took or failed to take. if we truly wish to leave them a better world than the one we inherited from our own parents , and i know, mr. president, you and the first lady want this as strongly as sophie and i do, we cannot deny the science and
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cannot pretend that climate change is still up for debate. [speaking french] thank you, mr. president, for your leadership, your global leadership, on the pressing issue of the global leadership and climate change. [applause] and finally, we believe, canadians and americans, in the fundamental truth that diversity can be a source of strength, that we are thriving in prosperous countries, not in spite of our differences, but because of it. canadians know this.
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it's why communities across the country welcomed more than 25,000 syrian refugees over the past four months. [applause] and not as visitors or temporary citizens, but as canadians. but, of course, americans understand this, too. it's why each generation has welcomed newcomers seeking liberty and the promise of a better life. it's what has made america great over the past decade. we know that if we seek to be even greater, we must do greater things, be more compassionate , be more accepting, be more open to those who eat differently, eat different foods or speak different languages, our identities as canadians and americans are enriched by these differences, not threatened by them.
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on our own, we make progress. but together, our two countries make history. duty-bound, loyal, and forever linked. whatever the future holds, we will face it together. neighbors, partners, allies, and friends. this is our experience and our example to the world. barack, thank you for all you have done these past seven years to preserve this most important relationship. may the special connection between our two countries continue to flourish in the years to come, and may my gray hair come in at a much slower rate than yours has. [laughter] and with that on behalf of us, i propose a toast to the president, to the first lady and
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to the people of the united states of america. cheers. [chatter] [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] announcer: one day after the state dinner, prime minister trudeau met with students at american university. he spoke about the canadian political system while answering questions on treated -- trade, climate change, energy, and terrorism. this is 40 minutes. prime minister trudeau: thank you for coming out today.
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i have to admit, this is something that really matters to me. as much as i could over the past years, i get out to universities and high schools, colleges, and do what i'm about to do here. i am very aware that this is a place where there is a great tradition of politicians coming forward and giving important , jfk being an example, but barack obama most recently. i am going to try to turn it around a little bit, and instead of listening to what a leader has to say to all of you, i am very much interested in hearing from all of you and what you have to say to me. because ultimately, the work that i am doing right now, the work the president obama and i did yesterday wasn't so much focus on the coming months as much as the coming decades. future,ocused on your
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and in or to stay focused on your future in the right way, because that is the only way of building the kind of prosperity we need in their countries, the kind of future we need to have for coming generations only look at the big issues, climate change, whether it is opportunity for everyone, whether it is international engagement, development, security issues, is to keep in mind who we are doing it for. and it was going to be the ultimate beneficiaries of this decision we take, get our negative. negative. we are in a short-term world, so many aspects in our lives, whether it comes to not being satisfied with the pizza in 30 minutes we now needed in 30 seconds out of the microwave. when we look as a citizens and electors at the political process, there is a real instinct to say, what have you done for me lately, and what are you going to do for me right
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now? the idea of building over the next decade, building for the next generation, seems at itsible when you look is so much of politics what is about. it is not because people don't want their leaders to be focused on that. it is because largely, there is a degree of cynicism about the capacity of the political system withlf to effectively deal 10 years out, 20 years out. there is a tendency to want to throw up our hands and say, ok, let's just focus on what is going to help me right now in the immediate, and we hope eventually things will work out. that doesn't, quite work as much anymore. the pressures we are facing our global, broader, deeper. we actually need to start thinking responsibly and realistically about the impact that our
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actions today, this month, this year, will have five years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, long after the current crop of people in power are actually making decisions. waysor me, one of the best to make sure that that thinking is full did into the political process, the process of contactce, is regular with an empowerment of young folks like all of you. it is not just about -- and people talk about this all the time -- they need to mobilize young people who are unhappy with politics to get out and vote. it is one of recognizing the mindsets of you, what you bring with you, the openness to change , because your lives are all about change, from living at
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home to living at university, to starting a career, finding your own space and starting a family, massive transformations in your lives that are just far for the course of what you are going through and what the reality is of this decade you are a part of right now. who are settled in a career path, responsibilities, mortgage, saving toward retirement are much more set in the status quo. we need you to be thinking and challenging us about why we are doing this, why we are doing that, why we are not doing this, how we are doing this differently. and that means not just speaking up but also getting involved. it also means understanding that your voice is our essential part of the mix to challenge us to think about your future. instead of just our short-term future or a future that can be seen as a near extension of the short-term -- a linear extension
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of the short-term. to rethinkg to need a lot of things in the coming years. climate change being a great example. in awe agreed to continental approach yesterday, the president and i, we will go a long way towards really setting the groundwork for the understanding that most people have, certainly in this generation, debt. -- get. you can no longer make a choice between what is good for the environment and what is good for the economy. they go together. the kind of future we need is clean jobs, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources. and that idea of giving up on economic progress's we can protect the environment no longer make sense, because the only way we are going to make a
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strong, sustainable economy is by cherishing the ecosystem of services and natural, renewable growth resources that underpin everything, health, as human activity. so working towards a continental energy and resource strategy, these are the kind of things we need to build on, particularly following the success of the paris agreement. people can talk of the kind of impact it will actually have, but every country in the world stepped up and said, we need to do this, we need to be a part of this. that was a message for citizens and businesses, innovators, entrepreneurs, this is the way the world is going. we recognize that. now it is a race to see who can get their the most successfully and fast. a very realge is challenge and it is also an incredible opportunity to rethink how we function and to innovate around how we speak.
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that, there are many other big issues we need to deal with. the issue of diversity, which is something, it like a great school in american university, and national service, expecting to see a broader range of service faces -- broad range of faces. the reality is, you walk down the street in many cities in this great country and mine, and you see a tremendous diversity of perspective. we know that globalization, , thetion, refugee crises challenges the world is facing is going to mean a greater flow of people across borders, living here, settling their, working here, working there. we have to understand that that diversity, while bringing certain challenges with it, ultimately is a tremendous work of strength, being able to draw
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on different perspectives. particularly when they are brought together around shared values, values of openness, respect, desire, willingness to work together, passion, the kinds of values that are created -- that have created a free, democratic society. it needs to be something that we embrace and understand is the path to success for our world in the 21st century. i and excited to see the extraordinary mix here at american university, but no again this is something this generation gets to a greater degree than previous generations, and is a place we can lead on, and we need to. more than that, how we continue to engage in big issues around growing our economy, making sure that we are creating
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opportunities for people to succeed, to follow their own potential. contribute in ways that are different. the model of success in the past was, depending on how good grades you got in school, you get a good job, you start in the mailroom, you work your way up to vice president, you get a gold watch at the end of your career, you could make it to the president of the company if you married the bosses daughter, but that is the old way of working. the career path we are going to have will jump around everywhere. it is preposterous to think that a former snowboard instructor nightclub bouncer could end up prime minister of canada. [laughter] [applause] but the experiences that we accumulate along the way in multiple career paths and multiple engagements that define us and shape us as individuals
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and leaders are truly important and actually varied. that is one of the really aboutng things for me this generation, about the engagement with the world. we, how ik at how personally pulled together, got elected in canada under particular circumstances, and it surprised a lot of people that we could come from a certain place to win a majority government. wasa big part of the secret spending a lot of time listening to people, talking about, ok, if you could take away all of the politics, if you could design the kind of world you would like to live in -- you know it can't happen, but if we could imagine the kind of country you would want to live in, what would it look like?
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so we built a platform and an approach to politics that reflected what people really expressively wanted to see in politics, collaborative, respectful, mindful of each other, drawing on the positive instincts rather than fears and divisions, which are always very effective in politics in the short-term. it makes it harder to govern in the long-term. we presented that to canadians, and people said no, activity works -- negativity works. yet, sometimes, but we are going to try something different because people are tired of that. certainhat leads us a leeway now to govern in a way that takes real decisions and sometimes unpopular, but based on science, engage with a longer-term vision with how a free, open, just society must be
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, and continue to constantly challenging ourselves to do things better, do things differently, and to improve the way things have been done, and to question orthodoxy. i cannot have done it if it had not been for the voices and the challenges from rooms like this one right across canada, and to a certain extent, around the world. i thank you in advance or all of your questions, and i look forward to engaging with all of you. [applause] so we do >> and going to try to keep my answers short. through, thean get better we will be. start going on this side.
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i think that is pretty much it. if you are sitting down you are not getting a question. >> can you hear me? prime minister trudeau: i can. >> thank you. i think this is a great opportunity to talk to leaders internationally. my name is lucas olson. i'm an undergraduate. toe had the opportunity study in alberta. i have found interesting, the relationship candida has with first nations people. you have been involved about this issue. what have you learned from the experience of the indigenous people in the u.s. and what can the u.s. learned from canada? prime minister trudeau: i don't know that we have an awful lot to teach anyone on how to engage
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and empower and respect indigenous people in canada. we have made attempts but they have fallen short. quite frankly for a country that prides itself on its reasonableness, defense of human on its positive role modeling in the world we haven't done a very good job over the past generation with the first , weles, who quite frankly withoutt have survived their friendship and guidance and support of people who figured out how to live in this extraordinary place for millennia before us. we have an awful lot of work to do to renew that relationship based on respect.
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an understanding we share this land. and knowing as we are grappling as a 21st-century society with the respect for the natural world and integration of the economy and environment, we could do worse than draw on the cultural teachings and historical knowledge that indigenous communities have about how to create and balance the land. we have an awful lot of work to do. i am serious about doing that. it was an important step in that. arcticook to the high and importance of climate change it was important to me to make sure the person responsible for
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our fisheries and our coast guard was a strong indigenous voice. youhappy to introduce to him. . [applause] from the high arctic. >> prime minister. a pleasure. i am from mexico. i'm here to ask you to talk about how do you envision the north american trade agreement next year? i think it is great you are putting emphasis on climate change. climate change is going to have to be included in a new envisioning of the north american alliance. how will your administration tackle that issue? prime minister trudeau: i've already had conversations about climate change, a continental
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energy strategy. there is no question the together working on energy issues, on addressing environmental concerns, figuring out how to get things right here will make a significant difference in global and nations -- global omissions. if we can develop the solutions that the developing countries around the world, like india, china face, we can make a tremendous impact. we have to if we are going to keep warming. more do that we need to be collaborative with our neighbors. and re-engaging in a positive way with our partners, making sure irritants like the mexican
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visa requirement is done away with, coordinating, collaborating, looking at the integration of our supply chain in a positive way instead of a negative. i think there is tremendous work to be done and i'm looking forward to bringing together all to canada this summer for our north american leaders summit to engage in these issues. >> gracias. prime minister trudeau: de nada. >> i am glad to see so many punjabis in your cabinet. prime minister trudeau: i have more in my cabinet than modi does.
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>> there was a similar question thathe is being criticized he is the rise of the conservative outliners, especially donald trump. he is being blamed it was his policies that have done that. what are your plans to stem a conservative -- another trump in canada? prime minister trudeau: we had an election in the fall that featured a number of different narratives. they are repeating themselves around the world. certainly in europe with the challenges they are facing with migrants here in the states.
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a conservative government talking about fear and division as a way of moving forward. snitch lines. 911 could never explain why was in an effective line when you see mistreatment. there was division around headscarves. of negativity that was very compelling and gained a certain amount of factions. canadians -- hard to sustain anger for long.
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[laughter] we are an optimistic and hopeful people. we generally like our neighbors. -- i meant that within canada. it applies to the united states. having an approach that when you grab any group of people together and have a conversation you realize the things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us. whiteltimately is democracy keep moving steadily towards. i have confidence in the american electorate and look forward to working with whoever comes in november. >> hello. i'm a student at the school of communications. my question has serious elements.
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as was just asked we have a presidential candidate who says he would build a border wall with mexico and make them pay for it. many americans honestly say i if we electednada donald trump as president. how would you deal with the influx of american immigrants to canada? would you open your gates to american immigrants or would you build a wall and make america pay for it? prime minister trudeau: every election season, there are people who swear if the candidate they don't like gets elected they are moving to canada. decade that had been the case we would have more people in canada than the united states instead of being 1/10 years size. it becomes an easy thing to cry out. every year there are canadians
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who moved to the united states. there are americans and move to canada. that is the nation -- nature of our relationship. it is humorous and a trope that comes up through election season but the reality is the integration of our countries, the engagement on so many issues means there will always be flows back and forth. one must never fret or be disappointed with that. >> thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you for being here. you are an inspiration for many young people. i'm a graduate student. canada'sen following economy for personal reasons.
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i have two questions for you. many people are frustrated. what is your plan to improve the situation? second question, i have two have an autograph for them? i am happy to advise you if needed. [laughter] prime minister trudeau: thank you very much. if you can stand by the door when i leave for the second question. for the first, the drop in oil hit around the world. canada is no exception. one of the challenges is to make sure we are properly diversifying our economy.
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i always feel our greatest strength is the human resources we apply. innovation, it is the highest research we are doing to make sure we are always doing better with that. we are going through a tough time now but at the same time they give us as an opportunity to rethink certain sectors and ensure when oil prices start to rise again we have taken advantage of this to make sure we have innovated in terms of environmental responsibility and how we are engaging in cutting edge, thoughtful ways, to get through the years where we will still be dependent on fossil fuels and end up as quickly as possible in a world where renewable energy drives eric economy. canada needs to be part of that.
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our oil sector companies are in a broadassively range of solutions. we are working with them to ensure we are able to support them through this tough time in ways that will help the economy in the coming years. >> hello. i'm a grad student studying security. jets inithdrew fighter the anti-isis coalition. -- what the specialists was the shift in strategy? >> it's a great question. countries65 different
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now. they all have different approaches. canada has for the past couple jetsars six fighter involved in the airstrike campaign against ground targets in iraq and syria. when we took office we had a pledge to end the combat portion at ar mission and look whole of government approach that would demonstrate canada is a strong and engage partner in waywar but doing so in a that suits our best capability. there are lots of countries that do good with airstrikes. having the gulf state participating in airstrikes is a strong piece of legitimacy for
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those airstrikes as we know from libya. making sure it is not just western forces trying to fix areas isd difficult quite important. what we shifted is something canada has expertise in. hard-earned through 10 years in afghanistan. we did a lot of work training groups to be more effective at pushing back. now we will be doing that against isil. we are also engaged in more intelligence work, supporting neighboring countries like whoan, lebanon, and turkey are receiving influxes of migrants fleeing for their lives . we are engaged in diplomatic levels, bringing more humanitarian stuff.
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it has a chance of greater success where military engagement is a part of that. and it reflects this is an evolving situation. the coming years are going to bring forward different needs. making sure local troops have the capacity to be most effective in taking back their homes and lands, and their communities is a useful way for canada in the immediate and to creating medium and longer-term stability in a troubled region of the world. >> thank you. >> hello. i'm a graduate of the school of international service. i now working girls education. ofht now it is a tense time politics.
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my peers looked canada and think they are diverse, they are feminist. we look around us and think what is happening. i wanted to ask about your approach to compassion and individual level and a government level in regard to diversity. we have seen a spike of hate crimes against muslim americans in the last few months. rhetoric is a huge part of that. as you have welcome syrian refugees into your country, i would love my country to do the same. what is your approach to people in the hateful our country and yours who are fearful? thinkminister trudeau: i a big part of the is understanding that it's easy to angry ifer, to feel
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you are worried about a paycheck, about being able to pay rent, that your kids are not going to have the future you would want for them. , it's easier to point blame and say this person's fault or that group's fault and there isand feel somehow a solution in being and pointing out people who are to blame for your misfortune. it is harder to build optimism and shared prosperity where we realize it is not a zero-sum game. if everyone is doing better, you are all going to do better including you. we get into this closed and protectionist take --
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that is difficult. the responsibilities of leadership is to draw people out of that. we need to work together to succeed together or else we fail alone. narrative needs to being strong enough and based enough in everyday lives to counter. there was a proposal by one of ensure thats to people working for the government would do so without having religious symbols
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evident. or a cross of david, christian cross, or a turban or job -- hijab.he that was an idea that was couched in equality. that this is about freeing people from the yoke of religion and allowing everyone to be equal. it will no longer have that dominance over individuals. said was framed, people that save reasonable thing. we are a free country. that is a reasonable proposal. and it was sold that way.
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until people realize what that meant in reality was a young woman who chose to war -- ea wear a hijab could be fired from her job, people said that's not what we meant at all. that proposal was rejected as it needs to be. place weto get to that have to have public discourse that goes beyond the knee-jerk reaction. ,ne of the key elements of that a point i am incredibly proud of canadians, there was a moment in our election campaign where the conservatives put forward a and enactedstrip before the election to remove the citizenship from canadian
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citizens convicted of terrorism. dual citizens. which quite frankly they thought was a great idea. these are people convicted of terrorism against our country. they are forfeiting their rights to be citizens. it seems that a reasonable thing . on the front of it. but when you look at it and realized that means someone convicted of terrorism with dual citizenship could have a different consequence under the law and a canadian home grown terrorist who has canadian tet citizenship and is six generation and can't have it removed at all, you devalue the citizenship of everyone by making it conditional on good behavior.
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i found myself in a situation on stage against the former prime yes, a manguing that citizenjust strip the ship should have his canadian citizenship restored even though he had literally and perhaps even figuratively ripped up his canadian passport. yet i stand here as prime minister of canada. [applause] prime minister trudeau: people are reasonable. people need to understand the rights and freedoms they keep us free and democratic aren't always easy, knee-jerk adapted to how we would like the world to be.
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they are essential in terms of in thehe country we are people we are. whether it is on issues of rights like feminism, women's right to choose, respect for diversity. these are things that aren't always easy to have conversations about. job ofeople have a big convincing parents and the previous generation as much as everything else. that is a path that has been walked by all every step of the way from the civil rights movement to women suffragette movement to everything else. i have hope as long as we can keep conversations about our future based on reasonable respectful discussions.
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and ultimately that is where they end up every time. >> thank you. we brought bumper stickers for you. they are feminist. prime minister trudeau: absolutely. on girls education. michelle obama yesterday did the big thing for women and girls. certainly are great examples of strong feminists stepping forward. there are lots of extraordinary women standing up for women's rights. i need more men to do that. [applause] prime minister trudeau: men need to be comfortable calling themselves feminists.
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it's about fighting for rights and equality, for the basic respect that we are all owed. it is 2016, guys. let's get with the program. >> we have time for one last question. >> hello. a tough act to follow but i wanted to -- scott kelly just came back to earth after stunning the world with photography from orbit. canada has a very long tradition arm.operations, the canada chris hatfield who also stunned performanceth his in outer space, what do you see , the value oflicy
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space exploration? the final frontier. prime minister trudeau: i like you slipping in the final frontier. he knows i am a star trek geek. how we understand the universe. how we did again to the fundamentals of pure science, how we develop the solutions and commercialization's will make our lives better in the short term and surprise us in the long term, these are things that matter. ofada has a long history cooperation with nasa. out,ics professor pointing nasa astronauts love having canadian scientists because we
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are good at building redundancies into things. i said why? because of the winter. we know if something makes it through the winter it has to be built solidly. there is an expectation of winter is coming. [laughter] never mind. i did not make a game of thrones reference. how we engage in pushing the limits, challenging ourselves, understanding our responsibility as the only place we know of that has since yet life -- since sentient life, and how we bring a little more order to the world, to the chaos that is the universe. we have a responsibility to keep
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engaging. i haven't been inspired by a number of astronauts. isminister of transport canada's first astronaut. who better to keep the trains running on time? but, this idea of respect for , space isd engagement an extraordinary example of collaboration between countries around the world to ensure -- we have canadian satellites that go up regularly on russian rockets. there's an engagement that i think reminds us as we engage up here that all of us down are ultimately extremely interlinked and everything we are and we do. i want to thank you all for the questions. [applause] thank you for your interest in
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canada and your engagement with the world. thank you very, very much. [applause] >> next, donald trump at a campaign rally in ohio. speaks ino rubio florida. after that the president obama talks about the campaign about a democratic fundraiser in dallas. donald trump held a campaign outside of dayton. he discussed foreign policy and trade issues, and talked about the cancellation of a campaign event friday night. ohio holds its primary this tuesday. this is just over one hour. ♪
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[crowd cheers]
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mr. trump: the best. the best. number one in his position. thank you all very much.
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[crowd cheering] what a good guy. i love ohio. i worked in ohio, i love cincinnati. i had a great experience early on. i bought it with my father and it worked out well. i ran the job myself. i was very young. i bought it for this and i sold it for this. it is like getting a home run your first time at bat. i always have a great feeling for ohio. the people are amazing people. [crowd cheers]
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mr. trump: i don't know if the media is getting this. we have a full hanger. this is a big hangar. we figured the crowd would be ok. we have so many thousands of people extra we had to put them in the runway. they never want to capture that. it is fantastic. let's address it. i love you too. amazing. this is amazing. let's address yesterday. so, look. we had a tremendous rally in chicago planned.
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25,000 people. the arena was seeding 11,000. we registered more than 25,000. [crowd cheers] that's ok. you are loyal but that's ok. it was very interesting. these were great people like yourselves. people that want to make america great again. that is all it is. they were pouring into the arena. all of a sudden a planned attack came out of nowhere by people that were professional people. they are all printed. they have a marco who made them. all done via a group. all professionally done. a disgrace if you want to know the truth. we were able to let a lot of them know don't go. we would have had a problem like you would not have the. they would have wiped them out
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and that would not have been good. we made a decision. i hated to do this. it would have been easier to go. i didn't want to see anybody hurt. we have people that are so amazing, it is not necessarily loyal to me, it is loyal to the country. [cheers] the usa is right. they are loyal to the country. they want great security. they want great military. they want a border. they want a wall. [cheers] >> [crowd chanting] build that wall, build that wall, build that wall!
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mr. trump: we are going to build the wall folks. don't worry. who is going to pay for the wall? >> [crowd] mexico! mr. trump: do we have a good time? i watched -- i shouldn't say it. i watched little marco and lyi'' ted cruz. he holds up that bible then he puts it down and lies. even rubio says he is a liar. i have the evangelical vote. i've had great support from jerry falwell junior, sarah palin. we have such unbelievable support. i have the evangelical vote.
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i won in south carolina. he was supposed to win in south carolina. we got the evangelicals. they don't like liars. [applause] so, anyway. just as i'm watching this, they said at our rallies we would never have anything like that. they don't have any people at their rallies folks. [laughter] [applause] they had this hangar, they would have people in that corner office. and don't call it a town hall meeting. they say town hall meetings. why don't you have more town hall meetings. because i have too many people. anyway. [applause]
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i would like to have a couple of town hall meetings but we would have to turn away how many people? 44,000? so, what happened yesterday was incredible. we dealt with law enforcement. we love our police. secret service, great, the whole group. it was determined if we go in it could cause bad vibes. they want me to tell my people please be nice. my people are nice. the people who came their personae's. the people that were there, that were invited there, thousands and thousands, they caused no problems. they were taunted and harassed by these people, some represented bernie, our communist fan. >> [crowd] boo.
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mr. trump: the reason there were no hillary people, they have no fervor. bernie should get up and say to his people stop. not me. they said mr. trump, he should get up this morning and tell his people to be nice. my people are nice. they are great. my people are great. my people are great. so here is the story. we get up and make the decision. people in the audience were devastated. some of them got eight hours early. they are standing there for eight hours like you. raise your hand. we love you.
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don't worry. i will sign autographs. don't let them rip you away from that. anyways. what happens is everybody was fine and behaving. what they have done on the other side,, one of these groups. these are bad people. these are people that don't want to see our country be great again. i am telling you that. we can get along with people. we are going to unify the country. our president has divided this country so badly. he has been -- the great divider. when he got elected i said i don't think he is going to be a good president. who knows. i wished he were. i wish i didn't have to do this. but we have to. we have no choice. when you look at the iran deal,
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the horrible trade deals, our jobs are being sucked away. it is unbelievable what is happening. our military can't beat isis. it is being depleted. our veterans are being treated horribly. our border is a piece of swiss cheese, people come pouring across. let me tell you. at the top of that we have a divided country. we have black and white, and every other thing. everybody hates everybody. even in congress. you look at washington politicians, they hate each other. the democrats hate the republicans. liberals hate the conservatives. we have got to change our thinking. if there is a group out there just throw them the hell out.
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[crowd cheers] [crowd chanting] mr. trump: we cannot let our first amendments -- we cannot let our first amendment rights be taken away from us. we can't let it happen. we have a right to speak. we are law abiding people. we are people who work very hard. we have built this country and made this country great. and we are all together. we want to get along with everybody. when they have organized wiseguys, we have to fight back.
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[applause] mr. trump: do you have anybody? hello. i love the protesters. they will not show. the media is the most dishonest group of people i have ever met. they will say today donald trump had a small crowd, a smattering of people. they don't say it was so big it was bursting out of the biggest hangar i have ever seen. they will say a small crowd or a representative crowd was there. we have these everywhere.
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we have a amazing people in this country. i'm so impressed with the people of our country. we are going to start making apple products in the united states. not in china. when the carrier air conditioner says they are leaving the united states, 1400 people because they are going to build in mexico, and nabisco is leaving chicago because they are one to build in mexico, not going to happen with me. we are going to keep our businesses here. [crowd cheers] mr. trump: let me talk about your governor. do you mind? i want to tell you. it's a boring subject but we will talk about him anyway. he was the managing director of lehman brothers, one of the
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great catastrophes in the history of this world. almost brought down the world. john kasich was a managing director. he was there with the people making these horrible decisions. he voted for nafta and you forgot. [crowd booing] mr. trump: nafta has destroyed new england. you have fought for years and years. you will never recover completely from it. we are bringing those businesses back. so, putting the vote in my opinion, anyone who puts their hand up for nafta, it wiped out states. it wiped out new england. it has taken years and years. you look at those factories. they are made into senior
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citizen housing. but we need jobs. our jobs are going to china, japan, mexico. our jobs are going to vietnam. we are losing our jobs, our manufacturing. we are losing no matter it is health care trade. think of it. do we have great military? [applause] but we have a problem. our military can't beat isis. we could not them out in 2 days -- knock them out in 2 days. we are politically correct warriors. we can attack the oil because it's going to go into the environment and effect the carbon footprint. do you believe this? i have been saying for four years to hit the oil. i have been saying it for years.
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i also said it don't get into iraq, you are going to destabilize the middle east. i said, don't go into iraq. it turned out that in all fairness they did not have weapons of mass destruction's. i'm not saying i knew that. we have destabilized the middle east. all of the things that you see now, that was one of the worst decisions ever made. obama made it worse. [crowd booing] when he got out, instead of slowly getting out and not saying when keeping some soldiers. he announces a date. "we are going to be leaving by such and such a date." the other side is looking at this, i can't believe you gave us the date. it must be some kind of a wiseguy move, right? it wasn't. he moved out that date. they'll just go back. he said, we are sending 50
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soldiers in. and then you say, why can't we be unpredictable in war? these dishonest people say, what would you do about isis? i don't want to lay out my plans. i wanted to knock the crap out of the oil. [cheering] but i do want to say it, i want to surprise the enemy. i want a surprise, unpredictability. general douglas macarthur, i have great respect for him and general george patton. do you know what they are doing now? they are sitting -- are spinning in their graves as we announce every single move. we announce a few months ago, we are sending us 50 soldiers. number one, that's not even a good announcement. these are very elite people,
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very talented. they right now have a target on the back because of the announcement. why not just send them in and keep your mouth shut and just relax? let me just go over couple things with kasich in we will be done. he is not the right guy to the president. he is not tough enough, he is not sharp enough. in my opinion, maybe he wins ohio, maybe he doesn't. [crowd booing] he's very weak on illegal immigration. he's totally in favor of amnesty, which you cannot be in favor of. look folks, either we have a country or we don't. he is very weak on the immigration and he wants amnesty. he has wanted it always. as far as cars, everything that
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you have right now -- your industries that have not been taken out of ohio, here is what we have to do. we have to protect your coal industry, which is getting decimated. and we have to protect the steel industry. your governor is in favor of the transpacific partnership, which is a disaster. [crowd booing] i'm telling you it is a disaster. i was so strong in the debate on it. did i do well in that debate? [cheering] did i? you know, i actually like debating the other way better. but they all came to me, even my daughter ivanka, dad, you're the
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smartest one up there, but you have to act presidential. do you mind if i take off my coat? the weather is so beautiful. [cheering] [chanting] mr. trump: ivanka said dad, you have to act presidential. but don't fall for it when they attack you. and i said to myself, here is the problem. you have little marco saying all sorts of things. which were not true, by the way. i was getting ready to grab him. when he was choking like a dog, i was getting ready to take that hand and hold him up. i thought he was going down with chris christie, who endorsed him, by the way. ben carson yesterday endorsed me. [cheering]
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it's interesting, i got a call from a couple of great people, strong evangelicals. they said, we were teetering on you a little bit. we were sort of there, but maybe we weren't going to get there. as soon as ben carson endorsed you, we are there. we are with you 100%. your coal industry, all these industries are under siege. the epa, they are a disaster what they are doing. and what they are doing to ohio, more so than most, they are incomplete disaster. we're going to change things around. the transpacific partnership is going to destroy your auto industry in ohio. they are going to take it away from you, just like a bunch of babies. not going to happen if i am
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president, okay? not gooing to happen. it is a horrible trade agreement, doesn't get any worse. you have 12 countries, all of whom want to rip our heart art. you have china, which is not a part of it, but wants to be a part of it at a later date. they are watching every move. the documents is 6-7000 pages long. it is too complicated and too vague. each country knows every word of that document. our congressmen and our senators have never even looked at it or read it. we don't know what the hell it says. we should not do it. the most important weapon that they have to kill our industry and to destroy us on trade is monetary manipulation. evaluation of their currencies. -- devaluation of their currencies. the greatest master is china. mexico is getting good at it. japan is a global professional. what they are doing with the yen and what they are doing to us with cars is incredible. it has to stop. you go over to los angeles.
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you see those boats, the biggest ships you have ever seen loaded up with cars from japan. nascar, they endorsed trump. trump! [cheering] in many of the drivers, we have such great people up there, including the young hot rookie, chase elliott. and his father bill. a great group. they get it. they are really smart people. we have to keep our industry. your governor wants to do tpp. you have to take it away. he has to take that support away. ohio is a target of tpp. you will lose your auto industry entirely. you have to get it stopped. with all of that said, you have a governor that honestly, if you didn't hit oil, ohio would be a disaster right now. you got lucky he was sitting on top of oil, folks. like saudi arabia got lucky. by the way, we protect saudi arabia. they are making $1 million a date, they pay us peanuts. like we are indentured servants. they pay us peanuts.
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they make $1 million a date. --$1 billion a day. now that the oil is down, you have big problems coming. in the u.s., you have the largest increase in a budget. 35-36% in the budget of ohio. you can't rely on oil because the price is so low. you better be careful. i have been seeing signs. ohio is in trouble because of the price of oil. made a lot of money with oil. you were lucky as hell. a lot of places are cutting, but they don't have the oil factor. saudi arabia, if you look at all these countries -- nobody richer relatively than saudi arabia. they make $1 million a day.
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-- $1 billion a day. it cost you $1 million just to turn over a button on these ships. you turn on one of the engines, $1 million down the drain. we spent billions of dollars protecting wealthy countries. we are not a wealthy country. we own $19 trillion. -- we owe $19 trillion. our country is weak, soft, we have leadership that is pathetic. it has to change, folks. [cheering] this whole thing of torture -- nobody wants torture. but we are dealing with people that are animals. people in the middle east that chop off heads, that drowned the people of the time in heavy steel cages. they drop them in the water, usually the ocean, wherever they
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can find, and drop them in the water. they hold them for one hour, then put them back all dead. then they put another 50 in. we are dealing with animals. the question was asked, they went to ted cruz on my left. by the way, i have been in the center of every debate from the beginning. [cheering] and i never did this before. i never debated before. i do get credit. one of the wiseguys said, you know the amazing thing about trump? he is not a politician. he has only done this for eight months and is killing everybody. [cheering] i like that. i still believe in competence over experience. and yet i have great experience. i have been dealing on the other side of the equation for a long time. nobody knows politicians better than i do.
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nobody knows about all the things like taxes, which a are a disaster. but pacs and funding. i hate to say this, i was very establishment nine months ago. i dealt from that side. then i saw how stupid everybody was, the stupid decisions. i said, i'm going to become very antiestablishment, and i said i'm going to win. [cheering] and the establishment said, do you believe this, trump is running? he is so funding his campaign, he doesn't want our money. we can't control him, we have to fight him. [cheering] because i know it has to be done. just to finish on torture, i love hopping around. some people said it's like a great chess game. they asked ted cruz a question on waterboarding. here are people that are in like medieval times. james foley was beginning,
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right? a wonderful young man. so many wonderful young people, a lot of christians. we cannot allow that. we cannot allow the. .n our world, we can allow that now we have to stop it, ok? we are going to knock the hell out of them. ted cruz was on the left. he is a nice guy except he lies so much. cruz, what doator you think you go and he goes, one moment, let me go back to my
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a bad question, i don't know. they are afraid of being politically correct. then they go to me. he is a great debater but he is a lousy talker. he cannot talk. he goes [indiscernible] ?ight i do not know if he is a great debater. i think i beat him and all of the debates. if you look back from three debates ago, he gave a non-answer which is unlike him. he did not like that question. they came to me and i said, you know, i have much more money than all of them put together. i do not have a poster. what do i need a pollster for. go theyu think you spent hundreds of thousands on pollsters. anyway.
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they say, what do you think about waterboarding? in the middle east and other places but in the middle east they are chopping off heads. they are drowning people. they would kill her so quickly if they had the capability and they are trying to get the capability which is why we have to kill them. if there were massive weaponry available today -- let's bring country real fast, ok? we have spent probably $5 billion in the middle east and if you think about it, we're better off 50 years ago. if saddam hussein was in charge -- bad guy -- he admires -- i cannot stand the guy, the guy was horrible, ok? vladimir putin called me a genius. they all said [indiscernible] -- he said, you are.
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he is a leader, there's no question about it. the media, they said, use out on the delay, they said, a you admire president pugin and i don't admire him. i said he was a strong leader, which he is. and, you said the chinese tiananmen square, they were right -- right, no. they put down a right is viciously horribly strongly -- i do not say they were right. these are -- they are so dishonest and night -- they are so dishonest and if i didn't have a speaker system but the people who listen to it and twitter. it is so great. this twitter facebook is so great because when they lay on dane dane i type out dane, i will do it myself .ommenting dane dong ding ding in precondition donald trump. it is the craziest thing.
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i was watching cnn. i typed something that john kasich would have been nothing in ohio and they go boom. all of a sudden we have breaking news. i said, you know, feel days, in the old days, it would take me years. now i just go -- it is great stuff. i will say this. we have to get strong and we have to get smart. they ask about torture, he took a pass -- the -- you remember. i said, and i started by saying they are chopping off as because you have to do a warm up because it is a tough subject. 100% fine, fine with waterboarding and it should be increased, edition the increased. and by the way, they said, he wants to disobey the laws and it is true. if you are too rough, think of this. we are too rough with our enemy.
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they have just chopped off three heads of christians who were great people, who went over there to help people. they get caught and not even a question of getting caught, they were not hiding. they chop off their heads because they are great people that are helping people, right? i am saying to myself, and i have to defend this suggests that you understand we have laws in rules and regulations and rules of engagement they have nothing. they have nothing. very hard to beat somebody when you have rules and regulations at a very high-level. this has never happened before. we catch one of these animals. where wen't even know can try them. they are going to guantanamo bay. just so you understand. we do not want them here. they are going to guantanamo bay. that is going to be yet. do you see the money that we spend? we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year and
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we have 90 prisoners left or 60 prisoners left. we can do better than that. millions ofdreds of dollars maintaining a place for 90 people. we can do much better. government is so fat. torture. so, i said, we half -- waterboarding is fine. also, if we can go worse, that is ok. right? right? so they said, he may not obey the laws because of your -- we are actually not allowed to waterboard. think of this. waterboarding is considered -- torture is terrible, ok? -- look, torture is terrible, we all agree. but when somebody is doing these horrible act, the cutting and the drowning, we have to fight like we have to fight. what happens is we have to expand our laws, we have to get much tougher.
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we have to knock them so fast and furious. isis eats dinner like we do, like you have dinner and we have dinner. can you imagine them sitting around, and each one of them chopped off three heads today and drowned 70 people. and they are talking about the united states doesn't allow waterboarding, which people don't consider torture. think about it, can you imagine what these people say? can you imagine what these people say about the united states? there is a story i tell, this is when we were strong. general pershing, has anyone heard that story? has anybody not heard it. should i tell it? he's a rough guy, sitting on a
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horse. a beautiful looking guy, up on the horse. and they were having problems with radical islamic terrorism. some things never change. we have to get to the bottom of it, we cannot allow people into the countries that want to destroy us. we can't allow the migrations and the syrians into the country. we don't know where they come from. they were having a tremendous problem. the difference between them and now is the weaponry.
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the weapons are so powerful, what they can take out is the destruction. they have a tremendous problem. a little different than we handle today. we feed them the best food, give them areas to pray. we are wonderful wonderful, stupid people. he had the whole deal going. they're doing tremendous destruction. he lines them up to be shot. knows they are guilty, admitted their guilt. as you know, swine, take, a big problem for them. he took the bullets, the 50 bullets, dropped them in,
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switched them around, so there was blood all over those bullets. instructed his men to put the bullets into the rifle. they put the bullets into the rifles and a shot 49 men. let's not be a country anymore. they shot 49 of the 50 men. it was a pagan infested bullets in each one. they then dumped the bodies into a mass grave and dumped the pigs and with the bodies. they took the final bullet and give it to the one person they decided not to shoot and said, take this bullet, go back to your people, and explained to them what we just did.
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that's not the end. want to hear the end? he went back and said what just happened, 428 years there was no terrorism. 28 years. i'm not saying that is a good thing, that is a bad -- this is just history. we are either going to win or going to lose. we can't continue to go the way we are going right now. we have to do what we have to do. these are people who have horrible thoughts, people who have visions you wouldn't believe. when i won in south carolina, just before the vote, the pope said -- this could only happen to me. he's on a plane and said
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something about donald trump. what he says is what the mexicans told him, look, we have to stop illegal immigration. they said it is terrible what this american trump wants to do. the next day -- you can't get the pope to apologize. i said on the only person, because i felt i could win in south carolina, even though it is supposed to be cruise territory and i won in a massive landslide. i won with women, won with men. i won with soldiers, one thing with evangelicals. i won with everybody. even a scene like yesterday, i did not want to put the police at any discomfort level. we have 300 police, the secret
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service guys who are right here. they are fantastic people. i don't want to put them to a strong test. we were given credit for doing the right thing. by doing what i did, that story is all over the world right now, that we made the right decisions under a great deal of pressure. it would have been much easier. let people fight, let people hurt themselves. the people that protested, one of them said i think we gave trump a good platform. they had bill ayres there. they had a lot of people there. they are not really good.
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>> trump, trump, trump, trump, trump. donald: we have to have one protester. so we have one protester. he's a whacked job. listen -- what is the story tomorrow? massive protest at trump rally. they won't talk about the crowds. again, they are the worst. we're going to strengthen our country.
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just the fact he approves nafta, nobody knows that. the fact he was with lehman brothers, there are so many factors. can't be president. it will be not a good situation. i will do such a great job, you have no idea. a lot of people are going to be surprised. i'm going to bring jobs and communities that don't have jobs. i'm going to bring jobs back from japan. i'm going to bring jobs back to this country. and you won't even believe it. we are going to start winning again. just a couple of things.
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we are going to fight and we are not going to give it up. trade deals, we are going to make some of the greatest deals ever made. i'm the most conservative person in the world on the military, on the vets, and -- on education. he wasn't a nice person. he was not a nice guy, jeb bush was not a nice guy. let me just tell you we are going to be strong on trade. >> it is easy out there they can just put them on the runway.
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it has to be smart trade. we have a trade deficit with china this year over $500 billion. it has been going on for years. you would be at her off with a trade war for losing $500 billion. the wall street journal and new york times, they say trump has totally changed the thinking on trade. it has to be fair trade, it has to be smart trade, we have to do
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something. china dumps something over here. i have friends that are absolutely great manufacturers. they make a greater product than anything made in china. they can't get product into china. and when they do they get charged a massive tax. we don't do that it is we don't know what is going on. i have karo endorsing me, the great businessman. we are going to use our top -- i have carl icahn endorsing me. the great businessman. we are going to use our top -- the great negotiators know what is happening. if i could carl or some of the other great names -- frankly some of them are better than all
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of them. we have the greatest negotiators in the world. we use political hacks to make deals with china, to make deals with japan. she admits she got the job. and she is a lovely person. i just don't want her trading on automobiles. i want to get one of the killers. somebody you don't want to have dinner with. this beautiful young woman, if she ever met him you would get sick to your stomach. you would say he's a horrible horrible human being. he's rude, crude, vicious. i want him negotiating for us. but i have the best.
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some of them are very nice. these are our greatest negotiators. we are losing our companies. take a look at carrier. that's not very free. carrier just announced it. ford is much bigger, 2.5 billion dollars. i have been talking about that for a long time. nobody in our administration talks -- you can't do this folks. take care. i don't want to use carl or any of the killers.
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i do this stuff so well. i put in some of the greatest financial stipends ever seen by man put into the general election commission. i report all of my financials and the reporters are saying dam it, they are really good. a friend of mine says now i know you are rich because you would never run if you weren't really rich, you better believe it. i built a great company, very little debt, some of the greatest assets in the world. i own all of these buildings, trump tower, the bank of america building in san francisco. the reason i say that is very simple. that is the kind of thinking we need in our country at least for a while. we are going to get the best people. i see these, we have one of
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these crazy cell phones. they really get to you. so management guy is saying we are close in carrier after how many years? they did a great job, great-looking people. we are moving to mexico, could luck. it wasn't even a warm speech. i know this is and presidential. you cannot call -- it is not presidential. i was like this great student. i went to the best schools. my uncle was a top professor at m.i.t., a super genius with science. and i understand, it may not be presidential -- when they came at me a little bit, everybody so far, so far down the line. wouldn't that be great for the nation? i don't want to mention all the names because somebody called
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already wanting to endorse me. that's ok. it's so late. get them out, get him out of here. [applause] why is he angry? i just said we're going to make good trade deals. what took him so long to put up his hand to? we are almost finished. go back home to mommy. go back home. go back home. the guy looks like he is 15 years old. what is going on?
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take them back home to mom. she will lock him in his bedroom. folks, here is what happened. i have to do it myself.
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[indiscernible] [whistling] [chanting usa] [indiscernible]
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donald trump: thank you for the warning. i was ready for him, but it is easier if the cops do it. what a great job. [applause] donald trump: what a great job. and to think i had such an easy life, what do i need this for? you know why, because i have done great and i love this country. we are going to make our country great again. it is payback time. [applause] donald trump: these guys are fantastic. let me tell you, i am going to call up carrier and i will tell the head of the company, enjoy your stay in mexico. every single unit you make and send across the border, you'll pay a 35% tax. 35%. [applause] donald trump: you know what they will do? they will call in 24 hours, because i am not taken care of by special interests or donors,
8:57 pm
they will call me and they will go, mr. president, we are moving back into the usa and we will build in the united states. that is what will happen, 100% true. [applause] donald trump: let me just tell you, let me just tell you. are you ready? we do not win anymore, but we will start winning. we will win with our military, we will take care of our vets. [applause] donald trump: and by the way, our military, the least expensive thing we can do because we do not want to use -- lose it, remember i am the most militaristic person here, but i was against that ridiculous war. our military will be bigger, better, stronger than ever before and nobody will mess with us. [applause]
8:58 pm
donald trump: nobody. we are going to get rid of common core and we are bringing our education back. [applause] donald trump: we are going to repeal and replace obamacare and we will win with its replacement. [applause] donald trump: we are going to have such strong borders, you're going to be so proud of them. we will have a wall and we'll keep people coming into the country, but they will come legally. [applause] donald trump: now, so important is this. so important. john kasich cannot do the job. most people cannot pronounce his name. pretend it is a "k". he cannot do the job. i hope you go to the polls. is there anything more fun than a trump rally? [applause]
8:59 pm
donald trump: i hope you go to the polls, you need to go to the polls. the last time i made people -- i said, put up your hand and swear you will go. do you want to do that? [applause] donald trump: ready? i love you all by the way. [applause] donald trump: say, "i swear on tuesday i will go and vote for donald trump." [applause] donald trump: thank you. thank you everybody. i love ohio, i love your people. i love ohio. here is the story, we are going to win. we are going to win so much, you are going to get tired of -- winning -- maybe. we are going to win everything. you will be so proud of your president, your country. gogo on tuesday. thank you. i love you ohio. thank you. i love you. thank you.
9:00 pm
[applause] ♪ [cheering]


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