tv Washington Journal CSPAN March 13, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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combat isis. we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal is next. ♪ good morning. it is 7:00. daylight savings time, as we move ahead. we move into spring. front page of "the washington post," following donald trump on the campaign trail. looking at what happened to the gop. we will focus on the race just a couple of days before super 2int tuesday -- super tuesday . we want to get your calls and comments on all of this. you can join us by dialing in --
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host: send us a tweet, [video clip] -- send us a tweet, this is a cover story of "time magazine," out this past week, marking the death of former first lady, nancy reagan, and ronald reagan at the 1996 convention. -- 1986 convention. ted cruz taking delegates in wyoming. marco winning the caucuses in washington, d.c. we will get your calls and comments in just a moment, the party of reagan, do you think it's still alive?
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here's more with donald trump as he talked about the so-called establishment on saturday. trump: i don't even --[video clip] trunk: i don't even know with the leadership is. there is a big disconnect between the so-called leadership and the people. but the people to me are much more important. that's why they are doing the voting. >> what are they not understanding? what's the disconnect? republican party lost its way. that should have won the last election easily. that should have been an easy victory. in my opinion much easier than the one that we have coming up. and they lost. the republican party lost its way. something has happened. call it a miracle, call it whatever you want, but they are talking about it all over. it's one of the biggest stories and all of politics. the millions and millions of people pouring into the republican party.
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these are people that were disenfranchised. people that haven't had a pay increase in 20 years. people that have seen their jobs go to china, to mexico, japan, vietnam, and every other country in the world but us. it's all going to end. host: donald trump at a news conference on friday. there was the violence that took place in chicago that we were live with. ," with thepolitics , "trump pins rally chaos on sanders's supporters." "the front runner blamed and supporters of bernie sanders for the chaos while defending his own, harassed supporters. as is the case every day he is showing the american people that he is a pathological liar." that is a quote from the sanders
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statement. saying that his hate filled rhetoric was the catalyst. let me go back to the cover story in the words of higuain center for ethics here in washington, d.c., former advisor to george w. bush. "at some point along the way it became fashionable in some quarters of the republican party to replace reason with rage and deny science when it was at odds mindlesslogy and cheer stunts like shutting down the federal government rather than responsibly managing and read limiting it. ,oters are complicit as well many of them have come to confuse cruelty, vulgarity, and luster with strength and straight talk. republican lawmakers compounded a problem that promised to solve, promoting rather than ending corporate welfare and crony capitalism."
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would you think? republican line, california, good morning. -- what do you think? republican line, california, good morning. it's something that is always under the surface of the republican party. up -- it bubbles up from time to time. isdid with reagan, now it doing it with trump, the true spirit of the republican party. right now you have a bunch of phonies in charge and a bunch of phonies running against trump. i can give you an example why. this thing that happened to trump in chicago was an organized terrorist attack on his rally by they brag about it. they telegraphed to us that they would do it and after they get it, they brag about it. -- three on the polished unapologetic conservatives,
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so-called, stand with in shutting down donald trump's first amendment rights. it's very blatant and in your face who is the real defender of the republican party. who really stands for the constitution. the call fromor california. karen says -- host: next up is judy, republican line, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning, sir. thank you for taking my call. i don't think the party is dead yet. we can revive it. reagan isthe party of in intensive care and donald trump is in the graveyard with his shovel, digging. you know, unfortunately what is getting ignored, in light of the oftest last night, in light the assailant earlier yesterday, but particularly the protest
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last night, the use of tear gas on these poor people, who did not seem that rowdy outside. we are missing the most specialist, bizarre, silliest moment and political history. donald trump, he recited "the woman and the snake." we all has to ask -- we all have to ask -- trump, trump, are you warning us snakeou are the the -- that you are the snake? facebook -- om we arehe question asking, is the party of reagan still alive? we are asking that because it is the cover story of time -- "time magazine." "the party will lose
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huge gains this fall, reagan would never campaign like this." "my hope for the gop these days is that it shatters and dissolves." good morning, democratic line. caller: good morning. i think that the party of reagan started dissolving when we had george w. bush assuming office. clinton left us with a surplus .f cash in our federal budget bush immediately started spending it. bush and his cronies, i should say. take took us into a disastrous war for which there was no reason for us to go and no benefit to the country. they had no reason to think that there would be some benefit. medicare part d with no way to pay for it.
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they turned it over to the drug companies by removing the competitive bids. they gave a big tax break to the upper class. ,hen they handed that to obama he had a $1.4 trillion deficit. is when the republican party sold its soul, acting like big spenders, giving away the store. they are reaping what they sowed. thank you for the call from michigan. this is the headline from "the washington post." "vitriol follows trump on the campaign trail." "will the trump protest help or hurt?" one of the problems with the location in chicago is that it was a tinderbox for the demonstrations that the lace,
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watching on."le carl, republican line, good morning. caller: you bet. the party of reagan is still alive. with donald agree trump, but you folks in the media are enablers. let me tell you something, when officelican runs for they are running uphill the whole way. 90% of the professors and teachers telling our kids that socialism is the way to go. when louis farrakhan calls is all white devils in a speech in chicago, not a word in the media. you democrats, you are digging your own grave. this $20 trillion debt is coming
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home and you will be crying about how to pay for it. your prison babies, three or four days before they are supposed to be born, taking prayer out of the schools. i can't understand what's going on in this world. say, the media is enabling all of this. thank you. thank you very much for the call. this is the headline from "the ted cruz times." " presses hard to pick up delegates in overshadowed continue oure will live coverage of the events today. cruz is in concord, we will have that midafternoon. just outsides orlando, florida tonight. senator sanders and hillary clinton are in columbus, ohio,
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for democratic party dinner. we will have that later in the evening as part of our road to the white house coverage with more tomorrow as we catch up with john kasich, crisscrossing the buckeye state, hoping to pick up the winner take all, and that's important thing to keep in mind for the republicans, starting tuesday its winner take all and it remains proportional for the democrats. will joins us next, good morning from tulsa, oklahoma. independent line, good morning. turned on the volume on your set, we will hear you a lot better. caller: yes, good morning. can you hear me? host: sure can. go ahead. caller: the big question here is that the american people, the people that live in illinois should be ashamed of themselves. our freedom of speech was stopped. no matter what a person has to
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stop the freedom of speech you destroy whatever the meaning of the constitution is. to me, i'm an illinois resident and i'm just ashamed that no one from the administration came out and said -- no matter what a person has to say as long as it is not going to harm or hurt people, you cannot shut down the freedom of speech. that's what i have to say. host: thanks for the call. on the other viewers saying -- "gop chickens have come home to roost. bye-bye, gop." trump's heated words were destined to stir violence, opponents
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stephen.ll move on to good morning to you, from everett, massachusetts. stephen, good morning? caller: thank you, yes. hello. thank you very much for taking my phone call. i have just one question, if you guys could answer this forming, or if the media could. i watched the donald trump rallies and protesters. they come out with donald trump theacist, this and that, whole nine yards. i've been watching politics for the last 16 years, ok? how come no one is bringing up -- remember president obama back in 2008? no one is saying a thing about the black panthers, when they intimidated the white people going to vote. they had batons. they had fatigues on. it personally.
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come no one did anything about that, the left? how come no one protested about that? so, that's all i'd like to say. at least i got it out. people heard this on tv. i appreciate that. thank you very much for listening to me. host: we are glad to hear from you. another viewer saying -- "is the party of reagan gone? they forgot to take reaganomics with them, gop candidates are still running on it." good morning, mike. caller: thank you for taking my call. please don't hang up. let me have some time to say. i'm a senior citizen. i've been in the second war. i'm 90 years old. the government never gave me nothing, took nothing away from me, gave me nothing.
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however, i'm a democrat. if thetion is this -- people weren't so afraid of donald trump, why are they protesting against him? why are they threatening his life and so forth? the man is a human being. are you there? ure am. it's not costing he said that when he goes into the white house, he was going to come in with one suitcase. now, we all know that they have these people in the white house and also the people who come in and they promise this and that. trump, if you talk to all the people on the golf course, the people in new york, florida, and ohio, he's a well-liked man. but he does play off the
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handbook quite a bit. i understand that. but i will tell you this, i have certainly changed my mind from being a democrat to being a donald trump encouragement. that's all i got to say. i hope the donald trump does make it. we are going to see if we can trust him or not. i thank you very much for the call. you for the call. today in "the washington post," the opinion section. "how should the republican party respond to donald trump?" from newtf responses gingrich, bill kristol, artie fleischer, and congressman eric cantor. responses to donald trump, now the front runner in the campaign. william, independent line, good morning. reagan was ank mess himself.
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he took the tax rate from these big-money people to 80%, 27%. now he's getting all this money back. that's why i say the party of big money. no, they still alive, they still alive. they just greedy, greedy people. host: thanks for the call. newspaper, they have called on both parties to help calm the tensions. rants previous -- reince saying "violence only begets more violence." onlow candidates have called trump to take action in reducing the clashes between the fans and
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protesters. that is this morning from the it on friday evening as it unfolded, david joins us from indianapolis. republican line, good morning. it is the party of reagan because it is still the party of lincoln. we have to remember that lincoln was one of the second republicans, candidate for president, and he was an outsider. remember that we are a party of outsiders, a party that can come in to try to clean things up. in from the entertainment industry and did pretty well. i think that trunk and do well, we are a party of outsiders. he could do very well because he and he's gotr
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experience and he's got the gift of mighty deeds that i think that we need now. i think he could set a new precedent for the 21st century. you know, like doing one term, i think that's what we need. a one term president precedent for a new century, which you could do in six months, which you used to do in seven or eight years. . think he could do very well he probably wouldn't take the job, but do very well, take one term and start a new precedent for the new century. ok, david, thanks for the call. other viewers saying that protests are free speech. if you are just tuning in, the potus channel simulcasts this program, or c-span radio, we are asking you if the party of reagan is still alive. that's been a question as it is the cover story from "time
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from that this morning kathleen parker from her essay in "the washington post." anna joins us on the republican line from asbury park, new jersey. good morning. go ahead, anna. we'll try one more time. asbury park? it's going on to tim, joining us from michigan. good morning. good morning. i think that that last piece you read from was an apt description. i think if he had any character a microphoneld put where the stage begins so that the protesters could say four or five sentences and then he could
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respond to their criticisms. character in more that regard. i thank you for taking my call. we appreciate it. "the clown prince, donald trump, the 2016 race." from "the weekly standard," "what would hamilton do?" good morning. good morning? all right, let's go to california. good morning. good morning. it's nice, even though it's raining. host: how are you? i'm just fine. i remember ronald reagan when he was our governor. he closed all of our medical institutions for the mentally larger predominantly a amount of them. i think that they are still out there in the street.
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fall and united we stand, the people need to get back together. we should discuss the issues of the day, such as education, jobs, etc., and quit giving all of the messaging to the rabble-rousers. you guys have a good day and i hope the floods go away for the people back east. host: thanks ray much for the call. front page of "the new york bid began inp 2016 effort to gain stature." at the white house correspondents dinner he was the target of a number of jokes by president barack obama. let me just share part of what they write this morning in "the new york times."
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-- had everyone raise the right hand and swear allegiance to him? wasn't that hitler that did that back in world war ii? in fairness to donald trump, he responded to that saying -- caller: secondly, i think the donald trump is the antichrist. if he's -- if these so-called christians stop and think about it, he's dividing this country where it's going to be falling apart and when it does, it will be on them. so, come around and think about it. think about it real, real hard. host: thank you. --n ginsberg -- ben ginsberg thank you. here's the headline from ben ginsberg. "the gop is set for a quagmire
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in cleveland." "build as a make or break for the republican candidates still holding out hope that they can topple donald trump, these contests are also a make or break for trump and the republican party. they will determine whether there is chaos or coronation." up is john, from hawaii. you are a very early. yes, very, very early. i do not think that the party of reagan is still alive. i think it went with ronald reagan when he passed away. our government now -- you can't tell the difference between the republicans and the debt got -- and the democrats. they are all the same. i think that what we need in this country is a new party. maybe a good, conservative party that will be working for the
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american people and america. the republicans and the democrats, what they have done , ir the last eight years could say maybe 20 years, they country.ruining this i just can't figure it out. these people are supposed to be working for us. but i can see that they are mostly working for themselves. they will say anything to get a promise everything, promised the moon and then when they get in office, they do nothing but just sit there and talk. that's all i have to say. thank you for c-span. host: thank you, calling us from hawaii. read anti-trump
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articles on the air, however callers are all pro trump." democratic line, good morning. caller: i think that when you talk about reagan or whatever, i remember as a young teenager we had reaganomics. it wasn't good for anybody. , when just as many people he was the president, you know, the poor people still didn't have anything. you probably couldn't even get gas back then. you know, he gave all the tax breaks to his buddies and, you know, c-span, you know, it seems , it of, this is for y'all that when af funny
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democrat gets on their and talks with good faith, you all hang up . but being when a crazy get on there, you all give them more hatred.speak they like the man talking about the black panthers? it was the clue clucks clan before it was the black panthers . people got tired of being hung, their kids rate, stuff like that. thank you for taking my call. host: thank you. speaking of the clue clucks clan , this is a photo from "the washington post." the kkk marching down washington avenue. meanwhile, this story from "the cleveland plain dealer," telling supporters to vote for john kasich. in ohio he is neck and neck with donald trump.
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some of the rubio supporters are urging, as he is forthright now in o'hare -- in ohio, to support governor kasich, in attempt to for rubionominations -- ted cruz. good morning, independent line. caller: i work for a republican congressman. he's very active in the republican party. reagan knew how to get things done in congress. what has happened is we no longer have a republican party such as reagan believed in. he worked with tip o'neill. recently what we have had is immediately after he took over the senate, mitch mcconnell said he wasn't going to work with any president obama. that was almost eight years ago. and then recently we had the supreme court, obligated under
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the constitution, they are obligated to consider the president's nominee. and -- probably come out this week or next week. in the paper today i were feet -- whether they were refusing to have a hearing on the president's budget. you can almost draw the conclusion that they want to destroy the government. refuse to govern, to compromise, to work things out and get things done. that's the problem. reagan would never have permitted that. host: how do you correct it? caller: it's happening. the movement of sanders and trump is the answer. i'm comfortable with trump -- i'm uncomfortable with trump, but what i like about him is that he is a doer. we need someone to get something done.
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the infrastructure is collapsing. holes all over the road. outcomes of other things, the rail system, the water system, the infrastructure, it produces jobs. president obama is talking about the infrastructure. vice president biden can use to talk about money for the rail service in this country. if donald trump were elected, with that change? could he work with his own party to spend money on infrastructure items? caller: that's an easy one. they need to do something, republicans were still there. they are all over 70 years old. they lost track of what's going on in the country. a competitive world economy. these guys are sitting on their hands, sucking out all of the value in the country.
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that is the message of trump. host: thank you for your call. "is from the twitter page -- trump is the only candidate that stands for the end of establishment politics as usual and the end to liberal vote buying."by yang -- "after normal trump asked voters to raise their hands heavenward in a pledge of fealty to him, a few commentators thought that the gesture suppose the indication of a not to salute --
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host: frank pallone, this morning inside of "the new york times." republican line, good morning. caller: how are you? host: fine, how are you. caller: first of all, you give which i equal time, appreciate. what i want to know, as far as what's happening to our country, they try to tell us who we can vote for in who we can't. from south carolina, he's a disgrace to the state. followed the race track in myrtle beach.
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it, there was this tourism and it was the only reason he bought it. i think that donald trump is the only one who can do it. time, appreciate your thank you so much. john, thank you for the call. joel, albuquerque, new mexico. good morning, thank you for taking my call. i wanted to talk about flint, michigan, and how everyone is all excited about the lead in the water. well, that's only one town in the united states. new mexico, the rio grande is super radioactive from the los alamos labs. they have the tone of 200 38, 239, 240. 16, we are all
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drinking it here in new mexico. -- publicode keep turkey, new mexico, one of the biggest cities in our state. that only is new mexico drinking ,adioactivity, but also texas as they drink our water from the rio grande. know that that people the dump that they created here in new mexico, in carlsbad, they went against science. it's the most dangerous terrain for nuclear waste. we are going to have a catastrophe. these underground caves can carry high velocities of water. we have a lot of sinkholes here in new mexico. when these million drums start ,o decay because of salt water it needs to be addressed and you can thank the clinton administration for letting this
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go through. catastrophe,t a just wait when these radiations start moving. new mexico has the largest poorest terrain in this hemisphere of the world. that is the biggest crime to humanity. it is outright genocide. they have been moving nuclear waste on nuclear trucks, radiating everything. number one cancer is killer in 22 states. said, theurn glass more that people get radiated, the more violent and angry they will become. you can see it in the society in the united states. you can see it in the animals. host: you mentioned the water situation in flint, michigan. this is the story from the jump page of "the new york times." the recall effort intensifies
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against governor rick snyder. politicians have started focusing on reelection over .atural -- natural interest kokomo caller:, indiana. how are you this morning? host: fine, thank you. caller: i'm libertarian. one thing that people fail to realize on the internet, they will find the scope that is in line with what the establishment republicans have taken, as well as the socialist part of the democratic party. those agendas haven't been pushed, pushed, pushed and pushed on the american people. republicans have batted their eyes to let the administration through.
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they have fueled the party through media blitzes. i was able to run for president, really, as a kid, we were taught we could run for president if we had the backing and were able to. that is what donald trump is doing. does he get out of line? yes, but the man has won. when you are a winner, you can be like that. sometimes it's brash and you can understand that, but i definitely believe he wants the best for the country. this is the libertarian chance to grab a portion of the party lines. i think they're missing out, even though they disagree on two or three issues that donald trump has put out there. ok, scott. thank you for the call. and bowles will be joe -- dan bowles will be joining us on tuesday. "sparked by the dangerous dissent, it could get much worse."
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good morning, c-span. really appreciate your show. i've been watching for many years now. i am of that -- a veteran. i am the fuddled by what's going on in this country nowadays. i understand that when people were thinking about getting jobs and having jobs because we needed them to survive, but when manufacturing and technology advanced, they didn't need many workers anymore. i think that's a bad thing for us. it allowed us to have the middle class have opportunities, children going on to college and having things for themselves. trump, i think, is just a board. he's had a show and all these other things. now he's moved on to the next thing. i mean, the guy is crazy. if you think that he's not stoking the anger out here happening, you just aren't paying attention.
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even his own folks running with him don't like him. i don't know where this is all going here, but it looks really bad. we are just all supposed to be our brother's keeper. when 9/11 happened, everybody was an american and proud to be american. they knew that we were going to deal with the folks that did this to us. now we are just simply divided. it doesn't make any sense at all. thanks. for: thank you very much the call. i wanted to share with you this editorial from "the washington times." "thendictment necessary." law is clear, it describes as a violator any person with access to national defense information who goes through gross negligence and permits it to be removed from its proper place of custody were delivered to anyone ." violation of that trust
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more on those e-mails, "having earned a republican as -- reputation as a straight shooter , with his dedication to his oath to pursue wrongdoing the matter where the search leads him." do with whatch to they hope is not very much, but privately they are terrified. hillary clinton does not have to be indicted to see her campaign collapse. the mere appearance that the fix is in will be enough." up, we will turn our attention to florida. senatorin state for marco rubio. polls show the donald trump continues to maintain a lead. some polls give him a double-digit lead. nbcsurvey this morning from news, susan mcmanus will be joining us to talk about that, and later we will be talking
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about strategies to defeat isis. we are back in a moment. ♪ [video clip] i think that what's so unusual, to be sappy for a second, to be able to have professional and personal partnership for more than 15 years is a really unusual thing. >> her great vision and temperament in terms of editing is something i don't have and have never spent time on. i have stuck very closely to the blunt side of the equation. on "q&a," the careers of journalists 22 moved to israel. >> we were bureau chiefs together.
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we've done the over things that butverseas thing together, we've never spent any time in israel or jerusalem and we are looking forward to learning a lot. it's a part of the world it has so much history to it and so much of a vital part of today's issues. we have never actually lived there on the ground. we are looking over to it. >> i will be changing roles, continuing at "politico," helping to lead editorial growth and innovation here in the united states and internationally. just this past year we launched "politico europe." i came here to start the magazine two and half years ago. i think it's been a really exciting new platform for tickets and into ambitious longform reporting and the war of ideas.
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>> tonight, 8 p.m. eastern on "q&a." >> "washington journal continues. host: joining us right now, professor susan macnanus. guest: thank you for being with us. greetings from the sunshine state. host: let's talk about marco rubio. the piece this morning in "bloomberg politics" is that the problem he is facing is that he tended to the base and that he .s coming home to roost is that a fair assessment? some peoples what are saying, but he's had some really good rallies for the last bad publicity.he the polls are narrowing. of course he won the washington, d.c. caucus yesterday.
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the polls are all over the map. perhaps he didn't work the state have, but should everyone knows his name. florida, like everywhere else, is really very opinionated on this primary. host: folks are voting for john kasich when in ohio. conversely, are the john kasich supporters telling supporters to vote for senator rubio in florida? not really, but a lot of ads are doing that and the strategy here is clearly one for the rubio campaign of blocking the trump train. i know it hasn't gotten a big presence here, but it's all about a blocking strategy in keeping trump from getting more delegates. it's in the tv ads. headlinen you see this
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-- "vitriol following donald ,"ump on the campaign trail how damaging, if at all, are those images moving into the primary in your state? it's a great question, considering the voters are a bit older. whether they will be worried about this continuing on and what their opinions are about the violence and hate going on around this whole campaign. or if they are trump voters who are very offended by the fact that the protesters don't reflect and respect a basic of , which isonstitution freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. wait ande will have to see. i'm sure it is affecting people. it might help rubio a bit.
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the other hand, the idea of freedom of speech for all is a strong idea for the republicans. host: even asking our viewers and listeners about that cover magazine."ime "with the death of a dignified first lady, an influential cultural figure in her own right, devoted keeper of her husband's flame, ron reagan and nancy reagan have passed into history. it seems the same cannot be said of the party they took such care in shaping." would you agree or disagree with that sentiment? guest: it's what i have heard the last few days. it certainly one that many of the younger generation and even those looking at the growing demographic diversity in the country, best reflected here in florida, that things have
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changed and they will find -- fall behind. these people are choosing no party affiliation. it's also true that we have seen among them, among the party switchers of late, more people have switched over to vote in this upcoming republican presidential primary than the democrats. clearly, the younger part of the times arerstands that different. everyone will respect and love the reagans, but you have to move on. as you well know, senator sanders has been the target of the blame within the trump campaign. here's how he responded. "what caused the violence is a campaign whose actions have encouraged violence on the part of trump support -- trump supporters --
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. their emotions are out of control. that's the danger. the electorate this season, more and more people are voting. on the other hand, the emotional level that can turn into anger is also escalating. it is a problem, because we are not anywhere near the conventions yet. also, i think particularly among children -- people with children , it's a little bit scary the you are hearing this kind of language on the campaign trail from a presidential candidate at the very same time that we are teaching about anti-bullying behavior in teaching this younger generation to be more civilized. what are they seeing? these children are following the presidential campaign. it, they talkut about it in school. hearing this kind of dialogue at the same kind that their parents and teachers are saying -- we don't bully. it's a very said time in terms
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of the educational aspect of our young children. host: our guest is susan macnanus, joining us from florida. i want to share with you from the u.s. census bureau, the demographics of florida -- it is home to just over 50 million residents. almost 16 million. the breakdown of the voting age of the population, a huge senior citizen population across the rate. it is about 50% white, 15% black, 3% asian. as you look at the political geography of the state, certainly very different from southern florida, central and northern florida, give us the breakdown. absolutely. the panhandle is certainly very conservative.
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the area is largely democratic. state,dle part of the the interstate for corn or, the split part for the registered voters who live in the tampa media market, the state's largest. the orlando market, together, 44%. what is so unique about this swing state geography is that it is the most equally divided in terms of republicans and democrats with a large bunch of s.dependent it's very diverse from a racial and ethnic perspective, as well as being heavily competitive. swinging down to the southwest part of florida, fort myers, naples and so forth, the republican part of the state. republicans do very well there. switching over to the southeast part, that's the strongest part for democrats. it's a very tough place to campaign in.
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it's expensive because television is expensive. yet it's a microcosm of the country in racial and ethnic compositions. .ural, urban, suburban in terms of parties and age, and i want to say something about age -- the facts of the matter are very different in terms of registered voters in what people think of about florida's age makeup. right now the two youngest generations are the millennials and the gen x errs. boomers, 30 4%. you see that we have a much more age diverse population than is the common perception outside the state. we are talking very competitive. to me you can see one of the biggest stories of this campaign , this election season, the
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emergence of generational politics. millennials are starting to flex their muscle and in our state, both arteries have got to appeal to them because they have to register and vote differently. florida, the best microcosm in the country, which is why all the eyes of the country will be on that state on the 15th. host: that famous line, the more north you are, the more south you are in terms of northern florida being more conservative and southern florida being more -- just youse of this perspective on the map, the area in orange on the panhandle, just outside tallahassee -- these are the areas that newt gingrich won in 2012. , from tampa toas orlando, up to jacksonville and countiesh, the blue are the ones that mitt romney
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won in 2012. these are the areas we will keep a close eye on in terms of where senator rubio can do well in needs to do well. where is the stronghold for donald trump on tuesday? guest: definitely the panhandle. the stronghold for ted cruz will probably get more out of those as well. the northern part of the state is the most conservative, where he will generate the most votes. any place you have pockets of people who are not doing as well in terms of their economics. in florida we still see many people who do not feel that they have recovered from the great recession. flat wages, part-time work. even though florida itself is doing better. you certainly see that in the more rural parts of the state and in the north. it's definitely trump territory. that where you have these income disparities,
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he's going to do well there. harold is joining us from outside jacksonville. good morning. good morning. one small correction. 15 were saying we have million people in florida. we have about 20 million. you are a little bit kind. -- behind. look. for oneoing for trump reason. we have had a president who has not exactly been following the law. we have open borders. we have industry after industry in the south being taken over by illegal immigrants. everybody wants change. it's not just at the bottom. of society invels florida. we have watched a lot of changes and we support trump because we want change. he's reflecting it but it's not easy.
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we are against the socialist candidate bernie sanders who went to the soviet union on his honeymoon. imagine that. and he went to nicaragua to support the sandinistas. against him we have hillary clinton who can't quite the ethical, can't quite tell the truth. and you are looking at trump and saying, why is he getting mad? why is he saying things like, beat up these agitators? the republicans are the party that follow the rules, support families, care for morals, fight in the armed forces. we are a little bit fed up with people who do not follow the rules and believe in hitting people or falling on the ground pretending they've been hit. it's all parts of society now. we are in revolt. we want law and order. host: ok. thank you harold. we will get a response. susan macmanus.
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guest: security is a big issue. and so our economics. those are the driving issues across the country. there is concern that on the security front -- twofold concern. one is that we have had all inse terrorist cells emerge the united states. it's one thing when it is overseas. it's another thing when it's on american soil. people are also very fearful of their safety. that is both sides of the aisle. it used to be you felt safe in a church or school or on the sidewalk or in a mall or at a restaurant. now the randomness of violence is really frightening people. people are angry. some people perceive it is coming more from some -- one side of the aisle than the other. is veryage person
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concerned about security. in terms of economics, the same thing. people who are concerned about the economy -- and they look at washington and they see washington has done nothing to help them financially or whatever. i'm talking about the highly sought after middle-class voter, the casual voter who every four years votes and the rest of the time doesn't pay attention. they see washington is taking plenty good care of the wealthy in this country with corporate loopholes and whatever. wealthy people can send their kids to college and not worry about debt and they can hire a good accountant to help them with their finances. these people look at what government has done for the poor and they see that generally, the government should help more but
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hasn't. they are very concerned about who the say are the not so genuinely poor that are working off the system. and for a lot of people they put into that category, right or wrong, immigrants who they perceive as taking their jobs away and they get very angry about what looks like government is helping people who are scamming the system a bit more than they are helping this poor middle-class person whose income has been flat and can't send their kids to college. you have a lot of anxiety. fears ofhese competing the economy and personal safety have made people just angry and fearful. what you are seeing are these very strong opinions about what's wrong in this country.
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of anger get this kind and feel simultaneously without datag 10 years worth of that shows that almost two thirds of americans have not felt that the direction of country is headed the right way. it's a very unusual time in politics at a pivotal time for the future of this country. study political science at florida state university, dr. susan macmanus, professor of medical science at the university of south florida. she is the former chair of the florida elections commission and serves as a political analyst on wflat. ron is joining us from columbus, ohio. democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning.
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just tired, i'm frustrated. the so-called leaders of this dividedseem to be so and sending that message across the country. trump is talking about beating up protesters in the name of free speech. i'm a veteran. i am a vietnam veteran. thisld just like to see country try to look at the golden rule. treat one another the way we would like to betray to pa trea. race?we just be a human and try to come together? thank you for taking my call. host: are you going to vote on tuesday? have you already cast your ballot in ohio? who is your candidate?
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caller: i'm still not sure. i voted for clinton or for sanders. i'm probably going to vote for bernie sanders. host: why? caller: because he sounds genuine. he sounds like he's truly poor livingout the in america. i think he wants truly to see america become one it was always meant to be. thanks for the call. susan macmanus, what did you hear from that color in a while -- caller in ohio? caller: i hear what i hear a lot. can't these people just get together?
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absolutely. i teach young millennials every day. every day, the comment about the human race. can't we just focus on the human race. i hear it a lot. i'm actually the political analyst for the abc affiliate in tampa, wfts. we have the wrong information in the rundown. i apologize. caller: that's ok. he is a veteran, the caller. people respect veterans so much. when they are it set and they feel the country is just not understanding what they themselves have fought for, it's very upsetting for people to hear veterans say what they just said but they are very sympathetic with his viewpoint l sorry that this country is aware -- unaware of the basic constitutional rights we have. host: this is a story from the miami herald.
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it was the collapse of the celebrated trump international hotel and tower in fort lauderdale florida four years ago that cost buyers millions in lost deposits sparking more than a dozen lawsuits and has now emerged as a campaign issue that threatens to follow the gop front-runner through the race on tuesday. are you familiar with this issue? i am. we have a similar issue in the tampa area. it has gotten some attention in the local media. i don't think it really resonates that well with people. people willsome say, that's just business. others will say, that's business and i don't like it. it's not a pressing issue is pushing people in one direction or another. if he were to secure the thenation and step into national stage, it would probably get more attention. it is not moving a lot of voters
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in florida right now. host: matthew from new jersey, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you. i hope you will read some more fair-minded papers other than the new york times. my point is i believe that trump and to a lesser extent sanders are popular because they are not phony politicians that are beholden to special interest , whos like madame hillary does not tell the truth, and who pushed us into the unnecessary and a moral war in iraq. and this is another thing that bernie and donald trump share. they are both and they were both against the war. i love the way trump basically destroyed the legacy of george bush by pointing out that the iraq war was based on lies and
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many people died and were injured unnecessarily. which by the way, hillary andton was a big warmonger pressure of that disaster -- pusher of that disaster. speaking of the golden rule, you know. thank you very much. host: professor, did you want to respond to that sentiment? also a very common one. people look back to iraq and afghanistan and think about the money that was spent and how we are not resolving the problem and get very upset about it. for some people, war and violence is a big reason why they look at politicians and decide who to vote for. it's also true that you are expressing the opinion of many supporters of both trumpet and
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sanders -- trump and sanders. probably a bigger issue on the democratic side. that the bushns name is still not really healed among many voters. i think that is one of the things that hurt jeb bush in florida. formero you think the florida governor will endorse before tuesday and would it make any difference? guest: many people thought he would have done it before now. it's probably going to do much at the last minute. there are debates all over the place about whether it would help or hurt the candidate he endorses. that a number of florida republicans really still adore and admire jeb bush and are very sorry that his campaign didn't go anywhere. but for the people who are new how much'm not sure
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his endorsement would mean at this point. he met with several of the candidates privately. the content of their conversations has never been released. he met with john kasich, marco rubio, and ted cruz prior to the debates. he may have told them to cut the personality stuff. we don't know what advice or whatever he told them. bill kristol, the editor of the weekly standard, has an editorial this morning called "the harbor. orror." there is still time to defeat tro. -- trump.
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us will rally behind an independent republican candidate to save the honor of the party. wrote, when bad men combined, the good must associate or they will all fail one by one. laura in new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you. i'm 72 years old. i always vote republican. florida.ouse in i appeal to floridian people. please vote for marco rubio. please. i'm begging you. i heard about the movement of donald trump. but the movement of donald trump reminds me, hitler, stalin,
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mussolini, chang kai-shek. that is not a movement. trump is narcissistic bully clown. he is disgrace to republican. everything to transport his own gain. i do not believe one his word. marco rubio is floridian boy. everything he achieved on his own. look at the debt. canada has very young prime minister. we can have young president. i'm 72. it's time for the new generation. congressmans old job.g in this
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america andhelp american people from donald trump. because it's going to be disaster. he will not do nothing for himself one more things. has meant to attack hillary clinton because of his husband indiscretion. no man is perfect and nobody's perfect. but you have to remember one thing. wifeon did not replace his for 24 younger wife. host: i'm going to jump in. thank you. we will get a response from our guest. susan macmanus. guest: a lot of people have connections to florida like this lady who spoke. aboutone of the arguments rubio. he brings a youth and forward
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look to the party and is more optimistic. looking at what has happened thus far in this whole primary of the mostink one significant photos from the perspective of the republican party that was taken was a picture of marco rubio, nikki haley, and tim scott. a very diverse look at the republican party. future diversity. this is one of the concerns going back to the bill kristol peace. one of the concerns is that if trump prevails and affects the republicans in diverse states to attract new people to the party, that could be a problem. is,of the lines of thinking without for rubio. i have heard this expressed several times. -- vote for rubio. i have heard this expressed several times. republicans have made great gains among florida's minority
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voters. you don't want to have that suddenly erase all the hard work of the party. this is one of the viewpoints i have heard articulated lately. host: james is joining us from orlando. good morning. caller: hello. thanks for c-span. thanks for the young lady coming in so early. i'm going to disagree a little bit with the nice young lady that preceded me. if you search on google, jim greer and marco rubio. get your pot of coffee. you are going to be reading for about an hour. this marco rubio [laughter] his past is not being investigated by the press. i am not party preferred. does the past matter at all? i would like to hear the lady speak to that. because the large article is from a tampa bay publication.
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for the commentator, you asked in the last segment a very good question. you asked someone, how do we change everything? we need more of a direct democracy. i think it was the fall simpson commission. that was a beautiful piece of work and no one accepted anything in there. we need to give the people in washington less power and direct democracy is the way to do that. host: thank you for the call. susan macmanus. guest: direct democracy is alive and well in florida. have constitutional amendments through the initiative process on the ballot and we will probably have some this time on energy and environmental issues. we are a state that has constitutional initiative allowing people to sign petitions to get issues on the ballot. peace, jim the greer
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greer of course did time in prison for another goal behavior. of course at the time that he was in office. marco rubio was in state politics. but i'm not sure the exact details of what the gentleman was talking about. but just about every republican in florida at some point had dealings with greer because he was the state party chair. he did serve prison time. host: michael is next from pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good morning. i am concerned about both parties. all the candidates in the ,rimaries slander each other call each other names, tell us nothing of what they are going to do for our country or how to fix our country. said about the
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golden rule. this is what happens -- look at our society. look at our news. and all of our branches. radio, television, newspaper. when you take the lord jesus christ out of our society, a godless nation -- this is what happens. government can't legislate morality. government can't fix our problem. as long as there is no god or lord in our society. legislate we try to laws to correct people, it's not going to happen. and look how the society today is now. look at the tv on television. and all the news media.
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about the primaries and how they talk to each other and how they treat each other. no plans are laid. they just call each other names. they make -- i don't know what they're going to do. we are a christian nation despite what our president says. host: thank you. we will get a response. guest: one of the points that he makes i hear a lot from people. that is the strong link between pop-culture and politics. our currentrd primary season described as reality tv or house of cards. all kinds of analogies. it is true that when you look at how to reach the casual voter, the mass of the public who only votes every so often in presidential years, you look at what they watch on television, what do they like.
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obviously the marketing people that have to design at campaigns and so forth, this is very important information. when you look at the rise of donald trump, the show the apprentice is a good example of the point i'm going to make. when is the last time you have seen a reality show make points by people being nice to each other? it's all about who can be the most disparaging, the most deceitful, the most conniving, nasty. what you see is that is carrying over right into politics. it explains why things that my mother would have been outraged to hear out of a presidential candidates mouth is accepted by many people. that is what they hear and like to see on the entertainment shows they are listening to and watching. that is obviously something that's concerning a lot of people. people learn from television. sometimes they don't learn the best things. as to the debates and the
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language that candidates are using against each other, there's also a view that moderators pit candidates against each other on personality issues rather than stressing the platforms because that makes better television. media is a business. host: i'm going to take this question two different ways. finish the sentence. donald trump will win florida because? held abecause he still lot of the people who are very antiestablishment and just want something done in washington and see him as a vehicle. host: senator rubio will win florida because? a very goods had grassroots campaign and florida republicans want to stop trump because they realize he might damage the party from the u.s. senate race all the way down to local contest. when the results are coming in tuesday evening, which
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county, which city, where will you be looking? guest: i'm looking heavily at jacksonville. also the margin for democrats in miami and palm beach. absolutely watching the republican totals coming in from the i-4 corridor. host: is there any contest on the democratic side? berniethere is because sanders continues to draw big crowds. this is frankly really hillary territory. the clintons have a long connection to florida. the democraticy voter is predominantly female in florida. there is about an 18% gap between registered democratic women and men. they are a bit older and they would like to see a woman president. that is the general pattern. it's the age makeup and the gender makeup of the democratic voters that will help hillary clinton a lot. host: joe is next from new orleans. democrat line. caller: good morning.
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whyink there is a reason the public is so frustrated and dissatisfied with our federal government. lasthat is because for the seven plus years, the republican washington be in made it their purpose to be against whatever our current president wanted to do for the people. sometimes we have a short memory. but if you would go back and listen to some of the things that president obama has said that he wanted to do for the people, creating -- helping to create jobs by rebuilding our infrastructure. and things like that.
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for alle, health-care people who wanted it. and talking turn -- about -- they always talk about -- we don't have jobs. manufacturing jobs have gone overseas. the president talked about how we could bring back jobs to the united states. and all of that fell on deaf ears of the republican party in congress. host: thank you for the call. professor mcmanus. guest: absolutely. a common view of many people, especially democrats as you might expect. independence as well. -- independents as well. the seeming inability of either party in washington to reach across the aisle and compromise is what frustrates so many people. there were many people who were
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disturbed by the comments of some republican leaders in the beginning, particularly of the president's administration, second term in specific, of saying, we are just not going to do anything. whatever he wants, we are not doing. attitudeactly the whether you are democrat or republican -- it's very disturbing that the art of compromise seems to be a bad word. and yet the nation's history is such that we were founded on compromise. andave been so polarized closed in terms of party composition in congress, neither party wants to reach across the aisle and try to work something out for fear they will be cast as caving in. that's part of the problem. host: we have had a number of tweets on the cuban issue in florida. i want to share one of the moments from the debate last week. the question of the president's trip to cuba.
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and how it is playing out in south miami. let's watch. would love a relationship between cuba and the united states to change. it will require cuba to change. at least it's government. today it has not. [applause] changes were made, they are now hundreds of millions of dollars that will flow to the castro regime. they will now be able to carry out a transition where the military continues to run the country. they will put a public figure forward and nothing will change for the cuban people. there has not been a single democratic opening, not a single change in human rights. things are worse before this opening. now the cuban government has more sources of money from which to build out there repressive apparatus and maintain themselves. >> i want a much better deal. we don't make good deals. we don't have the right people
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negotiating. we have people that don't have a clue. i heard recently that threat was made that they want reparations for years of abuse by the united states and they will end up signing a deal and then we will get sued for $400 billion or $1 trillion. all that stuff has to be agreed to now. we don't want to get sued after the deal is made. i don't agree with president obama. something should take place. after 50 years, it's enough time. >> when it comes to foreign policy, do you want to continue on the same basic trajectory as the last seven years of the obama foreign-policy? when it comes to these deals, cuba and iran were negotiated by hillary clinton and john kerry. there's a real difference between us. donald supported hillary clinton and john kerry. what he said right now is that he agrees in principle with what they are doing. the only inc. he thinks is they
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should negotiate a little bit better deals. a fundamental disagreement and i think most republicans and most americans do that we should not be allowing billions of dollars to go to nations that hate us. host: senator cruz, senator rubio, donald trump. susan macmanus, the issue of cuba. your thoughts. this issue is huge in south florida as you might imagine. note the prize the debate was in miami. -- no surprise the debate was in miami. polls show in general that people want to open up with cuba, particularly the trade and tourism. this is about who is going to vote in the primary. that was who they were aiming
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their remarks at. that's a different story. non-cuban that hispanics greatly outnumber cubans in terms of registered voters now. but it's true for the republican primary that the cuban voters are very very high turnout voters and the older cubans who are more likely to vote than the younger ones who have different issue will that this definitely push people away from trump. it will push them towards rubio. he's a local candidate. they know him well and he speaks their language and he articulated it better than the other two. host: stephen from missouri. good morning. caller: good morning. i just wanted to comment quickly
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on how -- we look at the history and this two-party system and where it has gotten us. recently if- just you look at bush and the bailout he was doing with the banks right before obama, he did the same thing and bailed out the rest of the banks. we saw ceos going on vacation and living lavishly. my point is that red and blue are basically the same besides the social issues they tried to enforce. they don't really accomplish much other than big bills with huge flaws and 10,000 page health-care plans for everybody. -- huge laws and 10,000 page
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health-care plans for everybody. ,eople are so antiestablishment looking at bernie, he doesn't -- he's not in anybody's pocket. has a lot of people in her pocket. she is taking a lot of heat. , rubio is sons plastic and robotic. anybody looking at him is going to see him for what he is. is successful because he is stepping away. normal.t he is not a lawyer or a politician. he is big business and he's giving to them. my other point is that the golden rule is really not what we -- it's more, who has the gold in this country. host: thank you for the call. we will get a response.
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absolute frustration that we see reflected in the growing number of people who do not want to identify with either party. the rise of the no party affiliation. they will absolutely be the swing vote in the general election. host: do you want to give a prediction? what the turnout will look like and how this will shape the republican primary field? the turnout in the presidential primaries has been 41%, 42%. we are expecting it to be much higher. many people have voted early. i think it will be much closer than the polls are showing. i would be really surprised to see trump win by 20%. if the polls are wrong like they were in michigan, we will have to re-examine how the polls are being done this year. a lot of polls are suspect. a winner take all state is
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significant for the republican field. guest: absolutely. 99 delegates. it's a huge catch. the biggest catch a ball is florida is a state that most parties have to have in the general election. democrats certainly would love to win that u.s. senate seat that is on the ballot. both parties want florida. it's the best microcosm of the country. what you see here will be analyzed by every single candidate going forward. host: professor susan macmanus, joining us from tampa. thank you for your time. we appreciate your perspective. guest: it was a pleasure. thank you for having. host: the book is called defeating isis. coming up, our guest will be joining us, malcolm nance, to talk about isis, the threat it faces. this is what the cover looks like. washington journal continues on this sunday morning.
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we are back in a moment. ♪ >> campaign 2016 continues on tuesday with primaries taking place in missouri, illinois, and swing states of ohio, north carolina, and florida. of the election results and candidate speeches begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern. road to then the white house on c-span, c-span radio, and >> monday on the communicators, jim helper, a privacy and cyber security lawyer, and john simpson, privacy project or rector the advocacy group consumer watchdog discuss how and whether the fcc should create privacy regulations for the internet. there are joined by howard busker. >> the ftc can no longer
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thelate that one aspect internet access provider or telecommunication service provider aspect of the business of internet access providers. there's now a rulemaking coming up where the fcc will decide what to put in place in lieu of or perhaps replicating the ftc's rules under the new fcc authority. >> most of the rules that exist existed in the world telephones. now they have been extended by reclassification. the situation to cover isps. they have to come up with rules that are appropriate to the world of the internet, not just telephones. >> watch the communicators monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span2. >> washington journal continues. host: we want to welcome malcolm
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nance. the author of "defeating isis: who they are, how they fight, and take you for being with us. -- the same could be said for the isis invasion of iraq. in one day, the entire balance of power in the middle east shifted. explain. isis is actually very long-standing organization that anybody who fought in the iraq war might remember. they were called al qaeda in iraq. over that decade they transitioned from a covert terrorist organization into an actual expeditionary warfare group. isis had decided they were going to accelerate osama bin laden's timetable to create their islamic caliphate.
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this is something osama bin laden thought would take over a century. they decided they were going to seize all the sunni terrain in northwestern iraq and eastern syria and carve out an islamic caliphate and sunni homeland. that was their invasion of iraq, they seized all those territories. they wiped out the entire political balance in most of the levant. host: do you think that could have been predicted? guest: it was predicted. intelligence community was not completely oblivious to the operations that were going on. through late 2013 they were actually carrying out the decapitation operation in syria. they were attacking all of our allies. then they started attacking groups that were formerly under them.
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started killing all of the leadership including al qaeda leadership in syria. by january 2014 they started making offenses in western iraq towards ramadi and falluja. that they were going to swing around to the north and sees mosul. host: how did we get from al qaeda to isis? the ale reference to qaeda leadership, an image of it being boring or unresponsive to the ice is relevant -- isis rebels. it's fascinating. i wrote a complete intelligence community textbook on the evolution of al qaeda in iraq. a lot of research went into this book. what happened is al qaeda was always developed as a covert combat command. they had always intended to be
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an organization where you had five levels of security clearance, you are going to be trained as an operative and reintroduced into your nation to go back, destabilize the nation while al qaeda central to the strategic plan of fighting therefore enemies. far enemies. a component of that in 2003 when they were al qaeda in iraq based on a jordanian group. zarqawi was killed, osama bin laden wanted to transition the islamic insurgency to iraqi command. he put in a joint egyptian and iraqi commander. those two commanders were about led the insurgency transitioning iraqi leadership into al qaeda in iraq. they were both killed simultaneously. deputy took over and
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reunited the entire insurgency into an iraqi command. one of the components of that was eastern it to co-opt the 80,000 or so insurgents who were saddamists. bringing them in after the missteps of the iraqi government where they had sidelined politically the entirety of the people who had joined the iraq awakening and assisted the united states in getting al qaeda out, they came back, merged all of the former insurgency into what we have today which is an insurgent supergroup of all the people that we fought between 2003 and 2011. now they are a marauding group. host: have significant or the missed opportunities -- how significant were the missed opportunities we had to get bin laden in the 1990's? the intelligence mission
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against al qaeda started in 1991 after they had done a bombing attack on a special forces hotel in yemen. betweent time, it took 1991 and 1996 when he declared jihad against the united states, it took a lot of time to develop good intelligence on what he wanted. by 1996, it was pretty clear that we had the global jihad movement. it was solidified around the ideology of osama bin laden. when we did our operation against the terrorist base camp in 1997, it was a significant attack. we put 75 cruise missiles secretly across pakistan without telling them with the sole intention of killing osama bin laden. cruise missiles are restricted
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by space, time, and physics. osama bin laden had missed the attack. we sent a significant message. with that have stopped 9/11 even if we had killed bin laden? i don't think so. the ideology is rooted in maintaining corporate stability to all their lieutenants. it would only have accelerated their timetables. host: our guest is malcolm nance. the book is called defeating isis. important the most questions raised in the counterterrorism community were on precisely what field the belief system of groups like al qaeda and isis. how could this ideology be disrupted? guest: that is a very good question. see -- it has to taken a long time to gain traction.
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is to understand that there is a driving ideology behind these groups and only since the last havesince they took mosul people actually been able to discuss, what do they want? isis is an apocalyptic islamic cult. i do not use that word lightly. what does isis and al qaeda believed? areof these ideologies raced on the ideology of osama bin laden developed in 1988 when he decided that the arab afghan fighters would not go back to their nations and just live in peace as his compatriots. the chief commander of the afghan arabs decided they would do. so he killed him. he brought all of these people under al qaeda.
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in doing that, he brought forth the ideology that they were going to reestablish the caliphate across the muslim world. has an apocalyptic nature which is a religious basis within islam. that is to force the hand of god. to create the ground conditions the return of their savior. there are several books written about this. that's why people call this ideology apocalyptic cult. wrote theard engel forward to the book. -- foreword to the book. tapestry is a small think tank dedicated to the analysis of the global jihad movement's
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strategies down to the street level tactics they use. ideology.ot just the we study counter ideological moves against these people. host: let's get to our callers. malcolm nance is the author of the book to feeding isis. we begin with ed in greenbelt, maryland. c-span.good morning, in your your analysis book defeating isis. i'm an african american scientist. , studied in europe, multilingual. go intobelieve one can office -- isis and defeat them by carpet bombing. i think your book is what we need to focus on. we need to reason this thing.
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host: thanks for the call. guest: he is right. you cannot carpet bomb this group out of existence. kinetics has a limitation. as general hayden himself said. we have to start thinking asymmetrically, using the strength of ourselves and the weaknesses of our enemies to start going after the systems they are most vulnerable. the one they are absolutely the most vulnerable is that the united states almost refuses to touch and for some good reason is not discussing their belief system. al-zawahiri said, if the muslim world stopped believing what we believe in, they would be crushed in the shadows.
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rejects isis.ld we need to help facilitate that rejection. host: this tweet from a regular viewer asks, how far will isis go to achieve their goals? if they had a nuke with they use it? -- would they use it? guest: absolutely. not any question. their goals are apocalyptic. they feel they are in a clash of civilizations. osama bin laden bought into samuel huntington's belief of the clash of civilizations between east and west. he believes that all of the soviet union was caused by the mujahedin in afghanistan. provoke to promote -- the united states to come back to afghanistan. he thought that would establish a clash of civilizations between his version of islam after he took over the muslim world and
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excised it of all traditional islam. and then would have this war against the west. host: the viewer tweets, what is the nature of the isis organization? is it a ragtag bunch of guys, just the world underestimate them? guest: i think the world under --e to make them underestimates them only in the fervor of their beliefs. the systems they have are not on an international scale. they gain their weapons through capture for the most part. that is the definition of an insurgent army. ability -- they have the ability to fight on the terrain they are at. attacking them is like stepping on a ball of mercury. it breaks up, it dissipates into other areas. they are inlibya, egypt, they are in yemen, afghanistan, engler --. -- bangladesh.
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businessgo about their carrying out this apocalyptic vision. we welcome our viewers watching on the bbc parliament channel in great written. -- great britain. onwelcome those listeners sirius xm channel 124. robert joining us from illinois. good morning. caller: good morning, c-span. what are the rules of engagement? can our fighter pilots if they see one of our humvees or tanks that has been captured by isis -- to our fighter pilots have permission to take them out? do we have to call lawyers in? guest: well if you talk to
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anyone who is in the military you understand there is a chain of command. the chain of command relies not only on the commanders warfare and operational doctrine that he has to carry out, but we also have to do adequate intelligence. fighter pilots may have a kill box and within that they may have permission to free fire and go green on any targets they see, which may be within it certain target set. isis,s under control of most of those vehicles are either being used right now and turned into what we call bomb vees. they are turned into suicide bombing vehicles. within those killed boxes they are allowed to take out whatever they see. host: leeann joins us from michigan. good morning. caller: the people that have formed isis, could they have some of them from the saddam regime have taken some chemical
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weapons with them into syria and northern iraq? guest: that's a good question. it has been a fear he for a long time, generally considered a conspiracy theory, that iraq shipped all of its weapons over to syria to safeguard them before the u.s. invasion of iraq. all of the intelligence especially by the cia sulfur committee which was tasked specifically to find out where the weapons systems went have confirmed that they were disposed of in the 1990's under the control of the united nations. some spare chemical weapons from firing ranges and test facilities were found, but the weapons -- isis is actually manufacturing chemical weapons right now using chlorine gas and a very rudimentary sulfur mustard gas. productioned enough facilities of pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals in
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in order to1-2014 manufacture those. they have no need to hunt for old iraqi weapons. host: we are getting some great questions. you can send us a tweet. arab guest is malcolm nance. has viewer says, isis followers legions of unemployed young men. can they be defeated without changes in arabic economic structures? guest: that's a very good question. the world itself is going through a global tremor of economic discontent which may have followed the 2008 economic collapse. here in the united states and abroad. i was living in the middle east at the time when that happened and it shook up everything. however, isis is using them as a base of recruiting. it's a message that isis is putting out that whatever you're
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doing, wherever you are, islam is not the 1439 years of traditional islam as your father and the parents and the carotid said -- carranza said -- koran said. we are working to bring back the islamic caliphate. it must be done with blood. it must be done with cleansing islam itself. it must be done by taking on the west. isis is a disparate organization. it is not full of young men who don't have jobs. it has very intelligent people. it is much akin to the -- cult of japan. they had some of the best minds of japan. they had a great base of foot soldiers at the same time. isis understands that.
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appeal of their message that appeals to the disaffected and the mentally defective. independent line from florida. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. there was an out call months ago in the new york times. , cia and saudi arabia. it says in 2013, there was a meeting between cia jordan, turkey, qatar, and saudi arabia. and saudi arabia funneled -- i believeollars this money went to isis. , saudi what i believe
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wahabbiis one ho radical regime. i believe they are al qaeda and isis. host: is he right? itst: only in the sense that is true that the saudi arabia and united states and the other nations have been funneling weapons and equipment to some of our allies that we have been trying to foster within the syrian resistance organization. we did not send weapons directly to al qaeda and isis. the saudi's are not directly supporting them. x essentialand the threat to their system of government and to their way of life that isis poses. in thehave ever worked middle east, i have worked in the middle east 35 years. literally byzantine.
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you cannot stay there and not find someone someone who will give a friend a weapon system. they will capture a antitank weapon system. those things happen. weapons and money flow back and forth. for the most part, isis has managed to capture these weapons systems once they get them from the saudi's through direct attack against our allies. host: it is almost like the game of risk. there is so much at stake. you point out in the book that isis is not considered saudi arabia's number one threat. that would be iran. but intervening to ensure that neither isis nor a run take over syria -- iran would take over would go far to meet its goals of limiting iranian influence to the parts of lebanon they now occupy. explain.
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guest: we always think that the saudis are just producing oil. in fact, saudi arabia and the gulf states themselves are very sophisticated political beliefs and structures they based their regimes on for centuries. iran, persia, has always been considered their number one opponent. in saudi arabia, you saw the uprising of the rebels in yemen as iran performing state sponsored terrorism. that is why they carried out the military intervention in yemen which is not going so well but it is having the effect the kingdom wanted to have, to keep iran's influence out of there. now that's created a chaos back in which allowed isis and al qaeda to flourish there. on the other hand, you have
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hezbollah, the western anchor of what they called shia cres cent which goes from southern pakistan through iran all the way through iraq, jumps over most of southern lebanon, syria, and goes into lebanon. saudi arabia sees that as iran expanding its influence. they want to do something about that but they cannot do that with the assad regime in power. one of my recommendations was based on senator lindsey graham's recommendation that we may have to facilitate or assist the gulf states to intervene assadrily to isolate and isis, so both threats can be handled. i want to ask your thoughts about the deal we brokered with iran by the
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european nations and the u.s. deal?edeal, bad guest: very good deal. given the -- not unclassified but the below top-secret briefing at the cia. the person who briefed the president of the united states. there is no way to cheat on this deal. we have the intelligence assets and resources to detect any production of their materials. we get 98% of the material, the uranium, was removed from the country already. it's gone. they cannot produce an atomic bomb. we took them from one your production schedule out to 15 years. as the briefer told us, we are still detecting materials in new mexico that were blown up during the bombing bomb testing in the 1940's. not going toinly
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have the materials not be detected if they try to bring it back into the country. host: our guest is malcolm nance . and i want to get your reaction to general lloyd austin. he briefed members of the senate's this past week. general austin: we are defeating this enemy in iraq and syria, pressuring isil on more fronts that any other point in time. we 're doing so by degrading the enemies military capability, by taking back territory, by diminishing his economic resources and by removing his senior leadership from the battlefield. we're also slowing the flow of foreign fighters. all of these actions, in combination, are contributed to a force that is less capable and increasingly demoralized and are annoyed and prone to defections. while we are defeating isil in
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iraq and syria, we see increased efforts to expand into other areas, namely north africa, the arabian peninsula, and south asia. he is expanding into these and other areas in part because he knows he is losing in iraq and syria and nice to find other ways to maintain legitimacy. holding this expansion will a concerted effort by the international committee. in the meantime, iraq's security forces are performing better through our capacity building efforts. rdish remain ku critical to our efforts on the ground in the northern part of the country. they are irreplaceable and we must do all we can to support them. in syria, we continue to work with indigenous forces including and othersvs, kurds as they take the fight to the enemy. together, they are achieving the
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most result including securing 18,000 square kilometers of territory previously held by the enemy. host: that is the out going centcom commander who testified before the senate this past week. guest: i've had people sale apply general austin. i cannot equal his awesomeness. he is absolutely correct in his assessment. the warfare operations are having a degrading effect. we are killing off the senior leadership. we have had some intelligence coups which will probably never come out. the success we have had in determining their senior leadership, their movements, and their command-and-control, which we are quickly degrading. seated, they are a deep resilient force. they are not bringing the fighters back into in iraq and syria, but most of the people
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that lived in an bar province and eastern syria, they are the members of isis. it is hard to root someone out of their house. we are going to have to use more asymmetric tactics like i said going after their ideology and increasing our propaganda capabilities and assisting the muslim world in removing the legitimacy of this organization. "jihad cannotte, be allowed to spread. it must be stamped out and discredited completely. small embers can start big fires." owingso to carol from mills, maryland. good morning. thank you for waiting. caller: i hear from donald trump about waterboarding a lot. two question. do you think waterboarding to terrorists led to the capture of or the killing of bin l aaden?
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and do you think guantanamo bay should be close? last question, how did we get the information or the i.d.'s of all the isis terrorist that we received the other day? the information to come out where we could identify a lot of these terrorists. host: o k, we will take one at a time. guantanamo bay? guest: i think it started with waterboarding. let me handle that quickly. it is well-known that despite the fact i have been in counterterrorism for 35 years, my claim to fame was that i was called before congress to testify on waterboarding and its efficacy as the former chief of train at the navy survival evasion and assistance and ranpe school where we waterboarding and where the program was copied and turned into the program that occurred. waterboarding does not work.
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it makes you talk. you will say anything. we actually teach our special operations soldiers, our pilots, our intelligence officers to understand that torture is ineffective. it does not work. it will not get the enemy what they want and will waste the enemies time. host: guantanamo bay. should it stay open? guest: what time of day needs to close. guantanamo bay has been a blight on our national honor since the time it was opened. the images that are being used of prisoners at guantánamo bay are the entire driving force behind all of isis's propaganda. even if we close them, we have successfully brought terrorist to the united states and have prosecuted them. that is within our system. it is honorable. we should do it. host: did we strive to stop bin laden's flow of money? if not, why? guest: of course. the department of the treasury
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and the intelligence communities have spent the last two decades, quarter-century, trying to affect the cash flow to al qaeda and to isis and all other groups affiliated with them and their supporters. now, having worked the middle east, there are something that a lot of people who have been there understand -- there is a centuries old banking system which, for the most part, is just untraceable. by tribes and families who have been doing this since the medieval period. i have used it. as part of my operations where you drop $1 million on a table and somewhere else in the middle east, $1 million shows up. there is no way to track that money. it is deep, run through structures that are byzantine. that operate in other people's cash. you cannot track it. what we try to do is get money as it enters the insertion phase and the extraction face, once
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to itsminal and gets target. as you saw with the airstrike that was carried out in december, we found their money storage facility in mosul, tens of millions of dollars. and we disintegrated it. and they are not going to be able to get that back. isis has had to cut salaries in half. they are encouraging more men to enter suicide bomber command which is national command under isis. they are now starting to use female fighters which is proof that pressure that is on isis is bearable but it is not going to reflect success in the battlefield. host: to our radio audience, our guest is malcolm nance. this is a dense book. thing thatre one surprised you the most? guest: good question. i would have to say the one thing that perhaps caused me to
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thew the manuscript across room was when we were doing the research on the authorization of pedophilia in isis. you know, this is what makes isis different from the traditional muslim world. all the norms and traditions we have within the west, all of our law, standards of law and prohibitions are the exact same, despite sharia law. you cannot marry a child who is eight years old and have sexual relations with that child. there have been a couple of stray cases,the old man who was 65 in saudi arabia trying to marry the 10-year-old girl. it reestablish those norms. and inisis, it is not only authorized, it is expected, that if the child is under the age of 10, they issue their own internal fatwah, they cannot
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sexual intercourse in the regular fashion, that they can do solomon that child is able to be impregnated. when i mentioned that in the muslim world, the screams -- just can't stop. that was the one thing that i thought, and we found the documentation on that. "the new york times" did a big exportation on their authorization of rape and birth control. this is what makes this group so anti-islamic. host: unimaginable. ark, republican line. good morning. caller: first, a comment. number one, no matter what party ends up being in the white house in the fall, i think they ought to step up and ask for malcolm to be secretary of state and general lloyd austin to be secretary of defense. that's comment number one. my question is to part.
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number one, do you think a strong support of israel is necessary and, if so, should it be a loud or quiet support? host: thank you, sir. guest: thanks for the job plug. i think it will settle for undersecretary of defense or deputy director of the cia. but seriously speaking, your question about israel was very good. we as the united states have a special relationship with israel. some of our oldest allies and our support for israel should be loud. however, as supporters of israel, and i have worked -- been to israel many time, i forced with the israelis closely on operations -- we should understand that as allies, we do have an obligation to maintain our own moral standing and to assist our friends to understand that their position in the world is based on how they are
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perceived. some of their operations are overly punitive. they not only damage the credibility of israel and their own guidelines of their own laws, and we should assist them in understanding we are still there ally. host: let me take that one step further. in write "with isis existence, israel is standing in a minefield -- there blinded session with hamas and hezbollah has completely precluded the realization of a real existential threat that the cultismat is isis' infects the palestinian population." guest: it is absolutely true. israel and turkey have singular of sessions with their enemies. israel views iran as the wolf at the door. turkey views the pkk, the k
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urdish commonness party is the will put their door. a israel right now, there is tactic being executed, and it is not being pushed by hamas or the plo, it is called suicide individual weapons attacks. over the last six ones, there have been a series of attacks in israel carried out by palestinians and israeli arabs, who we had never seen this level of extremism before, where they grab a kitchen knife. they go to a public venue and stabbed to death and israeli and wait to be killed. this is indicative of isis radicalization. it is a virus that is far beyond the nationalism, the religious nationalism of hamas and way beyond anything that iran would want on israel. nation of rhetoric. they are very sophisticated nation. they want 2014 toyota corollas.
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hamas wants nationalism and recognition. isis was the destruction of every israeli on this planet and westerner. and they intend to affect that. should they infect the palestinian population, you're going to have an uncontrollable warfare situation. nance, forays, mr. you please talk to donald trump? guest: what exactly could i say? host: it references the rhetoric in this campaign. guest: the rhetoric is dangerous. i've said this on chris matthews show when the speech that donald trump gave about keeping muslims out of this nation, we have to understand that right now the united states is engaged in warfare in the middle east, supporting muslim allies in the defense of muslim nations in the defense of muslim people. we have intelligence officers right now sitting right next to u.s. intelligence officers in
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secure facilities or in safe houses throughout the middle east in order to root out this threat. we have u.s. special operations forces, it is 9:00 in the morning -- they are planning on going out on missions in the night in afghanistan. getting all their gear and equipment and standing right next to their afghan special forces partners or iraqis. we are fighting in defense of these people and the defense of the rest of the world. thecannot try to isolate muslim world from the christian world. that is what isis wants. they want this clash of civilizations. they want this rhetoric to increase. if it does increase, you have the thread of in six months having to decide whether we are going to push 1.6 billion muslims into isis' hands or stand defense with them to root this threat out. host: at last week's debate,
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donald trump was asked about that point. >> last night you told cnn "islam hates us." did you mean all 1.6 billion? mr. trump: i mean a lot of them. >> do you want to clarify the comment? mr. trump: i've been watching the debate and they are talking about radical islamic terrorism, but i wilt i you there is something going on that maybe you do not know about and maybe a lot of people do not know about that there is tremendous hatred. and i will stick with exactly what i said. host: double check that the debate. forene in las vegas malcolm nance. good morning. caller: good morning, mr. nance. sir, i was curious. have you ever heard of the book "the banality of suicide terrorism, subtitled the naked t ruth about the psychology of the islamic suicide bombing?"
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guest: i've heard of that book. it, so like yourself, counterterrorism expert, they discuss his unpublished papers. of the view that he takes suicide bombing in house it is utilized as a tool, nothing more than a tool in an arsenal. but how easy it is when one d elves into the psychology from childhood forward of these young men who become suicide bombers great deal of it is that disaffected relationships with their mothers in addition to child sexual abuse that pervades the society. guest: it is an interesting theory. i'm a survivor of suicide bombing. i have been within 100 meters of more suicide bombings. so i know a little bit about the subject. i don't believe this has to do
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with to a certain extent the child upgrading -- upbringing. most of the suicide bombers are in there because they believe the ideology as two additional pillars to islam. there must be a holy war until they bring about the end of times and that every person involved in that global jihad must take part and die or try to die within that war. so, it is operationally a component and an obligation of every member in the group, whether some people who have the personal or psychological defects want to become the frontline bombers, everyone is expected to be one a somet point in their careers whether it is the defense of attack or a suicide gun attack. host: our guest is also the author of the book "the terrorist recognition handbook."
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he has spent three decades and homeland security. rom bethlehem, pennsylvania. good morning. caller: i have a question. have you heard about pershing in the philippines using blood from a toolnd using that as against terrorism? if they would say, hey, we have sprayed our bullets with the pig's blood and we, christians, know that which bullets are there. could that be used as a tool against terrorism? guest: this is a very wive's myth that is perpetuated, seen as an insult against the islamic world. for those of us who have been in combat and i have been in combat -- my first action was in lebanon 1983.
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you might know how that went. all away through iraq and afghanistan, you would understand that there are far and kinetically dynamic systems that the united states can wield in battle that brings a greater level of fear and anxiety than dipping a bullet in pig's blood. that's a wive's tale. host: please ask malcolm nance whether he believes that president obama pulled our troops out too soon? -- this ispresident probably one of the most delivered a presidents we have had a long time. but most important, president obama is a practitioner of the traditional, the political condition of dealing with the political circumstances as they are, not dealing in a broad scale ideological bent where you push your operations in matter how
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they go. you have to deal with the circumstance. the president was given the circumstances where he did need to draw down forces in iraq. but it was the political dynamics of iraq and the resiliency of al qaeda coming together to create isis. our withdrawing would only have had more than 4000, almost 5000 troops who were killed by the ,redecessors of isis in iraq we have taken them as dead casualties. 32,000 wounded. you have to ask yourself if we want to continue that trend and give isis what they want or can we do the smarter, using our allies and using our aerial weapon systems? i think the president made the right decision. host: richard engel begins the force by saying " isis is a cult that wants to transform islam at gunpoint." guest: absolutely true. isis is an existential threat to islam. the very discussion we are having were people are saying,
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the problem is muslims. the problems are not the muslims. a pretty solid tradition where they have tempered and created tolerance and respect, even for christians and jews, throughout all of that time. what we're seeing is a modern upheaval of people who decided prophete everything the muhammad in everything that islam had as is tradition out. they are literally, literally want islam to return to the year 644, which is when the end of 644first islamic -- 632 and and the immediate friends and companions of the prophet mohammed were alive. they believe if you do not live your life and practice islam as it was done in the war years, onto the prophet muhammad, then you are not muslim. the prophet muhammad himself warned against muslims who would fall in love with war, who would
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fall in love with combat and trying to push islam at alal costs. he called a script the outside is. and they manifested themselves in 644 when they split islam into sunni and shia islam. this so threat to islam. we need to assist the muslim world. we cannot turn the muslim world over to this group and allow the ideology to destabilize our allies. host: think about this question. we will come back to it. what one thing do you think the u.s. or our allies are not doing that we should be doing to combat isis? let's go to barry from harrison, tennessee. good morning. caller: yes, good morning. great to thank for his service to this country. i'm a christian. i was born and raised in syria. the not an arab but
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situation broke my family there. this is what i like to ask that what's the benefit of the united states helping the moderate opposition which they are radical islam the same people that destroyed churches, killed, raped christians up there? we did that in iraq. we look to the other way. the president assad, bashar 10ad -- he even flew back years ago to aleppo to make sure the christians were ok. he prayed with us. he is a moderate european -- this is what i don't understand why our government trying to destroy the christians up there by trying to get rid of the
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moderate president that we have in syria. host: thank you.f from tennessee. guest: for most of the other listeners let me explain. syria is not a christian majority nation. syria was approximately 60% sunna muslim. those 60% lived in eastern syria , eastern and central syria. you have other minorities who lived on the western coast and the areas around the mask is. the christians and the jews who lived in the south and central part of syria. and some like this caller who may have lived in aleppo. the majority of the people there who carried out the rebellion in 2011 were the vast majority of the population of syria. were those puture
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into power by the french and the 1930's. and the christian and jewish alliances forming the basis of backing the assad government. i agree with him. some rapprochement needs to ha ppen. that 60% of sunna muslims, if we do not assist them in rooting out isis to the east, which is a new iraqis and some syria extremist, then that six to percent of the population will fall under one of those two themes -- that 60% of population will fall under one of these two regimes. the onet me go back to thing the u.s. or allies are not doing that we should be doing. guest: i think the one thing we are not doing is what i call counter ideological warfare. has we know isis deviations from islam. the saudis will never use the word cult by the way. there was a cult that cropped up
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in the medieval period that literally killed everyone that went on haj pilgrimage because they call the polytheism an stoleoyedd mecca and the meteorite. cults have occurred before. but we are not facilitating the messaging. you've heard this a lot over the last year. the narrative of what the wa againstr isil is. isis has set the narrative as we speak for the muslim world adnd fight for the muslim world. the voices in the muslim world better shouting out against them are not being facilitated, because it is more entertaining to watch suicide bombing sent to know that in indonesia, 150 million people, the largest islamic union in indonesia, issued a statement flat-out rejecting everything they believe. 50,000 people.
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host: who is funding isis? guest: it is self funding. however, like al qaeda, there is a sub culture within some people in the muslim world who have money, mainly saudi arabia and qatar who channel money over to them. however, if you bring the question back to, does isis represent not just islam but is isis a threat to islam? the --saudi arabia one year ago said that isis is the number one enemy of islam. we drop little leaflets that are so badly done that isis collects them and takes pictures of them. what we need to do is drop the message that the muslim world want to send and should send bych is your soul is at risk involving yourself within this ideology. you are not going to heaven.
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you are going directly to -- to hell. you must up away from this and return to islam. if you do not, islam will not return to you. and it's up to god to make that judgment. you cannot judge forh im. a you can send the message to the point where the guys that are bringing them red bull just start thinking if my -- is my soul at risk by cooperating? maybe i need to reject that. we will crush them in the shadows. titledhe book is "defeating isis, who they are and how they fight and what they believe." our guest is author malcolm nance. thank you for being with us. if you missed any of our interview, you can check it out online anytime at our website tuesday is primary day. five big states. winner take all for the republicans. your thoughts and comments on
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what to expect primary tuesday. the democrats, dial in -- you are watching and listening to c-span's "washington journal" . it is sunday morning, the 13th of march. we are back in a moment. ♪ so unusual is that if i could be sappy for a second. to be able to have professional and personal partnerships for over 15 years is a really unusual thing. >> susan's temperament and great vision in terms of editing is something i do not have and any time on. spent i have stuck very closely to the grunt side of the equation. political editor
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susan glasser and new york times chief white house correspondent peter baker who are married join us to talk about their upcoming plans to move to israel. >> it is going to be a great adventure. susan and i were your chiefs together in moscow. but we have never spent any time in jerusalem. never spent time in israel. i think we're looking for to learning a lot. it is going to be a real adventure. it is a part of the world that has so much history. and so much of a vital part of today's issues. we spent a lot of time writing about it but we never lived there. so, we looking for to that. be containing a political in a role around how -- helping to lead our editorial folks and innovation. we are continuing to expand hearing united states and internationally. last year we launched political europe. i came to political to start political magazine.
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about 2.5 years ago. we started that. i think it has been a really exciting, new platform to take form reporting on the war of ideas. >> tonight at 8:00 eastern on c-span's " q&a." "washington journal" continues. 25 minutes, next chance to have a conversation with all of you as the primaries get underway in florida and ohio, north carolina, missouri, and illinois. winner take all for the republicans. for theoportional democrats. we continue our live coverage. we have been with all the candidates alaska but days. friday evening we were alive in chicago with senator bernie sanders. yesterday lies in dayton with donald trump. also with senator rubio. we are live today with senator ted cruz. covering senator sanders and secretary clinton in columbus, ohio.
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or tomorrow with governor john kasich in ohio. all of it on her website at a chance to get your thoughts about this primary, where things are heading. this is the headline from "the washington post." "vitriol follows donald trump on the campaign show." joining us from ohio is andrew tobias, a politics reporter with thank you for being with us. let's talk about governor john kasich. it is a must win state for him. only byow he is up but five percentage points. donald trump, who was in ohio yesterday, where do things stand in the republican race? andrew: if you look at, like you mention, though most recent poll showed governor kasich in front of donald trump. and that is a positive sign for him. i think a lot of the fundamentals in ohio favor him because he has the loyalty and support of the state's political party, republican party. so, you know, it is definitely a
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close race and certainly not something he is taking for granted. host: this is the headline of the washington post. "it is the economy, ohio." governor kasich howling his record. with regard to the economy and the infrastructure she has in the state of ohio, how will that play out tuesday in terms of support he would be getting? andrew: i think that if you look at recent polling numbers regarding his approval rating, i he isohioians thinks doing a good job. i'd not think the economy is booming by any means. many of the urban centers are still struggling with the long-term loss in manufacturing jobs that a lot of cities have seen. that being said, ohio by and large is doing better economically than when he became governor back in 2006. ohioians have a good feeling about where the
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state stands, but the real question is with the emergence of donald trump, there is a lot of energy behind his candidacy. it is a matter of whether they think that governor kasich would be, whether they would rather keep him here or rather shake things up in washington. host: as you know, andrew tobias 36 hours, cable television dominated by what happened in chicago on friday. and then a threat to donald trump when he was in the dayton, ohio, area. he was surrounded by secret service. inside theh washington post. how do you think these developments will play out among voters in ohio? andrew: i think that by and large with respect to trump's support, i think he thrives off an environment where he can show the country is under attack. i think that narrative is reinforced when he can say that.
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they do not want you to hear what i have to say. on the other hand, i think that ohio is largely a moderate state. ing groupsk that see of political supporters fighting each other might be alarming to some people. i think it is really a matter of a primary electorate isn't necessarily representative the entire state. it is hard to say exactly, but certainly we'll be hosting the republican national convention this july. i know the people in cleveland ar paying close attention toe guess, some of these developments because we are not necessarily excited. if we are going to see that kind of stuff happening here. host: we will be at the convention. we will either one network that will show the proceedings and their entirety as we've been doing since every convention in the 1980's. e democraticbout th
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race. as you look at the schedules -- hillary clinton and bernie sanders in columbus. this is a state that by recent polling showing tha bernie sanders has been coming into hillary clinton'st lead. andrew: i'm a little wary of the polling in this race just because the primary in michigan last week, senator sanders was projected to lose by quite a bit. ended up winning. silly to michigan, ohio has an open primary. there are other similarities where we have a similar economic situation, we're geographically close to each other. so, certainly, the polling does show hillary clinton being up, like you said. senator sanders has cut into her lead. but i'm, just because of what happened in michigan, i am too much thatay mabel detroit and-- mto say too much that may be proven
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wrong. host: thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. let's get to your phone calls. tell us what you think about this primary season, what to expect tuesday. in texas on cllealler the republican line. caller: i appreciate your taking my call. say, regarding these presidential candidates this may be a ridiculous question but i wonder if any of those people ever signed with the selective service like all 18-year-old m ales in the united states to have any access to government assistance of any kind. plus, if you want a government job you have to have registered with selective service. and theoretically if none of these guys ever registered with selective service, they're really not eligible to hold a government job.
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does that sound sensible to you? host: we have had others who have not served in the military and been president. certainly bill clinton comes to mind. did any ofnow but them register with selective service? i mean, that's the strange thing that. me, i could not hold a government job if i had not registered with selective service. host: thanks for the point. we are going to move on to patricia joining us from florida. from gainful, florida. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you so much for c-span. i'm calling with one very important message. and that is everything we know about the candidates on both sides we only know it to the media. and we have the tendency to be very selectively perceptive. we only choose the media that reinforces our ideas. we have a tendency not to look beyond those things. our friends are similar.
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we do not know anything as fact. we only know it through the media. is hillary clinton really not truthful? how is obama lawless? where does the information come from? was jeb bush low energy or maybe just thoughtful and may be polite? the media chooses to take these angles on different stories. people have to, if they are concerned about a future, take time to look around at other media and maybe even try to find some primary sources, the original data, before they draw conclusions about these people. and that is my message. host: are you going to vote on tuesday? caller: unfortunate, i just came back into the state and so i was a little too late to be able to do so. got my driver license but the deadline was last week. host: who is your candidate? a practical person. i think hillary clinton is pragmatic enough to work to the system and maybe get something done in spite of obstruction she
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may receive. host: thanks very much for the call. the co-author of story at " donald trump, presidential run began an effort to gain stature and begins with a reference to the 2011 white house correspondents dinner we covered live on c-span, it features a lighthearted speech from the president. that year, president obama chose mr. trump as a punchline. decor,ooned his taste in ridiculed his fixation on false rumors that the president had been born in kenya. mr. trump at first offered a drawn smile, but as the mocking continue to people at other tables craned their necks, mr. trump hunched forward. e points out that the
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public abasement rather than sending mr. trump away accelerated his efforts to gain stature within the political world and capture the degree to which his campaign is driven by his deep yearning sometimes obscured by his bluster, a desire to be taken seriously." let's go to vic joining us from ann arbor, michigan. good morning. caller: hello? host: good morning. caller: yes, a question i have god is -regarding- i have got is regarding mr. trump's approach towards governor kasich seems to be two prong. number one, he is claiming that governor kasich has supported nafatata. the o what extent does guest believe these free trade agreements have been the final cause. and number two, mr. trump has
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talked about ohio being lucky in terms of oil and fracking and supporting the ohio economy. and to what extent is that claim true. host: thanks for the call from michigan. winning delegates in wyoming yesterday. in washington, d.c., senator marco rubio winning the d.c. caucus. hillary clinton prevailing and the northern mariana islands in am, republicans choosing nine delegates but the delegates were unpledged to any candidate. let's go to tom joining us from west unity, ohio. caller: hostgood morning. i just have a comment about the election, primary elections in ohio. small county,ry williams county. there are no democrats running.
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less forcede or to register republican to be able to vote for local officials such as county commissioner. 'm just letting people know that the two party system has pretty much left wings county, ohio. thank you -- left williams county. host: our bloomberg politics the day after the protest prompting donald trump to cancel a rally, the front runner blamed move and center bernie sanders for the chaos while defending his own supporters in a statement from senator sanders who is making appearances on caseng programs "as is the every day, donald trump is showing the american people he is a pathological liar." a statement from senator bernie sanders. the sunday programs can be heard on c-span radio beginning with "meet the press" at noon eastern
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and 9:00 on the west coast. chuck todd interviewing senator sanders and donald trump. boston,joining us, republican line. good morning. good morning. i have a couple comments. the second was is an attaboy. donald trump is a product of a liberalism and -- the american people are sick of it. they can't watch tv anymore because tv news or read a newspaper without people trying to put down donald trump. it's terrible. i've watched c-span for 35 years. i've enjoyed it immensely. you're that today probably the fairest moderated o c-spann. my only, so i think you do an excellent job on sunday mornings. but i really believe that brian
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has to sit -- her down and read the mission statement of c-span. host: we're familiar with it. what specifically are you referring to? caller: my concern is that with greta, when she gets in her car, her car needs to be real line. she is consummate taking left turns. have a good day -- she is constantly taking left turns. plain dealer referring to senator marco rubio, a strategy in place. showing john kasich can net cord donald trump your senator rubio is fourth. rubio's campaign telling ohio supporters to vote for john kasich. let's go to sam in new york city. independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you.
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basically i wanted to comment on how difficult it is for a lot of my same situation who have been divorced from politics or at least i have followed it but i was never engaged until this primary because you have rump, both of whom promise something radically different or at least they are saying they well than what we have up to this point. so, that's really interesting. and wonderful, actually in a lot of ways. but i actually just heard someone talking a few minutes ago, a viewer mentioning how donald trump is blaming sanders for the protestss and what not, which i think is absurd, actually. an interestinglyl i heard interview with roger stone, one of donald trump's friends, not a guy you can necessarily trust at face value. he was saying that he thinks
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from his sources that a lot of the protest themselves, especially in chicago, and maybe future ones have been brock, and by david some of the hillary clinton supporters. i just wanted to bring that up. interesting, interesting primary. i think it is great for democracy what is happening. host: somebody taking aim at with reference to greta. ste has beenoday leaning left. this is the cover story of the weekly standard. what would hamilton do? basically saying if trump is the nominee, there would be an independent republican running for president. and "the national review has the clown prince. and ginsburg has the story for political magazine. "the path to convention chaos." if donald trump loses florida or
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ohio, the gop is set for a quagmire in cleveland. and how it would happen. let's go to ruth next in jackson, mississippi, democrats line. caller: good morning. i am doing just fine. i'm enjoying your presentation and the people calling in. it is very interesting how the primaries are going. i see that a lot of people is following donald trump, and that's because people are frustrated. but the thing of it is, they are not looking at the whole picture, but that neither here nor there, i guess, because people feel frustrated that they have been frustrated for 8 years because there has been a do-nothing congress. they have done nothing but fight, fight, fight. and they'res till fighting.
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our country is doomed to always overe same thing over and and over again. they make the same mistakes over. and they do not seem to get it , that they are not speaking for the whole people. donald trump is not speaking for the whole people. not speaking for the whole people. even though i like bernie sanders. i like hillary. we know they cannot get things done if they do not work together. and we know that everybody knows that the republican party decided early on that eight years ago they were not going to do anything. and have not done anything. and they do not want to do anything as long as they are -- there's a democratic president in the white house. as long as that happens, we are never going to get anything done. they are not concerned about the country. they let the country fall into disarray for the last eight years. they weren't concerned about what was going on in the
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country. all they were concerned about was fighting president obama. and that is not even good for the country. why you going to fight your own president? letter over to another country to tell somebody to do something against her own president. that's crazy. host: thank you for the call from jackson, mississippi. did the trump campaign make a the rally -- setting in the center city of chicago/ will the trump protest helped or hurt? you can read it online on donna from st. louis, good morning, independent line. caller: good morning. when i was on here a year ago bernie sanders was on, and i asked him to run for president. i'm a pretty happy camper. host: i'm happy with the way his campaign unfolded so far? caller: i stayed up to the wee hours to make sure he won in
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michigan. first i have two things. is doing fineh governing ohio. when he was in ohio, he voted for nafta. he was at the heart of our losing these jobs billion millions of high paid jobs. i hope the people and hope the people in ohio, their memories are refreshed. and secondly, on tuesday, i am voting for bernie. if he does not make it, i will vote for hillary because i do not want to see obamacare gotten rid of. i know people it is helped, millions of working people now have a sick preventative health care. to do awaycans want with it. they do not care of millions people have insurance or not. they need to fine tune it. i would rather have medicare for everyone like single-payer. just the same, i'm glad bernie is out there. we need someone like him out there. host: thanks for the caller. victor says i love the moderators, especially greta. don't be dissing our greta.
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those are fighting words, caller. we love greta, too. let's go to stephen and el paso, texas. good morning, republican line. caller: good morning. my issue is judgment that we should look at the candidates on their judgment. the problem i have with marco rubio i s in the republican is the gang of eight. tea party. he kind of went with a gang of real goodh was not problem solving on his part. also he decided not to attend his, he decided not to work as a senator, he took off a lot. then on trump, i found good judgment in that he warned that it was coming with 9/11, wrote a book that said bin laden was very dangerous but we didn't do anything to prevent it.
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it was almost like prophecy or something. he was correct on iraq. on kasich, he was for nafta. back then i was a perot supporter. for cruz, he has got pretty good judgment. the only problem i have with cruz, he mischaracterizes trump's thing. he says that trump's against the second amendment. everyone knows that is not so. for me, that is a little cute. but i think we got decisions made tuesday. so, i'm sitting back and watching. ne intoe hope you tu c-span for election results. we will begin at 7:00 eastern time. our coverage will include, as we always have, the speeches in their entirety. at all six campaign headquarters. the four leading republicans and two democrats. and a transfer you to weigh in
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and explain what it means. from yellow springs, ohio. are you going to vote on tuesday or have you already voted? caller: i voted in early voting yesterday. host: who is your candidate? my candidate, i love bernie sanders. my candidate was hillary clinton. host: you love burning han -- bernie sanders. why did you vote for hillary clinton? caner: my head says she get more done. when i walked into the booth, i pikccked bernie. i'm a high school teacher and we went on a field trip to early vote last week. and most of the students drew democratic ballots. and almost everyone voted for bernie. if it is any indication of how
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their parents voted in our high school in dayton, ohio, in the city, somehow they are getting the bernie message. i'm not sure what news outlets they are hearing from or hearing from their older brothers and sisters. i know graduate students, i am faced friends with students, and they are all about bernie. host: what is your reaction to donald trump blaming bernie sanders for the disruption on friday? not reacting to'm donald trump. he is a con man. that's all people do is react. i did watch. i briefly before i went to vote, i saw your coverage of the rally yesterday. i was, i was kind of appalled by the crowd. we noticed it was almost a pure and dominant male. a familiar scene when you get
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out of the city in ohio. i'm not surprised -- i'm surprised -- host: you still with us? you with us? ok, she must've hung up. you with your calls and comments, "newsmakers" is next. we continue our live coverage during the course of the afternoon and tomorrow as we crisscross ohio and florida for the primary races. pete wehner will be joining us tomorrow morning. urns out with his new documentary on jackie robinson at 8:30 tomorrow morning. "washington journal" is every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern, 4:00 in the west coast. thanks for joining us on this sunday. hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. have a great weekend. ♪
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> here on c-span, "newsmakers," is next, with tony perkins, followed by the funeral service for former first lady nancy reagan, and later events with senators ted cruz and arco rubio. "newsmakers," welcomes tony perkins from his home in baton rouge. our reporters asking questions -- meet tom hamburger of "washington post," the returns to "newsmakers," and david sherfinski
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