tv Washington This Week CSPAN March 13, 2016 4:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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this country better than it has ever been. the 21st century is made for us. there are literally hundreds of millions of people on this planet who can afford to buy things from us now. i am talking about people who are starting a decade ago. i am talking about people that two decades ago were literally eating and drinking water out of puddles and now these people drive cars. own homes and go on vacations and buy things in the stores, because after communism fell, free enterprise broke around the world and it listed people into prosperity and they want to buy things from us and trade with us and they want to be our investors and partners and collaborators and clients and customers. it is tailor made for us. the 21st century is about innovation. there are no more integrated people on the world than us. no one is more integrated than americans.
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the 21st century is made for us if we do what needs to be done. that is why i am running for president, because i want this generation to do its part. america is a special country and i know this personally because of my parents in 1956, had they stayed to cuba -- stayed in cuba, i may never have been born. you have to be very optimistic about the future to have two kids in your 40's. [laughter] [applause] senator rubio: more importantly, even if i had been born, if they had gone to any other nation on earth, there is no way i am standing on a stage in front of my fellow citizens, aspiring for the highest office in the land. in a most every society that is ever existed, success depends where you come from. ona most every society earth, your future is largely determined for you on the day
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you were born. if your parents are wealthy or powerful, you will probably be wealthy and powerful. if they are not, no matter how hard you work or how good you are, you are usually stock in that station in life you are born into. america is different. here, because we are founded on the belief that we have a god-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the customer founded on the ability -- believe that everyone has a god-given chance to go as far as her talent takes them, it has been different. it is different not by accident. we are not special by accident. this did not happen on its own. it happened because of her two centuries, each generation before us did what they had to do. anyone who says we had a great and easy and now it is so hard is lying to you. there has never been an easy time in american history. we were founded by declaring independence from the most powerful empire in the world and then we had a civil war that almost ended the country and then we had a first world war which was bloody, on another
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continent by the way. then we had a great depression that white people out. as soon as that was over, we had a second world war that we'll must loss. the second world war ended, we were plunged into a long and dangerous cold war. had barelyi ended and that not long after, vietnam. the 60's were a difficult time. political leaders were assassinated and america was ripped apart with the civil rights. long gas lines, disco music. horrible things. [laughter] some people like it disco music. i do not know. whatever. we survived it. when have we had it easy?
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when can you look back and say, that was a time when there was still problems? it has never happened. being special is not easy. having what we have is not easy. every generation before us had to do something. every generation before us was called to great sacrifice, hard decisions, tough choices and hard work and they did it. for over two centuries, each generation before us did not fail the next. centuries, each generation left the other better off. my friends, the time has come for this generation to do its part. the moment has arrived for us to do what needs to be done, and i would submit to you while our challenges are significant, i think they are easier than the challenges faced by people before us. i think balancing our budget is easier than defeating nazi germany. i think fixing our tax code is easier than the cold war. i think repealing and replacing obamacare one not be as hard as making the to the great depression.
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they are hard, but it is worth doing. i want you to know -- and when i am president of united states we're going to do it. when i am president of the united states, we will confront our challenges, embrace our opportunity and do what each generation before us has done and that is whatever it takes to make the next better off than ourselves. when our work is done, despite how dark things seem now, how difficult they may be, i want you to know what history will write about us. i want you to know what history will say about you and i and those at this moment. it will recognize we live in a difficult time. that the economy was changing and disrupting people's lives, the world spiraling out of control, institutions failing us, and after eight years of barack obama and one crazy election, we came this close to getting it wrong. we did. we came this close to losing the promise of america. but then in 2016, we remembered who we were and we remembered what america was.
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before us,nerations we came to our senses and we confronted our problems and resolve them. we embraced our opportunity. when our work was done, because we did what needed to be done, our children became the freest and most prosperous americans that ever lived in the american dream to not just survive, it reached more people and change more lives than ever before because we did what needed to be done. the 21st century begin the greatest era in american history. it became a new american century. this is the opportunity for us if we do what needs to be done and i'm running for president because we will get it done. president, you will have a president that is for all americans. ims conservative as anyone running for president. a conservatism that did not just start two years ago, but one that is evidence by 15 years of public service in which the
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lights go off at inopportune times. [laughter] senator rubio: and then come back on. it is a message. [laughter] senator rubio: that is happened that a couple of events. someone leaned on something on the wall or the chinese have hacked us once again. [laughter] senator rubio: ims conservative as anyone running or has ever run for president, and yet i believe you can be a principled and strong conservative and yet be a president for all of america. if you want to be president of the united states, you have to love the american people, all of them, even the ones who do not love you back. you have to serve all the american people, even the ones who do not like you, even the ones that do not vote for you, even the ones that say nasty things about you. if you do not want to do that, become a talk show host. if you do not want to do that,
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become a blogger. if you want to be president, you must be willing to be america -- president for all of america, not delivered late divide us and that is the president i want to be every day. so i am here asking for your vote. [applause] senator rubio: i will close with this. i will close with this. five years ago, i came here a couple times, and the underdog running for the u.s. senate. my opponent was the sitting governor in florida, leading in the polls had 10 times as much money, super popular and no one thought we could win. but you believed in me and you gave me a chance. i told you if you did, i would go to washington and stand up for the obama agenda -- standup to the obama agenda.
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that is what i have done. in five years i have concluded that while a member of congress can help shape the agenda, only a president can set the agenda, and the only way to set a right agenda after a bad president is to have a good one. the only way to make our country stronger after seven years of a weak president is to have a strong one. that is why i chose not to run for reelection to the senate and aspired to the presidency of the united states and that is why i so that can vote for me together, we can leave your children and grandchildren, what they deserve to inherit, the single greatest nation. thank you so much and god bless you. [applause] ♪
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thank you so much. thank you. thank you. thank you, guys. i appreciate it. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> smile. senator rubio: thank you so much. thank you for your service. >> great job. senator rubio: in ohio? you have been all over the place. >> yes. >> i have been with you since 2010. senator rubio: thank you. thank you so much. i am so honored you're here. thank you. >> hopefully florida will get it right.
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>> marco. ♪ >> this event with senator marco rubio wrapping up in florida. this is one of several events he has planted florida until the primary on tuesday. tomorrow, he will have stops in jacksonville and west palm beach. meanwhile, senator ted cruz is in north carolina, another state holding its primary on tuesday. he made a campaign stop in concorde. we were unable to bring that
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event to life but we will show it to you now, starting with carly fiorina who gave an introduction. carly fiorina: how are you guys doing? you know, your state, your region is known as first and freedom, right? you guys led the curve and declared independence before anyone else and you have the opportunity to lead the nation on tuesday as well by making sure that ted cruz walks out of here with a win. [applause] how many of you saw the debate the other night? good. what i saw is what i always see. substantiveuz being
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and serious and offering real solutions and israel policies for real problems we have. donald trump, not so much. you may have noticed that the next morning, donald trump said, he thought maybe we had enough debates and we should not have any more debates. man up on that, you are going to have to debate ted cruz. [applause] i ran forina: president because i think we need a conservative in the white house. i ran for president because i think the system, the status quo, the cartel works if you are big, powerful and well-connected, but it does not work for the rest of us, and so, about two weeks ago, in my home state of virginia, we had a primary.
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i walked into the voting booth. i saw my own name on the ballot. that was kind of cool, i have to tell you. i hesitated, you know? maybe i will just checked the box that says, carly fiorina, and then i thought, no, no, these are serious times. i checked the box for ted cruz just like i want you to check the box for thieves. ted cruz. [applause] carly fiorina: how do we know the ted cruz is a constitutional conservative? he has stood up and fought nine at times in front of the supreme liberties,eligious the right to bear arms, divide to be able to say, one nation andr god, for our serenity we have one over and over and over again. [applause]
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i know some of you saw, maybe some of you were as surprised as i was, to see dr. ben carson endorse donald trump. [boos] dr. ben carson is an honorable man but he said something interesting. he said there are two donald trump's, one in private and one in public. ing, the mosth important decisions a president is going to make is going to be a private, so we need to know what we are getting. with the ted cruz, we know what we are getting. [applause] carly fiorina: by the way, that is like really important because the supreme court hangs in the balance. our religious liberty hangs in the balance, our right to bear arms, so we better know exactly what kind of supreme court justices are going to be
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nominated by her next president of the united states. i do not have a clue with donald trump. i know exactly who hillary clinton are going to nominate. we can count on ted cruz to stick to his principles and conviction. [applause] know, theina: you establishment does not really like ted. people talk about him making a lot of enemies. let me tell you something, i started out as a secretary. to becomingecretary the chief executive of a large technology company, you have to challenge a lot of status quo. the system over and over again. when you challenge the system, and d.c. definitely needs challenging, you do more than russell feathers. you do more than break glass. you make enemies. guess what, folks? i am proud of the enemies ted
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cruz has made. [applause] carly fiorina: we know this nation is hurting. we note that we have to restore prosperity and possibility and opportunity to every american, regardless of their circumstances. i looked over ted cruz's policy and his solutions, and guess what? he really does understand what it takes to grow the economy, that small businesses are the engine of economic growth, that his simple flat tax will work. he understands that our liberty is at stake and i know a lot about the world and no dust of our allies and adversaries as that ted so i know cruz understands that to keep this nation safe, we must lead in the world and standing with in confronting our adversaries and i have no doubt, he will do so. [applause] carly fiorina: here is one other
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thing. the only guy that can beat donald trump is ted cruz. [applause] carly fiorina: we need to beat donald trump because i know, listen, i know donald trump voters and they are good people, angry and frustrated but they are good people and they think somehow that donald trump is going to challenge the system. let me tell you something, folks, donald trump is the system. [applause] carly fiorina: hillary clinton and donald trump are two sides of the same coin. at a agree ont th too many things, but it is not just that. hillary clinton has made her millions selling access and influence from inside the system and donald trump has made his billions buying people like hillary clinton off. he will never reform the system because he benefits from the system. he is the system and that is why
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we have to beat him on tuesday and every day all the way to the convention. [applause] carly fiorina: ladies and gentlemen, you know it is a beautiful day in north carolina. this is a fun and wonderful afternoon, but you know these are pivotal and perilous times in our nation's history. you know that you have a very important responsibility on a tuesday. so, i want you on tuesday to do what i did in virginia. i want you to go into the voting booth and i want you to check the box for ted cruz. [applause] because, mya: fellow citizens, north carolinians, and i feel like i am home as i graduated from high school in north carolina. [applause] carly fiorina: it is time.
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it is time to take our party back. it is time to take our government back and restore a citizen government and finally put someone in the white house who will step up and solve the festering problems, whether it is eliminating the irs or making sure that the pa actually cares for our veterans. need someone who will restore our citizen government and take our government back, but most importantly, it is time to take our country back. [applause] now. fiorina: i want you i want you now to get up out of your chairs. i want you to put your hands together. i want you to clap and yell really loud and help me welcome to the stage, the next president and first lady of the united states, ted and heidi crews.
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incredible lineup we have had today. [applause] backor cruz: isn't glenn extraordinary? [applause] senator cruz: i love listening to glenn. every time i listen to him, i learned something. he is an educator. i love when he brings out the whiteboard. walks us through the founding principles of this great nation, when he lays out the threat of progressivism. he stands up and speaks the truth, even though all of the mainstream media says, we do not want to hear it. remember a couple of years ago when he was talking about becoming islamic caliphate? and all of the media said, this guy is nuts.
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apparently they are pulling this stage down. [laughter] senator cruz: then we saw the rise of isis. we saw him speaking the truth. that is power. how about carly? [applause] senator cruz: is it carly amazing? [applause] senator cruz: to rise from humble beginnings to become ceo of one of the largest and most important companies in the world. she is an incredible voice for economic freedom, an incredible voice for conservative principles and i have to tell you, carly fiorina, keeps hillary clinton up at night. [applause]
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senator cruz: tossing and turning in her jail cell. [applause] senator cruz: so many who were appear today, the general, dr. michael brown, the pastor, the brothers, so many incredible patriots who have joined us. the patriots who are figure -- who are here, who are ready to take our country back. [applause] the north carolina election is two days away, and given where we are, i am going to say something i always wanted to say. gentlemen, start your engines. [applause]
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senator cruz: gentlemen, start your engines. [applause] [laughter] you,or cruz: let me tell all of us are here today because we know our country is in crisis. we are bankrupting our kids and grandkids. because our constitutional rights are under assault. because america has receded from leadership in the world, and yet i am here today with a word of hope and encouragement all across north carolina, all across this country, people are waking up. [applause] election is: this going to come down to three key issues. jobs, freedom and security. let's talk jobs. let me talk for a minute to all of the single moms who are here.
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who are working two or three part-time jobs, who have had your hours forcibly reduced. obamacare kicks in at 30 hours a week. let me talk to all of the truck drivers, the mechanics and plumbers and electricians, the union members, all of the men and women with calluses on your hand. you have seen your wages stagnating year after year. cost of living keeps going up, but some of your wages never seem to keep pace. let me talk to all of the young people, coming out of school with student loans up to your eyeballs, scared, am i going to find a job? what kind of future do i have? can i provide for my kids? and the media tells us, this is as good as it gets. let me tell you, that is an
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utter lie. [applause] it is easy to talk about making america great again. you can even print a baseball cap and put that on top of it. the real question is, do you understand the principles and values that made america great in the first place? [applause] the heart of our d.c.,y is not washington, and it is not new york city. the heart of our economy is small businesses all over the united states of america. [applause] if you want to kill the economy, you do what we have done the last seven years, hammer the living daylights out of small businesses.
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if you want to see the economy bootoff, then you list the of the federal government off the back of the next of --necks of small businesses. [applause] senator cruz: if i am elected president, we will repeal every word of obamacare. [applause] senator cruz: we will pass commonsense health care reform to make health insurance and keepsaffordable government from getting in between us and our doctors. simple flat tax. [applause] where every: american can fill out their taxes on a postcard. [applause] senator cruz: when we do that,
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we should abolish the irs. [applause] senator cruz: we are going to in the epa and the alphabet soup of federal agencies that have dissented like locusts on farmers, ranchers and small businesses, killing jobs all across the country. [applause] senator cruz: we are going to stop amnesty and secure the border and in sanctuary cities and end welfare benefits for those here illegally. [applause] the effect of all of that is we will see millions upon millions of high paying jobs, wages going up for everybody.
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we will see young people coming out of school, having 2, 3, 4, five job opportunities. we will see morning again in america. such a critical issue at the heart of the selection is freedom. -- the election is freedom. passingscalia's underscores the stake of the selection. it has two branches of government that hang of the balance. we are one left-wing justice away from a radical five justice liberal majority. awaye one liberal justice from a supreme court that would strip away the religious liberties of every american. we are one liberal justice away from a supreme court that would effectively erase the second
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amendment from the bill of rights. one liberal supreme court justice away from the supreme thet making us subject to authority of the world court in the united nations and international law and giving up u.s. sovereign city. cy. we were debates ago, asked about the supreme court and religious liberty, and donald trump turned to me and he i have known a lot more politicians than you have. well, in that he is right. left-wingn supporting , democratic politicians for 40 years. i have no experience doing that. [applause] senator cruz: but donald
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continued in the said, ted, when it comes to supreme court and religious liberties, you had to be prepared to compromise. you have to learn to work with the democrats and go along to get along. me be very clear to the men and women of north carolina, i will not compromise away your religious liberty. [applause] i will notz: compromise away your second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [applause] the third critical issue in this election, is security. for seven years, we have seen a president that abandons and alienates our friends and allies and it shows weakness to our enemies. debates ago, donald
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turned to me and said, if he were president, he would be neutral between israel and the palestinians. clear, asvery, very president, i will not be neutral. america will stand, unapologetically with the nation of israel. [applause] senator cruz: anybody who cannot tell the difference between our friends and our enemies, anyone who cannot tell the difference between the nation of israel and islamic terrorist who want to murder us, that raises serious questions about their judgment to be commander in chief. [applause] senator cruz: we have seen for seven years, the united states --weakened.kend
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we have seen morale of our troops plummeting. as a country, we have seen this before. we have seen another left-wing, democratic president, jimmy carter weekend and undermine the american military. in a 1981, around reagan came into office. reagan came into office. he passed tax reform and regulation and lifted the burden on small businesses and it generated trillions to rebuild the military and we bankrupted the soviet union and won the cold war. [applause] i intend to do the exact same thing with radical islamic terrorists. [applause]
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senator cruz: we are going to repeal obama care, pass a flat tax, pull back regulation and the economy will explode and we will see millions of new jobs, trillions of new federal revenue and we will use that revenue to rebuild the military so it remains the mightiest fighting force on the face of the planet. [applause] senator cruz: no longer will our military be governed by political correctness. we will have a commander in chief who stands up and says to the world, we will defeat radical islamic terror. [applause] senator cruz: we will have a president willing to other the er the words, radical islamic terrorist. [applause] senator cruz: one of the most
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shameful aspects of the last seven years, has been a president cindy are fighting men and women into comeback -- combat with rules so strict they cannot fight, cannot win, cannot defend themselves. that is wrong. it is immoral and mark my words in a january 2017, it will end. [applause] senator cruz: america has always been reluctant to use military force. we are slow to anger. if and when military force is needed, we should use overwhelming force, kill the enemy and then get the heck out. [applause]
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[chanting ted] [applause] we are 48 hours away from election day in north carolina. carolina is a battleground. right now in north carolina, donald trump and i are effectively tied. we are not and neck. minute to ther a 65 to 70% of republicans here and at home who recognized that donald trump is not the best candidate for us to nominate against hillary clinton. that's donald loses to hillary clinton. if we nominate donald, hillary
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becomes president and we lose the supreme court for a generation, lose the bill of rights, our kids are buried in debt in their future is taken away. 70% who 65% to recognize that, i want to tell you that all across north carolina in this country, is what we are seeing is republicans coming together and uniting behind our campaign does our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten donald trump over and over and over again, and that can and will beat donald trump and win this nomination. [applause] senator cruz: this race started with 17 republican candidates, a fantastic, diverse, dynamic talented field. and yet, the course of the race has narrowed.
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at this point, as there are only two candidates with any plausible path to the 1237 delegates at stake to become the republican nominee, donald trump and may. now, maybe, maybe some of you here and at home started out supporting someone else. maybe you started out supporting jeb bush or chris christie. maybe you started out supporting mike huckabee, rand paul, carly fiorina or ben carson. maybe you are thinking now of supporting marco rubio or john kasich. let me say, every one of those are good, honorable, decent people. they are people i like, respect and yet none of them has any plausible path to beating donald trump and becoming the republican nominee. so, if you have been supporting someone else, let me tell you,
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we welcome you to our team. , joined us, come on in, the water is fine. in,, join us. the water is fine. senator cruz: we had to election days yesterday. we had the district of columbia and we had a wyoming. [applause] d.c.or cruz: now, in the there were four candidates and i have to tell you, according to washington dc i am dead last. [applause] i have to tell you, that result did not surprise me at all. if you have an election of lobbyists, they vote their interest, and they look at these
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candidates and say, holy cow, this ted cruz guy, the gravy train is ending. [applause] know, anduz: but you you get out of washington dc, the you get to america, reaction is just a little bit different. the state of wyoming yesterday, we won the state of wyoming. [applause] senator cruz: we won with 66 percent of the vote. -- 66% of the vote. [applause] senator cruz: this donald trump fellow, i see his name a lot on tv, you know what he got? 7.2%. [applause]
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north carolina, north carolina is going to speak to the whole country on tuesday. [applause] senator cruz: you have a platform, and that the phone to speak to this nation, and i want to ask everyone here to vote for me on tuesday, 10 times. [applause] look, we are now, not democrats. [laughter] senator cruz: i am not suggesting voter fraud. gets nineryone here other people to come out and vote on tuesday, you will have voted 10 times. [applause] let me tell you, maybe you are not the -- old enough to vote.
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if you get 10 other people to come and vote on tuesday, you will have voted 10 times before you turn 18. [applause] senator cruz: that is how we win. the menou to look at and women gathered here. if everyone here just gets nine other people, you are looking at 40,000 votes across the state of north carolina. that is enough to control the outcome of this election. [applause] the men and women here, if we stand together and every one of us rings nine others, that is how we win, and if we stand together we will win this nomination, beat donald trump, when the general election, beat hillary clinton and we will turn this country
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around. [applause] senator cruz: it took jimmy carter to give us ronald reagan. i am convinced the most long-lasting legacy of barack obama is going to be a new generation of leaders in the republican party who stand and fight for liberty, who stand and fight for the constitution and who stand and fight for the judeo-christian values that built this great nation. thank you and god bless you. [applause] >> thank you for coming out today.
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>> our road to the white house coverage takes us to ohio tomorrow. governor john kasich will be there for an event. that is live at 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span three. ohio isng us from andrew, a politics reporter. thank you for being with us. let's talk about governor john kasich. it is a much when state for him. polls show he is up and only by 4% or 5%. where do things stand in the republican race? guest: i think if you look at the most recent polls, they show him out in front of donald trump, and that is a positive sign for him. i think a lot of the fundamentals in ohio favor him because he has the loyalty and
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kind of support from the state's political party, or republican party. race,definitely a close and certainly, it is not something he is taking for granted. host: it is the economy, ohio. governor kasich touting his gubernatorial record. ohio, how will that play out tuesday in terms of support he would be getting? andrew: i think that if you look at recent polling numbers regarding his approval rating, i he isohioians thinks doing a good job. i'd not think the economy is booming by any means. many of the urban centers are still struggling with the long-term loss in manufacturing jobs that a lot of cities have seen. that being said, ohio by and large is doing better economically than when he became
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governor back in 2006. ohioians have a good feeling about where the state stands, but the real question is with the emergence of donald trump, there is a lot of energy behind his candidacy. it is a matter of whether they think that governor kasich would be, whether they would rather keep him here or rather shake things up in washington. host: as you know, andrew tobias 36 hours, cable television dominated by what happened in chicago on friday. and then a threat to donald trump when he was in the dayton, ohio, area. he was surrounded by secret service. inside theh washington post. how do you think these developments will play out among voters in ohio? andrew: i think that by and large with respect to trump's support, i think he thrives off an environment where he can
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show the country is under attack. i think that narrative is reinforced when he can say that. they do not want you to hear what i have to say. on the other hand, i think that ohio is largely a moderate state. ing groupsk that see of political supporters fighting each other might be alarming to some people. i think it is really a matter of a primary electorate isn't necessarily representative the entire state. it is hard to say exactly, but certainly we'll be hosting the republican national convention this july. i know the people in cleveland ar paying close attention toe guess, some of these developments because we are not necessarily excited. if we are going to see that kind of stuff happening here. host: we will be at the convention. we will either one network that will show the proceedings and their entirety as we've been
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doing since every convention in the 1980's. e democraticbout th race. as you look at the schedules -- hillary clinton and bernie sanders in columbus. this is a state that by recent polling showing tha bernie sanders has been coming into hillary clinton'st lead. andrew: i'm a little wary of the polling in this race just because the primary in michigan last week, senator sanders was projected to lose by quite a bit. ended up winning. silly to michigan, ohio has an open primary. there are other similarities where we have a similar economic situation, we're geographically close to each other. so, certainly, the polling does show hillary clinton being up, like you said. senator sanders has cut into her lead. but i'm, just because of what happened in michigan, i am too much thatay
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mabel detroit and-- mto say too much that may be proven wrong. host: thank you>> tonight, 8 p.n "q&a." >> "washington journal continues. host: joining us right now, professor susan macnanus. guest: thank you for being with us. greetings from the sunshine state. host: let's talk about marco rubio. the piece this morning in "bloomberg politics" is that the problem he is facing is that he tended to the base and that he .s coming home to roost is that a fair assessment? some peoples what are saying, but he's had some really good rallies for the last bad publicity.he
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the polls are narrowing. of course he won the washington, d.c. caucus yesterday. the polls are all over the map. perhaps he didn't work the state have, but should everyone knows his name. florida, like everywhere else, is really very opinionated on this primary. host: folks are voting for john kasich when in ohio. conversely, are the john kasich supporters telling supporters to vote for senator rubio in florida? not really, but a lot of ads are doing that and the strategy here is clearly one for the rubio campaign of blocking the trump train. i know it hasn't gotten a big presence here, but it's all about a blocking strategy in
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keeping trump from getting more delegates. it's in the tv ads. headlinen you see this -- "vitriol following donald ,"ump on the campaign trail how damaging, if at all, are those images moving into the primary in your state? it's a great question, considering the voters are a bit older. whether they will be worried about this continuing on and what their opinions are about the violence and hate going on around this whole campaign. or if they are trump voters who are very offended by the fact that the protesters don't reflect and respect a basic of , which isonstitution freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
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wait ande will have to see. i'm sure it is affecting people. it might help rubio a bit. the other hand, the idea of freedom of speech for all is a strong idea for the republicans. host: even asking our viewers and listeners about that cover magazine."ime "with the death of a dignified first lady, an influential cultural figure in her own right, devoted keeper of her husband's flame, ron reagan and nancy reagan have passed into history. it seems the same cannot be said of the party they took such care in shaping." would you agree or disagree with that sentiment? guest: it's what i have heard the last few days. it certainly one that many of
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the younger generation and even those looking at the growing demographic diversity in the country, best reflected here in florida, that things have changed and they will find -- fall behind. these people are choosing no party affiliation. it's also true that we have seen among them, among the party switchers of late, more people have switched over to vote in this upcoming republican presidential primary than the democrats. clearly, the younger part of the times arerstands that different. everyone will respect and love the reagans, but you have to move on. as you well know, senator sanders has been the target of the blame within the trump campaign. here's how he responded. "what caused the violence is a
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campaign whose actions have encouraged violence on the part of trump support -- trump supporters -- host: that, from senator bernie sanders. susan macnanus, your reaction? very clear that people are being disturbed by the language being used on the stump. who areprovoke people at a white-hot level of anger right now into physical violence
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. their emotions are out of control. that's the danger. the electorate this season, more and more people are voting. on the other hand, the emotional level that can turn into anger is also escalating. it is a problem, because we are not anywhere near the conventions yet. also, i think particularly among children -- people with children , it's a little bit scary the you are hearing this kind of language on the campaign trail from a presidential candidate at the very same time that we are teaching about anti-bullying behavior in teaching this younger generation to be more civilized. what are they seeing? these children are following the presidential campaign. it, they talkut
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about it in school. hearing this kind of dialogue at the same kind that their parents and teachers are saying -- we don't bully. it's a very said time in terms of the educational aspect of our young children. host: our guest is susan macnanus, joining us from florida. i want to share with you from the u.s. census bureau, the demographics of florida -- it is home to just over 50 million residents. almost 16 million. the breakdown of the voting age of the population, a huge senior citizen population across the rate. it is about 50% white, 15% black, 3% asian. as you look at the political geography of the state, certainly very different from southern florida, central and northern florida, give us the breakdown. absolutely.
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the panhandle is certainly very conservative. the area is largely democratic. state,dle part of the the interstate for corn or, the split part for the registered voters who live in the tampa media market, the state's largest. the orlando market, together, 44%. what is so unique about this swing state geography is that it is the most equally divided in terms of republicans and democrats with a large bunch of s.dependent it's very diverse from a racial and ethnic perspective, as well as being heavily competitive. swinging down to the southwest part of florida, fort myers, naples and so forth, the republican part of the state. republicans do very well there. switching over to the southeast
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part, that's the strongest part for democrats. it's a very tough place to campaign in. it's expensive because television is expensive. yet it's a microcosm of the country in racial and ethnic compositions. .ural, urban, suburban in terms of parties and age, and i want to say something about age -- the facts of the matter are very different in terms of registered voters in what people think of about florida's age makeup. right now the two youngest generations are the millennials and the gen x errs. boomers, 30 4%. you see that we have a much more age diverse population than is the common perception outside the state. we are talking very competitive.
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to me you can see one of the biggest stories of this campaign , this election season, the emergence of generational politics. millennials are starting to flex their muscle and in our state, both arteries have got to appeal to them because they have to register and vote differently. florida, the best microcosm in the country, which is why all the eyes of the country will be on that state on the 15th. host: that famous line, the more north you are, the more south you are in terms of northern florida being more conservative and southern florida being more -- just youse of this perspective on the map, the area in orange on the panhandle, just outside tallahassee -- these are the areas that newt gingrich won in 2012. , from tampa toas
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orlando, up to jacksonville and countiesh, the blue are the ones that mitt romney won in 2012. these are the areas we will keep a close eye on in terms of where senator rubio can do well in needs to do well. where is the stronghold for donald trump on tuesday? guest: definitely the panhandle. the stronghold for ted cruz will probably get more out of those as well. the northern part of the state is the most conservative, where he will generate the most votes. any place you have pockets of people who are not doing as well in terms of their economics. in florida we still see many people who do not feel that they have recovered from the great recession. flat wages, part-time work. even though florida itself is doing better. you certainly see that in the more rural parts of the state
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and in the north. it's definitely trump territory. that where you have these income disparities, he's going to do well there. harold is joining us from outside jacksonville. good morning. good morning. one small correction. 15 were saying we have million people in florida. we have about 20 million. you are a little bit kind. -- behind. look. for oneoing for trump reason. we have had a president who has not exactly been following the law. we have open borders. we have industry after industry in the south being taken over by illegal immigrants. everybody wants change. it's not just at the bottom. of society invels
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florida. we have watched a lot of changes and we support trump because we want change. he's reflecting it but it's not easy. we are against the socialist candidate bernie sanders who went to the soviet union on his honeymoon. imagine that. and he went to nicaragua to support the sandinistas. against him we have hillary clinton who can't quite the ethical, can't quite tell the truth. and you are looking at trump and saying, why is he getting mad? why is he saying things like, beat up these agitators? the republicans are the party that follow the rules, support families, care for morals, fight in the armed forces. we are a little bit fed up with people who do not follow the rules and believe in hitting people or falling on the ground pretending they've been hit. it's all parts of society now. we are in revolt. we want law and order.
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host: ok. thank you harold. we will get a response. susan macmanus. guest: security is a big issue. and so our economics. those are the driving issues across the country. there is concern that on the security front -- twofold concern. one is that we have had all inse terrorist cells emerge the united states. it's one thing when it is overseas. it's another thing when it's on american soil. people are also very fearful of their safety. that is both sides of the aisle. it used to be you felt safe in a church or school or on the sidewalk or in a mall or at a restaurant. now the randomness of violence is really frightening people. people are angry. some people perceive it is
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coming more from some -- one side of the aisle than the other. is veryage person concerned about security. in terms of economics, the same thing. people who are concerned about the economy -- and they look at washington and they see washington has done nothing to help them financially or whatever. i'm talking about the highly sought after middle-class voter, the casual voter who every four years votes and the rest of the time doesn't pay attention. they see washington is taking plenty good care of the wealthy in this country with corporate loopholes and whatever. wealthy people can send their kids to college and not worry about debt and they can hire a good accountant to help them with their finances.
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these people look at what government has done for the poor and they see that generally, the government should help more but hasn't. they are very concerned about who the say are the not so genuinely poor that are working off the system. and for a lot of people they put into that category, right or wrong, immigrants who they perceive as taking their jobs away and they get very angry about what looks like government is helping people who are scamming the system a bit more than they are helping this poor middle-class person whose income has been flat and can't send their kids to college. you have a lot of anxiety. fears ofhese competing the economy and personal safety have made people just angry and fearful.
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what you are seeing are these very strong opinions about what's wrong in this country. of anger get this kind and feel simultaneously without datag 10 years worth of that shows that almost two thirds of americans have not felt that the direction of country is headed the right way. it's a very unusual time in politics at a pivotal time for the future of this country. study political science at florida state university, dr. susan macmanus, professor of medical science at the university of south florida. she is the former chair of the florida elections commission and serves as a political analyst on wflat. ron is joining us from columbus,
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ohio. democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. just tired, i'm frustrated. the so-called leaders of this dividedseem to be so and sending that message across the country. trump is talking about beating up protesters in the name of free speech. i'm a veteran. i am a vietnam veteran. thisld just like to see country try to look at the golden rule. treat one another the way we would like to betray to pa trea. race?we just be a human and try to come together? thank you for taking my call. host: are you going to vote on tuesday?
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have you already cast your ballot in ohio? who is your candidate? caller: i'm still not sure. i voted for clinton or for sanders. i'm probably going to vote for bernie sanders. host: why? caller: because he sounds genuine. he sounds like he's truly poor livingout the in america. i think he wants truly to see america become one it was always meant to be. thanks for the call. susan macmanus, what did you hear from that color in a while -- caller in ohio? caller: i hear what i hear a
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lot. can't these people just get together? absolutely. i teach young millennials every day. every day, the comment about the human race. can't we just focus on the human race. i hear it a lot. i'm actually the political analyst for the abc affiliate in tampa, wfts. we have the wrong information in the rundown. i apologize. caller: that's ok. he is a veteran, the caller. people respect veterans so much. when they are it set and they feel the country is just not understanding what they themselves have fought for, it's very upsetting for people to hear veterans say what they just said but they are very sympathetic with his viewpoint l sorry that this
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country is aware -- unaware of the basic constitutional rights we have. host: this is a story from the miami herald. it was the collapse of the celebrated trump international hotel and tower in fort lauderdale florida four years ago that cost buyers millions in lost deposits sparking more than a dozen lawsuits and has now emerged as a campaign issue that threatens to follow the gop front-runner through the race on tuesday. are you familiar with this issue? i am. we have a similar issue in the tampa area. it has gotten some attention in the local media. i don't think it really resonates that well with people. people willsome say, that's just business. others will say, that's business and i don't like it. it's not a pressing issue is pushing people in one direction or another. if he were to secure the
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thenation and step into national stage, it would probably get more attention. it is not moving a lot of voters in florida right now. host: matthew from new jersey, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you. i hope you will read some more fair-minded papers other than the new york times. my point is i believe that trump and to a lesser extent sanders are popular because they are not phony politicians that are beholden to special interest , whos like madame hillary does not tell the truth, and who pushed us into the unnecessary and a moral war in iraq. and this is another thing that bernie and donald trump share. they are both and they were both against the war. i love the way trump basically
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destroyed the legacy of george bush by pointing out that the iraq war was based on lies and many people died and were injured unnecessarily. which by the way, hillary andton was a big warmonger pressure of that disaster -- pusher of that disaster. speaking of the golden rule, you know. thank you very much. host: professor, did you want to respond to that sentiment? also a very common one. people look back to iraq and afghanistan and think about the money that was spent and how we are not resolving the problem and get very upset about it. for some people, war and violence is a big reason why they look at politicians and decide who to vote for.
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it's also true that you are expressing the opinion of many supporters of both trumpet and sanders -- trump and sanders. probably a bigger issue on the democratic side. that the bushns name is still not really healed among many voters. i think that is one of the things that hurt jeb bush in florida. formero you think the florida governor will endorse before tuesday and would it make any difference? guest: many people thought he would have done it before now. it's probably going to do much at the last minute. there are debates all over the place about whether it would help or hurt the candidate he endorses. that a number of florida republicans really still adore and admire jeb bush and
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are very sorry that his campaign didn't go anywhere. but for the people who are new how much'm not sure his endorsement would mean at this point. he met with several of the candidates privately. the content of their conversations has never been released. he met with john kasich, marco rubio, and ted cruz prior to the debates. he may have told them to cut the personality stuff. we don't know what advice or whatever he told them. bill kristol, the editor of the weekly standard, has an editorial this morning called "the harbor.
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orror." there is still time to defeat tro. -- trump. us will rally behind an independent republican candidate to save the honor of the party. wrote, when bad men combined, the good must associate or they will all fail one by one. laura in new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you. i'm 72 years old. i always vote republican. florida.ouse in i appeal to floridian people. please vote for marco rubio. please. i'm begging you.
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i heard about the movement of donald trump. but the movement of donald trump reminds me, hitler, stalin, mussolini, chang kai-shek. that is not a movement. trump is narcissistic bully clown. he is disgrace to republican. everything to transport his own gain. i do not believe one his word. marco rubio is floridian boy. everything he achieved on his own. look at the debt. canada has very young prime minister. we can have young president. i'm 72. it's time for the new generation. congressmans old
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job.g in this america andhelp american people from donald trump. because it's going to be disaster. he will not do nothing for himself one more things. has meant to attack hillary clinton because of his husband indiscretion. no man is perfect and nobody's perfect. but you have to remember one thing. wifeon did not replace his for 24 younger wife. host: i'm going to jump in. thank you. we will get a response from our guest. susan macmanus. guest: a lot of people have connections to florida like this lady who spoke.
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aboutone of the arguments rubio. he brings a youth and forward look to the party and is more optimistic. looking at what has happened thus far in this whole primary of the mostink one significant photos from the perspective of the republican party that was taken was a picture of marco rubio, nikki haley, and tim scott. a very diverse look at the republican party. future diversity. this is one of the concerns going back to the bill kristol peace. one of the concerns is that if trump prevails and affects the republicans in diverse states to attract new people to the party, that could be a problem. is,of the lines of thinking without for rubio. i have heard this expressed several times. -- vote for rubio.
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i have heard this expressed several times. republicans have made great gains among florida's minority voters. you don't want to have that suddenly erase all the hard work of the par >> coming up monday morning, peter wainer. speechwriterr and for the romney presidential campaign. they will discuss the battle in the republican party nominee and who he will support for the nomination. then ken burns talks about his documentary on checking robinson -- on jackie robinson.
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and -- jesswn bravin will be with us to discuss the supreme court nominee. journal" everyon morning at 7:00 a.m. month -- >> monday on "the communicators," they discuss how and whether the fcc should develop privacy regulations for the internet. they are joined by howard buskirk. >> the ftc can no longer regulate that one aspect, internet access provider or telecommunications service provider. there is now rulemaking coming up where the ftc will decide
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oft to put in place, and lou replicatingf, or the fcc rules. >> most of the rules that exist existed in the world of telephones. the situation to cover isp's, they have to come up with rules appropriate to the world of internet, not just the telephones. >> watch "the communicators," monday night at 8:00 p.m. et. >> c-span's newsmakers welcomes tony perkins, the host of a nationally syndicated radio program. asking questions this week, meet tom and david making his first visit.
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mr. hamburger, you are up first. mr. hamburger: thank you for being with us. i have a question we are hanging -- hearing from the washington post and some of our readers. what is going on with evangelicals this election cycle? i know you have seen comments not only from pundits, but in our paper, russell moore has wondered our evangelical voters -- in just, "are they drunk" this cycle? that is my opener to you. what is going on? mr. perkins: all right, how much time do we have? [laughter] that is a question evangelicals themselves are asking.
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