tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN March 21, 2016 2:00am-6:01am EDT
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this in itself is revolutionary because it shows that we can run a winning national campaign without being dependent on wall street and big money interests. [applause] mr. sanders: to paraphrase abraham lincoln at gettysburg, this is a campaign of the people, by the people and for the people. [applause] mr. sanders: what that means when you are not dependent on big money interests, you can do what is right for working people.
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[applause] mr. sanders: i don't have to worry about some billionaire or wall street guy calling me up because we don't have their money, we don't want their money, we don't need their money. [applause] mr. sanders: secretary clinton has chosen to go another route in terms of how she raises money. she has several super pacs. the largest one recently reported it has raised $25 million in special interest money, $15 million from wall street alone. [boos]
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mr. sanders: as some of you may also know, secretary clinton has given speeches on wall street for $225,000 a speech. what i have said is if are going to be paying $225,000 for a speech, it must be an extraordinarily brilliant speech. [applause] mr. sanders: it must be a speech that could transform our country and the world. it must be a shakespearean type speech. and if that speech is so great let the american people see it. [applause]
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mr. sanders: second issue, all of you know foreign policy is a very important part of what a president does. the most important foreign-policy debate in the modern history of this country took place in 2002. i listened very carefully to what president bush and vice president cheney and all of these guys had to say. [boos] mr. sanders: they were saying we have to invade iraq, we have to invade iraq. i did not believe them. and i voted against that disastrous law. [applause]
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mr. sanders: then-senator clinton heard the same arguments, read the same information. she voted for that disastrous war. when we talk about why the middle class of this country has been disappearing for 30 years why many millions of workers today are working longer hours for lower wages, a lot of that has to do with horrific trade policies written by corporate america. since the year 2001, this country has lost 60,000 factories and millions of decent paying jobs.
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[booing] mr. sanders: i have opposed every one of these trade agreements, nafta, cafta. [applause] mr. sanders: secretary clinton has supported virtually all of those corporately written trade agreements. one of the reasons our campaign is doing so well is that we are not listening to big-money campaign contributors. we are listening to the american people. [applause] mr. sanders: this is what the american people are telling me. if they are workers, they are saying they cannot make it on
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eight dollars, nine dollars, $10 an hour. they are tired of working for working, working and not going anywhere. that is why we need to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. [applause] mr. sanders: i understand you have a governor here who is trying to make it harder to raise the minimum wage. [booing] mr. sanders: that is exactly the wrong thing to do. [applause] mr. sanders: this campaign is
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listening to senior citizens and disabled veterans. i know that arizona has a whole lot of men and women who have put their lives on the line to defend us and we thank them all. [applause] mr. sanders: but here is the truth. no senior citizen or disabled vet can live on $11,000 or $12,000 the year social security. [applause] mr. sanders: unbelievably, we've got republicans in congress who want to cut social security. i've got bad news for them. we are not going to cut social security. we are going to expand social security. [applause]
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mr. sanders: this campaign is listening to young people. and what young people are telling me is, "bernie, we were told it was the right thing to do to go to college or graduate school. you told us how important it is to get the best education we can. why is it that when we leave school, we are $30,000 or $50,000 in debt?" anybody here with student debt? unbelievable. i want you to think outside the box. think outside the status quo. you all know we live in a very competitive global economy.
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we need to have the best educated workforce in the world. [applause] mr. sanders: you all know many of the new jobs being created today require a lot more education than the jobs of the past. for a very long time, when we thought about public education what we talked about was first grade through 12th grade. and that was great 50 years ago. but the world has changed. the economy has changed. technology has changed. when we talk about public education today, what we have got to be talking about is making public colleges and
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universities tuition-free. [applause] [chanting "bernie, bernie"] mr. sanders: this is not a radical idea. the world has changed. our educational system has to change with it. other countries, and i know you know this, germany and scandinavia, they do that and they provide free college education because they know investing in their young people is what will make their economy strong. [applause]
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mr. sanders: the other issue is millions of people, some young and some not so young are really being crushed with high levels of student debt. what we are about to do is say to those people, you will be able to finance that debt at the lowest interest rate you can find. [applause] mr. sanders: now, i am criticized by the establishment, my opponent -- this is a very expensive proposition. you want to have public colleges and universities tuition free and significantly lower student debt. that's about $70 billion year. how are you going to pay for it? i will tell you how we are going to pay for it. remember eight years ago when the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior of wall street drove this economy into the worst economic downturn since the 1930's? congress bailed out wall street. it seems to me that now is the
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mr. sanders: this campaign -- this campaign -- [laughter] [applause] [chanting "bernie"] mr. sanders: this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the latino community. [applause] mr. sanders: and what the latino community is telling me is that they are tired of 11 million people, 11 million people in this country
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mr. sanders: in a democracy, people can agree or disagree with immigration reform or anything else. but what people cannot do, what donald trump cannot do is engage in bigotry, engage in vicious insults against our mexican neighbors. [applause] mr. sanders: that is not acceptable. and we will not tolerate it. [applause] mr. sanders: and, if congress does not do its job, i will use the executive office and the powers of the presidency to do everything that i can to see that families are united, not separated. [applause]
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mr. sanders: and our department of justice will take a very hard look at what sheriff arpaio and people like him are doing. [chanting "bernie, bernie"] mr. sanders: i am the son of an immigrant. my father came from poland. he came to this country not knowing one word of english. so i have some experience with the immigrant family situation. i am tired of seeing young people with tears running down
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their cheeks, worried that their parents or their brother or their sister will be deported. we are going to put an end to deportation. [applause] mr. sanders: this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the native american communities. [applause] mr. sanders: there is no group of people in our country today who have contributed more to our culture, to our respect for the environment than have the native american communities. [applause]
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mr. sanders: and i don't have to tell anybody here that from the first days of when the settlers came to this continent, they cheated the native american people, they lied to the native american people, they broke treaties with the native american people, and today, what we are seeing in community after community of native americans is outrageously high levels of unemployment, of poverty, of alcoholism, of suicide, of kids dropping out of high school. it is time for the united states government to treat the native american tribes with respect. [applause]
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mr. sanders: and that is what i will do as president of the united states. i am a member of the u.s. senate committee on the environment. [applause] mr. sanders: and let me tell you what virtually no republican will tell you. that is the debate is over. climate change is real. climate change is caused by human activity. and climate change is already causing devastating problems in this country and around the world. and let me tell you what the scientists are also saying.
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that is if we do not get our act together, if we do not transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, a bad situation today will become a lot, lot worse. [applause] mr. sanders: what the scientists tell us, if we do not act boldly by the end of this century, this planet will be between five degrees to 10 degrees fahrenheit warmer. that is catastrophic. what that means is more drought, more floods, more extreme weather disturbances, more rising sea levels, more acidification of the oceans, and more international conflict as people fight for limited natural resources. [applause]
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mr. sanders: that is why together, we are going to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and tell them that their short term profits are not worth the future of this planet. [applause] mr. sanders: and, by the way while we are talking about environmental issues, we have got to end fracking. [applause]
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mr. sanders: there was a piece in the paper the other day -- it is not just went, michigan, suffering from severe water problems, it is hundreds and hundreds of communities all over america. fracking will make that situation worse. end fracking. [applause] mr. sanders: i have been criticized by my opponents for saying this, so let me say it again. [applause and laughter] mr. sanders: and that is,
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health care is a right of all people, not a privilege. [applause] mr. sanders: now some of the affordable care act has done some very good things. but, we have a long way to go. today, in america, 29 million americans have no health insurance. many of you are underinsured with high deductibles and copayments, am i right? everyone in this country is being ripped off by the greed of the drug companies. [applause]
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mr. sanders: drug companies charge us the highest prices in the world for medicine and the situation is so crazy that one out of five americans cannot afford to fill the prescription their doctors write. that is crazy. then it turns out we are spending far, far more than capital on health care than any other country on earth. [booing] mr. sanders: that is why we have to move toward a medicare for all health care system. [applause] mr. sanders: everybody here tonight knows that in our history as a nation, real change always takes place from the bottom up, not from the top down.
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[applause] mr. sanders: real change takes place when the real people look around and say the status quo is not working. it has got to change. [applause] mr. sanders: change took place 100 years ago when workers were being treated as if they were animals, that we were going to form a union whether the employer likes it or not. real change takes place when over the last years, hundreds of americans said racism, segregation and bigotry is not what this country is about. [applause]
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sen. sanders: 100 years ago, women in america did not have the right to vote. [booing] sen. sanders: but what women and their male allies said is that in america, women will not be treated as second-class citizens. [applause] sen. sanders: and by the way what they said is that women will be able to control their own bodies. [applause]
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sen. sanders: 10 years ago if there was somebody in this room who said, i think that gay marriage will be made legal in 50 states in this country by the year 2015, the person next to him what has said, what are you smoking? [laughter] sen. sanders: which raises a whole other issue -- [laughter] sen. sanders: but, what happened? what happened is the gay community against ferocious hatred and their straight allies -- [applause]
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sen. sanders: what they said, is that in america, people should be allowed to love each other no matter what their gender is. [applause] sen. sanders: that is how change takes place. [applause] sen. sanders: and we are at that profound and pivotal moments in american history today, where millions of people are looking around and they are saying, is this right, that so few have so much and so many have so little? is it right that the united states of america, this great country, is the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all, or paid family and medical leave? is it right that when we have seen in recent years, a proliferation of millionaires
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and billionaires that we have today, the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth? [booing] sen. sanders: is it right that in this nation the men and women who defended our veterans, some of them are sleeping out on the streets? so what the american people are saying, is, we can do much better. [applause] sen. sanders: and what the american people by the millions our understanding, as you are not going to do much better if we go back to the same old, same old establishments politics, and establishment economics. now, i am the only candidate for president who will tell you this truth: it is not a happy truth but it is the truth, and that is, no president, not bernie sanders or anyone else, can do it alone. we need the people who have the power in this country, and that is wall street, who have endless
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amounts of money, corporate america, whose greed has done a so much damage, the corporate media, which determines what we see, hear, or read. wealthy campaign contributors they have enormous power. the only way that we transform this country and take them on is when millions of people stand up and say, enough is enough. [applause] sen. sanders: and that is what this political revolution is about.
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it is involving people, many at home have given up on the political process, to get involved, to stand up, to fight back for justice. [applause] sen. sanders: on tuesday, there is going to be a very, very important primary, here in arizona. [applause] sen. sanders: so, please, on tuesday, make sure that you your friends, your family, come out to vote, let us see how arizona helps to lead the political revolution. thank you. [applause] ♪
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announcer: house returns after a three-day -- for a three day work week. members also considered new international standards for blocking travel by terrorists and foreign fighters. on tuesday, the house takes up a series of hills and recognition of women's his three month. then the senate stands in recess until april 4. as always, you can join us on c-span and c-span2. >> good sunday morning. thank you for being with us. i want to go to your colleague david hawking's who writes --
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everyone seems to be going to the c-span archives to read what senators have said. what did he say in 1987 and how is it relevant in 2016. guest: the relevance we were in 1987 to this cycle is that this was the last go around. we had a republican president democratic senate and one of the things were looking at back then was the fact that we ultimately got to a point of confirmation in the election year, 1988 but you have this story up in front of you -- host: the quote was, the dangers of politicizing the nomination process are needed by shortsightedness. after all presidential elections end supreme court nominations, and go. i urge my colleagues to resist.
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guest: what was happening was we went from the defeated nomination to the anthony kennedy nomination, which was confirmed in 1988 in the election year after the nomination was defeated. that was when grassley was in play then. he was already in the senate, of course. every time we turn around, there is some new clip being pulled up out of the c-span archives. guest:host: merrick garland was on capitol hill and had a couple of meetings. "roll call" reporting that he will meet with others. guest: there are 10 or 11 that we know of at this point that would say they are ok having a meeting with chief judge garland.
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there was a report the other day from a chicago radio station that are publican from illinois, as of right now, is the only senator who is saying that we should go forward with a vote on the garland nomination. there is former unity among senate republicans on not having hearings. it is somewhat unanimous, but the same cannot be said for having meetings. there are at least some senators who are offering them that -- offering him that courtesy. host: are there cracks among senate leadership? guest: the real crack is not the leadership, but some in the rankings that are talking fairly openly. jeff blake is the most notice -- is the more notable one of the group. in the event the election does not go the way the republican would want, which is to say
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that someone, hillary clinton perhaps, is elected president, and the senate -- and was control of the senate in that case, maybe we should confirm merrick garland. hillary clinton endotoxin or will be more liberal -- hillary clinton inand chuck schumer will be more liberal than garland will be. host: is within present itself of the longest period of time in the nomination and if there is a confirmation hearing and a synod vote. guest: it has normally taken a matter of weeks, more traditionally. there is a question that i will throw in briefly, this is kind of an unusual situation that might be really, really a remote
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possibility, but there is a window of 17 days between the new congress starting generally third and the new president taking office on gary 20th where they would theoretically -- january 20 where they would be a window to confirm obama's nominee early next year. host: all of the scenarios -- our guest is niels lesniewski. our phone lines are open. i want to share with you what senator kerry beat said this past week -- he spoke at american congress, a think tank taking a man donald trump and the republicans. [video clip] many americans are scratching their heads on donald trump. i know i have on more than one occasion. words cannot fathom how he moved so fast. his violent rhetoric is embarrassing. his proposals are dangerous.
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republican establishment acts be bolded, but they should not be bewildered. republican leaders are responsible for his rise. for eight years, they drained -- they replace thoughtful engagement with hatred. we are seeing it right now with president obama's nomination of merrick garland. four months before they knew the nominee would be, they are he pledged to block him or her and treat him or her like a piñata. that is a minor misbehavior hollowing out of the political debate and crating conditions for trump to rise. republican leaders created the drought conditions. donald trump has struck the match. host: niels lesniewski, the sentiment from harry reid, saint
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republicans, you should've seen this coming. guest: that is exactly right. it was interesting and unusual for senator reid. he was using a teleprompter. it has been a long time since i saw harry reid using teleprompter. his message was, you should've seen this coming, republican party. also, what is becoming a drumbeat that the republican party is the party of trump. they are using this in campaign as already. the argument being, the really want donald trump to be the one picking the next spring court justice? the other thing that senator reid is talking about in that clip and else were in that speech was interestingly as a contradiction, he did say, if
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the democrats need to be concerned about how much additional turnout there has been as a result of mr. trump his candidacy for the republican field, the other side of that same coin is that he is trying to drive up democratic turnout to counter whomever these new trump voters are. host: the politics in all this piece is how democrats are trying to tie in donald trump endocytic republican candidates. rob portman in ohio, an open seat in florida that could determine who controls the senate next year. guest: we are seeing in places like new hampshire, looks like there is an outside senate majority group that is heavily involved in the -- excuse me, on
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behalf of the democrats in new hampshire. we are going to see more and more of that. they launched the party of trump website, but on the other side, there is a lot of money being spent defending republican incumbents in favor of this idea of letting the voters decide about the supreme court. we are seeing millions already starting to pour in, or being committed at least, in favor of a publican's. -- of republicans. the house has a very short week and one of the things that will be important for them to do is that the appropriations process. it is not significant this week because they will be leaving early for easter. but the military construction and ba appropriations bill is supposed to get started so that when everyone gets back after
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the easter recess, we can see the appropriations process -- start the appropriations process. janet is joining us from alabama. caller: good morning. i just wanted to say romney, ryan mcconnell, paul singer, trying to play the establishment game with american voters. we voted for donald trump. millions of people voted for donald trump and a handful of politicians are trying to twist our votes around into their pocket. usually when a handful of people are that dead set against the person that people want, there is money involved. host: thanks for the call. guest: there is absolutely a lot of money involved on all sides.
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the caller did mention there was a lot of outside money pouring in as part of this effort to stop trump on the republican side. a lot of that seems to be driven by this theory at least that seems to be the conventional wisdom that trump on the top of the republican ticket will cause all sorts of problems. you can see the senate wiped out and you could even -- there are some talk that you could see the house of representatives come into play as a possible democratic pickup opportunity which i don't think anybody would have foresaw before mr. trump's candidacy became a real thing. host: which is what marie is saying on our twitter page. let republicans obstruct merrick garland. they prove they cannot govern. it does fit into one narrative. the other is that republicans have not held firm to principles which is why they do not want to
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move ahead with the obama nomination. guest: this -- one of the things we have seen, there is a group in the house of representatives called the house freedom caucus. this conservative group of lawmakers who have been frequently against leadership. the group that sort of pushed speaker boehner out the door. they have officially endorsed mitch mcconnell's actions. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell's actions with respect to the supreme court nomination. this is one case where the conservative base is actually happy with the senate republican leadership. that is not universally true. but on the other side, when it comes to the democrats, the risk potentially for democrats although it does not seem to be real just yet, is all of this outside research that is being
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done, digging into the background and record of chief judge garland. we saw just the other day the republican national committee was circulating a report about garland's opposition to having the rotc program on campus at harvard in a 1970's. -- in the 1970's. they are digging deep to find anything they possibly can. should they find something that is completely untenable all of a sudden they may have the upper hand here but there have been no signs of anything in garland's record to suggest it rises to that level. host: another viewer saying merrick garland seems like reasonable nominee for supreme court of the united states. open-minded, some hard edge gop is making a mistake. our conversation is with niels lesniewski, writing for roll call. frequently on this network and
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we call him him for c-span radio as well. he is a graduate of hamilton college. have you seen the broadway show? guest: i have not yet. frankly because the supreme court nomination was coming down the pipe i missed when they were all at the white house a week ago. host: it is online though at white let's go to jesse in michigan. the morning. caller: good morning. [indiscernible] what i was saying is, president obama had a good opportunity to leave a great legacy behind. people have supported -- you have never had -- always opportunities we will never have. these brain-dead
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african-american people think this man is so great. [indiscernible] caller: i voted for him the first time. i did not vote for him the second time. this might be -- i voted for the democratic already since i was old enough to vote. i think i will -- this might be the only time i will ever vote again. i'm sorry to say that. thank you, steve for letting me express my opinion. thank you very much. host: thank you. happy birthday and good luck to you. 84 years old. guest: he does make a point. there has been some dismay with p president obama's
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collection from some african-american supporters particularly that he did not take the opportunity to point someone like an african-american woman. loretta lynch, the attorney general, took herself out of contention for the supreme court appointment. there was at least one candidate on the list who our caller may have been more excited by. she actually withdrew her own name from consideration. host: another viewer saying if the power players of the gop go against trump they will lose the house and the senate. shooting themselves in the foot. but go to jason, tampa florida. caller: that was along the line what i was thinking. in the sense of the actual political system, do you think it is a fear of the unknown with trump? that they don't necessarily have a grasp on what he may or may
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not do, the fact that the congress will basically not get anything done. same way we saw this past year. trump would get elected and his own party does not support him but you'll have a stalemate in congress. you are seeing somebody who has pop-culture appeal. politically, and education wise he is a businessman. what you think this has ramification wise for the future of our political system? republicans want to remove one of their own from the contest. it has created a conundrum for the current and future. host: jason, thank you. from florida. guest: there is real concern among some republican establishments -- some establishment republicans shall we say, we do not know what --
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you do not know what donald trump will do given the fact that he has had different positions in the past. he has evolved on any number of issues one might say. the other point is interesting. you do run into a situation where you don't know, given that trump bills himself as a deal maker, you do not know with whom he would be making deals or what kind of deals he would cut. when i ran into senator ted cruz on the presidential campaign trails, he was arguing that in fact trump would cut a deal with chuck schumer on the supreme court nominee and you might end up with someone who is a liberal. host: let's go to mike in wisconsin, hometown of paul ryan. caller: good morning. i know paul ryan. he is a great guy. we go to the same church. listen to niels, i know it is
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asking for an opinion or look to the future, do you think if -- nominate justice garland. do you think he would be similar to kennedy in the idea that even the kennedy is kind of looked at as middle-of-the-road he was a tiebreaker for all the 5-4 decisions except for the obamacare decision. he basically has been -- has made the conservative -- went on the conservative side just about all the times in most of the major decisions. don't you think merrick would be the same way if he got nominated? even though he is middle-of-the-road. he isn't a strong ideologue on the left. it still would greatly advantage
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the democratic side or liberal side. as kennedy does now for the conservative side. did reagan get kennedy and? i can't member who it was. i would love to hear your discussion along those lines. host: he was the compromise pick after the senate settled the nomination of robert fork. justice kennedy was the third choice because judge ginsburg was the second choice until he admitted he smoked marijuana and that scuttled his nomination. guest: i think there is a real -- there is no reason to think that mr. garland would swing to the right. based on what we have seen of his record, it does not seem like this is going to be -- that he would be where he could be someone he president obama would -- merrick garland does
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not look like someone who president obama would view in the same light president eisenhower came to view some of his supreme court nominations. which is to say it does not look like he will go in the opposite end of the pendulum from where you think he's going to be. part of that is because he does have somewhat of a longer track record as a judge that a lot of the people we have had appointed to the supreme court lately. host: if you're listening on c-span radio, niels lesniewski of cq roll call. a tweet from jennifer. guest: if jane kelly have been nominated, the situation would have been a bit more precarious for senator grassley back home. he was already saying there were going to be no hearings before there was a nominee announced.
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i could not see that playing out differently if jane kelly, who is an iowan, would've been nominated. a different political card to play against grassley by the democrats. host: joe, louisville kentucky. caller: good morning. i am a u.s. army retired veteran. i want to talk about that southern border. to me, when you come across the border, if i'm not mistaken illegally, you are a felon. the congress and the senate are as far as i'm concerned harboring felons. they are not protecting the american people against the southern border or any of our borders. you have to put a lock down on the border and i don't understand why the american people can't see that on the democratic side.
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we can't sustain taking care of all of these people with the money we don't have. i am very concerned as to why aren't we holding congress and the senate in contempt. they are in contempt by not protecting -- even from the president down. it is mind-boggling to me. for me to have served in the service as long as i did and for any veteran. they just want to give the country away. demographics are going away in this country, changing very fast. host: we will get a response. guest: we had a caller from janesville and a caller from louisville so that meets our senate republican -- a republican leadership hometown for the day. one of those questions the caller did not address but the democrats would counter would be what the you do with the 11
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million people or so who are already here. the idea behind that gang of eight immigration bill that is so divided on the right and one of the reasons why marco rubio's presidential candidacy probably did not go anywhere was to both secure the border and to figure out how to address all of the people undocumented already in the country. that is the question that would still need to be addressed even if you did border enforcement. host: next is a caller from san francisco in las vegas today. that would cover the democrats. let's go to levin in niagara falls on the democratic line. good morning. caller: ok. what are you going to do -- i was concerned, not talking so
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much -- i have some issues. i called the supreme court -- host: go ahead with your question. caller: are they going to get a bigger administration to help the supreme court? are there going to improve what to be filed in supreme court as far as a lawsuit? goes i was accused of losing out on $1 trillion and they told me i had to take it up with the city which i thought was illiterate to do. host: it sounds at the local issue that involves members of congress some of you should check with them. with gone to steve and bartow, florida. caller: this is steve. sorry i had it on speakerphone. host: good morning. caller: so much here. one of my special homes is san diego so i am aware of the border.
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most people out here know the common sense approach as far as the illegal problem is you cut off the employment. you start throwing people in jail or high fines for employing someone who is not here legally. i lived in orlando and have seen what has happened with the a briefs -- with the abuse of visas. i worked at a big hotel corporation where they brought in -- this was before we went into the recession, brought in workers from other countries and reduced the full-time workers below 30 hours and we all know what happens with that. as far as donald trump, i have some very reliable republicans in my family, we eventually bantered back and forth. what i am actually seeing, the positive of donald trump, he is bringing people together against his brand of america. host: dan balls writing about
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the electric mac and -- the election map and how a race between hillary clinton and donald trump, states could be in place for the republicans. guest: there is this question of an electorate we do not know. that we have the potential -- that we do not exactly know who the trump voters are. we also don't know if people who are particularly concerned -- particularly conservative and of the base of the party, what they would do in the fall and if they would stay home. i think if in the fact you end up with a two railways -- two-way race between hillary clinton and donald trump, this may be one of the situations where a lot of the polling turns out to not be reflective of who is actually voting. when we conduct a poll and we say we are looking at likely voters, we may not know what
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likely voters are if donald trump is the nominee. host: we have to get to the nomination. renewed speculation on whether or not paul ryan would open the door to a candidacy. let's watch. [video clip] >> in the event that no person running for the republican nominee right now gets a enough on the first ballot -- >> it is not me. i did not think i made news. i thought i was clear. i saw boehner last night and i told him to knock it off. [laughter] >> i used slightly different words. i used his own words he used to use against us when he told us to not things off -- to knock things off. it should be summary running for president. i made a decision over a year ago not to run for president. i believe if you want to be president you should run for president. people are out there campaigning, caucuses and primaries.
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that is who we should select from for our next president. let's put this thing to rest and move on. host: niels lesniewski speculative the continues despite what he says and others about what may happen in cleveland. guest: i don't think speaker ryan -- i take speaker ryan at his word that he will not be the one who is going to end up emerging from the convention as the nominee. one of the things he does have to do is brush up on the rulebook because one of the things the speaker of the house happens to do is to be the chairman of the convention. technically in charge of the convention and if it is contested who knows what his role might be? he said the nominee should be picked from among those who have been running for president. what i think people may not necessarily know, and i don't know whom the speaker would like
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to be the president, or the nominee, but one of the things to remember is there were 17 people running initially. there may be choices among whom you could choose the nominee who are not people you would necessarily be thinking of. the one that comes to mind when it is speaker ryan making this calculation is -- once upon a time scott walker, his governor, was running for president the cycle. who knows what might happen? host: speaker ryan said he would not accept the speakership and now he is the speaker of the house. tomorrow we will sit down with ben ginsberg, former counsel and probably knows more about the republican party rules than anyone else. we will walk through exactly what happens to you we are taping that interview tomorrow afternoon. check it out on our c-span networks later in the day tomorrow on our website at
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jim from halifax pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good morning america. thank you, c-span for listening to my voice. i listened to that comment hillary clinton had a little bit ago. she confused me. i'm under the impression that people already do receive childcare credits on their income tax. and i know her husband, mr. clinton, voted for nafta, free trade agreement. everything is contradictory confusing. although, i did call on the republican line but i have to tell you, i would never vote for somebody let -- somebody that shut the government down. mr. cruz, he scares me. the republican party, the democratic party, first thing is there should be accountability.
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this is illegal immigrant thing, laws on the books since mr. reagan has been president. why aren't these laws enforced? host: we will get a response. guest: i would point to something the caller said that we had not really discussed a lot this morning. the ted cruz candidacy for president. the caller said mr. cruz, senator cruz is someone he would not vote for because of his role in shutting down the government. there are some people who are arguing -- and i have read several places and certainly a reasonable thing to bring up, the possibility that senator cruz's electorate is smaller than donald trump's. we do not know that either but that is another thing that could come into play. as if there is a group of republicans that would not vote for ted cruz. that is something we might have to keep a watch of as we look
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toward the convention. host: kathleen on the democrats line. thanks for waiting. caller: good morning. i know i have to talk quick. there is no such thing as illegal immigrants. this is god world. he made this world big enough or anybody and everybody and if people want to come here and live, that is them. everybody here is an immigrant. you smart republicans, you get just what you deserve with donald trump. i hear people talk about cruz. cruz shut the government down because of the affordable care act, not obamacare. the day that he said he was going to run for president, he said he was going to stop obamacare. the next morning, his wife walked away from her job to help him in his election. he said, the good thing about obamacare, he is walking around with obamacare card in his pocket while you silly republicans don't have any insurance.
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you reap what you sow. i hope you do get trump. america is something else. you say you don't have money to do anything but you have money. $2 billion a week to go to another person pass country and kill them but you do not have money to take care of the people in this country. this country does not belong to the white man. that black guy that called in and said president obama could have left a legacy -- they probably won't even put him in the history books. loretta lynch, the attorney general told him to take her name off the role. how in the world can this black man talk about president obama? the president could not get jobs for white people. if you can't get a white man through, how will he get anyone else through? you need to think about the stuff you are saying. this man has been stopped simply because he's black. i'm sorry.
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host: kathleen from chicago. a lot on the table. guest: the thing that i would point to there is that extent to which the caller was echoing harry reid. one of the things she brought up was hoping -- from her view hoping the republicans reap what they s sow and get trump as the nominee. i think it will be a view a lot of -- that trump's candidacy and potential nomination is subbing that could be deserted -- could be deserved. the reluctance of some leaders to not disavow the debate over obama passed birth certificate back a few years ago. host: a few more minutes with our guest talking with niels lesniewski of cq roll call. he covers capitol hill. george from cedar bluffs, virginia.
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where's that located? caller: the southwestern part of virginia. host: glad to hear from you. on the republican line, good morning. caller: thank you for taking the call. it has been fun watching your show this morning. i would like to ask the gentleman from roll call if he could address the federalist papers 69 signed by -- alexander hamilton, recognized as the author. the role of the senate where in capital letters in the federalist papers it says the nominees from the president with the advice and consent of the senate. that makes it pretty clear when you read 69 that compares and contrasts the british, if you will, method of appointment by the king versus the president's
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where the senate has to serve as a check against the president's nominees. there is a lot of emotion that has been expressed in this show. it is evident that people do not understand the constitution. that's where we need to be. washington journal included. enlightening the people about the mechanics of the constitution and how that should be impacting the politics of our nation. if you would please comment, i would look forward to his opinion. host: thank you. federalist 69 which was signed on march 14 1788. thank you, google. guest: i would say that certainly there is -- if you hear out there, someone doubting that the senate has the ability to do what it is doing -- there
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are some i have seen who are supportive of garland being confirmed claiming that it is the senate's job. some senators said it. this sense that it is the senate's job to provide the advice and consent. that, as a political matter may be true. if the senate wants to not provide consent and its idea of not providing consent apparently in this case is to not really consider the nomination in hearings or for a vote, that is within the prerogative of the senate. if you look in the constitution the senate determines the rules of its own procedures. in this case, the procedure appears to be to do nothing. this is within the bounds of the senate 's ability. mr.senator mcconnell is not
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doing anything that he cannot do. whether it is politically tenable, not legally. caller: it seems to me that the advice and consent clause of the constitution presumes that before a nomination is made by the president to the supreme court that he or she would sit down with the individuals in the senate that have the ability to either push or retort a nominee that they would advise the president as to the possibility of getting an individual through.
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once that individual is confirmed by the senate, you don't know what they are going to do. i can recollect when eisenhower was asked what was his biggest mistake and he said appointing earl warren to the court. earl warren was vetted by the president. but once an individual, much like a jury, they rise above the political aspect and hopefully the members of the supreme court will fulfill their duty and make decisions that are based on the law as it is propounded by the legislative branch.
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host: appreciate you putting the issues on the table. we will get a response. guest: there is that question the caller raises as to what happens with the nomination before it comes up. what happened in this case frankly was vice president biden was calling for, having been chairman of the judiciary himself, he was calling for there to be meetings with say chuck grassley and the president beforehand to find a consensus nomination. if you remember the timeline, it was just after associate justice scalia died that mitch mcconnell was already saying they were not going to consider the nomination. there was no time to have that conversation. host: niels lesniewski who writes for cq roll call. his work is avai
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>> tonight, on the communicators, a look at the fcc like sign subsidy program and the planned to include broadband in her ban access in order to bridge the digital divide between higher and lower income americans. the fcc is expected to take up the proposal. we will speak to the policy director at the benton organization. where joint i rendon sasso national journal technology
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reporter. >> low income consumers need access to broadband now. it is unclear to me that congress would be able to pass a support that is directly aimed at low income users. this congress has not been particularly supportive of folks who are in poverty. the conversations that have been on the hill has been hard to decipher. >> there is a sense that the sec is putting the cart before the horse. it is keeping low income people from -- you have to make sure you are deploying the number -- the money intelligently. >> watch the communicators tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two.
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-- on c-span two. >> arizona is a winner take all primary this tuesday for the republican presidential candidates. donald trump made a stop in the state this weekend holding a rally in phoenix. he was joined by jeff dewitt jan brewer, and sheriff joe arpaio. this is 40 minutes. jeff dewitt: look at this crowd! [applause] jeff dewitt: what a great group
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of americans we have today! [applause] jeff dewitt: the establishment has called us the silent majority, and they tried to give us their candidates. but, we are not silent anymore are we? [applause] jeff dewitt: thank god we've been given the gift of one of our brightest minds in our country, a true business success, the man who's going to make america great again. this is the proof of why more people have already voted in this election than all the people in 2008 and 2012. already, with 20 states to go this and donald trump! [applause] jeff dewitt: we are so lucky to have him. i don't want to waste too much time, but i will introduce somebody else who is going to talk to you today. it is my pleasure to introduce to you, the author of "scorpions for breakfast: my fight against
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everybody! this is so fabulous. i'm so honored to be here today with you in support of the next president of the united states donald trump. i've known donald for a long time. he's a man that i know has so much integrity, a thoughtful kind person. when you sit down with donald and you talk to him, he listens. he has listened to all of you. [applause] governor brewer: we have a president who has failed the american people. it is time for a change. we here in arizona are going to propel donald trump to that seat. you know donald has a terrific agenda. initiatives for bringing our economy back, he will grow jobs and look out for small business, he will restructure the tax structure and not only that, he is going to build a fence. [applause] [crowd chanting "build a wall"]
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governor brewer: we are the people. our votes count. donald trump has over 2 million more votes than any of the other candidates going into the primary. we will have a big victory on tuesday. and president trump will be back to visit us and we will be happy and we will be protected. so, thank you all very, very much for all your support. is this not dropdead gorgeous? it's beautiful. today, we have with us, the toughest sheriff in america. [applause]
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america is now going to realize where fountain hills, arizona is. isn't it great that our next president picked this great town? actually, don't tell anybody for security reasons, but you can see my house from here. you know how close i am. my wife can see me on the porch. thank you for coming. we had a little problem with demonstrators trying to disrupt -- [crowd boos] sheriff arpaio: because of them you had to get a little more sunshine, but we made it. three of them are in jail. [applause] sheriff arpaio: if they think they are going to intimidate you and the next president of the united states, it's not going to happen. not in this town. i want to do this quick because our next president is waiting. i want to say a couple of things about donald trump. i've been involved in a lot of presidential campaigns.
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you know that. i met donald when he was here the first time in july. thousands of people came out to see him. thousands. when i first introduced him. my gut feeling told me he is different. he's going to do things differently. i'm a senior citizen, not a psychiatrist or anything, but i do have a gut feeling. from day one, i knew this was the guy. this was the guy. [applause] and i have done some introductions of him across the country and i am so proud of him. i know that all of you are because at least we've got somebody who is not afraid to
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speak out, or is politically correct, or doesn't have great issues like illegal immigration. and he says he is going to build a wall, yeah, it is going to be built, and i'll tell you what if they don't pay for that wall, then we should take away their foreign aid in mexico. then they will pay. and another thing, since i lived in mexico as a diplomatic attache and i was overseas for many years, guests who is the most import person next to the president to deal with international affairs? that is the secretary of state. so where was hillary? how many times has she gone to mexico? and the president who stopped the drug traffic and the illegal
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immigration problem? and why would a former president, vicente fox, make vicious, vicious comments about somebody who is running for president, and that person would happen to be mr. trump? i don't see anybody get excited about that. but we made a couple of comments at a rally and they make it a big issue. but anyway, i've got enough to say right now, but i want to introduce donald trump, our next president of the united states. thank you. ♪ >> ♪ y'all ready for this? ♪ ♪
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thank you very much, folks. oh, what a crowd this is! thank you all, very much. sheriff joe, i want to thank you. you have some sheriff. there are no games with this sheriff, that's for sure. and jan, thank you so much, and jeff, boy oh boy, we have so much support, and on tuesday we've got to make that movement go forward. the establishment, they don't know what they're doing. they have no clue. they don't how to win. they pick the people that absolutely will never win with the people they talk about. go out on tuesday and vote i will never let you down. [applause] crowd: trump! trump! trump! mr. trump: and i want to tell you, you know, so much about illegal immigration and so much has been mentioned about it and talked about it and these politicians are all talk, no action, they are never going to do anything, and they are only going to pick this up because when i went and i announced that i was running for president, i
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said, you know, his country is a big, big problem with illegal immigration, and all of a sudden, we started talking about it, and then we had bad things happening, and there was crime and you had so many killings and so much crime. drugs were pouring through the border, people are now seeing it, and you know what? we are going to build a wall and we are going to stop it. it's going to end. [applause] mr. trump: i only wish these cameras -- because there is nothing as dishonest as the media, that i can tell you. i only wish these cameramen would spin around and show the kind of people that we have. the numbers of people that we have here. i just wish that for once, they
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would do it, because you know what? we have a silent majority that is no longer so silent. it is now the loud, noisy majority, and we are going to be heard. we are going to be heard. so today, one of the very big stories was about the border agents, they say they support trump, that trump is the only one running that has their backs, ok? and they can do the job, but they don't get support from the politicians. now why? i am still funding my campaign i am putting up my own money and these guys, i look at them all up and down, we started with 17 and now we are down to three. don't we love that? don't we love it? don't we love that? we lost the future of the republican party last tuesday in florida, you know, he was the future, he was the future of the republican party, except i won
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florida in a landslide because people are tired of what politicians are doing to the country, remember that. they are tired of it. they are sick and tired of it. remember obama? change! this is going to be real change and we are going to have a border and unless you have a border, you don't have a country, folks, you don't have a country. remember that. now it, in addition, and we will go through a list of things very quickly, because frankly, it doesn't take a long time we are going to end, and core education will be local. everybody wants it. we don't want our children
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educated by bureaucrats from washington, d.c., so we and common core education local. we're going to terminate obamacare. we are going to repeal it and replace it with great health care for far less money. that's going to happen. that is going to happen. we're going to protect our second amendment. our second amendment. remember, it is under siege like never before and we are going to protect it. you know, in paris, they have the toughest gun laws in the world, the world, no tougher gun laws than anywhere in the world, tough. and guess what? 130 people dead, and no bullets going in the opposite direction. the same thing happened in california. 14 people. radicalize people. she probably radicalized him. they went in and killed people that they worked with, that they supposedly liked. it is not going to happen anymore, folks. it is not going to happen.
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we are going to be smart, we are going to be vigilant, we are going to be smart people, we are going to be proud of our country again. our military is depleted. our military is exhausted. we don't replenish. we take, we don't replenish. we send the best equipment in the world over to wherever we are sending it. we don't even know. i don't even think we know where we are sending it. and a bullitt gets fired in the air and the enemy takes over this great equipment and then they have better equipment than we do and they are using our equipment. those days are done. those days are done. [applause] mr. trump: we are going to rebuild our military. it is going to be bigger better, and stronger than ever and hopefully nobody nobody
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will have to use it. nobody, and i mean nobody, is going to mess with us anymore. crowd: usa! usa! usa! usa! >> i love you! mr. trump: i love you, too. i love you, too. i have such a soft spot for this country. in alabama, we had 35,000 people, oklahoma, no matter where we go, we have these massive crowds. and by the way, are we winning or what?
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look at the numbers! you know it is really, it is really amazing, you know to me it is really amazing. we have won 20 states, and we have won in massive landslides. i won in new hampshire, i wasn't supposed to win in new hampshire, and ted cruz, he wasn't born in this country folks, and he shouldn't even be in this country, and he shouldn't be in this group that we are talking about. but we win in a massive landslide, and we go to south carolina were we have the evangelicals. 68%. lyin' ted, we call him lyin' ted. so he comes up with a bible and
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he puts it down and you know what? he starts line. and you know what? the evangelicals don't like liars. that was going to be an easy victory and trump wins it in a landslide. in a landslide. and then one after another, we go and we win in nevada, a landslide, we win in the sec, we did so great, and we had a great day on tuesday. we had 5, 5. and that i heard ted cruz the other day, saying, i am the only one who can stop trump, i am the only one. do you ever hear this guy? and he said, i beat him five times, and i thought, wait a minute, i beat him 20 times. lyin' ted, lyin' ted. and you know what, i will tell you, john kasich is a nice guy, but he is done.
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as far as arizona is concerned, john kasich is very, very weak as you know. and another thing that i don't like, he approved nafta. when you approve nafta, a lot of your businesses had left. he is also in favor of tpp, and so, by the way, is ted cruz. tpp is a disaster. tpp is the transpacific partnership, it is a disaster, it is going to take away the auto industry, it is a disaster, you don't want it. you don't do trade with massive amounts of countries folks, you do it one at a time, one at a time, one at a time. if they don't cooperate, then you put them in the shed, and then maybe we let them come back. you know, i built a great company, a massive company, a fantastic company, and i filed i did my filings, and oh, they were so unhappy with it. it is a good company, it is a
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phenomenal company, very little debt, a lot of cash flow. i say this not to brag, but to show you that we need this. we have $19 trillion in debt $19 trillion. who even knows what one trillion is? we have $19 trillion in debt going to $21 trillion, and they just approved in the congress a budget, it is a disaster, they call it the omnibus, the
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omnibus, it is a disaster, obamacare is a disaster, there are people coming into the united states, we have no idea who they are, and it funds the illegal immigrants coming in they come right through arizona. all of these things are funded with a budget that they approved, and i think it took them, like, 12 minutes to approve the budget. not going to happen anymore, folks, not going to happen. so here is story, bottom line, the bottom line. it is, first of all, it is great to be with you. this is incredible. we expected, and this was just set up result, and we expected -- set up recently, and we
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expected -- and by the way, i don't know if you know, last night we had an unbelievable evening in salt lake city, utah, and i hope they go with us, i hope they go with us. i said we have to stop there, i stopped, and we had an amazing evening there. but let me just tell you that the way that i finished, it is simple, our country is not winning anymore. our trade is a disaster. china, what china has done to our country, china has been rebuilt because of the money and the jobs we have lost and the money we have given them. we have rebuild china and they know it. i have many friends from china. i don't have any objection to china, i think it's wonderful, i am angry at our people, not their people, if you can get away with it. so look, we've rebuild china. it is not free trade, it is not anything, this is horrible stupid trade. when you have $500 billion a year, folks, we've got to get smart. i have carl icahn, i have the greatest negotiators in the world.
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we had pfizer, a great company pfizer, they just announced they are leaving. they are a huge drug company. they announced they are going to ireland. companies are going to mexico. nabisco, ford, where are they going? mexico. mexico, mark my words, mexico, mark my words, mexico is a small version of china. we better get smart and we better get smart quickly. my daughter, ivanka, she told me to act presidential, act presidential. she said, in the next debate, act presidential. i didn't attack marco, i didn't attack little marco, and i didn't attack ted, lyin' ted lyin' ted.
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but ted cruz, he is not going to be the right guy, he is not going anywhere, so it is not going to happen. i say we make it before the convention, by the way. you have these stiffs like mitt romney. the guy is a total stiff. did he let us down? this guy is a loser. did he let us down? i mean, here is a guy, he goes up, he is so devastated, he forgot the campaign in the final month, he gave it to obama. believe me, i am going to win, i am going to be hillary, but let me tell you, beating obama four years ago was easier than beating hillary clinton now,
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believe me. and mitt romney choked. pure and simple. he choked, he choked like a dog, and that's not going to happen. that's not good to happen with me. so here's the story. here's the story. come on back, folks. come on back. you left. we had incompetent leadership. you left. some folks said, we are not coming back, we had incompetent leadership, but now we can bring you back. you went to mexico, will bring you back. but i'm a conservative, and i am smart, and look, jeb spent $48 million in new hampshire, and i spent some money, too, my own money, but i won. he is not a conservative.
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people who have no clue about money or deals that have not read "the art of the deal" in all fairness, it is not of interest to them. look at john kerry. look at the deal he made with iran. one of the worst deals ever negotiated. one of the worst deals ever negotiated. look at it, it is a disgrace, it is an embarrassment. by the way, on that deal, we should have never, ever, even started, until we got those prisoners back, we should have gotten them back years ago, and once we got them back, we should have told them, by the way, the $150 billion, no, we are a debtor's nation, folks. after about two days of turmoil, we would have saved, believe me 150 billion dollars. that deal is such an embarrassment. well, our trade deals are just like that. our trained deals are just like that.
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bowe bergdahl, he is just like that. bergdahl, he is a traitor. we get bergdahl, and we get to give them five of the great killers that they have coveted. those guys are now back on the battlefield, trying to kill us all, and we've got a traitor. big deal. and by the way, a traitor that has supposedly, supposedly, five or six young beautiful soldiers were killed trying to get him back. that is our deal. that is the way we negotiate. that is not going to happen anymore. not going to happen anymore. so what we are going to do is we are going to tell our wonderful businesses that deserted us, they left us, and i'm not even blaming them, they had no reason not to, because nobody talks -- you think somebody went to carrier and said, you listen
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you let all of these people go don't go to mexico? they don't do that. so they move into mexico, and i would say, and i would do it myself, i know it is not presidential, it is not presidential, it is not presidential of the president of the united states to call up the president of carrier, "hello this is the president." but this is so much fun for me. please, don't take that away. don't take that away from me. i love deals. so whether it is one of me or one of my representative's, i know the good ones, i know the bad ones, that whether it is one of these killers or me, please let me do it. let he do it, please.
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so i call up, and they would say, "the president of the united states is calling the president of carrier, get him on the phone," i would say, "good luck in mexico, enjoy your stay, but here is the story, you let go of 14,000 people that helped to build your company, and i really love, by the way, i really love the new pictures of your facility. every single air conditioning unit that you make, every single one, as it crosses the border and we are going to have a real border" -- because we are going to have a wall, we are going to have a real border, we are going to have a big, beautiful wall that nobody is crossing, just in case you had any questions don't worry about the tunnels and stuff, nobody is going over it and nobody is going over it and we are going to have a big, beautiful door, but people are going to be coming into our country legally, legally legally, so i tell the head of carrier, "everything that you make in mexico and that you sell in the united states, we are going to put a 35% tax on that
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unit, and i hope it works out well for you." and here is what is going to happen, they are going to have lobbyists call me, but i didn't take any money, they are going to have special interest, and and i didn't take any money, they are going to have donors, donors, donors, but i didn't take any money, i don't give a damn for them, folks. i care about you. and here is what is going to happen. within 24 hours of that phone call, the heads of carrier and ford and so many other companies -- i mean, you just take a look, i could give you a list and you could read them all day, the head of nabisco, leaving chicago with their plant, they are headed to mexico, no more oreos for us, no more oreos to eat. so here is what is going to happen, folks, i will get a call
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within 24 hours, the president of carrier, "mr. president, we have decided to stay in the united states." and then i would say, "thank you very much. and i don't want it in phoenix arizona, or anywhere in particular, we just want it in the united states." this is going to happen a lot. we don't win anymore. we don't win at anything. we don't win at anything. we don't win at anything. we are going to beat isis. how about general george patton? he is too tough. he couldn't be a general anymore because he is too tough. he is not politically correct. by the way, chipping away, just like i said, chipping away at the second amendment, they are chipping away at christianity they are chipping away at our religion, they are not going to have it anymore. when it comes to christmas time, they are going to put up a fight, but we are going to put up a sign that says, "merry,
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merry, merry christmas!" we are totally impotent as a country. we are going to knock the hell out of isis, and we are going to rebuild our country. we're going to rebuild our country. our country is going to be so strong. somebody at that company that stole the equipment had political connections to these characters that i run against. we are going to have a great military and we are going to finally, finally take care of our great veterans, we're going to take care of them. so we are going to win with the military, we are going to win.
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oh, thank you, look at you. look at you. usa is right. usa. crowd: usa! usa! usa! mr. trump: so, folks, we are going to start winning again. we are going to win with our military, we are going to win for our vets, we're going to win for our vets, right? we are going to win for our vets, we're going to win with our military, we are going to win with obamacare, we are going to get rid of it and going to make something much better we're going to win with every aspect of our lives. we're going to win the league -- to win big league with our
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second amendment. we are going to keep winning at every level. we are going to win so much that you are going to common you are going to say, "mr. president, we are winning so much, i can't stand it anymore," and i'm going to say, "i don't care." this is for the people of phoenix, and the people of arizona, we're going to win for our border, and we are going to build a wall, and ladies and gentlemen, i love you. you have to go out. you have to vote on tuesday. you will never be disappointed with me. i will never disappoint you. we are going to bring our country back. we are to take our country back. we are going to have victories again. you're going to be so proud of your family, yourself, your country. we are going to win again all the time. thank you very much. i love you. i love you. thank you very much. thank you. thank you. thank you, everybody. ♪
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>> as a director of military and veteran affairs at the university of toledo in ohio, if you veterans have come into my office. regardless of if they want to vote democrat or republican, it is your civic duty to get out and vote. many things are at stake in this election. >> hello, my name is todd. i am from toledo, ohio. i do think bernie sanders is the most important candidate in the field right now. he is a viable alternative to the mainstream candidates.
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i would encourage everyone to go out and support ernie if possible. >> the most important issue in this election will be college tuition as well as jobs. when college kids go to school, they want to know how they will afford it. as well is future and job market will look like. as president of the college democrats, i think those are the most important issues in the cycle. >> i am not that politically inclined. i went with hillary because she seems more knowledgeable. she has represented my country before as secretary of state. she is 30 seen the inner workings of the white house.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] this is an hour. ♪ thank you. >> the arizona primary is this tuesday, and former president will clinton was in the state this weekend for a get out to vote rally in tucson. he was joined by gabby gifford's and her husband, retired astronaut, mark kelly. this is one hour. >> because i'm happy >> >> thank you.
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thank you mayor, thank you ron. we are incredibly grateful to call both of you friends. and grateful for how much you have done to serve the people of this great state of arizona. one thing that i have learned here in arizona is that arizona people are straightforward and honest people. so i am going to be honest with all of you about something. i am kind of new to this whole campaigning thing. i have definitely -- i definitely have not had the chance, at least not many times to introduce a former president of the united states. you see, in my career i did not do politics. i was just some balls guy -- bald guy that flew airplanes in the navy. later i got a chance to fly a space shuttle for nasa. then i met, and was really lucky to marry this incredible woman from arizona. her name was gabby giffords. you know politics clearly was her thing.
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we were both really proud, very proud to be public servants. now we are both fortunate to have a second chance at service, to fight for those things that we always fought for which our responsibility -- which our responsibility and common sense. that is why we are fighting for a congress and a white house that will stand up to the gun lobby. that his wife -- that is why gabby and i are here with all of you today asking all of use to help make hillary clinton the next president of the united states. good job of those signs, by the way -- with those signs, by the way. for far too long congress has been in the gun lobby's group
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-- grip. they have fiercely protected loopholes in the laws that have helped dangerous people at a hold of guns. they have helped peddle misinformation in the interest of maintaining a dangerous status quo. throughout all of this begun lobby -- the gun lobby has moved further away from gun owners like gabby and me they claim to represent. a lot of people running for president talk about how tough they are. let me tell you a secret -- this -- the truth is a lot of them are really terrified of the gun lobby. gabby and i, we have listened carefully, and closely to all of them. we have looked at everyone's records. there is only one candidate in this race that has the
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determination, and the toughness to stand up to a powerful corporate lobby and the record to prove it, and that candidate is hillary clinton. does hillary seem scared of the corporate gun lobby to you? not one bit. and when he was in the white house, president bill clinton was not scared of the gun lobby either. president clinton stood up to the gun lobby, and he stood up to -- for common sense and to these responsible thing -- and did the responsible thing. on november 30 of 1993 president clinton signed into law the brady bill that created the modern criminal background system as we know it today. get this -- this thing called
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nix the national criminal background system -- this has stopped nearly 2 million illegal gun sales to dangerous people like felons and domestic abusers. 2 million. there is no doubt that what president clinton did in 1993 has saved thousands and thousands of innocent lives. so we have, president clinton, along with the been first lady hillary clinton to thank for that. thank you, president clinton. like we do, and light president does, hillary knows that you can take common sense steps to take guns out of the wrong hands, while protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners like gabby and me. if you want to build, if you
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want to build on the progress made of reducing gun violence under president clinton and president obama, and not roll this back, then you need to help us make hillary clinton your next president. if you want a president who takes on tough fights, who will take on the gun lobby, will take on powerful corporate interests, then you need to help make hillary clinton our next president. wise this -- why is this so important, you might task -- ask? what we are doing is -- what we are doing matters. we need to make hillary clinton our president because she has always fought to bring out the best in america. to break down barriers to
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opportunity. to build consensus. to get things done. to be the voice for all americans. right now, right now, on the other side we have a candidate for our nation's highest office who is bringing out the worst in our country. bringing out anger, hatred, and division. somebody, let me tell you something, somebody who does not want to be a voice for all americans. who does not respect all americans, and is working to buy us -- to divide us in any way he can come up race, economic status, and religion. who even said that he wants to bar american citizens from reentering their own country solely based on their own religion.
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this is not the america we strive for. here in arizona, we strive for a tolerant and share america one built on optimism and hope, not fear and anger. we have too much to lose in this election. we need to make sure that hillary clinton is the next president of the united states. a friend of mine, and a friend of gabby's, and one of my own personal heroes, and a great american, the commander of apollo 13 once told me something. he told me that he remembers being a maze -- amazed when he heard president kennedy say that we would get people to the moon.
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we would send a man to the moon. he says when he heard that, he thought it was impossible. the moon, he said, no way. then jim wound up flying to the moon twice. jim has a saying, and i like this saying, so i will tell it to you. he says there are three types of people. there are people who make things happen. there are people who watch things happen. and there are people who wonder what happened. hillary clinton, hillary is the kind of person who makes things happen. we need to work together to make sure that hillary clinton is our next president. i think about these campaigns a lot like a space shuttle launch. a space shuttle mission. it takes a lot of hard work. a lot of work. by a lot of individuals to get ready for a very big day. folks, we are getting ready for that day.
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that launch day. for us in arizona, that launch day is tuesday. we are not only -- where not only do you have the chance to cast a vote, you can also bring other people with you. i want to challenge each and everyone of you, when you go out to vote on tuesday, and if you have voted already, your job is still to send somebody else out to vote for secretary clinton. so now, now i want to introduce you to somebody who is working hard to do just that, somebody who has taught me each and every single day to deny the acceptance of failure. somebody who inspires me each and every day, my wife congresswoman gabby giffords.
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>>gabby! gabby get for its: -- congresswoman giffords: hello, tucson, arizona. great to be here today. i am here to talk to you about hillary clinton. really, hillary is tough. hillary is courageous. she will fight to make us safer. in the white house she will stand up to the gun lobby. that is why i am voting for hillary.
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speaking is difficult for me but january -- but i want -- let's work together to make hillary our president. thank you. mark: now gabby and i would like you to join us in welcoming to arizona, the man who can explain all of this stuff much better than i can. the 42nd president of the united states, william jefferson clinton. >>
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president clinton: let's give mark and gabby a hand, weren't they great? if i had any sense i would simply say, amen, and get off of the stage. they were great. i want to thank the mayor for being here, and his support. as my friend, ron barber, thank you for your service. i don't want to get involved in your local politics, but in that last election, ron lost the election by less than 200 votes in the worst year for democrats in history. you have some democrats running this time. it wouldn't make me totally sad if you reversed the results of the last election. i want to thank the young organizer for hillary, diane, who made the digital pitch. she graduated from the citadel in south carolina. some of you may not know this, but it is a military school, and it was the last ashton hold
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out against accepting women. -- last bastion holdout against accepting women. i want to thank the principle here and the us -- assistant superintendent for welcoming us. since it is a warm day i would ask all of you to give a round of applause to the people i want to thank the principle here and the us -- assistant superintendent for welcoming us. since it is a warm day i would ask all of you to give a round of applause to the people outside of the building. look -- i want to thank my friend, dolores.
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who, 54 years ago this year, started the united farm workers with cesar chavez and has been like a member of our own family for the last several years. before workers endorsed hillary and many other latino organizations have. i am very grateful for her. she is a real heroine of progress. look -- hillary needs your help. this election is important. i know a lot of you have already voted, but there are a lot of people who have not voted yet. across all ethnic groups. we need to tell people why it is important. the other day i read the most amazing article by a man named john favreau. you may not know him, but he was president obama's first speechwriter. as he might imagine we had that he did race where arizona voted
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for hillary, thank you very much. but anyway, john said salty things about hillary. after the election, he had one of those cardboard cutouts of her, it was not favorable. he said the first time he saw her, after she had been named secretary of state, she put her arm around him, and hugged him and said, forget about it, we have work to do. he wrote a piece saying he believed this election and her winning it, was even more important than the election eight years ago when president obama ran. why? because look at all of the stuff at stake. we were back talking about the perils of being an astronaut and how his brother was doing because he had just landed after nearly a year in space.
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he described what it is like to be in gravity again. i asked him if he read the news and felt like he was still in outer space. it is a crazier. -- crazy year. here is why john favreau is right -- we are in position for the first time since i left office to restore an era of relatively shared prosperity, and create the most inclusive society we have ever had. it is being imperiled because that is what president obama said in his state of the union. by the way, i think he has done a better job and he gets credit for. we have had 14 million jobs in the last five years, that is the most we have had since that other democrat, whatever his
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name was. we have more than 90% of the people insured for the first time in history. we have the youngest most diverse workforce of any big country. we have the best system for higher education and job training, we just need to give people access to it. we have a number one capacity in the world according to scientific studies to power the entire economy on the sun, and other renewable resources. we have the world's best military, and no one comes close to being as trusted among all of the great powers as we are in most places. we could put all of that in peril because of the fact that 80% of the people still have not gotten a pay raise since the crash. about half of the people after inflation are living on what they were whenever i was president.
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there is a lot of pent-up anger and anxiety it is totally legitimate. problem as sometimes when we are mad we do not make the best decisions. this election may turn on whether you believe what i just told you. we are on the verge of being able to launch an explosive period of economic growth that lives -- lifts everyone. but if you want to rise together, we have to think. we have to seize the opportunities. we have to be down the problems. the opportunities are enormous. the problems are pretty profound, but manageable. my argument for hillary is simple -- she come on more than any other candidate, has offered specific solutions, and all of these economists, including the most progressive
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in the country say that she is the only candidate running for president whose numbers out of -- add up. she actually tells you what she will do. the second argument, she is the only person prepared by virtue of her service as secretary of state, a member of the armed services committee, a member of the pentagon special commission to be commander-in-chief. to recognize that keeping america safe requires a strong military, a stout diplomacy, and a serious ongoing effort to make a world with more friends and fewer enemies. which is why i am very proud of the fact that she has been the most outspoken person in this campaign against the rivet -- ridiculous notion that we should condemn adequate from our country muslims because of the religion. we need them to win this
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fight. maybe it is because we are from new york, but i will never forget, after 9/11 when hillary was a senator, she had to rush back to washington to try to get the help the city needed to begin again. my daughter and i, we wanted to make ourselves useful. we went down to the center where people were connecting information. you remember, i am sure you all remember, there was this lord where people posted photographs of every -- this board where everyone posted photographs of everyone missing. i noticed a man a head taller than i was, he was about 6'6". he had tears streaming down his face. there were, by the way, more than 200 muslims killed that day, who were not terrorist. and i said, sir, did you lose anyone? he said, no i did not, but i hate what they did worse than anybody because i am in -- i am
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an egyptian, muslim, american. i'm afraid my people will never trust me again. we need guys like that to win the battle over social media. we have got to have -- i have news for everybody else running, you build all of the walls you want, you cannot keep social media out. my third argument is, she has been a lifetime change maker. she is the best change maker i have ever known. in all of her positions in washington, as first lady, senator, secretary of state, every single thing she did have the support of republicans and democrats. and, look, i know they have been rough on her the last four years, that is because they do not want to run against her. they know she will make them do the right thing.
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and they do not want to run with her because she knows how to make them do the right thing. the campaign is over, let's everybody grow up and act like adults. think about the country. the opportunities are staggering. hillary wants to have a massive infrastructure fund that is more than roads and bridges and airports, it is what under the ground. you guys were sick about flint michigan, but it is by no means the only place in america where the pipes are endangering the health of our children. can you imagine how many jobs we could create just by ripping up all of the old pipes and putting in new ones and getting our kids a healthy future? fmr. pres. clinton: she wants to put up half a billion solar panels in the next four years. fmr. pres. clinton: half a billion. look, when president bush was in office, his energy department said that there is
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enough wind blowing between north dakota's border with canada and west texas border with mexico to electrify america several times over. complete. the problem is that with certain exceptions, the wind blows where the people are not. so, can you imagine the number of jobs we could create redoing our electrical grid and building those cables and pipelines and putting all of those things --? none of those jobs could be exported, those are american jobs. there were be jobs in arizona. fmr. pres. clinton: for those to tell you this is not economical, let me just say this, there are three states in this country that already get a third or more of their electricity every day from the wind. minnesota, iowa, and believe it or not, texas. and come iowa has the lowest electric rates in the united states of america. because they rely on homegrown energy and all the jobs it creates and all
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the incomes those farmers make. hillary wants to bring manufacturing back to this country. i want to say a little about that. i don't know if you read the story about the carrier moving those jobs out of indiana and going to mexico. they should not be able to get a tax deduction for the cost of that relocation. they should give back all the state and local tax credits they got for the next five years. if they were losing money it would be one thing. they admitted this was part of a highly profitable air-conditioning business in the united states. and they admitted in the story they were removing the plant because the shareholders wanted more money and the chief executive and the other top guys there bonuses depend on the value of the share.
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if you do something like that you are going to have to pay an exit tax.they let that guy go, running the company, he would get a golden parachute. it's about time the workers of this country got some golden parachutes. she is not against all trade deals. she believes in competition, but it has to be fair. they have been trying to do this for 30 years, but in the last 15 the trail had picked up steam. the old understanding we had about corporations is totally broken down. when hillary and i met in law school 100 years ago this is
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the way corporate law was taught. corporations are not citizens, they are creations of the state. they get certain kinds of liability from certain kinds of losses. they have an obligation to all of their constituents evenly. we have seen this headlong rush to say here are the shareholders appear and everybody else down here. when an activist shareholder practically ruled out chemical enforcement out of dupont, he was trying to force them to sell a division that was making money and that he admitted would make twice as much within three years and was serving customers. said i don't care, i want my money. that is capital gains today. hillary thinks we ought to link than that capital gains time to two or three years. there will be much of that business.
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she thinks when people leave we have to charge them an extra tax and spend more money to take care of the workers that have been left behind and give incentives to bring jobs back to america. just so you won't think this is pie-in-the-sky, when i ran for president in 1992, my state was one of only eight states in america that gained manufacturing jobs in the previous decade. labor is a smaller percentage of all manufacturing because it is highly productive. what really matters now is the cost of material, energy, and transportation. hillary's argument for getting into advanced manufacturing is simple. since we have the biggest market in the world, let's save the transportation cost and make more things here. it makes a lot of sense.
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finally we shouldn't give the two thirds of the new jobs in this country, for 20 years they have been made by small business. we dropped out of the top 10 countries in the world in business formation. we have to get back. the dodd frank law is the second best law he has signed after the health-care bill, i don't care what anybody has told you, it will stop wall street from wrecking main street. there is one hole in it. it was a terrible mistake, a lot of people voted for that bill. honestly they didn't know what they were doing. it was an honest terrible mistake. the other problem is a lot of people are worried about the last war instead of this
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one. the law clearly says loans to small businesses, to farmers to entrepreneurs should not be subject to the same kind of rules that $80 billion loans -- many places are doing that. hillary wants to say let's go back to community banking. more than 90% of all the money loaned ever under the law, let's get funds to our small businesses, get funds people. we can do that. we have some barriers. we have plenty of barriers to what she believes is necessary. if we are going to have shared prosperity, we can't do that
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until every single american has the opportunity to live up to her or his god-given ability. everybody in this country. we have to tear the barriers down. she really believes that we have to have comprehensive immigration reform. she really believes we have to protect the dreamers. she really believes we have to stop demagogueing this issue. indian country has the highest rate of sovereignty than any group in the united states.
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didn't have anything to do with immigrants. for somebody to stand up and say they are going to send back 11.5 million people, it is not only wrong, it will crater the american economy. she's going to say let's all just calmed down and realize that our youth and diversity and global economy is a massive advantage, and let's embrace our advantage and stop demonizing. second thing we have to do is to realize as long as we are divided over fundamental issues like public safety, we are in terrible shape. we are all sick of seeing these videos of police shooting young african-americans who never should have been shot. doesn't matter what your races you don't like that. i was in an african-american church in chicago. if you remember what happened
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in san bernardino, you saw the police at their best. going in time and again, risking their lives, saving people regardless of their race, their gender, their religion, or politics. what hillary believes is yes you have to have reform. when videotapes are taken they need to be put in a secure place where they can't be messed with or retrieved at an inappropriate time. if we need more police, they should look like the community they are policing. that is what we did. when i was president we put 110,000 police on the streets.
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and we got a 25 year low in crime. we can do this again. we need prison reform. there are too many people in prison for nonviolent offense. the federal system alone, only 7% of the people there are there for violent crimes. some of them need to be there because they ripped off a lot of people financially. the point is this is costing you a fortune to keep all these people in prison. and they can make a contribution to our future. she has the first proposal of this on any candidate in either
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party in the campaign. i will say this, this is a chance where we can get the parties to work together. there are a lot of republicans who think we need to do that. the only thing she pointed that out is if you are going to lift people out of prison, you don't want to turn around and welcome them back in within six months. you need a transition system which includes education training, job placement, and no job discrimination for people who have the chance to start again. look, i want to say something about this gun safety issue. it's a big deal to me. when i was president we didn't have universal background checks. we pass the assault weapons ban. but i had a big cultural advantage, because i was a governor of arkansas i had a .22 when i was 10 years old, i had a .410 shot, and i was 14. couldn't wait for duck season every year.
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like gabby and mark, nobody ever talks about taking people's second amendment rights away. that is what is fueling the fear people have with the nra. it is there ability to scare your fellow citizens that the democrats are coming to get your guns. i remember we lost one dozen members of congress on the battlefield of the brady bill when we passed background check law. before i left office mystic abusers, stockers, and others were denied the right to get a handgun. there would be more than that but there were to do problems with that bill. one is they couldn't get the votes to close the gun show loophole.
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and like my native state a gun show with a couple of guys with guns in the back of their pickups. and there were no online gun sales when this bill passed. the third problem we had then that we still have is that the mental health records, with which the nra always says they are for, are not organized or automated throughout the country. sometimes the background checks cannot be completed. that is what happened at virginia tech. that is why that young man in charleston went into that church. and it might have affected what happened at sandy hook. what hillary wants to do is
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say, look, the supreme court says you have the right to keep and bear arms, i wouldn't mess with it anyway. you should be able to hunt, you should be able to have guns to protect your family. there are a lot of people in arizona and arkansas that live in from the nearest law enforcement. it is crazy for our fellow citizens to stop sensible background checks, which would save lives of people just because they're disproportionately in the city just because they are disproportionately young, just because they are disproportionately people of color doesn't mean their lives don't need to be protected and saved. i saw the president arguing with that sheriff of yours on television the other night. not yours, anyway, you know
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what i mean. he argued, we messed this thing up so much we couldn't fix it anyway. they said the same thing when i was president. here's what i know, don't you forget this, this is why hillary is fighting for this we had a 33 year low in the murder rate, but we had a 46 year low in deaths from illegal gun violence, don't tell me it didn't make a difference. and there are untold numbers of people walking around because congress took that vote. and somewhere between 12 and 15 members lost their seats for having the courage to do it. but it was the right thing to do. when hillary talks to people i think she can convince them she is not coming for their guns and they should do their part
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as americans to help save these children's lives. a lot of you don't know this upstate new york is pretty republican. she met with all the gun clubs met with all the hunting groups, and she got there. she used to go duck hunting when she was in arkansas. my daughter was young and thought it was grievous and wouldn't talk to her for a day. we get this but when you look at gabby and mark, when you look at ron, and you realize that we live in a society with a lot of really disturbed people, can we save every life?
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no. what is behind this is a corporate interest that wants to increase profits by keeping constituents terrified so they will buy more guns. that is all this is about. i have been doing this all my life. i endorsed background checks as governor 11 years before it passed. my uncle called me and said they were fixing to kill me over this. he said i ought to drop it. he said if i could find one legislator that will before it he will stick with me, otherwise drop it. if you can't do anything about it, don't do it. the time came we could do it and we did it.
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and lives were saved. lots and lots and lots of people. i want you to talk to your friends and neighbors about that. if you want these jobs, if you want to finish the work of health care reform, reorganize the insurance market until the co-pays and the deductables go down and the insurance really works so we can get to 100% of people insured. if you want to encourage the legislature to put the children to health insurance program back in the law of arizona, we have convince people to vote in the primary and go out and talk to our neighbors. one of the greatest honors of being reelected president in 1996 was that i was the first democrat to carry arizona since harry truman in 1948. and i think it can happen again.
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i think it can happen again, but only if we talk to each other. you look at all the stuff you see on television, it is designed to get people to shut their brains off. be very mad, feel very threatened. for goodness sakes, don't think. hillary trusts you to think. i just want to say one other thing, we have to do something for all these working-class people can't find another job all over america. in 2000 i signed a bill called the new markets tax credit which gave a 39% tax credit to people who would invest money in places like native american reservations or appalachia or
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any other place that had persistently high unemployment and persistently low income. and it made a big difference in a lot of those places. there are places in eastern kentucky you wouldn't even recognize. congress would allow that to expire. hillary proposes we put that back in and more so we can all grow together. so that is my argument. the last thing i want to say is, just look at what she did when she says -- they are smart, those guys. when she got a hold of them, it changed. when she was first lady and we lost on health care, because we didn't have 60 votes in the
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senate to break a republican filibuster, and listen to that when people say they are going to give you a different health care system, we didn't pass anything since world war ii with 60 votes. a lot of people lost their jobs over that. so we got it. but when she got beat she kept working to get health insurance past, worked with senator kennedy. we got 75% of the republicans to vote for it. then the other big deal she did was go to the house republican leader, who i believe disliked me more than anybody in congress.
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he was their enforcer. he said, hillary, do we have anything in common? she said, you love your kids, don't you you? whatever our differences, i know your children are adopted. i honor you for your adopting them. here's the problem, children are aging out of foster care with no education options, no training options. they are just going to be on the street. i want you to deal with the problem. he said, what is the problem? people are afraid to adopt children who aren't infants, and afraid to adopt children with special needs. i want to give a tax credit to adopt non-infant children and children with special needs. they pass the bill, the congressman came to the white house, and it was an 80%
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increase in the number of kids adopted out of foster care because of that. and when she was a senator, she worked with john mccain and lindsey graham to take care of veterans coming home from the national guards and reserves to make sure they get the same health care people in regular military get. to get them the protective gear they deserve one sent into combat zones. she worked with republican groups in new york to get small manufacturers into e-commerce and help family farmers. and when she ran for reelection, the head of the farm bureau at long island were the only family farm endorser. she said i thought you were a republican, he said, i am. he said, look, all these politicians and greater at election time, all i know is she is the only person in either party who ever actually did anything to help us make a living as farmers. and when she was secretary of
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state she had republican support with sanctions on iran, which they don't like. if iran gets a nuclear weapon in the next 10 years, three or four other countries in the middle east will get it, and then we will never know what is happening to all that nuclear material. the real reason you should want iran to not have a nuclear weapon, is because you do not want to have an arms race in the middle east.
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that would be out of control. she got support for that. she got the only treaty that got along with mr. putin's russia, which reduces the threat of accidental or intentional nuclear war. a treaty like that requires 67 votes in the senate, even if you get all the democrats that's a lot of republicans. she got them. that's my argument, literally since she got out of law school and went to work for the children's defense school trying to get african-american teenagers out of prisons where they were in jail for years, mexican-american voters who were citizens for a long time but systematically excluded, try to get people in the hills of north arkansas the first access to legal services they ever had, from the beginning she had always been trying to make something good happen.
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long ever since she was elected anything. she is the most qualified person at this moment in time. i want you to go out there between now and tuesday and pull people in. here we are in the moment of being able to -- we are discarding so many of our past bigotry we don't want to be around anybody that disagrees with us anymore. we have seen too many of our fellow americans too long without a raise. she has a plan to make college debt free and help people already in debt be able to consolidate that and pay a tiny percentage so it will not stop them. we will not stop them from going further in life.
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we have to do this. if you want to rise together, i want you to get out there and help. will you do it? one of the happiest memories of my political life was in 1996 when arizona for the first time since harry truman voted for a democrat. i would like to see it happen again. but it depends on what you do tuesday. thank you and god bless you.
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thank you. let me thank all of you. this is a fantastic turnout. let me thank the senator for his warm introduction and his touching on some of the major issues facing this state and this country. as i look around here i see a lot of energy, i see a lot of beauty i see a lot of enthusiasm. and i see a lot of people who want to trance form the united states of america.
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we began this campaign about 10 months ago when we began we were at 3% in the polls about 70 points behind secretary clinton. we had no money, we had no political organization. we didn't have much name recognition. in the last -- [cheers and applause] but in the last ten months, a lot has changed. [cheers and applause] and the reason i think that we are doing so well that we have so much energy that in state after state we win people 45 years of age or younger. the future of america.
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a report just came out yesterday that said that bernie sanders has received more votes from people under 30 than hillary clinton and donald trump combined. [cheers and applause] and i get my inspiration, my energy from you. i get my energy and inspiration from people who have an idealism, who want to transform this country and make it a lot better than it is today.
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now, the reason i believe we have so much energy and we're doing so well is because we're doing something very unusual in american politics. we are telling the truth. now, as you all know, the truth is not always pleasant. sometimes it's hard. sometimes it's hurtful. but unless we understand the reality in front of us and not shove it under the rug. unless we are prepared to deal with that reality there is no hope for change. and here is some of that
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reality. number one. today we live in a country in which our campaign finance system is corrupt and it is undermining americans' democracy. [cheers and applause] no small think. the consept of democracy is not complicated. what it means is you have one vote and you have one vote and you have one vote. what it does not mean is that people with unlimited amounts of money should be able to buy elections. that is not the case 6789.
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it does not mean that billionaires like the koch brothers and others should be able to spend $900 million in this campaign cycle to buy politician whose will represent the rich and the powerful that is not democracy. that is oligarky. and together we are going to stand firm. this country will not become an oligarkic society.
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but it is not just a corrupt campaign finance system which is undermining our democracy. what we are seeing now all over this country are cowardly republican governors trying to suppress the vote. as a nation, we have one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any major country on earth. our job is to increase voter turnout. make it easier for people to vote. and yet today we have republican governors who are trying in every way imaginable to make it harder for poor people for people of color,
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for yudge people, for old people to participate. and i say to those cowardly governors if you don't have the guts to participate in free and fair elections, get another job. and if elected president -- you can bet your bottom dollar that we are going to have a department of justice which will vigorously take on every one of the governors.
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what i want to see in this country is something simple and straightforward. and that is if you are 18 years of age or older you are registered to vote. end of the subject. but in addition to the fact that we have a corrupt campaign finance system, there is something else that we have got to address and address in a very straight forward way. and that is that we have a rigged economy. now, the television stations
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and the corporate media do not deal with this issue very much. but let me tell you what a rigged economy is about. what a rigged economy means is that today the top 1/10 of 1% now own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. it meengs that the 20 wealthiest people in this country now own more wealth than the bottom 150 million half of our country. and let me give you another example of what a rigged economy is about. it turns out that the wealthiest family in this country is the walton family who owns wal-mart.
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as many of you know, wal-mart pays wages that are so low that many of is workers are forced to go on medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing. what a rigged economy is about is when working people have got to pay more in taxes to provide food stamps for the employees of the wealthiest family in america. that is a rigged economy. and i say to the walton family, get off of welfare. pay your workers a living wage.
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and here is another truth that we cr not continue to avoid. in this country today we have more people in jail than any other country on earth. and i understand that in your state, incarceration is a very big and profitable business. well, we are going to end that in a number of ways. number one. we are going to do away with private prisons private agencies.
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it is unconscionable that corporations are making money by locking people up. that is wrong. number two. we're going to do our best to make sure that when young people in this country can't find a job or can't stay in school, we're going to invest in jobs and education, not jails and incarceration. i want this country and what this campaign is about is seeking -- thinking outside of the box. do not allow the media or
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anybody else to define for you what is possible. you do that. and what is possible is having the best educated country in the world. not the country with more people in jail. and together we are going to demiliterize local police departments. police departments should not look like occupying armies. they should be part of the community, not oppressing the communities.
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we are going -- we are going to make police departments look like the diversity of the communities they serve. all of us are tired of looking at tv and seeing gages of unarmed people being shot by police officers. i have -- i am a former mayor of burlington, vermont. all right. and i have worked with police departments for many, many years. and the vast majority of police officers are honest, hard working, and they have a very difficult job.
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but like any other public official when a police officer breaks the law that officer must be held accountable. and a president sanders justice department will investigate every death that takes place in police custody or during apprehension. criminal justice reform means that we have to take a hard look at the failed war on
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drugs. over the last 30 years, millions of americans have received police records for possession of marijuana. and if you have a police record it is sometimes very hard to get a job. now, right now under the federal controlled substance act marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 drug. alongside hirn. -- heir in. now, everybody here knows that heroine is a killer drug.
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marijuana is snot heroin. that is why i have introduced legislation to take marijuana out of the federal controlled substance act. as all of you know, the decision about whether or not marijuana becomes legalized is a state decision, not a federal decision. but i believe that possession of marijuana should not be a federal crime. and when we talk about drugs and the danger of drugs in my
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state of vermont nearby new hampshire and in states all over this country we are facing an epidemic and a crisis of heroin addiction of oipt addiction, of people dying every day from overdoses. in my view, we have got to treat substance abuse not as a criminal issue but a health issue. we need a revolution in mental health care in this country. when people are struggling with a mental health crisis or with addiction, they should be able to get the treatment they need
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today, not six months from today. now, let me just take a moment all of you know that i'm running against secretary hillary clinton. let me just take a moment to explain or express to you some of the strong differences that we have on important issues. first, when i began this campaign we had no money and we had to make a very important decision. should we establish a super pac? well, we agreed with you. this campaign -- this campaign does not represent the interests of the billionaire class or wall street.
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we don't want their money. so we did it another way. and what we did is we reached out to the middle class and working families and what happened is literally mind blowing. i could never in a million years believed that this would happen. but as of today, we have received well over $5 million. that is more contributions than any candidate in the history of this country at this point.
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anybody here know what the average contribution is? right. $27. now, this in itself is revolutionary because it shows that we can run a winning national campaign without being dependent on wall street and big money interests. so paraphrase aim ham lincoln at gettysburg, this is a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people.
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15 million from wall street alone. now, as some of you may also know secretary clinton has given speeches on wall street for 225,000 a speech. now, what i have said is if you're going to be paid $225,000 per speech, it must be an extraordinarily brilliant speech. it must be a speech that could transform our country and the world. it must be an shakespearian type speech.
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and if that speech is so great, let the american people see it. the second issue. all of you know that foreign policy is a very important part of what a president does. the most important foreign policy debate in the modern history of this country took place in 2002. now, i listened very carefully to what president bush and vice president cheney and all these guys had to say. and they were saying we've got to invade iraq, we've got to invade iraq. i didn't believe them.
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and i voted against that disastrous bill. then senator clinton heard the same arguments read the same information, she voted for that zafrltruss war. when people are working longer hours for less wages a lot has to do with foreign trade policies written by corporate america. since the year 2001, this
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country has lost 60,000 factories and millions of decent-paying jobs. i have opposed every one of these trade agreements. nafta, cafta the agreement with china. secretary clinton has supported virtually all of those corporately written trade agreements. now, one of the reasons that our campaign is doing so well is that we are not listening to big money campaign contributors. we are listening to the
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american people. and this is what the american people are telling me. if they are workers they are saying they can't make it on $8 or $9 or $10 an hour. they are tired of working working and working and not going anywhere. and that is why we need to rage the minimum wage to $15 an hour. now, i understand that you have a governor here who is trying to meak it harder to raise the minimum wage. that is exactly the wrong thing to do.
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this campaign is listening to senior citizens and disabled veterans. and i know that arizona has a whole lot of moan and women who have put their lives on the line to defend us and we thank them all. but here is the truth. no senior citizen or disabled vet can loif on 11 live on $ 11,000 or $12,000 a year social security. unbelieveably we have republicans in congress who want to cut social security. well i've got bad news for them.
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we're not going to cut social security. we're going to expand social security benefits. this campaign is listening to young people. and what young people are telling me is, bernie, we were told that it was the right thing to do to go to college or graduate school. you told us how important it is for us to get the best education we can. why is it that when we leave school, we are $30,000 or 50,000 in debt?
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anybody here with student debt? unbelievable. unbelievable. now, i want you to think outside of the box. think outside of the status quo. you all know that we live in a very competitive global economy. we need to have the best educated workforce in the world. and you all know that many of the new jobs being created today require a lot more education than the jobs of the past. now, for a very long time when we thought about public education, what we talked about was first grade through 12th grade. and that was great 50 years
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ago. but the world has changed, the comme has changed, technology has changed. in my view, when we talk about public education today what we've got to be talking about is making public colleges and universities tuition free. this is not a radical idea. all right? the world has changed. our educational system has to change with it. other countries -- and i know that you all know this. other countries, germany, scandinavia, they do that. they provide free college education because they know
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that investing in their young people is what will make their economy strong. and the other issue is that millions of people some young and some not so young are really being crushed with high levels of student debt. and what we have got to do is to say to those people you will be able to refinance that debt at the lowest interest rate you can find. now, i am criticized by the establishment, by my op pone president, bernie, this is a very expensive proposition. you want to have public colleges and universities tuition free. you want to significantly lower student debt.
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that is about $70 billion a year. that is a lot of money. how are you going to pay for it? i will tell you how. this is how we are going to pay for it. remember 8 years ago when the greed and recklessness and illegal behavior of wall street drove this economy into the worst economic downturn since the 1930's. congress bailed out wall street. well, it seems to me that now is the time to impose a tax on wall street speculation. the middle class of this country bailed out the crooks on wall street. now it is wall street's time to
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is telling me is that they are tired of 11 million people -- 11 million people in this country who are undocumented who are living in the shadows who are living in fear who are living with a great deal of exploitation. and what the latino community is telling me that now is the time for comprehensive immigration reform. and a path toward citizenship. now, in a democracy -- in a democracy, people can agree or disagree with immigration reform or anything else. but what people cannot do, what
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my father came from poland and he came to this country not knowing one word of english. so i have some experience with the immigrant family situation. we're going to put an end to deportation. this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the native american community. there is no group of people in
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our country today who have contributed more to our culture, to our respect for the environment than have the native american community. and i don't have to tell anybody here that from the first days when the settlers came to this continent they cheated the american people. they lied to the american people. they broke treaties with the native american people. and today what we are seeing in community after community of native americans is outrageously high level of unemployment, of poverty, of alcoholism of suicide, of kids dropping out of high school. it is time for the united
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climate change is caused by human activity. and already causing devastating problems in this country and around the world. and let me tell you what the scientistsings are also saying. and that is if we do not get our act together, if we do not trance form our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, a bad situation today will become a lot lot worse. what the scientists tell us if we do not act boldly by the end of this century this planet will be between 5 degrees to 10
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degrees farenheit warmer. that is catastrophic. and what that means -- what that means is more drought, more floods, more extreme weather disturbances, more rising sea levels. more acid if iication of the ocean. and more international conflict as people fight for limited natural resources. and that is why together we are going to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and tell them that their short term profts are not worth the future of this planet.
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and by the way while we are talking about environmental issues we have got to end fracking. there was a piece in the paper the other day. it's not just flint, michigan that is suffering from severe water problems. it is hundreds and hundreds of communities all over america. fracking will make that situation worse. end fracking. i have been criticized by my opponents for saying this. so let me say it again.
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and that is health care is a right of all people. not a privilege. now, the affordable care act has done some very good things. but we have a long way to go. today in america 29 million americans have no health insurance. many of you are underinsured with high deductibles and copayments. is that right? and every one in this country is being ripped off by the greed of the drug companies.
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drug companies charge us the highest prices in the world for medicine and the situation is so crazy that one out of five americans cannot afford to fill the prescriptions their doctors write. that is crazy. and then on top of all of that, it turns out that we are spending far far more per capita for health care than any other country on earth. and that is why in my view we have got to move toward a medicare for all health care systems. everybody here tonight knows
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that in our history as a nation real change always takes place from the bottom on up, not from the top on down. real change takes place when millions of people look around and say the status quo is not working. it has got to change. change took place a hundred years ago when workers were being treated as if they were animals. said we are going to form a union whether the employer likes it or not.
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what they said is that women will be able to control their own bodies. ten years ago if there was somebody in this room who said i think gay marriage will be made legal in 50 states in this country by the year 2015, the person next to him would have said what are you smoking? which raises a whole other issue. but what happened? what happened is the gay community against ferocious hatred and their straight
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allies -- [cheers and applause] -- what they said is that in america people should be allowed to love each other no matter what their gender is. that is how change takes place. and we are at that profound and pivotal moment in american history today where millions of people are looking around them and they're saying is it right that so few have so much? and so many have so little? is it right that the united states of america, this grate country, is the only major country on earth that does not
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guarantee health care or paid family and medical leave? is it right that when we have seen in recent years a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires that we have today the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth? is it right that in this nation the men and women who defended us our veterans, some of them are sleeping out on the street? but what the american people are saying is we can do much better. and what the american people by the millions are understanding is you're not going to do much better if we go back to the
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same old same old establishment politics and establishment economics. now, i am the only candidate for president who will tell you this truth. and it is not a happy truth but it is the truth. and that is no president not bernie sanders or anyone else can do it alone. we need the people who have the power in this country and that is wall street who has endless amounts of money corporate america whose greed has done us so much damage, the corporate media which determines what we see here or read. wealthy cam pain contributors. they have enomples power. the only way that we transform this country and take them on
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is when millions of people stand up and say enough is enough. [cheers and applause] and that is what this political revolution is about. it is involving people many of overwhelm have given up on the political process to get involved. to stand up, to fight back for justice. on tuesday there is going to be a very, very important primary here in arizona. so please on tuesday make sure that you your friends, your
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>> during campaign 2016, c-span takes you on the road to the white house. as we follow the candidates on c-span c-span radio, and >> book tv's in prime time on c-span 2 starting tonight. each night will feature a series of programs on topics from politics to education, to medical care and national security plus encore
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presentations from recent book festivals. tune in this week on c-span 2. go to for the complete schedule. >> up next on announcer: next, "q&a" with gabe roth and changes he would like to see in the supreme court. that is followed by the washington journal live at 7:00 a.m.. later, the u.k. membership in the european union. ♪ announcer: this week on "q&a," fix the court executive director gabe roth. mr. roth talks about changes you would like to see in the supreme court, including opening up oral arguments to cameras, and requiring justices to follow the same code of ethics other federal judges do.
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brian: gabe roth, when you first get the idea to start an organization called fix the court? gabe roth: thanks for having me on. about two years ago i was working with the reporters committee for the freedom of the press. with them, i put together something called the coalition for court transparency. it was a single issue group with five or six clients. i was a part of a consulting firm in d.c., and the issue was ending the broadcast media in the federal judiciary. so, from the district level to the court of appeals level up to the supreme court, we got about 20 different groups together and pressed various different forms as lobbying, media, it going on tv, programs like this, trying to get cameras in the supreme court.
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