tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN April 4, 2016 4:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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minds, and i would start by asking the question after this week, who has impressed you the most and why? if we get some hands, why don't we start right here. stand up and give me her name and where you are from. >> i am meredith mccain and i am from atlanta, georgia. brian lamb: who is it that you are most impressed by? >> oh yes. [laughter] >> that is a difficult one, but jonathan capehart came to talk to us and i really loved the insight he gave us about being the outside source, reporting back to us in the electorate about what is going on in our government. he told us to look out for our guardian angel and those who guide us along our journey as we enter into public service. brian lamb: what is your own goal, where are you going to go in life? >> i would love to be in an international journalist or be part of the foreign service and eventually an ambassador to a french-speaking country, but something from a global point of view that can incorporate lots of different people and
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government leaders like the journalist has had in his career. brian lamb: let's go find somebody. yes, sir. >> i am walter jackson from north carolina. i would like to say my most memorable moment would be going to the white house and meeting the president, and the best part was just watching him come down the hallway because you always see that on television but to actually see it in person was pretty incredible. brian lamb: what did you notice in person that you do not see on television? >> he looked a little thinner. [laughter] >> than he does on television, but just to be in a president's presents no matter if you agree -- presence no matter if you agree with his policy or not, it is really incredible. he is tall. [laughter] >> it was an incredible experience and i'm grateful to the hearst foundation. brian lamb: what year do you plan to run for president? >> i do not know. [laughter]
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brian lamb: there is hope there. yes, where are you from? >> wonderful. i am from massachusetts. brian lamb: who impressed you the most? >> i really enjoyed the senator hirono from hawaii because she came up from an immigrant family, growing up tough, it was really inspirational to hear what she had to say, how we can learn from her message amd her years in public service were inspirational for us all. my parents moved here in the 1980's and i grew up here. brian lamb: what is your observation from it being around all of these young people, the difference between being an immigrant and having been born in this country with ancestors from european countries? >> there is a lot of racial diversity here and it is great
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to see these different types of perspectives depending on where you grew up, what type of economic background you came from, because the hearst foundation provided all of the money for us, travel expenses, hotel room in, that was all covered, meaning that people from various economic backgrounds are able to come here, so there is a lot of different perspectives when you get here and i really enjoyed learning from everyone. brian lamb: somebody told me you got a surprise announcement earlier in the week about your scholarship, what was it? >> everyone thought the scholarship would be $5,000, which is phenomenal. then, on sunday night they announced it would be doubled to $10,000, and it was the loudest applause i had ever heard erupting in the room. [applause] brian lamb: who else wants to tell us about this week, if you have somebody you want to talk about? >> i am from new hampshire. brian lamb: who is it you want
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to tell us about? >> jeffrey hearst gave us a speech about technology and its influence in the media. his speech talked about how we created our own safe spaces online where we have information we agree with coming from us, but we do not hear a lot from the other side, the way the other sides work on social media. brian lamb: do you stick with your side? >> i am trying to find different people on twitter so that i hear from both sides. and so the following people that agree with me, i am starting to get more information on the other side. brian lamb: anybody from over here have somebody want to tell us about? yes, ma'am. where are you from? >> i am from wyoming. ruth bader ginsburg was the most inspirational person we have met this week. she has been one of my idols for a long time.
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i either want to be in the legal profession or possibly a senator, but she has done such amazing work to advance women's rights and women going into the legal system. brian lamb: what did she say that you will most remember? >> she talked a lot about the influences of different supreme court justices, and sort of their legacies, and so i guess it makes you think about what you want your legacy to be even if you are not a supreme court justice. how impactful some other decisions have been and that if i want they become a lawyer i will want to put a lot of thought into these important decisions because it is something that is really going to figure throughout.
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brian lamb: earlier she gave the eulogy for antonin scalia, and they were close friends over the years, and they cannot have been more different. is that the symbol of your life or the political campaigns? >> we have not seen it today. there is a lot of bickering on both sides. people cannot seem to agree, but i think it is important to reach across the aisle and try to get, get to know people, not only those you are running against but anyone who has a different opinion than yours, because it is really important to challenge your perspective. brian lamb: i want to go to the other end of the room if i can. i see a lot of hands over here
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and get some other perspectives. how about you? your name and where you are from and make sure you look at the camera. >> i am from nevada. my favorite person that spoke to us was senator alexander. he give us a very positive perspective and you told us we could pretty much do whatever we wanted when we got older and she told us a story about when he was doing work in tennessee, he was elected to be the governor, and the governor spoke to them and said, "one day, one of you will be governor of tennessee" and he was. it was great to hear that. brian lamb: based on what you saw here this week, what do you want to become in the future of all of the jobs people had that spoke to you? >> my dream would be public service at the military mentors have really shown me i want to serve for sure after college, so that was really cool to see the perspective. brian lamb: let's take advantage of your hand being up.
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>> i am from burlington, vermont and the most inspiring person i have heard all week is my military mentor of the u.s. air force. she has inspired me with her dedication to public service and serving the united states of america. she is an inspiration with her hard work and the wisdom that she has been able to impart on our group this week. brian lamb: is she in this room? >> she is. brian lamb: where is she sitting? >> she is sitting right over there. [applause] brian lamb: right there? [applause] brian lamb: explain what mentors do during this week. >> our military mentors have been given groups around six or seven kids per mentor and they have been explaining to us the role of etiquette and a quorum decorum in the various settings we have had, as well as keeping us organized and on time.
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they have also told their stories about working for the united states of america and what that has meant to them, and i did not expect my military mentor to play such a big role in my experience here but she really has, and i appreciate that very much. brian lamb: guess were i am going next? [laughter] brian lamb: it is a bit of a trek, but i am going to the military mentor to find out what her story is, next. why do you think she is such a good mentor? >> all this time i thought she was such a bright kid, but i do not know. [laughter] >> honestly, i'm not sure how i ended up in the company of military mentors.
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i have not been involved with youth and volunteering as much as many of my colleagues. they have extensive backgrounds in this work and i feel fortunate to be among them. brian lamb: where are you stationed? >> i am at los angeles air force base in california. brian lamb: how long have you been in the military? >> almost 12 years. brian lamb: why did you go into the military? >> i wanted to do what my grandparents did, like giving back to the united states before they pursued their own careers, whether that be public are putting food on the table. i did not give thought as to whether that was traditional for women, it seemed american. i only planned to be in for four or five years.
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brian lamb: you changed your mind? >> yes, sir. lamb: thank you very much. [applause] brian lamb: let's switch. i was going to switch but this young lady has something she wants to say. >> thank you. i am from wilmington, north carolina and at the speaker who most inspired me this week would have to be mr. jack warren, the director of the society in cincinnati which, some background on that is essentially the oldest historical society of its kind in the united states. it catalogs the ideology that prefaced the revolutionary war and the declaration of independence. mr. warned, i have to admit, she was not the speaker i was most looking forward to but when he got up and started talking about how the beginning of our nation essentially revolutionized the ideals of individual liberty and the relationship between people and the government and the extent to which people were finally able to be free, i was truly inspired and a tug at the
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heartstrings a little bit. brian lamb: what are your own plans? >> i started out this week hoping to be the first female chief justice on the supreme court, but listening to one of the inspirational legislators that we spoke to, i would like to go into electoral politics and policy making. brian lamb: where do you want to go to school do you know yet? >> i don't know. brian lamb: someone else. what is your name? >> katie smith. my father is active duty and we are stationed in south korea. brian lamb: who do you want to talk about? >> i want to talk about the people we met from nasa. to be withnspiring the administrators and others from the goddard center. although some of us may not be interested in pursuing stem
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careers, it was inspiring to hear how passionate people were about science and expanding the frontiers of what we know, especially mr. bolin who gave us a lot of insight into looking into where our tax money is going and asking the rude questions that we need to ask, and hearing how personable he was, seeing how he attracted his audience so compellingly, that was really amazing, just to feel that passion from people from nasa was a big take away from this week. brian lamb: are you interested in going to mars? >> actually, after seeing movies like "the martian" and "gravity," i think a lot of people are interested. that would be amazing. brian lamb: i want to switch and find out when you have been thinking this week about politics. you met a lot of politicians, i assume you're watching the presidential campaigns. you probably came in here with ideas of what you thought
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political people were like up close. i want to find out what you are thinking, this fellow has his hand up. >> nathan from oklahoma. brian lamb: what is your high school? >> booker t. washington high school. >> we have a studentcam and out ofry year, 2800 entries, the big winner was from jenks high school in tulsa, oklahoma. it is terrific. they make five to seven minute documentaries. wanted to get that plug-in for oklahoma. what do you think about politics? >> i think, like many other people, we're fairly skeptical watching the derbies that are the debates each week, and i think one of the most important things is it reaffirmed my faith in politics and the political process because the truth is these people, these people we see on television, c-span, are real people.
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when we saw president obama, perhaps the thing that stood out the most to me was the bags under his eyes, he was tired, he is a real person. i thought that that was perhaps most interesting. brian lamb: what do you think when you see the campaign, is that real? >> to an extent. these are real people with real ideas that transform themselves. i think perhaps the biggest dichotomy could be between the last two republican debates where people were attacking each other. last night, people were civil and had a substantive debate. i think it is the real people to the extent that the polling tells them to be. brian lamb: yes, sir. >> i am just in from knoxville, tennessee. brian lamb: what are you thinking? >> i am really impressed, like nathan was saying, that even though they seem hardheaded and unable to compromise there is compromised taking place. they are all well reasoned
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individuals, so even though they seem to drop the hardline, a lot of times they are able to justify that based on their moral or economic beliefs about politics. brian lamb: what is your reaction to watching the campaign? >> i think a lot of that is distorting the media. they always say no press is bad press, so getting their name out there, getting attention is more of the drive and motivator, but i think when you look underneath at least with the majority of the campaigns, with the exception of one or two, they do have plans, intentions and goals they want to make happen and i think what we are saying to the campaign process is simply a tool to get in office and make this happen. brian lamb: what are your plans? >> i am going to the university of tennessee, knoxville and i hope to go to law school. brian lamb: yes, sir. >> i am jackson wilkins from hadi so, mississippi. to answer your question about politics, i think the thing that struck me this week was how distorted our view of politics has become through a really politicized media.
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when i met senator roger wicker of mississippi who is very conservative, something mississippians are proud of. i noticed that after we took pictures he walked up to senator cory booker and shook his hand and they both a huge smiles on their faces. i was kind of surprised he does the media teaches us that democrats and republicans are supposed to be at odds with each other. i think that people need to recognize, we need to be respectful toward each other and we need to understand that senators are respectful toward each other and that will be more conducive to getting real policy done instead of just the vitriol.
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brian lamb: does the politician have any responsibility? >> yes. they need to be respectful toward each other. i need to recognize that even though we disagree with each other, we are all working toward the same goal, want what is best for the united states. we just disagree on the past to -- path to reach that goal. brian lamb: is there anyone that does not like what they see with this campaign, willing to stand up and talk about it? i don't think i have talked to you, have i? >> i am laura wagner and i go to school in delaware. brian lamb: what about this campaign? >> it has gone so far extreme. the republicans have gone very far to the right and the democrats have gone very far to the left and most americans are moderate voters and so the tough
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part about that, as a moderate voter, how we can bring compromise back to the middle because compromise is the foundation of this nation and i believe if we want to go forward and do the best we can we have to find a middle ground, some are not polarizing on the right or the left. brian lamb: what do you think is motivating this? >> i think a lot of this is standup candidates, soundbites in the media. donald trump can say something horrible and it pushes everybody so far to the right. it's just the 24-hour news cycle. everybodyying to push . brian lamb: the right says that donald trump is not a conservative. >> that is debatable. he has some very bizarre policies and candidates like ted cruz are also very far to the right. i think the insanity this campaign, it has polarized everyone.
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brian lamb: who else has something to say about this campaign? >> i go to school in west virginia. brian lamb: where? >> martinsburg. brian lamb: what do you think? >> politics is hard to talk about because there such a wide range of everything. all of the topics that they cover are just very broad and a very extensive. it is very hard to talk about politics, especially in this world of serious bipartisanship and the severe divide. she said, polarization. when you have a campaign like this, you have strong willed people who want to make such a strong difference. you see a very wide view of strong opinions and that leads to a lot of tension and a lot of friction. brian lamb: never in the history have some of people watched the
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-- so many people watched the debates during primaries. good or bad? >> if you like sports it is really good. [laughter] brian lamb: is a drawing more people into the discussion? >> i do not know if it is bringing them into the discussion, but it is bringing them into the sporting of it. i see a lot of people come into it and they do not care about the opinions, do not care about the policies, how it affects them, they just care about how it entertains them and that is why we are seeing a record-breaking numbers is because some of people are coming out because they want to see somebody say something nasty. they want to see something exciting. coming to a program like this, we work with president obama and he said, as the youth of america, whatever you do, please do not be cynical about politics. before this program, i think a lot of people came into this very cynical and being able to sit down at the dinner table people i just met with in one week, i may not know your name or your state or what your political beliefs are, that we engaged in a political discussion, talked about the
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things we believe in and i have heard comments when i am sitting there. one person told me, your opinion is very respectable. we do not hear that in national politics. i think it is inspiring to sit here, whether it is with the military mentor or somebody from across this nation in a big city, so inspiring to see that we are all together even if we have different opinions. brian lamb: we should be pointed out that steve cox is the gentleman sitting over here, a retired marine officer. a former marine, but they never say "ex-marine," right marines? who else?
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>> i think it is about time that we see a campaign like this. i think the voters of america were bored. i think with establishment politics, see the same stuff over and over and over and it is also a credit to the politicians for being able to capitalize on this type of environment. we would not see people like this being so successful with a polarizing opinion in any other year, and now this is just showing the evolution of politics and how the voters really want a change, they want something different, not the establishment that we have been seeing all this time. it is very valuable in that regard, so i think this campaign is important, while others may criticize it and say it is childish or there are too many people hurling insults. i think it is drawing people out, building on their passions. it is something different and something american politics me. -- needs. brian lamb: where do you live?
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>> i am from okinawa, japan. brian lamb: what are you doing in japan? >> my mom is in the air force, so we are in okinawa. it is interesting. the feed that we get is very filtered and we are very insulated from the political atmosphere, and i am a big fan of politics so that is why i really value that we are having something that is drawing some of you people out, even in okinawa where you don't have much political conversation, people are not talking about politics and these debates are bringing people out of their shells and make them realize politics is going to make a difference. whether it is the extreme candidates with a moderate ones, they will make a change in our future. brian lamb: i want to see if i can find two of you, one on the right and one on the left and we can come together right here and have a little chat. [laughter] brian lamb: let me just see. which side are you on? please come up. i need someone from the left. is there an extreme leftists? [laughter] brian lamb: yes, come on up.
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let's settle this problem right here now. >> i come from dewitt, arkansas. >> i come from reno, nevada. brian lamb: why are you such a left winger? >> i work for the hillary clinton campaign. nine months before the caucus in our home state of nevada and my parents are both public employees so i was raised to believe in the power of public spending and the power of taxation. brian lamb: when did you first get interested in politics? >> probably two or three years ago. i was not really interested, i was kind of selectively interested during presidential campaigns that i started getting into local politics and state politics and finally understood what my mom did for the government. she is an auditor so it took a while to understand what she did.
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the midterms and this presidential campaign have really been the first elections i have been involved in. brian lamb: anna, why are you a right-winger? >> basically, a lot of it has to do with my christian values, and also i have watched my parents struggle financially and start from the bottom and then work really, really hard to work their way up to various financial issues, and so i really believe in the power of free enterprise and capitalism and how someone can start off toward the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain and work their way up through hard work and dedication. brian lamb: what are your plans? >> i plan to attend the university of arkansas this fall and major in political science and advertising in public relations and eventually go to law school.
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brian lamb: your plans? >> i am not sure where i want to go to college but i would like to study computer science and hopefully get a masters degree. brian lamb: we need two more of these. give me an left-winger? who is outspoken? [laughter] brian lamb: come on over here. now i need an outspoken right-winger. yes, this gentleman. come over here. [applause] [laughter] lamb: school? >> i go to sussex central high school in delaware. i am from wichita, kansas. brian lamb: somebody told me that a group of republicans are wearing these pins. is that right? >> i took mine off. brian lamb: why? >> i didn't want to upset any democrats.
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[laughter] brian lamb: what issue are you most concerned about? >> the intention of the constitution, which i think is forgotten. i want to go back to the roots. >> i feel starkest about campaign finance reform. [applause] brian lamb: why do they all know this? >> this is all have talked about this week. [laughter] i feel money has a corrupting place in politics. brian lamb: what would you do? >> i would propose a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens' united. brian lamb: what do you think? >> i think i believe in the first amendment, the right to expect yourself and freely speak. one way you can do that is by donating to a cause you support or donating to a cause that
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prevents a cause that you don't support. [applause] brian lamb: what issue is the most important to you besides the constitution? >> more important than the constitution? [laughter] >> how can you ask that, my goodness. [laughter] >> that is a tough one. that is my entire life. brian lamb: what is your second most important issue? [laughter] >> right after the constitution. ok, why do you go to andrew -- don't you go to enter an aspect question? value --ond most of second-biggest value is my american values. that sounds really trite, but i do think we do not care like we used to. people do not have the same respect that we used to. we see this but the rise of nationalism and xenophobia on the campaign trail. we need to get back to having a constructive discourse. we need to get back to respecting all americans no matter what their backgrounds
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yes, i am ready. i think there is a big problem in this country into this political correctness. i think we need people with principles and conviction and are willing to fight for these principles and conviction. i understand the need for bipartisanship at times, but i think it is important that politicians go to washington or go to their state capitals with their eyes on a goal and they are determined to meet that goal and set of sacrificing it in the light of money or the light of bipartisanship or whatever this. brian lamb: so if you have a moment every day to go someplace and find out what you believe or back up what you believe or somebody in the media in respect to most, who would it be? >> i like to read the national interest for foreign policy. sometimes leans a little bit to my right but i like to get that , other perspective on international affairs. brian lamb: i suspect a lot of your fellow high school students
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are doing the same thing. that must be number one on most people's list. >> why wouldn't it be? [laughter] >> democrats in the room wants me to say say fox news because it feeds right into their dialogue, but the google news app is one of the best tools that any of us can use because it provides such a diverse array of things. yes, i am reading stuff from the huffington post. i usually have to find a trashcan after i do. [laughter] sorry, huffington post. [laughter] >> no, fox news is good, too, fair and balanced. [laughter] i literally get news from everywhere, and i imagine the truth falls in the middle of everything. brian lamb: thank you gentlemen. [applause] brian lamb: we have two more over here. this has started something right now. yes. please, both of you stand and face this way so the cameras can
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pick you up. your name. >> my name is cynthia florez, and i am from mission, texas. brian lamb: left or right? >> left. >> and my name is joseph has berg. i am from mississippi and i am moderate-right. brian lamb: you two are sitting here together. are you friends? cynthia yes, i would say so. : >> absolutely. brian lamb: we have something going here, folks. [laughter] brian lamb: what do you think most passionately about? cynthia: the reason i am leaning toward the left, a bit moderate but mostly toward the left is because i believe we should all have social freedom to decide what we believe to be morally right and morally wrong whether it is an issue of abortion or whether it is about your sexual -- i don't know how to explain it. brian lamb: your sexuality? cynthia yes, anything socially. :or anything really socially.
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you should be able to decide for yourself rather than politicians telling you what is right and legal. you should be able to choose what you think is right and have your life model your own morality because i believe morality is a relative concept and we all come from very , different backgrounds. there is a lot of immigrants in our country and there are people so many different religions that we should really have our own choice. [applause] joseph one of the issues where i : generally fall right on is issues of economic policy. i believe strongly in fiscal responsibility, and i think the government has grown to spend a lot of money and have duplicate projects that it does not necessarily have to fund. there's a lot of issues where we just have like have the government renting office space that it uses to store things. we have places where we can really find fiscal -- i'm sorry, where we can find money we can cut and become more accountable to the people, reduce the national debt, and find things
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that we can also fund in support in more effective ways. and so on these issues, i feel , that win the government is more accountable fiscally, it is able to do more socially. kind of again, where we were both sort of moderate i believe , strongly in this moderate social freedoms, but at the same time i think the government has , to take a step back and stop playing such a strong role in everyone's economic daily life. brian lamb: what do you disagree him on? cynthia from what he just said? :brian lamb: yeah. cynthia: well i believe that the , government should have a responsibility in our finances, but i believe by the same token we should have -- i don't know how to explain it, there should be some more freedom overall because government does play a role in some people's lives and for us, government means a lot. there are people that do not care about politics as much, and i believe that if a lot of
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people sometimes feel the government is intrusive in the things that they do, and so i believe there should be more freedom in that sense. brian lamb: what are your plans? cynthia i would like to become a : senator. of course, i want to go to law school. my undergrad i'm taking about , doing journalism or political science. joseph i am looking for a career : in foreign relations. i am not sure exactly on the collegiate plans but i would like to become fluent in other languages and study other cultures so we can have positive international affairs. brian lamb: thank you both. [applause] brian lamb: to our television audience around the country, this is the united states senate youth program, underwritten by the hearst foundation. you folks have been in town for a week. there are 104 of you in this room. two of you from each state and a
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couple from the territories and , and we are talking about your experiences this week. the last -- we have about 20 minutes. the last part of this, i would like to get some of you in the room to talk about who has most influenced you in your own life. it could be a teacher, parent, somebody you know, fellow student, and i'm looking for new faces, and i will start right here. what is your name and where are you from? julian rockwell and i am from maine. brian lamb: who do you most look up to? julian my mother. : when i was born she was a teen parent and a mom and she took time in her life to raise me as an independent woman, and i value everything she taught me in letting me make my own ideas. about what i actually think. i was raised in a home with both a democrat and a republican. i was given the opportunity to go to church or not. i was able to form my own
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opinions without them being forced on me, and she makes sure she makes sure that i can go to , every opportunity that i desire and make the best of my resources. brian lamb: what did she do? julian she works for girl scouts : of maine. she is a public servant as well. brian lamb: where in maine? maine? : which brian lamb: what part of maine? julian it is on route one, and : people who live in maine don't even know where it is. [laughter] brian lamb: yes, sir. >> my father is the most influential force in my life. he has really solidified my belief in the right and the american dream. he started out in high school working as a truck driver for a local paint company, and he died as a business owner. through his work ethic, and his belief and passion for the business, so i believe america is out of touch with that
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belief that you can do whatever you want to do no matter where you start. it is more about where you finish. brian lamb: when did your dad die? >> in my freshman year of high school. brian lamb: what was the cause? >> he had leukemia and he passed away of a stroke. brian lamb: thank you very much. yes, ma'am, your name, and where are you from? >> sarah, and i am from north dakota. brian lamb: who is the biggest person in your life? sara my brother. : brian lamb: why? sara he gives me opportunities : to come here. i live on a farm, so he has stayed home to take care of all the things they give me opportunities to do whatever i want. brian lamb: what is his name? >> clay. brian lamb: is he older than you? sarah yes, he is 21. : brian lamb: yes, sir. what does he do? >> arms. brian lamb: yes, sir. who is your favorite person? >> i would say ms. rita patel. the carmel unified district
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school district in california. my first exposure to politics on the local level was at the school board meeting i went to in seventh grade, and this woman was just so inspiring to me. i am best friends with her son , evan patel, also in carmel california and she just would , not take anything from anyone. she was steadfast in her beliefs and her dedication to caring for the students of carmel district and she did anything into to get , them what they needed. brian lamb: it is tough living there in carmel, isn't it? >> it is, that is what clint eastwood tells us. brian lamb: you should be the mayor. what do you remember that she specifically did that was important to you? >> i remember when she came to a meeting and she found a story about everything she was wearing because she put on an anti-bullying shirt and said, i support anti-bullying" put on a jacket and said, "i am here to advocate for my students." brian lamb: good story.
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thank you. we have over to an area not been to, someone we have not heard from. how about this gentleman with a bright, red shirt on. where are you from? >> my name is jake eman and i am from the great state of michigan. brian lamb: where in michigan? >> i am near lake huron. brian lamb: who'd you credit as your best leader? jake: we often hear about the broken school district in this country, and i'm incredibly fortunate to not have that problem. the teachers that we have at that high school really believe in the students, in my history teacher, my government teacher, my principal, they are so dedicated to education, and i am really indebted to them. brian lamb: give us an example of something specifically they have done, the reason your indebted? jake nominating me to come to : this wonderful program. if they, in and all of us as well.
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if somebody did not believe in us and our future there is no , way any of us would be here. brian lamb: what did you have to do to get chosen for this program? jake we had to receive the : nomination, hold a leadership position in our school or community, and go through quite a process, a very in-depth government exam and writing a lot of essays to show that we know, or we sound like we know what we're talking about. [laughter] brian lamb: what are your own plans? jake i want to get back to the : community that has given so much to me in the above to represent people at the state level. brian lamb: when all of you are elected someday, you will be able to go back to this room. how about at this table, we have not seen many of you. ? >> i am andre gonzales from las cruces, new mexico. brian lamb: who is the mentor of -- or the leader? andre: my father. when he was born, he grew up in poverty in rural new mexico. his family moved around united
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states and even canada and , somehow he found a way to help support his family. times were very, very rough, and throughout his life, he has shown he is dedicated to others. he served in the military for 32 years. he retired as a colonel in the army. and just every single step of the way he has enabled me and , he has kind of encouraged me to push the limits. although, i do argue with him a lot over anything and everything. you know it is still amazing to , have that person in your life you can go back to and kind of say, well, he is the one i want to be like. brian lamb: what are your own plans? right now, it is -- i want to be everything from a music educator, to a politcal -- policy analyst, to a journalist. it is all over the place. i am all over the place. [laughter] brian lamb: there is still time. all three of them. i want to do something i have never done, and she will be so
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mad at me. we have done this for 10 years together. brady gilford, who you may know, is responsible for all of this organization with her staff. she hates the fact that i'm about to talk to her. over these years that you have brought these students to the hearst foundation, what has been the biggest impact on you? mrs. gilford i think i have told : the students, i used to work in the senate on behalf of at risk students, and that was a great privilege, but now i have a chance to work with the most talented, bright, as you can all see, gifted wonderful young people and i feel that it is , just as important for this nation because the pebbles that are going into the pond here, the ripple effect of all of your leadership, it makes me emotional just to listen to how wonderful you are. i think viewers of c-span will feel the same way.
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the impact you will have makes me realize everything i do for you and all of the staff, it is the greatest gift we can get to -- give to the country. so it is my privilege to do this program this way. [applause] brian lamb: i have known her for 25 years, and i love to see her emotional like that. that was a lot of fun. she does put a lot of work into this. who is your mentor? what is your name? , and name is data chapelle i'm from montgomery, alabama in -- and my mentor for the last six years has been a woman who has worked with me since seventh grade when i started working with the montgomery clean city commission, and if you do not
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know, montgomery was once the cradle of the confederacy and also the birthplace of the civil rights movement. it has just been kind of odd to have this almost 60-year-old caucasian woman be my best friend, my mentor and my confidant. environmental causes that do not get much support where i come from. she has really taught me that i do not have to subscribe to the inevitability of anything and that i can dream and be whimsical at the same time, be practical and take valid steps to achieve whatever i want. brian lamb: what are your plans? deja: so, college, and in college i would like to study , basically anything in the humanities, and maybe some woman studies or maybe even venture into african-american studies and would definitely be interested in going into law school or becoming a rhodes scholar or pursuing graduate study abroad or even here. brian lamb: thank you. the law schools of this country, some of them are getting trouble
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having enough students. i think this crowd will definitely fill it. a lot of the law schools. we do not have much time. we have 10 minutes left. i think as we end, and some of you have things you want to say , i can see it so i want to just , grab you, and let's try this gentleman are here. your name? >> my name is keith gillett from rhode island. brian lamb: why was your hand up frantically in the air? keith as you were saying at the : time was running out, i really wanted to say it is tough to make a choice, but my mom has been the biggest influence on my life. she is a public servant herself, not in public office, but she started off as a teacher, a high school teacher, and she was a single mom. she raised me for most of the time that i have really been alive, and all that she has done has been for me, and i really appreciate everything she has ever done because she has been
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educating not just me, but students in my town, which is a pretty poor town for years. around the time i got into middle school, she really began to focus on her career beyond teaching, and now she is an assistant superintendent in the providence school district and she makes so much impact everyday. she comes home from work exhausted every day, and i'm always telling her that she could probably use some more sleep, but she definitely puts her heart into everything she does, and i cannot be any more prouder that i could be here and say that everything she has done, i appreciate it because now i can be here, and i can make something of myself for her. brian lamb: thank you very much. hands up quickly. [applause] yes, ma'am. >> i am claire barnett from
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tennessee, and i would have to say there are two people i have , to mention. my role model has been my mother, she has been a middle school principal on the low income side of town. she said making a difference in the students lives are more important than working her way up her career. she has been so dedicated to that school. i have learned a lot from her. i would also have to mention my speech and debate coach because she showed me, even though we disagree, the two of us come as we are working to debates we can be respectful and she also got me interested in broadcast journalism through her video classes. brian lamb: what do you disagree with your teacher on? claire she is more liberal and i conservativeially but we found ways to be , respectful and backing our opinions up with evidence. talking about why we feel how we do. brian lamb: let's go over to this table, this gentleman right here. yes or, your name? >> i am from north new jersey.
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embodyple, i think, who the american dream for me are my parents. they came to the united states fleeing from a civil war, so they are both refugees, and they both started off with practically nothing, and they moved into a low income city and they worked their way up, and now we live moderately comfortable. just their ambition and their drive has really inspired me. their passion for american democracy and government. my dad is the only person i know who likes paying his taxes. [laughter] it has really inspired me to get more involved in the country that has given them and me an opportunity to grow, succeed, so definitely. brian lamb: have you examined your father's reason for wanting to pay taxes? shwan: he is a teacher and really loves his job. my mom is a nurse and she loves what she does. brian lamb: what do you want to do? marshawn: i want to study public policy in college. brian lamb: thank you.
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who were the two speakers tonight? they always choose a couple of speakers. there is one and there is the other one. i am going to ask the gentleman what he is going to tell everyone tonight. [applause] yes, sir. please give us your name and where you are from. >> i am from staten island, new york. brian lamb: how did you get picked to speak tonight? >> they made some poor choices, clearly. [laughter] i don't know, i guess i am just sociable, i like talking to people. i am probably funny so they want to hear a quick jump tonight. brian lamb: kevin we get one now to lighten up this program a little bit? >> maybe if you come back tonight. brian lamb: what do you want to deliver this night after a week in washington? benjamin i want everyone to : reflect on the fact that even though we all come from different backgrounds, we have the potential for great success in public service, or medicine or business whatever they want , to pursue. i do not want that potential to go wasted with these great individuals. brian lamb: good luck tonight,
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and we have the -- excuse me, we have spoken to this woman before. >> i am meredith mccain, and i am from atlanta, georgia. brian lamb: meredith, why did you get picked? meredith i have no idea. : they called my name out, and i was like, why did that happen? we had some debate rounds on absurd topics. it was just really fun, and i passionate about public am speaking, so hopefully people will acknowledge that. brian lamb: what do you want to say tonight? meredith i want to summarize our : collective experience. how much it has meant to us the blessed with this experience from the hearst foundation, and hopefully i can try to capture a little bit of the emotion everyone feels about having spent the week in washington. brian lamb: what is the emotion all about? meredith: just a passion to give back to serve the public. as a lot of people, i was speechesp in the small -- as a lot of people have brought up in their small
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speeches today. just a way to give back no matter what sector or industry we go into, we all want to serve others and be involved in politics and in the whole process of american democracy. brian lamb: thank you. if you were going to give a speech tonight and wanted to give a short message to this group, and you have not talked to us yet, quickly, standup. please, and tell us who you are. right here. >> i am marissa silvester from burlington, vermont, and my message is to increase bipartisanship as we move forward in the future. as a republican from a very liberal state, i appreciate the political dialogue that goes and forth between the two parties that i hope we can actually , transform the dialogue into meaningful work. brian lamb: thank you. you can just stay where you are. >> my name is molly len, i and one of the delegates from montana. i want to reiterate something president obama, when we had the opportunity to meet with him said. , he said, know what you want to do, not what you want to be.
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what this basically meant is have these goals, have these ambitions but did not have the ambition just to get into office, gain power. i think that really brings it back to us. we are all aspiring leaders and our world so we have some social goals or goals to attain, and i think that was a really powerful words that he said. brian lamb: thank you. we may be have time for one more. i hope to get some more. yes, ma'am. >> i think we all need to remember -- brian lamb: tell us where you are -- who you are? >> i am from arkansas. i think everyone needs to challenge their ideals and find people who do not agree with what you have you can strengthen your own arguments and your own beliefs and change them. you need to just find a way to realize that you cannot live in your own little bubble. you need to find others. brian lamb: thank you. how about right here? yes, ma'am. >> my name is alisa guenther, and i am from wisconsin. one thing we heard from a speaker yesterday was to not be afraid to fail. of course, we have some very
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successful people in this room , but i would encourage all of you that if we do so, try to appreciate that, because it will only make you appreciate your successes more, and i also hope you do not become so used to success that it is not special for you anymore. brian lamb: one last person. this lady right over here. please stand. tell us who you are. >> my name is caroline moriarty, i am from south dakota. i think that an inspirational quote will take the u.s. as ip one of the -- cory gardner talked about when he was meeting someone from his favorite movie. he heard from his advisor to "act like you belong," and he told us, act like you belong when you do something new but he also said we do belong. , we belong here. we have been picked for this program, and so he said be who , you are, be yourself because you do not have to act like you belong. we all belong. brian lamb: i want to thank the students in this room and the hearst foundation for letting us come here with our cameras, and this is the united states senate youth program. thank you all very much.
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[applause] ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] announcer: for free transcripts are to give us your comments about this program, visit us at you and programs are also available at c-span podcasts. >> the book tells both the story of the fact that the manuscript this national treasure is not what we thought while also trying to chronologically think about what was madison encountering at the time? keeping those two there it is
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straight was quite tricky for a while. & a, this author discusses her book "madison's hand," which looks at note he wrote after the convention of 19 -- 1787. >> he full the dough sheets in half, he writes across the middle and on the backside. at some point, he took off little pieces of paper into a manuscript. one of the things he noticed when we were down there was that the last quarter of the manuscript, the holes he had sown, did not match with the earlier ones. this confirms my suspicion at the very end of the manuscript had been written later. you can't see that on the microfilm. it was a wonderful thing to get the feedback and person. announcer: sunday night at 8:00 a. ern on c-span's q &
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road to the white house coverage coming up later today. ethics: 15, hillary clinton -- at 6:15 hillary clinton coverage. after that, senator ted cruz holds a rally in waukesha, wisconsin. the really begins at 8:00 eastern. that is here on c-span. more from the wisconsin campaign trail with donald trump. he is a milwaukee tonight speaking with supporters and voters at 8:00 p.m. eastern. that will be on c-span 2. this week on c-span, the supreme court cases that shaped our history come to life with the c-span series "landmark cases," historic supreme court decisions. the 12 part series explores real life stories and constitutional drama behind the most scenic and decisions in history. >> this is a case about
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presidential power, during times of war. it has central themes about u.s. presidents and doing things in emergency that may not be as stated in the constitution. and the congress can debate on it. he said, the case has come to be accepted by the culture. how many cases can we say about that? >> he was a sleeping decision that isolated the u.s. has one of one of four nations of a hundred 95 across the -- 195 across the globe that allow abortion, but it has not set the issue up. announcer: look at the case of youngstown sheet and tube company versus sawyer. it is about executive power, stating he was unconstitutional for german to steal the supreme -- fort truman to seize control of steel mills.
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watch it tonight on c-span and ♪ announcer: c-span's washington journal live every day with policy issues that impact you. coming up tuesday morning, john slice of esther, -- john sligh sylvester. he joins us to discuss his endorsement of senator bernie sanders for president in the spring of 2015. and to preview tuesday's key gop democratic primary in wisconsin. he will also talk about issues important to voters in that state. ted barnes, executive founder of the weekly standard, will be on to talk about the nominating process for the republican party and the president of can test -- contest. be sure to watch at 7:00 eastern on tuesday morning. join the discussion. campaign 2016 continues on
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tuesday, april 5 with a consistent -- with the wisconsin primary. it is just like coverage begins at 9:00 eastern. tune in for viewer reaction and results. taking you on the road to the white house on c-span, c-span radio, and >> tuesday's wisconsin primary has become quite the battleground, and our guest on newsmakers is in the mix of it all. dave mcintosh is the president of the group club for growth. they have endorsed the primary for ted cruz and is spending up to on ads in the state against $1 million donald trump. thank you for being with us this week. mr. mcintosh: my pleasure. susan: let me introduce the reporters. ms. morrongiello and mr. hohmann. as we get started, people looking at your twitter feed will see many references to making the wisconsin primary
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as potentially donald trump's waterloo essentially. why are you thinking about it like that? mr. mcintosh: this could be the primary which his trajectory forward, he has won several states, occasionally lost, but clearly has over momentum. -- upward momentum. ted cruz beating him in wisconsin shows that when you get down to essentially a two .erson race, he does not win hopefully if ted cruz can win outside of the south, where his northern industrial state, not a deep red state, but rather one that has voted democratic in several recent presidential races. so if that happens, i think it is a shift from where republicans are. you can think of a lot of different explanations for it. we like to take credit and say we educated about him not being a conservative, and a smart thing to do is vote for ted cruz, but i also think voters
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are now kind of maturing where early, it was i am at mad at washington. i think things are on the wrong track. i will send a message. now they are thinking -- some of them still want to send a message, and i think cruz does that for them, but others are saying wait a second. this could be real. what does it mean? and republicans are looking at that and saying poll after poll shows that he would lose to hillary clinton. we could lose the senate, and with that, the supreme court. so i think a lot rides on this. election. importantome very paths that could be influenced by the outcome. mr. hohmann: let us talk about the upcoming primaries. the map turns a little more vorablto donald trump after wisconsin. weeks hiss in two , home state. data after the clubs of host
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wisconsin plans? plans? s post wisconsin mr. mcintosh: new york is next and then several east coast states the week after that. we were looking at new york to develop our strategy. i think the margin there is so large, you have to concede donald trump is likely to win, but keeping him below 50% at that point, ted cruz or john kasich can pick up different congressional districts, and they win all the delegates there. essentially now, we are in the delegates phase. donald trump is in the lead. ted cruz is on his heels. john kasich is are behind. keeping trumpet below the majority is the key strategical goal right now. mr. hohmann: when you anticipate you will spend some money in new york? how much where and how to do it. mr. mcintosh: how much where and how to do it. we are mapping all the way through california, the end of the primary. that is another huge, big important state.
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it is that split winner take all at large for the statewide tally and then congressional districts beneath it but indiana, my home , state, is along the way, where donald trump has had a lead in the past. some polling i saw just this week that crews and he are net and neck. that is an opportunity for ted cruz to take a winner take all state. susan: can you explain to the audience why the club for growth does not like the donald trump candidacy? mr. mcintosh: yeah, thank you. before we get into the horse races and everything. we look at all of the candidates, the major ones this cycle, on a five to 10 page paper on their economic records. that is our set of issues. where are they on taxes, government spending, regulation, free-trade, school choice? and many of the candidates had sterling records. ted cruz, marco rubio, ron paul were at the top.
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record. had a very good we then looked at from when he realized -- donald trump when we realized he was a good candidate. he has not spoken on things for a lot of years, but he has spoken out on a lot of policy matters. proposed at one point the largest tax increase ever to pay down the debt. he tried to walk that debt but even recently, he said in the right to stances, i would do that all over again. he is for government run health care. he does not respect private property rights because he is for imminent domain abuse. or you take money from a property like a homeowner and ton it over to a developer be redeveloped. if you do not have private property rights, if people control the lands they own in the house they live in, that undermines the very system we have. we realized he would be a disaster on free-market full growth economic policies. and has in the past been advertising to tell people about
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that. now a lot of that is well known. he is also started to talk about he would lose the republican party to hillary. he could have terrible to get results. but fundamentally for us it is a , policy question. where do they come out on the free market questions? morrongiello: after hearing those reasons, i hate to entertain the scenario, but looking into the general trump, let'sdonald say, does emerge as the nominee would club for growth consider , backing a third-party alternative or solely focus on senate and congressional races? mr. mcintosh: realistically, we would be focusing on the senate and the house races. that is what we do cycle after cycle. we also don't feel obliged to get into every race. in fact, the presidential race is unique for us. it is the first time we have done it because so much is at stake. if donald trump the nominee, we
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will focus back on our state and house. we have a lot of great candidates edifying. and i in manchester get back to -- i am anxious to get back to supporting them. mr. hohmann: maybe a more well-timed by really a month earlier? mr. mcintosh: we were the earliest. we were back in september saying he should not get the nomination. we spent ads in the falls appointed he was not a conservative. there were a couple of places on the way like south carolina. you were all with us we watched the results. it was a sad night. we cut the lead in half with a very good ad in south carolina. had we started a week earlier, maybe we could have taking it -- taken it all the way. but our record shows we have been the first and many times the only group out there on the
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conservative spectrum. we still believe it. i share with a lot of the other people who are now working to see somebody else besides donald trump, with it is ted cruz or john kasich. we think it is so important we will work with anybody and give you the information we know, make it your own. we are not out there to get credit for this. we have gotten a lot of media coverage. we want to get the job done. ms. morrongiello: do you feel that, if had other organizations, other conservative organizations like heritage action and other policy places, if they had jumped in and launched their offensive as early as you had, similar to james' question do you think , that would have had a more significant impact on stopping donald trump from getting as far as he has? mr. mcintosh: i think the conservative groups have actually done a good job. you saw them come together in the national review piece early on. if anything that i wish we could
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have done differently, some of the super pac's supporting candidates had taken him more , seriously early on, we could have seen a different result in the early primaries. but i do not criticize them in that. out howe got to figure to float their own preferred candidate being the first thing on their minds. looking back, i think what has happened is trump has been a really successful person who has channeled the anger that a lot of americans feel toward washington right now. i get the anger. we are frustrated at the club. we disagree fundamentally with a lot of president obama's policies. we have been pushing the house and senate republicans to do more to fight and stand up for that. so i get where they are coming , from. they feel like the system is broken. they have been losing ground. and they want somebody to shake it up. our point to them is trump is , not the guy. he is a showman.
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he will say whatever it takes to get your vote. his record shows he will be just as bad or worse for the guys that have messed it up in washington so far. mr. hohmann: you said you want to get the job done and you mentioned john kasich. do you see kasich as a spoiler were maybe prevents donald trump from getting to 50? or is it -- mr. mcintosh: you asked a really good question. i go back and forth on that. on the record, john does not have as good a record as ted cruz. he expanded obamacare. he increased spending in his state enormously. but tactically, there may be some states where he can win the primaries like he did in ohio, i think that will be important to have happen. you still look at it and say, if it were just a two-person race, it would be easier because trump never gets over 50%, but that is not my choice. that is his choice of what to do. i realize you have to play with the cards you are dealt.
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ms. morrongiello: mr. trump has taken to naming people from his podium and criticizing you. have you gotten any kickback from his supporters? mr. mcintosh: the phones light up. the twitter in everything whatever he says something about us. his supporters tweet us or e-mail us or make calls. usually very obnoxious. a lot of profanity. we just have figured out, ok, that will happen. move on. i have got a very good polite and professional staff and i thank them for being on the front lines for that. but yeah. part of his style if you do not , go along with him, turn and be aggressive. we have seen some cases it almost looks like he is almost inciting violence or talking about the possibility of it. that is way out of the
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acceptable in american political discourse. we settle battles by going to the ballot box. we do not settle it with riots in the street. ms. morrongiello: have you gotten any kickback for club for growth members or donors who may see donald trump in a different light and are uncomfortable with this unwavering position against him that organizations -- mcintosh: we have a diverse set of donors. some have told me they think trump is on the right track and they want to support him. they don't think what we are doing is right. i listen to them. they are our members, and we take them seriously. most of them have said keep going. we think it is the right thing for you to do. and i take heart in that. you know, the club has 100,000 members around the country. 20,000 of them give to our candidates. so typically if someone says we don't like what you are doing for donald trump, i thought that we have not given up on the senate and house races. i hope you will support our good candidates there.
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my philosophy in life is if somebody disagrees with me we , agree to disagree but find common ground on a different project. ms. morrongiello: about the senate and congressional races you organization has been in ultimate and will continue to work on, are there any you are particularly worried about or you think are being overhyped in terms of how competitive the race is? mr. mcintosh: let's talk about a couple of them. one is coming up, a primary on the democratic side in pennsylvania two weeks away. we don't know who's is going to come out of that primary. he has the lead right now, but we anticipate, i think that pat anticipates that his campaign that will narrow. ,there we worried if donald , trump loses pennsylvania by 10%, there would have to be 10% of the voters was split the ticket and vote for pat toomey to win. that is a lot.
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a big hill to climb. we look at florida. we have ron desantis. we think he is a rock solid candidate. i think he will win the primary. again, if florida goes against us in the fall, it will be hard for him to defeat the democratic candidate there. indiana, my home state, will probably be decided by the primary. we are for marlin stutzman. he is a strong advocate, he is a former who voted against because he wanted to reform it and have less government spending. it shows how much of a reformer he is. wisconsin, johnson is there. we were early last year supporting him with ads. he has had a tougher time. he has been behind in the polls. our recent polling shows he has narrowed the gap and is doing a good job, but again, if wisconsin goes heavily democratic for the presidential race, it all the more hard for -- it is all that more hard for him to catch up. mr. hohmann: you are
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conservative, you have been conservative movement for a couple decades. you mentioned the philosophical reasons you are against donald trump. you outline them in messaging from advertising perspective that is not the most effective. focus groups and polls show the best way to take down trump. how he just loses in the general election. your ads that are up there. is that frustrating that those traditional conservative points , you know donald trump is not a , conservative, is not the best way to defeat him in this climate? does that go back to the anger? what is that about? mr. mcintosh: we have been puzzling through that trying to , analyze it. when we started last fall, it was the best way because people do not know really who he was, and he sounded kind of conservative on immigration and very anti-free trade. one, we think free-trade is the conservative position, so we totally disagree with him there. but second, we did educate with ads about his positions, and that helped a lot.
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now, people sort of know him. and the good thing is 60% of , republican voters don't want him because he is not conservative. but there is this 30% to 40% who you hear it on the news or cd , i am voting for him no matter what he says. there is -- i am not one of these people that gets frustrated voters. -- frustrated at the voters. our job is to help them see the position we think is right. that tells me now and going forward as a leader in the conservative movement, we have really to redouble our efforts to help people see what does it mean to be a conservative? in the past, we had to show people we are not coldhearted people who wanted to take away everything they have. no, we think the free market actually makes everybody better off. now we are going to have to show, we are not really just
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angry at washington. we have a program that we think will be better than what is going on in washington, and we need a leader who will free up people to start their small business, will let people make their own decisions on health care, and will protect their property rights, will give them and their children a better shot at the american dream. that is my job and the conservative movement job. i don't blame them for not hearing that right now. i have to think of a better way to tell them. susan: we have eight minutes left. ms. morrongiello: i want to ask you quickly about the house leadership committee donald trump unveiled yesterday with the sole purpose of building relationships with lawmakers on capitol hill. you mentioned earlier that donald trump obviously has run a campaign against washington, and he has this anti-washington message that really resonates with a large majority of republican voters. do you think that unveiling a committee like that, opening an office on capitol hill will backfire among those supporters who really are attracted to that
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anti-washington message? them, itosh: if i were would ask what is going on. i thought you were going to take up the place, not work with them. even more troubling to me are the comments he has made in the past that i know how to make deals. i sit down with nancy pelosi and senator reid, and we will make a deal, and things will be good. that is very, very dangerous because when republicans sit , down with dems, the end up losing and caving to their agenda for increasing government. and so, i am i think he probably , has couriers or one of his campaign staff saying this is what you do, you set up a committee to show everybody you can be accepted by some people in washington. i think it could backfire with his core supporters who say was he just using us and saying he will change things in washington? we will see more of the same? by the way, that is our thesis. that donald trump will not really be that big of a change agent.
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mr. hohmann: you mentioned the educational work you have to do. i thought it was a good way to put it. you don't want to criticize the voters' motives. i saw in the market poll -- marquette poll a higher percentage of self identified republicans feel trade deals are better jobs than democrats do. when you think about the history of the last 50 years of the republican party in the conservative movement, how much of trumpism sort of speaks to broader problems in the conservative movement republican party? the club, obviously has said we , are not part of the republican party. we care more about electing conservatives that electing republicans, but you have a lot of republicans who are not talking very conservative, who are not thinking very conservative on a lot of these key litmus test issues. and so, kind of beyond trump, how big of a problem you think that is? mr. mcintosh: i think it is a
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big challenge for the conservative movement, and the supporters of free-trade in particular right now have to -- we have to find a better way of communicating other than the label. the free trade label is not one that is going to resonate. i do think we have to point out these explanations have been around since the wealth of nations that adam smith wrote 200 years ago, that each country is better when you have free-trade. it won't to be the same jobs but , we will have new and better and higher paying jobs with a better economy, and we have to find ways of demonstrating and showing that. also, and you and i talked about this earlier, i really am concerned about trumpism not understanding the basic fabric of our constitution, that a president cannot just slap a terrace on somebody or tell a company you are going to build a plant here. he is promising that to people.
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if he were to get in office, we and this sort of mob mentality was going to occur we had a very , casual framework. it exists because democrats and republicans fight with each other, but we believe the constitution sets the rules and limits of government. that could go away in a generation. and for me i spent my whole life constitutional conservatism. i think that is what is at stake if you just appeal to the masses and say i am going to be the strong man and fix things and do it, who cares what they say in washington. faultepublicans, and i obama for laying the groundwork and that, that congress does not do it, i will give it, but being honest about it in the end, he has been constrained in most of the things he has done. a couple times, he has gone over the line, i think, but he has been careful about it because he is trained that way. so even the most liberal
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, democrats have not challenged the fundamental structure in our government, and donald trump does not even know it. i do think he would even understand that he is upsetting the whole system if he decided to do something. and then say, i am never wrong, so we are going to do it. it is a very precarious scenario. susan: we have four minutes left. ms. morrongiello: i want to ask a question about congress so we get a little bit away from the presidential election. for now. back in 2013, 2014 club for growth along with some other conservative organizations were heavily involved with the budget battle and clashed with speaker boehner at the time. paulwondering now with ryan as speaker of the house do , you anticipate having or getting involved in any battles over the budget or spending proposals or seeing anything like that unfold? mr. mcintosh: yeah. i am a paul ryan admirer. i think he will be a good speaker, but i think this next budget is actually a test of whether he will change direction from john boehner or not.
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and so far, the signals are they don't want to. they will just keep running with the omnibus budget deal they did last fall. that is a huge mistake. the club will speak out against it and say republicans ought to use the budget now to show their spending priority. don't feel that you as a body need to just go past president obama or nancy pelosi's deal that you made last fall. think isolution, i , paul needs more votes in the conference that will support the new leadership than boehner -- support the new leadership. boehner conditioned people to do that. not to expend government to cater interest but not way about conservatives in their district. that is where the club comes in. we will speak out on it. we will oppose a budget deal if it does not go back to less spending, but we will also work hard to send more members who push from inside to get that
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done. ms. morrongiello: if i could ask a follow-up, in 2014, the organization gave paul ryan 83% rating on the congressional scorecard. seeing him operate as speaker now for five months, would you adjust that rating? mr. mcintosh: we do each year based on the vote. i've still giving him his honeymoon period, but if he keeps doing what he did it last fall, that will be a b-minus rating that will go down to c or d quickly. susan: do you have a final question? mr. hohmann: you mentioned boehner habituating republicans to help out big business and the the club is against crony capitalism. do you feel like big business has continued to get more power in the republican party? we have seen the business community kind of able to drive a lot of these budget prices. fights. they want certainty, which sometimes means not making hard choices. mr. mcintosh: like in the
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spending areas, they kind of want to keep the deals they have cut. in the congressional party, yes, because they are looked to for the funding for the campaigns. they have gotten enormous. i do not think they are committed to a republican majority. they have their agenda they push forward. it is a very precarious position. you look at two recent elections. john boehner and eric cantor have been out of the office and replaced by conservatives. that should be a warning to the rest of the members up there that if you just do what they want, you will not be here that want. whether it is club for growth or their own voters that they care -- we were not involved in those two races except for the replacement. i will take credit for getting a good conservative to replace john boehner. orrin davis, you will see him here in washington.
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one of the things that the party needs to do is talk to the business community and say we are not here to carry your water on a particular bill that helps you and hurts your competitor. that is our philosophy. our philosophy is a healthy open free-trade market. we will cut regulation, spending, taxes. we are not going to protect you. that is hard for the lobbyists to hear, because they have to go back to the ceo and say, i could not deliver on a $50,000 grant, but they told us we can go compete. the ceo says, thanks. what am i paying you for? susan: let me put you on the spot as we close here? will donald trump be the republican nominee? mr. mcintosh: i don't think so. i don't think he will get to a majority. it is like a runoff with a front runner does not get to the 50% and you have the second election, typically they lose because people see they are not the ones with. susan: dave mcintosh president , of the club for growth. thank you for being the "newsmakers" guest.
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mr. mcintosh: thank you for having me. susan: after our conversation with the president of club for growth, david mcintosh. the anti-trump coming up in the wisconsin primary. for those of you, a lot of my attendance in florida would hope to stop in with mr. trust process forward which was not , successful. what do you think says they will be in wisconsin? mr. hohmann: he kind of made a joke at the club. there are other things going on. wisconsin is a unique political stage in the sense that the milwaukee area has been very -- has some very, very prominent conservative talk radio hosts and they have been in the never , trump movement for a long time. scott walker, i think has a lot , of moral authority among wisconsin conservatives. he came out against donald trump. i think donald trump lose -- is going to lose wisconsin in large part because of his unforced errors. his campaign manager being criminally charged with battery
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against a female reporter saying women should be punished for having abortions. you know, so i think he made a bunch of mistakes that you give -- that do give some people pause by think the club has , helped highlight those problems. if donald trump loses in wisconsin, which i expect he will, and i have just come back from a couple days in the state. it is not because of the club, the club helped, but they are going to have to figure out a way to create, re-create conditions again in new york and pennsylvania. ms. morrongiello: i agree with that. i think that a lot of donald trump -- if he does lose wisconsin, a lot of the fault will be on him and his errors. going into florida, he had momentum from a big win in new hampshire and south carolina, and now we had a period of a about a week and a half or almost two weeks going into the wisconsin primary where he has not been on the campaign trail as much.
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he is kind of pushing all of these rallies into one day right before the primary, this saturday. and he made a ton of errors in the past weeks. you are also hearing completely in the media about his favorability ratings and how he now has a historically low favorability rating for a presidential candidate. the fact that is being pushed out there so often that these voters in wisconsin are paying attention to that. i do think it is a lot different going into wisconsin than it was in florida. he does not have the momentum that he had. susan: supporting senator ted cruz, there is reporting that some old mine conservatives go back and they see this as really a vehicle for a contested convention where someone else might emerge. are you hearing that as you talk to people -- mr. hohmann: the club is not in that category. ted cruz is a club for growth conservative. he really is. they supported him early on.
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there are a lot of people you see just like dave mcintosh he , does not see john kasich successfully can prevent donald trump from winning the nomination before the convention. host: we also sell this week that the three major campaigns ,his week were hiring big guns counting the noses and figuring out strategies. how important is that delicate process? delegate has become a
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race. there are a lot of questions that exist about how the delegates will come in to play. donald trump realized even before the convention in louisiana, we saw his campaign say they will move forward with a complaint about the distribution of delegates in that state. i think that error on their point -- part reinforces the role the delegates play and that they needed to bring someone on board who is a delegate hunter and has expertise to ensure they do not get blindsided at the convention. wellruz has organized very in making sure that delegates -- and that hem will have a decent amount of delegates. it is monumentally important at
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this point that both of those campaigns. -- campaigns pay attention. host: what is the snapshot for the democrats? clinton continues to be the front runner, but i think bernie sanders is the front runner in wisconsin. -- the bernie sanders next day is -- state is new york. it is still a competitive race. hillary clinton continues to have a delegate lead, but the contest is not over. host: thank you to both of you for being here. [captioning performed by the
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>> washington journal is live every day with policy issues that affect you. -- joins us to discuss his endorsement of bernie sanders for president. also, i preview of the democratic primaries in wisconsin. he will also talk about issues important to voters. will be on toes talk about the latest on the nominating process for the republican party and the presidential contest. be sure to watch washington on aal beginning live tuesday morning. -- 2016ign .16 begins
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continues on tuesday. tune in for candidate speeches and your reaction. . host: we want to welcome two veterans of capitol hill. paul kane, who covers for the washington post and kristina peterson who covers the wall street journal. they give for being with us. we begin with merrick garland. he will begin to meet with 11 senators, including two republican senators. guest: it will be interesting to see if senators feel pressure after having spent time at home. there are senators who have come under heat from newspapers over the republican strategy. there are some republicans who have said they will meet with
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him but it is not clear if that indicates any weakening in their resolve not to confirm him. host: other republicans overnight said that she would not support his confirmation. guest: what you have seen so far is a public a large that supports the idea of hearings by about a to-one margin but the senators themselves, even though they have been wobbly on their position, they have yet to really feel it a lot of political pressure back home. and therefore, they have been holding back. mitch mcconnell has rallied tim collinssides behind his position. host: do either of you see any scenario in which they could buckle before november? guest: it is hard, because the nature of the u.s. senators and
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the public at large -- they often thinks of senators as flip-flop errs who change positions. but on issues of importance like a supreme court nomination or declarations of war, it is hard to get a senator to flip his position once he has taken a strong position. is going to take a lot of political pressure from democrats and obama. guest: i think it would infuriate the conservative base if they were to shift the strategy now. that would be unlikely. the big question will be with the lame duck. even though mitch mcconnell has said they would not nominate, if a democratic candidate was, then it will be a big question. -- says what staffers really think about donald trump, ted cruz and their staffers.
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when we asked if her public leader should find a loop leader, a third of republican senate aides said yes. aides saidcratic pelosi should go if democrats don't make significant gains in the elections. guest: there is always that pressure. we saw that with terry reed. -- with harry reid. but pelosi is a tremendous fundraiser. i think that mitch mcconnell has a lot of unity behind him so i would be surprised to see him get the boot. , even mitch mcconnell though he has been around since 2007, he is new to this job. have to take a lot
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of losses to undermine his position. overall, we are living through a strange historical time where you have so many leaders in their same spot for such a long boehner have left, he had gone nearly a decade. there really is no time in history where you have such a long amount of time with the same people. there are always those that use a sports analogy, like a manager in baseball. it is opening day, i have to make a baseball reference. managers have been there forever and ever and sometimes they're people who want to turn the page and get a fresh start. host: looking at what the senate will do this week, they have a heavy agenda. they have a bill on trade secrets, they have meetings with merrick garland and the house isn't in until next week. is this going to be how things
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will play out for the rest of the year before the election? kristina: they are going to have big chunks of time where the chambers are in recess and we are not going to see much action. that is a deliberate strategy so that neither party has to deal with an embarrassment in congress. no bake showdowns we will probably see a stock -- a stopgap spending bill. because there is a bipartisan agreement in place, i think it will get resolved fairly quickly. host: here at the table, kristina peterson of the wall street journal and paul kane from the washington post. we will get to your calls in just a minute or you can send us a tweet. or go find us on facebook. aimfforts in south dakota to drop party. explain what this is about. kristina: this is an adjusting measure in which is that of having a to public -- a
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democratic and republican primary, there would be one primary and when people go to vote, they wouldn't say whether they were a democrat or republican. this is to take the partisan labels out of politics in a little bit so people who start the measure say they were inspired by nebraska because it is a nonpartisan legislature. thiscs of this measure say is a ploy by democrats to get back into power. the battle going on right now. host: i like the way you begin. you say the political parties have become invisible on the ballot. kristina: it would still label presidential candidates with a party label, not that that would be any surprise. but for all other offices, it would eliminate the party.
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host: paul ryan gave a significant speech if units ago and he never mentioned donald trump or ted cruz's name but referenced him in the tone of the campaign. donald trump traveled to paul ryan's hometown. paul ryan is never mentioning donald trump's name. we have that speech available online. paul: paul ryan has felt for more than two months now that they have been hounding him about his views on the presidential campaign. there is a constant chatter of -- if they get to a deadlocked convention, would paul ryan become the white knight writing in to rescue? and so he has gotten so frustrated by the campaign that he felt he needed to do something, to say something, just to put a marker out there,
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to change the tone. it was a well-received speech. the group of interns who were there were very happy, cheering for him. the intellectual conservative movement appreciated the speech. but he left later that afternoon for a three-week recess for the house and since then, you have just had more donald trump and the entire tenure of the campaign has drifted further away from where speaker ryan wanted it to be. host: speaking about paul ryan in the latest edition, when no means no. he says it is unlikely that anyone outside of those two candidates could get the nomination. kristina: i think there is a feeling that it would be undemocratic. to reject the candidate that voters have not -- to elect a
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candidate that voters have not cast ballots for. we have seen paul ryan say no, he didn't want to become speaker and then a series of events occurred and now, he is speaker paul ryan. so there is a sense that maybe we will see history repeat itself. host: there is one scenario on the table in which donald trump has the most delegates and the votes but he is 100-125 votes short. what happens then? paul: i think what happens on the second ballot is that you will start to see efforts of coalition building. that is more likely than going immediately to a paul ryan-mitt romney person, you would see ted all right, you're number one, i am number two, we become a
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ticket, together, we might get 1237. let, they may be marco rubio, essentially a fourth-place winner in the race, unofficialand play, promises where marco will become attorney general or something like that. you start to see coalitions come together. i think you would have to get several ballots down and really see some near chaos on the floor before we get to the point where ryan, we knowaker you are the guy in charge of the convention, but come on down. you are the next contestant. i do not think you will get there. we have done gavel-to-gavel coverage. this year could be the hot commodity. the ted cruz campaign has been very organized.
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their delegates are not officially bound, as well as other states with soft pledges. we expect that to be extremely organized, if it is contested, which it looks like it might be. pennsylvania, independent line with paul from the washington post. caller: good morning and thank you for c-span. i've called my senator's office and explained that they should you --ave a hearing hearing. you are talking about a lame hearing, butwith a our like to say this and i think
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it could happen. if bernie or clinton wins the election and the senate goes back to the democrats, i would have eitherobama bernie or clinton nominated president obama for the job and see what they have to say about that. call your senators. it is just a matter of fairness. that is what it amounts to. that is a fairly unlikely scenario but i think an interesting question is raised, which is if the democrats raise the white house, or in january, does a new democratic president nominate their own choice? that is what republican senators will be weighing. do they risk having a more liberal and younger nominee as
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president? about senatore marlow cook of kentucky and that senator and two nominees. available in 1969 and 1970, a freshman republican from kentucky hired as his legislative aide for the , young mitchmittee mcconnell fresh out of law school. mcconnell, the first national -- they both failed under a real assault from democrats and ended up back then
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writing a 30 page love review .rticle he was very upset at how they would have ethical questions and raise those questions and whether or not he should have withdrawn himself from the situation in various cases. mcconnell thought they were doing was just try and knock around the nominee from the republican president. politically, we are to knock this death -- this guy down because we have a chance. 46 years later and mcconnell is contradicting himself in that he is being openly political and his reasons for holding back and waiting for the next president,
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hs their publicans would get the ,residency, truth be told mcconnell would at least say he is of front and honest about what his motivations are. last weekend, our issue spotlight, we dived into the show you-- archives to had to say about a nomination and joe biden back in 1992. it is all on our website at st. louis, missouri, independent line. good morning. sandersi think bernie said they should have a litmus test. forink that is a good thing them to have.
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all the money people spent on these elections. host: thank you for the call. donald trump has not spend that money, but he got $2 billion in free television airtime. guest: i think he benefits from the perception that he cannot be bought. people are concerned about how much money is spent on the campaign and he has exuded an being able to be susceptible with that. that has resonated with voters. sanders projects the same even though he is really doing well in fund-raising. he is going to be hit with a lot of advertisements in missouri as the senate race there between roy and jason is now moving from one of the races we were not paying attention to to a higher profile race and the
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viewers in st. louis will get plenty of well-financed advertisements from people he is not necessarily a fan of. -- : each: they definitely think there is a path to the white house for them. at the delegate map, difficult for trump, even if he was the majority of delegates. there are all these questions and i think each of the candidates believe they could prevail if it becomes a chaotic surface, which it well could be. host: usa today has a piece about independent, third-party candidates, and they cannot find in thek perry voted primary and if he did, he opens himself up to the possibility of running as a third-party candidate during how likely do you think that scenario is? i cannot say for certain. there was once a time when rick
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perry seemed to be a perfectly constructed candidate, governor of a huge state, several terms, economic growth through the roof of texas. key thing in finding a third-party candidate is time. they are running out of time to be able to get on the ballot in places like my home state of pennsylvania. you have to spend a lot of money and time organizing to get signatures. in pennsylvania, it is more than one million signatures root wired to get on the ballot. you're going to have to do something like that, a lot of money and a lot of organization. that is why people talk about former mayor bloomberg of new york. party power has gotten weaker, a piece by susan page.
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danny is joining us from south carolina, independent line. would you support a third-party candidate? it i wases, i do disappointed when mr. trump initially stated he would support the republican party. i do not believe any of the republican candidates displaying , most of us anger americans are feeling because of the inactions of congress. i think the representatives and republicans said if they got control of the house, they would make changes. they did not. they said if they got control of the senate, they would make great changes, and they didn't. now they say if you give us control of the white house, we will make significant changes. i do not believe them anymore. they are liars. i have been republican all my life. i'm now an independent and i'm .oing with trump
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just like obama when he was running, there was nothing he could have said the democrats would do to turn their loyalty away from him. with mr. clinton, there is nothing he would have done that could have turned his loyal people away from him. now the republicans for the first time ever, we have a candidate who said they will make changes. i believe him. there is about nothing mr. trump could say or do that could turn his loyal people away from him. i am just fed up with the republican party, who lives continually to me. you are one of the reasons why donald trump remains the republican front-runner. thank you for your call. guest: i think it danny gets at inoint that republicans congress know is out there,
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which is that they control both chambers but they have not been to achieve a lot of republican gains because they do not have a super majority in the senate and the dem that controls the white house, what they have been able to accomplish is relatively limited. it underlines part of why the strategy on us of angkor is selling in. have modest gains legislatively to shift the balance of the power, it seems unforgivable too many republican voters. i think danny symbolized a lifelong lesson everybody should learn when in college. never overpromise and under deliver. a lot of conservatives out there on capitol hill, republicans have overpromised and under delivered for five years. leadership probably never gave the right expectation setting for when they took the
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house of representatives. they tried to set the expectation properly in little over a year ago when they took the senate also, but at that point, momentum was so far ahead catchwere never able to up to where voters wanted them to be. host: we're talking with paul kane of the washington post and thetina peterson of washington journal. the senate returns today, the house next week, and you mentioned -- i want to share and ad -- an ad. a democratic super pac now in new hampshire. >> still a. >> donald trump wants a delay so he can choose the nominee next year. senator kelly is right there to help. refusing to consider any nominee, ignoring the constitution. the action'sll
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appalling, wrong, and disappointing. kelly, ignoring the constitution and not doing her job. that is a democratic super pac. you can see that in ohio and pennsylvania and new hampshire peerless cons and, a lot of primaries in which democrats hope to we gain some -- regain some of the senate seats. guest: i am told they really like that add to it we were talking about earlier, the public at large generally thinks yes, there should be hearings and they should consider these things, but the intensity level among voters in where they and howhe issue important is it, it has not quite reached that point democrats needed to be. linking him to the supreme court, the idea that he could be the guy that fills the supreme
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court vacancy and tips the balance of the court, that is the f for that turns it into a critical issue for voters. i think you will see similar ad playing out a new hampshire and pennsylvania were pat is of for reelection. all of the in ohio, races, you will see similar ad like that. whether states can go either way, including florida, marco rubio now not running for . second term rob portman of ohio, pat in pennsylvania, ron johnson in wisconsin, they're all republican seats. a tough year for republicans. they are defending 24 seats in the senate. they are on the defensive. message republicans say to do their job, it is very simple on the supreme court. republicans have
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