tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN April 17, 2016 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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states government get to build these projects throughout the world? i think, you know, it is fine for it to be them, but americans are paying for it. it would seem taxpayers should have some access to information heir -- the contracts, the amount of money, the worker's safety. the political relationship. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern and a."n's "q >> this week, we take you to , to explorealabama the southern city, home to the university of alabama. on american history tv, we visit the archaeological site and learn how native american culture lives from the 11th
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through the 15th centuries. >> welcome to the archaeological park. in the heyday, it was the largest city north of mexico. it contains the remains of about 30 flattop mounds. we are still -- standing at mound b. thousandns about 1100 pounds of dirt. originally, scientists thought they mounds were built by a basket load of dirt at a time. recent research indicates that the base of the mound, and possibly the sides were initially built with sod which were then filled in with clay. this would give more stability as they were building. we know that periodically after ppedas built, it would be ca
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over with different colors of clay, so if you sliced into it, it would resemble a cake. >> watch the c-span cities tour. the c-span cities tour, working with cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. presidentsk back at giving their last speeches at the annual white house correspondents dinner. after that a european union discussion on counterterrorism efforts. after that a senate hearing on efforts to protect taxpayers and the irs from cyberattacks. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> saturday, april 20th, c-span presents the white house correspondents dinner, an event that typically includes prepared remarks by the president of the united states.
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coming up in a few minutes we will show you the last white house correspondents dinner speeches from presidents reagan, clinton.'ss and first we discussed the steventon event with thomma. how long have you been attending these events? how have they changed? steve: i think i have been going the last 28, maybe 30 years. i have been going since reagan. host: how have they changed? steve: they have become more crowded. we have squeeze more tables into the same ballroom. it has gotten more hollywood and celebrities. always had them, that we have more. those of the biggest changes. bob: what about the length of the president's speeches.
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we start with ronald reagan, he goes about eight minutes. we end this program with george w. bush who goes about 20 pounds -- 20 minutes. clearly they speeches are getting longer. steve: ronald reagan was getting up there and was ready to go home. 20 minutes is about average now. to be fair, all of the presidents, one of the things they insist on is getting out and getting home. when we are working on a scheduled, the white house reminds us whether it is barack obama or ronald reagan, running the gambit in age, they want it done by 10:45 or 11:00 they can get out. bob: do they get me comfortable? do they enjoy themselves of their weirs -- as the years go by? steve: absolutely they get more relaxed. you can see it.
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the humor changes, particularly the last few presidents. barack obama often told jokes a littlee -- stung bit. as each goes on, they become more relaxed, more egalitarianism make fun of themselves, and everyone laughs a little more. bob: what about first ladies? how long have they been attending? to they take a role? -- do they take a role? attended before 1962 when john f. kennedy insisted he would not come unless they opened the dinner to women. before that we did not have eleanor roosevelt. they have all come. if you have played a role. nancy reagan went to the microphone wants. there was a -- microphone once. there was a moment where president reagan asked if she
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has nothing to say. she took a long pause and said i am thinking. laura bush delivered the monologue on his behalf. bob: what is going on at the tables? are reporters working the room? has anyone had an opportunity for example to talk to an administration horse and try to get a story during the event? -- if it is not a story not a story, definitely making contact in getting as much information as you can. other than the fact that you will have a drink and a few laughs, hopefully you are meeting new sources. absolutely. do it every time. we tend to take people and pop -- politics who can help us and we'll talk to us about policy and politics. bob: in the times that you have attended, what is one memorable, particularly fun moment you can relate -- relate to us.
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steve: my position is different because i was president. are sitting next the president for three hours. the conversation is awfully record. -- is off of the record. i will say he told me, we talked about golf. he played that day. , the white house does not release his golf course -- golf score. aboutked about, we talked things that has since become public. where he would leave -- live after he left the white house. i asked the staff if i could put that on the record. they said no. i never wrote it. we talk about other issues. the most memorable moment was
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joel mchale told jokes i thought were a little off-color. i was wincing. i kind of apologized. he put his hand on my knee and said, steve, don't worry. i have heard worse. , the seniorthomma white house correspondent for mcclatchy news. last white watch the house correspondent dinner speeches by president reagan, president george h w bush, bill clinton, and george bush. we start with ronald reagan from 1988.
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[applause] ronald reagan: thank you. thank you very much. i am delighted to be here. what a crowd. it looks like the index of larry's book. [applause] reagan: it is good to see your incoming president, jerry o'leary. in his book, larry said that jerry would line his coat pockets of pastries. jerry denies it. earlier tonight, just to be safe i told him, keep his hands off of my general -- my dinner roll. larry said preparing me for the conference was like reinventing the wheel. that is not true. i was around when the wheel was invented, and it was easy. [applause]
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even howardagan: baker is writing a book about me. it is called three by five, the measure of a presidency. [laughter] hintdent reagan: mike, and -- and his book he said that i had a short attention span. let'sgoing to reply, but move on to something else. [laughter] [applause] president reagan: now, i forgot , iacknowledge yakov smirnov have heard him before, he is a very funny man. i just have an idea -- why don't you and i have fun? how would you like to go to the summit as my interpreter? [laughter] [applause]
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reagan: the media certainly has had a lot to report on lately. i thought it was extraordinary that richard nixon and on "meet the press" and spent the hour with chris wallace, tom brokaw, and john chancellor, that should put an end to the talk that he has been punished enough. [laughter] [applause] reagan: of course you have been reporting on the new york primary. i am afraid that dukakis's foreign policy views are too far left for me. he wants no u.s. military presence in korea. no u.s. military presence in central america. no u.s. military presence at the pentagon. [laughter] reagan: caucus got good news about the jimmy carter endorsement. he is not getting it. -- michael dukakis got good news
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about the jimmy carter endorsement -- he is not getting it. [laughter] [applause] president reagan: george bush is doing well. george has been a wonderful vice president but nobody is perfect. [laughter] i put him in charge of antiterrorism and the mclaughlin group is still on the air. [laughter] but with so much focus on a presidential election, i have been feeling a little lonely these days. i am so desperate for attention i almost considered holding a news conference. [laughter] i have even had time to watch the oscars. i was a little disappointed in emperor." ithe last thought it was going to be about don regan. [laughter]
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of course i still have lots of work here. there is that panamanian business. one thing i cannot figure, the congress wants to bring the ,anamanian economy to its knees why doesn't it just go down there and run it? [laughter] [applause] reagan: ladies and gentlemen, this is the last white house correspondents dinner that i will be attending. we have had our disagreements, but the time i have spent with you has been very educational. [laughter] the fourthhink estate was one of walter annenberg's homes. [laughter]
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goodbye i am not going to stand up here and deliver one of those worn-out sentimental homilies about the presidency, neither of us would believe it. [laughter] a president may like members of the press personally, and i do. jerry, norm, johanna, and so many others, but a president institutionally seeks to wield power to accomplish his goals for the people. the press, locates the wielding of that power by using its own great power. that makes for friction. every president will try to use best advantage, and to avoid those situations that are not to his advantage. indo otherwise results lessening of his powers. the press has more freedom, more influence than ever in our history. the press can take care of
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itself quite nicely. the president should be able to take care of himself as well. what i hope my epitaph will be with the white house correspondents, what every president's epitaph should be, he gave as good as he got. that i think will make for a -- [applause] that i think will make for a healthy press and a healthy presidency. i think all that is left to say is to thank you for inviting me and thank you for your hospitality. [applause]
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president bush: thank you all very much. thank you charles. please be seated. tonight is a night for relaxation and fun. barbara and i are delighted to be here. this is a strange and ugly year in politics. there is a lot of name-calling out there. terribles calling out at the tests like corrupt, liar, hypocrite him a fascist, racist, incumbent and -- [laughter] relaxed fits while -- he went a
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--tle far when you repaired referred to that simple flare up as global warming. i hope you will excuse me that if my normally hilarious one-liners are set aside for just a few minutes here because. i really have -- i am just back from l.a.. try to speak for the white house correspondents, but i think all of them were with me on this trip and were moved. for me it was a very emotional and moving trip. the scenes of destruction will not go away, nor will be hurt of the people i met with. pictures onvivid television of the firefighters and police officers stepping in harm's way or neighbors coming to the rescue of friends. womanday i talked to a who used to go to our church and
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houston, saint martin's. her son and her brother climbed set out toycle and see a friend, a young afro-american, living in an area they were concerned about. an area that became a gang member's riot zone. their motorcycle was upended by a gang. the woman's son was beaten. a pistol held up to his head and a trigger pulled, did not go off. her brother, a guy that had been deeply offended by the king verdict, and felt very close to the black community itself was savagely beaten, and then from close range shot through the head. that same terror gun down the now paralyzed firefighter that i went to see in theaters -- in cedars hospital yesterday. just as you might say. -- justice you might say.
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what does this have to do with justice. the point i make is out of that fear there was something stirring positively. the people i met with. wonderful church service, the church leaders, civic leaders, kids. ministers all the projected a sense of determination and help. it was genuine and pervasive. some of the reporters know that one of the billy tough -- really tough moments was when we met with the korean immunity. -- community. a young koreans said, i am staying. i want the american dream. south-central will be restored. we will find many ways to help everybody. local, state, federal, private sector to help not only in the
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restoration but giving people a shot at the american dream. in some out there it was ugly. the scene made a profound impression on all of this. -- all of us. there is that certain spirit that is hard to describe. the spirit says, we will come back. we will make it back. i wanted to share that with you. i am sorry for being so somber. now there is an expression you do not hear much of anymore, perk up. perk up. the best is yet to come. charles brought pollack poundstone to the white house, i said, how are you? he said, stop being political. it is that kind of year. i know it. she knows it. i told her not to hold back. paula and i are both
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funny people. that she is funny on purpose. thank you very much. [applause] ♪ [applause] president clinton: good evening, ladies and gentlemen, president-elect, distinguished guests. i am really happy to be here. [laughter] happy to be reunited at long last with the white house to score -- press corps. if i may, let me direct your attention to a photograph. [laughter]
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taken moments ago. doubt -- the on the beyond a doubt that i am happy to be here. now, wait a minute. it seems that my hair in that longer- it is a little than it is tonight. [applause] [laughter] so maybe i am happy to be here, maybe not. feel free to speculate. admittedly looks and photos can be deceiving. look at this photo. it is a recent one of the vice president of plotting one of my applaudingiatives -- one of my policy initiatives. but look a little closer. those are not his real hands. [laughter] [applause]
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now this photo -- , but i all of the papers have to tell you something i am almost certain this is not the real easter bunny. [laughter] the next one is my favorite, i really like it. let's see the next photo. [laughter] [applause] isn't that grand? [laughter] i thought it was too good to be true. beyondre is one thing dispute tonight, this is really me. i am really here. the record on that count is
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days and bad, and bad, in times of great confidence or controversy, i have actually shown up here for eight straight years. [applause] looking back, that was probably a mistake. [laughter] givenight years i have you enough material for 20. this is a special night for me for a lot of reasons -- jay leno is here. [applause] now -- no matter how mean he is to me, i just love this guy. because together, together, we give hope to gray-haired,
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chunky, a.b. boomers -- baby boomers everywhere. [applause] [laughter] tonight marks the end of an era. the after dinner party hosted by vanity fair. as you may have heard, it has been canceled. years, thefor eight vanity fair party became more and more exclusive. tonight it has arrived at its inevitable completion. -- of this year, no one made the guest list. actually i heard the bloomberg party will be harder to get into than the vanity fair party was. i am not worried, i am going with janet reno. [applause] [laughter]
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now the bloomberg party is also a cast party for the stars for the west wing who are celebrating the end of their first season. if il have to forgive me am not as excited as everyone else is at the thought of a west wing finale party. i have to give them credit, their first season got better ratings than mine. not to mention the reviews. hated my travel episode. [laughter] fellhat david cameo completely flat. speaking of real-life drama, i am so glad that senator mccain is back tonight. i welcome him especially. [applause] he just made a, difficult journey back to a place where he endured unspeakable abuse at the hands
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of his oppressors, the senate's republican caucus. [laughter] [applause] see that senator mccain and governor bush are talking about healing the rift. they are thinking about talking about healing the rift. you know, i would really like to help them. [laughter] i mean i have a lot of experience repairing breach. i worked with catholics and protestants in northern ireland. i have worked with israelis and palestinians, with joe lockhart and david westin. [laughter] the differences between bush and mccain may be too vast.
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mccain is bush's running mate? has in the man suffered enough -- hasn't the man suffered enough? [applause] bush has a brand spanking new campaign strategy. he is moving towards the political center, distancing himself from his own party. stealing ideas from the other party. i am so glad the morris found work again. [applause] [laughter] -- i am so glad dick morris found work again. [applause] [laughter] the clock is running out on congress. i feel for them, i do. they only have seven months to investigate me. that is a lot of pressure. so little time.
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so many unanswered questions. [laughter] [applause] over the last few months i have lost 10 pounds. where did they go? [laughter] why haven't i produced them to the independent counsel? how did some of them managed to wind up on tim russert? [applause] [laughter] now some of you might think i have been is he writing my memoirs. i am not concerned about my memoirs, i am concerned about my resume. here is what i have so far. objectives -- to stay president.
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[laughter] , i wouldg realistic consider an executive position with another country. [laughter] prefer to stay within the g-8. i am working hard on his resume deal. i have been getting a lot of tips on how to ride it. mostly from my staff and they really seem to be up on this stuff. and they tell me i have to use the active voice for the resume. you know, things like commanded u.s. armed forces. [laughter] ordered airstrikes. [laughter] served three terms as president. [laughter] everybody embellishes a little. [laughter] designed, built, painted bridges for the 21st century. [laughter] [applause] supervised vice president's invention of the internet. [laughter] [applause]
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generated, attracted, and maintained controversy. [laughter] i know lately i have not done a very good job of creating controversy, and i'm sorry for that. [laughter] you all have so much less to report. i guess that is why you are covering and commenting on my mood, my quiet, contemplative moments. [laughter] my feelings during these final months in office. [laughter] in that case, you might be interested to know a film crew has been following me around the white house documenting my remaining time there.
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this is a strange time in the life of any administration, but i think this short film will show i have come to terms with it. [laughter] could we see the film? [laughter] [video clip] >> on the campaign trail, things are not as exciting as they used to be. in fact, it is starting to wind down. >> there is bipartisan support in congress and it meets the principles i set out in my state of the union. if they send me the bill in its present form, i will sign it. ok. any questions? [laughter] >> are you still here? [laughter] ♪ >> radio just does not captured be sadness and isolation of it all. >> joe? anybody home?
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[frank sinatra singing] >> john? you here? >> ♪ set em up joe i've got a little story i think you should know ♪ >> he is yesterday's news. who is next? >> white house, hold please. hello, white house. please hold. hello, white house. white house, hello? hold please. he's not here. would you like his voicemail? >> nothing to do. [laughter] >> i am a little bit worried about him. this morning, he came into the oval office for our meeting.
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and i said, "mr. president, are you all right?" he said, "yeah, what's the matter?" i said, "mr. president, you're wearing your pajama bottoms." >> i wish i could be here, but i know he has everything under control. >> wait, wait! [laughter] [applause] >> i think his legacy is going to be the natural environment. ♪ >> i have urged him to spend more time on that. [laughter] >> his schedule is as busy as ever, just filled with different things. >> ♪ one more for the road [laughter] ♪
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>> hahaha! ♪ >> yes! >> there you are. come on in. >> let's light this candle. just like that, you are riding the wave of the future, my man. how many are you going to buy? >> wait a minute. >> chicken? >> what does it cost? >> name your own price. let's do it. you did it, my man. [laughter] ♪ >> you sunk my battleship. [laughter] >> yes! ♪ [laughter] >> i want to thank the academy for this tremendous honor. this may be the greatest moment of my life.
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now, you know, i may complain about coming here. [laughter] but a year from now, i will have to watch someone else give the speech and i will feel an onset of that rare affliction unique to former presidents -- agdd. attention-getting deficit disorder. [laughter] plus, i will really be burned up when al gore turns out to be funnier than me. [applause] but let me say to all of you, i have loved these eight years. you know, i read in the history books how other presidents say the white house is like a penitentiary and every motive they have a suspect. even george washington complained he was treated like a common thief. they all say they cannot wait to get away. i don't know what the heck they are talking about. [laughter] i have had a wonderful time. it has been an honor to serve
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and fun to laugh. i only wish we had even laughed more these last eight years because power is not the most important thing in life. it only counts for what you use it. i thank you for what you do every day. thank you for all of the fun times that hillary and i have had. keep at it. it is a great country. it deserves our best. thank you and god bless you. [applause]
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[applause] president bush: thank you, all. [applause] thank you very much. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. please excuse me if i am a little sleepy. 3:00 a.m. this morning, the red phone rang. [laughter] the damn wedding planner. [laughter] two weeks from tonight is jenna's wedding, so i am a little wistful this evening. plus, this is my last white house correspondents' dinner as
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president. you know, i am not sure what i am going to do next. after he left office, vice president gore won an oscar and a nobel peace prize. [laughter] hey, i don't know. i might win a prize, publisher's clearing house or something. but thanks for inviting me. our entertainment tonight is craig ferguson. [applause] you know, this is a small world. craig was once in a punk band called "bastards from hell," which is what dick and i are going to call our band. [laughter] [applause] craig is scottish by birth, so is barney. [laughter] two months ago, craig became an american citizen. [applause]
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i'm honored to call you a fellow american. ladies and gentlemen, surprisingly, i have enjoyed these dinners. [laughter] so tonight, i thought we would reminisce a bit. the first couple of years i came to this dinner, i was really into slideshows. [laughter] [video clip] >> my mother has put together at least 70 scrapbooks about our life as a family. what i have done is pull out some of the actual, never before seen photos from these scrapbooks. [laughter] [applause] this was during the great drought of 1953. [laughter] dad, neil, doro, and jeb.
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in my family with all those kids in the tub, it is not arsenic in the water i would be worried about. [laughter] some people have asked me if it left hard feelings between my brother jeb and me. not a bit. in fact, here's a picture of the governor of florida. [laughter] [applause] [laughter] we have two dogs. this is our dog, barney. i tell him with eyebrows like that, he ought to be a senator. [laughter] [applause] now, this is our dog, spot. people often ask me how i came up with that name. [laughter] i don't know. i am just kind of a creative guy. [laughter] the truth is the door to the oval office has a little
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peephole. [laughter] this is karen hughes peeping in on me. this is karl rove peeping in on me. this is condi rice peeping in on me. spot has her own peephole. [laughter] [applause] this is andy card peeping in on me. [laughter] and ladies and gentlemen, this is the vice president of the united states looking through a peephole. and dick, i hope you are not doing what it looks like you are doing. [laughter] next year, a new president will be standing up here. i have to say i am kind of surprised we don't have more presidential candidates here tonight -- like any. [laughter] senator mccain is not here.
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he probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit. [laughter] you know, he is not alone. jenna is moving out, too. [laughter] the two democratic candidates are not here either. senator clinton could not get into the building because of sniper fire. and senator obama is at church. [laughter] [applause] but i am sure whoever the next president is will show up at these dinners, especially like the dinners in 2005 and 2006 when we had a couple of surprises up our sleeve. [video clip] >> the city slicker asked the old guy have to get to the nearest town. >> not that old joke, not again. [laughter] [applause]
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mrs. bush: ladies and gentlemen, i have been attending these dinners for years. [laughter] and just quietly sitting there. [laughter] well, i have got a few things i want to say for a change. [laughter] [applause] i am married to the president of the united states, and here is our typical evening. [laughter] 9:00, mr. excitement here is sound asleep. [laughter] and i am watching "desperate housewives." [laughter] ladies and gentlemen, i am a desperate housewife. [laughter] [applause] pres. bush: i want to talk about some serious issues such as -- ok. [laughter]
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here it comes. nuclear proliferation. [laughter] nuclear proliferation. [laughter] nuclear proliferation. nu-cu-lar pro-liberation. [laughter] all right, all right. maintain. be cool. let's give this a try. we must enhance noncompliance protocols sanctioned not only at iaea formal sessions but through intersessional contact. [laughter] >> we must enhance noncompliance protocols sanctioned not only at e-i-e-i-o formal sessions. but through intersexual conduct. [laughter] [applause] nailed it.
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[laughter] he >> we have had a lot of fun nights over the years. remember the year i mentioned ozzy osbourne, and he stood up on a chair and blew me a kiss? [laughter] so few leaders get that kind of experience. [laughter] you know, i love the crowds mixed here. it is an interesting crowd. just think, pamela anderson and mitt romney in the same room. [laughter] isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse? [laughter] which brings me to dick. [laughter] for eight years as vice president, dick has ridden shotgun.
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wait, that's probably not the best analogy. [laughter] but he is a dear friend, and he has been the greatest straightman in the history of the world. dick, i don't know what i would have done for material without you. [laughter] get out and get a little fresh air and exercise. let me show you what he has been up to. ♪ [laughter] >> ♪ walk down the street [laughter]
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>> lynne and laura were out of town recently, so i called up dick and said, "why don't we go to a movie?" he said, "great idea. let's go to a cowboy movie." [laughter] yep, finally went to see "brokeback mountain." let me tell you -- whooeee! yippee ki-yay. dick sat through the movie. he did not say a word. we come out. after a while he says, "nice horses." [laughter] i said, "yep."
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he became real quiet again, kind of serious like. i knew something was on his mind. finally turned to me and said, "you don't suppose the lone ranger and tonto?" [laughter] ♪ down the lane i look dick cheney is struggling with documents he has been withholding it is good to touch the brown, brown grass of home yes, you are all going to miss me the way you used to diss me but soon i will touch the brown, brown grass of home ♪ [laughter] [applause]
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what i like best about these evenings is the laughter and the chance to thank you for the work you do for the country. i also knew this was a good chance to put aside our differences for a few hours. and one thing we all share whether we are native citizens or new citizens like craig is a tremendous appreciation for our people in uniform. an appreciation symbolized by the united states marine band, celebrating its 210th anniversary this year. [applause] i love the band. and so i'm going to say my farewell to you by doing something i have always wanted to do. and i do it in the spirit of our shared love for this country. [crowd murmuring]
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[drums rolling] >> as president obama prepares to deliver his last speech to the white house correspondents association, c-span will look back at some of his previous dinner routines. next saturday night, our program will include remarks by the white house correspondent. steve tommah. here is the president in 2011 talking about donald trump. president obama: no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. [laughter]
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that is because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. like, did we fake the moon landing? [laughter] what really happened in roswell? [laughter] and where are biggie and tupac? [laughter] [applause] all kidding aside. obviously, we all know about your credentials and experience. [laughter] for example, seriously, just recently in an episode of "celebrity apprentice" at the steakhouse, the men's cooking team did not impress the judges from omaha steaks. and there was a lot of blame to go around.
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but you, mr. trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. so ultimately, you did not blame lil jon, meatloaf. you fired gary busey. [laughter] and these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. >> c-span brings you live coverage from the white house correspondents' dinner saturday, april 30, starting at 6:00 eastern. one of the biggest social events in washington each year, the dinner includes a guest list featuring major celebrities, remarks by president obama, and this year's featured comedian, larry wilmore, host of "the nightly show." that is coming up saturday, april 30, here on c-span.
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>> he had a steam shovel. it was one of the ironies to be so antigovernment and own your future -- fortune to the government. >> author sally didn't talks about her book, "the profiteers." it takes a look at one of the largest construction companies in the world. sally: who else does the united states government try to get to build these projects throughout the world. i think it is fine for it to be them. if the taxpayer is paying for it, it would seem the taxpayer should have some access to the contracts,ut the amount of money, the worker safety. the political relationship. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q and
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