tv National Immigration Issues CSPAN April 17, 2016 4:50am-5:01am EDT
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♪ this month, we feature our student cam winners. this year's theme is a road to the white house. what issues do you want presidential candidates to discuss? our second prize middle school winners is from scranton, and sylvania avenue. fione evans and abbie o'brien want the government to address immigration. >> i'm abbie and this is fione. we're standing in times square, known as the crossroads of the world. many immigrants who passed through here. although we know this is a complex problem, we need to come
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up with a plan to resolve the current immigration issues. we believe all immigrants should have the opportunity to reach for the american dream. >> what is the greatest benefit that immigrants contribute to scranton? >> as i said earlier, the best benefit i think is learning about their culture. their ways, their religions, the way they dress, the foods they eat. so it makes us better people. >> on a national level what are your views about current immigration policies for immigrants coming to the united states of america? >> aga, you know, we should never, never roll up the welcome mat here to america. this is how this country was founded. it's founded on hope that people can come here and have a better life, a better opportunity. >> as we began our research about immigration issues, it became clear to us that the problems surrounding immigration were complicated.
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it also became clear that most politicians in washington agree on the following. the problem areas regarding immigration need to be addressed and resolved. >> that means we have to finally, once and for all, fix our immigration system. this is a family issue. it's an economic issue, too. but it is at heart a family issue and if we claim that we are for families, we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. >> my chicogoans have been waiting for congress to act and take action for over a decade. polish, ukrainian, irish, and mexican have been waiting. jamaicans and filipinos. they've been waiting for family members to get visas and backlog that is stretch to 20 years because congress refuses to act. >> we have to fix these broken things in washington, d.c.
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fix the broken immigration system, both the illegal and legal side. >> as all of you know we have 11 million people in this country who are undocumented. 99% of whom came to this country to improve their lives. to escape oppression. to flee desperate poverty. and violence. >> this project has shown us that the issue of immigration is complicated, emotional and raises many questions. what should we do about children of illegal immigrants? how can you tell if someone is here legally or illegally? how are you concerned about the emotional aspects. the families that need to escape difficult situations. it's scary to think that checks are not in place, people might
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enter the country to do harm. mr. trump: jeb bush with mexico said, when people come in, it's an act of love. it's not an act of love. we need a wall. we need a wall. you see what's happening with illegal immigration. and in all fairness, if it weren't for me, they wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration. >> it's very important that we enforce our immigration law that we encourage people to come here legally, to come through the vetting process, the inspection process. we want immigrants to come to america for that life. that's what america is. a beacon of hope. however, when we allow people to knowingly break our laws, evade inspection, to bypass any type of medical screening, to live here in america and depress the wages of american workers, which
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we know for a fact illegal immigration depresses wages for american workers. we also know, unfortunately, that there are people around the world that want to do us harm. that hate our way of life. that want to come here and steal that way of life from us through terrorism. >> we can't imagine our lives without the value immigrants contribute. we have to find a way to address immigration and keep the country safe. we must show compassion, a fair resolution in regard to the illegal immigration population already living here. we need to work together to figure it out. it must be done. >> the american people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it's the right thing to do, and it is, but
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because they know it strengthens families, strengthens our economy and strengthens our country. president obama: this is what makes america exceptional. we welcome strivers. we welcome dreamers. from all around the world. and it keeps us young, keeps us invigorated, keeps us striving and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. and then we all bind ourselves together around similar ideals. a similar creed. and one generation in, suddenly those kids are already americans. like everybody else. >> how is immigration important to the building of america? >> i think the best way i can answer that question was that in 1954, days after ellis island, they made the announcement it was closing down, that an editorial appeared in the "new york times," i'll share part of
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it with you. in that editorial it said, immigrants have given to the united states artists, actors, doctors, writers, farmers, philosophers. immigrants have given this nation its teachers. immigrants and their descendants today elect our nation's laws. perhaps some day a monument that celebrates its immigrants will rise upon the island called ellis. >> we're standing in front of the statue of liberty which was and still is a symbol of hope and freedom for immigrants coming to america. >> we feel 2016 presidential candidates should discuss immigration issues. >> so we believe whoever is elected should make immigration issues one of their top priorities. >> to watch all the prize winning documentaries in this career's student cam competition, visit >> the campaign 2016 bus to look for winners of
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this year student cam winners. the bus recognizes justine beth documentary about the wild horse population. the bus then headed to california to visit winners out that state, including in san diego, where congressman scott peters to art in the ceremony, recognizing the students for their winning documentary. chucongresswoman judy honored the second prize winners for their documentary on social security. a special thanks to our cable partners, charter, comcast, cox, and time warner cable. be sure to watch the 21 winning entries before washington journal.
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on monday, british prime minister david cameron gave a seeming to the british house of commons on his role in the panama papers and his decision to release his tax returns. he is a questions about tax evasion laws. a member of the parliament was asked to leave after he called the prime minister "dodgy dave." >> order. statement. the prime minister. p.m. cameron: thank you, mr. speaker. ofterday, i published all the information in my tax returns. i've given additional information about money inherited and given to me by my family, so people can see the sources of income that i have -- my salary, the benefit in kind of living in number 10 downing
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