tv Washington Journal CSPAN April 27, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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pennsylvania, maryland, connecticut, delaware, and rhode island. andy senior elections analyst for real clear politics joins us to talk about how the public can be smarter consumers. trump: this was our biggest night. ms. clinton: let's win the nomination and in july to return -- and in july let's return. thank you very much. ♪ .ost: good morning it is wednesday, april 20 2, 2016. there talking about presidential primary results from last night in connecticut, delaware, maryland, pennsylvania, and rhode island. donald trump swept five states while hillary clinton won four out of five, losing only rhode island to bernie sanders. ted cruzn candidate
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and john kasich saw their road to the white house get much rockier as they turn their sights on indiana in their joint effort to stop donald trump from securing enough delegates to win the nomination before july convention. talking to our viewers about last night's results and the big wins for secretary clinton and donald trump. democrats can call in at 202-748-8000. republicans can call 202-748-8001. independence can call 202-748-8002. you can reach us on social media facebook onand on we will start our discussion about the primary results by looking at a bit of donald trump's victory speech. mr. trump: they have zero cap to victory and we will win on the first ballot, we do not look for
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the delegates on the 2, 3, 4, ballot. let's assume it went beyond the first ballot and let's assume the head of the rnc, who is a good man, let's say, donald or 15was 12 short delegates short or 25 short. cruz andore than ted far more than that ahead of john kasich. you go to a second ballot, donald trump by that time would be 5 million votes because of california and indiana. donald trump by that time would be 5 million votes ahead of ted cruz. much more than 5 million votes ahead of kasich. in 46.him one i would have won ohio had i not been given a dirty poll saying that florida was tougher than i thought. i stayed in florida for two more
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days. if i spent two more days in a while i would have one. how do you pick a man on the second or third or fourth ballot that has millions of votes, 5 million votes, 6 million votes less than donald trump and i brought these people into the party. that is why the republican party is up 70% from four years ago. minimum willat a be very angry. they will not vote at a minimum. how do you do this -- have you say, donald trump one by 5 million votes, he is 5 million, 6 million, 500, 6 hundred delegates more than ted cruz and much more than kasich. he brought millions of people into the party and everybody is talking about the party worldwide, how hot the republican party, the democrats are 35% down from four years ago. the republicans are almost 70% up from four years ago. an amazing tribute. john kasich or
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ted cruz, because of me. host: that was donald trump speaking last night in a victory speech after winning all five of yesterday's republican primary races. the washington times breaks it down a little bit further, showing the results that mr. shows him winning 50% -- above 50% in all five states, crossing the 60% mark in several , finally scoring the kinds of margins a dominic candidate should be posting at this stage of the race. a good night for donald trump. a good night also for hillary clinton who won four out of five contest last night. padding her lead against bernie sanders. atrogramming note, starting 7:45 and throughout today's program, we will be talking about the election with the staff of real clear politics.
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that starts at 7:45 and for the duration of the show. stay tuned for that. let's get our discussion going about last night. on the republican line we have bill from alabama. good morning. caller: hi. host: what did you think about the results? caller: i have a new/, -- news flash, donald trump has knocked off 16 republicans and i am calling on hillary clinton to withdraw from the race. host: were you surprised by the strong showing of donald trump last night? caller: no, with all the hanky-panky with the voting, i think people are starting to get a clear look at the establishment. i think that had a lot to do with the way people watch.
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host: is donald trump your candidate? yes, i really believe he is. else, -- if nothing else comes up, he is open the eyes of the electorate on trade and immigration, probably the two most important and crucial things for america. host: that is bill from alabama. democratic line, anthony from maryland. what did you think of the results last night? are you there? ourill move on to independent line, david from jackson, mississippi. what did you think of the primary results last night? caller: i was very disappointed. i voted for bernie sanders in the mississippi primary.
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one of the reasons was because i do not want to see bill clinton back in the white house. he gave us nafta which cost billions of jobs. toward of the end of his second term, he gutted glass-steagall and that was the beginning of the financial crisis. bush, bill h.w. clinton did those stores and as honesturs as george h.w. bush is from he could not tell when clinton is lying and he could not tell whether bill clinton himself knew he was lying. has saidretary clinton repeatedly that she is her own person, she is not her husband, does that put aside your fears? caller: no, he would mess around. she was first lady all the time bill clinton created the damage
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he did. i think she is too vulnerable to him. i do not want to see you there clinton back in the white house. -- either clinton back in the white house. today, the director uscnstitute for politics at wrote a piece about bernie sanders supporters like david. saying that they should not give up. that they have inspired a new generation of millennials who are much more engaged in politics. it says, in an area that follows the scorched-earth candidates of donald trump and ted cruz, a new cohort of young conservatives agendaashion a policy
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host: that is a little bit from usa today talking about the results from last night. our next caller on a republican line, lorraine from michigan. caller: i thought it was great but i think donald should get in because lying ted cruz keeps saying he could raise taxes, that is a lie. ted cruz knows nothing but how to lie. i am tired of the lies. all his children are very smart
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and obedient and are very nice kids. from all of his wives. you can't beat that, he is a family man. that is what i have to say. host: thank you for your call. on our democratic line, david from tulsa, oklahoma. what did you think about last night's results? caller: good morning. i thought last night confirmed that hillary clinton is going to be the democratic nominee. i think bernie sanders will continue to campaign and will begin a very powerful spot in her -- will begin been a very powerful spot -- be given a very powerful spot in her administration. i think donald trump is dangerous. -- do youi ask you have concerns about the democratic party unifying once
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the nominee is clear? caller: no. i think that bernie sanders, for recently,art, until has maintained a very civil attitude in the campaign and will continue to do so as it becomes more obvious that he will not be the nominee. i think he will encourage this young group to get behind hillary clinton and that she will be the next president. i am concerned that with donald trump, i heard that 10% or 15% of republican registered registered -- registered republican voters voted yesterday, i do not know if that is true. troublingat is very for the republican party. host: that is david from oklahoma on the issue of the democrats uniting.
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let's take a bit of a look at what hillary clinton said last night during her victory speech about democrat unity. clinton: i applaud senator sanders and his supporters for challenging us to get unaccountable money out of and given greater emphasis to closing the gap of inequality. together we will get that done. because, whether you support senator sanders or you support me, there is much more than us -- us than divides that unites us than divides us. we all agreed that wages are too low and inequality is too high, that wall street can never again be allowed to threaten main street, and week -- we should
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expand social security, not cut or privatize it. we democrats agree that college should be affordable to all and student debt should not hold anyone back. we democrats agree that every single american should and must have quality, affordable health care. [applause] we agree that our next president must keep our country safe come our troops out of another costly ground war in the middle east. [applause] agree thatcrats climate change is an urgent threat. [applause] requires an aggressive response that can make america the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. [applause] and we democrats agree on
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defending all of our rights, civil rights and voting rights, workers rights and women's rights and lgbt writes and writes --rights. and rights for people with disabilities. , we will haveon to stand together and work hard to prevail against candidates on the other side who would threaten all of those rights and pit americans against each other. host: that was hillary clinton speaking last night, looking forward to the general election in her remarks and a little more on that in today's new york times. it talks about her road throughout the rest of the primary season. senator christhat murphy of connecticut who campaigned alongside mrs. clinton in his state, that she must focus on how best to connect with a broader electorate, in what he called a
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revolutionary mode. if eating to help mr. sanders has energized his supporters. going to winre not this general election by proposing incremental changes. adding that he helps mrs. clinton does not shy away from proposing some big ideas to try to reorder the country, to benefit of those that are hurting. next up we have, independent line, scott from waterville, maine. what did you think about the big wins for hillary clinton and donald trump? caller: i thought it was horribly unfortunate for the democrats because what they are getting, what they are actually voting in -- first of all, bernie sanders has been bernie sanders for 40 years, hillary clinton has only been bernie sanders for about five months. he has yanked her so far left it is making her head spin.
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the thing about her, the fantastic thing about her is that she is like obama, she will say and do anything they have to say or do to get elected. once elected, it is back to business as usual. council foreign relations committee whole nine yards, and you and me and regular people are just going to disappear like we never had anything to do with any of it. host: who are you supporting? caller: bernie sanders, no doubt. if bernie sanders does not get the nomination, rather than elect a crook like hillary clinton, who stole all of that haiti money, her and her husband and president bush, they stole that $3.5 billion from haiti that was supposed to go down there. , atll vote for donald trump least with him, he is like our governor, he may be a butthead
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but you know what you're getting. host: that is got from maine. on our republican line, silver spring maryland, what did you think about the donald trump sweep last night? caller: donald trump is a good man. a rich man. a businessman. he works honestly for the country. [indiscernible] made our country very good for living. i appreciate like that. i pray to god to have them get the president of the united states. line,on our democratic
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arnold from smirnov, tennessee. about hillaryhink clinton and bernie sanders performance was night? caller: it was pretty much what i expected. supporter,ie sanders although i will support clinton when she gets the nomination. i hope and pray that bernie gets a powerful position in her administration. morning to ask you this if you are aware that today is the 55th anniversary of a very important speech by john f. kennedy, known as his secret society speech. he gave it at the waldorf-astoria on april 27, 1961. a speech people need to listen to. a speech that will explain much of what is wrong with this
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country today. host: how does it relate to the presidential race now? caller: it deals with why we are where we are. problems that we are having in this country and in the world. money, as the of bible tells us, is the root of all evil. we have to get away from money being the driving factor for everything we do. we have to take care of each other. we have to learn to love one another. if you do not mind, i would like to finish with a rhetorical question. very quick, a goes like this -- do toould slash could it everyone's attitude about everything to see evidence of proof of love and god's love, to see evidence of proof of god within the structure of the text
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of my book, divine 9/11 intervention, a true story -- host: that is arnold from tennessee. we have a tweet from chris in alabama, he says of donald trump wednesday nomination, the larger question will be how many seats will the republicans lose in the house and senate? there were key results in last night's congressional races. in pennsylvania, katie mcginty, a former clinton environmental behind toame from defeat joseph stack for the right to take on republican senator pat toomey in november. one of the results that is being hailed as a big win for the democratic establishment last night. in the congressional races. saysis newsweek piece, it
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further down the atlantic seaboard, chris van hollen beat back a pierced challenge from house calling donna edwards in the race to replace retiring maryland democrat barbara mikulski. the results could not have been better for party operatives who were gunning to take back the senate in november and believe nominating mcginty and holland, the more centrist candidates, that gives them the best shot to do that. let's go on to our calls, republican line, kelsey from illinois. what to do think of last night's results? caller: i thought it was fantastic. i have been a republican for 40 years and i am definitely a donald trump supporter. i am trying to run a campaign for him. let me say one thing about this year's nomination.
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if the republican party keeps working against what the american people want, there will be another party, there will not be independent, it will be what the people want. i do not think the republicans will turn against donald trump just because the republican party has. i find it discouraging. harm do you think it might donald trump's chances in the general election if he emerges as the nominee? caller: it has and i do not understand this. i cannot understand how one party can turn against another when it is obvious that the american people want this person in. mp does not get the nomination, he should go on his own because he has the votes. it does not matter about the party. host: that is kelsey from
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illinois, talking about the gop race and last night's sweep of -- by donald trump in the primary races. today's washington post point out that in the race, neither ted cruz or john kasich can security --7 -- secure the 1237 delegates they need to win the nomination but are still moving forward. as a way to keep donald trump from reaching the goal. ronald on the democratic line from hammond, indiana. what did you think about the focus on indiana coming up next in the gop race? my opinion is mine only. there is a discrepancy along the say wey we want -- we
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want what is best for the country but we vote what is best acted the wayus the republicans act, we are in bad shape. host: who are you backing in the race? because she -- i like bernie, but he is too old. he will be 74 years old. for the most critical job in the world. host: on our independent line, antonio, from boston, massachusetts. what did you think about the results from last night? caller: it was beautiful. thank you, c-span, they do a beautiful job. destroyednald trump hillary clinton.
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no need for hillary clinton after her husband did the trade, we lose factories, donald trump is the only one who can fix the trouble in this country because this beautiful country, donald trump would give america the first name all over the world because he knows what to do with industry and with the people. he is a very good guy. i have followed him for 30 years. he is the only one who can fix this trouble. no way hillary clinton can win this election because she is a liar. she is a liar in my personal opinion. host: that is antonio from massachusetts on our republican line. next, walter, from butler,
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indiana, what do you think about last night's results and ted cruz at john kasich's bow to battle in your home state? caller: i am an old new yorker who is out here 18 years. amazing that you have somebody like donald trump that everybody thought was just a joke, somebody that was going to use this for ratings on television shows. that spoke straightforward, a little bit crass, not perfectly articulate, but from his heart. even though i devoted -- pre-voted for ted cruz, it is amazing to watch the leads on the republican side blowing up. their heads are blowing up because the people they have had in power for years are now being threatened why an outsider. when you have a politician or
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somebody running for office that does not take any money from anybody, he is a very, very dangerous weapon and that is what donald trump poses to the left and right. whether donald trump will be the nominee, and he will be the number the, no doubt about it, and i will do everything i can, almost like they say anybody but donald trump, anybody but a socialist and somebody that left my brothers, imx military for 25 years, that left my brothers to die in benghazi. i can, ig anything would vote for mr. potato head over a socialist or mrs. clinton who abandon our soldiers in benghazi. contemplate and understand what is happening, you know what is happening, the average american across this country is fed up with politicians that do not do anything, at least donald trump, he is the only person who ever hired anybody. host: are you concerned about
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the gop's ability to come together at the convention or before? caller: eight years ago we were mccain had to vote for even though anybody -- nobody wanted him in four years ago it was romney, now we are being told we have to vote for john kasich as some white night and i do not listen to the pundits or what the republican party says, i vote my conscience. i would rather vote for who i really and truly believe in than what ted cruz now, which is disappointing me, and kasich, they are getting together and trying to circumvent the election, trying to actually work against them as a team, very shallow, that is not my cup of tea. be a man, standup, if you take a beating, shake your head -- eight the opponents hand and though iple -- even
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voted for ted cruz, it is over, the people have spoken, it is a delusion to try to think that, if you have 1000 1100 delegates and millions of more votes than anybody but you do not get the nomination -- host: that is walter from indiana which is up next and the primary races on the republican side. let's look at more of donald trump's victory speech where he talked about hillary clinton playing the gender card. mr. trump: the only card she has is the women's card. if she were a man, i do not think she would get 5% of the vote. the only thing she has going is the women's guard and the beautiful thing is, women do not like her. [applause] and look how well i did with women tonight. host: donald trump at noon will be delivering a foreign-policy speech in washington, d.c. you can see that on c-span's website,
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coming up next on the democratic line, jeanine from germantown, maryland. what did you think about the results last night and did your candidate win in your state? no, i: it was expected, am a bernie supporter. i knew that he was not going to win. i want to make a comment about all of the republicans out there who support mr. donald trump. especially the christians. i do not understand how you can support someone who will put in for akoni and policies against drugfellow americans -- akoni and policies against your fellow americans come he is a bigot and a racist, are you all racists? you want to treat your fellow hispanics, who are americans, and your neighbor who is a muslim, and all these immigrants, all of you are immigrants, and unless you native american, all abuzz are immigrants.
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you came on a ship -- all of us are immigrants. your ancestors came on a ship or a plane. host: you are supporting senator sanders, he has indicated that he is not going to drop out of the race yet even though the lead secretary clinton has keeps growing, what are your thoughts? host: bernie should go -- caller: bernie should go on the way because she is having polities -- policies that she believes in. she is a warmonger, ms. clinton. he does not believe in going in and killing other people like other people -- like she does and the republicans do. because he is in there, she is shifting more towards the left, i think he should go all the way, why not? host: that is a sanders supporters. let's look at his remarks from
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last night. campaign is: this doing as well as it is with these primary energy and enthusiasm that we are generating all across this country. look at this room tonight, over 6000 people. [applause] >> bernie! bernie! bernie! sanders: the reason we are generating this and dizzy as a -- this enthusiasm is because we are doing something very unusual in contemporary american politics. we are telling the truth. [applause]
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now, the truth is, every person here knows, whether in our own personal lives, or in our broad national political life, truth is not always pleasant. it is not always something you are happy to hear. if we go forward, as human beings, if we go forward as a nation, we cannot sweep the hard realities of our lives underneath the rug, we have to bring it out. [applause] host: that was bernie sanders last night after winning the rhode island primary. and losing the other four to secretary hillary clinton. in other news, today will be sentencing day for dennis hastert, the former representative who is now charged with paying hush money
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to people he allegedly abused. according to the roll call -- to today's role call, he will be sentenced today in a hush money he wasosecutors say paying to sex abuse -- when he was a high school teacher and wrestling coach. decades ago. he pleaded guilty in october to invading thank reporting requirements when he withdrew cash from multiple accounts to pay for what he says someone was extorting him. -- alleged abuse accord occurred too long ago for him to face charges. primaries.oast a republican -- hope, republican line, what did you think about donald trump sweeping the primaries last night?
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caller: i thought it was great. i am all for donald trump. i do not understand how anybody could before hillary clinton. she is the most lying, crooked woman i have ever seen. -- i do not know how she managed to con all african-americans for their vote and she forgets about them. she makes bernie made off look like a saint -- madoff look like a saint. host: are you worried that the opposition from senator cruz and governor kasich will hurt donald trump any general election -- in the general election? caller: no. i think he will win. line,up next, independent art from vermont, what do you
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think about your senator and the results of the democratic and republican primary? caller: i think that bernie sanders would have tore up hillary clinton if the independence could have voted. i would recommend bernie staying in until the end when the independence can vote and see where hillary stands at that point. host: are you a sinner supporter -- sanders supporter? i am ani am not to independent, i do not want to give involved, the corruption going on is unacceptable. change forfor a big the united states. it really is. art from vermont. line, fromocratic
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georgia, what did you think about last night's primary and the big wins by hillary clinton and donald trump? caller: i will tell you the truth. felta democrat but i never that i would vote for hillary but i will because i feel like mr. sanders -- all well and good to talk about what we won't -- want but he does not talk about how he will do it. havel the republicans gotten everything they have deserved. even back when they did the birther thing with the president, donald trump led that, he said everything they wanted to hear and he is doing that now. give me a chance to say something. i know the lord is playing this out perfectly. who could have thought that they would turn -- all the angelical's confessed
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they love god. they are backing donald trump. they are not backing anybody else. you will have to give an account of what they have done to this president. they are with donald trump. i am enjoying the show because he will put on a show for them. they will reap what they sow. host: you are a democrat, are you worried about the party coming together once hillary clinton or bernie sanders secures the nomination? caller: the democrats will come together. at this point, i feel like mr. sanders is saying things that people really feel. is not always what they get. they have not if approved nothing that president obama have tried to do all these
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republican bills this man supports and the congress, along with the tea party -- this is so glorious, this is a happy day, i feel so happy for the republicans, they got what they deserved. line,up next, independent ken from alexandria, virginia. what did you think about last night's results? caller: it played out the way it was supposed to. i personally would reverse and are sanders. he is the least -- prefer senator sanders. he is the least of evil. what happened in gaza, it was on a foreign land. -- benghazi, it was on a foreign land. at some point, people have to wakeup to what the superdelegates and someone given the authority to have more
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authority than just the normal citizens vote. i find that something completely wrong. donald trump and hillary clinton belonged to people, i cannot relate to either one of them so my vote would not go to them. host: up next, republican line, randy from wisconsin. what did you think about donald trump's sweep last night in the east coast primaries? caller: they predicted it and it happened, i would like to say something to the lady from virginia, we are all immigrants but from back in the day we came in the country the right way. we registered, and went through the whole process. we had to speak english. ronald reagan also said that the government cannot give you something they have not taken from somebody else. what is going on in washington, look at where this country is sitting. now we have a chance to elect a
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businessman, let's try a businessman because washington is not doing it. this country is in tough shape. the country might be going down the right track with donald trump. host: that was randy from wisconsin. from jacksonville florida, democratic line, what to do think about last night's results in the east coast primaries? caller: the government is not a business. it creates the environment for business to flourish, but the government itself is not a business. been vetted. not he will be once we get to the general election. they will vet him and he will be stunned had with a fine on -- with what they find on this man. with hillary, what's she secures
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the nomination -- once she secures the nomination, the idea of the first woman in the history of this country to be nominated for president of the united states is really going to start to sink in. a lack of enthusiasm with donald trump, with the good old boy system on the one side, the first female president possibility on the other side, we are going to have a major victory. host: we saw a clip earlier with donald trump accusing secretary clinton of playing the woman card, do you think there is more discussion about that? caller: she is a woman. race card, they get card, any other card, she is a woman, she is supposed to play the woman card, what other card are you supposed to play? has a woman won the democratic nomination before?
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host: next on our independent line, pamela from brandon, florida. what did you think about the results from last night? caller: i am a sanders supporter. it was disappointing. out theer pointed immigrants can vote, showing you how the establishment politics have rigged the elections. to everybody who is voting for hillary, some crazy idea that once she gets into the white house she will carry out all these agendas that sanders is forcing her to is not going to happen. host: as a sanders supporter, is secretary clinton -- if she wins the nomination, could you support her in the general election? caller: it will be tough because i know what she did last time when they were in the white house.
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at the end of the day, they lacks underf the b the bus in order to make trade deals. fundamentally, she does not believe in the things she is saying on tv. the republicans hate her more than they hate obama. will gorytale that she into office and they will work together -- they will not work with her, they might work with sanders, he is independent. he has worked across the line. they do not hate him, they like him as a man, they do not hate him, they hate her. there is not going to be any negotiations -- they will not sign onto a thing. host: up next on our republican line, judy, from bloomington, illinois. what did you think about donald trump's five state sweep last night? caller: no big surprise. i expected that.
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my surprise was that hillary did not do the same thing. that bernie took one state. that was not predicted i do not think. republican but i will be voting for hillary. host: why is that? let's put it this way -- everybody is talking about donald trump ring a businessman and making deals -- being a businessman and making deals. look at michigan, they thought they needed a businessman to be their governor and they are in a big mess. i am from illinois and the same thing here, everybody voted for a businessman and we are in the worst mess we have ever been in. as far as donald calling hillary a big liar, he is not exactly the truthful person either. he will be going into court for
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his trump university thing, that was in the news last night. -- at any time, they are all liars at some point in time. i will vote for hillary because i think donald is the wildcard in the mess and he is very scary. line,next, independent heath from indiana to what do you think about the results? caller: i did not watch it because it is the same opening over the years, i turned 60 years old in february, all of these liars we have are my concern. host: who is your candidate? caller: i like bernie sanders. something new. something that should have been done a long time ago.
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obama has not done anything for anybody except himself. rumors of him being a homosexual and a cross-dresser, i do not care, people old with disabilities, i am word about the pain medication because i am disabled, i have had multiple spine surgeries and i cannot get an aspirin because this country is so messed up, everybody that needs a medication are drug addicts. -- pain medication are drug alex. -- drug alex. -- addicts. next week talk about the political reporters and analysts from real clear politics about the results from last night. we will talk to the cofounder and publisher, tom bevan and executive editor and washington bureau chief, carl cannon. later on their national
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political reporter who will join us to take a closer look at the results from last night. stay tuned. >> on american history tv on c-span3 -- >> -- this committee has undertaken such an investigation. it is purpose is not to and pair -- but to evaluate domestic intelligence according to the standards of the constitution and the statutes of our land. >> 40 years ago, a senate select committee chaired by senator frank church, democrat from idaho was convened to investigate the intelligence activity of the cia, fbi, irs, and the nsa. this weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the church committee final report. over the next five weeks, we will look at portions of the 1975 televised hearings. saturday night at 10:00 at eastern company commissioner questioning william colby about
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illegally stored biological weapons. thatcannot expire why quantity was developed except that this was a collaboration that we were engaged in with the united states army and we did develop this particular weapon, you might say, as a possible -- for possible use. >> on the civil war at 6:00. >> in 1860, the united states was 70 years old, not old enough to have wisdom. the family had been living in virginia at that time, 225 years. i do not think lee anguished at all over the decision he made that april evening. i think that devotion to duty game in 1851, his primary duty was to his family. his family had been in virginia for over three centuries. the old dominion was his birthright. >> and historian talks about general robert e lee, his ties to virginia and military
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campaigns throughout the state. sunday morning at 10:00 on road to the white house rewind, the film "a private decision" chronicles the 1960 presidential race, president johnson's surprise withdrawal. at 8:00, on the presidency -- >> one's ability in foreign policy and as a head of state in -- united states, the head the chief of the armed forces forces of the leading power in the world, the free world, is to think responsibly about what one can achieve and to try to find -- define one's policy and understand geopolitics. >> jeremy black looks at the origin of the cold war and focuses on dwight d. eisenhower as a military man. for the complete american history tv weekend series go to >> "washington journal"
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continues. host: joining us now to continue the discussion of the primary results from last night, tom bevan, the cofounder and publisher of real clear politics and carl cannon, the executive editor and washington bureau chief from real clear politics. they are joining us from their office. good morning. guest: good morning. guest: how are you? host: doing well, thank you for joining us. tom, tell us about real clear politics, how did it start? guest: we started about 16 years ago. it was really this idea that the cofounder and i had, we were not involved in politics or journalism professionally but we follow elections and politics and policy with a passion.
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we had an idea to create this ande for people like us bring together all of the best news and information about politics and elections. that is what real clear politics is and what we do every day, our mission is to be a one-stop shop andpeople -- you can come find the latest polls, video clips, and we have added an original reporting component which carl overseas, a house -- even the white house press briefing room, so we have original content as well. host: you started in chicago, why did you start in chicago? how many employees do you now have in washington, d.c.? guest: we started with the two of us, we started in chicago, by chance, but also a part of the fact that neither of us were involved in politics or journalism professionally, not part of the pundit class, not
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living inside the beltway, which is where the name came from, our idea was to provide a different outside the beltway perspective on the news and elections. it so happened we were based in the midwest and that has been part of our dna ever since even though we have an office in washington, d.c. and have anywhere from 35 to 50 people working not only at this office but around the country. tom said, neither one of you were journalists, how have you seen emission of rcp -- the mission of rcp change given the current desperate media landscape? guest: i was a journalist when they came to me, newspapers that once made huge profits and has circulations that were monopolies in their field, they
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had fallen to the new technology, to the internet and to the internet age, the digital age. wass thinking that print eventually going away, i love books and newspapers, this morning i walked out and picked up the washington post, the copy of it, put it on my desk. paper had a good run from the gutenberg bible until now. a 400 year run, 500 euros, pretty good -- 500 year run, pretty good. it was the best technology at the time but we have a new technology. not just cable television but digital, people walked down the street and read a news. whereed to go to a place there was new technology but i could instill the old values, what was best of the old values of journalism.
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being fair and objective and trying to get your facts right, original sources, civility come to getting your quote right, quoting both sides. found -- these guys found me, they called me and it seemed like a good fit and it has been five years and we have grown. the media landscape continues to evolve and hopefully we will be bald with it. host: let me out -- we believe all with it. host: what is the philosophy of rcp, how do you decide what gets aggregated or what gets focused on? -- lean to the left or right do you lean to the left or right? guest: no. and people who come to our page see what is going on, we aggregate, 17 stories on our front page, liberal, conservative, republican, democrat. you have to add socialist now with bernie sanders. libertarian.
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tom says it is a one stop shop, whatever your political views are, if you come to our page, hopefully you will find reviews there and will also find -- find your views there and will also find other views that you can learn more about what other people are doing. featurethe aggregating of real clear politics, where we take stories from other news outlets and other commentary, a lot of it is commentary, with hn camepolls, tom and jo up with the idea of poll averaging, a new idea. they thought of it first. it helps because there could be my first when presidential campaign, i remember a poll that showed michael dukakis pulling close to george h.w. bush, a gallup poll and people running around the newsroom with their hair on fire shrieking it is within the margin of error, that would not
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happen today. because the poll average would remind people what was going on which is that every once in a while that -- there is a poll that is off and you get a picture of what is really happening. a nice metaphor for real clear because we want to give the complete picture, not just one side. host: we are talking to tom bevan, the cofounder and publisher of real clear politics and carl cannon, the executive editor and washington bureau chief of the website. viewers can call in on the democratic line, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. tom, ie wait for calls, want to ask you about the coverage of the presidential campaign so far. there is criticism that donald trump has been covered too much.
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what do you think? guest: i guess there is some truth to that. on the other hand, he is a one-man media storm in terms of the way he is able to generate news coverage in a way we have -- weseen before here in have never seen before. the media has responsibility that he has been over covered. on the other hand, he is making news all the time, driving the news conversation in this race and sucking up a lot of the media oxygen and that is by virtue of who he is and how he does it, unlike anything we have ever seen. areof the media operations getting great ratings because of him. he is bringing in a lot of people out, if you look at the turnout in some of the state, he is generating interest and excitement.
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in this race. the coverage has been at times excessive but by a large, probably fair. host: let's go to our viewers. ron, from line, california. you are on with tom bevan and carl cannon. caller: good morning. kudos for the fine job you are doing in bringing out the issues that a lot of people do not want to cover. a couple of things that are not covered that we would hope that you guys would put summit effort into -- put some effort into in this campaign, no one is talking about hillary and bernie together on one ticket. we have not heard that yet. we have not seen you guys put your feet to the fire for donald trump. all of the candidates are dodging one major issue -- that
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is in the firearms issue, if you want to do a poll that will drive everybodyif you want to dt will drive everybody crazy, this is what you need to do. that is a lot to unpack. let's give carl a chance. go ahead. guest: well, let take them in order. hillary clinton has not been talking about her running mate. there has been speculation about who she would choose. there is no obvious person. i guess bernie sanders will go to the convention. nobody else has any. he will get a primetime speaking role, whether he will have a showing so far are not. is one person's decision. that is hillary clinton. she wasemember in 2008, not chosen.
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nominees tend to pick somebody that they think will win or help them govern. i do not think bernie sanders fits into either of those categories. that is her decision. that is not the media's third she is holding trumps the to the fire. is calling from california. it is not even 5:00 in the morning. so, he is an early riser. it should go to our website, look at my columns on donald trump. i think i held his feet to the fire. trump keeps winning anyway. mentioned justr to clarify, would not do any polls. we take full that other people are doing. we cannot control what questions they ask or what they cover.
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we are not appalling operation are self. let me ask a question about how politics operate. are there other instances within the clear media group? guest: we are an independent organization. we are funded by the website is free. is based on advertising. we have real politics. we have 13-14 sister sites. it is basically the same model. we have a series of different issues and industries. science come history, technology. have taken our model of intelligent aggregation and moved it to cover this topic areas.
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we have editors who get up every day and scour the internet to bring together the best of the best. if you're somebody who follows financial markets, you'll want to go read the latest commentary from the best commentators. if you like science, you can get the best sired stories. have a vast array of sources. we have a number of sister sites in the media group. we talking to tom bevan and carl cannon. editor ather and real, clear politics. paul coming ine from appleton. go is your question to caller: i was curious, after
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hillary clinton retired as secretary of state, she seven and percent approval rating. fox got a medias like hold of that, and she started with the benghazi stuff. it drove her ratings down. me, it seems like what did she ever do wrong? she had e-mails, the site: powertel and condoleezza rice. they want to examine every day of her life. as it is they found it should going to run for president, -- i do not even once you donald trump has called her. host: let's give carl a chance to address that. what has it changed the favorability numbers? guest: i do not really hear a
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answern, i will just your question. we live in a very polarized time. it is important for people, whatever their political , billgs to understand clinton, hillary clinton, george , they arearack obama all said to be polarized people. i do not think that is necessarily true. they have strong personalities. we are in a polarized environment. trying to put themselves in the arena, i do not care if an 80% approval rating, i did not carefully start with 50%. so many voters, if a person has a d after her name, that is all they need to hear, they do not need to hear about benghazi. if a person is right for president, i'm not or them. it has made politics more difficult to cover. both of these political parties want victory. they are driving against the opposite side. does not need
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people to drive up his name. he sort of revels in it. about half of the country is going to think they are bad. that is the environment we're in. it is one reason why i encourage civil discourse. who do that.nists our reporters remember that these are people. we try to cover both sides. it is not that difficult. maintain some kind of context. the polling average that real clear politics does is the calling card. can you tell us a little bit about how that came to be. how you can to focus on that. guest: sure. there has been a proliferation of calling in the last decade or so. , we we first started this
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started the poll average in 2002. we really came into recognition in the 2004 cycle. the idea was that, as carl mentioned earlier, you can get a poll this is one candidate is up by eight points. you somebody come out the next day this is another candidate is up by two points. it is hard to grab onto those polls. ahead, that my guys is not really accurate. what we did was take those polls, put them together, provide a straight average. injured standsl at were the race was as a given point in time. wall street journal come embassy news has a fantastic track record. it came out at one point in the campaign. ted cruz ahead of donald trump by two point. he said guess what, there is a new national, and it is me.
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19 of the 20 polls have been taken in the 90 days prior, donald trump has led all of them by double digits or more. even from a great polling outfit, which is a great outlier, again, people take that and try to use it for their own purposes and distort reality. so, the idea for the poll average has a more broad look this we always thought of like the dow jones. we wanted to be the dow jones of the political world. stocks go down during the day. day, where isthe the dow? what will run that? what will run the politics average? will provide the most accurate overall picture of where we stand at this point in time. host: we're talking to real clear politics publisher tom bennett and carl come up next,
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with susan. calling in from arizona. what is your question? caller: thank you. i have been waiting all morning. i am so proud of you and of donald trump. hillary has all these problems. my kids are in the military. i have one that just passed away from the military. benghazi is a big thing. they will not talk about it on the news. the only one that talks about it is american news. that is the only channel iwatch now. is, i am in arizona. i got my card in the mail the other day saying i'm a democrat. i'm a volunteer person that helps out at my church. them, they told me
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that i have been going since 2006 as a democrat. i said no i have not, this is the first time i have ever voted. i'm 58 years old. this is the first time my husband voted. he went with me when i was volunteering. he had to wait for his card to come in. host: let me just interrupt you. go-ahead.e a question caller: when do we need to make sure it would have the right card to vote for republican or democrat? my neighbors are voting for trump here. host: i'm not sure they know the specific rules in arizona. you may need to contact the officials there. i will throw the question to carl to talk about the voting access in general. is that something you have focused on in your coverage
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issues? i do not know the specifics. it sounds like she already voted for trump. maybe the local democratic party thinks she is a democrat. let's talk about this. it is clear that donald trump is bringing people into the republican party, at least for the primaries who did not used to vote for the republican primaries. now come is it a net gain? he will probably drive away some republican voters. they may not necessarily be donald trump voters in november. this, this phenomenon of trump, oftly is the creation television. i almost said cable tv, but inevitable and c-span. definitely network television. he is a phenomenon.
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he won five states last night. he won by a lot. they give some six and a rope. he won 12 of the last 15. in fact, there have been 40 republican primaries and caucuses. donald trump has 127 of them. ted cruz has one maybe seven. rubio 13. john kasich one a few. is a phenom. he could to, winning, and winning. the story of the 2016 primary season. host: up next, we have maddie cullinan from houston, texas. you're on with tom and carl from real clear politics. is, i: yes, my question am independent. vote according not to party, but according to has my interest at heart. presidentt that the
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could have as much power as i thought he has. people are talking about jobs, and not getting support from their base. the outcome the main issue to me will be with the senate and the house that pass the laws. they have the power to veto anything they do not like. know why we're not focused on those people. because there's host: let's let them respond. how about you, carl? well, look, she is right. we have more than one election. covered hillary clinton and donald trump. clinton 14 states, donald trump 15.
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we also had the senate race. we had james arkin talking about the senate primary. that we needhing to cover, we do cover. you know, donald trump has kind of wanted out of the sun. this is a fair criticism of the news media where we are not focusing as much on these as we can. if you going to real clear looks forebsite, james arkin. he spoke about the senate race. also, look at our coverage of the presidential race. she was with trump headquarters at trump towers. and, our white house correspondent, david weiler, one of our political candidates spoke about the primary. the colors right, congress is important. up next, we have tim cullinan from maine.
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you are on. is, whymy question hasn't the news media asked questions about what donald trump is talking about bringing back terrorists. the only way that will happen is that the united states would have to quit the wto to do that. i want to know why the news media is not questioning that. host: let's let tom respond. well, this is a thing about donald trump. he has been questioned on that. we had a number of republican debates. issue,as been a big particularly, because he is arguing for positions that are not traditionally republican positions. he wants to use tariffs on china. a lot of republicans think that is a bad idea. it is not that the issue has not
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phenomenon, but, the of what donald trump has been able to get away with is not answering with specificity. it just says, i will take care of it. and reporters and hosts of programs will keep asking, what do you mean by that? and you just cannot get him to say much more than that. oft is probably why a lot yours and, perhaps a lot of readers about trade and some other issues feel like they have not gotten enough information from trump on these policy issues. necessarily not because the media has not tried to get the information, he had just has not been very forthcoming. to give a for policy speech in washington, today where he will lay out some more positions. that will increase as the day goes on. up, do youto follow
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think that the media missed or miscalculated donald trump back in the summer when he began to surge? do you think his popularity -- is it the chicken or the at? the media missed the fact that he was writing an early wave? guest: i think everybody missed it. certainly members of the establishment. everybody thought he would be a sideshow and a joke and that he was just doing this to get more publicity for himself. saydy thought he would something that would cause his campaign to unravel, that he would be undisciplined. he has done all those things. he had said dozens of things that would have killed anyone else. yet, he has had success.
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missed -- what people was the anger and the anxiousness that is coursing through the electorate, on both sides. is running as campaign that nobody thought he would perform as strongly as he has against hillary clinton. getting 35-40% of the vote. on the republican side, i think people underestimated the media -- and certainly the republican establishment. they underestimated the electorate, what the electorate was feeling about the disconnect. you take a guy like trump who is a reality star. he is a social media giant. and, you combine that with this electorate, and it created a perfect storm. that and how many field of 17 candidates created the perfect storm and was donald trump was able to flourish, now, it looks like you'll probably be the
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republican nominee. host: we have a tweet that came in that is asking a little bit more about how you guys aggregate your polling. it says in calculating the polling average, do you weigh the individual polls on the number of people, or other factors? how do you come up with this average? host: let's let todd -- guest: let's let tom take that question. wait -- thereot are some other operations that do different weighting and whatnot. we just provide a simple straight average. from polls that have been in the field during a contemporary. of time. certainly, as you reach the election, polls move from adults to register voters, to likely using the are always
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tightest metric. we are always using a voter poll. that, the latest polls have been given at any point in time. host: up next is barbara from crockett, texas. you are healed publisher of real clear politics. i appreciate c-span. my question is, we hear all the holes from all the news channels of where the on favorability of trial and hillary clinton are so bad that they do not trust them, they do not give them values. wireless still victorious? host: can you answer that? guest: yes. that is a good question. i like to think about the race track. sometimes, i will go to charlestown that is in west
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virginia. i would go with my father. we look at a cheap race. all the horses are so bad. line, he would say no horse can win this race. none of them can win. the joke, of course is that one of them will be in first, one will be in second. there are a lot of americans who feel that in a country of 300 million people that you can get a more knowledgeable, and pleasing candidates than hillary clinton and donald trump heard that is what they think. but, in the end, that is not what matters. trump is as is that juggernaut. hillary clinton has all but clinched the democratic nomination. iners, their options november, they will be able to vote for one of the two of them. they can stay home, not voting is kind of a protest i guess. or, they can write in a candidate.
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the two parties is seem to have settled on this, the democrats, we will back on that and see that it was more of a coronation. bernie sanders is about run his strength. the donald trump thing as a phenomenon that has really upset the republican party. i do not know what the next chapter is for the gop. as this color called on your independent line, you know, a lot of people think there should be a third party. they will point to the selection as evidence for that. a lot of other people think that there needs to be a strong independent movement. greg lerman, the guy from kansas ran for senate. he has written some up ads for us. what we need is not necessarily a third party, but a strong independent movement. you would not exactly have people in the middle, but closer to the middle to give voters more choice. i think that this election will
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bolster people who feel that way . host: up next, we have tim cullinan from virginia. you are on with tom bevan and carl cannon. go ahead. caller: my question is kind of simple. i visit your site every day. it is a handful sides of visit. why do you only have four editorials? how do you choose those? host: can you answer? guest: sure. there is no magic reason that we have four editorials. it just kind of evolved to that number. again, we try to provide a nice balance of what is going on. you can read all these editorial pages and try to select the best one that we think will represent the country. a lot of time will be about the
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presidential race or politics. we'll get an editorial from the detroit news and prepress about what is going on in flint, or, we will get something from the tribute about gun violence. there are lots of interesting local issues that these papers are writing about. so, we try to highlight some of those in that section. correct, the smaller section of our site, it is an important one, and one that we try to spend a lot of time on. ok.: carl, how long do you anticipate bernie sanders will stay in this he just said he will stick with it. do you think he can hold on until the convention? caller: he certainly can. guest: he is on the ballot. we're in the home stretch.
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what have indiana a few western primaries. bernie sanders has raised its -- a lot of money from small donations. this is speculation,, returning the money would be a headache. i think he may feel obligated to see it through to california. because, he has this money in the support. i think you would like to finish on a positive note. i do not think he will quit. he has not been a rank and file member of the democratic party. he identified as an independent in a socialist until his decision to run for president. he is not a part of the closer toent, but his democrats than he is to republicans. i'm sure he has people telling him to ease up on the throttle of the criticism of hillary clinton.
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she will be the nominee, you do not wish to damage her. i believe that will happen. i believe that from now on, we'll have a friendly contest on the democratic side. but these are people, they are human beings. they get mad at each other just like ordinary people. so, maybe they cannot fix that. i think sanders is within his right to continue. not be he will probably contesting so directly with hillary clinton. my guess is that he will talk more about the issues that he really cares about. host: on the independent line, we have thomas cullinan from indianapolis. you are on with tom bevan from real clear politics. what is your question. good morning. i'm looking at this statistic where for my chart, if you looked at why people are so dissatisfied, i think 50% of it is that you can go back to where
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congressman lost in virginia. it was on 10th street, madison avenue which was intertwined. people can see through that. then, you can look at the media, and look at donald trump where it is just an extension of the apprentice. they just follow him around like flies on you know what. time his face, he was feeding into the country's dissatisfaction. host: i want to give tom a chance to respond to you, before we run out of time. go ahead. well, look, it is interesting. i think to a certain degree that thomas is right. we talk about this populist anger and angst that is running through the country. it is there on both sides. with the progressive perspective, bernie sanders supporters, they see a system
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that is rigged against the little guy. he's evil one presenters on wall street that crash the economy. they have been sticking it to the little guy ever since. on the republican side, it is more from the angle of crony capitalism. it is the collusion of the business and big government that has been sticking it to the little guy. it is two sides to the same coin. thomas is lucky enough to be in indianapolis which will be ground zero next week on the republican side. as to whether folks can stop donald trump from the nomination or not. host: up next, where another call from indiana. bob from hartville, good morning. you are up. love, are you there? until well move on meet with john. calling on the democratic line. john, what is your question?
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caller: i just read an article on your website. taxes, or lowering corporate taxes, and sweetening the international trade deals will improve the job rate. that is exactly the struggle of the american jobs. years, i'm 20 curious why you think that would improve the job market. host: i will throw the question to you. guest: i did not write that article. it is that something our staff would have written. we aggregate a lot of different policies. that is just his opinion. so, i do not know what he is talking about. i would like to one comment that there is economic populism
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expressed by this caller. sanders talks about it. sanders and trump say a lot of the same things about trade. hillary clinton, she does not talk like bill clinton talked in 1992. that is a challenge for the next president, whoever he or she is. they need to convince americans that global trade is in their interest. people see their jobs going overseas and going to other countries. they are not happy about it. they are fighting about it, they're angry about it. they believe that washington has done a poor job of managing globalization. that extent, i agree with the caller. i agree with what he said. tom bevan, cofounder and publisher and real clear politics. and carl cannon the washington bureau chief.
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thank you both for joining us this morning. guest: thank you. guest: thank you for seeing our new headquarters. we have moreup, from real clear politics as we continue to focus on the analyst and journalist from the site today. we'll talk to rebecca burr to give a closer look at last night's primary results. later on, real clear politics senior election analysts and polling guru sean trendy will join us. stay tuned. ♪ >> our c-span campaign continues to travel across the country to honor winners from this your student competition. wyoming. we went to
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classmates,ized by and family adventure videos. then, our bus travels to south dakota to visit with winners himself paul. final stop of the week continues a got -- travel to minnesota. family sold they were honored for their video and water pollution. charter were helping to coordinate the community visit. every weekday, this month on c-span, be sure to watch some of the top winning entries. host: independent media is the oxygen of a democracy. it is essential to holding those in power accountable. to serve somere
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kind of corporate agenda. when you covert war and peace, we are brought in. >> sunday night, journalist amy goodman, host and executive producer of the savings program, democracy now talks about what she co-authored, democracy now, change in america. which looks back at some of the stories and people to show has covered. of democracy now starting 20 years ago has not changed. bring out the voices with people at the grassroots and around the united states and world, they are very much representative or the majority of people. i think people were deeply concerned about war and peace, the growing inequality in this ,ountry, about climate change the status of climate change, it is not a fringe minority. not even a silent majority.
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silent by the corporate media. >> sunday night. on c-span skewing day. >> on american history tv and c-span3. >> this committee has undertaken such an investigation. purpose is not to impair the fbi's legitimate law enforcement and counterespionage forces, but rather to test evaluate the constitution and statues of our land. >> 40 years ago, senator frank church from idaho was convened to investigate intelligence activities of the cia, and nsa. this weekend marks the 40th anniversary of their final report. over the next five weeks, we will look of the televised hearing. about the kernel about legally stored weapons.
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they wanted to accept they were engaged with united states army, and we did develop this particular weapon. on the civil war at six. they were living in 225 years. they were in 1861. the old dominion was birth white -- birth right. >> are stuck in a robert e. lee, his ties to virginia, his military throughout the state.
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they chronicled 1960 presidential race. then, 8:00 on the presidency. one's ability in for policy, and after the head of state the united states, has the head of the armed forces. they want to understand your politics in that light. for the complete schedule, go to >> washington journal continues.
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host: we're continuing our discussion from real clear now, we're joined by rebecca burr, she is the national political reporter. good morning, thank you for joining us. let's get your reaction to it. what are the key takeaways of what happened? guest: there is no doubt that what happened last night seemed thealcify the strength of two front runners, hillary clinton, and donald trump, it past too cement their the nomination. it donald trump, still facing the threat of an open convention in cleveland. , with his night dominant performance, it seemed the chances of the convention
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performed their expectations in many states. they're looking for states like indiana and california as key states where they could potentially halt his march to the nomination. they're are playing with a thin margin for error here. donald trump only needs about 300 delegates before the convention in cleveland. victory with to many coming states including indiana and california were recently saw polling come out in a strong position in the state. so, ted cruz in john kasich really had to look forward and the calendar to where they might have a chance of winning. ted cruz is focused on indiana. but, he has a lot of work to do in that state to try to eat out any delegates the side of victory. host: on the real clear politics site, you wrote about the focus on indiana. since then, how have things
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changed? leave byt night's donald trump in the east coast primaries, might it be tougher now? or a bad idea? ted cruz or john kasich would then try to focus so much on derailing him and some of these upcoming races. we are the colors from indiana city did not think the strategy would work. what do you think? a bad idea fort them to try to derail donald trump. in terms of the republican politics, is very similar in many ways with wisconsin where not many weeks ago. when you look at their choices, coming up, they do not really have many in terms of states were they can do well. so, this is one where they see potential for a victory.
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and some of his other upcoming states, what i look for you know about last night is that donald trump, because his victories were so commanding, because he won by such a large margin, every single county that voted across five different states, is going to have momentum coming into this contest in indiana and beyond. he has the wind at his back. he is portraying himself as the presumptive nominee. as ive seen come mentioned, some polling come out of indiana that shows him a strong vision. this will likely only cement his support there and growing as well. talking toe what real clear politics national political reporter rebecca burr. on thiset in conversation by getting in on the democratic line. 202-748-8000. 2027licans can call in at
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4000 8001. independence can call in at 202-748-8002. abouto us a little bit the impact of early voting in indiana. guest: voters in indiana have been casting early ballots beginning of this month. so, you have a number of weeks where maybe, it was not necessarily clear where it john kasich would be stronger, in indiana. now, with the past few days, we have seen ted cruz and john kasich reach an agreement in terms of campaign resources. ted cruz will focus on indiana. they will focus on organ in new mexico, instead, that message, what they're trying to send not only to super pac's and aligned groups but also to voters is that they have seen ted cruz is a best opportunity to stop donald trump in indiana.
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unfortunately, they made this decision and reached this agreement approximately three weeks after people started voting in indiana. it is very likely that many people already voted for john kasich. they might have squandered some votes as a result. it is certainly important, as well, you can look at the flip side of this that donald trump has grown stronger in the past few weeks. he won the primary in new rk with a commanding march to victory. so, you could say that he has a new momentum now that he did not have a people for started voting in indiana. the effect of people supporting john kasich when he is no longer playing in the state will be much more pronounced and, potentially, very impactful on the result. host: sticking to the topic of indiana for a moment, let's take a look at an ad that is being run by ted cruz is super pac, then, will talk about it on the other side.
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>> he preys on the republican governor. will, a lot of legislators who are here today, have expanded medicaid. bff of barack obama, the president of the united states of john kasich. the president cited medicaid expansion as his big success story. >> trusted leadership is responsible for the content of this advertising. host: now, seems to be problematic for the agreement that was struck between governor kasich and senator cruz. can you talk more about this? well, the interesting thing about the agreement between kasich and cruise is that it did not apply, it was not really a nonaggression pact terms of their campaign trail in terms of their appeal to voters. john kasich, the day after this agreement was reached, hours
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later, said on the campaign trail that he still encourages people to vote for him immediate. many are trying to find monitoring campaign resources and their appeal to voters on the campaign trail. the behind this is that john kasich and ted cruz still want to look like they are actively colluding. -- they do notk want to look like they are cooperating too much. beyond that, they do not want to fully endorse each other. you'll continue to see as like this with john kasich attacking ted cruz. especially, ted cruz attacking john kasich. he could lose on may 3. host: we're talking to rebecca
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burke from real clear politics about the results of last night's primary. we havendependent line, michael cullinan from north carolina. michael, you are on. hower: yes, i like to know runningclinton is still a line whenever she was supposed to be indicted. she should not even be able to run. not at all. host ok, do you have a response to that,? he seems to be referring to the ongoing investigation by the dei. she was using her professional purposes. they are suggesting that this is
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not only possible but a likely outcome. there debating whether there will be charges or not. we will not know until they conclude their investigation. it could be a matter of weeks, it could be much longer. the fbi will indicate that they want to wrap this up sooner than later, because of the political and -- political applications. and: up next, we have mary calling in from pittsburgh. marianne, your calling in with rebecca burke. caller: hello. can you hear me? host: yes. we hear you. caller: number one, i like to know why -- i like to know why donald trump was always complaining about lobbyists. the new people that called in our lobbyists.
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so, you're misleading the public. and, number two, at trump university, last night, it was sued for fraud. rebecca as give chance to respond to some of these. how will these issues impact the race? well, she has raised two very interesting development, run a trump campaign over the past few days. first of all, she mentioned that donald trump brought on some former lobbyist. and, his chief campaign aide, as well as convention manager delegate was there. it was that sort of thing. he was a longtime lobbyist. recently, he has not been lobbying domestically. but, he has most of his professional experience and lobbying.
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so, it is a very interesting turn of events for the trump pointgn which, to this has been anything but a traditional political campaign. they scrapped all of the conventions when you think of a presidential campaign, this is enough for travel to appear a little more traditional, and to turn a page on his campaign from this insurgent political to the nominee. and, especially if people are wrapping up a nomination and move it into a general election, most republicans will agree that he needs a more traditional more fleshed out campaign apparatus. he will need to hire some people of more experience. palmetto port is one of those people. he has said it will continue to see more of this kind of hiring in the future. already, man of port has gone in and continue to hire what we would call a more traditional republican. this ongoing lawsuit regarding trump university, it is true
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that although this is a civil case, a new york judge said this week that the case could move forward. one of the lawyers in the case indicated that he will plan to call donald trump as a witness. of course, this is not a trial, it is just a civil lawsuit. that could be a very interesting development. could be a major attack line used against him by the anti-truck forces on the republican side. race.beginning to see the host: speaking of donald trump shifting his focus on the hiring , there is an op-ed piece from the authors of the committed teams. three steps for passionate performance. it talked about the art of the reboot. they talked about donald trump's attempt to do that.
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they have the wharton school of business. as the situation changes, they change. notice, they reboot. intove no special insight whether mr. trump will or should secure the republican nomination. as an expert, we feel the struggling candidate deserves an improvement on this point. do you believe the reboot will be an official? or, do you think that part of trump's appeal was the fact that he was so outspoken. if it is not broken, don't fix it. the jury is still out on what this will mean. actually said in his press conference last night after he won these five , hearies that he, himself
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said i am me. i will not be changing my campaign style. this is who i am, it is worked for me. so, he seemed to walk back to little bit. the comments that he has been playing a part, that he will mature as a candidate and change as the political situation demands, as he turns towards a general election with hillary clinton. so, there seems to be tension within the trump campaign. we have seen some reports of the managerhours that his who came in and took some of the top jobs, there are now some reports that lewandowski has taken back some of that power. so, there is some tension within the trump campaign between these factions. between these original campaign aides who believe that donald
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trump has been on a successful path. they believe he has a more traditional campaign aide coming in. matureeves it is time to with the campaign and with the candidates. so, certainly, the way donald usuallys handled it, it these things are done hesitantly. very carefully. people do not want to create any negative press about their campaigns or problems. donald trump, to his credit, did make these changes. but, there is still a question of what this is actually going to me for his campaign. host: ok. we are breaking down the results of last night's primary. yesterday's primary, with rebecca burr from real clear politics. up next, we have leon, calling in from atlanta. good morning.
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what is your question for rebecca? caller: here is my -- i am here. it is not necessarily a question, it is more the common. -- comment. can you hear me? host: turn your tv down. listen through the phone. we can hear you. caller: it is more of a comment. the republican party pretty much created donald trump. the government, in the lobbyists. now, they do not seem to know what to do with him. i did not think the republicans are going to be able to impede her progress.
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so, i think hillary will get much more done. they're not going to stop her with the same attacks. trump, is basically in the carnival. ultimately, that they will go along with hillary. host: let's give rebecca a chance to respond. guest: well, i think many democrats would agree with leon's statement that donald trump is not going to be a particularly strong general election candidate. and many republicans would agree with that. when you look at donald trump, it is unfavorable. negative.emarkably of course, hillary clinton has struggled with that as well. donald trump is at a level unto himself. this has been one of the
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major concerns of republicans. that donald trump will not only be a week a general election candidate. but, an extraordinary candidate. in terms of the republican brand. certainly, hillary clinton is taking him seriously. we see her mounting attacks on him. has text messages for the general election campaign. i think democrats will be very happy with that matchup, even though donald trump can be somewhat unpredictable. his support is through the roof. he has offended somebody different groups of people. i think the democrats are very happy with this matchup. i think republicans are very worried. host: we're talking with rebecca burke, the national reporter for real clear politics. switch back to the democratic race for a moment. what do you think bernie sanders next move will be? do you think that in the end, if senator
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clinton concerns -- secures the nomination, will it be easy for his supporters to back him go -- him? i would think the clock is ticking for bernie sanders. it is pretty clear that hillary will be the nominee. whether you decide to sooner rather than later to accept that and dropout, that is an open question. but, it is very clear that will happen. his campaign has gone all the way to the convention. thatmatically, it is not popular at this point that he will overcome hillary clinton intake denomination. when hel have to see decides. this is an interesting calculation for him. when and if he decides to get out of the race. hillary clinton and barack obama did not drop out until june. it could be older than that.
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, because of hillary clinton's decision in 2008, he has the president to continue. the writing is on the wall. in terms of his supporters, we talked a lot about the republicans having trouble unifying the party. it has been an ongoing public conversation for them. the democratic side, this has been a civil campaign when you look at the spectrum of primary campaigns. and, even though bernie sanders and hillary clinton have lashed up their attacks, even made personal remarks with the trump sent hillary clinton is unqualified, you look at the polling on this, and democrats are energized, they are still excited about the general data thatthere is no i have seen comment terms of talking to voters that this will be a pretty easy climb for hillary clinton to unite the general election, do not forget
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that the other side of the aisle can be a motivating factor. so, if you have a candidate like donald trump who is just anathema to many voters on the has offendedde, he some groups, women, minorities. you can see some people who are not energized by hillary clinton as a candidate, who are energized in the opposite direction by donald trump's , and two are excited to come out and vote against him. so, it will not be much of a struggle on the democratic side to unite. next,up caller: hi, how are you? host: i am good. you are on with rebecca berg. caller: i have a question for you. .onald trump is so far winning
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basically all the primaries, so what happens now? is the republican party going to oust him if he does not get so many votes as they do not like him and how that [indiscernible] the only question here really is whether donald trump can get to it 1237 delegates before the convention in cleveland. it is a pretty simple argument really. if donald trump can get to the delicate number before the convention, surrounded by june 7 he has thene 7, nomination. the republican party cannot do anything to take it away from him. the chairman of the republican national committee has amplified that message, trying to reassure the party that the system is not raped and that if donald trump
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wins the nomination outright, there's nothing the party can do. there is also the question of what happens if donald trump falls short of that number? no matter how close he is to the coincidenceit is no that donald trump has emphasized that he wants to win this race on a first ballot, so he wants to get it out right with no contested convention week as if this does goes to a second ballot, and open convention, and delegates are suddenly unbalanced and free to vote for whoever they prefer as the who their state necessarily supported, it becomes very tougher donald trump to win this nomination because many delegates are party insiders, grassroots activists, who not only trends more conservative but are concerned with the direction of the party. they're looking for a nominee who would represent the party well in a general election, and we have seen many republicans
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who feel donald trump is not that person, at least in we talk about the republican establishment. an open convention would be a difficult time for donald trump, and that is some of the concern we hear among supporters and among the candidate himself when he talks about the party stealing the nomination from him, a rigged rules, that is the message he is sending because he is concerned about a second or third ballot at the open convention. host: we are breaking down the presidential race with rebecca real clear politics, she was formally a political correspondent on "the washington examiner," and a reporter at buzz feed. next, steve from charlotte, north carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i'd appreciate it. does the hillary campaign really know what they are doing with the democratic party?
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i feel like i am part of a closed democratic club now and it is really chasing off a lot of voters. it is chasing me off. i have been a democrat all my life. in this like looking at the whole situation, the kissinger comments, the speeches, the comments about the reagans, and she is just playing a war hawk. i do not think they understand what is going on, the dynamics out here. host: let's give rebecca berg a chance to respond. steve hastainly, identified a major dynamic behind bernie sanders and his success in the election. us, he exceeded all expectations of what his candidacy could become in this election cycle. clearly, we have seen support for him if you look at the
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rallies, morehis unlikely victories in the race, and his fundraising, which has mostly fromely and small donors, so clearly, there support inssroots the democratic party that hillary clinton is not tapping into, and part of it is because he has perturbed himself successfully as a political outsider. someone who has gone against the democratic establishment, much in the summer that donald trump has perturbed himself as someone who has gone against picked the republican aisle. it has been interesting to watch this for outside candidates who do not represent the party establishment, who are doing things differently, who voters feel a more authentic and are not held to some of the special aterest that give people such negative perception of washington and washington lawmakers, so even though bernie sanders likely will not win the
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democratic nomination come i think it's a relative success sends a strong message to democrats moving forward that their party basis exactly the that theuess challenge republican party basis, which is to address the angst amongst voters with the party establishment and with people who have been in washington for either parties for a long time. host: up next on the republican line, tony from wilmington, illinois. you are on with rebecca berg from real clear politics. caller: good morning, rebecca. rebecca, trump university, that is a very weak argument. don't you think that the history of the clintons going back to those days is enough to just put that aside? i cannot believe -- i am glad people like you get on tv because it is motivating trump
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supporters, and i want to thank you for that because it is you. that isis media motivating us. thank you for your time. guest: [laughter] certainly, the caller raises a good point about how donald trump will be attacked a message on all of action, but so will hillary clinton. not only when it comes to your own career, but her husband's presidency, and of course, we have already heard some of these hints of the attacks from donald trump himself, so every candidate will have to face the setting from the voters and press and we're only in the early stages. host: up next on the democratic york, therom new night saying that right? caller: you are correct. good morning. the question i want to ask about
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the press is not reminding everybody about everything that donald trump stands or? from the beginning to the end, that he believed everybody should own a gun, that you should be able to own a gun and walk into a tavern, that he is a big it. went -- biogt. -- bigot. when he came to buffalo, if you asked the minority populations in buffalo, they will tell you the way it is about donald. host: that is a lot to unpack. let's give rebecca berg a chance to respond. guest: certainly, al has hit on a frequent criticism in the election, which is that the press has not cover donald trump , fairly, and they have given him a free ride. we have heard this from any of his republican adversaries and
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their campaigns. the fact of the matter is that the press has covered donald trump extensively. when you look at some of his past business deals, trump university and the controversy over that, past statements he has made on all sorts of policies, controversial remarks about women, nagin kelly was raised memorably in the first raised byey have been the press and rivals, but what seems to have happened is that voters either did not process this information in any sort of meaningful way or they decided, as might be the case, that it did not matter to them. it has been an interesting phenomenon to watch in the cycle. someone like donald trump who actually disagrees very publicly the sacred cow, so to speak, in terms of republican policy and some of this
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republican orthodoxy that he has challenged. it has not matter to republican voters, so he has surprised people in a lot of ways. as a member of the press, maybe i am biased, but i would not some the press, as republicans have, for not setting donald trump properly. host: on the republican line, brenda from manchester, kentucky. you are on with rebecca berg from real clear politics. caller: good morning, c-span. my comment is i keep hearing about all these females that are never [indiscernible] i am a mother, and mother and i am a trump supported. why would be go against trump? he wants to stop the drug dumps from across the borders. that is not racist. mothers and grandmothers who want to stop the drug problem in this country need to think about how many people are being murdered every day, and one day, could be one of their own.
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stop the drugs from coming in, and the drug crimes will slow down. host: let's give rebecca berg a chance to respond. trump,if you ask donald and he mentioned this last night during his press conference from new york, he says that women love him and really support his candidacy strongly, but he that hillary clinton will likely perform more strongly with women in a general election context. he said something that i think continues to be controversial as a move forward that if hillary clinton worked a man, she would ,nly win 5% of the vote because to use his words, a woman card that she is playing together all this support. clearly, donald trump, you can look at that remark and others he has made in that same vein and he recognizes that he will face a challenge against hillary clinton when it comes to appealing to women.
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not only because she is a woman but because remarks that he is made in the past, and that is all you have seen him bring out polishedter, a very surrogate for his campaign, and his wife, he brings them out in public settings and interviews and has them attached to his h p story with women, at least in the business community. it will be challenging for him --make, but i think he could i think all we have to do is look at the polling on this and it is clear in state after state that women have had problems with donald trump and he has lagged in that demographic. no doubt about it. related point, it seems that it donald trump and hillary clinton win their respective nominations, it will be the first time in modern history that you have two candidates with unfavorably the .ating above 50%
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how might that play out in a general election where you have two candidates who voters do not seem to like very much? guest: i would expect low turnout in this election, may be the opposite of what we saw in the 2008 race because when you have to candidates who people really did not like, cannot get excited about, people will stay home from the polls. that is one major effect that we unless theserd to, of favorability ratings are able to change over time and improve for i did the candidates in the general election. it also raises the possibility, and this has been talked about in the campaign cycle, of may be a third-party bid. i would rate that as an unlikely scenario, blowing you have to candidates from the major parties who no one is excited is so the unfavorable high and that raises the possibility of an avenue for someone in a third-party running
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and getting some of the vote. of course, michael bloomberg from new york considered the option earlier this year and decided against it, but that does not mean someone else will not take the path. the most likely scenario is looking at low turnout for both of these candidates and an electorate that this may be and --ed -- this part disarmed. host: on the democratic line, wade from maryland. not pay attention [indiscernible] i look at the numbers. that tells me how well a candidate is doing. in pennsylvania, clinton had cruz ands than trump, kasich combined. get out this percentage stuck then look at the numbers. thank you. host: go ahead, rebecca. guest: what is interesting is
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when you look at the republican historichas been a election in terms of voter turnout. in-state after state, and of course, donald trump is taking credit for most of this, but there are a number of factors that play with state after state broken records of turnout for the republican side. it is likely that donald trump could finish the election cycle thanmore popular votes mitt romney, george w. bush and past nominees, so the turnout has actually been quite impressive on the republican side. in no small part because they have had this competitive primary, contrary to the democratic side, which has been competitive. hillary clinton was seen as a strong, if not likely nominee from the beginning, so it has been a different dynamic. donald trump argues that because of the high turnout, he is expanding the party, growing the party and other republicans are not so sure about that. they think may be has brought a
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new voters, but at the same time, it is turning off others, negative evens out in the long run, but it will be interesting in the general election to see our turnout compares to the two parties because it donald trump is the nominee against hillary clinton because a lot of republicans, and there have been threats to this effect, we could see a drop off of republican voters. , nationalcca berg political reporter for real clear politics. thank you for joining us this morning. guest: thank you for having me. up next, we continue our focus on real clear politics. we will be talking to senior election analyst sean trende talkinge campaign and about the polls. stay tuned. ♪
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>> independent media is the oxygen. it is essential. holding those in power accountable. we are not there to serve some kind of corporate agenda. when we cover war and peace, we are not brought to you by weapon manufacturers. ," sunday night on "q and a journalist amy goodman hosts "democracy now." she talks about the book she co-authored, covering the movements of change in america, which looks back at some of the stories and people to show has covered. >> the idea of democracy now starting 20 years ago has not changed. voices ofut the
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people of the grassroots and the united states and around the world. the very much represent majority of people. i think people who are concerned deeply about war and peace, about the growing inequality in this country, about climate not a fringe minority, not even a senate majority, but the silenced majority. silenced by the corporate media, which is what we have to take it back. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q&a." secretary, we proudly toe 72 of our delegate votes the next president of the united states. ♪ [cheering]
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♪ >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us now from real clear politics, senior collections analyst sean trende. good morning. thank you for joining us. guest: good morning. thanks for having me. host: thomas little bit about your role at real clear politics. that goesre is a lot into the job of senior elections analyst. a lot of it is serving the knack for elections articles to see what people are saying, but spending a lot of time with the datasets put out, the delegate
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counts and also tracking the polls in all states with the races, trying to figure out where things stand and where they are likely to go. me, are a like recovering lawyer. you practiced law for eight years before joining real clear politics. what made you make that switch and how does that help your job now? guest: i got a masters in political science, so i just found that i really loved it and i thought there was an opening for someone who kind of had a aowledge of statistics and more rigorous approach today that than i was seen in a lot of ysis.ctions anal this created a new niche for a whole generation of election analysts. host: we are talking to sean trende, the senior elections analyst at real clear politics. we're discussing the math going
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forward with the democratic and republican primaries. join thers can conversation, democrats can call in at (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. and independents, (202)-748-8002 . fromis your take away yesterday's primary results? what does that mean moving forward in terms of securing both the democratic and republican nomination? guest: i think it is a lot more complicated than a lot of the conventional wisdom has contested. i think a lot of us modeling these phrases had trumped when he now most of the delegates anyway, so from a delegate perspective, it was not surprising. if you look from a voter big statee, trumps
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was massachusetts, where he and ben carson combined for 52% of the vote, which is not too far off. did getther hand, he some large wins in states like rhode island, delaware, and we have seen the national polls beginning to break away, so there is some evidence that gop primary voters are finally tiring of the process and ready to bring it to a close. host: what about some of the exit polling from yesterday on both the democratic and republican side? does that give us any tea leaves that could bed -- read as we head into the final primaries? that, the problem with and i think people try to rely upon it, but the states that are coming up are very different than the states that we have had the last couple of weeks. basically, we have gone through the north corridor from washington, d.c., to rhode island.
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this dates coming up, new jersey still has to vote, but the states coming up our western and mountain states. if you look at the map, even at the county level, ships start to occur toward ted cruz as you get west of the mississippi. i do not think there are any great tea leaves to be read out of last night exit polls because the demographics in the upcoming states are going to be so different from what we have seen in places like rhode island and connecticut. host: we are talking to sean trende, the senior election analyst at real clear politics and also the author of the book "the lost majority." we will go to the republican line, joe, san jose, california. good morning. caller: good morning. i have got to get the west coast perspective in the show this morning.
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being a california voted for the time in a long time, our votes will not run june seven. i do consider myself a reagan conservative than met him when i was a little boy and it was a fond moment for me, but the politics,s in usually, a reagan had principles and stood for something and you knew what they were, but in this current environment and with their perspective, with some of my john kasich, there is mathematically no chance and he is hanging around and he and cruz are not for something but against something, kind of the non-trumpers. what happens when you're not fighting for something but against it? asense the motivation preserving old guard, they have their own axes to grind, so from your perspective, other than , maybe makevention
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a three pointer at the buzzer for kasich to pull something now, why are these guys even in their when mathematically, it is impossible? thank you and i look forward to your answer. guest: it is a fascinating dynamic what economists or political science is called the selected action problem in the gop, which is you have this large field and the a hot the sense that there was the last person to go against donald trump and that they had a very good chance in a head to head with them because that is what the polls were showing. the field has been extremely slow because you still have kasich end cruz hoping they will be the person to go one-on-one with trump. that is simply why they are sticking around. they're hoping that they, one or the other will drop out and they can win the last couple of races and when it at the convention. at the convention. i'm not sure i completely agree with the idea that they do not
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stand for anything. kasich stokley believes in a more activist republican government within the republican party, a more moderate approach. cruz is like the tea partier. the fact that he has become associated with the establishment is kind of mind-boggling but that is the dynamically see. the reason that they look so [indiscernible] is because trump has been effective that dominating the media coverage that everyone else has been reacted this soul cycle and has not been able to get out with the positive agenda they were hoping to talk about at the beginning of the cycle. it has been an obsolete fascinating collection from this perspective. -- an absolute fascinating election from this perspective. shown withs been more than 50% support, that was an nbc survey monkey poles, is that significant in the race? was a poll out
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earlier around super tuesday that had them at 49%. and show donald trump doing better, but at the same time, when you see a new record the enraged, and we have seen a general upper trend in trump's work, that is significant. i don't take there is any doubt that he is in a better position in the republican party today than he was two weeks ago. host: we are talking to sean trende, the senior election analyst at real clear politics as we focus on that during today's show. next on the democratic line, maria calling in from ohio -- ria calling in from ohio. caller: i grew up, i was a young person but i read when watergate took place, and i think the republicans insisting on an
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investigation on hillary clinton's e-mail likens factor that. -- back to that. i think they're dragging it out. i think there using a governmental agency to win an election and it is disturbing. in a two-party system, but when one party breaks the rules so many times, denies people there boys, it is disturbing -- their voice, it is disturbing and they're using the fbi and these investigations to influence elections, -- respond.t's left sean do you see that happening, having a major impact on the public in the democratic race? is good to hear from a fellow buckeye, but second, watergate was a innsformational event
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american political history. i think it is an odd comparison to make because it was not just smoke in watergate a whole lot of fire that was investigated. after watergate, there was a series of scandals and pseudo-scandals from both sides that people were trying to turn into the next watergate. i think our investigation profit has become overly politicized and in the last couple of years, republicans are that a tendency bunty to turn what is a into a home run with these things. i do know that republicans are using the fbi. i think the fbi's conducting their own investigation. it will make the determination if aendent of politics but further investigation is warranted, the doj will have a tough case on their hands. host: can you talk about polling in the race and what viewers
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should look for when they see polling. are all of them created equal? guest: there are individual polls that i have high regard for another poles. i will not name names because at believeof the day, we that what you should do when you see in individual pole is to look at it, take notes and then check to see preferably with other polls are saying because we know even if a poll is perfectly taken, there is a one in 20 chance that it will be a statistical outlier, so you want to see if it is in line with what previous polls have shown and that is why we generate poll averages. it is an attempt to minimize the impact of the outliers and give readers a better sense of where the races stand. host: up next on the independent nine, little rock, arkansas. caller: good morning.
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i have a question. i used to be a democrat, but i switched over to an independent about a month ago. i am discussed with the democrat party. i don't understand why the news networks are adding in these delegates, shouldn't they be doing that at the election? thank you. guest: you know, we struggle with that what we do our delegate counts as well because there is a slate to formally unpledged delegates in the republican party, but some of these delegates declared for other candidates. you kind of have been unwinnable choice to make. either you count them for the candidates from whom they declared or you keep them uncommitted, and people then get upset. it is the same thing with the superdelegates. the superdelegates are basically -- are unpledged
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delegates and you have to make a choice, there is no neutral choice. you either take into account that there are these large elegant to support hillary are you keep up the idea that they are neutral, which they are in name. if it is hard to make that call, which i think the call is being made as a defensible one. host: you wrote recently on the this point, pollsters are moving into uncharted territory. what did you mean by that? can you give me more context on that? host: you are saying that at this phase in the campaign, pollsters are moving into uncharted territory and it was something in the race that we have not seen before. guest: sorry, the coffee is just hitting the system. but i was saying in that context is that the gop race has
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traditionally wrapped up early in the process. it is later states like california that typically are not told in the republican presidential race, so pollsters are having to pull these places what theeally knowing gop presidential electorate looks like there, so they have to make their best guest with modeling. it is a problem in indiana for the state telemarketing which will ban a large chunk of polling techniques. the pollsters are really in uncharted territory and analysts were flying blind. host: we are talking to sean trende, the real clear politics senior election analyst, and we are looking at the numbers moving forward in the republican and democratic primaries after last night races. up next, ryan from indiana. good morning. caller: good morning.
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question is, ever since the beginning of this whole collection, bernie sanders was out here in indiana, and he was out here last year at the blueberry fest. that heseems so unfair got treated the way he did with the way they held all the debates, you know, i think it was a conflict of interest with hillary's had, whatever she was for hillary, and now, she is head of the dnc, and i think it is a fixed base. host: let's give sean a chance to respond to that. guest: it is interesting.
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parties with broad coalition of differing groups, but there is always a dominant group within , the gop and , and there is an insurgency against the establishment. the obama race was a successful and we seein 2008 with donald trump this time. the trick with insurgencies, they are always very hard to pull off, and i think it is fair deck ishat yes, this stacked a certain degree against these insurgent candidates. it is impressive but sanders has been able to pull off, especially the huge amount of fundraising from small money donors, effectively tying the national polls at this race. it is that the unique about sanders. every insurgent candidate in both parties has to deal with the fact that the party
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establishment has a lot of tools at their disposal to keep itself in power. host: we are talking to sean atnde, the election analyst real clear politics. in a previous segment, we talked a little bit about the fact that hillary clinton and donald trump are the nominees of the respective parties and it would be the first time in recent history that two candidates with such horrid and favorability numbers will face each other -- unfavorability- numbers will face each other. guest: they are likely going to be the major party nominees, and i think the way we will see it play out is that, look, we had record turnout in 2008,
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favorables for barack obama and even john mccain were pretty high. people generally thought well of the two candidates and were obama,, especially about and this was reflected in the turnout numbers. i think this a be a low turnout year. you have a lot of democrats that were hoping that the party would turn andprogressive don't see hillary clinton is pushing that, but on the other the, quote, never trump action, and i think some of them will vote for hillary clinton and some for trump, but i think a large number will stay home and that will happen up and down the ballot. orville, fromfrom louisiana, good morning. caller: good morning.
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how are you doing? , mr. trumpn i got is is always been a republican, i understand that, but why did he not sign that agreement with the republicans? and then at the last minute, there trying not to support him. thank you. i think especially at the reluctance tomp's support the republican nominee was a play on his part. i think he knew he had leverage over the party if he threatened a third-party run, and he also tried to get them to pledge for him. as to why the remaining candidates are not going to support him, i think it is accumulated -- eight cumulative
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of the choices he made. i kind of empathize with ted ,ruz's promise to support trump yet at the same time, they were personal attacks on ted cruz's wife and anderson why that is hard to look past. it is a strange dynamic in the republican party right now, and there will be a lot of interesting votes about the election afterwards. host: talking about the numbersan race and the in today's "new york times," a piece that points out about the fact that donald trump has complained about party rules. mr.ays -- one big reason trump's chance looks so good as something to do it 20 years i believe about, party rules.
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can you talk a little bit about how the rules might be helping donald trump as opposed to harming him? isst: yes, that analysis absolutely right. but the gop has done is they have created a system where the early states, with the exception of south carolina, have to wonder delegates more or less proportionately, so to get 40% of the votes in the state, they will come out somewhere in the neighborhood of 40% of the delegates, give or take. the people who set up that system also knew that they to come to a close and did not want the contested convention. so the state can choose to a
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take all star, and you can see how this dynamic plays out with trump. with theontrast that one exception of rhode island, andh is proportionate state where he led to about eight --egates because he was not yet, he has 50% of the delegates give or take right now. isen that big picture, it hard to say that the rules worked against him. host: we are talking to sean trende. up next on the democratic line, samantha from philadelphia. good morning. caller: good morning to you both. sincestion has to do with the beginning of the democratic
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and primarycess process, you are detached on it a bit by saying that hillary had the cards stacked in her paper, and one of those favors i believe would be the media. bernie sanders has received literally almost no election coverage, despite his amazing ins and his amazing polls the primaries. in addition to that, i also went to touch on the basis of people that are going out to the polls and realizing that they cannot avoid their problems with the voting process, and what your thoughts are on basically the stacked process, not just the primary, but also the problems at the elections and polling places? the: let's give sean chance to respond. frankly, i think
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there has been a lot of superficial media coverage on both sides. all three, it has worked in opposite directions. if you look back at the early coverage of the sanders' campa of, you would get coverage the big rallies, unlike wisconsin for example, but there was that much about the substance of what he was saying, which has quite a bit of precedence with a large portion of the democratic electorate. at the same time, donald trump, and is media understands a media personality, has used ons to get the attention him. in the months of august, he received about 80% of media coverage. he got 63 times as much coverage kasich and ruby are combined, so if you know how to work that system, i think it cuts both ways. with thee problems polling places, that is an ongoing issue in america. i think we are seeing big fights
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and doubts expressed with caucuses versus primaries in gop,parties, and in the the point is, so much is focused on process because the process have been so pivotal and you'll see pressure for changes. probably some of the biggest we have seen since the 1970's. host: we are talking to sean , the senior political of a bookd the author released in 2014. on the republican line, sherry from florida. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i would like to ask the question of why does the media focus on donald trump and not talk about
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the things hillary has done under obama? look at what they have done to this country, and if she gets in, obama is on her side and it is going to be another obama for the next four years. host: let's give sean a chance to respond. i absolutely agree that a lot of the media coverage has been superficial of the candidates. with respect to the candidates. not only has donald trump received 80% of the coverage, but a lot of it has been in what trump phenomenon, he said not a lot of careful analysis of his views, some of the business dealings, some things that focus groups show actually have more resonance with republican voters and that republican voters are more interested in. i am not sure i agree that there
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hasn't been much coverage of hillary clinton and some of her shortcomings. there has been a lot of coverage with respect to the e-mails, and i think as we get to the general election phase, there will be a lot more coverage with respect to both candidates at hopefully less superficial level. that is what we have seen in the past and i think we can expect it in the general election this time. host: we are talking about the math in the election with sean trende. callers for the democratic line can call (202)-748-8000. republicans can call in to (202)-748-8001. independents can call (202)-748-8002. up next on the democratic line, herbert from hempstead, new york. you are on with rebecca ber sea.
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good morning. caller: thanks for taking my call. i am one of those who believe will eventually flame out, and i believe that it would ,ave happened a long time ago but trump has been able to play the media like a cat and mouse game. he is playing with them mouse until he gets them under stories them. to themy questions gentleman you have on now is why hasn't the media done a better , we here ing, trump new york know it trump is about, the african-americans here in new york city, i don't know if any of you ever talked about the
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are he played and how they atrocious and vicious game he with young black men who were accused of [indiscernible] host: let's give sean some time to respond. there has been some problematictrump's history with respect to racial issues. even some coverage with respect to his father, but i will agree. he has played the media like a fiddle. he has managed to keep the discussion about him, and even within that, he managed to keep the discussion about him more or less on his own terms. again, the term phenomenon is
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less about substance. them to dohing for that in a 17 person republican primary field, but another thing to do it in a two-person general election race, especially when the other candidate is piling on and making these shots both ways. i think there will be a change in the coverage, assuming trump does become the gop nominee, and it will be interesting to see if he can continue to use his knowledge of the media and how it works to frame the discussion. host: this is a follow up on the previous caller's point about thinking that donald trump would flame out early. that seems to be the consensus of not only those reporting but also voters at the time. what went wrong? was it the pollsters or the fault of the weight was being reported?
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guest: a lot of us were kind of like fighting the last war. 2012 when we kind of had the bump, the herman cain bump, the rick santorum bump, and the party eventually coalesced around the establishment, and the same thing happened with the democrats in 2004. sure enough, you end up with john kerry. not, and i were count myself in these pranks, people were not tuned in enough to how trump was different. there was massive bias confirmation going on. piece of evidence we got that that was going on, we ran with it. we missed his skills with the media, and there was this ongoing tendency within the gop that i talked about earlier, all
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the candidates staying in to try to be the person to go against trump. they kept the field divided and allowed trump to run pretty far with his 35% to 40% of the gop coalition. nine,on the independent tom from new york, ohio -- tom from ohio. caller: thank you for taking my call. recently, i have supported bernie sanders, but i tend to lean democratic, but i just found out after doing some doodling with numbers, in pennsylvania and new york, independents were not allowed to vote in the primary, which is roughly 5 million votes that bernie sanders could have had a chunk of. the departmentif of justice should be investigating these laws in both of these states? i would like to hear your answer on that. let's give sean a chance
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to answer. again, hello to another buckeye, exciting to have such good representation here. states have set their own rules would respect to can participate in primaries forever. you have some states were only republicans can belt and some democrats, some states were republicans and independents can vote and not democrats and vice versa and some states were everyone can vote in the primaries. what has made this different is that there has been so much tension paid to the process that seele are starting to the impact the different rules can have. the problem you have with trying to make things uniform is that a lot of states just do not have party registration, so that is where a lot of anyone can vote comes along. have prior could
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party primaries open, and today, you open the door for some mischief to try to change the outcome of the party and vice versa. there are reasons parties want to close off their primary, so it definitely has implications, especially in the way the election is played out, but i don't think dear g investigation will go anywhere. host: on the republican line, charlie from austin, texas. good morning. caller: with respect to hillary clinton's behavior when she was employed in the department of state, are you familiar with cases that are in the washington, d.c., district court currently? ahead.harlie, what -- go guest: i was going to say that i have not been following the in's and out's.
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i am an election analyst. i am more interested in following the day today and campaigns, so, no, i am not an expert of what is going on with national security law cases in the country. host: on the democratic line, jonathan from prescott, kansas. you are on with sean trende. good morning. morning.ood i had a question about corruption in politics and life that has not been reported. it is out in the open. the journalist jobs is to get balance and to take care of those problems. what i see in mainstream media is no one attacking that. we are the maybe puppets. this is the biggest story of the century. this is another picture of where are the checks and balances?
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they're talking about all this money that is coming from people that could benefit from laws made by congress. the point.nk we get let's give sean a chance to talk about that. guest: i think there has been quite a bit of attention paid to money and politics over the past few years, especially on the democratic side and there has been quite a bit of dissatisfaction with the citizens united decision. in a lot of ways, that is part of the basis of donald trump's campaign, the sense that the system is rigged, that it works for the of the few rather than the average working-class, lower middle-class republican voter, so i think it is at the core of a lot of concerns. again, i think that we have seen a lot of superficial coverage, what dress hillary clinton is wearing, or things that trump is saying, things that i don't
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think are really important or sometimes think about to report on, and it dilutes the impact of these substantive discussions, but the substantive discussions are out there, especially on campaign finance on the democratic side. line,on the independent from new hampshire, paul, you are on with sean trende. caller: good morning. quick question, more of an observation, but i wonder what our democracy with the flight was not for all the polls, but that is not my question. i don't have any empirical work to come up with the conclusion, but it seems that the internal polling of a lot of these candidacies is more accurate than the mass media generated type of polling. is that the correct observation or not? if so, what message are they using to get better read some what the electorate is thinking? pro-polling.
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we do worry at times that they can influence outcomes, but the polling hascampaign a pretty simple answer, which is that media organizations are not polling organizations, and they only have a fraction of their attention being paid to polls, whereas holiness central to the candidacy, so the candidates are willing and the campaigns are willing to invest more money in polls, they get broader sample sizes, they do more careful slicing and dicing to make sure s, andave representative that is why the campaigns no more. it is possible question of there is a massive demand for highly accurate polling, whereas in the day-to-day news coverage, the demand is not as high. host: on the republican line, lou from new york. good morning. caller: good morning.
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i thought i heard some news rulet that they passed a in the republican party that if you did not win eight states, it would be in eligible to be on the ballot, is that true? if so, how come we do not hear about it and it seems like that disallows john kasich from being considered as a candidate for the party. reference tos a roll 40b of the republican convention. it has gotten a lot of attention was kind of the election forecast committee -- community. there has been a lot of confusion about the role.
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to win ave to have certain number of states, but it has ferried from year and cycle to cycle. it was increased to eight in 2012. what john kasich has been hoping is that it would be reduced back to where it was in 2012 and i think he was also hoping he would win a couple more states along the way. there is also a little confusion on what the rule says, you don't have to win the states the get the written consent of the majority of delegates in the states, which sounds like legalism, and it is, but it is important. you don't necessarily have to have won the delegation, but you have to agree to get the delegates for your name and contention and i think kasich saw that there. is expected to make a major announcement today at 4:00, speculated that he may name carly fiorina as his running mate. what impact do you see that having on the republican race?
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-- there have been a lot of changes in the last 48 hours with this deal between him and john kasich and now he is going to name a republican running mate. basically, i think there is a sense from cruz and kasich that the race is getting a way from them and the trajectory has changed and trump may make it to the convention with enough delegates, so they are trying to reset the narrative and take it away from trump and focuses back on themselves. by naming a running mate, cruz is trying to look more presidential, elevate himself and capture what is really iraq or him, awayro from donald trump and get momentum into indiana. host: sean trende, the senior collections analyst at real clear politics side, we would do one more call. we will go to the democratic
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line, all freight from florida. you are on with sean trende. i think they underestimated donald trump in the beginning. donald trump effectively spoke to the issues that concerns the american public. mainly, immigration and trade. host: ok, let's give shawn a chance to wrap it up before we run out of time. guest: i actually think that is a great note to end on. i will plead guilty to having underestimated trump, and i think most everyone in my field did. i think it is important to recognize, whatever you think about trump and the he supported himself, he is speaking to a group of voters that you not get paid much attention to. i hate to interrupt you, but the houses gaveling in and we have to go at their life. here is the house.
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