tv QA CSPAN May 22, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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your cable or satellite provider. check it out. it is on the web at announcer: tonight, "q&a" with michael kinsley. then queen elizabeth ii gives the annual address at the state opening of parliament. after that, a discussion on ways to strengthen security in europe. ♪ announcer: this week on "q&a," vanity fair columnist and slate magazine founder michael kinsley. he talks about living with parkinson's disease and his new book, "old age: a beginner's guide." ♪ brian: michael kinsley, in your new book, "old age: a beginner's guide," why do you start your book by saying, this is not about parkinson's disease?
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michael: because i did not want people to think this was another sad saga of someone suffering. and i wanted to write -- wanted to bet autobiographical, especially. and i wanted to tell the story. able to to be generalize from it, which i think you can. face what it is like to the fact. not to face having an illness, necessarily. but the fact that you are going to die one way or another. brian: when did you know, what year? michael: 1993. quite a while ago. brian: what was your reaction?
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michael: i was in distress. i was very upset for a few days. since then, i have accommodated to it. it is not the worst thing in the world. brian: whose idea was it to do this book? it is a small book. only 161 pages. by the way, it is only $18. michael: it is only $9.99 on amazon. i wrote a piece in the "new yorker" that is partly from this book and everybody said, "you ought to do a book." as a journalist you think, "i have a story, i ought to tell it." so, i resisted for quite a while. ultimately, i gave in. brian: what is the story about the swimming pool?
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and the 90-year-old man? michael: i was living in los angeles in an apartment complex that had this swimming pool and i used to swim very early, and there was this old man swimming at the same time, like 5:00. he says, "i used to be a judge." no, first he says, "i am 90-years-old," as if that was in itself praiseworthy. i played along and said, "that's wonderful. you should be very proud." then he says, "i used to be a judge." i thought, "why is he telling me this?" and i started to get
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resentful. so what if he is 90? then, as his reaction slowly became more and more puzzling -- he -- he -- that hewas convinced had come to believe that being a judge was a wonderful thing and -- brian: you wrote about it? didn't you? wasn't it in the new yorker originally? michael: yes. i thought the whole thing was very touching. it seemed to me that he was losing it, you know? but he did not think so.
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i don't know. it just struck me as touching. brian: you got in a little bit of trouble, though. you wrote about it, and -- michael: yes. his son wrote that he always thought you should be kind to your neighbors, or something like that. brian: he had died soon after? michael: yes. he must've died about two weeks after this incident. i felt bad, but not all that bad. brian: michael kinsley, go over the details. so that folks that maybe have not seen you for wild know the background. your hometown? michael: detroit. brian: you went to college where? what did you study there? michael: harvard, economics.
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brian: then where? michael: then i went to oxford and studied more economics, although not very hard. then i came back to washington and got a job at the "new republic." oh, then i went to law school and i never used that. at harvard. then i came to work at the "new republic," and i was doing that for almost 20 years. then i went out to seattle and worked for microsoft, creating "slate." brian: for somebody who has not seen slate, what is it? michael: it was the first what we now call "online magazine." although, that is considered an old-fashioned term. it was owned by microsoft. microsoft sold to "the washington post," then "the washington post" sold itself to jeff bezos, the owner of amazon.
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but it did not sell the "new republic" -- i mean, slate. so, slate is now owned by graham holdings, the family holdings of the graham family. which used to own the "the washington post." brian: in 1984 -- your parkinson's came in what year? michael: 1993. you are talking about the new republic. [begin video clip] >> how would you categorize the "new republic"? >> it has been, almost since its founding, the premier political journal of the last -- and it -- political journal of the left. and it has been on different parts of the left over the course of its life. it was very pro-soviet in the 1930's appeared in the 1960's it was connected with the new frontier, kennedy. then it became very anti-war. it is now regarded as left of
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center but not far. [end video clip] brian: does that make you left of center? michael: maybe i look a lot older. i consider myself left of center. -- but notl left extreme left. a lot of people deny that. me ofof people accuse being a right-wing are in disguise. right-uighur -- a right-winger in disguise. brian: why? michael: i was skeptical of the idea that edward snowden could have the right to publish anything he wanted of government secrets. it seems to me that the
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government at some point has to have the last word. and that was a very unpopular position. and i have always been a debt hawk. i think the accumulated debt of the government has to be paid off. that is going to be very difficult. i take the pete peterson view. not terribly original, but i think it is true. the official left position is, where is this inflation you have been talking about? it does not exist. that also has not contributed to my popularity. brian: how much have you thought about death? michael: i do not obsess over it. i haven't thought about it that much, except to write a book.
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brian: when you first got parkinson's, did you start thinking about it at that point? michael: i certainly thought, this is not good news, which it wasn't. but i did not think that i would be on c-span 23 years later. i have been very lucky in that sense. i have, apparently, a slow-moving case and they say you can extrapolate with parkinson's. it is not like multiple sclerosis or some of the other neurological diseases where you have recurrent crises which move the disease along. parkinson's, you can just extrapolate on a straight line and however much worse you are
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getting, you are going to keep on getting that much more worse, and i seem to be moving slowly. brian: i would you explain the way you go about your daily life today compared to 23 years ago? when you just started to -- michael: i do not have a full-time job. although, i do have a job and i still write. i write a monthly column for vanity fair. i hope nobody from vanity fair is watching. it is a lot easier than writing a weekly column. brian: so it is a monthly column for vanity fair. and over the years, you did how many years of crossfire on cnn? michael: oh, about 300 -- it was six or seven. brian: what did you think of that? michael: well, i had had enough. i am glad i did it, but 6.5 years was enough.
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brian: why? michael: the people who accuse crossfire of being a shouting match, originating what now dominates talk radio and television, i think are being ridiculous. i do not think that is true. inhink "crossfire" was education for people. i do not think we needed to be apologetic, but after six years, it got a little tiresome. brian: a couple of years ago, somebody you know pretty well was here doing "q&a." this is only about 20 seconds. i want you to explain how this fits into your life. [begin video clip] >> every morning at breakfast, the conversations we had going through the papers as we did for
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so many years is just a great delight. he helps me be wiser in smarter every day. [end video clip] michael: who was that woman? [laughter] i have breakfast with her every morning, i never thought to ask. that is my wife. she was on the committee that hired me at microsoft. over 20 years ago. brian: i might as well ask, what is the best thing about being married to her? michael: oh, gosh. where to start? i better not answer them. everything about being married to patty is wonderful. played,hat role has she and you have been married since 2002. what role has she played since your parkinson's has regressed?
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michael: she is good at making sure i behave myself and take my pills, exercise and all of that stuff. and of course, it is very nice to have someone nice to complain to when things are getting bad and so on in so forth. brian: if you have had a bad day, what happens? michael: -- brian: what is the difference between a normal day and a bad day? michael: only there may be something i cannot do. although, there are very few of those. i have stopped driving at patty's insistence. that is the hardest thing to accommodate. brian: you talk about that as it relates to other people as they have to stop. what is the impact you have found it has on people? michael: especially men more
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than women, although i think both genders -- it is not just an inconvenience. there is a sense of freedom about having a car and being able to go wherever you want to go. that is hard to give up. brian: you talk about losing your edge. you were worried more about that than almost anything. what does that mean? michael: this is what a neurologist told me after i was diagnosed. i suddenly, two or three weeks after, it occurred to me, i wonder if this is going to affect my brain? of course, parkinson's is a brain disease so that was a nonsensical question, but i really meant, obviously, was thinking -- is it going to affect my thinking?
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and thinking is how i earn a living so that became pretty important. neurologist,his what is going to happen? and he said it -- he was trying to tell me it was not such a big deal. he said, you may lose your edge, as if that was nothing. and i thought, gee, my edge is how i earn a living. it is why i have my friends, maybe my wife. she might not enjoy reading the papers so much at breakfast. brian: what is your edge? do you still have it? michael: other people have to judge whether i have my edge. i think i have lost very little of it, if any.
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by, people do. most people lose a little something. of people with parkinson's, over the years, lose a lot of something. so -- i don't know. i cannot tell. just about as sharp and edge as always. brian: in 2007, you were sitting with another person that was well known, and i'm going to run it in a second. but before i do, you quote a woman in the book that has multiple sclerosis saying, we all pray for somebody famous to get our disease. why did you use that quote? michael: i thought it was very telling about, i think, our sword of -- sort of crazy system of approving drugs and other
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medical procedures. i thought that illustrated the point rather well, that it is a competition between different drugs to get fda approval, to get invented in the first place. brian: let's watch. [begin video clip] >> we have both taken our pills, and if there is any shaking going on, it might be parkinson's. it also might be the fact that the capital hotel had no water this morning and it was very cold. [laughter] >> if we have good chemistry, it brings it to a whole new level. [end video clip] michael: that was obviously michael j fox. who is really famous. he has had parkinson's -- he was
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diagnosed when he turned 30. i was in my 40's. he really had a bad luck there. he has been a hero of parkinson's. he is the founder of the michael j. fox foundation which last week merged with the main parkinson's foundation from before he was diagnosed -- i don't have the details, i just read a press release. basically, the michael j. fox foundation has taken over the field. brian: you used humor there, and the introduction is written by michael lewis, who said he got his first job from you. that you introduced him to the reading world. but he also says you have a great sense of humor. i must say, it is funny. how hard is that?
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michael: i thought you were going to say, i don't know where michael lewis got that idea. [laughter] brian: how much of a risk is a use of humor, that people out there with parkinson's disease might be offended by it? michael: in my experience, people are ready to be offended by anything. in a way, although many people have parkinson's much more severely than me, i still feel like i have a license to make a joke i might not otherwise make because i've got the disease that i am making fun of. brian: you have always had a sense of humor, though. over the years, has it ever got you in trouble? michael: yes. you are going to want to an example. a example ofs not your sense of humor but, the
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gaffe thing you are responsible for? michael: a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. it was when gary hart was one president, 1984. brian: anybody offended by that? michael: not that they have ever said. gary are probably was not too pleased. if he ever sign it. hold today?it still michael: somebody wrote in huffington post last week saying, it is no longer true that a gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. he had a theory i could not quite follow that maybe 20 years ago, i could. brian: you have a habit in your columns of quoting arianna huffington. is that something you have developed on purpose? michael: i was writing one of my
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first columns for vanity fair. a couple years ago. i put in this obviously fake quote from her, just for the heck of it. the editor of vanity fair loved it and said, i want one in there every month. so, every month, i somehow stick a phony quote from arianna huffington. brian: calling somebody darling. did she react? michael: i have not spoken to her or seen her for a couple of years. i hope she knows that it is all in fun. i'm a great admirer of hers. i think huffington post solved several problems that online content was facing. you've got to hand it to her.
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i don't know if you need to hand her $305 million, but she needs -- or whatever it is she got. but you've got to hand it to her. brian: she sold it. we are going to get into the deep brain surgery. tell us when you decided to do this? and what was it? michael: it is a washington story. i have friends who were very close, they were all officials of the carter administration.
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jerry kept trying to force on me this memo about this operation, which his friend was doing, very experimental at that point. i did not pay any attention. finally, he persuaded me to read it. and hamilton and i got to know each other that way, because i had not been very nice to him in office. brian: he was chief of staff to carter? michael: yeah. it is in operation where they put to essentially the same thing as -- brian: a pacemaker? michael: a heart pacemaker, these are called sometimes for short brain pacemakers. they send little shots of
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electricity into whatever part of the brain they think will help. the operation lasted nine hours of these brain 2 pacemakers. brian: where? michael: i can show you. i won't. brian: on your chest? michael: yes. there's one here, one here. that is where the batteries are. they run up your neck and a end up in your brain. and they curb the effects of parkinson's. curb, not cure. supposedly, they push the disease back by about five years. which is a good number. brian: let's watch your doctor explain some of this. where is he located?
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michael: he was at the cleveland clinic. last i heard, he was at ohio state medical school. ryan: here he is in 2010 talking about this procedure. [begin video clip] >> it is basically a brain pacemaker. it is a tiny wire that gets implanted into the brain, with four contacts which send calming electrical signals to calm the anxiety in the brain. this has a microchip inside, a battery that sends electrical signals up to your head to these wires and thereby improves the electrical chaos in the brain. [end video clip] brian: you had this done in what year? 2006? that is what i read.
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what happened to you once that's nine-hour operation was over? michael: it was amazing. when you come out of the operation, all the symptoms of parkinson's are gone. as he said, it is as if you do not have it. that is peculiar because they have not turned it on yet. but even so, it is like you never had it. and is because the process of installing the pacemaker rubs against -- i'm sure this is an amateur way to put it -- it rubs against your brain and has the same effect as if they turn it on. the electricity. but over the next few weeks, the returned to where they were before. but then you go back in a flip
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the switch and immediately, like within a few seconds, you start to see the benefits, dramatically. brian: over the years, how often do they change batteries? michael i have had the batteries changed twice. brian: they have to open you up? michael: it's a simple operation which takes 45 minutes. it is getting it into the brain that is the tough part. simply putting pacemakers in your chest is very easy. apparently. brian: as i told you before, a fellow that has been here for over 25 years, our leading history producer and has produced a lot of documentaries on the capital of the white house and places like that, his
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father worked for nbc and had parkinson's, had the surgery. mark and his brother danny had cameras in there during the operation and they made a documentary out of it. but he didnger live, not die of parkinson's, he died of cancer about two years after he had this operation. let's watch this. you might remember the scene. [begin video clip] [drumming] >> testing, testing. i am anxious to get on with it. [guitar strumming] >> so we can see right here, these are the tips of the electrodes, entering through two >> easy for you to say. [laughter]
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correct you may feel pressure. that will be temporary. >> i look in your eyes and i am filled with confidence. [laughter] ♪ >> this will be on for the rest of the day, right? >> rest of the day. brian: he had quite a sense of humor. what's it like? where x it is very odd because they screw your head to the board, to the operating table. and you can't really move it. of selfuires a lot calming. i recognize all those little test with a make you take the
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tiny little circular thing and put it in a different little circular thing. brian: you write in here a lot about the testing process. there's no reason to test you, really, except for the fact that i was going to write this piece. i decided i would use myself as a guinea pig. and i took a cognitive test. what we saw here was a test for the physical effects of parkinson's. and the tests i took were all for the cognitive effect. brian: what kind of a tested they give you? i don't think you liked it. michael: no. it lasted about five hours. one time, i took it. the physical side of parkinson's, they have a very and they have a
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-- they have a rating system. clear, thel very extent to which they have what level you are at, in terms of the symptoms, the physical symptoms. the cognitive symptoms, every test is different. -- they use take differentest but for -- i've done it about four or five times and they are different each time. we have more video of that particular operation. let's see if you remember this part of it. [video clip] this is the part, ray, where
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>> yep. [end video clip] michael: first of all, i don't remember it very clearly. the second of all, he is right, there are dime sized holes. i do not realize that until before the operation. i was expecting something like this. a dime is big, you know? it doesn't really matter. brian: he recommended that -- what was your reaction after having this? michael: the operation? absolutely. at that time, they discouraged you from taking it. they said, except as a last resort. i insisted that i wanted it anyway. and they gave it to me. they do it much sooner in the course of the disease, because they figure, why shouldn't you
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have some more good years? brian: and how long did it take you to recover, get up, walk around? michael: i was walking around the next day. to completely recover took close to one year, because you have to go in to adjust the electrodes. the electric-whatevers, because they have different effects. if they give you too much juice, you are all over the line again. if they don't give you enough, you're not getting the effect. i went back there every three months for one year. in the adjusted it. brian: you said this is not a
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book about parkinson's. i want to get to some of the other things that you talk about. who should read this? michael: everybody! brian: who, really? michael: it is ostensibly aimed at boomers who are just reaching the point where they are going to be getting parkinson's and other things in larger numbers. parkinson's is the disease of old people in most people who get it are old, in their 70's or 80's or later. brian: how would you characterize a boomer? michael: you don't have to
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characterize them. a boomer is somebody born between 1946, when all the soldiers came home from world war ii and could get to work the family, and 1964, which i guess was just chosen arbitrarily. a boomer is somebody who was born in that framework. brian: how would you characterize their attitude? michael: i tried to make the case that boomers are known for and deserve to be known for maybe excessive competitiveness. brian: is that true? i mean, have you felt competitive in your life? michael: yes, i think so. i am not competitive for fancy sports cars and stuff like that, which boomers are associated with. but i am competitive.
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brian: the longest word in the book is -- i'm having a hard time -- immortaphilosophic? michael: that might be a typo. brian: what were you getting at with larry ellison? michael: larry ellison and a few others want to stay alive for ever and i say, it would be more efficient if all they want to do is extend their lifetime to get in on what bill gates spends his money on, curing malaria and things like that, because you were going to spend more person -- save more person-years that way. brian: what do you say in your
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book about what is important in life? michael: well, i go through the list. the premise is, you don't have to be a saint, you just have to be a reasonable person. you start off with wanting consumer goods, the fancy car, the nice house, and then you start to think about that and you think, what is that going to get you really? what really counts is cognition. you've got to retain your marbles if you are going to enjoy this stuff.
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then you think, well, what really, really counts is reputation, because you are going to be dead longer anywhere alive -- longer than you were alive. your afterlife reputation is going to be more important in the long run than cognition. i am missing one. brian: i have video of a man he talked about in the book, a columnist based at the washington post. before we show the video, why did you use joseph as an example? michael: because joseph, when i came to washington in the late 1970's, he was in his mid-70's -- he was a big deal. he was the guy you aspired to be. jim fallows, a well-known
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journalist today, wrote a piece about an, about how he represented the monarchy of washington journalists. and yet, you can walk through the washington post newsroom today and ask people, who is joseph kraft? and it would have no idea. brian: let's look at what joseph kraft looked like. [begin video clip] >> i would like to ask you, as you look ahead in the next four years, what sacrifices are you going to call on the american people to make? what price will you ask them today to realize your objectives? if you felt that it was
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appropriate to answer that question in your comments as to what price they would be appropriate for the american people to pay for a carter administration, i think that would be proper. [end video clip] brian: he was only 62 when he died. why was he such a big deal? michael: beats me. he was very good at articulating -- well, that sounds mean -- conventional wisdom. there are few journalists at any given time who have the reputation. and he was one of them back then. he was like tom friedman or someone of that ilk, that level, only moreso, because there are
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more outlets, more reputation you have to spread around. brian: in your book, we were talking earlier about still having your marbles, you write that the rules of competitive cognition are simple, the winners are whoever dies with more of their marbles. " he was 102 years old when he was accidentally shot by a neighbor and except for his habit of breaking into nearby homes and stealing booze, he was still sharp as a tack." michael: that is sort of what you want. you want to be thought of as sharp as a tack. you are a couple things you have
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to explain away. brian: you say death before dementia is your rallying cry. then you give this statistic that there are 79 million boomers, 28 million are expected to develop alzheimer's or some form of dementia? michael: i got that from the alzheimer's association for some reputable source. it is true, as far as i can tell, unless a cure comes along or something like a cure. brian: two people who have parkinson's usually get alzheimer's, to? michael: no. they are two different diseases. but, people with parkinson's have a much higher chance of getting parkinson's dementia. brian: robert mcnamara. your story.
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former secretary of defense -- michael: he is only in the book because i ran into him on an airplane and robert mcnamara was the secretary of defense under jfk and lbj and he, in my view, was responsible for the vietnam war. i found myself sitting next to him on an airplane and i asked where he was going. he was going to denver to meet his girlfriend. he must have been in his 80's. and they were going to go cross-country skiing from aspen to vail or something. and he obviously had led quite a wonderful life after he did this damage, in my view, in their view of many who know a lot more than he.
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brian: he lived to be 93. michael: 93 -- that's even better. brian: did you talk to him? michael: not about anything important. i guess i was a little afraid. but, he had led this really nice life. if everyone can live until 93 in be cross-country skiing with their girlfriend at that age, or boyfriend, that would be pretty nice. and so, i use him as an example of what most boomers will not get. brian: the last chapter was kind of surprising because it is the only place in your book that it is really political.
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the name of the last chapter is "the least we can do." why did you decide to do it? what is it about? michael: it is a pet peeve of mine that whenever people start to think in these general terms about generations and what they mean, you are always bumping up against the greatest generation, tom brokaw's term for the world war ii generation. the question is, what can boomers do that will equal that? the answer many people come up with is a national service program, where you don't -- they don't need you in the army but you can be put to work teaching or something. i think that is a horrible idea.
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but people think it is a great idea and it was about boomers, so i just put the chapter in there. brian: how do you think we can get out of this $19 trillion debt? how can boomers impact that? michael: i think boomers can put up with a tax increase. it is not very romantic, i mean, we could afford to make a sacrifice of paying our taxes, wiping out the debt, and then spending the money that needs to be spent on the infrastructure, on schools. i mean, what's happening in schools is terrible. most people agree, the most people are not prepared to say
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"i personally will fork out 'x' billion dollars, but i prepared to pay more until it hurts to solve these problems." it's a very unpopular idea and it is going nowhere. brian: you say infrastructure risks automatically classify you as a bore? michael: well, i've done it. brian: you consider yourself a bore? michael: infrastructure is pretty boring, but whenever i go to new york, you get out at penn station and it is shocking how seedy it is. country, then might be the first thing they see. i think that is terrible. brian: you talk about stines
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law. anything they can't go on, want it and americans piling up of debt in bad times cannot go on. michael: i think that is true. brian: do you find anybody who believes that a can or can't go on? michael: most people on the left think that it can go on. i took a lot of heat about a year ago for arguing in a couple of pieces that it can't. so far, we have not had to pay the cost to itself are, i am completely wrong, but i think in the long run, and a take no joy in seeing so, i am right. brian: what is buck raking?
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michael: it is a term invented by the now-head of slate. it is journalists taking money for giving speeches, innocence. -- in essence. brian: and you decided to do some backbreaking after you got alzheimer's -- i'm sorry, parkinson's? michael: i had always refused to do it. not because i think it is so terrible -- i think it is fine. there is a tradition of mark twain did it. it is one of the ways journalists and writers can support themselves. it is a little icky and so i did not want to get involved and i did not need the money. but then i got parkinson's and i
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thought, maybe i do need the money. so for a year or so, i did it. brian: you still do it? michael: no. i don't get asked anymore because people know i have parkinson's and they think i am sitting in a wheelchair somewhere. but i turned down the few offers that i get. brian: and you walked in here normally today. michael: i just have this squinting thing going on at the moment. brian: is the new? michael: three or four years. brian: is there any way to deal with that? michael: probably, but i didn't realize that having a chronic disease would be so time-consuming. that is one of the big surprises, you know? you have to take all of your
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pills at a certain time and you want to see this specialist and take up boxing and -- it is time-consuming. brian: would you get the idea of doing boxing? michael: i have only been doing it for about a month, but i got the idea from watching 60 minutes. leslie is married to the guy, a very good novelist who has parkinson's. you see aaron shuffling along, and then you see him boxing quite loosely. i thought, wow. the next day i was walking down the street and i see somebody putting up a better -- banner that says, urban boxing, grand opening and i thought, that must be a sign. brian: how is it working?
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michael: my wife thinks it is working very well. that is all i need. brian: how long do you box? michael: you don't really box because that would be terrifying. brian: you just hit the bag? michael: at this place, there is a guy there who wears these mitts designed to be hit. he is good enough that he is not going to be injured. and then i wear regular mitts and pretend i can know what i'm doing. brian: you told a story in your book about the fact that you were offered the editorship of the new yorker magazine, in the impact of when the owner found a you have parkinson's. explain that story.
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michael: gosh it well, yes. tina brown had quit and they were looking for a new editor. i went up to new york, they offered me the job. brian: what year was this? michael: this is 1996 or 1997. i said, i have to check back with microsoft, because i promised them i would. brian: you were at microsoft? michael: yes, i had started slate. we had dinner. a very warm family. on the way back -- i said i will talk to in the morning, but when
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i come back to my hotel, he called and said, i don't think this is going to work in which withdrew it. over the years, i have thought about this a lot, and i don't think -- and i believe him -- i told him i have parkinson's and he said it didn't matter and i believed him. but i also believe that he wouldn't have offered it to me if he had known from the very beginning. brian: why did he withdraw? michael: i think it is because he really wanted david remnick, a guy who is in a very good job with. i put on a pretty good show for him. for the moment, he was swayed with any decided he wanted to -- swayed. but then he decided he wanted to stick with his first love.
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brian: you are how old? michael: 65. brian: how long do you expect to live? michael: supposedly parkinson's doesn't affect your lifestyle -- lifespan, no. they say in the obituaries that somebody died after a long illness or of the side effects of parkinson's or something. i expect to live -- well, i hope a normal lifespan. which according to the statistics i think would be 15 more years. brian: one last question.
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what do you notice the most of people's reactions to the difficulty that you have with this disease? michael: it is their sympathy, really, which i am grateful for, although i could live without a lot of the time. people are basically very nice. brian: the book is called "old age: a beginners guide." forward by michael lewis. our guest has been michael kinsley. it is about facing the end of life. thank you so much for being with us. michael: thank you, brian. announcer: for transcripts or comments, visit us at q& programs are also available as podcasts.
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holding hearings to possibly -- and john cosco nan, on his efforts to eliminate abuse in the tax system. also william klein will talk about the recent release of the list of the top countries that hold u.s. debt, including saudi arabia. be sure to watch c-span " washington journal" monday morning. join the discussion. announcer: queen elizabeth ii traveled from buckingham to parliament for the state opening of the british parliament on wednesday. she delivered a speech written by the government that outlines the priorities for the coming year. bbc parliament then you wouldn't hosted theritain
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