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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  May 27, 2016 10:00am-12:01pm EDT

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and the defense secretary is doing a commencement. lots going on. the libertarian convention is this weekend and c-span will be live with that as well. stick with us and have a good holiday. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speakers rooms washington d.c. may 27, 2016. i here by appoint representative rib ell to act as speaker pro tempore pore, signed paul d. ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy.
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chaplain conroy: let us pray, loving god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. you have kept your could haven ant with every generation in a world shattered by the many infidelities of frail humanity, grant us faith in your enduring love and patience with us. confirm the members of the people's house in your power as they meet with their constituents in the coming week. help them to accomplish the tasks you set before them. since you have called them to serve this great nation, grant them the gifts to discern your holy will and deeds of justice and integrity, today and every day of their service. may all that is done this day be for your greater honor and
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glory, amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will lead the house in the pledge -- pursuant to section 4-a of house 744, the journal of the last day's proceedings is approved. the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable, the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2-h of rule 2 of the rules of the u.s. house of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on may 27, 2016 at 9:22 a.m., that the senate passed without amendment h.r. 136, h.r. 1132,
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h.r. 2458, h.r. 2928, h.r. 3082, h.r. 3755,h.r. 3601, 4605,866, h.r. 4046, h.r. h.r. 433, that the senate passed senate 2465, senate, 2891, senate 1402, appointments, american folk life senter of the library of congress, signed sincerely, karen l. haas. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house an enrolled bill. he clerk: senate 184 an act to amend the indian prevention act to require background checks before foster care placements are ordered in tribal court
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proceedings and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable, the speaker, house of representatives, sir, on march 25, 2016, pursuant to section 3307 of title 40 united states code the committee on transportation and infrastructure met in open session to consider 23 resolution including in the general services administration's capital investment and leasing program. the committee continues to work to reduce the cost of federal property and leases. the 23 resolutions include 16 alteration projects, one building design and two leases. the projects authorized have either already been funded or are consistent with the previous funding level. in total these resolutions $195 million in costs and offsets. i have enclosed copies of the
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esolution on may 25, 2016. signed sincerely, bill shuster, chairman. the speaker pro tempore: referred to the committee of appropriations. pursuant to section 4-b of house regulars 744, the house stands adjourned until 1 p.m., the national oceanic and atmospheric administration will release the forecast. you can see that news conference live at 11:30 a.m. eastern on c-span. donald trump secure
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the necessary number of delegates to clinch the gop nomination. this afternoon, we will have more from mr. trump drink as rally in california, set to hold its primary, june 7. you can watch those comments today at 5:00 eastern. earlier, president obama became the first u.s. president to visit hiroshima, japan, nearly 71 years after the first atomic tom was dropped. -- the first atomic bomb was dropped. you can see that event tonight starting at 8:00 eastern on c-span. >> in addition to the graduating god's planet, i wish you to graduate into a light , and love. we do not live in a fairytale. but i guess the one person does. >> watch commencement speeches
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in their entirety offering advice and encouragement to the graduating class of 2016. from business leaders like michael towel at pepperdine university, founder of oracle at the university of southern california, and the administrator of a small business administration at whittier college. yourself. count on what makes you special? what does -- what distinguishes you from others? senator barbara boxer at the university of california, berkeley and governor mike pence. >> to be strong to be courageous and to learn to stand for who you are and what you believe. >> and white house officials,
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vice president joe biden at the university of notre dame, attorney general at loretta lynch at spelman college, and president barack obama at rutgers university. >> is it any wonder that i am optimistic? throughout our history, a new generation of americans has been to be arc of history in the direction of more freedom and more opportunity and more justice. is your turn now to shape our nation hostage -- shape our nation's destiny. >> commencement speeches, this memorial day on c-span. c-span "road to the white house" coverage with bernie sanders's campaign rally in california. he spoke to voters in ventura for 40 minutes. [cheers and applause]
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with the energies i have seen here in a lower the state of california, all over america, no question in my mind that our grassroots activism will win the general election. [cheers and applause] but let me tell you in order to , defeat trump in the general election, we've got to win the democratic nomination first. [cheers and applause] and i feel increasingly confident that here in california we are going to win and win big on june 7. [cheers and applause] and the reason for that is we are doing something that to the
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best of my knowledge has never been done in california political history. we are holding rallies just like this up and down this state. [cheers and applause] and by the end of this campaign here in california i am , confident that we will have permanently met and spoken to over 200,000 californians. [cheers and applause] this is a grassroots campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people. [cheers and applause] and the reason we are going to win here in california and the , reason we're going to win a general election is the american people understand that given the
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crises facing our country, it is just too late for establishment politics or accomplishment economics. [cheers and applause] what the american people understand is that we have got to bring forth a political revolution. [cheers and applause] we have got to redefine what politics means in america. we need people from coast to coast standing up, fighting back and demanding a government that , represents all of us, not just the 1%. [cheers and applause] this campaign is going to win because we are doing something rather unusual in american
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politics -- we are telling the truth. [cheers and applause] and here is the truth -- that in our great nation today we have a finance system, which is undermining american democracy. what democracy is supposed to be about as everyone here knows is one person, one vote. you get a vote. and you get a vote. and you get a vote. [cheers and applause] democracy is not supposed to be about billionaires and super pacs buying elections.
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if we get elected, and i'm increasingly confident that we will -- [cheers and applause] we are going to overturn this disastrous supreme court ruling on on citizens united. [cheers and applause] this campaign is going to win because we are telling the truth in the sense that today we have a rigged economy. [cheers and applause] and what a rigged economy is is that for 30 years, the middle-class of this country has been shrinking, shrinking, shrinking and almost all new income and wealth today is going to the top 1%.
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[jeers] what a rigged economy is about is the top .10 of 1% owning almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. the rigged economy is when the 20 wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million americans, half of our people. a rigged economy is when one family, the walton family of walmart, owns more wealth than the bottom 42% of the american people. anybody here work at a wal-mart? ok. we got a few. and here's what's interesting about wal-mart.
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walmart owned by the wealthiest , family in america, pays wages that are so low that many of the people that work there have got to go on food stamps and medicaid. who pays for those food stamps and medicaid? that's right. working families of this country pay higher taxes in order to subsidy the wages paid by the wealthiest family in america. that is absurd. [applause] so, i say to the walton family, get off of welfare, pay your workers a living wage. [cheers and applause] but it is not just a corrupt but it is not just a corrupt line of finance system. it's not just the rigged campaign system. here in california, my state of
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vermont, people are working two or three jobs. mom is working 40 hours. dad is working 40 hours. kids are working 40 hours. and at the end of all of that, 58% of all new income goes to the top 1%. you ready for a radical idea? [cheers and applause] together, we are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. [cheers and applause] but it's not just the corrupt campaign finance system that we have to change. it's not just the rigged economy. it is also a broken criminal justice system. [cheers and applause] every american should be embarrassed by the fact that we have more people in jail than
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any other country on earth. we are spending $80 billion a year to lock up 2.2 million people disproportionately african-american, latino and , native americans. our job is to understand why that is occurring, and to change it. and my promise to you is that at the end of my first term as president we will not have more , people in jail than any other country. [cheers and applause] and one of the reasons that we have so many people in jail is that across this country, in inner cities, in
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african-american and latino areas weoods, in rural , have unemployment rates of 30%, 40%, 50%. kids get out of high school. there are no jobs for them. and when kids hang out with no jobs, that things can happen. and that is why i believe that we should be investing for our kids in jobs and education. [cheers and applause] not in jails or incarceration. [cheers and applause] we should not forget that it costs more money to lock somebody up than to send them to the university of california. [cheers and applause] and when we talk about reforming
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a broken criminal justice system, we've got to take a look at local police departments all across this country. no, i was a mayor in burlington, vermont for eight years. and i worked closely with the police officers there. and i worked with police officers all over this country. and the overwhelming majority of police officers are honest, hard working and have a very , difficult job to do. [cheers and applause] but like any other public official, when a police officer breaks the law, that officer must be held accountable. [cheers and applause] we have got to demilitarize local police departments. [cheers and applause] i do not want local police
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departments to be looking like occupying armies intimidating in , their community. [cheers and applause] we have got to make local police departments reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. [cheers and applause] we have got to and corporate ownership -- we have got to end corporate ownership of prisons and detention centers. [cheers and applause] we have got to change more -- we have got to change law enforcement culture in this country so that the use of lethal force, shooting somebody is the last response not the first response. [cheers and applause] we have got to rethink the so-called "war on drugs.
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" [cheers and applause] out, not widely known, but true -- turns out over the last 30 years, millions of americans have received police records because of possession of marijuana. and i want you to think abe. you're a 19-year-old kid. you have a police record. your employer ask you, hey, young man, you ever have a police record? well, yes, sir, i did. well, i got somebody else interested in the job. a lot of lives have been ruined because of possession of marijuana. and in addition to that, it turns out that this becomes a racial issue because studies indicate that blacks and whites do marijuana at about equal rates.
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well, i don't know if i would but it's a fact. but -- but guess what it also turns out, blacks are more likely than whites to be arrested for doing marijuana. [jeers] so, what do we do? this is what i think we do. number one, we understand that today, the federal -- federal controlled substance act lifts marijuana as a schedule one drug. the highest level. [jeers] right next to heroin. [jeers] now people can argue the pluses and minuses of marijuana. but no sane person believes that marijuana is equivalent to what killer drugs like heroin. and that is why if elected president, we will take
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marijuana out of the federal control substance act. [cheers and applause] marijuana -- possession of marijuana should not be a federal crime. but as of you know the decision to legalize marijuana is a state issue, not a federal issue. four states in this country, plus washington d.c., have voted to legalize marijuana. as some of you may know, there will be an item on the ballot here in california in november, calling for legalization. [cheers and applause] i don't appear here in california, but if i did, i would vote for cap that proposition. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "bernie"]
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but while we're on the issue of , drugs, let me just say this and i think all of you know this. right now in my state, in new england and i believe all over this country, we are looking at a horrific epidemic of opiate and heroin addiction. it is terrible. >> and what we are seeing every single day is people are overdosing on opiates or heroin , and they are dying. this is an issue that must be dealt with. but it must be dealt with intelligently. and in my view, the best way to address that issue is to understand that substance abuse , and addiction should not be treated as a criminal issue. it should be treated as a
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health-related issue. [cheers and applause] and that means we need a revolution in this country and how we do mental health treatment. [cheers and applause] right now, there are people who are addicted, who are strung out, who would like to get help, but there is no treatment available for them that they can afford. that, what isn to true, although it is very scary, that although walking the streets of america today, right now, you have many thousands of people who are suicidal and some are homicidal. and we all know about the terrible mass shootings that we have seen. in my view, what our approach should be is the same for anybody in america in mental
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health crisis. you can get the treatment you need today, not six months from now. [cheers and applause] this campaign is listening to working people. and what working people are telling me is they can't make it on $9, $10, or $11 an hour. which is why in my view, we are going to raise the minimum wage $15 and hourage -- 5 an hour. [cheers and applause] and when we talk about those equitable wage, every man will stand with the women in opposition that today women are
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making $.79 on the dollar compared to men. will fight, and we will bring about pay equity for women. equal pay for equal work. [cheers and applause] this campaign is also listening to women who are hearing republicans all over this country. donald trump and the others, who are touting "family values." and you know all know what they mean by family values. what they mean is that no woman in ventura, no woman in california, no woman in america should have the right to control her own body. we disagree! [cheers and applause] and by the way, when republicans talk about family values, what
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they are also saying to our gay brothers and sisters that they should not have the right to get married. we disagree! [cheers and applause] this campaign is not listening to wealthy campaign contributors and their needs. we are listening to young people and their needs. [cheers and applause] and young people are asking me a very simple, but important question, how is it that when they do exactly the right thing, when they go out and get the best education that they can, which is what we want all americans to be able to do, why is it up that they are ending up
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$30,000, $50,000, $70,000 in debt? now, i grew up in a family that did not have a lot of money. my parents never went to college. but what i want to see in this country is that every child who studies hard, every child who takes school seriously and does well, i want to see that child be able to go to college, regardless of the income of his or her family. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "bernie"] no, here's the truth. 40, 50 years ago, people went out. they got a high school degree. and if you had a high school degree 40 or 50 years ago, you know what? good chance you'll be able to go out and get a decent job and
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make it into the middle-class. but the world, the economy, technology have changed over the last 40 years. and today, in many respects, a college degree is equivalent to what a high school degree was 30 years ago. -- 40 years ago. and that is why i believe that today when we talk about public education, it is not good enough to be talking about first grade through 12th grade. we must be talking about making public colleges, and universities tuition-free. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "bernie"] now does anybody here honestly think that making colleges and universities tuition-free is a radical idea? it really is not.
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our world has changed. our educational system has got to change as well. by the way, in countries like germany and scandinavia, college today is free. [cheers and applause] they are smart enough to invest and smart enough to know that , investing in their young people is investing in the future of their country. it's a lesson we should learn. [cheers and applause] how many people here are dealing with student debt? raise your hand. whoa. ok. well, welcome to the club. we're talking about millions of people. how much? how much? 100. $120,000. how much? >> $220,000. sen. sanders: what i'm hearing
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is 100 $20,000, $200,000. think what this campaign is trying to do is to get people to think outside of the box. to think outside of the options, that corporate media often gives us. ask yourself a simple question. we are living in a competitive global economy. we need the best educated workforce in the world. why in god's name are we punishing people for getting an education? [cheers and applause] we should be rewarding them not punishing them. [cheers and applause] and that is why i believe that with regard to student debt, anybody who is holding that debt should be able to refinance their loans at the lowest interest rates they can find. [cheers and applause] and that will mean a very significant reduction in student debt in this country.
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and theopponents establishment they say well, , bernie, he's got white hair. he's given away all of this stuff, free tuition, reducing student debt. how are you going to pay for it, bernie? let me tell you exactly how we're going to pay for it. [applause] ago, after the greed, the recklessness, and the illegal behavior on wall street helped bring this country into the worst economic recession since the 1930's, congress, against my vote, bailed out wall street. well, today wall street is doing just fine. and i believe it is exactly appropriate to place a tax on wall street speculation.
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[cheers and applause] this country bailed out wall street. now, it is wall street's time to help the middle class of this country. than paytax would more to make public colleges and , andrsity's tuition free substantially lower student debt. this campaign is listening to people and communities whose voices and pain are not often heard. we are listening to the latino community. [cheers and applause] there are 11 million undocumented people in this country. many of them are living in the shadows and in fear. many of them who are at work
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right now are being exploited because when you have no legal rights, you can't stand up to a boss who exploits you and cheats you on the job. and that is why in my view, the time is long overdue for this country and this congress to -- for this country and for congress to pass comprehensive and immigration reform to pass -- comprehensive immigration law to pass citizenship. [cheers and applause] our immigration policy must be to unite families not divide them. [cheers and applause] and if elected president, i will end the current deportation policies. [cheers and applause] and if congress does not do its
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job, i will use all of the executive powers of the white house to do everything that i can. [cheers and applause] this campaign is listening to the african-american community. [cheers and applause] and what the african-american community is asking me absolutely correctly -- how does it happen that we could spend trillions of dollars on a war in iraq that we never should have gotten into, and yet supposedly we don't have the money to , rebuild our crumbling inner cities throughout this country. [applause] brothers and sisters, i have been all over this country in the last year. i was in flint, michigan where children were poisoned.
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water inf lead in the a water system, which was, to say the least totally , inadequate. i was in detroit, michigan where the school system, the public school system is on the verge of fiscal collapse. i was in baltimore, maryland where tens of thousands of people are addicted to heroin, and can't get the treatment they need to get off of heroine. view, instead of rebuilding communities in afghanistan, we should be rebuilding communities in the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> we love you, bernie! sen. sanders: this campaign is listening to a people who are in real pain but that pain is almost never heard.
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and that is -- that is the native american community. [cheers and applause] all of us know that the native american people were lied to. they were cheated. and treaties they negotiated throughout our history have been broken. the native american people have given us so much that we have a debt owed to them that we can never repay. [applause] and maybe the most important lesson that they have taught us, an incredibly profound lesson is that as human beings, we are part of nature. we must live with nature. [cheers and applause] and if we continue to destroy
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nature, what we are doing is ultimately destroying ourselves. [cheers and applause] but despite all that the nature -- but despite all that the the native american community nature poverty, and unemployment are sky high. healthcare and education is not of the quality it should be. if elected president, we will fundamentally change our way with the native american people. i am member of the u.s. senate committee on the environment. and let me tell you that i have listened and talked to scientists all over our country and all over the world. and they are virtually unanimous in telling us what people like
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donald trump and other republicans refuse to acknowledge -- and that is, climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and does the people of california already know, it is causing devastating problems in our country and around the world. [cheers and applause] and what the scientists also tell us, if we do not get our ask together now, a that situation will become much worse. more drought, more floods, more extreme weather disturbances. more acidfication of the ocean. more rising sea levels. we have a moral obligation as custodians of this planet. that is what we are. this is our planet. we are custodians of it. -- wet leave this planet
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must leave this planet and a way that is healthy, and habitable to our children, and to future generations. [cheers and applause] what this campaign is about is getting people to think outside of the box, outside of the quo -- outside of the status quo, and to ask some questions that you don't hear asked in congress, and you don't hear discussed much in the corporate media. and one important was it out is, how does it happen that in our great country, the wealthiest country in the history of the world -- how does it happen, that we are the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people? [cheers and applause] question. you all the
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how many people here today have no health insurance? raise your hand. wow. how many people here have high deductibles and high co-payments , in their insurance policy? all right. what you're seeing is a failed healthcare system. the affordable care act has done some good things, but it has not done enough. so, let me be very honest with you, and tell you what i have said many times, and it gets me criticize many times. but i'll say it again. and that is, in my view, healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege. [cheers and applause] i want every american to be able to go to the doctor when they need to go to the doctor. [cheers and applause]
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we are losing thousands of people every single year who by the time they get into a doctor's office, their situation has become terminal. that is unacceptable. further more, not only today do we have so many people uninsured, 29 million, and more underinsured every one of us is , getting ripped off by the unconscionable greed of the pharmaceutical industry. there are people in america dying and there are people getting much sicker than they should because they cannot afford the astronomical high prices that the drug industry is charging us today. it is crazy that one out of five americans cannot afford the medicine they need.
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and it is equally crazy that the top five drug companies last year made $50 billion in profit. if elected president, the drug companies will not continue ripping off the people of this country. [cheers and applause] brothers and sisters, everybody here knows that real change in america has never taken place from the top on down, but always from the bottom on up. [cheers and applause] you know, it's never about some guy up there saying you know, i , think it will be a good idea to do this or that. it always occurs throughout our history when people by the millions, standup, and fight back, and demand dignity. [cheers and applause]
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you all know that 100-plus years ago, many workers in america were working seven days a week. 12 hours a day. kids of 12 years of age were working in factories, losing their fingers because they were around machinery they should not have been around. and what working people say 100-plus years ago, they said we're not animals. we're not beasts or birds. we're human beings. we want dignity. we're going to form trade unions and negotiate fair contracts. [cheers and applause] 150 years ago, amidst the abomination of slavery and racism, african-americans and their allies looked at the future, and they stood up, and they fought back to end racism in america. and we'll never know. we will never know how many of
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these heroes and heroines were killed in that struggle, how many went to jail, how many were beaten, how many lost their jobs. but they had the courage to stand up, and to demand a ofntry, which rid itself racism and bigotry. [cheers and applause] people don't know this or have forgotten. 100 years ago, not a long time in human history, women in america did not have the right to vote, or to get the job, or education they wanted. what the establishment said to women, your job is to stay home and have babies. that's what you're supposed to do. but women said, you will not define us.
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we will define ourselves. [cheers and applause] and women and their male allies stood up, fought back, and said, women in america will not be second-class citizens. [cheers and applause] if you think -- not 100 years ago, think back 10 years ago, and if i were to tell you, or you would have told me 10 years ago, we were here, somebody jumps up and said you know what, bernie, i think gay marriage will be legal in every state in this country by the year 2015, the person next to her would have said you're crazy. there is too much bigotry, too much homophobia -- it will not happen. but the gay community and their straight allies stood up, fought back --
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[cheers and applause] and said loudly and proudly that in america, people should have the right to love whoever they wanted, regardless of their gender. [cheers and applause] if we were here five years ago, no time at all. and somebody would have jumped up and said bernie this $7.25 , federal minimum wage is ridiculous. we've got to raise it to 15 bucks an hour. the person next to him would have said 15 bucks an hour? ,you're dreaming. your to do radical -- you're too radical, you're an extremist. you're asking for too much. but three years ago, workers in the fast food industry in mcdonald's in burger king in wendy's, they went out on strike and they stood up and they told , america they cannot make it on
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starvation wages. they need $15 and hour. hour. and then a few years ago in seattle 15 bucks an hour, in san francisco, in los angeles, 15 bucks an hour. [cheers and applause] in california, new york state, 15 bucks in an hour -- 15 bucks an hour. what is my point? my point is that the establishment always wants you to believe that real change is impossible, that your dreams are so radical, they cannot be achieved and you've got to accept minor, minor changes at best. and what this campaign is about is rejecting that entire approach. [cheers and applause]
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no, my republican friends think we have to cut social security and benefits for veterans. no, we're not going to do that. we're going to increase social security and benefits for veterans. [cheers and applause] and what i am seeing all over this country, literally from coast to coast, from maine to california, is people are beginning to understand that something is fundamentally wrong. they are asking themselves, why is it that i am working longer hours for lower wages, and almost all new incoming wealth is going to the top 1%? why is it that we're seeing a proliferation of billionaires and yet half of the children in , america in public schools are on free or reduced lunches? why is it that kids are
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graduating school $90,000 or more in debt? why is it that women are making $.79 on the dollar compared to men? why is it that we are the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee paid, family and medical leave? , why are we the only country major country not to guarantee healthcare for all? why is our infrastructure -- our roads and our bridges collapsing at the same time as millions of people needing jobs? why are we firing teachers, when we need more teachers to better educate our children? [cheers and applause] why haven't we been more aggressive and taken over the , fossil fuel industry and transforming our energy system?
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[cheers and applause] why do we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs? why does wall street continue to rip off the american people every single day? those are the questions that the american people are beginning to ask. and the answer is that when people come together by the millions, when people stand up and say that our government has got to represent all of us, not just a few -- [cheers and applause] when this country brings about a political revolution so that real power rests in the hands of working families, not wealthy
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campaign contributors, that's when we bring real change to this country. [cheers and applause] on june 7, there will be in california, the most important primary in the whole nominating process. there are 475 delegates at stake here in california. what i have learned throughout this campaign is when voter turnout is high, when working people and young people come out in large numbers, we win. [cheers and applause] and if we can win here in california, and win in other five states at our primary on june 7th, we're going to be
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marching into the democratic convention with enormous momentum. [cheers and applause] and i believe that will be marching out of that convention as the democratic nominee. [cheers and applause] and if i am the democratic nominee, donald trump is toast. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "bernie"] so, on june 7, on june 7 year in california let us see the , largest voter turnout in democratic primary history. let's see a great state -- one of the most progressive states in america, go on record and
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say, yes to the political revolution. thank you all! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> california is said to hold its california on tuesday, june 7. hillary clinton was in the golden state holding a campaign rally in san jose. she spoke with supporters and voters for about a half in hour. ♪ ladies and gentlemen. it is my pleasure to welcome to the stage, lieutenant governor of the great state of california, gavin newsom along
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garysecretary of state, clinton. [applause] ♪ >> how are we doing, san jose! how are you feeling? hillary?ady for >> yes. mind, with that in mind, i know i am the only
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person standing in your way. [laughter] let me respect your time. have a couple of quick things i want to say. a couple of quick things i need to say. the last time we were in san jose, i was with another clinton . -- i am quitent serious about this, because last time i was here, your husband made a point, madam secretary, that needs to be made over and over and over again about what makes us great. was making,t he that is one of the points, but he made a point and i will try to paraphrase -- take about everything that is going on around the world nations and people literally being torn apart because of racial and religious and ethnic controversies billing fanaticism
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and fueling terror, you have to think about where you are right now in san jose. [applause] in one of the most diverse cities, and one of the most diverse counties, in the most diverse state -- california. [applause] most diverses democracy. here is the point i want to make. it is a contrasting point. the world looks to us, looks to everyone of you to see that it is possible to live together, to advance together, and to prosper together across every conceivable and a measurable difference. [applause] that's what makes us great. what makes us great is that we don't tolerate our diversity here in california. we celebrate our diversity in california. a value.
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and that is a contrasting value in this campaign. .hat is a value at risk hillary clinton understands we are all better off. [applause] kingnderstands what dr. talked about. that we are all bound together by a web of mutuality. we are all in this together. that iis in that spirit am here and honored that you are here. i will briefly introduce to you the next president of the united states. [applause]
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lt. governor newsom: very briefly, very briefly. we have someone here, we have someone here who believes in equal pay for equal work. we have here a candidate for president that believes in comprehensive immigration reform. not building walls. we have someone here who believes in a supreme court that will overturn citizens united. we actually have someone here who believes in science. climate change is not a hoax. we have someone here that understands that a great society does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon. and very briefly, we have someone here who does not believe the following, does not believe in banning all muslims from the united states, that does not believe in building walls, but believes in building bridges, and someone, someone -- listen
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to me closely here -- someone who will never be caught saying he is excited or in this case she is excited about millions and millions of people losing their homes and ending out on the streets and sidewalks so he can make more money. you will never hear that from hillary clinton. shame on donald trump. we have a progressive who is pragmatic, we have a dreamer and a doer, we have someone who gets it and gets it done, we have someone that you should be proud of, someone who's been a change maker all her life. and so my message to you in conclusion is the following -- you got work to do. we've got work to do. we got a primary in a few days. we've got to step up, we've got to step in, we've got to share
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our voice, and we have got to make sure she has wind on her back as she moves towards that convention by winning this primary on june 7. ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for the next president of the united states, hillary rodham clinton! mrs. clinton: oh, thank you, san jose! wow. i am so, so excited about being here. i can't tell you how wonderful it is to be in this city where, as the lieutenant governor just said, is a city all about the future, all about the future of the economy, the future of our society, how we are going to be stronger together. and i want to thank gavin newsom for being here and for his
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lifetime of service to this state. and i can't tell you how wonderful it is to have someone who is a progressive, who likes to get things done, just like me, standing on this stage. i want to thank the mayor. thank you for being here, mayor! want to thank larry stone, the assessor here in the county, all the elected officials. but mostly i want to thank you. i want to thank each and every one of you for being here. now, you know, when you run for office and particularly when you run for president, you always come and tell big crowds like this, this is the most important election, don't you? you hear that. i happen to think every election is important. but you know what? this is the most important election.
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because we've got some big decisions to make as a country. and there could not be a starker difference than there is between me and now as of today the republican nominee, donald trump. you know, i'm proud of the campaign that senator sanders and i have run. we have run a campaign on issues about the future. we both want universal health care coverage. we both want to make college affordable within the reach of every young person who wants to go to a public college or university. we both want to rein in and prevent what happened in the great recession with the misdeeds of wall street from ever happening again. we are on the same page.
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so we're going to be coming together as a unified democratic party, to make our case against donald trump, because we, senator sanders and i, our supporters together, have so much more in common than we do with donald trump! people say to me, you talk about trump a lot. and i do, and i'll tell you why. because what he is saying is dangerous and divisive. what he is saying is harmful to our future and our country. our president, president obama, is -- is in japan today meeting with our closest allies, and when he came out of the meeting and went to the formal press conference
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that ends events like that, he said, he reported that the leaders of our friends are, i quote, rattled, rattled by what donald trump is saying. and what he is promoting and what he stands for. well, i'll tell you what, the best way to reassure ourselves and the rest of the world is to make sure that donald trump, this loose cannon, never gets close to the white house. you know, it was bad enough when he started his campaign in his very first hour criticizing and insulting immigrants. you know, he called immigrants rapists, murderers, criminals. it was disgraceful.
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and then he went on to insult women, to insult john mccain, a war hero, to insult, to make fun of a man with a disability, to denigrate muslims. honest to goodness, there's nobody left by the time he gets finished with criticizing everybody he can. that is no way to run for president of the united states. i'm telling you, i am so looking forward to debating donald trump, i can't wait. because here's what we're going to talk about. what is our positive vision? i have ideas about how to create more good jobs with rising incomes. we're going to invest in infrastructure, our roads, our bridges, our tunnels, our ports, our water systems.
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we are going to finish the job of connecting up america so everybody has access to affordable internet connection. we are going to make things in america again by incentivizing advanced manufacturing. you know, here in california you are inventing the future -- new technologies, new research every single year. well, let's make those products in america again. and let's agree to fight climate change, which donald trump calls a chinese hoax. honestly, you know, you heard all the republicans when they were running. part of the reason the republicans have ended up with donald trump is because they could never criticize him about issues because they basically agree with him about issues, right?
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so when the republicans were asked, well, what do you think about climate change, they always said, oh, i don't know, i'm not a scientist. well, they can go to san jose state and find a scientist and figure out all about climate change. one of the ways we're going to combat climate change is by investing in and creating jobs in clean, renewable energy. i have set two big goals. i want us to deploy a half billion more solar panels by the end of my first term. and enough clean energy to power every home in america by the end of my second term. that will not only put the united states in the lead on dealing with climate change, but it will also create a new
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economy, because think about this -- some country is going to be the clean energy superpower. it's either going to be china, germany or us. i want it to be us, don't you? and when you think about millions of jobs in infrastructure, manufacturing and clean energy, these are jobs that can't be outsourced. these are jobs that have to be done in california and across america. now, what does donald trump propose? he proposes to build a wall. a wall. now, honestly, we've been trying to figure out about that wall. we figure it would cost about $25 billion. now, think of what else we could use $25 billion for. we could build 1,500 new elementary schools so kids have a chance to go to a modern, good elementary school. we could pay for college for
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300,000 veterans if we did that. so there's a lot that we will have to talk about when we finally get to stand on that stage together. and the other thing about trump's policies is he doesn't give you specifics. have you noticed that? it's a pretty much a top-line, top-of-the-water sort of proposal. and yet one thing we do know, when it comes to tax policies, he has two ideas. one, he wants to have billionaires get even lower taxes. his tax plan is written by a billionaire for billionaires, best i can tell, and he doesn't want you to see his taxes. those are his two principles when it comes to taxes. now, i disagree with that. number one, i think we should tax the wealthy. they have not been paying their fair share to support america. and, number two, my husband and
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i have released 33 years of tax returns. and the only two years that donald trump has released, he had to release to get a casino, so he had to come up with his income tax return. the only two years he's released he paid zero in federal income tax. zero. and yet he goes around saying he wants to build up the military, make it the strongest in the world. well, it is the strongest in the world, and i will keep it the strongest in the world, but he won't pay a penny to make that happen. so anybody who's ever been nominated by a major party has had to come up with their tax returns. and we're going to talk about they've day, because either he paid no taxes or he's paid very little. the only way to find out which it is is for him to release. either he's as wealthy as he
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claims -- or maybe he's not -- the only way to find out is for him to release. maybe he's really charitable, or maybe he's not. only way to find out is for him to release. so it's time to release his tax returns. you know, the other thing is, the other thing is you never hear donald trump talk about education. he never says anything about it, as best as i've heard. well, here's where i stand. we need early childhood education so every single child is well prepared to succeed in school. we need to be a partner with our teachers to help them do the job that we expect them to do on behalf of our kids. we need to make community college free so that you can get the additional training, skills, and education to get a job. we need more technical education through high school programs, community college programs,
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business support, union supported apprenticeships, we need to have more ways for people to get the skills that will be competitive for themselves and their families. i'm excited about that. nobody works harder than americans. nobody. nobody in the world works harder than americans. and we're going to make it possible for every young person, and maybe not so young person, to get the skills that will enable that person to have a good job with a rising income. education is a part of that. that's why i want you to have debt-free tuition. you won't have to borrow a penny to go to a public college or university. and we have a plan to help you pay down and pay off your debt so you're not burdened by your student debt, which is such a problem. so i think what i'm proposing will help to grow the economy.
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and i got to tell you, it's just a historic fact, the economy does better when we have a democrat in the white house. and, you know, you don't have to go back to the beginning of the republic. go back to the 1990's. after eight years, 23 million new jobs, and incomes went up for everybody, not just those at the top, middle-class families, working families, poor families, more people lifted out of poverty than any time in recent history. we were on the right track. we even had a balanced budget and a surplus. we could have paid down the national debt. so what happens? i'll tell you what happens. the republicans came back and slashed taxes on the wealthy, took their eyes off the mortgage
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and finance markets, and you know what happened -- the worst financial crisis since the great recession. and it is true as gavin was saying. there's some video that surfaced where donald trump is actually rooting, rooting for a housing collapse, because he says, well, i'll be able to make a lot of money. con artist. five million homes were lost. a lot of homes right here in california and where i just was in nevada. think of the heartbreak. think of the suffering and disappointment. so we know a lot about donald trump. he roots for himself, not for you. he wants a good result for himself. he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. that is not -- that is not the kind of person who should be the president of the united states of america. we cannot let that happen.
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and you know, when it comes to health care, he wants to do away with the affordable care act. i'll tell you, i want to make it better. i want to improve it. i want to get the costs down. before there was something called obamacare, there was something called hillarycare. i am committed to doing this. and we're going to get prescription drug costs down, and there's two other issues we're going to address, mental health and addiction. there is just too much suffering. people with mental health are not getting the treatment they deserve to get. and there still is a stigma. we've got to stop this. people who have diabetes should get treated just like people who have depression should get treated.
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and we've got to do more, we've got to do more to move people who are addicted on to the path for treatment and recovery, not on to the path for jail or prison. that is not the right decision. so i am looking forward to debating jobs, the economy, taxes, education, health care. and i'm also looking forward to debating what is one of the most important parts of your decision when you vote, and that is voting for someone who is both president and commander in chief. look, i understand why president obama was in that meeting and trying to field all the questions and concerns from leaders around the world, because look at what trump has said in recent days. he's attacked our closest ally, great britain. he has praised the dangerous dictator of north korea. now this is a little funny, though.
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he praised kim jong un, and the north korean ambassador came out yesterday and said they don't want to talk to donald trump. i don't attribute a lot of good sense to that regime, but that's probably the right decision. trump has even suggested that it's fine with him if more countries get nuclear weapons, for heaven's sake. you know, for 70-plus years, republicans and democrats, we have been trying to keep nuclear weapons out of more countries' hands and certainly out of more terrorists' hands. it's one of the most serious risks we face. you can't talk about nuclear weapons like, you know, it's a walk in the park. he's even said he'd use nuclear weapons against isis, which is not even a state. he wants to return to torture,
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he wants to pull out of nato, he wants to ban all muslims. i mean, really. i could see why president obama said his counterparts were rattled. they're watching this. when you make these absurd, outrageous statements, that's not just heard in the big hall where you talk. that's heard around the world. you know, people who count on the united states, our steadiness, our strength, our stability, they look to who is running for president. they look to who is president. a lot of places, it is the beacon that keeps them going, trying to figure out what is america doing. what is the american president saying. and you think about the recent presidents we've had. we may have disagreed and had really serious differences, right? that's part of the american d.n.a. but i remember after 9/11, george w. bush went to an islamic community center. remember that?
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and basically said, we are going to go after those who attacked us, but we're not going to be attacking each other. and president obama has worked so hard to reach out to people everywhere. and, you know, it matters who is sitting in that situation room. i spent a lot of hours there. i spent a lot of hours -- i'll just give you one example. it's a famous example. it's whether or not the president would go after bin laden based on the evidence, the intelligence that was presented, and i was part of the small group assessing this intelligence. and we worked so hard, because i personally having been a senator from new york on 9/11, having gone to ground zero 24 hours
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after we were attacked, i wanted to do anything i could to bring bin laden to justice. we had to evaluate this intelligence, with this -- was this funny looking big building a place where the most wanted terrorist in the world could be hiding out? we all went through it over and over again, and it came down to three choices. don't do anything because it's just not strong enough to act on. it's ok, but we don't want to risk special forces to, so let's use a missile to take this place out. or it's the best chance we've had to get him, so let's send in a seal team. and then the president went around the room, around the table, and asked everybody what we recommended. and people who i deeply respect, we were not all in agreement. some people said no. shouldn't do it. some people said it's not worth the risk of a special forces
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team going in, but if we think it's good enough, take the missile strike. i was among those who said no, we have to find out. if we do a missile strike, we'll never find out, we'll never know. so we all gave our advice. but then that moment comes. this is what you need to think about, where the president gets up and says he's going to go think about this. because ultimately, you can have all the advisor, all the people who are experts. but the president has to make the decision. and, you know, he came back, and he said, yeah, we're going to go with the seal team, and we all held our breath that day when the attack occurred. we were all just under the most intense stress. there were a lot of -- there was a lot of planning. people had done everything they could. the military was superb, thinking through every possible contingency, but things happen. one of those helicopters clipped
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the barbed wire on top of the wall and went down. but everything had been thought through. so bin laden was found, he was killed, his body was brought across the border, and he was identified. and -- no president wants to seek out those kinds of situations, but every president faces those hard choices. and we need a president who can be steady and strong, and i promise you i will take good care of our men and women in uniform and i will protect our country and help to lead the world. now, finally, let me say this. there's a lot of other issues that trump has staked out. and i want you to know where i stand in comparison.
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i will defend a woman's right to make her own health care decisions. and i will defend planned parenthood against the partisan attacks. i will defend marriage equality and work to end discrimination against the lgbt community. i will defend voting rights and appoint supreme court justices who will overturn citizens united. i will defend labor unions and the right to organize and bargain collectively. i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship. and i will stand up to the gun lobby and work to get common sense gun safety reform.
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now, i can't do any of this without your help. i want to unify the democratic party, and i want to unify the united states of america. i will go anywhere, to meet with anyone to find common ground. i will also stand my ground. but we've got to bring this country together. we do not need to be divided. as lincoln said, a house divided against itself cannot stand. we cannot stand this kind of hate talk and rhetoric and demagoguery. so here is what i'm asking you. if you have already gotten a ballot sent to your house, fill it in and send it in. you can still get a ballot all the way up through may 31 if you want to vote like that. and please do. if you think you might have
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trouble getting to the polls on june 7. and then on june 7, please, come out and vote and bring everybody you can who knows we've got to start right here in california making the future that we want to see for our country, for our children and grandchildren. if you will vote for me, california, i will work my heart out to give you the future that we deserve. thank you and god bless you. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute,
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>> donald trump has a campaign rally coming up in san diego
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ahead of the primary on june 7. you can see live coverage tonight on c-span starting at 5:00 p.m. eastern. also, the pentagon briefing coming up on military operations is scheduled later today. colonel steverom -- >> this weekend, some programs to watch for. p.m., a new book about how the working class will transform america. 10:15 a.m., an interview with a college or -- theisher who discusses
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author of the award-winning book "between the world and me." mr. helton, asteve former senior adviser to british prime minister david cameron, packed,under of crowd argues we need to redefine our economic and political systems to meet the needs of americans today. then on monday, memorial day, an talk day of "book tv," radio host dennis prager on the importance of the 10 commandment hm on thed diane re right to die movement. announcer: this sunday night on q&a, betty colette talks about various incentives to history and the worker office does.
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betty: i came in as a newly minted senate historian. my colleagues that baker and don ritchie said to me it is going to be nice and quiet. you have lots of time to settle in and get used to the job. house a few weeks, the decided to impeach bill clinton and we got very busy very quickly, and had to do a good deal of research on impeachment trials. we had not had a presidential impeachment since 1868. trent lott and tom daschle really wanted to follow historic precedent as much as they could. night at 8:00day eastern and pacific on c-span's "q&a." a newser: live now to conference by the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, also known as noaa. atlantaeased the forecast for hurricanes. it begins on june 1 and runs through november 30. this is live on c-span. >> this building officially
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opened in early 2007. [music place] should i continue? ok. noaa.s the first stop of point fore starting what has led to the information which satellite images you see daily on your televisions, your computers, and in your smartphones. each day, and soft reduces and processes 10 terabytes of data from 17 different satellites, including the noaa polar and geostationary satellites. including the operation centers where the operators sit. as well as the defense satellite programs for the department of defense. two of our international department missions. and we also process data from
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our european partners for environmental weather. the data rate is expected to jump from 10 to 100 terabytes per day. we process and distribute satellite data to support these operations, but and soft is also oft -- literally to my right here is the switchboard for the satellite information on search and rescue when we have per weand warnings support the coast guard and local and regional rescue services on a daily basis for boaters, fishermen, pilots, and hikers who are in distress. dual reflects no apostate high technology and environmental stewardship activities. the design featured in this building teachers two main components. the three-story houses you see here.
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and all the computer centers. room.spanned by a green it is one of the largest green rims in the area, and the building was the first federal building in the area which achieved a lead design for environmental compliance. to now it is my privilege introduce the line of speakers for today's 2016 noaa's atlantic hurricane briefing. you will hear first from laura theione, deputy director of service. the noaa administrator will give the full season outlook. finally, you will hear from joe nimitz, theme -- joe mr. nimmich. go to the comforter upstairs or downstairs on the second floor to see the scale replica of the satellite next generation observing system, planned to
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launch late this year in cape canaveral, florida. this is a historic mission aiding research techniques and capabilities that will improve no a's environmental and capable -- environment capabilities. you will see representatives from lockheed martin, harris corporation, developers of the satellites of the gozar system. i turn it over to laura furgione. ms. ms. furgione: i am the deputy director of the national apostateervice and no pit administered or for weather services. the purpose of this 2016 atlantic hurricane outlook is to get people prepared for the coming hurricane season and not just focused on the numbers, but know that it only takes one.
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so be prepared if that one does impact you and your family. i would like to also remind people that it is not necessarily about where that i have the hurricane makes landfall or the wind around that hurricane. morese, as we have seen times, it is the flooding that is the greatest impact. nine out of 10 fatalities associated with hurricanes are water related. it is that inland flooding and coastal storm surge that are more costly and more dangerous, so be prepared for that. let's not forget the rip currents as well there it as we go into the memorial day weekend and we have some potential threats, we also have the threat for rip currents. so know how to prepare yourself and be ready for the impacts of rip currents. also severe weather associated -- beurricanes is prepared for all the potential
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impact associated with this hurricane season. it is shaping up to be a banner and the national weather service. we are billing a weather-ready nation by investing your national -- we are building a weather-ready nation by investing your national service for the future needs of american. the initiative turns five this year. we have come a long way to build the foundation to make communities more resilient. products.eated new this continued investment will to improve our community andliency, storm surge inland flooding, and even sea level rise. our hurricane forecast improvement program also is five years old this year. we continue this multi-year effort to improve hurricane
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forecasts and some of the improvements that i have already mentioned, we are on track to meet the five-your goal of improving our track. we are announcing a major upgrade to our operational supercomputing. supercomputers, both the operational and the backup, can collectively process 5.6 quadrillion calculations per second. we can process more observations than ever before. this supercomputer upgrade is allowing for a number of weather and climate forecast model innovations and improvements, which will enhance the hurricane forecasting this year. forecast system, otherwise known as the gfs, that upgrade happened earlier this month. gfs is foundational to all of our weather and climate models, so the recent upgrade will helph improve -- will
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improve hurricane forecasts this year and many other forecasts as well. the model gives hourly forecast guidance five days out and takes timing into account when simulating how, when, and where storms will develop and move. our hurricane weather research and forecasting model also had some recent enhancements and made it our best performing intensity model over a period of 2013 to 2015. we will mark the first time forecasters have had direct connections between the coupled air, ocean, and waves, which will again improve our forecast team for the track and intensity. this upgrade will also increase the number of storms that we can toecast for any given time 8. hopefully we will not be able to test that this year. speaking of water again, we have an exciting new flood
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forecasting tool coming online this summer to help us forecast inland flooding. as i mentioned before, inland flooding is the greatest threat to life and property from and land falling tropical system. this is the five-year anniversary of tropical storm irene, that passed over new york city and cause tremendous flooding in the state of vermont. we remember the devastation that storm caused, and now with our model,ional water version one, coming out this summer, we will be able to produce seven-day weather forecasts, water forecasts, and a 30-day water outlook for the entire nation, which we have never been able to do before. this will provide hourly water times moreor 700 places than we have been able to do it in the past. this will allow us to greatly enhance our ability to forecast inland flooding from tropical storms and hurricanes. currently we forecast for 4000
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points, but with the national water model, we will be able to have neighborhood resolution at 2.67 million points. that is really amazing. we also have some advancements at the national hurricane center this year. we have new tools to help communicate the threats of the storm surge and the potential for hurricane activity. for the second year, the national hurricane center will have an experimental storm surge watch/warning graphic. this will highlight coastal areas most at risk for life-threatening inundation by storm surge from a tropical cyclone. it is designed to introduce this -specific concepts for storm surge hazard, each we have never had before. product, experimental the potential storm surge flood 2014hat was debuted in will go operational this year in
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2016. so the map highlights geographic areas where inundation from a storm could occur and the height above ground that the water could reach representing a worst-case scenario for any individual location. that is exciting that you can actually see in a graphic where the highest level of water could occur. in conclusion, resilience to hurricanes could only be accomplished if the public -- if you -- use this outlook today to help you become better prepared for hurricane season, and he'd from ourwarnings and managers. last week i celebrated hurricane preparedness week by joining the air force at noaa hurricane hunters on their gulf of mexico hurricane awareness tour. president obama also issued a proclamation that spoke of our improvements in technology, forecasting and models, and new ways of disseminating this
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information to the public. he urged all americans to get ready for the hurricane season by having a plan ready about how to respond to warnings. he stated in the proclamation, "our communities are not resilient and less individuals have properly cautions." the hurricane center director and leslie chapman henderson said, "we cannot let hurricanes push us around. we all have to be hurricane strong." #hurricanestrong. i now invite dr. sullivan to the podium. thank you. sullivan: thank you, laura. let me extend a special thank you also to dr. steve volts -- dr. steven volz for hosting us here at this fac spectacular
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facility. i hope you will take you up -- take you up on his offer to go upstairs for a tour. i would also like to acknowledge dr. jerry bell, who leads the team that produces the annual hurricane season outlook. he will be available for questions after the conference portion of this event is through . as we have been hearing already, communities all along america's coastlines are in the throes of preparing for hurricane season. although that season does not officially begin until june 1, i do want to start the day with an update on the low-pressure system that is currently being monitored between bermuda and the bahamas that has a prospect of approaching the southeast u.s. coastline. it's technical name is invest 91 -- lima. the system has quite a high chance of becoming a tropical or subtropical cyclone, in which case it would pick up the next name in the season list, and that would be bonnie.
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storms may -- storms in may are not unusual. this one may or may not reach the threshold to become tropical. but that prospect is now quite high. no watches or warnings have been issued, but we are launching hurricane hunter aircraft this afternoon to investigate the area and take detailed measurements to improve our outlook on that. in any event, everybody along the southeast coast from georgia to the carolinas should watch the progress of this system very closely. and i am sure our colleague joe nimmich would say, now is the time to be thinking about your weekend plans, your go kit, how you are going to keep your family together, and whether in fact you should may be modified your weekend plans to take account of the prospect of severe weather along the eastern coast. this developing system underscores the importance of annual routines in getting homes and businesses ready, reviewing family plans and assemble emergency supplies, go kits,
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these realities are and need to be a way of life for coastal america. at noaa we have done our preparations as well. you heard from laura how our supercomputers are more powerful than ever with greater capability to take in and process the billions of earth observations that we need to make daily forecasts for you all. faster supercomputers will continue to pave the way for us to add more capabilities to our forecast models in the future. as she said, based on these unprecedented improvements, made possible through the generosity providedngress supplemental funding in the wake of hurricane sandy, i can tell you confidently that noaa's national hurricane center is poised to deliver forecasts that will be more accurate and reliable than ever before. but the forecast models in the supercomputers that power them are meaningless if they do not have quality data. we get these data by observing the planet with robust
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observational networks. our ability to accurately observe, measure, and monitor the oceans and nanosphere is the foundation of our ability to forecast threats of hurricanes and other weather phenomenon. up to 90% of the data that go into the modern day weather are derived from satellites. as you have heard, noaa will launch the new satellite into stationary orbit. it will scan the earth five times faster than other hurricanes will -- then other ones will do. it will you stripper the number of wavelengths that we have today. all these data from goes are will improve forecasts by helping us to an point exact location as well as monitor more closely for signs of weakening or intensifying.
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our improved track and intensity forecast will in turn give fema and local emergency managers better information and more timely information to guide them as they pre-position resources to determine who should evacuate and just as important, as they determine who can safely not evacuate and let the storm passed by. goes are will provide many -- gozar will also provide better tracking of smoke and dust plumes. it will help us improve aviation flight routing and provide data for long-term climate variability studies, improve our ability to monitor space weather and storm effects. it will continue with maritime forecasts, long-range seasonal positions, and drought outlooks. we are excited about this development. it gives us the direct ability
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to monitor lightning at 70 over land and water. -- to monitor lightning activity over land and water. it will enable us to improve how we view the world and also how we make decisions about public safety resource use and economic opportunities. let me add my encouragement to take the tour. on to the business directly at hand. i have the privilege of theenting -- of presenting 2016 atlantic hurricane season outlook. noaa's outlook for this season indicates it is most likely to be a near normal year. in the atlantic, it will likely produce a range of 10 to 16 tropical storms. those are systems with sustained wind of 39 miles per hour. four to eight of those are respected to become hurricanes with top winds sustained at -- are expected to become hurricanes with top winds
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sustained at 74 miles per hour. category 3 or to higher, with wind speeds of 111 miles per hour. relax. things are ok. but i want to emphasize that the predicted level of activity i just read off, compared to the past three years that we have experienced, actually suggests we could be in for more activity than we have seen in recent years. i want to emphasize as we do each year, this is a forecast about the number of systems and storms a hurricane is likely to form. it makes no fiction with respect -- itdfall or tracks makes no prediction with respect to landfall or tracks. ourlways is the case, hurricane season outlook is based on projections of climate factors that are known to influence the formation, development, and propagation of hurricanes, along with model
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predictions of atmospheric and oceanic conditions. this year there is strong variability in several key climate factors greater than in past years. so there is uncertainty as to whether these factors will be reinforcing each other or competing with respect to tropical storm formation. more specifically, there is uncertainty about whether the high activity in a rut of atlantic hurricanes has ended. this high activity phase began in 1895. it is associated with an ocean temperature pattern that is called the warm phase of the oscillation,ato amoa warm phase of the leads to warmer atlantic temperatures and african monsoons. during the past three years, weaker hurricane seasons have been a company by a shift toward the cooler signature of the amo, cooler temperatures.
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african monsoons. if this is not just a temporary the, it could be signaling arrival of a low-activity era for atlantic hurricanes. possibly that has already begun. high and low phases tend to run 25 to 40 years. maybeent indications are of a cooling, to a cooler phase of the amo. the second uncertainty factor this year is about the extent to which el niño and la niña will influence the atlantic hurricane seasons. el niño is dissipating, but the tale of its impact could extend into the early part of the hurricane season. climate conditions center is forecasting a 70% chance of la niña developing on the heels of that. and la niña to be present during k months of the
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atlantic hurricane season. model projections show uncertainty as to how strong the lending impact will be. so the prospect of moving toward a cooler a.m. oh, which is not yet definitive, and uncertainty as to who will win out and which months of hurricane season el niño influences or lining you influences. issum, although the outlook predicting a near-normal season, i want to underscore this leaves the potential for considerable activity. a near-normal season does not mean we are off the hook or that there will not be hurricane-related impacts. it only takes one storm anywhere, however intense the season is, to be devastating to homes, families, and communities. now is the time for you to start preparing for the upcoming season, which starts in the few days -- which starts in a few days.
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ability fits within our goal of providing the products and services that are enabling our products and citizens to make active decisions that are needed to bolster their resilience in the face of weather-related challenges. we are closer to realizing our goals than ever before, thanks to the hard work of no employees and many key collaborators, and the support of the congress. all of these preparations still leave us exposed to mother nature and with the imperative of always being prepared. on that note, i can invite deputy director of fema joe nimmich to talk about this imperative. joe? mr. nimmich: thank you, dr. sullivan, and thank you for the phenomenal work that your staff at noaa and the national weather service has done in order to give us better knowledge in terms of the likelihood.
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in each and every storm as you , we have anhe understanding of the likely impact it will have and where it will come sure. you have done your job, your role in trying to give us better information. the national hurricane center possibility to project out longer, to more accurately define landfall and the impact of landfall, including the search model that lets us see exactly how much water pushed from the ocean will impact our homes, our industries, and our locations. as well as the national weather center, that -- the national water center that looks at the marine flooding, that had more impact and damage and deaths from marine flooding than the surge models per you have done your part, dr. sullivan. it is now important for us to do our part. none of this information is worthwhile unless we understand it, we access it, and we respond to it.
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the critical factor here is, what do we as citizens take advantage of all the information provided to us? have we planned ahead? the single biggest factor for you is to understand where you are located and what your evacuation plan is. and when you are told to evacuate, evacuate. i cannot tell you how many times we have had a disaster where we go to support an individual who has been impacted and said i have lived here for 30 years and my house has never flooded, even though we have told you it is in the floodplain and we have told you the potential exists. every time you do not evacuate, you put first responders' lives in danger. the key factor, when you're told of an event that will impact your home, listen and take the appropriate evacuation capability. you may not be in the area that is immediately impacted, but
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will have secondary impact in terms of power outages, lack of utilities, lack of other infrastructure, and you need to be prepared. you need to have the resources to survive and to take care of yourself in terms of water and food for the duration that you are exposed, at least 48 hours. we continue to look at being able to stay informed. there are multiple different apps that are down there. i ask every civilian, individual, citizen, to download the fema app to your mobile device, which will allow you with this free offer to understand the tips and safety before, during, and after an emergency. allow you towill have information not only before but during and then critically, after an emergency occurs. the app allows you to set your preparedness reminders, that if you get a notification, that you
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can update your emergency kits and practice your escape plans, your evacuation plans. you can sign up for emergency alerts and evacuation orders from your local emergency management offices. it is a simple thing to do to ensure you are prepared. finally, the single biggest thing we see is the impact on people's lives after the event. if you are in a flood zone, flood insurance is your best resource. the additional support you get will never cover the losses that you have incurred, much like wind, fire. if you are in an area that is likely to have flooding, not having flood insurance means you are not prepared to restore your life to some semblance of normalcy. fema works very closely, hand-in-hand, day to day, with our friends at noaa and the national weather service. there is nothing more than impacts my day than the morning
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brief in terms of what the weather will do, whether it is flooding in texas or tornadoes tonight in kansas, or the investment in one l that will impact -- the investment 91 l georgia, southt carolina, and north carolina this weekend. utilize the improvements the national weather service has made for us to do the right thing and be prepared to respond to that information. thank you, and i think we will go to questions. >> now we will go to the questions and answers. we will take questions from the room, and then we will go to the assisted questions. if you will please state your name and affiliation before you begin your question, we would appreciate it. if you have a person we are
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directing the question to come up that would be helpful. are there any questions in the room? operator, we will go to the questions on the phone. can you facilitate, please? >> if you would like to ask a question, please press star and 1 and say your first and last names. one moment for the first question, please. first question -- you may ask her depression. >> this question is for kathryn sullivan. when you say it is a near normalcy, can you