tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN May 28, 2016 2:00am-4:01am EDT
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they don't want a half built hotel. the other thing, they wanted a great concept. wait until you see this. i love opening it on september 15. maybe i should wait until around november 2 or 3, because that is going to be a great opening. the problem with you guys is you tend to forget we have like a two-week-span, we have a two-week memory span. i will open up later and still be so far. but it is going to be fantastic. that is what should be doing for our country. see our roads coming in so far above budget. we don't build bridges for the most part. in the old days, we used to build bridges. you go to china, bridges all over the place. it makes our bridges look like toys. beautiful airports. you go to middle eastern countries, they have airports the likes of which you have never seen. the most incredible structures, the most incredible buildings. and then we fly home and land at laguardia with potholes all over the runway. it is true. or kennedy, newark, or l.a.x.
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and it is a disgrace. we have become a third world country, folks. and it is not going to happen any longer. not going to happen any longer. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: so what happened in indiana was amazing. we win all the states. new york, pennsylvania, rhode island, delaware, connecticut, maryland. and by the way, won every county in every state. it has never happened before. won by landslides, where even the slime sitting over there -- they cannot say it anymore because now we are getting 78%. they used to say, "donald trump has not cracked 50%. yes, he has won, but he has not cracked 50%."
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boy are we cracking 50% now. more importantly, in the history of the republican party, we have received more votes than anybody by far. by millions. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: and we have 10 states left to go. 10 states. and they will never say that. they don't say that, so i might as will tell you. you know the expression, if you don't toot your own horn, you better do it because nobody else is going to do it for you? this slime is never going to do it. i just read a story by a woman named parker and a woman named paperman in the "new york times." instead of saying donald trump won the republican primary, they say, "his style of negotiation
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and the way he runs and the fact he did this and that." they say, "the republican party -- " the republican party is coming together quickly. you just saw darrell issa, duncan, all these people. these are the best. it is really coming together quickly. we are up to over 90% in terms of approval rates. last time, we had this clown named mitt romney that let us all down. i backed him and worked for him. john mccain lost. mitt romney lost. i said this time we are going to do it ourselves. we are going to win. we are going to win. and we are going to win. don't even think about it. before we forget, we have won the nomination big, by numbers you can't believe.
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you have got to go out and vote in two weeks anyway because we want the mandate. we have to have the mandate. the state of reporters, wiseguys -- these two reporters, wiseguys, not talented people. they say donald trump is having a hard time bringing the republican party together. why don't they say i win the nomination? i give the vets almost $6 million. i don't have to give them anything. i give a speech, and i say, let's raise money for the vets. i was thinking maybe we would get $1 million. we are giving a full list on tuesday. but i got these guys. i take something where nobody even thinks about it. you raise this fantastic amount of money. i give it to all these organizations.
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instead of praise, they knock you. these two reporters, and they always pretend like they are your friend. i call it the failing new york times. it is a disgrace. by the way, the washington post is not much better. they have 22 people on me right now. i will tell you why. i have always heard if you are a very successful person, you cannot run for office. you especially cannot run for president. the "washington post" has 22 people on me now, 22 reporters. that is because the person that owns the "washington post" also has a big thing in amazon, which is a much more important thing. so he uses the "washington pos"" for power and he thinks he will get the politicians to do what he wants, and he probably will. but me, i could not care less.
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he does not want to pay tax on the internet. he will use that so they will not tax amazon on the internet. meanwhile, department stores are going out of business because it is unfair competition. now he has a threat in terms of monopoly. he knows i am the only one that says it. the politicians are afraid to say it because he owns the "washington post." the other day, i get a call. they had 22 guys slopping all the stuff together, and they are doing a book that comes out in august. make sure he is ok. make sure he is perfect. are you ok? make sure. we love these people. may have been standing here for six hours. [applause] mr. trump: that is my great world war ii vet. the people looking at him don't realize he is tougher than all of us in this room. that i can say. [applause]
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mr. trump: i love to call these institutions out. no politician is going to do that because they care too much. i care too, but i care about doing the right thing. the "new york times" last week made a fool of themselves. they did a story on the front page on sunday. a massive picture of me standing with beauty pageant contestants. then they interviewed 50 or 60 people. most of them said good things. the few of them revolted, they said that is not what we said or implied. we like donald trump. we love donald trump. donald trump treated us with respect. one of them got married. i said, isn't that terrible, that story?
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they wrote it very disrespectfully. not very serious charges, in all fairness. they wrote it very disrespectfully. i saw her on television. i saw her again on television. she was saying it was incorrect what they said. what they said was meant maliciously, and i like and respect donald trump and he always treated me great and you should not write like that. and then i had a very fantastic young woman who was a very successful member of the beauty pageants. i see carrie is here right now. we love carrie. she married a great athlete. they are standing together. they are a great couple. carrie told him what was going on, and they mischaracterized her. they said they spoke to her and never spoke to her and they wrote false stuff. they wrote about another one. that was false.
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they wrote about a construction woman that worked for me. i gave her the break of a lifetime. i let her build a major building in new york city where she was the construction manager. probably never happened to a woman before. i gave a woman a break. my father said donald, don't do that. he is from the old school. i said it will be good. he said you are making a mistake, don't do it. i said it will be fine. he said whatever you want, to let her do it. i gave her the break of her lifetime. when she left, she wanted to come back because the grass is always greener. she left. now all of a sudden, she loves trump. for a long time she has wanted to come back, for many years. i love e-mails. they never go away. you hear that, hillary? they never go away, hillary!
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[applause] mr. trump: you know, hillary is missing 30,000 e-mails. i have people that will retrieve those e-mails. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: i don't think they want to find those e-mails because what hillary has done is criminal, folks. let's get back to the "new york times." i give her the break of a lifetime. she writes a book glowing about donald trump. she said some strange things. she said in the book donald trump is not sexist. who would say that? unless you have evil thoughts. is that correct, carrie? she puts in the book something to the effect that donald trump is not sexist. it was a good book about me. she wants to come back, so she is e-mailing to my secretaries for years. "i want to come back, donald trump is the greatest."
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"he is not a sexist person, he is the greatest person." and then she is in the "new york times" saying i was a horrible person. one of my men said she had the most foul mouth of any human being i have ever seen. she used to walk into a group of men and start using the f word, and i had to bring her into my office to calm her down. she was going crazy. she writes all these letters that trump is the greatest. at least somebody will say good because i did not know carrie would say great after reading negative stuff. i did not know roanne would come out and say great after reading negative stuff. then i saw this one. i say i gave her a job no other
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woman would be given. i was 25 years ahead of my time with women. to this day, i have women making more money for the same job as my men. and i'm happy about it. and i expect a lawsuit any day from the men. they will sue me because they are not making it, because we are living in that kind of society. my men will be suing me on monday morning because they are not making as much. i don't care because we are doing great with women. i don't believe the polls. we are doing great with women. women for trump, thank you. wow. thank you very much. i think we are doing great. by the way, the numbers with women are going up. women want to see strong borders. they want to see a strong military. they want to see strength. they want to see strength. and i will tell you what, they want to see jobs.
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they want an economy that will boom. everybody admits that what i will do for the economy nobody else can do. so here is the end result. "the new york times" calls and they want to meet. they met. they are so embarrassed. who is with the "new york times?" where is the "new york times" reporter? i call it the failing new york times. the "new york times" wants to meet. they met with one of my guys. they had a good meeting. i think they just don't want to be sued if you want to know the truth. but these people are very dishonest. "the new york times," the "washington post." most of the people. some of them are fine. not many, but some of them are fine.
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when somebody hits you, you have to fight back. you know what i said to this barbara? i had friends that called me and said you are not very cool. i said to barbara, maybe you should not be eating that piece of candy. [laughter] mr. trump: that is a little different than bill clinton, i think. [laughter] mr. trump: and she said -- here is a woman that used the f bomb more than any other person i ever heard. she said, "he was obviously talking about my weight." give me a break. we are so politically correct now our country is dying from within. we have to get back to business. we have to rebuild our country. we have got to rebuild our infrastructure. remember this. almost $5 trillion spent in the middle east, and we don't have enough room to fix a road right outside that is in horrible shape.
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ok? we can't fix our highways, our tunnels. and we are going to get it going, folks. you are going to be so proud of your country once again. so here is the story. i came here, and i am leading in the polls. we are leading in almost every poll now. it is so great. i came here and said specifically -- we were in costa mesa. we had a tremendous rally. were you there? 31,000 people. nobody even showed it because there were a couple of thugs outside burning the american flag, holding other flags up in the air. they were burning and stomping on a car, a police car, stomping on it. by the way, did you see when he got off the car? he broke his -- did you see that? he tried to pretend he was not
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hurt. that was adrenaline. he was hurt. he walked away and said that was painful. all you saw was this thug and people burning the american flag and holding up flags from other countries. these are thugs. they hardly showed the rally inside where we had the parents of young children killed by illegal immigrants, where we had the most amazing lovefest like this. even more people. we had the most amazing lovefest. a friend of mine came to me. he came to dallas. we had 21,000 people at the mavericks arena. he said, can i ask you a question? how do you do this? you're going to speak in front of all these people. a very good musicians said trump is the greatest in the world without a guitar, meaning without an instrument. i have got to stand up here by myself.
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if i bomb, they will let us know about it. he said to me, how do you do this? this is one of the most successful people in the country, in the world. he looked at this massive audience like this today and like i had a little while ago in fresno. he looked at this massive audience and said, how can you get up there and speak? do you have notes? i say no. do you have something? i have a good head, a good memory. i have a very good memory. he said, how do you do it? i said, honestly, it is not hard because there is so much love in the room. it is unbelievable. there is love in the room. we want to take our country back. we are tired of being the stupid people all over the world. we are tired of it, and we are going to end it. >> [crowd chanting: "donald"]
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mr. trump: thank you. i love ending this way. we are on live television. it is embarrassing because we get crazy ratings, so they take advantage of all of us. they put me on all the time. look at all of the cameras. when hillary comes, you have no cameras. nobody wants to watch. it is always difficult because you have to make different speeches. you cannot be on live television all the time and make the same speech because people say he said that this morning, he said that yesterday. the nice part is i can talk about current events. i can talk about things like we mentioned before, the t.s.a., how badly it is managed. i can talk about our vets, how badly things over the last two days came down.
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our veterans administration is a corrupt enterprise. you ought to get the judge to look into that instead of wasting everybody's time so he can take advantage of donald trump. he should be ashamed of himself. here is the story, folks. i like to end it this way. how many ways can you end something? somebody said "make america great again" is a negative statement. i said it is a positive statement because we are going to make america great again. listen. we don't win anymore as a country. we don't win with our military, education, anything. now they want to take your second amendment away? that is not going to happen. but we don't win anymore. i love saying it and we cannot do it any better.
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we are going to start winning again big-league. [cheers and applause] mr. trump: we are going to win with our military. we are going to knock the -- out of isis. we are going to win for our great vets. they have not been treated properly. illegal immigrants get better treatment in many cases than our veterans, and that is not going to happen. so we are going to win for our vets. we are going to win on education. no more common core. bring it down. we want it local. we are going to win with health care. we are going to win at the border. we are going to win at trade. we are going to win so much that you people are going to be calling your president saying,
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"please, mr. president, we don't want to win anymore. you are winning too much. you're driving us crazy." i'm going to say i am sorry, but we are going to keep winning and make america great again! i love you. thank you. i love you, san diego. get out and vote. get out and vote. we are going to win california. get out and vote. thank you, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> ? y'all ready for this? ♪
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but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need i went down to the demonstration to get my fair share of abuse saying we're going to vent our frustration if we don't were going to blow of 50 amp fuse you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need
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that 8:00 eastern and on sunday, beginning in 9:45 a.m., coverage of the nomination process, delicate lives for the candidates in victory speeches, here on c-span. >> night in the secretary, we proudly give 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the united states. [cheers and applause] u.s. government
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forecasters gave a preview of the atlantic hurricane season, which runs from june 1-november 30. the national oceanic and hemispheric administrations the names of for the storms. this is about 45 minutes. >> thank you and good morning. i would like to welcome you to the satellite operations facility. this building officially opened in early 2007. should i continue? ok. this is the first stop of noaa. this is the starting point for
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the data that has led to the information which satellite images you see daily on your televisions, your computers, and in your smartphones. each day, they produce and processes 10 terabytes of data from 17 different satellites, including the noaa polar and geostationary satellites. including the operation centers where the operators sit. as well as the defense satellite programs for the department of defense. two of our international missions. and we also process data from our european partners for environmental weather. the data rate is expected to jump from 10 to 100 terabytes per day. we process and distribute satellite data to support these operations.
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it is also the starting point rescue satellite aided operations. literally to my right here is the switchboard for the satellite information on search and rescue when we have alerts and warnings, we support the coast guard and local and regional rescue services on a daily basis for boaters, fishermen, pilots, and hikers who are in distress. nsoft is unique in other ways. reflects technology and environmental stewardship activities. the design featured in this building features two main components. the three-story houses you see here. and all the computer centers. it is spanned by a green room. -- roof. it is one of the largest green roofs in the area, and the building was the first federal building in the area which achieved a lead design for environmental compliance. and now it is my privilege to
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introduce the line of speakers for today's 2016 noaa's atlantic hurricane briefing. you will hear first from laura furgione, deputy director of the service. the noaa administrator will give the full season outlook. finally, you will hear from joe nimmich. go to the comforter upstairs or downstairs on the second floor to see the scale replica of the satellite next generation observing system, planned to launch late this year in cape canaveral, florida. this is a historic mission aiding techniques and capabilities that will improve noaa's environmental capabilities. you will see representatives from lockheed martin, harris corporation, developers of the
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satellites and the ground system. i turn it over to laura furgione. ms. furgione: i am the deputy director of the national weather service and no apostate pit -- administrator for weather services. the purpose of this 2016 atlantic hurricane outlook is to get people prepared for the coming hurricane season and not just focused on the numbers, but know that it only takes one. so be prepared if that one does impact you and your family. i would like to also remind people that it is not necessarily about where that i have the hurricane makes landfall or the wind around that hurricane. because, as we have seen more
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times, it is the flooding that is the greatest impact. nine out of 10 fatalities associated with hurricanes are water related. it is that inland flooding and coastal storm surge that are more costly and more dangerous, so be prepared for that. let's not forget the rip currents as well as we go into the memorial day weekend and we have some potential threats, we also have the threat for rip currents. so know how to prepare yourself and be ready for the impacts of rip currents. also severe weather associated with hurricanes and lightning and tour tales -- tornadoes. be prepared for all the potential impact associated with this hurricane season. it is shaping up to be a banner year for noaa and the national weather service. we are building a weather-ready nation by investing your national service for the future needs for america.
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the initiative turns five this year. we have come a long way to build the foundation to make communities more resilient. we have maturity science, created new products. this continued investment will make tangible improvements to hurricane track and intensity forecasts. improve our resiliency to storm surge and inland flooding, and even sea level rise. our hurricane forecast improvement program also is five years old this year. we continue this multi-year effort to improve hurricane forecasts and some of the improvements that i have already mentioned, we are on track to meet the five-year goal of lately present.ack. we began by 2016 by announcing an upgrade to our supercomputing
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. our powerful supercomputers, the operational and the backup, can one trillion calculations per second. we can process more observations than ever before. this upgrade is allowing for a number of weather forecast model innovations and improvements which will enhance the hurricane forecasting this year. upgrade happened earlier this month. it is foundational to all of our models, so the recent upgrade will improve hurricane forecasts this year and many others as well. the model gives hourly guidance five days out and takes timing into account when simulating how, when, and where storms will develop and move. our hurricane weather research and forecasting model also had some recent enhancements and
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made it our best performing intensity model over a period of 2013 to 2015. we will mark the first time forecasters have had direct connections between the coupled air, ocean, and waves, which will again improve our forecast team for the track and intensity. this upgrade will also increase the number of storms that we can forecast for any given time to 8. hopefully we will not be able to test that this year. speaking of water again, we have an exciting new flood forecasting tool coming online this summer to help us forecast inland flooding. as i mentioned before, inland flooding is the greatest threat to life and property from and land falling tropical system. this is the five-year anniversary of tropical storm irene, that passed over new york city and cause tremendous flooding in the state of vermont. we remember the devastation that
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storm caused, and now with our new national water model, version one, coming out this summer, we will be able to produce seven-day weather forecasts, water forecasts, and a 30-day water outlook for the entire nation, which we have never been able to do before. this will provide hourly water forecasts for 700 times more places than we have been able to do it in the past. this will allow us to greatly enhance our ability to forecast inland flooding from tropical storms and hurricanes. currently we forecast for 4000 points, but with the national water model, we will be able to have neighborhood resolution at 2.67 million points. that is really amazing. we also have some advancements at the national hurricane center this year. we have new tools to help communicate the threats of the storm surge and the potential for hurricane activity.
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for the second year, the national hurricane center will have an experimental storm surge watch/warning graphic. this will highlight coastal areas most at risk for life-threatening inundation by storm surge from a tropical cyclone. it is designed to introduce this watch/warning-specific concepts for storm surge hazard, each we have never had before. also, our experimental product, the potential storm surge flood map that was debuted in 2014 will go operational this year in 2016. so the map highlights geographic areas where inundation from a storm could occur and the height above ground that the water could reach representing a worst-case scenario for any individual location. that is exciting that you can actually see in a graphic where the highest level of water could occur. in conclusion, resilience to
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hurricanes could only be accomplished if the public -- if you -- use this outlook today to help you become better prepared for hurricane season, and heed specific warnings from our managers. last week i celebrated hurricane preparedness week by joining the air force at noaa hurricane hunters on their gulf of mexico hurricane awareness tour. president obama also issued a proclamation that spoke of our improvements in technology, forecasting and models, and new ways of disseminating this information to the public. he urged all americans to get ready for the hurricane season by having a plan ready about how to respond to warnings. he stated in the proclamation, "our communities are not resilient and less individuals have properly cautions." the hurricane center director and leslie chapman henderson
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said, "we cannot let hurricanes push us around. we all have to be hurricane strong." #hurricanestrong. i now invite dr. sullivan to the podium. thank you. dr. sullivan: thank you, laura. let me extend a special thank you also to dr. steven volz for hosting us here at this spectacular facility. i hope you will take him up on his offer to go upstairs for a tour. i would also like to acknowledge dr. jerry bell, who leads the team that produces the annual hurricane season outlook. he will be available for questions after the conference portion of this event is through. as we have been hearing already,
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communities all along america's coastlines are in the throes of preparing for hurricane season. although that season does not officially begin until june 1, i do want to start the day with an update on the low-pressure system that is currently being monitored between bermuda and the bahamas that has a prospect of approaching the southeast u.s. coastline. it's technical name is invest 91-lima. the system has quite a high chance of becoming a tropical or subtropical cyclone, in which case it would pick up the next name in the season list, and that would be bonnie. storms in may are not unusual. this one may or may not reach the threshold to become tropical. but that prospect is now quite high. no watches or warnings have been issued, but we are launching hurricane hunter aircraft this afternoon to investigate the area and take detailed measurements to improve our outlook on that.
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in any event, everybody along the southeast coast from georgia to the carolinas should watch the progress of this system very closely. and i am sure our colleague joe nimmich would say, now is the time to be thinking about your weekend plans, your go kit, how you are going to keep your family together, and whether in fact you should may be modified your weekend plans to take account of the prospect of severe weather along the eastern coast. this developing system underscores the importance of annual routines in getting homes and businesses ready, reviewing family plans and assemble emergency supplies, go kits, these realities are and need to be a way of life for coastal america. at noaa we have done our preparations as well. you heard from laura how our supercomputers are more powerful than ever with greater capability to take in and process the billions of earth observations that we need to make daily forecasts for you all. faster supercomputers will
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continue to pave the way for us to add more capabilities to our forecast models in the future. as she said, based on these unprecedented improvements, made possible through the generosity of the congress provided supplemeal funding in the wake of hurricane sandy, i can tell you confidently that noaa's national hurricane center is poised to deliver forecasts that will be more accurate and reliable than ever before. but the forecast models in the supercomputers that power them are meaningless if they do not have quality data. we get these data by observing the planet with robust observational networks. our ability to accurately observe, measure, and monitor the oceans and nanosphere is the foundation of our ability to forecast threats of hurricanes and other weather phenomenon. up to 90% of the data that go into the modern day weather forecast are derived from satellites. as you have heard, noaa will
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launch the new satellite into stationary orbit. it will scan the earth five times faster than other ones will. it will triple the number of wavelengths that we have today. all these data from goes are will improve forecasts by helping us to an point exact location as well as monitor more closely for signs of weakening or intensifying. our improved track and intensity forecast will in turn give fema and local emergency managers better information and more timely information to guide them as they pre-position resources to determine who should evacuate and just as important, as they determine who can safely not evacuate and let the storm passed by.
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gozar will also provide better tracking of smoke and dust plumes. it will help us improve aviation flight routing and provide data for long-term climate variability studies, improve our ability to monitor space weather and storm effects. it will continue with maritime forecasts, long-range seasonal positions, and drought outlooks. we are excited about this development. it gives us the direct ability to monitor lightning activity over land and water. it will enable us to improve how we view the world and also how we make decisions about public safety resource use and economic opportunities. let me add my encouragement to take the tour. on to the business directly at hand.
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i have the privilege of presenting the 2016 atlantic hurricane season outlook. noaa's outlook for this season indicates it is most likely to be a near normal year. in the atlantic, it will likely produce a range of 10 to 16 tropical storms. those are systems with sustained wind of 39 miles per hour. four to eight of those are expected to become hurricanes with top winds sustained at 74 miles per hour. some will grow to category 3 or higher, with wind speeds of 111 miles per hour. relax. things are ok. but i want to emphasize that the predicted level of activity i just read off, compared to the past three years that we have experienced, actually suggests
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we could be in for more activity than we have seen in recent years. i want to emphasize as we do each year, this is a forecast about the number of systems and storms a hurricane is likely to form. it makes no prediction with respect to landfall or tracks. as always is the case, our hurricane season outlook is based on projections of climate factors that are known to influence the formation, development, and propagation of hurricanes, along with model predictions of atmospheric and oceanic conditions. this year there is strong variability in several key climate factors greater than in past years. so there is uncertainty as to whether these factors will be reinforcing each other or competing with respect to tropical storm formation. more specifically, there is uncertainty about whether the
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high activity in a rut of era of atlantic hurricanes has ended. this high activity phase began in 1895. it is associated with an ocean temperature pattern that is called the warm phase of the atlantic to cato oscillation, and a warm phase of the amo leads to warmer atlantic temperatures and african monsoons. during the past three years, weaker hurricane seasons have been a company by a shift toward the cooler signature of the amo, cooler temperatures. and weaker african monsoons. if this is not just a temporary blip, it could be signaling the arrival of a low-activity era for atlantic hurricanes. possibly that has already begun. high and low phases tend to run 25 to 40 years. so recent indications are maybe
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of a cooling, to a cooler phase of the amo. the second uncertainty factor this year is about the extent to which el niño and la niña will influence the atlantic hurricane seasons. el niño is dissipating, but the tale of its impact could extend into the early part of the hurricane season. the climate conditions center is forecasting a 70% chance of la niña developing on the heels of that. and la niña to be present during the peak months of the atlantic hurricane season. model projections show uncertainty as to how strong the lending impact will be. so the prospect of moving toward
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a cooler amo, which is not yet definitive, and uncertainty as to who will win out and which months of hurricane season el niño influences. in sum, although the outlook is predicting a near-normal season, i want to underscore this leaves the potential for considerable activity. a near-normal season does not mean we are off the hook or that there will not be hurricane-related impacts. it only takes one storm anywhere, however intense the season is, to be devastating to homes, families, and communities. now is the time for you to start preparing for the upcoming season, which starts in a few days. forecasting ability fits within our goal of providing the products and services that are enabling our products and citizens to make active decisions that are needed to bolster their resilience in the face of weather-related challenges. we are closer to realizing our goals than ever before, thanks to the hard work of no employees and many key collaborators, and the support of the congress.
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all of these preparations still leave us exposed to mother nature and with the imperative of always being prepared. on that note, i can invite deputy director of fema joe nimmich to talk about this imperative. joe? mr. nimmich: thank you, dr. sullivan, and thank you for the phenomenal work that your staff at noaa and the national weather service has done in order to give us better knowledge in terms of the likelihood. in each and every storm as you look at in the, we have an understanding of the likely impact it will have and where it will come ashore. you have done your job, your role in trying to give us better information. the national hurricane center ability to project out
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longer, to more accurately define landfall and the impact of landfall, including the model that lets us see exactly how much water pushed from the ocean will impact our homes, our industries, and our locations. as well as the national water center that looks at the marine flooding, that had more impact and damage and deaths from flooding than the surge models . you have done your part, dr. sullivan. it is now important for us to do our part. none of this information is worthwhile unless we understand it, we access it, and we respond to it. the critical factor here is, what do we as citizens take advantage of all the information provided to us? have we planned ahead? the single biggest factor for you is to understand where you are located and what your evacuation plan is. and when you are told to evacuate, evacuate. i cannot tell you how many times
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we have had a disaster where we go to support an individual who has been impacted and said i have lived here for 30 years and my house has never flooded, even though we have told you it is in the floodplain and we have told you the potential exists. every time you do not evacuate, you put first responders' lives in danger. the key factor, when you're told of an event that will impact your home, listen and take the appropriate evacuation capability. you may not be in the area that is immediately impacted, but will have secondary impact in terms of power outages, lack of utilities, lack of other infrastructure, and you need to be prepared. you need to have the resources to survive and to take care of yourself in terms of water and food for the duration that you are exposed, at least 48 hours. we continue to look at being
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able to stay informed. there are multiple different apps that are down there. i ask every civilian, individual, citizen, to download the fema app to your mobile device, which will allow you with this free offer to understand the tips and safety before, during, and after an emergency. the fema app will allow you to have information not only before but during and then critically, after an emergency occurs. the app allows you to set your preparedness reminders, that if you get a notification, that you can update your emergency kits and practice your escape plans, your evacuation plans. you can sign up for emergency alerts and evacuation orders from your local emergency management offices. it is a simple thing to do to ensure you are prepared. finally, the single biggest thing we see is the impact on people's lives after the event.
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if you are in a flood zone, flood insurance is your best resource. the additional support you get will never cover the losses that you have incurred, much like wind, fire. if you are in an area that is likely to have flooding, not having flood insurance means you are not prepared to restore your life to some semblance of normalcy. clearly, fema works very closely, hand-in-hand, day to day, with our friends at noaa and the national weather service. there is nothing more than impacts my day than the morning brief in terms of what the weather will do, whether it is flooding in texas or tornadoes tonight in kansas, or the invest 91-l that will impact georgia, south carolina, and north carolina this weekend. utilize the improvements the national weather service has
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made for us to do the right thing and be prepared to respond to that information. thank you, and i think we will go to questions. now we will go to the q&a. we will take questions in the room and then we will go to the phones. i would like to invite dr. sullivan and dr. bell to the podium to answer the questions. name andll state your affiliation before you begin your question, we would appreciate it. are there any questions in the room? operator, we will go to the questions on the phone.
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>> if you would like to ask a question, record your first and last name. one moment for the first question. the first question, you may ask your question. >> hello, this is for catherine sullivan. when you say it is a near-normal season, could you characterize why it is not a normal season? what aspect is not quite normal? >> thanks for that. i'm going to invite jerry bell to give you an explanation. of're talking about range probabilities. there is some reinforcing factors, which make this year a
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little more uncertain than others. do you want to amplify on that? cast --ve three season classifications. near-normal refers to a range of by the overalld season strengths and the numbers of hurricanes and tropical storms. we use near-normal because normal, people think of as the mathematical average. we are not talking about that. third talking the middle of the season's with a certain level of activity. >> the middle range. each one of the season designations is a range. it is not a distinct number. the lower range, the higher range.
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although there are uncertainties, like you said. >> yes. is there another question on the ?hone >> if somebody could talk about below activity era, what you will be watching in the future and what could that mean in terms of storm numbers? >> those are good questions. it is hard to say. when we are looking at these ocean temperature patterns, we are not looking month to month or year to year. we are looking for multiple decades. we don't just have the pattern lasting the same strengths for decades at a time.
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there is some variability. warm phasee the thisbly switching to cold, transit -- transition may reflected the year to year signal. what we will be looking for to say -- to see is the duration of the patterned and also its duration through the year. right now we are seeing it in the winter and not very much in the summer and the hurricane season. we would expect to this pattern to develop more the next couple of years. it may take a few years before we know if we are in the cold phase or not. it is hard to say. the last time we hit a transition was in the 1970's. we did not have the data
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it is not about a new slant. we are watching it for the first time with very new eyes. if we knew what three or four earlier once looked like, we would have the basis of saying for they sake x amount of time to prove themselves out. it is the first time we are seeing signals that might important tanned a phase shift. so we are watching with all the
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alertness that geri indicated. are is there other questions on the known? >> next question comes from willie drire. you may ask your question. >> was just wondering if you could comment on the factors that have prevented a major hurricane land faul since 2005, and whether any of those factors are still in place or whether there is any way of knowing whether the likelihood unusual string of no landfalling major hurricanes being broken? >> well, we have been extremely fortunate that we haven't had major hurricane landfalls in the years you have said. you can have major damage. iron and sandy. those were not major hurricanes, but they caused tremendous damage and flooding. so there is a lot more to the
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impacts of a hurricane than just its strength there. is its size, motion, location with respect to the eye wall, inland fonding, tornadoes, your preparedness so you can act accordingly. to get off the major hurricane thing because there are many more important issues. now, there is a set of weather patterns that tends to favor re hurricane lafell -- landfall. the heart of that is if you have a higher pressure over the eastern uzz. you take the storms western, and those storms can move up through the gulf of mexico and strike or swerve up through the bahamas and strike. so with that high pressure patterson as we saw in 2003, 2004 and 2005 when we had a lot of hurricanes striking, that was the major patterson. now fortunately over the last
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several years, we have had a low pressure over the united states. that recurves these hurricanes out into the open atlantic, offer times far before they are threatening the coast. so we have been is there fortunate with that pattern, but there is no way to predict it is going to be in place for the bulk of this hurricane season. and even if that pattern is in place, all it stakes is is a break of a couple of weeks, and you can have a huge hurricane or a tremendous hurricane damage. the outlook is not for hurricane landfalls, we cannot predict these local weather ppearance. they are only predictable a week in advance and at the time the hurricane is approaching. we can't predict it because the hurricanes and tracks are controlled by the local patterns. >> i think i understand the limitations that you have. my question is just whether any
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of the prevailing patterns from previous years are in place this year. but i understand that you can't say with certainty whether you are going to have a maj hurricane come ashore. i was wondering about the prevailing patterns that may have been some influence in the past 11 years. >> this is kathy sullivan, the prevailing patterns, the ones that endure long fluff are seasonal scales. they give us an outlook for level of activity. when you refer to the prevailing patterns that affected storm track and lafell, as geri said, those don't prevail over long times. those are in days and weeks, and we can only predict them that far out. so we don't know what the prevailing patterns will be june, july, august through october. our prediction centers tell us to expect a fair amount of storms to to form and then watch the pattern at the time
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the storm is coming in. >> thanks very much. >> i am curious because you mentioned that el nino may start phasing out, and there is a 70% that la nina would develop and increase the amount of hurricane activity. can you expound on that a little more? i live in texas on the gulf of mexico, and we have been hit by hurricanes before. so what are the chances of la nina actually developing before the end of the season? >> this is geri bell. right now the climate prediction center is indicating -- chance that la anyone that lani will be here during the peak months of the hurricane season, which is august, september and october. that is by far when the bulk of the major hurricanes form.
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about 90% of the storms form during august, september and october, and there is a high likelihood that la nina will be present and try and strengthen the season during those normally active months. but the counter of that is we don't know if we are in this background climate signal that would further enhance the activity, or perhaps a change in that signal that might help to suppress la nina's impact. but we are still expecting a near normal season at this time. that is still a lot of activity. you need to start getting prepared now for your hurricane preparedness plan. we know it only takes one, and the sooner you prepare, obviously the more ready you will be in case a storm threatens. >> i know we have had el nino for a while, and we haven't had
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one down here. when was the last time we have actually seen la nina have an impact on the season? >> la nina was last here in 2010. nina combination of la and the active a.m.o. produced a very active hurricane season. >> next question comes from barbara hollingsworth. if the a.m.o. is headed in the direction that you think it is, what will be the overall result on hurricanes over the next say two decades? >> well, at this time we don't know if the a.m.o. is switching to its cold phase. if and when the a.m.o. does switch back to its cold phase, that is associated with a weaker west african man soon and weaker hurricane seasons. the last time we had a cold
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phase of the a.m.o. was during 1971 and 1994. that was called a low activity era for atlantic hurricanes. and during that 25-year period we only had two above normal seasons, and half were below normal. that is how strong this a.m.o. signal is. it really is a powerhouse as far as controlling the strength of the hurricane season for decades at a time. >> next question is from david fletcher. you may ask your quefment >> to follow up on the question of the a.m.o., in we did enter a low intensity era, what would that mean specifically with reference to numbers and intensity. era would mean fewer storms and fewer major hurricanes.
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>> is there a a range? >> that is getting too speculative. we have been averaging 15 storms a year, about eight hurricanes and about four major hurricanes. in a low activity era we might verage two major hurricanes, one -- sorry, one to two major hurricanes and four or five hurricanes. those were the numbers we saw from the 1971 to 1994 period. that is just a general idea of what these differences in numbers mean. >> this is kathy sullivan, if i could just amplify. fistically the number of storms -- statistically, the number of storms in a season may be lower, but 1992 was hurricane andrew. that was a very low year. i think that was about the only storm that formed, and it absolutely devastated a very wide stwauth of south florida. that place took decades to
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really begin to come back. so don't bank your course of action based on whether you are feeling low, immediate inman or happen annually. one can hit the coast or brush the coast near you, and in any event where we live on this hemisphere in this planet this , is the season to be sure you are ready for hurricanes. not banking on statistical odds. greg's showing no further questions at this time -- >> showing no further questions at this time. you, operator, i think we have one in the room. >> the question is what is considered now a normal season as far as what are the actual numbers go for a normal season, both in the atlantic and the eastern pacific? what numbers do you use? dr. bell: the averages for the
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atlantic, seasonal average is 12 named storms. six hurricanes and two-three averagess ran those reflects between a boundary between these high activity with and low activity eras less activity. i'm not sure my answer that question. the eastern pacific is overall a more active basin. it averages 15 to 16 named storms. eight hurricanes in about five major hurricane. while the atlantic has been very active since 1995, the way the climate signals work is they have a seesaw effect. the central and eastern pacific hurricane seasons have been below normal since 1995. during the last couple years, with these changes, the coolness in the amo, the atlantic has gone to supress, but the eastern pacific has gone enhanced.
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these climate factors have a seesaw effect and we are actually seeing a little bit of that right now. dr. sullivan: any further questions in the room? >> thank you, ma'am answer. -- and sir. i have a question. when i am watching the local news and hurricanes come in and they are predicting a green path , and a red path, and a blue path, and a yellow path are , those all coming from your guys' number crunching from this center, or are we getting numbers from other people's algorithms that are using the same numbers? general with in
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, every significant weather system, the modern-day technique is to use an ensemble of forecasts to different models produced by different entities. each model has its strengths and weaknesses. error is factored in. it is with all those variations in the models and the data that results of a forecast converge. that tells you that kind of outcome, that situation, how -- is robust against all of those different errors. it gives you greater confidence that that is a more likely outcome. it depends on what your tv guide showing you -- tv guy is showing you. sometimes in hurricane seasons they will show you different colored paths, and those are historical path tracks to remind you with a have gone in the past. sometimes they show you the different output of different models, several of which are from noaa, some of which are from europe. whether you are in europe, united states or canada or japan, really competent forecasters are using all those models. r forecasts are not
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popularity contests. it is actually a scientific judgment about the strength and weaknesses of each of them that lead them to give you their forecast guidance. >> i would like to thank you for joining us today. if you have follow-up questions, you can e-mail a set in ws. pa at or find us in the >> madam secretary, we probably give 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the united states.
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>> now a discussion on what has been affecting americans ability to move up the economic ladder. from washington journal, this is under one hour. host: frank buckley, what is the premise of your book, "the way back: restoring the promise of america"? book, "the way back: restoring the promise of america"? guest: we have changed as a country. we were the country of that, wherever you came from, you had the chance to rise. now it seems that is broken. now we are not that country. , theu look at the numbers way a lot of people cut them,
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that country is denmark or maybe canada. that is shocking. i think that helps explain what is happening in politics today. host: when you talk about mobility, what do you mean? correlation between the earnings of parents and children. that is how this is measured. immobile.y we are like england in that respect. we are not as we imagine ourselves to be. the kind of country where you can get ahead. that is deeply disturbing. pollsters tell us most americans think their kids will not have it as well off as they did, for the first time. that is revolutionary. marx had a problem with america. americast theory, should be the first company to go communist, because the stages were agrarian, capitalist,
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communist. america was capitalist. it was not happening. reason that is happening is that class was very mobile. but now we are in mobile. we have their credit parents who raise mericratic kids. to 10% stock at that level. that is disturbing to a lot of americans. ist: the theme of your book inequality. "the level of income inequality at anys higher than point in the last 90 years. there is even less mobility in america than in most first world countries. that is new and it will transform american politics." that "theto write tragedy of america is that while the left often asks the right
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questions, it almost as often provides the wrong answers. income inequality is no exception." up on i am here to beat both political parties. -- thet has dismissed right has dismissed concerns about income inequality. they say does not exist. i think it is there. it is all about envy, and we do not like envy, or that it is about a move to a high-tech economy and we cannot do anything about that. i say fiddlesticks. they are not living in the stone age in denmark. we do not think we are mobile. bad is transformative -- that is transformative of our politics. if you look at the causes for this -- the left realizes this
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is a problem. but when you look at the causes of immobility and you compare this country to other countries that are more mobile, you see k-12rences in respect to education, to immigration, to the rule of law. in those cases, we are talking about programs the left really likes but that cause immobility. it,he right does not get but the left gets it and does not give the right answers. frank buckley is our guest, wrote "the way back: restoring the promise of america." 202 is the area code. 748-8000 for democrats. 748-8001 for republicans. 748-8002 for independents.
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i think you got the idea of what we are talking about. "phony nation," the 1% movement of 2011 argued that gains to the wealthiest off of theame poorest americans in a zero-sum society. in other words, one more dollars for the rich means one less dollar for the poor. some politicians would have you think that is the way it always works, but there is a finite amount of money in the world that song again and others lose. in that case, we never see economic progress. guest: i cannot have said it better myself. host: can you expand on that? further, i said we are not in a zero-sum gain. what interested me was the negative sum game, where we have
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barriers to registry and licensing requirements. all of those things which keep people from getting into the labor force are getting into the labor force. that is wasteful. here we are, in your studio, looking at the capitol there. behind it is k street, the biggest amount of patronage seen in any country at any time. that is part of the problem as well. a good part of the way back is trying to blow up those kinds of networks and freeing things for people who want to rise, as they did formerly. ew came out with a study about the middle class. it says the middle class is shrink and. 61% of people lived in the middle class in 1971. it is down to 50%. the real growth is on the highest level. others have stayed steady. is this a bad thing? it is not bad when people
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move into the upper class. but on average, we have a fairly threatened middle class. a middle class that is not rising as it should and seems to be less wealthy than the middle-class and other countries. that is something i think most americans get. you can slice this up in a variety of different ways, but overall, i was shocked to look at the differences between mobility here and mobility in other countries. that interested me most is the country we most closely resemble, and the country from which i came -- canada. what i found shocking was the way in which if you are in the top 10% here, the chances your kid will be in the top 10% or 20% are about 50%.
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you will stay there. if you are in the top -- the bottom 10%, the chances your kid 10% of in the bottom 20%. in canada, you have it good shot a moving up and if you're the top, you have a shot at moving down. it is not that way in this country. it is because the game is stacked in favor of aristocracy. i want to argue there is nothing surprising about that. that aristocracy is the natural default of any society. we like to think if we relax, everything will be cool and we will move back to being a highly mobile society. i say no. if you look at the history of the world, it is the case that aristocracy is the way it has been pretty much all the time. you get reach interludes of great mobility. then we seem to revert to a kind of aristocracy. so you get high mobility after
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great events like a war, like the revolutionary war or the is a war, or whether there great transmission in the economy. but then we seem to settle back into a society stick -- thick with rules and influence. those gone the way of people moving. obamar you feel about care, there is one statistic people find shocking. it was a 1000 page bill crammed with a lot of goodies -- by the way, the medicare bill in canada is 12 pages long, and it is bilingual. so 1000 pages long. but the regulations are 20,000 pages. try to work your way around that, if you are a health care professional. it is crazy. so we have a plethora of rules. this is wonderful if you are an established business. but if you are a small guy trying to move up, it is
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terrible. it is a wonderful society if you are surrounded by lawyers. young guy ore a entrepreneur just starting out and you do not have the connections, it is not so good. that is the kind of thing i am talking about. host: you talked about the aristocracy in the states. what is canada doing right in your view? guest: one example in the news is immigration. there was a story recently about how the new prime minister of canada welcomed syrian refugees. , will takethe end around 50,000 syrian refugees. many will be christian, by the way. that is something of which someone can be proud, as a canadian. by comparison, the american number seems to be about 5000. if it matched canada, it would not be 5000 but 500,000. moreover, it was america that, more than any other country, caused the problem by a crazy war in iraq.
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it was like a child in an antique store it that broke something and then walked away from it. in other respects, canada has an immigration system donald trump would love. canada puts illegals on the plane. and has an immigration system geared toward providing jobs to canadians. the me tell you something that i find interesting. canada is 20% foreign-born. none of this is a political issue in canada. it has way more immigrants, but it is not it medical issue. why -- everyone realizes it is good for the country and good for us. here, we have a sense this is bad for us. thepeople most hurt in united states are african-americans. they have -- they would have the jobs that are being competed away by illegals or by family preferences.
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so the american immigration system is crazy. just a confession of failure. it is based on something which does not make sense -- a family preference system. when people came over from the old country, the old sod back in -- now we have something like cell phones and cheap air for. it is easy to get back -- holland or ireland or wherever. the argument for family preference is not there. there is an argument for economic migrants. a countrye numbers, 1/10 the size of the united states takes in more economic migrants. 160 thousand in canada, 140,000 here. ais is not a way to run railroad. it is why it is such a political hot potato. that is just one example. host: what you think of the term
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"populism." not have a good feeling about populism, but i am beginning to think i am a populist. it is conflicting. it is a good way to construct your loss on how to make americans better. now, the republican party seems to be torn between purists on one side and populists on the other. my view is the republican party was not blown up by donald trump. rather by mick barney -- mitt speech when he gave his about the foursome percent of takers. he gave his 59 point plan which no one remembers. but we remembered the 47%. there isthe idea that "us" and "them." tocommunicated a commitment sensible combine with a
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disaffirmance -- a this interest towards people. isinterest towards people. trump, there is a sense he is on your side. that is populist. way of he will have a swinging it to bring everyone together. i want to argue it would be good , and,e more mobility indeed, equality would follow. i call that socialist ends. the difference between the party is that trump's party once that wantnts that and the dems that. there are two ways to get there. one is by socialism and the other is by capitalism. we should get rid of the things preventing people. calvin is calling in from
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winston-salem, north carolina, independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. when i hear the title of the cut -- "theay back, way back," it makes me think of how the country was founded. the exhortation of native americans. the african-americans who were brought here against their will. founded the capitalist system here. my point being that when i hear people talk about how trump is so popular, i say to myself, here is the economy of a capitalist. someone who uses immigrant labor to build his hotels and his chinese as well as manufacturers of many of his apparel goods -- ties and what
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have you -- yet the people who support him want to make america great again. it is interesting the demographic, some of it, that supports mr. trump are the total opposite of who he is, which falls into line with historically how america works. fdr was for the people. he was a democrat. he was an aristocrat. he came from theodore roosevelt. kennedy was a democrat for the people. he was an aristocrat. he came from kennedy the ambassador. ispoint is there doublespeak. talk about both sides of your mouth -- host: let's hear from frank buckley. guest: thank you. that is a lot to answer. a couple points. slavery is not capitalism. it is the opposite of capitalism. i am not on the side of slavery.
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indeed, there was that historical problem at the founding. as you probably know, slavery was essentially abolished in england by virtue of judicial decision in 1773. that, to my mind, was much more of a capitalist system. as for more current events, i do not want to talk about trump's hotels, if you do not mind, but i will say this about republicans and conservatives. and i think i am agreeing with you. what i want to say is much of what one thinks is noble in the republican party is kennedy liberalism. taxesy wanted to lower and was a supply-sider. republicans are he time hated it. rights, a lot of conservatives at the time were opposed to civil rights. it was liberal republicans who provided the crucial votes to get the 1964 bill passed.
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and kennedy democrats were a party of openness and provided the sense we would all rise. they were not the white shoe imagine theome republicans to be. i am probably agreeing and say yang that which i like in the republican party, in many ways, has its roots in jfk democts. frank buckley, calvin kind of alluded to this, but your back," and way donald trump's slogan, making america great as when? guest: your showing the cover of my book -- great picture. did not pick it. it is the empire state building. new york in the 1950's. the story and said -- historian given said if you had to pick a period when humans were happiest, it would have been
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rome 2000 years back. but i would have picked new york in the 1950's. it was not perfect, we are much better off, in terms of african-americans, women, but what was different back then is every one of us had the sense things were getting better. we have lost that. -- and i amway back not getting in to america great again -- but part of the way back is a recovery. yankee doodle dandy spirit that everything was possible. the empire state building was put up in 18 months in the middle of the depression. now we have a sense nothing will be fixed. it is a system that seems broken. a system that has gotten too big in many ways. -- washington is to think
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too thick with rules. the best thing the government can do is get out of the way. host: frank buckley is a law professor at the university of george mason and a visiting fellow at the university of law visit chicago law school. he was a visiting professor in france as well. dennis is on the republican line. caller: good morning. i have never said thank you for taking my call, but i especially want to say thank you today. this is a provocative subject. i used to say to people that if we want to figure out what went wrong with america, etc., we have to go back to a point in time when things are good. mr. buckley said he things it is the 1950's. i say we have to go from that point forward and say what went wrong? you can talk about this for
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hours or days. to me, it is all about education. it's going to be a generation. what's got to be fixed is education. , read an article last night titled the education of minority children. it's brilliant. he points out how public schools are not the answer, etc. thealked about the irish of 1800s and the blacks from the 1870's and 1955. it has got to be about the education. right now, parents have no hope because the kids are all going into schools they do not approve of. they do not see the kids getting a good education, so the kids have no hope and the parents have no hope. that is my one suggestion as to how to restore america again. it is not the only answer, but you got to have the right of parents to choose the school the child will go to. sowell'sad dr.
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article. i will get your book and i will recommend it and put it on my facebook page. host: we're going to leave it there. guest: since you're going to buy my book, i'm going to ask you. in blistering canada -- western canada and i went to the public school and it was 99% french-canadian. the teachers in the school were nuns. everybody thought that was fine, but years later i talked to a friend of mine, an african-american fellow, who is a judge, he said that nuns, when people shocked by the? at? there was a motto that said one country, one school system, and that was the ku klux klan. there are historical reasons based in bigotry why there have
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been problems with state support for parochial schools, but i think what that would provide, and vouchers generally and charter schools, is needed competition. the great thing about competition is that it pulls up everybody. you do not see it working. you do not see the machinery. you do not see the gears, but to compete and offer a different kind of school system, you have got to be better than the other guy. the other guy than needs to pull up his socks. that is why we are so absolutely terrible in k-12. when you look at how we rank compared to other countries, it is just dreadful. an economist at hoover calculated that if we could magically raise our score levels to canadian levels, it would wipe out the national debt. it is that huge. the differences are so humongous. i think that is absolutely crucial. if i could wave my magic wand, that would be the one thing i would do. i would take the budget of the
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department of education, about a3 billion, and i would lot it to states that have those programs. bill is in pittsburgh on the republican line. caller: good morning. when i called him, i thought this was going to be about income inequality. i mostly agree with you, although so far i have about 15 s that i could take with you, but let's go back to that phrase, which has disturbed me ever since it came up. the necessary implication of saying the problem with income it's they is that presumption that i think you alluded to that the money that tos to the rich does not go
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the poor and the middle class. it is not the same money. paid for what comes in at the cash register. once you have accumulated something and you invest it, all the sudden, the investment situations in the world make it very easy to get a larger incomes. . it sounds like you would agree with me. makeuestion is, how to what comes into the cash register more efficient and going into people's incomes? that is the statement and the thought and i wonder if you might speak a little bit. guest: i appreciate that. let me say something that people might find a little surprising.
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if you want to promote more mobility equality, a natural thought would be, let's fiddle with our welfare payments. what people do not realize is that the american welfare system is really incredibly generous. like to think that the nordic countries are so much more generous, but they really aren't. you look atut if welfare payouts as percentage of gdp, i think it is only sweden that is more generous than we are. what we have got our 72 different federal programs, a lot of city programs, a lot of private charities. this is a pretty good country to be poor in, but the basic point is if what we want is re equality, we are not going to get there but somehow adjusting our welfare payouts. rather the issue is, and i think you are hinting at this, is let's get more cash in the cash register, which is mostly the question of freeing of people so
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they can go out there and do their thing without having to worry about a mess of rules getting in the way. there is one shocking statistic produced by the institute for justice. licensing requirements. i am a lawyer. if you are a lawyer, you have to get qualified by a bar. there is a license required for doctors. 30 years, one in 20 americans had to get a license for that. now, it is one in three. we are talking about hair graders and masseuses. we are talking about a crazy bunch of requirements that do not do much except protect the cartel of people in place and that has the effect of excluding people from rising and getting into their own business. that's a problem. host: larry is coming in from chula vista, california. you are on with frank buckley. caller: i just want to say something that quick about get the government out of our lives.
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i spent 30 years of my life working for this government, 20 in the united states marine corps. i think more people should be involved in the government, and definitely keep an eye on what we are doing. on another subject, it seems like a lot of people are lost. i like mickey mantle and the old new york, so i see where you're coming from. during my time in the military, i got into the computer field and i saw in the late 1980's we were headed i.t. 21, information technology for the 21st century. there were only a few things that we could do because of all the jobs that we left, everything is computerized. that we left, everything is we have to get educated. we have to rebuild infrastructure.
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the are sitting on cables that were built from the 1960's and early 70's. on the software side of the house, windows 10. they do not match up and that is why we get hacked all the time. if we can relay the whole america infrastructure, we cannot export jobs. they will be here. we fix education by putting schools on internet and all schools follow the curriculum. as far as health care, get everybody in. host: before we get through that whole list, let's get a response from mr. buckley. guest: larry, thank you, and you are up there early in california. i agree with you. there's a lot to be said for could we make the government someefficient than using of that surplus in terms of rebuilding the infrastructure. there is a whole laundry list that you provided and the way back would involve a whole laundry list. i will tell you one thing about all
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