Washington Journal CSPAN June 1, 2016 1:39am-1:59am EDT
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[applause] mr. trump: thank you, everybody. we have gotten the nomination. we are going to have an incredible period in cleveland. we started working already on the convention. and lebron, good luck in the series because we will have the series, which of course, the longer it goes, the less time we have, but that's ok. it will be very interesting to see what happens. as you know, they are playing the basketball championships partially in that arena. i think it will be very exciting, lending to the excitement in cleveland. that's good or it because that's what we want. because it's going to be an exciting period of time. we have, we've done some awfully good work. i was just informed, it was certified out, that we've gotten more votes than anybody in the
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history of the republican primaries, and we still have i guess six or seven locations to go, states to go. and in the history, think of it. in to the history of this great party, we've gotten substantially more than anybody else, by millions. by millions more than anybody who's ever run. when you think dwight eisenhower and ronald reagan, everybody, we have the most votes by far. that's something, to me, that's very exciting. and overall it's just within a very exciting process. i think we're going to do very well. we have no idea what's going to happen on the democrat side, but they're certainly having difficulty. i don't like to see people having difficulty, but anybody has to have it, let it be them. and it's going to be very interesting. but i'm very proud to say we've gotten the most votes. also if you look at the overall primary, the amount of votes cast, that's also a record. so we've broken a lot of records in terms of the voters.
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our polling has come out, and the polls are doing very well. as you know, we're pretty much even and in some cases ahead of hillary. and i think we're going to have a very, very successful number of months. and i think it will all culminate in november, and we're going to make america great again, ok? so that's the way it is. does anybody have any questions? yes, yes. >> the last four months about questions -- yeah. who got that money? mr. trump: ok. ok. i'm glad you asked the question, because i have to tell you, i have raised a tremendous amount of money for the vets, almost $6 million, and more money is going to come in, i believe, over the next little while too.
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but i've raised almost $6 million. all of the money has been paid out. and i'm going to give it to you in a second. in fact, i brought a list just in case that question was asked. but the money has been paid out. i have been thanked by so many veterans' groups throughout the united states. one gentleman called me up recently crying that out of the blue he got a check for $100,000. but i've been thanked by so many groups, great veterans groups. outside you have a, groups. outside you have a few people picketing, they're sent by hillary clinton, and they're picketing that the money wasn't sent. the money's all been sent. i wanted to keep it private. if we could, we wanted to keep it private. because i don't think it's anybody's business if i want to send money to the vets. i raised close to $6 million. it'll probably be over that amount when it's all said and done. but as of this moment, it's $5.6 million. when it started, this started with a speech in iowa when i
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said let's raise some money for the vets. and it went up from a million dollars to $2 million to $3 million. and it now adds up to be almost $6 million and, again, i think we can even do better than that. but i will say that the press should be ashamed of themselves. and on behalf of the vets, press should be ashamed of themselves. they are calling me and they are furious because i sent people checks of a lot of money, and i'm going to give you the names right now which is what you want. and instead of being like thank you very much, mr. trump, or trump did a good job, everyone said who got it, who got it, who got it, and you make me look very bad. i have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job. so i will give you the names because that's what you want, right? ok. are you ready? i brought them here. it takes, because you have to vet, you know, much of this money was paid out very early. but you have to vet all of these different groups because these are many different groups. you have to go through a process. when you send checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars to people and to companies and to groups that you've never heard of, charitable organizations, you have to vet it. you send people out, you do a lot of work. now, most of the money went out
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quite a while ago. some of it went out more recently. but all of this has gone out, and i'll give you the names. are you ready? do you have your pad? and, again, i really think the press, look, the media, you know my opinion of the media, it's very low. i think the media is, frankly, made up of people in many cases, not in all cases, are not good people. but i think this is an example. and i just on behalf of all of the folks that have worked hard on this and all of the people that have made contributions including myself, i gave a million dollars, but i just want to tell you that there are so many people that are so thankful for what we did. one other thing that's important to know, it's zero dollars have been taken out for administration. you know, when you go to a lot of these different groups, in this case zero dollars have been
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taken out for administration. so a lot of these companies that make a lot of money with doing the administration stuff. so no money, it cost zero dollars to accumulate all of this money, ok? so you have 22, and that's $200,000. you can call these people. that was another thing. a lot of the money when it was sent out, different people would call. i can tell you, i'm not going to mention anybody specifically, but there were a couple of people that were really disgusting. they'd call, and these vet groups, they don't get a lot of calls from the press. maybe some of them would keep quiet, or they didn't know, or they didn't want to talk to the press or they didn't feel comfortable. so if they didn't say they got the money, which they all did, 100%, all certified checks if anyone wants to see the certified checks. but rather or than saying could i see a certified check, they're not people that always talk to the press. many of them do talk to the press. i guess you found $2 million or $2.5 million. well, the number is $5.6 million, and it's going to possibly go above that because i
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believe some other people are coming in. ready? 22 kill got $200,000. now, these are checks that have been delivered, that have been cashed, that are now being used to help the vets. achilles international, great organization, $200,000. much of this money was paid a long time ago. american hero adventures, $100,000. americans for equal living, $100,000. america's vet dogs, the veteran k-9 corps inc., $75,000. amvets, $75,000. just so you understand, when i didn't do the fox debate, the one fox debate because i didn't think they treated me right, but actually they've been extremely
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fair over the last three or four months, i have to say that about fox, but when i didn't do that one event, the debate, i gave a speech. i didn't have to do this with the money for the vets, but i decided to because i thought it would be a good idea. and i had some very generous people, carl icahn gave half a million dollars, phil ruffin gave a million, ike perlmutter gave a million. we raised a lot of money, and i didn't have to do that. it would have been easier just to give the speech. and the problem with the press, what they do is they convince people like me not to do it, not to give money to different things because it's a lot easier that way. armed services, ymca of the united states, $75,000. bob woodruff family foundation inc., they do a good job, $75,000. central iowa shelter and services, these are all vet-related, $100,000. connected warriors inc., $75,000.
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disabled american veterans' charitable service trust, $115,000. fisher house foundation, great people, $115,000. folds of honor foundation, $200,000. foundation for american veterans, $75,000. freedom alliance, $75,000. green beret foundation, $350,000. hire heroes usa, $75,000. homes for our troops, $50,000. and just so you understand, we've got a long way to go. this money was raised during a little speech that i made rather than doing a debate. the one debate i missed. it was the lowest rated debate,
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by the way, but i won't say that. honoring america's warriors, $100,000. hope for the warriors, $65,000. intrepid fallen heroes fund, $175,000. k-9s for warriors, $50,000. liberty house, $100,000. marine corps law enforcement foundation, $1,100,000. i gave a million dollars to them. they're a great group. navy seal foundation, $465,000. navy marine corps relief society, $75,000. new england wounded veterans inc., $75,000. operation home front, $65,000.
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partners for patriots, $100,000. project for patriots, and we're still vetting them, by the way, the check is ready to to go but they don't have all of their appropriate, in fact, we have down here will be released to them upon the receipt of the irs determination letter. it's the only one or, which we hear they're fantastic, but they have to give us that final document. this is what i mean by vetting. you have to have all the documents, otherwise you can't give them the money. project for patriots, $100,000. puppy jake foundation, $100,000. racing for heros inc., $200,000. support zooland soldiers, $100,000. task force dagger foundation, $50,000. the mission continues, $75,000.
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the national military family association inc., $75,000. veterans airlift command, $100,000. veterans count, $25,000. veterans in command inc., $150,000. vietnam veterans workshop inc., $75,000. warriors for freedom foundation, $50,000. and i believe we're going to have some more coming in. some friends of mine, some more coming in. and that adds up to $6 million, well, let's see, that adds up to $5,600,000 total, and we're going to have some more coming in. so that's it. [applause] now, thank you. thank you. every one of those checks has
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been passed other than the one check which is being held subject to their getting a final approval from the government. but every one of those checks has been passed. this is my check for a million dollars. we have many letters from the different groups thank us very much for the money. and they didn't ask, and i didn't ask people to be here today. i could have asked every one of the groups, unlike hillary who asked people to stand outside and say, oh, donald trump didn't give the money, nobody gave this kind of money. so i gave $5,600,000. more is coming in, probably tops the $6 million number. i never thought we were going to raise a million dollars when we started, and we ended up doing almost $6 million. so i have to tell you, the press is so dishonest and so unfair. a lot of the people behind me and some of the people over or here helped in vetting the various requests for money. and i just want to thank all of, just want to thank all of these people.
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yes. >> how did you prioritize -- mr. trump: yeah. >> how did you work through that? mr. trump: i wasn't too involved in picking the organizations other than i gave a million dollars to the marine, the law enforcement. they are fabulous people. they honored me last year at the waldorf astoria. i knew them. i was going to give to three groups, and we couldn't vet them quickly enough. so if you look at that number, the marine corps law enforcement foundation is a fabulous group. i didn't want to go through the process of having to that all those groups. because i wanted to make this out of the goodness of my heart i didn't want to do this with the press is all involved.
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then we said we would. then we said how much it was. when this started i think you were there. i said we could raise a million dollars. we ended up raising almost $6 million. and we will have more coming in over a period of time. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: i didn't want to have credit for it. what i got was worse than credit. they were questioning me. most of that money went out very early just so you understand. but a lot of these groups, getting vetted when you pay the money out you need government documentation. they need a lot of different things. plus, we want to find out if it is a good group. i had people reviewing statistics and numbers. also people from the military to find out whether the group was deserving of the money. we have given to groups that are unbelievable groups. i wish you could hear the phone calls and see the letters. they are so happy. i am happy to do it.
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i didn't want credit for it but was very unfair that the press said about us. yeah, go ahead. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: generally speaking, that is 100% true. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: i like scrutiny. but you know what? when i raise money -- excuse me. excuse me. i watched you on television. you are a real beauty. when i raise money for the veterans and it is a massive amount of money find out how much hillary clinton has done nothing for the veterans. nothing. i see a few guys standing out there. they don't even know what they are there for. hillary clinton's campaign sent them. it was one of you guys in the press that found out that they were with hillary. but i wasn't surprised. i don't want to get credit. but i shouldn't be lambasted. and remember this. so out of the almost $6 million
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that was raised not one penny did we take for the administration costs. that's unheard of. >> you did host a very public fundraiser. donald trump: how else am i going to raise the money? >> when you did this fundraiser, you did it televised -- [indiscernible] mr. trump: and so i was criticized. i'm the only one in the world to raise $6 million for the veterans. i ended up being criticized by the press. i made a speech and during my speech i said i would raise money for the veterans. it turned out to be a lot of money, not a little money. i thought we could get to a million dollars it would be great. which it would've been.
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>> and then you repeatedly touted the fact that you raised millions. mr. trump: i do raise millions. >> the night of that iowa fundraiser you said you would raise $6 million. donald trump: i raised almost $6 million but more money is coming through. when we're finished it will probably be over the $6 million. [indiscernible] i don't mind it coming from the opposition.
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here's the story. i've been dealing with the press a long time. press --he political mr. trump: here's the story. i've been dealing with the press for a long time. i think the political press is among the most dishonest people i've ever met. i have to tell you that come ok. of course you are excluded, carl. you're in the middle. i think the political press -- i see the stories. i see the way they are couched. for instance, i went down this weekend to do rolling thunder. i was invited. i didn't have anything to do with it. we had a tremendous gathering of people. thousands of people. i joked that we would go from the jefferson memorial to the lincoln. i was joking. they said donald trump was disappointed. everybody knew i was joking. they said trump was very disappointed by the crowd. -- that it didn't go from jefferson to lincoln. millions of people. i was joking. they put it down a serious.
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