tv Washington Journal CSPAN June 7, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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role of the latino vote in the 16 elections. tour♪0 a.m., former host: the associated press has called it. hillary clinton will become the first woman to top the presidential ticket of a major u.s. clinical party, capturing commitments monday from the number of delegates needed to win the democratic nomination. we begin with hillary clinton and bernie sanders supporters, what is your reaction to the news? if you are supporting the vermont senator, call (202) 748-8000, hillary clinton supporters call (202) 748-8001. you can also go to twitter, @cspanwj, or join the
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conversation on good morning, start dialing in. let's begin with hillary clinton california last night. one of the states holding their primary today. this is how she reacted to the news. [video clip] clinton: according to the news, we are on the brink of an historic, unprecedented moment, but we still have work to do, don't wait -- don't we? tomorrow,x elections and we are going to fight hard for every single vote, especially right here in california. [applause] so i'm asking each and every one of you -- how many of you have already voted by mail? [applause] how many of you have a ballot at
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home on your kitchen counter? it in tonight,nd where even better, go to the polls tomorrow and take your family and your friends. that was hillary clinton, and last night, this is how bernie sanders reacted to the associated press reporting, in a statement saying this -- it's unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgment, are ignoring the democratic national committee's clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer. havetary clinton does not and will not have the requisite number of pledged delegates to secure the nomination. she will be dependent on superdelegates, who do not vote until july 25, and who can change their minds between now and then. they include more than 400 superdelegates who endorsed a secretary clinton 10 months before the first caucuses and primaries, and long before any other candidates was in the race.
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we are asking hillary clinton and bernie sanders supporters to dial-in this morning and tell us what you think about the news from the associated press this morning calling the nomination for hillary clinton. 538, nate silver writing about with the associated press reported last night. :20, the associated press declared hillary clinton to be the democratic nominee. host: they go on to talk about sanders' campaign.
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be the democratic nominee because substantially more democrats have voted for her. in addition to her elected delegate majority, she has received approximately 13.5 million votes so far and primaries, as compared with 10.5 million for sanders. host: frank, you are supporting bernie sanders in spanish fork, utah. what is your reaction? caller: good morning. i have several comments. first of all, when i started ,atching this primary last year
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i thought that senator sanders rigid ina little too saying we have to have free school and sort of things. i was hoping that he would offer a little bit wider view of things. i sort of thought that secretary clinton offer the experience. as time goes on, i see there is a political change happening. we see that in the way campaigns can be funded with president obama and senator sanders have been able to raise lots of money through small contributions. i think that is something that will change over time. i feel like senator sanders of politics,era the potential for that. i feel like secretary clinton is more of the same. frank, youis point,
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are outlining where you think bernie sanders has made some changes to the process. point, do you think you should get out of the contest? maybe after today, because you have six states voting. but after that, should he go all the way to the convention? caller: i definitely think he should go all the way to the convention. i apologize, i wish i knew more about what it takes to have a write in campaign. personally, i will never vote for clinton. i won't vote for trump, but it won't vote for clinton. host: what will you do? caller: i don't know. i wish i knew more about the possibilities of sanders running as a third-party candidate. host: frank, we're losing you. let's go to robert in winsor mills, maryland. you are supporting bernie sanders. we want to hear from hillary clinton supporters this morning. -- is on thehink
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front page of the papers framed is making history, good morning, robert. go ahead. caller: thank you for allowing me to speak on your program. day thatt's a sad hillary clinton is evil allowed to pursue the nomination, given the fact that the delegates already made up their minds that they are supporting her. ,ronically enough, puerto rico who turned out in overwhelming favor for her, don't really understand the fact that it's because of her and the people who are backing her -- the hooligans in the imf and so forth that are trying to run puerto rico into the ground there pretty much the vanguard of the front of the imf and the world bank, she is pretty much their lackey anyways. my whole point is it's a shame ,hat she has been nominated
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given that she is under investigation. allowed to is still represent our nation in the country of 320 million people, i can't believe that this is the best person we have to represent us. host: given your criticism of her, likely she is the nominee. what happens, how do you vote in november? caller: when i think about it, sanders -- his office -- his options are limited. running as an independent would work for him. i'm thinking about switching parties and going to support gary johnson. i can't vote for trump, i can't vote for hillary clinton. bill clinton has so many skeletons in his closet, but he's not in jail, so i'm going to go with libertarian, gary johnson. paul is in appleton,
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wisconsin, supporting hillary clinton. you are on the air. caller: thank you. wthink clinton definitely on. she's going to be a wonderful president. the clintons 90's, were some of the best years of my life. i think that bernie should get out. , like you said, hillary has 3 million more votes. that's my comments. host: what impact -- do you see a role for senator sanders in a clinton administration? what is his role going forward? caller: i really don't see a role for him. he is too much of a socialist. n, thewould've wo
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republicans would have been licking their chops, saying is a socialist, no more capitalism. he definitely would have given trump the presidency. i think hillary definitely has a lot better chance of beating donald trump. i really do. the republicans would have turned bernie's comments into europe, saying we are going to be europe. we're not going to be america anymore. hilary duff and only has a better chance of beating trump. host: larry in tennessee, a clinton supporter. caller: i think hillary is the best qualified, and all of these republicans that have been throwing this benghazi krapp -- her, they said they brought this up to ring her popularity down, and that's exactly what they did.
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laws, she broken any had bad judgment, but who in this country hasn't? host: ok, larry. if you heard the former secretary of state say in california last night, it's not over. she is campaigning in that state codes california is one of the states voting today, along with new jersey, south dakota, north dakota, mexico, hannah montana, all have contest today. and you will be able to react to those contest here on c-span starting a 9:00 p.m. eastern, our coverage begins, of today's primaries in those states. joining us on the phone is doyle mcmanus, with the "washington times congo's talk more about the california contest. where does it stand right now between hillary clinton and bernie sanders in the state of california? where it stands now depends on which poll you look at, and what voter model that
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poll is looking in. if you forgive me, i will throw in one technicality on polling. if you look at the pool of eligible registered voters, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and back. they are too close in the polls to tell apart. voters andtake those you start looking only for what the pollsters call likely voters -- if you ask them if they voted before, how long have you been a voter -- then you start getting different numbers. it's either very close, or hillary clinton has a clear lead of 10 or 12 points, depending on whether you think new voters, young voters are going to turn out, or not. how manyest here is young voters who are bernie sanders voters turn out, how many new voters. there is been a huge flood of new voter registration over the
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last 45 days. how many of those new voters turn out for bernie sanders? are atow many delegates stake, and explain the demographics of how they are breaking down in this democratic nominee contest. guest: california is the biggest state, by far the biggest pool of pledged delegates and the democratic contest. about 11%tes, that's of the total number of delegates at the convention, both pledged and superdelegates. words, more than one in 10 of the delegates at that convention will be from california. if you only take the pledge to delegates, the ones elected at primaries or caucuses, it's about 14% of the pledged delegates. almost one in seven of the pledged delegates. delegateshuge pool of that -- if this raise were closer at this point, this would absolutely be the decisive
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contest. the demographics are very interesting, because of course, california is a very diverse state. it is already a state in which non-hispanic white people are a minority of the population. that is not true in the voter population yet, because the latino population is younger and has a somewhat lower voter participation rate ver. but the electorate is about 24% latino, about 10% african-american. asian-american, so it's a very diverse electorate. one of the interesting things the polling has shown us though is that californians are different from the rest of the country. tonot one to come as news most people in the rest of the country. in most of the country, hillary clinton in democratic primaries has clearly done better among
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all minorities, including african-americans and latinos, and bernie sanders has done better among white voters. that pattern has held, with wages to exception, in that very big latino or hispanic minority in california -- 24% of the registered voters. those numbers are basically the same for bernie sanders and hillary clinton as they are for non-hispanic whites. in other words, california latinos are kind of behaving as if they are not a minority anymore. this call by the associated press that hillary clinton has the magic number to win the nomination, because she is the present of nominee -- does that impact voter turnout today? guest: it will, but we don't know exactly how. sides, in bothh campaigns and among nonpartisan, non-committed voting participation folks is that that
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will depress turnout. because people are going to look at the news and say this thing is already decided. why should i bother voting? the other possibility though is that we're going to find out who's voters are more fired up and are more enthusiastic. it's entirely possible that the ap announcement that hillary clinton is the present of nominee paradoxically in california could benefit bernie sanders if his voters are more enthusiastic and more intent on sending a message, it's possible that some hillary clinton voters will look at the news and say -- won already wanted it, why should i bother? that's why hillary clinton was taking such pains to say it's not over yet, you select to get out and vote. doyle mcmanus, with the
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"washington times," thank you. we are asking all of you to react to the news today. today," front page, clinton set to make history. compare that to the "telegraph," and their headline saying we still have work to do. tennessee, yous, are supporting hillary clinton. good morning. caller: i already spoke to you, but i want to say one more thing. host: ok. caller: all of the democrats and independents realize that donald trump is not who he is showing himself to be. he's really not. he is fooling everybody. host: ok, larry. we're going to be talking about donald trump in our last hour on the "washington journal." we will have republicans only dialing in to get your reaction to donald trump's comments about the judge that is presiding over
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the trump university cases. bloomberg politics with this story on the website last night -- are you conference call with supporters, he orders his surrogates to intensify the criticism against the judge, and the media. we will talk about that, whether or not republicans are agreeing with the presumptive republican nominee, or do they disagree with him? we go to tim in tuscaloosa, alabama. good morning. you're on the air. caller: good morning. i'm supporting bernie sanders. i have been a democrat for years, but i cannot understand how african-americans have decided to vote for hillary clinton, when she supported her bill that1994 crime has put more black people in prison in america than any other president, and she has
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flip-flopped over almost everything that she has been involved with. i see her as just a fake, a phony, and a fraud. host: what are you going to do in november? caller: one other thing i like to say -- she has given contributions to a lot of these black organizations that are supporting her. even al sharpton has her, she has contributed to his national action network, which is falling apart. but in november, if i have to vote, believe it or not, i would vote for donald trump. he gets in, maybe it will wake up some of these other democrats who are running behind a phony like hillary clinton. thank you. host: josie in jacksonville, florida. good morning. caller: i just wanted to say
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2008, a couple of days after the last primary, hillary endorsed obama. two months before the convention in august. but sanders wants to continue his campaign to the convention. obama will resident intervene, perhaps after the last primary next tuesday, and try to unite the party. because this is just ridiculous to have all of this confusion with two campaigns going on, when hillary is obviously going to be the nominee. thank you. host: josie, do you think president obama can do that? caller: i think it will help. i think it will help. an endorsement from him could come as early as this
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week, and the "new york times," has a story that obama is eager to campaign for training -- for clinton and shred trump. says president obama after months of sitting on the sidelines is ready to aggressively campaigned for hillary clinton, starting with a formal endorsement of her candidacy as early as this week. presidenthe way, obama and bernie sanders spoke by telephone over the weekend, discussing the path forward after tuesday's primary process according to a person familiar with the conversation. the call was meant to remain confidential, the conversation bernieesident obama put
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sanders unnoticed, saying he would soon move to endorse clinton. the call was first reported by abc news, and reported in the "new york times." we are talking to hillary clinton and bernie sanders supporters about what do you hillary clinton being the presumptive nominee. nancy pelosi said she voted for hillary clinton in the california primary, and is proud to endorse her. california.g beach, good morning, you are supporting bernie sanders. would you think is going to happen in your state today? caller: i hope it happens for bernie sanders. the reason i say that is he seems to have a very good background, he seems sincere, he has integrity. reactiony, it's more that i'm voting for bernie sanders to hillary clinton, people must have short memories. , a few milesgo
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from where i live in long beach -- when benghazi happened, hillary clinton, when she was secretary of state under obama said it was due to a youtube video made by an egyptian christian who lives in cerritos, california saying it was a youtube video that he made that incited a flash mob in benghazi. that man sat in jail in los angeles county for over a month before his name was cleared. this is hillary clinton's machinations. this person does not represent the interests of the people, she violates the laws of the land by false imprisonment. i don't know who is buying into her, i don't know why she is saying that the democrats are behind her. i live in long beach, all i see are people supporting sanders. i don't see anybody really
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supporting hillary clinton. anaheim,to a venue in foras a small meeting hall labor union -- electricians. it's about 60 years old. it's very small, and she had packed to make it look like it was more people supporting her. , andnk she is a con artist i think the man from cerritos, california spent more time in jail than hillary clinton's brother-in-law when her husband pardoned roger clinton for selling cocaine. i just don't trust her. i don't trust the clintons at all. host: the 538 column by nate silver last night -- he reports this. clinton can still win elected delegate majority, provided that she wins just 215 of the remaining 714 pledged delegates available in today's contest.
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and in the district of columbia's primary next week, or only 30%. because democratic delegate allegations are highly proportional to the vote share in each state, that means she would need only 30% of the vote very even if sanders got every by 40ing contest, 70-30, percentage points, he'd still roughly only tie clinton pledged delegates and even then would very probably still trail her in the popular vote. georgia, you are supporting hillary clinton. good morning, you are on the air. thank you. i wanted to say that hillary clinton has had to withstand republicans conspiracy against her ever since her adult life. she has been under oath because of them most of her adult life. and they have not found one thing against her. all of these people saying she is a liar and all of that, i would like to see them go under oath as long as she has been under oath, and there never been
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any consequences. she is telling the truth. i would like to give a great shout out to the black citizens of georgia and the black citizens throughout the south who have sense enough to say that she is the best candidate to be president. host: what do you think of this criticism in the "washington post," editorial -- mrs. clinton in the media. democratic front runner not held a news conference since december. in response to this criticism and inaccessibility, mrs. clinton said she had offered some 300 personal interviews since her last news conference, and her campaign points out she has held a handful of informal gatherings. but neither is a reasonable substitute for regularly facing the media. host: donald trump pointing out
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that crooked hillary clinton has never held a press conference in months. her record is so bad she is unable to answer tough questions. caller: i've heard the interviews on tv, and i truly believe that she is human, and the way they have criticized her on morning joe, rachel maddow, and all the others on msnbc, it's almost like they are fox news. they have been critical of her, but she goes on and gives them interviews anyways. that really makes a mad that she goes and does that. i just think the media has treated her very unfairly. ok, jerry. jolene in florida, you are supporting bernie sanders. good morning. caller: i just wanted to say that just because the ap and the media want to declare hillary the present of nominee doesn't actually make her the nominee.
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the truth is that neither of beforell have the 2383 the convention, unless you add in superdelegates. and even the dnc has repeatedly told the media that you can't count the superdelegates before they vote. story historyal is going to tell is going to be how the media has manipulated this whole process. it is really disgusting to me. host: what about the popular vote? she has more votes than bernie sanders as well? really not fair to say when you can't count the number of people who showed up and participated in caucuses. what i'm saying is ok, you want to say she is the nominee, then all her supporters in new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, south dakota, in california, stay home today. your vote is not needed, she is the nominee.
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supporters,sanders go out there and stand in line, make your voices heard, vote. it's just symbolic, but vote. if she is the nominee at the convention, she gets the nomination, what role do you see senator sanders having, or what role would you like to see him having in the campaign and possibly a clinton administration if she were to win the general election? caller: well, she's not going to win the general election. she's just not. appeal toot independents, moderate republicans who also do not want a trump presidency. she appeals to a very small elite portion of the democratic party. to the lady who said that the president should intervene -- yes, you should intervene. when he should do is tell the department of justice to open up a federal investigation as to what happened with the voter
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suppression in arizona and new york. to everybody else who says she is the nominee, i'm going to wait until july to see what happens at the convention. i really want to wait and see what happens in today's primaries. ahead and dnc goes coordinates their clean, my decision will be to go ahead and support jill stein. i will never vote for hillary clinton. host: that is jolene in florida. other news happening on capitol hill -- speaker paul ryan is set to unveil antipoverty proposals as part of the republican policy agenda. after months of deliberation after how do create a republican consensus on election-year policy agenda, the speaker will unveil proposal for fighting poverty that identifies a long list of policy ills but stopped short of prescribing specific legislative fixes.
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host: it includes a list of problems with the social welfare system and recommendations on how to address them. for details on that in washington. kathy in texas, you are supporting hillary clinton. have you been listening to this conversation, and what you think about bernie sanders supporters are saying this morning? i disagree with them. i agree with the man who was talking while ago from georgia. i think anyone you put on there, you will find something on them. i think if hillary does the job that her husband did, i think she will do a good job. the wrongrried about things that they do, because nobody is going to be perfect. to be morey need concerned with the people in little towns, i'm not talking
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about somewhere like houston, i'm talking about like corrigan and camden, people don't ever ask our opinion. host: we do here, kathy. caller: i have been trying to call you for a long time, i'm just getting in today. host: i'm glad you did. kathy and corrigan, texas. back to the news this morning about donald trump and his comments that he made about that judge that is presiding over the trump university case. donald trump, on a conference call to surrogates last night, liberal politics has the story this morning. during a monday conference call, supporters of the presumptive presidential nominee overruled directive sent out by his own campaign. according to a conference call, donald trump said we will overcome, and i have always won, and i will continue to win. there was no mention of
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apologizing about his comments about the judges overseeing cases against the trump university real estate program. jan brewer interrupted the discussion to inform donald trump that his own campaign had asked surrogates to stop talking about the lawsuit in an e-mail on sunday. trump repeatedly demanded to know who sent the memo and immediately overruled his staff. take that order and throw it the hell out. trump openly questioned how the campaign could defend its supporters if it wasn't allowed to talk. take a look at the reaction on twitter from some republicans and democrats. beginning with the senator from nebraska who has already said he is not going to support donald trump. --lic service announcement thing someone can do a specific job because his of for race is the literal definition of racism. that's sent out from his
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personal account. in this from the former governor of california are -- california, arnold schwarzenegger. -- the judges an american hero who stood up to the mexican cartels. i was proud to appoint him. and laura ingram saying careful wording, if curiel was in a jury's cool for this trump university case, the presiding judge allowing to be struck for cause. john kasich, governor of ohio and a former challenger to donald trump thing attacking judges based on their race and religion is not at -- is another tactic that divides the country and it is flat out wrong. it goes on to say the donald trump should apologize and try to unite this country. hillary clinton also weighing in saying trump is intensifying his bigoted attacks and belittling his status in the process. tammy duckworth, who is running for senate in illinois, tweeting who spent ariel,
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year in hiding after prosecuting a mexican drug cartel, has done far more for this country than donald trump. that's the reaction on twitter to that. as i said in our lessor to five minutes here at "washington journal," we will talk to republicans only about those comments about the present of gop nominee position on this judge. when you go to craig in westport, washington. we are talking to bernie sanders supporters of supporters only this morning. you are up to. ,aller: that stuff about trump i can't believe i'm going to say, but i would just as soon ,ee trump then hillary clinton it's been a rigged game from the beginning. the press has been going along with it like the ap report. there till, hang in the convention. i think you could be a very interest in convention if he does. i don't know if i can actually
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markdown donald trump, but like i said, i would rather see him than hillary. hillary is more of the same. host: have you ever voted for republican? caller: no. i came close, i was actually a district delegate for george h.w. bush in 1988. i didn't vote for him in the general. his trade deals killed that for me. , andich hillary and obama all of the republicans except for donald trump are all for this trade deal stuff, and i don't agree with all of that. it's just giving more power to corporations. we're up against it here, folks. i think we've really got to make a change here. and hillary is no change. it's the same stuff obama did. i regret voting for him in 2008. his first act was to get in and put geithner in as treasury
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secretary. i would like to see a woman candidate, i will probably vote for jill stein if it's between clinton and trump. host: ok, greg. "washington post," notes this morning that today marks the exact anniversary of the day eight years ago when hillary clinton conceded the democratic nomination to then senator obama. she famously promised at the end of the woman would someday win the white house, and she took credit for leaving about 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling of all during her first effort at it. the associated press this morning, yesterday saying that she has enough of the delegates to secure the nomination, she is the presumptive democratic nominee. that over the weekend, it was superdelegates that put her over the top to that magic number. what is your reaction to that this morning? lauren in washington, d.c.,
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supporting hillary clinton. d.c.wrence in washington, on a supporting hillary clinton. caller: good morning. i have a statement. number one, as far as bernie sanders, bernie has promised the millennials a lot of free rides. veteran, i say this all those young folks that want free education. join the military and get it through the military. and you will be defending your country. .econdly, donald trump america, be aware of donald trump. there is history. it started back in germany, lockstep republicans who have fallen in behind this man without any question. ,e is telling them what to do they don't want to call him a racist, but guess what?
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in germany, hitler started out , andthe jews, the polish the germans sat on their hands. host: all right, lawrence. michael in bakersfield, california. you are supporting hillary clinton. michael, what do you think bernie sanders should do? caller: i think bernie sanders should pack up and go back to vermont. and this is the reason why. he stood a chance to make a real difference in the primary and caucuses. but he failed to do so. he failed to register those in new york at the appropriate time, trying to blame new york failure tosanders' register independence. he has done the same thing in california. dimmitt -- independents do not determine the democratic nominee. if they want to vote for a democrat, how about registering as a democrat? we are not going to open up our processed independence --
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independents so they can co-opt our party. that's what's wrong with the republican party right now. says "usa today," are a hugeolunteers part of why she will become the nominee. host: linda in marks, mississippi. you are supporting hillary clinton as well. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i'm calling to support hillary
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clinton, because she is the most qualified. not just because she is a woman, she is the most qualified. one thing inhas between his ears, and that is his mouth. he knows nothing about anything, and would not lead this country, not a bit. he is trying to drag this country back to wherever. ise america great, america great compared all of these other countries. i don't know where he gets his thinking. and bernie, those who are saying itng bernie will vote for a line, bigoted, andst, orange faced man think that is saying something about themselves. bernie and trump are two different people. if you support bernie, how can you say you are going to vote for trump? that's unheard of. host: all right, linda.
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lucas in nashville, tennessee supporting bernie sanders. have you been listening to the conversation with the viewers that are calling in? caller: yeah, thank you for c-span. whyst want to comment about hillary clinton said she would answer everyone's questions, but then she refused to speak with the inspector general when he was putting the report together. host: ok. caller: it just seems like she is lying to everybody. host: you are supporting bernie sanders, what are you going to do in the fall if she is the nominee? caller: i'm not sure. probably not vote. host: how old are you? caller: i'm 26 years old. i voted for obama twice. i'm not sure i approve of what he is doing with appointing the head of the epa monsanto and corporation guy. host: ok, that was lucas in nashville, tennessee, 26 years
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old. thehe economy, "usa today," fed chairman not fazed by the jobs report, saying she is not whether or not the hike is feasible, but financial markets are giving less than 5% odds of such a move. janet yellen said nothing to alter that view. the rate hike could be off the table for a little while longer. this morning, "washington post," on the senate floor to raise. senate, possible on the florida wants to know will marco rubio change his mind and run for his seat? from key west to pensacola and on to washington, major political players are dying to know -- will marco rubio renege on his pledge not to seek reelection?
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host: in terms of fundraising, rubio would start nearly from scratch. the presidential campaign account had more than $3 million when he withdrew, but also to million dollars in unpaid loans. you'd be faced with asking the -- donors to contribute. host: you are supporting hillary clinton, go ahead. caller: good morning, c-span watchers. give me a chance to talk, we have been hearing a lot of bernie supporters. i do not agree with what the announcement was so early last night. with what's going on,
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this is the way the democratic party has set the rules for a while. bernie understood the rules of the beginning, to say it's rigged or try and change it midway or at the end is not fair to the democratic party. anst of all, he's independent, any use the democratic party to run as an independent. but he is losing the election, or should i say, he has lost the election. for him to come in, when you are the loser and say i want this, i want that -- overturning the will of hillary voters, which were more -- i don't know what makes his voters more important than the three fourths of that support for hillary. another thing about the young people. i work at the university of michigan, and i work with a lot of students. when they came out of the vote in michigan for the primary, i talked to them, and they said i did my duty. i don't care anything else. that's why we have the superdelegates to protect the
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party. we have new people coming in, young people who only vote every eight years trade i want this revolution out here in 2008 in the off election and see what they do. jamestown, north carolina. supporting bernie sanders. caller: good morning. i would like to address the question that you asked the previous caller regarding senator sanders. if secretary clinton does win the nomination, i think the smartest thing for her to do to bring along bernie supporters and to form a very solid coalition is to make a promise to senator sanders to be the secretary of treasury or appoint him to be the chairman of the securities and exchange commission. he would have a powerful role, the secretary of the treasury is about the fourth most powerful position in the cabinet, it
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would be more than his name on u.s. currency. he could then speak to his oligarchsis-à-vis the and the role of the 1% or's, and the coalition of his supporters that he has had. i think the smartest thing for secretary clinton, for hillary to do would be to promise him a substantial role in her administration. and that would bring along supporters for senator sanders. il, calling from south carolina, where there's a primary. -- north carolina, where there's a primary. it features congressional and court contests. the unusual voting date is result of a federal court ruling that requires a legislature to redraw district boundaries in february. turnout is excited to be low,
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and voter id is in full effect. bring an acceptable form of id if you have it. if you are voting in north carolina, polls open at 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. these are the races to watch. second to stretch primary has attracted national attention because it's the only place where two incumbents oppose each other. ,ost: on the elmers contests
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this is from the "washington trump" with the headline endorses elmers and stuns his fans. his endorsement sent shockwaves. host: that is in the papers this morning. we will talk more about what donald trump had to say about this judge and his candidacy coming up in the last hour of the "washington journal." republicans only. we will take a short break. when we come back, we talk with mark hugo lopez, director of hispanic research at the pew research center about the senate vote. and later, joshua gotbaum,
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former director of the pension benefit guarantee corporation, and we talk about the role of that agency and the financial stress it is facing, and what that means for americans retirement security. ♪ >> live coverage of the presidential race continues tonight with primaries in six states -- california, montana, new jersey, new mexico, and north and south dakota. hillary clinton: a more different vision for our country than the one between our side of
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democrats for progress, for prosperity, for fairness and opportunity then the presumptive nominee on the republican side. donald trump: we are going to win progress, we are going to win on education, normal common core, bring it down. we want it local. we're going to win with health care. we're going to win at the border. we're going to win at trade. bernie sanders: we've got to redefine what politics means in america. we need people from coast to coast standing up, fighting back , and demanding a government that represents all of us, not just the 1%. [applause] join us live and 90 clock p.m. eastern for election results, candidate speeches, and your reaction. we look ahead at the fall battleground states, taking you on the road to the white house on c-span, c-span radio, and
7:52 am >> "washington journal," continues. table this morning, mark hugo lopez, the director of hispanic research at the pew research center in washington. let's begin with what donald trump has had to say about this judge, who has mexican descent, consolidate all -- gonzales curiel. what impact will it have on hispanic voters? guest: there's been a lot of discussion on the impact that donald trump may be having on the latino vote this year. this is just one more of many interactions he has had with this banish community. -- the hispanic community. he may lead to more voter registration with hispanics. many hispanics have said they are saying it want to register to vote in order to vote against donald trump. whether or not that's happening on a national scale in
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significant numbers is hard to tell. we also have 4 million more hispanics who potentially could register to vote, so any surgeon registrations could be just because of more latinos available, or against donald trump. we won't know for a while. it depends on many different things. we have to do more polling, many polls indicate that latinos are following donald trump and are aware of what he said, are angry about it. it's unclear whether that is translated into registration numbers. the second possibility is that it might lead to more hispanic immigrants who are in the country legally to choose to naturalize. why does that matter? when you naturalize, you are eligible to vote. many folks have been following a lot of the efforts to get latino immigrants to nationalize over the course of the last few months. applications are up about 5% over 2011, 2012. this is going through march of
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this year. while it appears that there is somewhat of an increase, it is unclear whether or not it will be one of the biggest increases ever, because you have seen surges much larger in previous years, not even an election cycles. me as wellr to whether or not many immigrants have necessarily responded to this, maybe they were going to naturalize anyways. maybe they just wanted to be part of this campaign. every election year, we do have a naturalization effort on the part of many groups. clear --he impact is unclear to know, but the numbers are pointing to somewhat of an increase. host: what role did the hispanic vote play in 2012, and what population -- percentage of the population is hispanic and who potentially vote this time around? went for about 8% to 12% of voters, the largest share ever.
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they also had a record turnout of about 11.2 million people. that also is important because when you take a look at states like florida and colorado and nevada, latinos were very important in helping barack obama win those states. some might argue states like virginia as well are another example of where barack obama did well because of latinos. but you know certainly have grown in importance to elections, and were very important in 2012. how important they will be this year remains to be seen. there are 27.3 million hispanics who are eligible to vote, about 12% of all potential voters. latinos are likely to hit a record share of voters this year just because there are many more , and we're also going to see a record turnout of hispanics as well. but that is some thing we see every election cycle because of the growth in the population. host: could they play a pivotal role? guest: they could play a key role, whether it is a pivotal role remains to be seen. like newin key states mexico in virginia, all states which are likely to be important
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for the presidential race. 2012 do we know that in that mitt romney lost the hispanic vote pretty wide gap between him and president obama. do we know that hispanic voters were energized to vote because of what mitt romney said about deportation -- self deportation, or because they were supporting barack obama? 71%.: in 2012, he got mitt romney got 27%. we hadn't seen that level of support since the mid-1990's. however, was this a vote against romney or a vote for barack obama? barack obama did something in 2012 which was really energizing to the latino vote. through an executive action, he created the deferred action for child arrivals programming. aca is aimed at young people
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who came to the united states without authorization, who were living in the country without authorization but didn't come here on their own choice, they came with families. he created a program that gave these young people differ deportation and a work permit. it was good for two years. that seems to have had an impact on the latino vote going into the fall of 2012. that is perhaps part of the story as well, not just a vote against romney, but also a vote for obama because of this program. well we unique in that had a record turnout of latinos, the largest share ever of the vote, their voter turnout rate was down from 2008. 48.9%, 2012 it was 48%. the growing electorate, but declining voter turnout rate. host: who want to hear from latino voters this morning. are you energized, and why and how do you plan to vote?
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(202) 748-8003 is for latinos. republicans call call (202) 748-8001, democrats, call (202) 748-8000, independents, call (202) 748-8002. the phone ones are open, so begin to dial in. a lot has been made about young voters this time around, especially in the democratic side of this nominating contest. voting for bernie sanders. makeupearch millennials almost half of latino eligible voters in 2016. how have they been voting in the democratic nominee contest? democrat have seen hispanics voting in support of bernie sanders. those under the age of 35 years old tended to support bernie sanders at a level that was 65% of democratic primaries. when you take a look at the hillary clinton support, which tend to be among older latinos, it was the mirror opposite.
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that is something we are seeing among the general u.s. public. is not unique necessarily to young latinos. one of the stories that you will hear when you hear them talk about is they don't connect with hillary clinton. they find that there's something that she has done either on the honduran presidency a few years where the u.s. didn't do much to support him when there was a coup, that's one thing that's pointed to. another thing is some of the comments of support she has made for deportation of families or people who are in the country without authorization around the other company minors from 2014. these two issues keep bubbling up everywhere i go when i talk to young latinos. often times they will say they just don't necessarily identify with her. they identify more with the policies that bernie sanders is proposing. host: in california, what role could hispanic voters play today? what are registration is
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up across the board, not just among latinos, but all californians. 30% of the electorate and what is so fascinating about, on you is, california is important to the provincial rates and it seems to be drawing latinos into the voter registration in a way we have not seen any wild. i think it could be important in determining the outcome of the presidential primary. host: we will hear from jim in kentucky, democrat. caller: hello. latinos need that to get out and vote, and they need to vote for donald trump because he is going to make -- secure the borders. it -- the illegals are hurting you people, because they withoutking the law and
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drums rally, what they did is hurting the ones that are legal. when they do something wrong like that, why don't they get up and announce that? they need to announce that because they are hurting you. i know good people who are mexicans. guest: the latino vote is by no that is 100% in support of one or the other. there are many latinos who support donald trump in many calls that have been done in this election cycle suggest the support for donald trump among latino voters is between 15 and 20% -- 15% and 20%. it also suggests that all latinos -- adults5% of hispanic thought that unauthorized should be deported,
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for when you are talking about the latino electorate, it is diverse with many points of view, but in recent years, you have seen strong support presidential candidates from the democratic party and strong support for immigration reform, comprehensive reform, and also support for authorized -- unauthorized immigrants and programs to help them. not all latinos are of the same opinion, there is diversity, even on issues like immigration. host: thomas. want the latino people, don't let these democrats shoehorn you people all into one group, you are all individuals. if you are republican and like their speech, go with it, if you like democrats, go with them. if you like the libertarians, go with them, you are all
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individuals, do not live these people shoehorn you into one group and steal your votes. is a vote latino vote that has seen it support for provincial candidates actuate over the years. more thanou bush won 40% of the hispanic vote in 2004, and we have seen the hispanic vote while supporting democratic presidential candidates, barack obama's 71% was a recent high. there certainly is diversity of opinion in the latino community , never latinos are in support of many of the policies that bernie sanders has been talking about, particularly around education, but i think you will see that latinos have the voting block and while they tend to lead heavily democratic right now, different candidates in the future make it different levels of support. it depends very much on the issues that these candidates are talking about, so while this year maybe one where we see
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strong support or a democratic candidate in contrast to donald remains to be seen democrats will continue this level of support and the future. host: hector in pennsylvania, independent, good morning. caller: good morning. hugo, i want to remind everybody that the reason why i am independent -- the reason why i'm going to vote -- i'm not going to vote democrat because i want to remind everybody, the democrats had the white house with super majorities in the house and in the senate, and they didn't do anything or latinos, a promise the whole time, both elections. they lied to us and did not help us out at all, and i think we are being used for the wiferatic party, and my and i are both leaning toward donald trump, because we kind of
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like bernie sanders to tell you the truth, but we lived under communism, and socialism, in venezuela and we do not want to go back there, so we are leading towards -- leaning towards donald trump. friends, they have the white house, the senate and the house, and they did not do anything. they bring us to the line and pull the rug out from underneath us. guest: very good points and this is a point of contention for many hispanic voters. in some of the polling we have done over the years, the democrats held the white house, the senate and the house when barack obama's presidency started, but there was no comprehensive immigration reform at that time. when you asked latinos who was to blame at that time, that only did republicans get blamed, but so did the democratic party and
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president obama. when you take a look at the way -- new ticket look at the ways in which the republican party has gotten latina members manyed the top positions, say that perhaps the republicans have done somewhat of a better job at getting latinos into top leadership positions, then the democratic party, so you are right to say that latinos should evaluate both of the parties. we see this hesitancy in our data when it comes to support for the parties. when found that we found a declining share were concerned for the community. politico has this has that as a headline on a popular story, can you answer that? guest: this is a question that many people have been wondering
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about. not haveump does support -- majority support among latino voters, but he ranges anywhere from 15% to 30%. i would caution that we are still very early on and it remains to be seen where things will go, but most of the polling suggests his support among latinos is somewhere between 15% and 20%. there are some outliers to be expected, these are surveys, not the counts. there is going to be error. the: we are talking about impact of the hispanic vote in this election cycle and it will be in california. 7 million hispanic voters in california, one of the six states that his voting, today and we will have coverage of the results and your phone calls, your e-mails, you're reacting to it.
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coverage begins on c-span, c-span radio, and daniel, texas, independent. caller: thank you for taking my call. not latino, but i am a naturalized u.s. citizen who loves this country. i do not agree with some of the comments trump said about latinos or other groups, however, the other day when i in theirlatinos protest or burning american flags, it really offended me, because i love this country and i believe this country has done so much for me like every latino, so any people like this gentleman has to speak against that kind of attitude, thank you. good point, this is something you hear a lot of commentators talk about when it comes to many of the protest that have been around donald trump's rallies or his
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gatherings. you will find there is often a lot of latinos passively waving the mexican flag. for some people, that is seen as latinos, and for many i think it is a reflection of napoleon fact that they are of mexican origin, but a reflection of their mexican pride, as in they are of mexican origin in the u.s. it is hard to disentangle these things, but this is something you care a lot of commentators talk about. host: latino voter, you are on the air caller: i would like to inform you or make the people aware that we have become a force to be reckoned with, here in america. i served for 15 and a half years force, i sworeir to protect and defend the
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constitution of our country, not just for hispanics or other americans, but for all americans, think. host: have hispanics shown up in full force? guest: and this is -- they have not and this is one of the key parts of the vote. oftentimes, the turnout rate hovers around 50% or less than 50%. -- that gap of about 15 to 20 percentage points has been pretty consistent for the last 20 years or so, so while their ever-growing numbers of hispanic voters and hispanics are becoming more important and latinos are really starting to have an impact on all aspects of uslife, at the same time, the voter turnout rates could be higher. there is a lot of untapped potential. host: there are more eligible
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voters than turnout, why? guest: i think part of it is where latinos live. it looks like california it will be important this year, some latinos are getting out to vote. -- so latinos are getting out to vote. many latino voters are first-time voters and you need to figure out where to register and where to vote. those factors alone make it more of a challenge to get out to vote because of geography and because of the relative youth of the population. host: sam in california, independent. how do you plan to vote? caller: i'm actually an amependent, in california, i not allowed to vote in the
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republican plan -- primary. i will likely not vote because i do not like any of the isdidates, but my comment when i see some protesters waving mexican flags, i am an immigrant, but not from a latino country, and i would not wave of flag from my country. i came to the u.s. more than a quarter century ago, and i think once you are an american, you should stick with the american flag. theme many is a commentators are commenting on when they see protests. tos is not something unique this year, we also saw this back in 2006 when there were marches around comprehend and immigration warm. many of -- immigration reform. a lot of those marches had latin
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american flags waving. you saw those flights change from mexican, etc. to u.s. flights for the most part. there has been an ongoing commentary. there is oftentimes a lot of emphasis placed on where we are from, even if we are american and that is one of the american story. origin do this, people of german or italian heritage do this. this is not something that is unique to latinos. host: atlanta, georgia, stephen on the line for democrats. caller: i wanted to make a comment, i feel like i got scooped by the person that is with you, because that was
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totally what i was identifying went and i wanted to add to that. i think that donald trump has lowered the level of discourse, and so i think you should not be surprised when you make group-based attacks that you have people coalescing as a group and kind of responding in that sort of group response. i had a conversation with my latino brother, and he told me he did not care about mexicans and that was shocking to me because everybody else at the table was like we all have this sense of even though i'm puerto rican that if somebody makes a comment about a mexican, i will stand with them. in that sense, when you lower a discourse and make it about varying groups, you should not be surprised when people defend those groups. guest: a great point and when you talk to many latinos were not of mexican background, you
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many -- you find that many hold a view that you saw, there is a sense of solidarity with mexican-americans and mexican immigrants, over the course of not just this last year, but all the way back to the 2006 protest, this is something that has been quite interesting where a unification or latinos expressing similar points of view on a number of .ssues related to immigration see a it looks like we pretty strong, unified voice when it comes to issues like immigration, at least among the leadership of these organizations. twitter,uestion from outside of immigration, latino policy preferences favor which party? about when we are talking were latino support is on different policies, let's talk
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about the size of government. latinos are supportive of bigger government providing more services. that is leaning towards the democratic party. likely toe more support a raise in the federal minimum wage, and so latinos tend to lean more toward the democratic party. on issues like abortion, there has been very little movement in terms of support for legalizing or not having abortion be legal, when you asked latinos about abortion, you will find that they are split about their support for either keeping illegal or making it illegal. it is quite interesting because it is where latinos have not moved much and much of this is because of foreign-born latinos who are oftentimes catholic and have different points of view than us-born the tone -- latinos , but it become -- it depends on but on economic
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issues, latinos tend to lean more towards the democratic side. host: independent, latino, you are on the air. caller: i want to clarify something on the flying of the flags. many people fly the flag because they just want to be noticed for a group that they belong to, but they were flying the israeli .lag and i was happy for them them, thatappy for is all i had to say. guest: among latinos, there is a lot of emphasis -- to emphasize where you are from.
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describe youre to origin, your country of origin, whether or not you are mexican, or whether or not you are american? most would use where they are from to describe the roots. guest: i just wanted to tell the man that we're going to fly that mexican flag because this is our -- we're like the water and the rocks, and the trees, we are here, we were here already when the europeans showed up, they just came and the europeans came and took whatever they wanted and it did not -- with their manifest
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destiny, and they went ahead and colonized this land. they do not belong here host: we hear your point, we ask you, who are you supporting? guest: i -- caller: i feel the bern. host: how old are you? caller: 62. host: why are you supporting senator sanders? caller: we have people who have been here for generations, we have our own thoughts and we have our own ideas and we have and it is aership, mix of different things. nobody tells us what to do, though it tells us how to be an independent people. why are you supporting
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senator sanders, specifically? caller: take a look at the word socialism. is dealing with the social issues in this country that need to be addressed because it is tearing itself apart. host: does that appeal to hispanic voters? yes, likesome cases, the comments i made earlier about bigger government and more services. the minimum wage, to address issues of income a foot -- inequality, i would also education, health care and the economy, oftentimes top immigration as the issue for the latino community because the right number of children living in poverty. when you take a look at the impact of the great recession, many latinos lost a lot of wealth, so these issues, and issues of income inequality will resonate with the latino committed.
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host: -- timidity. -- community. host: who has the most vote? guest: alert clinton, who has won the latino vote in every clinton, whollary has won the latino vote in every primary. host: texas, and, a democrat -- anna, a democrat. caller: my support will go to hillary clinton. the last president we voted for was eisenhower. we went out and voted, you have to make a change.
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in texas, we have had three republican president who have done nothing for the hispanics, or latinos, or even the blacks, but we -- the one thing we don't look at and the latinos are not looking at, you don't go to the board,lections, school city council, state and local, we all, latinos and blacks, want to blame president obama. you had a difference to make a change in 2012, you did not go out because you got all this negative comments, and for young latinos, the ones who say we want bernie sanders, in order to get free education, you have to eliminate some programs. unemployment, you have to get rid of maybe social security, they don't think it out, they bern.go for the
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you cannot get free education -- my kids don't have a student loan because my husband and i did not have credit cards, we tore them up, but you have an opportunity -- my grandchildren right now are in college, but i don't expect for them to get any we wantcation, and if to make a difference, then you have to start it at the state and local election. guest: a great point. great -- state and local elections are just as important as national elections, and if you look at midyear elections, border turnout rates among latinos has been very low. voted.0 7% of latinos they are lower among all groups of americans, not just latinos, show up for the big presidential elections and
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not necessarily the smaller school board or other local elections in the very places where they might be able to have an impact on policy that directly impacts them. it is a good question overall, thank you. republican.lorida, caller: i would like to thank the caller from california that seemed to be saying that mexicans actually own part of the united states, and that he does not consider himself an american, but an mexican, i guess or a descendent of mi ayans. talkis what republicans about, but when they say the same thing, they are called racist or anti-hispanic. this guy was telling the truth, let me back up and say that i moved to florida in the 1980's,
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and i used to 2 -- used to tell my friends that i thought that cubans were more american than americans and the reason i said that is because of their spirit, what they were doing, and i believe the cuban community in that was the last group began buying foreign cars. cubans in miami not only american cars until the middle of the 1990's. i have stopped saying that, because what i have noticed is an encroachment of the spanish-language into our culture, and i can understand why humans are hispanics want the spanish-language over the media, but it differentiates them. it sets them apart. guest: interesting points, and some of the speeches we have collected over the years so --
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a latinos hauled a lot of american values, like hard work and they also believe that if you work hard, you will see the later in life and that their children will have a better life here. latinothat shows that immigrants are like other americans. on the issue of language, it is interesting to see some of the changes underway. while many in the united states you are beginning to see a decline in the share of hispanics who speak spanish at home. among other latinos, this is particularly true. i think as we move forward into the future because immigration from mexico has slowed down, will start this the english on the rise and spanish maybe not all the decline, but certainly
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not growing as fast as it has in recent years. east petersburg, pennsylvania, independent. caller: good morning. i have a lot of respect for people who speak both english and spanish, and i would not spanish-speaking diminishing in this country. it is nice to be able to speak spanish and english and maybe, we can start thinking more respectfully of the people who , because there are a lot of people in this country who cannot even speak copper english. the problem i have what that is we need to embrace each other and embrace our own culture and yes latinos should go out and
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vote in the midterms because those are the issues that you complain mostly about. guest: in reference to language, certainly, our polls have shown many latinos want future generations of hispanics to speak spanish, but the proof is in the pudding and there is a lot of pressure, pressure that is not focused, just natural focus -- just natural pressure were people growing up in the u.s. are getting primarily schooled in english, so they are growing up in an environment where english is part of their daily lives in a way that maybe it was not for their parents, so well there is a lot of support among latinos for maintaining spanish or maintaining a bilingual presence, in reality, we are seeing things begin to change. , borngeneration latinos in the u.s. with u.s. foreign parents, you will that more than 70% are english dominant.
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,econd-generation hispanics half of them are bilingual, so across the generations, you'll find that language will shift toward the dominant language in a particular country. in this case, english in the u.s.. teachispanic parents spanish to their children or try to teach them, but the children oftentimes are also getting competing pressure from friends, school, etc., to speak in english. host: ruth in north carolina, democrat. i decided to call when i heard the comments about the flag and the kickback for people who presented the showing of the mexican flag. so much has happened in the conversation, i do not know how to stay focused.
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i am an african american. my ancestors are from africa and europe and many of them, i do not know who they are. on the issue of the flag, i think it is important that you keep your identity to a land base. one of the things that happen to us who came here not as immigrants but were forced, we lost our land base identity. a language was kept from us because we were separated on the voyage, and if we spoke to one endangered, and then the drum was taken. being able to hold on to your identity in terms of where you originated from and your language is very important to me. , and in north
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carolina, we have some serious issues. today we are voting around redistricting for the judge. i have to get out there and vote. i will follow you on twitter, mark. this conversation has been really enlightening, and very wonderful. 62 and spokeas about the land being taken and the mexicans, it is real, and i that'll trump and mitch o'connell and all of those who don't want to a knowledge, we have the fact that when this
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country came about -- . guest: thank you for the comments, there are a lot of interesting things around hispanic identity that we have found. a lot of emphasis on the country of origin, particularly representing and being proud of one's roots and you see this in young latinos who will tell you that parents say be proud of who you are and speak spanish, but when you talk to the parents , you what happened to them find that the stories are somewhat different. and bet was the english american, that was the emphasis placed on them from their parents. there is a lot of emphasis within the community to take pride in who you are and of your background and i think it is something that is particularly true for young latinos. slowed, andon has
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with a new infusion of a large number of immigrants from latin america, we will see the story of latinos look like the story of other immigrant groups. a post-1965g in world, the u.s. is a place where diversity, ancestry, identity that -- is something that is a much bigger part of life, today. host: will you be watching election results, tonight? guest: i will, i will be at home. host: if you are watching tonight's results and you want to learn a bit more about the hispanic vote in these states that are voting, california being the biggest one. coverage, 90 5 p.m. eastern time tune in on c-span, c-span radio and voting,rolina
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, one toional contests watch is the second district, who is competing against another incumbent after redistricting, and she is competing against representative george holding, and conservative interest groups have gravitated toward holding, but presumptive republican nominee donald trump has endorsed renee ellmers and did a robocalls or her over the weekend -- for her over the weekend -- did a robocall for her over the weekend. caller: i would like to share my views on the latino voter. thisi first arrived in country, i was saying to myself, who would vote republican, and it is because they have so many resonate with not us.
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i suited to see some of the cultures that there are vulcan party is presenting, and i could maybe swing my vote, not particularly in this election cycle. my question is, how many of the first generation latinos are actually voting republican and from second voting and third generation because i feel like you need to -- host: final question for you. across generations in 2012, you had strong support for barack obama, whether people were recent immigrants, the children of immigrants, or us-born with us-born parents. we saw support for president groups.ove 65% for all the most part, he won the best majority of the latino vote. that was an interesting election in that there were few differences among latinos.
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one of the few differences was cuban americans and evangelical latinos. no related to network traditionally republican but even there, there are some changes underway. host: you can also go to the hispanic research part of their website to find out more about the hispanic vote. thank you for the conversation. up next, we turn our attention to retirement security. we will talk about the pension benefit guarantee corporation and the financial stress it is facing. ♪ >> we are going public.
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we will be watched by our friends and people across the country. i would hope as i said before, change, theyte may become a more efficient body, because of televised proceedings. >> the proceedings of the united states senate are being broadcast to the nation on television for the first time. not that we have operated in secret until now. millions of americans have sat in the galleries and observed senate debates during their visits to washington. today, they can witness the proceedings in their own homes. becomesfect, the senate a stage, the senators become actors on that stage and by our we have not,
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fundamentally alter that enlarged the have galleries, pushing up the walls to include all the american people who wish to watch. >> commemorating 30 years of senate coverage on c-span two. washington journal continues. host: we are back. joining us from boston, joshua gotbaum who is an economic studies guest scholar at brooklyn institution, also former director of the pension benefit guarantee corporation. let's begin with whether or not people are more or less prepared to retire. guest: the good news in life is that people are living longer, healthier lives. the bad news is, as a result, people are less prepared for retirement. people have not saved enough for
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retirement. most people have not saved, half of america is not saved -- has not saved at all. to response of most people thinking about retirement is not to do so, not to prepare. they pretend that they are going to work forever, and it is true that people are working longer, but forever and longer are isferent, so where we are that we have longer, healthier lives for which we are less prepared. arertunately, people unlikely to prepare on their own. people dond is that not save for retirement if they have to do it all, themselves. they save if something is automatic, detected from their payroll and half of americans --
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american businesses do not offer any such thing, so half of americans have no payroll savings of any kind. people know it. if you ask people what they are worried about, economically, more people are worried about running out of money in retirement than losing their job or not having health care or any other economic matter. aarp tells us that people are more worried about running out of money in retirement than they are about dying. that tells us this is a real problem. host: what are the barriers to saving? that it is hard to do. you have to make decisions, and their decisions that most of us are not prepared to make.
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if you want to save for retirement on your own, you have to figure out how much you should save. where should you put the money, how should it be invested? most of us are not actuaries, we do not know how long we will live or how much to set aside. we are not investment experts. we do not know where we should put money and how much risk to take. with the decline of traditional pensions, the average person is forced to make all these decisions and the average person does not. where we are is that we have found aliens of ways to encourage people to spend money. we have found hundreds of ways to get people to borrow money. we've actually made it harder for people to prepare for retirement, and that is what we need to undo.
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host: what is your recommendation for solving the barriers to actually putting the money away somewhere? the first thing we can do to make it easy is to make it easy for every employer to america -- and i never got to open up their payroll systems so people can save automatically. peoplejust enroll automatically in a payroll savings plan, you give them the chance to doubt, but if you enroll them automatically, more than 90% of them start saving. if you say to them instead, you have to fill out a lot of forms, at least a third of them just do not do it. the first thing we can do is businessesy, require to open up their payroll so that aeryone who works can have
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portion of their paycheck put into a retirement plan. that was proposed at the federal level and because congress is erotic, it is not congress is sporadic, it did not pass. -- we want you to use your payroll system to help your employees say. you do not have to worry about the regulations involving a traditional pension plan. you do not have to worry about the department of labor and all that stuff. payroll open up your system so employees can save and we will read about the rest. if this automatic enrollment happens nationwide, more than 50 million people who have no retirement savings now will have
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retirement savings. that will be the biggest change in retirement security since social security was enacted. host: let's get the viewpoint from our viewers, if they think that is a good idea. old,u are under 40 years (202) 748-8000. all,en 41 and 60 years (202) 748-8001 -- years old, (202) 748-8001. 60 and older, (202) 748-8002. expense in biggest retirement that people do not think about? guest: the expense that people don't think about as much as is the change in long-term care. older, we know we are going to get old, we don't really plan for it, we don't set aside money for it, so when we
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start needing help, most of us don't have the money to pay for it, so as we need more help, what happens is we turn to family members who themselves may not be able to handle the time, the expense, etc., or we spend down what savings we have and what we find is the number one expense the people do not anticipate, the number one reason why seniors go from having a solid retirement to a ofe of poverty is the cost long-term care, whether it is care in a nursing home or care with an attendant. and is the number one, two three, anticipated it -- unanticipated expense. people know what they spend for housing or food. thatthey do not know is the health care costs are going
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to go up substantially, and people do not plan. host: a headline in a recent financial -- fiscal times website. 80% of itrement cost -- 80% of americans are not majority ofnd avast americans want to remain in their homes throughout retirement but a new study finds that eight in 10 drastically underestimates the cost of health many will need to make that possible. in kentucky,handra how old are you? caller: i-55. -- i am 55. i have saved a good amount from work. i think this guy does not get the real picture. wages of the american working class have been stagnant or declining for about 30 years.
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there is no extra money to be put in savings. affects oury ability to save, it affects every aspect of this country, because our infrastructure -- this trickle-down economics is crazy. you give into the top and it will trickle down, well it does not. what happens is we have the robber baron age. i am mad because with the decline and the middle-class wages, we do not have social security, we don't have funds for our infrastructure because it all goes straight to the top.
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and ihave been stagnant, would like to hear what he has to say about that. guest: let me start by dealing with what is an important fear, that is people are worried social security is going to run out of money, that we as a nation might actually stop hanging for social ready. it is for an for everyone to say, that will not happen. i need lots of people who say they are not sure when they retire that social security is going to be there. it is quite important for us to say that social security is a national commitment. it is a commitment that we hold sacred. if we have not set aside enough money to pay for social
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security, and we will find ways to pay for it. -- then we will find ways to pay for it. social security has never been allowed to run out of money. i don't think we should spend time arguing about whether we can make sure that social security will be there. we will. the issue that i worry about is that social security on average pays a little over a thousand dollars a month. securitypeople, social is not enough. i think what we need to do is, we need to make it as easy to save more for retirement as it is to get a credit card, as easy to save as it is to get a car loan, as easy for retirement as
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it is to buy something on the web. that is where we have lagged, , nottially, the government because it is not like retirement security but because it is stuck in the past, and regulation, has made it harder and more difficult to save for retirement than it is to do these other things. host: lots of phone calls waiting. sandra on the line for 61 and older in seattle. my retirement situation is not typical. i havewanted to say was a friend who all his life saved money, invested and in 2008, he lost everything, so the guy that plans ahead -- and it was on
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purpose, it was engineered, from the get-go. social security was supposed to be when you turn 62, well they thought most people would be dead before then, so now they are trying to raise it to 72. no one's going to be able to make it to 72, and still be working, that is not going to happen. people in congress are just naive and not even beginning to look at this situation in any kind of a reasonable way. social security -- no one has yet talked about raising the minimum age of social security from 62 to 72. it is not true. there are people who want to by saying social security is not going to be
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there or we don't want to pay for social security. it is important for people to understand that social security will be there. let's go back to the first part of what you talked about, which is your friend had a retirement savings account, it was invested in the stock market, like most people's account. it was not traditional, so when the stock market went down, he lost it. we needthe reason why to do better in retirement security is that individual people should not be at the mercy of the stock market. what people should be able to do is, basically be able to buy a pension, they should be able to buy something that guarantees them asked about for life. we make that hard. we make it hard for insurance companies to sell lifetime income. we make it hard for employers to
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offer a lifetime income and as a result, people do the easy thing. if they say that all, -- if they save at all, they put that money into a fund that is at the mercy of the stock market. is infinitely better off having some retirement savings than most americans, because most americans do not have anything, but what we need for the future is we need to have everybody have retirement savings and for that savings to offer payments for life. host: roger green on twitter wants to know what will you tell those who have been in to the market due to zero return of traditional savings after the next market decline? that: what i would say is unfortunately, we have made it so hard for employers to offer
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retirement savings plans that employers have dumped the responsibility on individuals. we also made it hard for individuals to get anything other than mutual funds. what we need to do is, we need to do two thanks. one is, we need to make it easier for employers, without a whole lot of legal liability, to offer employees a traditional kind of pension. to offer employees lifetime income that is not subject to market ups and downs. that is one thing we need to do. secondly, we need to actually make it possible for individuals to choose a lifetime income without worrying that they are being swindled by some salesman. that is something which the government is beginning to do.
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the government is beginning to say when he to make sure that people who sell retirement not have- retirement products put the customer's interest first. the financial services industry does not like that. the department of labor did the first step and said if you are going to sell a retirement product, you have to put the customer's interest first. we need to make it as easy to product asime income it is to buy a mutual fund. delaware, hown old are you and how much are you saving? caller: i just turned 50 and i have absolutely no savings. i moved in with my 80-year-old mother and i taking care of her and the question i think i heard was, the expensive people don't think about, because my mother was going to leave me her house
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and property, but the maintenance on the house far outweighs anything. roof,ptic, the maintenance, taxes, those are things people don't think about, and now she is in debt and i'm trying to manage it as best as i can and we are trying to help -- trying to sell this house. host: what do you think about that situation? guest: i think it is a sad situation. i think it is a tragedy. you want not alone, there are lots of people who simply did not have the resources for retirement and are discovering that when they no longer have an income, they cannot afford their house. they can't afford other things. you do have, because you have a house, if there is equity in the
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house, that is a financial resource that you and your mother can take advantage of. it is hard to do. we make it hard for people to get reverse mortgages, and complicated for people to get reverse mortgages. we should make it easier and safer. that is an advantage that you have. the main point, you are right, which is that most people don't plan, we need to have people save more. when you go back to work, if you start setting aside monday -- money, then by the time you stop working, you will have an in retirement in a way that your mother did not have, and that is what we need to do, that is what we should do. host: matthew is in virginia beach, under 40. caller: i want him to address an
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issue that one caller called in about. the lady said, how can you the low wageswith that are being paid, nowadays? there is no way you can save enough for retirement. -- one of the safest investments you could have went back -- went bust back under george bush. these wealthy bankers are going to find a way to steal it from us. you can save all you want, but they will find a way to really must. i remember a lady who called a local talk show down here, and she was lamenting about the fact that her husband and her had saved for retirement, but when it came time for the daughter to go to college, they wanted her daughter to borrow the money so she could go to college, the
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daughter did not qualify because the husband and wife had substantial savings and would not load her the money under her own credit so she could go to college. i want you to address low wages and how people could possibly save, no matter what you invest in, his bankers are going to steal it, and everything about this country until the government is ready to lock people up who steal money and all these other things, it is not going to change. it is a land of greed. people are wealthy, and they are greedy. address those issues and we can move forward. guest: let me start by talking about the question of whether or not people who are earning less than average can save anything. , there is no question,
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but we make it harder by forcing them to jump through hoops, fill out forms, find a bank or trust some broker, then we should. for instance, england, had the same problem. people in england they have low income people there as well. what they did in england, they place theey put in regime that we are talking about here. they put in place the requirement that small to allow their employees to save by automatically enrolling them. but the employees can opt out if they don't want to do it. tens of millions of people are automatically being enrolled in savings as a result. guess what percentage of them opt out.
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7%, one out of 14. said i cannot afford to do this come i will not save. and aref 14 stayed in saving for retirement. my point is not that everyone can afford to save for retirement, but we are discriminating against saving for retirement, making it harder for people to save for retirement. that is a mistake and that will impoverish people later in life. yes, for people who cannot do this, you want to allow them to opt out. most of them actually will not opt out. most of them will start saving for retirement in a way that they have not before. your point about how when you have some savings, you give it to an institution and entrust them and they say i'm sorry, but
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the market went down and we lost your money, we are not a bank, there is a real problem. you are absolutely right. problem issolve that by making it possible for people to get products whose value is guaranteed. , rather than gambling in the stock market, but retirement that isin an account protected by an insurance company and pace income for life. that's pays income for life. we could make it easier. if the stock market goes down, you do not sweat. jaden milest from -- first of all, what is it, what
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is its role? guest: the pension benefit guarantee corporation was an agency set up by congress in 1974. private pension plans, the kinds of pension plans that were in 1974. sponsors they that plan goes bankrupt, pbgc steps in. if a savings bank goes bankrupt, the corporation steps in and makes sure your deposits are ok. if the company that sponsors your pension plan goes bankrupt, the pbgc will step in and pay benefit. it has done so for hundreds and pai.eds of plans there are 1.5 million people whose pensions are paid by the
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pension benefit guarantee corporation. ran the pbgc for four years. the people who look at the pbgc rate it as the best government benefits agency. they are happy with their service. you can call the agency 800-number and they will answer your questions. when the pension plan starts, there is a maximum as to what pbgc can pay. for most plans come it's about $50,000 a year. people,vast majority of the pension benefit guarantee corporation will pay your full benefits. going to bepbgc
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around to pay that benefit? is not backed by the federal government. it get its money from premiums paid by all the other pension plans. reluctantlyngress has raised pbgc rates enough so has money for the foreseeable future to pay those benefits. for that to keep happening, the congress of the united states needs to ignore some of the lobbyists and that the pbgc charge enough for this to pay the benefit. it might be worth reminding your member of congress that you are dependent on pbgc and they are dependent on the congress. host: anthony in newport, tennessee. caller: i have a couple things to say.
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gel on there is scaring people, it seems. i started saving at 40 years old. i worked at a company for 20 years. i'm on this pbgc thing because they went bankrupt. a afterey i get from pb 10 years is $112 a month. in 1984 not quit my job and start my own company in beth carolina, i would not here today. the gentleman sitting there knows you would have been perfectly fine -- guest: are you saying that the pbgc is paying your pension but that is not enough money to live on? host: he says he gets $100
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something a month. guest: that means the pension was not enough to live on much a bank. too. live on, with the government cannot do is step in and make a private pension richer than it was. that's the reason why we need to make it easier for people to save more for retirement. most people do not save enough. you are an example of that. the thing you cannot do is after-the-fact turn around and say i did not save enough and now come i would like the government to make up for the fact i did not say. i don't think people will think that is fair. what i hope we will do is make it easier for folks to save enough so that they don't have
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to come to the government and say please bail me out. host: new hampshire. good morning to you. tell us what your savings situation is. caller: good morning. that halfke to say the people in this country are making wages that were set in the late 1970's. the average income is $25,000-$30,000 a year. how are you supposed to live, keep a roof over your head, food on your table and here is this gentleman chastising us for not saving enough? rural mother grew up in a , poverty-stricken situation, pulled herself up by the bootstraps, got a nursing degree , bought and sold property along 70's andretired in her
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right before the crash of 2008, they sold their house, they should have had enough money and they were robbed by wall street theirldman sachs with -- not one of ceo those people who robbed the american people of a trillion dollars ever went to jail -- a trillion dollars ever went to jail. the people who lost their homes, lost their credit, lost their jobs, if they stole a can of tuna fish but they would be in jail. we have goldman sachs executives in the white house running the financials and it does not matter if they are republicans or democrats, they are going to strain the finances of this country. tenth of 1% -- this is
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not about hard work. we work very hard. host: we are running out of time. sue in roseville, illinois. on our line for 61 and older. caller: i'm 65, i have a phd in nursing. we own two homes. we started saving when i was 21. my employer contributed one dollar for every two dollars i put in. by the time i was 50, we had $350,000 saved. we lost half of it in the first crash after 9/11, lost the second happened 2008. half in 2008.
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political party pressure to end social security and regulation of wall street -- my husband worked 30 years. by the time he was making any money, they let him go. -- the only reason we had any assets left come i insisted on putting them in federal treasury bonds. tot: i want josh gotbaum respond to you and the previous caller. with: let me first start the first caller and the fact that people are underpaid. fact.a sad i think what we can do to improve that is raise the minimum wage so that the floor on the lowest rate goes up and as a result, others peoples -- other people's will go up as
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well. the fact that the congress of the united states is sitting on raising the minimum wage is shameful. mentioned,hing you that both of you mentioned, is that you feel that wall street and the financial services industry let you down. ,r, to use a technical term screwed you. they did. the only way that is going to be prevented is if there is strong, smart, continuous regulation of financial services. credithe crash, to their , president obama proposed and got the congress to enact the dodd frank act to improve
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oversight over financial services. however,appening now, is that people are saying, well, the crisis is over, let's water it down. we don't want to make it too hard for people in the financial services industry, so let's undo dodd frank. if you are concerned about this, you have to let your members of congress know. calling on c-span is not going from wall street fraud. making sure the congress does not weaken dodd frank, making sure the congress strengthens dodd frank, that is what will protect us. comment and ihe hope you will pick up the phone or write an e-mail to members of congress and say don't you dare
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weaken dodd frank. i want the people who controlled the financials of the nation to be accountable to the nation. host: barry in lake michigan. caller: good morning. you almost answered part of the question i intended -- according to the government, 63% of the people make a level dollars an hour or less -- $11 an hour or less. how was somebody supposed to save and still have a normal life and everything else? i'm 60 years old. when i was 48 years old, i broke my back. and the way process the medical industry get your money from you, i lost over $100,000 on a broken back. how is somebody supposed to save
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for health care, for retirement savings -- you make it sound like everyone has this spare don't go out and enjoy the weekend. guest: let me try it again. i don't think it is easy for people who are living on the edge to set aside money for retirement. i don't think it is easy for people who are living on the edge to set aside money for health care emergencies. do is twonk we can things. raise the minimum wage so that people living on the edge are further from the edge. for that, you need the congress of the u.s., state legislatures. the other thing we can do is make it easier, as easy to save as it is to spend. what we have learned is that
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there are plenty of people who would like to set aside a nest egg, set aside a nest egg so that they have a medical emergency, they have something. they would like to set aside a nest egg so that their kids go to college. they've got something. it would like to set a nest egg so they have something in retirement. it is hard to do, they don't get around to it. ift we have found is that you make it easy for people to they don't have to do anything at all, many more people will. we should stop discriminating , stopt retirement saving discriminating against traditional baking and start s easy to save for retirement as it is to get a credit card or easier.
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all, partnothing at of your paycheck goes into retirement account. you can stop at any time, but if you do nothing, you've got some savings. they get it in england. 13 out of 14 people said i like this better and they did not opt out. other nations have done this. other nations have increased retirement savings. we have not. is the the tragedy that sclerosis and washington, d.c. is that we don't have congressional legislation that makes it easier to save. we don't have changes to stop the scrimmaging against traditional retirement plans. that's what i hope people will do. to get back to the first part of
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my question, the first thing, raise the minimum wage. host: josh gotbaum, we have to leave it there. thank you for the conversation this morning. we appreciate your time. guest: thank you. ,aller: when we come back republicans only, what is your reaction to donald trump's comments about the judge that is presiding over the trump university case? take a look at "the washington post" front page this morning. lines byivide the region. republicans only, coming up. ♪ >> this is an amazing family story. tradele cruelty to public
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-- the empire is increased. it is also a family where wivess kill their sons, have their husbands overthrown and murdered. night on q&a, "the romanovs." the dynasty that ruled russia for over 300 years. >> all the girls and all the children were wearing bizarre sts sewn with romanov diamonds so they could have money in case they escaped and needed to buy their way out. when the bullets came, tragically, these made their execution, agony much longer because the bullet bounced
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against the diamond and they did not die. >> "washington journal" continues. host: we started this morning with democrats only, hillary clinton and bernie sanders supporters reacting to the ap saying she is the presumptive democratic nominee. now, we want to hear from republicans only about donald trump's comments on this judge. saysington post" republicans are distancing themselves from donald trump. gop lawmakers and strategists face uncomfortable questions --
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we are asking all of you this morning, what do you think about this? republicans only. what do you think about donald trump's comments on the judge? donald trump made the comments before the weekend. here's what he had to say yesterday when he was on fox news. [video clip] all i am trying to do is find out why i'm being treated so unfairly by a judge. out whynt to do is find i'm being treated so unfairly by a judge. when you have a plaintiff that rings a case, started the case -- she signed all sorts of documents how great the courses were.
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we have a tape of her saying it on video. -- we say we won the case. they go to court and say your honor, we don't want her as a plaintiff anymore. he throws out the plaintiff. ont: that was donald trump monday. in a conference call, he said his supporters should keep criticizing the judge. newt gingrich was critical of on fox news sunday. [video clip] newt gingrich: this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. it is inexcusable. he has every right to criticize a judge and say certain decisions are not right.
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his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge. this judge was born in indiana. he is an american. period. when you come to america, you get to be an american. trump's grandparents understand this as much as anybody. if a liberal were to attack clearance thomas on the grounds would gos black, they crazy. he is now the potential leader of the united states and he has to move his game up to the level of being a potential leader. "the washington post" says the former speaker soften his softened his tone on
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monday. take a look at the list of republicans who have disagreed with donald trump, his comments on the judge. governor john kasich, senator susan collins, senator bob ,orker, senator ted cruz senator jeff flake, senator john mccain, senator mitch mcconnell, senator marco rubio and representative jason chaffetz. emporia, what do you think? caller: i'm still for donald trump. he should be careful what he
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says about people of different races. i still think he is one of the best we have running for president. ever give you pause about voting for him, what he says? caller: no. he might have made a mistake in doing it, but no, i will not change my mind. i think he is great. get one of the others, it will be obama all over again. host: do you think this could hurt him in a general election? will, but notk it to a great extent. i do think it will hurt him. hispanics,ot of other races here in america that are really fine, good people. it may hurt them.
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lynn in bellevue, washington. gop only for our last hour. good morning to you. caller: good morning. said probablye should not have been said. but, he was right. the judge is also a lawyer that represents illegals. there is a covert of interest. -- conflict of interest. i'm not sure he should have said it, but he is right. i do support him. these other republican guys are the reason -- their attitude is the reason i do not support them. host: what do you mean this represents or has represented illegal immigrants? an organization
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that represents illegals when they come across. i think that is a conflict of interest. in fact, i don't even think it is right. he should be in trouble because he is a judge. a judge should not go back as a lawyer. host: we will look that up. we are getting your reaction to this debate over whether or not donald trump should have said those remarks. twitterhe reaction on --
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do you think, do you support his comments? tyler in wisconsin. caller: good morning. stage of the game, from a political standpoint, i am totally befuddled as to why donald trump is even engaging, discussing this whole issue of this university case. it is rather insignificant. less stopust more or talking about it -- it is not a very vibrant political issue. people are not going to make up their minds on the trump university case. host: white do you think he does focus on it -- why do you think he does focus on it? caller: he simply feels he is
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right and he is going to fight verbally to the death to convince everyone else that he is right. him in regardsh to the fact that i do feel some of the rulings he has received suspect,ase are a bit theso far as going to degree that he has to criticize this particular judge in the way come i don't see how he is gaining any political capital at all from this. none at all. host: tyler in wisconsin. we will keep taking calls from republicans this money. joining us on the phone is ben .ershing what is on the agenda this week? caller: the senate is mostly
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focused on the defense authorization bill. they've been trained to get policy set for the pentagon next year. the house will be coming back to vote tonight. congresstions for itself. they decide how much money to spend on their own offices and their own staff. host: what is going on off of the floor? there's lots of focus on the presidential primary, but also some interesting congressional primaries today. california, iowa and north carolina. some competitive races that will key points decided today. talk a bit more about those races because we will beginning our viewers primary results tonight. be giving our viewers primary
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results tonight. caller: the most interesting state if you had to pick one is north carolina. newurt ordered a redistricting round. a lot of members of congress today are running in new districts. to have one district where incumbent republicans -- two incumbent republicans have to face each other. tonight, one incumbent will lose for sure. donald trump came in pretty late this week and endorsed rene elmers this w race. either way, we will have an incumbent lose tonight. there's some open seat races in a lot of places. in california, there's multiple real fights there
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in multiple districts. the top two finishers in the primary make it to november, regardless of party. in some races, you have democrat versus democrat. paul ryan also unveiling part of the republican agenda. what will he be talking about and why begin with this topic of poverty? caller: he's talking about a new approach to poverty for republicans. this has been a passionate issue for him. he got his start working for , a famous figure in republican politics who spent years and sing the party needed a new approach to dealing with poverty. that is something paul ryan has cared about four years. it is no coincidence that if paul ryan is the speaker, this is the issue he will lead off with.
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they are also prepared to roll out policies on health care, energy, foreign policy come everything. poverty comes first because it is close to paul ryan's heart. host: what are your repeal reporters telling you about how lawmakers are reacting to donald trump's comments? caller: paul ryan has commented on this once. comes comments on the judge came out of left field. mitch mcconnell has criticized it. susan collins did, lindsey graham has strong comments. he suggested republican lawmakers who have endorsed trump should rescind there were theirtions -- rescind endorsements. drawn strongs have
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rebukes from republicans. is it bad enough that paul ryan and others will withdraw their endorsements? paul ryans likely gets that question at his event today. go to for details of our coverage. four housec-span2 and floor proceedings as they get underway this morning. house and floor proceedings. i want to show you today's of "national journal daily." who was the format and the audience back in 1991. it was a fax
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newsletter that when out in the afternoon. it was touted as this revolutionary concept. we will give you news the same day it happens. it sounds almost quaint, but back in 1991 when there was no internet, it was unusual. this would go out to fax machines on capitol hill and the idea was watch your fax machine late in the afternoon and you will get news of things that happened today. now, that is old hat. at the time, it was a unique product. host: how closely were reporters tasked to following a certain issue and a certain beat? how often did reporters report on an issue? caller: sort of granular coverage.
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the editor blasted that readers would not be interested in this stuff. committee markups and floor proceedings and amendments and really intricate stuff that tv networks were not interested in. people in washington wanted to know in great detail what was happening on the floor. that is one of the driving things behind "national journal." host: what has changed in 25 years? caller: we launched a morning product. daily."l journal to tell more stories people what is going to happen in the future and not just what happened yesterday.
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we think there is real value in telling people what we think is going to happen tomorrow and next week and next month. we try to see around corners and see big picture analysis. host: congratulations. happy anniversary. caller: thank you for having me. host: chris in chester, connecticut. good morning to you. what do you think about this debate over donald trump's comments? are or no matter who you what ethnic background you have, when you are treated unjustly in a courtroom, you are looking for answers. this is the answer that he came up with. have been a democrat my entire life but i've changed. still vote for donald trump. he is the only answer to this nation's issues. host: tom ending, ohio.
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good morning. caller: good morning. dayton, ohio. it is all about trade. when they did away with all the factories, that segregated the workers. i work in a place with 2000 people, 700-800 of them were black or whatever you want to call them. they took them jobs away. it's all about our jobs. host: patrick in anchorage, alaska. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span and thanks to "washington journal." greta come i think you might be
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somewhat biased against trump. you slant the other way, but that is my opinion. , he says arump goes lot of inappropriate things. in his heart, he is not a bigot and not a racist. corruption is in every industry. the judicial system is not insulated from it. for that judge not to allow trump to subpoena that woman that had all those comments about that university that he put together and then turn against him for some reason, not to testify is fundamentally wrong. ask you about the comments themselves and the political impact? do you think what he said hurts him and will it linger? that is the topic of the column this morning. caller: i don't believe that
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he writes that the timing of these episode -- this episode makes republicans cringe. dixie in pennsylvania. it is your turn. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you so much. i am 65 years old right now. girlfriend and i were in atlantic city when i was 29 years old. we were on the boardwalk and there was this woman that was
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down, this older woman with a child come everyone was walking around her, trying to walk over -- all of a sudden come out man with funnys looking hair was there. he got her up. she was a mexican lady. differentve bloodlines. this man is not a racist. they took her and got her straightened out. who is that men with that hair? my girlfriend says that is donald trump. i love donald trump. america is wrong about him. i thank you so very much for finally taking this call. joan injoe in -- host:
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mount pleasant, texas. caller: good morning. ideology always matters with a judge. especially a federal judge. their ideology affects what their rulings are. ideology is always important. , i wasly, the entire gop handed come out congress, they believe ideology does matter -- , theynate, our congress believe ideology does matter or else they would not be holding up the supreme court on that fact. they believe ideology matters at the supreme court but does not matter if there is any other level of the judicial system -- it shows you they are very hypocritical. for them to turn on donald trump when the guise of racism it is all about ideology is
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totally wrong. host: wanda in chico, california. caller: i remember when bush was president, he appointed a conservative hispanic to the supreme court. gonzaleswas alberto my believe. the democrats turned him down because he is conservative. this man is a member of the la raza lawyers association. he is against trump because he trump wants to build a wall and he does not like that because he is in favor of illegal immigrants. host: i think you were speaking of the attorney general come out for coke gonzales, who wrote a piece in "the hill" over the weekend saying donald trump is right to be concerned about the
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judge. , albertoey general gonzales. i will get that for you in a minute. so that if you're interested, you can read it -- it is in "the washington post." greg in west palm beach, florida. good morning to you. what thean you tell me is? "la raza" the race. the judges representing an organization that refers to itself as a race. what does it say about the judge? host: you are supporting donald trump? caller: he is promoting a race. is that racist?
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good morning. caller: good morning to you. the prosecutors in this case decided the witness was no good and so they could not proceed. he is now being prosecuted from the bench by the judge. i think donald trump could have said everything he had just dropped out the word "mexican." every to know why republican in the world has to answer for everything donald trump has to say and yet, hillary clinton -- you don't see harry reid and all these others being questioned about her e-mails and camilla activity that criminal activity and other questionable behavior. host: all of you talking about the judge being associated with la raza. this is from "red state's"
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website. attempts to associate curial el with a group that is -- he has no an affiliation with this group whatsoever. the latino barof association of california. they have absolutely no affiliation with national council of la raza. every state has these chapters for hispanic lawyers, black lawyers and women lawyers, jewish lawyers, christian lawyers, you name it, there is a lawyer association for it in every state.
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joe in washington, d.c. what the you think -- what do you think? 's comments about the judge is as disgraceful as everything else that comes out of his mouth. he is neither a republican or conservative. some of us are working to set up ite-in campaign. better choice 2016. we will be publishing information on that in the future. there has to be an alternative to trump and clinton. those of us who care about national security are working on that project. host: who did you support in this primary contest? caller: i originally supported scott walker, marco rubio and then john kasich.
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wayside undere this absurd hijacking of the republican party by donald trump. like you have been in d.c. for a while. have you work on national security issues? caller: yes. that have friends been longtime republicans in washington, what are your friends saying about what is happening here? caller: people are totally disillusioned and dispirited and depressed. all the adjectives that begin with d described the demoralization that has occurred. the man has appeal in terms of his personality for those who like that type of brash approach and even on substantive issues, he has said some things that are true and correct. china'stion on
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domination of the nuclear issue with north korea is on target. to play therele and the u.s. has not called china's handle that. himself is an unguided missile in the country could do far better. for inho will you vote november if it is donald trump versus hillary clinton? theer: i will write in candidate that this group we are putting together to challenge both major parties. host: edward in manchester, connecticut. caller: remember when the judge died a couple months back or so -- we were talking about how judges can be influenced by money. vacation foron
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that bird hunt, you cannot tell they live in that office, go through those neighborhoods that are neglected with the ceiling that has not been repainted since martin luther king's march, the idea that we give up our independence to our representatives as if they know better than we the to vote on the things they want to pass rather than going out and finding out what it is that we want because we pay for these things with our tax dollars -- host: tonight primary coverage begins here on c-span, c-span radio and at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. candidate speeches and your phone calls. there are six states voting. that is from "the wall street
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journal" this money. nancy in georgia. good morning. -- this morning. caller: i am proud of mr. drum for standing up because mexican is not a race, it is a foreign country. -- i'm proud of mr. trump. la razasociated with -- he hasciation taken action on the behalf of mexican immigrants. he has already acknowledged that mr. trump's position as a republican in the executive race , he postponedence the hearing -- i think mr. trump is the victim here of an extortion attempt. i'm proud of him for standing up
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and risking his presidency and $50 million for what he believes is right. did you hear what i read .com?redstate za belongs to the la ra lawyers of california which is your garden-variety special interest lawyers association put together for networking. caller: that group has done work on behalf -- la razational council of a is different. he does have that -- they are burning the american flag out there. he is supporting illegal immigrants coming giving them legal aid and waving the next can flag.
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legal immigrants, giving them legal aid and waving the mexican flag. post"in "the washington -- democrats in competitive races across the country are seeking to use trumps comments that trump's comments -- seeking to use trump's comments against their opponents. charles in dayton, ohio. caller: hello. i think mr. trump is a big it. -- a bigot.
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lincoln freed the slaves. seems like all we want to do now is not down the younger people. student loans -- trump is being charged for defrauding people for student loans and stuff, basically. me and my friends, we want somebody besides donald trump. host: what do you think about this headline in "washington times?" they are wasting precious time right now. caller: they are. they have to get to the issues and start supporting the people that put them in office. it is heartbreaking to see what goes on in washington nowadays. the republican party and democratic party don't want to work together. times." "the new york
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a couple more calls here. jade in massachusetts. republicans only. think it is funny that he is trying to build a wall and mexican-american american judges should recuse himself simply because he is trying to build a wall. him, the not like comments he has made about women and he expects everyone to just want him and not acknowledge the protests outside of his rallies. fans, a lotdge the of which are white supremacists -- host: we are talking to republicans only this morning. leave theve to conversation there. we will be back tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time.
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acting administrator of the drug enforcement administration testifying before that panel on andly synthetic drugs public policy challenges to banning them. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> when the government acts to ban the new drug, traffickers tweak the chemical formula ever so slightly to evade the law. dealers give these substances exciting names like vanilla sky, spice, and crazy clown -- and sell them in legitimate convenience stores to market them to young people as legal.
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