tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN June 10, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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spring. it has created so many terrorist sanctuaries and safe havens from which they can operate out of to attack americans in the homeland. that is one of my concerns. >> there is a question back there. thank you, jane. >> thank you, i'm richard. great comments. thank you very much. yourman mccall, you began remarks saying we need to secure the border. there are some who say the border is more secure today than it has ever been. what is the criteria that will let us know we have a secure order? is it zero migrants coming across, a percentage, zero drugs? what is the criteria that will let us know we have a secure border. rep. mccaul: it is when we can
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gain operational control. right now, beer catching less than half of what is coming in. what bob and i worry about is what is coming in that we do not know about? we know we are apprehending special interest aliens from countries of interest that concern us. how many have already gotten into this country? that is one of the biggest concerns. i believe, and there is a bill we got out of our committee, in a multilayered approach to create a barrier to prevent illegal aliens, but also terrorists, from coming into the united states. it involves not only fencing, but also manpower, bruce on the ground, to respond. approved was one
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of defense. right now, we cannot see 100% what is happening, ground. if you cannot see what is happening, it is very difficult to respond to it. i think the answer is when we achieve operational control. we are far from that now. rep. goodlatte: the other piece of it is you have to have the will to enforce the law. right now, ice ages and porter controlled agents are very often complaining about instructions from their superiors to not turn that part of-- people being admitted into the country not because they upgraded detection but saying, i want in, and administration finding more reasons to let them in, rather than turn them away, and not enforce the law af after
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they have overstayed is an important component of that. the 9/11 hijackers and the san bernardino killing all to face with people who were at least initially lawfully present in the united states. rep. mccaul: we deal with the program that deals with visa overstays. the of hijackers -- political will is missing. we can get this done, it is achievable, but we do not have the political will to do it. >> thank you very much. barbara from the atlantic council. i look forward to reading your report. how will you muster the financial resources to pay for the their ear, the additional personnel, the additional people needed to do a better job vetting? what would you take from to pay for this? ,ep. mccaul: we do not specify
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but it is your party. i think bob and i agree, this should be a priority for the nation. the number one principle under the constitution is providing for a common defense, whether it be the military or for taking .rders at home drugve not talked about cartels and the damage they do. in my bill, we look at emergency funding for emergency situations to potentially pay for that. when there is a will, there is a way. rep. goodlatte: when you express the will in a way that says people in central america and if you come to- the next date, you will not be admitted under the terms that they are currently being admitted -- they are actually
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saving lives by not making acrossmake the trip mexico. they pay a lot of money themselves to the coyotes. we are sending the wrong message about what will happen when you arrived at the u.s. border. >> we have a microphone right baidu. -- behind you. >> i am william. you are students of history. how can you support a candidate whose movement may, for years from now, come back to threaten our democracy? [laughter] that is a very general statement. i look for more specifics.
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for example, i'm very encouraged by the list of supreme court nominees that the candidate that you refer to, mr. trump, has put forward as potential replacements for justice and antonin scalia.o bits by candidate who says he wants a vice presidential nominee who understands the legislative process so that he, meeting mr. trump, can work better with the congress, something that would be a vast improvement over the current circumstance that we find. these are things that you have to look to two determine who would make the best president of the united states. i agree with mike, you have to look at the track record of the person who was our secretary of state, and i think a lot of
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problems were exacerbated under her leadership. this will be a great present shall debate. i look forward to hearing more. i like what i've heard lately from the candidate about who he would like to see involved in positions of leadership in our government. rep. mccaul: i think it is important that our nominee has and good device particularly on this issue, which is the most important issue facing our nation. good foreign-policy advisers, national security advisers. i have had discussions with mayor giuliani on getting good advisors. reagan, it was not his strength, but he made it his strength because he surrounded himself by good people and good advisors. report, weg this are not only educating our members, but advising and supporting the nominee.
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in do you have any concern -- a separate way from the 11 potential justices he might nominate -- when he talks about a federal judge and says, , he does not believe that a federal judge can not be biased because of his and mrs ethnicity -- rep. goodlatte: i think we have a long tradition of respecting people's rights under our cut situation. doese that our candidate surround himself with the type describedthat mike that might encourage him from that vantage point. there is no doubt we had an outspoken candidate. lots of ideasor
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from him that will cause me to believe he will surround himself by good people. >> and listen to them? rep. goodlatte: and listen to them and follow their advice and good leadership. >> more questions. yes? >> thank you, my name is mark rosenberg. i want to thank you for raising the issue of the opium data breach and you for your leadership on this encryption issue. we have worked on this for years. it seems to me that part of the cyber security threat facing the united states is not only the vulnerability of u.s. businesses, but personal data of u.s. consumers and citizens being stored i these large organizations. americans seem to reflect that this data is not receiving
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adequate protection. to what extent do you think data protection should be an issue in this election season? i very muchte: believe it is and should be an issue in this election. that is driven not by government or business, but i individuals who understand the way there and ir information is stored and the value of their information, in the cloud and other ways, has .hanged genetically therefore, their expertise with regard to -- expectations with regard to the protection for ast information has changed well. i think the congress and the administration need to reflect and respect that change in attitude, understanding all the while that are concerns about national security and keeping people safe from people who would abuse this technology is
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important. it is also important to understand that technology itself can be used in a positive way to protect people's lives. that is why we passed unanimously the reform legislation that is now over in the senate. i hope the senate acts upon it. that is an enhancement of people's driver's that i think they want and expect. rep. mccaul: in the cyber security bill that we passed, we met with the privacy advocates. share these close to not only protect the , by getting these codes to law the door so that networks cannot be penetrated or intruded by criminals,
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espionage, and nation state actors. >> that concludes our time with this first panel. i want to thank chairman mccall latte.od thank you for starting the conversation. [applause] >> while we change places, our next speaker is house majority leader, kevin mccarthy. he was first elected to congress in 2006, representing california's 23rd district after majority. he was elected as majority in 2014. following the harris terrorist attacks, he was taught to lead a task force to address critical gaps at home and
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abroad. he stays in radio contact with our allies around the cloak and involved iny creating the better america agenda. please welcome kevin mccarthy to the podium. [applause] rep. mccarthy: this is part of speaker ryan's plan to change the house. a lot has involved in creating changed in the last few years. there was a time not so long ago its america stood with allies and against its enemies. when america's strength and engagement lead to peace and prosperity, not just here, but around the world. under the current administration's direction, america took a step back from the world and has about others like isis, russia, and china, to .ill the void
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history has shown us time and again that the world can only be safer when america leads. we need american leadership again. we need american leadership in the middle east to stop the thatg tide of terrorism has already spoke over onto american and european soil. regionalstabilizing and global activities has only increased since the signing of the iranian deal. they had no intention of changing their ways. we need american leadership in europe to support our alliance structures and ensure that our allies are holding up their end of the bargain. then, we can present a unified and hard in front -- hardened front. we need american leadership in asia to defend freedom of navigation and stop a shift in
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the balance of power that with threaten our allies and interest in the region. china's illegal land reclamation and north korea's rapid military advancement pose specific threats to the region. what the task force on national security has done is outlined a different path from the one president obama has led us down for the past seven years. if recognizes that america can only be safe if we proactively engage abroad rather than hiding behind our oceans. it is a path that demands we invest in our unmatched military capability. that means cyber defense, active .uty reserves, and the veterans unfortunately, america has lost significant standing on the world stage in recent years. the respect can only be
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hurricane with a strong investment for our resolve and proper leadership. the house, deliberating through this task force has shown what it will take to keep america safe and regain our standing in the world. we have the resources and the will. the question we bring before the american people, will we make the right choices? i want to thank the task force, the chairman, and all the members within congress who participated. is a question of what america and the world will look like in the future. the world is safer when america leaves. thank you. [applause]
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the stage.reset let me first of all think leader mccarthy for his or. we're now joined by four other committee chairman. .e have jeff miller of florida thank you. the chairman of house ofelligence, devin nunes california. the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, ed of california. finally, the house armed services chairman, mac thornberry of texas. all of these german are of course also on the task force of national security. we will have a discussion on how we advance our security of
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broad. let me start with north korea -- just to take an easy subject. it was confirmed that they restarted their protection of plutonium fuel showing that they plan to proceed with a nuclear program, in defiance of all international sanctions. royce,ask you, chairman what is the best way to try to deter north korea, aside from trying to rely on efforts with the chinese. it does not seem to have slowed this young leader down at all. i'm not so sure the chinese are serious about slowing them down. to 2006-2007,hat when sanctions were tried, we actually shut down the missile production line. they could not pay the one point
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in time when things were really desperate and north korea. the treasury department did that because they were counterfeiting $100 bills. the state department convinced them to list the sanctions at the time. i passed legislation in december. it was signed by the president that set up a sanctions effort to do exactly what we did then, except he what was successful. at this point in time, we have also pushed that through in the united nations. we have an initiative which cuts off the flow of hard currency that north korea needs to both pay its military and carry out the missile program. what we have to do is stick with the policy. we need tougher enforcement on the policy and the new chapter is that it is now impossible for financial institutions --
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anywhere that deal with north to be part ofcy -- the international banking system or bank with the united states. it is a tough decision for them to make, but they will cut off now their work with hard currency in north korea. i believe that is the way to get them to the table. unes, whatn n about intelligence efforts in this regard? is this one of the hardest targets we have? how're we continually surprised by what they are doing? nunes: i don't think us in the intelligence community are surprise. i have thought for a long time that the administration downplayed the use of the new leader of north korea and, i think, misjudged how he would act. if you look at what they are doing, this is similar behavior that they have had for several
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decades now. what is happening in north korea -- there is probably 5 million people or more that are living .ike animals i have been on the border of north korea before, on the south korean side, and i have never seen anything like it. hillsides without a weed, a stick, anything. i don't think we are surprise. as the chairman said, this will take the chinese working with the new administration if we are going to get something done there. >> chairman thornberry, how concerned should we be about chinese in the south china sea? it was remarkable our fleet was denied port access in hong kong for one of our carriers. it seems this is escalating, not the escalating, at a time when ew andve secretary lo secretary kerry in china this
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week. thornberry: it is escalating. we should be very concerned, despite what the chinese have said in the past. they are creating military bases in the south china sea. ir plan is to push this out so they have dominance in that region. on a broader point, which is even connected to the north korea question you were asking, the world is watching what happens. they see the russians take provocative action, not just in crimea and ukraine, but in buzzing our ships. the press reports today that the chinese did a similar thing with .ne of our airplanes the world watches and sees how
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we respond, if we do. that informs the chinese, the north koreans, the iranians, and others of what they can get away with. one book recently described it as a probing action. i think you see these aggressors around the world testing us. reasons whyof the the fundamentals of this proposal that we are putting out today is military strength and engagement in the world, not trying to lead from behind, but the strong. that is essential. it is not automatically solve the issues we are talking about. it is essential. if we don't do that, he will see the chinese be more aggressive, as well as north korea, iran, and others. >> i have to ask you about donald trump's suggestion that we get out of alliances like nato, and let south korea and japan are in themselves and don't work in concert with
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allies. how does that fit with the agenda you lay out today? thornberry: i cannot comment on his worldview or anyone else's. the agenda we talk about today talks about the importance of allies. we encourage, for example, european allies to do more, to but when youre, talk about the pacific, the middle east, africa, or europe, alliances are essential. we have to be a good ally. said ateard the speaker the beginning, there are more questions than ever of how reliable be are as an ally. we have to turn that around. we will not attract countries who have doubts about us. >> chairman miller, if you have been advising the nominee on
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some national security issues. what dyou see is the prospect, if he becomes commander in chief? a strong commander in chief. you asked about nato. data will have to pay more, their fair share. that is what is to trump has been talking about. much of the gdp that are spending has been on, programs other than what is required as a nato partner. i do not see anything wrong asking them to step up. said,colleagues have all part of the problem that exists today is one of trust. with our allies, we have allies that will say, we don't know whether we can trust the current administration. then, the vacuum that is created were countries like china and russia have probed,
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and will continue to probe, until we say, enough is enough. >> let me ask you about syria and the ongoing civil war. explosion of not only migration, but of civilian casualties. we have seen the challenges of trying to stand up to persistent forces. what to think the possibility is, based on what you know? you have far greater information than all of us in the audience reaching ally ?iplomatic solution with russia nunes: the russians are on the offenses. ive.ffens
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they are killing people, most likely, into the thousands. just yesterday, there were even more attacks in aleppo, and it looks like, almost indiscriminate attacks. the administration is kidding themselves if we think we will continue with the rules of engagement that we have now in syria and iraq. we will continue to downplayed .he growth of isis and al qaeda if you are asking me, what does -- what do we promote, as the republican party, let's identify the problem. to try to say that isis or al thata are only in syria -- is not a policy. iraq, that is not a grand strategy. you have to look at north africa, where, quite frankly, a lot of the problems began in the first place because a lot of the weapons and fighters originally began to transfer
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across, into syria, and join all a civilps, and started war. a true plan to go after isis and al qaeda and hopefully fix the problem in syria has to be all-encompassing. that is what -- i think you need a fresh set of eyes and leadership to do that. >> chairman reuss, would be look at what is happening in iraq now, you have an attempt to go back and try to take back selluja, concerns that mo should be the first priority -- the increasing role of the iranian backed militias, what is the possibly that iran has more influence in iraq than even we after all of the blood and sacrifice we have made their? royce: this goes back to
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the original blunder by the administration. at the point in time with the election was stalled and people work crying out for engagement, the polling shows that two thirds of the people want a western-style democracy without a theocracy. instead, the administration made the decision to engage with the ayatollah, the decision to go forward and negotiate, and in so doing, empowered and enabled that revolutionary regime, in many ways. and, subsequently, has bought into the idea that they cannot offend the iranian regime. we have seen that in a whole slew of decision-making, giving them access to the dollar, the heavy water subsidy, and so
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forth. you also see it in the policy decisions of iran and exerting more influence in baghdad. when we pulled out of baghdad, the iranians moved in. >> doesn't that go back to the malacki?or m and we in congress pushed on that issue. but the situation that you have today is one in which you around is dictating -- iran is dictating the current. to reach out to the christians, no, comes the retort out of baghdad. you have to go through the influence that the she is and especially iran has here.
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kurds and others are battling isis, instead you see a situation in which the shia ,ilitias come in from iran where the influence and decision-making is powering fighters from iran to go into falluja. can you imagine the situation where you bring shia into a , allowed the tribal -- dissolution should have been to assure that the christians, the kurds, the sunni tribes be given the directions directly to take their villages back. it is the movement of shia militia in those areas that is compounding all of these rob's.
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-- problems. we are working on a shows, and that makes it possible for us to have a grand strategy to eliminate isis. >> chairman, when we look at north africa and what the congressman referred to as the growth of the terror growth -- groups. how expensive can military be in this area? reconcile would some have called isolationist groups within the republican coalition, who want less engagement and not more engagement in the .epublican party should we be helping libya right now to prevent it from becoming
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--? >> what you see is a lot of frustration at military engagement with our hands tied. just going back to some of the questions you're asking about iraq and syria in the past, our engagements have had severe constraints about them, which have made them less effective than they might otherwise be. well.alking about iraq as certainly the redline in syria, the limitations on where we can drop bombs, the limitations on where our people can go. over the past several months, the administration has been loosening the restraints somewhat. you seem somewhat more effectiveness in territory. you have hadhat 7.5 years to try to force his
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narrative, that the terrorists are on the run and we don't have to be serious about it. there is frustration, i don't think it's just republicans in engagements that are half-hearted. remove all that, you constraints, will we be able to solve syria tomorrow? -- no. i do believe our military people who have gotten very good to -- working with others trying to build up indigenous forces to push back against the terrorists is a way forward. but there are other countries who are willing to be much more engaged, but they will not do it on their own. they have to see u.s. leadership area that's why the central thrust of this document is strength in engagement. let me ask you all about
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trade in the transpacific partnership. we have heard from both presumptive nominees of these trade deals. how would you leaders in the dealsapproach these trade , in contrast to what we are hearing from both of the nominees? thene of the things american people may not be aware of is that beijing has an initiative underway for trade agreements all across asia, to supplant u.s. influence throughout the region. those trade deals are based on a trade, of trade, free but with no standards, no rules. what the united states needs is a free trade agreement with high standards, with rules that protect intellectual property,
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and we discussed this in this document. this is what is in the interest of u.s. jobs, but also u.s. national security. i guarantee you way you have a situation where europe is coming to us as saying we are willing to give you market access, but standards so that the predatory actions being no individualng european state can stand up against that. but if we all are in agreement with very high standards, this can reassert basically the rule of law. we need agreements also that disputes,t on these that they go to arbitration so we are not like into a legal overseas in southwest asia. all of this requires an understanding that this is not happening in a vacuum. that beijing is on the march,
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selling something that tries to supplant the entire pacific rim. the influence of the ideals which we have advanced, and which have created the engagement with allies that frankly share our concept, in cases, with a- different competing agenda. that is what we need to articulate. >> do you want to comment entree? i served on the trade committee, clearly the administration dragged their feet. finally, they got engaged in getting it moving forward. as it stands now, it cannot pass the congress because there are not the votes. the deal will have to be changed. i agree with what chairman royce is saying, you can sum it up to either we with our allies read the rules for trade or bad
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regimes right the roles of trade. we will have to work with congress and the next president and hoping it gets done >>. , when you talked about you talk about china which steals hundreds of billions of dollars of intellectual property, we have got to stop .hina from doing that i think we are all free traders, but you certainly do not want to be trading with somebody that steals your intellectual property from you as well. >> before we go to questions from the members, i want to talk about vladimir putin. in the future dealing with here from mr. trump
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, praising him as a strong leader. going forward with the ukraine, with his increasing role in the middle east in the past year in particularly with the airstrikes that took place in september. about how do we deal with russia? level, i thinkal there is huge bipartisan support in both houses of congress to provide for assistance to ukraine to depend itself. it is a prime example of what i was mentioning earlier, it is not just the weapons, but even the training that we are providing you range is restricted for fear of aggravating him. i think that does lead to frustration. the key with dealing with
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vladimir putin and russia is we have to do it from a standpoint of military strength. you can negotiate here or there, you can have sanctions, but he is also watching endless thing to the status of our military. lots of things are troubling in russia, but their military modernization is advancing at a pace far beyond ours. military strength is the key baseline from which we can deal with it. , rather thanone backing down. i took a delegation of eight to the russian speaking ukraine, and spoke to you -- communities there. the message from everyone is that we can catch the russian agents at come in here.
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we cannot stop the russian armor. usy say why won't you give -- sell us the antitank weapon so at least we can stop the armor. you see citizens filling sandbags and taking up positions. and theyon the front are asking us for the ability to defend themselves. our relationship with russia is partly a policy failure of this administration. going back to the restart with russia. at that time, the administration made the decision to pull out of eastern europe. the very antimissile defense system intercept system that we were deploying in the czech ,epublic and -- czech republic in exchange for doing that, latimer pugin sensed -- vladimir
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putin sensed weakness. weakness and no pushback. see what thewe takeaway was. not for just russians europe why are we broadcasting into russia in the same way that russia uses our television. why don't we have an effective allergy, reform the bbg. consequence, why are we not , bute air, not with npr what reagan did in eastern europe, using social media, television, use radio to tell the russian people the truth. we know that was effective in the past. we are not pushing back. you end up where we are today. there is a big takeaway for that. >> i would just add quickly that
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not being able to understand latimer pugin's plans and intentions has been the largest intelligence failure since 9/11. trumpe question about willing to talk to pugin -- i'm not sure that the other presidents haven't reset and praised and tell vladimir that they will meet with him after the election. let's be honest here. without force, he will not come to the table. force,l have to have have to be willing to do what we talked about it ukraine and other places. then you might be in a position where you can deal with
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vladimir putin. one of the ways this can be fixed is to talk to the world's nuclear powers, bit -- but it will not happen right now. i agree with my colleagues. it wasn't that long ago that the creek -- key phrase was, trust but verify. razor hands out that the microphone to you. if you can identify yourself. chairman, thank you for everything you have done on behalf of the freedom agenda in the middle east. optionsu be open to that have been considered in the past, working with our arab allies in the region to provide syrian rebels modified man pads that can take down russian ships
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. that are causing the chaos isis needs to fight them. we would want to put timers scuttle thet would ability to use those after a certain. of time. we do have the capability to this. we have the capability of sitting down with turkey and neighboring states that have probed the idea of a safe sound for the civilian population all across the north. will provide an area where we can at least go to be fed civilians, and get medical care and so forth. the fact that we are so determined not to make a decision. at the 40 -- avoiding a decision
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has been a problem since the outset, when you suck people on the streets of this on that first day. , seeingcovering peaceful, peaceful. weapons fire opened up the regime. you knew there was going to be a problem. but there was effort to not engage. the red line, they blew right through that. as a consequence, now when you have arab states and you have turkey, and you have others in the region that are urging you forward with the idea of the humanitarian justice of trying to put up this area of protection. at least we should be guaranteed of leading on that front. leading from behind is now working in terms of stability in the region. it has got to be reversed.
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>> mark jacobson. i'm with the department of defense. noted in the document that came out this morning, there was a paragraph about international development. it noted that usaid should keep thatwith a -- innovation they have failed to keep pace with rapidly developing changing landscape. my concern is that it points at the executive branch. -- toore concerned provide the authorities need to build upon the successes of usaid. doduse of the overlap of activities, what do you have in mind for increasing the flexibility of usaid to build upon the successful programs and
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also recruit and retain the type is needed for this 21st century development approach? >> that's a question. i have had an opportunity usaid haso see where had the flexibility to be successful. when they have that flexibility, the capability of working with some of the ngos that came out of central africa where were you have doctors in the u.s., business people here, they want to put their money back. they want to help teaching and college years were setting up schools for young women and so is. with a little partnering with force inis can be a terms of offsetting what is coming out of the deal been the mantra sides. you need to build that flexibility in. the americans that are
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originally from those areas that are now investing their dollars, their contributions, with the help and partnering with usaid in that kind of an f for you are much more if factor than going through the -- you are much more effective than going through the government. i don't think we of have a secretary of defense test to find in recent years who has not emphasize the importance of having a state department becoming more effective. the sections that specifically modernizingpdating, the aids programs, the state department and its diplomacy. we talk about the millennium and howe account
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providing incentives for countries to with our direction can be a useful thing. we talked a lot about updating the military for the 21st century. the state department and a id need it just is much. it has been recommended counterterrorism partnership a id in those by situations where the military judges said it would help protect our people. that sort of flexibility across accomplish an to objective is something that we should pursue. that's a small technical example, but we need to look at that side of things. you for this discussion
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and leadership. there have been suggestions that in the fight against terrorism we should resort to waterboarding and worse and the killing of family members of terrorism suspects. chairman thornberry is part of the defense authorization measure. congress passed an amendment to prohibit waterboarding under recommendation of military leaders. director and joint chiefs of staff chairman said they would refuse in order to conduct waterboarding. would you advise whoever the next president will be to abide frome law and refrain waterboarding and other tactics? >> i would advise the next commander in chief and all
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people who serve in the military to abide by the law. i do not believe the military will carry out an order that goes contrary to the law. i would also advise that as commander-in-chief to quit talking about it. quit saying what we are not going to do. whether it comes to interrogations or military activities or whatever. we have gone overboard in ruling out all sorts of options which only simplify the enemies calculations. i am not for putting a bunch of things and long that we are not going to do. i am for leaving them guessing. i think that is more effective. thank you.
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from the state department. thank you for the time. you talk a little bit about the united nations in your vision statement. you talk a little bit about what you see is the appropriate role of the you -- you had. what role do you see the u.n. playing in areas like peacekeeping. how do you think through issues related to allowing other countries onto the security council. who would you like to see as the next secretary general of the land? i think the key is to have the united nations operate in a way with respect to peacekeeping , that we have more contributions from other members . the u.s. has carried a very heavy load in all of this. at the end of the day, we have the veto power that we can
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exercise at the u.n.. expectatione is an on the part of the american public that others are going to carry their share. especially with peacekeeping around the world. we just have the prime minister of india here yesterday. a controversial in terms of peacekeeping. our -- allng all of the member states to step up your effort. you can do more. the u.s. has provided an umbrella to protect the world throughout the cold war. today, it is going to be us to lead the war on terrorism against isis and affiliated groups. we have a certain expectation. that expectation is that other states are going to step up and
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play their fair role and share in terms of peacekeeping. in terms of the politics within the u.n., i will pass on that question. >> first let me say that i agree with my former colleague that there are some very interesting and productive ideas here. i appreciate the conversation that we have here today. i know these ideas will cost a lot of money. i know we have a huge national deficit, huge debt problem. the military even acknowledges that this debt problem is a national security issue. i am just curious, how do we propose to really pay for this?
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where are the resources coming from? are we going to have a thoughtful debate with the american public about just paying for the kind of leadership that you all in vision, that many of us support globally? answer is yes, there is a plan. that is part of what this is about. we are unveiling this week two of our proposals. the first one earlier in the week is to fix the property program. this is about national security. 19 trillion, going to 21 trillion. what you will see in the coming ways, is we will and feel to fix health care and ways to fix the tax code so that you can build the economy. we will not get out of this mess that we are infamously get above 4% growth. we have to get above that for several years in a row. that is what our pious -- policies are doing.
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we're talking about six different areas, because the debt's main driven by lack of growth, because of a bad tax code and entitlement programs like medicare and medicaid and social security that are not unstable ground right now. be fixed. all got to this we get to them the better. that is what we are trying to do here today. started theust conversation, which is really good. we have to leave it there. andnt to thank the speaker .he congressman thank you to the council and to you for being so great. thank you. >> thank you very much, andrea.
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republican presidential candidate donald trump and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell are among the speakers at the faith and coalition conference. starting at 9:00 eastern on c-span three. >> this is an amazing family story, terrible cruelty, the empire was increased. there are great love affairs. it is also a family where fathers killed her sons, wise have their husbands overthrown and murder. it is a family unlike any other. q&a, authorght on montessori discusses the romanoff's, about the dynasty that ruled russia for over 300 years. >> all the girls, the children were wearing bizarre will
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improve less. -- bullet proof sets. hundreds of diamonds have been sewn into their underwear in case they needed to buy their way out. they spent months sewing these dimon center when the bullets the tragically, these made execution and agony much harder. the bullets bounced off of diamonds and they didn't die. >> live today on c-span, washington journal is next. at 9 a.m. eastern the u.s. house returns for work on 2017 legislative branch spending. coming up in an hour, a discussion on retirement security and savings.
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our guests north dakota senator can't conrad and former deputy social security administration commissioner james lockhart. ♪ your turn to way in on the legacy of mama valley. c-span will be covering the memorial service like this afternoon in louisville. 748-8000 if you live in the zonesn and central time 8000 01 the mountain and pacific time sons if you want to weigh in on the legacy of mohammed ali.
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