tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN June 15, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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funding to resource our efforts in law enforcement, in national defense, homeland security and i have been pleased with the bipartisan level of support that we have been receiving from congress for things like t.s.a. reprogrammings. we got the sign from congress yesterday on that so we can keep the wait times down nationwide through converting part-time to full-time our t.s.o.'s and bringing more on. there is a role for congress to play in terms of ensuring our homeland security efforts are adequately funded. got to go. thank you.
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mr. jolly: i will tell you this is clear this is an individual who sought to be a terrorist and he achieved that. it is unfortunate. law enforcement has done human work. yeoman work. they were well aware of this individual. they had worked the case very hard, but obviously this is one that turned out with consequences that the nation will forever regret. sought to anne who act to an act terror on the homeland. reporter: did they explain why? mr. jolly: you have to ask law enforcement. [inaudible]
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>> the first question was about gun control and we will arrive as to what the right policies. we have lived through this for 20 years. the partisan solutions aren't working. this is a week one nation mourning together and if we can't arrive at a consensus and reject this democrat-republican divide, we all lose, and we dishonor those who were lost. shame on members of congress who use a tragedy in orlando to play politics. and that's on both sides of the aisle and shame on presidential candidates who do the same thing. so, a members of briefing that the immediately turns into questions of partisanship is unfortunate to the american people. so listen. a tribute to law enforcement. they were doing the best they could in this case. someone who was intent on being a terrorist and unfortunately he achieved it. reporter: if someone is intent
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on being a terrorist, should they be able to purchase a firearm? mr. jolly: nobody wants people who are on the no-fly list to buy firearms. at the same time, there is people on the no-fly list who have no due process. the answer doesn't just sit on one side of the aisle or the other. i have draft legislation but it says if you are denied because are on the no-fly list, you have 30 days of due process to petition a court to purchase a firearm and the government has the responsibility to prove why list.e on the no-fly we can get there together. nobody on the no-fly list should be able to buy a gun but you should not be on the no-fly list without due process and when they fall back into their partisan trenches, we get nothing done. it is as heartbreaking to see people yelling on the house floor and presidential candidates casting credit or blame marco rubio. this is what politicians do, and
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it is disgusting. this is a and the american moment where we should not be republicans or democrats. we should solve this issue. the briefing is important. the partisanship is disgusting. and that is what we have to get past. reporter: did they say anything about his phone? do they have his phone? what kind of phone it is? mr. jolly: fortunately, it is a samsung and did not an apple. they do and i'll leave it to law enforcement. but i do understand they have the phone. the reports are that they have access to the phone. reporter: did you learn anything new in there? mr. jolly: and this is very important, this is very important, this is someone who had sought out the opportunity to be a terrorist and to an act terror on the homeland. and he achieved it. so, the intent was very clear here and it was one of terror.
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so, thank you. reporter: did they say when he was a radicalized? mr. jolly: no. you would have to ask. his entire profile is being studied and i believe law enforcement can answer those questions. reporter: do they know if his wife was involved in the planning of the attack? that is an open question i would suggest you ask law enforcement, but barely everybody related to him is being asked questions about what they knew. reporter: do you think the fbi dropped the ball at all in betting the question? realolly: they are investigating every decision they made. this is somebody they had been following and frankly i think it speaks to the effort of law enforcement that they are working very hard.
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how do you stop everybody? we know how many they have stopped. how do you stop everybody? that is a question we wrestle with. law enforcement is wrestling it as well. this is not the time to second-guess law enforcement. they will do that themselves and reevaluate best practices. congress will provide the oversight to make sure those best practices are implemented. thank you all very much. reporter: did you get more answers today on what happened? mr. grayson: the information they had was interesting and we were told it was going to be a classified briefing. so i am not at liberty to share it. reporter: will there be more answers coming out? mr. grayson: what is happening now the f.b.i. is following up with the computer, social media
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and doing witness interviews and so on to try to make sure he acted alone and there are no further threats. my concerns are a little different. i am concerned that it's possible to kill so many people so quickly and didn't get any further information about that. the weapon was described to us but didn't have anything like an ammunition count, the time it took to kill so many people. in my mind, the reason why this was the worst mass shooting, one person with one weapon was able to kill 50 people in a matter of minutes. reporter: there are a lot of questions about orientation -- [inaudible] what did you learn about that today? mr. grayson: well, it is classified. obviously, what is coming in now is anecdotal information and is being treated as such. there was a third discussion of what could have been done to prevent this
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situation from happening again and that's part of the conversation. we make the laws. so it's a natural thing for us to be discussing. reporter: anything you can say about the wife's role and whether or not she tried to talk him out of the attack? mr. grayson: we got some information. that would be classified information, so i don't feel like i can discuss that. reporter: are you concerned there are other attacks planned or could be carried out, even know he is not alive. i mean, any other people he was working with? mr. grayson: there is no evidence of that whatsoever. of course we have to be , vigilant, but no evidence of that. >> [inaudible] mr. grayson: i think that's absurd. i'll be honest with you. the reason why we suffered the worst mass shooting in history is because it was possible for one person to kill so many people so quickly. he couldn't have done it with a box cutter or a rock but an
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automatic weapon. that's what made this tragedy possible. now, by the way, technically it is a semi-automatic weapon. one that is capable of firing over 100 rounds by a person of normal skills in less than one minute. there was one victim who was shot more than a dozen times. one victim more than a dozen times. reporter: thank you. mr. thornberry: a lot of the details of this case have been in the press. the f.b.i. gave us additional details. it just seems to me, we can tell from the press that this case is
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an exact template of what isis is trying to provoke. you take in an individual who is unstable, who may be angry, have a variety of issues. take the ideology and plug it into that and then and encourage those individuals to act. and that prevents -- presents a real challenge for law enforcement and everyone. mr. thornberry: they have a lot more people to question. a lot of additional issues to go into. this is still very preliminary right now. [inaudible] mr. thornberry: there were some process questions. you know -- who gets checked, under what circumstances as people are questioned by the fbi, are they forever more on some sort of a list and so
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forth. all of that will be explored further, i am sure. reporter: did anyone actually say they had him on a watchlist and they were notified when he bought guns? mr. thornberry: no. i am trying to calculate what i can say. i think it has been in the press that there have been previous investigations of this individual. and, it they did not have enough information to pursue them further. >> he got a gun because of -- mr. thornberry: there are lots of what if questions. we all have to be careful about looking back, and saying that something else should have happened. we need to ask those questions, see how the process can be improved if it can be and what the ramifications of that is.
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for example, should everyone who ever gets questioned by the fbi be on some sort of watch list? we have to ask those sorts of questions. we don't want to go that far. but we have to ask those sorts of questions. for me, you have to pay attention to the authorities that law enforcement and intelligence folks have, the resources they have. part of the reason they close investigations is because they have to use those resources for a higher priority. and back to my bailiwick a little bit more, it is really important to tarnish isis's reputation by defeating them there and combating their ideology. so that it is harder for these people who may have grievances or anger or whatever or who are thisble to plug into ideology and think they are accomplishing something great. so all of that has got to be on our radar screen. >> with regard to the fbi
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investigation, do you feel that -- mr. thornberry: obviously, the fbi will go back and see if it could of been improved. look my point is, there are a , number of people who traveled back and forth to iraq and syria. in addition to that, there are radicalizing are on the internet. so, there are only so many resources law enforcement has and that is a big challenge in these cases. mr. thornberry: they are looking into everything they may have motivated this guy, about his past behavior, of course they are. report: could you comment at all? mr. thornberry: not while i was there. [indiscernible] >> the new guys had a meeting yesterday, will you meet further for these bills and come up with new legislation? mr. thornberry: well, i think it is certainly possible. the point is, the house has
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passed a number of things in this area. i would say that the better way rollout that house republicans offered last week also contained some proposals in this area. of course, as we go into more detail about this, as things are learned, there may well be additional steps and additional legislation that we take. again, i'll be parochial and say one of the best things we can do is pass the bill that provides authority for our military to defeat isis and take this image down a notch, or two, that is attracting people. >> is that with a like to see congress to help? mr. thornberry: there were just reporting on what they are in the investigation. it is still early. >> is a partisan at all?
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mr. thornberry: some people ask long questions. obviously, the whole background check issue. there were questions about that issue. there will be more. i am not republicans. i am just -- you know. [laughter] mr. thornberry: see you all. >> one of the issues that was raised in the briefing is the issue whether someone who has been watch listed but is that the moved onto the watchlist -- off of the watchlist should also be subject to those flags. when they seek to purchase a weapon like in assault weapons such that the fbi could consider whether that warranted it a reopening of the investigation.
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i asked the director whether that would require legal change, whether it was a policy matter of the department. that i think is a question he answer without doing further legal research. but his essay question many members have been asking and something we will look into. there are certainly some process issues we need to consider. but nonetheless, given some of the radical statements in the the purges of that kind of a weapon, at least for many of us, would have set off an alarm bell. reporter: congressman, has the administration asked for any kind of legislative response from congress? rep. schiff: they haven't asked for legislative response. i think they want to steer clear of any legislative recommendations. here they were mostly present to
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brief us me facts of the investigation. i think we learned a lot more about the hours and months leading up to the attack. we learned more about the shooter's potential motivations. although there are a lot of , unanswered questions about what was driving him to commit this savage act. >> do think this is in a issue of terrorism or in issue of gun control? rep. schiff: first and foremost, it is a terrorist act and an act of hate. but there is an element in any , mass shooting, whether it's motivated by terrorism or someone coming into a school, to shoot a bunch of kids, where the ability to make it more difficult for a shooter to kill vast numbers of people in short order it is a step we ought to take and we should not exclude that merely because it is a terrorist case. we are spending billions, of dollars on intelligence \spending, troops into harm's
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-- sending troops into harm's way. we are trying to figure out how to better develop relations between the community and law enforcement and the muslim community get more information about those who are radicalized. why would we not consider additional measures to make those attacks let lethal. i have to go vote. thank you very much. announcer: now representative nydia velazquez of new york reads the names of the 49 victims killed at the orlando nightclub. stanley, dove of the third. -- stanley amodovar
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antonio bega. we will never forget. and while we mourn your loss, your memory will inspire us to fight for change. i yield back. ♪ : c-span's washington journal, live every morning with affectd policies that you. coming up, a discussion on homeland inhe lights of the mass shooting in orlando, florida. , u.s. congressman robert wittman on whether the military is prepared should detect it the change. and former democratic --resentatives in representative jackie spear will
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discuss security officials. c-span'so watch washington journal beginning live in some :00 a.m. this morning. discussion. announcer: today, a house committee meets on censuring irs commissioner john cost can in. watch at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3. then testifying about the administration efforts to establish a unity government in that country. we are with the senate foreign relations committee at 2:15 p.m. c-span3.n c-span and >> this headline, citing coverage, trump provokes post -- revokes washington post credentials. margaret sullivan is a media columnist for the washington
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post. she says, does it matter? think.the way you she is joining us from the washington post newsroom. thank you for being here. explain your response. >> it is very disturbing because it seems to suggest donald trump does not have the basic respect for press rights that you would hope and expect that a leading candidate for president would have. the post editor called it nothing less they had in a repudiation of a free and independent press. i think he is right about that. you give us a sense of what was posted that displeased at donald trump and have the campaign forced -- tried to force the washington post to ?ill the headline margaret: my understanding is that is not what happened. the post editors looked at it
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and believed it when a little too far and changed it. marty baron said publicly it was not a reason. ae headline change was not result of the trump campaign reaching out. >> let's take a step back. what was a story about? margaret: donald trump gave an interview to fox news after the orlando massacre and said that president obama was not have enough and was not smart enough and that there was something else going on. road about this in said that he seemed to be suggesting that donald trump seem to be suggesting -- that president obama was tied it to the shooting in some way. was complicit in some way. and, his remarks didn't seem to suggest that or at least create .ome kind of vague suspicion
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in, trump's reaction to that or towas to cut off revoke the posts press credentials. however, i do not think it was just about that story. he has been unhappy with the post's coverage of trump university. of the veterans contributions, whichso other ways with the post has been pretty strong and aggressive in its coverage of donald trump and his campaign. host: in fact, calling the post in his words "phony and dishonest." what exactly does press credentials mean for your reporters? margaret: that means they will not be able to attend donald trump's rallies as essentially. at this point, we do not know whether it goes beyond that. doesn't mean he is not going to talk to the post at all? the national
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political correspondent this morning and she said that is untested at this point. it is certainly not helpful to coverage to not be able to attend a rallies. but it is a much more serious thing if the axis is cut off altogether. host: and your essay is available online at did you get any reaction from the donald trump campaign in the last 24 hours? margaret: i did. reached out to the communications director, hope fix. i said i would like to reach out to donald trump and ask exactly what he thinks the role of the press is in our society and get him to explain a little bit more about why he did this. she said she would get back to me, but i have not heard from her. host: has this ever happened, in your memory, with a major consumptive party nominee? margaret: it has not. i don't think there is any precedent for it. host: to put it in your words,
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you're in good company -- politico, buzzfeed, the des moines register, the huffington post, all banned from trump events. margaret: it's getting to be a big club. it is disturbing. many of them are major news outlets. and certainly, the post is one of the most important national and political reporting outlets. so it's a big deal. , host: the washington post has a team of reporters looking into donald trump's business dealings and his life. hadou think that in any way anything to do with his decision yesterday? margaret: i don't know whether it had anything to do with his decision yesterday, but he has expressed his displeasure about this team. although he has also cooperated and given interviews.
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host: since you bring it up in your essay, your reference to bob woodward, richard nixon, and the washington post's role in the watergate investigation, are there any parallels? margaret: that is right. i spoke with bob woodward, one of the 2 watergate reporters this morning. i talked to him a little bit about how the nixon white house retaliated against those stories. and he talks to me about how there was an effort to push back but that it took a strange form at first in just cutting off the access of a society reporter to white house parties but that eventually it got to be a much more serious thing. host: margaret sullivan, what is the biggest thing, if there is, inside the washington post newsroom? margaret: i think the tone was set by marty baron yesterday when he said that the post will continue doing aggressive, honest, honorable reporting. that seems to be the feeling going forward, not -- there is no sense that the paper is somehow cowed by this.
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but to rather, it is a disturbing development because of what it says. but i don't think it's going to keep the post from doing great work. host: the headline "does it matter that donald trump has banned us? not in a way that you would think." margaret sullivan, columnist for the washington post. thanks for your time. margaret: thanks so much. >> madam secretary, we pledge 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the united states. [applause] ♪
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announcer: president obama spoke to reporters after his national security console and challenged not to usehis choice the term. he also talked about the mass shooting in orlando. this is 25 minutes. pres. obama: everybody else that? nationalt with my security council as part of our effort to review and intensify our campaigns to destroy the terrorist group isil. land before the terrible attack in orlando. tragedy andy, that
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of our life shaped most work today. in all of the our efforts, foremost in our minds is the loss and grief of the people of orlando. those who were hurt, those who died, and those who are friends and family. gay, who are lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered. they are remind them not alone. the american people into our friends in the allies all over the world stand with you. and are thinking about you and praying for you. director komi has said --
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, we currently do not have any information that a foreign terrorist group direct did the attack. it is clear however, that the killer took in up again and i and information over the internet. you appears to have been an young disturbed, angry man who became radicalized. as we know all too well, terrorist groups like isil have called on people around the world to attack innocent civilians. their propaganda, their videos, there postings are pervasive and more easily accessible the and we want. individual appears to have absorbed some of that. during his killing spree, the shooter in orlando pledged allegiance to a sold. as i said before, these loan act
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doors are very hard to detect and very hard to prevent. but a cross our government at every level, federal, state, and civilian, wery and are doing everything we can in our power to stop these kinds of attacks. succeed 100% of the time. an attacker such as we saw in orlando only has to succeed once. have prevented many attacks and saved many lives and we can never thank them enough. but we are all sobered by the fact that despite the extraordinary hard work, something like orlando can occur. in our meeting today, director c omey updated us.
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secretary carter and chairman dunford reviewed the military campaign against isil. and i want to thank our secretary of the treasury for hosting us and for their tireless efforts to cut off the money that isil relies on to fund its terror network. remind you of our objective. as i reminded people on our campaign two months ago this continues to be a difficult fight it we are making significant process. i have authorized a series of steps to wretched up our fight. in syria.rces it additional advisers to work more closely. in additional assets, including helicopters and support for
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local forces in northern iraq. now, in the mediterranean, our b-52 bombers are hitting issa with position strikes. being identified in 10 to more quickly. so far, 13,000 air strikes. the campaign at this stage is firing on all cylinders and as a result i soul is under more pressure the and never before. leaders.inue to lose --enior leader of muzzle and and others. the top i soul commander in falluja. so far we have taken out 10020i soul of leaders and commanders.
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our message is clear. if you target the united states you will not be safe. you will never be safe. i soul continues to lose ground in iraq. we have liberated the western town of aruba and pushed up the euphrates river valley, liberating a strategic town and breaking and i soul siege. iraqi forces have surrounded falluja and begun to move into the city. in the north, the forces continue to push up the tigris river valley. repairing to tighten a noose --und i soul in moz oh mosul. they have lost half of their territory and will lose more. assisted by our forces, the coalition of local forces is now pressuring a key town.
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the news is tightening. in short, our coalition continues to be on offense. isis is on defense and it has been a full year since they were able to mount a defense of in either syria or iraq. as they continue to lose territory, they continue to lose is its lifeblood. as a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure, we believe we have got the revenue by millions of dollars per month. it end in destroying the storage sites, we have the primed i soul of many millions more. thanks to the right work of secretary lou and many others and working with institutions around the world, i soul is now cut off from the international sector.l it is critical in and we are seeing the results.
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down andh results are they have had to cut the salaries for fighters. it is resorting to more extortion of those in its grip and by their own admission, some of the leaders had been caught stealing cash and gold. once again, i soul's true nature is revealed. these are not true religious warriors, they are thugs and leaves. to continue to push on this front, it is critical for our friends in the senate to confirm my nominee for undersecretary of terrorism and financial intelligence. adam has served in democratic republican administrations, everyone agrees he is eminently qualified. he is been working on these kinds of issues for years. i has now been one year since nominated him. 420 days and he has
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not been given a full vote. there is no good reason for that. it is inexcusable. it is time for the senate to do its job and put our national security first. to help keep our country safe. 's ranks are shrinking. there morality is sinking. as one defect doors said, i soul is not to bringing islam to the world and people need to know that. flow of foreign fighters, including from america to syria and iraq has plummeted. our intelligence says the rank reduced to has been the lowest level in the years. as we destroy them militarily, we are addressing the larger forces that have allowed them to gain traction. with regard to iraq, this means helping to stabilize liberated
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communities and promote inclusive government's so i soul cannot return. with regards to syria, it means our continued support for the secession of hostilities there. the secession of houston led his has not stopped all or most of the hardships on the syrian people. the hardship on civilian. the assad regime has been the principal culprit in violating the cessation of hostilities. l nostra, the affiliate terrorize citizens. as fragile and incomplete as the secession is, it has saved lives -- as difficult as it is, we will continue to push for a process that can end the civil war and result in a
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transition away from the civil war. beyond syria and a rock, -- beyond syria and iraq, we will continue to assist the new libyan government as it works to secure its country. home, if we at really want to help law enforcement protect americans from homegrown extremists, the kind of tragedies that occurred at san bernardino and now have occurred in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. it harder fore people who want to kill a americans to get their hands on weapons of war at that let them kill hundreds of innocents.
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we cannot prevent every tragedy. but we know that. with the second amendment, there are common sense steps that could reduce gun violence and could reduce the lethality of somebody who intends to do other people harm. themould give the atf resources they need to enforce the gun laws we have. tople with possible ties terrorism who not allowed on a plane should not be allowed to buy a gun. talking about being tough on terrorism. actually be tough on terrorism. not make it as easy as possible for terrorists to buy assault weapons. toe it harder for terrorists
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use these weapons to kill us. despite extraordinary efforts across our government by local law offices, by our military, despite all of the sacrifices people make, these kinds of events will keep happening. and the weapons will only get more powerful. point fore it i know a while now, the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of my is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase "radical islam." that is the key, they tell us. eat ice or must we call them radical islamists. beat isial unless
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we call them "radical islamists ." what would this accomplish? would it make them less committed to trying to kill americans? would it to bring in more allies? is there a military strategy that is served by this? the answer is, none of the above. differentthreat by a name does not make it go away. political distraction. since before i was president, i have been clear about how extremist groups have perverted islam. as president, i have repeatedly our allies to
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correct this twisted interpretation of one of the world's great religions. moment innot been a my 7.5 years as president when we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we did not islam." abel "radical not once has an advisor of mine said, "man, if we really use that phrase we can turn this whole thing around." not once. so, someone seriously thinks that we do not know who we are fighting? is anyone out there who thinks we are confused about who that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists we have taken off
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the battlefield. that thoseication is of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat isil are not taking wouldght seriously that come as a surprise to those who have spent the last 7.5 years fighting isil. including the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk. the special forces i ordered to get bin laden who are now on the ground in iraq and syria. the know full well who enemy is. do the intelligence and law enforcement officers who spent countless hours disrupting plots and protecting all americans, including petitions who tweaked.
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-- including politicians who tweet and appear on cable news shows. no magic. it is a political talking point. not a strategy. the reason i am careful about how i describe this threat has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism. groups like i soul and al qaeda l-- isi make this war and al qaeda want to make this a and claimn america they are the true leaders.
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true leaders of over one billion muslims around the world who reject their crazy notions. they want us to validate them by implying that they speak for those billion plus people. that they speak for islam. that is their propaganda, that is how they recruit. the trap ofall into painting all muslims with a and imply that to we are at war with in entire religion, then we are doing the terrorist's work for them. up until this point, this argument about labels has mostly just been partisan rhetoric. sadly, we have all become accustomed to that kind of partisanship. involves the fight
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against these extremist groups. -- has notd of prevented folks across government from doing their job. from sacrificing and working really hard to protect the american people. howwe are now seeing dangerous this kind of mindset and thinking can be. v we are starting to see where this kind of rhetoric and loose talk and sloppiness about who exactly we are fighting can lead us. proposals from the presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from emigrating to america.
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it suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. where does this stop? , one of thekiller the fortrdino killers, hood killer, they were all united states citizens. are we going to start to treating all muslim americans and differently? are we going to start subjecting them to special surveillance? are we going to start discriminating against them because of their faith? we have heard these suggestions during the course of this campaign. officials truly agree with this?
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because that is not the america we want. it does not reflect our democratic ideals. safe,l not make us more it will make us less safe. fueling isolate's notion that the west hates muslims. making an muslims in this country and around the world no matter what they do, they are going to be under suspicion and attack. muslims feelng like they are under attack. like theirem feel government is betraying them. it betrays the very values america stands for.
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we came to regret this. we have seen our government miss treat our fellow citizens. and, it has been a shameful part of our history. this is a country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom of religion. we do not have religious tests here. our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. and, if we ever abandon those values we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect. the pluralism and openness, our
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role of law. our civil liberties. the very things that to make our country great. the very things that make our country successful. and then the terrorists would have won and we cannot let that happen. i will not let that happen. you know, two weeks ago i was at the commencement ceremony of the air force academy. and it could not have been more inspiring to see these young people stepping up, dedicated to serve and protect this country. what was inspiring was the incredible diversity of these cadets. we sought cadets applauding classmates who were openly gay. in americaadets here
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who were born here are plotting immigrants who loved this country so much they wanted to be part of our armed forces. we sought cadets and families are plotting cadets who were patriotic muslim americans serving their country in uniform, ready to lay their lives on the line to protect you and to protect me. we saw a male cadets a plotting for femaleauding cadets who could now serve in combat conditions. that is the american military. that is america. one team. one nation. soul are the values that i is trying to destroy it -- that --oul is trying to destroy
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that isil is trying to destroy. we need to make sure we're treating everybody early, we are not judging people based on what faith they are. what race they are. what ethnicity they are or what their sexual orientation is. that is what makes this country great. that is the spirit we see in orlando. that is the unity and resolve that will allow us to defeat the isil.- to defeat that will preserve our ideals and define us as americans. that is how we're going to defend this nation and our way of life.
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thank you very much. announcer: today, a house committee meets to vote on irs commissioner john kos can end. watch at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3. later, testifying about the administration efforts to do for -- to begin a unity government. we are live that 2:15 p.m. eastern also on c-span3. >> thursday, cia director john brennan testifies on cia intelligence operations and on the work to support national security.
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that is 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3. >> we are going public. we will be watched by our friends and by people across the country. in, i would hope as i said before, that the senate may change. institution but it may become a more efficient body because of televised proceedings. >> the proceedings of the united states senate are being broadcast to the nation on television for the first time. not that we have operated in .ecret until now millions of american have sat in the galleries and observed senate debates during their visits to washington. today, they can witness the proceedings in their own homes >> -- in their own homes.
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>> the senators have been acting on a stage. the audience is in the galleries. in and by our action today, we have not fundamentally altered that situation we have simply and largest the galleries. we have pushed up the walls to include all of the american people who wish to watch. announcer: commander -- commemorating 30 years of covering the u.s. senate on c-span two. >> today, washington journal is next. at 10:00 the house reconvenes for general speeches. meets00 noon, the house to discuss defense department spending. coming up and 45 minutes, a member of the armed services subcommittee on readiness talks about u.s. efforts to combat isis overseas and whether the force is prepared if tactics
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change. then, california representative jackie speier on the mass shooting in orlando and what lawmakers learned from the closed-door briefing. ♪ good morning, everyone. welcome to "washington journal." the flags are made not have staff here in washington. we begin this morning with the debate over the phrase "radical republicans have been criticizing the president for not saying the words in the fight against isis. mr. trump said the president should resign if you would not use the phrase. "radicaldent argued islam" is a talking point, not a strategy. do you agree or disagree with the president?
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