tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 7, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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love doing it. thank you. i love you too, man. it's a guy but i love him. i love everybody here. i don't care. don't care. but we have a rigged system. we have a crooked system. i mean, we have a crooked system. but talk about the press, ok? talk about the press. i love talking about how dishonest they are. had heardservative, i it for years. knocking out one after another, and by doing a good job for you folks? i am knocking out one after another. running, it was bad. i thought it was unfair. but they had 17 people that they didn't like too much. all toward me. i watch and i say things like, there is a guy on meet the press
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shock eyed he was dying on meet the press a year ago. nobody was watching meet the press. he never treated me fairly. then what happened was he called me and he wanted to do an interview. and i did it. and it was one of the highest rated interviews in the history of meet the press. but these are disloyal people. after two days he forgot about it. then i did a little bit more. i won't do anymore interviews with him. because i watched him. i made a statement -- i was talking about terrorism. saddam hussein is a bad man. you heard this. he is a bad man. less anded me to talk i spoke for 106 minutes.
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without notes, without papers, standing up in front of four or five networks. i said last night, no teleprompters. do like teleprompters, is a lot easier. let somebody come up and do what i do, right. they would have to have 12 people instead of 7000 people. said, saddam hussein is a bad man. bad guy. i said it three or four times. really bad. i said that one thing he is good at, they wanted me to talk about hillary. four hours. i was along time, i wrote a whole thing cricket hillary. she is crooked as heck. -- after a while we
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wanted to talk about terrorism, right? if we beat hillary what difference does it make as she would say, what difference does it make? it's a big difference. what difference does it make. remember the famous green dress. dress? yeah. she is in a green pantsuit. celeste night i said and it was an unbelievable crowd in north carolina, they -- standing ovations. guy, saddam hussein. and i said again, saddam hussein he done that and nothing else curious
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such a low ceiling. we can go a lot higher than that. every time they fight us from that wall it gets 10 feet higher, folks, believe me. stop the drugs from coming in, just in case you didn't know. the border patrol agent's, 60,000, 500 border agency endorsed donald trump. ,heir job is much easier now because when they are with me they are going to be working hard. now they just nsa hello, welcome to the country, right? it's a lot different. and sheriff joe. trump, rightonald at the beginning. situation where we go
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on and we continue to make speeches and we continue to waste time because the politicians are listening. i made a speech and the speech last night was good. and what happened? i wake up in the morning, and this crowd was unbelievable. i turned on the television. donald trump loves saddam hussein. he loves saddam hussein. --as just asked the question mr. trump, is it true that you love saddam hussein, essentially? i said that's not what i said. that's the narrative that goes around. it say thathat saw but they are liars. these are bad people. what i did say and what i did
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at one thing.good he was really good at killing terrorists. do you think he gave the terrorists trials that lasted 18 years? they have the right lawyer they erect a statue statue in honor of the terrorist? i said really bad guy, but he was good at one thing. he killed terrorists. --onald trump loves sued on saddam hussein. but he was dam good at killing terrorists, and no people that want to be terrorists, they going to iraq. i said last night, it is the harvard you -- harvard university of terrorism. you want to learn how to be a terrorist, you go into iraq. bone, look at the problems we have right now.
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very unsafe nation. we are allowing people to come into our country, to pour into our country. we have no idea who they are. these are people coming from the middle east, we are taking syrian refugees. by the way, i have a bigger heart than anybody. we will work with them and i will get other people to put up are 19 trillion dollars, and now at the kind of budgets that they passed we are going up to $21 trillion, we don't have the money. get the gulf states to put up the money and we will supervise it. we will build as wonderful as it can be in syria, we will build safe zones and we will keep them there. we don't want them here. applause]d they are moving people into ohio that you people don't even know about. they are moving people into ohio
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that very well this could be one of the great trojan horses of all time. they are moving people into ohio like nobody has ever seen. you don't now and your government officials don't know, and nobody knows what the hell is happening in our country and we have a president that will not issue the word radical islamic terrorism and it is a problem. what then't save problem is, you will never solve the problem. i watch these media people, very dishonest people. -- i think ittch was on fox live, and fox's very nice to meet, i must say. cnn ison cnn live, terrible to me.
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they are dishonest. people. like seven i don't watch it anymore. in life, when you don't like something, when something is unpleasant, don't watch it. turn something else on. i don't watch anymore. when people treat you unfairly turn your back and go summer else. or knock them on their asked. --ass. weekend, an example -- one of my guys, who is married to a jewish woman, this is a very fine woman, he put out a tweet talking about cricket hillary clinton. and under the tweet was a star, star. -- i didn't think anything. -- to be int to me
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the minds of the press it could have been a regular star, sheriff star. star, and leslie it looks like a sheriff star and behind it they had money. there is money behind it. profiling not us, why are they bringing this up? anyway, dan is a wonderful guy, a good guy. i didn't get angry at him. i said dan, it's a star. night,m morning until bigger than the fbi, with clinton as crooked as a you know what. , dishonest long cnn as hell, cnn, morning tonight i
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have three twitter saying cnn won't talk about anything but the star. they say it is the star of david. i have a son-in-law who is jewish, a great guy. . daughter is jewish i have grandchildren that are jewish. i love them. these are great people. bronco married a who is wonderful, they have kids, beautiful kids. they took this star, could have been a star for anything. started this, it's the star of david. and because it's a star of david , donald trump has braces tenants -- tendencies.
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racist tendencies. these people are sick. going to tell you the real story of cnn, but i am not going to tell it yet. don't watch it anymore. i have to say fox is tough on me, but at least they are fair. msnbc, nobody watches this so i can't tell you. i hear they are better than cnn. cnn the clinton news network. seriously. -- the star, which is a star of i said you have to be kidding. how sick are they. they are the ones with the bad tendencies.
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remember what i said. there is money around the stars. therefore you know what that represents. people. bad they are bad people. don't watch cnn anymore. i don't watch them anymore. i like anderson cooper and a couple of the people, but mostly it is negative. they talk down about donald trump. it's very interesting. we started off was 17 and here i am, you and me and look what we have done together, right? we have dishonest media. they have the star which is fine. they shouldn't have taken it down. they should have left it up. i would have rather defended it, leave it. hillary, she said -- she
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started the dialogue. because she wanted to get off the fbi. you know who got hurt worse by , berniethen anybody sanders because he was waiting for the fbi to make him the nominee and it didn't work out. one, he copied my language of little bit. he was starting to say that the system is rigged. 22%know what's happening? of the bernie sanders voters are coming to trial. -- donald trump. i don't know. who knows? who knows? good a the other thing i got criticized last night. i thought it was one of my better speeches. do i get good speakers and mark
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--? they never show him a people. can you imagine if i had an empty place? it would be the biggest story. everybody was having a great time. considering the subject is no good. countryect is about our and our country is in trouble. between our debt and joblessness thatthe phony 5% numbers one someday looks for a job, you will be embarrassed. andbody looks for a job they get up and they are great people. they are unbelievable. they can't find a job and they give up. number andthis phony i don't blame obama so much because this was to make the president look good and make politicians look good which is
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not an easy thing to do. just as i was getting off the plane today, we announced trade deficit numbers for the month which were a record-setting. we have trade deficits that are worse than ever before. all i have done for years is talk about trade deficit. it's everybody. we don't make good deals with anybody. last night i was talking about trade because i love it. and strengthening our military and taking care of our veterans. it is my favorite subjects. [applause] children, or my grandchildren, i could talk about my grandchildren, 39 minutes in the back of a plain talking about my grandchildren. the president is going to talk about his grandchildren.
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he talked about -- two beautiful children. they are really smart. they are really good and i love them so much. they are unbelievable. one is brand-new, a beautiful little baby. , what cant a minute you talk about? here's a picture, look, look. that's one minute out of the 39 minutes. then we talk about golf. you say jack nicholas, who endorse me, i love him. did you know jack endorse me? do you know how young jack was when he won the ohio state championship? he is a friend of mine. he endorsed me. i didn't ask him. i feel guilty when i asked
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people for endorsements. jack endorsed me. i said thank you, i appreciate it. he said well you are doing a great job and you are going to shake things up. when you talk about winners, right? jack necklace was in the top -- jack nicholas was in the top 10, top the crab -- the crowd. they only show the crowd when we are protesters.
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way, the section, a wonderful congressman and his wife, i said i don't want to embarrass anybody, but would you endorse me? he said even if i don't like you i would endorse me. you have a 29th point lead in the section about pio. you're right you have to endorse me. we are going to take care of our miners, we will take care of our steelworkers. hillary is not. she will put you out of business. tpp which would make nafta which was signed by her husband, which in my opinion by the worst radio, signed ill clinton. he did not suffer from it, it was everybody that followed him that suffered from it. i look at the jobs, they are moving to mexico. one after another.
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china is coming and dumping the steel, making it impossible for steel plants. we do nothing about it. it will be so easy. so last night, i wake up and i saddam hussein. i hate saddam hussein. -- the presss is is the son says how. and they said it very strongly. he should have spoken about hillary clinton longer. it point by point by point. after a long time, i don't know, many minutes. people andsands of this really stupid guy, chuck use his name.
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i won't call him sleepy eyes anymore. he said he had an opportunity to hit hillary clinton. did you see what i did to her last night? am i correct? it got to a point, i was hitting her so hard, and the problem is on a professional and i am hitting her so hard. i know it doesn't mean anything because the system is rigged and broken. i am doing it because i feel i have to do it. -- and i wanted to get on to the military. i am going to experience things -- lots of predictions. i wanted to get onto terror. one of the reasons the women like me a lot lately is because -- thank you. thank you. feel i am going to
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keep our country safe. i will keep our country safe. ivanka. love a vodk will be speaking at the convention. by the way, i get hit this morning, he had the opportunity to go after -- i'll tell you how bad my speech was last night. cnn covered it from point to point without a commercial. covered it practically from beginning to end. others covered it -- that's how bad my speech was yesterday. folks, thesed, guys, they don't care about polls or anything. they care about ratings. ratings.
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i made a speech last night that a e of the folks say gave an to. checkt checks on -- but todd said he had the opportunity to go after hillary clinton. what i did to her. we have to talk about other things. here's the story. we are going to make america great again. we are going to make america great. we are going to take our country back for everybody, not for us. , notor the overflow room for the people outside. we will take our country back for everyone. we will take it back for african-americans, who have a 59% unemployment rate. we will take it back for african-american youth who have a 59% unemployment rate and have
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no chance in our society. you know who i just spoke to? big time -- don king. i said down, i would love you to speak at the convention because you beat the system. -- he is a friend of mom mine. biggest proxy promoter of all time. somebody -- and mike tyson endorse me, as you know. and don king endorsed me. king owns a-- don newspaper. he put a big ad in the paper. he wants bernie sanders for vice president. that's a new one. big don king. [cheering and applause]
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we like newt. friend for a long time. i'm not saying anything, and i'm not telling him anything, but i can tell you in one form or another, newt gingrich will be involved with our government. that i can tell you. [applause] he will be involved. he is smart, he's tough, he gets it. i am the biggest thing he has ever seen in the history of. newt gingrich will be involved, if he can get approval for -- from his wife. that may be tough. i have somebody else very special here. i have wonderful children. i am lucky, they were born smart.
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that was good. they went to great schools, and they did well, and they are in business and they do well. they feel strongly about what i'm doing. they don't even like it in terms of doing it themselves, my one trump. here, eric eric.ery proud of he has done a great job in the real estate business. now he is going into the political is this and he is doing a dam good job. isn't it nice when you don't read from a speech, ladies and gentlemen? hillary of the teleprompters every single time. and whether you go north and west, donald and trump is a bad person. donald trump made a lot of money
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in atlantic city but he heard the little people. i didn't. i made a lot of money, and -- did you see that sham, i left seven years ago. then after a little while, after about 12 minutes people start leaving? is, i go tot scotland. i know i am going to get killed if i go to scotland because the press is dishonest. -- we are doing a massive renovation, just like we are going to open the old post office a year ahead of schedule. i am delaying the opening because i want it to be so close , even i -- if i delay it a weth or two, i want to say are more than a year ahead of schedule and under budget and
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the project was even better than i said it was going to be. on november open it 7, the day before the big day. and the press will be there. they will be there by the hundreds, but they won't say we are ahead of schedule or under budget. i want to support my children. i think i have been a good father. -- i put myrump children as they grow a little bit older -- and i put eric in charge of the great turnberry resort, the home of the british open. and eric in the last year going back and forth, two days there
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and then go back and fight with contractors, and they did an unbelievable job. i said if i go over there these dis-honest horrible human beings will say trump went over to play golf. i have to support my children. so i said, i will fly over and fly back. i want to support my sons. -- my son. just to show you how dishonest hillary clinton is and the press, i go out we have the bad press, we have a ribbon-cutting , onee beautiful ninth tee of the greatest courses anywhere in the world. that was the day that europe had the big turn where u.k. left.
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they left. said, i have a polska, we that that have a touch. you had obama said if that happens, they will go to the back of the line. i think obama might've been the reason that they broke away. he doesn't help things. he actually said that the u.k. is going to the back of the line. not a nice thing. can you imagine if i said that. the back of the line? i would be killed for that statement. is, i think they will break away and i think they want their independence. i see what is happening with the migration, countries are being forced against their will to take people and they don't want them. instead of building these places where they can go to their homeland, where they want to be,
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they are being forced, germany is a disaster right now. parts of sweden. things are really bad. 20% that iodds were would be right. i was right. they broke away. they broke away. i was right. -- wext day they said, 12 will be right a second time. we are tired of incompetent people. we are tired of incompetent leadership and hillary clinton, bad judgment, she is incompetent. the only good and she has ever trouble whenut of anybody else would have been in jail by now.
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i got to give her credit. i have to give bill clinton credit for going to the plane and staying for 39 minutes he talked about his grandchildren and golf. there's no way you can do that. i told you, too minutes with the grandchildren, two minutes for golf, we have 35 or 36 minutes left. let's talk about hillary. hillary then talks about, i think i will reappoint the attorney general. and you're waiting for a decision by the attorney general and you're saying you are going to give her a job, you are not allowed to do that. that's bribery. then the attorney general comes , but the attorney general no judges,nd says that's bribery, when you say? she said she will reappoint the attorney general and the
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attorney general is waiting to make a determination as to , ander or not she's guilty boy was that a fast determination. don't just come out with one or two sentences, talk about it a little bit. so here's what happened. i go to scotland, the weather was beautiful, we are opening the course, ready to cut a ribbon. over 400, 450. it was unbelievable. they were all there for brexit. there were all there to see what would happen. bored, they want the next story. so it's donald trump. i go there. all of a sudden i start hearing these things, what is pressed during an scotland? i have a news conference. even newt gingrich's said it was
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a good news conference. he's a very critical guy. he sunsetted -- he sometimes said i don't like what your saying but there i did a good job. let me just tell you. question. and the place goes crazy. we have big a group of media as you have never seen. one of the question was mr. down, if the pound goes how will turnberry do? i said here's what happened, if the power goes down, turnberry will do very well. a lot of people will travel to the u.k. and come to scott -- scotland. it's in an ad by crooked hillary
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clinton all over the place. it was good to hear something -- did you hear donald trump, all he talked about was his resort? if the pound goes down, turnberry will do very well. gave a golf club. i said i don't want to touch it. i don't want to touch golf. i am leaving. i inspected the hotel and the course. i said eric trump, you did a good job, i'm getting the hell out of you are now. i want to be back campaigning. my boy, i love you. boy, he will" such was be my boy, right #i am out of here, i am leaving. i have to go.
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they said mr. trump would you like to hit the first ball? i said if i touch the club, these horrible human beings plus the hillary clinton thousand people staff but she has will come up with a clip of me holding a club. i don't want to touch it. we cut the ribbon, i inspected the property, i'm very impressed about the job he did. i was in scotland one night. that's not easy. i was there one night and i was out of there. here's what happened. the next day the news comes on. donald trump went to scotland and the middle of the campaign to play golf, but here's what is worse. they took my statement of the pound, if the pound goes down, turnberry was going to do great. everyone thinks i am bragging. but here's the worst.
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the crooked, disgusting group that works for hillary clinton, now remember, i never touched the club. .hey show me hitting a ball donald trump playing golf in during the troubles and everything else of the world, and they put it in an ad. but the picture was from two years before at a different course. truenly good thing -- it's -- they said playing golf at turnberry. two things happen. called mef turnberry -- they put the swing that looked good in the ad. thank you very much. how dishonest is that? they show me playing golf at
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turnberry, and i didn't play golf. i was even center. i said man, like that. i just want to say, this young guy, my daughter, my other son don, wife, who puts up with a lot with all of that is going on. this is big stuff. this is big stuff. my family -- my sister, who is incredible, who is a federal judge, court of appeals. my other sister, elizabeth, my brother robert, who is a great guy. i have one brother who passed away. but i have great children. tiffany has been amazing. my kids, my family have been unbelievable. this is not easy for them.
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mostly people love it, but some people don't. the one thing that is interesting and i told this to eric on the plane, my wife said, when you go out, everybody loves you. butmost people love you, there are people that don't. you never have those people before. make said we have to america great again. my biggest dream is to have those people love me too it not because of me, but because we will do such a great job. [applause] i will introduce eric trump, he didn't unbelievable job. he is doing an unbelievable job, and he was pushed into the world of politics, not because he wanted it, because i said good luck on television tonight, you are doing the show. eric trout, everybody. trump, everybody. wow. thank you.
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my father is a gratis. i say this from the bottom of my heart, i love him to death. as a family, we love him. and thank you for loving him. as his family, we are proud of him. we are going to win this and he will make america great again. we are going to be crooked will bringnton, we the country back. thank you for all of the support from our family. we love you. applause]d thank you to your brothers and sisters and thank you to everybody. the family has been incredible. when i was getting off the plane, i wanted to tell you a couple of good things and bad things and about what is going on. at a horrible level. people don't feel safe, polls come out saying they feel more unsafe now than they have at any
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time for many years. we will make you feel safe again. remember that. fact thatroud of the when we ran, in the history of the republican party we got the most votes ever, more than anybody who is ever run, and i'm very proud of that. and iybe more importantly want to thank reince priebus and the rnc. he has been amazing. he works hard. if there is an event in california, he will fly and he will be there. were you just in washington, he flew to be in for the event. it was just announced that the republicans come in terms of the primary voters, final count, 62% up from four years ago. that's an unheard-of number.
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that is an unheard-of number. democrats, that was mosquitoes. i don't want mosquitoes around it. i do like mosquitoes. of mosquitoes, hello hillary, how are you doing? democrats were down, with all the bernie sanders stuff and all the things you hear, we have crowds are bigger. with all the things you hear, the democrats are down 21%. from four years ago. there is no real enthusiasm. they had enthusiasm for bernie, but he was outflanked by the establishment. he never had a chance. i would not have had a chance except we were winning by such
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large numbers. florida,t victory in 166 of 67 counties. pennsylvania, connecticut. you look at all these different places, rhode island, maryland, delaware. we had a group where we went to every single county in every single state in california i got 78% of the vote and there were lots of names on there. when you have the largest umbrella. the history of the republican party, and we had 17 people running. that's a big difference as opposed to two, or three, or four. it's impossible to win that number when you have 17 people and we won easily, more than ronald reagan, who we loved, more than richard nixon, more than the bushes, more than dwight eisenhower. we had a great thing. that was a great thing. coming off thend
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plane i heard that our trade numbers are a disaster. before,worse than ever we are losing so much money. we have trade deficits that are so massive, not only with china, not only with mexico. i take my hats off to the leadership of mexico for the job they have done. they treat us like we're babies. and treat us of the border with trade. you are to see the companies that are moving to mexico. but -- idiana i think won because of the great bobby knight and i told you that story were bobby called up and said run for have to president. that was a year before i did it. i said really, bobby knight? indiana,n and i got to somebody said do you think you could ever get bobby knight and i said i think so.
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, and he pickser up the phone and he said i have been waiting for you to call. he is a cool dude. .e won 900 games he won three championships were indiana preview one the olympics, he won the pan am games. he had the last undefeated season in college basketball. jeff miller -- jack nicholas, a winner. me, having his endorsement is good, jack and bobby, we have unbelievable champs endorsing. here's the story. we are going to turn it around. we are going to bring our jobs back to the country and we will bring them back bigly. we are going to let companies leave our country without there being consequences. consequences. as an example, when carrier left and they left 1400 people, those
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1400 people, many of them followed me all over indiana. they love donald trump. i am the only one that spoke their language. dogs by afired like mid-level management guy and with some of them have been there for 30 years. -- youre fired viciously never sign anything like it. it was all over the news and it made a big impact. i was talking about it long before i went to indiana. remember the firewall? donald trump will win new york, but he will win also pennsylvania and connecticut. indiana, that's the firewall. donald trump will not win the firewall. and we won the firewall in a landslide. that was a big thing.
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said, weeverybody just just can't take it anymore. we are leaving. that was the end of that. american --n amazing. of time. but what i would have told carrier air-conditioning, i would say enjoy your plant. hot weather. enjoy your plant. make lots of air conditioners. but when you start selling your air conditioners through our very strong quarter, and we want people to come in. i want people to come in to the country that will come in by the thousands. they were come into the country legally. [cheers and applause] so i am going to say many myself, i say to my wife, but i want to call carrier and she
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will say, you're the president, you're not supposed to be calling on air-conditioning company. i said it so much fun and i am so good with this stuff. i will get karel i gone to call. i have so many people endorsing me. we called the carrier and said enjoy your new plant, i hope you have great success. but every single time you make a beautiful air-conditioner anyone to sell it through the united states, there will be an 35% tax on that air-conditioner coming in. now, a lot of conservatives, these characters who say never trump, never trump. talk about a great conservative but he gets it, some of these people don't get it. never trump. never trump is disappearing rapidly. you heard about the 51 million, anybody? raised $51 million, right?
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even newt gingrich couldn't believe that, right? $51 million raise. here's what's going to happen. and i just started, sounds like a football game, are they booing or are they saying newt? him, he gets it. newt, whatng it is if it is, nobody will beat him in debates, that's for sure. nobody will beat him in the debates. million, the washington post had a good story. nobody can believe it. up, i am beating me raising the money for the party and i am putting up a lot of my own money.
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up a lot of my own money. here is what is going to happen. going to be so successful and what people call me, people write up here -- look at all these people. i can't stand them. called, who is here today and said mr. trump, what you have done is incredible, sir. incredibleve done is it's notestly, incredible, i have a want. he said you don't have to win. what you have done has never been done before in the history of politics. i said let me give you a clue. if i don't win, then i have wasted a lot of time and a lot of money. i haven't done a dam thing. that's the -- that's the way i feel about it.
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we are not going to be able to lower your taxes, we are not going to be able to get you good health care, we are not going to be able to save your second amendment, which is under siege, by the way. and the national rifle association, the nra endorsed me with the earliest endorsement they have ever given to a candidate, right? to hillary clinton wants take your guns away, she wants to effectively abolish the second amendment. that's why they gave me the early endorsement. because she is unthinkable for the nra, unthinkable. but all of these things are going to happen. let me just finish by saying the following, i love ohio, i love the people of ohio. portman,d vote for rob go out and vote for rob portman, but i love the people of ohio.
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and we are going to start winning again, folks. country, we as a don't win on faith, with the military. when i was jean, we never lost a war. , i still feeloung young, don't you feel young? young, we never lost a war. they used to say we have never lost a war. now we never win a war. we never went to battle or anything. we have these idiots that get on television. in 48 hours.k isis and when we attack, we are going to hit them from the rear. falluja, going after and that will take place in exactly two weeks. place, wethat takes are going to ramadi, and we will hit them. i mean the only problem is they
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can't believe anybody is so stupid to say this stuff. i wouldn't get away with it. can you imagine the great general george patton on television to say when we are leaving iraq? we are leaving on this date. so the enemy goes back and says, nobody can be that stupid to say that. you know what, just in case obama is serious, they don't want to be killed, don't kid yourself. they talk about their want of a kill, trust me, they will have their time. you know what, callback, -- pull back. iraqn't want to go into from the beginning. i said you would destabilize the middle east. the way you got out was unbelievable. draws the line in the sand, it is a violation, the line in the mean anything.
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we have a president who is terrible. we have a president who is right now -- all he wants to do his campaign. he has a good time campaigning. i want a president who be focusing on knocking the hell out of isis. -- i want asident president that will focus on making great trade deal so that aina and us, we don't have 505 billion dollar trade deficit. i want a president that will create strong borders. i want a president that will keep criminals out of our country, people that kill us, people shooting people in the back. mine, jamil, shot in the face by a person who shouldn't have been in this country. san francisco, shot in the back
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by somebody who was thrown out of the country five times and probably got forced back in. we will have a safe country again, and we will start winning again. we will win and we will win so much. this, but fun saying there is nothing fun about it because of what is going on. we will win so much that the people of ohio are going to call your representatives. they will call the head of the republican party. you better win ohio for me, matt. they are going to call matt. see say you will have to the president, we are winning too much, we can't take it. we are not used to winning this much. we are winning with our military, we will not the hell out of isis, we are winning with health care, we are winning with the border, we are winning with the wall, we are winning our second amendment. mr. president, your winning too much, the people of ohio can't
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stand so much winning, we are not used to it. you know what? i am going to say i don't care, rob. i don't care, matt. we are going to keep winning, because we are going to make america great again. thank you, everybody. i love you. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you. thank you, ohio. thank you, cincinnati. i love cincinnati. applause]d ♪
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investigation of hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server. at a capital hearing with fbi director james comey. later, we will talk to congressman karen host: good morning, everyone, on thursday, july 7th. road to the white house leads to capitol hill today. donald trump will meet with house and senate republicans in effort to rally support from lawmakers. we'll have our cameras outside morning. meetings this also, before congress today, the fbi director james komi has called before the house oversight committee to explain hy he has recommended no charges against hillary clinton for use of that private e-mail server. t is one of five hearings scheduled by lawmakers two days after the director announced
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