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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  July 10, 2016 6:31pm-8:01pm EDT

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courses yourtain should take, math, science and english, that should be in place if you expect to be successful in college. simply accept student who haven't filled that curriculum to let them into a school, i think it's doing a great disservice to them. the effort of affirmative action. ontonight at 8:00 eastern 's "q&a." >> now look at some who might be the vice presidential short of hillary clinton and donald trump. first look at al franken. jerseyok back at new governor chris christie's
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keynote address at the 2012 convention.ational we begin with insight about these and other potential a reportates from covering the 2016 rate for split -- race for politico. politico'sus from newsroom shane goldmacher. runningok at potential mates for hillary clinton, let's virginia senator tim kaine, he will be campaigning with her this week. that put his potential candidacy for running mate? theim kaine is one of finallyist for hillary clinton. just as he was eight years ago for senator barack obama. he is from a swing state. he's a former governor. current senator, former head of the democratic party. forhecks awful lot of boxes hillary clinton and this is one of several public auditions. for elizabeth warren and others.
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have some private time behind the scenes. >> what are the downsize of his candidacy? >> the biggest downside for tim kaine is his record. it's not there's problems, he's not the most liberal candidate. excite the progressive base that has not been a big fan of hillary clinton. excited aboute bernie sanders and elizabeth warren aren't the type of people that will pick up big posters and get excited. the roler variable bill clinton would play. that a factor you think the former first lady, former secretary of state is taking account? she's looking at few factors. first and foremost, does she think this person could serve as president. the second factor would be does hurt heron help or
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against donald trump? everything else is really far two things. does this person have the do theyto serve and help her. for her, tim kaine checked both boxes. that's why he's so high on the list. 1992, bill clinton selected al gore. that was considered out the box. you had two southern politicians. he didn't pick a regional candidate. he thought someone who would bring back the force. that again in 2016 with hillary clinton? if so, who would that be? talk about surprise candidate for vice president, candidates who are not the it's what john mccain did in sarah that is not the case with clinton. elizabeth warren she campaigned
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with. deal of energy. both clinton and warren, there's concerns that warren could overshadow her on the campaign trail. she's another finalist. finalist is sherrod brown, senator from ohio. mostly, his feet should go to ohio. ticket, heoin the would pick -- republican brown's would pick replacement. the idea of potentially losing a senate seat, let alone in a key state like ohio, makes brown a tough pick. >> is that a factor for senator corey booker. governor of new jersey is republican chris christie? >> yes, these are factors for elizabeth warren. republican's also governor in massachusetts. democrats looking for ways rules.these can you tie your resignation in such a way that potentially could nottts, they really let the republican governor pick a replacement
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until there's a special election held. similar issues could happen in new jersey. but the real factor is for her are these people able to help her on the ticket this fall and could they serve as president. candidates too. tim vilsack, who is the longest serving member of president cabinet. ismer politician from ohio on the list. there are others. labor secretary under obama, -- tom perez has been considered. spent a great deal of time huddled with some of the closest washington d.c. talking with them and going through the list and trying to narrow them down. she's widely to announce her pick after the republican convention. donald trump's convention comes first. she'll know who his running mate is. >> this month, we sat down with his name hasanken, been mentioned. so has his colleague, minnesota
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senator amy, what are their chances? >> their chances are a little bit slimmer. people talk about al franken, his past as a comedian. he can go on stage and mock and trump.n of donald there's been success for hillary clinton and her surrogates making fun of him and getting under his skin. he responds to them when he do this. trump responded to elizabeth warren over and over on the twitter.trail on there's probably nobody better on hillary clinton potential list. i don't think al frank know is on the short list. timing of thee announcement, when do you think make a public >> there's been a lot of rumors her tot likely for announce is the morning of the republican convention. potentially that friday morning,
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give herself some energy head into the democratic convention the following week. >> shane goldmacher, thank you for being with us. now our conversation with al franken. him in his with capitol hill office. franken, did you ever comedy,starting out in writing books, talk radio and now the u.s. senate? >> yes, that was the plan all along. a very oddened in way. when i ran for the senate, it sense for me. me.ade sense to it was convenient. of political humor other people.with very young age, been very
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public policy. my parent has us watch the news dinner. eat civil rights movement was ouricularly important and family when southern sheriffs dogs and fire hoses on black demonstrators. the tv, nod point to you can be for that. telling me and my brother. was very justice -- justice very big lesson. at the beginning my dad had been republican until 1964. born in 1908. in 1960.nixon he voted for johnson in 1964. >> born in new york, you spent most of your childhood in
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minnesota. >> we moved to minnesota when i four. >> why? >> well, i asked my dad why we albert lee, minnesota, which is a little town in southern minnesota. he spent two years. said, my dad's dad died when he was 16. he dad didn't graduate high school. he went to work. grand pa had a factory. career.ever had a when i was four years old, he went to albert lee with a there. albert lee pretty small community. twinwe moved to the suburbs. what i figured out, it was odd that we went to albert lee. was odd. said, dad, why we go do albert lee. well, your grandfather want to
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open clothing factory in the midwest. the railroad went through albert lee. said why did the factory fail. it went through albert lee and it wouldn't stop. was true. but it was also his sense of put it that way. suburb of to the minneapolis when it was entering the suburbs and houses were after world war ii. he became printing salesman there. >> you -- what are your parents like? what do you remember about your mom? >> my mom was -- she wanted to be an actress when she was --
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my dad. met talented.ry funny and little high strung. once she decidedtor get married, her acting thing. encouraged us to school. do well in she encouraged me to be funny. while. my audience for a i staywent to school, make mom laugh. she had a great laugh. herself.unny my dad, very sweet. very smart guy. he didn't graduate high school but he would have made a great doctor or something like that.
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--y neurooccurring and nurturing and healing guy. >> what were you like in high school? in high school, i was doing comedy. i was also very good in science and math. i, we wereand sputnik kids. i was born in 1951 and my brother was born in 1946. 1957 when soviet set up sputnik. out ine was freaking america. nuclear did they have weapon but they were ahead us in space. intorents marched us living room. sat us down and said you boys and science so we can be with the soviets. i thought that was a lot of pressure to put on a 6-year-old.
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mathe were very good at and science. obedience sons. my brother was the first in heily to go to college and went to mit. he became a photographer. i went to a very good school, comedian.and became a ?> you wept to harvard why? >> for some reason. my dad wanted us to go to college. my brother dictate all our educational things. he said, al, shouldn't go to m.i.t. we're all nerds here. harvard.go to called you alan? >> yes, i was alan to him.
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i was al. i can't remember what happened. i'm not sure. i think it happened in college but i can't remember. college.ur wife in under what circumstances? was sixmy daughter old, she got a first grade assignment from her teacher write how your parents met. my daughter came home and she asked me, i said well it was at mixer. mixer, it wasman a dance. i saw year mom across the room and she was with some other girls. rounding them up to leave. taking the way she was charge. she was beautiful. when i asked her to dance, we danced. ale, it her a ginger escorted her back to the dorm and asked her for a dorm.
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dance anded my mom to bought her a drink and took her home. >> you thought? >> well, what was interesting about, this was made into a book the school. the collection of the kids stories. they called us and said, do you the book?in first thing she had written. it.ife said don't change that's fine. books, i want to share and get your reaction couple of things that you wrote. "oh the things i know." you say that you have given what you call disastrous commencement the 1980' in explain. >> none of this is true. the book was a parody of the
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time that bad advice you get -- that you getvice speakers.ncement such as money and success aren't important. these are all commencement andkers who are very rich important. [laughter] the book is a complete satire of that. think the reader, unless they're deliberately trying to which theand it, minnesota republican party did a lot of. they're clearly not -- there's is not true,his where i say -- i think that all mistakes you'll make is all the dr. seuss. i'm told by my
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housekeeper deliver the been asked toi've deliver the commencement address at harvard. i drive up there and it turns out, i wasn't. it was for hartford technical college. then very disappointed. to hartford and just give them a scathing condescending speech. that was it. the republican -- minnesota party produced that as if i actually given it. know, that i told them, i said i thought i was speaking at harvard. can imagine the disappointment when i knew i was speaking to america's next air-conditioner repairman. the funny thing about it, in the biggesti've been the champion of communals --
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community colleges. a great place to develop skills for very sophisticated advanced stuff that we're doing. including manufacturing but also nursing or healthcare, that kind of thing. >> on the book "the truth with the bushu wrote administration implemented to destroyth iraq credibility, are we still paying the price? >> yes, we're still paying the price for going to war. the way we conducted it. it -- there was so much waste and abuse. that allowed the country to fall apart. also showed that we didn't -- once wetention of
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place, protecting people, caring people, we looting.he that was a message to all the people in iraq that we didn't about them. iraqi military. sunni.these isis, who said, get out of here. you're fired. we're not paying you. guns with you. we did so many stupid things in that war. it.e still paying for i think we're much more yearsted now after eight of obama than we were when bush left office. price.till paying the >> when you hear donald trump say, make america great again, reaction?r
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>> well, my reaction is we are a country. indispensable country around the world. all you have -- one of the great things about being senator, you go back and forth between your city and washington. you get to see all the great state.n your you can't do that without inerstanding that your state minnesota, my state is great. great. is there leading country in world in so many different ways. i think we can do a lot better sure thatf making kids have a world class that they have early childhood education. easier to be -- child care. familiese have so many with single parent and other
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easier to it's much be a parent let alone a single parent. quality day care for kids. havemake it much easier to a middle class life in other countries. tremendouslyings well in the united states. to a commencement in wilmer, minnesota, few weeks ago. stunning. every moment -- i don't know, three, 3.5 four hours, what a great commencement it was. wilmer is serving in the middle is the biggest country.oducer in the graduatingi'd say,
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class was, i don't know, just littlerough, 250 kids, bit more. 35% latino, 15% somali. these kids loved each other. i was there to introduce the class speaker. speaker of all the kids that chosen. he had been a page of mine when she was a junior in high school. here, because her principal recommended her. she written an essay and she got interview in my office. they elected her to be the valedictorian. spoke was a latino girl. these kids loved each other. her, she gotuced this unbelievable applause and after she gave her speech, which
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ovation., standing these kids, just -- one of the things, they have a great orchestra and it's not that big of town. great orchestra and great chorus. every year, they do the battle of the republic. of this thing was amazing. it's great. it really is. great as the be as people we represent. >> you talk about people pages parents outside your family. who do you think influenced you the most? >> outside my family. say teachers, taught me to think critically.
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figures,hat political comedians. by bob and ray. i don't know if you know who they are. extremelyand i influenced by bob and ray. i don't know how many of your viewers will know them. had a classified briefing yesterday. be very oddg to connection. briefing.lassified like secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chief, cia and the state department people. a question that had knockedsed and then down by all four of them very thoroughly. again inone raised it
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a slightly different context. important they knocked it down again very thoroughly. hand and justmy , i've heard -- they looked the stupidestas person that existed. colleagues knew i was joking. i was repeating this thing they a couple times. influenced in my ear -- i don't makes any sense. obviously people i work with. jim downey who is a writer. a lot of -- as much as as stuff lauren influence on me. michaels.
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there was lot of people i worked with professionally. pictures ine that the office. paul willstone. who was he? >> he was enormous influence on the approach i take here in the senate. senator.nnesota a friend of mine. his whole -- come do mind, we do better. means, incredible amount to me. i grew up in middle class. bedroom and one bathhouse. luckiest kidmyself in the world. i felt like i can do anything. right. paul is we all do better when we all do better. aboutd politics is not power and winning, it's about
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we had -- it was very odd the election night because it was wave election. up so many senate seats and we picked up the white elected the first african-american president. watching him grant park 250,000 people cheering. we kind of knew this was going to happen. but actually seeing it happen amazing. happier?y am i not yes, i'm tied. thisd to go through exhausting campaign. go through this recount. with all myount, colleagues. court. went to that fook -- took forever.
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six months. the minnesota state supreme court u suprem ruled th. eight years, what do you think has been the single thus far?complishment hard to's aca, theething in the medicalle care act that ratio. premiumspercentage of helps insurance companies actualy spends on healthcare. that requirement insurance leasty has to spend at premiums on actual healthcare. or costs.keting
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if they didn't, they had to the difference. lot of people got rebates. millions of people or .rganizations made theid, it insurance companies more efficient. a result, the part of this reason for significant savings. the inflation in healthcare in the last since into play, iscome less than it's been. lot less than it's been for the last 50 years. not that we can't be doing better. things that weren't legislative achievements that i importantre really
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was fighting like the comcast, warner cable merger, successfully. being the only person doing that. mental health in this rewritert of of no child left behind. important to me. americans ends health some real mental problem. the sooner you catch that, happens after you're in school. again taking from the things we do in minnesota and some school minnesota,one in brought it here and we're happy about that. >> outside of the obvious being being inty and minority, what's the biggest in terms that you seen of how the senate is run and the
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as a minority senator in previously a majority? frustrated when we were in the majority and minority was obstructing. i think they were doing it for a reason. --hink there was true minority leader at the time, mcconnell, did say his number one priority was seeing to it that obama is one term president. i think part of that was not letting things get done. that's why he said that. didn't say it was my number one political priority. characterized that later. priority. number one that felt like, that's what was on.g we're going to stop this guy
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accomplishment -- accomplishments. also stop some of his nominees for national security posts and like that from getting confirmed. to me.s frustrating i think that odd way now, we're minority. done.t to get things i think we're maybe more of the governmentving that works or should work. think that we're less obstructionists than they were. it's almost an odd -- in some we got the -- the reform of no child left behind
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done. i give credit to lamar alexander who was the chairman and patty murray ranking member on that. very good process. took aboutre we seven years to try to do this. years end of the seventh works founded a committee that we agreed on about 80% of the stuff after hashing it through. that's what we did. >> you writing a new book that's coming out next year. >> yes. it?he topic, title was is >> i'm not going give the title. topic. it's going to be about my from -- it'sing not unlike this interview in a way. because it will talk about where from, why it all made for me to ran. what it's like to run.
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number one question you get often asked, why s&l and how did that job came about? how did you end up there? and i did stand we were a team. doing comedy store in l.a. and other places. agent, we started out there 1973. said wouldard us, you guys write for tv? yes, of course. trying to get paid to eat. that kind of thing. said, put a package together package thatlike a commercialrody, parodies, sketch and a funny film. that's what we put together. we knew that at the time, they
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show thatist the would write for. burnett show, very good us., generationally not the "tonight show" writers in that way. sonny and sher was not a good show. up a packet specifically for the kind of air.we like to see on the it.en michaels read lauren read it. writers thatnly met.n hired that he hadn't that had he met us, job.y not gotten the >> stewart, how did that come
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about? about because of includingse to me addicted, alcohol, drugs. i discovered that i was -- it me.cted how it affected me. to --t going [indiscernible]. program for2 step friends and family members of alcoholic. in it.ed a lot i learned that you can learn from people that you wouldn't you couldy think learn from. character with someone who first blushed and an idiot or odd. what he was talking about was a real thing. it was sort of my way trying to
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explain recovery. of the that height recovery movement daily affirmations. was a little bit more than some of the characters we did on the show. it really meant a lot to me. it's a family program that at rehabs. >> would like to be known as the sunniest senator from minnesota. >> that's what president obama cawed me. amy was very funny. the daughter of a comedy writer. funny. are really
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abigail is funny. a herour parent made his or doing humor, you learn a lot. amy is very funny. >> talk politics, politico says you would have the best pick for running mate.n's because you would energize bernie sanders spenters, -- supporters, you would protect navigatebelt, you unprecedented media circus come dated by -- come dated by trump. >> that was a guy. that was one person writing a column. >> at >> yes. >> what do you think? >> i think there would be a lot other great vice presidential
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choices for hillary. people ofving the minnesota. need she said al franken i you as my running mate. i can win with you, what would you say? >> okay, you're sure? are you sure? really? explain why. she said i read this thing in politico. it convinced me. was asked this would any senator turn it down. said i don't know. i don't think so. surprised. be >> give us your prognosis for campaign. how is this going tow -- going o unfold? >> i don't know. it's too far away. is a horrible choice. alone. there are members of the
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republican party that feel the i do.ay think he has a narcissistic a isorder that i think dangerous. i like hillary tremendously. known her for over 20 years. a presidente had seven yearslast dignified andly thoughtful. takes his job seriously and understands what it is. hasn't been flawless as president by any means. is -- there's deeplyng, i think i
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wrong with their nominee. >> is this election good for the business? >> to some extent it isn't. easy.ike too when george h. w. bush in 1988 ran. depressed. like oh boring. is gold.ound that he was in a way, i think this is too do. to >> do you watch s&l a lot? the show. enjoy i did this bob and ray reference. the shows are like
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saturday night live. now.about what's happening some of the references i'm too old. either too old or just too out of it. a senator, your popular culture is not your first or second priority. i watch the show. there's a lot of stuff i missed. but you're speaking to -- i the show is tof try to keep changing and transforming. i enjoy a lot. times where i just laughing and going that's what the show is about. >> two final points. you expected?what >> i wish i had remember what i be.cted to then i can answer your question. know, there's lots of real
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.ebate that i thought there are parts of the job that pleasant in terms money, time you that.doing i haven't been really that by anything. mainly because things generally.ise me i see something and i try to explain it. once i explain it myself, i go of course. i'm not surprised. >> finally, a grandfather twice over, soon to be third time? have a girl on the way. ahave a 3-year-old son, 5-month-old son and a girl due
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late in september. you? they have a name for tomy 3-year-old asked him call me senator. pa.he calls me grand it's okay. i did think it would be funny if he calls me senator. chief of staff, casey, said no, don't do that. people won't get it. [laughter] -- lot of what i do is irony. obnoxious to have your grandson call you senator. joe, we're going to go to the movies, what movie are we going to senator. that would be funny to have a 3-year-old ask you that. pa.alls me grand that's what i call my grand pa. >> do you laugh this often day?g the course of the >> i laugh a lot.
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one of the thing that you asked whether i find surprising about the senate, lot of my knowagues, didn't quite what to think of me. my republican colleagues, their experience of was me he being the scoring ridicule of republicans. the time.l it took them like a day to oh, i see.-- he laughs all the time. he's funny. that's why he's a comedian. because he wanted to do satire. he just likes to laugh. things that are -- in a funny way. really hetch- it -- helps by the way. youou had a sense of humor, would go so much further than
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broadcasting. [laughter]. time.thank you for your thank you senator. >> you're welcome. >> as we continue our look at potential running mates for hillary clinton and donald trump. rejoined by shane goldmacher. he's in the newsroom at politico. thanks again for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> let's begin with news of those who will not be donald trump's running mate. two senators, one from from ohio, both saying, not interested. has doneonald trump this vice presidential search little differently. it. been very public about while hillary clinton, huddled behind closed doors. he's tweeting about the meetings having and campaigning publicly with people. two people he tweeted about and senator bobith corker and joni ernst. saying look, while they were discussions and supportive of mr. trump, they
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have no tend oh intend to join ticket. >> you talk about the nobody's donald trump list. some out of the box potential candidates? for trump isnge that and for clinton, everybody on the list aren't national figures. joni ernst might be known in washington d.c. important is an figure in the u.s. senate. he's the chair of the senate foreign relations committee. he's not someone the average voter knows. there's a lot nobody for these candidates. narrowed down to three front runners. governor mike pence of indiana, governor chris christie, one of the vocal supporters from new house speakermer newt gingrich. there's a fourth candidate ranks, named lieutenant general michael flynn. who has been informal trump advisor. thinking.s out of box
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there's some appeal for a general who served under obama, left under poor terms and who military outspoken leader. >> you mentioned outside the box. helpede individual that john mccain. the election of sarah palin is now working with donald trump in process.tion is this a normal process for the presumptive republican nominee? >> it's a little different. one of the main reasons, hillary clinton probably have people batting down her doors to try to join the ticket. at thise front runner point. there's very little downside for people to join the hillary clinton ticket. that's just not been the case for donald trump. person after person is withdrawn themselves from consideration. marco rubio saying he didn't want to be considered. of joni ernstwals and bob corker. donald trump is a risk for these candidates. if you are young and you have a bright future in the republican yourself toie donald trump, you seen everyone
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him, suddenly has his comments or tweets. there's a real challenge for him to find a running mate both who is willing to stand next to him. >> new jersey governor chris interested in being donald trump's running mate. popularity rating in new jersey is very low. 25% to 30% approval rating. downside?e >> the downside, he doesn't help orany particular state region. donald trump is from new york and chris christie is from new jersey. the advantages for chris two fold for 2014. one, loyalty. he values loyalty. tois christie is the first jump on the trump train.
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that's important to trump and his family. key decision makers in this process. it's hard to understand -- overstate how important royalty is in the trump world. for a moment about indiana governor mike pence. >> indiana governor mike pence at the beginning of the process wasn't considered overly high on the list. reason hert of the didn't endorse trump initially. he first backed ted cruz in the primary. after the primary ended, state, he dide get behind trump. theignaled, he would accept vice presidential nomination from trump. people within trump's orbit who pushing mike pence as potential running mate. he has legislative experience on time.l hill for a long he's been governor of a state that's not quite a battleground but important region surrounded places like ohio, and michigan and wisconsin, states to compete in.s
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>> shane goldmacher joining us, thank you very much for being with us. you.ank >> from 2012, governor chris christie was the keynote address republican national convention. requested by the nominee in 2012 mitt romney. here is his speech from tampa, florida. you.ank thank you. very much.ll you.
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well, this stage and this moment are very improbable for me. jersey republican delivering the keynote address to our national convention. with 700,000 more republicans.n a new jersey republican stands before you tonight. of my party. proud of my state. my country. now, i'm the son of an irish father and a sicilian mother. who i'm -- blessed here with me tonight is outgoing and loveable. my mom who i lost eight years was the enforcer.
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she made sure we all knew who rules. in the automobile of life, dad wasjust a passenger, mom the driver. now, they both live hard lives. from poverty. after returning from army at beyers icerked cream plant. he put himself through rutger's university at night to become in his family to earn degree.e was onst family picture mom nextation day with to him six months pregnant with me. nothing.lso came from she was raised by a single mother who took three different buses everyday to get to work.
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mom spent the time that she was supposed to be a kid, actually raising children. youngerger brother and sister. she was tough as nails. was, she couldn't afford to. bluntly, the truth, muchtly and without varnish. son.her as i listened to darkness on the town with my the jersey friend on shore. i was her son when i moved into that studio apartment with mary years old. i was her son as i coached our sons, andrew and patrick. pride, as ourith
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daughter, sarah and bridget, withed with soccer teams labor day parade. i'm still her son today as governor. following the rules she taught me to speak from the heart. to fight for your principles. mom never thought you would get extra credit just for speaking the truth. the greatest lesson mom ever was this one. she told me there would be times in your life when you have to choose. loved and being respected. beingid, to always pick respected. she told me that love without fleeting.s always but that respect could grow into lasting love. of course, she was talking about women. but, i learned over time, that toapplies just as much leadership. in fact, i think that advice applies to america more than
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ever today. become, i believe we had paralyzed by our desire to be loved. our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that socialist and popularity was fleeting. this country's principles needed to be rooted in strength greater emotion ofssions and the times. our leaders today have decided it's more important to be popular and do what's easy and no.yes rather than saying required. what is in recent years, we as a country have too often shows the same path. easier for -- stood silentlywe by and let them get away with
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do. say enough. together,stand legislate make a much different choice. tonight we are speaking up for stepping up. tonight we're beginning to do what is right and what is greatary to make america again. we are demanding that our leaders stop tearing each other and work together to take action on the big things facing america. tonight, we're going to do what my mother taught me. tonight we're going to choose over love. we're not afraid. we are not afraid. we're taking our country back because we are the great men awomenen of the who broke their backs in the
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name of american ingenuity. the grandchildren of the greatest generation. the sons and daughters of immigrants. sisters ofs and everyday heroes. the neighbors of entrepreneurs and firefighters, teachers and farmers, veterans and factory between.nd everyone in veterans and factory workers, and everyone in between who shows up not just on the good days, but on the bad days and a hard day's each and every day. all 365 of them. you see, we are the united states of america. [applause] now it is up to us. we must lead the way our citizens live. to lead the way my mother insisted i live, not by avoiding
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trips, especially the hard ones, but by facing up to them and been better for it. we cannot afford to do anything less. this was the challenge in new jersey. when i came into office i could continue on the same path that led to wealth and jobs and people leaving our state, or the job the people elected me to do, to the big things. there were those who said that -- it could not be done, but the problems were too big, too politically charged, and to broaden to fix. but we were on a path that we could no longer afford to follow. they said this was impossible -- this is what they told me -- to cut taxes in a state where taxes were raised 158 times when i became governor. they said it was impossible to balance the budget. we have done it three years in a row without raising taxes.
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we did it. [cheers and applause) they said it was impossible to catch the third rail of politics, to take on the public sector unions and to reform it published -- public health pension that was bankrupt. but with bipartisan leadership we saved taxpayers $132 billion over 30 years and we saved retirement and health pensions. we did it. [applause] they said it was impossible to speak the truth to the teachers union. they were just too powerful. a real teacher tenure reform that demands accountability and ends a guarantee of a job for life regardless of performance.
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they said it would never happen. but for the first time in 100 years with bipartisan support, you know the answer. we did it. [cheers and applause] the disciples of yesterday's politics, they always underestimate the will of the people. they assumed our people were selfish, that when told of the difficult problems, the tough choices, and a complicated solutions, that they would turn their backs, that they would decide it was every man for himself. they were wrong. the people of new jersey stepped up and shared in the sacrifice. they rewarded politicians who led instead of politicians who pandered. [cheers and applause]
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but you know, we should not be surprised. we have never been a country to shy away from the truth. our history shows that we stand up when it counts. it is this quality that has defined america's character and our significance in the world. i know this simple truth, and i'm not afraid to say it. our ideas are right for america, and there ideas have failed america. [applause] let me be clear with the american people tonight. here is what we believe as republicans and what they believe as democrats. we believe in telling hard-working families the truth about our country's fiscal realities. telling them what they already know, that the math of federal spending does not add up. with $5 trillion in debt added over the last four years, we have no other option but to make
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the hard choices, cut federal spending and fundamentally reduce the size of this government. [applause] do you want to know what they believe? they believe that the american people do not want to hear the truth about the fiscal difficulties. they believe the american people need to be coddled by big government. they believe the american people are content to live a lie with them. they are wrong. we believe in telling our seniors the truth about overburdened entitlements. we know seniors not only want these programs to survive, but they just as badly want them secured for their grandchildren. our seniors are not selfish. [applause]
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here is what they believe. they prey on the vulnerabilities and scare them with misinformation for the cynical purpose of winning the next election. here is their plan. we believe that our system must be reformed. teachers don't teach to become rich or famous. we believe we should honor and support the good ones. demanding accountability.
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teacher ing the best every classroom and in america. [applause] they believe the educational establishment will always put themselves ahead of children. pitting lobbyist against children. they believe in teachers unions and we believe in teachers. [applause] we believe if we tell the people the truth they will act bigger
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than the pettiness we see in washington dc. we believe it is possible to form bipartisan compromise and stand up for our conservative principles. it has always been the power of our ideas and not our rhetoric. we win when it makes about what needs to be done and we please let me play along with their game of scaring and dividing. [applause] make no mistake about it. the problems are too big to let the american people lose. in slowest economic recovery decades and education systems that is failing to compete in the world. it doesn't matter how we got here, there is enough blame to go around. what matters is what we do now.
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i know we can fix our problems and when their people more concerned about winning reelection it is possible to work together and achieve compromise. [applause] the people have no patience for any other way anymore. it is simple. care moreliticians to about doing something and not about being something. if we can do this in a blue state like new jersey without conservative republican governor. washington is out of excuses.
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leadership delivers. leadership counts and leadership matters. here is the great news i've brought you. we have this leader for america. now he has a running mate that will do the same. and paulet romney ryan. [applause] you see, i know mitt romney. i know mitt romney and they will
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tell us the hard truth we need to hear. paying private sector jobs. mitt romney will tell us the hard truth to end the debacle. and putting those bureaucrats between an american citizen and her dock or. -- dr.. we ended an era of absentee leadership without principle or purpose in new jersey. era inime to end this the oval office and send leaders back to the white house. we need mitt romney and paul ryan and we need them right now.
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[applause] we have got to tell each other the truth, right? there is doubt and fear for our future in every corner of our country. i have traveled all over in seen this myself. these feelings are real in this moment is real. wonder.e some skeptics tose that came before us lead and face the challenge. to look around and say yes, me. for the spec -- skeptics and the naysayers, for the dividers. i have faith in us. i know.
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i know we can be the men and women that our country calls on us to be tonight. there is only one thing missing now, leadership. leadership that you do not get from reading uphold. real leaders change polls. [applause] that is what we need. that is what we need to do now. we need to change polls through the power of our principles. tonight our duty is to tell the american people the truth. the solutions will not be painless. and any leader that tells us differently is said -- simply not telling the truth.
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[applause] tonight of the greatest generate -- generation. overcoming the great depression and standing up for freedom around the world. now it is our time for make no mistake every generation will be judged and so will we. grandchildren say of us? will they say we preached our head in the sand and that our problems were too big. we made the tough choices to preserve our way of life but i don't want my children and grandchildren to read the history book and what it was like to live in an american century. a "mustwant there to be
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government that is overtaxed and to create people to second-class citizens. i want to live in a second american century. [applause] the second american century, a strong economic growth for those who are willing to work hard. the second american section. -- century were real and mexican exceptionalism. where americans live their lives , where our military is strong and our values are unmatched. [applause]
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let us choose the path that we will remember for generations. freedom,strong for this is the american way and we have never been victims of destiny. we have always been the masters of our own. [applause] i know you agree with me on this. i will not be part of the generation that has failed that test. it is now time to stand up. everyone. to waste.o time left
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stand are willing to's with me. if you are willing to hear the truth about the hard road ahead and the reward for america, i am here to begin with you. path tonight. so many generations have had the courage. we stand up for mitt romney as the next president of the united states. [applause]
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together we will stand up once again for american greatness for our children. god bless you and god bless america. [applause] >> tomorrow donald trump is in virginia beach to give a speech on veterans issues. on c-span two, the national meeting. begins they begin work on their party platform. live coverage starts on c-span3.
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>> the hard-fought primary season is over. colorado, florida, texas. watch c-span as they consider the delegates. and the first non-politician and several decades. watch live on c-span and listen on the c-span radio app. you have a front row seat to every minute of both conventions. all beginning on monday, july 18. >> the democratic party platform committee has completed their work on their 2016 document. we talked with the political correspondent and the victories of the supporters.
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they are calling it the last debate between sanders and clinton. he is here following the platform which concluded early this morning. he is joining us on the phone. let's begin on one victory. agreementsed with the on the plank. t and hillary clinton have been trying to hammer out some stuff. he got her to agree with the public option. went andrther than she she had a pretty cautious campaign message. sanders was trying to get her to with the more
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knowledge that he is going to be in the senate trying to get them to pass that. one of the most contentious debates focused on trade. the defeat for the sanders on that front. the obama administration which still leaves the democratic party. they did not want the party to go on the record against the dpp. -- tpp. it is something that sanders said to go white house that he would fight. the white house has urged him not to and it came to a head because the sanders campaign went to florida with the goal of putting it on record.
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bernie was against it and out against it. the party should reflect that -- most people in congress are going to oppose it. it did not work he cut his the way this-- because the platform works is the majority , there is aelegates small round of sanders appointees. the hillary people held together against changing the language on tpp. the labor unions hammered out language that said that our democratic party demands this and this on trade deals. deal that does andhit these qualifications it was trying to be clever and saying anyone who read it
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closely. they rejected the specific and both times they said they added specific language wanting to oppose the tpp. it was heated. a large number of that. of also had an observation people in the same room. they were booming and saying shamans that having there some down. there are people that walked out over this but it was predictable and i think the fight is going confrontn democrats the administration in trying to stop this.
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they said look there is not the support therefore this. we oppose it. >> let me ask you about the session itself. it was supposed to be concluded around 6:00 p.m. does the platform matter? typically it does not matter. campaign was to make it matter. if we were in canada or the u.k. but it was contentious because they started to go along with this. determine the goals of governing. in part because clinton people
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were meeting with the sanders campaign and trying to get amendments that both of them wanted before they started debating. they took it seriously. they started to treat this like wasattered and one argument that their positions were more popular than the generic positions. coming out for that was popular as well. he emerged as the most popular person running for president this year. their argument was look platforms are not what people focus on every year.
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the thought that i would add is the firstd trump is republican nominee that is anti-free trade. there are elected republicans on and democrats would be weakened if they didn't have something else either. the platform is seen as being against that. reportingunion leader that secretary clinton will be in portsmouth, new hampshire for an event on tuesday. senator bernie sanders is expected to join clinton. they are not saying so publicly. everyone is reporting this. that happens a lot. there is a desire to have those camps maintain some dignity and
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surprise. there is a little aspect here of remain a lotators it -- reluctant. attempt to add but then mentioning that hillary clinton was the dominy. was a huge up rise from the sanders supporters that this was unfair. is pretty loud among his delegates that he has earned over -- a vote on the convention floor. that but it is almost like trying to stop a freight train when it is going to hundred miles an hour.
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here i being cynical think both campaigns are trying to be a bit ginger and how they approached this endorsement. they know so many democrats are .nvested work is available online on washington thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> could five t-mobile connectivity be right around the corner? monday on the communicators. abouten abernathy talks
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and he discusses why they are needed. for --expansion for virtual reality. >> the goal is to say we have and we are going to push ahead that it maintains its global leadership. i think that will be terrific or essentialy that it is and it has yielded enormous benefits positively. wash the communicators monday night. with former virginia secretary of education gerald british primehen minister david cameron takes
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questions from the house of commons. ♪ >> this week on q&a, former secretary of education for virginia general robinson. he is currently a resident fellow at the american enterprise institute in washington dc and talks about his career and education policy in the united states. drive robinson, when you think back to when you were a fifth-grade teacher, went do you remember? gerald:


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