Washington This Week CSPAN July 16, 2016 11:06am-1:07pm EDT
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>> we are waiting for donald trump and governor mike pence to appear in new york city. live road to the white house coverage coming up on c-span. this is the formal introduction running matemp's mike pence. the associated prints said hillary clinton summoned at contenders to her washington home as she closes in on a vice president. she met with elizabeth warren, john hickenlooper, and julian
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castro, according to a person familiar with the process. that person would only speak on condition of anonymity to discuss the private meeting. after we watch this event with donald trump and governor mike pence in new york city, we will open up our phone lines and get your thoughts on mr. trump's selection of mr. pence as his vice presidential running mate. ♪
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>> donald trump and governor mike pence of indiana to appear here shortly as c-span's road to the white house coverage continues. hisld trump set to announce selection of the vice presidential running mate. the convention begins on monday at 1:00. we will show you some of the preparations going on in cleveland ahead of the gop prevent -- preparation. this is the facility where the 2016 republican national convention is going to take place. we are standing on level four of the quicken loans arena and we are in one of the suites which is being converted for broadcast purposes for c-span. on this level there are some hospitality suites for guests
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but also about 30 broadcast media suites. i was involved in the early infighting, you might say to get these suites for the media which is about normal. number, get the total they are actually assigned individually in a process by the house television and radio gallery, and they did very well by c-span in this location. , allelegate will be seated of them facing the stage which we call the podium. we call it the podium complex. while that seating chart has not been announced, it usually is kind of a fan shaped with people facing an word toward the complex -- inward toward the complex. we have the side aisles so people can move and the media who have floor passes can move and what not.
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we will see that next week when the plan comes out and when the seats go down and when the state ,hows where the seating will be and all the color will come in and take place you will get a view of it. there are a number of stand up broadcasting positions and some of those are at floor level on each end in the end zones, and two huge network anchor bay -- anchor desks for c-span and cnn. cbse others, fox, abc, and are a level up in what were handicapped seating areas where they have built on them, and we have ample handicapped seating elsewhere. have the broadcasters nonnetworkcall them but that means they are not one of those five, affiliates in
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other words. we have those same groupings with standup positions on the floor and up on the level in the handicapped broadcasting area to. down on the floor if you can see them, there are two major side camera stands and those will have television cameras and still photographers. the same way the big center cameras stand, that faces the podium, it will have television cameras in our house production camera on the front here -- front tier in the upper tiers will be still photographers. the upper seats are fixed positions with tables, electrical, cable, and internet ability built in. with the stage, it reflects a
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trend that started in 1996 in san diego with steps in the front. were put in and the podium we call the stage was lowered somewhat to give more feeling of openness, a lot like a 10 foot high battleship approach where you look down on your delegates. that has an toward. red. we -- that has endu have had steps in every subsequent design. fromesigner, joe stewart los angeles and another designer from new york, they have done this for us before and are experts. large lots of's -- screens and lighted steps. what we are seeing today is the tremendous way we can vary the look of this with lights, not just on the steps, but the lights can change many colors throughout the stage.
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people will enter from one side and make their speech, and they will exit from the other side. there is a small bandstand to one side where a house band will keep the flavor and there could be some other entertainment. .e mentioned the lighting grid [applause] mr. trump: thank you, everybody. a great honor. a great honor, thank you. this is a wonderful day. on a saturday morning. isn't that nice? thank you, and we are going to have an incredible convention.
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it is going really well. we are going to get things solved and do lots of wonderful things for our country, most importantly. i am here to introduce the man who will be my partner in this campaign and the white house, to fix our rigged system. , ande in a rigged system to make america safe again and to make america great again. [applause] i want to also address the islamic terror attack in france. we have witnessed horror the on leaf, no matter where you look, and it is happening more and more and it is never going to stop. we need new leadership. we need new thinking. we need strength. we need in our country law and order.
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if i am elected president, that will happen. [applause] i want to express our unyielding support for the people of france, and we mourn their loss as a nation. concerned,urkey is so many friends in turkey, great people, amazing people. we wish them well. it looks like they are resolving the difficulty but we wish them well. a lot of anguish last night but hopefully it will all work out. as the nextully president of the united states, i want to refer back to what has happened over the years. the middle east today is more unstable than ever before. it has never been like this, out of control. after four years of clinton who really like the way and let path, as ia horrible
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do not even think he could have made these decisions so badly, he led him right down a horrible pass. he did not know what he was doing. syria, all into chaos and iran is on a path to nuclear weapons. we gave them back $150 billion and did not get our hostages until the end. now we are seeing unrest in turkey, a further demonstration of the failures of obama-clinton. you just have to look, every single thing they touched has , horrible,orrible death-defying problems. we also need to bring back in this country, as we see what happened, our industry, our manufacturing, our jobs. they have been taken away like we are babies, taken away. we are going to bring them back.
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i have found the leader who will help us deliver a safe society and prosperous, really prosperous society for all of america, indiana governor mike pence was my first choice. i have admired the work he has done, especially in the state of indiana. i am going to go over some of those accomplishments in just a minute. that also admire the fact he fights for the people and he is going to fight for you. he is a solid, solid person. [applause] governor pence served indiana with distinction in congress. he rose to leadership and served as the chairman of the entire house republican conference, number one. ofhas really got the skills a highly talented executive,
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leading the state of indiana to ins, growth, and opportunity spite of the relentless obstacles put in his way at wayy -- and every state's by the obama administration. high taxes and regulations, and it is out of control. man of honor,a character, and honesty. hillary clinton is the embodiment of corruption. she is a corrupt person. what she has done with her e-mails, with so many things, and i see the ads up all of the time. she is totally bought and pay -- paid for by wall street, special interests, and the lobbyists, 100%. she is crooked hillary. [applause] think thatand i ,hile she got away with murder
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in fact i think it might be her greatest accomplishment, escaping the recent scandal and her lies and the loss of 33,000 e-mails. but it was not a loss. that in itself is a major crime. other people have been paying tremendous prices for what they have done, which is peanuts compared to what happened with hillary clinton. 33,000 e-mails are missing and that is ok? did not give them to the fbi. did not give them to the attorney general, and that is ok? wipes her server clean, that is ok? these are crimes. these are crimes. and how she got away with it, i think i understand it but i think a lot of people do not. while i believe she did not pay
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the price she should have paid, she is going to pay that price when november 8 rolls around. she is going to pay it at the polls. i believe it. [applause] mr. trump: on top of everything else, hillary may 21 $.6 million giving speeches to special interests in a short period of time. she is totally owned by wall street. she believes in globalism and it is not that she believes in it. the people that give her all of this money believes in it and she will believe whatever they want her to believe. believe me. that is it. what a difference between crooked hillary clinton and mike pence. [applause] pence will never be afraid to speak the name of
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islam,my, radical radical islamic terrorism. you saw at the other day with the truck, screaming out the window. you heard what he was screaming out the window. you saw it in san bernardino. you saw it at the world trade center. you saw it in orlando, how horrible was that? you saw it in paris. you see it all over. hillary is a weak person. we are the law and order candidates, and with the law and order party, we are going to change things around. there is going to be respect again for law and order. [applause] mr. trump: hillary clinton's foreign policy helped launch isis.
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i see the ads she puts on. -- which one statement is fine -- she will take that statement and put on a totally dishonest -- because she has a lot of money given to her by the .obbyists and the special i see the ads on foreign policy, she is talking about donald trump does not have foreign-policy experience. of course not. i have been a very successful business person, but if you look at my goals, i said do not go into iraq and nobody cared. take the oil, many calls i have made. i said that in scotland and the u.k., that was going to happen. i was the one that predicted it and everybody said, he is wrong. president obama said, if that happens they will get to the back of the line which is probably why they lost.
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themsider it a win for actually because they do not want to be told what to do and be told when people pour into the country to have to take them even if they are not qualified, even if they do not have paperwork, even if they have no idea where they come from. i said that brexit is going to happen, i said they are going to break away and everybody laughed at me. the odds were 20%. then when it happened, she took an ad saying donald trump said this or that, what i am the one who said that was going to happen. some of the more fair reporters, about 30% of them, said, he is right. so mike pence will never be afraid to speak the name of our enemy, so important. onei think if you look at of the big reasons that i chose and one of the reasons as part of unity, have to be honest
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. so many people have said party unity because i am an outsider. i want to be an outsider. i think that is one of the reasons i won in a landslide. this was not close. this was not close. [applause] mr. trump: this was not close. the history of the republican running,th 17 people you have to understand, other people ran against 1, 2, and "wee, we got -- i say me -- " because i am a messenger -- we got almost 14 million votes, almost more than any other person in the republican primary system running for president. think of it. that is more than ronald reagan, more than richard nixon, more
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than dwight d. eisenhower. more than the bushes, but i mean by a lot. that is with 17 people. that means our message is unbelievable. i want to thank all of the loyal people because i have such loyal, unbelievable people and they displayed that just yesterday in cleveland, where what is going to be so amazing. it was on display where we had this group of people, many of whom i have known and i will not say because for party unity, i will say they are wonderful people. never trump. they got crushed and they got crushed immediately because people want what we are saying to happen. they are tired of a country that has horrible trade deals, that has no borders, that has taxes that are through the roof, highest taxed nation just about
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in the world, that has regulations that do not allow you to start a business and destroy your business if you do so. to begin of destroying takeesses, we are going to care of the miners and steelworkers and put them back to work. [applause] mr. trump: they are very tired of it, what i want to thank all of those people, the delegates on the different committees because way, was that something? unfortunately the vote was very 112 but essentially we had -- this was the vote that was going to put it on the floor and we would have a big fight -- people agree. they want the wall, they want the borders, they want these things to happen. and what we are doing that i'm so proud of, and nobody else would even think about doing, i have fought very hard for it.
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we will call the johnson amendment where he took away from the evangelicals -- and i want to thank the evangelicals because without them i could not have won this nomination. the evangelicals have been unbelievable. i dominated with the evangelicals. a lot of people were surprised. they say he is not perfect but they know i'm going to get the job done, and they are really smart. [applause] mr. trump: and i said for the that, we are going to do something that nobody has even tried to do. it was passed by lyndon johnson and his group. he was a powerful president that got bogged down in a war that destroyed him. but he was a powerful president, and we call it the johnson amendment. if you arenned evangelical and you want to talk
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religion, you lose your tax-exempt status. platform, we are going to get rid of that horrible johnson amendment. we are going to let evangelicals , we are going to let christians and jews and people of religion talk without being afraid to talk. i saw this, i had so many great leaders up to my office. the absolute top evangelical leaders, christian leaders, jewish leaders. believe it or not, some muslim leaders. people are going to be surprised to hear that. i had the top leaders up to my office and i said, why is it that you are so powerful as an individual and yet when you get out there you are sort of timid? they did not know how to answer the question. it took two or three meetings before i figured it out. one great gentleman that everybody knows but whose name i will not reveal said, esther
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trump, we live in fear in our churches and synagogues. we live in fear that we are going to lose our tax-exempt status if we say anything that is even slightly political. and i looked out the window in trump tower and pointed to people walking down the street. i said, they have the right to speak and you don't. that means they are more powerful than you are. we need to do something about it. how did it start? they said it started because of lyndon johnson. he had a problem in texas with a certain religious leader and he did this and got it done, and we are going to undo it so that religious leaders in this country and is unbelievable people -- and not because they backed me in such large numbers -- but so religion can again have a voice. voice has been taken
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away and we are going to change that. [applause] mr. trump: back to mike pence. so, one of the primary reasons i chose mike was, i looked at indiana and i won indiana big. indiana was going to be the firewall, that is where trump was going down. indiana was going to be the firewall so i got to study indiana and i got to study new york and a lot of other places, and i saw how nafta, signed by bill clinton has drained our manufacturing jobs. drained us like we have never been drained before. .afta, signed by bill clinton nafta is the worst economic deal in the history of our country. manufacturing down in sums dates -- in some states 65%. i have a friend who is a great
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builder. what he builds his plans. he does not build buildings, he builds plans, the biggest in the world from what i hear. i said, how is business? i was with him the other day. he goes, unbelievable. i am surprised. why is it unbelievable? he said, donald, what we are doing in mexico you will never believe. we are building plants in mexico the likes of which we have never seen. what about this country? not much, that was the expression. he said, not much. but mexico? he said, i have never seen anything like it. . am going to reverse it we are going to bring our jobs back to our country. and he was better than a
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pollster, better than a consultant. i say how are you doing and you get a big report that costs you millions of dollars. .hat does not cost me millions i give them $10,000. it costs other campaigns million. a guy like this is better than anybody you can hire to do a report, and he did not say it from the standpoint of he is upset about it, just fact. how are we doing? unbelievable in mexico. he said, i have never seen anything like it. ford is building massive plants there instead of in michigan. and you know that i know how to do that, so easy. andthey are not going to do they are not going to take advantage of us without retribution. when you consequences
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fire thousands of people and move to another country and think you are going to make your product and sell it here. here ate consequences those consequences are going to keep companies in our country. everybody knows what the consequences are but i will not say that because i am much more interested in mike. rate --s unemployment this was the primary reason i wanted mike other than he looks very good, he has got an incredible family, incredible wife and family, karen is amazing. [applause] respected,highly expected to go for another four years. i think he would have one very easily in indiana. their unemployment rate has fallen when he was there 8.4% when he was governor to less than 5% in may of 2016. 2013, indiana's
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labor force has increased by more than 186,000 jobs. i have gone to all of these things. every time i have statisticians, i say give me the stats, and it is always bad. down, down 40%, 50%, 60% in some cases. here is where it has gone up. upvate-sector job growth is by more than 147,000 jobs since 2013. that is very unusual. governor pence talents the budget. -- balanced the budget. he balanced the budget. they do not know what that means. governor pence balanced the
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budget and maintains a $2 million reserve fund. it is also rated aaa, their bonds. very few states have that, aaa. that is as good as you can get whether you are a company or a state. recognized recently by chief executive magazine as the number one state in the midwest for business, number one. and it is not even close. 34,000re approximately fewer hoosiers on unemployment insurance now than there were when mike pence took office. so you have fewer hoosiers, fewer people from indiana. knight, aat, bobby friend who really did help me. if you want a reference, bobby knight and indiana, we love bobby knight.
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indiana has the second lowest unemployment rate in the nation is veterans, where nobody fighting for the veterans like i am fighting for them. the veterans have been left behind. [applause] mr. trump: if you remember a few months ago hillary clinton said, the v.a. is much better. they are doing a much better job than people give it credit for. line, are dying in waiting five or six days for doctors. it is a scandal. take a look at what is happening with the v.a. in arizona. just the veterans administration, it is a scandal. it is corrupt, it is incompetent, it is a scandal. and hillary clinton thought it was just fine. and boy, am i going to win big with the veterans. we know that for a fact. [applause] mr. trump: so it is now 2.4% for
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veterans in 2013 when mike pence took office -- so it is now 2.4% for veterans. in 2013 when mike pence took .ffice it was one of the worst indianapolis is ranked second in top 10 metro areas for young college graduates. that is a great thing. .nd mike worked hard on that he was telling me that was not easy. under governor pence's leadership indiana and acted the k-12 grant industry. isn't that a great thing? indiana has just about the largest school choice program in america. school choice is where it is at. if you want to get your schools better you have got to get rid
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of common core fast. governor pence and acted the largest income tax cut and the state. cutting taxes and balancing the budget. along with corporate tax reform, just about number one in the country. cnbc ranked indiana first in the nation for its infrastructure. so with all of these cuts and balancing budgets and spending more money on education and infrastructure is kept up. that had so much -- look, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as donald trump. do i know how to build a wall. do i know how to build infrastructure. it is very interesting, we are right to-- i won the
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have the old post office building on pennsylvania avenue right you're the white house. it is amazing, probably the best location, one of the most sought .fter projects by the gsa i like what is going to happen and we are going to have an opening very soon. i thought the other day i was going over the numbers, we are year,budget and about a actually more than a year, we are a year ahead of schedule and under budget substantially, and the quality of the work is even better than we were originally going to do. [applause] explained to a i government representative that we are under budget and ahead of schedule they'll most all off because they have never heard those words before. so when i see what happened to indiana, which was having tremendous problem, when i see what happened to indiana under
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mike's work, and his predecessor did a great job, when i see what happened with respect to the , the state, and everything else, that to me was probably the single most important one. it is something that has not happened, almost has not happened in this whole country. the turnaround and strength of indiana has been incredible, and i learned that when i campaigned and i learned that when i won that state in a landslide, and i learned that when governor pence under tremendous pressure from establishment people, endorsed somebody else but it was more of an endorsement for me, if you remember. he talked about trump and then he talked about ted, who is a
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good guy, by the way, ted cruz, good guy. but he talked about ted and then back to trump. so even though he was under , someone outside of the establishment, it was the single greatest non-endorsement i have ever had. [applause] mr. trump: so with that, i would like to introduce a man who i truly believe will be outstanding in every way and will be the next vice president of the united states. governor mike pence. thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you. [applause] gov. pence: on behalf of my ,amily here and looking on
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would you join me in thanking donald trump, melanie a, and his entire family for the sacrifices they are making to make america great again? [cheers and applause] gov. pence: and i think donald , the confidence you have accept your, and i invitation to run and served as vice president of the united states of america. [applause] i come to this moment deeply humbled over the grateful heart. grateful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my wonderful wife, karen, and our three incredible
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kids, michael, charlotte, and audrey. fighter, is to this patriotic american who has set aside a legendary career in business to build a stronger america. donald j trump. [applause] ,ov. pence: and let me say having had the privilege to spend time with this man and his imily out of the limelight, know what all of america will soon now even better. these are good people. andld trump is a good man he will make a great president of the united states of america. [applause] trumpence: donald understands the frustrations and hopes of the american people like no leader since ronald reagan. the american people are tired.
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we are tired of being told. we are tired of being told that this is as good as it gets. we are tired of having politicians in both parties in washington, d.c. tell us they will get to those problems tomorrow. as ronald reagan said, we are tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us than we can plan them ourselves. donald trump gets it and understand the american people. [applause] i truly am deeply humbled to be at his side today. when i got this call last wednesday i could only think of an ancient question. who am i, the lord? who is my family that you have brought us this far? let me each ride and answer that question for a few minutes.
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the people who know me well know i am a pretty basic guy. i am a christian, conservative, and republican, in that order. [applause] currently: while i am , i currently have the privilege of serving the state that i love i am really just a small town boy who grew up in southern indiana with a big family and a cornfield in the backyard. like donald trump, my grandfather immigrated to this country and in many ways i grew up with a front row seat to the american dream. i watched my mom and dad held everything that matters -- a -- i startedess, in politics in the other party but when i came of age, i was and the by the ideals eloquence of our 40th president,
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and i became a republican. the most important thing in my life is that 31 years ago i married the girl of my dream, who will make a great second lady of the united states of america. [applause] and while this office is an extraordinary office to which to ask -- aspire, the highest role i will ever play is dad. i am a proud father of the college student, a graduate turned writer, and a united states marine. [cheers and applause] know, my career, i ran for congress before the republican revolution led by newt gingrich in 1994. by the time i got elected to
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washington, d.c., sometimes i felt like i was elected after it was over. ir my first day in congress found myself battling the big spenders in both political parties, whether opposing no child left behind, the wall street bailout, i fought every single day for taxpayers and fiscal responsibility when i was a member of the congress of the united states. lost the republicans congress in 2006 i was actually unanimously elected to serve in leadership, and we fought back against the nancy pelosi congress. we opposed obamacare and their ,ax increases and their trade and i was part of the team that won the congress back from democratic control in 2010. [applause] happenede: all that before i went back home again to indiana.
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but i want to say i answered this call for two reasons. first, because i know from first-hand experience that strong republican leadership can bring about real change just like we have seen in the hoosier state. and secondly, because hillary clinton must never become president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] on the firstow, point i know what i'm talking about. in indiana we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on balanced budget, low taxes while making record investments in education, roads, and health care.
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we like to say indiana is a state that works, and it does. because republican principles work every time you put them into practice. we have a $2 billion surplus and the highest credit rating. hoosier businesses have created nearly 150,000 net new jobs, and we have more hoosiers going to 200 than ever before in the year history of the great state of indiana. that is what republican leadership gets you. [applause] gov. pence: and let me say for my heart, that is what the no-nonsense leadership of donald j trump will bring to washington, d.c. [applause] gov. pence: elections are about choices. elections are about choices, and i also joined this ticket because the choice could not be more clear. the stakes could not be higher. americans can choose a leader
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who will fight to make america safe and prosperous again, and cang real change, or we elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in washington, d.c. seven been a half years of barack obama and hillary clinton's policies have weakened america's place in the world and stifled our nation's economy. terrorist attacks at home and abroad, graham and heartbreaking scenes from france just a few short days ago. the attempted coup in turkey, all a test to a world spinning apart. history teaches us that weakness arouses evil. hillary clinton and barack obama's foreign-policy of leading from behind, moving redlines, feigning resets with a
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resurgent russia, and the rise of isis is a testament to this truth of history, and we must wring a change to america's stand in the world. [applause] we cannot have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. america needs to be strong for the world to be safe. on the world stage, donald trump will lead from strength. he will rebuild the arsenal of alliescy, stand with our , and hunt down and destroy the enemies of our freedom. [applause] home, the: and at choice is just as clear. wants to cuttrump taxes, hillary clinton plans to raise taxes on small businesses and family farms. donald trump is committed to
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repeal obama care lock, stock, and barrel, hillary clinton looks at obama care as a good start and wants to take bernie sanders' path to single-payer socialized medicine. donald trump supports and all of the above strategy and will and the war on coal. hillary clinton promised an energy plan that would close on american coal mines and put coal miners out of work. where donald trump wants to build a wall and temporarily suspend immigration from countries compromised by terrorism, hillary clinton plans to ignore the supreme court, reimpose executive amnesty, and would increase our refugee program by more than 500%. and where donald trump will appoint justices like the late antonin scalia who will uphold our constitution, hillary clinton will support supreme
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court justices who will legislate from the bench, and rewrite our second amendment. to every american who shares our convictions, i say to you, join us. for the sake of our security, for the sake of our prosperity, for the sake of a supreme court that will never turn its back on our god-given liberties, let's come together. as a party and a people and a movement to make america great again, and that day begins when donald trump weekends -- becomes the 45th president of the united states of america. thank you for the honor. for your support, and god bless the united states of america. applause]d ♪
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presumptive nominee, donald trump, and his selection to be his vice presidential running mate, indiana governor mike pence. we are going to take your calls and get your thoughts on this selection of governor pence. the numbers on your screen. for those of you listening on c-span radio, as a democrat, it is 202-748-8920. 202-748-8921. 202-748ence and others, -8922. the trump campaign has redesigned a website already. the new trump-pence campaign with a new logo and a new page republicanh the presidential candidate, donald ,rump, and his running mate
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governor mike pence of indiana. let's go to your calls. we start with mark, who joins us from danville, virginia for democrats. caller: good morning. how are you? host: your thoughts about governor pence as donald trump's running mate? caller: i just think, first of indicative,trump is today, of how he would be as president. he is all over the board. -- he had a hard time even introducing mike pence as his running mate, because you are so busy trying to touch on everything going on. he is just very frenetic. and as far as mike pence himself, as an evangelical christian, or any other religious group, i think they to, asng in too much trump referred to, the johnson
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act. to groupso much more not being able to talk about politics within the church or things like that. , you know, we need saying,at what they are how frenetic they are, how all over the board -- they cannot focus on one particular thing as who they would be or what they would stand for as president and vice president of this country. host: we get a republican since -- perspective now from jerry in leesburg, florida. caller: hi. i wanted to say i was very proud of trump and i am very happy he for vice president. i think the two of them will complement each other.
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i hope everyone else feels the same way, that we need a new america, so i am for it. host: thank you for calling. in jefferson city, tennessee, on the line for independents. what do you think? i think it was terrific. i wanted to congratulate mr. trump. he is going to be a fantastic president. i think governor pence is a .onderful person i enjoyed his speech today. he is very eloquent, just like mr. trump. i think the two of them together are going to make america great again. i am looking forward to voting for them in november. for calling. the event today in new york city delayed one day. the initial formal introduction of governor pence had been scheduled for yesterday morning
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in new york. that byrump post on and a day because of the events in france, the attack in nice. governor mike pence of indiana, the selection by donald trump to be his running mate, and the official nomination process coming next week, as our live coverage of the republican national convention in cleveland gets underway at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. back to your calls. kurds in ohio on the democrat line. what do you think of governor -- kurt in ojai on the democrat line. what you think of governor pence -- in ohio, on the democrat line. what do you think of governor pence? caller: every time he went to introduce the governor as his running mate, mr. trump had to have a story about "i" or "me."
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won indiana." started the name-calling. "crooked hillary." i was told when you start name calling, you do not have a leg to stand on. both of these guys are claiming they love america, but to steal "the american president," a great 1975 film, how can anyone. some who says they love america when they clearly cannot stand americans. host: bill on the line for miami, line for independents. caller: it was a great decision by mr. trump. mike pence has a great background in foreign policy and economics, so i reckon it was a great decision. --t: linda, a democratic
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democratic caller. idyllic pence, because he is against abortion. and i have a comment about why trump's wife was not there. is that because she was an immigrant and she is not allowed on the stage? thank you. host: to brooksville florida, republican caller roger. caller: hi. would like to say that i have been behind trump since he started. as an outsider, i think he will do the job of everything he says. everybody keeps complaining that .e does not give specifics once he gets into this convention and he goes and becomes the nominee, then he is going to get put into the fold of all of the documentation that all of these other people that he debated against were in, just
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about. he is going to have a better understanding. by have to tell you, no matter what he says, if he says he is going left, somebody has to say he went right. just like the lady before you. his wife was not on stage. what does that have to do with the rain in spain? my choice was either newt or pence. i think he went well either way. i think we have a good ticket against crooked hillary. and that dataset names do not count? crooked hillary is crooked. she fits the name. have a great day. thanks. host: thanks for calling. the shuffling begins in indiana selected trump has governor pence as his running mate. governor pence then not running for reelection, this from "they help."
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drops electioner bid, will run to replace tens in replace pence in indiana." the story, to house republicans quickly withdrew from their reelection races in order to run for governor after donald trump announced he had selected current governor mike pence as his running mate. indiana representative susan ta formallytodd roki filed paperwork to drop their house candidacies friday morning. back to your calls. frank on the independent line from oklahoma. what do you think? caller: i could not stand the idea of trump until the whole lineup was winnowed down to
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trump and hillary. as far as hillary goes, she will marxist pattern obama has set up. they are destroying our constitution. they are destroying the therpinnings of morality in united states. this nation is going down, either under our own hand or the judgment from god -- host: houthis governor pence help donald trump win -- how does governor pence help donald trump win? a sincere god equation to the trump campaign. america needs to hear from god and repent. thanks for calling. we go to kansas on the democrat line. bill joining us. caller: good morning. i do not think this man would
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have been as good a choice as chris christie. i think chris christie probably would have full in a lot of votes, but i do not think it makes much difference anyway, because i am a democrat and think democrats will win. we touched a little about bill clinton's involvement, which is touching the republican party and what it did in that situation. that situation was pushed by greed and big banks. greed andissue of true democracy is really focused on by the republican party, the problem will still exist. thread runningty through the republican party. the top 1% and greed.
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and people not having hope. then they ship off working jobs. what the heck? they may as what's as want to skip this thing to the democrats. host: thanks for calling day we indiana.bie from republican caller. your governor will be the vice presidential running mate for donald trump. what do you think? caller: yes, sir. today, i am proud to be an american and from the state of indiana. the only sad thing about him running as vice president is now indiana will not have him as our governor. anyone that wants to argue that he is not a good choice for vice president needs to look at indiana's balanced budget. our education system. our unemployment rate. he has done an awesome job for us. not only that, but he does bring god back into the equation, and america needs this, in my
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opinion. we need to look at what our country is today. these men, together, will be a strong force and ring as fact, and we will be great -- and bring us back, and we will be a great country again. host: mike pence was in the house of representatives for 12 years. he has been married 31 years of three children and was born and , indiana.columbus he is a choice of donald trump to be the running mate on the republican ticket. republican convention gets underway this coming monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. every minute of that convention right here on c-span. you can also listen on the c-span radio app and get video on demand at cleveland, starting this monday, july 18 at 1:00 p.m. eastern.
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and then later, live from philadelphia, the democratic national convention. same goes there. we will be live from gavel to gavel here on \. --c-span. back to the calls. allie is with us. what are your thoughts on governor pence as donald trump's running mate? caller: i think he is a great choice. i leaned towards gingrich because of its georgia -- his georgia connection. is a great pence choice because of his christian beliefs. i think god needs to get back into america. i think trump will utterly try to make things better for america. college indemocratic florida now. franklin. caller: how are you?
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host: good. caller: i think it was an excellent choice. i am a democrat, but i am not for what i have seen from hillary. i think this choice has made me rethink. i am starting to look at trump as a person who can bring america great again and bring us back to our god-given values. i think he has turned me around. another florida,, republican, randa -- brenda. cruz in theted for primary, but as soon as he dropped out, i was ready to vote for trump. is an excellent choice. i agree with everyone who says we need to bring god back to america. i think you'll be great for the country and this is exactly what we need -- he will be great for the country, and this is exactly
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what we need. host: another indiana caller, mike on the independent line. what do you think? a good comment about that. he is following in the footsteps of governor daniels. welfaremantled the department here, and food stamps. changed everything to ibm and all kinds of stuff. mail -- i get mail all the , thisrom this new system new medicaid and medicare system that governor pence did. they ask all of the time "do i need these medications?" medicationsut me on . i got cancer, aneurysm, and diabetes. and if i did not need the
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medications, i sure would not be on it. medicaid,ntled medicare, food stamps, and the welfare department to put money on roads and bridges and fund his campaign. ad as i speak, from middle-class person now going to an elderly person, a lot of people need to really stop and think about the choices. thank you. stella ins go to nebraska on a democrat line. caller: good morning. it is still morning here. what is donald trump asked of her pence to release his tax returns? donald trump will not let us know if he paid any income taxes. but he is going to have a big military. he supports all of the veterans. how does he think they get paid?
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our tax my support our military. so he is so great on making america great again, so why does he not reveal his income tax so we can see he probably did not pay any. thank you. host: thank you for calling. governor chris christie of new jersey was one of the apparent finalist for donald trump's running mate, among others, including mike pence, who was eventually chosen. let's get to a call from new jersey. george joins us on the independent line. would you have rather seen chris christie and what you think of pence? caller: chris christie would -- chris better christie would not have been better, because he did nothing for new jersey. talked before and hit it on the head.
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republicans, especially evangelicals -- if this is what christ meant, what we are doing, trading our lives and allowing it to go across the world in our name, if god comes back, he will not be happy with what we have done and what we are doing to the environment, giving people power to destroy the world, just the greed and selfishness and ignorance. people are waking up to it. they are calling god common sense. you cannot let people take the money and then fight over who will be the biggest idiot. if our laws allow this bankrupt guide to make billions off of companies,upting his what will he do to our country when he gets hold of it? for calling.ou chris christie will be among the speakers at this week's gop convention in cleveland. some of their featured speakers
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on your screen. ben carson, former candidate, as well as senator cruz. --ther former republican set presidential candidate. newt gingrich, who was apparently one of the finalists that donald trump was considering for running mate. we will hear from senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, house speaker paul ryan, and another former republican candidate, governor stock walker. our coverage -- governor scott walker. our coverage of the republican convention starting monday. back to the calls. barbara is with us from arkansas. caller: hello. what i would like to say is " here we go again" with the same thing, this tax cut fro the rich. thing where he
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said tax cuts for the rich again. they do not do anything for the poor people. but it is still the same. you would not believe that cuts .hey have made for the poor every time they make cuts like this, to give more to the rich and businesses, it hurts the people at the bottom. these programs that they talk about that they cut out, that is all poor people have to depend on. the disabled, the senior citizens. i know they sound good, but they do not benefit the people at the bottom. that is all i have to say. host: thanks for calling. in montgomery, alabama, republican caller. caller: yes, sir. i would like to comment on some of the things they have accused
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trump of, like atlantic city. he is a businessman. businessmen may thousands of decisions on what is good for them. they trade businesses, stocks. trump forcannot blame what happened to atlantic city. he was smart enough as a businessman to get out. as far as vice president, i think he is building them up as party that is going to work under him in the united states' office. i think he will be one of our better presidents. and they say he is not educated enough. the only thing trump is that we do not have in congress and the senate -- he is not an attorney.
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well, our best president was abraham lincoln, and he wasn't an attorney either. host: thanks for calling. robert in greenville, texas. hello. i would like to make a comment. my feeling about this presidential election with hillary and donald is we really are beginning -- basically the choice between two evils. --ill say about trump, it is to me, it is an example of the , in of nazi europe, germany the early 20th century. hillary, i believe she is a lesser of two evils. that. leave it at american people should be given,
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on a ballot, the choice of none of the above. you talk about campaign reform and financial reform, as far as campaigns -- it is the people that back these candidates, it if they were -- if they were willing to put out millions of dollars to support these candidates, and americans were liking any of the choices, we should be given the choice of none of the above, put it back on the ballot, and give us people worthy of being elected. host: thanks for calling. californiargie from on the line for democrats. donald trump selected governor mike pence of indiana. what do you think? caller: i am sure that michael pence is a good person. nothing is black or white. i happen to be democrat -- a d emocrat. but if you listen to those
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people that are calling in in support of mike pence is that they are overwhelmingly talking about his religious leanings. and i am concerned about the separation of church and state, particularly because of the opportunity we have in this newtion to have a couple of people put on the supreme court. i was dismayed with the hobby lobby stance. fromg to keep people getting birth control, yet they are going to be unhappy with people having children they cannot afford. also, donald trump is, quite frankly, as much a liar as hillary clinton is. and it is all about him.
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thanks for calling. you will have the last word this go around. a couple of programming notes to the live national governors association coverage continues. we have been covering their summer meeting in des moines, iowa. leader nancy pelosi and the house, and former house speaker, will address the governors today at 2:00 p.m. eastern. we will have that live here on c-span. our guest this week and on "newsmakers" is kelly ward, for the democratic congressional campaign committee. she will talk about the potential impact of donald trump and hillary clinton on races. "newsmakers" at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern. and of course, the republican , starting this week
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monday. our coverage at 1:00 p.m. eastern on monday and through the week july 18 through 21st. gavel, every minute of the convention live on c-span. you can listen in on the radio out or get video on demand at if you do not get a chance to see the entire about with donald trump and indiana governor mike times, we will in a that again as donald trump holds official unveiling of his election. the formal announcement of his running mate, indiana governor mike pence. our road to the white house coverage continues on c-span. [applause] mr. trump: thank you, everybody. great honor.
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great honor. thank you. this is a wonderful day. trump, trump -- mr. trump: on a saturday morning. is that not nice? thank you. we are going to have an incredible convention. we will get things solved and do lots of wonderful things for our country, most importantly. i am here today to introduce the man who will be my partner in this campaign, and the white house, to fix our rigged system. we are in a rigged, rigged system, and to make america safe again, and to make america great again. [applause] mr. trump: i want to also address the islamic terror attack in france.
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we have witnessed horror beyond the leaf. , andtter where you look now it is happening more and more. and it is never going to stop. we need new leadership. we need new thinking. we need strength. we need, in our country, law and order. and if i am elected president, that will happen. [applause] i want to express our unyielding support for the people of france. mourn their loss as a nation. as far as turkey is concerned, so many friends in turkey, great people, amazing people. we wish them well. it looks like they are resolving the difficulty, but we wish them well. a lot of anguish last night, but hopefully, it will all work out.
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now as, hopefully, as the next president of the united states, i want to refer back to what has happened over the years. the middle east today is more unstable than ever before. it has never been like this -- out of control. after four years of clinton, who really led the way and led obama down a horrible path, as i do not even think he could have made these decisions so badly, she led him right down a horrible pass. he did not know what he was doing. iraq, syria, all into chaos. and iran is on a path to nuclear weapons. and on top of that, we gave them back $150 billion and we did not get our hostages until the end. now we are seeing unrest in turkey, a further demonstration of the failures of obama-clinton. you just have to look. every single thing they touched has turned to horrible,
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horrible, death-defying problems. we also need to bring back, in this country, as we see what happened, our industry, our manufacturing, our jobs. they have been taken away like we are babies, taken away. we are going to bring them back. i have found the leader who will help us deliver a safe society and a prosperous, really prosperous society for all of america. indiana governor mike pence was my first choice. i have admired the work he has done, especially in the state of indiana. and i am going to go over some of those accomplishments in just a minute. but i also admire the fact that he fights for the people, and he is going to fight for you. he is a solid, solid person. [applause]
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mr. trump: governor pence served indiana with distinction in congress. he rose to leadership and served as the chairman of the entire house republican conference, number one. he has really got the skills of a highly talented executive, leading the state of indiana to jobs, growth, and opportunity in spite of the relentless obstacles put in his way and every state's way by the obama administration. it is horrible out there. high taxes and regulations. it is out of control. mike pence is a man of honor, character, and honesty. we know that. hillary clinton is the embodiment of corruption. she is a corrupt person. what she has done with her e-mails, what she has done with so many things, and i see the ads up all of the time.
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she is totally bought and paid for by wall street, the special interests, and the lobbyists, 100%. she is crooked hillary. [applause] mr. trump: and i think, that while she got away with murder, in fact i think it might be her greatest accomplishment, escaping the recent scandal and her lies and the loss of 33,000 e-mails. but it wasn't a loss. that in itself is a major crime. other people have been paying tremendous prices for what they have done, which is peanuts compared to what happened with hillary clinton. 33,000 e-mails are missing, and that is ok?
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didn't give them to the fbi? didn't give them to the attorney general, and that is ok? wipes her server clean, that's ok? these are crimes. these are crimes. and how she got away with it, i think i understand it, but i think a lot of people don't. but i do believe, she did not pay the price she should have paid, she is going to pay that price when november 8 rolls around. she is going to pay it at the polls. i believe it. [applause] mr. trump: on top of everything else, hillary made $21.6 million giving speeches to special interests in a short period of time. she is totally owned by wall street. we believe in americanism. she believes in globalism, and it's not that she believes in it. the people that give her all of
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this money believes in it, and she will believe whatever they want her to believe. believe me. that is it. [applause] mr. trump: what a difference between crooked hillary clinton and mike pence. [applause] mr. trump: mike pence will never be afraid to speak the name of our enemy, radical islam, radical islamic terrorism. you saw it the other day with the truck, screaming out the window. you heard what he was screaming out the window. you saw it in san bernardino. you saw it at the world trade center. you saw it in orlando -- how horrible was that? you saw it in paris. you see it all over. and hillary is a weak person. we are the law and order candidates, and with the law and
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order party, we are going to change things around. there is going to be respect again for law and order. [applause] mr. trump: hillary clinton's foreign policy helped launch isis. i see the ads she puts on. if i make one statement -- which is fine -- she will take that statement and put on a totally dishonest -- because she has a lot of money, because it is given to her by the lobbyists and the special interest. but i see the ads on foreign policy, she is talking about donald trump does not have foreign-policy experience. of course not. i have been a very, very successful business person, but if you look at my calls, i said do not go into iraq.
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nobody cared because i was a business person, a civilian. take the oil -- many calls i have made. i said that in scotland and in the u.k., that was going to happen. i was the one that predicted it. and everybody said, he is wrong. he is wrong. president obama said, if that happens, they will get to the back of the line, which is probably why they lost. of course, i consider it a win. i consider it a win for them, actually, because they do not want to be told what to do. and they do not want to be told, when people pour into the country, to have to take them even if they are not qualified, even if they do not have paperwork, even if they have no idea where they come from. i said that brexit is going to happen, i said they are going to break away, and everybody laughed at me. the odds were 20%. then when it happened, she took an ad, saying, oh, donald trump said this or that, but i am the one who said that was going to happen. some of the more fair reporters,
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about 30% of them, said he was right. i appreciate that. 70% did not, but i will be ok. so mike pence will never be afraid to speak the name of our enemy -- so important. now i think, if you look at one of the big reasons that i chose mike, and one of the reasons is part of unity, i have to be honest. so many people have said "party unity," because i am an outsider. i want to be an outsider. i think that is one of the reasons i won in a landslide. i won in a landslide. this was not close. this was not close. [applause] mr. trump: mr. trump: this was not close. the history of the republican party, with 17 people running, you have to understand, other people ran against 1, 2, and 17, we got -- i say "we"
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because i am a messenger -- we got almost 14 million votes, more than any other person in the history of the republican party and the primary system running for president. think of it. that is more than ronald reagan, who we love. that is more than more than richard nixon, more than dwight d. eisenhower. you know, he won the second world war, in all fairness. more than the bushes, but i mean by a lot. but that is with 17 people. that means our message is unbelievable. i want to thank all of the loyal people, because i have such loyal, unbelievable people, and they displayed that just yesterday in cleveland, where what is going to be so amazing. but they displayed it. it was on display, where we had this group of people, many of whom i have known, and i will not say because for party unity, i will say they are wonderful people.
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"never trump." they said. "never trump." "never trump." they got crushed, and they got crushed immediately, because people want what we are saying to happen. they are tired of a country that has horrible trade deals, that has no borders, that has taxes that are through the roof -- highest taxed nation, just about, in the world -- that has regulations that do not allow you to start a business and destroy your business if you do start. by the way, speaking of destroying businesses, we are going to take care of the miners and the steelworkers. we are going to put them back to work. [applause] mr. trump: so they are tired of it. but i want to thank all of those people, the delegates on the different committees because boy, was that something? unfortunately, the vote was very late, but essentially we had 112 -- this was the vote that was
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going to put it on the floor and we would have a big fight -- we are not going to have a fight. people agree. they want the wall, they want the borders, they want these things to happen. [applause] mr. trump: and what we are doing that i'm so proud of, and nobody else would even think about doing, i have fought very hard for it. we will call it the "johnson amendment," where he took away from the evangelicals -- and i want to thank the evangelicals, because without the evangelicals i could not have won this , nomination. the evangelicals have been unbelievable. i dominated with the evangelicals. a lot of people were surprised. they say he is not perfect, but you know what? they know i'm going to get the job done, and they are really smart. [applause] mr. trump: and i said, for the evangelicals, that we are going to do something that nobody has even tried to do.
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you have the johnson amendment passed by lyndon johnson and his group. he was a powerful president who knew how to get things done. he got bogged down in a war that destroyed him. but he was a powerful president, and we call it the johnson amendment. where you are absolutely shunned if you are evangelical, if you want to talk religion you lose , your tax-exempt status. we put, into the platform, we are going to get rid of that horrible johnson amendment. [applause] we are going to let evangelicals, we are going to let christians and jews and people of religion talk without being afraid to talk. i saw this -- i had so many great leaders, so many times, up to my office. the absolute top evangelical leaders, christian leaders, jewish leaders. believe it or not, some muslim leaders. people are going to be surprised to hear that. i had the top leaders up to my
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office and i said, why is it that you are so powerful as an individual, and yet, when you get out there, you are sort of timid? they did not know how to answer the question. it took two or three meetings before i figured it out. one great, great gentleman that everybody knows, but whose name i will not reveal, said, mr. trump, we live in fear in our churches and synagogues. we live in fear that we are going to lose our tax-exempt status if we say anything that is even slightly political. and i looked out the window, i was in trump tower, and pointed to people walking down the street. i said, they have the right to speak, and you don't. that means they are more powerful than you are. we need to do something about it. how did it start? how did it start? and they said it started because of lyndon johnson. and he actually had a problem in
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texas with a certain religious leader and he did this and got it done, and we are going to undo it, so that religious leaders in this country, and those unbelievable people -- and not because they backed me in such large numbers -- but so that religion can again have a voice. because religion's voice has been taken away, and we are going to change that. [applause] mr. trump: all right. back to mike pence. so, one of the primary reasons i chose mike was, i looked at indiana -- and i won indiana big. remember, indiana was going to be the firewall -- that is where trump was going down. winagreed i would pennsylvania and new york and all these places. but indiana was going to be the firewall, so i got to study indiana and i got to study new york and a lot of other places, and i saw how nafta, signed by bill clinton, has drained our manufacturing jobs. drained us like we have never
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been drained before. nafta, again, signed by bill clinton. nafta is the worst economic deal in the history of our country. manufacturing down in some states 65%. it is a horror show. moving to mexico, moving to other places. i have a friend who is a great builder. what he builds his plans. he does not build buildings, he builds plans, the biggest in the world from what i hear. i said, how is business? i was with him the other day. how is business? he goes, unbelievable. i said really, wow, i am surprised. why is it unbelievable? because i think of him as building in this country. he said, donald, what we are doing in mexico, you will never believe. he said we are building plants in mexico the likes of which we have never seen. i said what about this country? "not much," that was the expression.
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he said exactly that. "not much." i said but mexico? he said, you have never seen anything like it. it is incredible. folks, that is going to stop. we are going to reverse it. we are going to bring our jobs back to our country. we cannot be with stupid people anymore. and he was better than a pollster, better than a consultant to i would say how are we doing, and you get a report that costs you millions of dollars. that does not cost me millions. me, i give them $10,000. [laughter] mr. trump: four other people, millions. -- for other people, millions. it costs other campaigns million. a guy like this is better than anybody you can hire to do a report, and he did not say it from the standpoint of he is upset about it, just fact. "how are we doing?" "unbelievable in mexico." in fact, he actually said "i
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have never seen anything like it." and if you look, ford is building massive plants there instead of in michigan. and we want them to build in michigan. and you know that i know how to do that, so easy. so easy. but they are not going to do and they are not going to take advantage of us without retribution. there are consequences when you fire thousands of people and move to another country and think you are going to make your product and sell in here. there are consequences. and those consequences are going to keep companies in our country. everybody knows what the consequences are, but i will not say that because i am much more interested right now in mike. indiana's unemployment rate -- and this was the primary reason i wanted mike, other than he looks very good, other than he has an incredible family, incredible wife and family -- karen is amazing. [applause] mr. trump: incredible family. highly respected.
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expected to go for another four years. thinkld have a won, i very easily in indiana. indiana, their unemployment rate has fallen, when he was there, when he started 8.4% when , he was governor to less than 5% in may of 2016. since january 2013, indiana's labor force has increased by more than 186,000 jobs. you have to understand. i have gone around to all of these things. to all of them. every time i have statisticians, i say give me the stats on this state, and it is always bad. down, down, down. down 40%, 50%, 60% in some cases. here's somebody where it has gone up. private-sector job growth is up by more than 147,000 jobs since 2013.
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that is, like very unusual. , governor pence balanced the budget. can you imagine a balanced budget? whack.get is so out of he balanced the budget. they do not know what that means. governor pence balanced the budget, produced a surplus, and maintains a $2 billion reserve fund. it is also rated aaa, their bonds. aaa. very few states have that, aaa. the best. that is as good as you can get, whether you are a company or a state. aaa. indiana was recently recognized by "chief executive" magazine as the number one state in the midwest for business, number one. and it is not even close. there are approximately 34,000 fewer hoosiers on unemployment insurance now than there were when mike pence took office.
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so you have fewer hoosiers, fewer people from indiana. besides that, bobby knight, my friend, who really did help me. if you want a reference, bobby knight in indiana, we love bobby knight. he agrees with everything i am saying. he loves the governor. indiana has the second lowest unemployment rate in the nation for veterans, where nobody is fighting for the veterans like i am fighting for the veterans. the veterans have been left behind. [applause] mr. trump: if you remember a few months ago, hillary clinton said really, they are doing much better, the v.a. is doing much better. they are doing a much better job than people give it credit for. people are dying in line, waiting five or six days for doctors. they cannot even see a doctor. it is a scandal. take a look at what is happening with the v.a. in arizona. just the veterans
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administration, it is a scandal. it is corrupt, it is incompetent, it is a scandal. and hillary clinton thought it was just fine. and, boy, am i going to win big with the veterans. we know that for a fact. [applause] mr. trump: so it is now 2.4% for veterans, in 2013 when mike pence took office, the rate for veterans was 6.7%. it was first in the nation, one of the bad ones. now it is the best. got them jobs. indianapolis is ranked second in top 10 metro areas for young college graduates. that is a great thing. they will stay there. that is a great thing. and mike worked hard on that. he was telling me that was not easy. under governor pence's leadership, indiana enacted the
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biggest k-12 funding increase in history. so you are balancing the budget and giving more money to education. isn't that a great thing? [applause] mr. trump: indiana has just about the largest school choice program in america. school choice is where it is at. if you want to get your schools better, you have got to get rid of common core, fast. governor pence enacted the largest income tax cut in the state's history. think about that. cutting taxes and balancing the budget. and along with corporate tax reform, just about number one in the country. cnbc ranked indiana first in the nation for its infrastructure. so with all of these cuts and all of these balancing budgets, we are spending more money on education and infrastructure is kept up. that had so much -- look, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as
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donald trump. i build infrastructure. do i know how to build a wall? do i know how to build infrastructure. it is very interesting. we are building -- i won -- what is amazing in the obama administration -- i won the right to have the old post office building on pennsylvania avenue, right by the white house. it is amazing, probably the best location, one of the most sought after projects by the gsa general service. i like what is going to happen . ivanka and eric and don did a great job on it. and we are going to have an opening very soon. i thought the other day i was going over the numbers, we are under budget and about a year, actually more than a year, we are a year ahead of schedule and under budget substantially, and the quality of the work is even better than we were originally going to do. [applause]
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mr. trump: when i explained to a government representative that we are under budget and ahead of schedule, they almost fell off, because they have never heard those words before. so when i see what happened to indiana, which was having tremendous problems, when i see what happened to indiana under mike's work, and his predecessor did a great job, by the way, who is now at purdue, who is now purdue, when i see what happened with respect to the numbers, the state, and everything else, that, to me, was probably the single most important one. because it is something that has not happened, almost has not happened, in this whole country. the turnaround and strength of indiana has been incredible, and i learned that when i campaigned
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there, and i learned that when i won that state in a landslide, and i learned that when governor pence, under tremendous pressure from establishment people, endorsed somebody else -- but it was more of an endorsement for me, if you remember. he talked about trump, and then he talked about ted -- who is a good guy, by the way, who is going to be speaking at the convention -- ted cruz, good guy. but he talked about ted and then drop, and then back to ted. he endorse? so even though he was under pressure, someone outside of the establishment, it was the single greatest non-endorsement i have ever had. [applause] mr. trump: so with that, i would like to introduce a man who i truly believe will be outstanding in every way and will be the next vice president of the united states. governor mike pence. thank you. thank you, everybody.
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thank you. [applause] gov. pence: on behalf of my family, here and looking on, would you join me in thanking donald trump, melania, and his entire family for the sacrifices that they are making to make america great again? [applause] [cheers] gov. pence: and i thank donald trump, for the confidence you have placed in us, and i accept your invitation to run and serve as vice president of the
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united states of america. [applause] gov. pence: i come to this moment deeply humbled but with a grateful heart. grateful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my wonderful wife, karen, and our three incredible kids, michael, charlotte, and audrey. and grateful to those builder this fighter, this patriotic , american who has set aside a legendary career in business to build a stronger america. donald j. trump. [applause] gov. pence: and let me say, having had the privilege to spend time with this man and his family out of the limelight, i know what all of america will soon know even better. these are good people.
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donald trump is a good man, and he will make a great president of the united states of america. [applause] gov. pence: donald trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the american people like no leader since ronald reagan. the american people are tired. we are tired of being told. we are tired of being told that this is as good as it gets. we are tired of having politicians, in both parties in washington, d.c., tell us "we will get to those problems tomorrow." as ronald reagan said, we are tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us than we can plan them ourselves. donald trump gets it, and he understands the american people. [applause]
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gov. pence: i truly am deeply humbled to be at his side today. when i got this call last wednesday, i could only think of that ancient question. "who am i, the lord?" and who is my family, that you have brought us this far? let me try and answer that question for a few minutes. the people who know me well know i am a pretty basic guy. i am a christian, a conservative, and a republican, in that order. [applause] gov. pence: while i am currently -- i currently have the privilege of serving the state that i love, i am really just a small town boy who grew up in southern indiana with a big family and a cornfield in the backyard. like donald trump, my grandfather immigrated to this country, and in many ways, i grew up with a front row seat to the american dream.
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i watched my mom and dad build everything that matters -- a family, business, and a good name. the heroes of my youth word john f. kennedy and the reverend dr. martin luther king jr.. i actually started in politics in the other party. but when i came of age, i was inspired by the ideals and the eloquence of our 40th president, and i became a republican. the most important thing in my life is that, 31 years ago, i married the girl of my dream, karen pence, who will make a great second lady of the united states of america. [applause] gov. pence: and while this office is an extraordinary office to which to aspire, the highest role i will ever play is - a- d."
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i am a proud father of the college student, a graduate turned writer, and a united states marine. [cheers] [applause] gov. pence: you know, my career, i ran for congress before the republican revolution led by newt gingrich in 1994. by the time i got elected to washington, d c, i felt like i was elected after it was over. in my first day in congress, i found myself battling the big spenders in both political por parties. research entitlement, well street bailout that wall street after the republicans lost the congress in 2006, i was unanimously elected to serve in backrship and we fought
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against the nancy pelosi congress, we opposed obamacare, we opposed their tax increases, we opposed their cap and trade and i was part of the team that won the congress back from control in [applause] pence: all that happen before i went back home again to indiana. i answer this call for two reasons. first, because i know from firsthand experience that strong republican leadership can bring about real change. , because hillary clinton must never become president of the united states of america. [applause]
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indiana cannot we prove every day that you can build a growing economy on while makingets, record investments in education, roads and health care. indiana is a state that works, and it does. pence: republican principles work every time you put them into practice. today, we have the highest credit rating in the nation and since i became governor, hoosier businesses have created 150,000 moreew jobs and we have hoosiers going to work than ever before in the 200 year history of the great state of indiana. that is what republican leadership gets you. [applause] pence: let me say from my heart, that's what the
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no-nonsense leadership of donald j trump will bring to washington, d.c. [applause] pence: elections are about choices. this ticketd because the choice could not be more clear, the stakes could not be higher. americans can choose a leader who will fight to make america safe and prosperous again and bring real change, war, we can elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in washington, d.c. 7.5 years of barack obama and hillary clinton's policies have weakened america's place in the world and stifled our nation's economy. home and attacks at abroad come a grim and heartbreaking scenes from france just a few short days ago, the
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attempted coup in turkey, all a test to a world spinning apart. history teaches us that weakness arouses evil. hillary clinton and barack obama's foreign policy of leading from behind, moving hitting reset with a resurgent russia and the rise of isis is a testament to this truth of history and we must 'sing a change to america stand in the world. [applause] we cannot have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. america needs to be strong for the world to be safe. on the world stage, donald trump will lead from strength, he will rebuild the arsenal of democracy, stand with our allies and hunt down and destroy the
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enemies of our freedom. [applause] home, the choice is just as clear. taxes,trump wants to cut hillary clinton plans to raise taxes on working families, small businesses and family farms. committed tois repeal obamacare lock, stock and barrel. hillary clinton looks at obamacare as a good start and wants to take bernie sanders' path down to single payer socialized medicine peered the war onp will end coal. hillary clinton promised an energy and that would close american coal mines and put coal miners out of work. donald trump wants to build a wall and temporarily suspend immigration from countries cover -- compromisedm
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by terrorism, hillary clinton plans to ignore the supreme court, reimpose executive inesty and would increase refugee program by more than 500% -- our refugee program. donald trump would appoint justices like the late antonin scalia . hillary clinton will appoint supreme court justices who will abandon the sanctity of life and rewrite our second amendment. to every american that shares our convictions, i say to you, join us for the sake of our security, for the sake of our prosperity, or the sake of a supreme court that will never back on our god-given liberties, let's come together. as a party and a people and a movement to make america great again.
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