tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 22, 2016 10:49am-4:31pm EDT
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cleveland. [applause] donald trump: the cleveland police department. the mayor, i want to thank. i want to thank your police chief. he is amazing. i don't know if he's here, but boy, he has done some job working with all of the folks from law enforcement. and you heard last night, we're going to be protecting law enforcement. they are doing some job. so we're going to be protecting them. i want to thank eddie dick. where is eddie? is eddie here? i want to thank kevin schroder, keith schiller. he's becoming more famous than me. i have to thank -- and again, your police chief has done a fantastic job in cleveland. you've done a fantastic job. [applause] donald trump: in terms of some of the folks, david gilbert -- where's david? is david around someplace? e roman, chris conner, chris
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kelley. these people are all here. you don't have to come up and speak. beth mooney. where's brian jack? boy, brian. brian. what a job you did, brian. ok. that's all. now you can leave. go to the next location, brian. go to the next location. and hillary is trying to pick her vice president as fast as possible because she wants to take away a little of the success that we had at this convention. this convention has been a tremendous success. you know people -- if you turn on the television, you turn on some of the dishonest media, you'll see that oh, wow, now this happened and that happened. what happened? you know, somebody got booed the hell out of a place by thousands and thousands of people. there wasn't one person in the room. [applause] not one. and then they said there may not be unity.
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unity. there wasn't one person in the room including the texas delegation. right? honestly, he may have ruined his political career. i feel so badly. i feel so badly. and you know, he'll come and endorse over the next little while just because he has no choice. but i don't want to endorse. what difference does it make? i don't want his endorsement. just, ted, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself. just a couple of things. i knew his speech. they gave me his speech. i saw exactly what his speech was because when you go up to speak, you have to give your speak. we don't want surprises, right? so they gave it. they came to me. they said it's a boring speech, mr. trump. he's congratulates you on the victory. and here's the speech. when he got up, the first two sentences he added a sentence. in other words, he got up, and he added a sentence, which could have been viewed as a nasty thing in terms of what he said.
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because he was implying something which is wrong but that's ok. so he took his speech and you're bound by that speech just like you're bound by the pledge. right? you're bound by the pledge. so ted cruz toque his speech that was done, was on the teleprompter, said hello and then made a statement that wasn't on the each and then went back to his speech. see to me, that's dishonorable. to me, not signing a pledge is dishonorable. ok? it's dishonorable. not a nice thing to do. i talk this way because we're all together. we created one of the most successful conventions in the history of conventions. [applause] donald trump: and the television ratings for this convention were through the roof. i get a kick out of cnn. i don't know if this is a successful convention. i don't know. in the meantime, all they talk about is trump and the
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convention, right? and i have to tell you, melania did a great job. what a great speech. what a great speech. [applause] donald trump: what a great speech. and the presentation is still being talked about. what a beautiful speech. ivanka last night, unbelievable. unbelievable. unbelievable. to have that kind of an introduction. and tiffany, who's never done it, the biggest group she's ever been in front of is probably 22 people in the classroom. tiff thy was amazing and eric and don. [applause] i just don't want them running for political office because somebody's got to stay bin and run the business. we can't go crazy. but i get a kick because the ratings on television are through the roof. and nobody's going to want -- look, this has nothing to do with politics but maybe it has a little to do -- nobody's going to watch this next convention
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coming. who's going to -- i'm going to have a hard time watching her final speech. number one, i know her too well. number two, boring. boring. very boring. how about that final speech? and our final speech, our final speech -- [cheers and applause] donald trump: now it wasn't my fault, but i think it went like an hour and 25 minutes. and the networks didn't know what to do because they had all of their programming, big programs, the local news is a very big factor on television. you never ever move your local news. they all moved it. they said to heck with the local news, mike. they said we're moving it. and kimmel and fallon and the show, they all went back a long way because they aren't going to miss this convention. i love that, you know. i love it. i knew. i said i'm supposed to be up but it wasn't my fault.
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what happened is the applause were so long and so crazy -- [cheers and applause] donald trump: it really was. if you look, the speech was fine but the applause were longer than the speech. so it was amazing. there was great love in that room. honestly, that was all about unity. and we may be missing a couple of people. we may be missing just a couple of people. two other things. two other things. just to finish with ted because i like ted. he's fine. i don't want his endorsement. if he gives it, i will not accept it, just so you understand. i will not accept it. won't matter. honestly, he should have done it. because nobody cares. and he would have been in better shape for four years from now. i don't see him winning anyway, frankly. but if he did, it's fine. although maybe i'll set up a super pac-10 if he decides to run.
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are you allowed to set up a super pac, mike, if you are the president to fight somebody? but there were two things that he said yesterday were lice. ready? i didn't start anything with the wife. a pac which he's very friendly with released a cover story on my wife who is a tremendously successful and elegant model. and she was on the cover of "gq" magazine. i think it was "gq," right? a "gq" magazine is not exactly penthouse. but she was on the cover of "gq" magazine, an artsy picture but she was a model. really successful. she didn't need to marry me. she was making a lot of money, believe me. i had to work hard to get her to marry me. it wasn't that easy. it's true. you think i'm kidding.
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so they released this picture, which was, you know, to the people of the state of utah. i love utah. i love the people of utah. but that's not where you want to necessarily send a risque picture. everybody in utah got a picture. and i don't think they showed that it was "gq." i don't even think they showed. they took the "gq" off. they cut all the stuff off. they didn't say it was a magazine cover from a reasonably respected magazine and it was more -- i'm saying it just to clear it up. i didn't do anything. then when i saw somebody pleaded a picture of melania and a picture of heidi -- i think by the way is a very nice woman and a very beautiful woman. i think heidi cruz is a great person. i think it's the best thing he's got going and his kids if you want to know the truth. [applause] donald trump: in a certain way, although he's got good intellect
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but he doesn't know how to use it. debater but heod didn't go well in the debate against me. according to every poll. i mean, every poll, this great debater except he lost in every single debate. so that takes care of the heidi thing. because heidi is a terrific woman. he said that was a pack. we had nothing to do. a lot of us are shrill people. we're not babies. his people were on the pack. so he said we have nothing to do. we had -- now, probably you could traits down with e-mails but probably it's just phone calls. but, look, it was a pack with many of his friends. it was a cruz super pac. i think he even said it wasn't meant for us. it was a cruz pack. it was his people. ok. so they sent out the first picture. please remember that. number two, his father. i don't know his father. i met him once. i think he's a lovely guy. i think he's a lovely guy. all i did is point out the fact
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that on the cover of the "national inquirer," there's a cture of him and crazy lee harvey oswald having breakfast. now, ted never denied it was his father. instead, he said donald trump, i have nothing to do with it. this was a magazine that frankly in many respects, should be very respected. they got o.j. they got edwards. they got this. i mean, if that was the "new york times," they would have gotten pulitzer prizes for their reporting. i've always said, why didn't the "national inquirer" get the pulitzer prize for edwards and o.j. sim on and all of these things? but anyway, they have an old picture, having breakfast with lee harvey oswald. i'm not saying anything. they said -- and here's how the press takes that story. so except i might have pointed it out but it had nothing to do with me.
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if i have kids that like me, how bad can i be? right? they like their daddy. they like their father. i have smart children and good children. i think they were the start of the convention. mike, i think they saved us. to finish, this was an amazing period of time. this was an amazing convention. i just heard -- come up for a
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second. a few of you may have seen them is a facebook twitter junkie. that was the first time i have seen him look up in seven months. nobodybook, twitter and that stuff better than dan. why do you give us a quick report because i had the numbers are astronomical? we are dealing in the modern age. a lot of people saying, what is this book and we are dealing in the modern age, do you want to hear this? wait until you hear the numbers. you will not believe them. >> thank you, president trump. [applause] i have to tell you -- #trumptrain, all here, right? [applause] this is surreal for everybody part of the campaign.
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exploded,st night facebook exploded, instagram exploded, did everybody see the videos on mr. trumps twitter, facebook and instagram account? tens and millions of views. just those videos in a four day to five day time frame, almost half a million new followers on facebook and mr. trumpet 10 million followers on twitter -- 10 million. [applause] again.ll never be done it is impossible to be done again. it is impossible with the platforms, a total of 22.5 millionfollowers, 22 and a half. i did not know how you do this every day. this is insane. monthsions on twitter per
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over one billion impressions on twitter. [applause] and similar -- the numbers will come out to facebook and they will probably be in the billions. of, so when mr. trump wants to get a message out, we get the videos out and when things are not working out with cnn or somebody, "it on his platform and get more views on one of his social media platforms he has. real donald trump on instagram and our next vice president of the united states is @mike_pence. he has been governor account but he is still the governor of indiana, so let's try to follow them there, give him engagements. we will be pushing out messages in the campaign. it is not only me, but brad,
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justin, whole team. we love you. this is awesome to come out and rain, let's #trumpt make america great again. thank you. [applause] are my reallywhat good choices in life, although i will confirm that in about 2.5 months from now, but i believe truly it will be one of my really great decisions, taking mike pence to run along with me. i would like to ask governor pence from the great state of indiana and we love indiana and bobby knight, who i love, and people fromul perdue, a lot of coaches out great but these guys are people and they loved mike, and maybe mike can say a few words.
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to write. [applause] -- thank you. [applause] mike pence: we are so humbled and grateful to all of you, the volunteers, the people wearing the blue shirts, the people that brought about the most exciting political convention of my entire lifetime. thank you for your extraordinary hours, to tireless all of those that did the setup, that are doing the tear down, thank you so much for creating a place where we can celebrate, the kind of leadership that america is embracing more and more every hour as we move toward the november elections. i just wanted to express the word of appreciation to all of you, all of you who came here, who came alongside this good man and his family from early on in
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this campaign. we are so excited to be a part of this team. my wonderful wife is with us today and rear hitting the campaign trail. [applause] are hitting the campaign trail together. [applause] having spent time with this man and his family, having seen his ability to connect and speak for the american people, i say with absolute confidence, if we work with all of our hearts for every day between now and election day, we will make donald trump the 45th president of the united states of america and we will make america great again. thank you and god bless you and let's get it done. [applause] >> trump, trump, trump, trump.
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donald trump: thank you. one thing i wanted to leave it, supreme court justices. no matter how much you like or dislike, no matter what your feelings, whether you are the governor of ohio, a senator from texas -- [laughter] or any of the other people that badly --easily and so that i beat so easily and so that the coming have no choice, you have to go for trump. clinton gets it, she is going to replace, and last night, i called him a beloved justice scalia. and he will get somebody as close to him in his abuse and philosophy as possible,
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conservative, all the things you want and the things we stand for as a party. i promise you that. that is why i issued 11 names because being an outsider, they said, we do not know, suppose a liberal judge. we have a lot of ideas that people do not normally have, right? i did not know it they believed me, we don't know, what happens if we elect him and then he puts up a liberal judge. our conservative republican presidents have not done so well with the judges, have they? we have obamacare and it should have been knocked out twice because of the appointment. [applause] much better. that is what i put out the list of 11 judges, but no matter what you think of donald trump, as a republican, if that is what you you are a is, if
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great, great believer in the constitution, you have no choice. i hate to say it. ter orr you are a ha lover, and last night, i do not think there was one hater. that was packed. no seats and those seats were selling for a lot of money on ebay. you're going for big numbers. i was thinking about taking 10 tickets or 12 tickets and saying, let's go. they were selling for a lot of money. amazing. just remember, supreme court justices. i want to finish, we have had some incredible support because when i started, everyone said, they now say, you can do that, these were the same people that said, he will run but he will not run and i ran, and they
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said, oh, and then they said, but he will not win, and then i started off at 6%, which is high because i was there for two days. people forgot. to 12, 18, andt every week, i said, that is the ceiling and he cannot do more than that. we go from six, and i saw them in the audience, and we go from six to 12 to 18 and then, they go, that is the ceiling. run, and if he runs, he will just the doing it for .un this is a lot of work, folks. i did not need this, this was not exactly the schedule. i saw how badly our country is doing and how easy it will be to aloneback trade deals will make an impact like you will not believe. money will come in, and then you
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look at the military where it is so depleted and we are taking care of other nations and i went to continue but they have to pay us. they have to pay us. [applause] i remember years ago, i said, i never quite understood it because they said, the united states spends 10 times the money on its military than anybody else in the world. surprising, but i was building buildings and things and never gave it that much thought, and then i realized and i remember that we spent so much are protecting everybody in the world, all these nations and these are rich nations and great nations, japan, they send their cars, make a fortune and do not pay us. i do not want to make a profit, pay it went it costs and maybe
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we cannot get it. you have to be prepared to walk. you have two. hillary clinton came out when she heard what i said about japan, a rich nation and they are rich because of us if you think about it. angelesrs, ego to los and you see massive ships and it looks like nascar. by the way, thank you the owner of nascar, he endorsed donald trump. i love nascar. richard petty endorsed me, a lot of the great drivers, but it is like these -- it is like richard petty driving and coming out of these massive ships but they do not pay us. and the general gets up and the general says, mr. trump is wrong . doesn't he understand that japan pays us 50% of the cost of defending that? great. they say, mr. trump, can we have a comment? yes, why don't they pay 100%?
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[laughter] [applause] , and south korea, 28,000 soldiers and think of this, saudi arabia, saudi arabia would not be there for one week if we pulled out. they have nothing but money, nothing but money, so much money that they do not know what to do with it. who is making the deals for us? what do you like that has a massive impact on our budgets, economics as a country? we are up to $19 trillion and nobody even knows -- i could take the great harold hand and say, tell me what $1 trillion is, and although he is worth almost one training, so he may know. most people do not know what that is. so much. they would not know how to find it, so here is the story. we are going to do something special and our message caught
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on. when i started this, we had all these pundits saying it would not happen and i had a little staff. corey was great. i have to tell you. [applause] he has been very loyal and he has been on cnn and the has really been fighting for me, which is nice. i respect that a lot. hope, where is hope? get up your, hope. the legendary hope, come on up. she is shy, get her out here. come on. we had a small but tough team. here is hope. not lifting over that barricade properly. she is shy, a very shy person but great person. she has done an amazing job. we had a staff of between george -- where is george?
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get over here. stand up over here. i got hope up but she cannot get ,o the secret service people and what happens, so we had a small staff and i got criticized that says, so and so -- i will not use names because i don't want to embarrass anybody -- so and so has spent much more than trump and then i win. we don't get any credit. you are supposed to get credit if you have smaller stop and small payroll, but in politics, you don't get credit. i want to thank my entire group. we beefed it up because we are in the final stretch. 3.5 months. paul has done an amazing job. where is paul? [applause] good, you made it. -- ands done a fantastic all of paul's people. we really do have a great staff of talented people, great staff
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and most of them are right here. john, everybody, my man right here, michael. michael, get up in, michael. get a little tv time. i do not know if he will be hired for hollywood, i tend to doubt it, but you never know. come on up. we have a great group of people. people thatup of really wants to win and i think knows how to win. we have been winning all the lives. this group of people in front of me, i know so many of you. we have been winning all our lives. we have exactly three months and three weeks. i am going to be working so hard. not like last time whether disappeared for the last 1.5 months, where is everyone and what happened? and give obama credit, he was all over the place, but we will not disappear. we have a really great chance of taking our country back, change,
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and of getting great supreme court justices. [applause] everybody.hank i love you, folks. this has been an incredible movement. i love you. i know so many of you. we are going to go all the way, and i will tell you what -- when we get there, we will make america great again. i love you. thank you, everybody. thank you. [applause] ♪
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campaign gets underway. donald trump saying the election some 3.5 months away, and less than that. we are opening up our phone lines to get your thoughts on c-span, the day after the republican national convention. looking ahead to monday's start of the democratic national convention. 202-us at e will look at your tweets @cspan. our schedule plans will take some phone calls, your comments and reaction and show you a bit more of this later on. we are planning to take you live to the white house at 11:45 eastern for president obama and his mexican president counterpart meeting at the white house today, holding a news conference and we will have that scheduled for 11:45.
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let's get to your calls. paul in california, republican line. caller: yes, i like to say that i never really floated. i have never been political whatsoever, but i have decided that i am going to go ahead and vote this year. i will vote for donald trump because i think we need a change in government. the status quo has been set at ie last 12 years now and cannot see us having to go through another four years of no change and just getting further and further put behind in debt with no policies to protect the american country. have not votedou before the presidential race. how old are you? caller: 51. host: this would be the first time you have voted for president? caller: yes, sir. host: you called on the republican line. have you registered as a republican in california? caller: just the other day. host: let's go to the
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independent line from the shouldn't, deborah. -- from michigan, deborah. caller: i am a former publican and democrat. i'm in my late 50's. i wasn't completely convinced about trump until this convention because he kept sticking his foot in his mouth and i realized that is the reality. i do not want a politician. i want a real person who gets things done. he may be a bull in a china shop, but according to me, this government is whack, so we need someone just as crazy to stream them out. i hope he makes it. host: does that worry you at all? you said he is kind of like a bull in the china shop and he stuck his foot in his mouth during the campaign -- look ahead to january 2017, if he is in the oval office, does that concern you about behavior if he became president? caller: no because i believe the
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mistakes he makes are not going to be fatal and have dire consequences like the idiot we have had for the last eight years. ,ost: let's hear from cheyenne wyoming, cozy on the democrat line. -- jose on the democrat line. caller: what did he mean by the last eight years? obama has been doing a wonderful job. i do not think trump can even come close to what obama has done. another thing is he will not get in anyway. ms. clinton is going to get in. i did not like his speech at all. saying over and over, the same thing over and over, he will make walls. well, the first thing he better do is make a wall and send his wife accor she comes from -- back where she comes from.
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he wants to send everybody back, why doesn't he send his wife act? our coverage continues on c-span. will have hillary clinton in tampa, florida, a rally there at the state fairgrounds. some sources indicate she will announce her vice presidential pick or it is likely to be announced today. no word on if that will happen at the rally in tampa but you will see it live on c-span at 4:30 eastern. let's hear from pennsylvania, republican call. caller: yes, i have always been an admirer of donald trump. several years before he started running, i thought that is what we need, somebody who understands business, the art of the deal, how to handle and deal with people in big deals. thing that bothers me is i keep hearing people say, he doesn't give specifics. we have until january to go, and it would be gary foolish -- very foolish of any candidate to say
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what they will do because in that six months until he gets into office and works with his cabinet, with congress, with the people, and with what we approve of, you cannot commit yourself goinginite things you're to do. it is almost impossible. i do not know why they keep asking that. it would be so wrong. he is an honorable man. i have always admired him. i read several of his books. he is positive. he makes you feel positive about things, that there is hope, because hope has escaped us in this country. i am a senior citizen and i have a hard time trying to survive, but donald -- if you can get cancare under control, we make a big difference just in that, the people getting checks
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for social security that died, people that are getting disability that are not disabled. i just hope and pray that he wins and he becomes the next president of this country because we need a donald trump. host: thank you. let's hear from pamela in ohio. caller: how are you? host: doing a fine. caller: i just have to say that i was a naysayer. i thought it was a big joke when he started to run for president, but the more i listened to him, he is making a lot of sense. stated last night that if you choose another candidate or you choose not to vote or if you choose to ride in n, it is a vote for hillary clinton by the fact of nt's rights. them won i am originally from boston and
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i moved to ohio and i never knew this would be such a big brouhaha, so kudos and good luck. wrapped upd trump comments at the westin hotel in cleveland, the day after the final day of the republican national convention. the reminder that you can see this speech, his speech last night and all of our coverage over the past four days or five days online at as we get ready for our coverage of the democratic national convention on monday. to the democrat line, maria in pennsylvania. go ahead. caller: i just have one comment. i did enjoy donald trump's children. i thought they did an excellent job, but i think people should know that his children were raised by the mother and so they were 20 years old, so i think he is taking credit for them. i think some credit should be given to the mother. there is no way i would ever vote for donald trump.
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i just think you would be very bad for the country. thank you. florida,ublican line, hello. caller: hi, i have a couple of comments real quick. was a democrat for over 40 years and i changed my status to republican this year. they are talking about how bad donald is. one thing people have got to keep in mind, at least he doesn't have american blood on his hands like hillary does. i have a grandson that is going in the marines in september and when i go me, granny, in, if hillary is in there, she is not going to have our back and we're just going for target practice, but if trump -- he has got our back. there with family
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members in the military, they need to think about this and all the babies that are being murdered are on -- all their blood is on hillary's hands. to theour grandson going marines, so he will be in basic training before the election? caller: yes, he goes in september 10 and he asked for frontline, too. he said, granny, i went to go to protect our country. he made commander of rotc and he wants to fight for our country. host: is he going to get a chance to vote the absentee ballot? caller: i do not know but i will find out. host: thanks for calling in. thank you. we hear from lori on the others line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have been watching c-span over the course of this convention, and i appreciate so much, the
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coverage that you have done, and wayare not by any means one or the other and i really appreciate that. i am an independent. today, i have decided to register for the republican party again. affiliation changed after the last election. i was so disappointed and tired of the division. the republican party seemed to me -- if you did not measure up you were not included. .hat changed last night we saw the new republican party. the old guard, like ted cruz, has to go. they are very divisive. you can see it in their bitterness. they call themselves christians. christians, true christians, our
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christ-ful, elegant, and love everyone. tq community being inclusive to the party is so important. -- inner-city distraction policieson under the of the progressive party that has taken over the democratic party is why i believe we are going to see a massive exodus of .he democrat party i thank you so much for taking my call. i want to help contribute to making america great again. my vote is all in for donald trump and mike pence. thank you for taking my call. host: we are expected to take you live in 15 minutes to the white house. the president is meeting with nieto.n president pena there is a news conference
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scheduled for 11:45. we are getting your reaction to donald trump. the new nominee for the ,epublican party as they begin he and mike pence, begin their general campaign. the democrats are opening their convention on monday. on the democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. reminds me of someone i voted for a long time ago, richard nixon. the reason i voted for him was because he had a plan to end the war. i'm getting the same feeling with him that i got with nixon after i voted for him. on, ill of this was going was in a situation where my last breath was history. this is the present. .he next breath was the future i'm telling you, i got so tired
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i would have done anything at all to get out of it. that is why i voted for nixon. everyone knows that was a catastrophe after things started happening. i don't know whether to believe this guy or not. trump, i don't know whether to believe him. host: they were comments about comparison to richard nixon's 1968 speech. there were no echoes of ronald america,morning in george h.w. bush's kinder gentler nation, or george w. bush's compassionate conservatism and donald trump accepting the nomination. audience,nd target trump offered a powerful echo of richard nixon almost 50 years ago. post" andshington getting your take here.
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republicans, (202) 748-8921. all others, (202) 748-8922. (202) 748-8920. caller: thank you. i appreciate c-span. so i can see the entire republican convention. i do want to say that i thought donald trump gave a wonderful speech. it was encouraging, uplifting, -- i liked when he mentioned it meant so much to me that he said it meant a lot to him that evangelicals were supporting him . i'm thankful that he chose mike pence. i am thankful that he said now evangelicals will be able to have a voice. we have been shut down so many times. they are taking god out of the nation.
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i am so thankful that we have a nominee that would stand up for our rights. i just want to say thank you, and i appreciate you holding the convention on c-span. host: massachusetts on the others' line. byron, hello. caller: i appreciate your supporter. i am a bernie supporter. i like to the family, i like pense. ive concerned about the 35% will have to pay. the institution is 35% on my oreos. 35% on my ford. $9,000 a year. where will i get that money? byron.e lost we go to nevada on the democrats line. caller: thank you --
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country 24 years ago and became a democrat after i got my citizenship. i was a really hard-core democrat. my husband was american-born into a democrat family. we did not really follow much of anything that was going on. bits of hillary's speeches, bits of donald trump's speeches. something stands out. is using arelary so easy to see through. it is just lip service that we have heard from obama for the last eight years. it has put america, i think, 20 years behind. of me being a hard-core
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democrat, my husband being born into a democratic family, this year we are going republican. host: did you say that you voted for barack obama? .aller: yes actually, just the first one. for the second election, i could see this is not what he promised. passed, the corporate favors he passed, have been so incredibly damaging to american people. i am ashamed that i have voted for obama. your call.ciate donald trump continuing to talk with supporters in cleveland. taking his time with mike pence, his running mate. what atrump tweeting, great 4 days in cleveland, so proud of the great job done by the rnc, the police, and the secret service.
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continue taking your call as the general campaign gets underway for the trump/pense take it. for democrats. (202) 748-8921 four republicans. for others.22 on the independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to ask all of the mothers in the usa -- if it was one of their kids that was left in benghazi, what would they do? we don't need a president that lets our children die for no reason. -- that let's our children die for no reason. thank you. host: jane, on our democrats line. caller: that lady that just called in talking about benghazi.
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what about george bush and all of the soldiers that died underneath his watch? donald trump is full of baloney. if anyone believes a word that he says, i have a bridge to sell them. hillary clinton -- host: go ahead. theer: hillary clinton all way. she is a truthful lady. i believe that. host: a reminder this afternoon, we will cover hillary clinton campaigning in tampa, florida at the fairgrounds. five coverage as donald trump waves goodbye to the crowd. we go to waterford, new york on the republican line. caller: trump is mentioning the wall that he is going to build. i am wondering if he is going to go below ground to start building the wall. if it is just from the ground
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up, that is not going to solve the thing. there are tunnels they go through to reach our side. i think he should touch on that about the wall instead of just rate we're going to build a wall. the last time i heard him say it was going to go up to 10 feet. now, because mexico said they worked up a for it. -- they weren't going to pay for it. trade,olding talks on climate change, and other issues. we expect a news conference from them coming up in five minutes. we will have it when it starts on c-span. event from donald trump celebrating his acceptance speech last night as the republican nominee and his vice presidential running mate mike pence -- a long speech last night. one hour 16 minutes. are together but our
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social media team -- the longest in recent presidential memory. one hour 16 minutes, donald's beaches along this in recent history. mitt romney, 37 minute. 2004. w. bush, his father, george h.w. bush in 1992 at 56 minutes. hisld reagan, 54 minutes in 1984 acceptance speech. all of this beaches are available in our video library at paola,o to leslie in kansas. caller: thank you for taking my call. i wanted to comment that if i were a democrat, i would be totally ashamed to have my name associated with obama or clinton.
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i think it is ridiculous the way they have run this country. they traded terrorists for service man that they wanted to bring back to the u.s. to prosecute him for treason and send him to leavenworth. it doesn't make sense. ar. is nothing but a damn li as wealls momentarily show reporting on the acceptance speech last night and a wrapup of the republican national convention. donald trump speaking again this morning. talking about ted cruz, who spoke at the convention but did not support donald trump. here's what donald trump had to say. ted.rump: i like i do not want his endorsement. if he gives it, i will not accept it. i will not accept it. it doesn't matter. he should have done it.
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nobody cares. he would have been in better shape for years from now -- i do not see him winning, anyway, frankly. if you did, fine. though maybe i will set up a super pac if he decides to run. are you allowed to set up a super pac if you are the president to fight someone? he saidre two things yesterday that we revise. ready? i did not start anything with the wife. pac, which he is friendly with, released a cover story online wife, who is tremendously successful and an elegant model. she was on the cover of gq magazine. gq magazine is not exactly penthouse. she was on the cover of gq magazine. an artsy picture.
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she was a model. really successful. she didn't need to marry me, she was making a lot of money. i had to work hard to get her to marry me. it wasn't easy. true. so true. you think i'm kidding. , they released this picture, the people of the state of utah, i love utah, i love the people of utah, but that is not where you want to send a risk a picture. everyone in utah got a picture. i do not think they showed it was gq. they took the gq off. they didn't say it was a magazine cover from a reasonably respected magazine. .t was melania trump i'm saying this to clear it up. ted krupp said he took advantage -- i didn't do anything. then a picture of melania and
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heidi, who i think is a very nice and beautiful woman. z is thethat heidi cru best think he has going, and his kids, if you want to know the truth. although he has good intellect, though he doesn't know how to ,se it -- he was a good debater but he didn't do well against me according to every poll. in everyn every poll debate. that takes care of the heidi thing. she is a terrific woman. he said that was a pac we had nothing to do with. a lot of us are political people . his people were on the pac. he said, we had nothing to do with it. you could probably trace it down with e-mails. probably just phone calls. it was a pac with many of his friends. it was a cruz super pac.
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he said it was not meant for us. they sent out the first picture. remember that. ember two, his father. i do not know his father, i met him once. i think he is a lovely guy. all i did was point out that on the cover of the national enquirer there was a picture of oswald crazy lee harvey having breakfast. ted never denied it was his father. he said donald trump -- i had nothing to do with it. magazine that, frankly, in many respects should be respected. they got oj, edwards, this. if that was the new york times they would have got pulled surprises for reporting. -- pulitzer prizes for reporting. y get thehy doesn't the pulitzer prizes? there was an old picture of him
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having breakfast with lee harvey oswald. takes thatthe press story. this has nothing to do with me, except i pointed out. it had nothing to do with me. i have nothing to do with anything. they never denied -- did anyone ever deny it was the father? it looks like him. so, here is the story. the press takes that and they say, donald and his conspiracy wasries, he said his father with lee harvey oswald and he assassinated the president. what did i do? those were the 2 point. he said aboutnts the endorsement, i think i did the right thing, but i have to do it, number one the heidi thing, and number two, i know nothing about his father. i know nothing about lee harvey
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oswald, but there was a picture on the front page of the national enquirer, which does have credibility, and they will not dupe pictures like that, because they get sued for a lot of money if things are wrong. it was a picture. that is the only thing i know. they used the two things for the reason he will not support. this morningtrump in cleveland. he is getting support from a man that he has previously disavowed. david duke, the former leader of the ku klux klan, about trouble's speech saying in part "couldn't have said it better." david duke and ounces plans to run for senate in louisiana -- announces plans to run for senate in louisiana. the news conference with president obama and mexican president peña nieto should get underway shortly. we will take you there as we continue with your calls.
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(202) 748-8920 for democrats. (202) 748-8921 for republicans. all others, (202) 748-8922. the independent line, pennsylvania. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to say a few things. i voted democrat, republican, independent -- it depends on the candidate for me. this year i'm voting for the republican ticket of trump and pense. i want to say a couple of things as a mormon. have an economic incentive in their knowledge and intellect in that field which can help our country tremendously. i think they both have good common sense. says't like that trump things that are off the wall, but i do believe he is not a politician. he is not there for political
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correctness, which i really appreciate. i have a couple of great nephews in the military in different -- the marines, the navy, and some in the army. they have to pay for their meals. they make seven dollars an hour. this is something that i think is outrageous. when i heard about it, i didn't believe it. i'm throwing that out there that i wish some knowledge, or people would speak about these issues. i am hoping that people begin to realize that hillary was in the white house for eight years with her husband, her influence. do not think that our country really became very great. and she was in the obama administration. the things that she has done have not been anything that i have looked at as favorable for our country. she may be an extremely
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intelligent woman and a wonderful person, but i don't think that she has our best interests at heart. i think she wants to be the first woman president. i think that is one of the things driving her. she has a lot of political clout. she knows where skeletons are buried. people are afraid of her. host: we move on to our democrats line. new york, here is any. -- annie. caller: i'm so glad you're taking my calls this morning. i am a democrat. i will always be a democrat. trump cannot do anymore. he is not living in mount vernon. he is not living nowhere where there are guns or wherever there might be. for hillary. obama is my president.
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than the do anymore republicans would sign for him to do. he cannot live over here. hillary did not cause those people to get killed. or anything. i don't know why people are causing them to pay their head the sand. look up, president. look up, hillary. i am with you. god bless you, and god bless america. in jesus name. host: texas. the republican line as we wait for the news conference at the white house. caller: i wanted to let you know that in my second time i am going to vote for george bush. then my second time vote republican.
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because i met donald trump. i am a friend of him. i think he will be a great president, because he stands for change. i never vote for obama. not the first term or the second time. he said he would help immigrants. he didn't do anything. nothing. he was saying they would reform, reform, reform, but he has not done anything. this time, i'm going to vote for mr. trump. are on c-span awaiting the start of the news conference with president obama and the mexican president peña nieto. they last met earlier this summer in quebec with the canadian prime minister, just in judo -- justin trudeau. the last time he was at the
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white house was january 2015. this is one day after donald trump reiterated his desire and plan to build a wall between mexico and the united states. norfolk, virginia. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have been a democrat all my life. i heard trump, and i liked everything he was saying, but i thought it was a joke. but talking or you can hear him and listen to him, you can see that he is sincere. he wanted to make this a better country. i was always a democratic -- host: you are breaking up. i apologize for that.
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let's get one more call on the independent line. davenport, iowa. go ahead. ask my i just wanted to fellow americans to think about the individual rather than the party that is running for president. think about what spirit they are being led by. what they will be led by when they make their decision, and not blame the president, or the secretary of for, as another caller , foroned, a little bit ago things that the legislative haveh, the judicial branch a large part in preventing happening in our country. if we think about the individual leadinge individuals
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us, what they are lead by. words they have spoken. our president is a figurehead, a diplomat. grace is all he can be led by to lead our country to the bright freedom. -- right freedom. i want to thank you for allowing me to speak to my fellow americans who have all come from another land, another place, and who have been graced by the ability of our ancestors to come legally to this land. host: thank you for your comments. on all of your calls and comments. they continue online. i wanted to run through a couple of tweets. 's news sources are sunday news shows, twitter, and the inquirer, seriously. and finally, we have someone who listens to us and feels our pain
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. donald trump has a lot of work to do to clean up this mess. another. we are waiting to take you to the white house. we will go there live. in the meantime, from the washington journal, a wrapup of the convention and what is ahead from political analysts. host: joining us from atlanta is alan abramowitz from emory .niversity he studied the presidential parties, nominating politics, and everything related to election campaigns. thank you for joining us. guest: i'm glad to be with you. this sentence. you said a growing number of americans have been voting against the opposing party rather than for their own party. can you expand on what caused you to write that? can you apply it to what we are seeing this year? guest: sure. we were looking at data on attitudes toward the candidates
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and political parties going back over 60 years. from surveys that have been done every election year. what we noticed was that over the past couple of decades that there was an increasingly view of the opposing party and its leaders. democrats and republicans have come to view the opposing party and its leaders more negatively than they did in the past. while our feelings toward our own party have not become more positive, our feelings toward the opposing party has become increasingly negative. that has, in turn, led to actually stronger party loyalty and straight ticket voting. the other party is viewed as an unacceptable alternative. we are saying that play out in this year's election. convention, wean
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have seen speaker after speaker focus very heavily on attacking the opposing nominee. perhaps, the, single unifying factor at the republican convention. the party is divided in many other ways. on the facteement that they really dislike hillary clinton. i think we will see something similar at the democratic convention. i'm sure we will see a tax on donald trump and the same degree of division over the democratic nominee as over the republican nominee, but we will see a great deal of negative energy focused on the republican candidate and the republican party in general. host: we hear a lot about the campaign when it comes to the candidates about their negatives . both of them being high.
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how does that factor into the decision-making process? what does it mean for hillary clinton to have high negatives? have 2 nominees that have the highest negatives of any major party nominees in recent history. that has to do with factors peculiar to these individuals. a great deal has to do with the tendency we have seen in recent years towards increasingly negative opinions or views of the opposing party and its nominees. that, in fact, among supporters of each party, the large majority have a positive view of their own party's nominee, though not as wearily as positive would have seen in the past. a very negative view of the opposing party's nominee. republicans are not necessarily crazy about donald trump. there is division over donald
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trump, and many republicans continue to have reservations about donald trump. what unites republicans for the most part is that they dislike hillary clinton. we saw that play out at the convention. on the democratic side, many democrats have reservations about hillary clinton. we saw her struggle in the primaries to overcome bernie sanders' challenge. at the convention, we will see a andp focus on donald trump on the weaknesses of the republican party and its policies. among democrats, we see very negative views of trump. so, among supporters of each many, there are individuals that are less than enthusiastic about the party's nominee, but will vote for that nominee because they intensely dislike the other side, the other party's nominee.
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host: our guest is alan abramowitz from him or university to talk about how voters vote campaign 2016. you can ask questions -- good morning. please have a seat. it is a great pleasure to welcome my friend and partner resident peña nieto of mexico to the white house, and his delegation. worked together at the north american leaders summit in ottawa. today, we have 2 of the three amigos. though, the handshake is easier when it is between two people. let me start by saying something that is too often overlooked, but bears repeating -- especially given some of the heated rhetoric that we sometimes hear. the united states values tremendously our enduring mexico and ourh
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extraordinary ties of family and friendship with the mexican people. mexico is our third largest trading partner. we sell more to mexico than china, india, and russia combined. year, millions of tourists, business people, and family cross the border illegally -- the border legally. that is tres that supports over one million jobs in the united states. .n a whole host of issues from our shared security, the climate change -- mexico is a critical partner. important tolly our own well-being. we are not just strategic and economic partners, we are also neighbors, friends, and family -- including billion's of to mexico byd
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culture and language. as president, i worked to deepen the partnership between our nations. today, enrique and i discussed strengthening the u.s.-mexico partnership. first, through our economic dialogue, we will boost trade and grow our economies and to create more opportunity for our people. with today's air transport agreement we are expanding airports that businesses and consumers can fly from, making travel and trade more affordable and efficient. both countries are working hard to bring into effect the transpacific partnership so workers can compete on a level playing field across the asian pacific region and open doors to new markets. i reiterate president peña nieto , though i'm disappointed in the supreme court's failure to come
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to a decision on our executive action, it is my belief it will be in the interest of the united states, especially our economic interests, to pursue comprehensive immigration reform. second, we are deepening our robust partnership on energy and environmental issues. both nations are committed to ensuring the historic paris agreement is fully implemented. we will keep working toward the cold that we announced last generating half of the electricity in north america through clean power by 2025. we are pursuing an agreement this year on sharing civilian nuclear technology. u.s.-x agothe new energy business council will meet for the first time to strengthen ties between energy industries. i want to thank you for your vision and leadership in reforming mexico's energy industry.
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our nations will continue protect think shared ecosystems and departmental heritage. tord, we will continue protect the health and safety of our people -- especially from the opioid epidemic that has taken so many lives and devastated so many communities. both nation share responsibility to combat this crisis. in the united states we are working on treatment, prevent and i applaud president peña nieto to curb production. technologies to secure our shared border. as mexico makes important reforms to his judicial system, we are working together to strengthen law enforcement and strengthen observance of human rights and the rule of law.
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are stepping up efforts to tackle regional and global challenges. from confronting cyber threats like theng diseases zika virus and dengue fever. we will partner with central address countries to poverty that has prompted so many to embark on the dangerous journey north. i am very grateful that mexico is taking an important step on refugee issues, and will be at our refugee summit at the united nations. ties strengthen between our people, we want more american students studying in mexico and for mexican students studying in the united states. we agreed to update our cooperation. through efforts like the 100,000 strong in the americas initiative, expanding opportunities for scientific
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searchships, collaborations, and helping girls learn, including mexico's commitment to support teachers and schools throughout latin america and the caribbean. since this is most likely to be our final white house meeting, i am reminded of what president peña nieto said when he first came here almost four years ago. enrique you said that our nations had a opportunity to have a closer link of brotherhood, sisterhood, collaboration, and accomplishments. i am proud of what we have achieved. i'm proud to stand with you and the mexican people as brothers and sisters in progress. i'm confident our nations will continue to grow stronger and more prosperous together in the future. for those efforts, thank you, very much.
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pres. peña nieto: i would like to thank barack obama. ness of holding this official visit in the white house, perhaps the last one taking place at the white house during your administration. i would like to particularly say how important the friendship is. the friendship that we have always had through president obama. he and his administration, they have been very good neighbors. he has been a very good neighbor, and a president committed to his country and the stability and harmony in our hemisphere. and with the solution of global challenges like climate change, international migration, and the reduction of nuclear weapons. i would like to recognize his administration,
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decisive support of migrants, including the 35 million people of mexican origin who live in the united states who are part of the generation of wealth and employment in this country. i would also like to take of expressing our condolences of the mexican people. personal condolences for the lamentable events in texas and louisiana. we recognize and acknowledge in president obama a leader committed in our bilateral relationship, which i should say , is today going through one of its best moments and stages in the relationship of the history between our two countries. agreed to, we have work on an agenda since 2013. an agenda favoring regional competitiveness. we coincided during our meeting
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this morning on the importance of institutionalizing accomplishments so that they will be lasting throughout time. it was a bilateral forum on .igher education over 64,000 mexican students will carry out academic activities in the united states. on the other hand, the high-level economic dialogue with participation of officials and administration at the highest ranking level has undoubtedly become a platform for immigration competitiveness and growth. we also agreed in this manning to give it a permanent character so that the benefits that --ived from this bee there's dialogue will be extended through time. we now have joined programs to reduce costs of up to 50%.
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waiting times have been reduced by 60%. we have implemented this project, this program, at the laredo, texas airport. also at the baja border crossing. it will soon be operating in south juarez with projects like these that we are building. we are building a safer, more modern, and agile border. a border that undoubtably generates posterity for both under this framework of competitiveness. we are now celebrating going agreementilateral favoring connectivity between both countries so that as of the moment the agreement goes into effect we will have more flights
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that will better connect mexico and the united states. we also formalized and energy council to support mexico's transition to an open and competitive market. -- we assess security and the principle of shared responsibility. fact thate in the trafficking heroin is a priority. we have created a high level on drugs focusing on heroin and fentanyl. we also decided to increase cooperation with the governments of central america, especially guatemala, honduras, and el salvador to look at migration, especially the protection of children traveling
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unaccompanied. to the electoral process that is taking place in the united states. the closenesst between the united states and mexico is more than just a relationship between two governments. it is a solid, sound, unbreakable relationship between millions of people who live in .oth nations for mexicans, for americans, we are united by 3000 kilometers of border, neighboring states, and a population of 50 million inhabitants. their well-being depends on the well-being of their neighbors. for the mexican people, the mexican government, a good relationship with the united states of america is essential. i'm now on, let me express my ll of collaboration
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to ever is elected in november as the leader of the great nation. the president or madam of the united states will find mexico and its government will have a constructive attitude with proposals and good faith to strengthen the relationship between our two nations. i'm certain that the political process in the following months will be characterized by the intensity of the debate and the contrast of ideas, the vitality of the citizen participation. according to the great democratic tradition that characterizes the united states. the mexican government will be observing with great interest the electoral process of this country. it will not give its opinion. it will not get involved in the process.
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an issue that fully, exclusively, corresponds to the people of the united states. mrs. hillary clinton and mr. donald trump, i would like to express to both of them my greatest and deepest respects. going into a frank, open dialogue with whomever is elected on the relationship between our two nations. that with the government of the united states, it will be possible to take a step ahead so that we can face common challenges and take advantage of our enormous opportunities that we share and find solutions, solutions are possible differences. undoubtably, for mexico, it is very important. for the united -- very important for the united states to do well .nd have a strong economy
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for the united states, it is important for the mexican economy to do well. your next madam president or president will find in mexico a strategic partner to face security issues we share and the challenges we share. i would like to reiterate, my appreciation for your hospitality and everything. and is tracing the route the promise that we can continue working together as sister nations and neighbors. i reiterate my brought us ragged nation, president obama, for being a great friend of mexico. thank you, very much. pres. obama: we have time for a few questions. >> thank you.
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i was wondering if you had a chance to take in the rnc last night. get your reaction to comments made by the republican presidential nominee. specifically, how do you counterbalance, as we go to philadelphia, counterbalance message to appealing many working-class americans. also his comments about the wall. he said there was a need for a wall. i ask because we know the united oftes spent tens of millions dollars on a barrier already. where does mr. trump have it wrong as far as the need for a wall? you may also know your approval ratings are historically high, congratulations. you're right track, wrong track, 2/3 of americans say we are on the wrong track. can you talk about the disconnect? would you say that is an indictment of your presidency? two things.
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theld trump could be president in january. how do you work with the person, partner with the person, that you previously compared to hillary and mussolini? specifically on anti-narcotic interdiction and anti-human trafficking interdiction on the border, are you satisfied with the job you have done as president, and what should mexico do more of to stem the tide? thank you. pres. obama: well, first of all -- i want to congratulate the city of cleveland, the secret service, local law enforcement that managed the big influx of people and the occasional protester. that is a lot of activity. sure everyone was looked
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after and safe. i think they did a great job posting. , the republicans had an opportunity this week to share their vision with the country. and emphasize those issues that they thought were important. i will let the american people judge how persuasive their arguments were. next week, the democrats will have an opportunity to present their vision of both the progress we have made, and how we make sure that everybody gets opportunity and security in the future. i noticed a little bit of editorializing when you said how do i counter message the message that was clearly appealing to working-class americans. i don't know if you have talked to all of them.
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it is not really clear how appealing it was. we will find out. that is what elections are for. convention.tch the i don't think that is a surprise. i have a lot of stuff to do. they are pretty long events. but, i did read some of what was said. the one thing that i think is is thist to recognize somehow onmerica is the verge of collapse. this vision of violence and chaos everywhere. with thet really jive experience of most people. i hope people the next morning walks outside, birds were chirping, the sun was out.
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this afternoon, people will be watching their kids play on sports teams, go to the swimming pool. folks are going to work, getting .eady for the weekend in particular, it is important that somelutely clear of the fears that were expressed throughout the week don't jive with the facts. two specific examples. , theit comes to crime violent crime rate in america has been lowered during my during my -- lower presidency than at any time during the last three or four decades. although it is true that we have uptick in murders and
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violent crime in some cities this year, the fact of the matter is that the murder rate today, the violence rate today, is far lower than it was when ronald reagan was president. lower than when i took office. we have just gone through a bothc period where we saw tragedy in minnesota and baton rouge, and then the insanity and viciousness of people targeting police officers. we are all heartbroken by that and troubled with how we can , support law enforcement, and make sure communities feel that they are being fairly policed. is, the rate of
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intentional killings of police also significantly lower than it was when ronald reagan was president. those are facts, data. when it comes to immigration, i think americans expect that our immigration process is orderly and legal. have put unprecedented resources at our borders. ofturns out that the rate illegal migration into the lower byates today is 2/3 than it was when ronald reagan was president. we have far fewer undocumented workers crossing the border today than we had in the 1980's,
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or the 1990's, or when george bush was president. that is a fact. so, the one thing that i think i think theres will be different visions of where we should go as a country. how we can provide jobs. how we can make sure that our kids are able to get the education they need in order to succeed in the 21st century. how do we deal with our budget? how do we deal with very real issues around growing inequality, or wages that have not gone up as fast as we want, and the real pressures that a lot of families feel. we're not going to make good fears withoutd on a basis in fact.
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that is something that i hope all americans pay attention to. violentis much less than it was 20 years or 30 years ago. less ation is much s not just 20it wa years ago or 30 years ago, but when i came in as president. it doesn't mean we have solved those problems, but those are facts. that covers everything. you had a question about my approval rating being high and right track, wrong track? if you look at almost every year under every president over the last 20 years or 30 years, you are going to be hard-pressed to
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find year where the majority of americans thought we were on the right track. of the goode all things happening in america do not get reported on the lot. i do not think that is unusual. i appreciate you bringing up the fact that my poll numbers are doing ok. pres. peña nieto: thank you very much, president obama. let me reiterate what i said a couple of minutes ago. the relationship between the goesd states and mexico over and beyond the relationship between 2 governments. it has been billed as of 2 people with a common life for millions of people who have their everyday lives in both nations. undoubtedlyip that involves millions of inhabitants of both countries. i would also like to say, as i said before, that for the
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mexican administration, the we willic process always be respectful. we will not get involved. we will not give our opinion. we will not affect any type of decision. at the end of the day, this corresponds to the people of the united states. it is the american people who have to decide who the next male will be. president what we can say, whoever is elected as president, the mexican government will work with them in a constructive manner in good faith. i'm sure a constructive relationship between two countries goes the on to the mere economic environment. president obama has highlighted many of the relevant figures
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that show the vitality of the economic relationship, the trade and commerce relationship, between our nations. the millions of jobs generated in the united states and mexico. it is another important aspect i should highlight. the good cooperation we have in terms of security. not only for the mexican to combat organized crime in a more efficient manner, but for the u.s. government to efficiently fight criminal groups that are not respecting any type of border and operating in both nations. of cooperation in terms security between mexico and the united states is ever present in the fight against terrorism. we are working so that we can turn north america into a terrorism-free nation -- part of
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the world. this is something we share every .ay in every day cooperation we share information, we do activities together, and we are always trying to keep north america the relationship between mexico and united states is very broad. that is why the attitude of my administration in terms of committing ourselves to continue working with whomever is elected president of the united states is the decision that we are going to respect, the decision of the american people. and let me also say that never before have i said anything, have i given any adjective to any other candidates in the democratic competition in the united states can any issue,
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anything i have said. it has been taken out of context, and as we gather everything that has been sent under this process. if you have seen everything i have said, invariably i have expressed her spect for this -- expressed respect for this process, because the decision is exclusively those of the people of the united states. president obama: the somebody want to talk? good afternoon, mr. president. both governments have expressed they are in favor of that free markets and trade publishing. had saideard those who things against this paradigm. trump has said he is inclined toward protectionism. nafta legal mechanisms of
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-- so it is not put aside by degree? obama, what other issues do you have a would like to complete? president nieto: i think the free market model of the commercial trade, openness, this model has undoubtedly shown in norm's benefits for those of us who follow this model -- shown indoor miss benefits for those who follow this model. over 547% in the last few years from nafta. this is reflected in more productive investments, the creation of jobs, and it has promoted different projects for the development of infrastructure to make our
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countries more competitive. i also think that what is happening is that whenever we have had a slowdown process in the world economy, we start questioning the model. that this model mexico has hadoted and foster a particularly important strategic partnership with the u.s. and canada -- this is a model that still promises a lot of things, so much for the benefits of our citizens, because it allows us to consolidate the north american region as a more competitive region with a lot wee investment, which are taking advantage of opportunities to build a labor possibility for our peoples. this is really something we have to highlight and underline, and
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bear in my because it -- so much, and this improvement is projecting into the future. right now we can say that this is something we have had now for 20 years, and i think there are also conditions to modernize, to update, and to find more advantages so that it will potentiate shared common possibilities that we, the three partners about the three strategic partners, have. the talking about mexico, united states, and canada. i believe this agreement, which also is strengthened through tpp, which is now to be approved in the different countries, will potential lies a boost, create a a platform for economic
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benefit and will constitute a benefit for our societies. mechanism -- and the position of the united states is that after 20 years of having nafta, we now have the conditions to modernize its, to update nafta, and potential ize this moment even more. president obama: i agree with values that one of the of the transpacific partnership, tpp, is that we have learned from our experience in nafta, what has worked, what has not, where we can strengthen it, and a number of the provisions inside of the transpacific partnership address some andious criticisms of nafta
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will make what is already an extraordinarily strong economic relationship between our two countries even stronger. and will make sure that the integration isal serving not just large companies, but is helping small companies and small businesses and workers. so what i have said consistently factat globalization is a because of technology, because of an integrated global supply-chain, because of changes .n transportation and we are not going to be able to build a wall around that. what we can do is shake how that process of global integration is increasing
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opportunity for ordinary people, so that it is creating better jobs, so that we are strengthening protections for workers, so that we are some of the environmental challenges that come with rapid growth. forward ando look shape thisn which we new direction of the global economy in a way that benefits everybody, rather than to look at words and to think that we in undo what has taken place, think is our best strategy. and for all the talk about starting trade wars or increasing protectionist barriers between countries, when
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you actually examine how our although plants anyhe united -- auto plants 96 would have a hard time producing the number of automobiles they produce, and they have been having record years over the last several years, if they are not getting supplies from companies in and companies in mexico are not going to do well if they do not have some connection to not just markets, but also suppliers and technology from the united states. on how do we focus ensure the economy works for everybody and not just a few. there are dangers in globalization. increaseddangers in inequality. if we are not providing workers for sufficient protection, they can be left behind in this process, and that is what we have to focus on.
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and the transpacific partnership is consistent with that. president obama, due to the fact the government of turkey is asking for the extradition of a turkish cleric, how do you direct that and that turkish officials have said u.s. intelligence services had direct oup'sedge of the c planning? also a ban on overseas travel by academics there, at what point do you need to speak out more forcefully about these tactics? i did my undergraduate thesis on the legacy of the revolution and how that shaped your nation's politics. my question for you is you have
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mentioned your efforts to address heroin trafficking to the united states. and you talk about the challenges you face disrupting this illegal trade, given the fact that it is often transported in small amounts -- and in addition you have made climate change a top priority. and you talk about the biggest obstacles you face there in achieving your climate goals and how climate impacts are thecting your country and future relationship between u.s. and mexico in terms of migration and other factors. gracias. president obama: first of all had a chance to talk to president erdogan this week and reiterated what we said from the wasiest reports that a coup
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being attempted in turkey, and that is that we strongly reject any attempt to overthrow democracy in turkey, that we support the democratically elected government there, and i of great of the signs strength in the turkish people was the fact that even strong opponents of president erdogan, when reports of the coup were taking place and when it was still uncertain, who exactly was behind it, even opponents of the hard tot erdogan pushed get the idea that the military should overthrow a democratically elected government. anyreports that we had previous knowledge of a coup attempt, that there was any u.s. involvement in it, that we were
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anything other than entirely supportive of turkish democracy are completely false, unequivocally false, and i said that to president erdogan, and i said to him that he needs to not just he, but everybody in his government, understand that those reports becauseletely false, when rumors like that starts swirling around, that puts people at risk on the ground in turkey. so i want to be as clear and unequivocal as i can be. attemptedcoup. -- we deplore the attempted coup.
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we have been consistent throughout that the turkish thate deserve a government was democratically elected. now, what is true is that president erdogan and turkey a strong belief that mr. --who is here in pennsylvania, is somehow behind some of these efforts. president erdd to ogan, we have a process in the united states for dealing with extradition requests made by foreign governments, and it is governed by treaties and walls and it is not a decision that i that but rather a decision
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our justice department and investigators and courts make alongside my administration in a very well-structured and well-established process. i told president erdogan that they should present us with evidence that they think indicates the involvement of mr. or anybody who is in the united states and it will be processed the way it is always process, and we would certainly take any allegations like this seriously, what america is governed by rules of law, and those are not ones that the president of united states or anybody else can just set aside for the sake of expediency even
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when we are deeply supportive of turkish democracy and even when are deeply about any attempt to overthrow the government or any other illegal actions. we have got to go through a legal process. to what isth respect happening in the aftermath of the coup attempt, in my conversations with president an, in statement by john kerry and others, what we have indicated is our strong belief and hope that as the dust not an there is overreaction that could in some to a curtailment of weakeningrties or a
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of the ability of legitimate journalistsr through legal processes to voice their concerns and to petition their government, and that the united states, as a friend and partner of turkey's, and me personally, as a buddy who has worked with president erdogan for a long time now, would encourage that the manner in which this coup is investigated and people are held accountable and justice is done is -onsistent with role of law - rule of law and the basic freedoms that the turkish people have fought for and defended. and obviously, we cannot shaken, how scary and
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not just the turkish government is, but turkish societies. imagine if you had some group of military in the united states who started flying off with f-16 and wereer artillery taking shots at government buildings and people were killed and injured -- people would be scared, and rightfully so. of ane of the challenges democratic government is making sure that even in the midst of emergencies and passions, we make sure that rule of law and the basic precepts of justice and liberty prevail. and my hope is that that is what
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will emerge. in the meantime, we will continue to work with turkey even as they try to stabilize the situation. our bases from which we are hard is up andl running again and we continue to work with them to make sure that m thatnot lose momentum, we have built in terms of weakening isil's position in syria and strengthening the prospects for resolution of that terrible conflict. you very nieto: thank much for your question, because show and to talk about a subject matter we have agreed, and it is something i mentioned in the first meeting, which is exactly related to the
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a matter of fact, dance we met and cani of groupshigh level to combat the opium poppy cultivation and also opium gum and heroin coming into the united states, which is the situation today. what is reality all about? bc there is a growing production in some parts of the geography of mexico where there are conditions for the productions of this crop. the slow introduction of heroin in the united states -- this is the information we have right now. that is why we have to get together to build, we have to continue to work together to finding solutions to eradicate crops and to have alternative
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crops, the conversion of crops to create mechanisms that will allow us to face up to this -- which has taken the lives of hundreds of people especially here in the united states. what we agreed on is to work together to define the route we are going to be following. to avoid these poppy crops to extend to the other parts of the mexican geography, whenever that is possible, and thus be able to reduce and avoid this growing entrance of heroin in the united states. but i think this topic show something else. it shows us the need of working together. also shows the need both countries have to face up to problems that are common poppy in and crops up
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popping incrops of mexico is undoubtedly taking place in places where there is violence in the production of these crops. and there are criminal groups as well who become stronger through the introduction of illegal weapons, the guns in our country, the firearms coming from the united states into mexico. unfortunately, this is increasingly the opium poppy cultivation in mexico. problem because it generates a problem of andence in our country strengthening of criminal groups in our country as well and the introduction of heroin here in the united states that has taken the lives of thousands of people in this country. but what you have said is one of
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the many subject matters that are on the shared agenda between our united countries. the need to attend to this in a joint fashion, this issue shows the need to work in a very close manner, in a constructive manner, in a very profiting way to look into this jointly, the two governments to look at a problems facing both societies, and this is exactly what we have decided to do. i want to thank president obama for his political will so we can create this task force to find resolutions for this phenomenon. >> good afternoon, presidents. the need to institutionalize the
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agreements reached thus far between both nations. free trade agreements, taking account into the changes in the administration in the united states, i would like to ask if you have discussed the exhibition of -- as well. we saynt nieto: when about institutionalized mechanisms between both countries, it is for them to be durable. there are three particularly important mechanisms that are undoubtedly now allowing us to have a very positive constructive relationship in both nations. first, the high-level economic ed that involves the highest-ranking officials that are working in favor of creating a path forward, infrastructure construction along the borders, that will
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allow to have more agile trade and commerce. and in terms of security, something that i have always said, as many of the other the securityrs, operation allows us to fight criminaljointly operations in both countries and maintaining a safe border comes from this high-level dialogue that we have. and academic exchanges. the academic exchanges seek to have more students from mexico to be able to come to the united states to get their training, or and northhere, american students to be able to come to mexico. and there has been a growing impetus in the number of students, 64,000 right now. was 15,000.ago it mexicans are coming here to study in united states precisely of this decision.
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we have decided to continue this and continue promoting it. the third thing is the mechanism to implement innovation, technology, and infrastructure in north america. this is a mechanism that is allowing us to identify areas of opportunity, to enhance the changehange, productive -- how you chains -- value chains, productive changes. process so we can promote the economic activity in both nations and how we can check in this relationship. this is another mechanism generated as of the commitment and the will of president obama's administration, so the relationship between our two countries is not a monochromatic relationship just focusing on security, but we wanted to
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really try to launch efforts in both governments to promote competitiveness and productivity of the united states of mexico, north america as a whole, and promote this region so it can become the most attractive region for investments, economic growth, and productivity, and development. for that we have to be working on common fronts, especially on joint projects, that will allow us to really comply with this purpose and objective. president obama: i thought that was a good summary of what we mean when we say the need to institutionalize the relationship. i think it is important to remember so much of the work that gets done between countries is not done at the level of presidents, but is done within various agencies, whether it is law enforcement or economic
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ministries. and when they establish relationships and systems of communications and shared projects and share divisions, -- shared visions, those structures continue even after any particular president is gone. and build trust and understanding between countries that are critically important. this gives the a good opportunity i think to emphasize that throughout my presidency, both with president nieto and with his red assessor, we have had consistent, strong collaboration, where there have been differences or tensions, we have
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consistently tried to work through them in a constructive positive way. and to take an example of something that obviously always gets a lot of attention to the not off the border, and the undocumented workers or that we havews seen over the last several years are not coming from mexico, but are coming from central america. and if it were not for the hard work of mexico in trying to secure its border to the south and to cooperate with us, we would have a much more significant problem. and that is not always easy. that requires resources and policy decisions made by the mexican government, but the
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cooperation on that front has been absolutely critical in making sure that we deal with these issues in a serious way and in a humane way. and we continue to make progress on that front. the same is true when it comes to drug trafficking. this is a problem of both of our countries. as a consequence of the work we havene together, seen progress in some areas, both in the flow of drugs north, but also in the flow of guns and illicit financing south. that we are not going to be able to solve this problem by , and mexico is going to need united states cooperate in order to rid itself of the violence and corruption that results from the drug trade. and so the more we can build
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these kinds of habits of then inion and ingrain the various agencies, the better off we will be. i want everybody to be clear, mexico has been a consistent, strong partner with us on these issues. and if they had not been, we would have had much bigger , and theon our borders benefit of a cooperative mexico -- and by the way, mexico that has a healthy economy, and build that can help us security in central america, that is going to do a lot more crisis orny migration drug trafficking problem than a wall.
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moret will be much reflective of the kind of relationship that we should have with our neighbors. president nieto: thank you. >> president obama and mexican holdingt enrique nieto a joint news conference o in the east room. we want to hear your thoughts on u.s.-mexico relationship. this coming after the acceptance speech of donald trump last
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night, and this is margaret brennan of cbs, the foreign affairs correspondent, tweeting saying the white house briefing, says thedent of mexico flow of firearms from the u.s. to mexico is a problem and urges a joint crackdown on the heroin trade. we will take a few minutes of your phone calls. newo our independent line, mexico. caller: i was so proud when we elected the first black president of the united states. but now i am so disappointed that he has divided this country , and i believe that we have to, we must call on all of our , that illegal immigration has to stop.
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we want immigration. emigrated tonts this country. i want immigration, but not at the price of my grandchildren's safety. thank you so very much. host: hello there. caller: hello. thank you for taking my phone call. that wejust like to say need to build a wall because we have to slow down the hemorrhage. with all ofrhaging these people trying to come into our country illegally and causing us harm. so with obama having the mexican president on today, it is just a hold, because he does not clinton accountable for her actions, nor does he hold the
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mexican president accountable for his actions on the way he is governing that country. that country is a beautiful country. it is a wonderful country. at their problems, they are trying to flood into our country. so we do have to have trump to build the wall, and if people up north knew what the people down south that lived along the goders, what they had to through with their land, their families, their livestock, they would change their turn tonently -- their instantly. we have to help the people on the border of mexico in our country. so i would just like to say we love mexicans. we love our people. they have come here legally,
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because when they come here legally, they have done so out of respect for our country. that aree the mexicans here in the united states right now burning the u.s. flag and flying the mexican flag, those people need to be deported because i do not -- because they do not respect the motherland. host: the white house had welcoming words for the president of mexico, also from president obama. tweeting earlier, the white house values our partnership with mexico and our extraordinary ties with president nieto. here is maria from georgia. maria? you are on the air. go ahead. caller: sorry.
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i would like to thank you and c-span for your amazing coverage of the rnc. longtimemocrat, democrat, with my husband, and we watched every single day of coverage of the rnc this week. republicans --- i must say it is possible to be a democrat or an independent and share some of the same sentiments that republicans have. i believe in safety. i believe in protecting our borders and protecting our children. a berniei had been sanders supporter, along with my husband. and, no, i do not agree with every thing hillary does, but i will say as a mother, as a wife, then educator, and also as child of someone who has a sibling who is disabled and someone who is multi-racial
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-- i am african-american and hispanic -- i would be ashamed to stand behind donald trump who has made such that he rated remarks about women, about the disabled, and so and and so forth. -- so i cansuppor support some points. --tand with ted cruz on this vote your conscience, do what you believe is right, not for your party, but for your family. host: maria, appreciate that. our coverage will continue later today on c-span. hillary clinton is in florida, at the state fairgrounds, for a rally. we will not sure if we will know there then or their if -- if she has made a vice presidential pick. eastern, yout 3:00 can download the c-span radio
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app at google play, also at the apple store. all of what is ahead next week available on demand or live streamed at conferenceo the news that was just held, tying into the u.s. presidential race. here is a tweet from a reporter who covers the white house for cbs. he said in a response to a eto saidpresident ni mexico will not get involved in or get an opinion about the u.s. presidential election. he said he will cooperate with whichever candidate wins in november. here is ronald in california, independent caller. go ahead. yes, regarding the drug aspect, i want people to war, thein the vietnam
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u.s. military was smuggling in heroin, and the iran contra controversy, the u.s. military and u.s. government was smuggling cocaine. i think this thing of the u.s. government and secret agents involved in the smuggling of thes is a big problem, and secret u.s. agencies involved in assassinations is a big problem. we can solve a lot of these what portugaling and some other countries are --ng in your -- -- in europe marijuana, legalizing all these drugs, putting all these junk police and drug smuggling police out of business, and treating the drug problem as a medical problem, as an educational problem, and going from there and getting rid of all the crime associated with drugs and so-called stopping of drugs. i will leave that with you. host: here is north carolina,
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republican caller. caller: hi. how very disappointed about the racial relations and all this stuff is going on in the united states. it has to stop. all of our blood runs red. it does not matter what race we are. children. all god's i think people need to come together. and as far as this border patrol and all that sort of thing and the mexicans, i do not begrudge them coming to america, but i begrudge them coming here illegally, when i lived in adversary area, on the east and there the ocean, is a lot of mexicans that work here in the fields, watermelon, tobacco, cotton fields, and i
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wonder how many of them are equally here. we have americans who are starving to death, people who are without jobs, yet people aliensese illegal because they can hire them for no pay and they send their money back to mexico so that others can get the money to come over here. host: one of the protests we -- at the dealt with that we saw at the rnc dealt with that wall. more calls.couple on the democrats' line is joan. caller: i am just calling about the wall. the only comment i have got is apart from being an impossibility. i do not think it would be possible to build such a wall, even if you had a lot of doors within its. but even it wer all you need
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to circumvent a wall as a rowboat. e, host: did you say a rowboat? got water onave both sides. how difficult would it be to get in the boat and paddle your way around? sorry, i do not mean to be -- host: that is ok. thanks for your call, joan. chattanooga,rom tennessee, on the others line. go ahead. hello, good afternoon. caller: good afternoon, sir. thank you for taking the call. i was going to refer to the wall situation. i watched the mexican president and our president talk, and they sent thing -- said something about donald trump wanting to build a wall. i do not think it is
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historically necessary, because we not down the wall in germany. i understand there is a legal process coming to this country why these illegal immigrants are coming over here, whether it is the drugs or their living situation and their economy. making it ast racial situation. we have those issues in our country. host: is that something you think the mexican president, the mexican government, should pay more attention to? are they more responsible for the end of the deal? caller: yes, sir, because even as i talk, we need to take care of our own home before we can try to point the finger at someone else. if these people are running from a situation, then i think they need to be handling that situation and looking at it in a microscopic way.
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sometimes there are other things going on, illegally, like the that they are doing. if it is the drums, you got the guns coming from here, the drugs coming from there. you have other people who are try to get a a better life in our country. they are not talking about that. talk about that part. everybody is not bad. some people are trying to live, but there is a legal process for this. host: let's hear from the democrats line, texas. caller: hello, thank you for taking my call. i want to make a statement that obama has been one of the best long,ents i think in a long time. i know everybody is down on him. but i come from a republican and i was a republican until obama ran after bush, and i turned democrat. i want to say that we are all
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immigrants. france,from england, whatever, whatever. the only one who is not an immigrant in the united states is the american indian. i do not understand how they can shun all immigrants when we are all immigrants. host: let's get one more from california, chris on the republican line. caller: thank you. everybodyagree with who has come before me. however, i do not agree with building a wall. candidateor either that is running at this point. i am very disappointed with the election process so far. i feel that a wall will only encourage more tunneling, the cartels to try and come over and use water access, to shoot our
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citizens the way they did when the couple was on the lake going on theand around texas, shore of mexico. that was terrific. so a wall is not going to stop our problems. and there is just as much as the illegal trafficking coming from canada as there is for mexico, and just from offshore. and that is not going to stop the problem. we need more agents, however, if the government can put more money to that. i feel that our communications nexis area.does after all, they are our neighbor. obama refer to them as -- all those in north america have to deal with our problems internationally. and it just is not make sense to focus just on one particular country in our perceived events.
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i have taught illegal kids that are in our area coming up from mexico. they are the poorest of the poor. some of our older mexican-americans really resent these people. but everybody has to have an opportunity as it has been pointed out. we have all been immigrants at some time. had ancestors who came in 1638. host: tell us where you are in california. how close are you to the border in mexico? caller: i used to live in san diego and taught kids at san ysi dro. intown is dead center california, in the san joaquin valley, and is difficult to get a job. host: we will let you go. appreciate all your calls and comments.
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know the eventou with president obama and the mexican president, always available at i want to let you know again that our "road to the white ," a rally coming up at 4 p.m. eastern. one of the british politicians was at the convention, tweaking about nigel farage. he was in cleveland. he told me he felt left wing compared to the gop. farage talked this week vote him in the decision by the u.k. voters to union.he european this happened earlier at the convention in cleveland.
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>> good morning, and welcome to our live event. the morning buzz breakfast briefing. we will live stream it on mcclatchy across the country. i work in washington with journalists who deliver news across the country. heart ofims are at the our media company. and growing our audience online. it has been said about mcclatchy, our commitment to journalism. we -- here is what we believe we are positions to offer insights in this election year. you will see one of our
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journalists from south carolina up on the panel. other journalists will be here on the panel, and we have the largest florida media audience, five newsrooms in california. journalists who are representative of that excellence in commitment. let me tell you have the morning will go. we will have a 30-minute talk with our guest, nigel farage, hosted by steve thomma, and i will take some questions and then our panel, we'll add a couple of chairs and our panel will come up, and we'll listen to them and then have another q&a. i would like to thank our underwriter for this event, the leading provider of higher education programs for working adults. so let me introduce now your host this point, steve.
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our politics editor in washington is a prize-winning former white house correspondent, national correspondent, and now directs our political coverage. he's also has a very popular, a video series a newsletter. we encourage you to tune in. we will be interviewing nigel farage. at the time he argued the flood of immigrants, the flood of immigrants from southern e.u.rope has depressed the wages of native-born british workers. earlier this month he resigned as the leader of the united kingdom independence party. part of his decision to resign he said on the flexibility want his country back, and that he wants his life back. he remains a member of the
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european parliament to the southeast of england. he said he accepted an invitation to come to the republican convention because it interest in what donald trump had to say and that perhaps britain's exit from the e.u. holds a lesson for the united states. we are eager to listen. [applause] mr. thomma: welcome. glad you could join us. i'll start out with a pretty easy thing. i have read that you like a glass of beer once in a while. mr. farage: it's been known. mr. thomma: i have to tell you a few nights ago the city of cleveland hosted a terrific party for all the news media right across across the river, beautiful evening, and it was all beer. it was a beer and bacon blast. they had beers from ohio and michigan and illinois and microbreweries. you missed that. so unfortunately -- mr. farage: i hope i haven't wasted my time coming.
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i do like to go out for beer. i've always worked hard. i spent 20 years in business before getting involved in politics. i start work at 5:00 in the morning. i owe myself a little treat at the end of the day. but it's also -- kind of the press, give the impression i spent all day in the pub is not quite true. but in terms of connecting with the kind of voters that turned out and vote for brexit, politically it's been quite useful. mr. thomma: you may not know we have a standard question we ask in the polls. would you like to have beer with that candidate? but it is a measure of that connection to voters. having said that you missed that
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bit other than the beer, why are you here? because because a lot of people want to hear the brexit store. mr. farage: i think, brexit was a huge shock for the establishment in london and even bigger shock for the establishment in brussels. and what i see in america, people asking what does brexit mean? what does it mean for relations between the u.s. and the u.k.? what does it mean for ttip, foreign policy? i think also the republicans i've spoken to think, ok, if the brexit campaign reached the beer drinking voters if you like, but the guys who don't normally vote or given up voting 20 years ago. if the brexit reach those people how do we as a party in the run up to these elections reach the same people? mr. thomma: why here at the republican national convention? it's not a real traditional thing to have a significant foreign politician to come in to sidelined one of our conventions. mr. farage: i was invited. i thought i would come along to see. and, boy, you do things on a biscuit in this country. that was my first impression yesterday, what a huge if it is. mr. thomma: have you been over
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to the arena? mr. farage: i was there last night. i listened to chris christie speak. i had to look at that and it's one big event, isn't? mr. thomma: it is a big event and we have another one next week spirit which is even bigger i'm told. let's talk about donald trump. first, you have been quoted as saying he has reservations about his character, particularly commenting on is that i have reservations to encouraging people to beat up protesters. one or two things like that. what do you think of donald trump? mr. farage: i'm not an american. i haven't got a vote in this election, so i'm interested, i want to see him speak. i want to get a feel perhaps more than seeing someone in the flesh than just on television. i'm also going to be very careful. i think a big mistake for for politicians to tell people how to vote and how to think. i'll tell you what i say there. obama came to united kingdom during the brexit debate and
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actually i shall always be grateful, eternally grateful to obama because he came to our country. he was rude to us. he told us what we should do, and he led to a big brexit bounce of several points so thank you, obama, for helping us win with this referendum. the moral of the story, i shall not say at the end of the week think people should vote for, although i have decided i would not vote for hillary if you paid me. a sense of entitlement puts me off. what obama has done, what post- obama, what trump gets right it seems to me is he's prepared to talk about some of the issues that perhaps others find a bit awkward, but uncover. they would rather brush them under the cover. trump talked about those things that generate a huge level of interest. my reservations were that, i've been called over the top once or twice i think some of donald trump's comments are pretty out there.
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mr. thomma: bad? mr. farage: i think to say that he would then all muslims from coming into america, difficult to enforce, given what is your cities are working overseas are serving in the u.s. overseas and they are muslim? i can see what he's trying to do. he's tried to get some big messages out there. he is trying to reach voters who feel frustrated, the feel frustrated, who perhaps are a little bit scared. i get what he's doing it just occasionally the style of it. that makes even me wince a little bit. mr. thomma: have you met in? mr. thomma: have you met in? mr. farage: no, i haven't spent when you meet him this week's? mr. thomma: don't know. one of the things i noted having watched your speeches and your parliament and, of course, on television in britain particularly during this recent campaign is you a pretty good at it.
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you speak in sentences and paragraphs. donald trump does not exactly speak always in the same level. what advice would you give him for his big speech tomorrow night? mr. farage: i thought it was a speech i thought after super tuesday, and i watched that innocent me it was a little bit different donald trump. he wasn't quite such a high pitch. he wasn't trying quite as hard. he seemed to be slightly magnanimous in victory. i thought if that's the style that trump is going to adopt, he's going to win over even more people. i think something that repeated the style of the speech rather than -- i mean, it's important to punch at big messages during a speech but you can't do that in the whole of the speech. mr. thomma: talk about barack obama. you are not a fan of barack obama.
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mr. farage: i am a huge fan of barack obama. without them we would not have one the referenda. he was very helpful. no, not a fan. mr. thomma: is it adequate you've called him the most anti-british american there has ever been. mr. farage: most anti-british american president. mr. thomma: george washington who kind of broke with britain? mr. farage: that was a long time ago. i think we can put that behind us now. i remember that vaguely. look, obama, not. i felt a certain sense of resentment from obama towards great britain, the united kingdom. it was interesting when we had the oil spill and it was bp of course if he just couldn't say british petroleum. i thought you were saying something here. mr. thomma: you didn't think this last visit, i know his first visit, he and the first lady ruffled some feathers. i think there was a lot of criticism in the british press
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about the way the first lady dress when she met the queen. you don't think they smoothed that over at the number of visits since been? -- then? yeah, he kind of was talking down britain. he was telling us that we should stay part of an organization where our parliament was over our courts were overruled. he's telling us to do things but he wouldn't suggest the american people should do. and i also think, i think the state department, frankly american politics has completely misread what the european project is. kind of what i've been to
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washingtonappened to , a bit like nafta. it is a political unit and one that is being forged without the consent of almost anybody. has a big mistake i think is what the state department line has been, that's okay, provided the united kingdom is inside the european union we will get the european union that is closer to american interest. the truth of it is we are very close allies, big trading partners and now we are free, from the shackles of political union we can get on doing trade deals together and your best ally, your best foreign policy outlet in the world is now free. so i think washington has had this one wrong for a long time. talk a little more about the comparisons of the brexit movement and what's happening to good with the trump campaign to what lessons we can learn from what lessons we should avoid. the big one is that
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capital cities, perhaps necessarily, that's where big decisions politically get me. our political class have all that to thesame same university, all with the same degree, never had a proper job in their lives. for us, it's kind of inside him -- i suspect that the washington beltway, the development of the political class in washington,
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isn't that to some extent what the tea party was all about? mr. thomma: it's interesting because you talk about the weddings and marrying into each other's families. donald trump that major the clintons came to his wedding? i'm aware.age: mr. thomma: kind of the political world of accounts, clintons, the immediate author how can can you possibly be an outsider against the establishment? mr. farage: but if you're a big business figure in a country like this it makes sense as a businessman or a businesswoman to have relations to both camps because you never know who's going to win the next election. from a commercial viewpoint i get it. you are right, he is a very, very rich but what we've seen in the uk is the voters, they are
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not concerned where you come from. they are concerned about whether your genuinely talking to them -- you are genuinely talking to them and genuinely listening to them. what i've seen is that blue-collar class of people whose life is not very good over the last decade or two, and what they don't want our politicians sort of pat them on that and patronizing. they want politicians who speak to them directly and understand their concerns. mr. thomma: i want to talk about the similarity of the voters who came to your side in u.k. and the voters who seem to be propelling the donald trump campaign. they seem to be white working-class, male and female. is that the way it lines up in your eyes? mr. farage: it is not as simplistic as that come obviously. just over 30% of the black and minorities voted for brexit. overwhelmingly in the united kingdom, the traditional working class, whether they are blue-collar industrial workers
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or self-employed people running small businesses, overwhelmingly, those people did not vote for brexit? it is not just immigration. immigration was an important part of this, but actually, believing in your own country, believing you should have your own parliament that makes her own laws come on ashamed to be ashamed --- on unashamed to be patriotic. you walk past immigration pretty quick. it is a major issue for us here. mr. farage: if we were just a british referendum that was purely about sovereignty, purely about self-government, self-determination, it would be difficult to win that referendum.
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since the 1950's, we had a managed immigration policy in the united kingdom. net migration ran at about 30,000 people a year in the 1950's. s, knew how to do this and ye there were one or two difficulties, but generally, we had the best relations, the best integrated levels of immigrants into our society. the blair government wanted to open up the doors. then we allowed in eight, then 10 former communist countries. countries that were very poor. countries that in some ways had not made the transition into full democracies. opening the door to these countries would lead to a next her 13,000 people coming year. extra 13,000 people
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coming per year. we now have official net that are 10gures times what those figures were . mr. thomma: we draw the distinction in the nine states legal immigration and illegal immigration. -- wen the united states draw the distinction in the united states between legal immigration and illegal. words,age: the first two population is 65 million, probably higher than that. is now available to 508 million people, any of whom can come to the u.k.
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the argument in this referendum is the only way you can control in yourers who come country is to leave the eu and take back control of your borders. people saw their wages been compressed, which undoubtedly happened since 2007, they saw their access to local primary schools, getting an appointment with a local doctor, getting ,eople into the housing ladder thanks for the last generation took for granted, the normal things you expect in life, suddenly their children and rental do not finding it much harder. a lot of talk about muslims from the middle east. you first talked about muslims -- we should let them in and change it to a should be mostly -- it should be mostly christians.
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mr. farage: i talk about who qualifies as a refugee. the tiny christian population in countries like iraq and syria are genuinely being persecuted because of their religious belief. we are a country that has given refuge. my family were refugees. they were protestants being burned at the stake for their beliefs. we have always done that, we've always given refuge to people. what the european union has done , and i warned about this last april to her last may, they have implemented an eu common asylum which draws the boundaries of who qualifies to , silent seeker, they draw them so wide that it means millions of people can come into
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the european union. before the full disentanglement, the exit, will there be a flood of migration into the u.k.? -- i hade: we are not this language all through the referendum. nigel farage wants to put up the drawbridge as if we are going to defend the white cliffs of dover. i want to control who comes over the drawbridge. that's why we talked in the campaign about an australian style point system. thatn't just the numbers come in that you are in control of, but you actually choose the people, whether it is by qualification, checking criminal records, whatever it may be. about in thed brexit campaign was being like
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every other normal country in the world. i would have to pass a series of tests and that is what we decided to do. if the brexit process takes 2.5 years, there is a danger that there could be a big flood of messe, particularly the the eurozone is in. greece is once again heading to -- the italian banking system is in a very, very perilous state. i think the british government will have to say, hang on come everybody that has come legally will have fully protected rights. from this moment on, we will do things differently. mr. thomma: is there any xenophobia in this? mr. farage: there is no xenophobia insane we are proud to be the united kingdom, we parliamentour own
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making our own laws. and that we should control the number of people who come into the country. there is no xenophobia in that whatsoever. i been accused of all sorts of things. being anti-european. it's just not the case. . work for a french company i'm married to a german. amazing, isn't it? no one needs to tell me about the dangers of living in a german dominated household. i get it. [laughter] i'm now going to be a bit freer and i will travel around europe and i will enjoy and work with other independence movement because i don't think the eu is just that for britain come i think it is bad for the
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whole european continent. mr. thomma: the idea of this spreading, we were talking about people seem to be disconnecting from certain institutions, alliances -- i've been talking about the conventions themselves soon in america may be out of .ate an majority of americans do not call themselves any religion. and now we have this. is this an international movement afoot to disconnect, holdback, isolate -- what's going on? mr. farage: the development of political classes in capital
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cities can i set priorities that are not shared -- what's fascinating about brexit is that we had such a big turnout, over votedsent of the people -- over 70% of the people voted. brexit reengaged people. people in britain are talking about policy again. right across the european continent, there are countries whose attitudes being governed from brussels are very similar to the british. i do think we will see more referendums. mr. thomma: is there a movement, what would you call it? it's not brexit come is it just exit? mr. farage: being democrats.
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i want to be good next-door neighbors. there's lots of things where we need to cooperate, we are living in the same time zone. the idea that you should surrender your democratic rights to a set of institutions in brussels is absolutely crazy. i think there will be big pressure for a referendum in denmark. t. could get dexi there's a chance of a referendum in the netherlands. we can get nexit. if it goes to sweden, it could be sexit. [laughter] mr. thomma: what about nato? donald trump has called it obsolete. are you going to start seeing disentanglement from other alliances like military alliances? mr. farage: nato has a problem
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with definition. it was clear what it was in the cold war. it just needs to redefine what it is therefore -- what it is there for. in terms of american foreign-policy decisions, we are in a better position than we were before our independence day , june 23. we were seeing european union foreign policy developing in a way where we stops eating that stopped speaking to nations in many parts of the world. the plans for the european army -- whatever ambitions they may have come of the reality is military spending within the eu is so small. now that the u.k. is not going to be a part of that, effectively, the idea of a
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european army now diminishes. i think that was a direct threat to our relationship for nato. you have been quoted talking about vladimir putin in terms not dissimilar from donald trump, that you respect his abilities. jump has said similar things. talk about what you think of .utin mr. farage mr. farage: i would not want to live there. you would not last long as a journalist. i'm not a fan of putin. of2013, we were on the verge getting involved in yet another middle eastern war. what putin said made us think again. ukraine wasdid with
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a huge mistake. mr. cameron, the biggest cheerleader of all saying we should take ukraine into the european union and nato and what we saw was an elected leader of the ukraine toppled by a movement to get the european union to take ukraine. putin with a stick. he's going to respond. did you think the knew cabinet would split? mr. farage: i did not want theresa may to become prime minister. remain, she did not mean it -- i think she's
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made one or two inspired appointments. , was invis is a veteran charge of our negotiations in brussels. a guy that was a director of a big public company in the european dish in the united kingdom. ,he guy negotiating trade deals a noted pro-usa figure. she has said brexit means brexit. she has made solid appointments. i hope she'll is a those 17.5 faithn people -- save with those 17.5 million people. mr. thomma: do you think you would campaign for any republicans? mr. farage: i should not do that. i do not think interfering in someone else's politics directly
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is the right thing to do. brexite are lessons from that are useful, that is great. ashley and rosie will walk around with microphones. they will come to you with the microphone. please tell us who you are and ask your question. here.ght david: i'm david smith of "the guardian." what did you think of chris christie's speech, the mood as he got the crowd chanting "locke her up?" hillaryyour analysis of clinton? mr. farage: a sense of entitlement.
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this country now has its own hereditary principle. i think there is that sense of entitlement, that sense that she -- the of the politics american style of politics, the way they have expressed themselves at this convention is completely different. e no direct parallels with the way we do things in the united kingdom. as we walked through the protests -- i was expecting proper protests. they are quite small and not threatening at all. i've had much better protests outside my public meetings been that. interesting seeing some of the language displayed on this protest boards. marriagearound gay
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which in the united kingdom would be hate crimes. there are big cultural differences. i'm here as a fascinated observer of how america does politics. i think there is a genuine hunger. they understand how brexit happened. the real story of brexit, i think, is this. the little people, the ordinary people who don't believe anyone speaks for them represents them, you can inspire the people to go out and vote, you can change the world. mr. thomma: who else has a question? over here? mark: i'm a delegate from texas. i was just wondering, mr. for
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arage, the impact you had on the much larger conservative command packing its manifesto, impacting the way it campaigned -- impacting its manifesto, impacting the way it .ampaigned 25 years ago, i embarked on this because i just did not feel our country was headed in the right direction. projectt the european which my parents bought into as being about trade, being about , we had a neighbors big treaty -- i've been doing this for 25 years. one of the big questions was, as part try to do this of the conservative party and by trying to work from within?
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that's one of the great debates and the lens i faced all those years ago. people thatng into i would tell them what i thought about our membership in the union and they would say we completely agree with you. why don't you say so in public? i might get deselected. that's, i took the view one month there's nobody inside that we genuinely fight for this issue. secondly, if you are somebody theya sincerely held view, crush it out of you or stop you from getting into a position where you can exert influence. it's taken more years than i thought it would to get to this conclusion.
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i did worry at times that i might go down lost causes. threately, it was the posed to the conservative party. crossf these big issues the traditional left right divide the policy. -- divides of policy. there's no way david cameron would have made the promise of a referendum if it hadn't been the -- it's vitalkept that we got for us johnson -- that johnson appealing to side of the boat. -- that side of the vote. it was our campaigning style.
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been, if though it's you take the establishment, they .re pretty rude to you here?omma: right over tim: i know you say you are here to talk about brexit and how that happened, but you have to republican and conservative conferences before. i know you've been to see pack -- cpac in the past. you don't have good links with liberals in this country. i know you've said it direct comparisons are useless, but what do you think you have in common with the republican party and the conservative movement?
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what are the similarities and differences? mr. farage: there are some quite big differences in terms of attitudes toward gun policy -- these are the big cultural differences that exist. , there haveties been over the last decade or so elements of the activist base within republicanism who see what is happening in washington very much the same way that people like me, conservative party members in the united kingdom saw what was happening in westminster. it's all about disconnect. i would like to think that maybe what we proven is that if you are prepared to fight hard for what you believe in, then absolutely anything is possible.
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some of the attitude towards exists in disconnect america, i hear echoes of the same statements being made about brussels. daniel: you helped pull off something that was seen by many as possible at one point. when donald trump started to rise in the republican party committed you say to your self come i could have seen that was it as crazy and shocking to you as it was to us? mr. farage: i wasn't the least bit surprised. donald trump has taken on the establishment within his own party. makessee the way this guy
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andrgument, causes a storm when he gets condemned by everybody, rather than retracting, he goes that little bit further. i've been watching this with great interest. not surprised that he got the nomination at all. it's a bit tough to say who's going to win, but just maybe he will reach out to those voters who voted for brexit. i think everyone has been astonished at his rise. i suspect it's probably not over yet mr. thomma. mr. thomma: another one at the same table. tom: you were talking about the may hasents theresa
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made as prime minister, you did not mention boris johnson. what do you think of his appointment? mr. farage: it's great. we've got a foreign secretary who is going to raise britain's profile all over the world and , makes peopleme smile a bit. they are in position, they've got the jobs, there are some , she'sif they mess it up able to say it was all their fault and it was never deliverable -- i don't take that view. there are three people there committed to this. that we've got the , particularly with brussels, to recognize just what a strong hand we've got if we
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play it properly. doubt that in 2019, we will be out of the european union. what deal we will get. aat's what i question is ultimately what deal we will get. i very much hope all those things happen. up?thomma: any other hands paul: the perception that it seemed odd when the brexit side and you and boris johnson stepped down, it seemed like there was the situation where
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notjust wanted to win but clean up. mr. farage: boris johnson is now the foreign secretary. , what i'veosition done in politics i've done from the outside. ive tried to raise issues and would like to think that with my support, we changed the political agenda, we changed the center of gravity of british politics. i'm staying on as leader of the group in the european parliament , ande this process through i will, as this process unfolds. i will get up in the european parliament and make my friendly and constructive speeches that i .lways do there which i have no doubt there --
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they are looking forward to. this procedure over the next 2.5 years, there's nothing i can do. i'm not the governing conservative administration. i'm taking a bit of a step back in terms of not going on leading a political party, but my motivation that i wasn't one of went fromle who university into a research office and always wanted to be an elected politician. i never thought about elected politics until i was in my 30's. there was one great cause i wanted to fight, getting my country back, and that's what we've done. so i'm perfectly happy with where i am. mr. thomma: just to wrap up -- it has to be very quick. >> thank you. i'm from the daily telegraph. you mentioned you criticized
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obama for coming into british politics -- donald trump did the same. do you condemn him in the same way? rise here, the party platform is moving quite far to the right, is there concern that this nativism is a dangerous trend? mr. farage: trump did not come to the u.k. on a big political speaking tour. he came to check on his golf course. it's different in terms of scale. referendum since the
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, there are one or two people who have behaved very badly towards foreign people in our country. there were people behaving badly towards them before the referendum. there's always some elements who load virtually everybody. they are few in number. nothing i ever try to do to inflame that or make it worse. what i think european union project has done by taking away from people their democratic right by willfully trying to get one of their national identities into this new supranational order that no wooden best that -- that no onees recognizes.
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my the neo-nazis now the third-biggest party in greece? if you take away from people their democratic right, they will move towards the extremes of right and left in politics or perhaps even towards violence and direct action. i genuinely believe that getting -- europe will be at peace. op real how we st extremism. i thank you very much for coming. ,ehind us is the cuyahoga river which in the dark days of pollution in america actually started on fire. there is a beer here called burning river. enjoy one and let me know how it is. [laughter] [applause] mr. farage: thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its
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caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] returning to democratic politics, washington post reporter abby phillip tweeting andrea mitchell of nbc tweets -- we will be live this afternoon at that rally in tampa, florida, the state fairgrounds. live coverage starting at 4:30 eastern here on c-span and also on c-span radio. the democratic national convention today revealed the podium for next week's convention. this is the wells fargo center in south philly. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> please welcome the ceo of the
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democratic national convention, reverend leah d. tree and the mayor of philadelphia. daughtry and the mayor of philadelphia. [laughter] [applause] [applause] welcome to philadelphia. there is no better city, nevada to showcase our values than the birthplace of democracy. you see around you this morning is the result of many months of careful planning and dedicated work. our team has transformed this arena into what will be the epicenter of american politics next week. to be the most inclusive, most engaging, innovative and forward-looking convention ever. podium next week, you will see stark contrast to what
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you saw in cleveland this week. you will see talented leaders of disciplinesge and perspectives. you will see diverse be -- diversity and inclusion that mirrors what this country looks like and you will see a nominee for president with the skill, experience and integrity to lead our nation forward. one that knows that we are stronger together. with that, i know we still have a lot of work to do to get ready for first gavel on monday. it alllook around, take in, get familiar, because it is a view you will always remember as we make history in philadelphia again. with that, i'm happy to present mayor jim kenney. [applause] >> thank you. wow. watchs where i come to
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our beloved flyers and 76ers. to see this space transformed is overwhelming. get whenhe product you you use skilled union labor. [applause] we are looking forward to welcoming the country and the world, starting now, saturday, sunday. we will have a different convention than what we've seen -- ithe last four days altered between laughter and sadness and fear between all those events. we will have something we will all be proud of and we will nominate and elect the first woman president in the united states of america. welcome, everyone. have a good time. we will make it safe come everything will be good, we have great restaurants, great activities planned for everyone.
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>> for the first time in our nation's history, a woman will be a major party nominee. [applause] at the democratic national convention in philadelphia, hillary clinton becomes the first woman nominee of a major political party for president of the united states. of every minute of this historic convention begins c-span and with the c-span radio app and >> cia director john brennan said he would be fired before
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to all of our sponsors. let's give them a hand. [applause] >> it is my pleasure when we do these sponsorship things to invite and introduce jill singer , who is a senior vice president with at&t, to introduce our speakers. jill has extensive experience in government and industry. her last to government posts were as cio for nro and -- she's also a member of the insa board of advisors. thank you for your support and at&t support. come on up and introduce our speakers. [applause]
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jill: thank you. thanks to all of you for participating. we will have a great conversation in just a moment. is pleased to be a sponsor of this leadership dinner and the conversation with director brendan. is an iconic american brand and this year, we celebrate our 140th birthday. we are very proud to say that we have supported the federal government for almost all of those 140 years. moreover, we are proud to say that we have supported the predecessor organization for over 90 years. a long time going back. [applause] jill: thank you. as we look forward, at&t is excited to harness innovative information and communications technology such as the internet of things in support of
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intelligence. does also look forward to our participation in the national security alliance. dr. jennifer sims is a widely respected expert on u.s. intelligence and one who has seen it through the eyes of the executive branch from academia and congress. the --d earlier, she is at the chicago council on global affairs. developing and running national security and law in cooperation with the poly university. -- depaul university. she was the director of intelligence that is at georgetown for nine years. -- study at georgetown for nine years. she served as deputy assistant secretary of state for and thennce coronation served as the state department's first core nader for intelligence resources and
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planning. desk coordinator -- coordinator for intelligence resources and planning. prior to the state department, jennifer served as defense and foreign policy advisers to the senate select committee on intelligence. she received her bachelor's from overlaying college and her masters and doctorate from the school of advanced international studies at johns hopkins. thank you for being here and moderating. [applause] >> joining her on stage is the honorable john brennan.
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during his tenure, director brendan has initiated a sweeping modernization, including the agency must first new directorate in over 50 years, of digitalrate innovation. he's pursued efforts to expand the diversity of cia senior ranks and ensure the exquisitely the force.ity of specialized in south asia before directing counterterrorism analysis in the early 1990's. john graduated from port of university with a bachelor's in political science -- fordham university. here are the doctorate with a concentration on middle east studies.
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we never miss an opportunity to highlight that in his brief respite from public service, john served as chairman of insa from 2007 to 2008. thank you for your leadership and for your generosity of your time tonight. with that come i will turn it over to dr. sims. thank you. [applause] dr. sims: thank you for that wonderful introduction. it warms my heart to be back with insa, an organization that does bible's work, finding that -- anabulous work organization that is a fabulous work. does fabulous work. i want to have a conversation that looks back as well as forward. we worked together eight years
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ago on the obama transition team. we had the opportunity at that time to look at where the intelligence community stood. in hiso where cia was mission. -- it's mission. mission. can you look back on the usgress we've made, all of part of that next transition team, what would you say to them about the strengths and weaknesses of the cia and the larger intelligence community? >> thank you for inviting me here tonight. was the chairman here it years ago. i've never been subjected to an interrogation, i suspect if i were, those lights would be the type of light we would use.
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we were meeting today at the agency, preparing for the new change that will be taking place. sharing some of my perspectives about what we had to deal with at the time as we were ushering team, changingty inm one political party charge of the white house at the time to another political party. i give the bush administration a lot of credit for just how much they did to ensure the smoothest transition possible. that's what we are trying to do ensure thet cia to transition from the obama administration to the next one is going to be as smooth and strong as possible. intelligence is the continuity upon aslly is relied far as individuals who on inauguration day, all of a sudden they have response ability for dealing with all the world's challenges.
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last eight over the years, there has been such tremendous change in the global landscape. east,ooking in the middle the arab spring had not happened , the instability has racked so many countries, authoritarian , entirehave fallen come at countries have been taken over by a terrorist organization. and the attacks on the cyber front. my advice to the new administration is that there are a lot of things going on in the world that are interconnected to one another. on ukraine, there are although from- the outside, some things may -- they could are
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be more easily addressed and result, these are the most complex issues i've had to deal in my years in national security. herdingteam will be a series of challenges that need sively.ddressed compensable the world is not going to wait for them to understand all the intricacies and complexities of what we need to do. sims: we've had a tremendous event going on in turkey. when you have major changes likeway in a nato ally that, how do you deal with that from an intelligence perspective?
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how do you work with the turks in these moments? mr. brennan: we've had a lot of interaction with our turkish partners on a number of fronts. first of all, because of where they are located, next to syria, counterterrorism is causally ongoing. they are a critical partner. -- is constantly ongoing. you try to ascertain the facts. a lot of times in those early hours, it is very difficult. a lot of information is coming in and it is hard to extinguish between -- distinguish between the rumors that are out there and trying to understand what the situation is as far as the government and as far as u.s. personnel. what the status of our embassy -- what are the security concerns that are folks have -- our folks have?
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the situation was very dynamic. we did not want to jump to conclusions about who is in charge or whatever. that, asclear to me is a nato partner and a government that has a democratically ,lected president, government the attempted push by some element of the military really threaten civil order in turkey and that is why there was strong condemnation of the effort by this government and others. dr. sims: did we see it coming? -- brennan: we [laughter] mr. brennan: there have been a number of developments in the
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turkish political scene over the last several years with ogan with the consolidation of power and authority. it sits astride a very unsettled area. with the challenges the kurdish presented turkey, we know there have been stresses and strains on the government. there's been a number of actions the government has taken to try to address some of what they perceived as opposition domestically. we were aware of the pressures that the government was under, as well as the sun them in that as sentiments expressed -- well as the sentiments that were expressed.
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good try anyway, jennifer. [laughter] attack inthe paris nice -- i don't need to list all the events. we know what they are. if we define success against terrorism, isis in particular, as countering these individual threats -- certainly, we do have to try to stop terrorist incidents, but we need to understand what winning is. how do you achieve intelligence advantage against this kind of adversary in a larger sense? how do we win and what is intelligence's role in helping us get there? given the sheer
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number of individuals involved in the organization in syria and iraq and the franchises around the world, its growth was quite there isexpansive and a phenomenon going on right now in the region that has taken full advantage of the unstable environment. there is a need for both a tactical and strategic side. what will allow us to prevail is persistence and determination, attacking the organization both downstream and upstream. a need for constant effort to try to uncover and il has sent out, in terms of foreign fighter units, but also to try to deal with their provocation of their
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venomous narrative on the internet. this will take a number of years. it's not something that is going to go away quickly. the most important thing for us to do in terms of getting ahead of this from a strategic perspective is taking away its basis, in syria and iraq, they , theyontrolled territory have revenue, the used this as a basis for their continued efforts worldwide. we are making significant progress there. they have been sending word to their people that despite those military versus, they will continue to engage in these activities outside of the middle east. effort.l take constant as good as the cia is and as good as the u.s. is, we have to work closely with our partners in europe and the middle east. there has to be an architecture
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so we can information identify individuals who might have plans to carry out these thecks and find out who is masterminds behind these attacks. in sight of the major cities in syria, that is where a lot of the plotting takes place. ande is a multidimensional multiple geographic area effort to as much damage to eye, benefit time, a lot of factors be addressed. visit like iraq and syria, it's trying to address for trying to address the deep-seated feelings of alienation that a number of
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communities have there. the government in baghdad, the government and damascus really needs to be seen as much more representative of the people of those countries. after all of this devastation, i think it is something to be determined. it certainly is the u.s. is trying. i have a handful of questions i want to get, something that spins off of what you just set it certainly countering the terrorist threat and physical in particular is for an subject on the national agenda. but over the years, and we were talking earlier about the fact that i'm working on a book on the history of intelligence going back to the spanish armada. trying to derive lessons about winning you if we
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>> in the u.s. is the sole superpower. to united states is left to try to address the problems. at no other country has the potential capability as well as be able to. while we are dealing with the situation is area, iraq, syria of theclose to some kind central african republic. it is humanitarian generous taste -- devastation or genocide. the cia has a global responsibility. we're frequently the organization working that is asked for what is happening because we have people around the globe.
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they focus on a big issue today. we can't lose sight about what is going on other places because we keep having to vivid from one to the next to the next. the strategic warning, the demands of gone up as far as what the policymakers. what the opportunities are, the dynamics are underway. what we need to do is to make sure that you optimally utilize resources so that we have as much coverage as possible on all these issues. regional, country, functional. which is why we decided we were going to restructure because i
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am a very strong believer that integration of effort and capability and expertise and tools will give you much greater ability to address multiple issues simultaneously. and i felt that the organizational structure of the cia was not a good to give us that. and they have constant attention of cia officers working together to identify what might be over the horizon. and it's not the question of what is lazing today, it is what is starting to emerge. you need to have a variety of professional experiences, a variety of backgrounds and it areas is in order to understand what is happening.
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it is much less obvious. the agency working with a great partners are able to, i think, keep a watch in these areas and if we can't pick up him those early indicators. there are actions individuals take that are concerning. the decision-making process is very closed. and a lot resides in the head of one individual in consultation with others. they can make decisions very quickly that may not be able to have any kind of advanced warning. this is increasingly a challenge. sureis why we need to make we are in the best position is possible to be able to dedicate -- as manyources resources as possible.
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>> begin of getting in ahead of world leaders, are you confident that we have the capabilities we need to monitor the iranian agreement? >> i am confident the u.s. intelligence committee is second to nine in terms of its ability the signs, the indications that rings are happening that may be inconsistent with the agreement iran reached. we also have the benefit of having a very intrusive inspection regime as far as the iaea is concerned. there are a number of different features that complement what it .s which is further complemented by a number of other agencies worldwide that have keen interest in trying to detect
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whether or not iran is trying to circumvent some of these arrangements as well as working on the troublemaking front. i'm never going to say we have perfect view or insight, but we do believe the weight of the intelligence community is dedicated to dealing with that kind of eventuality. >> i have a number of questions on the modernization of graham. can you talk a bit more about the rationale behind the centers and whether they have made a difference. >> the whole consultation was to try to leverage, to mention the
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is it in the cultures of the community? i know we talk about integration as being an important day. it's one of the lessons we learned from 9/11. asked to riskng their lives, as you well know, there is something to the culture. it's something to the mothership is important. feel asit makes people if each of their back. there was too much integration. and also, i would worry that it would lead to less diversity when you sit around the table. with an analytic view.
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and which set of cultures within the intelligence community, i wonder when we have reached the limit of integration? >> counterintelligence is a mission. the directorates represent capabilities. it supports digital innovation. those of the capabilities that need to in use the throughout the organization. the counterintelligence mission center is a mission it health. it needs to have the operation, the analysis in order to carry out the mission. centers, theon
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issue of integration is that there is a balance that needs be struck. because you don't want to have everybody independent, you don't want to bring everybody together because it is just impossible and unwieldy. do is not trying to to diminish, in any of the cultures over the last 69 years. it was not diminished in any way. they still have being a marine. same thing in the army or the cia. in being aeat pride case officer or operations officer. we pride in being the gold standard of analysis of cia. we try to leverage that and
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bring it together so that they are able to interact with one another in a manner that it hours both of their capabilities. part of the counterterrorism enter and we could create a self staining organization. but the real challenge is how you're going to make sure that it interoperates with the rest of the counterterrorism ecosystem. counterterrorism ecosystem is embedded within the intelligence community ecosystem which is part of the national security system and the government. and the next administration will have this in spades. how do you make sure you design a stems of that you have the of the advantage capabilities, networks, authorities, the expertise that resides in the u.s. government.
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that is bigger than any other government. just a question of putting together the architecture that will facilitate and enable interaction. putting together the architecture that allows you to leverage the data, authorities, people, expertise. and doing it at the speed of light. you can always migrate more and more. and those components interact with the rest of the environment. i think it's very important for us to have dynamic structures. it is changing it the speed of light.
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changed theofoundly business. in an environment where digital domain is so you been it is, we pick up digital bus. how do you operate wherever? and do it without any type of traits of intelligence mission. this is something that is very challenging. >> exactly. if there is one thing i have learned about looking at the intelligence history, the successful intelligence services have had public private partnerships working to support the government. over and over again, the private actor has been crucial. how are you doing working with the public sector are?
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holding a discussion over encryption. how do we build partnerships with our industry private sector colleagues? we have many in the room tonight and we are grateful for their support. a stronger do to get and more robust relationship? >> where tremendous partners represented here tonight. and we are exceptionally grateful for those partnerships. we took a number of hits from companies that we are very concerned about having their relationship with the intelligence community exposed which could affect them. a number of ceos and the board of directors were almost pleasing with the intelligence community to have them compelled
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to provide support. and that couldn't happen in many instances. given the fiduciary responsibilities that they could not absorb the cost associated with some kind of exposure. because the view of the public as well as others, any type of relationship was going to take them in terms of their commercial interests. i think have been able to overcome a lot of that. we have tremendous interaction , a lot of support in silicon valley that recognize the intelligence community is successful in keeping this country secure. i do think that there needs to be much more candid discussion and honest discussion publicly about the role of government in the digital domain.
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this is what is really, i think, going to affect our ability to keep this country safe. unfortunately, there has been a polarization and dishonest representation about what it is the government is doing. it is recently at an event where a very well known technologist said they are explaining encryption. that's why they are -- that is why the government doesn't want encryption. government wants encryption. we want strong encryption. we rely heavily on that. there is a national consensus about the appropriateness of the role. we have adversaries, nationstates.
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a lot of that environment is totally walled off for the --ernment's ability to pair the debate that was raging between the fbi and others in terms of act to data on a mobile device, you can put on a mobile device now, information and data that will take it to many different warehouses in terms of tech, photos, other types. instrumental, and also give us an eye into what devastating attack we might be hastening. we let individual companies decide what the government should and shouldn't be able to have access to. the bank has a safety deposit boxes and a judge issues a warrant.
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the bank is obligated to open that up. i know people refer to back door and other things. i am empathetic to jim komi and others that they would need to find a way to optimize privacy and the liberties and security of that environment. and at the same time, allow the fulfill itso responsibility to care for the american people. i don't think there has been an honest discussion about this issue. we will set up at the beginning of the next administration because it will take many years to be able to have this discussion that we will have the public sector and the private sector come together. you cannot have a government solution to this. the private sector owns and operates 90% of the internet. >> it is fundamentally a matter
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of trust, is it not? one of the elements of trust is this oversight process getting congress involved in a collaborative effort to have this conversation. are the oversight institutions strong enough? is this a likely prospect? john: the 9/11 commission about the restructuring of the congressional committee was never acted upon. and i think a number of committees are looking at together aspects of this issue. it is not just an intelligence issue, it's not just related to homeland security. needs to be something that is going to become
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productive because the digital domain is where most human activity is already taking place. i think that having a congressional commission, that we -- that they can work through up with aes, and come way forward in terms of various objectives. it is not going to travel those civil liberties that this country is founded on. >> wheel may have a couple minutes left but i wanted to the tople of questions related recruitment into the cia and what you're looking for in terms of people to come in.
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i know you have launched an important diversity initiative. mr. brennan: i cannot speak personally to that. i asked vernon jordan to lead a group of individuals to take a , and he cameecord out with a steady and recommendation last year that we aid public that held us to account for not realizing that very laudable objectives we had set for ourselves the last couple of decades for a variety of reasons. thate so vision driven these initiatives fall by the wayside as we have to do with issues and other things. we have made it a major part of our modernization and admission effort to bring in as diverse a
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workforce as possible. i can see no other agency that can make a stronger case for diversity than the cia. we have to cover the world, we have to understand the world's problems and opportunities. that requires the perspectives of a diapers -- a diverse workforce. what we're trying to do is update security practices, because in the past and number of people, because they had certain -- they had family in a certain country, and cannot come , we need to recognize if we are authority of the experiences, the linguistic capabilities we need, as well as the ability to operate globally, we need to bring that rich diversity into the organization. so i am proud of the work we have done on that, but we still have work to do. dr. sims: i think we are at --
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-- amorrect question mark i correct? ?o we have time for one more we have one candidate running for president who has talked about enhanced interrogation and torture. i know this is a very sore subject, but it goes back to our discussion about trust and a dialogue with the american people. and is your advice to incoming administration -- to an incoming administration? a the threats rise, is it bad idea to think about enhanced interrogation and torture and changing those goalposts again,
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or do you think we are in exactly the right place? mr. brennan: there are a variety thismensions to question. the agency carried out, at the direction of the president, a detention interrogation program that was duly authorized by the and like allchief, fresh and, it was rooted in a presidential finding. it was deemed to be lawful. in terms of the parameters of those past techniques that were approved, the cia in the application of those in a number of instances, made mistakes, made bad mistakes him and individuals were held to account for that. we had no experience in putting together a program like that. we were ill-prepared to do it. like we have done throughout our history, when a nation calls, the agency does its best to salute. that is why cia boots were the
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first boots in afghanistan after 9/11. that was why cia blood was shed and the first american killed in afghanistan was a cia officer two months after 9/11. we do our best to make sure family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues are cap state i doing what we're asked to do. this program was an example of that. we learned a lot of lessons. .e make adjustments we would do everything we can on the counterterrorism front to prevent these attacks that we have received -- that we have seen recently. as director i have to take into account a number of factors. the cia suffered in many respects as result of that program, and the mistakes we made, but also the rampant misrepresentation or mischaracterizations of the agency's work during that time.
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that is when i look at the senate's report on the detention interrogation program, it makes my blood boil because although there are a lot of things in there that were accurate, it really just focused and showed a bright light on the shortcomings of the agency during that time. if it was done in a more , andtive, nonpartisan a fair fashion it would have put those shortcomings in a more fair context, because i do not believe that there was an ac more responsible -- and agency more responsible for safety the cia. the report represented the worst of that program. i can say with great confidence that information that was gleaned from individuals who were subjected to those -- were read information, some
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information was useful in stopping attacks and catching terrorists. as a professional, as an analyst, i cannot establish a cause and effect between the application of those -- and what an individual subsequently provided, cause there were individuals who were not subjected to those -- there were individuals who were subjected focuswho gave a lot of information. because of something i cannot establish, when i take that all into account, look at what has happened to the agency, and the difficulties we endured as a result of the aftermath and some people's selective memory about what they were briefed on and what they had countenanced, i have to take into account what the equities are. i personally believe that we can fulfill our possibilities and not resort to those eit's.
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the i have been asked if next president directed me or the cia to carry out waterboarding, what would i do. andle have misrepresented said i would resign. i would have to be fired by any president before i would -- i would not agree to that and they would have to remove me. i want to make sure i'm doing i can to protect addition, the men and women of cia that sacrificed more than most americans could even imagine in terms of what they do for this country. i have an obligation to that. that is why i believe i have the best job in the world. that is why people here at insa, who, by your presence, signaled more interested in doing what you can for the agency, for the rest of the intelligence community. that is critically important, because cia officers will open up the papers and see all the things that they reportedly are doing, and the misdeeds. as cia not serve
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officers, nsa officers because of the accolade and the tickertape parade sprint they ,erve silently and selflessly selflessly in order to ensure that they can contribute to our national cents. i am not currently or do i ever intend to direct cia officers to engage in those types of techniques as long as i am director. dr. sims: thank you so much for your candor and for your completeness -- [applause] dr. sims: thank you so much for such a wide-ranging conversation
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. everything from counterterrorism to the centers of integration, diversity, and importantly, the public-private partnership that is represented here tonight. john, thank you again so much for giving of your time, for agreeing to come back and give us this update tonight. make you for your service. jennifer, thank you so much. much better second-half. so glad i could turn the microphone over to you. and we have for you and memento for tonight. candythe coveted renowned dish, and it comes with free so that means we would like to see you back. so, jennifer, thank you so much. [applause]
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john, you probably have a few insa candy dishes. you have given more candy dishes than i have. we thought long and hard, and thought no better memento than a framed picture of john in his many appearances while you were in the job to remember you by all your friends. mr. brennan: thank you. thank you so much. [applause] >> if you do not mind --
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and maybe one without -- you promised me not to use that one. >> thank you all for coming. if you are driving, please drive safety. in any event, please arrive home safely. thank you all so much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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>> there is word this afternoon that hillary clinton will announce her choice for a vice-presidential pick. reuters here -- we may hear that this afternoon. we will cover her rally in tampa this afternoon. she is at the state fairgrounds there. we will have it live at 4:30 eastern on c-span. he will have a front row seat to every minute of the democratic national convention at withoutoceedings commentary or commercials, and use our video clipping tool to
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create your own clip of favorite moments and share them on social media. read twitter feeds from reporters in philadelphia. our pages have everything you need to get the most from coverage. for updated schedule atormation,, every speech will be on demand for viewing when you want on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. our special convention pages and all of are a public service of your cable or set like a writer. you are a c-span watchers come check it out on the web at one day after the republican national convention, president obama rejected donald trump's depiction of an america in prices -- in crisis. mr. trump said if elected safety
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would restored at home and abroad. here is the president's response. i cannot watch: the convention. i do not think that is a surprise. i have a lot of stuff to do. and they are pretty long events. but i did read some of what was said. the one thing that i think is important to recognize is this idea that america is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn't really jive with the experience of most people. i hope people the next morning walked outside, birds were chirping, the sun was out. this afternoon, people will be
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watching their kids play on sports teams, go to the swimming pool. folks are going to work, getting ready for the weekend. in particular, it is important to be absolutely clear here that some of the fears that were expressed throughout the week don't jive with the facts. let's take two specific examples. when it comes to crime, the violent crime rate in america has been lower during my presidency than at any time during the last three or four decades. and although it is true that we have seen an uptick in murders
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and violent crime in some cities this year, the fact of the matter is that the murder rate today, the violence rate today is far lower than it was when ronald reagan was president. and lower than when i took office. we have just gone through a tragic period where we saw both tragedy in minnesota and baton rouge, and then the insanity and viciousness of people targeting police officers. we are all heartbroken by that and troubled by how we can rebuild trust, support law enforcement, and make sure communities feel that they are being fairly policed.
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but the fact is that the rate of intentional killings of police officers is also significantly lower than it was when ronald reagan was president. those are facts, that's the data. when it comes to immigration, i think americans expect that our immigration process is orderly and legal. and we have put unprecedented resources at our border. well, it turns out that the rate of illegal migration into the united states today is lower by 2/3 than it was when ronald reagan was president. we have far fewer undocumented workers crossing the border today than we had in the 1980's,
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i give you the next president of the united states, donald trump. mr. trump: thank you very much. we had an amazing convention. i think it was one of the best ever. enthusiasm, in terms of what it represents, getting our word out, ivanka was incredible last night. she did an incredible job. so many of the speakers are so amazing and ground setting. it was just something very, very special. you are even getting good marks on television. can you believe that? hard to believe. they will change, don't worry. been just an
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incredible four days. i want to thank the people of cleveland and the people of , i mean, what they have done. or three weeks ago, we are going to have riots, problems, everything was a problem, a problem. this was probably one of the most peaceful, one of the most beautiful, one of the most love-filled conventions in the history of conventions. and when they talk about unity, that was unity. that was unity, right? i saw you last night. that was unity. that was amazing. and the party has just come together. the party has come together, and the few people that are not there, it is ok. you got to understand, i ran as an outsider.
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i did not want anybody. now i have guys like mike pence. system supposed to happen. if i do not win, i can blame mike. want to thank a number of people because, in particular, we are going to leave out some because that happens and it is always very sad. i'm a real estate guy. i built buildings and i build things. that was the most beautiful set i have ever seen, not only for conventions, but for anything. worked onlks who that, especially, the carpenters, the electricians, we forget about this stuff. up there, heckers said, we just cut it, i do what you do, but you do not see it very much. we have the chairman from new
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york, my man, my leader. we are going to win new york. we are going to try to win new york. if we win new york, it is over, right? it is over. thank you, chairman. i really appreciate it. a few of the people, harold is here. where is harold? boy, barry switzer, great football coach, he is harold's best friend, or one of them, so he came up to my office and he said, mr. trump, harold is one of the great energy tycoons, but from our standpoint, one of the people that really understand energy better than anything else. we hired these consultants. they do not know what they are doing. if they were any good, they would be worth $10 billion. a toughy switzer is
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cookie, a good guy. he said, you know, mr. trump, that harold, he is my friend come up with other companies, they spent loads of dollars looking for oil. a strong, puts it pourse ground, and oil out of it. that is the guy that we want talking to us about energy. we want the real players. we do not want the consultants. we do not want the guys he hires. we want him. harold, it is great you are here. or speech was terrific, by the way. he also have, and i think very important, jeff sessions, who may or may not be here, that i want to tell you, he was the first one, mike, he was right at the beginning, and he is so highly respected, and i miss it, ted cruz has so much respect for jeff sessions. and everybody knew that jeff sessions was going to be with ted cruz during the campaign.
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and just said, i have never seen anything like what has happened. you have a movement going on. he was the first big player, u.s. senator, highly respected by rebutted, one of the restored people, and low key. i like that, you know, that key genies. he said, why don't you try to get this right? i think that is genius. jeff sessions was at the beginning and it was a huge upset because when jeff came on, everybody thought he was going ted, andely be with frankly, he has never endorsed anybody before. he is not an endorser. he is called a tough endorsement, and he endorsed me and that was a fantastic thing, and he has been a great help ever sense. jeff sessions, i appreciate you. jeff larson is around here someplace. he is around here someplace. what a job jeff did.
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reince was a superstar. he is probably on a plane. and we are hard, raising money, and the nice thing, i put in over $60 million. that's month i think i put in $3.8 million, and we are raising money for the republican party, which is really important. it is a beautiful thing. i cannot guarantee these figures, but i heard yesterday 3.5 millionke dollars from small donors. the average donation was just over $50. and we are raising a tremendous amount of money from the small donors. inme that is more important a sense. harold can write his checks, a harold is only one vote, right? these other people give you 50 bucks, but they vote by the millions. that is what we want. to hell with harold, right?
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had just tremendous numbers of people's coming in, and we are building up a war chest that will be great, and i am continuing to fund my larg portions ofe it. i thought i gave $2 million last month, and they said, you actually gave $3.8 million. it is always good when you gave and you do not know and it does not matter. i do not even get angry at anybody, right? i have over $60 million because i said i was going to fund the primaries, and so we just keep going along, right? i will tell you, it is an honor, and i have said this. a lot of the television people have come up to me and one very highly respected writer called story, and heat said what you have done is incredible. and this was actually in
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september, they called if the summer of trump. he said what you have done is incredible. nothing is incredible unless i win, and i was not talking about the primaries. he said, no, no, what you have done is incredible. it has been the summer of trump. it is done in the history books. there's never been anything about it. bill o'reilly said the single greatest phenomena he has ever seen his life. a couple of weeks ago. did you see that. ?- did you see that and brit hume said it. you do not understand, i do not care. ido not do anything unless win, and i am not talking about the primaries, because otherwise, what have we done? like it a call from some of the else a month ago saying the same thing, but now it was the summer of trump, it was the autumn of children, it was the christmas of trump, it was everything, and
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beaut because it, is a movement. i was on the cover of "time" again this week. i was on the cover twice in my life, and like six times in last number of months. you tell me, which is more important, real estate or politics, ok? is that true, harold? i have six for politics or two for real estate, and it has been amazing. to meetlook, it really matters. they said, no, believe me, what you have done is in the history books. there has never been anything like this. i win the primaries, this is crazy, and it does not matter unless we beat hillary clinton, ily i mean beat her hand -- i will consider it, and i should
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not say it, because if it does not work out, you can say, i did a good job, but i've heard it myself by saying this. if i do not win, meaning that final stage, beat 17 people, because 17, including desk it was at least 70 because there was one we do not even talk hert, who joined, who left a statement, he was gone. and then do not forget it, hillary had a couple of guys who dropped out and bernie was tough . we are going to get a lot of the party voters, by the way. they did not treat bernie writes. know bernie. they did not treat bernie right. hillary's people just swamped in. you are looking at deborah wasserman schultz -- reince over her any
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day in terms of confidence. not for being nice and really, who cares? reince --i will tell you that e are going to get a lot of his voters as of the trade issue. because they understand because of the trade issue. we will get a lot of their voters. want to thank steve king. where is steve king? where? thank you, steve. i want to thank some of our security guys. the secret service is wonderful. [applause] wonderful. they have been hit a little bit over the last couple of years to let me tell you, these guys are. everhe best and that happened to the secret service because i go around saying how great they are.
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these are great, great people. i want to thank the secrets nervous. i want to thank the police of cleveland, the cleveland police department. i want to thank the police chief. he is amazing. workingone some job with all of the folks from law enforcement. you heard last night we will be protecting law enforcement. i want to thank eddie did. is eddie here? become famous. is becoming more famous and me. your police chief has done a fantastic job in cleveland.
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in terms of some of the folks, david gilbert. where is david? connor. chris kelly. don't bother. you don't have to come up and speak. brian jack. what a job you did, brian. can leave and go to the next location, brian. hillary is trying to pick her vice president as fast as possible because she wants to take away a little of the success that we had at this convention. this convention has been a tremendous excess. if you turn on television, you .ill see somebody got booed by thousands of people.
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there may not be unity. there was not one person in the room including the tech is delegation. he may have ruined his lyrical career. i feel so bad. he will come and endorse. i don't want his endorsement. tad, stay home, relax, enjoy yourself. when you go up, it's a boring speech. and here's the speech.
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and he added a sentence. a got up and he added sentence which could have been viewed as a nasty thing in terms of what he said because it was implying something that that's ok. and you are bound by that's like you are bound by the pledge. ted cruz to a speech that was done, it was on the teleprompter. and he made a statement that wasn't on his speech and then went back to his speech. to me, that is dishonorable. not signing up edge is dishonorable. not a nice thing to do. i talk this way because we are all together and we created one of the most successful conventions in the history of conventions. and the ratings were through the roof.
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i get a kick out of cnn. i don't know if this was a successful convention. all they talk about his trunk -- is trump and the convention. i have to tell you, milani at a great job. and the presentation is so being talked about. what a beautiful beach. ivanka last night, unbelievable. to have that kind of an introduction. tiffany, the biggest group's 22 people in a classroom. tiffany was amazing. i just don't want them running for political office because somebody's got to a behind and run the business. i get a kick because the ratings on television are through the
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roof. this is nothing to do with politics. it has something to do with it but nobody's going to watch this next convention. i'm going to have a hard time watching her final speech. number one, i know her too well. number two, boring. 25 minutes and it wasn't i fault. the networks had all of their big programming. the local news is a very big factor. they all moved it. they said, to heck with the local news. we are moving it. jimmy kimmel, jimmy fallon, they
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went back. they weren't going to miss this convention. let's keep going. but it wasn't my fault. what happened, the applause was , it really no crazy was. if you look, the speech was fine but the applause was longer than this each. honestly, that was all about unity. we may be missing a couple of people. i like ted, he's fine. don't want his endorsement. if he gives it, i will not accept it. he should have done it because
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-- i don't see him winning anyway but if he did, that's fine. maybe i will set up a super pac if he decides to run. are you allowed to set up a super pac if you are the president? but there were two things he said yesterday. i didn't start anything the wife. pac release a cover story on my wife who is a tremendously successful and elegant novel. and she was on the cover of gq magazine. penthouse.actly she was on the cover of gq magazine, and art picture. she was a model. she didn't need to marry me. she was making a lot of honey. work hard to get her to
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marry me. it wasn't that he. you think i'm kidding. so they released this picture to theas, you know -- people of the state of utah, i love you. that's not where you want to send a risque picture. and i don't think they showed it took the gq off and just cut all the stuff out. they didn't say it was a magazine cover. trump. was melania i didn't do anything. think, by the way, she is a very nice woman and a very beautiful woman. i think heidi cruises a great person.
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i think it's the best thing he's got going, and his kids, if you want to know the truth. although he's got good intellect but he doesn't know how to use it. and he was a good debater but he didn't do well in the debates against me a orting to every poll. he lost in every single one. that takes care of the heidi thing. it was a terrific woman. that was a pac. a lot of us are political people. we are not babies. his people run the pac . he said we had nothing to do. you could trace it with e-mails but they are pretty smart. probably just phone calls. was a ted cruz super pac. he said it wasn't really meant for us. the first.t out
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i don't know his father, i met him once. all i did was point out the fact that on the cover of the national enquirer, there is a of crazy lee harvey oswald having direct. ted never denied it was his father but i had nothing to do with it. that frankly,ine in many respects, should be very respectful. they got oj, they got edward. if it was the new york times, they would've gotten full of surprises. why didn't the national enquirer get the pulitzer prize? o.j. simpson and all of these things. so they have a picture. i'm not saying anything. here is how the press takes that
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story. except it might have pointed it out. denied, dider anybody deny that it was the father? here's a story. the press takes that and they say donald trump and his curacy theories, he went out and said his father was with lee harvey oswald and he assess dated the president. what did i do? those are the two points. number one, you understand now. i knew nothing about his father. i know nothing about lee harvey oswald. but there was a picture on the front page of the national enquirer which does have that ability.
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they get sued for a lot of money. that is the only thing i know. they use the two things as the reason. if people really dislike me, and i don't they do anymore. how bad can i be? and they love their daddy. i was a good father. a lot of my children were really, people say they were this ours. i'm so proud of them. was an amazing time.
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this was an amazing convention. see him on twitter, facebook. this guy, it was the first time i am look up in seven. he's always looking down. no one knows that stuff better. quick reportive a because a quick report because i hear the numbers are astronomical. we are dealing in a modern age. unfortunately, we are dealing in a modern age. wait until you hear the numbers. he won't even believe it. go ahead. trump.k you, president , #trumptrain. you
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is everybody out there? this is surreal for everybody that is art of the campaign. twitter exploded, facebook exploded. did everybody see the videos on his twitter account, and the graham account, face of the account? tens of millions of use. -- views. almost half a million new followers on face book. mr. trump hit 10 million followers on twitter. this will never be done again, it's impossible to be done again with this man right here. a total of 22 .5 million followers between instagram, twitter, facebook. 22.5 million.
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i don't know how you do this every day. impressions on twitter, per month, over one billion impressions on twitter. and the numbers are going to , they will facebook probably be in the billions. it is absolutely unheard of. we get those videos out and things are not working out with cnn or somebody. @realdonaldtrump on twitter. donald j trump on twitter. @mike_pence. please follow him as well. try to follow him there.
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give him some engagements and we will be pushing out a lot of messages for the campaign. the whole team. we love you. this is a lovely awesome. mr. trump: one of my good choices in life, i will confirm that in about 3.i've month from now. but i believe it will be one of my great decisions, taking mike pence to run along with me. i would like to ask governor pence from the great state of indiana, and we love indiana and bobby knight. hall, and your wonderful gene from purdue.
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all of you that came here and all of you that came alongside this man and his family. early on in this campaign, we are so excited to be part of this team. my wonderful wife is with us today and we are hitting the campaign trail together. you, havingst tell spent time with this man and his family. for his ability to speak for the american people, i say with absolute confidence that if we work with all of our hearts every day between now and election day, we will make donald trump the 45th president of the united states of america and we will make america great again.
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the matter what you think of ,onald trump, as a republican if that is what your philosophy is, if you are a great believer --the const fusion constitution. i don't think there was one theater in that room and that is a fact. there were no seats -- they were selling for a lot of money on ebay. there were going for big numbers. i was thinking about taking 10 .t 12 tickets but they were selling for a lot of money. just remember, supreme court justices. i want to finish with this. we've had some incredible support. some of these pundits say you can't do that, these are the same people saying that if he
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doing and how easy it will be to bring back. trade deals alone will make an impact like you won't. we are taking care of other nations and i want to and you to take care of other nations. but they have to pay us. i never quite understood it because the united dates spends 10 times the money on the military. i realized we're protecting everybody in the world. our rich nations. japan since their cars, make a
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fortune, and they don't pay us. you have to be prepared to walk. hillary clinton came out. those cars are flowing. those cars, you go to los angeles and to the massive shapes. it looks like nascar. i love nascar. a lot of the great drivers endorse me. king richard. it's like richard petty driving about -- driving it. and they don't pay us. , mr. trumpral says is wrong. doesn't he understand that japan pays is 50% of the cost of defending them.
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why are they paying 100%? germany, south korea, 28,000 soldiers. there.rabia be they have nothing but money. they have so much money and they don't know what to do with it. who is making the deals for us? one deal like that has a massive impact on our budget, on our economics is a country. we are up to 19 trillion and we will be $21 trillion. what a say, tell me trillion dollars is. but you know, honestly? it is so much.
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they wouldn't even know how to define it. we are going to do something really special and our message caught on. when i started this, we had these pundits saying it won't happen. i just have to tell you. it's great. and he's been very loyal and he's in on cnn. he's been fighting for me, which is very nice. i was at that a lot. hope, come here. get up here, hope. come on up here. she is shy. get her up here. come on. we have a small but tough team. they are not going to lift you over that barricade, probably. she is a very shy person but she is a great person and has done an amazing job.
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george --taff of where's george? stand over here? up what she can get to the secret service people there. we had a small staff and i got chris is for it. so has spent many times what trump has that. and then we win. you're supposed to get credit if you have smaller staff, less payroll, and you win. but in politics, you don't get credit. i want to thank my entire group. stretch, paul manna ford has done an amazing job. good. we made it. he has done a fantastic job.
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we haveof paul's people a great staff of talented people. most of them are right here. and michael, you don't have to be michael. come on up. it get a little tv time. i don't know if he will be hired for hollywood. i tend to doubt it, but you never know. we have a great group of people. we have a group of people that want to win and i think knows how to win. and we've also been winning all our lives. we've been winning all our lives. three andexactly three weeks. i'm not going to do like last time where they disappear the last month and a half.
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the longest in recent history. length ofk at the some past speeches and found george w. bush had the next longest of just over an hour in 2004. now it is time for the democrats. the democratic national committee showing off its photo -- podium today. thousands of protesters are to rally at a park near the wells fargo center. 35,000 tostimates 50,000 protesters on average will demonstrate across philadelphia each day at the convention. you have a front row seat on
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use our video clipping tool to create your own clips and share them on social media. convention pages have everything you need to get the most of c-span's gavel to gavel coverage. every speech will be available on demand on your desktop,, and if you are a c-span washer, check it out on the web at will reveal her vice presidential choice today in a text message to supporters and then appear with her running mate for the first time at a rally. has report that tim mccain
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emerged as the leading contender. former secretary clinton kicking off her rally this afternoon in in the meantime, a wrap up from today's washington journal. , political science professor and studied collections, political parties and everything related to election campaign. professor, thanks for joining us. guest: glad to be with you. host: can i take you back to last year? you wrote in the paper and you said "a growing number of americans have been voting against the opposing party rather than for their own party." on what caused you to write that and can you apply to what we are seeing this year? guest: sure.
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onwere looking at data attitudes toward the candidates and political parties going back fromthe last 60 years surveys that have been done every election year. what we noticed was that over the past couple of decades that there was an increasingly negative view of the opposing party and its leaders, both democrats and republicans, that have come to view the opposing party and its leaders much more negatively than they did in the past, so while our feelings toward our own parties have not become more positive, i feelings toward the opposing party have become increasingly negative, lead to stronger party loyalty and voting because the other party is simply viewed as an unacceptable alternative.
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certainly, we are seeing that play out in this year's collection. at the republican convention over the past two days, we have seen speaker after speaker focus very heavily on attacking the opposing nominee, hillary clinton, and that has been perhaps the single unifying the convention this year. the party is divided in many other ways, but there is agreements on the fact that they hillary clinton. i think we will seek something similar at the democratic convention. i'm sure we will see a lot of the tax on donald trump and the republican party, not perhaps the same degree of division as as thereratic nominee was with the republican nominee,
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but we will see a great deal of negative energy focused on the republican candidate and republican candidate in general. host: we hear a lot when it comes to the candidates about the negatives and both of them being high, how does that factor into decision-making processes? what does a major hillary clinton to have high negatives? guest: we have two nominees this year who had the highest negatives of any major party nominees in recent history. part of that has to do with these individuals, but a great deal has to do it this tendency we have seen in recent years towards increasingly negative opinions or views of the nominee . what we see is that among supporters of each party, the large majority have a positive view of their own party's but not necessarily as positive as in the past, but a view of thee
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opposing party's nominee, so republicans are not necessarily crazy about donald trump and many republicans continue to have reservations about donald trump, but what unites republicans for the most part is that they dislike hillary clinton. we saw that play out in the convention. there democratic side, are democrats have reservations about hillary clinton, and we saw her struggle in the primaries to overcome a bernie sanders. at the convention, we will see a andp focus on donald trump on the weaknesses of the republican party and its policy. among democrats, we see a negative view of trump, so among , thereers of each party are many individuals less than
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enthusiastic about the party nominee but who will vote for the nominee because they dislike the other side and the other party nominee. host: our guest, alan abramowitz from emory university, joining us to talk about how voters spoke in campaign 2016. republicans, (202)-748-8001. democrats, (202)-748-8000. .ndependents, (202)-748-8002 our first call from texas, comanche, texas, republican line. you are on with our guest read go-ahead. caller: i would just like to make a comment. -- good morning. it is pretty much the same on both sides. not wantlicans do hillary, which is a good thing, and some of them do not want mr. trump, which i do not really understand, except the fact that
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he has never really been a and you have it the same way the other side. some democrats are saying that thing, is is a great which we all know is not true, you have some of them saying they will vote republican. about more people talking not voting for hillary, voting for donald trump then i hear the other way, so i pretty sure donald has this wrapped up in in the bag. when theyw that listen to hillary clinton or any of the clintons that it will be -- host: thank you. we will let our guest respond.
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guest: he does not have it in the bag. in fact, what polling indicates is we are heading toward a fairly close election and that hillary clinton has the advantage, if anything. the outcome not certain by any means. in the polling meeting up to the convention, we saw that clinton had an average lead in national polls of about three points four points, and leading in most of the states, so we are heading toward the competitive price. that reflects the fact that there is a very close decision between supporters of the two parties in the american electorate. with democrats slightly outnumbered republicans. we are going to see the high degree of party unity in voting and a lot of straight ticket voting. that is what we have seen in other elections. i think that is what we will see in this election. the key to winning the election is probably going to be turnout
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and which party is able to turn at the supporters in larger numbers because there are very few twin voters left -- swing voters left in the country. voters left up for grabs are small minority. the vast majority of voters already have their minds made up. host: massachusetts, independent line, john, hello. caller: good morning. isave -- what concerns me kind of gone by now, but the democratic leadership was clearly against mr. sanders and and by the use of the superdelegates and they certainly did a job on bernie and he did not really have a chance. it did not help that the media did not point out the fact that
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both of hillary's leaves were uncommitted votes, but on the other hand, republican leadership was not the trump and the couldn't stop him and i was wondering if the democrats are more devious or how did that come about? host: professor, go ahead. guest: i do not think that hillary clinton won the democratic nomination because the leaders were devious or somehow manipulated the nomination process. because she had more votes in the democratic primary. when you go back and look at the leading she has been among democratic voters from the beginning and it got close at one point. sanders ran a strong campaign, challenging her, and a large number of delegates, but clinton maintained the lead throughout and in the end, she won more
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votes in the democratic primaries and her lead in delegates reflects that. the superdelegates mostly supported her from the beginning because they knew her and had more confidence in her and her ability to in the election, but clinton won a lot more votes in the primaries and won the majority of delegates in the primary. host: what does history suggest about the people who are really committed to bernie sanders, as far as staying home and not voting, or voting for another candidate altogether? look at what happened in 2008 with supporters of hillary clinton after barack obama clinched the nomination and the large majority of them came around to vote for obama. we see something similar this year. the polling has shown us that we are seeing a large majority of are favoringrs
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hillary clinton, supporting hillary clinton at this point. there is a minority holding not. very few of them are supporting donald trump, so even though trump has made some gestures toward appearing to the disgruntled voters, it is unlikely that many sanders' voters will look for donald trump because they are on the opposite side of almost every wager issue and really dislike trump. in fact, the polls show us that sanders' supporters this like trump more than clinton voters .islike trump the real question is whether the willrs' supporters turnout, especially the younger ones because they tend not to turn out in large numbers anyway, and many of the supporters for sanders are under the age of 30 and clinton needs
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to get a strong turnout from .hose younger supporters host: from oregon, democrat line. hello. caller: sorry, it is really here. i have been listening to the and i was the sanders supporter and i am disappointed that he got out of the race, kind of looking forward to it, but i was seeing this and more of a grassroots thing. the people feel as though their voices are not being recognized and i wonder what the professor thinks of that as it might be changing the results because hillary, when they are both party insiders, hillary and obama, and now it is a different situation. thet: i think supporters of
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defeated candidate will be disappointed in the results. as far as insider versus outside the, on the republican side, donald trump ran as an outsider and i think overcame the opposition of the republican party establishment. i think many of them were quite shocked that he was able to do that and to defeat this large group of much more experienced candidates. on the democratic side, i think the difference is that are not asvoters dissatisfied with their parties. keys is thatof the democrats overwhelmingly approved of the jobs that president obama is doing. among democrats, almost 90% approve of obama's job performance and even among voters, 80% approve of obama, they don't
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have the same discontent on the democratic side that you have on the republican side, where there has been a great deal of frustration with the ineffectiveness of the republican leadership and the inability to deliver some of the commitments and promises that they have made to republican voters, unrealistic commitments and promises. host: samantha from virginia, independent line. go ahead. caller: good morning. reference to of the polls showing overall favorability ratings on each candidate. i was wondering whether polls show an favorability ratings for unregistered republicans and whether they are higher or lower an favorability rating for democrats? right, so when you look at the views of the candidate among republicans and democrats,
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generally, republicans have a favorable opinion of donald trump, but there is a minority or there has been until the convention, that continue to have negative views of trump, so generally about 70% of republicans have a positive view of donald trump but there are about 30% to do not care for him. keep in mind that the majority of republicans in the primary did not vote for donald trump.
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>> that may change as far as republican convention. trump's ratings have been going up among republicans but not among immigrants are independents. on the democratic side, we see that the large majority of democrats have a favorable view of hillary clinton. the may have some reservations about her, but most of them like her and intensely dislike donald trump. on both sides, there is a positive view of the candidates but there is a negative view of the candidates on the opposing party. host: we just heard from an independent. how did they factor into this as far as how they look at candidates and who they will vote for? guest: great question. a lot of people in this country called themselves independents like to think of themselves as independents. what we find when we look a little more closely is that the large majority of those independents lean toward one party or the other and the attitudes of those coming toward the party and the behavior of those who lean toward the party are actually similar to the attitudes to those who open it
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in a pilot the party. independent republicans thinking that like republicans and independent democrats think and act like democrats. you are left with a relatively small number of independence, independent that have no partisan leaning and that makes up 10% of the electorate. they are the least likely to vote of any group, so really the electorate is a lot more partisan than it appears if you just look at the responses to that first party identification question, and not only to the vast majority of voters identify or lean toward the party, but in recent elections, there is extremely high party loyalty in voting. 90% plus of democrats and republicans vote for their own party and they vote right down the line for the party candidates for house-senate and even down to the state legislative level, so we see a high degree of consistency and voting in fight consistency and election results, consistency between the presidential and house elections, but also over time, so we are very likely to see that the alignment of states and the 2016 presidential election is going to end up looking very similar to the alignment of states in the 2012 residential collection. we may very well end up with an election in which no more than a handful of states actually such sides to 2012 and 2016 or possibly even more than one. right now, in the state polling, we are seeing an indication that the state of north carolina may be the only state that searches sides between 2012 and 2016, and they could go for clinton but a narrow margin although it is very close their, so we will proceed in the alignment, similar to the style of democratic states and they will remain strongly democratic.
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strongly republican states will remain, for the most part, strongly republican, and that reflects the reality of the partisan electorate. host: let's hear from john in pennsylvania, republican line. caller: yes, i am a registered republican and i am also a network trump person. it is not trumps policies that bother me, it is the man that bothers me. this is the only candidate that i have ever been familiar with. i knew trump from going to atlantic city. he was the biggest casino owner at one time in atlantic city and has been a disaster. caller: three of his four casinos in atlantic city was on the boardwalk. and the trump taj mahal -- and these casinos on the boardwalk where the bus casinos. every government check that was written, whether it was a social
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security check, retirement check or an income tax check, any check that was given out, trump had his buses to bring them people there to steal their money. there was never any kind of fairness in the way the machines paid out down there. trump is the only casino owner in atlantic city, maybe the only casino owner in the world to have his casino manager shot dead in his casino because of the cheating down there. host: ok, thanks. that person has strong opinions. guest: as far as looking at mr. trump and his business experience -- host: how did that factor into people's decision-making and i want to read a tweet, michael saying, trump is not your father's gop candidate. does that affect the polling? kind of looks at how people will decide to vote for him. guest: i think his experience goes both ways.
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with trump, there are people who tend to view him as a successful businessman and see that as a positive. there are other people who kind of look at the negative side, the bankruptcy, the history of sometimes refusing to pay people who worked forr him, reports along those lines, so people can interpret that either way. not surprisingly what you find is that people tend to interpret that information in line with the partisan predisposition. in other words, democrats tend to look at that negative side and republicans tend to look at the positive side. it is true that trump is an unusual republican. he really has no long history of affiliation with the republican party. he has only become involved in republican politics recently. never run for elected office, held elected office, so he is
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unusual, but i think it reflects the strength of party loyalties in the united states today that despite that fact, and despite the fact that the majority of republicans in the primary voted for other candidates, and many of them at that time had rather negative opinions of mr. trump that by now, the large majority of republicans have come around to supporting him. when it comes down to a choice between donald trump and hillary clinton, you'll see the vast majority of republicans, despite reservations they might have about mr. trump himself about his record, experience and some positions he has taken, they nevertheless will vote for trump. the same on the democratic side as well, where i think the reservations have not been quite as great there for the most part, but certainly there are plenty of democrats who have
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concerns about hillary clinton. when it comes to a choice between haley clinton and donald trump, i think you'll see that the vast majority of democrats are going to vote for hillary clinton, and for the most part, the polls have been showing that so far. host: from houston, texas, democrat line. ashley, you are up next. caller: good morning. i am a democrat, so, naturally, i will vote for hillary because she is a democrat and i think a very qualified lady. trump scares me to death. i worked in houston for 30 years and we had emergency medicine on one side and psychiatry on the other side. i personally do not think that trump is stable. i think he is a complete narcissist and can only think of himself and that is the
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definition of a narcissist and i do not think he is qualified to be president. that is the way i feel and i thank you. host: i think that is probably the way it most democrats you about mr. trump. guest: i think some of the concerns expressed by the caller are shared by a large percentage of them aquatic voters. there is a minority of republican voters who have similar concerns about mr. trump, but when i look at the polls and what i see is that only a very small percentage of republicans thus far are indicating that they will vote for hillary clinton, so i think when it comes right down to it, voters are going to stay with their party nominee and the
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question may be more one of turnout than of loyalty, so if democrats and republicans turn on, they are more than likely to vote for the party nominee. some democrats and republicans may stay home because they do not care for the presidential candidate. that is what the nominees and parties have to be concerned about, i think generating that enthusiasm and turnout among the supporters of their party, and whichever party does a better job of doing that i think is likely to win the election. host: our guest teachers at emory university and taught at the state university of new york and the llege of william and mary. he is alan abramowitz of emory. how would you gauge the ground games of each of the candidates? turnout will be an important factor. guest: from what we are seeing so far, the clinton campaign and the democrats seem to be far ahead when it comes to organizing their campaigns. there are a lot of indications of that in terms of the money being spent in the swing states and also money on advertising, but also the money being invested in the field offices in
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these states, and barack obama had that advantage in that regard in 2008 and 2012. it looks like hillary clinton is going to have the big advantage when it comes to the ground game in the swing state in 2016, so in a close election, and these swing states, of course, tend to be close and that could make the difference. if you can increase your turnout by 1% or 2%, that can be the difference in a close race. so far, i would say that the democrats seem to have the advantage in terms of fundraising, spending on advertising in the swing states and in terms of field operations. host: we will hear from judy, independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i am in my 60's and have been voting for a long time.
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