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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  July 31, 2016 4:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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aisle. donald trump, no plans, folks. no plans. he spoke for 75 minutes of the convention criticizing hillary big,on and made a lot of broad claims without any substance behind them. in effect, if you ask donald a question, he will say he is going to create jobs or we are all going to get rich or beat isis or make a wall u.s. him, how are you going to do any of those things and he says, believe me. believe me. huh, believe me. believe me. -- here's the problem bailout people have believed it donald trump and gotten stiffed, got hurt, gotten burnt. there are a lot of stories that contractors -- hillary clinton and i both group and families
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ran by small businesses. we're used to businesses. i whole lot of small businesses have done deals with donald trump to help them build golf courses, casinos. they'll get stiffed after the job was done. donald and his phalanx of lawyers say we will run you into the ground. even if you win, you'll pay so much of feasible not be worth anything. they got hurt and many of them lost their businesses because they believed donald trump. florida, hundreds of them gave trump money to build condos and it never got the condos. and they never got the money. they got burned and lost art of the savings because they believed donald trump. columbus is a big town for students, right? [applause] people who young
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wanted to advance, donald trump said give me a bunch of dough and be part of my trump youersity and i guarantee will have success in your life. and they ended up with a certificate that was not even worth the paper it was written on. they get ripped off come all because they believed donald trump. now, he is just saying i will do all these things, believe me. but we are too great a nation to ripped offuy who has virtually everybody he is come into contact with. we cannot put a nation as great as the united states in the empty-promising, self-promoting one-man wrecking crew. we cannot do it. [applause] i want to ask you a
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question and i hope you'll ask everyone this question, and that is this -- when donald trump says believe me, does anybody here even come close to believing this guy? , do you believe even one word of what he says? that is my attitude -- not one word. not one word, folks. not one word. others theyonvince should not be so gullible to fall for trump's no details promises either. now does my great pleasure. we had fun these couple of days. i hope you all keep us and your thoughts and encouragement in prayer. it is 100 days until election day. i get the virtue of left, thisth 105 days is been an 18 month, multi-year
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effort on hillary clinton's side. it will be tough in challenging but nothing important in life is meant to be easy. democrats know tough, and ohioans know tough. let me introduce you to a tough leader, a compassionate leader, and the next president of the united states, my friend, hillary clinton. [applause] sec. clinton: hello columbus! [applause] happy toton: i am so be here on this absolutely glorious, beautiful all mile afternoon. -- ohio afternoon. and i'm so glad to be making this journey with senator tim holden -- ann
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holden because they understand what public service is all about. they are committed to doing everything they can. and tim has, starting on city council, lieutenant governor and now senator, to give people the best chance they can to get ahead and stay ahead. please join me again and thanking senator tim kaine. [applause] sec. clinton: and mayor, we are happy to be here in your beautiful capital city here in columbus. how you felt,ow but boy, i thought your congresswoman really knocked it out of the park at the convention. i have not even had time to tell joyce this, but it think it might have been on the very first night. she was sitting in the box with
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my husband, sitting right next to him. all of a sudden twitter was going crazy. who is that beautiful, well-dressed elegant woman sitting next to bill clinton? said, that somebody is the congresswoman from ohio. and i was so proud to have her support. now, there's somebody else with us. somebody very special to us. somebody special to ohio. your former governor, ted strickland. [applause] sec. clinton: i have at the great privilege of knowing ted for decades. i have seen how hard he has worked. he got dealt a bad hand being governor during the republican
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recession andt doing everything he could to try to help ohioans get through that. now he is running to represent you in the senate. senatoryour other great , sherrod brown, deserves a partner. [applause] sherrodnton: every time stands up and fight for you, he needs a partner to do the same and not have his vote canceled out. so, do everything you can to send ted strickland to the senate in november. [applause] tim is right, we have had a great time. how many of you watched the convention? [applause] proud toton: i was so
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see democrats standing up and speaking about what we can do together to make sure the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. taking on the special interests that have benefited from a system that is rate in their favor. so -- that is rigged in their favor. to get on that bus in philadelphia and had out across pennsylvania and into ohio. and along the way, we stopped at factories where hard-working americans are still making things. at a factory in johnstown, pennsylvania where business and management works with the steelworkers of their represented by their union,
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fighting hard to have more good jobs. they told me how they are bringing jobs back from china, how they are creating more opportunity. that is the american story that we are going to be telling during this campaign, during the last 100 days. have specific plans about how we are going to get the economy working again for everybody. we're going to make the biggest investment in new jobs since world war ii and put millions of americans to work. [applause] sec. clinton: and here is how we're going to do it -- we're going to invest in infrastructure. tunnels, airports, water systems. but not just what you can physically see, we need a new
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electric great to be able to take and distribute all the clean, renewable energy we are going to be producing. [applause] sec. clinton: and we need to finish the job of connecting every home and business in to high-speed broadband internet access. [applause] sec. clinton: i talk a lot about building our economy, getting jobs for everyone. well, it is a little heartbreaking to learn, as i did when i was talking to some teachers a few days ago -- and i love teachers. [applause] and the teachers told me they had just had a national survey done and learned that 70% of the teachers in america assigned homework to the students that require kids to go
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on the internet. , we are livinge in the information age, we want more people, particularly young people come up to help create that future so we have even more opportunities. 5t here's the problem -- million kids in america do not have access at home to high-speed internet. already they are being left behind. build america's competition, build america's opportunities, and the plans we have laid out will do just that. i also believe we need to do more for small business. 98% of the businesses in ohio are small businesses. [applause] sec. clinton: let's have greater access to credit. let's be sure we cut through and eliminate any of the red tape and any other obstacles.
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you heard tim say his dad ran a small business, so did mine. plant -- ran it print a print plant. but ithere helping him, know how hard he worked. sickenedpersonally when i hear the stories about payld trump refusing to plumbers and painters and marble ,nstallers and glass installers and small businesses who have done the work. i think about my dad, he worked would have happened if the customers he had, after he printed those drapery fabrics, made them into drapes, loaded them into his car, delivered them, helped install them, and somebody like donald trump said we are not paying
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you. my dad would have said, what do you mean? i did when i was contracted to do. person andson after business after business, donald trump said, i do not care. it is not because he could not pay, he would not pay them. he drove a businesses into bankruptcy. in addition to taking bankruptcy himself, six times. my friends, that is not how we do business in america. if you do the work, you deserve the pay. andwe are going to stand up make that case against donald trump. trump -- thing about you heard him, he says america first. as if we would not put america first.
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that is sure what i believe. he says it, but then everything he makes, he makes somewhere else. china,s dress shirts and not brooklyn, new york. ,e makes furniture in turkey not cleveland, ohio. barware in slovenia, not jackson, ohio. and he goes around saying he wants to put america first and america workers first. just today we learned, once again, he has asked for visas to at hisforeign workers country clubs because he says he cannot find any american workers. shame on you, donald trump. shame on you. let's cut through all of the
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and and the rhetoric understand we're dealing with somebody who has a history of , making things somewhere else besides america, and whenever possible, hiring foreign workers. i do not think that adds up in any way to making america great again. i think as up to making donald trump more money. that is what it is all about. -- i think it adds up to making donald trump more money. we're going to make the economy fairer. we're going to raise the minimum wage so that nobody works full-time will be in poverty. [applause] and you have heard it before but i will say it
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again -- the fastest way to raise income in america is to pay women equal pay for the work we do. [applause] sec. clinton: this is not just a woman's issue, this is a family issue. have got a working mother, wife, sister or daughter, it is your issue. are going to enforce the laws and finally make it no morely clear -- discrimination against women who work in the workplace. [applause] sec. clinton: i know we are up against some powerful forces. here is what i want you to know as you talk to your friends, your neighbors about this election.
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--rything i have proposed and you can go to hillary and read about it -- i have told you how i will pay for. how will i pay for? -- for it? by making the wealthy corporations and wall street finally pay their fair share of taxes. [applause] me, clinton: somebody asked well, why are you doing that? you resent success? i do not resent success. i do resent people taking advantage of other people to try to become successful. to the reason we are going get the wealthy to pay is that is where the money is. of all ofearned 90% theincome gained since
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recession. that is the top 1%. that oldt think, like movie says, you have to follow the money and the money is with the super wealthy. [applause] now, we're also going to do more for education, starting with preschool education. [applause] we're going to support our teachers in order to give them what they need to do the job we are asking them to do. [applause] sec. clinton: we are going to colleger-tyear affordable by making it debt-fr ee. [applause] sec. clinton: and we are going to help those of you who have student debt pay it back at a
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lower interest rate at a faster timetable. [applause] and if you do public service like teaching, policing, firefighting, social work, we will forgive your debt. [applause] this seems to me, also, to be fair here it donald trump -- be fair. donald trump gets to refinance in forgive his debt. what about the families and students of america? if you vote for us, that is exactly what we're going to do next year. [applause] so, there is the big agenda. i've watched what has happened over the last two weeks.
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a lot of the rhetoric that came from trump and his convention was so dark, so pessimistic, so negative. i know we have problems and challenges, i am not taking a position that we do not have work to do. in fact, i am telling you what work we can do together. but at the end of the day, we americans are better when we roll up our sleeves, set some goals and we work together because yes, we are stronger together. [applause] and i'm very excited about what we can do. as see, i view this campaign a giant job interview. i am here telling you what i want to achieveasking for your vote, and asking you also to
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hold me accountable. i want you not just to vote for me in november, but help may be the best president i can be for all americans. [applause] i want to be the president for every american. [applause] and that is why today, tim and i and anne are here, because we are kicking off this campaign in ohio. yes, we have a lot of other issues that we are concerned about. i see some of the t-shirts and the signs. we will defend planned parenthood from these outrageous attacks. [applause] we will defend and improve benefits under social security. [applause]
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we will take on the gun lobby for contra dances -- for comprehensive gun safety reform. [applause] we will take on the real challenges that confront america, not pick fights with people, not act as though some folks are better than others, not insult and finger-pointing. we are going to stand up for america's rights, for women's rights and gay rights and voting rights and workers rights. [applause] but we cannot do any of this without your help. and i am asking for. -- for it.
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we need you to get involved with the campaign. 7246ou will text, join at 4 ,r go to hillary you can find out how to get involved. and by the way, we are hiring organizers in ohio if you're interested in being part of our campaign staff. because at the end of this i want people to have made an informed choice. to beot want folks misled, to listen to the rhetoric and demagoguery. i personally think donald trump poses a serious threat to our democracy. [applause] sec. clinton: it is going to be up to all of us to repudiate the , attacks on
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distinguished military leaders like general john allen who came to the democratic convention a country thats he served for more than 40 years and wanted to be clear about what he thought was best for our national security. or insulting the family of a fallen soldier. , an american muslim who sacrificed his life to protect his unit in other soldiers as a taxi raced towards the base of a -- begins of a base containing a bomb. when his father spoke at the convention and pulled out a copy of the constitution -- [applause]
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it was so fitting that happened in philadelphia, where our country started 240 years ago. they enshrined in our ofstitution the principle religious liberty. americaerstood that would be including and attracting people from all over the world. george washington, thomas jefferson -- they address different religions, including present in were america way back at our beginning. and i want us always to stand for freedom and equality and justice and opportunity. now and forever.
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help us go out and win an election that will keep our , our economyong growing, and give every american a chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. thank you so much, columbus! [applause] ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ ["ain't no mountain high
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enough"] ♪ >> we have apparently lost a
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picture but you can see this , hillary clinton and running mate, virginia senator tim kaine speaking at a rally in columbus, ohio again today at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. on friday, donald trump addressed supporters at a campaign event in denver. it was held at the wings over the rockies air and space museum. this is just under one hour. ♪ right now" by free] ♪ big crowd. woah. [applause]
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this is beautiful. thank you everybody, thank you. thank you very much. what an honor. denver?l love yes. yes. thank you very much. we had at an interesting period of time. we had a little bit of a good evening last night, watching, right? no? the numbers just came out for the big thursday. they call it big thursday. --poke last week and hillary sometimes referred to as crooked hillary -- spoke last night. she is crooked. waswe had come i think it
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35 million, and they had less, like 33 or something. in other words, we had more. been sayingort of that, and a happy tell you, both numbers are great numbers. on the debate, it was 24 million internet was a record. when you have 35 million people watching, those are big, big numbers. but the republican convention outdrew the democratic convention on the big thursday night. good, right? that's good. it's always good. always good. ok. so, we have to go over some because hillary was talking last night about how wonderful everything is. she did not talk about all of
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the unbelievable long-term unemployment. factid not talk about the that house ownership is the lowest it has been in 51 years. amazing. that is a heck of a number? . who heard of that? she did not talk about the fact that we had more police shootings over the last year -- nobody has ever seen anything like what we have going on. over 50% from the previous year. she makes it sound like everything is rosy dory. it is not. people are pouring across the border, we have no idea what they are. people are coming in from syria, and you see what is happening with nice.
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and a beloved priest, he has his throat slit and dies. and you know what? our country has enough problems. problems,need more and that is going to be more problems. read the should we snake? should we? does anybody know the snake? should we do it? ok. everybody says would you do it -- who has heard the snake? who has heard it? let me put it differently -- who has not heard it? a lot of people. we will do it. but have to tell you -- last night was sort of unbelievable. i went home and i thought it hillary was not going to mention
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trump because i thought it would be a class thing to do. .he mentioned me 22 times . 22. the truth is it was a little bit on the boring side, wouldn't you say? i do not think it register. we will see. -- it registered. with the republican convention, i got a big balance. one of the biggest bounces in many years. but we will see. the speech was really lies. one of the things that she talked about was the rough and tumble campaign. you know what this is? this is a speech writer writing a speech, and she read it, and that is what it is. ticote to say this -- poli
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-- they kill me all the time. give her highot marks. they said it was cliche after cliche. one of the things they said -- a tough and tumble campaign -- now , we have created a movement. [applause] look, i mean look at this place. [applause] mr. trump: nobody has seen anything like this. what is that behind me? tough-looking. but we have created a movement. everybody said this is one of the great campaigns they have
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ever seen. ere the look -- you w forgotten man and woman, i was the guy who has never done this before. i have a great success. i have enjoyed my life. i have a wonderful family. by the way, did my family do a good job? [applause] you know, they were talking about the star power. i saw the star power. big star power. they were talking about the star power that they had at the democratic convention. it should be democrat convention. sounds better when you say democratic. the we maybe shouldn't make it sound better, so we should call the democratic. but they were talking about the star power. -- letell you, i think me tell you, i think my kids have more star power, i really do.
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[applause] mr. trump: they had a general named john allen, i never met him, and he got up and started talking about trump, trump, trump. never met him. you know who he is? he is a failed general. he was the general fighting isis. i would say he has not done so well, right? not so well. and they had other people, what difference does it make? it was hit after hit after hit. hiti said -- i'm going to them back so hard. i am going to hit them back so hard, and i will do it verbally, on television, twitter. now between facebook and twitter, 22 million people. can you believe it? that is a force. you do million.
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-- 22 million. the last day, we picked up 100,000. we have a force. we will hit them back so hard on "trump isut going to hit them." i mean, i will hit them with this, the lips, verbally. "trump hitting" -- these people are so dishonest. they are so dishonest. a friend of mine calls me up and he is a governor, a great governor. highly respected. i said, you know, we had guys and people that said really bad things about me and he said, do anything.t do you got the nomination. you will beat hillary clinton. focus on hillary clinton. [cheers and applause]
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reallymp: but i said, i want to hit back. i don't mean this. i mean this. i really want to hit them. we will do a verbal lashing on them. and he said, don't do it. don't do it. so, maybe i will do just a little bit, right? i will do it just a little. we just left two other parts of colorado, which is a great state. i'm here a lot anyway, even without this stuff. i have so many friends here. and we have to win the state on november 8. we have to. we have to. [applause] mr. trump: and i am going to be here a lot. in fact, i will be here so much that you people will say, we will vote for you, do not come back here anymore.
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right? we will have some fun. but i enjoyed watching it last night. somebody said how was hillary? average. not bad, not good. a lot of shouting. he said "she sucks." not the most exciting speech. whose a speech was better -- mine or hers? they say that. you know what they say, the are the world's most dishonest. they are the world's most dishonest people. show them the crowd over there. show them the crowd. show them the crowd.
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and this is my third one today. you think this is fun? do you think so? but actually, i am actually having a great time. we have great people in this country. we have unbelievable people and we are going to make america great again. [applause] mr. trump: i got a kick last night -- go ahead. [crowd chanting "usa!"] mr. trump: you hear that sound? it sounds like you are watching a big football game, right? denver! good team, good defense. good defense. and you know what?
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john elway is a great guy. i played golf with him a long time ago. he is long, he is strong. he has done a good job. great defense. i think you will do great, right? my wife will always say, darling, did you have a big crowd tonight? and she said because the never show the crowd, but boy, it sounds it. you cannot imitate that noise with 100 people. [applause] mr. trump: amazing. you can't imitate that. that is called the real deal. no matter where we go, we have crowds. the crowds are only restrained by the size of the buildings.
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and sometimes -- now we're using an air museum -- good place, i guess. but it is only restrained by that. but when i heard some of the statistics last night -- and i enjoyed -- i thought chelsea did a nice job. chelsea likes ivanka and ivanka likes chelsea. i wish they did not like each other, but they do. it is easier if they do not like each other. you would think that relationship would be strained, but they like each other. i thought chelsea did a nice job last night, ok? i really did. but that is another subject. hillary said all sorts of wonderful things like we are doing great. here are numbers that came out today. this came out just a little while ago. today we got new growth numbers.
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1.2% for the second quarter. growth. wait. this is the weakest recovery in modern history. oh, did she say that last night? i don't think so. yesterday, i said this before, the rate of home ownership, people who own their own homes, is the lowest level it has been in 51 years. did hillary say that last night? no, i do not think so. -- oh, isident obama like that better. keep the lights up. it just went down 20 degrees. wow. and the audience is even bigger now. i can see the audience. oh, i like this. [applause] mr. trump: i miss my protesters. i miss my protesters.
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you know, my protesters, they were really bernie protesters. they were really bernie protesters. thank you. oh, look at that. look at that. it is the remnants of a bernie protester. the vital remnants. that's ok. did you see bernie last night, how angry he was? i do not like to see that. it is bad for your health. he was so angry, they were talking about him, and he was scowling, and his wife put her hand on his shoulder and he did not move, and she took it off. because she could see -- you know why? he sold his soul to the devil. that's right. he sold his soul to the devil. he should not have made that deal. and as soon as she picked this vice president -- do you know
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what his first move was in virginia? to raise taxes by $4 billion. and unemployment almost doubled in virginia while he was governor. and he is not popular in virginia now. and we going to win virginia. i think we're going to win virginia. i have a lot of property in virginia. property, a lot of employees, a pay them a lot of money. i figured she would pick somebody who was popular. they do not like him in virginia. but he raised taxes by $4 billion the first week when he was governor. i do not think that is a good candidate. i do not think so. i like our candidate, right? governor mike pence. indiana has done so well. we like mike. we do.
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we do. mike is a great guy. ok, so, the rate of home ownership is the lowest it has been in 51 years. president obama during his term has doubled our national debt. we're going to very soon be up to $20 trillion. the u.s. trade deficit -- these are things to the best of my knowledge -- i have a very good memory. people know me for my memory. or i could not do this without teleprompters. hillary, hillary, teleprompters. you know, she has 10 people in a room and she has a teleprompter. oh, boy. so, listen to this. listen to this. the u.s. trade deficit in goods reached nearly $800 billion last year.
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$800 billion. we have a trade deficit of nearly $800 billion. did hillary mention that last night? did hillary mention about all of the police -- and we love our police and we love our law enforcement. [applause] mr. trump: did hillary mention about all of the police that have been shot? i don't think so. did hillary -- did you see the first night, there was no american flag? the second night, there was no american flag. then i put out the word, there is no american flag. then they ran out. they do not really want the flag. the final night, they overdid it. so many flags you could not walk on the stage. they overdid it. but that is like the police. they did not mention the police. they mentioned everybody but the
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police. then people wrote stories about how they did not talk about the police. they mention them the final night. anyway, long-term unemployment is the worst it has been since the 1940's. did hillary mention that last night? unbelievable numbers. think of this one -- oh wow, it is too depressing, should i read it? 23.8 million americans in their prime earning years are now out of the labor force. not good. another 14 million americans left the labor force. nearly four in 10 african-american children are living in poverty. while 58% -- think of this -- 58% of african-american youth
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are not employed. 58%. obama has done a great job, hasn't he? median -- i mean, think of this -- median household income has fallen by more than $4000. $4000. we have people standing in this room who made more money in real wages 18 years ago than they are making today. they did not work as hard, they were a hell of a lot younger. it should be the other way around. and we lost our jobs, we lost our companies, and we will not let it happen anymore. we're going to get out jobs back, we are going to bring our companies back. we're not going to let our companies leave us anymore, not without repercussions. it is terrible. i mean, it is terrible. these are all statistics. i could go on and on. said thatet, they
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donald trump's speech -- i thought i delivered it well. but what they did is they said dark. they said it was dark. but actually it was not dark. it was optimistic because i talked about the problem and we are going to fix the problems. example, radical islamic terrorism is a problem. [applause] mr. trump: big problem. that is a big problem. radical islamic terrorism. hillary did not discuss that too much. so, we are bringing in thousands of people from syria. we do not know who they are. we do not know where they come from. there is no paperwork, there is
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no way of vetting them and they are being placed here, and all over the country, and mostly the officials do not know where they are placing them because it is supposed to be a big, beautiful secret. it is not a big, beautiful secret. and hillary clinton has stated very strongly -- now she will change. just like now she wants to renegotiate trade deals. now all the sudden after 30 years, she wants to renegotiate trade deals. her husband signed nafta, the worst trade deal in the history of the world. so, hillary clinton wants to increase syrian migrants coming into our country that we don't know who they are by 550%. no way. no way.
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but you know, i do laugh because she is on a new kick, and the new kick is -- you know, i call her bad judgment, everything she touches is not good. you look at libya, the migration, syria, the iran deal which she started, every single -- benghazi, look at what happened there. the 3:00 in the morning commercial, remember? who do you want at that phone at 3:00 in the morning? i do not want her at that phone. then she lied like a dog on her e-mails. she lied like a dog on her e-mails. she showed great negligence in
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what happened. the word is negligence. she put us all at risk. here is the secretary of state with a server that she is not supposed to have. [crowd chanting "lock her up"] mr. trump: so, i tell you what i would rather do, honestly. i would rather just, november 8, beat her at the polls. we got to beat her. she would be a disaster. remember this -- justices of the united states supreme court. whoever the next president is, you're going to have at least two, maybe three, even four,
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could be ane -- it all-time record in the history of the presidency. if she gets her appointment, we are going to be venezuela. we're going to be venezuela. we cannot do that. one thing i have to say, i was telling you about bernie sanders. they say it is one of the great stories and history of politics. what is happening here is great, but the same thing is happening no matter where we go. i have the messenger. you know, i am the messenger of being smart, common sense, of not being ripped off by every country in the world. we are the messengers. of having strong borders. would anybody like to see the wall get built? yes? [applause] mr. trump: 100%. 100%.
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100%. 100% it gets built. you know, these politicians come up to me and they go, donald, i do not understand, you cannot build the wall, can you? we build 95 story buildings. you cannot build a wall, can you? do you see that ceiling? we do not have to go much higher than that. that is up there. usually, i am looking at a ceiling a lot taller. a lot taller than 12. that would be a good solid wall. anybody that gets up is not getting down so easily, right? we're going to build a wall. these politicians come up to me and they say, you really can't build a wall. you're just kidding, aren't you? i do not kid. i do not kid. let me tell you. we will build a wall and i explained to them that 2000 years ago, the great wall of
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china was built, and it is 13,000 miles long. we need 1000 miles and we have caterpillar tractors, right? how easy is this? we have a lot of natural borders. we have a lot of natural stuff. we will need about 1000 miles. that will go up so fast, your head will spin. your head will spin. and, you know, i was endorsed -- i was endorsed by the border patrol agents. first time in the history -- 16,500 border patrol agents -- i was endorsed by the great sheriff joe arpaio. nobody knows better than sheriff joe. nobody knows better than sheriff joe. and he endorsed me. we have tremendous endorsements. but i will tell you, look -- i
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to the top people, they called and said, mr. trump, we are endorsing you. mr. trump, they are not doing the job, they are not letting us to our job. how important is the wall? they said, mr. trump, the wall is vital. it is a great tool. he will be the best tool for protection. we have to stop the drugs from coming in. we have to stop illegals from pouring across our border. you know, let me tell you -- one of the interesting things -- so, the president of mexico was being interviewed and he said -- the past president -- and he said there is no way they are
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going to build -- and then you know what happened. he used the f bomb, on live television. on that station right there. he used the f bomb. no, no, no. he used the f bomb. can you imagine if i used the f bomb? it would be over. it would be over. he said, that wall will never -- f bomb -- ever get built. and i said, that is great news. before they were going some a -- so many different levels. now he says it will not be paid for by them. here's what is going to happen -- we are going to build the wall, mexico is going to pay for the wall 100%. 100%. we're going to stop the drugs from pulling into our country and poisoning our youth.
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we are going to stop people that aren't supposed to be here from coming into our country. that is going to happen. so, people like this -- and i have done it a few times, people like it. this was actually a song written al wilson quite a while ago. and i heard this and i said, this really pertains to what we talk about when we talk about illegal immigration. so i said, you know, let me do this. i read it a couple of times and people love it. should i do it? it is called "the snake." and remember, this pertains to people coming across the border and people coming in from syria.
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we have no idea what they are. remember -- they cut the heads off people. they drown people in steel cages by the thousands. they are cutting off heads. this is like medieval times.
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they went, was that a display of love? speaking of ted cruz. when they booed him off that stage. the entire texas delegation booed him off that stage. you.e till want, they did not cover it that way because they are so dishonest, but that is when you knew the party was united. this party is united. [applause] who, let'sa few guys face it, it was the toughest primary ever fought. we had 17 people. trump.two, we had
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we have to win. theseer when i came in, pundits said he will never run. remember, he is doing it for fun, he is just having a good time. it is 120 degrees under those crazy lights. do you know what time i get home? 4:00 a.m. it is fun. we're going to do something that's never been done before in this country. when bill o'reilly and others greatests the single political phenomena that he has witnessed in his lifetime, he has seen a lot. that's what happened.
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we started off at 6% in the pundits that get paid a lot of money -- they said 6%. don't realize he only had two days of the week. i started like. and they said, 6%. that will be his ceiling. ok. 6% the firstgets week. next week i get 12%. he got 12%. a little higher than i thought. that will be his ceiling. 25%,week 18% then 22%, 32%, 36%. then i get 38%.
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now that i'm hitting 30's and everybody else is low, like 2% or 1%, how about 0%? people,illions of nobody voted for them. go home. get out. they were among the nastiest of people. 38% and then i hit 42%. i will never forget one of the people, i hit 42% and there were hepeople left and they said, break 50%.not
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get 10 people, senators, governors, ben carson, -- by the way he is a great guy, we love been. ben carson. theseet 42% and i have idiots saying he has 42% but not 50%. so we get more and more. we do a number and it is a great feeling. a lot of feelings were hurt. ,eople say it was the nastiest the meanest, the hardest primary ever fought in the history of our country. tougher have been
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before television. but now, you call some of the a certain name and everybody hears about it. marco rubio endorsed me last week. strong endorsement. he is a good guy. he's running in florida for the senate and i will win in florida. have to win here. i start off here. but they say trump never did this before. one of the people running has been out of office for a while. they don't say it about trump. i have never been in office. now we are down to the final
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straw. he said, how does it feel, three times per day. you have done has never been done before. he said, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you will be in the history books for what you have done. i said, let me stop you right there. if i don't win. meeting if i don't beat crooked hillary clinton. she is as crooked as a three dollar bill. if i don't beat crooked hillary clinton, i will consider this a tremendous waste of time, energy, and money. i'm not looking to be in the history books. unless it is at the top where we do something great and that is what we are going to do.
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we're going to make america great again and we are going to make america safe again. so i found this. anda lot of people know it, i think it is terrific. this has to do with syrians coming across. i have a big heart. i want to build safe stones in syria for the syrians. i want to get the gulf states to pay for it is the are not doing anything and without us they would not be there for two minutes and they have nothing but money. owell $20 trillion -- we $20 trillion. i will put my developers hat on. we will use other people's money. fundedafe stones will be by other countries nearby that have lots of money and we will
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supervise it so this is people coming in. we don't know who they are, but we do know they are going to be trouble. morning,y to work one down the path, a tender hearted woman, saw a half frozen snake. she said i will take you in and i will take care of you. this is a snake that is in bad shape. he had this really nice woman. and she goes, a tenderhearted woman, saw a half frozen snake. his pretty-colored skin had been frosted with the dew. oh well, she cried, i will take you and and i will take care of you.
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tender woman take me in for heaven sake. the the broken -- sighed broken stick. she wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk, and laid him by the fireside with honey and milk. now she hurried home from work that night. a soonish he arrived, she found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived. woman, in, oh tender take me in for heaven's sake. sighed the broken snake. now she clutched them to her bosom. you are so beautiful, she cried. but if i had not brought you in by now, you certainly might have died. now she stroked his pretty skin, and then she kissed and held him tight. instead of saying thank you,
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visciouse gave her a bite. take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake. sighed the vicious snake. woman, you, cried the and you have bit me. heavens why? you know that your bite is poisonous and now you are -- i am going to die. saidut up, silly woman, the reptile with a grin, you kne w damn well i was a snake before you took me in. that is where we are. that is where we are. you watch.
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we don't want to be the stupid country anymore. we want to be the smart country. we will make great trade deals. greatesta alone, the abuser of the malt -- of them all. i love china. i do business with china. i have the largest bank in the world as a tenant and one of my buildings in manhattan. -- the bank ofto america building in san francisco is mine with a partner. 1290 avenue of the ameris is mine with a partner. all comes through china. we can do great with china, but
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we have stupid people representing us. stupid, stupid people. here is what is going to happen. we are going to build and bring our best. we have the greatest business people in the world. we don't use them. we use politico hacks. some of these people are not nice people. some of them are vicious, horrible, miserable human beings. of these people cannot sleep at night. and sweat and turn because their metric -- their mattress is soaking wet. they are thinking about victory against some poor person who doesn't have a chance. these people, nine of them all
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-- i know them all, would love to represent us against china, against japan, against mexico, where they are killing us at the border. they are killing us in trade. deficita massive trade with mexico, not including the drugs that go back and forth by the billions of dollars. greatest business people in the world and they would do it for nothing. they feel crazy, they feel so angry, they cannot believe the deals that are made. we can do things that have never been done before. one of the reporters asked me a couple weeks ago, mr. trump do you believe in free trade? i said yes. i believe in free trade, i believe in fair trade, i believe
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in 10 other forms of trade but my deal is that i do not want labels. make great deals with individual countries for our country so that we create jobs and we take in money. i want great deals. that's what i want and that's what we will have. free trade, interesting. free trade is wonderful but to have free trade we need smart people on our side. or we use people that is totally controlled by lobbyists and special interests. is bought andn paid for by wall street.
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i put up on the $60 million for the primaries. it sounds like a lot but others put up $200 billion and lost. would you rather be on the side of the person who spent the most money and lost or the least money and won? we had people that spent much more money and came in seventh place. first-place, 14 million total is the highest vote in the history of the republican party. we ran the table. it was a beautiful thing. we want to have free trade. china sends all this stuff in.
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china, wesend to cannot free trade. on top of everything else, in the south china sea, they are militarya massive fortress that they are not supposed to be building because they have absolutely no respect for us. story. is the anymore as a country. when i was in school they say that we never lost the war. we never lost that anything and that we only lose. iraqi,t these wars like i was against it from the beginning i said you will destabilize the middle east but i was a business guy. nobody cared. it was common sense. it ran and iraq are always fighting him a nobody moving because it was the same power.
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-- iran will take over iraq. have already taken over. we don't win anymore. we will start winning again. our military is depleted. we will build it up and it will be a thing of beauty. we will knock the hell out of isis. we have no choice. military, are our going to take great care of our wonderful veterans. they are being treated terribly. winningoing to start with trade. we are not going to let carrier air conditioner, and ford, and
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all these other companies -- we will not let them go to mexico and other countries, fire all their people, make their product, then send it back and sell it to us. and they make their product they want to leave and fire our great people, they can go and i wish them luck but when this in their product back, they are going to pay a tax on that product, a substantial tax, and they will never leave in the first place. we will make great trade deals. we will save our second amendment which is totally under siege. replacerepeal and obamacare, so much less expensive.
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we are going to terminate the horrible common core and you will educate your children locally. going to have powerful, beautiful, strong borders and people will come into our country and they will come into the country legally. and we are going to start winning again. we will win so much that you will get sick and tired of winning. make the denver broncos look like a team that doesn't do so well by our winning percentage.
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we will win with strength, we will win at the border, we will win with the second amendment, with education, with our military. we will win for our vets. [applause] all of my friends in denver and colorado,friends in you will come and you will say, mr. president, we would like to meet with you in the white house because, mr. president, you are .inning too much it is no good, mr. president. we are not used to it in our country. we never won and now you are winning way too much. mr. president, please don't win so much and i'm going to say, i'm sorry. we're going to keep winning. we're going to win win win. we will win so much and maybe
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you are not going to like it, but we will make america great again. we are going to make america greater than ever before. we are going to make america safer, safer, safer than ever before. thank you very much. i love you. go out and vote. november 8, go out and vote. thank you. >> on "washington journal," we
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reporter about donald trump's stance on raising the minimum wage. reporting this week from the news conference in florida. this is melanie trotman of the "wall street journal," the headline, donald trump calls for a $10 hourly minimum wage, breaks from the g.o.p. position. she writes that republican presidential nominee donald trump called for a federal minimum wage of $10 an hour, departing from his past positions and his own party and moving more in line with democrats. i'd like to raise it to at least $10, mr. trump said during a press conference in doral, florida. it wasn't clear initially if he meant the federal minimum wage or the wage floors set by states. when asked to clarify, he said he was talking about the federal minimum wage. melanie trotman covers labor issues for the "wall street journal," the writer of that piece, and joining us by phone this morning. good morning, melanie trottman. guest: hi, good morning. host: this is an area where we hadn't heard either from donald
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trump before in terms of the minimum wage. how much of a departure is it from where the g.o.p. has been before? guest: well, it's a big departure, because the g.o.p., you know, has generally been saying that they really prefer that states decide what their own minimum wages are. of course, states, you know, they have to pay at least as much as the federal minimum wage, but they can go higher if they want to. but more than that, the g.o.p. has really said that, you know, let the labor market decide what the minimum wage is, let businesses decide and various places across the country what they can afford, and, you know, what can get a worker to come and work for them, and that's really what should prevail in setting the minimum wage. host: showing our viewers a map of the minimum wage in some of these key states. hillary clinton going through pennsylvania and ohio. pennsylvania, where the minimum wage is higher. ohio, where it's the federal minimum wage. lorida as igher in f
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ell. how much of an issue is the minimum wage issue in areas that have been impacted by factories, etc., leaving for other places or that work going away? how much of it is an issue? guest: right, well, i mean i think trade is a big issue in those places. and those workers and those jobs that left to go elsewhere overseas weren't getting the minimum wage. a lot of them were union jobs. so i don't think this is a big issue in regard to that. but it is an issue, really, across the nation, because low-wage workers, you know, there have been groups pushing, galvanizing, really, low-wage workers to protest for a $15 minimum wage. that campaign has been going on for several years. it started in new york. it's moved throughout the south. it's moved across this country
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to the west. and they've gotten some results. they've certainly helped push the wage higher through local legislative battles. and states, you know, multiple states and localities. to $15. i mean, it's going to increase over time, but it's getting there. host: what about the democrats? how did they come to agreement in terms of this? because hillary clinton and bernie sanders were in different places on the minimum wage. guest: they were, and i mean, technically, they still are. you know, hillary clinton, she's basically said that she backs a national level of $12. but she'd support any place that could go above that to do so. and that's what she said. although, at the same time, she says she backs the fight for $15 campaign, the one i just mentioned to you, that union groups are backing. so it appeared at one point that hillary clinton was backing the $15 minimum wage
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federally, but she's said that her democratic friends in the senate have said, look, $12 is what can get done, so she's backing them. now, bernie sanders has backed the $15 minimum wage. she's right in line with those union back groups and in fighting for $15 minimum. and he really has helped push the democratic party platform for 2016 to declare that they want a $15 federal minimum wage. so that's where the democrats are on this, and bernie sanders played a big role on that. and technically, he and hillary clinton are not on the same page with that $15, and hillary clinton hasn't even said she backs what the democratic party platform is on the minimum wage. host: covering labor issues, including the minimum wage, melanie trottman with the "wall street journal." you can follow her on twitter >> republican presidential
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candidate donald trump was interviewed by george stephanopoulos. he was asked about language in the republican platform on russia's involvement in the ukraine. what about the gop platform in the ukraine? >> i was not involved in that. i would have to take a look. >> do you know what they did? >> they softened it, i heard but i was not involved. >> they took away the part of the platform calling for the lethal weapons to the ukraine to defend themselves. >> i have my own ideas. he's not going to go into ukraine. >> he is already there. >> he is there in a certain way yet but i'm not there, you have obama. that part of the world is a mess under obama. with all the strength and the power of nato.
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he takes crimea, -- >> you said that he might recognize that. >> the people from crimea would whether the -- would rather be with russia than where they were. that was done under obama's administration. as far as the ukraine is concerned, that is a mess. with all of these strong ties to mess,the ukraine is a crimea has been taken. don't blame donald trump for that. "q&a," thisn journalist and author george book.l discusses his >> looking at fathering is trying to capture the complexity of human beings and fathering is tend into character and we to think that this is a bad guy or a good guide. but to see a lot of these men
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who have been president had different parts. some of them can be very amazing things and some could be disappointing and horrify us. >> virginia governor terry mcauliffe is our guest this week on newsmakers, a longtime confidant of the clintons and former rnc chairman. he is also now chairman of the national governors association. joining us are gabe of politico and anne of the washington post. your remarks on the transpacific partnership. were they reported correctly in the press?


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