tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 6, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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with their guest from the associated press, the economic reporter and we will discuss the third-party presidential campaign with donald green. ♪ ♪ host: a very good saturday morning to you. today is august 6. there has been discussion about political polarization in america had of the election. a new poll shows it's getting personal. nearly half of democratic hillary clinton supporters say they have no close friends who support donald trump. back 1/3 of those who donald trump have no friends who backed hillary clinton. 30% of those surveyed have had an argument about the election. has this campaign caused a rif
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with your families or friends? here are the phone numbers. you can also share your thoughts on social media. the question this morning is whether or not this presidential election and the debates over have caused a rift with your family or friends. research from the pew research center. they ask how many of your close friends support the opposing candidate?
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politics being an important debate online and amongst family and friends at the kitchen table this year. we spoke recently with the institute of civil discourse from arizona and we asked about the state of political discourse in the country this year. the civility in our politics and in our communities is the worst it's been since reconstruction. there is no question but what we downward slope in terms of our lack of respect for each other when we speak, the ideological absolutism about issues. . when people disagree on an issue, they don't hear the reasoning and they don't hear enough to understand why they hold those views. it actually indicates that if you didn't -- if you don't think
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like i think him i'm a better person that you are and that is not the natural state of affairs. what have you found is driving this polarization of the the increasingly heated rhetoric on both sides of the aisle? guest: there has been a tremendous amount of research and analysis, many structural issues. too much money in politics, the way primaries work which drives both parties to the extreme to get through the primary elections. some of our most extraordinary have essentially been driven out of their statesmanship work in washington by an ideologically dominated primary process. most of what is driven this year -- i know you would speak about -- is the media business model so changed in a way in which
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much more of what is covered in mass media about politics is really celebrity and entertainment rather than driven by news. is of the problems structural issues. it took us decades to get here. it will take is decades to reverse that direction. host: our question to you this campaigns -- has the this year caused any rift between your families and friends. we're taking your phone calls on the first one is from tulsa, oklahoma from the republican line. are you there? the trump people are getting kicked off and starting problems. i'm a cross party lines but am not sure yet. people are taking a step up and saying nader should be president. host: you're not voting for hillary clinton? we will move on. cindy is calling on the independent line.
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morning, i really liked what the woman who was speaking was talking about. there has been so much that has gone on over the last decade. because of thew polarization. the problems i have had with my , it's and my son definitely polarization. i'm wondering why i'm not hearing from him. we had some discussions over text messaging and phone calling. kind of gone from independent and is feeling as though he wants to vote for donald trump. i am the opposite. i am going for our independent. i was a democrat but in the last couple of years, i have decided to go independent now i've decided. in any kind of business setting,
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when you bring in a particular party for a position, you interview that person. you look at their experience. you don't take someone with no experience and put them in a situation because they are the popular person because everybody knows them. that's almost the type of -- nepotism, in a way. son isou are saying your being a trump supporter and you are moving toward a hillary supporter? caller: yes, and in our discussions -- i apologize for getting off track -- in our discussions, his points are very isolated points. me to makeucting sure i turn on certain channels of the tv. i get most of my information from c-span. i listen to it all day long.
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i feel i am getting information from both sides. how do you guys navigate that? how do you try to resolve your political differences? caller: we are trying to figure that out. us. a new situation for i have responded to his messages and typically he works different hours. i have given pinpoint of what i feel justifies somebody. nobody is perfect, no party is perfect but i think it is only wrong to choose party over government. from laurel, maryland. let's hear from debbie in florida on the democratic line, go ahead. yes, it's not just
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family. and on themmunity internet, if you say that you butfor trump or for clinton recently if you say you are for trump, you are blasted on the internet. you are called so many names. truck that had a a bumper sticker that was handmade and said trump and people were honking. put anything in front of my house because i'm afraid of the opposition. are they going to tear my lawn apart? it's really bad here. you are calling on the democratic line but you are a supporter of donald trump? caller: i'm a registered democrat and have voted democrat since bill clinton's second
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term. is donald what got me trump's stand on immigration, illegal immigration. miami and mye in family is from los angeles. me sinceleft a scar on a young person. living now in florida which is an important battleground state. you are saying the tensions of the debate are pretty strong? caller: oh, it's bad. people don't want to put things out for who they are voting for. there was one guy who made a handmade bumper sticker. i have not seen anything you their way. -- either way. host: that's debbie with some thoughts for florida. south carolina on our
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independent line, good morning. caller: good morning. has the debate over the presidential election caused any arguments within your family or friendships? iller: not really because respect each person's right to their own choice. people thatlain to it's not about hillary clinton. it's not about donald trump. because it's the legislative branch that makes the laws that many people are not pleased with. people should concentrate on their congressman and their senator and member of the house to see what they have done to help the economy or what have they not done. host: doris from south carolina
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next, south carolina, democratic line -- kansas. caller: i'm a republican. host: i'm sorry about that. caller: that's ok. i agree 100% with the lady that just spoke. people put too much stock in government and regulation and law. we need laws, of course, but they have overdone it until we are just full. of thesick to death government cramming everything down your throat. much abouttoo electing a woman or donald trump is this. we don't care. we want things fixed. i don't care personally. do you think the rhetoric in the campaign this year has focused on substantial issues? host: on what?
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-- onunsubstantiated substantial issues? justr: i don't, they are firing bullets at each other and are not saying anything real. real people don't care. hillary clinton has over $100 million in the bank and she stands up in front of the american people and says we are poor, only $100 million. i am a veteran and i barely make my bills. get down to the substantive , not the real life $100 million per year or billions of your they spend on protecting themselves. lisa from westminster, maryland is her next caller on the democratic line. ♪ caller: good morning. i have been enjoying listening to the various opinions. i have the unique pleasure of
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being married to a republican. we are newlyweds. i remember when we were dating that if we started talking about , if we approached it by party, tensions were there. if we stopped and spoke to each other as individuals and how we felt as individuals, then the conversations were more smooth. adamant and i was a hillary supporter and very adamant about being against donald trump while we were being engaged saying this is a dealbreaker. host: dealbreaker for walking down the aisle? caller: yes. host: but you got married. caller: it was hyperbole to prove a point. i was that adamant against donald trump. we were engaged and yes we are now married and it's a fascinating exercise for both of us.
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of stories him links i think are important and sad much.ou very i think it's great if he reads this and i welcome whatever he sends me. i think if all of us could turn to the folks we love one-on-one and listen to each other, there could be progress. we need to stop this really toxic divide. from that is lisa westminster, maryland. our next caller is from missouri, james on the independent line, go ahead. i think this is causing hard feelings among just about everybody. you cannot sit down with friends or family or people in a and even have a decent civil conversation with one another without somebody getting so mad. what's going on?
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personal friends that just jump up and yelled at us and have stormed off and want have anything to do with you anymore. you get to where you turn your tv off when you see somebody driving into the driveway depending on what church they belong to. some churches ring light -- lean right and some lean left and hopefully -- my wife and i have been married for years and have been independent voters. we moved around to different places and tried to vote who we believe was best suited for the job. you just cannot carry on a decent conversation. i think a lot of it is because you turn on any one of these cable networks and you see for or five people sitting there and you watch them so many years and you know all they will do is sit there and yelled back-and-forth at each other and talk over each other. they won't listen to what the other says. if you are paying attention to
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what's going on around you, you can tell that the left bends at the left and the right pensive to the right and some of them crossover and say things you know are not true or what you believe are not true based on the real information you can get an c-span is one of the best sources of information that is not twisted whether you're talking to a democrat or republican. you get past that with your friends and your family members? how do you try to reinstitute civil discussion? it's gotten to the point where my wife and i just talk to each other. watch the news network which is more entertainment. they are more reality shows the news but we clam up and don't really talk to people anymore.
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you can have hard feelings. in a small town, you don't want to be labeled. if they think you are a long liberal and you don't believe in god oracle country and you are a sorry and low down and a conservative, they walk on water. we of gun to the point where really don't talk to anybody but ourselves. next caller is from clarksburg, west virginia on the democratic line, go ahead. caller: good morning. host: good morning to you. caller: about 80% of my friends have -- i have blocked or deleted from facebook. that's how bad it is here in west virginia. friends, they are good people, hard-working people in west virginia and they are not poorly educated.
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i don't understand what they support donald trump. withnly ones i get along who can talk politics which is my immediate family. other than that, wow. this whole state things donald trump will bring mining back and make everything great. those days are over. host: do you think social media has contributed to some of the more dramatic rhetoric that we have heard lately? facebookink being on changes the way people talk to each other about politics? caller: yes, i do. it does not help the donald trump is on twitter all the time. every time someone says the least little thing, he's on there. yeah, it's definitely changed. host: that's. jimmy from clarksburg, west virginia in "the new york times
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," there was an article about donald trump's recent endorsement of paul ryan ryan and john maclean in a bid for unity. some attempt to find unity there in the republican party. let's go to sharon from louisiana calling on the republican line. what do you think this morning? go ahead. sayer: i just wanted to
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that it does cause a rift in my immediate family because a couple of months ago, my son was definitely a bernie sanders supporter. fence of being a chump supporter because i have been a republican and i don't see the point of jumping from party to party if i don't like a candidate this time, a might like another one next time. torn between the two evils. that's how i look at it. a lot of the people here in this and are real conservative it causes problems between blacks and whites voting are putting signs in their yards further used to. we would have a trump sign or whoever was running.
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with all of the stuff that is happened with the police a lotngs, it has caused of closure between races. been -- has become predominantly black and it was predominantly white when i was a kid. i thought we had reached an back may be the 1970's or 1980's. everybody seemed to get along better. we mixed and everything was good. in my opinion, it was good. now that it's not just individual people, it's groups of people getting together and causing problems in the campaign process, i'm scared that when it comes to the actual vote, a lot of people are going to think
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it's not worth it because hillary has it tight up. tied up. we will wait and see. ran,ember when mitt romney everyone in my family was gathered around the tv waiting for his acceptance speech and that was a colossal surprise. people thatot of use those means or whatever they -- on facebook memes facebook and will make sarcastic remarks about the candidates. i don't think people are really taking it seriously enough. voting for like homecoming queen. this is something that will last at least four years. idea of get a better foreign policy that trump wants
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to in place, i am really worried about him. i know he knows business. i think hillary knows more about foreign policy because of her being in the white house when mr. clinton was president id as secretary of state but don't think she did a real good job at it. anyway, she has more knowledge of the inner workings of it. right, sharon from louisiana. he result little bit from the donald trump campaign rally yesterday in green bay, wisconsin where he announced his endorsement of paul ryan and john mccain. [video clip] mission, toared make america great again, i support and endorse our speaker of the house, paul ryan.
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[applause] paul ryan, a good man. he is a good man and a good guy. and we may disagree on a couple of things but mostly we agree and we will get it done and do a lot of wonderful things. [applause] he is a good man. hold ine i'm at it, i the highest esteem senator john mccain. [applause] for his service to our country officeorm and in public and i fully support and endorse his reelection. our question is whether
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this campaign season has caused any rift in your family or friends. hearing from boston, massachusetts on the independent line. good morning. country is a beautiful country. is a beautiful election. it's the future of the united states of america. years, we had a funny administration in washington, d c. i voted for obama. but he did not do a good job in my opinion. obama is a good man and is a good family man. he has beautiful children and a beautiful wife. but he did not do enough for the black people and he did not do enough for the white people.
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immigration is a mess in this country. we need somebody out of sight. host: do you feel most of your family and friends feel the same way as you do? i am all alone in this country. i come from italy 51 years ago. i like donald trump. my daughter is in florida. i will vote for donald trump. i like donald trump. host: antonio, from boston, massachusetts. let's move on to rosie, go ahead. caller: good morning. trying for weeks to get through but i have not been able to. there are so many people calling in and that's a wonderful thing but i don't know if whoever is in charge here in this world, what are they doing?
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are they asleep or what's going on? donald trump is just crazy. something is not ticking. everyone else is sleeping, too. and: what do your friends family think? do they agree with you? caller: they agree and they are scared. we believe that of donald trump gets in their and gets to be president, he will blow up the whole world. that's from houston, texas. hillary clinton also spoke friday and addressed some of the donald trump supporters. [video clip] >> i really believe that the core of his support, i'm not going to speak for everyone who supports him because i think there have been some quite distressing statements coming out of his rallies and
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supporters and who has aligned themselves with him but i think the core of his support really centers on the disappointment in the economy that so many americans feel. is i'mhave been saying going to bring this country together. i think we have the overarching goals. economicore opportunities, protect our national security and we've got to work toward american unity. i have been trying to understand what it is that has driven people support trump. i have met with some people. i have listened to them. are looking for an explanation as to why they lost the job they had for 18 years when the factory nobody c. what they are going to do when their whole life was spent mining coal, and they make
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$80,000 a year, and they cannot barely find a job making minimum wage. centers for so many old industrial towns in america are hollowed out, and people are turning to opiates and carolyn. the list -- heroin. the list goes on. we have to recognize that, of course, some of the appeal is xenophobia and racist and misogynistic and offensive. we have to acknowledge that. let's not lose sight of the real pain that many americans are economy hasuse the left them behind. host: former senate majority tom daschle in south dakota and olympia snowe put together this op-ed, they wrote that fears
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debate has always been a part of the process, increasingly, however, actions and rhetoric have been put together to entrench oppositions and politically demolished the other side. lawmakers appear on the news to decry their opponents. far from forging common ground, to my way or the highway clashes, which are the road to nowhere. to transcend our differences so that democratically elected representatives -- dispense with civility, and again that is an op-ed by tom daschle and olympia snowe, republican from maine. let's turn to the fomite. vicky is on the line from baltimore, maryland. from the republican line.
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caller: good morning. how are you? host: i am good. go ahead with your thought. caller: i am a republican, which is kind of rare in maryland. trump, i believe in donald trump and that he can pull the country together. business, i talk about politics once a while. i don't speak wrong either way. i try not to talk too much about politics. my kids, my brothers and sisters, and it really does not cause a rift in my family at all. host: most of your family and friends are also donald trump supporters you are saying. caller: go trump. host: all right.
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next up is don from oregon on the independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. most of my acquaintances and family are not really divided between hillary and trump. we were mostly divided between bernie and hillary. now that he is out of the picture, we are pretty much hillary, however i have noticed different acquaintances, self-selecting, separating between donald trump and hillary clinton. one thing i try to remind others when i get deep into the conversations is that a few years ago a tech talk -- ted sustainably explained
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how people can be so set in their convictions, there confirmed opinions based on what they know and be completely oblivious to outside information. once they do acquire new information, they are more receptive to changing their minds. what i am finding is the way it is all set up now is people have self-selected. they go either far to the left or far to the right. between are any debates now and the election, i would thatthat c-span -- hope c-span would be the only moderators. if that is not possible, maybe news like cbc,
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canadian broadcasting, or bbc, or some of the other nonnetwork, noncorporate news because if it is just abc, nbc, cbs, at fox, even pbs for that matter, it will be a ratings game. there will not be a debate. there will be no substance. we saw the debates on the republican side. the only debates that have any substance at all were between hillary and bernie. host: we will have to leave it there so we can get into some more colors. steve from north carolina on the democrat line. caller: this is steve. i listen to the candidates and what they are saying. trump, he to donald
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just says stop, there is nothing behind it. regardless of what hillary has done, and i'm a christian, and when you do something, god knows how to forgive. you have to move on. listen to her. she says things with passion. host: that is steve from north carolina. let's go to knoxville, tennessee. the independent line. caller: good morning. family,d a rift in my me and my cousin who is a lifelong democrat. ansays donald trump is outsider. i don't see it that way. how can someone be an outsider who provides the money for the politicians, bribes them in other words. your cousin is a donald
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trump supporter, and you are not. caller: i cannot stand donald trump. i have a message for all of these supporters, there are some openings for trump university still there. host: what have you done in terms of conversations with your cousin, how have you bridged the little differences? caller: we do not talk about it anymore. we just avoid the conversation. we are still close. he is like a brother to me. we grew up beside each other. i am a bernie sanders supported. toe he crossed, i went over hillary. i cannot see what hillary has done that is so bad. more thanen vetted any other candidate in history. what needs to be done is congress needs to be investigated for using taxpayer money to have an investigation
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into her public life. host: all right. that is ralph from knoxville, tennessee. we want to let you know about some of our other programming this weekend. our c-span cities to her takes booktv and american history tv to michigan. we will explore the city's history. ouroon, on booktv, all of programs will air together in one time. [video clip] >> welcome to michigan on booktv. in the easternmost part of the state, the city sits at the juncture between lake claire river and ports are on. huron. port we will travel around this city
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of about 30,000 to talk with local authors about the history of the area, including the role that steam ships play in the 19th century. >> it was instructed in new york, over near niagara falls, and that ran between buffalo and detroit for about three years before it was wrecked.that was the beginning of the steamboat age. they did not travel very fast, but they were reliable. >> we will visit the thomas edison museum to learn about the importance of the railroad and the development of michigan's thumb region. >> when it first came into the county and the region as a whole, most of the life was centered on the lake. the interior itself, if there were early settlers there, they
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were few and far between. >> we talked with the executive editor of the herald, about the city and its history and its challenges today and the newspaper business. host: make sure to tune in this weekend as our c-span cities tour travels to michigan. to catch any of our programs or to see where we are going next go to our question for you this morning is has the campaign season caused rifts with your family or friends. from katy, texas. republican line. go ahead. caller: good morning. my name is mr. apple. i am calling about the speaker was at the dnc, the goldstar father, mr. khan.
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i found out that he was a paid speaker. was on the law firm of hogan and hartman. also in 2002, loretta lynch joined that law firm. this debate over his statements caused any discord within your family or amongst your friends? yes, my cousin, who -- he isdallas, he is for hillary. i have been trying to tell him about some of the shenanigans that are going on with the hillary campaign, including the latest fact i found out, i was telling my cousin, mr. khan as
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tothis past week flew pakistan and is giving speeches against mr. trump and is getting paid $25,000 per speech. i get my information, this is important, i get my information from the debate website called there.actual information host: what is your cousin say when you sent in this information? is in a debating mode. -- mood. he argues with me about how he trusts hillary and all this. he debates the fact about mr. khan and other sources. the main thing i was trying to mr. khan isf how
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associated with hillary is the fact that just last week hillary on "meet the press" last sunday had lied about her lies. that was on fox news. host: that is apple from texas. we want to get in a few more collars. roberta from ohio is on the democratic line. go ahead. roberta. o. caller: i will vote democrat. host: what does that mean for dinner time at your house, roberto. caller: i am voting democrat. i dissected. you can make the decision of who you are voting for. donald trump has. he is a millionaire. -- donald trump has no
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experience. he is a millionaire. host: we will take our final caller, eleanor from ohio, independent line. good morning. eleanor. the air, caller: ok. much --zed at how donald trump is still in its as an outsider. i have assumed that mr. khan or whatever was getting paid for trumpthis, and i thought , that he wasn't involved when his son was killed, and he knew that. when i saw him on tv, i did not know anything more than what i
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and extraordinary's of advertising on press -- an extra four days on advertising. the reasoning of why he responded is because he knew it would be in the top story. host: eleanor from ohio. that is our last caller from this segment. up next, we will talk to josh boak from the associated press. he will explain the jobs report wereshows 55,000 jobs added in july. in255,000 jobs were added july. we will be right back. ♪
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>> this weekend, we take you to the green party political convention in houston. we need a different politics that is not controlled by the big banks and the war profiteers. the green party is the only party the only national that is not poisoned by that corporate money, lobbyist money. >> on sunday party that is at 9:00 p.m. eastern, seagate sentence speeches -- see the acceptance speeches from the green party. you can use the c-span radio app on your mobile device or watch anytime on c-span2, 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend. there are some feature programs
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this weekend. 10:00 p.m. eastern tonight, kimberly strasse argues that the left is using tactics to usurp the political process in her book. is joined in conversation by kenny thomas, interviewed to the daily column's foundation. >> i think there are a couple of reasons. when i started this, i care about free speech and the first amendment. i am a bit of a libertarian comes to this. i have no allegiance to one party or the other. i wrote about the abuses on the left for my column, but i assumed i would find a lot of stuff on the right. i did not. >> life with author and legal analyst, we will take your calls and westerns. -- questions. he will discuss his latest book,
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the saga of the kidnap and cons and trial of patty hearst. inside the secret world of the supreme court. too close to call, the 36 day battle to decide the 2008 election. the vast conspiracy, the real story of the sex scandal that nearly brought down a president. and opening arguments, a young lawyers first case. yourthe conversation with phone calls and tweets. at 7:00 eastern, dinesh desousa looks at the impact of hillary clinton presidency on america in his book. go to for the complete weekend schedule. >> "washington journal" continues. boak,joining us is josh
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and economics writer at the associated press. he has worked on politico, the chicago tribune. thank you for being here. you're here to talk about the jobs report, the government reported yesterday that the economy added 255,000 jobs in july. what does that tell us about the state of the recovery? guest: this was a good report. it is not just the fact that we it is the000 jobs, fact that wages have gone up 2.6% over the last 12 months. not only are more people finding work, but their incomes are rising. that is key for the recovery. it is reassuring, right? roughly 1% grew at for the first six months of the year, there was a lot of nerves about that.
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reports, as webs got 292,000 jobs in june and 255,000 in july, they offered reassurance that things should that things should pick up in the second half of the year. host: the unemployment rate stayed unchanged. you can see the unemployment rate at 4.9%. why did not the unemployment rate change? guest: it contains two surveys. most people do not dig into it that much, but we will nerd out because we are on c-span. we look at a survey of households. the other report in terms of jobs is a survey of businesses and establishment. when we look at the household survey, what we found is all these people started looking for jobs last month. a lot of them found it. theuse more people entered
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labor force, the unemployment rate did not go down. host: what sectors are creating jobs? where are businesses starting to hire? guest: not just businesses, employers. we saw a big bump in government employers from teachers. we saw a lot of school budget cuts in 2010 and 11 that led to fewer teachers. impact, we see that in fact in education and health care. we saw a lot more architects and computer system developers hired. traditionally, we've had strength in leisure and hospitality, restaurants, that anything. host: here are some more statistics for you. special business services sector gained 70,000 jobs in july. health care, 23,000.
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financial services, 18,000. government employment, 38,000. mining, the mining sector did lose 6000 jobs. we want to let our viewers know they can join in the conversation. is the number to call if you are a republican. democrats (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. you can send us your thoughts on twitter. we are speaking with josh boak. you mentioned that wages have gone up. we sought wage gains last month. tell us what is driving that and what that means for paychecks in the future. guest: the theory is that when more people find jobs, unemployment goes down, employers have to pay more money
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to get workers and keep workers. economists have been waiting, and you know this, for years saying all these jobs has to to rise.s is -- wages we are seeing that 2.6%. not everyone thinks that is a great increase, but it is an improvement. the reason why is more people are finding jobs, the unemployment rate is 4.9%. employers have to pay more. analysts at goldman sachs also looked at the lower wage and. -- end. they said increases in minimum wage has helped. this is really the staff, that wage increase. that's what we want to pay attention to. that will have ripple effects for voters, the federal reserve, and determine a lot of policy and family well-being. host: we will talk about those
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in just a minute. let's hear from chris from new hampshire on the product line. go ahead. -- democratic line. caller: it is nice to talk to you this morning. host: good morning. caller: good morning. as far as the unemployment rate not changing, this is just i think apinion, but lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of these jobs that are being created, if you jobs,ut the higher up are jobs for walmart and target and so on and so forth, and they are creating jobs, but they are not hiring people. an example, just in my local area, we had two different minutes within 30 distance from each other that
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had been hiring for the last two years straight and are still hiring, and they have that sign up every day. host: that is chris from new hampshire. guest: this is the big question, what kind of businesses are the best at creating jobs? the thought has been you want a small business that can grow over time. there is a separate jobs report that is put out privately that looks at job creation by size. overs been evenly spread the last month between small businesses, the inside of businesses, and large corporations like walmart. those large corporations are often mature enterprises that are looking to compete on productivity, not adding staff. you get this important question. when you talk about walmart, you are talking about the health of traditional u.s. retail. we have seen that this has been
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struggling. we have the acceleration of online shopping on places like where more and more people are getting their goods. more retailers have to compete on price. how often do you go by a department store and see final sale, 30% off, 50% off. this makes it harder for people to hire. host: you mentioned that the number of jobs that were created last month was quite high. do you think this streak of strong numbers can continue? guest: this is a volatile report. we have to be respectful of that. we need to look at the three-month moving average which is 190,000. we might not add more than 250,000 in august, but if we look at that three-month trend, that will look solid. i don't want to say how much we will get, but the theory is we will have to slow down eventually because we won't run
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out of workers we can hire -- we will run out of workers we can hire. host: good morning, harriet. caller: good morning. i wanted to ask a couple of questions. jobs -- what does it add to the deficit? and what does it add to my property tax? if you take one job and turn it into two part-time workers, do you count that as adding jobs? guest: let me answer all of those. we'll start with the part-time one because that is one of the ones that twists everyone up. the part-time jobs come from the household survey. we have not seen the acceleration in part-time jobs lately. we have seen a decrease in the
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number of people who are working part-time jobs for economic reasons. that is a sign the economy is getting better. you can look at that each and every month. in some cases, we can look at the number of multiple job workers, and have been roughly 7 million or so for the last year or so. about 4.9% of everyone who works in the united states has multiple jobs. on the question of teachers and taxes and budget deficits, we will get into the weeds here. teachers tend is, to be a good thing. the more educated you are, the more likely you are to have a job, the unemployment rate for college graduates is only 2.5%. the more likely you are to earn more money. the less likely you are to depend on government support. in the long run, you have this
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interesting thing. you're paying property taxes for teachers, but if they are able to do their jobs, workers get better educated in the long run. there are more likely to stay in the job market, less likely to depend on government services. we have to be careful in how we do this accounting. when we talk about the federal government, most of the hiring last month was at the state and local level. in the long-term, the size of the federal work horse is shrinking. the federal workforce is not appear to be the driving factor in the federal budget deficit. it is he to stress that. he built often assume it is -- people often assume it is personal costs. it is medicare and medicaid, increasing entitlement costs. not to say those costs are back, just put it in context. host: hans on the republican line. good morning.
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caller: good morning. i appreciate you taking my phone call. the caller: good morning. the homebuilding and our country and the amount of income it produces is usually for the people doing construction, they do not have much education. the problem is that, the truth is, our construction has been taken over by the latinos. they do not pay taxes on the money. i know, because i do all the taxes. i am in the community. it is very high in this area. host: i think we hear your point. josh boak, and he points? guest: the jobs report does not say anything about taxes paid by latinos. but we know construction employment levels are down. but we have seen improvements in
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construction. we have a lot of builders saying that they cannot find enough workers to build houses, offices, and apartments. so what we saw in the jobs report was higher wage growth in the construction sector, more then 3% year-over-year. so it is looking at the sharpest pay gains right now in construction. host: can you address this question of the reliability of this government data? there have been questions over whether we are looking at the right measure of unemployment. what is the real unemployment rate? explain what we should pay attention to. guest: sure. the unemployment rate was people site is called the u3, a technical name that we will not go back to her but what it looks at is the number of people who are looking for a job and do not have one. that is the key category. we say, if you're unemployed
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under the u3 measure, you have to be looking for a job. there might be people and schools who are not looking for a job, retirees not looking for a job, mothers and fathers choosing to raise their children instead of working, so we do not want to count them as unemployed because they have no interest in taking a job. the largest sector is the u6, which looks of people who if you offered them a job, they might take it, people working part time would want to work full-time. ist u6 measure right now 9.7%. so you can say we can measure unemployment as between 4.9% and 9.7%. you will hear some politicians say a lot of things on the campaign trail, and the jobs report is the most basic way to hold our political leaders accountable, because it is a measure of the economy. it can measure what parts of the
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economy are growing, and it is a measure of family well-being. some candidates will say the real unemployment rate is 20%. there is an easy way to fact check that. if it was 20%, our economy would look like spain. our economy does not look like spain. i have been there. we are doing so much better. is fromr next caller belleville, michigan, on the democratic line. caller: good morning. hi, c-span. hi, josh. i have a comment and a question for you. i have been really frustrated under this president that every time we talk about the unemployed at rate, for whatever reason under this administration, everybody always wants to talk about the underemployed and that. we have all these statistics since the beginning, since the labor department has been doing this, but for some reason under this president, the news is
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making a big thing about it. my question is, can you give us some type of information or figures under all administrations, probably going back to carter, reagan, bush, clinton, bush, and now president obama, how many jobs were created under each of those administrations? do you have any history on that? i appreciate your answer. thank you. guest: thank you. all right, rather than just look at jobs created, because looking purely a jobs created does not adjust for the size of the u.s. population. there are a bunch of trends we need to discuss wintering to compare obama's performance to the past. in a lot of cases, the president does not have a tremendous amount of influence on job creation, particularly in a free market economy. there is an economist at princeton who did incredible research on that impact. but under obama right now, the
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unemployment rate is 4.9%, below the 50-year average of about 6%, so that is a positive. by the number of people in the u.s. population who work has dropped. that is called the employment population ratio, and that is just a shade under 60%. it has been much higher in the past for several reasons. one, we had a greater share of men working. but as recently as 1998 and 1999, we saw that first wave of women coming into the workforce. so it got really high under bill clinton. more women were coming in. and that really helped to drive the growth in the employment population ratio after world war ii, which is why a lot of presidents looks bad. robin from alabama, independent line. go ahead. , these numbers that
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they keep throwing at us, i do not believe they are anywhere .ear the correct numbers in northnity i live in alabama, people cannot find work. i have a 28-year-old daughter that cannot find a full-time job anywhere. administration -- and this administration that we are this now has weakened economy so bad. he does not want us to be looked at as a superpower, even under the economy. he wants us so weak -- host: all right. guest: obviously, he is someone dealing with a lot of economic turmoil.
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there is no doubt that there are pockets in this country that have not recovered, pockets in this country that have suffered. the reason why goes beyond politics. there are basic adjustments in terms of how our job market works. it is increasingly tilted towards those with college degrees and increasingly the noises those without education. we can see that in the difference in unemployment rate. if you have a college degree, your unemployment rate right now is 2.5%. i believe if you have less than a high school degree, it is closer to 7%. in communities with less education is really being felt, and those people are being penalized. that is not just a function of who is in the white house. but if you look at it much more broadly, the u.s. economy is still the world's biggest. there is no doubt about that. the u.s. economy is still seen as very attractive, which is why so many people buy treasury bonds, basically buy our
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government debt. there are these wrenching changes going on, and we see these in many communities firsthand, so what this jobs report really is is this is the map of the world. there is a difference between the map view of the world in an economy as big and diverse as the united states and the view that so many people say firsthand. host: you mentioned that the number of women who entered the workforce helped drive up the number of people in america who are working. the babytirement of boom generation impacting the jobs numbers? this is the endless debate. how much of a decrease in the share of americans working has more to do with people retiring policies of either the administration or the federal reserve? and the conventional economic wisdom is that about half of the
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decline appears to be because you had aging baby boomers who are retiring. this argument can also get a little bit complex, because for college-educated boomers who are getting older, more of them are working later in life. so the share of older people working has actually increased, but because so many people are getting older, we are seeing that drop in the employment population and labor force participation. broken arrow, oklahoma, republican line. good morning. glad to have c-span my question is basically, about a year and a half ago, the price of oil dropped a lot. of course, correspondingly, the price of gasoline dropped, the price of anything you burn went down. utilities those are
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for businesses. i was wondering if you have seen an impact with regard to that in the economy, and maybe that is the reason why we have got july.0 job data in just curious. a little background on me, i relocated from the northeast, new jersey, about five years ago. thatbs up there during time at all, cannot find anything. and i am a professional, an engineer with an mba. so i came to find some work down here, and i have been here ever since, despite being laid off once down here. it is anything but stable. i am a little bit older. if labor, it is kind of like you do not have medical insurance or access to it, you are going to keep working. that is a comment i had, as well. host: thank you, richard. guest: all good thoughts. the job growth probably would
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have been higher if oil prices and energy prices were higher, and the reason why is that would give those firms, the drillers, the miners, the manufacturers who help support that industry more of an incentive to increase productivity, and they would need more workers. we have seen the mining sector in the manufacturing sector flip creation in the last year, and that is a byproduct of lower energy prices. that has not been enough to the real overall u.s. economic growth. the theory goes that cheaper gasoline will create savings to consumers, and they will then spend that money elsewhere. to some extent, we have seen that, but not necessarily to the level that a lot of economists initially expected windows gasoline prices dropped. that might be because a lot of consumers are choosing and stand to save that money to pay off their debt or spend it in ways that the government is not necessarily good at tracking. host: there is a story you wrote
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--ently with this headline what is behind the decline? guest: part of what we talk about refers to a measure of u.s. services firms, which counts for a majority of employers in the united states. so they are expanding at a slightly slower pace, and these readings could be volatile from nth, and the employment to not look as strong as you might expect, but they are still expanding. that is the key, and they have been expanding continuously, i believe, for more than 70 months. host: richard from lake elsinore, california, on the democratic line. go ahead. .aller: hi, c-span i am not policies go, sure if this is too political,
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but they talk about immigration in connection with job growth. [indiscernible] -- open the private sector, open our wallets and join in, this is the way i see it. these are two different paths. numbers, not just policies. which is more realistic? the real numbers, not the policies. guest: sure. let's talk about what economists say. we have to be fair, not only has hillary clinton proposed additional and for stricter spending, but donald trump recently said he would double what hillary clinton is doing. we do not have a lot of detours from donald trump's plan, but he has committed to doing that.
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why is infrastructure valuable? not just to create jobs as far as construction, but it helps you get to where you are going faster. that is really key for growth. gain. give you a personal i come to de-seats morning for work from baltimore. i have to take a train. if the tunnel that train goes under was repaired, i would save 10 minutes and my commute each day. if i saved those 10 minutes, i would have additional work productivity. productivity is how the economy grows. themore productive we are, more wealth we generate. economists will say there is another way the economy grows, and net is by adding more workers. this gets us to the immigration part of the puzzle. when the ap did a survey of economists and asked about the effect of immigration, every economist described immigration as positive, because it increases the number of workers. so if you add more workers am a
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you increase productivity, and you get stronger growth. that is the most basic recipe. and the differences between the democrats and republicans is basically about what is the best combination to achieve those. on the immigration thing, immigrants are coming and taking people's jobs or they are undercutting them by working for less am a so pay raises are not as high. we have not necessarily seen that in the data right now. one of the reasons why is that the type of immigrants in the united states right now are very different than in the past. in the ellis island, they were more likely to compete with traditional american workers, but now we see a combination of immigrants were both more educated than the average american and less educated than the average american. that makes them less likely to have that wage impact than in the past. does not mean they will not have any wage and tax, that is just the trend -- does not mean they will not have any wage impacts,
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that is just the trend. host: the jobs report that just came out for july was strong. what implications does it have for the presidential election? guest: this is the crazy thing, right, this is an economic support. a couple times over a few years, it suddenly becomes a political report, and politicians will take a statistic of the choice successed either as a or signed that the apocalypse is coming. in this case, the best thing you can do as a voter is look at the report and hold the politicians accountable for what they say. in theory, 4.9% unemployment rate and a lot of these things in the abstract should look good for hillary clinton. but there is this amazing guy at yale university who models election results, and he uses economic trends to do that. his model shows that donald trump, in theory, should win,
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but of course, this is not a traditional campaign. this is not a traditional election. one could even say that the numbers are unlikely to sway many voters. that does not mean you will not be hearing about them a lot through november. host: scott from new york is on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning, c-span. i just wanted to comment on something josh said earlier education.yment and he stated that most people with an education tend to stay employed longer, correct? i work with men and women who have stayed in the same job place for over 20 years, so i do not really think that is right to say. however, i like a lot of your .oints and statistics i am just one of those voters that do believe a lot of these statistics are disproportional. and: let's hear from danny
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charlotte, north carolina, calling on the democratic line. caller: good morning. i just want to say that i think people have forgotten about george w. bush. i think this goes back to the bush administration and where we were then. i think finding a job are keeping a job or whatever is not as bad as people make it out to be. i think the jobs they are getting, they do not want to those jobs. but i still think there are jobs they can get. they can blame the president or the congress or the senate for not doing their job, but the problem is we keep voting the same people into office. so if you do not want the same to change whoot you are putting in office. that is just they way the system works. just to complain about it and not do anything about it, we
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have a situation that is not going to change. and i always think on the positive side. .ost: ok we're talking with josh boak, economics writer from the associated press. your thoughts? guest: on the college education aspect, i don't know the age of the caller, and that is key if we're talking about job tenu re. the unemployment report really does not look good job tenure. we're looking at the unemployment rate, the number of people who participate in the labor force, that number is higher for people with college degrees. i can look at wage data, and i can show that incomes have improved, especially for those with advanced degrees, over the last three decades. it has fallen for people with only high school degrees. that is key, incomes have
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fallen. if you remember playing the game of life maybe 20, 30 years ago, where you could skip college and keep on playing in still buy a speedboat and vacation house, the incomes do not suggest that is possible anymore. it does not mean you cannot do it, but on average, it has become much harder. to the question of political leadership and george w. bush, i don't know. it certainly seems as though politicians always talk about making things better. is our friend of her efforts? are we talking about an economy and set of solutions back to the world war ii era? or are we talking about the economy today and what that looks like? there was a really great point, which was that there's an to be jobs but maybe people don't like the pay, something like that, and there does seem to be a gap in terms of expectations and what employers are willing to pay for certain what people say this is
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what i need to live. and the challenge of the job market perpetually right now is reconciling those differences am a what people need to earn in order to live versus what employers are paying. host: there is a question from twitter, how can you add a quarter of a million jobs per month when the economy is growing at just 1% per year? guest: that is a great question, one i am asking myself nonstop. some economists have said we're not really good at measuring economic growth, that the gdp measure is not as reliable as the jobs report. that is one argument. another argument is that maybe we have slow growth because we're not quite as productive as we once were. so falling productivity means you have got to add more workers. if you add more workers to make up for the lack of productivity, that helps to explain maybe some of that mismatch you are seeking. another argument that is much more simple is the difference between how these things get
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calculated -- a lot of the slow economic growth that occurred in the second quarter of this year is because of lack of this mess investment, absence of holding up inventory, and fact, inventory shrink. and real estate investments do not tend to line up with the construction numbers and new home sales numbers. sometimes those gdp numbers also get revised. it is worth paying attention to see what happens in those revisions, because we might be looking at another story. bealso know that things can really choppy. the ap covers more than 40 economic indicators, and those indicators do not line up perfectly. this is one of the quirks in the system. it is not like a baseball box sport where every number has to make sense perfectly. because you are getting these sets of data and trying to make sense of it. from our next color is west hempstead, new york,
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independent line. caller: this that, this that. host: all right, let's move on to ellen from richmond, virginia, democratic line. caller: hello? host: you are on the air. we hear you. caller: yes, the question i want to ask is, is the number of -- if the retire number of people who retire increases, why does that affect the number of people with jobs? because i assume those jobs would be refilled. that is it. guest: sure. what we're talking about is, there are two measures in the jobs report. in this case, one is the employment population ratio, which is the share of people in the country who are employed, the share of adults who are employed.
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as more people retire and they are not looking for jobs, even if those jobs get refilled, that ratio is going to drop. there are more people who have retired or the pressure on the other end is there are more people ages 16 to 24 who were still in school, college, high school, graduate school. so the population ratio will decline, but it does not mean the total number of jobs will decline, just the ratio. host: let's hear from holyoke, massachusetts, independent line. go ahead. , josh. good morning this is craig. greg, not craig. just talked about the productivity rate and adding workers. but the main part is you have to -- work tork be done
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be done. it does not seem we have that much work to be done here. it is being done and other places. as far as the unemployment rate, i drive around town, and i don't know, are they counting people on the street corner with a cardboard sign asking for money? i have never seen the amount of people i see standing out on the street corners. are they employed? you know? it is ridiculous. 4.9%, that is crazy. host: all right, that is greg. guest: let's address that head-on. this is the windshield view of the economy. the jobs report is a maps view. it is going to try to look at our big divers 19 join dollar economy with a hole wide range of workers. that view is different depending on what community you are in, and it is important for everyone, including folks in d.c., and it is not confusing
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that picture with the same picture everywhere else. of, isise the question all our were going overseas? there has been a period of off shoring, no doubt about that, but we are still seeing job growth in the united states. have moret period, we jobs. the unemployment rate is legitimately 4.9%. the other thing is we have seen our factories get more productive. remember, this is not just about jobs moving overseas. this is about automation and those drivers. in some cases, would i think callers like this are really seeing is that occupations have been hollowed out because of technological changes. that is a very real trend we can date back to the early 1990's. headline onwas this a story about the jobs report -- buoy prospectres
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for a fed rate rise. how does this affect interest rates? guest: the fed has a really .imple responsibility they have a dual mandate it one part is to maximize jobs. the other part is to keep prices stable. how do you do that? well, you control the flow of money into the economy. money is almost like the gasoline of the economy's engine. the fed has kind of been keeping that gas flowing like keeping interest rates low. but if you put too much gas in the engine, you're going to overheat, right? and prices will no longer be stable. so some analysts look at this jobs report and go, boy, u.s. economy seems to be riproaring, we are going to get inflation soon, and that will destabilize prices. the fed should consider changing
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rates from his door close. they might want to be cautious and make sure this is a real trend because we have not seen prices rise when we expected in the past, and there might be additional room in our economy to hire more. that is why we keep coming back to things like the employment population ratio or the labor force participation rates, and that really matters. as more people come and, those ratios will rise, regardless of what happens with the unappointed rate, and then we will seek additional wage growth, which will feed inflation and spur the federal reserve to act. a lot of experts, economists, at this job look support and doubled down on what their earlier predictions were. this really do not change anyone's opinion. people thought the fed might raise rates in september, still think that. some people think it will be in december and still think that. from northxt call is carolina, republican line. caller: thank you for c-span.
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i would like to disagree with mr. boak on two issues. one is the illegal immigrant issue. that is simply that i have ,itnessed myself in this area the raleigh durham, capitol hill 1984, wet back in would see immigrants here tending to the crops. then that is done and they go back. and then i witnessed them going into the trades. landscaping. and the next time i believe it was concrete. the next time, it was framing. the next time, roofing. the next time, it is actually
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the technical trades. and once it got to that point, well, i felt somewhat threatened. i disagree with mr. boak that , this has nossue effect on unemployment in america. ,ook at your young black men 40%, maybe 50% unemployment. the other issue is the national debt. i think it is $20 trillion or more. this is a load on the economy. guest: ok, let's address the first issue had-on. -- that's just the first issue head-on. when i was talking about immigration, i was just talking about immigration. the caller assumed i was talking about illegal immigration. there is a big difference between the two. the north carolina growers
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association brings more than 11,000 immigrants each year around this time to pick crops. it is true. you will see them there, no doubt. it does not necessarily mean they are illegal. we have also seen a lot of tech workers, particularly in the area where the caller lives, those are legal workers. you might say that some of the policies by which people achieve legal status are not optimal for the theoretical debate about whether adding workers is good for the economy, according to most economists, has been settled. and if the keyword is undocumented workers as a we ight on the economy, even that has been somewhat controversial, but that is not the whole of immigration. after the recession, the number of people following of through the border has decreased. that has been documented, and that makes sense, because there were fewer jobs for these people. i would be very careful in saying that these immigrants
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have taken jobs away from minority communities. have housing policies located in areas where it is harder to find work. if we go back to baltimore, we go to freddie gray, we go to that neighborhood, one-third of that community -- they had to drive 45 minutes in order to find work. that is the way the housing policy is set up. if you do not live near a job, it is harder to get a job and keep a job. that is not tied to immigration. if you are going to make that comparison, be very careful with what the data actually say. as opposed to the national debts question, i think national debt is a problem. we borrow too much and do not have the capacity to repay it, and we will be in trouble. we need to be careful and mindful about it. the point i was making earlier was just that the number of federal workers no longer seems to be tied with the federal
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debt. from greensboro, north carolina, on the democratic line. caller: good morning. i want to say it is so interesting that it seems like so many people have forgotten what happened in 2008 and 2009. when this president came into office, 800,000 jobs a month were lost under bush. and at that time, you would hear everyday the number of homes that were being for closed, the was a daily report. the auto industry had gone bankrupt. yet, so much has happened and improved, and it is like people seem to have forgotten about that. they just cannot believe that the unemployment rate is at 4.9 percent. there have been seven plus month of job creation every month. that is quite a difference
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between what has happen in 2009, when this president came into office, the same month in january that bush left, 800,000 jobs were lost that month. thank you. guest: so the economy is better. that,really key to stress whether you think obama deserves the credit or whether you think someone else deserves the credit. the economy is better. it is very easy to be better than the worst economic catastrophe and 80 years. that is a very low bar. what the president's defenders would say is that not only is the u.s. economy that are, but the u.s. economy fared better than other countries that got hit by the downturn. basis for comparison. what republicans would say is that this has been a slow recovery relative to past recoveries. therefore, we are not doing as well as we should have, and that is really the core of the debate. we should not debate whether or
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not the economy is doing better. it is very easy for an economy to do better after an economic disaster. what we should be debating is how we judge our policies. host: john from orlando, florida, independent line. caller: thank you, and thank you for c-span. josh, i would like to talk about something in the news lately and the white house blog about the mobility and opportunity for the employees act, which was introduced by senator christopher murphy in june of last year. i have not seen much action going on as far as the bill getting through congress. and the white house, on their blog, released on may 5 what you need to know about these non-compute agreements, and i have been hit my those in my industry, as well as many other people. for the workers, lower wage employees, imo -- the mobility
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act wants to ban these agreements for anybody under $13 an hour. i hope this will gets passed. i want you to discuss if this would help the economy by getting people to work in seeking a higher salaries in their industry. guest: the feeling is, exactly, if more people are able to compete for jobs and they fewer bearers in dealing with an employer, that should give labor more ability. right? they can seek out for what they want and compete for those jobs. as for the politics of the issue, i have no idea. i write about the u.s. economy. , tried to talk to real people and real people very seldom are congressman or congresswomen. and so that is an issue of gridlock, and that is way beyond my pay grade. but there is, again, this fun little question of how you maximize the pay for workers and
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reconcile that with the costs that employers do not want to pay. this is the issue that our job market is still tried to sort through, even though we have been recovering from more than seven years. host: kathleen from clearwater, florida, republican line. caller: hi, good morning, josh, and thank you for taking my call. i think josh touched on it a little bit earlier with his comments -- can you hear me? host: we can hear you. go ahead. on sendingh touched earlier. you said something very interesting, and i think this is a lot of the problem. i grew up in the midwest. wisconsin steel. i saw this deal meals start to close down in the 1970's and 1980's, and there were off shoring and moving manufacturing jobs overseas, with the blue dollar -- blue-collar jobs going overseas, and that was pretty
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much the start of it all. then you touched on something that is getting worse, and it is like a double whammy. know, it is bad enough that the manufacturing went overseas, but now robotics others are taking over our job. it is pretty sad -- host: are robots taking over? robotice do not have overlords yet, but we have seen a lot of pressure be placed on people who work middle-income jobs because of our nation. not just robots, things like computersadsheets and that also matter. no politician i have seen is ever going to run for office by saying, you know, get rid of your iphone, let's go back to an amish way of life. the technology, on the one hand, and this is the real dilemma, increases the productivity. as we said, productivity is the key for growth. the problem is if those
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workers do not find other jobs, other occupations, other careers because of the disruption by technology, this is the disconnect the caller is talking about right now, we have not found a good way to bridge disconnects. that should be the country and voters are asking their political leaders. houston, texas, democratic line. go ahead. caller: i want to ask a question. i was watching the democratic convention and saw this girl say her and her mother snuck across into this country and cannot even see her father. stay at home and babysit her and her brother. illegal cameas an across, went to the school system, got on the teet of america -- host: what does this have to do with the economy? caller: because they are taking half $1 billion out of the
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when you lookyear at how much free education, free food, free medical care, undocumented tax dollars -- host: i think we hear your point. josh boak, we will let you have the last word. guest: there is no doubt that undocumented workers are problem. part of the problem, weirdly enough, is if you do not have legal status, it is harder for you to get a higher wage, as well. so we have to do reform in general and figure out we can workers from inside united states and the rest of the world, and everyone would be better off. host: josh boak from the associated press, thank you for joining us. next, we will look at the impact third parties have had in presidential politics. we will talk with donald green, the author of "third-party matters." we will be right back.
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our road to the white house coverage takes you to the green political convention in houston. we need a different politics that is not controlled by the giantsks and the fuel and war profiteers, and the green party is the only national party that is not poisoned by the corporate money, lobbyist money, super pac's. >> sunday and 9:00 p.m. eastern, see the extent did -- see the acceptance speeches for the green party. watch on c-span. you can use the c-span radio app or watch any time at coming up this week and on american history tv on c-span3, the life and legacy of amick -- of alexander hamilton. >> hamilton's argument was that
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all the states were fighting together for the liberty of all, for the whole country. ofhe has assumed the debt the 13 states along with the federal debt, and it would all be treated as one debt to be paid off at the same time. >> this evening a little after the economic achievements of alexander hamilton. at 10:00 on real america, a 1945 were department film that documents the final month of the b-29 super fortress eric and pain against japan, including the august 1945 atomic humming's of hiroshima and nagasaki. sunday morning at 10:00, the third and final 2000 presidential debate between al gore and george w. bush. law-abiding citizens ought to be able to protect themselves and their families. i believe we should keep guns out of the hands of people who
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should not have them, and that is why i am for background checks at gun shows. >> some commonsense measures are needed with the flood of cheap handguns that have sometimes been working the way into the hands of the wrong people. but all of my proposals are focused on the problem, gun safety. >> and at 8:00 eastern, the contenders, key figures who ran for the presidency and lost but changed political history. democratice 1928 nominee and former new york governor, al smith. sunday, the 1940 republican presidential nominee. [indiscernible] window hadtar pictures of my opponent and his associates on the new deal. more't know of any
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appropriate place to put those pictures. >> for a complete american history tv schedule, go to "washington journal" continues. host: we will be talking next with donald green, author of politics,ty matters: president, and third parties in american history," adjunct professor of american history at helzberg community college in tab. he is joining us by phone. good morning to you. so you are here to talk about the role of third parties in presidential politics. how important have they been throughout history? a sense, notin that important. i mean, there have been a lot of them. there is only one candidate that has come close to winning an election, and that would be ross perot in 1992.
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the reason was that in the spring of that year, in june, he was ahead in the polls, ahead of bill clinton, ahead of george bush, sr., so that meant a lot of people would continue to support him. he had 40%. bush had about 30%, 35%. clinton was in the low 20%'s. hen for some very's reasons, drives out of the race and then comes back in july at 7%. so if he would have stayed in the race, he could have won the election. the problem with third parties is that people, their enthusiasm wanes the closer you get to election day, because they do not want to waste a vote. so somebody might have 10% or 12% and will end up with 7% or a person. people think, well, if i vote for this guy, he has an apartment -- an opponent and will not win, so why waste the
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vote? but ross perot was so far ahead. he had the money to support the campaign. he could have made it all the way, but he dropped out. but he still ended up with about 20%. he came in before the debates, so he went from 7% after he dropped out to close to 20% on election day. have beenhird parties so unsuccessful in terms of presidential politics, why have they continued to persist in our political system? guest: well, they express discontent at a particular time on issues not being addressed by the major parties. the case of trump, you know, there is a lot of discontent ou t there. a vote see it with his and bernie sanders. a lot of people feel they are not represented by the democrats or republicans, so they go to a
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third party. it happened in 1968 with george wallace. it happened in 1912 with former president teddy roosevelt, who ran as a progressive. he got 27% of the vote, but he stilled and not beat woodrow wilson. so they can get a lot of votes, but it is very hard for them to win. and then you have got to get on the ballot in 50 states. it is very expensive and very time-consuming. host: yeah, explain it to us a little bit -- what is the process for third parties to give a formal recognition and participation in a general election? guest: well, very often it is a well-known individual, especially in the 20th century, you know, teddy roosevelt was a follette, robert la was a senator who was well-known
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, george wallace was the governor of alabama. ross perot, people knew him as a texas ilya nair. he had been in the news. he was on the larry king show when he announced he was going to run for president, kind of out of the blue. ralph nader was well-known from 2000 because he had been a consumer advocate. he had written books and articles. people knew him. so they had celebrity, and that helped propel them into the news . they get some support from it. now there have been a couple of parties that have gotten very small percent of the vote that have changed the outcomes of the elections. we know about ralph nader in 2000 in florida. if nader had not been in the race, al gore would have won florida by 20,000 votes approximately. he lost by 500, and that would have turned around the election in gore's favor. i doubt whether gore would have gone into iraq. we might not have had the 2008
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financial meltdown with a democrat. 1844, there was a candidate by the name of james burney who ran on the liberty party, and abolitionist. he changed the outcome to the election. instead of henry clay coming polk camee, james k. in, and he was an expansionist and initiated the war with mexico. host: here is a little bit of third-party history, a chart from usa today. it shows that in 1948, governor strom thurmond of south carolina vote.out 2.4% of the george wallace of alabama, 1968, with the american independent 13.6 percent of the vote. 1980, representative john i, independent, 6.6% of the vote. perot, independent,
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18.9% of the vote. reform partyrot's received 8.4 percent of the vote. and in 2000, ralph nader's green party with 2.7% of the vote. in on ourn join discussion. the phone lines are little different for this segment. if you are planning to vote for a third party, you can call, 202-748-8000. all others, 202-748-8001. bill lives in illinois. good morning. caller: good morning my question commissione debate has a threshold of 15% of a conglomerate of polls. i think this is much too high and is highly unfair.
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to me, threshold of 5% would be more appropriate so people could hear different viewpoints and different policies. i wonder what mr. green things about this issue. host: donald green? think that, well, i is not a bad idea, lowering it is not a bad idea, because if you look at third parties, even getting 5% for third-party is a lot. it would just add one or two more people to the stage. i think that could work. i do not think you want what happened with the republicans this year, starting at with him a i don't know, 20 to 25 candidates. that would be too much of a circus. but to have one or two more would be good to the public. it would bring other issues to the floor that people believe in. i think they should consider that. host: one thing you have heard from third-party candidates is
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they feel that getting that national platform of being on a presidential debate is so important to their campaign. do you think that that could be a turning point in terms of the powering influence of third parties, if they were able to be included in those debates? you know, and the case of ross perot, for example, he drops out and then comes back in. he is at 7%. he ends with almost 20%. one of the reasons was he did very well in the debates. iremember one incident where think george bush said, well, you don't have any government experience, and ross perot said, yes, i don't have any experience building of this huge debts we have got, which at the time was $4 trillion. that is sort of quaint compared to now, which is $20 trillion. that helped him tell ross perot to a higher level. so we can help, but it depends
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on the situation. i do not think either of the candidates, jill stein, the , or johnson of the libertarian, i don't know how ,uch more they would pick up but having one or two more people up there i do not think would hurt at all. i think it would be beneficial. host: chris from florida is calling you. good morning. [no audio] host: i think the connection is on to back, so let's move sam from thousand oaks, california. you are on the phone with donald green, author of "third-party matters." caller: good morning. the concept of two parties is somewhat unique to the united states, if i am not mistaken.
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where i am from, there were multiple parties. that was the norm. i am wondering, why is it that the united states is so unique? how did we come up with this two-party system? stick to that?we it is a unique system. thank you for taking my call. host: donald green? guest: well, it is a good question. basically a two-party system. the conservatives and labour. and a third-party there does not do very well. i think maybe it is our electoral politics. with the electoral college, it is a winner take all system. so third parties, you know, it is very hard for them to get any electoral votes in a
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presidential campaign. in states, third parties have played a role at various times. but it is usually around a particular issue, which generally fades away or the two major parties pick up on it and adapt it as their own. the two big parties are very flexible. if they see a third party of raising an issue of anti-slavery or segregation or doing some thing about the deficit and see a lot of support for it, they will pick up on it. and then you do not need a third party. so it is a tough road for third-party in the united states. guessed just the tradition of two parties, it is not in the constitution that we have political parties, but that is the way it evolved. host: then saying that the third parties that emerge from time to time tend to get wrapped into one of the other major political parties, they end sort of
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shifting its. guest: the issues that they raise are usually picks up by one of the major parties. for example, in the case of george wallace in 1968, he was a segregationist. by nixon, aked up republican. it was called his southern strategy. at that point, the south went from being democratic to know what is basically republican. because nixon picked up what george wallace was saying. isn today, i think trump playing a bit on rishel politics, you know, with mexicans and muslims -- on racial politics, you know, with mexicans and muslims. host: john in fairfax, virginia. caller: good morning. listen, voters, if you live in any state that is not a close swing states, your vote is free to vote third party because it
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will not affect the elections. it will not bring them up to a level where they can be in the debates. , please vote third party so it can bring them up to 15%. we do not like what we have, so let's vote for something else. thank you very much. host: your thoughts? people say --ome somebody said to me the other night, it is hillary -- if hillary is way ahead, then i might vote for third-party. it is enough -- if enough people think that way, candidates lose out in the end. so it is very tricky. if you believe in a third-party, vote for the third party. that you have to understand the consequences of might --of what might occur as a result of that. host: you mentioned that people
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started be -- people sort of get cold feet when voting for third-party. is it a wasted vote? [laughs] in a way, i think it is. that is why ross perot is the only one who might have won the election, because he was ahead and people felt that it would not be a wasted vote. said, had the money, as i so people would have stuck with him. is thatinstance third-party voting usually falls off at election date for that reason. they do not want to waste their vote. host: here is a chart from the wall street journal that shows the impact of adding third-party candidates into the mix, into the polling mix. when asked to voters would support, given the choice of not just hillary clinton, donald
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trump, but also gary johnson and jill stein, you can see how the matchup changes. hillary clinton and a two-party race would receive 46% of the vote. if you included the third-party candidates, it shows she would then receive only 39% of the vote. donald trump would receive 41% of the vote in a two-party matchup. when other parties are included, his polling average dropped to 38% of the vote. about 10%.n received jill stein received about 6%. you can see the impact. the race he comes much more narrow. guest: hillary is hurt more than trump in this instance. host: right, the race becomes much more narrow. guest: it comes out of both candidates. next up is jay on the independent line. go ahead. caller: good morning. host: good morning.
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caller: i had a, to make. if i understand it correctly, the libertarian party is on the ballot in all 50 states whereas the green party are not, so why would you vote for a party like that if you cannot win? guest: they say they are working on -- you are right. the libertarians are on the ballot everywhere, and jill stein is on the ballot in about 24 states. they claim they are working on getting on the ballot in all 50 states. they had three months to do it. every state has different rules. i don't know where each state is in that. there is less of a chance for her to win if she is only in half the country. absolutely. host: next is paula from connecticut on the democratic line. caller: good morning.
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our family has two registered voters. since 2008, we have been voting for candidates other than democrats and republicans. where registered the macarthur we have found the -- we are registered democrats. we have found the party does not represent regular people. the obamae followed money and saw the single largest contributor to his campaign was wall street and goldman sachs. we voted for ralph nader that year. 2008, that was a big win for wall street and the health-insurance industry. they got a great return on their investment. 2016, we were bernie sanders supporters. he did not make it. i do think he was forced out. i don't think democrats really present working for, real people.
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-- poor, real people. they are now harper people. -- corporate people. i don't see the choices for us are two evils. i cannot hold my nose and vote for clinton. we will vote for third party. we are considering jill stein. we hope she makes the ballot in connecticut, otherwise we will vote libertarian because it is a protest vote. i will not vote for someone will not represent me. host: we will be covering the nomination speeches of the green party handed it tomorrow -- candidate tomorrow on c-span. i want to bring in this article, ralph nader says third-party candidates do not stand a chance. that is lousy for democracy. he says only about 3% this year, people get cold feet in the
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voting booth. your thoughts? a lot of people have doubts about donald trump. he has not a normal candidate, let's put it that way. as neutral as i can, he has obviously tapped into a lot of discontent that this lady has expressed. the same with bernie sanders. you put donald trump and bernie sanders together, that is millions and millions of people unhappy with the status quo. they are doing it for various reasons. i think donald trump is definitely a racial element in that. -- anis also economic economic element, trade and all the jobs that are supposedly going overseas. the same with bernie sanders. the young people have huge debts
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, they do not feel that they are represented. you look at those two -- the constituencies for those candidates, and you see a lot of discontent in the country. it does not look like donald trump will win. bernie sanders is out of the picture. it is a movement, but it is not enough so far to supplant the established -- the establishment. host: at what point does a third-party tend to form? when do we see these outside groups coalesce into a united party? usually, i think there are issues, and it takes an individual, a leader to come to andfore, to take control express those points of view. the media is available to a lot
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of these people. a lot of them in the 20th century have been semi-celebrities. it takes issues and the individual, a strong individual with a good presence to put them over. that is one of the appeals of ross perot. people knew him and liked him. he had been in the news a lot. he was on the forefront of looking for mia's in vietnam. he comes on the scene, and he is going to run. he got a lot of support immediately. he was concerned about the deficit. 25 years ago, he was concerned about the deficit, which i mentioned before that was 4 trillion back then. nothing has happened on that. he was concerned about lobbyists and big business in washington. it is a combination of the issues and some kind of charismatic leader. alan int's hear from
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st. petersburg, florida, good morning. caller: how are you? thank you for covering this topic. it is very interesting. guest: you are welcome. caller: thank you. i wanted to say one thing. i think that history in this developingmovements third parties is unfortunately not hot enough. -- taught enough. it is not well known that the republican party itself began as a third-party in the 1850's around the issue of opposition to slavery. in fact, it represented threeally a coalition of major trends in the anti-slavery movement, the free soil party of
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1848, the conscience whig anti-slavery,re and those democrats who were anti-slavery. one of the main people in organizing the republican party and getting these three factions the greatas massachusetts anti-slavery who wascharles sumner one of the main forces behind this. when they formed, i think it was either 1854 or 1856 when they had their first mission, but i could be mistaken. slavery was the moving force. host: we are going to have to leave it there so we can hear from our guest. can you provide some more historic old context -- historical context? guest: this gentleman knows his history.
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the republican party was formed in 1854. their first convention was in 1856. they took over from the whigs. it had been the democrats against the whigs. they came apart on the issue on slavery. they cannot agree between north and south on what to do next. the republican party was formed as an act i slavery party. they ran in 1856. there were three parties and that election. there was a party called the american party. it was an anti-immigrant, anti-catholic party. they got 22% of the vote. in that election, the american party was the third party. the republican party got somewhere around 35% or 40%. the democrats won that election. the republicans were technically
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never really a third-party. some of the parties that preceded them with an antislavery program were third-party, the liberty party, and the free soil party in 1848. they were anti-slavery parties, but they were third parties. said, theycans, as i were never a third-party. it started as a second party. host: we have time for one final caller for this segment. that is john from -- good morning. this is my first time going to c-span. i love it. i am very curious about the third-party getting on the ballot, and what is the history of that, and why is it so expensive for these parties to get on it? are the democrats and republicans controlling that thomas so they are locking -- controlling that, so they are
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blocking others? i don't know if federal law could change this, but i would like to hear mr. greene comments on this. guest: thank you. before the 1880's, it was freewheeling. when there was an election, a candidate could send a representative down to the poll with tickets. voters would go to the polling place and there would be representatives there and they would decide who they would vote for, and it would take a ticket from the candidate's representative and put it in the box. that is where the word ticket comes from. who is on the ticket this year. process880's, it was a state-by-state. i'm not sure which state was first, maybe massachusetts, i'm not sure about that. in 1888, we adopted yes trillion ballot. -- trillion ballot
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australian ballot. happened, there were rules and regulations about who would get on the ballot. every state has different regulations. you need lawyers. it is expensive and time-consuming. it is not easy. there are cutoff dates. sometimes you need 100,000 signatures, sometimes 200,000. you need to know the role in each state. host: that is donald green. he is the author of third-party matters. he is joining us by phone. thank you so much for talking to us this morning. guest: thank you. to bewe are going repeating our question from this morning. we want to know whether or not this campaign season has caused any rifts between you and your family or friends.
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dilation and let us know your thoughts -- diode in and let us -- dial in and let us know your thoughts. stein rates, jill president obama on several policies. you will be able to see the entire interview on sunday at 10:00 a.m. on c-span. you can hear it on c-span radio. it is available online at [video clip] >> as obama been a great, good, or bad president? >> according to the conventional view, he has been good. in my view, looking at consequences, particularly the climate crisis is far worse today thanks to all of the above, which yes increased renewables but also increased also fuels.
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we can thank hillary clinton for that as well. i think the climate policy has been a disaster. foreign policy has been a continuation of george bush. we continue to have outrageous drone wars and expanding the war on terror and the war for oil which has been a disaster. i think on nuclear weapons, the policies of the obama administration, which i continued the policies of his predecessors, both democratic and republican, have been a disaster. we have a nuclear armories that puts us -- armories -- arm race that puts us in peril. this is the wrong politics for the 21st century and this crisis we are facing, which is a pervasive crisis. we need a new way forward, which we have an incredible opening for because the american people are clamoring for a new way
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forward at puts people, planet, and peace over profit. barack obama has been a representative of the political system that is driven by the fossil fuel giants and predatory banks. this is what we get with that political system. this is why we need system change, not just small change around the margins. this weekend, our road to the white house coverage takes you to the green party convention in houston. >> why we need a different politics that is not controlled by the big banks and fossil fuel giants and war profiteers, and the green party is the only national party that is not poison by that corporate money. >> see the acceptance speeches by the green party nominees for president and vice president. listen on your desktop or mobile
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device using the c-span radio app, or watch any time at >> "washington journal" continues. host: for the rest of our show this morning, we continue our conversation about the personal divides in presidential politics. as campaign 2016 caused any rifts between you and your family and friends? atl our republican call us (202) 748-8001. democrats (202) 748-8000. independents (202) 748-8002. send us your thoughts over twitter. panwj.ndle is @cs what kind of harassment are people experiencing online? 30% of people say they have experienced political harassment online, that is up from 60% the last time the6%
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survey was conducted. the most common form of resident people.- harassment online. of respondents say they are very or somewhat politically engaged. 19% of those politically engaged say they are harassed online. that is compared to 14% of the general population. only a percent of those who are not politically engaged say they have been harassed online. let's hear from mark from lymington, north carolina. he is calling on the independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have noticed, i have always been neutral. specify.
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when he interviewed at the republican national convention. a democraticiewing test supposed to be neutral for connecticut, i noticed you always use the washington post and new york times which are trash. let me make a comment. we don't have any disagreement, because anytime we find that someone is voting for hillary clinton. simply enter them into mental therapy for six months. trump is my first choice for 2000 16. patrickr next caller is from texas on the republican line. there. hello i think there is a lot of vitriol started in 2008 and 2012
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when any sensible person who opposes increasing our national debt, somehow that is a racist view. when someone calls somebody a racist, that is the worst thing you can call them. opposition to increasing the national debt is now racist. you can now expect people to be angry when they get shut off the conversation like that. host: did this happen to you personally from friends or family or coworkers? caller: this happened in the family caused by the republican and democrat to buy, not getting called names like that. on the street, in the restaurant, and discussions with colleagues. that is a way to dismiss the concern over our national debt. that is ridiculous. host: how do you address this disagreement? back a you cannot answer
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call of racism. if you oppose the debt increasing so much, you were against obama. -- it is going to be such as going to be sadness or sexism. that.nnot argue with are you going to say, i am not a racist? that really make sense. you cannot reason with the person who goes to name-calling like that over sensible discussion. host: that is patrick from texas. this is an op-ed that was written in the hill newspaper written by tom daschle and former senator olympia snowe, republican from maine. they wrote that, "figures and fierce debate is part of the process. actions are not employed in reaching
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resolutions, to entrench all or nothing opposition's and demolish the other side. instead of engaging in civil of changes, lawmakers decry their opponents. these arguments to evolve into my way or the highway clashes, which are a road to nowhere. this removes the capacity to transcend our differences. civilityispense with and building consensus, we all lose." our next caller is from georgia. bertha is on the independent line. what are your thoughts? caller: i was just saying that i think donald trump is a loose cannon. whether we pay for those hostages or not, he should not have said that. he endangered everyone of our boys that are overseas. host: we hear you from georgia. it is the independent line,
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sarah from new york. good morning. caller: how are you today? host: i am good. caller: thank you for doing what you do. i are, my husband and hillary clinton supporters. package.he whole in my opinion, and i suppose my husband's, i have not talked to this morning, he is at work. when we watched the hearings, man share hisfbi opinions and then we got into the congressional hearings three days later, because some of the people in the republican party did not agree with it. he stated that two of those
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classified things were mismarked and were not classified at all. host: you and your husband are hillary clinton supporters. is that true of most of your friends and family members as well? is deceased, i only have my brother left and he is a democrat. i assume, we have not talked in a year, but i assume he is supporting the democratic party. me and my husband and most of our friends support hillary. host: that is sarah from vernon, new york. this weekend is also the convention for the green party. c-span will be airing the nomination speeches for their
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presidential and vice presidential candidates on sunday evening. joining us now to give us more insight into what will be happening at the convention is no share, a contributing -- bill scher. thank you for being on the line this morning. are you there? guest: i have here. can you hear me? host: we can now. tell us about the green party's message and mission. guest: the green party is decidedly on the left. less platform is more or the bernie, although they -- bernie sanders platform. they are more ambitious on things like free college. bernie sanders wants to reduce student debt. the green party wants to cancel
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current student debt. pacifist thenmore it sanders campaign was. their political goal is not really to win. they know they will not own the oval office after november. if they can break 5% in the national popular vote, they qualify for federal funds for 2020, that could amount to as much as $10 million which is a large jump from where they are right now and could solidify their position going forward. host: how likely does it seem they will achieve that goal? caller: right now, they are around five in several polls. around five.y are typically, a third candidate party tops out in the summer and
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phase as you get closer to the actual votes. unlike the ross perot candidacy, jill stein, she is not flush with cash. they will have a harder time staying in the spotlight. however, we now live in a social media age where you can get attention with less money. if she is savvy with social media, perhaps she could stay on people's screens. if the race is not close between hillary clinton and donald trump, there is some evidence, the atlantic magazine was about this this month, people are more likely to vote third party if they feel like they are not putting the entire oval office on the line. if polls continue to show hillary clinton break away from donald trump, is more likely the greens could hit that 5% mark. host: we have seen polls that suggest wants third parties
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candidates are included, for the clintons lead shrinks against donald trump. is there a potential for a spoiler effect? guest: there is potential, findugh right now i do not that skew against hillary to be announced. gary johnson is in their. he gets more media attention. well withmost as bernie sanders voters as jill stein does. the net effect of them together is close to a wash. we don't know well what their joint effect will be in key swing states because states rolling for them is very spotty written out. it does not seem as though today this is putting hillary in a bad position because her lead is so
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wide against donald trump. that could be a different story. host: what is the effort to get on the belt on all 50 states? now they are at about 24. they're predicting they will get to 46. a lot of the filing deadlines in states are this month and early september. i have spoken with richard winger who tracks these things closely. he is pessimistic. he thinks they will not get on indiana, north carolina, south dakota. skeptical about george and about. that brings it -- georgia and nevada. bethey get to 44, that would a record. jill stein only get to 36 in 2012.
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she knows the ropes a little better. it does look like she will be in decent shape. the libertarians were on 48 in 2012 and will probably get some are similar this time also. host: what do we know about the presumptive vice presidential nominee for the green party? guest: she just picked a man who was the founding executive editor of the u.s. right network to apply human rights standards to the u.s.. isargument that the u.s. hypocritical when comes to human rights as a whole. turner,d to get nina who was a prominent bernie sanders circuit and state senator and ohio. she could not get that. this does not get her any immediate boost. his political commentary online
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is far more audacious than jill than jillugnacious stein. saying hard things about president obama. he criticized the family of mohammed ali for inviting bill clinton to give the eulogy a couple months ago, calling him a racist and petty opportunity politician. he is not that kind to the bernie sanders campaign. he has talked about his foreign-policy being too militaristic and deferential to the saudi's. stein has been careful talking about bernie sanders, trying to woo those supporters. he might be a little bit of a political risk. the donald trump philosophy is
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you have to get in the news. you have to make some waves. he might get more attention on board if he keeps up that kind of commentary. bill scher is a contributed editor at politico magazine. guest: my pleasure. host: we are asking you this question, has this election season republicans, you can call 202-748-8001. semocrats, your line i 202-748-8000. .ndependents, call 202-748-8002 hattie in houston, texas on the democratic line. good morning. trump andth everything -- i am a democrat and i will be voting for hillary.
9:31 am for taking my there something wrong with trump. is going to vote for him, they have to think about their family and their country. --y blame hillary for that everyone makes mistakes. host: heidi in houston, texas. revere, massachusetts. diane is on the line. .aller: hi i happen to be a white conservative in a flaming liberal family. ongot into a big argument easter. when i tried to tell them that nothing is free and they will end up paying for it down the road when they become the taxpayers, they would not listen.
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we got into a big argument. especially my oldest granddaughter. intoally talked her keeping quiet. she is a single mother who cannot support herself. she went and is living with my daughter who has four children of her own. you get married and you have three or four more kids and your mother is taking care of those. then, your sister gets married and she takes her husband and. -- husband in. now, she is taking out loans, now, she is maxing out her credit cards. it cannot be done. the house would fall and nobody eats, nobody has a home. this is where our country is right now with the 20 trillion debt.
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we cannot afford all this free stop and when they start making these promises -- a red lights go off in your head. we are going to fall from within and it has nothing to do with racism, it has nothing to do with being heartless, he just cannot be done. -- just cannot be done. -- it just cannot be done. we spoke to the head of the national institute for civil discourse at the university of arizona. [video clip] civility in our politics and our community is the worst it's been since reconstruction. slopee been on a downward in terms of our lack of respect for each other when we speak, the ideological absolutism about issues.
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ann people disagree on issue, they do not hear each other's reasoning, they don't hear enough to understand why they hold those views. if you don't think what i think, i'm a better person than you are. that is not the natural state of affairs. host: what have you found is driving this polarization of the public and increasingly heated rhetoric we hear on both sides of the aisle? guest: there's been a tremendous amount of research and analysis. some of our most extraordinary statesmen have essentially been driven out of their statesmanship work in washington by ideologically dominated primary process. another piece i know you would speak about is the media's
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business model has changed in a way in which so much more of what is covered in mass media about politics is celebrity and entertainment, rather than driven by news. it took us decades to get here. it will take decades to reverse the direction. rift has politics caused a between you and your family or friends? joe on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. my comments basically refer to some things that bill said and caroline said. -- she referred to this rigged primary system. we are all living under the influence of the republican
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establishment and democratic establishment controlling everything about the primary system. is to go toix that a national primary on one day or one weekend of the whole country , which puts all the power back into the hands of the voters and takes away from the establishment bosses. third party candidate is ever going to have a chance to win, we have to go to a direct election of the president. host: joe from florida. next, ian from frederick, maryland. democratic line. caller: thank you for taking my call. the democrats seem to get cut off on this show. republicans saying the
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same thing, but when you cut us off, they say good job. started ago, fox news -- this is when it all started. i used to talk to my uncle and my brothers house. the last few times, it's been arguments. anything political comes up, we -- can't even stand each other. channel ruined it all -- it's propagandization. host: you handle the disagreements by simply not having this discussion? ?n order to avoid fireworks caller: online, you say anything, you will get flamed
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when it comes to politics, it's even worse. there's all the baiting and trolling. host: have you changed the way you use social media because of this campaign season? caller: i barely use social media. i play some games online. every once in a while, political discussion will break out and it nots into a massive fight blaming fox 100%, but ever since news, there's the whole mantra of government is then why do you want to get elected working for the government? host: hot springs national park in arkansas. toya, good morning. caller: i absolutely enjoy c-span. so much -- i cannot tell you how
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much i appreciate it. i watched gavel to gavel both conventions, the democrat and republican. there has been some new problems and it really started in my family around the bush-gore situation with the hanging chads all that. meyer -- she hit the nail on the head. media andch the news the radio stations and they don't really think for themselves, they are just repeating what they've heard the talking heads say. the media has gotten everything all crazy. agree with the other caller who is talking about the primary process and having everything on one day.
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nobody's talking about the issues, nobody's talking about the problems and how to solve or result or possibly work together. they are all talking about what the talking heads are saying and it is sad. there's been some any problems -- so manyly problems in the family. the rhetoric is crazy. toya in arkansas. a poll in "the wall street journal " shows the most common criticisms of hillary clinton .nd donald trump say hillary clinton being dishonest is a serious concern. she represents the political establishment. others worry she is too close to wall street firms.
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trump, 65% ofnald voters believe he is too volatile and lacks the right temperament for the job. they also worry that his statement are offensive and intolerant. he changes his position on issues and lacks core principles and beliefs. these are the top concerns among voters for both donald trump and hillary clinton. we are taking your calls on whether this campaign season has caused any device des between devi you and your family or friends. good morning, orlando. my family, we don't have problems like that because most all of us here are for trump because we can remember when bill clinton signed nafta and and all the mill jobs
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and fabric jobs left this country. we lost 12 mills within a 15 mile radius here. probably worth about 30,000 people or more those people came into our country, into our cities, into our mills and our people have to train them. they tell you, if you lose your .ob, we will help you out when everybody lost their job, they said it was because wall street selling the homes like they did. that wasn't the problem. so many people lost their homes, it wasn't because they were bad credit that they lost all their jobs and they lost their homes and that's the only reason they had the houses to bundle thousands of people lost their homes and had to wander like nomads tried to find jobs.
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i'm a 68-year-old man. i can remember seeing all that. a lot of young people coming up to date believe all these lies. a lot of these people that couldn't afford to go to college, it's that reason. well off people lost their jobs doing these industrial things. i can remember seeing right after they sign that, we started losing jobs. the reason we didn't lose too i make thingsy is to send overseas to where they could open up mills over there. it took four or five years, so by the time the job started leaving, clinton was going out and bush was coming in. all he could do was wave bye-bye to all of our industry. faye in north carolina on
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the democratic line. caller: hi. i do have problems in my family. i had hoped i wouldn't know anybody that would support .rump, but my sister does th one question i've had, hillary's e-mails -- where did she get her incoming e-mails? i can't imagine that she got her incoming e-mail on a secure spot and transferred it to her private thing. i don't see how they could do .nything about that if they sent it to her on her private e-mail. host: how you handle the relationship with your sister since learning she is a supporter of donald trump? caller: we are fine.
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we will always be fine, i just don't discuss it with her that much. lynn is up next from linden, tennessee on the republican line. good morning. there? to 10 from plano, from plano, texas. caller: i think this is a fascinating discussion. i do have friends and family, my nephew is supporting trump -- i'm definitely not supporting trump. we don't really get into fights about it. we just have discussions about liberal,etty socially so i voted for libertarians and democrats and my parents are very conservative.
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they have voted for every republican since at least 1980. having political disagreement is not unusual for our family. host: how do you make sure those don't turn into something deeper, potentially more hurtful? caller: we respect each other. it all comes down to a matter of respect. when it comes to my parents come i don't try to convince them at all because i know they have their beliefs, particularly on abortion. we respect each other. i understand where they are coming from. i've even tried to help them pick the candidate. this is the first time they have decided they are not going to vote for a republican. they can't even stand trump. i've tried to point them towards gary johnson. we respect each other. we understand there is political
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differences and we may vote for different people, but it's not personal. it doesn't mean i'm better or they are better. our question again is has this campaign season cost any ifts with your family or friends? republicans, 202-748-8001. democrats, 202-748-8000. independents, the line is 202-748-8002. hillary clinton was speaking in washington, d.c. on friday. she tries to reach out to donald trump supporters. [video clip] hillary clinton: i really believe that the core of his support -- i'm not going to speak for everyone who supports him because i think there have been some quite distressing
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statements coming out of his rallies and his supporters and who has aligned themselves with him, but i think the core of his really centers on the disappointment in the economy that so many americans feel. , youi have been saying is know, on going to bring this country together. we have three overarching goals. we need more economic opportunity, we have to protect national security and work toward american unity. i've been trying to understand what it is that has driven people to support trump. i've met with some people come i've listened to them. so many of them are looking for an explanation as to why they lost the job they had for 18 years when the factory closed and nobody cared about them.
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what they are going to do when their whole life was spent mining coal and they made $80,000 a year and now, they can barely find a job making minimum wage. why the centers of so many old industrial towns in america are and people are turning to opiates and heroine. the list goes on. that's what i've heard. to recognize that of isrse, some of the appeal xena phobic and racist and misogynistic and offensive. we have to knowledge that. -- we have to acknowledge that. let's not lose sight of the real pain that many americans are feeling because the economy has left them behind. from new orleans, charlotte is our next caller on the democratic line. good morning. caller: hi.
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thank you for taking my call. say, i love supporting bernie sanders. . a lot of my family members are supporting donald trump. show, to see the "hillary's america." it has completely changed my way of thinking of hillary clinton. go andst every democrat check this film out. you would be shocked. host: change it for the better or worse, charlotte? caller: it changed my opinion. now, i'm going donald trump. members through it in ew it in my face,
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told you so. host: donald trump also made news on friday. he spoke at a campaign rally in green bay, wisconsin to announce he would be supporting paul ryan and john mccain in a bid for party unity. [video clip] trump: so, in our shared mission to make america great support and endorse our speaker of the house, paul ryan. [applause] donald trump: paul ryan, good man. he is a good man and he is a good guy. disagree on a couple of things, but mostly what we agree and we are going to get it done and do a lot of wonderful things.
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while i'm at it, i hold in the highest esteem, senator john mccain. for his service to our country, .n uniform and public office and i fully support and endorse his reelection. host: we are taking your calls for the remainder of the program. season caused a rift between you and your family or friends? north carolina, republican line. good morning, dan. caller: thank you for taking my call. my wife and i disagree right now, but she is still in limbo. what clinched it for me was watching donald trump's thing -- you have it on,
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he had the lady, the mother of the sun in benghazi that got murdered. s there andnt hillary's indifference to her, that broke my heart. there's no way i can vote for hillary. wife is thinking of going either way. here she is. host: hi, how are you? caller: i'm good, thank you. i would definitely not vote for hillary, but i'm having reservations about trump. not quit between now and november, we have a time span there that anything could happen. i'm just putting it in the lord's hands. he will guide me the way i should be going. that is banned and his
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wife in asheville, north carolina. brownsville, texas. alonso is on the democratic line. caller: hello? host: hello, you are on the air. -- ir: i'm calling about told my son that i was going to vote for the green party. democrat, my parents were democrats -- i see the parties are almost splitting at the seams. clinton --ee with she's going to change her mind. i am trying the green party.
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did get an offer from them one time when boehner was running. host: how about your friends and family? caller: i tried to get my daughter into voting. she votes sometimes. my son, yeah. he's been a democrat ever since he was ready to vote. democrats getting to be almost the same -- they are , now.tablishment, too pp.think you mean t thomas from laguna hills,
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california on the independent line. thomas, go ahead. caller: hello? host: you are on the air, thomas. caller: i want to talk about all parties and none of the parties -- i don't care if you have a third or fourth party -- talk about seniors in the united states, the biggest population of voters. if you look at all the politicians, what increase they and themselves as a raise what they did for the seniors in what a giveand look away, 400,000 to other countries -- if anybody wants to win, they should talk about what they're going to do for seniors and what percentage they did for themselves as voting increases in government wages increase compared to seniors. mary on our republican line calling from indiana.
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good morning. caller: yes, i would like to say that i've been a democrat all my life. so have my parents, but i'm voting republican. i don't trust hillary. she is a big fat liar. when she was running against obama for president, she hated every black person there was, including him. in her convention, to see her hugging him and kissing him on the cheek made my guts crawl. she had to do something to bernie sanders because that's the way they operate. think the election is rigged and i do believe donald trump would be a better president because he has a good heart. all they've got in the democrats is money, money, money. look how far we are in the deficit.
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host: are your parents still voting democrat? caller: no, they're dead. host: i'm sorry. thatr: i have friends think the same thing as i do, that donald trump -- given him a chance. he will bring our workers back over here. he did not send them over there to begin with like she is trying to say. arizona on the democratic line. good morning. wondering -- i've been talking to a lot of people around here. they are democrats switching over to republican. peopler happened to the
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-- the papers that went to the attorneys that were wiped clean? how come that is not being brought up anymore? host: joe from arizona with his comments. i would last caller for this segment is mary from san francisco, california on the democratic line. -- our last caller. caller: i am a democrat who's going to vote independent. my daughters had come aren't you going to vote for the first woman president that's my daughter said -- my daughter said come aren't you going to vote for the first woman president? i had to send sensitive material with the next or layer of security. i'm hard-pressed to vote for hillary when she is so reckless with e-mails. my daughter said if you are going to vote for jill stein,
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you are wasting a vote. it almost closes off all discussion. i've been democratic all my my . i have been democratic all my life. i think that both parties are so polarized. there is a lack of discussion. people should look at the issues instead of the personalities. host: that is mary from san francisco, california. that does it for us today on "washington journal." tomorrow we have a lineup that in clute's the former lieutenant governor of new york. -- that includes the former lieutenant governor of new york. she is a trump supporter. athwill hear from eric mor talking about the rising cost of childcare. finally, karim me
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