tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 8, 2016 5:06am-6:01am EDT
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[inaudible] -- i am so honored to be with you this afternoon. it has been a tremendous experience the last couple of days. before i get into my remarks, please allow me to thank my dear sister. i want you to understand something. she talks about human rights and the role that i played. when they write the history of the evolution of the human rights movement in this country, front and center will be my dear sister, believe me. [applause] i have to admit, i told dr.
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stein that running with me is not going to be as adventurous as running with sherry. you all know when you run with sherry, you better be ready to go to jail. [applause] i tried to avoid jail, myself. runnin now, i had a chance to speak and so i saw what was happening. i said i'm going to speak and then i'm getting out of here. t,e and more in the police
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barricades were pushed further and further back. the people are ready to step off and sherry said we are stepping nonpermanent or permanent march at that convention. that is my sister, shery. let me think the organized -- thank the organizers of these last couple of days. as an event planner, i know how difficult it is to organize
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these events. let me thank the conference of delegates. you have done a tremendous job. you took your responsibilities seriously. let me thank the green party in general, but your consistency -- for your consistency. always being a vehicle for progressive politics. [applause] last, but not least, let me thank my leader, jill stein. [applause] brothers and sisters, friends. we are at a critical moment, as jill says, a transformational moment. we have tremendous opportunities before us. the american people are longing for a change.
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they are ready to do something different, and we have to be the vehicle for that difference. there are difficult conditions that the people face. they tell us that there has been a recovery and things are alright from the crisis. there are millions of people, people who we work with who have not experienced any kind of recovery. there are millions of people who still don't have a place to lay their head at night. there is a reason why the fastest-growing population of homeless people are black women with children. there are millions of people who
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would like to have a job, so they can live a decent life, but they do not have it. if they have a job, basically they are making starvation the wages, working two or three different jobs just to make ends meet. they tell us things are better. we have a situation where as a consequence of austerity, across this country, they are closing down schools. people live in communities where they can't go to the store because there is no store. you have 48 million people who are living in situations where they are going to bed every night, hungry. we have a situation where even with so-called obamacare, we have millions without health
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care. these are difficult conditions. people are wondering why. why do we have to accept this situation? when the two parties attempt to herd people based on fear, we find that there are millions of people who are prepared to do something different. did do -- prepared to go another way. we are going to provide that opportunity for a new day and
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another way. [applause] there are people all over this country engaged in struggle, who believe that we should not have schools closing, who believe that we all have a right to be healthy, who believe that education should be something that is going to enhance our dignity and our spirits, who believe that people should not be going to bed hungry or walking the streets without a place to live, who believe that women have a right to their bodies and bodily integrity, who believe that trans people have a right to live in to see -- in dignity and equal rights. there are people engaged in struggles all around the world holding social movements and part of that motion, they are looking at how do we relate to the electoral process? how do we look at electoral processes as part of a larger, strategic plan? many people say that in terms of building power, we can look critically at how we advance our efforts through the electoral process.
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when we look for that alternative, we have to be there. we have to have the possibility for them to be able to express themselves politically, on the green ballots across this country. that is why it is so important that we get as many oaks as we can, that we run the selection with the intent that we have, which is basically to win. [applause] my brothers and sisters, i have lived my entire life committed to the notion of independent politics, building alternative power, i have understood that we have the real possibilities in advancing that struggle for political independence, using the electoral process.
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that is where dr. stein and green party come in for me, personally. you all get it. dr. stein understands that you can't transform a system without struggle. you have to organize the people. the electoral process is the process of how we build power. for me, that is what is attractive to this process and the basis for me accepting when dr. stein called to say are you ready to join? i said dr. stein, i thought about it and i know where you are coming from, and you can count me in.
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[applause] it is that commitment to the possibility of building power. that commitment to the people, that understanding that we have to build a multinational movement in this country, based on the need and the aspirations of working people, that i join this effort. it is that commitment that i stand here proudly and say to all of you, it is my honor to accept the nomination for the vice presidency of the united states from the green party. [applause]
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our ticket is one that understands the struggle. it is a ticket committed to popular power. it is a campaign that says no lies, we don't live to the people. it is a campaign that says no compromise, no retreat, and no fear. [applause and cheering] my brothers and sisters, we are not in a position to determine the historical conditions we are born in. but, we can determine how we can respond to those conditions.
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for us, we have determined that we are going to fight. i stand here before you to tell you that the campaign is committed to fighting. we are committed to fight not just for you, but with you. we understand that it is a collective process. we understand that all we have to keep us back is ourselves.
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i pledge to you my brothers and sisters, that we are going to do all of week -- all we can to events this movement. we will give it everything that we have. [applause] as our dear sister and leader says, it is in fact in our hands. thank you. [applause and cheering] >> thank you. thank you so much. now, it is indeed my honor, my pleasure, to bring before you, someone who needs no introduction. someone who has been a freedom fighter all her life.
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someone i have seen work night and day for all of our's. someone whose dedication is something to be admired. i have been on this adventure for just a couple of days, and i have even more respect for dr. stein, now. [applause] with no more delays, please my friends, join me in bringing out and showing our love for the next president of the united states, dr. jill stein. (music)
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thank you, thanks everyone of you, thank you for that incredible inspiration. thank you to everyone of you for being here and leading the charge for an america and a world that works for all of us. i want to agree with everything that a domino -- adamu said and everything that sherry said and i want to reiterate and add to that. a big thank you to lynn who has been running the show. [applause] a big thank you to hillary came and the green party for making this amazing convention possible. [applause] i am honored beyond words to be your candidate.
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i am so honored to be running for president of the united states with the green party, the only party of, by and or the people -- for the people. we have been ahead of the curve in so many ways, on climate change, green energy, the militarization, marriage equality, free public higher education and canceling student debt, on stopping the transpacific partnership, on ending the war on drugs and the incarceration state, on providing reparations for slavery and to the indigenous people of this nation, on opposing war crimes committed by saudi arabia and yemen and war crimes and occupation committed by the israeli government in
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state, local or national green party organization, a big thank you to you. again, a big thank you, it is such an honor to be running in alliance with the bernie sanders movement that i now here call the burning green. we are burning green together. we ou such a -- we owe you such a debt of gratitude for lifting up this revolution that has been smoldering for decades. you broke through the media blackout, you lifted us up and you refused to be shut down by the dnc. [cheering] please stand, so we can thank you from the bernie campaign.
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thank you so much. together, we are unstoppable. thank you so much. it is an honor to be running alongside of a -- of a powerhouse of human rights who brings a lifetime of dedication and his powerful voice. i have to thank cornell west who has been an incredible hero for all of us for so long, who has broken free -- [applause] it is such an honor to have him in one of our two first commercials, speaking to the world. i don't know if people have seen him yet, but he made a powerful speech which is out there. when i walked to the airport, when i arrived and walked up to
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the curbside check-in, and i gave to the brothers who were manning the curbside check and i gave them my id card, and they say to me are you the jill stein? [cheering] i knew they had heard the voice of cornell west speaking to the broad community that has not been able to hear our message before. thank you, i am so inspired to have religion on this campaign. i also am honored to run along with the inspired state and local candidates who are also running for office in bringing our message of people, planet and peace.
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stand if you are running for office so we can thank you and recognize you for carrying this fight into our communities. we are in this together. [applause] thank you so much. i just want to recognize that things have been forever changed. on the day that bernie sanders endorsed hillary clinton, the floodgates opened in our campaign. more volunteers, more ballot access drivers, more funding, we are a different campaign than we have ever been in the history for having joined forces with you. it is such an honor to be your candidate in this historic
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moment of unprecedented crisis and unstoppable momentum for transformational change. we have not only a historic opportunity, we have a historic responsibility to be the agents of that transformational change. as martin luther king said, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. i know it is bending through us, right now. we are the actors in something that is much her than us -- much anger than not -- much bigger
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than us. [applause and cheering] that arc of justice is moving through us as we mobilize, to ensure that every black live matters and we end violence policing and broken windows policing as the bristol five and the millions march new york city just achieved by moving out the leadership of their police department that had overseen broken windows policing. they are turning the tide in this crisis of racist policing. that arc of justice is moving through us as we sit in and as we locked down -- and cold and
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export terminals and all manner of poisonous fossil fuels and nuclear infrastructure. that arc of justice is moving through us in philadelphia, like i have never seen, in the city of brotherly love, it was overrun by love in the streets, even inside the dnc as the sanders campaign broke away from that corrupt and backstabbing dnc. [cheering and applause] and the bernie or bust movement that is here today, and i want to thank -- give a wave,
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wherever you are, for helping us move to that higher place we moved to the together in philadelphia. we merged our campaigns and rally after rally. growing stronger by the hour. the power of this movement was clear especially during our power rally at fdr park. raise your hand if you were there. [applause] it was not only us. it was a sea of people as far as my i could see. nature interrupted in thunder and lightning to say there is a big change coming. up an heavens opened important down around us we sought shelter because we were there inside of this little lightning rod out the middle of
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the park. the police said hurry up going under that underpass. we continued under the underpass. we cannot be stopped. [applause] here we are. for justice and democracy that is sweeping the planet. from living wage campaigns to our fossil fuel blockade and the fight to end mass incarceration. to restore the rights of immigrants and indigenous people. and women and disability rights. we are part of a movement that is rising up like we have not seen for generations.
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we are facing an unprecedented crisis that demands transformational solutions. forward based on democracy and human rights. that will not come from corporate political parties funded by predatory banks, war profiteers and fossil fuel giants. it will come from office, we the people. mobilized a broad social movements with an independent political voice because as frederick douglass said, power concedes nothing without a demand. it never has and never will. we will be that demand.
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we are told it is a recovery but in fact it is still an emergency. those good jobs we lost have been replaced by part-time low-wage temporary insecure jobs , a generation of young people lost to the predatory student loan debt. on the firingare line. wars for oil are blowing back at us with a vengeance. the climate meltdown threatens civilization as we know it in our lifetimes. while the superrich party on, : and thean ever political elite makes things worse as they inflict austerity
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on everyday people while they squander trillions of our dollars on wall street bailouts, on tax favors for the wealthy and on wars that no no and. we are in revolt. [applause] the good news they don't want you to know is that we have the power to turn this around. with thee we stand up courage of our convictions. we not only have the vision and the values of the american people that we reflect and that we live up to but we also have the numbers to win the day.
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there are 42 million young people and not so young people who are lost in two predatory student loan debt. that is a winning plurality of the presidential vote right there. there is only one place that those votes can go and you are looking at it. it is our campaign. it is about time we bailed out the students. we bailed out the crooks on wall street who crashed the economy with their waste fraud and abuse. it is time to bail out some of the victims of that abuse, a generation of young people. we have the power.
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don't let them tell you that we don't. who go talk to a millennial is in debt and let them know. are the self mobilizing demographic if there ever was one. we also have the power to fix the other things that a less. ail us. who is it that actually leads the way forward on transformational change? rights movement, black lives matter, climate change, the peace movement or lgbtq community.
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we need to liberate the younger generation for all of our sakes not just for their sakes but for all of us. [applause] them, which is my first priority when we turn the ,hite house into a greenhouse my first priority is to liberate that generation who could then take us forward on all the other issues that we are fighting for for justice. an emergency jobs program that will solve the emergency of climate change. agreement new deal that will create 20 million jobs. energy by renewable 2030. [applause]
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create an immediate ban on all new fossil fuel infrastructure. we willwe take office create health care as a human right through a medicare for all system. we will make public higher education free. it pays for itself. dollar of taxpayer money we put into public higher education we get back seven dollars in return. this doesn't cost us, this benefits us. there is no excuse not to have it now. we support the disabled members of our community. to ensure that they have full support for the treatment they
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need in the housing and the health care and the jobs. to enable them to be fully contributing members of our society to respect their dignity. we will revive public education and fully fund it. we will and sure that our young people come to school ready to learn. that means healthy and nourished . that means free from poverty. that is the biggest obstacle to education that exists. that is an testing obstruction for challenge to learners and we will put an end to the schools to prison theline and we will and closing of schools because they
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because they are latino are in communities of color. we will support those schools, not shut them down. we will fund them. we will provide them with the real tools for education that they deserve. sizes, in rich music andwhich means art and recreation and community engagement. kids what the our advocates and leaders of so-called education reform are doing for their kids. they are not sending their kids to schools with that kind of testing. we're almost out of time.
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we will create a welcoming path to citizenship for our immigrants. residents who are leading the way for just and sustainable and prosperous communities. immigrants on this bus. if you were not for here are a slave ship or your land was not stolen, everyone else here is an immigrant. the deportation. the night raids are a national scandal. the republicans have become the party of hate and fear mongering. party ofrats are the deportations, detentions and night raids. to it the alternatives
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for a just and welcoming path to citizenship. the other thing we will do to fix the immigration crisis is to stop causing it in the first place. we say to donald trump, we don't need no wall. we have to stop invading other countries. [applause] we can and discourage of racist brutality not only in our police departments within our courts and in the economy at large.
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we can start by ensuring that every community has a police review board so communities will control their police, not police controlling the community. we will ensure that every community has access to an investigator so that all cases are just in the custody of police are investigated. not just a few did get a special thumbs-up from the department of justice. we call for a truce and reconciliation commission so we can get to the bottom of this crisis of racism and to provide reparations to acknowledge the enormous debt owed to the african-american community for the unimaginable price that they paid in building this country forsustaining our economy generations as they were denied
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dignity and freedom. ("no justice no peace") and the assault on our privacy, on freedom of the will, on the internet, we end the war on whistleblowers. we will free the political prisoners and that includes abu-jamalltier, mumia , edward snowden, julian assange and edward king say. pinckney. we will create a foreign policy based on international law and diplomacy, not on military and
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economic domination which has been a catastrophic failure. we must abandon that policy. ("no more war") stein: the american people deserve to know the truth about these wars. us $69/11 they have cost trillion when you include the health-care expenses of our wounded veterans. $6 trillion comes down to an average of $75,000 per american household. for wars that have not made us safer, that have only increased the terrorist threat. it is created failed states and
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has created mass refugee migrations that are tearing apart the middle east and europe. we say no to those wars. we call for a new policy. they want to do more of this catastrophically failed policy. we need to be on the debate stage so we can tell the truth about this. [applause] we have a new kind of offensive for the middle east. it's called a piece of offensive. starts with a weapons embargo
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since we are providing the majority of weapons to all combatants and to all sides we can shut down the flow of wepons to the middle east can also shut down the flow of funding which is coming largely from our allies. with one hand, starting back in afghanistan where we and the saudi's created this great idea of the local terrorist enterprise that was created in order to help the mujahedin fight against the soviet union. this has come back to bite us in a very big way. it is time to shut the whole enterprise down. hand, we and our allies are fighting it but with the
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jill stein: hold onto your hats. that isn a whirlwind way bigger than any of us. we have a job to do. we have a role to play that will not be played by anybody else . we are the ones we've been waiting for. the politics of fear that we have been told to bow down to has only delivered everything we were afraid of. we were toldsons to vote for the lesser evil because we didn't want the off
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shoring of our jobs, the meltdown of the climate, the massive bailout of wall street, the expanding prison state, the attack on our civil liberties and on immigrant rights, all the things we didn't want is exactly what we got by allowing having a lesser evil speak for us. [applause] when they try to tell you you are powerless, remember what alice walker said. the biggest way people give up knowing they had to start with. we're going to use it in this election. we are saying no to the lesser evil and yes to the greater good. we are not only deciding what
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kind of a world we will have in this election we are deciding whether we will have a world or not going forward into the future. the day of reckoning is coming closer and closer. on climate change we are told there will be a civilization in terms ofopment rising ocean levels by 2050. we cannot wait. we have to act now if we want to stop that rise of sea levels happening in 2050. we need to declare a state of emergency right now. we need to undertake a wartime scale mobilization to create those 20 million jobs and create that hundred percent clean
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energy now. we have a crisis in nuclear weapons. thanks to the democrats. removed us from the anti-ballistic missile treaty. obama created a trillion dollar budget for us to spend on a new generation of nuclear weapons. on the count of climate or or this insane nuclear arms race that we are once again plunging headlong count of these endless and expanding wars that are blowing back at us all around the world, we cannot if afforded to sit this one out. is a losingvil strategy. people stopped coming out to vote. politicians keep
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throwing them under the bus. the republicans will win anyhow. trump, donaldald trump does not stand alone. he is about the rise of right-wing extremism but only in this country but in europe. bernie sanders himself said the only solution to the likes of donald trump is a truly radical progressive agenda that restores our needs and ends the economic misery that promotes the kind of demagogues we are seeing in donald trump. we are the ones we've been waiting for. hillary clinton is the problem. she is not the solution. solution. we are the ones we've been waiting for. this is our moment. power towe do at the create an america and the world
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his economic agenda. our live road to the white house coverage begins at noon eastern on c-span. >> this week on "q&a," civil war historian james robertson. he talks about his book "after the civil war." host: professor james robertson, can you remember the first time you cared about the civil war? professor robertson: yes, sir. i remember when i was a boy sitting in my grandma's lap. her mind was clear as a bell. i remember her telling me what her father had done at the battle of gettysburg.
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the link with the civil war is very direct with me. so, from the time i was a young boy able to absorb history, i was interested in it, and i'm glad i am, because history is the best teacher. host: how many years were you teaching the civil war? prime minister lee: it was an elective course -- professor robertson: it was an elective course. students to get because they wanted to. there were about 22 thousand students. how many host: how many books have you written? professor robertson: i don't know. i just write them and hope they do well. host: i read that your book on stonewall jackson had done the best. professor robertson: so far. it is about a confederate general.
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and yet it has gone through 13 printings and is still selling well. it's not the biography of a general, but the life story of a man. i got very involved with jackson. he had hardships to overcome. his mother died when he was seven. he never knew why. he grew up unloved. i wanted to try to get a hold of this man, and she told me, i would not tell my therapist -- and she described what he should be, it introverted, quiet, humorless, not a conversationalist at all. that was stonewall jackson to
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