tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 9, 2016 1:13am-1:55am EDT
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the obama-clinton administration has blocked and destroyed millions of jobs through their anti-energy regulations, while raising the price of electricity for both families and businesses. obama-epat of recent actions, coal-fired plants across michigan have either shut down entirely or undergone expensive conversions, making them noncompetitive in many cases. the obama-clinton war on coal has caused michigan over 50,000 jobs. hillary clinton says the plan will put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business. we will put our coal miners and our steelworkers back to work, where they want to be. [applause]
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donald trump: clinton not only embraces president obama's job killing energy restrictions, but wants to expand them, including going after oil and natural gas somection, which employs 10 million americans. according to the heritage thedation, by 2030, obama-clinton energy restrictions will illuminate another half a million manufacturing jobs, reduce redud economic output by $2.5 trillion and reduce income by $7,000 per person. a trump administration will end this war on the american worker and unleash an energy revolution that will bring fast new wealth to our country. according to the institute for energy research, lifting the restrictions on all sources of
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american energy will do the following. increase gdp by more than $100 billion annually. add over 500,000 new jobs annually and increase annual wages by more than $30 billion over the next seven years. [applause] donald trump: additionally, it will increase federal, state and local tax revenue by almost $6 trillion over four decades. increase total economic activity by more than $20 trillion over the next 40 years. the reforms i have outlined today are only the beginning. tax, trade,rm our energy, and regulatory policies, we will open a new chapter in
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american prosperity, which is so desperately needed. we need a new chapter. [applause] donald trump: we can use this new wealth to rebuild our military, which is desperately needed and our infrastructure. future, wethis new will also be rolling out proposals to increase choice and costs in childcare, offering much-needed relief to american families. they are suffering. we are going to get them as much needed relief. i will unveil my plan on this in -- [applause] donald trump: i will unveil my plan on this in the comings weeks, that i have been working on with my daughter ivanka, who is here. [cheers and applause] donald trump: stand up. [cheers and applause]
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donald trump: she feels so strongly about this. and an incredible team of experts. mike wise our education reforms will help parents and kids to a school of their choice. [applause] donald trump: it will be so good for detroit. we will also give our police and law enforcement the funds and support they need to restore law and order to this country. law and order. [cheers and applause] donald trump: thank you. thank you. donald trump: without security, there can be no prosperity.
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without security, there can be no prosperity. we must have law and order. we must have law and order. [applause] donald trump: and by the way, arepolice in this country really unrecognized for the incredible job that they do. thank you. [applause] donald trump: in the coming days, we will be rolling out plans on all of these items. one of my first acts as president will be to repeal and replace disastrous obamacare,
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saving another 2 million american jobs. [cheers and applause] donald trump: we will also rebuild our military and get our allies to pay their fair share for the protection we provide to them, saving us countless more invest inf dollars to our own country. [applause] we also have a plan on our website for the complete reform of the veterans administration. [applause] donald trump: this is something so desperately needed to make fullyur vets are supported and they get the care they deserve, which they have not been getting, not even
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close. [applause] donald trump: detroit, the motor city, will come roaring back. roaring back. [cheering and applause] donald trump: we will offer a new future, not the same old failed policies of the past. our party has chosen to make new manyry by selecting and am nominee thating a b is outside, outside of the very, already proven to be rigged system. [applause] donald trump: the other party has reached backward into the past to choose a nominee from yesterday who offers only the rhetoric of yesterday and the
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policies of yesterday. just take a look at what happened to new york state manufacturing and take a look at her promises before this happened. a disaster. there will be no change under hillary clinton. four more years of weakness and president obama. that we are going to look fully into the future. we will build the next generation of roads, bridges, railways, titles, seaports and airports. that, believe me folks, is what our country deserves. [applause] donald trump: american cars, american cars will travel the roads. american planes will connect our cities. and american ships will patrol the seas. [applause] donald trump: american steel,
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steel, american steel will send all overcrapers soaring our country. we will put new, american metal into the spine of this nation. [applause] donald trump: it will be american hands that rebuild this country. and it will be american energy, mined from american sources, that powers this country. [applause] donald trump: it will be american workers who are hired to do the job. american workers. [applause] donald trump: americanism, not globalism, will be our new credo.
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[cheers and applause] donald trump: our country will reach amazing new heights, mabye heights never attained before. all we have to do is stuop relying on the tired voices of the past. rigged system by relying on the people -- and i just remembered this and it is so important -- we are reliant on people who have rigged this system in the past. we can fix it if we are going to rely on those people again. we can't solve that problem. [applause] donald trump: so, we can't solve our problems if we are going to just go back and rely on these politicians because that is what we have been doing. only by changing to new leadership and new solutions will be get new and great
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we need to stop believing in politicians and start believing in our great country. [applause] donald trump: before everything great that has happened, the doubters have always said it could not be done. they are saying it right now. it couldn't be done. they actually said it when i ran for political office. "not going to happen." "he's never done it before." it happened! america is ready to prove the doubters wrong. they want you to think small. i am asking you to think big. we are ready to dream great things for our country, once again. we are ready to show the world
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that is not, what the detroit economic club is all about. so, we will do a follow-up and nobody will be allowed back in any of our meetings that behaves that way. so, my apologies to you. on a brighter note, how awesome that governor pence came today! along with mr. trump. thank you so much! and if you would all like to join us for lunch, we have a strolling lunch. we need you to leave in this door. the food is in the next ballroom. you can eat in the atrium, outside on the patio. it is a beautiful day. thank you all for coming. with that, this meeting is adjourned. thank you.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> gop senators susan collins has announced she will not be voting for donald trump in november. she wrote in a "washington post" opinion piece, "this is not a eecision i mak lightly, but donald trump does not have the appropriate
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approach for healing our country." our road to the white house coverage on the c-span networks. the political director for abc news is joining us on the phone from washington. thanks for being with us., calling this a new version of donald trump's economic plan. how did he do today? >> he was on his best behavior. you could see him gritting his teeth when his speech was interrupted by protesters several times. but he did not engage. detailsned in more than he has given before, though not full detail, his economic plans. and he was trying to make a contrast to hillary clinton. there would be significant deficit spending under his plan, but he is drawing a contrast with hillary that is pretty
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stark. >> in fact, taxes really seemed to be the centerpiece of his speech in detroit with a real focus on reaganomics. >> that is right and i think coming out and getting rid of the estate tax, saying most americans would pay significantly less, these are good, solid republican principles. he is clearly taking notes from conservative economists and economic thinkers. he has not given a lot of attention to these issues in the past. they have not been significant issues for him, other than to say, "i am a businessman." his advisers know that elections tend to come down to economics. one key theme he hit a few times. he went as far to say that the
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numbers were cooked and phony. this further than that, in grabbing where he comes from, talking about his own policies and casting himself in that business light. >> generally speaking, wall street has seen a pretty good summer and the unemployment rate continues to hover around 4% or 5%. by all accounts, the economy seems to be at least stable. where does that put this issue? rick: katie wonder standing donald trump's appeal -- key to understanding donald trump's his supporters do not feel it. votersks to angst ridden
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, there is a widening income inequality and they know people out of a job. economy isof the important to understanding where his appeal lies. tend to trust him as much as they do hillary clinton right now. i think getting back to the basics, streamlining that, and undermining the confidence of the statistics out there. weeknald trump had a rough last week. the people numbers indicating hillary clinton, the high single digits, low double digits in key battleground states like virginia. what does he need to do to try to turn the tide? it, hee blunt about
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needs to be boring for a little while. if he makes news with policy proposals, republicans are confident they can -- people do feel like we are on the wrong track. even though the president's approval rating is very high, people do not want a third term of barack obama. if they see a different vision, republicans like where they stand. donald trump's problem is that he cannot get out of his own way. streamlining what he needs to achieve in terms of backging and keep himself to normal track. but if it is not letting -- part of it is not letting trump be
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trump. >> who can get to him? a family member, the chairman of the party, or donald trump taking his own counsel? kids, first and foremost. paul manafort does have sway inside the campaign. it does not mean he will listen. i do not think the chairman has that kind of sway. the frustrations over the attack on the goldstar family shows how little sway the republican party officials have. questionthink it is a fromking campaign advice
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republican officials. >> let's talk about third-party candidates, gary johnson, jill stein. today, word that evan mcmullen is launching his own independent bid. >> he is a 40-year-old former cia operative. a lifelong republican. unknown he is the anti-trump who has come forward to put himself forward as part of a new generation. statement of the candidacy he put out was as harsh on hillary clinton as it was on donald trump. my colleagues that down with him today.
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-- my colleague sat down with him today. people have been looking for a conservative alternative. it is too late to get on the ballot. he can sue to try to get on others. it is an easy prediction to say he will not be the next president. >> that was my follow-up point. in order to win the electoral college vote, you have to be on the ballot. >> the ballot deadlines in 27 states have already passed. it is hard to get on a bunch of others. the clock is ticking and is now past the alarm stage. .'ve talked to ballot lawyers
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the way to do this through the front door has already gone. i do not expect this will be a nationwide campaign. utah, where the nolan is from, -- mcmullen is from, where mitt romney is from. i think there is an opportunity in a couple of states. harde margins, it is not to imagine that the combination of the libertarian ticket gives enough conservatives a place to put their ballot. klein, thank you for your time. night, bill clinton
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and jimmy carter on public service and policy changes. global politics, voter turnout, the supreme court, and dealing with isis. 8:00 eastern on c-span. wisconsin'sver first congressional district. paul ryan running against his challenger. coverage here on c-span. morning, on washington journal, we talked about republican support for the libertarian ticket. " continues. supportingrepublican hillary clinton and democrats aborting donald trump, we turn.
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-- republicans for jonathan wells. at what point did you decide that you would be voting libertarian this cycle? when the primary process began, i never expected donald trump would win the nomination. that was part of the journey but the crucial point for me was when bill wells was announced as his vice presidential nominee as gary wells was the presidential nominee. things cemented for me when the two were nominated by libertarian party. i felt we have the most republican ticket on the ballot and these are two governors with a great record and more executive experience than hillary clinton and donald trump. for mea sealed the deal and then it was a matter of trying to understand how many republicans were on board and it's been overwhelming so far. long you have worked a time for republicans and republican candidates. out ascorrect, i started
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a republican and worked for senator john chafee and hank brown from colorado and worked on a lot of campaigns with of thel vice chairman republican caucus for some time. kevin martin from the republican libertarian caucus had a conversation that we wanted to launch this effort. and the organization came together quickly and it has been a surprising and welcome thing. host: put that support in context. how many republicans are out there that will be joining you at a voting for the johnson-wells ticket? the two of us are cochairs and we have a steering committee of six or seven people. we have an attorney in philadelphia who shared a bush effort.
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also we have a delegate at the convention in cleveland. we have people who worked with the republican national importantly,t more we have a lot of support in bringing in these people from nunez so we got a great team pulled together in a short amount of time. have about 30 people in place and more than that are beginning to e-mail us that they want to be a part of the national leadership committee which is a larger group of people that andudes elected officials passed party officials and passed party leaders, republican activists and some people who have not have a lot of experience in the political arena bark -- but are enthusiastic about johnson and wells. the fact that their background
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lends them so well to give a voice to the majority of americans, the number will be higher than we have now. we have only been together for about a week and a half. that's where we are now and it's growing. host: let me give you some numbers. these of the phone numbers if you support a third-party candidate -- you have worked on campaigns and you know what the polls say. what odds would you give the johnson-wells ticket right now? going back to what i stated earlier, when the primary process began as someone who has been involved in politics since
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college in the 90's, i never expected donald trump would win the nomination. that was the last thing on my mind. when we look at the johnson-wells ticket, we are concerned with approaching this in a number of phases. the first one is making sure they are secured on the 50 state ballots. they are still working on signatures. we want to coalesce our people to help get those signatures and make sure they are in place. after that, we want to make sure the ticket is on the debate stage and people understand what their messages. it's hard to predict from their. once they are on stage and debating clinton and trump, america will see this is the voice of reason and republicans will understand these are the true republican candidates on the ballot. from there, the sky is the limit. it's been a very unpredictable election cycle. i think that helps johnson and wells. ort: for those not family
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with the process of getting the debate stage, explain that process. as the polls stand now, johnson would not be on the debate stage? guest: at the moment ,no. he has been hovering at 10% and 12%. theot a bump after libertarian convention which was small compared to the republicans and democrats. in the last few weeks, that has gone up a little bit but it's moving generally in an upward trend. there certainly raising the money. they exceeded their goals for raising money. it reflects that there is growing momentum for them. they will move up in the polls. i am confident they will make it to the debate stage. theynt to assist with -- are putting out letters to the editor and getting op-ed pieces
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out there and encouraging the debates to include them. in the end, they will be included in the debate because many americans realize that it's an important piece of that dialogue. host: how'd you get included in the debates? guest: you need 15%. are notne polls scientific but when you people being asked if they should be included in the debate, the overwhelming majority say they should be. --hink americans sympathize the negatives for clinton and trump are epic. i think that opens the stage for johnson and wells to be a welcome presence on that debate stage. i think the republicans who support donald trump should support them. many republicans are reluctant to support donald trump. if they think about the fact that they want the dialogue to move more in the direction you
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would have expected, that should be enough for them to realize that it's important to support johnson and wells and have them on the debate stage. if they want to support donald trump, that's fine but we think as republicans that we will have support for johnson and wells to win the presidency. host: let's give you a chance to out to some of the voters there. martin, kentucky, you're on with ed lopez. go ahead. caller: i want to know why? doing is putting hillary in the white house and you know how bad that can be. why? that's my question. i do not understand the logic. i don't. why are you so proud of yourself that you want to destroy this country, i just don't understand and i will hang up and listen to your answer. host: go ahead. guest: thank you for the question.
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of usct is, none republicans like hillary clinton either. our sense is that donald trump heldnerally -- has positions similar to hillary clinton. our sense is given the fact that only 9% of the electorate voted for both clinton and trump, there is a large space for that theyarticulate want a different candidate. we are looking at two guys who have had ample republican experience. and blue governed states especially well. they did great with their fiscal records and rated well by the cato institute. they were very tough on governors and tough on those ratings and now they are more pliable. if you look at their record as republicans, when you look of the things they accomplished and blue states and you look at you have twoe now,
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candidates who are more likely to unify the country and give the republican party the boost it needs to carry on as a viable brand. we are concerned about the republican party and strongly are in support of down ballot candidates. we want to make sure those people are elected, too. us to makeal for sure the voice of the top reflects the values we hold dear and are important to us. trump has changed voter registration several times, party affiliation. from that point of view, we feel as people have been involved in the baldwin, maryland. lopez. on with ed caller: what i would like the eople viewing the program to idea what is the
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the media and democratic and epublican parties afraid of that they would not allow the this party people like guy's candidates to at least express their ideas. what are these guys that are in charge of the media afraid of? why won't they let them express heir ideas and let the paoeeope decide. host: ed lopez, any thoughts? is unquestionable the country is going through a major philosophical realignment. i think there's an opportunities to refresh that brand and it comes out as a stronger party. think that the dialogue benefits from having those third party candidates on the stage. question is what measure should be used for the
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viability. the 15% threshold is necessarily a good measure. an expert in whatever factors they used to determine this in the past. is a need to broaden the dialogue and move away from a he -- the dialogue is not substantial any more. moved into a reality tv and convergence of entertain. fine totics and that is a certain degree in the sense aware consumers and that is what free market is moving the political space toward but we substance. i think that is where we should as citizens demand more from media outlets. we need to call and write ways to nd finds articulate our position that we want to see a broad are dialogue. having johnson/weld secured the nomination and at
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his point the polling exceeds what the will be taeurpb -- what time.ibertarian got last we are looking to expand that haeducate voters and give them more especially there cycle.on they have not gotten a very good product from. main parties. disagree with the 15% threshold for being on the stage.ntial is there a number you think it should be lowered to or any threshold? guest: there should be thresholds. i'm not sure what it should be. there should be a certain number of state ballots they are on before they qualify debate stage. but like i said a minute ago i'm not an expert in that space so i able to articulate a specific number or qualification. i think as voters we should be demanding to see these people that willge and maybe tell the dialogue of what new
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set.ards need to be maybe if the 15% is there there on how the eptions fund-raising is going, how the olling is going on a state-by-state basis maybe. a district in utah is a critical state it is a swing trump-clinton paradigm. like thatt a district where johnson is doing exceptionally well, very other tive then demographic groups, for example winning in nson is polls among military members, here are several ways to gauge the interest in candidates and they should be relevant in that process. garth in s go to midland, texas, supports donald trump. good morning. bunch ion is these are a of spoeultd brats leaving the
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republican they don't like trump so bad they are willing to throw it toward the democrats. in line and get stop the nonsense and trying to et the position like they are fortunately midable foe nonsenseme. they are walking around an theirng leadership within own selves and not getting anywhere. waste of time. host: ed lopez. guest: i appreciate the caller sentiments tand the of people who want to have a unified voice in the party. we tried doing that over the of a very long period of time we have experienced dating back to dan quayle. we have people that worked for him and ron and rand paul. e have a diverse body of republicans who i think are far removed from anything spoiled. these are people who put a lot of sweat equity and sacrificed a
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help the party move forward. e have mccain veterans and george w. bush veterans and come of segments e body in the republican party. there is not a fringe movement. you look at the people that is a very strong coalition and we support johnson for example gary support because he's a self-made businessman. the only one in the race. into account the example we believe that gary johnson setsor the country and and epublican history values as republican operatives nd past candidates and officials and those who have done so much for the party it is brat journey ed for us. working on campaigns and putting reputation on the line for he party is a very delicate thing and that is the integrity we bring.
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the we are talking about 15% threshold included in the run by the debate commission on presidential debates. information about the organization at batdebates.. 15% threshold as the ule used by c.p.d. it first adopted the level of support in 000 and initial adoption and subsequent cycles was preceded by study and reflects a number considerations. it was their judgment that thresh hold best balanced the sufficiently inclusive. to invite those among the leading candidates without being inclusive that invitations would be extended to candidates ith only very modest levels of public support and jeopardizing presidentialof the debates. that is of information. chris
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