tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 10, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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trump's tax plan with a campaign senior economic advisor and senior political reporter with the website rare, yasmeen alamiri. ♪ house speaker paul ryan holds onto his position after handily defeating the primary challenger in wisconsin yesterday, by 70 points with most ballots goin counted. this is the "washington journal." donald trump back in overstatementsab about the second amendment directed toward hillary clinton.
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how did you take those statements? how did you interpret them? you?do yo they mean to for republican spared 202-748-800s. 202-748-8000 for democrats. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 in north carolina yesterday, donald trump was speaking and talking to reporters there in which he made comments about the second amendment, directing those comment at hillary clinton. [video clip] trump: hillary wants to abolish the second amendment. --the way, she gets to pick
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if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment is -- imaybe there don't know. host: several statements come including one from the clinton campaign. what trump is saying is dangerous, a person seeking to be the president of united states should not suggest violence in any way. mr. trump appearing on the handy program on the fox news network, clarifying what he said that hannity -- appearing on the hannity program. [video clip] trump: hillary wants to take your guns away, she wants to leave you unprotected in your home -- this is a huge political movement. the nra endorsed me. they are terrific people.
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saidagree 100% with what i . there is a tremendous power behind the second amendment. it is a political power. there are a few things so powerful in terms of politics. i happen to think, if they did bring this up, i think it is good for me because it will tell people more about me with respect to the second amendment. hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment. the highlights from those statements in "the washington post." those are the interpretations out there. we want to get a sense from you on how you interpreted those statements.
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republicans can call 202-748-8001. .or democrats, 202-748-8000 independents, 202-748-8002. jim in michigan. democrats line. caller: i listened to it very carefully and there was something i heard that i hope everyone else heard as well. if she isll, he said selecting candidates for the supreme court, there would be nothing -- there's nothing you can do about it. maybe the second amendment people can do something about it. he was not talking about the election. he was talking about the selection of supreme court candidates. that is after she is elected. a person sitting right behind
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him -- if you see the footage, you will see what i'm talking about -- turned to the person beside him and said, "wow." got right away what he said. i knew he was talking about after the election. that is the key to this whole thing. vote,ot that he is saying because she will have already been elected. that is what scared me. i cannot believe the statement was being made that way. host: buck from alabama. independent line. good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning to c-span. as an independent voter -- i don't plan to support either candidate. i am seeing a great fabrication in this matter.
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nothing frightens me more than who hillary clinton might put on the supreme court. to fabricate a story -- we know trump cannot get out of his own way. stop fabricating everything the man says. host: what makes it a fabrication? caller: the fact that they know how trump is. to put things out here in black and white media -- roger in houston, texas. independent line. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. but notice -- i watched the entire speech before "washington journal" came on the air.
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i saw the whole thing in context at that part what i find ironic trump seems like he immediately try to walk it back. afterorth noting that donald trump said the things he said about mexicans, that the drug lord ended up putting it up and contract on donald trump putting up an open contract on donald trump. i think he was trying to hide behind that dynamic. this,eone else had said if i had said this, it you had said this, we would be getting a visit from the secret service. someone trying to be the president of the united states, it is very dangerous for someone to have that to represent our
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country. i disagree with trump on most things. just dangerous and anyone who would try to make an apology for this type of , it is a frightening narrative of where we are in this country that we are basing our decisions to vote out of fear and that is what led us to things like the patriot act. we need to take into consideration, this is not a man who is to be president. fit to be president. to have him represent our country would be our undoing. voting him would be a decision fear. her a speech by a democrat from california calling on the
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secret service to investigate donald trump for seemingly joking that hillary clinton should be shot. the tweet says -- how you interpreted those statements made by donald trump yesterday is our topic this morning. for republicans. 202-748-8000 for democrats. for independents, 202-748-8002. tim on the republican line. amazing,t is just anything the man says -- i have not decided who i'm going to vote for, but it will definitely not be hillary. everything this man says come everyone jumps on him.
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he joked before about stuff. come on. votes. just to get more all of this is part of what he does to get ahead. if people cannot see that, they need to really think about it. thosespeaker ryan made statements after winning his primary. talked about winning, made references to the comments. [video clip] paul ryan: i heard about the second amendment quote. it sounds like a joke gone bad. i hope he clears it up very quickly. you should never joke about something like that. i did not hear the comments, i only heard about the comments. pence ticket is one that will put good justices on the supreme court.
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host: john in akron, ohio. good morning. heard so much from trump -- to me, it's another thing he's saying. he should not be saying stuff like that. could you imagine if it was hillary? she would be kicked out. take his comments to be any type of veiled threat at all? bad guys out of there hearing that stuff, things can happen. i don't think either one of them should be president. now, she wants bill clinton to help her run the country and i cannot stand that guy. vote,m not going to
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period. i don't want either one of these two people running our country. host: mac in harrisburg, pennsylvania. our line for independents. isler: donald trump supremely unqualified to be president of the united states of america. i am a disabled veteran. with hishobnobbing campaign managers with the russian oligarchs who are surrogates for putin, that is extremely dangerous. if she selects supreme court justices they do not approve of, the second amendment people have the power to stop that? this is not the banana republic. his comments about being the
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original birther and rigged elections -- this man has no understanding of the united states constitution. host: don in lovington, illinois. public in line. that's republican line. caller: he wasn't threatening nobody or nothing like that. he evidently knows the constitution, that's what the constitution put that second amendment in there for. if the government goes bad, the countryan take their back. this man is wanting to help the people. if somebody don't vote, that is a vote for hillary. that is a sad, sad way to represent people that has died for us so we have the freedom that we have.
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they all need to go back and read the constitution and understand what that segment is -- second amendment is all about, so we can take our country back the government is stupid, completely bad. host: democrats line. caller: good morning. all the inflammatory statements de aside -- if you hear the full comment that he made come at the end, he says "although, that would be horrible." if he wasn't talking about violence, what does horrible mean? of course he is inciting violence. there was a man punched at one of his rallies -- there is a
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democrats line. darrell, you are up next. caller: hello? host: darrell from missouri, go ahead. caller: excuse me? host: we move on to gutierrez in north carolina. caller: i am for the second amendment, but you've got weapons out here that have extended clips, 50 rounds, 60 that i don't think the founding fathers intended for people having weapons of mass destruction on the streets. societyns of war in the , meant to go out here and kill a bunch of people.
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what donald trump said about hillary, that is kind of dangerous. inciting violence -- it happened before at his rallies. amendment,e second , too many weapons with the capability of committing mass murder. host: carol is up next in missouri -- barrel is up next in darrell is up nexte in missouri. caller: we have seen for the last two or three weeks that hillary clinton lied about the e-mails, then after komi came on and said she lied, she continued to live for a week after that. ey came on and
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said she lied, she continued to lie for a week after that. i know how donald trump is. but hillary lies all the time and you haven't said anything. michael in washington. republican line. caller: this is a non-issue. donald trump did not say nothing that anyone would have assumed that he actually was going to have someone out to go -- out to go let's kill her. let's talk about the body count of hillary clinton. how did you interpret
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's statements?tatement caller: it's not open to interpretation. that is the problem today. 'severything is up for interpretation. he said what he said. he was talking about a voting block. come on, people. this is ridiculous. host: you don't think those statements lead to some type of analysis? interpretation -- let's interpret anything anyone says as a violent statement. we could take millions of statements that hillary has made in the past as violent. host: des moines, iowa. independent line. i agree 100% with this gentleman that just got through talking.
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i'm sick and tired of the news people -- trump cannot say anything. if you don't like trump, don't vote for him, simple as that. rallies --g his disrupting his rallies and on -- hillary clinton gets by with everything. nobody in the news wants to talk about her problems, what she says, what she does. no, it's just donald trump. they cannot stand donald trump. well, i like him. how did you take his batem statement yesterday? caller: he wasn't even talking about shooting hillary clinton, for crying out loud.
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i agree, he was talking about the second amendment. we have our rights, too. that doesn't mean just guns, for crying out loud. i'm upset and tired of this. today looks at an analysis piece talking about both campaigns -- highlighting and donaldnton .rump's statements mateen satof omar as sheehind mrs. clinton
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scrutiny for something like this. i think it is ridiculous -- i hope you maybe consider bringing out the story of mr. rich who was murdered in the string of bodies this other gentleman talked about. that seems to be more of a new story than this just trying to twist some words. he's not a politician. he is just an outsider that's come in. he will make some stupid statements. to try to say that he is stirring up violence against hillary is ridiculous. greg in michigan. independent line. caller: happy belated birthday. not threatening
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assassination to hillary. what he was implying and could happen is if hillary got her way and did do away with second amendment rights, a lot of us will object to that very strongly. since we have firearms, it might be as having to defend our ushts with those guns -- having to defend our rights with those guns. he said right afterwards that would be a horrible thing to happen. hillary has stated how she would love to have gun confiscation in this country. and she probably would. magazine capacity ban, it is the person doing it, not the gun itself. guns were bad in everybody's hands, think of what the body count would be. anytime a being
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created in god's image is killed, but if every gun makes a bad person, there would be many more dead bodies and that is not the case. that is greg in michigan. the nra putting out a tweet -- those statements made in north carolina, how did you interpret them? 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8000 for democrats. for independents, 202-748-8002. against hillary clinton filed by the parents of those killed in benghazi.
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clear enough -- if it was a joke, it should not have been .aid because that is no joke d you cannot have it both ways. people say they like donald hemp because he says what means and then he has to come out and explain -- this is in the media commit this is what he is saying. media, thisot the is what he is saying. host: you take it for face value, then? caller: take it for face value. why wouldn't i? this guy is 70 years old, he's been in the business world with all kinds of people. of course he says what he means. that he cann a way write off as a joke, but he's not joking all these people did you see them take him seriously.
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ways.n't have it both host: jerome is up next from erie, pennsylvania. my assumption is he did mean what we think he meant by hey, go ahead and take her out all it takes is one person to interpret it that way. donald trump has a lot of sick people following him. person toes is one interpret that as go assassinate hillary clinton and then you have that problem. all these republicans and independents calling and saying he doesn't mean that -- all it takes is one. you think hekes meant exactly that? making anen you start
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interpretation that, hey, the second amendment people can take care of this, that would be a horrible thing -- yes, it would be a horrible thing, because we know how he wants them to interpret that. a cancerick man come to this country and people need to start realizing that. lupe in california. independent line. i am a republican. itust wanted to say that seems like everything donald trump says is always twisted around to make him look bad. if people would just listen to , we can get our
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country back again. host: how did you receive what he said yesterday? how did you interpret that? he didn't say he was -- he just said something everybody twisted around. host: you think that is the case? caller: yes. host: chicago, indiana. this is alan on the democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. they keep or c-span.
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first, about the second amendment, i wish people would read it. it's as people of a well-regulated state militia have a right to bear arms. it says nothing about individuals or self protection. it is only for state regulated militia, not for people to run out and decide to take over the government. remember when congressman gabby giffords was shot in arizona by an enraged individual? sarah palin had a website of where she was making comments and how theections democrats needed to be defeated. we need to load up an aim on those areas and she had a bull's-eye on places that had elections and one of those was in arizona.
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extremely unstable people in this country and a lot of them have guns. i interpreted him as giving some individuals the message that the only way to stop hillary clinton is to assassinate her. he gave that idea to somebody and that is donald trump. he will say outrageous things like that. you will have some extreme individuals in this country that will take him at his word, i'm sorry to say host. --t: russ on twitter says
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wild and wonderful says -- go to our facebook page, you can have more characters to put more thoughts. 202-748-8001 for republicans. democrats, 202-748-8000. independents, 202-748-8002. we are getting your thoughts, how you interpreted those statements made by donald trump yesterday. andrew from michigan up next. republican line. the second amendment --
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i just want to address the comments --ler's the purpose of the second amendment was of the people of this country would always have the means to defeat tyranny. instead of just reading the constitution, maybe take a look at the federalist papers or the articles of confederation. donald trump's comments should be taken at face value. to keep and bear arms got to a place where it was infringed and our government was resorting to tyranny, the people of this country would have a duty to take back the power from tyrants. it would be a horrible situation, but it would be a righteous cause. you saw his statement as allowing violence in some cases? caller: no, i saw it as if our
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aternment became a tyranny some point in the future and they were going door-to-door to , while it guns that would be horrible, people would be justified to defend .hemselves the supreme court has ruled in the past that a person has a officer'sake a police life to defend themselves from an unlawful arrest. how would this be any different when the document is clear that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? see anyd you implication of violence toward candidate clinton? caller: absolutely not. not unless there was some sort of sci-fi scenario where she became a tyrant or dictator of some sort. i believe that was the only scenario he was referring to.
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the story will go on from there. you can see it on "the financial times" website. patty in connecticut. independent line. caller: good morning. want to correct something -- obama said if you are going to a fight and somebody has a knife, you bring a gun. as far as what donald said, the press is taking it out of context. report and seee how the dnc young boy was shot. he was the leaker to wikileaks. that is a story. host: why is this not a story? caller: it is taken out of context. you saw wolf blitzer last night. he was like a maniac.
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they ignore that, but they get their panties in a twist every time trump says something they can twist in their own minds. host: as far as yesterday, there was nothing to the statement mr. trump made? caller: no. get off it. why? to be fair, allen, if anybody says anything about obama, you cut them off. host: we are asking you. caller: he didn't threaten anybody. the guys out there running people are the black lives matter and you will not cover that. are thetening people black lives matter and you will not cover that. [video clip] donald trump: hillary wants to
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essentially abolish the second amendment. by the way, if she gets the pic -- if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although, the second amendment people, maybe there is. host: pittsburgh, pennsylvania. .obert, go ahead caller caller: we must be the dumbest people in the world. hillary clinton has never said she would abolish the second amendment. that is the first lie he told. the sky said about that woman about the blood -- he is saying things, but saying them in a certain way. there may be one crazy person out there who will interpret it the way he may not have meant, but he said it. i'm so tired of people -- they want to blame obama. they can't blame him now,
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because he's through. now, they blame hillary. she wouldver said abolish the second amendment. steve in pennsylvania. republican line. caller: thank you for bringing me on. muchedia brings so shooting, violence, news from big cities, gang violence -- it implies shooting of hillary clinton. theyis the interpretation get from the media, along with so much violence on tv. they imply the shooting. since gang violence is so prevalent in big cities, my idea is to get black lives matter
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signs and rub them under gang leaders' noses. the media is bringing in so much gang violence -- so much violence on tv that it implies that hillary is going to get shot at the end when trump brings up these indirect comments. the interpretation of the people are so bombarded by violence on tv that they think this is what is going to happen to hillary because of all these news. host: tony from orlando, florida. independent line. caller: my name is tony robinson. statement, what he
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said, to me, was at face value. it could be for the voters come it could be for the assassination thing. people will interpret it in different ways. he did not specifically say how he was going to interpret that or what he really meant to say, he just said, maybe the second amendment people can change it. some people will read the wrong thing. i have one other thing to say about the second amendment and the constitution that has bothered me for a long time. it has not evolved. when it was written over 230 years ago, people have guns that fired one shot. now, we have assault weapons, beings being used in war sold over-the-counter to people. there are a lot of unstable
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from new hampshire, here is dan. democrats line. caller: good morning. again, butn the tape if you listen, you will hear somebody when trump says i don't know if there's anything you can out thatody else somebody -- somebody yells out "second amendment." any time news comes out about media bias. any time bad news comes out about the republicans, they cry about media bias. you can also learn about paul ryan winning his primary another events we've been taking campaign 2016.
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dashington state, here is ree on our republican line. caller: i will be very brief. to the last caller that just --d the media is not biased host: are you there? we may have lost the connection. i will put him on hold real quick. missouri.m independent line. go ahead. you are on. caller: i haven't seen all of the show, but i haven't heard anyone say anything about the interpretation the secret service may be giving the comment that mr. trump gave the other day -- it would be interesting to have somebody on there that would explain how
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secret service interprets things said on and off the campaign trail. host: when did you think about mr. trump statement the other day? caller: i think he is unhinged, pretty bad. the man has some serious problems, when you have to reinterpret everything you say the next day, it's over and over , there is something wrong with that. host: how did you interpret his statements yesterday? caller: i think he was calling for somebody to do something bad. host: what led you to believe that? caller: that's just how he operates. he's always wanting to get somebody on his side so they don't vote the other way. host: robert in missouri. we go next to paul in pennsylvania. caller: good morning, sir.
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supporter, but i am not a hillary hater, either. my feeling of his statement yesterday was that he -- what he said about the second amendment, people doing something about it, i think the only thing he meant forgo to the polls and vote , and that way, we can take care of the gun haters. i am a hunter, ok? i want to say one thing about hillary. she never did say she wanted to take all of our guns from us. rifles you would use for hunting only, there is one rifle that you can use in new york state called a 740 remington. it has a little clip that holds
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three shells. it is called the 740 some i automatic. -- semi automatic. if this word gets put in the linguist to take some guns away that it gets put in the language to take some guns away from us, they will take away this rifle that is used for hunting deer in new york state. anythinghink you meant about going out to shoot somebody. that is the last thing that should happen. host: the justice department releasing a report taking a look at the baltimore police and related violence -- investigators found "supervisors have issued explicitly discriminatory orders
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." encouraging officers to have adversarial interactions with community members. that is in "the baltimore sun." nancy in north carolina, democrats line. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. missouri could not be more right on target. i heard the entire speech. i saw the man in the background, how shocked he was -- he got
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what donald trump was saying. trump makes these veiled comments, then backtracks and .ays it was not what i said found hillary clinton saying she wants to abolish the second amendment. the president obama won second election in 2012, i was on a local bus, it was three of us come including the bus driver. he justman who claimed got out of the military was livid that president obama won again. rifles, i have guns, i will see to it that he never sees a second term. i called the local shirts department and reported to them about this.
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they said, yes, they will definitely take it seriously because that is a veiled threat and they will definitely check into it. it only takes one person with -- donald trump is pushing that with veiled comments. that was a veiled threat. host: michael in illinois. independent line. thing overs whole guns -- i'm from a small town in illinois. 60% of our children are on school lunches because thing the below the poverty line. there's 70% unemployment in my community. that's what we should be talking about. nobody cares about these guns. but 45 minutes
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of political stuff and five minutes of news about people's lives. we are tired of you rich people who live in d.c. telling us how great it is when you guys don't have any clue what's going on. we are poor out here. people are starting -- starving in my community. and yet we will build an aircraft carrier or $13 billion. for $13 billion. host: eugene in florida. democrats line. to be: i interpreted that a veiled threat. more importantly, i look at mr. khan's statement about having
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read the constitution. the president can abolish an amendment. -- no president can a polish and amendment. host: why did you think the statement made yesterday was a veiled threat? caller: because he said at the end "that would be horrible." that means a bad outcome. voting is not a bad outcome. host: that is eugene in florida. we will take a look at another aspect of mr. comes campaign, he released an economic plan on monday. campaign, hes released an atomic plan on economic plan on monday.
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we will discuss campaign 2016. ♪ >> book tv on c-span2, 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend. here are some future programs for this weekend. on saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern, the supreme court is the focus of linda greenhouse's book. she speaks at politics and prose bookstore here in washington, d.c. p.m., the u.s. is splintering into two countries -- what she calls coastal america in flyover america in nation.""flyover
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really so much people in flyover nation, although i think they are targeted -- you have this thinking back-and-forth, the right and left pulling them in one direction or another. that divide is kind of scary because now, politics is affecting whether or not we will be able to legally defend ourselves against a major rent. -- defend ourselves against a major threat. >> house some school policies are having negative impacts on the lives of black females in schools. go to for the complete we can schedule -- weekend schedule. >> "washington journal" continues. host:
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for the trump presidential campaign, also is the president of fema global, a economic research and consulting firm. good morning. guest: good morning. your could you talk about role in advising mr. trump on economic issues? what do you bring him? what do you talk to him about? guest: i have done a lot of economic issues, so what the campaign wants to do is have a broad economic program and have the details without, so that is what we have been working on. on the speech on monday, he described parts of the plan which included performing taxes, trade and regulatory policy. there will be more parts of the program coming out. as you may know, i was in through 1991.1984
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issues such as the tax reform act of 1986, and also some of the trade legislation and quite a bit of the way that the government into racks with each other, so the department of agricultural -- agriculture works with the department of commerce. we have a bit of the section of the speech from mr. trump's presentation on monday, taking a look at taxes. we will hear that, then ask you some questions. >> my plan will do is the correct number of rockets, from seven to three, and dramatically streamline the process. [applause] we will work with house republicans on this plan, using the same brackets they have 33%.sed, 12%, 25% and
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for many american workers, their tax rate will be zero. host: can you flesh that out? why three tax brackets and some of the analysis -- analysis shows the tax brackets automatically favor those who make more. guest: the three tax brackets are part of simplifying the code and it does not mean that people will pay more. for one, there will be a large standard induction which will take a lot of people off the tax roles and reduce taxes for others. when you end up with is a reduction in income taxes for most americans, and i think that will be stimulative. i need to emphasize that a lot of job growth and wage growth comes from small businesses. a major thrust of this program is to get small businesses operating better, and that creates a rising middle-class income.
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income, which is the 50th percentile, it has been going down in this recovery, which is unprecedented. a primary goal of the economic program is to get people's incomes going up. in contrast in -- and one of the worries i have it hillary clinton became president, she said she will raise the income , butates on individuals that also hits small businesses, so that is going to hurt jobs. she will lose jobs with that program. todaya piece in usa saying donald trump would be struggling to get large tax congress because they have been fighting to cut the deficit. do you think he has a battle on his hands if he will try to push
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this plan through? guest: it is a lot of hard work. i started in 1984 on the senate budget committee. i moved over to the treasury department in 1986 as the tax reform bill went forward. every day, people across the administration working with people and congress in order to work out the details and cut a deal. donald trump has been a dealmaker in his career, so one of the things that people should realize is, in order to get things done in washington, you have to find a way to get people to work together, and he will do a better job at that than hillary clinton could. host: he is modeling his current approach to taxes to house republican's approach. guest: modeling is going to far. he chose the tax rates that were in kevin brady's bill in the
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ways and means committee. in other areas, there are differences. this is a process that will go on for a long time, both in the campaign and also if he were elected president, then you would have a long process of combining different concepts. one of the concepts that has to be worked on is how do you work internationally, one of the big failures of the current economic -- economy and tax system is that corporations have a very high tax rate. that stops them from hiring, having jobs in the u.s. abroad and then they keep the cash because there is not a cash efficient way to bring it home. -- back into the u.s., and that
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creates jobs here. this is a big growth program that needs to be done because the growth rate has been so slow. host: the senior donald trump financial advisor. if you want to ask some questions, (202)-748-8001 for republicans. (202)-748-8000 (202)-748-8000 -- (202)-748-8000 for democrats. (202)-748-8002 for independents. op-ed's that came out after mr. trump's plan from the new york times, it talked about the proposal, and also what it would do for revenue, and basic for -- that the problem with the idea is that it would leave a multi-trillion dollar deficit with no benefits and the gains are much more modest because many businesses would not invest
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unless demand for their product is growing and many people are not motivated by lower tax rates to work more. the idea of revenue lost by this tax proposal, how does mr. trump proposed to make that up? guest: i don't think it would lose revenue the way that they are saying, and one of the things you should ask is what growth rate do they assume, because that is in doubt. like the get growth reagan administration did in 2000 or and 2005. as the tax cut was put in place, growth surged, and so that is usually not in those revenue losses. one of the studies that was done by moody's that shows a loss from this kind of a plan have the assumption of the federal reserve would raise interest
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rates to 4%, next year and over 6% in 2018, and then there would be a recession. one of the things that mrs. clinton has been campaigning on is the idea that donald trump would cause a recession, but that comes directly from the idea that the fed would put interest rates to 6%. that does not make sense, and the reality is, the growth rate of the economy and the job growth would be much faster under a trump economic program. one thing that you mentioned in the new york times article was you said demand growth would not be enough to cause people to want to work. i think we should push back on that and talk about that the people desire to work, once they earn income and there is demand growth. the reason we have such weak notnd growth now is because
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enough people are working, they are left out of the labor force. participation rate is the lowest of many decades. growth was only 1.2% in the second quarter and 1.2% over the last year. that is nearly a recession, so the economic program has to change. host: you mentioned the unemployment rates. mr. trump said the unemployment rate as cc it, is a hoax. would you agree? reporting thee official rate at 4.9%, but it does not mention how many people are assumed not to be in the labor force. over age 16eople who are excluded from the labor force and there are millions, probably tens of millions -- i will stick with millions, that maybe 10 million people who would like to work if they had an opportunity for good job.
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they are simply not counted in the unemployment rate, unless they are actively looking and a lot of people, unfortunately do not have the skills or they have been beaten down so much, years and years of slow growth. my view is that we can unleash the growth of the economy. we have no idea how many of those people would like to work and would rush back in if there were good jobs. host: david now has joining us. -- david malpaz joining us. first call is the democrat line from battle creek, michigan. caller: i would like to correct something he said about the tax cuts under ronald reagan. even though there was large growth under ronald reagan, it was still not enough to a race the deficits.
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there was debt -- deficit spending every year under ronald reagan and at the end of his term, the national debt had more than doubled. this idea of trickle-down economics solving the debt -- deficit problem is incorrect. it will exacerbate the problem. i had a question about mr. trump's tax returns. how much advisor know mr. trump -- he is a billionaire, correct? a super successful billionaire. i wonder how much he pays in taxes, because i'm worried that he is not paying his fair share, perhaps less than 15%, maybe like what mitt romney would pay. i have an aunt from battle creek, so hello to ralph. as far as the deficit, i did not address that, so i agree with his point about the reagan
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administration, that the national debt went up too much. that was the time of the cold war and you are recovering under -- recovering from a very high inflation rate under jimmy carter. i agree with the thrust of the caller, that there needs to be cost control on the federal government and aggressive steps taken to bring down the fiscal deficit. one worry that we have to have right now, cbo's projections are that under current policy, and i presume that would be similar under hillary clinton's policy, the deficit is going to average $1 trillion per year over the next 10 years. the national debt right now is destined to go up by 10 chilean dollars, so we need passive policy change in order to begin to stop that, and i think there is ample ground on cost cutting for the federal government. it is out of control, it is overgrown. as far as the tax returns go,
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mr. trump has explained that he is under audit, so i don't have anything to add. is it impossible to release tax returns? person tax return -- tax yourself, isn't it possible to release tax returns well under audit? guest: i do not know the history of that issue. host: david from georgia, republican. i am a black male and i live outside of atlanta, and i am supporting donald trump, because i looked at what he is offering, but i am just concerned. looking at his plan, it looks as if he is going 100% pro-growth, which is good, but how is he going to get -- how is he going to accomplish some of these goals when he has alienated so
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many republicans in the house and senate, and we are going through a stalemate where ultimately nothing goes -- gets accomplished because he has alienated himself from so many there, especially when are republicans in the house who want to cut some parts of social security and they realize that deficit spending is cutting into social security and we spend a lot of money in social security. to have pro-growth and raise the revenue and their goal is to cut some of the entitlements, where is the balance going to be coming in because ultimately, if he has alienated himself, we will go through another four years of not come pushing any ring in leadership. guest: a great question. it gets at the core of the issue. onesvote is one of the that donald trump wants to win
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and is designing programs specifically that will benefit people that are wondering about all of these questions. let me make key points. social security is off the table for donald trump, and there are no planned cuts for a reduction in what elderly are receiving. that is critical. reducing the sense of divide. it was a very hard-fought primary, a lot of the opponents were from congress and that created a wage, so now there is a lot of work being done to pull that back together and unify the party. that was one of the goals of the detroit speech and also one of the goals of mr. trump supporting -- endorsing paul ryan. i'm very glad to see that he won and others that are moving forward in their house and senate races, he has reached out
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to, and that work is going to go on and on, meaning every week, there will be out of reach to congress, not to water down what donald trump is saying. he is calling for an upheaval in the way that washington does business, so there are going to be people with their nose bent out of shape, but as you go forward, you will be able to put more and more people -- pull more and more people into understand that this is how you create growth for people in atlanta, kentucky, pennsylvania, ohio, states where they have been left out. there was a caller illinois where he pointed out that 17% unemployment rate in his community and that is specifically the kind of economic malaise that we do breakout of. ,ost: from ohio, this is don
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republican -- dawn, republican. caller: i love obama, i should say this, i love obama in that he is leaving. hillary, she has not been telling the truth and the comment, getting back to donald trump's tax ideas, and his procedure to get this country straight, i just feel it is fair. not only will individuals, especially the middle class, the able to start getting back a little bit more in their pockets, a small business that has been devastated -- the corporations have moved overseas, because of the high tax rates, and the enormous regulations that obama is
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putting out as we speak. it is tying up too many small businesses, or -- you are trying to thrive each day and finding the red tape insurmountable. trump gets his point out more clearly for the average individual, since i do have a little bit of a tax it, butnd, i understand if he could clarify it's a little bit better, especially to the middle class. host: we will let our guest respond. guest: one benefit for the wille class is that rates be lower, and there will be some tax savings, but the much bigger benefit for the middle class and aware to all the
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moms who are not getting jobs, a giant focus of this program is to bring younger people and minorities into the labor force and into employment. right now, there are huge percentages that are simply not included in the way the economy is operating, today and that has to get fixed. the caller was from cleveland, so one of the notable things going on within the middle part of the country is that governors , states governed by republicans are going a lot better. the earlier caller was from illinois where there is a 17% ohio,oyment rate, but in in indiana, in michigan and republic -- wisconsin, the republican governors have done an effective job of making government work with the people, and that is -- the caller talked about the regulatory overhang and the red tape that comes out
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of washington. who better than donald trump to cut through and to make that stop? he said on monday that he would issue a moratorium on regulations coming out, and review the regulations so that they can add to growth. regulation should help the country and make it safer and add to the growth. obama is doing, the issue 2300 regulations last year, and many of them slowed down the economy. there are another 2000 regulations that are coming forward, maybe before he leaves office, and many of those simply don't add to growth or make people safer. that is something we have to stop. host: is donald trump's approach to regulation a light touch across the board or will certain regulations still exist or will he be a bit more fierce when it comes to putting regulation in
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place? guest: the way i phrase it is we need effective regulation. this is not deregulation. what has to be done is canceling bad regulations, and then what you need to do is put ineffective regulations, and that applies to all parts of the business community. you want to regulate in a way that allows job creation that addresses the safety concerns that are out there on lots of areas. what he meant specifically was that there would be a moratorium on new regulations being issued, and then the cabinet, he would instruct his to review the regulations within their domain and some of these cabinet officers have giant businesses that are running.
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review the regulations, find the ones that are not working and find ways to cancel them or undo them. another part of this is working with congress. they worked very closely with the executive branch to guide the regulators. something has to change so that there is not as much red tape. we have projects all over the country and jobs that should be created, but projects that cannot go forward because regulation stop them. host: from oregon, douglas, good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i am intrigued by donald trump's proposal that i heard a couple of weeks ago about the infrastructure bond and it seems to me that it is kind of a better way, better than the eight hundred billion dollars stimulus that barack obama did for the taxpayers.
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this is a chance for the 1% to buy into america, and for average people like with war bonds to help rebuild america without borrowing from china, could you elaborate on that? financing should be done at many levels, primarily the private sector, but even the federal government. one of the things i have written about is the frustration i have and bond yields is very low right now, why is the treasury not issuing more of those low bond yields, locking in the low rates and instead, the federal reserve is buying the back in, basically canceling them out, so that exposes the taxpayer to interest rate risk. there is a change that could be made. with regard to infrastructure bonds, what i think can happen and will happen is if
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regulations are made more effective, you will find that there are a lot more private-sector infrastructure projects that start going forward and really change and transform the face of the country and a lot of that can be financed with bonds. the u.s. has the world's biggest, most robust corporate and municipal bond market, so they can create a lot of financing to get infrastructure going, but my thought is the federal government is in the way of -- in the way of a lot of that, so it wants to get a piece of the action and control the infrastructure projects, but what should be done is to allow the country, the states, cities, the private sector to build the infrastructure that is needed, but they have to have regulatory reform in order -- in order to do it. host: washington, d.c., independent line. you stated about social
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security and i am reading an article this morning that the head of social security said with the budget cuts proposed, they would be unable to deliver service on time to many recipients. secondly, i called to the labor from reagan through created 16 million jobs. the clinton and obama administration created 31 point some million jobs. job based onnts a historical data should rely not on republicans, but democrats to the tax youand on
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are speaking about, according to cato institute, which is not a left-wing institute, clinton had the highest tax rate of any of those administrations i mentioned, yet he created more -- than any of the others. guest: that is a good question and well framed. is big in lots of areas, so it is hard to go back in history and prove that this caused that. reagan took office after a malaise and their were two recessions at the beginning, in 1980 and 1982, as that situation was resolved, so the growth in that came out of a different
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condition then what bill clinton inherited when he came in. i want to give full credit to clinton and newt gingrich, who -- theyhouse republican were very instrumental in the growth of the 90's, along with clinton. what we are dealing with now is a candidacy of hillary clinton, where the proposals, the economic programs would be different from the bill clinton program. i think it simply would not work as well. i come back to the governors around the country. if you look at which cut -- which states are doing well, there is a clear dividing line between red states and blue states. the red states are attracting people, creating jobs for young people, they are dynamic, they are changing, they are governed by republicans. the blue states are unhealthy, and this is not every single one, but there is a clear pattern of under ormond by blue
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states in terms of jobs, in terms of living standards and particularly in terms of the fiscal debt that is being piled on. new york state being a case, with the exception of the southern tip of the state, new most of long island, upstate new york has been completely left out of any recovery, and that has to be changed. you have to have dramatic new policies. let me take a moment. we have not talked about why not vote for hillary clinton. she was a senator in new york. she was here when upstate new york was crying out for jobs, or small businesses and for relief from the regulatory sprawl of government. she simply was not able to make change in new york state, so you end up with a divided state. host: alabama, darrell is up next.
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our guest health economic appointments during the reagan and bush administrations and is also a senior allen -- analyst for tax and trade for the budget committee. caller: thank you for taking my call. first, corporate tax rates, the u.s. corporations are under the lowest effective tax rates. , itlabor participation rate is funny that he brings up that , which happens to coincide with the large amount of baby boomers retiring. that is something that has not been taken a look at. foreign corporations,
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when u.s. corporations operating abroad, why should corporations get the benefit of being us-based and yet get out of the responsibilities of paying their taxes and taking care of their responsibilities? host: go ahead. guest: as far as the effective tax rate -- let's go through the facts. -- corporations face a statutory tax rate of 35%, and that is the highest in the world and it will be brought down to 15% in -- under donald trump, and that would make the u.s. competitive. corporations are double tax, meeting when they earn money, they pay attacks and then when they pay it to the owners, oftentimes pension funds, people around the country that only corporation, those people have to pay another tax on the
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proceeds. the caller pointed out that the effective -- many companies do things to avoid taxes in a legal way, and you get your effective tax rate down. true, but in order to do that, they hire a whole bunch of lawyers and probably have lobbyists on the payroll and they are part of a rigged system that works for the biggest companies but does not work for smaller companies that can't afford that kind of management. i don't think it is a good argument to say that just because the effective tax rate on corporations is lower, you don't need to lower the rate. we have to lower the rate in order to unleash the growth potential of big companies and small companies. a key part of this is to bring down the tax rate on smaller companies. the caller mentioned the labor participation rate and they are right that part of the decline in the labor participation rate
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is the aging demographics of the u.s. there are more older people and they don't want to come back into the labor force and get a job. i think some people, and maybe millions of people that are 62 or 65, 68, they would take a job at it was a good job. they might have stopped looking, they might think of themselves as retired, but if there was a strong economy that needed them, they might take a job, and what we have to do is open that possibility. as far as foreign corporations on not doing their responsibilities are taking money abroad, that is one of the aims of the trump land, to stop inversions, stop companies are moving abroad to avoid u.s. taxes and responsibility. one way to do that is to make our environment less unattractive. one of the things we have done is pushing companies abroad with the tax and regulatory
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environment, and i think those can be changed. keep the company's home and even get foreign companies to want to begin moving into the u.s. because it has a better business climate. we have a great labor force, talented workforce across the nation. some of them do not know it. may have not had a good education or the chance. i think that can be changed by policy. host: from georgia, republican. are you there? caller: hi. i have a question. what i am hearing -- i'm wondering who was going to pay for the stimulus because it is some thing that needs something paid into it. as far as the tax break is
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concern for people making under 50,000, -- $50,000, who is going to pay for the stimulus which is --t of the tax plan secondly, my social security, because i am set to retire, at age 62, who is going to pay for my social security, which i am actually depending on to live on for the rest of my life after i retire? if my new tax break is going to be -- and i'm not going to pay any tax, how will i pay into social security? let's talk about social security and then come back to whose pay for it -- who pays for it.
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measure, there is a so-called trust fund but in a virtual call it trust fund, meaning it is invested in the u.s.. the reality of this is that social security benefits will be paid by the country, that is an absolute promise by the country to pay those benefits. fear mongeringe to say to the elderly, oh the republicans are going to take away your social security and that is not the case. it is in the law, and the nation has all of its economic might aimed at paying those social security benefits. i neglected to enter the earlier caller who asked about whether budget cuts would start laying the social security checks. happen,e that will not but that question can be addressed to the obama administration, so they would make sure that the checks come inton time, and as you go
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a new administration, resources need to be available to make sure there is no interruption of benefits. first point -- caller's first point which is who pays for this, and i need to be a little philosophical about this. when the government taxes money from people, the government gets the money and then people are grateful that they have been given some of that money, but the reality was the money came from the people to start with, so in order to have stimulus, you have to have more small business growth, that is what is going to be able to pay for and also provide the stimulus. by lowering the tax rate, you get more small businesses and that is the stimulus and that makes the government more fiscally strong and stable. the one reason that our debt has gone up so much is because the economy has been so weak
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if you are only growing 2% per year as the u.s. has been for seven years, this is the weakest recovery since the great depression. economypoorly managed and the result is the debt has gone to nearly $20 trillion. that, is toolve have faster growth and a more effectively run government. donald trump is a business manager and intends to have the government work more like a business, and that is critical in getting this thing turned around. host: i know that you advised mr. trump on economics, but i want to ask about your thoughts from yesterday statement about the second amendment and what your take away was from the reaction. guest: you had a lot of reactions from callers ahead of time. i listened to the whole tape. it is clear that what he was talking about is the ability of voters to decide their futures. both the november elections, but
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then as supreme court nominees -- it is a is process that involves the u.s. senate for nominations and confirmation. he was talking about that, people miss read it and blew it into a big issue. that thehing here is transformation of the country, to make it faster growing and better, i have to come back to -- e-mails were released that hillary clinton had sent out, and i worked at the state department, and i had a very high security clearance and i am deeply troubled by the way hillary clinton managed those e-mails. that was wrong, and the e-mails are still coming out, of the dialogue going on between government officials and their donors. this cannot be happening in our u.s. government, so i don't see
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why people want to consider voting for that kind of behavior. information that was going around on a personal unacceptable and i have been appalled at that. i wanted to share that with the group because it is troubling. what we have to do is get the country back on track and get it transformed and make it better than it has been, and it think we can do that with better policies. host: senior economic adviser for the donald trump campaign, talking about the tax plan and other things, thank you for your time. in our next segment, you will meet a senior political reporter for the website, rare. she will discuss campaign 2016 and her experience in covering the candidates. that will take place as washington journal continues. ♪
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a. >> washington journal continues. host: joining us now, yasmeen alamiri. to start, how would you describe rare to other people? group rare is a media website. all of our information lives online, where some other organizations have broadcast and then they adapt it for online. everything with us is created with an online audience in mind and we have a robust audience of people interested in the news from a different take. following the campaigns quite closely, and we have a team that works on that and prevents -- presents our information. what are the people who view your news most interested in?
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guest: what is interesting with the online format is, they want to know who these people are, what they stand or and how they are different from one another. there is increasing skepticism that every politician is cut from the same cloth, but this is a very divisive campaign and what we are finding is these candidates, hillary clinton and donald trump, have been working to set themselves apart, and they are doing it with an online presence. our audience has been responding to that because it is the same or matter in which we live. we all live in this digital space, so it has been interesting to be a part of that , where it feels like you are cohabitating in this online space. host: when it comes to covering hillary clinton, has she been doing that job of setting
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herself apart? it has been interesting because her campaign is very reactive. donald trump is a very loud voice. however you think about his politics, he is not a wilting flower. for hillary clinton, a lot of it has been responding to him. love trumpsge of hate and with the democrats have come together for has been in reaction to donald trump. that has been one thing for her, to ensure that her voice stands out. she is trying to be a unifier and say that the democratic party is unified in love with of against different groups of minority or people that are different. she isow do you think doing amongst millennials, and compare that to her husband as far as attracting the young vote. the millennial relationship with children clinton has been recent, before,
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there was a strong following of millennials with bernie sanders. up until the day of the democratic national convention, we did not see a conceding from burners -- from bernie sanders, so the recent courtship of hillary clinton and the millennials has been very new, and i think the poll numbers show that they are of the options that they have, they are more with helga clinton than they are with donald trump, but they are also floating to third-party candidates who are increasingly winning the votes and support of these millennial voters. host: do you get a sense of going over of voters to hillary clinton, or are they skeptical? poll: they are skeptical, numbers show they are increasingly more with hillary clinton, but many of them are either begrudgingly going because they feel that the other
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alternative is something that they just cannot stand behind, and then there are the others that say she has a chance to win their trust. something that will help them is that bernie sanders has come out and even on the first day of the dnc and called for his supporters to support hillary clinton. there is a courtship, but a lot of people are very much waiting to be won over. host: the website is rare, a new -- news information website targeted to millennials. yasmeen is joining us, talking about campaign 2016. we had divided the lines by age to get your perspective. if you fall within the ages of 18 to 29, (202)-748-8000. between 30 and 50, (202)-748-8001. over 50, (202)-748-8002.
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tell us about how you became a political reporter. i have been covering foreign policy and national security in politics for over a decade. i have been lucky where right after school, i entered the field of washington political reporting and became a white house reporter at 22. it has been an upgrading -- upbringing in this field, and this opportunity was very interesting because increasingly, digital media is not new or innovative media to where we all live, so this has been a very interesting opportunity for me, an extension of what i have been doing. i have seen a couple of presidential campaigns go through and have been lucky enough to cover them. host: out just got her bachelors at james madison university, her masters at american university and started reporting under the
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bush administration. tell us about your experience. guest: both of my parents were from a rock and i was born in the middle east but raised in virginia, a very proud virginian. i think that is the reason why i went international security reporting. when i graduated, that was at the height of the iraq war. i felt that there was a story that needed to be told, not just from a security perspective, but from a human perspective. i knew what it was like to still have family in iraq. the muslim american narrative has been something that has or selling been part of the vernacular in american reporting. host: we will hear from robert in maryland on our line for
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those on -- over 50. caller: good morning. i am a vietnam veteran and i care a lot about what happened in our country. the two things that i see in our current political debate is, i think donald trump is excellent as far as economics. ishink mrs. clinton excellent as far as social things. -- member speaking about the roman empire. decided oro people our country -- of our country would stop dividing each other over these economic and social issues, and start talking to each other, i think we could accomplish a tremendous amount,
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because they both have something to contribute to the stability and social unrest that exists in our country. we have to start talking together again, and i'm sure if we eliminated the social unrest incident dividing each other. divide -- nation divided against itself cannot stand. both people have something to contribute, but they need to start talking to each other and we can be a country that is socially stable and everybody could quit fighting each other. host: thank you. guest: thank you for the question and for your service. you, i think that this is a very divisive time in our country's history. i think the antagonism between the white house and congress has been disappointing for a lot of people, to both be a part of, to have the residual affect or to
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report on it. we basically end up reporting more on the tug-of-war between congress and the administration, rather than the policies that can be born out of some kind of bipartisan effort. one thing that everybody can agree on, especially in this election season, is that things are not working. the unemployment levels need to be alleviated. work, need to go back to and the need to have a sense that when they go to school and study, and they hope that they can have work lined up for them afterwards and that when you are in work, that you have the stability to maintain it. the anxiety that a lot of americans have, where they are living paycheck to paycheck and matter how much the invested in their career or education, that just is not acceptable and a lot of people would, no matter their partner -- partisanship, would agree on that. it would be lovely if we could have the two merge together and
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become one great candidate, that here we are. host: 18 to 29 years old, in maryland. caller: i have a question for your guest about young people's willingness to support hillary i voted incause every election and primary i could since i was 19 and i am a very ardent supporter of hillary clinton. i was wondering if you had some sort of metric or that is something you look into. guest: we look at the numbers, but i think it is fluid because againstually measure two candidates. when bernie sanders was in the race, there were abnormally high numbers of people supporting him with the millennial age group.
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now that he is out, people are recalibrating. i have some numbers that i can find. clinton is leading among voters under 30, which is your age group, with 41%, followed by gary johnson at 23% and jill stein at 16% and will trump at 9%. this is a matter of the millennial voters being interested. misconceptionthe that they are not involved to be the case and they are usually either in school, in debt or newly employed and they just want to make sure there is some jobs are ready, so they are very much invested on a personal and professional level, and i think right now, and this is a point of election season, what they are looking for is a candidate that they can trust, that they feel can fight like -- fight for them and have their interests at
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heart. if hillary wonder clinton or donald trump or maybe one of these third-party candidates is the one for them. host: new york, thomas, 50 years old. caller: thank you for taking my call. these democrats are taking our money, proposing these huge tax hikes and they will ruin my family. i make $87,000 a year and they want to take that money away from my family. eventually, it is going to turn into make dextran into making the same amount of money as a landscaper. these people want to provide -- provide services i don't want. i think a $15 an hour minimum wage is just terrible and it will make jobs less competitive.
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your concern is something i have heard echoed. it is not my area of expertise, but all i can do is speak to a lot of people along the campaign trail that have a similar sense and that the politics are very real and will be reflected in their paychecks and their ability to have or not have money in their daily lives. hear concerns about what happened in benghazi with hillary clinton, all the time. withose resonate as much -- do those resonate as much with younger voters? guest: it is a big thing with millennial voters, not only in policies, but that this is someone they can rely on, who has coherent policies that will not change from day to day and the things they are being told
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is really a reflection of the authentic policy standpoints of the candidate. somebodyhe reason why like bernie sanders appealed to young murder so much. he has had the same message, arguably for decades, but certainly through the campaign cycle. -- a booming issue that they need to deal with and i think for them, they appreciated that level of consistency with him. with clinton, they also felt there was an issue that you was consistent with, along with donald trump, but they want to know that once a controversial statement is made, it will not be walked back. on the ground covering the dnc when the e-mail leak happened days beforehand.
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a lot of people felt like the system was rigged, and it was rigged against potential either candidate, and they wanted to know that when they cast a vote, that the vote would be reflected -- reflective of the will of the people and not of an institution. i think that set a certain cloud around the dnc and the whole process, and i think that needs to be -- that anxiety of untrustworthiness needs to be quelled. host: from texas, over 50, karen. caller: hello and thank you for taking my call. i have more of a comment and observation. i have noticed that a lot of common sense has been lost in the area of voting and trusting people.
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i am one time did support hillary clinton, the first time she ran. i even donated to her campaign and i live below the poverty level. i am disabled, raising two disabled grandchildren, and i thought she could help. when she did not get the nomination, i voted for obama. obama did not do anything he said he would do. i did not vote for him the second time around. i will not vote for hillary today. i don't trust her. she got our people killed in benghazi. benghazi. if i had a son in the military right now, i would be scared to death for him if she won the election simply because all she cares about is filling her pockets, and too many people have turned up on available after speaking against her.
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i don't trust her. the issuet speaks to we were just discussing where people feel that the system is not really reflective of their voices and i think that it is a real issue that needs to be overcome, because there is an institutional candidate and that is what hillary clinton is and there is a whole anti-stat -- antiestablishment movement, and that is what bernie sanders and donald trump are. one of the stories on the new york times talks about donald trump and republican women. we have seen other republicans step away, how much of a problem is this for the trump campaign? guest: it is a big problem because the people that support him and support him throughout. he has quite a loyal fan base. all of the people that we spoke to at the rnc in cleveland said that they had supported him from day one. they are really excited and a
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lot of those people were historically democratic voters, so that was interesting that they were not people tied to the conservative party. they were people that really believed in him and his message and his way of truth talking in the field. -- itk it is presented has presented a new way of thinking about the political structure. the people that are mostly aligned with the conservative party are not in fact as big on donald trump. a lot of people are trying, but it is not sitting well with them, and what the trunk campaign has not done well is allowed for people to be neutral and then one -- won over. to win over trying people who may have been ted cruz supporters. the rnc did not help. can the donald trump
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campaign get over this, in your reporting? can they get over these issues? make: they continue to statements like this and they continue to recover, somehow. i don't know if, in the end, it will prevent people from showing up at the polls. the trump campaign has shown me something that i was surprised to see and i'm continually surprised that we watch this statementa tweet or a -- and you say ok, this is the end. and they find a way to recover. whether it is walking back or apologizing. and i think that comes down to the people who will support donald trump. they understand that maybe he is the waylling or rash in he speaks and they dismissed the comments as that. and some people really believe, in the same way that he
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believes, but they don't mind the comments he's making. the second amendment one is a big one. that is a lot of people taking pause and the trump's campaign was to blame it on the media, we take this on ourselves. they always find a way. host: here is robert in virginia. over 50 years old. go ahead. caller: thank you. callinglike to say -- in and talking about e-mails and benghazi. weapons of mass destruction. -- i can'ter understand people who are hooked up on the e-mails. what is going on in these elections, what has been going on now is going on for hundreds of years. parties have been bickering. there was a time when they used to go up on capitol hill, so it
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is nothing different. but the last guy who was on, the republicans talk loud. bringing -- [indiscernible] donald trump belongs in a straitjacket. mark in will move on to california. go ahead. caller: good morning. thank you for everything you do, i think you guys are great. and i think your guest is very intelligent. but. i just wanted to mention to people, in the past, the big stories were -- i knew john ,ennedy and senator kennedy that, it has been elevated to thatmassive circus level
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-- i am 48 years old and i can remember, it even the jimmy carter campaign, and i never ever have seen anything like this before, where there is as much debt as we are in. ith all of the serious -- can't to numerate problems in this country that we have. just in america. forget about abroad. just what we have to deal with here. we are being distracted by the , thatnbelief things that is what worries me. a dangerousrump guy? i don't know, i've never met him. i haven't met hillary clinton either and we have put up with how many years of their insanity in washington? it is disappointing that these are my two choices and i worry for my country when we are this distracted.
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mean, i think that sentiment has been echoed by so many people. i have heard them talk about the disappointment and the fact that the all of the people in the united states, how is it plausible that these are the two candidates. -- that is the why why you see the rise of these third-party candidates like gary johnson and jill stein. it it wouldn'td, be as likely that we are eyeing a third-party run this late in the election. and a lot of people are disappointed. likehe reason why it feels there is such a circus now is because it is an election season. you also have to think about this as we are having an election season when people are inundated with information because candidates are appearing in person but they are also tweeting nonstop. and they are taking aim at each other and both hillary clinton
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supporters and donald trump supporters. so we are being inundated from every which angle with information, and that is why it can seem overwhelming for some people. because information is coming from everywhere. we live in a 24 hour news cycle so it has a nonstop. that is why they call the election season silly season. this is the best part of our democracy but at times, maybe the worst parts of humanity. host: our guest is yasmine a la alamiri. her website is rare. the topic this week is heroin. why? guest: we rolled out an episode on the heroine crisis in the united states. we had a national introduction to it from early on in the campaign season where new
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hampshire, all the republican candidates came out and spoke out on the issue of opioid addiction in new hampshire, which has been ravaged by this ordeal. so the way we approached it as we looked at the crisis in new hampshire as representative of a new wave of cities that are dealing with the crisis. and that are really struggling to keep up with it or put a lid on it. and we contrasted that with baltimore. baltimore has been dealing with the heroine crisis since the 1950's, and institutional problem for them. this is something that the obama administration has taken as one of the things that they looked at. they have released a good amount of money to be able to address the heroine crisis in a multifaceted public health approach. and it is interesting for us because it is something that both speaks to the cultural context of this country, the way that we, as a society, look at , over prescription
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of opioids, and also looks at how we respond to crisis. so it has been an interesting series. we are rolling out one story a day for the next week and it has been very enlightening. it has been great to speak to families who have been hit hard by this. there are stories that are still waiting to be told and hopefully we can shed light on it. host: let's hear from richard in south carolina. caller: hi. thank you for taking my call. one of the main reasons calling it is as i want to comment on the media and -- i want everybody to know that msnbc and cnn are left-leaning, liberal outlets. that is why they give a one-sided view. always attacking donald trump, like this one on the second amendment. the biggest joke in the world. he was not making a reference to
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violence. back to the story on heroine, that is why we need the border protected, the southern border. like, this isl our only opportunity -- we will never get a chance like this again. to have someone like donald trump come in, who is from the outside, if you were not elected, we would be faced with going back to the politicians who don't do anything for us. just like the situation we have been in four years. this is the only opportunity we have to straighten this country out. guest: those two points are good points. the one thing that, as i said earlier, the people who really believe in donald trump as a candidate, a messenger for the voice of the people. and some people might interpret othersbeing brash but interpret him as speaking the truth, no matter how distasteful the truth might be.
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the other point, the point about a border control issue, a lot of people say that. i have heard that overwhelmingly in new hampshire. something that the u.s. border with mexico would be closed off, the flow of opioid's into the united states, the flow of cut off theould problem. he is echoing something we have heard along the campaign trail. host: does rare take a political point of view? guest: no. we have a commentary seem -- we have a commentary team that speaks with a point of view but we have a team of reporters that report on the news. and it keeps is quite busy. many people involved and how many involved in this campaign? guest: this campaign was myself and a couple of other reporters
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but we have an entire team and bureau in d.c. who report on the news. and that team is everybody doing everything. it could be the entire newsroom that is involved in the political reporting. host: when it comes to the campaign specifically, what stories or angles will you be looking for and how do you separate herself from everybody else? --st: when the rnc and dnc we spoke to particular delegates who felt they were disenfranchised. we did that very well. people at the rnc in cleveland that were ted cruz reporters -- ted cruz supporters and they wanted to be able to voice their vote. and i think they were looking for a sense of the trunk .ampaign trying to woo them they didn't find that. there was a sense of intimidation that was coming from the rnc folks, telling them that they cannot -- it is time to abandon their candidate and join them.
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and i think that we have looked at real people with real voices who want to be heard in the election cycle. and i think we do that quite well. on of our reporting is host: will you be covering both campaigns through november? guest: yes. host: colin. caller: thank you for taking my call. i was going over the fundraising numbers for the trump campaign and in the last month, they said they took in a whole bunch of money. like $16 million. maybe more. i'm wondering where we think that might be going or if it has gone anywhere yet? zerow they have spent dollars on ads nationally and in states as well. so interested in your thoughts on that. guest: the caller brings up an interesting point. this leads to the rise of social media. the trump campaign has spent
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negligible amounts of money on their advertising. because they are able to get so much press from his tweets and from his social media appearances, and it has been incredible. the fact that we are following a presidential candidate nominee from instagram is unreal to me. and that speaks to the space in which we live, the space in which we now report, and how they presidential season is so different from other ones. because now, candidates are able to reach people in the palm of their hand. and voters feel personally attached to these candidates, because they feel this is a one-on-one interaction with their candidate. it has been interesting and a cost-saving measure for the candidates. host: beth from illinois. hi there. i am continuously concerned
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about the knowledge of millennials, because in the 2014 elections, there was a very small minority that voted, at all. id i watch c-span a lot, watch the committee meetings, the senate and house, and you have to know that all of these people who make up the bodies have an influence more than the president, at times. and i think if millennials could realize that, like in illinois and nowly 12% voted, you have a republican governor who can't do anything, they would understand our system of government. i'm concerned about that and i haven't looked at your website yet but i certainly will. do you address that? that they need to come out and vote on the off your elections and the president's exact power, considering the house and the senate? guest: a really good point.
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the whole premise of being an online only publication is that we are meeting people where they receive their news. millennials, of their facebook news feeds, their twitter feeds and social media in general -- that is how we interact, digest our news and disseminate our news. so the functionality of a news organization is to be able to make readers feel engaged, and to have a way to interact with the news, and in this cycle it has been about the campaign. something i would like to address is the misconception that millennials are uninterested in the world outside of themselves. , socialderstand that media has an interesting phrasing where it is social, but a lot of people who are not of the millennial age don't think
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it is social because it is not social in the traditional sense. it is not you and i looking at each other and speaking to each other. but it is social in the way it shrinks the world. interact with somebody across the world. and that grows the functionality of how we interact with each other, how we learn, how we share information and get information. and i think that is the beauty of it all. i don't really agree that millennials are out of touch or don't care. but i think the greatest threat to millennials showing up at the polls is feeling disenfranchised or feeling like their vote won't feel -- won't count for anything. because thethat is institution say that if you vote, we will not override it. effortre you aware of an , a specific effort by the trunk campaign to reach out to millennial voters? guest: they are reaching out to
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people where they live. we can't understate how they are reaching out on twitter and how they are trying to reach readers where they are. but i think that is something they are doing. both campaigns are doing this quite well -- trying to win over the bernie sanders supporters who are still -- the bernie or bust people. they are trying to break open andbust portion of that side with clinton or trump, respectively. how they are doing that, we are still waiting to see how it pans out. host: president obama has been in office for eight years. where are millennials with their support -- he had a lot of them vote in -- where are they now? guest: a lot of these millennials were the ones who carried the president into his administration and his first term at the reason is because he
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courted them and made an effort. he represented a hope and a change that people needed to see at the time. now, a lot of people -- and this happens with presidencies -- there are a lot of promises made and once you had to deal with congress and the realities of what it means to hold the highest office in the land, then people begin to maybe lose some of the lust for the president. there has been a heavy drop off for people who once were diehard obama people and they no longer are like that. but i think in the waning months of his president see, he is beginning to -- people are already feeling a sense of nostalgia for this administration. be feel like whatever they may have criticized him for his policies, a before and policy or drone strike policy, has been unfavorable with millennials but they really think that whatever criticisms they might have of a president, it is probably better than what they are going to have. host: from north carolina, this
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is south. caller: thank you for having me on. it is very strange about this clinton, with all of the things going on, people forget one thing. there was a guy who is going to testify against her. vincent foster. and supposedly they found him with a a hotel room bullet in his head and they thought he committed suicide. this is kind of strange, that somebody would do before they would testify against her. nobody wants to look into this and find out what happened to this man. something wrong here. finally someone steps up to put this woman out of the campaign and nobody steps that. the fbi doesn't think this is strange and nobody is investigating this and i want to know why. mean, there are certain certain -- forer
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us, the campaign reporters, you are usually out on the field, covering the campaigns and traveling. that might be the reason why? host: let's hear from jim in michigan. go ahead. caller: i am an attorney and i do a lot of research. first, on libya. libya was a united nations security council action, not a secretary of state action. and only the troops of -- nato troops. and they asked nato to stay. for theead of staying rest of the year, nato got out early and libya went to hell. and another thing. keeps getting asked about benghazi and lying. it was not benghazi who went in hosts, ithe talkshow
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was the united nations security -- soodor, to john rice jun rice. another thing. donald trump keeps blaming the clintons about nafta. nafta was signed and delivered by the first bush and by the presidents of canada and mexico and it was signed overwhelmingly by a republican congress. host: thank you. foreign-policy record -- is the millennial voter looking at that as closely as economics and thinks about college? i don't know if it is equal screwed me. part of it is the record when it comes to whether they can trust -- that is something they are
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looking at. now, aeign-policy right lot of people are very eager to have more attention paid to their regular ability to work, find jobs, have health care coverage. for a lot of millennials, they just want to know that they will be ok and that issues at home will be taking care of. and a inc. this issue of divisiveness and inequality based on racial and religious ground is an issue. and it is potentially the issue in this presidential election cycle. and a lot of people in this globalized world, when we interact with each other easily -- our america for young people is a very diverse fun. and i think a lot of people appreciate that about hillary clinton, she is working to embrace this message in her campaign. so maybe that overshadows some of the things where there should be scrutiny. host: this is mason from oregon. on the line from 18-29 years
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old. go ahead. caller: i have one question. do you think that if either candidate, if elected, would nominate supreme court justice or justices to reverse citizens united? guest: that is an interesting point. i haven't really looked into it but it has come up several times during the campaign season. it is one of the big talking points. surely the idea of filling the last supreme court justice isition has been one that talked about and shared quite often on the campaign trail. and that is the comment that spurred the second amendment remarks from mr. trump yesterday. so it is surely an issue of contention that i think both candidates are chomping at the bit to be able to win the right to nominate someone. int: what are you interested exploring between now and election day? look: we will continue to
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at the drug series. i rarely am very interested in seeing how the idea of immigration and anti-immigration and the voices of those people will play out in this election cycle. i think the movement for black livesoups and matter will continue to be pushed for their voices to be heard in the election cycle. een alamiri. thank you for coming today. we want to hear about your concerns about your ticket and how you will vote for members of congress. will you vote on a straight ticket? vote aou will switch and
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split ticket? will you break from your party? that is what we want to hear from you. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. (202) 748-8002, independents. we will take those questions up when "washington journal" continues. ♪ >> on saturday, c-span's issue spotlight looks at trade deals. the impact on the economy, jobs, the presidential election. will defend american workers by saying no to bad trait deals and unfair trade practices. be state of pennsylvania has lost one third of their manufacturing jobs since the clintons put china into the wto. a lookprogram includes at nafta, the trade agreement
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between united states, mexico and canada. weld us together and cause more jobs for our people. more exports for our markets and more democracy for our allies. the discussion on how founding fathers looked at free-trade. >> historically, the u.s. was not a free trade nation. american history, the u.s. is, in fact, a tariff protected economy. this goes back to our very constitution. look at thepth world trade organization. >> at the time wto was being , 800 more or nafta pages of specific rules and regulations. nothing inevitable here. when these were being negotiated, the u.s. had an official advisor, 500 corporate advisors. >> watch our issue spotlight on
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at 8:00als saturday p.m. eastern on c-span and "washington journal" continues. host: do you plan to vote a straight ticket or will you change your plan because of the person at the top of the ticket? (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. independents., -- what should new hampshire voters do in a presidential election when the democrat is a liar and the republican is dangerous. it is down ballot, for one thing. the likes of which we have never seen. if donald trump wins, we will be in just as much, or if not more, in need of developing a congress to stop him from doing more harm.
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-- today, we cannot recommend either party nominees. they both take. theso there is this idea that politician at the top of the ticket might cause you to split your vote. again, the numbers are on the screen. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. (202) 748-8002, independent. we start with chuck in alabama on the republican line. a straight ticket for you? caller: no. i think anybody who votes a straight ticket, number one, they have already let somebody else control them. i am 78 years old and i have seen more garbage going on in this country than most people. here, it ist of alarming to me that we go out here and we see the mainstream media, they spent 24/7 telling t is wrong with donald
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trump. they haven't told us a thing about hillary clinton. they know they can attack this man and the millennials -- do they know about the 82 people that bill clinton allowed to be murdered in waco? what happened there was as bad as what happened in nazi germany. dan from's hear from michigan. the democrat line. caller: yes, i believe i will vote a straight ticket democrat. i have been following politics for 20 years. i can see why people don't want to be interested in it. again, have no, message or plan for the -- to bring people out of poverty. they will not raise the minimum wage but they want to lower corporate tax so they can have bigger earnings. the people in this country that are hurting are the people making below $15 an hour.
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the law is seven dollars something an hour? i don't understand how anybody can survive. we will have to subsidize those people forever. a timeas there ever been in your approaching when you have voted a split ticket? caller: years ago, when reagan was running. i split my ticket at that time. but the message, as far as the minimum wage, it is trickle down economics -- it hasn't worked in 30 years. even donald trump said himself that workers in america haven't had a raise in 30 years and that is both administrations and we have never tried raising the minimum wage. we always keep people down by saying, we can't do that, we will lose jobs. he will talksays about the trade agreement but those are all low paying jobs and right now in west michigan, you can walk 10 feet without
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somebody looking for something. 73% of the corporations are lacking employment right now. host: caroline in texas. though ahead. -- go ahead. caller: i will vote for johnson. house andple in the senate, i look at the way they voted over the years. andp, he voted democrat voted for clinton. he voted all democrat. he voted first time for president obama. the second term, he didn't. but he went about with the tea party. and i think he is in on the clintons. i really do. because he is good friends with mr. clinton. really close before he decided he would run for president. host: caroline, you will vote for gary johnson?
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what will determine who you vote for in the down ticket? if it is johnson, i will put mickey mouse in there. because both of these people are nobody that i would vote for. , on theom indianapolis republican line. hi there. caller: hello pedro, how are you? host: good, go ahead. caller: i am voting a straight ticket. anytime there is a democratic mayor, things go downhill. under mike pence, i thought everything was going fine. now, we are losing mike pence. the last time i remember a good president it was ronald reagan and he was a republican. i am voting straight republican.
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i would like to let everybody in on a secret. states is in shambles, people. i rock, hussein, obama and hillary and their team have destroyed us. we have one chance to save this united states. and that is through donald trump. host: were you going to vote for donald trump before mike pence coming on as the vice presidential pick? caller: no. always -- i have been following donald trump for 20 years. i know what the man can do. i know what he can do. and he is the guy -- he is our last chance to save the united states. host: that was brent in indianapolis. a story posted yesterday on the
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time magazine website takes a look at the former candidate carly fiorina, and her hopes of getting a new job. the chair of the republican national committee. joining us on the phone to find out what is going on is the miller.- is zeke can you tell me what her interest is in the position? guest: yes. she will be traveling a whole bunch of states. mind and notf her that far in the back is her next step as running for the republican national committee. if donald trump were to lose in november, that race would be one of the first battlegrounds in the post trump publican party. whether it be -- where would you go in terms of going back to the populace roots or conservative roots or a moderate compromise. that would be an area where
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carly fiorina has staked out a number of positions over the year. with thesations republican state party chairman and people across the country over the last several weeks. host: the rnc is currently headed by reince priebus, is he planning on leaving the position? guest: he is the longest-serving committee chairman. in the middle of his 6, 3 consecutive terms. he is not ruling out a fourth term but that is viewed broadly as a sign of trying to keep the campaigning down. it would be unseemly to have a campaign for that position under way when there is an election at hand in a couple of months. future append his on whether donald trump wins or loses the election? he hasin theory but indicated privately that after three terms, he is probably done, one way or the other. it is possible he may mount repeat but if he were to
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lose, it would be a tough case he will be the first republican national chairman to loose two races. he has youngime, kids, a family view, moving into the private sector in private conversations. so it is unlikely for him to stay on in any respect. he is just keeping the power dry to try to stop the speculation. who: members of the rnc make these decisions, has there been any reception either way to carly fiorina's interest? guest: yes. the rnc is made up of 100 68 members of the state. the party chairman from all 50 states, district of columbia and territories as well as the national committeeman and women. they vote exclusively on the decision unless there is a
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republican president in the white house, in which case they defer to that person's will. if donald trump wins, he will pick somebody. if it is not him who wins, the 160th members will have a lot of power. carly fiorina has been reaching out and making many phone calls and conversations with them over the last several weeks. people seem very receptive to her but there are a lot of other candidates potentially eyeing that job. so people are not committing to that race yet. host: you note in your story that carly fiorina is working the and resorting to web addresses connected to the campaign. guest: yes. she reserved a couple of domains. and -- one could look at that as a protective measure, just in case. it certainly is an indication of her interest. the other thing that indicated that she was looking to seek
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this post is that she reach out from the u.s. territories and that is one of the places where they are a powerful voting bloc within the rnc but in terms of electoral influence, they are down on the priority list. the only reason to reach out to them in a general election would be if you are rooting -- if you are running for the rnc chair position. story one miller's time magazine website is about fiorina. thank you for your time. back to your thoughts on whether you plan to vote a straight ticket. steve on the democrats line. hi there. i'm going tonk vote -- i know i will vote a straight democrat ticket. i am in louisville, kentucky. i have never crossed over. i don't understand the callers -- i have been listening to you i listen to the
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callers and you can hear the hatred in their voices. and in this country, for a fact, and i have said this before, men are scared of women who are smart and have power. guys who call-in on your show, you can hear it in their voice. they are scared to death of hillary clinton because she is a woman. and they feel a woman doesn't deserve to be the president in this country. , get the hate out because she is going to be your president, if you like it or not. host: susan in new jersey on the republican line. planning to vote a straight ticket in november? caller: yes, i am. a straight ticket republican. i usually consider myself an independent but at this point in time, i think what is more important than the economy right now is the second amendment
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right. also how the news media is so biased regarding trump and hillary clinton. think -- in regards to for previous guest millennials, i would encourage millennials to get more involved in the cable news network. is in charge of cnn, msnbc and fox are so blatantly biased, it is incredible. and i want to bring up a point from this morning, where cnn did a 10 minute segment on inferring something that donald trump said about the second amendment right, making inferences regarding that. killedy was actually that was involved in the democratic party, who was giving information to wikileaks.
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host: david from massachusetts on the independent line. caller: good morning. i won't be voting a straight ticket. either party that deserves a straight ticket vote. both of them have their faults. for 50 years now, we have the punitive actions of both parties on the american population. representatives that vote the will of the people. i am in district one in massachusetts. my representative absolutely did not vote for our district. and i won't be voting for richard neal, absolutely not. he is a democrat. president, not sure. we will see how close it is. but probably jill stein.
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i really wanted to vote for bernie sanders. i believe he is the only candidate that shows common money can get somebody into the presidency. so i would like to see more --didates modeled their candidates model their policies after that kind of funding and that is who i will vote for. host: have you ever voted for a republican before? caller: i have. i voted for one of our representatives of massachusetts. who was a republican. a couple of them, actually. republicans up here, i think. in conway,was david massachusetts, answering the question as to whether you will vote a straight ticket in november. if you decide to split your vote -- he mentioned bernie sanders.
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afternoon, it was reported that bernie sanders had bought a summer home. it was purchased at $600,000 summer retreat. islandsled up to the many times, that was jane sanders. veryntire family is excited about it and we have always been impressed with the north hero community and suggested them to friends who were looking for a useful place to have dinner. the new waterfront home has four bedrooms and 500 feet of lake champlain beachfront. we will hear from birmingham, alabama. dave. hello. caller: i am voting straight democrat. what i wanted to say is that everybody wants to blame president obama and hillary clinton but it is not their fault. obama tried everything he could
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to get things passed in the senate and the house. he had to go around them sometimes to get rings past. and that is why republicans are so scared that they are going to lose the senate and the house. that is the problem, right there. host: have you always voted a straight ticket? caller: i have always voted democrat. one other thing. trump, the statement he made. ok, donald trump knows putin. him a whole lot of money. -- ok, i will get you what you want after i am president. so when trump gets back over here, things are not going the way they want him to go. his son already said they see a lot of money coming from russia over here to trump. ok. now trump has no way out.
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putin backy vladimir his money because things are not going the way he thought they would go. the --r. trump becoming appearing in the congressional races, he ended up being the topic of a commercial from a republican from colorado, who put out an ad called "country first." people ask me, what do you think about donald trump? honestly, i don't care for him much. and i certainly don't trust hillary clinton. i am a marine. or me, my country comes first. if donald trump is the president, i will stand up for him. plain and simple. and if hillary clinton wins, i will hold her accountable. i am mike coffman and i approved this message. work hard and serve you.
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that is what i will do. host: that was the representative talking about donald trump and that was in his campaign ad. ifare about street tickets, you are going to vote straight, let us know. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. independents., by the way, that add prompted a response. >> have you seen mike coffman's tv ad? >> is donald trump is president, i will stand up to him. >> wait, you said you would support him. don't let him get away with this gimmick. randy in's hear from louisiana on the independent line. asking if you are planning to vote a straight ticket in november. voted: well, i never have
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a straight ticket. i don't trust democrats or republicans. , i ad that you just had don't know what to think of that. i can't trust the mainstream media. m tove to listen to get straight information. i'm starting to think donald trump might be a ringer to get hillary clinton elected with the comments he has made over the past. he don't think when he talks. i don't believe. you won't vote a straight ticket? what are your plans for voting at november? who will you vote for at the top of the ticket? caller: a tossup. the lesser of two evils. that has to be donald trump. i have looked at the libertarian party. from time to time. and the green party.
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i am hearinge bernie sanders talking and i can't go that route. say, we are in a catch-22 situation. i have to go with the lesser of two evils. but i can't vote a straight ticket. no way. i don't see how anybody could. because it is up and down the ,ine, the governor we have now he is just another obama. don't need to have him. host: let's hear from david in missouri. sir.r: yes, i plan on voting a straight republican ticket. several weeks ago, i heard that hillary clinton declared that her plan was that the constitution was outdated and she knew herself how to change it. swore an oathn, i
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to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. and i only propose to go to the polls. our goodnnot, in conscience, allow a person to be --control of this country the last eight years, this party has already gone against the grain of popular votes in this country. had the supreme court declared things that was voted the other by my the citizens -- good conscience i have to vote a straight republican ticket to try to hold onto the last vestiges of the constitution that we have. that of your history voting for straight tickets? have you split in the past? caller: i have always been an independent and i used to be a democrat. as a pollingk judge for the democratic party but through the years, it has become so against the constitution that in good
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conscience, i could not support the candidates. and now, i have to go to straight tickets to try to maintain some kind of control of the constitution. jane from mississippi, you are up next. caller: good morning. i am voting a straight democratic ticket. i was a republican at some time in mississippi. because there was no republican party and the democratic party was controlled by the old democrats. the racist democrats. and id away to georgia voted for richard nixon twice. because he said a lot of -- apparently misleading things since we saw how he operated. i voted the first time for a democrat for jimmy carter. andd lived in georgia actually met him a couple of times.
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then, i have voted straight democratic because the democratic party are for world policy -- blueh diplomacy and the environment so that we can save the planet, not just the united states. this is the greatest country in the world. involved want to get in any type of foreign wars. we want peace. twitter says -- it depends on the candidates, not a straight ticket voter. most qualified person for the job. from new york on the republican line. caller: i wanted to say that america needs a good leader. somebody that could get us out of this big mess.
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to thedivided vote goes triumph of president trump. host: donald trump plans to meet with christian clergy this week in florida. he plans to meet with a group known as american renewal. they operate nationwide training of pastors -- they are scheduled also scheduled to address the meeting is marco rubio. who is now running for reelection. the meeting with the pastors will take place in orlando and was first reported by the christian broadcasting network and it will occur for a few hours. that is before a planned trump campaign speech in kissimmee. by mikell be introduced huckabee. he is expected to speak to pastors about the importance of repealing a law that restricts
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churches and laws exempt groups from actively engaging in electoral politics. bob from west virginia. good morning. good morning. i have never voted a straight ticket. never was taught to vote a straight ticket. my point it would like to get across, and this is with all due respect to everybody with their opinions, but i don't think we should have an option of making one check or punch. if you want to vote for all democrats or all republicans, you need to take the time to go through the ticket. i think that is a reflection of what is wrong with our politicians. progressive politics is the art of compromise. host: what are you thinking about this time, as far as november is concerned? throughwell, i will go and i have tried to inform myself on the races up and down the ticket. i will choose the most
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qualified, regardless of party. about theasking me presidential race, i can only say i haven't quite decided but i will not vote for hillary clinton. host: what about those in congress? as far as whether you vote for them or not, democrat or republican or not? how does that play out? caller: again, when it comes to democratic -- comes to general election time, i look. for instance, i voted for senator caputo. and i also voted for senator manchin. i do have an open mind about that. host: why are you not happy with him? caller: i thought he would be middle-of-the-road. i thought he would be a compromising guy, knowing a little bit personally. and i think he has fallen, at times, to the partisan way of
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things. host: robert is up next in fayetteville, north carolina. good morning, go ahead. caller: good morning. i want to tell you that i am a registered republican. just right of center for small government and fiscal management. however this year, i am voting a straight democratic ticket all the way down the line. i am looking at what has happened in north carolina with legislation that has been in the issues suche social , and which north carolina lost 140 million dollars of revenue because of a social problem that was never a problem until now. with the shiny object of who will be president, it really doesn't matter to me.
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inwe don't get the lawmakers our state houses legislatures to work together. because they make the law. the president has a vision but they don't make law. they try to help effectuate the vision. and i can't go with hatred. and i can't go with social engineering from the republican far right that has gone so far right back i think they are very fascist now. when you hear donald trump talking about the second amendment going away, it is like , are you saying that we will trash the constitution? the second amendment is a part of the constitution. a process in which statehouses, congressional houses and the people would have a mechanism to change the constitution. host: that was robert. the washington post takes a look at north carolina and how both campaigns are fighting for
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voters in that state. stanley becker writing about underscoring the importance of the state. made six stopss since june in relatively large cities. week, mike pence campaigned in raleigh, adding that the clinton campaign is banking more on a longer-term trend in the state that seems to be working -- its favor. an influx of college educated professionals. edward from california on the democrat line. yes, i vote straight down the democratic line. i have always voted democratic. i am a union democrats. rightsote for workers and for jobs in america. mind,so in your
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republicans have never met those were concerned those issues? caller: no, they have not. host: why do you say that? democrats,ause the they vote for more jobs. they vote for higher wages. because the unions back them. and if they don't back the union then, we will vote for somebody else. host: mike in oklahoma. independent line. you are next, good morning. caller: good morning, i hope you are doing well today. i am lucky enough to celebrate a 68th birthday today. host: happy birthday. caller: first of all, a correction. --aller said it was signed said nafta was signed by bush, it was signed by clinton.
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as far as the ticket idea, i think that people vote a straight ticket, they are doing a disservice to themselves and not fulfilling their rights as a citizen. they are voting for a platform as opposed to an individual and i think that is just wrong. as taxes, everyone is dancing around the taxes by mr. trump. i am the executive at a business. tax returns for businesses are extremely congregated. they are too-three feet tall sometimes. it is not like the guy at home filling out a 1040. -- a tax tax reform return is filled out, we push the envelope. we take any advantage to ourselves and we left the irs challenged us. and maybe you are audited or maybe not. audited, you fight them and try to win your case. if trump were to allow his taxes
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to be revealed to the public, you would have 10,000 lawyers trying to picks apart -- trying to pick apart his tax return. host: that was mike. from the texas line, robert, hello. i believe voting a straight ticket is not a good idea or a good practice when you are voting. every politician, democrat and republican, they all have their own ideas. and the ones that i think people are probably going -- probably a lot of people don't understand from the civics classes in high it if there is a republican congress and a whatever theident, democrat wants to do, they will get a lot of pushback from congress. congress is predominantly
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republican and vice versa. that cans one thing sway things in congress. your practices for voting a split ticket, when was the last time you did that? caller: a split ticket? i voted for our mayor, who promised a lot and didn't deliver. to leave it there. thanks for watching the program today. another one comes your way tomorrow. we go to the state department now. every day s freedom of the year. underscores the fact that no one should ever have to doubt. for religious liberty guides the united states and our foreign policy every
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