tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 12, 2016 10:00pm-12:01am EDT
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presidential candidate hillary clinton will speak at a rally in scranton, pennsylvania. accompanying her will be vice president joe biden our live "road to the white house" coverage now it discussion on the 2016 presidential campaign in an effort to mobilize people of faith. from washington journal, this is 40 minutes. this nation. host: here with us now is the reverend william barber to talk you're saying, kind of mobilize people of faith to a moral revival. hat does that mean, a moral revival in american politics? guest: well, that's not actually a nuance. if you look at the abolition slavery, the end of that was a moral movement. if you look at the reconstruction movement, it was moral movement between blacks and whites and clergies to
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reframe america. at the social gospel movement at the end of the 19th to early 20th century. movement, teddy roosevelt and franklin roosevelt impacted that said in public square, our deepest concerns ought to be fair wages andhealthcare and education protect an environment, and votingy when it comes to rights. the civil rights movement had deep moral underpinnings. believe, in 1967 -- this was before dr. looked at militarism, materialism, and racively. -- racism. he said we needed a radical of values, today. when we see a kind of -- an moral to limit the discussion to abortion, prayer in the school and where you homosexuality, and isgested that the better way deny y living wages,
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reform, voting rights and make gun to rybody can get a have a vote is an expression of moral values, our constitution, is justice, mercy, how you care for the least of hese, how you care for the vulnerable, how you embrace all people. those are the deep moral values hat we believe we need to recover that and in some ways challenging the attempt of the so-called religious rite and so-called definition of evangelism to limit the moral that has been expanded based on our deepest values. host: how are you going about this revival? actually, i'm traveling -- it's interesting james, at the river simoan, ch, sister tracy blackman with the ucc church and myself, on a tour.n-wide over 20 something states between now and november why we are doing what they call the revival time for moral revolution of
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values. jewish persons have joined us, uslims have joined us, unitarians have joined us. we've written up a higher ground declaration. we've attempted to deliver it to the rnc, and they basically arrest us. when they saw that we're elivering it to the dnc, elivering it to governor and gubernatorial candidate. we have over 1500 clergy around the country who have signed onto his higher ground moral declaration looking at seven different areas of public policy and declared that healthcare is moral issue, living wage is a moral issue, public education is a moral issue. health, environmental justice is a moral issue. rights, lgbt, equal protection under the law is a moral issue. host: all democrats? guest: no, no, no. that's one of the good things. i'm a part of the movement in north carolina that has spread a
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number of places. we had something like 1200 people go to jail, civil disobedience challenging extremism in north carolina. had 10-12% republicans and independents. other day from a republican who heard me spoke at the dnc saying thank you for this recovery. in fact, when you go back to the 1800s like 1868, it was lincoln republicans, not extremist that is we see today. lincoln republicans who pushed a moral agenda. roosevelt was a republican when he said -- ensuring -- 100 years before president obama, ensuring healthcare for all citizens was issue.l he said that en public education was -- is important -- was a national security issue, and chief warren ruled on the '54 brown case, they declared it was with l issue along thurgood marshall. it's been -- but we've had battles. instance, you had this moral focus in the 1800s during
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reconstruction. then you had the redeemers that said we want to redeem the country from the sin of black and white fusion. they took to the limit. or you had the so-called moral attempted to limit the moral discussion after the civil rights movement had moral discussion once again and declared civil rights and voting rights and were all moral issues that we had to take up in the public. our constitution is a moral document. speak at the democratic national convention, not at the republican national convention. one party is more moral than the other. host: i don't think you look at of just a party. i would have spoke at the epublican convention if invited. in fact, we're going a lot of places and challenging the framework. what i think: our constitution says the first "we" not "i." for can dy that says, "i alone do anything" is constitutional
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out of order, in the form of political idolatry. secondly, the constitution says justice, establish justice, the defense, the general welfare. welfare is in our constitution. tranquility. all of the moral tenets from hich we begin to be a more perfect union. our constitution confesses that we're not a perfect union. it.ave to work toward when you look at our deepest religious value. for me it's a christian. testament, jewsd and muslims, or the new estament, paying people what they deserve, help lifting the healthcare, caring for the least of these, children, are all moral issues. say is when you examine any party or any person, you're not going to find perfection. perfect.s you look at are where those policies line up in terms
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of our deepest moral values. what i will say is that we list at least five. sustainability, addressing poverty, unemployment, which includes verything from infrastructure development to fair taxes, to a reen economy, to addressing warmongering that undermines our ability to help us here in this all, ry, healthcare for access to public education in college. dealing with the criminal in the justice system that impact black, brown and poor white eople and expanding and protecting voting rights, lgbt rights, immigrant rights, and never giving up on equal under the law. that's the moral parameter. and when we look at policies, we this question: are these policies constitutionally consistent? defensible? ally and are they economicably sane? to calls.s get maryland, democrat, you are up here first for the rev lend. morning. caller: good morning, reverend, i want to say, hallelujah, i am in this fight. i was alive and kicking and part
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f the revolution -- the moral revolution of the 1960s. eep up the good work, young man. thank you. host: she mentioned something, the moral revolution. at times has always a to have a reframing of moral revolution. for instance i listen to mr. and what is interesting about that -- i think we miss it when we just focus on him. 1968 and back to listen to george wallace's in ch running for president madison square gardens, you hear the same thing. yesterday, hefore said that president obama was the founder of isis. at the politicians that suggested it was president obama's fault. ook at the way in which they continue to fight against him. and look at how the strategy -- you cannot in rstand the moment we're now without understanding the southern strategy that was that ped by kevin philips as promulgated by nixon and
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even promulgated by ronald reagan. what we're learning in the moral in areas in ork north carolina like mitchell county. mitchell county is 99% white, 89% republican. but we have organizing up there. we have people up there saying republican, but i'm not an extremist. hour-lincoln republican. and i believe in the deep moral values of the scripture beyond hot-button issues. in fact, when i go up there is it gretchen? host: greta. carry there's a bible i with me. it's in the car. poverty and justice bible. evangelical. 'm a theo logical evangelical, conservative liberal biblicyst, okay. n that bible, it marks every scripture that deals with love, justice, how you treat the least that.ese, the poor and all it's 2,000 scripture.
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2,000. there are only about three or scripture that the so-called religious rite hangs its basis on. ow is it you say so much about what god said, and so little about what god says so much? we havehe question that to raise and i think we need that debate in this country. host: all right. from tennessee, independent caller. hi, richard. caller: good morning, greta. morning, reverend barber. guest: hey, my friend. listened to when you made the comment about these ing the least of and the most vulnerable, and you to make one reference abortion. but i haven't heard -- i don't hear your idn't speech during the dnc, so i on't know what your stance is on abortion, and whether you allowed, if een opposed to abortion, would you to make that wed statement from the platform?
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guest: and there, again, is a good question. you have those who want to say, you stand on abortion is an evangelical position. okay, so let's work with that. it is possible for you to say you're against abortion. but you respect the right for a to choose. ou also do not throw away a person if they make that decision. and in addition to that, if if you going to be -- say, are you against the death penalty? pro-healthcare? because right now in this country, according to the arvard study that says for every 500,000 people that are enied a healthcare through the medicaid expansion, 2,000-2800 people are dying. there are 20-something states that have denied a healthcare. my state, for instance, have 500,000 people. according to that statistic, that means at least 2500 people since 2013 have died,
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have died. hat means thousands have died in those 20 states. not because god called them home. have cause their lives been aborted through the process of not receiving healthcare. but some of the people who deny the healthcare claim that they so-called pro life. you can't be prolife if you're you're living wages, if not pro-healthcare, if you're not pro-public education. counter intuitive and that is what we mean by a moral critique. host: elcid in north carolina, democrat, your turn to ask a question. good morning. barbara, in rend ministers, and cordell west turned this state over to time publicans the first in 140 years, that the klan in they tate tried to do and didn't do, and we lost it,
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thing what -- one main is because they have run this pay-day lenders out of town, and marching to washington for healthcare. the problem is not in washington. in the state re house. and that marching -- if you're you call yourself marching and you don't know where you're marching to, you're just watching. that's all you're doing. guest: exactly right. hat's why the moral monday focused on the state house. that's why 1200 people did civil house.ience in the state hundreds of ministers have joined us challenging our state denied ure that has healthcare, cut public education, denied a vote on living wages and passed the worst voter
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that is deeply moral deeply constitutional anti-poverty pro-justice roll labor fusion movement that brings all people together around the moral agenda , not a left right agenda. host: we are talking with william barber, president of the naacp. guest: repair of the breach is an organization that spot sponsoring the healing of that nation.
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it is a traveling seminary and activism. we are training clergy of all different things and activists on moral analysis, moral articulation and moral activism. , left indiana yesterday activists were going to be here this morning. hold a28th we will series of revival time for a moral revolution. we are receiving input. we were in boston a week ago and we couldn't even get everybody in. people know we have to have a moral conversation, a moral political conversation that is deeper than two or three issues that gets to the heart of the democracy. gary in seagrove, north carolina. a republican.
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just in reference to the criticism for donald trump, referring to president obama and hillary clinton as founders of isis which is kind of ridiculous. what will be the difference between him criticizing them and he was aaying recruiting sergeant for isis. mediak if the mainstream would focus on the issues and quit along everything out of proportion that either candidate says we would get a lot clearer view of what this race is about. i think you are exactly right. i have been critical of mainstream media. we need to focus on the issue, the issues of economics and raising the living wages and
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public education and health care and reforming the criminal justice system. the 14 amendment is in the constitution. i also think we have to deal with racism and xenophobia. mr. trump started his campaign with racism, xenophobia, criticizing people based on their race. he started that way. i wonder what would have happened if president obama would have started his campaign saying i want to build a wall. what would have happened if president obama would have said one or two of the things that donald trump has said. i wonder if president obama had said about president bush that he was the founder -- and the problem with this language about we in thiser -- country, what do we do to terrorists. we go after them. we kill them. languages dangers.
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remember george wallace? segregation, by the end of 1960 through medgar evers was dead and the president was dead. the founder of isis. donald trump. others have suggested it. the second amendment is about guns. then you say the president is the founder of isis, five -- a founder of terrorism. what are you really saying? people pick it up and use it for justification for her rent is things. he now says he is being sarcastic about saying that. he makes an appeal to evangelical leaders saying, we need religious voters to get out info. guest: we do.
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the problem is the term evangelical has been co-opted. if you look at kevin cruises book, how it was created by the business structures, another book called the blessing of business, how corporate relations shape christianity. evangelical, the first time you use the word -- you see the word evangelical in the bible -- not in the political realm -- is in reference to jesus and his first where he begins his summer with a critique of systemic politics. i have a problem with one saying
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that i am an evangelical. and so loud on the issue of prayer in the schools and where you stand on homosexuality and women's issues and so quiet on the issues of public education and health care. scriptures at the where the old and new testament, the majority of the concern when it comes to the public square is about justice, about how we treat the poor. not an -- not a matter of public charity. yes, i am an evangelical. have allowed people to claim to be evangelical without bringing persons like myself for many others to be counted as that. if you claim to be an evangelical, your critique must be much deeper than i am voting for this candidate because of
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the way they stand on two or three issues. where did they stand on poverty and raising the living wage. he thought the living wage was are ready to hide. even though we have 64 million --ricans exempt? your church tax how is it that you can make a political's beach and maintain that status? there because when i went i said i am not here representing the church or any other organization. i am a preacher and as a preacher i have a right to speak both as a preacher and an american in the public square, just like the prophets did in the bible area --. commanded, religion from
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a biblical standpoint, it was never meant to be quarantined inside the church and talk about your personal success and salvation. one of my teachers in the seminary dr. william turner said true evangelical is whenever you have been born, changed, it produces a quarrel with the way things are. think about what we would and had -- have if we had not had religious figures in the public square. we would not have a's -- have , you have to help women who have been hurt up you do have to raise the middle wage. we would not have had a civil without dr. king, reverendtleworth,
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reed, one of the persons who was killed before the montgomery wok -- march reached montgomery. morale to have a morel -- critique in the public square. caller: good morning. i get for taking my call. reverend barber, i would like to question you about the validity of you as a reverent whereby you use those scriptures in that book. but in that book as it pertains .o morality abomination, that is how sexuality -- homosexuality is described here do as a reverent promote that as an equivalency to racism and discrimination you are doing a disservice to black her best people and misusing the bible. you should be preaching about
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those individuals with that kind of inclination. you should be teaching them to -- repented your guest: we should have repentance in this country for the way we commit attention to violence against the pole -- poor. karen is scott king said race critique racism, and we know that wasn't within our constitution. because black people know the impact of racism that watch you adjust it and put it in the document, you can go through 250 years of slavery and still not get it out of the veins of the country. and racism is america's original sin. we have to be against all forms of discrimination because we understand. there are african-americans who are gay.
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my brother mentions the one scripture. one you take one piece out and you lift it up and say the --ipture says a lot about that one scripture he mentioned it does not trump description. you must love your neighbor as yourself. it does not say your straight neighbor, it says love your neighbor. disagreeinisters who theylgbt as a lifestyle, disagree was same-sex marriage, but they stand with us to say we are not going to allow hate to be codified in our law and that it is immoral. the bible's is you are supposed to care for those -- treat the
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-- any person it will to being a brother and a sister. acceptable.e don't get isolated, my friend, on that one issue where somebody can say to you that if you really want to be concerned mattersxuality, private , you should be concerned about i think, the sex that went on what i call the judicial immorality, the illicit relationship between big business and the supreme court that produced the illegitimate child of citizens united. that's a metaphor. the bible talks about that when the government or leaders go pouring after another got. anytime leaders cater more to cupwealthy and to the great
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the bible called it going horny. -- going whoring. --'s never get up enough give up on the 14th amendment. i am looking at this beautiful sunshine. i love god. he allows that sun to shine. he says are not going to let it shine on straight people or on people who don't have a green card yet. that is the grace of god. the sideg to stand in of love, grace, and mercy. host: massachusetts, a democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. this country was founded on separation between the church and the state. the problem is we have too many preachers dealing with the state
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, and reversed the same way. in carolina, your preacher and an activist. that is a conflict of interest. trump, all you southern allow politicians to come into your churches and preach. it will corrupt your church. does,time like hillary i'll tell you the truth about my brother. i watch what you preachers due to donald trump. hillaryou vote for before the message even started. how could you do that? i don't know the preacher
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the guy was talking about, that's a generalization. movement moral monday -- we have criticized democrats and republicans. i would not normally be doing this, but one of the things, i , ir the senate -- racism an easyecision, not decision, to speak and talk about embracing mrs. clinton. no candidate, i don't care who they are, we will find a messiah candidate. we the people have to stand up in a gauge. words theseme truths to be self-evident that all persons are created urkel -- equal.
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a preacher wrote that, not thomas jefferson. he wrote that in the post-slavery reconstruction congress. he joined with a guy by the name he joined as a moral and constitutional writer. think where america would be if our preachers have not taken the time from william lord garrison, henry thoreau, dr. king, dorothy day, mother bishop tutu and so many others. i shudder to think what this country would be if at time somebody did not stand up and say, this issue is not democrat or republican. it is not left versus right. it is about what is right versus what is wrong based on our
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deepest moral and constitutional values. host: jacksonville, florida, independent. caller: good morning. this is a comment. yesterday they had the unemployment figures out and it showed that amongst black youth at the highest rate, no scums american hit -- next comes hispanic. that the asians have a better employment rate out of all three groups. maybe c-span or your group can do a study and find out why the asians families are outperforming ours in the job market. i will take the answer of the air. maybe you should do a study on that and find out what they are doing that we should be doing.
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guest: that's interesting. i think we need to do is look at what we are doing in this society. was -- he never finished because he was bringing together blacks and whites and latinos in saying we needed a marshall plan in appalachia where there was poverty and in the urban cities, a marshall plan just like we did for europe. if we didn't do it we would end up with segregation and all kinds of things. he said we needed to pull out of the vietnam war and use that money to restructure. you have to look at a number of things. if the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation it would be well over $15 an hour, yet we have seen corporate leaders salaries rise to 300 or 400
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times more than that of the average worker. that's a problem. are 64 million people making less of a living wage. you have people who argue if you raise the living wage it will hurt business. that's the same argument i made when franklin roosevelt -- any corporation that will not pay the citizens a living wage is not fit to be in american society, that's what he said. people called him a socialist. we have work to do. if you look at higher ground weal declaration cup --, talk about doing infrastructure because it puts people back to work. we talk about health care and .ublic act -- education
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we talk about immigrants rights and we get a clear pathway to legalization. we have economic impact as well. we talk about fair tax reform. we talk about a green economy and how we must use that to strengthen our economics. we have some real work to do. think it's about pitting one against the other. you have to look at racism and out of in which jobs are the community. you have to look at the way to get the jobs in the communities, looking at public transportation . what we need is a focus on andening to the economy
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that means lifting from the bottom up. if you lift from the bottom up every buddy -- everybody rises. host: were you thinking about more towards sen. sanders: for hillary clinton got the nomination? eitheri wasn't leaning way. i was focused on pushing against the limited moral conversation of so-called evangelicalism. pushing a moral agenda out into the public square and getting a focus. i challenge both candidates on a number of issues and one of the is we have not talked about, 52 years after the signing of the voting rights act, the attorney as lessof this country in
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we have gone backwards. after shelby we have seen the worst attack on voting rights we have seen since the 60's to the congress of the u.s., mcconnell, had a 1000hers have day filibuster refusing to fix the voting rights act once the supreme court court put it in the hands of congress. we are talking about a congressional filibuster that lasted over 1000 days. that is a democratic crisis of our democracy. not been fixeds so section five has been in place. host: our democratics -- are democrats talking about enough? guest: we are beginning to get more talk.
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mrs. clinton talked about it in her speech. there is now a caucus in the capital, congress talking about restoring the voting rights act. either we as a people, we have to push and keep mobilizing. in the last few weeks where we have seen these cases, these are proven that the courts was wrong when it said with moved on. we knew the full protection of the voting rights act. host: at in greenbelt, maryland. go ahead. caller: good morning. goldsboro, north carolina,. my mother was a member of the first sure -- baptist church street on to congratulate you, you are doing a good job. languagend the english
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. good job at the democratic convention. i was proud to see you there. scientist at this race right center. i speak german and also spanish. the thing is, one thing i am , when you travel and go down south you pester towns and so forth and you try -- you pass through towns and so forth. some places you don't hit c-span. host: we're running short on time. do you have a question? right-wing broadcast
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media. charles koch in 73 spoke and said they were going to invest the gate -- invest in candidates anymore. they wanted to create stations that could push their brand of politics and propaganda. think we cannot walk away from engaging in the media. we cannot walk away from this moral frame. we cannot walk away from challenging the conversation about what is even john -- evangelical politics. in -- is a law student who will be dealing with environmental policy. that's another area that we have to deal with. protection of our environment is a moral issue. of the book, the
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third reconstruction. let me put that under the camera. the rise of the new justice movement. journaln's washington live every day with ms. and policy issues that impact you. coming up on saturday morning, sarah westwood, she will join us to discuss the report on the contents of hillary clinton recently released e-mails. after allegations surfaced that there are potential conflicts of interest between mrs. clinton's official role as secretary of state and the activities of the clinton foundation. , offer of theaham book third party matters, he will join us to talk about the anti-slavery liberty party from 1841 to ross perot's reform party in the early 90's and what that evolution has meant. be sure to watch c-span's
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washington journal begin to live at 7:00 p.m. -- a.m. eastern. technology experts discuss how increased use of digital technology and multitasking affects health factors such as obesity, sleep and social bonding. the publicsted by square. this is one hour. [cheers] -- [applause] >> thank you for having me here. thank you all for coming up tonight. i am looking forward to an interesting discussion and hopefully learning alongside of you from a great panel of experts. i will introduce them now. to my to my left we have patricia greenfield a professor of , psychology at ucla and the children's digital media center in los angeles.
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her book was translated into nine languages and was republished last year for its 30th anniversary edition. her her research on media and technology in the effects of young people covers a full range of print, radio, tv, video games, teenage chat rooms, facebook, youtube and instagram. thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you. we also have gene block. a is chancellor of ucla and biobehavioral sciences. research focuses on the effect of aging and the nervous system and how it impacts biological timing in humans. ucla inthe reins of 2007. prior to being a brilliant, he was a a. he served as provost of the university of virginia. he is also the inventor of several devices including a noncontact respiratory monitor
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for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome, and an avid collector of vacuum tube radios. perhaps they will hear a little of that tonight. [laughter] eddie just joined us from the ucla basketball game. he gets the most frequent flyer miles. [laughter] we also have have dr. anusuya chatterjee, a health economist and fellow at the milken institute where she has led studies on obesity, medical technology and chronic disease prevention. she was also created the influential milken institute best cities for aging index and co-authored a chapter of the recently published book "the upside of aging. and all theser experts around of applause. [applause]
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a few introductory remarks of self disclosure, i took my work e-mail incessantly, according to my daughter, and everything about snapchat also comes from my 13-year-old daughter. [laughter] if you do feel the need to be addicted to something online, feel free to be addicted to any any of my stories. the experts will endorse that. everything else can be a problem for you. the digital age has brought up a lot of wonders and i think we all know that from our smart phones, computers and laptops. we can connect with somebody across the globe, a grandparent on skype, can order every single thing imaginable with one click. we have apps that manage diabetes. we have seen all of these wonders but we have also seen a dark side, harmful effects on our health social interactions, , things like that, the constant
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screen time, our sleep, eyesight, other ills we may be doing to ourselves. if this technology, humanity we , will explore all of those things. the digital technology exposure we have seen in our hand could be doing more harm than good. i i think i'm just going to throw it to our experts here for a general opening statement. many of your experts in the done research, you have data. just a little on your general thoughts of the topic and what you're working on now. dr. chatterjee: i think people have not considered the social costs and our current research identifies some of these. we have found for example, in a study where six graders went to a nature camp where they had very intense social interactions with other campers, with the counselors and all in person
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face-to-face, they improved their ability to read emotions from nonverbal cues. compared with a matched group of sixth-graders, this was just in a week. five days to they improved more relative to another group of six graders. the usual media diet which was over four hours a day. i think that is an example of the cost. another study looked at the sense of bonding and friends. those were sixth-graders. these were ucla students. undergraduates. each participant came in with a self chosen friend. a pre-existing friend appeared we had them have two minute or so or five-minute conversations, each one committed with a friend chat, byace, video
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audio, which is a simulation of telephones and by text. then we asked them after each chat how bonding did you feel. -- how bonded to do feel? we also videotaped them to look at their bonding keys. -- cues. bondedlt more, the most you can guess, face-to-face. bonded withe least text. look at this, the objective behavioral cues were the same. same order. the most bonding cues or -- were face-to-face and the least was taxed. what our kids using to communicate the most? 's text. -- it is text. dr. block: we think about the
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fact that international jet travel which now is easy and affordable and people traveling all around the world, it is wonderful. the fact that we have communications networks that are so efficient. you can get advice on how to fix your computer who is actually in india, they seem unfair -- like they are next-door. different time zone. we stay up late at night looking at ipads and iphones and computers. bright screen tvs. they're having an impact physiologically on people. the most tremendous impact is the reduction in the amount of sleep that people are spirited. 50 years ago the average was about eight and a half hours a night. that has been reduced to seven, or less than seven hours. the lack of sleep is becoming extremely problematic. we will get into this a little bit later you have this finely , tuned timing system called
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your circadian timing system. every organ system in a body has a 24-hour populations. a breed of false system that involved and unchanging evolved and unchanging environment. now we are forcing it to make rapid changes. through rotating shift work or travel across zones. or even just by having an excessive amount of light at night. positive aspects of technology are clear that we are beginning to appreciate some of the negative aspects as well. negative aspects as well. some are avoidable where the smart is of technology. impacted on the effect on people's sleep cycle. >> i could use more sleep myself. >> we all could. >> thank you for having me. as the chancellor was mentioning, there are so many positive things about having technology.
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maybe look into some of the data analyst. the negativewards side of using digital technology on the issue. or using too much of digital technology and that includes using computers and ipads and iphones. other smartphones. when we say that technology is affecting our health, as an economist i feel that we should say that humans are using technology that is actually affecting their health. it is a choice. human beings are making the choice. there is a study that found waking up among all these american smartphone users, at
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least two out of five users star using devices within five minutes of waking up. 50% of these consumers actually have been checking at least 25 times daily. some of them are so obsessed they check their smartphones 200 times per day. obsessed withg using digital technology. what is happening is that is leading to us to a more sedentary lifestyle. workplace which is growing in a way where we sit in front of computers for then we hours. come home and use all these gadgets we have at home. we spend time doing that. while we are spending time we
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, are doing another thing which is snacking while watching tv or using the computer using the smartphone. the energy we are gathering but he can we are not spending. what happens to that, i don't have a medical background but this increases our waistline. back, i co-authored a paper where we looked at 27 countries like the united states and some of these countries have higher obesity rates. yearsk for data for 20 and try to see howeconomy, moving towards a knowledge-based economy and how is affecting obesity. that is through
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information communications technology in these countries. gross capital formation. when we took other factors into account, we found that for these countries, for every 10% increase in the share of investment, obesity rates go up by 1.4%. 1% is certainly related to just sitting there with that sedentary lifestyle. another portion comes from the background of eating more unhealthy foods. if we are thinking about a country where there are 300 million people, one of three are about you're talking 1.4%, that is millions.
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that is huge. we could find that data relationship, we understand, we are doing the things that we might be getting more obese and this is a risk factor for so many chronic diseases and disability. we can prove that with data around the world. i will stop. now if we can continue later. >> you picked up on one thing, as a father of two teenage girls, i think i want to think that my teenagers are more obsessed with their devices and technology and staring at their screens all the time. looking at the research i think that is not necessarily the case. as adults maybe we are worse than the kids. a quick take on the panelists on that. has wantedborator out, something important which is the parents use of technology
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is a model for the children. parents are always on their cell phones and other devices than what are the children going to do? if they are doing that, they are not paying attention to the children. >> we are supposed to pay attention to them? [laughter] >> that's another conversation. [laughter] they are also a role model for them in a very important one. no phones at the dinner table and went bad checks his e-mail at the dinner table, i hear about it. >> one important thing that has been known to develop mental psychology is that it is not what you say, but what you do. it is very interesting because a lot of parents who want to do something about technology, with a try to do is reduce the child's technology but if you're telling them not to use as much
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and then you're using it all the time, that is not going to be effective. interesting comment. the discussion of weight gain. there is good evidence, light at night, reduces melatonin levels. it also has impact on reducing the level of leptin which is a hormone that makes you feel full. it increases the hormone that makes you feel hungry. several things happen which having this light early at night. it affects sleep and you sleep less. change and began to you crave carbohydrates. there are some concerns that the weight gain in children is not the related to being cast potatoes but being related to excessive amount of light at night associated with less sleep. it is complicated because they are confounding things going on.
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it leads largely to less sleep and less sleep is probably the more critical thing we have to worry about. children are not sleeping enough. though sleeping with iphones are getting up in the middle the night and getting pulsed with light. especially if it is light blue light. it is effective at suppressing your melatonin levels. i think there's something about weight gain that may be beyond just the initial snacking. it may be metabolic changes. >> what about adults and kids? >> we haven't directly done any studies differentiating adults and kids. one thing is clear, as i mentioned, if you are using too much digital technology, it is going to affect obesity, but there are other things. it can affect your eyes or affect your musculoskeletal diseases. overall, a burden
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of these muscle disease. you go through other things like how is affecting the economics. $45 billion. as we see our children are just looking at the screen all the ofe, i have heard that one the professors once mentioned that the muscles keep on eating mussels and what happens is our spines start going like this and that is not very good. this is not good. if we are not careful about all of these minor things now, the effect in the future when this generation grows up will be immense. much bigger than what is happening now to the health care cost. >> we talked, he talked about the bonding. it pays a when i walked past a busy restaurant, two people on a
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date. i find it sad. i'm not the best listener, my wife would attest to that. i do try to look her in the face at a meal and have a genuine conversation and i look at my phone. that thatngs like pains me that that if the society we have become. not try to judge anybody. you talking about the bonding and it is picking up on verbal cues. important life skills. it is being able to understand the feelings of other people is very important to society as a whole. i think we can all see a reduction in debt. there have been surveys that have been compared from the 1960's or 70's to the present that have shown a reduction in empathy in the united states. large-scale national surveys. >> the mere communication of
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something in an e-mail rather than telling somebody. we have all had that expense. it does not go over too well in an e-mail. you do good, bad or a joke that is not go over too well. >> you can't see the person's immediate emotional reaction. you might go on and on and the reaction is getting worse and worse. but you are not seen it. if you are in a conversation you might see the reaction is not so great. you do something about that. headed off at the past before you dig your grave more. dr. block. >> one thing i'm intrigued with is the time sharing going on with digital devices and communication, verbal communication. people spend enormous amounts of time doing two things at one time. i'm not an expert and i'm wondering if you really can do that. i know this an intentional bottleneck we can really only do
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one thing at a time. it is hard to process two things at a time. i'm wondering if people are not getting bible meaningful conversations because they are trying to answer me wells -- e-mails while into conversations. everything is working on a digital device. can you really pay attention? that is the concern. itwe did an experiment about . it was about comprehension of written material and the ability understand. it was about paper versus greens. we found it did not matter if you read something on paper or on the screen. but what did matter, what did reduce the comprehension was if they had the opportunity to multitask by having the computer they were working on hooked up to the internet. bookjust finished this
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from a loss of women's basketball, i read this quick book on physics. they were discussing einstein's general relativity. these kinds of amazing social accompaniments -- accomplishments require full attention. i'm wondering whether we could be losing the ability to have that kind of focus conversation -- concentration by multitasking. >> that is one of my fears. to be able to quiet the mind and focus on something that is what it take to get something done of more value. have the multitasking, things coming in from 86 directions and the places where i could go for vacation plane, a car, have all been taken over by technology. to find that place where i can get a wi-fi connection and no e-mail and it is a crutch.
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i use that to not check my ima so much. just to get away from those hopefully will i have my best thoughts and get some of my best work done. >> definitely multitasking. problemss lots of psychologically. one of the things i see, i need to go and check my e-mail but that feeling, i'm talking to my son and his reply in in the same language. he is looking at his ipad. that is our future. [laughter] if we are thinking about the next generation, they will lose socialwer to talk in the -- it might rise even more.
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cells -- those are some of the concerns. as ave to start thinking society, [indiscernible] what we can do that technology will be there and technology is growing and that is a good thing. are taking on the tests are technology and that is good. baggage and how we can really start thinking today so we can minimize the negative affects of this baggage. tot is something we need start the conversation and forward. >> let's launch into that. what are some things we can do in our own lives and other things technology companies or governments or other policymakers should be doing? >> going back to upper talking
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about before our educational , system is adapting in a not very positive way. we put multiple-choice tests. we privilege these individual facts rather than putting things together. i had this experience with my daughter where she would try to do her homework while watching tv. i didn't want her to. she said she could do purposely well. i went on sabbatical to paris and she was in a french school and she had multiple-choice tests how much had this work looks with short answers and she could do. we went to paris and they made her right essays. she had eternity off -- tv off. that illustrates that for extended work, you need to not have the stimulation of the media.
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>> just turn it off and unplug. i it is interesting, mentioned that we did this campus study. we were looking for a control group. a camp that lets kids bring media. they don't exist. they all want the kids to not be on the phone. kids are seeing the value of unplugging. this is all. i think we have to refocus on sleep hygiene. sleep is the one thing. you always read stories about people bragging about how littles sleep they can get by. they samples of our children, sleep is elastic. three hours one night and then kept up on the weekend which is not true. you can't really catch up. the damage is done. making bedroom
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safe spaces where there are not electronic devices. we move away from having computers and things and bright tvs. and enforcing the idea that you .o need 7-9 hours of sleep almost no one can get by with less than seven hours on a long-term basis without having real physiological changes. part of it is refocusing on the importance of sleep and children. realize early so adults it is not something to be embarrassed about. stop the steady decrease in sleep time. it is quite dramatic how much has changed. >> how are you doing on your sleep? >> i'm pretty sensitive to. i wired up and i watch it because easy activities monitored to get 10,000 steps today, yet to set a goal for sleep as well. you have to say somehow good to get seven hours of sleep. if the ground strategies to do that. you have to start with children
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thinking this is something that is important. >> give me a number. are, -- younger you are coming to nine or 10 hours. when you are older eight or nine hours. as adults, it is usually 7-8 hours of sleep. >> your sleep? [laughter] >> seven hours. i work hard on getting seven hours. going to sleep early because i have to wake up early, it is worth it. definitely setting a goal as an individual is important. it is necessary. right now we live in new york and during winter if i tell my son stop using the computer and go and play, he says where will i go? it is cold outside. [laughter]
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understand there are certain times he has to use that. the other thing is, when we are do,ing about what will he this is where cities should start thinking about providing infrastructure where the kids can go and play so they have an alternative. when we are talking about making the cities and communities, all these issues, our safety. there can be different parts. and if it is not say, i will not send my children over there. there is a big issue there. are -- ands organizations can work together to provide these things. outdoor and indoor parks. you have to think about that. all these areas where the kids
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can go and play. feelat the parents don't that they don't have to do this so there is an alternative. the other thing which is important as many consumers actually don't know the fx. that is where we feel that we need to bring in more of this awareness. smartphones for 10 hours a day, it will affect you this way. those types of numbers can have an effect. they must know what will happen to me if i'm using too much of my iphone or under gadgets. is absolutelyness important. we don't know everything.
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we need to be more educated about that. these organizations need to come up with how to make their workplaces more healthy. we talk about sitting in front of computers and there are many companies that started encouraging their employees to have a standing desk and that is good. but you should not be standing for eight hours. you need to know how much you should sit and stand. reading, when you're and youfor long hours, feel you are ok and nothing will happen to me because after eight hours of going to the gym that will work out for 30 minutes. the problem is when you're sitting for such a long time, the haguestarts to and think you are in that position. if you start going on the
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trouble, the body cannot take it well. that intion might be your eight hours, every hour you and look at around others and what they're doing and it reminds the of the movie office space. do something. people can think you're weird but that is helping you. that is important. >> one issue is the workplace and the demand for instant communication is so great. it used to be if you answered a letter in two weeks you are doing fine. now if you don't answer within a couple of hours people think you are not responsive. >> especially when he sent to an e-mail. [laughter]
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>> to the point where you can't concentrate because the expectation is so great. i think we could do something and the workplace but realizing the cost of that. for at answer my e-mail .ay and i'm writing an article if i would do my colleagues were, i would be answering all the time. aware ofhat being more those expectations and moderating them would be a big help in terms of being able to concentrate and not be interrupted all of the time. is so refreshing into my child's open house and her english teacher during the general this is my name in this of the syllabus and the smut will talk about and here's my e-mail, but be advised, i do not answer all of my e-mails once the bell rings at 3:00 until the next morning. and we all went, what?
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you shut off and to look at the work e-mail. it strange response. setting boundaries and expectations. she said, i'm off the clock. it can wait. that is something we need to do in our own lives? >> you think by your office now and that monitors in front of your desk and you spend your day largely interacting with the computer. that only 25 years ago their device you had was just a typewriter to your left and your desk was cleared in your sitting and thinking. i think you're exactly right. people expect you to respond quickly and you are rude if you don't respond quickly. it does prevent deep thinking. i think we have to become or disappoint and expect our children to be more disciplined if we are living that same life. i don't know how this is good to nhange because there is a
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expectancy of rapid response in e-mails. >> institutional response at the top. [laughter] you want the policy. [laughter] me checking my work e-mail is the appearance of being productive. simulating work. i feel responsible and it makes me feel better. unify not responding, or doing anything, i'm in my own brain saying i'm working hard. it's that kind of a we are doing ? feeling productive? isi think what is happened when you had snail mail and you
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and an office where he had assistance reading the mail, they could prioritize and it wasn't quite the democratic. they could determine what you need to see today and whether you could wait a few days. there is nonow is prioritization of e-mails. it all comes in. every message requires you to look at it and determine what it is. it is a very complex and frustrating methodology for communicating because there's no one that have a few sorting through all of this. you could do that. butcould have a preselected that is not the culture now the culture of the remail -- e-mail reaches you the record. that can create problems. >> we have dumped a lot on technology. are there some positive things? steps,apps, tracking our maybe someone with diabetes been able to track that?
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tele visits with the doctor. there are some positive things, right? >> we have so many immigrants and back in the day, if you immigrated here, you are completely -- would lose contact with the family left behind and your country. with skype and so forth, people can keep those contacts and i think that is very positive. about thing you mentioned the potential for personal monitoring, we take our response will be for the health as we have more information. it could be important in helping to control health care costs. people become much more correctly involved in their own health care. there is something externally positive. >> you can help your doctor keep up to date to go on the internet about your condition and you can discuss it with your doctor that don't doctors have become more receptive to working with you
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and they can't keep up with everything just like we can't keep up with everything in our field. in the ucla medical crew, you get all the test results come everything, and that is helpful. previously, he or she said something and i understood it but i understood but by the time i came back home i did not understand. evidence is there and i can read it and what was my glucose level and i can go back and check. there are companies that are coming up that you can order online your drugs and everything. you can choose. of course their technology is helping to monitor your heart beats and all the things. there are good things and we we did a study
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two years back of an organization for medical devices , they sponsored it, we saw that medical devices, some of them could reduce the cost of the world economic burden to society. one of the examples, using insulin pumps and if you are advancing the technology using insulin pumps, if you are mostly type one diabetes and he can regularly monitor what is going on, and that really helps a lot you can reduce the time when you end up in emergency room's. those are some of the things that they are adventitious. -- advantages. >> social cost of medicine. i was recently in the hospital. doctors putting all the time in front of the computers and they barely talk to you because they can get all the test results on the computer, they don't ask you
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about you and him coming to europe to find out. the humanknows that touch is very important to recovery. i would say that is almost gone from hospitals. i will not name names, but these to be very humane. even the nurses are spending a lot of time at the computer instead of with you face-to-face talking to. i think we also have to consider the social costs and try to address those at the same time as we are making use of these wonderful advances. >> i have seen patients and that is a frequent complaint. looking here at the screen the whole time. not to blame health care worker or doctor, that is what they have been tasked with doing nursing care digital health records, but you are right. >> the interaction is gone.
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we also have to, i'm not against doctors or anything, there's a lot of pressure on them from the insurance companies with what they need to find. their writing it down or typing it. if they can type faster, they could save some time to do some interaction face-to-face. there are pressures on them. you might have to think about those issues. >> we will open it up to questions here for a minute. quickly if you have some final thoughts we all determined we need a surgeon general warning on every smartphone? [laughter] i did some of our research on the changing values of the connected media. study, we looked at
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five decades of the most popular preteen television and assessed the values that were being expressed. back in the 60's and up through the 90's the most important value is being expressed was community feeling. in the 2000, the most important fame.being expressed was we can see this in our current election, the importance of fame . subsequent television fame and subsequent research connected to children in a big server. it connected the aspiration to be famous to watching a lot of television and being very active on social network sites. at the same time, going back to the study of the values being portrayed to popular shows,
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materialism was also going up in a significant way. i think what we are ending up with is a society that fires materialism, values wealth, we can see that in the current and therevalues fame has been a precipitous decline in the value of community feeling. change was inthey the decade where technology became so important and widespread. >> the brady bunch, that did it for me. her3-year-old is getting bias from the buzz feed videos she watches. my perspective on this as i mentioned is largely through the impact of technology on sleep. i think that is an ongoing becern and something to concerned about it i was visiting hong kong and the
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ministry of health had concerns about the bright lights of hong kong and even people's apartments, there are bright light shining through all the time from nearby apartments. we have to be mindful of sleep hygiene and regulate the environment. in a way that is healthier so we can maintain what is a primitive process but is necessary which moment when we are immobile and somewhat unconscious. earlier, thereed should be a conscious effort at what it is is nice, communities, everybody should come together to start thinking through sleep about what can be done, the different ways that that can be done which we have discussed a little earlier. factor andimportant i think the conversation should be carried on on how we can ask a tackle the issue because if we
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are giving technology in the hands of our kids, saying you have to take your test using an ipad, then we also need to know how we can counterbalance that. those sort of things we cannot get the cancer -- answer right away. we need to think about that. >> we will open it up to questions now. there are two of us going around with microphones. these raise your hand. if you have a question, we will pick you out. this would be recorded and it will be up on her website first thing tomorrow morning. you can share with friends and family. this will also be on c-span. c-span is he recording. it will be broadcast nationally at a later date. please say a first and last thing. much for youro talk. i'm a scientist and mother three
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children. i'm externally concerned about the psychology. i have a 13-year-old daughter as well. so far she does not have a cell phone and is probably the only one in her entire school. is about the radio frequency emitted from wireless technology. do you guys have anything to say about this because there is so much research out there showing health effects anywhere from cancer on the wiki merrill optical effects -- neurological effects and ice universities like ucla pouring money into the technology in at the same time so much research showing the much contradiction. what do have to say? >> not an expert at my understanding is that it is pretty equivocal, number of studies have looked at radiation from the level of a cell phone and some recommendations to
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lower the energy levels which i think they have done over time. i think the data is equivocal. unless there are studies that suggest otherwise, there has not been a convincing group of studies to show health risks. >>, to reply to that on a different level. thatr that you are proud 13-year-old doesn't have a phone. but one thing you have to realize, and it does come out in our research again and again, at this point teenager social life is on the phone. if a teenager does not have a fun, they're going to be excluded from social life. thehave to really consider social cost of approaching it in a very black-and-white way. it.have to consider
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we canwondering if look at this, i see parallels with the cigarette industry who knew that cigarettes were addictive and dangerous and they did not tell anybody. it was part of their marketing. that cell phone issue is like a sanctioned addiction that a society has a denial about. of studies that show that it is addictive. the study that showed that young women in school work on their phones for non-ten-hour
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socially. those were undergraduates. i want to know what you think about the addictive quality and the responsibility of the cell phone companies are obviously giving smartphones to entire families for great prices to get the children addicted. they don't need to necessarily have a smart phone with all of that special -- social media access all the time. >> anybody want to take up addiction? [laughter] my thought would be, addiction is a strong word medically and also this makes me think people can be addicted to any number of things. technology can be makes it easier with pornography, online gambling, at -- addiction can mean many things. >> when i wrote my book in 1984,
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the effects of television comedy gets in computers, i thought the idea of addiction was kind of crazy. no one would say addiction to video games. child was tof a finish a book, notes as my child is a -- addicted to reading. if they could want to finish a bit again, i thought that was reasonable. why should you say they are addicted? in the years since, the data has changed. using the american psychiatric association diagnostic manual, using the criteria for addiction, there is the same criteria used for alcohol and drugs if you apply this to be against, there is such a thing as addiction. find that there is such a thing with cell phones in the future. who would have thought?
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videogame addiction can be extremely serious. now research has started to be done where they do use the same criteria and it is a real thing. south korea, this is much bigger than here. in south korea, there has been addiction treatment options for children. it has started. maybe not in the united states but other countries. that is what i was mentioning. consumer awareness, it will take for people to start thinking about that before they have addiction treatment or call up addiction or whatever name you give them what you are treatment.out for >> the current new diagnostic
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manual of the american psychiatric organization has videogame addiction as a candidate for the next addiction to what is interesting is what has come out of it. what has been removed. narcissistic personality disorder has been removed from it. [laughter] trump is now the new normal. [laughter] >> i was going to ask about addiction that question was artie asked. -- already asked. technology has on his head and impact on humanity but it seems like it is turned up a notch. how do you recommend we navigate all of this? it is coming at us so fast. >> i think we are just becoming aware, beginning everybody was so enamored with all the benefits. we're just beginning to be aware of the negatives.
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processes, weion don't know anything about how do you bring up children with technology because it is also new. all so new. we don't know how to behave as adults and parents with technology because it is new. i think we have to develop ideas about this in the same way we had ideas about etiquette but it wasn't technology etiquette. conceptso develop some of etiquette with technology for example. rarely responds to my texts. he is getting better. it is a learning process. in the teaching process. we didn't realize that we would have to teach about this. >> next question on the right.
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>> the oculus rift just got released a week or two ago and then the new ps for his covenant with its virtual reality. what do you think the next -- ur will become now with virtually -- virtual reality. ? ch turning the match -- not even farther. >> next question. [laughter] you talked a little bit o about empathy and sleep hygiene and elton in response. our brain level, potentially bring level changes.
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ago intruck two weeks the near times that talked about how the come was not about gps. relationship of the loss of the brain level at the narrow bellman. to the constant use of gps. suddenly somebody is seeing a brain level difference in the wonder if you have any, what research is going on at that brain level? >> everything we do affects the brain. from parts of the brain. it just so happens that we got the technology at the same time we got mri and all of that.
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affectsng will activity the brain. certain connections are enhanced in other connections become weaker. this is not a value judgment. believe that the connection, the narrow connections we use are getting weaker but other parts of the brain having to do with technology that are getting stronger. >> i would agree with that. if you have a shorthand way doing this with gps, you don't practice the skills. you just end up losing those skills and that circuitry. that is not surprising. >> protecting the children from ofngs that can be lifetime
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disability. one thing that is going by the wayside are manual skills. tiny shoelaces or things like that. tying your shoelaces or things like that. and the organization that wants to give every child and ipad. what will that do? nothing about the possible social cost or manipulative cost and loss of manual skills. it was all considered positive. i think we need to consider what we want children to learn and if we want them to have manual skills, we need to give them the opportunities. if you want them to get exercise, we need to give them those opportunities. gym is gone for most schools. >> i was wondering if you could speak on what the effects are on
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your eyes. you mentioned it. if there any studies that have come out that possibly could give us some feedback on that. >> eyesight? >> i'm fine. [laughter] it takes a few years with the try toing is we determine a new relationship and show evidence, data is a big issue. numbers,ally want the you really need evidence that there should be places that start gathering the data. i'm not aware if there any studies showing the relationship. problem with the studies
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of the government does not want to fund them. the last 5-10 years, all of our research which has focused on social cost has been unfunded. costs such asof eyesight to take money but the federal government is so enamored with technology that they really want to fund a study to show enhanced learning, this kind of thing, nothing about the cost of technology. that needs to stop. we need a more balanced view of technology in high places i control money. >> it may run your eyes, but we can come out with a new product to fix your eyes. [laughter] thellow me to come back to electromagnetic radiation and frequency. the world health organization to
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hasred the city of berkeley passed an ordinance saying that at the point-of-sale for cell phones, it has to disclose that there are potential health risks. view, weta point of are living today and on presidential exposure from all of our devices from cell phones and fitbit and everything. what can be done from a regulatory view with the research to do something about it? , about next book, the question is what is the risk? how high is the risk and the benefit first risk -- first risk trade-off.
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you mentioned the world health organization. i don't know what the data looks like. his is this a highly significant risk or a small risk. we have to balance that. thatpe that people look at considering whether this is something that requires a special legislation. one-timers recommended the old days of blackberry that you carry it in a carrier for of them putting in your pocket. keep it at a distance from your body. not as people tend to carry cell phones much closer to the body. i miss my blackberry keyboard. [laughter] >> that will conclude our program. we want to start off by thanking ucla for organizing this program with us tonight. [laughter]
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>> road to the white house rewind. the first of the three 2000 presidential debate between democratic vice president al gore and republican governor george w. bush. >> make sure we reform the system and how the system in place that leads no child behind. stop this business of asking how old you are? if you are 10 will put you here and if you are told we will put you here.
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it will stand at the gate and keep the pressure off and we will. >> from complete american history tv schedule, good to go to the c-span radio that makes it easy to follow the 2016 election wherever you are. is free to download from the apple app store or google play. audio coverage and up to the middle's -- minute schedule information and podcast times for a popular public affairs and look at history program. stay up-to-date on all the election coverage. c-span's radio at me to always have c-span on the go. new york university's dude -- food studies program turned 100 years old. they hosted a panel discussion looking at food policy in america. this is just over one hour.
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>> good afternoon. i'm the director of the library. it is a pleasure for me to welcome you here to our next critical topic in foods. food studies 20 years. is that the movement really changing food? i'm delighted that you all joined us here. we have one of the largest collections of cook's in the country. we have over 60,000 at this point. the collection has largely been built their donations and i would like to thank meryl evans who is here who gave up some of her collection. we continue to build that collection. people always ask how the collection is accessible. we have about half of the books cataloged. you can check there. we also have archival materials. you can find it in our website.
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and important papers there. and 80's.m the 70's we welcome people, it at the affiliated with nyu to make an appointment. him it is here for a resource for everybody interested in food. want to much makeup of a title that have come in. gluten free "bird food. vegan food. forging and feasting, a guide to wild food.
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a wide swath where cutting through the cook book world. it is a great pleasure for me to introduce clark wolf, the master of ceremonies for this event. thank you for coming. [applause] one of the reasons we wanted to gather tonight and particularly after 5:00 is wanted you to have all the sunshine you could get. it is astounding that we would have a day like this to been celebrating the 20th anniversary of food studies as an academic program. i was at a book party on the upper east side and there is a book she had written for the new
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york times and we started walking, we knew each other a little bit, i said let's walk a little bit. 96 come up before we had gotten all the way here to washington square and she convinced me to help her food up the nutrition department and 20 years later, there who study programs all of the country. the program here is thriving. it is extraordinary that we are now helping to educate already incredibly smart people. the difference between some who graduate from a cooking school and the food studies program is vast. we're going to talk about the first in a series of conversations. three of them this year. the headline is food studies 20 years and. we tend to get a perspective on what is happening. where we are and what is going on. thein a lot of cases, what impact of what a lot of us have been discussing in learning about has been or might be or hasn't been.
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know, we are being shown not just for archives accessible to everyone, what's this get availabled such is when hundred 50 thousand times here, these archives are looked at, reviewed, research, utilized for book research, classes, onre pleased to be broadcast c-span sometime in april. if you would like to see the back of your head late at night, this is the place to be. first, mitchell davis come executive vice president. a plot for mitchell please. [applause] then nielsen, executive director
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of just foods. [applause] and then an author of a number of very amusing and smart books, he writes for vanity fair and his claim to fame in this house is he is the author of the now 10-year-old book, united states of arugula. [applause] next we have some of whose actually doing the political work in washington and she will tell us more about that, executive director of food policy action, claire benjamin. [applause] and the current chair of the nyurtment, professor of department of nutrition and food studies. nutrition and food studies together again where they belong.
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dr. ray. [applause] as we have our conversations is a little bit mitchell was in our first graduating class, first class and is a phd from this study. i did not graduate first but i was in the first class. [laughter] >> among the many interesting and bible and fun things he does is, he took the food expo for american food to milan for six months. he drank a lot of espresso. we're going to ask in what he things about starbucks completely -- coming to italy. it was the helicopter view of food studies since he started in this program and give us a moment or two to be the american
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bigeye in milan -- food at milan. meeting at the first that marion told you to convene about starting this department. i was someone sitting around a table with a bunch of smart people in the third world. people working with food. thinking about what a program could be an was done. this is amazing, i have to sign up. and started the following year and applied as a phd candidate. the thing that was so exciting i wasthat at the time was the food geek would be competing on television with a junior chefs show and i was always interested in food but not something that a middle-class jewish kid could do with this held -- head held high.
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i don't regret not being a chef. that there be an academic program that would look at food which was more akin to how i personally integrate the idea of food into my life which is that it is a cultural phenomenon, their experts and artist and important topics related to food in a place where you could perhaps study that and do something with that information and cultivate that information was exciting to me. it is so funny to think that it was a radical idea but as you know, it was an incredibly radical idea. for a lot of people, the radical thatand i could do except today you can study food and history, food legitimately in sociology, anthropology, all these places have touched on food but you cannot declare yourself a food studies person. program had a tremendous amount to do with that.
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and was also time for this moment that began the current garden foodstuff we live in. the timing of all that happened. i have seen this incredible being aon from food particular interest in following of the rich and ridge of a certain age to being just a cultural phenomenon. i can go to university campus without the food group running to talk to him each year and the more i travel around and for the extra project we travel around for two years try to digest everything happening in food so we could make it representation in the long. their prevalence of enthusiasm for food culture was overwhelming. to the point that is weird. that i can't get away from food is bizarre. i appreciate it. i do hope one day for another
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panel, all of that will receive an calm down and we will really, the three-putts will meld into the background of what it means to live a good life the way i got to experience it. the extra project allowed the outr team to try to figure both what the world thinks about food because we created the american cuisine at the world fair. the first time the world fair scene was food. industry are technology or sustainable cities. honestly known adheres to those being anyway and people do what they want to do. the italians this year, it was italy and one of the country to focus on food, the only right to be doing anything because of international treaties was the
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thematic statement that the country submitted and they wanted everything pavilion to address the topic of how we will feed the future and represent food culture. i will be done quickly. we traveled around the country tried to figure out what on earth we could present and we're up against the idea of what does everyone expect to see and try to negotiate that and learning about size of that was important to the success we ultimately popularwe were the most pavilion at the expo. we had 6.5 billion is addressed. makewe did was and try to it american food or american food culture, we actually celebrated the diversity that we had that we sometimes take for granted and represented the voices from across the whole
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spectrum of food in america whether they were grassroots political activists or old american regional recipes. if you can mashup of food trucks. i don't know that anybody of the 6 million people left having any clear idea of this is what american cuisine is. that is of the attitude represented in the food, the openness, all the things that are part of the american ideal are what we communicated in our exit surveys and immediately got shows that a million times over. there's an article that pitted the style of the american presentation against the russian the building. the architecture, it place or ideologies as authoritarian versus democratic. that is what our food is. it is open, we take for granted that we are not just open to change, but we expected. we don't expect today's meal to be the same as tomorrow's. that is so unique.
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that is something we presented. that essay, we presented attitude more than a cuisine. >> my goodness. [applause] i grew up in southern california and the tangerines were off the back trees and the roses were fragrant in the apricots were right and all of that happened. tang could bethat mixed with a glass of water. in all these new innovations made it possible for my mother to make. sot came in a plastic bag that she would not have contact with it. of the move to northern california, ended up in a tea shop in the debate of the grocery where i got to find the finest foods in the world and thelop for others mostly in reflected i've others, a sense
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of connoisseurship that have since found incredibly embarrassing and tedious. of time i've come to know the difference of the discovered something with a long history in the noting something at the best of something as a very odd cultural statement. in the meantime, it turns out that there are other reasons to care about what i'm eating. when i learned about social justice, it was from cesar chavez and migrant farmworkers in the central valley of california. i knew from an early age that people got hurt making food easy and inexpensive for me. ands somewhat astounded mesmerized and a little bit offended by the whole thing. in the meantime, many movements developed. our next speaker is somebody who comes to run an organization that looks at this at a very practical level. the
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