tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 13, 2016 4:00am-6:01am EDT
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studies. nutrition and food studies together again where they belong. dr. ray. [applause] dr. krishnendu ray. [applause] >> some of this as we have our conversations is a little bit about how i spent my summer vacation. mitchell was in our first graduating class, first class and is a phd from this study. it took him a little longer than some. >> i just graduated in the first class. [laughter] >> among the many interesting and fun and smart things that mitchell does he took the food , expo for american food to milan for six months. he drank a lot of espresso. we are going to ask him what he thinks about starbucks coming to italy. first, give us the helicopter view of food studies since he
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started in this program and give us a moment or two to be the at milan.ood guide >> sure. i was at the first meeting that marion told you to convene about starting this department. i was someone sitting around a table with a bunch of smart people in the food world. there wasn't really a food world back then. just people working with food. thinking about what a program could be was amazing. i thought i have to sign up. and started the following year and applied as a phd candidate. the thing that was so exciting about that at the time was i was the food geek would be competing on television with a junior chefs show and i was always interested in food but not something that a middle-class jewish kid could do with this
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-- his head held high. i don't regret not being a chef. the idea that there would be an academic program that would look at food which was more akin to how i personally integrate the idea of food into my life which is that it is a cultural phenomenon, their experts and artists and important topics related to food in a place where you could perhaps study that and do something with that information and cultivate that information was exciting to me. it is so funny to think that it was a radical idea but as you know, it was an incredibly radical idea. for a lot of people, the radical idea and academia more than anywhere else, except that today you can study food and history, food legitimately in sociology, anthropology, all these places have touched on food but you could not declare yourself a
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food studies person. this program had a tremendous amount to do with that. that was also time for this moment that began the current garden foodstuff we live in. that was planted back then. the timing of all that happened. i have seen this incredible transition from food being a particular interest in following -- of folly of the rich and the rich of a certain age to being just a cultural phenomenon. i can go to university campus without the food group running to talk to him each year and the more i travel around and for the expo project we travel around for two years try to digest everything happening in food so we could make an accurate representation in the long -- milan. their prevalence of enthusiasm
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for food culture was overwhelming. to the point that is weird. the fact that i can't get away from food is bizarre. i appreciate it. i do hope one day for another panel, all of that will receive -- recede a little bit and calm and will meld into the background of what it means to live a good life the way i got to experience it. the expo project allowed the with to try working to figure out both what the world thinks about food because we created the american cuisine at the world fair. thatirst time in 156 years the welfare had really seen food. industry are technology or sustainable cities. honestly known adheres to those being anyway and people do what they want to do. the italians this year, it was
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italy wanted the countries to focus on food the only right to , be doing anything because of international treaties was the thematic statement that the country submitted and they wanted every pavilion to address the topic of how we will feed the future and represent food culture. i will be done quickly. we traveled around the country trying to figure out what on earth we could present and we're up against the idea of what does everyone expect to see and try ing to negotiate that and learning about size of that was important to the success we ultimately have to we were the most popular pavilion at the expo. inhad 6.5 million visitors the course of six months. what we did was and try to make it american food or american food culture, we actually celebrated the diversity that we had that we sometimes take for granted and represented the voices from across the whole spectrum of food in america whether they were grassroots political activists or old american regional recipes.
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or fusion mashup of food trucks. i don't know that anybody of the 6 million people left having any clear idea of this is what american cuisine is. i don't that it -- think that is a question that should even be asked. the idea of the attitude that is represented in the food, the openness, all the things that are part of the american ideal are what we communicated in our exit surveys and immediately got shows that a million times over. there was an article that pitted the style of the american presentation against the russian pavilion which was next to us. the architecture, it placed our ideologies as authoritarian versus democratic. that is what our food is. it is open, we take for granted that we are not just open to
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change, but we expect it. we don't expect today's meal to be the same as tomorrow's. that is so unique. that is something we presented. in an essay, we presented that attitude more than a cuisine. >> my goodness. [applause] >> i grew up in southern california and the tangerines were off the back trees and the roses were fragrant and the apricots were ripe and all of that happened. i was excited that tang could be mixed with a glass of water. in all these new innovations made it possible for my mother to make food that came in a plastic bag so that she would not have contact with it. as i moved to northern california, ended up in a tea shop in the debate of the grocery where i got to find the
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finest foods in the world and develop for others mostly in the reflected eye of others, a sense of connoisseurship that have since found incredibly embarrassing and tedious. in that period of time i've come to know the difference of the discovered something with a long history in the noting something at the best of something as a very odd cultural statement. in the meantime, it turns out that there are other reasons to care about what i'm eating. when i learned about social justice, it was from cesar chavez and migrant farmworkers in the central valley of california. i knew from an early age that people got hurt making food easy and inexpensive for me. i was somewhat astounded and mesmerized and a little bit offended by the whole thing. in the meantime, many movements developed. our next speaker is somebody who
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helps to run an organization that looks at this at a very practical level. the last time i was at one of your conferences which is coming up again, 800-1000 people in the middle of a rainy saturday afternoon were talking in really practical terms about what they were doing. it was not a political movement. it was activity and action and discussion. please help me welcome jasmine nielsen, executive director of just food. we do not mean only food, we food --d with -- need food with a sense of social justice. >> just food was started 20 years ago by a group of people that were looking at the movement towards sustainable agriculture and the antihunger movement thinking that there should not be parallel lines. we had farms disappearing and we have people in the city were hungry. they convened the first
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conference the first year and what they eventually hit on was the first thing they did which was csa. community supported agriculture. at the point that just food was founded, there was one csa in new york city. there are now 130 in our network. from the beginning, there was a focus on making sure that was accessible to everyone. regardless of income. csa often involves payment upfront and loans and pay-as-you-go for certain people. ied too successfully lobb make sure you could use snap benefits or food stamps over time it really evolved to become community given solutions to bringing fresh fruit and neighborhoods that did not have that. we do that in a variety of ways. we support urban farmers and community gardeners and growing for the communities. out of that they said, that we are growing. we did the train the trainer model. we teach people how to grow. out of that they said we are
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growing enough food that we want to be able to formally sell it. we want to start our own farmers markets and the told us we had to learn and we went out in large and learned alongside them. we now have about 27 community run farmers markets around the city. we also do community food education. a train the trainer model where we train people in the communities of cope with special ingredients. how to cook in a seasonal and local manner. we also have a farm to pantry program where we contract with farmers up state to grow food specifically for pantries. this is not leftover food. this is food that has grown for them. they get to go and grow. farmers start to growth and that the pantry clients like. it is a symbiotic relationship. over time we have evolved into a capacity building organization. we don't say here's what you
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should do to improve the food situation, we say what you see as the problem and what you see as the solution? how can we support you? >> that is wonderful. [applause] i say that because in northern california, where the farm community is very connected. that sounds like the activity that would go on in any community that cares about their food anywhere. the fact it is going on in new york city is really started. something that i thought without having, but you been doing it for 20 years. tell us when the next conference is. >> this coming sunday on march, 13.
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i put postcards at the back that you can go to. it is about 800 people from all aspects of the food maven. -- movement. a great chance to network and understand the particulars of the food system. if you have ever read about or thought about the south beach wine and food festival, this is the opposite. god bless. everybody should do what they want to do. mitchell. in my right -- am i right? gentleman writes about a lot of things. he tells wonderful stories. he reveals delightful or painful truths and he wrote a book that , i now handout as kind of curriculum for working with me
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on any of my projects. >> kind of? >> kind of. you gave me a big discount so that was good. please welcome david kamp. you started writing this book some time ago. you published united states of arugula. the title of your book got barack obama elected twice. tell us how that came to be in the short story. >> my narrative echoes a bit of mitchell's which is that i felt , like mitchell, i was obsessed with food and i saw it not just sustenance but as cultural , history, american history and i was looking for this book to read, a book to explain how we made such great strides. for the under 40's in the room, this may sound absurd, but there's a time for us over 40 when things like holding coffee
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-- whole-grain coffee and balsamic vinegar and guccis and salad greens other than remain iceberg were mind blowing. no one had written a comprehensive history on how this happened. you havehe people heard of like james beard and julia child. in the early 2000's i started , working on this book and it came out in 2006. authors as i'm sure you all know insufferable narcissists. when i finished the book, when naturally things of the author because i am publishing this book and we reach some sort of historical endpoint. history cannot proceed from here. i won't take everyone else's time. i will give you some bullet points. some of the amazing ways it has
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only gotten bigger in the last two years. solid example but a telling one, mark bittman was a cookbook author migrated from the new york times over the course of 2006 to the present from being the recipe page from 2011-2015 to being the op-ed page writer. suddenly food is on the op-ed. upn he did a meal kit start in california. the obamas who were not in office when the book was published brings the national nutrition policy advisor. you have a president and first lady not sidelining food, but making it an essential part of their policy. decline intained soda sales. we have to give some credit to nyu who has been beating the drums about this. i never thought seriously in the
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lifetime that we would see soda sales to climb. the american people were aware that there is better tasting food. the last thing i will mention because it sets up claire nicely, one of the last people i interviewed was the chef tom teleglobe. about feeling ambivalence expanding his restaurants outside of new york city. he said i don't know if i'm doing the right thing. i feel like i'm addicted to the deal. what is wrong with me? two funny things happen, he became a celebrity tv star. andmbraced the celebrity
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the franchising. the flipside of that is he started this organization called food policy action. he wanted this stake. and that leads nicely to the next person, claire. i guess it does. [applause] i am inimes i think control. >> i seized the wheel. marvin, we're going to pass out some three inch by five inch cards. if you have questions you want asked, i will clean it up for you and ask the question. write your question on the car and pass it up front. they are right here. thank you.
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our next speaker is somebody who does it every day. thank you david for the segue. a lot of us talk about these things in terms of public opinion and the op-ed page. in terms of cultural expositions and entertainment and in terms of popular culture and nonfiction or possibly slightly nonfiction. somebody has to do something about the policy, and a lot of us feel that our influences the only thing that matters in a lot of us feel that their influence is the only thing that matters. what is the role of politics? what is the role of the not simple policymaking? sorry. --ust began to think of nevermind. it is too upsetting. dimattina is the executive director of food policy action.
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welcome, claire. [applause] the brief tutorial, what is your organization, how does it work? and is tom any help at all? >> a little bit of context. we are a fairly new organization. we have been around since 2012. founded by ken cook and a handful of other really great and policy leaders before coming over to food policy action in 2013, i spent 10 years on capitol hill working for a handful of really good food policy leaders. i worked for senator leahy and for my last five years i worked for congresswoman chellie pingree who is unique. she came to congress as an organic farmer. she sees food policy issues as nonpartisan issues that to be embraced. when she came to congress, she really challenged me to find the policy that would be impactful
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and would be meaningful to consumers. we came up with a great deal. a first of the time we made some good strides but will we found over and over again was despite enormous changes and a lot of the details are talking about, & -- despite enormous changes in the marketplace, members of congress did not have the information that their voters cared about these issues. when we approach them about things like additional funds for farmers markets or reducing barriers for local production, they really only had heard from the opposition. they had only heard from agribusiness and large agriculture lobbyists and they did not understand that these were huge shifts happening in states across the country. around the same time, shelley and i started talking to some food experts about why were we
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losing big fights? why were we losing on the farm bill and child nutrition authorization when things are happening across the country and politicians were only hearing from the opposition, the people benefiting from the status quo . one of the reasons and the change is that despite these big changes, there is nobody holding congress accountable for their votes on food policy. while it matters to voters, there was nobody connecting the dots. ofilar to the league conservation voters or the nra, we had to put together a scorecard so that voters across the country could easily see how their elected officials were putting on the issues that we see as a value statement. everything from legislation that would reduce hunger in america to sustainable farming, environmental impact of the food production in the score all of those. this fall we will put out our
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fifth scorecard and i will say year after year we start here for more members of congress that they realize people are paying attention. we see scores overall, republicans and democrats increasing. it is being shared more widely and we are not at the end of this by any means. we're starting to see real change. question, tom is incredibly helpful. he came to this as an advocate for hunger. he worked for a long time raising money for a lot of really good organizations in our city to reduce hunger in america and reduce hunger in new york city. what he saw for things we saw which were despite the good work, it is very important, we were not making real change. the policies coming out were not doing anything to really reduce hunger. while he still remains an important hunger advocate, he
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understands how all these things are connected. >> that it's really good news. [applause] in the last 24 hours, whole foods has announced he will try to program selling less-than-perfect looking produce for a lower price, something we call a natural food grocery or a farmers market. [laughter] several other companies have announced that four the xo became free. the schedule of people announcing who want absolute all the credit and financial gains for what they are promising to maybe do some are down the road, that something a good idea and is similar to what they think consumers one or the general public wants. it is wonderful to hear all of this. not have sociologists will tell us a little bit about what he sees from all this. what are we looking at?
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>> that is a small question there. let me start with my role in this department. most importantly, the department which is a little unusual. reveals how we look at things including marion's work. which is crucial. the attrition and public health. as the institutional ecology. what is interesting about nutrition and food studies is this, we want to pay attention to nutritional science and often what we see with increasing skepticism developing is sometimes skepticism without limits.
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skepticism without reason can end you up in a place where you are spending a ton of money drinking zero calorie water. water was always zero calories. or following every fad which is almost the ecology of too much doubt and skepticism. a conspiracy. you will end up like the climate change deniers. we want the department in which people are informed about the science and is evidence-based. but within reasonable limits. understanding how science happens. that science happens with all kinds of revisions but we know a , few things well. we know some things marginally,
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some things we don't know anything about at all. think about modern medicine, think about, some have used this metaphor, the donor. at the heart of it is the placebo effect. we know relatively little about the placebo effect. we have to design our science as double-blind studies because we don't know how placebos work. what we know as the doughnut. and then what we don't know as we expand outward, we want to be in a department that has, understands the science and the limits of the science and understands the politics of science but also learns in the social sciences and humanities. that is the instigation behind the department in a sense were
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nutritionists had a good sense of what is good for people but people did not follow them. the question is made we don't understand people. that went back to how do we understand people? we have to understand behavior and how do we understand behavior? we have to understand motivation. it goes back to the anthropological question, food has to be good to think with to be able to eat. in some ways, the problem may be paying too much attention to nutrition. nutritionism maybe the problem of the food system and away way we pay attention and ignore things. our mission is in fact to work on the science, understand the science and understand the limits of the science and then look at what we can learn from the social sciences and humanities.
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that is the big picture sense of it. do you want me to stop your? -- here? >> i want you to pause. this is all about an academic program of liberal arts and sciences. this is about being properly educated. everything you said makes complete sense and what is shocking is that is not what people always thought. a bifurcated is culture where we think one side is fine. -- real intensive talks to each other and learning from each other. our department, we don't always talk to each other and we are not always nice to each other when we talk to each other. but we are building a culture especially amongst the students which is a sense to take culture seriously and take the science seriously. >> what is interesting is that some years >> some years ago, i was asked
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to facilitate a conversation at the smithsonian and it was, the museum of natural history and what we did was we gathered everyone together, scientists, people who make dioramas, those people are fun. science journalists and academics and what not, at the beginning, i do not know what they were talking about, i was just there to help and as question. in the beginning they had stated that anthropology is here, it is a bird in a drawer and culture apologies us. and that there was relevance. that is what you are talking about. talking about the last 20 years, how much of the movement have you seen as what we would call the food movement which is not academic, the academics have
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responded writing kind. what you see as the food movement? >> academics is usually 20 years behind the marketplace. contrary to what we think, is in fact a conservative institution that conserves knowledge. it can be at the leading edge, in some ways it has nothing wrong with it, but it is fascinating and partly with the other commentators have said especially coming from the james beard foundation, in my book, my most recent book, the ethnic restauranter, it tends to this question, food is good and important and we should pay attention to it, but we should probably also pay attention to
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as much as questions of livelihood. when i see as liveliness and livelihood, liveliness of cities depends on sustainable lives. if we care about liveliness of cities, we should be caring about livelihoods and in some ways, that if the two parts of the movie. some degree of conflict and some degree of commentary. good food and just good. sometimes the obsession with good food can lead to adjust to. you can also reverse that. good people don't just want to live miserable just lives. pleasure is important. justice is important to us.
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the lessons we learn is precisely that. some degree of conflict. my students invested in food, the are students invested in food the way they invested in music. i don't exactly understand that. >> in a self defining and context thinking. it is not just what i listen to, it is who i am wishing to it. it is why i'm been watching -- bench watching shows. try to understand everything. >> to that point. >> marvin is going to walk down the center of the aisle waiting and he will collect any of those two by five cards with questions. don't be shy. some things from the panelist, when i said we were in this moment, a roman to seize, partly
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i think that is because of the very confidence of the idea that we are at this time, good food and just food and gastronomic we important to all happen to be coming to be the same food. that doesn't happen a lot. as i was never happened before. the idea that farm to table, eight food grew anyone to restaurants for something else. the food system changed. this confluence of just food and ethically produced food in will good food is why we are in a very powerful moment. >> they feel that farm to table
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has been overdone and it's over. i wrote a very polite letter we try to get you somebody to pay attention. how important are words? >> words are really important to us. i always say when rem was in indie band in the early 80's, i'm really aging myself with this reference, there were indie people who thought this is our scene and then they signed it to warner bros. and suddenly those indie people were like they sold out. that area iogous to think the word hype gets bandied
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around in a very negative way. the it really hasn't. mimi sheraton is a wonderful journalist. she is a restaurant critic of the new york times. she also lived in a building that was at this very space. because she had a $125 month rent controlled apartment in hype. is wary of this she wrote a letter which basically said she had one legitimate point. self-congratulatory about his column in making more americans think about food and food policy.
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been takenod has seriously since people gathered and dealt with corruption. awareness is more widespread it, it is due to mass media. mass media equals awareness. this greater amount of mass media is a wonderful thing in advancing the argument. hype for stupid things like the black burger at japanese burger king is stupid. there are forms of hype that are stupid. ask, how will the food movement create enough jobs ? they will provide a living wage and make substantial food system
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changes or contributions. >> i wanted to pick up on the last thread. there are questions about are we a lotng the food system? of people that you think that they eat in an ethical way. i am getting paid to sit at the table. >> i'm getting paid to sit at the table to be totally honest. we have to open the movement up to people. i think to a certain extent that is going to be about control. we have already defined the problem. we are going to have to engage in a meaningful way and give power to the people who are most impacted, and allow them to define the problem, and support them finding solutions. out of that we will see the food movement, the food system start
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to change and create opportunities for food jobs. [applause] >> can doing the right thing about food be monetized? i guess that is the big question. that is a lot of what you are doing. is it considered that this will create more jobs or jobs that are better for people to live better lives? >> currently, seven out of the worst paying jobs are related to the food system. there is a problem there. we need to engage in some of the justice issues. we need to be part of the fight for 15. we need to engage in these bigger food sites that impact people.
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first of all, all of that. the justice issues, fair wages for work. there is a question of people and in academic way studying the food system and what the future of that looks like. from a personal perspective when i started working on food issues in washington it wasn't really like food issues in washington. 1500 lobbyists, double the size of the defense department lobbyists. a lot of people are working to keep the status quo the way it is. as the country has started to emerge, that is being reflected in jobs in washington as well. while we don't have the numbers that our counterparts do, there are tremendous organizations.
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nine to five lobbying for better policy, i've only seen that grow in strides. as we look at the next big sites we will see that grow more and more. >> how do you think people will view things as political? the role of culinary schools. this started 10-20 years ago. it was the hot thing to learn how to be a shaft and get on a tv show and go out of business. it was classical. how important is political education? do other efforts in the food system?
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>> i would limit that question to the students. we hear from chefs who are trying to do the right saying. treating their employees more equitably. using better sourced ingredients. a dozen asked the questions about the practices of the restaurants and give them a star without considering the value ratio of quantities served and priced. i won't -- someone i know well has a meal with someone who is a mood editor of one of the largest papers in the world. how do you celebrate that and not take things into account?
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it is irresponsible to separate those. the rider's, the food magazines, the places you will find these things least discussed ironically, that is part of the problem. >> it brings up the question, some of the issues are discussed on the food pages of the new york times in this cultural look. we have found this lovely culture. aren't they wonderful they take these beans and grow them? i'm oversimplifying. there is this word, ethnic food. some find it condescending. i was talking to a food writer in the west and i said don't use
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that word. how about exotic? i said, that is worse. give us a word about the integration of food culture. >> what i find most promising is the fight for 15 and minimum wage. the question of labor. what i find really heartening, 21 states have gotten involved. we have a candidate in the political mainstream who drives labor issues. that is radical. that is a good symptom of where the food movement could push things. the minimum wage question, because they are going to be these jobs, you have to move the
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bottom of the market. i'm looking at the configuration of forces allowing this discussion i would have never dreamt in the shadow of what is called the post-reagan united states. the ground has shifted on that. the second related challenge, how do you bring in stakeholders into engaging with this? especially where the stakeholders are transnational migrants. that's what poor people sell in the world. labor, produce and clothing. if we have to find a mechanism of collaboration and coordination across national
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spaces because everything is moving, that is the central challenge. my work is a small part of this engagement. the cold troll politics. if you look at american cities, occupations, most food related occupations, we have data where we ask people there occupations. we ask people their workplace. 70 to 90% of rulers, saloon keepers have always been foreign-born. that raises an interesting question. american food has always been foreign food. which i find a fantastic thing. i think american food cultures changes every 20 years.
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that is its promise. we are in the middle of the transportation -- transformation. it raises a question. this war, it's a world of people who are called everyday folks and then there are celebrity cooks. i have space, i have income. it allows me to cook when i wish to. the burden of everyday cooking at the heart of that is the problem of professionalization. it is not just a promise. it is a problem. it gives it a structure in which people who don't usually cook
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sociologically end up with all the benefits. that is the problem we have to crack. >> closing double question. lots to think about. if you leave thinking you got a complete class, we failed miserably. two things i want you to tell me about. in the last 20 years, what didn't happen? what did you think should have happened that didn't? you can answer either of these are both of them if you wish. what can we do?
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how many of you are chefs? how many are cooks at home? how many of you live at nyu building? these are the two questions. what can we in any field do? >> what didn't happen? it's a good question. i spent a lot of time thinking about what did happen. what didn't happen yet, i give a talk a lot to people in the hospitality industry, you learned the customer is always right, you build your business model doing that. i think what happens in the last 20 years is the production side, the chefs and the farmers, the artisans got really good but the
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customers didn't. the customers, when you look at food cultures around the world, they keep those things in check. i went to cornell and said the customer is not always right. the customer has to meet the level of the producer and put themselves in their head and understand why there are no tomatoes. the customer has to be a better customer. that is not what has happened yet. >> if you want a cup of coffee, a regular coffee, disgusting. in the last five years we have begun to have a sense of good coffee.
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there is always good coffee roasted in new york city. it wasn't respected by the pipeline. the guy who grounded, they did it -- ground it, they did not care. what can an individual do? >> the individual can -- i don't think they can know everything. i think the individual needs to cede some power and pay attention. be more mindful. to cross the street, to be more active in the process. >> i think to a certain extent
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consumers have come along. we're thinking differently. we have this robust -- someone said where should i go to eat? what do you want? farm to table. we don't even talk about farm to table in new york anymore. it is kind of a given. we have farmers markets and other ways to get food. there is a gap. it's about infrastructure and supply and scale. our food system got really big. a lot of us are advocating for this small thing. we are finding it hard to make a living. the thing we haven't figured out, what is the right size and what is that system that gets the food to the people who are going to sell it to us?
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>> we are going to be addressing that later this year. we love to fall in love with tiny farms. farms existed in the middle, in place that aren is beautiful. we have to talk about that. we will continue the conversation about 20 years in, what do we know, what can we know, and what should we know? these are good things. you think nothing didn't happen you are worried about. you think things did happen. >> i think we have an addressed that middle point. we seeing a lot of farmers trying hard and giving up. that is a sign, if we don't preserve. we can think about our purveyors and where we are getting food from and except a little
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inconvenience if we can afford it to invest and keep that system going while we figure out these mechanisms by which food is going to get around. we required to have to have a large system of small constructs to feed a billion people at least. >> what hasn't happened, a lot of really great things have happened. we are on our way. what has not happened enough, a collective buy-in from the american public. there is too much that if you care about food in america, not in france or asia, you are eva lee just -- elitist. you are made fun of for mentioning the word arugula.
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it goes back to the liveliness that goes hand-in-hand with livelihood. liveliness, joy. how do we get the public to buy-in to everything the panel has been talking about? we start with joy, the taste of good food. if they are cultivated right, it is part of what food does so well. protect people in urban settings. you slice the beat and you drizzle the olive oil. you are buying in, you are getting it. we need more of that.
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>> i want a t-shirt. >> i brought as a visual aid, look at the tubers. this is about the wasted food initiative. look how beautiful they are. this was once considered unsellable food. >> what didn't happen and what can one person do? >> the thing that we are not doing is trying to figure how we move this incredible food movement into a political movement. how did we elect people who understand food issues are important so access to affordable health care, healthy food is a universal value? how do we change that in a significant way over the next 20 years. you can be more knowledgeable,
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vote this way. vote your values. find out how your elected officials are voting on these issues. go to plate of the ask these questions. there is so much we can do to be a more engaged food citizen in this country. >> i'm am at going what has been said. this hinge between a consumer and a citizen, connecting that, we are very good at articulating what we need, what is owed as a consumer. i don't think we make equal demands as citizens. i'm optimistic. looking at the labor movement, that is the translation that has to happen.
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how we take our citizenship man's -- demands. i would say one other thing, this very big system and very small system. maybe we need food at moderate speeds. not fast, not slow. that might be the way to build relatively efficient but relatively resilient systems. there is a trade-off. be able to build reform systems to politics. through neighborhood action, through csa's. we can build this system of food at moderate speeds and moderate scales.
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>> i encourage you to do what mary says, but with your fork. join us next time. let's thank the panel. [applause] >> you can talk to them. they are going to the gallery next door to have a glass of wine and a piece of something tasty. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] discusses hisn campaign. on effect of third parties u.s. politics in the end act you can have on the presidential campaign. if
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in candidate hillary clinton outlined her economic policies on thursday.vent she said she would oppose the transpacific partnership. this is about 45 minutes. [cheers] >> thank you. thank you so much. i have to tell you i am thrilled to be here for a number of reasons. first, it is wonderful to be back in michigan and you can really feel the energy and dynamism that is driving this state's come back. in detroit, we have got new businesses opening, neighborhoods like midtown and eastern market are coming back. the auto industry just had it best year ever. [cheers and applause]
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mrs. clinton: high-tech firms are thriving. the next generation of engineers are getting trained, and here, you are on the front lines of what i believe will be a true manufacturing renaissance in america. [applause] mrs. clinton: i just was given a short but exciting tour by mark and john who were telling me about how this company was started as and for most of its early history, was an auto supply company. then in 2000 as the market began to change and some of the auto
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companies began to realign, they were faced with a choice. we all face choices in life, don't we? this company could have just said, hey, you know, our business is not going to be what it was. we have got to just pulled up and let's just kind of quit. but that is not what happened here. what happened here is what happened across america. you are in now what is largely an aerospace company. [applause] mrs. clinton: and because of the workforce and the work ethic, and the commitment of the future , you are seeing the future unfold. so i got to see what is happening here, to help build
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the rocket that is going to go to mars. [cheers and applause] mrs. clinton: i saw the two halves of an f 35 nosecone waiting to be put together. [applause] i talked with some of the workers about the absolute perfection that is required to do this work. what i believe with all my heart is what is happening here can happen in so many places if we put our minds to it, if we supported mass manufacturing, if we are the kind of country that once again understand how important it is to build things. we are builders who need to get back to building. [applause] so we are making progress. none of us can be satisfied until the economic
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revitalization we are seeing in some parts of michigan reaches every community, but it is inspiring to see this combination of old-fashioned hard work and cutting-edge innovation. i know my opponent in this election was here in michigan about a week ago and it was like he was in a different place. when he visited detroit on monday, he talked only of failure, poverty, and crime. he is missing so much about what makes michigan great. [cheers and applause] and the same is true when it comes to our country. he describes america as an embarrassment. he said, and i quote, we are becoming a third world country. look around you, my friend.
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go visit with the workers building rockets. that does not happen in third world countries. [applause] we have a lot of urgent and important work to do and that is what i am going to talk about today. because all the people i have met throughout this campaign really prove how wrong this negative, pessimistic view is. america's best days are still ahead of us, if we make up our minds to actually go out and make that happen. [applause] just consider our assets. we have the most dynamic, productive workforce in the world, bar none. [applause] we have the most innovative businesses, top colleges, universities, community colleges, training programs in
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the world, and the best science and technology. we have enormous capacity for clean energy production to we are resilient, determined, hard-working. there is nothing america cannot do if we do it together. i know this because this is how i was raised. and i don't think mr. trump understand any of it. he has not offered any credible solutions to the very real economic challenges we face. now, those challenges emerged long before the great recession and they have persisted through our recovery. there is too much inequality, too little upward mobility. it is just too hard to get ahead today. but there are common sense things your government could do that would give americans more
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opportunities to succeed. why don't we do it? because powerful special interests and the tendency to put ideology ahead of political progress have led to gridlock in congress. and how can you not be frustrated and angry when you see nothing getting done? a lot of people feel that no one is on their side and no one is on their back. that is not how it is supposed to be in america. if i am fortunate enough to be your president, i will have your back every single day that i serve. [cheers] my mission in the white house will be to make our economy work for everyone, not just those at
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the top. this is personal for me. i am the product of the american middle class. i was born in chicago, raised in a suburb. but my grandfather worked at the scranton mill in scranton, pennsylvania for 50 years. because he worked hard, my dad was able to go to college and eventually start his own small business, and send me out into the world to follow my own dreams. no matter how far those dreams have taken me, i have always remembered i the daughter of a am small business owner and the granddaughter of a factory owner and proud of both. [cheers] here is what i want, i want every american family to be able to tell the same story. if you work hard, do your part,
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you should be able to give your children all of the opportunities they deserve. that is the basic bargain of america. now, whether we will be able to renew that bargain on even better terms for the 21st century, it depends in large measure on the outcome of this election. here are four questions i hope the american people will ask of both candidates. and that the answers should help make your choice in november crystal clear. first, which candidate has a both candidates. real plan to create good paying jobs? second, who will restore fairness to the economy and ensure that those at the top pay their fair share of taxes? [applause] third, who will really go to bat
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for working families and forth, who can bring people together to deliver the results that will make a difference in your lives? [cheers and applause] now i hope that after giving a fair hearing to both sides, you will join the millions of people across our country supporting this campaign. not just democrats but a growing number of republicans and independents as well. when it comes to creating jobs, i would argue it's not even close. even conservative experts say trump's's agenda will pull our economy back into a recession. according to an independent analysis by former economic adviser to senator john mccain, if you add up all of trump's
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ideas from cutting taxes for the wealthy to starting a trade war with china to deporting millions of hard-working immigrants, the result would be a loss of 3.4 million jobs. [booing] now, by contrast, the same analyst found that our plan, the economy would create more than 10 million new jobs. [applause] let me tell you how we would do that. i believe every american willing to work hard should be able to find a job and decent pay back -- that can support a family. starting on day one, we will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new, good paying jobs, since world war two.
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[cheers] we will put americans to work, building and modernizing our roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, airports. [applause] we are way overdue for this, my friends. we are living off of the investments made by our parents and grandparents generation. we will also help cities like detroit and flint connect underserved neighborhoods to opportunity expanding affordable housing and we will prepare -- repair schools and failing water systems as well. [cheers and applause] you know, i happen to think we should be ambitious. while we're at it, we should
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connect every household in america to broadband by the year 2020. [cheers and applause] it is astonishing to me how many places in america, not way far away from cities, but in cities, and near cities, that do not have access to broadband. that disadvantages kids who are asked to do homework using the internet, 5 million of them live at homes without access to the internet. so you talk about the achievement gap, it starts right there. and let's build a cleaner and more resilient power grid with enough renewable energy to power every home in our country as well. [applause] some country is going to be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century and create millions of jobs and businesses.
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it's probably going to be either china, germany or america. i want it to be us. we should make it and use it and it, which will help us grow our economy. and here is something you do not always hear enough of from democrats. a big part of our plan will be unleashing the power of the private sector to create more jobs at higher pay. that means, for us, creating an infrastructure bank to get private funds off the sidelines and complement our private investments. $25 billion in government funding could unlock more than $250 billion and really get our country moving on
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our infrastructure plan and we are going to invest $10 billion in what we call make it in america partnership to support american manufacturing and recommit research to create entire new industries. when mark and john were given me the tour i was talking to workers along the way and asking them were some of the precision machinery came from that is being used here, it is what i hear all over the country. germany, japan, italy. i want to bring that precision manufacturing back to the united states. there is no reason we cannot begin to make those machines ourselves and supply the rest of the world instead of buying from somewhere else. [applause] let's also expand incentives
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like the new market tax plan that can bring businesses, government, and communities together to create good jobs and places that will be left out and left behind. from neglected neighborhoods like detroit and flint to , logging country, coal country, native american communities, rural areas, ravaged by addiction and lost jobs, to industrial regions. as president, i will also make a major push to empower small businesses and entrepreneurs. [applause] with new national initiatives to cut red tape at every level and expand access to credit, especially through community banks and credit unions. i will propose a new plan to dramatically simplify tax filing for small businesses. [applause]
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right now, the smallest businesses, the kind my dad had, it was a really small business, spent 20 times more per employee to prepare their taxes compared to larger companies. it should be as easy as printing out a bank statement. let's free entrepreneurs to do what they do best. innovate, hire. as mark said, this company started because of a drive down a road and thinking about it and talking about it and see one of the old oldsmobile future mx, and america if you can dream it, you should be able to build it. we will get back to doing that. [cheers and applause] now donald trump has a different view. he has made a career out of
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stiffing small businesses, from atlantic city to las vegas. there are companies that were left hanging because he refused to pay their bills. a lot of those companies scraped together what they could to pay their employees, and many of them put their businesses at risk and some of them ended up taking bankruptcies. it was not because trump could not pay them, it is because he would not pay them. that is why i take it personally. my dad ran a printing plant. he two really long tables. he printed fabric for draperies. he would lay out the fabric and then would take a silkscreen and
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he would go down the table and put it down, take the squeegee, go across the screen, lifted up, go down, all the way at the end and then he would start at the other table. he worked hard and then when he finished, he would load up the fabric, put it in his car, and take it to the business that had ordered it. maybe a restaurant or a hotel or some office. he expected to be paid when he showed up. he did the work. he paid for the supplies and for the labor the often hired to help him on big jobs. he expected to be paid. i cannot imagine what would've happened to my father and his business if he had gotten a contract from trump. end -- and showing up and submitting his bill, and being told we are not going to pay and if you do not like it, sue us. my father could never have sued a big organization like that. i
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just don't understand it. i have met all kinds of workers, painters, plumbers, i have met small businesses that provided piano's and glass and marble, all of whom were denied payment, and after going back time and again and being told, maybe we will pay you $.30 on the dollar or $.50 on the dollar, that is not how we do business in america. we have got to create more good jobs that are going to help more people. for example, our modern service economy is empowering consumers with more choices and greater flexibility, but we do have to empower the workers in our service sector, too. the people taking care of our children and our parents, they deserve a good wage and good benefits and a secure retirement. [applause] and it is crucial that every american have access to the
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education and skills they need to get the jobs in the future. so we will fight to make college tuition free for the middle-class and debt free for everyone. [cheers and applause] we will also liberate millions of people who already have student debt by making it easier to refinance and repay what you owe as a portion of your income so you do not have to pay more and justcan afford not -- it is just not right donald trump can ignore his debt but students and families cannot refinance their debt. here's something else that i want to emphasize. i don't think anyone in america is talking about this enough, and that is a four year degree should not be the only path to a good job in america. [cheers]
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you should be able to learn a skill, practice a trade, make a good living doing it. so many americans have the talent and the will to succeed, whether their kid is right at a high school or older people displaced by automation and outsourcing. for too long, big promises about the power of training and re-training have not delivered like they should. it doesn't help anybody to be trained for a job that does not exist. here is what we are going to do. we will support high-quality union training programs. [applause] we will propose new tax credits to encourage more companies to offer paid apprenticeships that
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let you earn while you learn. we will do more, including a national campaign to dignify skills training across the board. i think we have to reverse what has become a kind of commonplace view, which is everybody needs to go to college. well, in fact, more than half of the jobs that will be available in 2020 do not require a college year degree. for welders and machinists and health technicians and so many others, let's get the word out, , there are really good jobs for people right now, and there will be more in the future if you get the skills in high school at a community college, apprenticeship program or other training program. [cheers]
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and i want to acknowledge the great role that the community college here has played in working with companies like this one to make sure people do have the skills. now, i imagine some of you might be thinking that all sounds good, but what about trade? after all, trump talks about it all the time. well let's start with this, it is true too often passed trade deals have been sold to the syerican people with ro scenarios that did not pan out. those promises now ring hollow in many communities across michigan and our country that have seen factories close and jobs disappear. too many companies lobbied for trade deals so they could sell product abroad but then they
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instead moved abroad and sold back into the united states. it is also true that china and other countries have cheated the system for too long. enforcement, particularly during the bush administration has been too lax. investments at home that would make us more competitive have been blocked in congress. and american workers and communities have paid the price. but the answer is not to rant and rave or cut ourselves off from the other side of the world, the answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us. so my message to every worker in michigan and across america is this. i will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages, including the transpacific partnership. [cheers]
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i oppose it now, i'll oppose it after the election, and i'll oppose it as president. as a senator from new york, i am going to defend new york manufacturers and steelmakers from unfair chinese trading practices. i opposed the only multilateral trade deal that came before the senate while i was there because it did not meet my high bar. as secretary of state i fought hard for american businesses to get a fair shot around the world stopo stop -- and to underhanded trading practices like currency manipulation and theft of intellectual property. as president i will stand up to china and anyone else who tries to take advantage of american workers and companies. [applause] and i am going to ramp up
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enforcement by appointing for , the first time a cheap trade prosecutor. i will triple the number of enforcement officers, and when countries break the rules, we will not hesitate to impose targeted tariffs. [cheers] now, mr. trump may talk of big game on trade but his approach is based on fear, not strength. fear that we cannot compete with the rest of the world, even when rules are fair. fear that our country has no choice but to hide behind walls. if team usa was as fearful as trump, michael phelps and simone biles would be cowering in the locker room afraid to come out to compete. [cheers]
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instead, they are winning gold medals. america is not afraid to compete. right now thousands of michigan companies are exporting billions of dollars of products around the world. we want them to sell even more and create even more jobs here at home. but corporations should not abandon profitable operations here in the united states to move abroad just to give shareholders a quicker return. ceo's, a bigger bonus and unions a weaker hand to play. now, before he tweets -- [applause] about how he is really the one who will put america first and
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-- in trade, let's remember where trump makes many of his own products, because it sure is not america. [cheers] he has made trump ties in china and trump suits in mexico instead of michigan. he says is not possible to make these things in america anymore and that is wrong. so, we created a website. on it we list 100 places across the united states that are already producing similar goods. now one positive thing trump could do to make america great again is to actually make great things in america again. now let's look at the second
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question again, and that is which candidate will fight for fairness? this is an urgent need. we need to grow the economy and make it fairer. the tide is not rising fast enough and certainly not listing all both. since the crash, too many of the gains have gone to the top 1%. rewarding corporations for putting short-term stock prices along long time investment in their workers, equipment and research. while corporate profits are at near record high, paychecks for most people have barely budge. incomes are not growing to keep up with the cost of living. i believe every employee to the ceo suite and factory floor contributes to a business of success. so everybody should share in the rewards. especially those putting in long
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hours for little pay. so i am encouraging a tax credit to shared profits with workers. more broadly, we will fight for a more progressive, more patriotic tax code that puts american jobs first. right now when a corporation outsources jobs in production, it can write off the cost. we must stop that and must make them pay back any tax break they ever received them any level of government in our country. [cheers] and for those that move their headquarters overseas to avoid paying their fair share of taxes , they are going to have to pay a new exit tax. if they want go, they will have
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to pay to go. [cheers] and wall street corporations in -- and the super rich should finally pay their fair share of taxes. that is why i support the so-called buffet rural. multibillionaire's should not be able to pay a lower tax rate than their secretaries. [applause] we should also add a new tax on multimillionaires. crackdown on tax gaming by corporations, and close the kerry interest loophole, something i have advocated for years. what trump that to says. there is a myth out there that trump will stick it to the rich and powerful, because somehow he is really on the side of the little guy. don't believe it. not when he pledges to rip up basic rules that hold corporations accountable. when he wants to scrap
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regulations that stop polluters from poisoning the air our children breathe and the water we drink. trump would roll back the tough rules we have imposed on the financial industry. i will do the opposite. i think we should strengthen those rules so wall street can never wreck main street again. [applause] trump even wants to abolish the consumer financial protection bureau. a new agency that has already returned more than $11 billion to 25 million americans who were taken advantage of by corporations. why would you get rid of that? and then there is trump's tax plan.
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he would give trillions to money managers and pay corporations. that would explode the national debt and eventually lead to massive cuts in priorities like education, health care, and environmental protection. in his speech on monday, he called for a new tax loophole. let's call it the trump loophole , because it would allow him to pay less than half the current tax rate on income for many of his companies. he would pay a lower rate than millions of middle-class families. one nonpartisan expert at the tax policy center described this plan as a really nice deal, for donald trump. of course, it is hard to say how nice because he refuses to do what every other candidate in decades has done and release his tax
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returns. [applause] but we do know the 400 richest taxpayers in america would get an average tax cut of more than $15 million a year from the trump loophole. then there is the estate tax, which trump wants to eliminate altogether. now, if you believe he is as wealthy as he says, that alone would save the trump family $4 billion. it would do nothing for 99.8% of americans. so they would get a $4 billion tax cut and 99.8% of americans would get nothing. just think of what we could do with those $4 billion? we could pay for more than 47,000 veterans to get a four-year college degree. we could provide a years worth of health care to nearly 3 million kids.
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fund years worth of federal assistance to law enforcement. i think there are a lot of better way to spend the money. on monday i will be in scranton, pennsylvania with vice president biden. he has a saying, don't tell me what you value, show me your budget and i will tell you what you value. [applause] well donald trump wants to give , trillions in tax breaks to people like himself. i want to invest it in veterans, police officers, and so much more. and then you can then draw your own conclusion about values. now it is true that both of us have proposed to cut taxes for middle-class families. he is making a big promise, but his advisers have said, he may not stand by them.
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instead, the tax cuts he doubled down on offer trillions to the richest americans and corporations. what are the differences between donald trump and me? i am telling you what i will do, i am laying out my plan, and i will stand by them, and want to you to hold me accountable for delivering results. [applause] this all reminds me of the old saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. that brings us to the third question, which candidate can can you count on to go to bat for workers and working families? it is not enough to pay lip service to be on your side. we have to recognize how americans actually live and work in the 21st century and then offer real solutions that make your lives easier. we know that women are now the
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sole or primary breadwinner in a growing number of families. we know that more americans are cobbling together part-time work or striking out on their own, so we have to make it easier to be good workers and caregivers all at the same time. that is why i have set out a bold vision to make quality, affordable childcare available to all americans and limit the cost to 10% of family income. on [applause] on monday trump offered his first real idea on this topic. because previously he dismissed ideas about childcare. he said it was not an expensive thing because you just need some blocks and some swings. now he said he wants to exclude childcare payments from taxation. his plan was panned from the left, right and center because it transparently is designed for rich people.
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like him. he would give wealthy families $.30 or $.40 on the dollar for their nannies and little or nothing for millions of hard-working families trying to afford childcare so they can get to work and keep the job. [applause] i think instead we should expand the child tax credit to provide real relief to tens of millions of working families struggling to raise children. the same family that his plan ignores. the more we do to help working families, the more the entire economy will benefit. for example, guaranteeing equal pay will not just increase paychecks for women, it will boost family budgets and yet incomes rising across the board. [applause]
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i don't understand why trump is against that. paid family leave will only make -- not only make life easier for moms and dads it will keep skilled, talented americans in the workforce and grow our economy. that is why every other advance economy already has it. raising the federal minimum wage will not just put more money in the pockets of low income families, it also means they will spend more at the businesses in their neighborhood. [applause] this is something that even the original automakers understood way back at the beginning of the 20th century when they decided to pay the unbelievable sum of five dollars a day to auto workers. and when they were criticized by other businesses, they had the
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best answer, we want people to be able to buy our cars. this is economics 101. we need to get incomes and wages rising, and it will help the whole economy grow and be fairer. [applause] and protecting and expanding social security does not just help older americans retire with dignity, it helps to ease burdens on families and communities. and i also believe the same thing about comprehensive immigration reform. we already have millions of people working in the economy and paying $12 billion per year to social security, even though they are undocumented. by moving toward reform, we will unleash a lot of new income and growth and level the playing field so american workers cannot be taken advantage of because undocumented workers can be exploited by employers which is one of the reasons we have this disconnect. [applause]
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and finally, strengthening unions does not just serve members, it leads to better pay and benefits and working conditions for all employees. [applause] so i have also set i will defend and improve the affordable care act. for me, that includes giving americans in every state the choice of a public option health insurance plan. that will help everyone afford coverage. it will strengthen competition and drive down costs. now these are all causes i have worked on for decades, and i believe they point to a fundamental truth about our economy. it can seem like zero sum when you are competing for a job, promotion, or contract if someone wins and loses, but that is not the full picture. if you step back, you will see
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we are all in this together. if we can grow together, we can all rise together. you know what i like to say, we are all stronger together. the the fourth question is key, and it is this. who can bring people together to get any any of this done? well, i believe i can because i think i can provide serious, steady leadership that can find common ground and build on it based upon hard but respectful bargaining with the other side. leadership that rises above personal attacks and name-calling, not revels in it. [applause] i just do not think insults and bullying is how we are to get things done. i don't think that that is the appropriate approach for us.
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imagine, is hard to but there was a time when democrats and republicans actually work ed together. i know that is true. i did it as first lady and senator and secretary of state. it is how we created the health insurance program. it is how we rebuilt new york after 9/11. i am convinced based on my experience that we can do this. and one of the reasons i asked tim kaine to be my running mate is he also has a record of working across the aisle to get things done as a mayor, governor, and senator. we will make full use of the white house's power to convene. we will get everyone at the table, not just republicans and democrats. but businesses and labor unions, academics and experts. but most importantly, american
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like all of you. i think there are a lot of great ideas out in america and i want you to have a say in your government and that means we need to get unaccountable money out of politics, overturn citizens united and expand voting rights, not restrict them. i intend starting before the election to bring together leaders from across our economy , from a lot of different places , to talk about jobs and competitiveness. i hope john and mark can join me, because we need the best ideas that are out there making a difference. we need to pull together. the bottom line is this i am , running for president to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. [applause]
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and based on what we know from campaign, he wants americans to work for him and his friends at the top. he has offered nothing on student loans of the cost of description drugs, nothing for farmers or struggling rural communities. nothing to build a new future with clean energy and advance agriculture. nothing for the cities to overcome the barriers of systemic racism. nothing to create new opportunities for young people. just a more extreme version of the failed theory of trickle down economics with his own addition of outlandish "trumpian" ideas that even republicans reject.
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[applause] as we heard him say at his convention, he believes that he alone can fix our country, but clearly he does not know the people of michigan. he does not see the businesses and labor unions, local government and clergy coming together every single day to make things better. yes, there is still a long road ahead but michigan is on the rise, and everyone is contributing. that is america at its best. i hope you will work together to create jobs and strengthen its -- your own creative. i hope you will work to get out the vote in november. because if we -- [applause] win, then ile to want you all to work with me too build the kind of progress in america deserve to see. we will do this together. we are stronger together.
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let's go out and build the future. [applause] thank you, all and god bless you. [cheers] ♪ think no mountain high enough >> book tv on c-span 2, 40 hours of books and tapes. today on 7:00 p.m. eastern, the -- the court, the focus burger court and the rise of the judicial right, she speaks here in washington dc. then it can: 30 eastern, syndicated radio host argues that the u.s. is splintering
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into two countries, which she calls coastal america and flyover america in her book .flyover nation" it seems in so many ways, not just people in flyover nation, you see the back-and-forth, right and left. pulling in one direction or the other. we need you to support this particular issue. that divide is kind of scary because now politics is affecting whether we are able to equally defend ourselves against a major threat. , a look at how some school policies are having a negative impact on the lives of black female students quit the book push out, she argues that schools and other institutions that are supposed to help, are the very places that are criminalizing black girls. org for thev.
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complete schedule. >> republican presidential candidate donald trump held a rally. this is just over one hour. [applause] are you already doing? -- are you ready to win? i have got to tell you, it is such an honor to be here in here eriennsylvania -- pennsylvania. it is unbelievable. we are so honored to be working with donald trump and the campaign. the raised $82 million in july to beat hillary clinton. [applause] and don't believe the garbage you read. let me tell you something.
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, the republican party, all of you, we are going to put him in the white house and save this country together. [applause] we just had a great poll that came out, showed a tight election in spite of the biased media, this man is going to win, he is going to save our country, he is going to put us back to work again, put more money in people's pockets. [applause] freedom. a battle for that is why we are here, we are in a battle for freedom. it is the same battle that james mattioli -- james madison reaffirmed in the bill of rights, the same that founded our country, the same battle we are here to fight. how manynow about you, people here have been to the world war ii memorial in washington? [applause] me,ink you would agree with
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you get out of it what you are willing to put into it. i have been there with my little guy, jack, who is now 11. he is walking around and you see all the quotes from heroes like tz and eisenhower. when you walk up to that wall with 4000 golden stars on the wall, and for every one of those stars, 100 little guys didn't come home to mom and dad. and in front of those stars, in gold and black granite, it says here we marked the price of freedom. we are in a battle for freedom in this country. donald trump is going to help protect us, protect our country, secure our borders, do the things to make america great again. [applause] got.ook at the choice we look at the choice. hillary clinton has a problem with lying. booing] she lied over and over
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and over again. she lied when she said she turned over those work-related e-mails. she lied when she said that nothing in these e-mails are confidential. she lied when she said that she only had one device. up] let's dok her this, let's beat her in november, ok? here is the difference. donald trump and mike pence will tell the truth. he will protect your second amendment rights. they will protect our southern border. it will protect the sovereignty of the united states, our great country. more years ofur
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.mazing what great people. we are going to bring back our jobs to pennsylvania. we are going to bring back our jobs to the united states. [applause] we are going to bring back our jobs, folks. i have looked at the numbers and i see what is happening in pennsylvania. i see what is happening all over our country. state, new new york england, you look anywhere in the country we want to go to, all over it is the same. manufacturing way down. jobs way down. you go to other countries, they are taking our companies. they're taking our jobs. people are, right now, working harder than they have ever worked. they made more money in real wages. and commit. , people in the syncretic big room, and thank
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you. it is 93 degrees out. and they still have a lot of people trying to get in, should we let the men? just let them in. but 18 years ago, people were making more money in real wages than they make today. twoday they are workingw jobs, some three jobs. they are working harder and making less money. friend of mine, i have been telling this story over the past , it is better than going to harvard and asking them to do a study. you learned in three minutes. ,et me just tell you, right now mexico and other countries are building facilities, plants, the
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likes of which you have never seen. we are going to build a wall, don't worry. we are going to build the wall. [applause] we are going to build a wall. mine, andend of actually a supporter. a supporter. the guy. he builds plants, rate guy. that's what he does. he doesn't want to build apartments, he wants to build plants. he is just about the biggest there is. and i said, how are things going? he said very well. how are you doing in the u.s.? i said, not good. how are you doing in mexico? have got to see it. it is the eighth wonder of the world. he is building some of the greatest plants. you look at ford moving their operations to mexico. take a look.
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jobs, way, millions of thousands of companies over the years. they have left us and we have a few things. have unemployment, we have empty plans him a i saw it in new way, you were a great victory for donald trump. thank you. [applause] i assumed if i didn't win pennsylvania -- and by the way, i was talking to our great congressman, and where is he? he is here somewhere. where is he? he loves the people and i have pennsylvania, he wants to see this state do well. thank you. and just back to a few of my
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friends here. we see what is happening with general electric, not going to happen. you know why they're cutting back? one reason, because we don't take care of because we don't take care of our miners and we are not producing coal and they don't need to make those big, big, beautiful -- you could call them locomotives, i guess. right? whatever the hell they are, they are big and powerful and they don't need them like they used to because we don't make our government work for us. they are not working for us. they are working for others. they are not working for us. so when general electric goes out -- you see the numbers. i see the numbers. i just left parts of virginia and west virginia, and the coal
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