tv Washington This Week CSPAN August 14, 2016 6:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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for you. in the modern era of campaigning, one of the things that hurt any third party candidate is all of the troops on the ground and the data analytics. the voting, i agree with what ginger said, the voting starts next month. in a few weeks, absentee ballots are being mailed out. october 12, ohio starts. by the time we get to september 26 and the first debate, then the next debate in october, voting is well underway. this is not like 30-40 years ago when you waiting for the final 72 hours to start moving forward in the polls, and you have a late surge or an october surprise that could blow things up. things can get set in stone. we saw it in 2012. lot of people aren't paying attention in the summer but , barack obama blew mitt romney out of the water. steve: you are on the campaign trail this week with donald trump. what you looking for?
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ginger: i'm looking to see if he is going to connect with voters. he is holding the rallies. he knows those people will be voting for him. what is his campaign doing to reach the undecided? what is he doing to reach the people who he could win over? that is the most important thing between now and the selection. steve: ginger gibson with reuters. and david drucker, senior correspondent for the washington examiner and host of the examining politics podcast. available on websites. to both of you, thank you so much for being with us. have a good weekend. >> thank you, steve. app makes it radio easy to follow the 2016 election wherever you are. it is free to download from the apple app store or google play. get up-to-the-minute schedule information for c-span radio and c-span television, plus podcast times for popular public affairs, book and history programs.
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stay up-to-date on all the election coverage. c-span's radio app means you always have c-span on the go. coalitionts from a called this arm hate gathered in washington, d.c. yesterday to speak out against gun violence, and voice support for lgbtq rights. the event was organized in response to the mass shooting in florida. among the speakers was a mother, who lost her son in that shooting, and virginia congressman don buyer. here is a portion of the event. >> we have had plenty of time to pause and reflect. we seem to have moments of silence every week on the house floor. we have had so many thoughts and prayers, but no votes. latest in anst the awful series of mass shootings, all of which, we usually say in hindsight, were committed by people who should not have had a gun.
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bye shootings are committed people who claim to be inspired by extremist religious ideologies, shootings like ft. hood, chattanooga, and san bernardino. shootings are committed by abusers, stalkers, or perpetrators of domestic violence. these spouses of significant others are family members of mass shooters have the greatest risk of being numbered among the following. and nearly all mass shootings, like newton, aurora, lafayette, virginia tech, are committed by people who are later said to have exhibited extreme signs of mental instability. in virginia, everyone knew that young man was seriously mentally ill. in so many mass shootings, like emmanuel ame church in charleston, the community college in oregon, the temple in wisconsin, are committed by hate filled individuals who target victims because of their identity. the person who killed 49 americans in orlando was all of these.
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he committed horrible acts of violence against his ex-wife. he exhibited such derangement and fright that he frightened classmates and coworkers. he was investigated as a potential terrorist by the fbi, and he chose to target a gay nightclub online night. -- a gay nightclub on latin nights. he was the last person we would want to legally buy a gun. and yet, he legally purchased an assault weapon, a glock, and a huge amount of ammunition. he did not violate any laws in the purchase of these weapons, because our laws are not good enough. there are things that we can do to help this problem. we could expand background checks and prevent dangerous people from getting guns. we could allow the attorney general to prohibit suspected terrorists from dying -- from buying guns. we could pass my bill, to hold gun owners accountable for making sure they only sell
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weapons to responsible people. we could try to pass another great bill, the atf enforcement act, which would allow the atf to truly enforce gun laws, and call the bluff of those who say our gun laws are good enough. and we could pass gun violence restraining orders, like they have in california, so that law enforcement and family members can temporarily remove guns from family members during moments of crisis. has had family members who have been in deep depression that we absolutely did not want to have a gun. there are a lot more things we could be doing instead of having these endless moments of silence, and then getting out of town for six or seven weeks. doing nothing is not rational, it is madness, folly, and morally wrong. we are way to the victims of gun violence and their families to do something, and we await to ourselves. why do not we do anything? why does congress keep failing to act, especially when all the surveys show 90% or 85% support
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these measures? we do not do anything, because congress has leaders pulled into the gun lobby. the speaker is afraid of having his members in moderate districts have to take tough votes. we do not do anything, because the republicans are all standing behind their nominee, a standardbearer who thinks the answer to any problem he cannot solve is second amendment people. they are standing behind a man who is intent -- who attended and anti-lgbtq rally this week, a rally in orlando. they are standing behind a candidate who wants to appoint a supreme court judge who will strike on marriage equality. we have come all this way, and we are not going to go back. [applause] it is not just about party loyalty, but sadly, trump is not as different as you might think. house republicans decided it was more important to them to try to
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attack lgbtq government workers and regulate bathrooms for transgender people, then it was to fund the government. the entirely stopped appropriations process, because they could not pass amendments attacking lgbtq people. we have to make progress. targeted andwere murdered, and hate crimes committed with guns in recent years, in places as far apart as seattle, manhattan, and amanda. we cannot stop this problem by pretending it does not exist. we must fight back. theress must listen to american people, who have grilli said enough gun violence. i suspect the american people will want to change congress. i love my country, i am very proud to be an american. i find great meeting and doing my best to serve the people of my country, and i treasure our constitution and its amendments, but i also know it is not perfect.
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our original constitution only gave white man the right to vote. our original constitution of aed a slave as 3/5 person. we banned alcohol, and then repealed the band. and it was not until 2008 that the supreme court, biting arrest theotes, 5-4, decided that second amendment protects -- it drives me crazy when our colleagues in congress elevate this latest and most controversial interpretation of the second amendment above the sanctity of life. [applause] >> today, the average man will live 79 years, a woman longer. we are killing 32,000 americans a year with guns. that is to an half-million people. in my lifetime, two and a half
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million people will be killed by guns. this is more than one million more deaths than all the deaths and everywhere we have fought. revolutionary, what weren't i. war, world wary i, ii. and dishonor those two and a half million who will be murdered during our lifetime, because of insane gun abundance. justify a possibly public conscience that will sacrifice 32,000 innocent gun deaths a year, and idolatry to gun many factors and nra? how do they sleep at night, and what did they expect to await them after this life has passed? thehat basis can i ignore most fundamental precepts of everyone's religion, and umanism -- canaday it -- can
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they ignore the most fundamental precepts of every world religion. please be patient, and please be relentless. thank you very much. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please a mother of a son who is killed in orlando. >> i am jason lindsey, the executive director. we are here for such an important reason. we are here to disarm hayes. the time has passed for people with hate in their hearts to have access to weapons of war. we are calling on our elected
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officials to choose life over the gun lobby. it is my privilege to introduce them one very near and dear to my heart, someone who should not have to go through what she and yours every single day since the pulse tragedy, someone who lost her only child during our nations worst mass shooting. her name is christine, mother of drew, who lost his life with so many others. christine is a former michigan state trooper, and has become a national voice in the call for commonsense gun reform. she spoke at the national democratic convention, and is picking out against candidates such as marco rubio that are puppets for the powerful gun lobby. she is taking action. she is disarming hates. she needs no further introduction, but deserves our deepest gratitude for her leadership. she is an inspiration and beacon of hope. [applause] >> thank you, jason. , a little over two
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months ago, at 3:00 a.m., i was rushing to the hospital in or orlando, unable to reach my son, christopher. i was praying that he did not fall victim to what appeared to be yet another mass shooting in our country. drew had been celebrating latin night at pulse nightclub with his boyfriend juan and their friends. when i first heard about what happened early in the morning on sunday, i was panicked, like every mother who is trying to find her son. i rushed to the hospital, hoping i would find my son. without success, i stated to the scene, hoping to find my son sitting on the curb with juan. instead, i found no answers. no one knew where my son was, no one could help find him.
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33 hours later, i found out what's no mother, no father no sibling, no friend wants to hear. my son had been murdered. instead of walking out of the full of fun, night love, friends, and dancing, he was gunned down by a hate filled man with a weapon made for war. christopher was the light of my life. as i used to tell him, you cannot do better than perfect. he had so many friends. all of his life, he brought people together. in high school, he won the anne frank military and award for starting the gay-straight alliance. friendsof that, his started the drew project, a nonprofit, to promote gsa
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clubs. i miss his face, his loving spirit. today, in honor of his remarkable yet short legacy, i have joined you all in our important effort to disarm hate. [applause] quote -- when christopher was born, i was a michigan state trooper. went into labor, the hospital placed my gone into a locked safe, and i did not think of objecting, because i know that commonsense gun policies save lives. [applause] sadly, today, i am asking, where were those policies the day my son was murdered? the man that killed my son and 48 others and injured 53 more
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used a weapon that could fire 30 bullets in one minute. why was he able to get his hands on this weapon, i will never understand. that is why i have dedicated myself to the movement to pass commonsense gun reforms in our country. [applause] i have joined the fund to end gun violence in order to turn my grief and shock into action. in memory -- [applause] in memory of my wonderful son christopher drew, i will be fighting alongside pride fund and all of you as we take on the gun lobby and stand up to prevent future gun tragedies. trooper, i state know we can reduce the amount of
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gun violence in our country. it is time for us to stand up to lies, not the pockets of gun manufacturers. [applause] the best way we can fight back is by raising money to elect pro-lgbt candidates who support common sense gun reforms. must hold our elected officials accountable. no one, no mom, wants to be part of a group that has to speak at events like this and talk about our personal tragedies. gun violence is a solvable problem. all we have to do is shift our focus just slightly, just like we did before with car safety. today, nobody questions the fact that wearing a seatbelt saves lives. we must do the same for gun reform.
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[applause] if we want to live in a society where moms do not have to fear losing their sons while they are dancing or while they are at school or at a movie theater, then that is the kind of society we have to fight for. stand up towe must the gun lobby and their puppet candidates in congress. [applause] we want -- we demand a society that keeps high-powered weapons out of the hands of people who grew up in an arena of violence and hatred. we do not have to have these guns in the hands of people who have hate filled hearts. listen, i know we have our work cut out for us, but together i know we can. just an example of what we're up against. the manufacturer of the gun that murdered my son, and another gun
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manufacturer just gave over $.5 million to the gun lobby in massachusetts because the attorney general in massachusetts is trying to state's assault weapons ban. lives are at stake. these weapons do not belong on our streets. [applause] and if every one of us here today just gave $10 to the pride fund, we would be well on our way to defeating the gun lobby this fall. [applause] trust me, and i think you know from seeing me, that you do not want to go through what i have been going through every single day since june 12.
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you can get out your phone, go dride.or, and donate now. day knowing iy cannot talk to christopher. i hate filled man murdered my son, his boyfriend, and 47 others. help us disarm hate. donate to the pride fund today. enough.s [applause] enough -- enough is enough! >> thank you very much. >> our road to the white house
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coverage continues this week, with hillary clinton and vice president joe biden. they will be in scranton, pennsylvania tomorrow. that is where the vice president was born, and where hillary clinton's father grew up. we will have live coverage at 12:45 p.m. eastern, here on c-span. meanwhile, donald trump travels to ohio tomorrow for a speech on foreign policy at youngstown state university. that is live at 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two. with less than three months until election day, there are reports that several republicans are calling on the rnc to focus more attention on congressional races, rather than on the presidential race. we spoke more about that with a reporter on today's "washington journal." daniel, whoone is is the associate editor and reporter for politico. and also the new contributor to the daily playbook. thank you for being with us.
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daniel: thanks for having me. steve: we heard from reince priebus, saying do not believe it. what is going on behind the ?cenes those involved in the campaign and the rnc, they are trying to that hedonald trump, really has to change as a candidate, because what he has been doing has not been working the last couple of weeks. stop withrging him to the vicious rhetoric, and not get caught up in the media firestorms that happened when he responds to criticism. hold almost like he has to his powder, his ammunition, because it is not getting involved in public fights with gold star family's. it does not inspire a lot of americans to want to vote for him. also a bige is
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concern about the senate races that you have been reporting. there are 24 republicans on the ballot, 10 democrats. the republicans have an uphill battle to maintain control the senate in 2016 or 2017. especially in states like pennsylvania, ohio, new hampshire, potentially arizona, depending on happens in a primary. what are some of these republicans saying about the senate races, especially when senate public and leaders saying that maintaining control the senate in 2017, according to mitch mcconnell, is dicey? this is another problem facing the republican party. how they are trying to address that is, the rnc is responsible for electing republicans up and down the ballot. and so, there are going to come under pressure, and they already have, you mentioned that letter to devote more resources to house seats and senate seats and
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less about the trump campaign, given that a lot of republicans are pessimistic about donald trump's chances of winning in november. but, they would at least want to save as many seats as possible to serve as a check on a possible hillary clinton presidency. that is a dilemma that republicans are facing, because he can kind of direct the rnc to do what he wants. he does not have full control, but -- he would not be thrilled if the rnc abandons and, -- abandons him, and devotes resources to supporting those endangered senate candidates. is what the cover story looks like on time magazine. this is a tweet -- donald trump has his own party. the rnc could cut its ties, and his supporters would carry on.
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it is like a cold filled with haters. your response to that -- it is like a cult filled with haters. your response to that? daniel: he draws support from a much wider spectrum then a viewer picks up on. who aret just people concerned about immigrants or who have some of the same sentiments that he mentions. but there are lots of mainstream republicans who cannot get behind hillary clinton, and they view her as untrustworthy and someone who misleads the american people. is justif donald trump getting a small part of the electorate, then he would not be where he is. -- 80% ofy republicans support him, and a bunch of democrats and
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independents do as well, and they support him for a variety of reasons. but if it was any other candidate besides hillary clinton, then trump would probably be more behind, because hillary, and lots of americans minds, has a toxic brand over the last 25 years. targetedons have been by both republicans and by their own mistakes, and how they have operated in the public eye, where there seems to always be a scandal revolving around them. that is definitely propped up by republicans who are eager. but i would not classify trump supporters as all bigots. there are millions of reasonable that are on board be trump train, albeit sometimes
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reluctantly, because they want to stop hillary clinton. steve: how does donald trump and rnc turn the tide? poll numbers have showed he has dropped after the convention. as you rightly indicated, a lot of questions about the clinton e-mails, new questions about the foundation and whether or not there was pay to play. attention continues to be focused on donald trump, in large part, based on his comments this past week. think, if he wants to revive his campaign, he has to move forward and not say things like "obama and clinton are the founders of isis." even the hezbollah leader cited that mark at a rally. the world is definitely watching what donald trump is saying. is not on donald trump but on hillary clinton, then that is very good news for trump. he needs to have
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more impulse control. you cannot be a person that responds to every slight that comes upon him. also, do we want a president like that? do we want someone with control of the nuclear arsenal, who would get angry at the first criticism leveled by a foreign leader against president trump or the united states? he just has to reframe his message in terms of, just focusing as a leader on hillary, and not making a story about himself. lipman, who broke the story this past week. his work is available on we encourage our listeners to check out the playbook. thank you very much for being with us, we appreciate it. daniel: thanks for having me, steve. steve: a democratic pollster and
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strategist and a republican pollster and strategist. thank you for being with us. you wherein by asking the donald trump campaign is at the moment. a lot of speculation on the fact that he did not release his tax returns, hillary clinton did. saying, howand about releasing those 30,000 e-mails that can has not made available? what is the state of his campaign right now? >> you have that postconvention high, trying to figure out how to switch from a mobilization based rallying strategy to going out and talking more generally. it can be rocky days. i think they have had a couple of rocky days since then on how to make that transition from primary candidate to general election candidate. the story on the new york times indicates it has been difficult by republican insiders to keep donald trump on message. why? >> i think when you are a candidate and you succeed in using a particular style or
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tactics, you often become very infatuated with that, because this is what works. what worked for him was being bombastic and over-the-top, so when someone tells him he needs to completely change the way he has done it, it is a hard transition. looks back and thinks he has beaten 16 people in a primary running this way. steve: do you believe the polls? >> i do. do give good data. i do not think there many people trying to get bad stuff. in general, i think you can sort of take those polls and thank that is a reasonable -- think that is a reasonable approximation of the electorate. steve: we have seen in past campaigns, back to 1988 when michael dukakis had a significant lead -- he only won a six states, losing to george w. bush. 10 things change over the next 85 days? >> i am not expecting it.
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days isdifference these the consolidation of democratic support among minority voters. democrats are getting about 75% of minority voters. we are expecting the same thing has 512. that groups keeps growing, and percentage of whites continues to drop among the electorate. there is a built-in advantage for democrats, and to change that dynamic is what it is going to take to start a case where anything could happen. romney would have had to have done about 75% better among minority it means that the republican candidate would have to do 84% he did in 2012 and i don't think donald can endear himself enough to get anything close to that level. in our conversation we
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talked about individual states. he says it is 21% in colorado. ,f you look at the breakdown could they make a difference between hillary clinton or donald trump winning or losing those states? we are going to see quite a few states that will be close. likeu have a lot of people gary johnson better hustling. if it is divided by a few thousand pounds -- votes. said that hehnson
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was not in the debate, he is not going to win the election. he need to do to get on that stage? what is going to have to happen is the supporters, mainly republicans that are not thrilled with voting for donald basically start saying impulsive they are going to be voting for johnson to get him up to the threshold. i think you should be on the stage. any third party candidate is going to have a tough go.
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johnson could make a state like utah even closer. this is going to be an electoral landslide. mitch mcconnell said it was very dicey for them to keep control of the senate. some of these states are that obama won in 2008 in 2012. is thateal challenge all of those candidates when in saying it's going to be a tough race. i'm going to have to pool resources. grassrootsot mobilization.
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you're going to see all of those candidates that understood. they just will be able to rely on this. rotors has a poll now at this poll on 35%. does that surprise you? >> i've always maintained that donald trump alienates more than half of republicans and that republican for me has always meant smaller government and that is what bill weld and i in space. on the civil liberties side on the side of marriage equality, a woman's right to choose, legalizing marijuana,
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questioning our military fromvention, those draw democrats. knows prices. donald trump alienates republicans. who does he pull from? i was surprised when you look , there is a point reduction. as much as adding the two of is this. host: this is from johnny. what poll should you trust the most? i tend to like the real clear politics poll.
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is thest say this average of the polls that are out there. what is the trend? and if he -- he is winning. state,s a true swing look at what the bigger picture is. look at the differences especially among white women. there is a large gap there. he is the head with white men -- needs 20 point of advantage with white women. unless we see those numbers change, he has no chance of winning.
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our sunday roundtable, we always want to hear from you. tweet or join us. joining us dennis from shady spring. i'm doing good. i was wondering about the republican strategists side if he could help me a little bit. this he see the backlash that might happen after all these voters voted for trump. their approval rating a year ago is terrible. is there going to be a backlash if all these people come out against trump.
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i am mad about this. >> we certainly do. like votenything rash democrat. we've seen the senate and the running theires own campaigns. i think ultimately i'm not concerned that there is going to be a huge backlash. he is running in one part of the tent. i think one thing we usually do is come to gather. hope that we will all be able to come together. host: do you think donald trump can win? stage, i remember
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thinking we were going to win big. and the environment just turned on us. -- there are all too many times when i have thought something another way. caller: i have a question on what you think of julian assange coming out. the dnc staffer who was murdered could possibly be the source of the wikileaks. this is all just crazy conspiracy very. i did not know him personally.
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i wish people would stay away from this and have some respect for what happened. his family is still in mourning and they should not be seen as an opportunity to come up with the next team -- tinfoil hat theory. i->>nk it is important think again you have times when you say something unfortunate and the larger point is that there are people flow -- pro --tury of mencken -- sent second amendment. i don't think you meant to and i'm sure -- certainly wouldn't advocate anyone taking up gun violence.
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the nra using this in a new ad. ♪ she is pretty been -- been protected by armed guards for 30 years. i fully appreciate how hard life is for americans. and out of touch, she would leave you defenseless. keep wasting your money. the millions of dollars spending on a political presidential race . who is that at talking to?
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they are already talking to people voting for trump. caller: good morning. i will appreciate if you'll give me more time during the session. i meant to ask him a very important question. i.t. -- i teach politics in lived in this country for 30 years now. , yould like to ask cam have a duty to respect the american public and tell them the truth. biased and your responsibility is to be objective. the media has done a lot of
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damage. american people are not as smart as people think they are. the media has given more of an important duty to educate the american public. people do not know who the governor of their state is. you are going to come and attack the republican party like crazy. they are going to have their own point of view. caller: he has a duty consistent to tell theia american people the truth. he has not been objective, he is so biased. he has not given any accurate information so far. >> i guess you can go back to
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the tape, this is based on what the numbers say. if you are to see how biased we are, go to our website. we released what we think are going to be the outcomes in all 50 states. if you feel that is biased, that is your opinion. good morning to you. i have a question for both of you, on the internet you see pictures of hillary's rallies and trump's rallies. fill highn hardly school gym. 10-12,000etting people. that might have a lot to do with it too.
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isn't that going to relate in november when people are going to come out to vote question mark no one is excited about hillary. host: this is the photo we showed earlier. do crowds serve as a precursor? would beherwise we talking about bernie sanders. this is similar to people having more twitter followers. this does not make any difference. was008, the republican line all obama can do is fill a stadium. now we're talking about the opposite. these kinds of rallies make no difference and what clinton is trying to do versus what trump is trying to do is very
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different. not going into base areas. areas going into swing and trying to persuade voters on the fence to vote for her and that type of approach does not lend itself to large rallies. she is a different job ahead of her and trump is still focusing more on the bigger rallies and base voters. host: let me share this story from abc news. in out --$82 million television advertising and donald trump spending nothing so far. what is going on here? it is the sign he feels like he can get enough of these
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rallies and media of your answers -- appearances. this is what happened to him in the primary campaign. i think they are pursuing a strategy that worked for them in and it will be an interesting experiment of not sending as much. host: used to go from 13 million to 60-65,000,000 to win in a general election. >> i certainly think so and i would probably invest in more currentia that the financial state they need to marshal that for later on. both here on this sunday
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offering their perspective on the campaign. three more months before the election day on november 8 which is the latest it's ever been in a number of years. good morning. caller: i'd like to focus my view online. that seems to be the biggest subject out of all. your guests there, bernie sanders was the most honest candidate out there. i would like to also say that hillary clinton's contributions to the foundation is cut out.
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90% of my contributions go to my sons memorial scholarship. now online hillary clinton lies about one thing, donald trump lies about everything. any man that would make fun of a handicapped man and then lie about saying that he was grappling. would imitating a handicapped man. to me, that disqualifies him right there. >> i'm going to put him in the hillary camp. presidential election,
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there are not a lot of voters that are in the in between. we have it down to about 5% that is purely swing. all the stories that break about the clinton e-mails and what you think about this and trumping not the nicest guy in the world. therenarratives are out and we need to see what are the stories that change the narrative. another story about an e-mail is not going to change numbers. it have to be completely different. donald trump sang the second amendment thing. not expecting to see major movement in the first because of that.
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host: this is a tweet. the usa is tired of assets and the stupid d.c. beltway media. >> that is the truck taking on it. they do more things directly with voters. ads and paid media move voters in a way that no other campaign actually does. host: perhaps trump is willing to engage in the non-advertisement says he is not a serious candidate. >> i go back and forth on how serious he is. think a less rosy view on the effectiveness at. we spent so much money in 2012
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and how little the polls moved. there is certainly an argument candidatesthat these don't need to be spending as much. it is not a great return on investment. investing a lot of money in infrastructure. but they seem to understand is somehow turn out patterns change and people stay home because they're fed up with bubble thing which has never happened with the past. that is the one thing that could derail her chances of winning. they are full paid staff in place like rhode island in maine . they are going to make sure that people turn out and they are
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definitely investing a smaller proportion of their overall take on media. for donald trump, i don't think they are running a smart campaign. this is her piece sunday, donald trump is finished but trump is him is here to stay. she says the movement he created will have an effect on politics. somethings probably there. there is a huge may of making
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voters different. that makes of worries. we can turn things around. it is going to live long after. we've always been a party that has had an optimistic vision. we can do things better and different. host: jeff, good morning. you are on the air. i was wondering the effect of wikileaks on the selection. theess it's outside of
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perceived norm, i don't think any real effect. big and have to be something different to change hearts and minds. if it is more of the same, i don't see the effect. host: we love produce university. -- perdue university. our archives are located nearby. we go to the republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call. who voted in donald trump? the people did. standpublican that cannot behind the people's choice should be taken outside.
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donaldple voted for trump and people are going to keep voting for trump. deserves his job, it's trump. he can beat hillary and collect the judges we need to run this country. they are all upset because they are going to lose their funding from these special people who make their rules. we will get a response. we've always been a big tent party that makes decisions. it is important to have senate and house members representing republican views. about people not arm, able to go out arm in
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-- we saw this same thing with bush. i think this is the difference between them and the other cycle. this is no different. host: this is from politico. he says his tax returns will be a quick read. penn's -- mikeuy pence releasing there's on friday. i think elizabeth striking to me for hillary clinton to hers.e her sensei -- certainly making $10 million a year is beyond the reach of
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every voter in america. there is the strategy of yes, we're open. you have made more money than anyone else. host: he has this tweak, lend me up with the boilermaker. >> we're going to get in trouble here. let's go to austin, texas. go ahead. it seems stranger than fiction. how do we know that trump is not
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?ought off by the clintons he went -- she went to his wedding. know that-- how do we they didn't do a deal? we are going to get you to be president and when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you are going to mess up your campaign in order to make me win. it is a conspiracy theory but what are the possibilities? do you think that is a viable theory and it can be orchestrated? i do think that based upon hillary's ability to receive
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money from many people all around the world that they have thought about it and talked to trump before it was even happening. let's strike a deal. you're a billionaire, trump. host: do you believe that? that is my question. caller: yes. host: you do? caller: i am saying it is a possible theory. i have a kind of a mind where i do think it is very possible, ump isossibility that tr bought off and he is going to get paid and get protection from the clintons. host: let me put that on the table and get your reaction. guest: as a political junkie, i
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do love conspiracy theories in this one i have seen. aligned withanyone how hard it is to run for presidency, to do a favor or without intention of thinking they will land, this is very, very unlikely. treat,onna has this tinfoil hat color. thank you. let's go to the university of massachusetts amherst graduate. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i would like to ask the gentleman that is for hillary clinton one real certain question. i would love to have him tell me the truth because i have been doing back and forth between both campaigners. is she a muslim? praise why did she not
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the girl at the olympics yet she did the muslim girl? i just need to know because it seems to me that the muslims are starting to take over our united states. people in town and around florida, we have to be very careful. they are talking about letting them coming into the schools to teach our children to pray. as christians, we are not allowed to do that. i would like him to please explain this to me and to be truthful for once because a lot of things that hillary have said has come back and ibt her --bit her. the am going to say no on muslim thing. since we have had our first muslim president with barack obama, i guess it would make sense that the next one would be also. yet, no.
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the economicied agenda live. hillary clinton responding with her speech in washington -- michigan. we carry that live on her website. this from the clinton campaign, responding to the trunk economic plan. -- trump economic plan. ♪ saying donaldsis trump's economic policies will cause the economy to be significantly weaker, cause a lengthy recession, a 3.5 million fewer jobs. >> way just too high. we would not be able to compete against the world. i am the king of debt. i looked at. i love playing with it. i would borrow knowing it would come to regress.
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-- counter-regress. >> brought in foreign workers instead of hiring americans in your company's any factual equipment in china and mexico. >> we would do my tax planned and it will be great. we will have economic economy -- a dynamic economy again. >> the biggest beneficiaries are the .1% with raw dollars that will be saved. at $10 tax plan what trillion to the nation's debt. ♪ back in 1992, the clinton campaign saying "it is the economy, stupid." how will the economy play out both for those americans that feel they are doing pretty well
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but also the larger majority of middle-class americans that feel happed.e getting ca guest: of the puzzle. folksear, we see a lot of supporters, trump behind him in the primaries and strongly behind him now are often times in areas, i think this cannot in the washington times that not necessarily low income versus higher income but mostly in areas of the kids are going to have a tough time matching or exceeding where the parents are socioeconomically. kidsey are in areas of the do not have a good chance of succeeding where the parents are economically, they tend not to be. it is a very different dynamic than what we saw in 1992.
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we have moved into a place where there is hyper partisanship and it is that a level where the selections are incredibly protectable and very few people change because of an outside dynamic. host: republicans critical of this administration say there is a large undercurrent of the economy out of the workforce, not counted by the labor department in terms of being unemployed and you have a record number of people receiving federal assistance while the unemployment numbers decrease. how does the campaign respond to that? they respond by showing donald trump's statements over the years. clearly, the economy is shifting it is starting to move further and further away from a manufacturing-based economy into a high-tech economy. it is a different kind of manufacturing. clearly there are areas in this country that are adversely affected by that. what i think he will start to
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hear from the clinton campaign and especially in ohio in michigan and pennsylvania is talking to the people that are in industries that are moving away and talk about, how are we going to soften the blow? we are going to hear different methods of in california in silicon valley in the and places like that where they are on the front end of the movement in the economy. it sort of depends on where you are in the country. it is interesting to see in the swing states where there are areas with manufacturing moving away from coal and coal mines shutting down and things like that in the we also have states where the high-tech economy is booming in that will be interesting to see how both candidates sort of juggle that position between the two. his:,, looking at new york, own state, pennsylvania, ohio, indiana and saying that these are states where there are a lot
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of towns hurting because jobs have moved out. york?nald trump win new is unavoidable the based on what he said -- is that of liability based on what he said? guest: who knows. i think there are a lot of voters out there, especially in places like upstate new york that see a lot of underemployment and are frustrated economically. they need someone to come along and say, i think i have ideas that are different and better and make a difference for your family economically. economic pocketbook, kitchen table issues make a big impact. there are places in ohio and pennsylvania where you really do see these blue-collar working voters who have had a tough go over the past 10 years. casean make a compelling
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of the federal government being your ally and not your enemy and be more open for business. i think there is a potential to really turn all of those voters. host: is ohio a must win state for donald trump questio? guest: every republican to win the presidency has won ohio. host: joining us from hollywood, florida. good morning. caller: good morning. there were two reasons i am glad that trump has run. i am glad he ran to expose to the country that such a super demagogue could be elected by such a tremendous majority and spend so little in the process. also, the second thing i am glad of it is because i am is already in and i'm glad he annihilated marco rubio. i do not believe marco rubio
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makes a good senator from the state of florida. host: thank you for the call. response from either of you. is murphy going to win the primary? guest: i have not seen the numbers and i do not have direct access to the internal numbers but i think he could win this with a little bit of room to spare. host: he will win in november? guest: it is a top one. clearly, the number advantage is to the democrat in terms of the number of seats that the republicans are defending versus the democrats and it flips in 2018, looking very ugly for democrats. if democrats have a great senaten november 8, seats, that we went, we are upking about 52, which is
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from 60. but it makes me nervous as a democratic strategist is that in the next couple of weeks, trump is viewed as unelectable and then you have those coming out saying, donald trump is not going to win. do you really want a democratic senate with hillary clinton in the white house? think that becomes a very powerful argument for a lot of voters. i cannot vote for trump, but i do not like the idea of democrats in charge of everything again. me, that by scares labor day, donald trump is viewed as unelectable in the senate candidates on the republican side to make a true and compelling argument for sending the back. host: before the primary is tuesday. we will be covering the results
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on c-span and the debate taking place in late september. waynesboro, virginia, republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i have a question and then i would like to make a comment. both conventions from start to finish and it is interesting that at the democratic convention that they chelseahe videotape of and evocative from long time trump as long-time best friends. why would the democrats have the video? host: and your comment? caller: i think we are all being set up by the super rich. i think the man from texas is correct. ka wantedivana
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her best friends mother to the president. this was not just a photo shoot. that was arm in arm best buddies. pickedtrump should have kasich as his vice president, guaranteeing him ohio. picked tim kaine and she thinks that guarantees her virginia. i think that we all need to vote for kerry johnson. -- gary johnson. i will actively work for him. i think he is the only choice we have. the call.k you for guest: i know this is a common conspiracy theory but i think it
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is unlikely that there's a secret coalition between the clintons and the trumps for him to run and also to suggest that being a virginia resident, i think our governor was thinking anyone other than him was closest friends with the clintons. host: let's go to the democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning. i would just like to say i have been a democrat and everybody , that weve talked to are going to vote for donald trump. donald trump is going to try to alleviate the state. we are not going to be living in poverty. ever since obama has been in there, they have shut everything down, our schools are in trouble. people are out of jobs and everything else. people in west
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virginia, the man talking about everyone shutting down the mines and laying off the minors. i worked in the mines for 25 wers and made good money and need to get our state back on track again. thank you. host: who are you going to vote for? caller: icaller: am voting for donald trump. host: ok. that was a democrat. guest: i am thinking hillary clinton will not win west virginia. host: let's go to the texas republican line. know,: i want everyone to just look at the economy. look at the corruption in the government from the top down.
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as far as i'm concerned, she should be put in front of a firing squad for espionage. people are looking at her looking to save the country. she is not going to save it. she is only going to pocket more money. why has not the media put out fund is for.r it is not for our country. it is for her. , nurses turn law she is quitting this year. she has her degree in everything. these kids coming out of the schools, do you know my niece graduated and she cannot even find a job. this is pathetic. there are no jobs out there. the democrats have destroyed this country. why can't people see this?
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we need four more years of it? nancy your final point. caller: we need donald trump in there. he is a businessman. he will align himself with nothing but the best for our country. host: nancy, thank you. let me take her comment and some of the previous comments with a passion on both sides. you can sense and nancy's voice her anger at the establishment, her anger at hillary clinton. we hear her support for donald trump on the other side. is there any difference this year? guest: it seems this year there is a lot more passion. trump going tof be just a party alleviating party anxieties? the country getting back on the right track? there are a lot of people out there that are really frustrated
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and anxious and feel like there are not solutions out there. that turns people into passionate supporters for those that have those kinds of solutions. host: let's take you to this rally in the chairman with his comments. >> we just had a great poll that came out showed it was a tight election despite of the biased media. this man is going to win. he is going to save our country. he is going to put us back to work again, put more money in people's pockets. we are in a battle for freedom. that is why we are here. we are in a battle for freedom, the same battle james madison reaffirmed in the bill of rights, the same battle that found in our country, the same battle we are here today to fight. host: breaking news on fox and cnn and msnbc friday afternoon, the chairman of the rnc reaffirming his support for
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donald trump. is it news from the chairman of the republican party says he is supporting his nominee? in the primary cycle, there was some anxiety, is donald trump going to take directions? certainly looking at the rally, those meetings and discussions must've turned out pretty well. host: you are laughing. guest: yes. it is fun when the other party is having a worse go of it they are on. not to say the democrats are problem free. it is fascinating. how does the republican party come together after the selection? if it plays out in the way we are going to assume, a lot of the supporters of donald trump are not only haters of hillary clinton but the political establishment and the republican had a lot of this coming through in the primaries. how do you recover if donald it?p does not make
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how do you recover from that and not sort of have the ability to have the same rational people in charge, pushing the message forward while also keeping voters inside the tent. i think the big thing, how does donald trump, if he loses, goes down? does he say, good luck republicans or does he kind of blow the place up on the way out? as a democrat, i will be very fascinated to watch and see how this plays out come november. host: any thought of what the overall voter turnout will be? let's go to the independent line. caller: good morning. to play outontinues like this through 2016 in the republicans continue to be on the wrong side or the bad side of the minority votes, college educated white women votes, you
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can find that in the 2012 election with mitt romney, is as a fissure in the republican party? does the republican party realize this is not going right and that they may be try to do something different? guest: that is a good question. i think if we do have a rough go of it this cycle and moving ahead demographically, i think the party has always been good about coming together after the elections to figure out what we can do differently and better in making changes. i think ultimately we can make messages about smaller government, individual freedom and less taxes. taxes -- things that should be appealing in a y.oad-based wa sometimes we stumble on the wrong policies and the wrong words and do not get that out. if it is a tough election, there re-examination to figure out what's a better w
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toto make a compelling case voters that we have ideas that will help move your head economically. host: democrats line, good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. myould like to direct comment -- i am a democrat and i am voting for hillary. i would like to direct my comment to brian. when is the to know dropdead date for donald trump to reveal his taxes? if donald trump is so intense and confident that he will bring jobs to america, why does he not move his factories that make sure shirts and ties in bangladesh and mexico back to the united states? host: thank you rosa, from south carolina. that: my understanding is
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releasing taxes is a voluntary thing. should he choose to do so, he could potentially withhold them forever. that certainly is what he is compelled to do. in terms of moving jobs back, one of the interesting things will be as he transitions to becoming a presidential candidate, he has stepped away from the business side. it will be much harder now than big decisions about his businesses at a time when he is also making big decisions about presidential campaign. i'm not advising the truck campaign, but i think it could be much harder than the past when he's obviously working around the clock on a presidential campaign. host: corey lewandowski is from lowell, massachusetts. that is where our next call is from. caller: good morning, steve. , 65% of theetts state legislature ballot
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positions are unopposed by republicans. seats.s nine congress republicans aren't expected to compete in not one of them. five of them are unopposed with no republican on the ballot. 18 out of 2400 delegates were african american. trump has 1% african-american. when george w. bush was winning, he was getting 10% african-american. obama was record african-american. it is right there for republicans, but they have not given an offer. they just haven't given an offer. we want to hear kitchen table talk. we do not want to hear just washington stuff. what are you going to do for the kitchen table? i was in cleveland and you see some of these guys right around
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in these big suvs and stuff . what are you going to do for the american people? ignore the other stuff. host: we are going to respond. guest: i think it's an interesting example. romney had his campaign headquarters in boston. the business of being applicable party is often difficult. you have to take on tough races and have to figure out how to win. your cycles where you do not do as well. says, a republican candidate should go out there and talk about kitchen table issues and make a case could probably be competitive in a place like massachusetts, which has not had luck finding those kinds of people. guest: being from massachusetts and a graduate from the university of massachusetts -- [laughter] you is interesting is that
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have governor romney compared to presidential candidate romney . republicans can clearly win statewide office in massachusetts, but it's the type of republican that can win in massachusetts that is a different than what is at the top of the ticket national. ly. you have a center from north dakota who can win on the summit level, but no democrat from north dakota will win on the presidential level. to the conversation earlier, republicans have what i consider a very good -- what do they call it? , the the 2012 election autopsy. they broke down in the election and what do they need. i i read it from cover to cover and i was scared. it's not that they completely ignored every single word in that document, but at some point in time, the republicans will, i assume, actually start listening to what they know are the problems.
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becomehings can competitive again, especially if democrats do not fix their internal problems. this is a problem with our politics where massachusetts has nine out of my members who are democrats. it is a state that is more of a 60-40 state. hio is a swing state, but look at a state like texas where there are late for democrats in a state. we have created very partisan districts. all moved into areas where we tend to be with like-minded people and things like that. it is becoming harder and harder to bridge divides and come to consensus. that has a big problem both at the state and federal level with what is happening in our politics and our government. host: let me conclude with this question. overall turnout among registered voters -- what are we looking at right now? pinpoint's tough to the exact number, but we saw high watermarks in 2008.
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it came back to where we normally end up in 2012. i think we will be about their again. what i think will be different this year is that we might see a lower drop off from the top of the ticket to the bottom. i think there will be people going into the voting booth and not voting on the presidential but voting on the senate and congressional races because they cannot agree to vote for either candidate. host: agree or disagree? guest: i think it will be in line with the 2012 high presence of turnout. -- presidential turnout. those presidential on the voters will be coming out as much as they always do. stephan,an and gentlemen, thank you announcer:'c-spans "washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up monday morning, we will talk with the author of
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"zika" about the spread of the virus in the u.s. and abroad. the number of people that have contracted it in the government role in combating it. then read wilson, national correspondent on the hill on the 2016 campaign, the battleground states and the measures taken qualifying ballots. james green, planetary science director for nasa on the juneau to jupiter. it's fundamental mission, cost and information they are receiving from the probe. be sure to watch "washington journal life beginning monday morning at 7:00 eastern. join the discussion. c-span, created by america's cable companies and brought to you by a public service by your cable or satellite provider. announcer: tonight on c-span, "q&a" with clifton raphael.
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after that, and at the 2016 presidential campaign and predictions for this november. later, we would hear from libertarian presidential candidate gary johnson, a guest on "newsmakers." ♪ announcer: this week on "q&a" clifton raphael who teaches documentary filmmaking at jenks high school in jenks, oklahoma. he talks about the award-winning documentaries his students have made including several prizewinners from c-span's student competition. ♪ mr. lamb: clifton raphael. why did you leave broadcasting to teach high school? mr. raphael: well, there are two answers to that, so i will do the first part which is why i left broadcasting. i was in loc t
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