tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 16, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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he will talk about hillary clinton's economic proposals. at 8:30, stephen dinan of the washington times on the obama administration's policy on syrian refugees. ♪ it's the washington journal for august 16. of the obama administration released 15 men from guantanamo bay yesterday. that is the single largest transfer of men from the facility. they will head to the united --b emirates and 61 the men 51 men and remain at the prison. donald trump laid out plans to fight what he calls radical islamic terrorism. among the plans that he laid out yesterday, i strategy that would include a more stringent testing of immigrants who wanted to enter the united states. our first 45 minutes, we will
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take a look at element of the plan and what you think about this approach of donald trump's when it comes to fighting terrorism. for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. and for independents, (202) 748-8002. .ur twitter page is c-span wj for facebook page you can post their bank as well, several of the newspapers. trump calls for extreme vetting saying he called for on monday a cold war style mobilization against "radical islamic terror," repackaging calls for strict immigration control including a new ideological litmus test for muslim visitors and migrant and blaming the current level of worldwide terrorist attacks on president obama and hillary clinton. you can find the whole speech on
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her website at here's a portion of it. donald trump from yesterday talking about his plans including that extreme vetting portion. [video clip] mr. trump: we should only admit those into this country that .especter people and values in the cold war we had an ideological screening test. the time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. vetting. extreme , extreme extreme vetting. our country has enough problems. we don't need more and these are problems that we have never had before. [applause]
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mr. trump: in addition to screening out all members of the sympathizers of terrorist groups we must also screen out any with hostile attitudes toward our country or its principals or who believe that sharia law should supplant american law. [applause] mr. trump: those who do not believe in our constitution or who support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country. host: some of the elements from donald trump's plan yesterday. we are getting your thoughts. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. for independents, (202) 748-8002 . editors of the wall street the speechk about yesterday. the headline, trump's anti-terror strategy. this is the debate the american public needs to hear -- deserve to hear.
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"our administration will be a friend to all moderate muslim reformers in the middle east and will and by their voices -- will amplify their voices." this may seem obvious but mr. obama has referred to play down divisions in the islamic world less tfn the -- less tfn the muslim leaders he has courted in turkey and iran. on this point he contradicts his strategy by proposing a total ban on immigration from countries that have a history of exporting terrorism. mr. trump calls the temporary suspension until new screening procedures can be established. no screening is full proof and pledges of loyalty or other ideological tests can be gamed. those of the editors of the wall street journal this morning read the pages of the new york times, their editorial pages, they write this. there are reasons to criticize president obama and hillary for their handling of the middle east.
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going on to say mr. trumps attempt to blame them for unleashing the islamic state and destabilizing the middle east shows either misunderstanding or ignorance. america can no longer dictate international events no matter who is president. the people in leaders of the middle east are the ones who brought about the arab spring and its aftermath. first raising hopes for more democratic society than leaving the region in turmoil. those are some of the elements from the speech from esther trump yesterday on his plant -- from mr. trump yesterday. the whole speech could be found on our website at we will play another portion of it soon. until then, your calls. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. we'll start with robert in missouri. go ahead. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call.
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statement that mr. trump said yesterday, i wonder if he realizes that there is a couple of millions of muslims in this country. to say that you're going to that them, how are you going to vet them, some of whom are citizens? impression for those coming in -- you're talking about the ones currently and what do you think of the strategy overall? out?verall strategy laid needr: i think we protection. host: so you're saying you agree with the approach or no? caller: i do agree that we
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that aret let people against us and want to kill us into this country. that does not mean i'm against .uslims -- i do believe that we need to use common sense and not let in enemies. host: mary is in boston on our independent line. caller: how are you doing? host: find thanks. what do you think of yesterday in the speech he gave? caller: mr. trump has been saying what a lot of people want to hear. a lot of people are saying we can't do this, we can't do that. when there is an attack or when somebody is hurt everybody is up in arms.
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in my opinion, he is saying things that we want to hear to protect the country and i don't see what's wrong with doing something different. obviously what has been done is not working. it's just not working. what's wrong with make sure the people that are coming into our processed to the most degree so that they don't hurt us? i don't understand when people thatr. trump is this and when all he seems to want to do is protect the american people. as far as i know that's the main job of the government. that's what they're supposed to do. host: the extreme vetting portion is ok with you then? caller: we've got to do what we've got to do. i come from boston.
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i lived the boston bombings. it was very scary -- you could not go on the train. you did not wear these two kids were. granted, i know they were here, but we were warned. we were told. nobody talked to one person that talked to another person. it was a very scary situation nevermind what happened in new york. people tend to forget 9/11. a lot of the younger people don't even remember it. host: joe is up next. republican line. good morning. caller: thanks for taking my call. ideask some of trump's seem a little extreme. hard for me to back sometimes but i agree with the previous caller. i felix sometimes if the take a step back in order to take two steps forward.
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this is one of those times. we need to get to a point where we're looking back at our common -- go forward from there. host: so these proposals don't go too far? caller: i think they do push it. needs. it's what america it seems like it is a little too far but if it is temporary i -- it is temporary in order to reset the system that i support that. host: washington, d.c. up next. drew on her line for democrats. -- our line for democrats. caller: my comment is on the fact that donald trump mentioned that we need to stop trying to put democracy into the middle east and a had to take myself
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back and i agree. we tried it time and time again and now it is time for us to assimilate, like he said during his speech, the incoming of middle eastern people. i think that is the best way to do it. this extreme vetting process i think will be best for country. host: does it surprise youhost: that you agree with them on this matter? caller: yes. i'm very taken back because at first the ban on muslims he initially came out during the primaries kind of threw me off because of the fact that that stuff is disrespectful and as a country full of immigrants it's our duty to embrace new faces cannes andy value. with the increased terror threat and the possibility of death and destruction within our country i think an extreme vetting process is the only fair way to allow everybody to still come into our country. host: is it a concern of you how this approach might look to the
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rest of the world especially where areas of the world mr. trump was addressing his thoughts to? caller: yes. it does kind of put it into perspective because other countries have taken this process before. they had detrimental effects. there's ways that you have to weigh the scale. cost-benefit analysis on this decision. host: here is a viewer on twitter adding to the conversation saying he bets the eu wishes they had done more vetting for those they had let in. you can post on the phone lines. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. -- the wall street journal mr. trump suggested he would ban
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not only terrorist sympathizers but those who believe in sharia law, don't believe in the u.s. constitution or support bigotry and hatred. sharia law is the legal system of islam that governs public and private behavior. vero beach florida, independent line. thanks for calling. starting their own country. discrimination against christians and other minorities. has many verses. discriminating because i'm not muslim. i'm not going to change that system there. there's no change period. i agree with mr. donald trump. we have to change the system in egypt, libya, morocco, all of those countries, syria.
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it has to be room -- the verses very bad. it has to be removed. host: so you're saying a mindset has to change in the middle east in order for this to be effective? caller: correct. education has to be changed. be -- has to start immediately to change those peoples mentality. really making trouble. i give you two examples. they drag a woman in the streets naked. dated aof her son muslim woman. they burned her house, the christian minorities burned their houses and drag her in the street.
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can you tell me how we change this mentality? the only way to separate them religion from education. nushi in vero beach, florida. it was in scranton, pennsylvania yesterday where vice president joe biden was a long side hillary clinton on a campaign stop. mr. biden addressed donald trump , his outlook on terrorism and how he approaches it. here's a bit from vice president biden yesterday. [video clip] : embrace and tactics of terrorist enemies themselves. casting entire communities culpable for the acts of a few. torture, when he knows it's illegal and says he would order it even on the military commanders that they would not obey his orders.
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when can you think of ever in history were military commanders have said before a man or woman is elected that they would not follow his orders? threatening to kill innocent family members of suspects. indiscriminate bombing, what he calls for. that is how anyone hoping to lead this great democracy should behave? he likes autocrats. the politics of fear and intolerance calling on a ban on muslims. slandering proud muslim parents of the gold star families who paid the ultimate sacrifice in a threatening to send americans to guantanamo. this guy is ok. trump's ideas are not only profoundly wrong, they are dangerous and very un-american. they reveal a profound ignorance of our constitution. it's a recipe for playing into it is a recipe for
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playing into the hands of terrorists and their propaganda. host: let's hear from catherine in springfield, massachusetts. democrats line. caller: i agree with trump wholeheartedly. the scripture says strangers will be at thy gates. those people come over here, they don't assimilate. you come to america, either your beta laws of the land or you stay out. you cannot have your pie and cake the same time. what the man said -- i do agree with him. i agree with him about the wall. you don't see my brain because my skin covers everything and there's nothing wrong with having a wall. all those ancient countries had walls to keep the enemies out. you have to have some way to protect your people. you can't let everybody in this country. you can't please everybody and all these people want is people's votes.
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the higher-ups don't care anything about the poor whites or poor blacks. all they want to do is get in office and continue to do what they want to do, get rich and we get for and taxed to death. nothing wrong with the way the man said. the man is telling the truth. people who comes over to america, they should accept our way of living or stay out. my head is not covered up walking around. let them stay in their own country. where there avails and the heads covered up. host: do you agree with mr. trump on a lot of issues or is it just this particular issue? caller: the man telling the truth. the man telling a whole lot of truth and people don't like him because they can't buy him. host: barton up next. fort lauderdale, florida our line for republicans. caller: i have to agree with the
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lady. i'm a democrat to but i'm a republican i think. i'm going to be republican this year. host: is it because of these issues of national security? whole lot of issues i agree with trump. he's thinking way out of the box. host: so these proposals yesterday, what do you think of them specifically? i really think it'll work. if they give him a chance. virginia. and reston, caller: thanks for taking my call. i'm trying to figure out how the dichotomy exists in mr. trump's brain where he could be so blustery and big chested on one
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hand as we saw yesterday yet have this quasi-this kind of weak minded foreign policy on the other where he's willing to capitulate large sections of nato countries and keep dictators in power based on what i can only assume is american military incompetence. it's unfortunately the republicans who started the first free elections in iraq. he seems unwilling to defend any of these important feats of progress. host: the proposals yesterday, what did you make of them? , it's one ofly those things where i don't mind what you're saying it's sort of the tony say it in. -- the tone you say it in. i'm someone who adores the constitution as well but i'm not so sure mr. trump is. for someone like him to stand up and say we will have this litmus
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test, that sounds fantastic. i would love for him to take it. host: joey off of twitter adds a similar comment saying i'd challenge donald trump to take the existing citizenship test so we would know how vetted he is. america needs to hear how trump will implement his goal. donald trump's campaign manager , thee news, paul manafort washington post writing this morning about his naming in a ukraine probe saying paul manafort was named in a corruption investigation in ukraine where officials are trying to track illegal payments from a pro-russian political party that once hired the washington-based political consultant. more than $12 million in undisclosed cash payments were earmarked for men afford by the party of ukraine's former president who fled ukraine .fter being ousted
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mr. manafort denies receiving any improper payments saying in a prepared statement on monday that "he has never received an off the books cash payment. i acceptedre that cash payments is unfounded, silly and nonsensical." that he stopped working in ukraine after the 2014 elections there. corruptionas the anti- bureau must pass any evidence to prosecutors who can decide to file charges. more of that story available in the washington post. john is up next. the microclimate. immigrants,ing of what do you think? caller: i been watching donald trump since he started campaigning. i watch the history channel and newsmax. if people start watching the stations and get off a fox news they will learn a lot. donald trump is the antichrist. the father of all lies.
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i don't know how christians can believe this guy if they say they're christians because a christian would know he's the antichrist. host: for the proposals mr. trump laid out yesterday, what do you think? caller: if you listen to hitler he's the same thing. everything he saying is the same words of hitler. bash all of the -- all of these followers are just like hillary. he tells them all lies in the believe all the lies. host: we have from another john in dover, delaware. republican line. you're on, sir. iller: i just wanted to say really believe everything donald trump says makes a lot of sense. we've got to make sure whoever's coming into this country they are not trying to deter our way of life. vettedey are
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properly. host: d think the united states has the manpower and other technological needs to do this kind of vetting? caller: i don't know about that. if we don't, i guess like donald trump said, the whole refugees thing will have to come to halt and we will have to stop accepting these immigrants until we can figure out how to do it. why take the risk? it's bad enough that we have them already over here. why keep bringing them? host: i don't want to put you on the spot but just for instance what do you think extreme like?ing should look what kinds of questions should be asked? they just have to be we got to know what your
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position is. why do they want to come to america? we have to make sure they are not going to incite violence or cause violence. host: elizabeth on the democratic side. caller: i don't understand how people can hide this garbage he spouting. he can't build the wall, he veting.o extreme thems he going to do, hook up to some kind of machine that want to make them tell the truth? i just don't understand how people -- he says everything three times. extreme betting three times. he does not believe it. he cannot believe it unless there's something wrong with his brain which is possible. it's not doable. no wall, no extreme vetting. only one -- these things only want to limit our freedom. was he wants turn us into, isolationists?
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the only good thing about it is he's never going to get elected, thank god because he is stupid dangerous. host: from the new york times, look at guantanamo bay detainees that were released yesterday. 15 in total. a story by charlie savage saying detainees were sent to united arab emirates including 12 you many's, three afghans. the united states held each of them without trial for about 14 years. the departure reduced the list of prisoners approved for transfer to tournament -- to 20 men. the administration has the same push to persuade persian gulf states to resell detainees from troubled countries like him and. american security officials see them as attractive places to send detainees because they share the same liquid and culture and because they have security agents with the capacity to monitor them. tim from delaware, thank for calling. what are your thoughts on donald trump's speech yesterday when it
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comes to security issues? caller: he's right. all you got a do is put potential people being that it on a polygraph, asked them a series of questions, are you a terrorist, argue with a terrorist organization? do you want to do radical islam in america? if they fail, they do not come here. if they will not embrace our society they should not come here. host: do thick americans as a whole would approve of that approach? ,aller: they probably won't especially democrats because they feel like people's freedoms are being violated. i think it's important to understand that by not doing that you are letting people into the country, you don't know what their belief is and what they are capable of doing. terrorist attacks we've had, this never had any like
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except for the 9/11 attack. other than that, all the other attacks have been under president obama. host: mr. trump took time in a speech to draw contrasts between him and the former secretary of state clinton, specifically on her policy when it comes to refugees. here's part of that speech. [video clip] mr. trump: in short, hillary clinton wants to be america's angela merkel. disasternow what a this massive immigration has been to germany and the people of germany. crime has risen to levels that no one thought they would ever see. it is a catastrophe. we have enough problems in our country. we don't need more. host: part of his speech yesterday proposed extreme vetting of muslim visitors,
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muslim migrants to the united states. we want to see if you agree or disagree with those proposals and other proposals he laid out yesterday. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. for independents, (202) 748-8002 . tony is on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: how are you doing? i watched his speech yesterday. a little on the outskirts of youngstown here. finally i'm hearing things out of him that i do agree with. -- afterary clinton all the democrats promised us jobs and this and that, especially with the clintons, they signed off on all of our to chinang jobs going
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and mexico we have been holding our breath for years for the democrats to do something. i'm going to vote republican this time. something that can't be bought that's willing to do something for america. unlike give him a shot. host: what did you like yesterday specifically from speech yesterday? caller: there's not much that i did not like. extreme vetting, that's fine. what we used to do that the four. he calls it extreme vetting but at one time they would ask you during the cold war are you a , -- you had to absolutely study to pass the citizenship test. , i don't thinks they'll take the time to study our culture because it's against their religion. it's the knee them. it tells me they would not pass the citizenship test. as far as building the wall, what people don't realize is the
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president has sole negotiation powers. the cousin clinton, he passed it in -- because of clinton -- he passed it, fast track gives the present full authority over trade agreements. if he tells mexico you either build this wall or they could be a problem with -- he does not have to act with congress or senate, he does it on his own. that's why could happen. a lot of people say that can't happen. they don't know what they're talking about. the president has sole negotiating power over the trade agreements. he can disassemble with mexico and it would be done in six months. china also and he does not need an act of congress. a lot of people are misinformed about these trade agreements but these presidents come since clinton, had the authority to disassemble within six months.
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i like anything he said. host: sandy, of next. -- up next. caller: i am voting for donald trump. i think everything he said yesterday was true. what people don't seem to be whenever they got said that side and he trump was not fit to have the codes, don't people realize that it takes more than one person to have those codes? you have not seen biden do anything for the last eight years. it tells you that clinton thinks she's in trouble or she would not be bringing out the big guns
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and making people think if donald trump has the keys -- the codes, that he can blow up stuff but it takes more than one person to do that. vetting, i like the idea of the lie detector test. most of them want come over anyway. and i hope they don't because we end up paying for their welfare, their education. we give them food stamps and housing and it's just not worth it. it's my tax money. host: miles city montana, republican line. good morning. i have a statement to make on the previous people that that are pretty
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radical with their views about trump. they seem to think trump is a very radical person but actually they are because the democratic party is a big lie to america. i agree with trump's views that he spoke about and the polygraph is basically -- they are asked to take it and don't want to, they don't have to come into this country. if the ticket and don't pass it they don't come in. i also have a statement on -- your position is to remain neutral on c-span, not to ask leading questions from the washington post or the new york times because there are many other newspapers that are just as important to provide just as much information as they do so stay out of the conversation and let the people explain what they called about. alabama.n, mobile
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democrats line. what did you think of the speech yesterday? caller: i watched the speech and i agreed with donald trump and vetting process. i voted for barack obama who said he would get rid of lobbyists out of washington. after that statement i voted democrat. this year i'll vote republican and i'm absolutely going to join the republican party and hope that when donald trump gets into office that everything that he says is true. think whatmakes you he laid out yesterday's achievable? caller: we have two people to vote for, hillary clinton, donald trump. and talks tosounds be a true american. we pledge allegiance to a flag and we have a constitution and i believe folks coming into this
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country should have to pledge allegiance, read the constitution, understand the being an american is and don't vary from it. host: the wall street journal takes efforts in syria to fight the islamic state. a story looking at and focusing on specific town. towardstant step cutting off the groups access to a 60 mile corridor along the border. the focus signals that it could be sometime before an assault begins on raqqa. the islamic state has lost about 10,000 total square miles accounting for 50% of what the militants once controlled in iraq and 20% of what they held in syria. lieutenant general sean , american commander of
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the international task force overseeing, added to statements last week. caller: how are you doing? host: fine, thanks. caller: a few calls back a lady i think from delaware said something to the effect of how can people believe the garbage that comes at a transmountain. my question ash out of trumps mouth. my question is how can people believe the garbage that comes out of both of their mouths? knowaid how do we even that what trump wants to do is doable that he can accomplish what he says he's going to accomplish. ask the same question about clinton. if got an idiot running against a liar. someone who is gamed the system for years. you could use the same description for either one of them. it's really sad that the country has come to a point where these
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are the two people we have is our choices to run for president. gary johnson. the best thing we've got. host: this is someone who identifies themselves -- saying if the u.s. does not have the manpower to that immigrants in the middle east mission not be except in so many. brent from west virginia, republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call and good morning. i'm listening to these donald trump supporters talk about how much they support "extreme vetting of immigrants." i would like to propose extreme vetting a presidential candidates. at no point during our election process has anyone in the media asked donald trump about his 40 years of publicly advocating for left-wing causes, financially supporting democrats who disagree with everything he says he supports now and he supported them at every level of government. those democrats include hillary
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clinton both times she ran for senate in new york and in 2008 when she ran for president. this whole extreme vetting of immigrants, caller touched on this earlier. extreme vetting works if we can believe that the immigrants are telling us the truth. that if evidence someone really wanted to do harm to this country from within that they would answer questions honestly, which i'm assuming some of the questions would be along the lines of the you believe in jihad. furthermore, we need to make sure that our presidential candidates are looked at not just what they say now but what they have done in the past. when you look at both donald trump and hillary clinton both of them are unacceptable for the highest office in the land and i say this as a lifelong conservative republican.
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i'm ashamed of my party. hast 30 to 45% of my party proven democrat exactly right saying republicans are racist, ignorant and so forth. i have been awakened to the knowledge that there are about 35% of the republican party who work with crossover democrats by the way to nominate to get this guy flipped into the nomination. i think what we seeing donald trump do right now is a caricature. it's a cartoon betrayal of what a liberal thinks a conservative says. that's why he appears so ridiculous. ridiculous.he is .e is also dangerous a candidate who openly says he wants to expand, whatever that so he canel laws
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legally prosecute and sue as president people who write and say things he disagrees with. host: that is brent in west virginia. fbi interviewed hillary clinton about her e-mail activities. those notes being turned over to congress. the fbi and state department currently discussing which portions of the summary of the july 2 interview with mrs. clinton can be handed over to lawmakers adding that the fbi planning to turn over the summaries of interviews with other clinton aides. the story adds that two senior republicans had renewed calls yesterday for federal prosecutors to pursue a perjury case against mrs. clinton for statements she made to congress. in a letter that was sent by jason chaffetz and bob goodlatte identifying instances where they say mr. clinton's hearings testimony was contradicted by the fbi's finding and at a
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campaign event last week bill clinton defended his wife saint sheaccusations that received information marked classified is "the biggest load of bull i've ever heard." with will turn to donald in san antonio, texas. good morning. caller: i'm sitting here. i'll most lost my concentration. you got a good job. things you hear and the ways people think, i'm listening to all these people but no one is talking about the policies -- the job. all i hear is hate this morning on this show. sayingst comment code republicans, 35% or whatever percent of the republican party show the democrats relying. all i can say to a bunch of these people are here in the society, you need to stay out of the medicine cabinet.
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host: before we let you go, yesterday's speech by mr. trump, what were your impressions of it? caller: impressions. everything he proposed obama is doing it now and all he was talking about was eight. office --unning for republicans and would've voted for and i've been voting for -- irat but they had would've voted for jeb bush. trump? please. californiabeach, read republicans line. caller: talking about trump wanted to vet immigrants. my mother and my aunt married american serviceman during world war ii. they moved out here to
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california. for many years they had show up once a year at the local post office and had to be quizzed on whether or not they were communists and it was just something everybody had to do back then. i think if you were in immigrant. so it was not a big deal. nobody was offended or it may be a was a little silly. they commented because they were not communists. they did not come here to overthrow the united states. it was not a big deal. , shematter of fact my aunt had to report in san bernardino. i was the site of that horrible .assacre by two jihadist that was an american who went and married a woman from yemen i believe and she came over and they decided to commit the massacre.
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i wish someone would have had her come in at least once a year and talk to her about what her feelings were. maybe those people would be alive today. trump as being -- the government has done that in the past. nobody seemed to get in an uproar over it. it was just expected to be done because that's how you make sure fromcountry is safe foreigners who want to do harm to america. that is my only comment. i did not watch trump's speech last night. i'm not going to vote for either one of them because they are .oth the same republican party got rid of slavery. the democrats are the ones that protected and promoted slavery and i cannot good conscience vote for democrat. right now there are no republicans and the republican does not represent the
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ideals it was founded on. thank you for listening to my comment. host: this will be the last call. herman, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. democrats line. caller: good morning. i may.s if countryto remember this , the indians did not vet americans before they came here on the mayflower. people in the middle east were taken over by the crusades. that is their country. in the united states of america and other european countries still over there trying to tell them what to do when their civilization of the world. that is cuckoo like donald trump. he is out of it. i disagree with all those who
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agree with him. in their statements today. host: the last call on this topic. we will change topics and take a look at economic proposals that were unveiled by hillary clinton last week particularly when it comes to taxation and other matters. with the center for american progress. he's the economic policy managing director there. stephen dinan of the washington times will be here to discuss syrian refugees. screening and settlement programs taking place in the united states. also talk about what he is seeing as a surge in illegal immigrant activity to the u.s. those conversations coming up on washington journal continues. sunday night on q and a, louisiana state university history professor and historian mansi eisenberg discusses her book white trash, the 400 year
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untold history of class in america. >> there were actually poor white ghettos in places like indianapolis, chicago. they were described in many of the same derogatory ways of poor blacks who were living in the city. that is part of her history that we don't talk about. we don't want to face up to the fact of how important class is. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q&a. monday march the 20th anniversary of the 1996 welfare passed by our republican congress and signed by president bill clinton. our program looks back at the civic debate over the 1996 law. >> the current welfare system has failed the very families it was intended to serve. >> i don't know many people who want to humiliate themselves
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standing on the line waiting for their welfare check, year there are some cheats and there are druggies and trunks -- drunks. no question about it. a lot of those people are simply people who have not yet discovered a way out of their misery and poverty. >> we have decided that the states and governors and legislatures out there in america are as concerned about the poor as we are. as concerned about their well-being and as concerned if not more so than we are about the status of welfare in those states. >> it includes discussions on how the changes impacted the poor. >> from now on our nation's answer to this great show so challenge will no longer be a great training cycle of welfare. it will be the dignity, power, and ethic of work. today we are taking an historic chance to make welfare what is meant to be.
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a second chance, not a way of life. >> monday night on c-span at 9:00 eastern. >> washington journal continues. host: our first guest is andy center forthe american progress. managing director with the subject of economic policy. good morning. a little bit about the center for american progress. guest: a think tank, nonpersons in best nonpartisan nonprofit think tank that develops progressive ideas to move the policy conversation and advance public interest for middle-class americans and those striving to enter it. host: you also have an action fund. guest: we have a parallel action fund that can participate in partisan electoral conversation. we don't endorse candidates. will work with any progressive candidate of any party or stripe . we believe it's important not to just put out ideas but to move them through the political and
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policy process so they can be results. host: your organization has big names attached. does your organization have formal ties to the clinton campaign? guest: i don't believe there is a formal tie. a lot of individuals who have long history with secretary clinton. there are members of the organization that works with all different types of candidates. at this point given that she's the democratic nominee, a lot of folks are cheering for her. host: mrs. clinton laying out a -- give ouras viewers a sense of what she is proposing overall. guest: the heart of her proposal is trying to address the challenge of the middle class over the last 20 to 30 years. number of different pressures. wages and incomes are largely not grown and there was
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exception to that in the 90's. wages have not grown meanwhile costs of skyrocketed. big-ticket items like childcare, higher education. the middle class feeling squeezed. this is aggravated by 2008 financial crisis that knocked the sox off american middle-class families. we have come out of that through record numbers of job creation. 15 million private sector jobs created in 77 months. hornets to be done. we are not yet at full employment. still a lot of people are part-time employed that would like to be full-time employed. putting out policies that will boost employment and raise wages so people can share in the benefits of economic growth. ideas like investing in infrastructure. a major part of her plan. i can come back to that in greater detail.
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proposals to make sure that children of middle-class families can go to college without being burdened by debt. lower and lower middle income can go tuition free. making sure that companies are sharing the profits they make with their workers. tax incentives to make sure ,rofit-sharing opportunities making sure unions are stronger so they can bargain for that raise in the minimum wage. making sure companies don't ship jobs overseas. host: some of the mechanism is specifically toward taxation and for those that are upper income earners. highlight which he is proposing. guest: she is proposing a number of things. we are not adding materially to the federal debt. she believes because of middle-class americans
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continuing to be challenging -- contain to be challenged -- even other got record low effective tax rates, but still the burden -- imposingion rule,es like the bucket those making millions of dollars in income are paying the same rates as the secretaries because of the differences in the types of income that people make. whether it is a cap of -- capital gains ordinary income. she's proposing a surtax on the very wealthiest, 4% surtax so that they pay their fair share. taxous types of transaction , certain other taxes that will go towards making sure that the burden is on the wealthiest. those --she can a team of she can achieve those proposal she can find everything else she's proposing, the things
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you were talking about earlier. guest: the point i would make is these are investments in the economy the ghost of benefiting everyone. certainly the wealthiest are asked to pay the fair share. centers for american progress but report a couple days ago that highlighted how large businesses, $10 million of revenue are more come are not paying corporate tax. a big loophole that over 10 years has the same a lot of money. he billion dollars in lost revenues, that was appropriated for the tarp rescue in 2008. it's about closing those types of loopholes that will enable her to have the investment that not only goes to helping people who directly receive them, but actually goes to increase productivity economy wide and to increased demand that will create the demand for the products the wealthy -- the business sector provides.
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host: our guest is andy green. we will talk about hillary clinton's economic proposals. if you want to ask a question, (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000, for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. we had a guest on last week to -- he's with the truck campaign. talked about his plan compared to candidate clinton press plan. we will play a little of what he had to say. [video clip] >> a large standard induction which will take a lot of people off the tax rolls and reduced taxes for others. what you will end up with is a reduction in income taxes for most americans. i think that will be stimulative. i need to emphasize and point -- wage growth comes from
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small businesses. one of the major thrust of this program is to get small businesses operating better and that creates a rising middle-class income. real median income which is the 50th percentile, the middle of the income sector, has been going down in this recovery which is unprecedented. a primary goal of the economic --gram is to get host: initially that was about .roposals by donald trump guest: quite frankly it's the same type of trickle-down economics we have been hearing from the conservatives for years now. the same type of proposal that got us the bubble in the financial sector and the financial crisis that some millions of jobs moved overseas and the 1% have record amounts
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of corporate profits and what not go to them as opposed to the middle class. i'm not particularly impressed. if you look at who largely benefits from's trump's tax plan, it is folks let mr. trump. he is proposing to repeal the estate tax. this is a tax that applies to .2% of taxpayers. .2% of taxpayers. the folks proposed benefit from that could benefit in the range dollars,ns of potentially 4 billion to $7 billion. he is not released his taxes. we do not know. another part of this lowering the business tax, down to 15% and applying it to past earned income would be a double loophole. are gettingose who
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the fruits of economic growth would enjoy even more, and we have learned the lesson that if the economy is to grow, we have to make sure the middle class has cash in their pockets, they can go to that small business and buy those products and services so we can all share in productivity and the benefits of the economy. host: we have calls lined up for you. first is justin in ohio, republican you are on with our guest, andy green. he's talking about all proposals, his trickle of economic theories are just devastating to america. if there is anybody listening to this guy, who thinks that corporations paying higher taxes is going to create more jobs, you might as well go back to bed and put your head in the sand because this is the biggest bs you will ever hear and these
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guys on the left are good at it. they talk about infrastructure and investments in education, it is such nonsense. everybody knows we spend more on education than everybody else, but we have democrats running the schools and they stink. everybody knows we have democrats running the cities. baltimore, milwaukee, look at the situations these people live under. guest: a couple of thoughts. when president obama took office in 2008, we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. it was nearly 8% decline in the gdp. middle-class families have seen their wealth and their ability to send kids to college devastated by the financial crisis. meanwhile, during the succeeding years, corporate profits were at record highs. if we look at the evidence, of corporationswhen
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are lightly taxed or regulated, and who is harmed, it is quite clear that ordinary, hard-working americans, the middle class do not do well in those circumstances, and they do better when it is broadly shared prosperity, when the minimum wage goes up, when those who are enjoying the benefits of the economy can give that back and they, themselves reap the benefits of a rising economy. host: this is kayla in flat -- in florida, independent. caller: i have a comment and two questions. -- i am a history teacher and seeing companies theirhe centuries dumping social safety net responsibilities onto the government, which increases our tax burden to take care of the
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rest of our country, but if we were to invest in education and have a brightest, most advanced workforce, i think you would see companies flocking to our shores, regardless of the tax burden they would incur because we would have cutting-edge, highly educated workforce that can compete with tech giants like korea and other countries around the world whose products are flooding into our country. florida, i think that green jobs are important and that should be a cutting-edge deal and i was at hillary clinton's rally, i heard her propose expanding solar. when i was in washington state, i saw wind energy, and i think that is something we should be investigating. are absolutely
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businessesst decade, have reduced the benefits they provide to workers, whether it provide a secure retirement, or other aspects of the social safety net, and government, states, localities, they have to pick up the gap. that is why secretary clinton has proposed increasing and expanding social security to make sure that it does more to help those who have certain gaps. certainame time, proposals to improve retirement security ta so that people canp certain low cost saving plans and more needs to be done on that and donald trump is not
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offering plans to address that. i would highlight a couple of things about rain jobs and investing in education and research. that is the kind of proposal that we at the center for progress have been pushing, for a number of years and secretary clinton has been calling for a much expanded investment in all of these areas. -- if you lookat at the u.s. economy compared to its worldwide competitors, the economy is growing and doing better than europe, much better than japan, china is a different case, but our corporate tax rates are actually modestly higher than them, so it does show that companies are coming to the u.s., investing in the u.s. and continue to see strong economic growth, because of the strength of the u.s. workforce, the strength of the u.s. science
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and technology. when you do more to make sure the corporations are not using loopholes to paying their fair share, we can show the strength of the economy, even while everyone is paying their fair share. host: next is alan in pennsylvania, independent. caller: thank you for taking my call. the question i have this morning true income tax reform, and i was wondering, would you support a fair tax? i think in the house, it has been in committee for quite some time. tax, but consumption if you look into this, this would be a step in the right direction, to truly reform our income tax situation that we
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have. i will take my answer off-line. guest:. thank you -- thank you. i have not seen that particular bill. i am familiar with some consumption tax proposals out there. we have to be careful because consumption taxes are regressive. the burden falls heavily on those who do the most consuming and tend to be lower income families and even middle-class. payinghat are currently an income tax or capital gains tax would potentially see their tax burdens lightened, heavily. i would be has its going towards that direction and we have to look at things like the buffett rule in making sure capital gains taxes don't have loopholes
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like the interest loophole where an investment fund can avoid paying the capital gains benefits that they reap from those funds. host: a summary from the columbus paper on the plan says it 4% surcharge on households earning more than $5 million a year requires families to have an adjusted gross of $1 million to pay a 30% tax rate and also a limiting of deductions. if anybody is making that kind -- make the case that it is not a lot to take on at one time. is, who isquestion it hitting, and do they have the resources to absorb that? this is not hitting middle-class americans, it is not hitting 99% of americans, we are talking about the 1%, 82%, but we are
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talking about folks who are doing very well in this economy. host: such as? guest: foreign buffett himself has said that he thinks it is scandalous that he can pay a lower tax rate than his which is the impetus for things like the buffet role which is saying if you are making your money by capital investment, investing in the stock market and in companies, great, that's fine, we want capitalism to work, but the nature of your income, we want to make sure that if it is your job and you are reaping benefits from that income, that you are not treated differently from somebody who gets up every morning and is a teacher or firefighter or goes to work whatever they do and earns their money from labor. our tax treatment is different for those two types of assets. enable people in the middle class to invest in the
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stock market and earn a return and be able to be taxed at a more modest rate, but we can't let that be abused by those who are solely doing that as their source of business. i think that is the key. host: robert in illinois, democrats. caller: i want everybody to understand when president obama took office, we were shucking jobs. andh mcconnell comes on says our only job is to keep him as a one term president. they did not help this man one time. trickle-down has never worked. a will never work. all companies do is take the money and workers get smaller wages and what happens? they take the money overseas and thank it in there where they are making millions of dollars while we are sitting here, with nothing. it is pathetic to sit there and listen to these people saying it always works. it never worked and it will never work.
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i cannot understand that anyone would vote for a billionaire that says he wants to cut taxes for the people in his tax bracket. it is pathetic and it is nuts to listen to these people that say donald trump is the best thing that has happened. it is not the best thing that will ever happen. i live in illinois and i remember when we pay 20% interest, small farmers were getting thrown out when reagan was in office. it was pathetic to watch howdy small farmers in this area had to go bankrupt because of stupid economics like reagan, bush. it is pathetic to listen to this country. the man is worth billions of dollars and will not put his tax returns out. guest: i have to largely agree, that the one thing i would add -- nothing to really
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add, i think it says for itself. the one thing i would add is we have to make sure that washington, d.c. and the political process it was -- is responsive to the public interest and in recent years, we have seen large lobbying campaigns and increased ties between the largest companies and politicians who benefit from those ties and i think it tends to be on one side of the aisle more than the other, but washington needs to be responsive to the economic challenges this nation faces. -- we need to have a much more robust conversation about the real pain that americans continue to feel. host: indiana, republican, gerard. caller: the guy you have on tv says he is nonpartisan, but he
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is obviously partisan because he is advocating for hillary's plan. you were talking about how the tax system is not fair and that there were loopholes, but they are not loopholes, they are just the system and the law. if i walk into mcdonald's with $100 in my pocket and you have $50 in your pocket and mcdonald says they will charge me $20 for this big mac and charge this guy two dollars because healy has $50, corporations might pay a lower percentage and rich people might fail lower percentage, but they still pay millions in taxes. if it is supposed to be for infrastructure and defense, they are not over utilizing it, to provide jobs and people think it is not fair. how is it not fair one person pays millions of dollars in some people pay zero? guest: a couple of thoughts.
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i want to be clear, the center for american progress is nonpartisan. i am speaking in part on my own personal views and there is also an affiliate organization that engages in more partisan parts of the conversation. it is really about the particular work that we are doing. on the loopholes and inductions aspect, you are absolutely right, that there are reasons why the tax code has the inductions, for certain things. if you were are running -- if you are running a small business and you have a cost for pens and paper's and the computers to run the business, you can do. those from your income. there are other very reasonable deductions to make sure the tax code works. the point we are trying to make taxhat those deductions and principles that are supposed to work for ordinary americans are
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not taking advantage of -- are not taken advantage of an abuse because the rules not being written tightly enough and the best example i come back to is the pass-through tax rule where large businesses, over 70% of them are wall street investment firms, they are not paying any corporate tax, and because of that, over $800 billion of is lost.over 10 years that is money that could be invested in infrastructure and inense, it could be invested science and education. host: when it comes to mrs. clinton's proposals, she still says things like aunt -- mortgage rate interested actions , childcare deductions, those kinds of things? guest: she is proposing an
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expansion of the time -- of the childcare tax at it, so donald trump's childcare tax proposals are very largely benefiting those who have very high income and high childcare cost. secretary clinton is instead onposing -- and it is built a proposal the center for american progress has put out, a tax credit that enables up to lower0 that goes toward income families to help them provide that support, that they would not otherwise get if it was solely a deduction. host: texas, independent. caller: how are you doing? the reason i called is on the -- [inaudible]
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are making too much money and they need a pay cut, and he says -- it is not about the taxes i think i was talking when a person makes $10,000 and pays $5,000 in paying $10 person million paying the same thing, it works both ways. guest: the caller hits an important point is that we live in a world of globalization, and you think of what life was like after world war ii, the soviet union and china and india were walled off from western global trade. europe and japan were devastated by the war.
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america was a manufacturing superpower because we had just won the war. that lasted for 30 years, but the interceding 30 plus years, the world changed dramatically. china and japan and europe have returned to full strength. south korea and the other little dragons in asia have all joined the global trading regime and in the last 20 years, china is on the scene, eastern europe and other parts of the world have opened up. competitionh more for labor, for companies choosing to go to lower labor costs. one of the challenges we have to deal with in the world is that we can't put up walls. we can't close our borders. it would be devastating from a national security and foreign policy perspective. we have to make sure that americans are not competing against folks that don't provide labor practices and don't have
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basic environmental practices and frankly, export led industrial strategies that required -- that provide large subsidies. secretary clinton has been talking about a national manufacturing strategy to employ a tray prosecutor. dealsposes tpp and trade that would ship jobs overseas. she plans to reinvigorate manufacturing clusters or cores in the u.s., which depend on community colleges, research and development, infrastructure and really benefit from a positive cycle of investment and growth. there is a lot to be done to address those challenges. host: kentucky, republican, charlie. caller: mr. green and the progressives -- you have made so many statements that i think
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reasonable thinking citizens would disagree with. the first premise from the left and the progressive is that the government owns all the economy and any money that they give up in the way of tax benefits is stealing from the government. andiew is we own our money, any money that the government takes from our labor, they are taking it from us. an example of that is his proposal that -- with the death tax. he wants the government to ,nherit wealth from a family and that family made that money, they pay taxes on it while they were earning it and it certainly belongs to the family. the jobike to put out growth under the obama administration. my recollection of history is that the jobs remained stagnant for the first part of the obama
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administration. then when we elected a republican congress, job growth took off. he complained about the middle class being squeezed as cost increased. increasing regulations will cause cost to increase and he was to regulate the economy more and more. business or when a individual is not paying taxes, that is money that the government could use the spend. when a person can save money on their taxes, that allows them to invest in goods and services that they want. host: a lot of points. guest: this is a great debate and i'm pleased to be able to have it. think that the evidence and history is on our outset -- is on our side, but i respect to be able to have this debate in america. let's focus on what the caller calls the death tax, which i
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call the estate tax. this is a tax that applies to .2% of americans. it is extremely generous in the amounts that are completely excluded. avast majority of americans will pass on their full inheritance, bonds,ome, stocks and other treasured assets, to their family, and that is correct because those are family assets. what we are talking about our estates of multimillions of dollars. above, in most cases. we are talking about making sure that we don't have a landed aristocracy, something that thomas jefferson and george washington and the founders of this country still fairly strongly -- very strongly that we did not want. there was a strong sense that we did not want any type of landed
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accumulation of wealth, and if we want to make sure that we don't see continued elections where it is the wealthy and the super pac's that can spend $500 million in one congressional race, $200 million in another buy and so on, to appear to democracy, and i don't think they always succeed, but even the effort and the challenge and burden that puts on hard-working americans to be able to make sure their voices are heard in washington is extremely important. a believer in the importance of making sure that inherited wealth does not small cement -- a small set of hands in this country. if i can talk about the other mentioned theller
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role of the gop congress in affecting job growth and economic growth. record, when the the gop congress took over, we were beginning to turn the corner, but instead of investing in infrastructure and job creating stimulus and job onating investment, they hit austerity, so they harmed job creation and the economy, and it was only in the last year or so when they began to somewhat walk back on that, having seen the risks and the obama administration negotiating heavily to make sure they did, that we finally felt the real turning of the corner by this economy and we are now seeing 200,000 plus jobs created on a month -- on a monthly basis, pretty consistently. a last point about regulation and this is important. is fairly lightly
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regulated look at countries around the world. compared to europe or japan. we don't need those types of regulations. there are some core areas where we do need regulations. those areas are the environment, health and safety, financial regulation, because we see the cost to working families and the economy when those regulations are not in place, when they are not strong enough. we just cannot afford to repeat that. host: from georgia, jeff on the democrats line. caller: good morning. i think what the united states needs is a real good class in economics, called supply and demand. money drives the demand. have any,lic does not you can make all the supplied that you want -- all the supply
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that you want. the biggest thing that drove the companies overseas was not taxes , it was labor cost. you can't pay a person $7.25 an hour and expect him to buy a car. you can't pay him $7.25 an hour and expect him to feed his family. you don't want to give him welfare or handouts, but then areas, yout these want to send in the police and beat up everybody. it is not taxes or material cost, it is labor. we have a high standard of labor -- of living. we are used to it and we will have to keep it up. so they can do all they want, until the labor comes up, and that is where minimum wage comes in. when the labor comes up, you
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will sell more goods. guest: i really agree, that we have to focus on the demand side of the economy, and certainly supply is important, but the challenge we have experienced is that demand has not been there. there are a number of policies to try to address that. the american reinvestment act, the stimulus in 2009. it is widely recognized as not doing enough and when president obama proposed to increase that, republicans in congress stopped that. it is about increasing demand which is why secretary clinton and the center for american progress and others are proposing investing somewhere between $250 billion into infrastructure because we do need to increase demand, and we need to -- infrastructure has
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the benefit of increasing productivity. the caller is right about the $7.25 minimum wage. has not beenwage raised, has not kept up with the cost of living changes. hour ison $7.25 an extremely difficult. we are better off with our smaller businesses and our economy overall to have middle out economics and a minimum wage that is double or higher than that, so that folks can have money in their pockets and can spend and invest. from you for the argument employers that say it will affect how to people they can hire. guest: technology is an interesting question. in terms of the employer not hiring folks, i think the evidence to date is that it has
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not happened because when you look at the states and localities that have raised the minimum wage, we have seen unemployment declined. more people are going and getting jobs because they believe they can actually earn a fair return on their jobs, and with more people having money in their pockets, employers find there is more demand for their goods and services and so they can bring on more employees. the cost of labor for most businesses is actually pretty modest compared to the wide range of other costs. technology and automation is a real challenge. many businesses are just , notting in automation because of the minimum wage, but just because that is the way to have a better product or a way to be more efficient and more productive, overall. of can't stop the march technology, but we have to make sure that when somebody does have a job and they are out there working every single day,
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that they are paid a fair share. host: our guest is the managing director of economic policy at the american center for progress. winchester, indiana, independent, mark, go ahead. caller: the reason the economy turned the corner was gas prices. that put more money in people's pockets. economy is global why wages have to come down in our country because order to have a global economy, it has to living isstandard of going to have to come down. we had a guy on earlier that talked about the farm crisis in the 80's. that was caused by the carter embargo. corporate tax is also paid by consumers or stockholders. they just passed -- the more you tax them, the higher goods get.
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solar, heavily subsidized and more expensive. we have the 2008 crisis, caused by the housing bubble, and that was due to government interference. the best thing we have in our tax system is the earned income tax credit, which gives poor working people more money back than they paid in. guest: a number of interesting comments and i agree with some and disagree with others, but i appreciate raising them. certainly, the decline of gas prices has been beneficial to american tumors, but there have also been government policies that have helped. there was a payroll tax cut that
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president obama negotiated that did help put money in people's pockets and help the economy turned the corner. anderms of globalization, whether our standard of living has to come down, i don't think that is the case, we do not need to have our standard of living well,own for others to do because if we are competing on a level playing field, 95% of the population of this world is outside the u.s. there are companies and successful businesses around the world that can compete, can sell their products and goods and services and sell foreign products from all across this country, and you can see countries enter the middle class, countries that were dirt poor following world war ii, whether it is japan itself or south korea and certainly china itself has lifted nearly a billion people out of poverty, and we have strong trade
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enforcement and role of the game that make sure that our standard of living and our environmental protection, our labor rights, are protected. i think we can compete because we have much stronger education and research and other types of infrastructure and the american worker is very productive. those last two points i would like to make go to the question about the farm crisis. there is an aspect of the farm crisis related to the embargo that existed, but it is worth noting that the farm crisis was a result of macroeconomic policy that went awry in the reagan administration. you had very high inflation in and they were going to crack down on the inflation that was damaging the economy. what happened was that president reagan implemented massive
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on defense and other tax cuts that largely went to the wealthy, that actually worked against the macroeconomic interest rate policies that were trying to rein in inflation. but you ended up having was even higher interest rates and that is what led to the farm crisis. that brings me to the last point about the housing bubble. it is essential that federal reserve keeps an eye not only on interest rates, because we cannot afford to have bubbles, but it is the regulatory policies from new entities like the consumer financial protection bureau that was thated by dodd frank protects consumers from the tricks and traps that got us into the crisis. -- they were victims of the fraudulent products that were sold to them, it was tricks and
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traps on wall street that pushed people who should have been in a safe and sound fixed rate 30 year mortgage into these adjustable and other subprime mortgages that came up and blew up in their face. host: one more call, emily, republican from california. toler: i find it difficult trust hillary clinton. 75% of the population of this country finds are untrustworthy. she started when she came into the government with the attorney general, for what she and bill did to the banks in arkansas. i just heard today that the russians are now giving us your e-mails and telling us that she the muslim lady
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that works for her, she had her get a job for this billionaire after he gave millions to the private trust that they have. does anybody know the name? that foundation. was --find out that she that they did get into her theils and that is how russians are able to give us the information. when it comes to economic policy, what would you like to ask our guests? caller: what i would like to know is, a lot of people and the economists are saying today, that hillary's plan is not as good, that it will cost another trillion dollars. if we continue to spend, and you know the 20 choice in dollars that we are hoping and we do not have? it is -- it does not include
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social security and medicare. one of the challenges of living in a vibrant democracy like we have is that people are able to put out all sorts of stuff into the public sphere and it is not pleasant, but it is frankly far healthier than the alternative. these are challenges to trust, and i think you have to look at a track record of nearly 40 years of public service fighting for ordinary working americans and that is a track record of creating childcare for children, working to make sure that 9/11, that new york is rebuilt, standing up for human rights around the world, this is a track record that secretary clinton has and donald trump in stark contrast, to where he does
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not play in small business contractors. in terms of the economic point that was raised, it is secretary clinton's plan that is paid for and you can look at an independent analysis of whether that is the case and it is. in contrast, the from's plan increases the national debt by trillion, not a good investments that would grow the economy and increase productivity, but really for large giveaways for a very small segment of people who do not need them. host: talking about hillary clinton's economic proposals, alan green with the center for american progress, thank you. the rates ofook at syrian refugees coming to the u.s. and how that compares to years past. we will talk about that when we return. ♪
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>> a signature feature of c-span's booktv's own coverage of book fairs and festivals across the country. booktv will be live at the mississippi book festival, for their second annual literary lawn party at the state capitol in jackson. featureanels discussions on civil rights, education policy, assisted the state history and the 2016 president election. notable authors including those who have written biographies on thomas jefferson, andrew jackson and george w. bush. for the complete weekend schedule. after a supreme court ruling overturned part of the voting rights act, courts across the country have struck down another of -- a number of state laws, saying they
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discriminate against pacific groups of voters. c-span's issue spotlight looks at voting rights and the impact on the 2016 election. we will feature part of the 2013 oral argument in shelby versus holder. members of congress look at what it to restore the voting rights act. plus, a discussion of what of the voting rights act is necessary. here is what the president -- presidential candidates have to say. >> now it is, a lot of places are not going to have voter id. what does that mean? you just keep walking in and voting? >> what is happening is a sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people from one end of our country to the other. >> watch our issues spotlight on voting rights saturday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span and
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>> washington journal continues. joining us now, stephen with the washington times, the political editor. taking a look at syrians coming into the united states. what is the obama administration policy when it comes to refugees? guest: a review -- at the beginning of this fiscal year, they set a goal of bringing intent house and syrian refugees, at least, resettling them in the u.s. this year as part of an overall population of 85,000 total, worldwide refugees. this point, we are at the 8600, and they are well on track to meet that goal at the end of the fiscal year. they have another month and a half to go. they will blow past that 10,000 goal at the pace they are at,
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welcoming about a 20 -- welcoming about 2500 per month. they have said that they expect that pays to continue into the next fiscal year, beginning october 1. at that rate, they are lacking in the next president for a large number of syrian refugees, at least a target. host: when they come to the united states, where did they end up as far as location? varied.t is really therisingly, arizona has highest number per capita compared to the existing total. we are not talking a huge percentage, about 10,000 total in this year compared to a population of the country of 320 million. it is not a lot when you look at that, but per capita gives you a sense for what we are talking about.
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glendale turns out to be a surprising destination, nearly 400 have been sent to glendale, so far. phoenix ander than on a per capita basis, it is higher than any other city, with the exception of dearborn, michigan. glendale is sort of an odd fit. , number of small communities for example in the washington suburbs, there are some interesting communities just outside of d.c. many of them outside of d.c. because it is considered too expensive to resettle back in the city. the criteria they use to figure out where to resettle is whether anre are jobs available, economy that will allow them to seamlessly fit in, so they really do end up all over. looking at this map, you
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mentioned arizona, california and texas also the same. you have states like montana and wyoming that don't have any. guest: it is questions of what are they would fit into jobs, whether the infrastructure could handle it. refugees overall, but syrian refugees oftentimes have certain need. they're coming from a war-torn country. there are language issues they need to deal with in school. the region has to be prepared and able to handle them. all those needs, medical, emotional, psychological. some states and some areas just are not as able to handle them. host: cap a state or locality say we would rather not have syrians? guest: a number of governors did say they would rather not have
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them. they cannot refuse them, but the governors in some cases have withdrawn their support from their state agencies, but the resettlement happens. ares complex, but there national nonprofits and local nonprofits that end up doing the resettling in conjunction with the federal government. they can operate even outside of a state saying we will not cooperate. that does not stop a resettlement. it makes the federal government and local agencies think twice if they detect a sort of antipathy, but there has not been a major affect based on that. host: joining us talking about the syrian refugees coming to the u.s. if you want to ask questions about the process, (202)-748-8001 four republicans -- for republicans.
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(202)-748-8000 for democrats. (202)-748-8002 for independents. if you are a syrian refugee and would like to call, (202)-748-8003. guest: the administration describes it as robust, refugees are given the highest level of scrutiny of any one of the u.s. vets. there are people who cross the borders and never get any of the ones that the u.s. actively admits, they get the most rigorous screening. syrian refugees, when we bring -- has said our appropriate to be transferred to the u.s.. there are about formally and syrians that are registered around the world as being
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displaced syrians. of those, about 500,000 are deemed eligible to be resettled a certain number of those are deemed to be good candidates to be resettled in the u.s. the u.s. takes the population that the u.n. has narrowed down and we do our own vetting, that involves interviews and a gearing up their story about why they are refugees and their background, checking into criminal history, this is true for every refugee, but for syrian refugees, there are a couple add-ons. thanks to pressure from congress and a couple of bad events with a lack of vetting, the administration vets certain categories through their social media to figure out whether there are any signs of guilty to
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radical islam or other dangerous to radical fealty islam or other dangerous signs. top american security officials say the problem is we know what we know, we can run the rue our databases and they are very good, but what we would really like to do is work with the home countries and run their stories through the whole country database and have access to those as well. with syria, the u.s. does not have access to on the ground nation, or a good working relationship with the syrian government to go through their systems. a blacks say there is hole, things that we do not know that we don't know, and those are the danger signs. the administration says it is using the process we use with iraqi refugees. the difference between iraq and syria is that in iraq, the u.s. actually has a ground present.
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you can go to a neighborhood and so and so live at this address and find out a little bit about their back story and make sure they are telling you a correct story about why they are refugees and why they are coming here. that opportunity is much more limited in syria. the republicans in congress proposed a method that they said the fbi director and holland security director and the national intelligence chief what have to certify each syrian refugees and that was a way of raising the level of responsibility up to very high decision-makers, saying if you think this person is safe and you are convinced you have done it, you have to sign off on it. the president said he would not accept that and democrats filibustered that. we are using just the administration's own procedures without any of those add-ons. host: the first call comes from
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john in texas, democrat line. wondering -- we put so many figures on how many people the obama administration wants to live in the u.s. and hillary clinton's possible future administration wants to let in. can you clarify that at all? the obama administration set a goal for 10,000 syrian refugees, this year. at the pace we are going, we will end up closer to 12,000. clinton -- there was a big debate before the president announced his overall goal for syrian refugees, and the number of refugee advocates and immigrants rights advocates and another -- a number of democrats on clinton -- on capitol hill and mrs. clinton herself called for a higher number, in the
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80,000 range, hundred thousand range. mrs. clinton called for 65,000 refugees to be settled this year, and we don't know what she would do over the future years, given that rate, if she were to carry that through, that would be two to three times more than we will actually accept under the current pace. that is mrs. clinton's number. the administration right now is on track for 12,000 and if they keep the pace they are at a 2500 a month, we will probably look at about 30,000 for the administration, next year. they have not announced that exact goal, but they -- we talked about syrian refugees. in the past few years, the goal for overall refugees had been 70,000 year. and they, it is 85000
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will put in a budget request for 100,000 the next fiscal year. host: florida, i will for those refugees, maria -- our line for those refugees, maria. caller: i am part of the perpetual immigrant experience from cuba. i don't know if you have read some of the historical data, but i recall clearly coming to the , neverth huge gratitude assimilating entirely. you can come to miami and see us. you must contribute and you must participate and must be grateful. you cannot expect a welcoming country to change to accommodate you. you must accommodate to the experience of where you are coming and i think that is something that needs to be very mindful as we move the word. , but we lose our roots need to be able to accommodate to a new environment. thank you. hear: that is a story you
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out of immigrants, overall and refugees in particular. what she talked about, the questions of keeping your roots and accommodating or assimilating into the u.s., that is essentially where the crux of this debate is, how much efforts of the u.s. put into that assimilation esther mark how much outreach should we do to bring in refugees in the first place and how much effort does it take to assimilate them and how much effort are refugees going to put into assimilation, themselves and where you fall on may describe exactly where you fall on the immigration debate. host: of the 8000 refugees admitted, over half our children ages 14 and under. that category is interesting considering the concerns about radicalization in the u.s..
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young males 18 to 30 is essentially the target age for radicalization. a number of those folks are attached to families, the number of them are single males, which is incredibly low, but we have seen plenty of examples in recent reports, justice department affidavits or arrest and indictments about first and second generation immigrant children who have been radicalized in the u.s.. that is why the number of concern to authorities. host: republican line. caller: as you know, refugees are being settled in idaho because of the factories that can hire them at low, minimum wage, slave wages and bring them
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into the factories. i just want to ask, what was the process for the ones that rate the five-year-old girl for hours and videotaped it? three syrian refugees? what was the process for them and what is the protection for the americans, children and thets that are suffering at hands of these refugees that don't assimilate to our culture and our ways of life and they think that raping little girls is ok? guest: the caller is talking about an incident that got a lot of attention earlier this year, in idaho where there was a children syrian refugees had been engaged in sexual assault and it turned out that they were not syrian refugees that were involved in the incident, so there was some initial misreporting.
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the point the caller raises sort how much effort be migrants but into assimilation how much effort the u.s. should and workingefugees to assimilate them, sort of the .mmigration debate the data we have suggests that the crime rate among refugees is not particularly high compared to say the u.s. population or immigrant population. echoes back to this question of well if you did not welcome them at all, they would not be here to commit a crime, but does the u.s. have an obligation to humanitarian morals and to the world to take in at least some of this population? the president declared the u.s. had an obligation and set a goal for 10,000. there are others who think the goal should be much higher.
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we will see where we end up under a clinton or trump administration. refugees,the line for from new jersey. caller: hello. through international community, this was 1961. i am very happy to come to this country. i am very emotional. cuba and iamily in came with 17 years old and i was very happy to come to this country. i came with all the papers. i started to work, cleaning dishes, doing anything to make $35 a week, that i managed in thankfuland i am very
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to all americans. they are very nice people. they helped me in any way. i am emotional to tell you. i am now 74. , i married here, i have three granddaughters and i am very happy. anytime a person talks bad about this country, i am the first one in line to tell them, this is the greatest country in the world. host: thank you. guest: it is fascinating, the callers we have had really describe a number of the angles of the refugee debate and the immigration debate. talking about refugees and crime rates, it is not generally high, but we do have examples. there was an indictment of an
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iraqi refugee -- two who came through this program that the administration holds up as the blueprint for the syrian program. terrorismindicted on related charges. one of them actually was deemed an iraqi refugee even of his previous location was syria. these folks had both either planned or had traveled back to syria to train with terrorist organizations and were let into the u.s. as refugees and then traveled back. there are instances of danger signs within the refugee population, but you also have these wonderful stories like your caller who talked about his assimilation and willingness to work and his eagerness to embrace the american experience. , essentially have
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the exact reasons for the debate. you have dangerous activity, you have the v host: for those assyrians who come to the u.s., do they get federal housing assistance, living assistance? syrians who come to the u.s.? eligible for the programs that other americans are eligible for based on income and other criteria at some point. they do get assistance at the front, but federal assistance and a lot of volunteer assistance. volunteer organizations are central to the refugee experience. host: florida. independent line. chuck, hello. caller: good morning. aren't any as to why of them assimilated in the
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middle east or adapt? saudi arabia, who probably allted all of this, was to mend money -- it seems that could be put to good use in saudi arabia to help out. guest: there are a number of folks who do argue that in fact the syrian refugees would be better resettled near their homeland, near syria. whatd large, that is international authorities do try to do. they do generally want them there. there are 5 million syrian to pin registered that who have been registered -- 5 million syrians who have been registered as displaced. number have been
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deemed candidates for the u.s. these folks are tied to the region in some cases, but those make them bad candidates for resettlement there and they need to get out of the region. in other cases, they don't have the ties they would otherwise have -- there are reasons they are deemed good candidates for resettlement here. host: ford appeared democrats line. -- florida. democrats line. caller: i called to make two quick points and then ask a question. caller who was an immigrant, i believe he is a true american. he would bleed for this country. we need to keep welcoming people. these are refugees, not regular people who are immigrating. they are displaced for more zones. -- from war zones.
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there's a lot of hate going on now, but try to find a way to help and love and accept these refugees. it is harder to do, but we need to find a way. , howly, i was going to ask germany has pledged to take in somebody refugees -- so many refugees come if you have any updates on how they are doing. guest: this is part of the debate. the u.s. had a 10,000 gold. one of the reasons why a number of folks should have a higher goal because of the burden number of european countries are taking on. hundreds of thousands of refugees -- turkey has the highest. a number of countries are doing spectacular work in handling
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these 5 million people that happened displaced. what the u.s. does, one of the reasons mrs. clinton has called for a bigger role, we will have that debate about the role going forward -- the president will hold a leaders conference on refugees at the u.n. when the u.n. has its meeting in september. i suspect we will see a lot of conversation that morning about the carrying capacity of the u.s. host: how long can the refugees stay? guest: refugee is a permanent status. the implication is that you cannot safely return to your home country. as long as your home country remains net position, presumably there is no reason why you can
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or would want to return. some people have returned despite the conditions. a very small population. status.permanent int: if they have family syria or other places, does the family automatically qualify to join them in the u.s.? guest: at some point, they can adjust status to citizenship. at that point, the normal rules kick in for citizens and their ability to bring in other family derived from the citizen status. host: franklin, george appeared public in line. -- franklin, george appeared republican line. caller: who is paying for these people? what is the american taxpayer always get suckered into paying for these people? if it's going so smashingly well
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-- merkel's popularity is in the toilet, is in't it? guest: initially, the country seemed very welcoming him a than there were some reports of and the publicce attitudes began to be conflicted about the number of syrian refugees. it is absolutely playing some role in merkel's popularity there. a public policy decision. the administration made the decision that it is worth u.s. on the world stage to take in a number of refugees. for the a budget resettlement of refugees each year and for the additional assistance that comes with that. congress has control over that budget.
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iris from alabama. independent line. caller: i love c-span. i have a few points to make. and the question. them,t answered one of is going to be paid for. there's no jobs for the people already here. old people right now have to choose between their light bill in their medicine. -- and their medicine. young people don't have jobs. we need to get our own country back on track. have,her suggestion i when people come over here, immigrate from a war zone, i think they should have to join a whenh of our service --
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the boots do hit the ground, they will be going back to fight , army,ir own country navy, marines, whatever. they will be paying us back from andying our country back taking their country back and they will have housing, they will have schooling, money, all that without the taxpayers paying for it for nothing. of a numbero hear of stories of immigrants and children of immigrants who do join the armed forces when they do arrive. them,a large number of there is very much a sense of eagerness to get back -- give back in many ways, but in particular, serving in the armed forces is a popular option. host: wyoming, democrats line. susan, your next. echo whatjust want to
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the previous caller said and tell every person in our country , citizens have a home, a job, health care, all the things they want to give these refugees, no ,ore in this country, period until we take care of our own. what is the budget we are spending for these people? guest: i should know that number -- i apologize. i should have looked that up beforehand. you detect a lot of the sentiment about probably some of those refugees, that is immigration overall. one of the polling on the issue rises and falls in dealing with whether you want to legalize illegal immigrants -- one thing that has been fairly consistent
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in the polling, while folks in washington generally talk about allowing death raising the level allowingimmigration -- legalg the level of immigration, polling suggests that overall, the public as opposed to immigration. it's only about 25% that actually want to see an increase in legal immigration. in what you are hearing from the callers is what they are telling pollsters from a big disconnect between that and where washington is on the issue of illegal immigration. a recent storye about the rate of illegal immigration to the united states. just crossed the 332,000 for the first 10 months of the fiscal year -- more than the entire 12 months of fiscal year
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2015. we are already above last year's number. last year's number was very low compared to the last 40 years. that suggests we are drifting back in the other way. one clarification, the 332,000 the number the border patrol apprehends at the southwest border. we have no idea how many are actually getting through. believes thatrol for everyone they catch, a certain number get through. every one they catch is a good indicator of the overall flow, but we don't know that. how much wesing don't know about the actual illegal immigrant population coming into the u.s.. what we do know based on the
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apprehensions, your overall single adult immigrants who are coming through, that has been relatively low for the last five or six years or so. what has really changed in the last couple of years is the number of unaccompanied children. we saw a big splash in 2014 with these children traveling into the u.s. without their parents. this year, there is a rise in families traveling together. there are a bunch of different push factors from central america, the economy there, the violence there and there are -- the situation is so bad the administration actually testified or explained in court earlier this year they where thereances are illegal immigrant men coming up through mexico who will abduct a child in order to
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appear to be a family when they cross into the u.s. in order to get on more lenient processes in the u.s. been unable to track that down and find that, but the justice department explained that was happening to a federal appeals court earlier this year. it is a crazy situation. host: tennessee, republican line. george, go ahead. caller: with regard to refugees, i look at it this way. i don't mind women and children coming in, but all these young men coming in, their country is at war. orb a weapon, fight assad you imagine if during the revolutionary war if everyone just went to canada? a young man has to do what yes do womenwhat he has to
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and children, that is one thing. young men, you have to stand for something. don't come over here and expect us to take care of you for the rest of your life. guest: the vast majority of these are women and children who of coming -- the population men of fighting age is about a --of what were talking about 1/10 of what we are talking about. host: susan, refugee living in fort myers, florida. caller: thank you for taking my call -- i'm not a recent refugee. i'm a refugee from 1952. , the united states had
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quotas of different nationalities. and thein germany united states would not take anybody in unless you had a sponsor. my parents found who sponsored us in the cleveland area. paying responsible for for the trip, we came over on a and she transport ship had to pay for our housing committee medical committee food y medical, any food. nobody paid for us, we did not have translators, nobody in the school spoke my language, i rented to kids who spoke my language. my parents went to night school because they wanted to learn the and what the customs are
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in the government situation here. everybody did that. even back then, i was only seven -- kids and adults would call me adp. please, yes, no and thank you. i did not know what dp meant. this placed person. it was not all that easy. displaced person. -- therethe customs are some funny things, to o, that happened as far as customs go. the immigration system looks dramatically different than it did in 1952. the law has gone through several -- one massive rewrite in the 1960's and a number of updates since then.
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is forlarge, there certain categories of immigrants, there is still a requirement that they are supposed to show they won't become a public charge. using extensive government services. very rarely does the government actually pursue cases on that -- it's almost impossible to prove a case on that. the situation is dramatically different. host: alicia in columbia, maryland. caller: good morning. i thought my arm was going to fall off -- i've been holding for about half an hour. -- love andstion blessings to our military people, wherever they are.
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i want to ask, how many christians has president obama brought over? if anyone is to be brought overcome i would rather they christians have the first choice. they have suffered enough. another part of this debate i absolutely should have mentioned earlier -- of the syrian refugees, 99% are muslim. a number of lawmakers say, look, it's the christian minority that is facing oppression over there. they should give priority. right now, that is not happening. one other quick statistic we learned recently, the approval -- of those applications that have been decided, 92% are approved and 8% are rejected
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because of the security and other concerns the u.s. has. there are people being refused refugee status in the u.s. because they do not meet u.s. standards. host: arkansas. you are on. go ahead. caller: i think we should stop taking refugees altogether. we have enough americans. americans should stop prefixing their names and be patriots. stop saying i'm white american, asian, latino -- just be proud to be an american and say "i'm american." and stop taking people in so that our children can get jobs. and illegal immigration should
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be stopped altogether. we should be throwing more money at that then taking in refugees. you have the debate encapsulated by your callers today. several refugees who called in and talk about their simulation experience. -- assimilation experience. at the same time, you have a lot of the concerns about immigration -- this is exactly the debate playing out in the presidential election and congress over the last 10 years or so. it is why it has been so difficult to get an immigration bill done. it has been really wonderful listening to all this. host: we started talking about the vetting processes. a candidate yesterday talking about extreme vetting processes. any parallels between your experience and what donald trump has called for? >> what he has called for, a lot
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of folks are treating this like it's stunning and out of nowhere. the law has long held that the u.s. can deny admissions to people who do not -- who are not in the words of the immigration service showing attachment to american principles. that goal is one that has been encapsulated in the federal law for years at this point. how he carries it out, what he means by extreme vetting, we will have to see. what the administration says they are doing with syrian is essentially in the broad scheme what donald trump has been talking about doing for a much broader set of migrants. we don't know if you talking about immigrants or all visitors.
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there is some defense for it in , worrying bout and excluding folks because they do not show feel to to america's vision. fealty to america's vision. host: thank you for your time this morning. onwant to get your thoughts the media's take on your candidate of choice. we want to see if the media has been reporting on your candidate fairly. we want to get your input on that. we have divided the lines by candidate today. for those of you who support candidate clinton. for those of you who support candidate trump. if you support a third-party candidate, 202-748-8002. we will take those calls when "washington journal" returns.
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>> "washington journal" continues. host: we want to get your thoughts on media coverage of your candidate and if you think it has been fair. those of you who support candidate clinton, 202-748-8001. if you support donald trump, 202-748-8001. if you support a third-party, 202-748-8002. an e-mail from the trump campaign highlighted in a story in "the hill." aboutrvey of 30 questions "dishonest media" that trump says was written by him.
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keep that in mind if your candidate, if you think is being treated fairly or not. 202-748-8001 for those of you who support hillary clinton. if you support hillary clinton. 202-748-8001 if you support donald trump. 202-748-8002 if you support a third-party candidate. stephen south carolina, third-party supporter. kudos to c-span because you do give the other candidates a chance to be seen and heard. i've seen johnson on their and my candidate, derek castle on their.
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that's on there. they don't get any coverage elsewhere. johnson gets a little, darrell gets none. big money and media controls politics in this country. -- theye darndest thing don't want a strict constitutionalist onstage with those other two bozos. it would be embarrassing and they know it. host: peggy up next in florida, supporter of donald trump. .aller: good morning trump heard donald there is no way in the world i could never support hillary clinton. host: what do you think of media coverage of donald trump? necessarily like the way the media treats him, but he gets enough of it. like aboutdon't you
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how the media treats them? caller: they keep turning things around. he says one thing and they make something else out of it. politics 24 hours a why theynderstand don't talk about clinton. what, she never does anything wrong? host: steve, another supporter of donald trump in maryland. caller: thank you for c-span. i've seen the future and it looks like baltimore. long, george he we populism,alcolm x., the media, the elites despise it. they are trying everything they can, including neocons in the
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republican party. the republican party is finished. has trump won? he already one. -- he already won. just look around. up next in south carolina. also a supporter of donald trump. caller: i think the media coverage of donald trump is atrocious. all these newspapers and most of the tv stations are awful for liberals -- are all for liberals. i hope he buys a newspaper and start publishing all across this land and give us a conservative viewpoint. any conservatives that don't will keeponald trump hillary clinton in to appoint judges to the supreme court. host: princeton, new jersey.
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greg, good morning. supporter of hillary clinton. go ahead. caller: these people were not complaining when donald trump was getting uncritical coverage for the whole primary season. he is the biggest baby you can ever imagine. what a coward and a bully. you punch them in the nose and he starts crying. this guy is now getting critical coverage -- the other day, he amd a couple of times, i kno 100% serious about this. he reported as such and he cries later sing he was being -- they reported as such and he cries later saying he was inc. sarcastic. that's saying he was being sarcastic. -- media has totally failed
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mainly the broadcast media. the trump supporters have a point here. they don't cover what their policy decisions are. economic policies are absolutely awful. they've been scored by andpendent economists organizations to blow up the national debt, result in the transfer of income from lower and middle class to upper class, upper income levels. hillary clinton's have been critically scored. they cannot focus on that because the people who are the broadcasters don't have the expertise to critically cover that, with a few exceptions. they would rather talk about gossip. his policy positions under the
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light of day are absolutely awful. that's why i want more policy coverage. they should have no complaints at all that this guy is not getting coverage -- he was uncritical coverage. host: dan in kingston, pennsylvania. a supporter of third parties. caller: good morning. my take on the media coverage onou had johnson and weld the weekends. anyabout getting them on weekday when most of your public is sitting at home watching c-span so they can hear these people and hear their views?
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that would be a little more fair to any party. they don't get the coverage the two big parties do. host: i think we have a pretty decent put on during the week. on newsmakers, we featured them for a half-hour conversation, but during the week, we've featured them on this program where you get to take calls. bill in texas. supporter of donald trump. caller: as far as this media -- i have to trump agree, he was not my first choice. guy. a ted cruz but, what the media is doing with donald trump, which they are not doing with hillary clinton -- donald trump can use one word, just a word, and the one word, the liberal media will
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seize on one word and stay on that topic for three days. abc, they will stay on it for three days, just one word. goes back to trump saying this is politically correct nonsense. the media is corrupt because of the way they are twisting, they thingsd things that spin -- they will spin things. when the debates come up to my hope they will bring in one of your people from c-span to actually be on that board asking the questions. that would be a great, great thing. it would wake up the american public. the press has been absolutely atrocious to donald trump over the last three weeks. we got all this free press
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that is in "the new york times" this morning. illinois,son, supporter of third parties. caller: good morning, pedro. thank you for c-span. the deck is stacked against third parties. republicans and democrats of the national commission they came up with after the league of women voters, the used to run all the debates and not stuff -- and that stuff, or gary johnson to get on the debate stage, he has poll 15%.
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the democratic national committee, the joint commission gets to pick which paul they go put -- which p oll they go from to put johnson at 15%. host: brenda from fredericksburg, virginia. supporter of hillary clinton. i don't understand your callers and the general public in america -- it's just the opposite with trump. the more coverage the man gets, the more he hangs himself -- it's not the media, it's the man.
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every time the man opens his mouth, he is a buffoon. he's embarrassing the country, mess.rld thinks we are in don't understand these uneducated american people, how wayedare so weak and s by the fact that they don't like hillary, they will vote for trump? do your homework, do your research. hillary, they have pounded her, the media. how many times are we going to talk about her e-mails? do i agree with everything hillary has done? absolutely not. thethe woman is brilliant, combination of her and bill in the white house, you cannot get better than that. tell me a politician that has not lied.
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this is ridiculous that we hone in on her lying -- give me a break. every politician has lied. look at donald trump. he is the opinion me of lying. -- the academy of lying -- the epitome of lying. producer tells me that gary johnson did appear on this program on june 1 coming wednesday, jill stein on july 15, a friday. they were featured on our weekend program, newsmakers come in the last couple of weeks as well. texas, a supporter of donald trump. jane, good morning. caller: of course, the news media is biased against trump. they are a left-wing organization, they have been
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biased for 40 or 50 years. i'm 71 years old, but i can remember back in the reagan days how they were against reagan. the news media, the big-money interests determines who are candidates are. -- who our candidates are. now, we get one guy who comes up who does not meet the money, so they all tile on him. ,he news media in the beginning they put everything they could about trump during the primaries so he would get into the general election because they figured he would be the easiest one to beat. got it turns out, they their wish, but it looks like he is turning things around on them. , they are going
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to always be against donald trump. there's two choices america. donald trump has never been in jail, never even been suspected of being indicted or anything and hillary clinton, if she gets elected, she may have to serve in the white house from the jail . the state of north carolina looking to the supreme court for assistance in the recent overturn of their voter id law saying it was on monday they asked the supreme court to restore most of its strict voting procedures for the november elections. the chief justice will probably ask for a response from the justice department and the civil rights groups that filed the challenge before referring the matter to the entire court. the court is split.
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the state may have a part-time have a hardme -- time finding the five votes needed. tony in fallbrook, california supporter of third-party candidates. caller: i originally voted for bernie sanders. he got screwed over by the media, so i'm voting for gary johnson. i think he has a good chance of getting his name out there. when you say that bernie sanders was slighted by the media, what do you mean by that? reported on hadn't him as much. it was hillary this or hillary that. it is ridiculous. host: donna from topeka, kansas. supporter of hillary clinton.
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good morning. donald trump is entertaining, and entertainer, that's executive what he's doing. all we like to do is look at reality tv shows and he's buying right into that, filling those shoes. host: you think that is why the media is paying attention to him? caller: because he is an entertainer, yes. and he is entertaining. hillary clinton is not entertaining at all. he cannot back up anything he is saying right now. quick question on the hillary clinton, then, how would you describe her coverage? ,aller: just normal politics
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normal, boring politics. she's not saying anything different from what barack obama is saying, but he has the track -- if you track his business field, he's done all these bankruptcies and he has stepped people -- stiffed people. cover that. "philadelphia the pennsylvania attorney general has been convicted.
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carol in la mesa, california. thank you for holding on. go ahead. caller: good morning. i live in a suburb of san diego and we have a newspaper, the union tribune, it was recently purchased by the l.a. times. that i'ms so liberal going to discontinue my subscription because every day , thehe last two weeks cover story has been something about wonderful, wonderful hillary. it doesn't matter if she's lied or if she's responsible for death. like teflon, nothing sticks to her or her husband.
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her husband was convicted in the white house, nothing happened. that woman that says it doesn't matter if they lie, all politicians lie -- is that the way we want america to be thought of? we just choose people who live me doesn't matter -- who lie, it doesn't matter? host: frank in stockton, california. supporter of third-party candidates. caller: i think i'm going to vote for the libertarian. coveragesfied with the on both sides. one thing about secretary clinton, the idea about her being responsible for the -- sheling of classified cannot be given the blame --ause as secretary of state
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i'm basing this on my 23 years theilitary service -- general does not do anything but come into a room or briefing and he is present to the classified handlel -- they do not classified material. they are simply briefed on it or it is released to them. clinton is further up on the chain of command in a four-star general. when you say you were satisfied with the coverage of third-party candidates, what you mean by that? caller: i'm satisfied with the whole coverage. they have to get 15% to get into the debate. that is on them. i would love to see him in the debate because i like his style.
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foxw him on an interview on a few days ago. and he fitse style my outlook on politics. war andair in love and politics. the thing about the libertarian party, it suits my conservative nature and social liberal nature as a catholic, even though they are for free choice. i just like the balance they have. you may remember comedian larry willmore as the comedian that appeared at the white house correspondents dinner -- he has -- he on comedy central on comedy central.
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free come everything for free. ok? host: but what do you think about media coverage of your candidate? caller: they have been very unfair with trump. he is a very smart man. he is human. hellcountry is going to . i know the people who come from other countries they don't want to work because they got everything for free. well in hollywood, florida -- will in hollywood, ford florida. caller: i agree with that gentleman earlier who said trump is a very likable candidate. i am a hillary clinton supporter.
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modern-day politics does not lend itself to multiparty candidates. it is a two system and sadly, that is the reality. host: what about the coverage of your candidate? caller: i think the coverage for hillary has been ok. the focus on benghazi is a bit one-sided. perhaps the issue might not have been really discussed. hillary probably does need to explain herself in terms of the decision-making she's made. we are in a very bipartisan era. you have your conservative base the otherards -- thing with trump, would just be the fact that i think media would need to cover or explain a
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little bit about trade deficits. -- i don'thave understand most of it. we live in a very complex and complicated modern world. i think the media should probably help shed some light on how complex am of these issues really are. today."story in "usa efforts and the republican party israel to vote for donald trump.
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61% of israelis see trump as moderately or very friendly to israel according to a study released last march. 34% consider the republican candidate to be pro-israel. joy is up next. george appeared -- georgia. supporter of donald trump. caller: i do not think the mainstream media has been fair to trump at all. they turn around everything he says -- as far as the independent candidates that are running come i don't see where they have a right to be put on the ballot. where have they been for the last year? out primary for all the buzz they are asking for. hillary clinton is a liar. trump is the only answer for
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this country. thank you. host: from north carolina, jerry is up next. a supporter of third-party candidates. caller: i am an old ross perot fan. this time around, i was going for the libertarians, but now i'm looking at trump. backthings started kicking -- he made a big show about how these politicians cannot give a speech without them and everything. no, he has turned right around and starting with the teleprompters because he ain't going nowhere. here, we've got all these old white people, they will vote republican no matter what. the media don't change their mind because the only thing they do is watch that fox -- i don't call it a news channel. when hillary had her name on the bottom of the screen there for
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about 12 years or more, fox ran her down -- you could not turn on fox and not hear them talk about hillary. while, the public is going to get used to it and they think, she is a crook. supporting?e you caller: i'm not even going to support them. i'm going to switch over to hillary, i'm afraid . this new guyand from virginia come if they cannot run the white house, there is something wrong. constance in ohio. supporter of hillary clinton. caller: thank you for taking the call. i might surprise you a little bit. i'm a hillary supporter, but i do think a lot of the news media is biased against donald trump. i don't like him, having said all that.
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i think he gives them an awful lot of ammunition. ratings are ratings and you have to run with what you've got. i just like the fact that almost panel shows, the moderators do not push for answers to their questions, they will ask a question and then it is side rants and then your turn to rant and then your turn to rant back. c-span, you don't do that as much, but the other ones, i don't think so. host: have you ever said these things out loud in terms of the coverage of donald trump? caller: in my family -- i don't talk politics. my family is split, so we avoid the subject. i have trump supporters in my family. we don't want to cause friction in the family.
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owe less. -- in lower tax brackets would owe less. eileen coming supporter of donald trump. he can make it happen. i've been a democrat for 40 years and i just changed the republican. is so popular, he is wonderful, he's done wonderful things with his business and his family loves him and we are sick of hillary lying and cheating and getting money off her foundation. and how she treated the benghazi , their families. it's horrible. host: what do you think of media coverage of your candidate? caller: it's horrible, especially morning joe. they say one thing about him and then say he used to be good and then go on this rant -- they skip over hillary. fathere had the
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of the shooter behind her during her speech. she does not give enough for our policeman. it is horrible what is happening to our policeman. host: that is it for today. another edition comes your way tomorrow at 7:00. thank you for watching. see you then. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> join us later today for a look at reform efforts, it has been 20 years since president and 10 size for -- signs proposed reforms into law. live right here on c-span at noon. later, a look back at 100 years
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of the migratory bird treaty. the discussion will focus on efforts to protect birds and the effects on economic competitiveness in north america. you can see that live at 1:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. we have more live coverage later today with a look at and religious minorities in nigeria. the westminster institute hosted the event and it starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. today is primary day in wyoming and alaska. cheney who is facing a primary challenge, today. if former vice president's daughter is expected to win her race, even though kentucky republican senator and presidential candidate rand paul has endorsed one of her seven opponents. republican congresswoman cynthia lummis is retiring. stay to c-span tonight for election results. >> our c-span
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