tv Newsmakers CSPAN August 19, 2016 11:00pm-11:33pm EDT
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name should start with s through z. if you show up on a day that does not correspond to the first letter of your last name, you're not going to be seen so please be patient. this is the only way that we can get through all of the individuals who will be applying for dsnap. on friday, march 25, all of the a-k applicants who are unable to make their prior schedule day will be seen. if your last name starts with a letter between a nk and you were k, and you were not able to make it on monday, august 23 are tuesday august 23rd -- monday august 22 or tuesday, august 3 30 it your makeup day will be on monday, march 25. on saturday, august 26, we will
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see the l through z applicants who were unable to make their schedule days which were wednesday and thursday of next week. those applying for dsnap must go to a specified site for the parents where they resided during the disaster to receive benefits if they were eligible. if you are receiving snap benefits and live in f1 flood impacted area benefits will automatically be added to your ebt card. you do not need and should not go to the dsnap location in that instance. if you registered in a previous disaster you are already in the system. you do not need to register again, what you do need to go to the site on your appointed day and when you do, your information will be updated. in the coming days, you will
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also see an awful lot of fema activity going on in your communities and in your parishes. disaster assistance teams are on the ground and will be in your neighborhoods to help you register and access fema services. these disaster assistance will be wearing fema badges and it is important to remember that fema never charges for any of their services. so no legitimate fema worker is ever going to ask you to pull out your wallet, pull out your check book, give them a credit card. that will not happen. you will also be seeing disaster recovery centers opening where fema representatives will be able to address your specific needs case-by-case. these will be one-stop shop centers, they will have the red
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cross of these disaster recovery centers, the small business administration, and other agencies in order to make sure that you receive the assistance to which you are entitled and which you need. also, the louisiana economic element will be opening more business recovery centers so that small business owners can get the help they need to get back on their feet. in addition with respect to the small business administration, and livingston paris the business recovery center was opened in walker yesterday. on monday, august 22, the small business administration will open a recovery center in ascension parish as well as in east baton rouge parish at two locations and let me back up, in ascension parish, it will be a bank or southbank at 13 420 three hwy 73 in prairieville. it will open at 9 a.m. monday,
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august 20 two. -- 22. in east baton rouge, the small business administration will open a recovery center at the louisiana state archives which is at the corner of i-12 and [indiscernible] open 8 a.m. on monday, august 22 and will stay open till 4 p.m.. 3262 baker boulevard. it will open at 8 a.m. on monday and will stay open until 4:30 p.m. in lafayette parish, the business recovery center will open at louisiana immersive technologies enterprise and their executive conference room at 537 cajun dome boulevard. it will open at 9 a.m. monday
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and will remain open until 6 p.m. and a recovery center will open at 101 central avenue at 9 a.m. on saturday, august 20. that is 9:00 a.m. saturday, august 20. as you can see, this is a lot of information, but we are working a lot -- around the clock to get assistance to displaced louisiana in's and those have been affected by the storm as quickly as possible, as efficiently as possible and as meaningfully as possible. so with that we will open it up for questions and as you can see i have individuals behind me who are working all of the areas where we will be offering assistance so that should your? why are we have the experts on-site to answer them.
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>> you indicated that registration will open on the 29th, that is a week later events on the other parishes. is there a reason why it will take an additional week to get it underway? >> there is a reason there are 20 parishes. we will offer benefits in all 20. we are unable to do them all simultaneously so we have a schedule where over three weeks it will be taking care of. in baton rouge we will start the week later on as you just mentioned and we are going to do that because the individuals who are running the shelters are also test with administrating the dsnap program. we are turning over as much is that operation is possible to the red cross to free up the workers at the department of children and family services so they can -- administer the dsnap program but it will take that
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additional week to have the numbers necessary for baton rouge because it is the most populous parish that we are going to administer the program in. thank you. >> do want to talk about donald trump plus visit -- donald trump's visit? >> he did not go to a dsnap center. >> [inaudible] that will impact a lot of people. >> we are very much aware of that. we have had that before and my recommendation would be for those survivors once they get that determination is they go to one of our disaster recovery centers to sit down and begin
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the process of working through that. i want to emphasize that determination of substantial damage is not made by fema. that will be made by the local jurisdiction. we will provide technical assistance in that process. >> can you provide a definition [inaudible] >> when the property is at 50% or more damaged as determined by a trained observer for that process. >> one more, governor. you issued a plea for private property owners to open up their residences for rent create how many people, is there an estimate of how many people need a place to stay and how many rental units are available in our area? >> the plea was directed to owners whose property is in the commercial rental business. i am not looking for individuals to put a bedroom for rent sign in front of their house.
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in terms of the rest of the question that you ask i am not sure if anybody here who yet knows exactly how many people that that would apply to but we are contacting the individuals who have registered, the individuals who are in shelters to get as much information as quickly as we can about the population so that we can marry them up with these resources as quickly as possible. it is not just the individuals who need the rental, we need individuals who own rental units to register with us so we can marry individuals up. >> is there an estimate of how many people, how many families need a place to stay? >> i do not know that we have an estimate. >> this is why the step the government it -- governor is
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taking us open. where beginning to get an idea of getting a true scale and scope of the problem. over the next couple of days as we see the results we will get a better feel for what the long-term housing need is going to be, just how big that will be. >> we have some sense of the scale because we know more than 40,000 homes were damaged to some degree, more than 30,000 people had to be rescued from their homes and we know how many people have an sheltered over the last several days. we are talking about an awful lot of people which is why we are trying to turn on the assistance as soon as possible. >> can you update how many people are still in shelters? >> it is right at 4000 is what we expect to shelter overnight tonight. >> do you have any [inaudible] economic damage scope? have you gone to the point of being able to quantify how bad
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this is? >> in terms of the economy with respect to the individual businesses, the impact to the state -- >> amine broadly the economic impact on the areas that have been hit. >> in several areas but especially in livingston parishe -- parish there is a lot of businesses that are closed. that is one of the reasons why we put the business recovery center in livingston parish first to direct resources there
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where they seem to be most in need. we need those businesses to stand back up so that communities can resume normal activities and operations and those homeowners can do it back in there and have the support of -- they need. that is going to be important in all of the areas but most acute right now in livingston parish. we have not been able to gather all of the data that we would need to give you a more precise answer. we just know that it is very serious and the impact is adverse and we are going to do everything we can to rectify that essence we can. >> what do you think [inaudible] >> we will have a complete plan that we will announce on wednesday of next week. they are under consideration next at that -- except that if we pull the trigger on that it will not be the fema trailers you are accustomed to. fema does not do that anymore. these are manufactured housing units at look like a mobile home.
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i do not misconstrued -- do not misconstrue anything. the decision has not been made to go in that direction. it certainly is on the table . >> [inaudible] >> it was used here in march. we have experience in louisiana last march. we have done this recently. we have a good idea of how it works. it is something we can pull the trigger on very quickly. thank you very much. >> president obama is scheduled to present -- scheduled to visit baton rouge on tuesday.
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press secretary josh earnest said the president is mindful of the impact his travel has on first responders and wants to ensure his presence does not interfere with ongoing recovery efforts. he is eager to get a firsthand look of the impact of the devastating floods. c-span continues on the road to the white house. >> we need serious leadership. this is not a reality tv show. >> we will make america great again. >> live coverage of the presidential and vice presidential debates on c-span, the c-span radio app, and on tuesday, october 4, vice president of candidates debate
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in virginia. on sunday, october 9, washington university hosts the second presidential debate. leading up to the third and final debate taking place at the university of nevada las vegas on october 19. live coverage of the debates on c-span. listen live on the free c-span radio app or watch any time on demand. >> earlier this week we caught up with roger stone, republican political consultant and a longtime friend of donald trump. he talks about what we should expect from the presidential debate and issues that could affect the election. this interview took place before manafort resigned from the trump campaign.
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mr. stone, tell our viewers how often you talk to mr. trump and are you advising him on his campaign? roger: i have known donald for 39 years. almost 40. we talk from te to time. theclined to characterize content of those conversations because they are personal and private. i am a veteran of nine republican campaigns for president of the united states. i have great affection for donald trump and his family and i am a strong supporter. even i am shocked by the incredible way he won the republican nomination based on
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force of personality and all communications strategy. i count myself as a trump friend. i have no formal nor informal role but i do have access to all the right people. >> i want to ask you about the news of the day which is the big shakeup that happened this week with stephen bannon taking over the campaign. do you think this is a good move and could you talk about these people and why you think they have been elevated? roger: i argue with your premise. i don't think stephen bannon has taken over the campaign. he has joined the campaign team. anne was already deeply involved in the campaign and already had a title.
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the trump operation has always been more skeletal than the clinton monolith where you have hundreds of employees on the campaign payroll. stephen bannon is a friend of mine, a fellow revolutionary. he thinks outside of the box. he has written some of the most -- strongest and most interesting and important exposes of clinton corruption, including bill's sexual assaults on women and the reactions of the women who he has assaulted, and hillary's role in that. he has covered all of this. i know our critics say that is a conspiracy theory. trump in bed with the russians and paul manafort, that's a conspiracy theory. i like stephen bannon quite a bit. he thinks outside the box. it will take this kind of thinking to overcome the clinton machine.
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guest: to follow up on that, roger, i met you -- you don't remember this but we were both really young in 1988 and you were a partner then with paul manafort. --eel he is -- do you feel do you think he maintains his position as chairman? hisr: he has maintained position. these folks have joint 18. -- joined a team. paul manafort has deep experience in presidential politics. stephen bannon, who i love, has none.
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they are very talented individuals. manafort remains the chairman. his job was to bring order to the campaign and he has done that. this is an expansion rather than a shakeup. guest: what impact do you think bannon will have on the campaign? he is a firebrand. do you see trump going back to more of his old ways during the primaries? one thing i have written is this allows trump to fashion the campaign in his own image. more than the campaign trying to put him in a box. do you agree with that and what impact do you think we will see going forward in the fall? roger: i don't think there's any evidence that he has changed his campaign style since the primaries. he is unscripted. he is unprogrammed, he is not
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phony and reading off of polling or focus groups usually, not -- focus groups, not using material by the senior staff, he's not using talking points. he is genuine and authentic. that is what is working for donald trump. i think the good news here is that bannon may succeed in sharpening the attack on hillary. whether it is a corruption of the foundation, her tenure at the state department, the e-mail issues. it seems to me to have a scandal a day when it comes to hillary clinton. sadly, "the new york times," the -- owned by the largest single donor to the clinton foundation, likes to hook up stories about paul manafort, putting them on page one when there is no evidence that he did anything
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illegal. they put an allegation on page one. disgraceful. beneath the standards of "the new york times." but where is the story on the clinton foundation? a lot has transpired there. but the coverage in "the times" of those scandals has been scant, to say the least. guest: you have been doing this a long time and the reality is you look at the polling in swing states and there is little doubt that donald trump is behind. can you speak on why that is the case? is it anyone's fault? has donald trump done something wrong on the campaign trail and what can be done to try to fix that as we head into the labor day holiday? roger: first of all, because
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donald trump was ahead immediately after the republican national convention, democrats -- it demonstrates structurally that he can win the race. i have been looking at a lot of the polls. at no place do i see him out of range. i do think he has to make this election about hillary, but at the same time, the mainstream media has tried hard to make this race about donald trump. the incumbent, hillary, represents four more years of exactly what we have now, worse. -- perhaps worse. it has to be a referendum on her and the democrats. they are the ones in power. some of your colleagues, not you, but some of your colleagues have been almost hysterical in their attempts to discredit or embarrass donald trump. when he makes an error, he's not an experienced politician and will make mistakes, yet when
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-- they are magnified into enormous mistakes. yet when hillary has a press -- refuses to have a press conference or comment on new e-mails showing her doing favors for multinational corporations or foreign national governments, again, that gets very little coverage. i think the coverage has affected these numbers. it would be really good if some in the media would cover the substance of donald trump speeches. host: one way you make this about your opponent is by framing them in campaign ads. was it a mistake for donald trump campaign to not be running ads? they plan to do so starting friday. hillary clinton has spent $60 million so far running these ads. millionhat did that $60 get you? a slight lead over donald trump?
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based on the primaries, i think we have reached the time in america where the ubiquitous negative tv ads are not having the effect that they once had. voters have become very skeptical of that. they are very dissatisfied. they know that special interest paid for those ads. they know trump -- i think voters more and more are seeing paid advertising with a jaundiced eye. that's not to say that the donald trump campaign will not run them, but donald himself is not a huge believer in paid advertising. based on his experience to date, he seems to have been born oue .
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guest: you are blaming a lot of the problems in the media but mr. trump has made a lot of unforced errors. because the last two to three weeks have been difficult for him, he has made these errors and has not been able to exploit the things you have mentioned, the campaign of clinton, he could have exploited. what do you think, having stephen bannon there will help him to get out the case against clinton because he knows a lot about hillary and bill clinton? do you think it will help them -- help him make less unforced errors. now that he feels better with the new team. he was feeling caught between wanting to follow his gut
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instincts and being a politician. he now feels so much better this week, he has performed better on the trail with the speeches he has done. there has been a renewed donald trump coming into labor day? do you see that and do think -- and do you think stephen bannon will help him stay focused on clinton? roger: i think steve bannock can -- bannon can help him sharpen the attack on the clinton record and i also think that stephen bannon brings a deep understanding of the new media. this is something that has been missing from that donald trump effort. although donald has set the world on fire in terms of his personal twitter account, which has become one of the greatest communication tools since "the new york times."
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we're in the middle of a major shift away from broadcast television, away from cable, two more targeted -- to more targeted digital advertising. millennial voters are not watching cable or broadcast. they are watching their devices when they feel like it. that is a sea change that he understands. >> i have been watching your twitter account. you continue to be very critical of corey lewandowski, donald trump's first campaign manager. i'm wondering why that is. why you felt the need to speak out against corey lewandowski. do you think he set the campaign back and how do you see that? roger: when you put out a tweet
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and connect "the new york times" story, which is bogus, but a tax donald trump's campaign chairman, i don't understand how you can think that helps the campaign or help donald trump. there are no bank records that say he received an illicit $12 million. all of his filings are proper because he never represented the russian or ukrainian government. the constant shooting at paul manafort is counterproductive. he cannot seem to get over the fact that he really hurt this campaign. that is why they are still building organizations in the state, things that should have been done months ago.
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>> what do you know about the wikileaks founder suggestion that there will be an october surprise against hillary clinton and her e-mails from her to closest aides -- two closest aides? . have seen you hinting have you spoken with the wikileaks founder? roger: i think julian assange is a hero. i should say that i see that election in these terms. unlike any presidential campaign, this campaign is insiders versus an outsider. it is the leadership of the elites of the republican and democratic party versus donald trump and everyone else. assange has been a deep critic of the bush administration.
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based on communications and no, i have not spoken to him or met with him. i never said i had. i said we communicated through an intermediary, somebody who is a mutual friend. i believe that he is in possession of all of those e-mails that clinton aides leave -- believe they deleted. that and a lot more. these are like the watergate tapes. these are going to come back, they are indelible. the voters will find them highly informational. i don't know that this will happen in october or it there is -- october. there is an enormous amount of material here. i think it's important to point out that the dnc documents that implicated deborah wasserman schultz did not come from the russians, as hillary and her
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camp have claimed. i expect you are going to see more from mr. assange who again, i think is a hero. guest: the next big event on this campaign will be the first presidential debate coming in -- coming up in september. what do you think we can expect from donald trump in terms of the debate? also, what do you think his performance in the republican debate, what does that tell us how he will perform in the general election? roger: i think he did very well in the republican debates. i think he won almost all of them. there is one i would call a draw, but i think he performed in all of them, in view of the
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