tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 26, 2016 1:49am-2:48am EDT
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presidential candidate governor mike pence in farmville, virginia. washington. leading up to the third and final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump taking place at the university of nevada las vegas on october 19. live coverage of the presidential and vice president rnl debates on c-span. listen live on the free c-span. and live on demand at >> next we'll hear from the co-authors. they'll join us on thursday, wearnl. for our total schedule o >> washington journal continues. next hour, a conversation with the co-authors of the washington post book titled "trump revealed: an american journey of ambition, ego, money, and power," an
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and joining us now the table is marc fisher and michael kranish. what kind of reaction did you get from donald trump? guest: for this book, donald trump was gracious with this time. he spent 20 hours with a team of reporters doing interviews. the day before the book came out he tweeted, don't buy the book, it is boring. he cannot have read it because he did not receive a copy. people will see this is a thorough biography. let me beginsher, where you begin, his life story. he knew how to be famous, he knew how to win numbers, to get ratings. he made a lifelong study of how to create buzz. let's was one level up from flash. can you explain? guest: he has a hierarchy of
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reaction he can get from the media and he has made a lifelong study of manipulating the media and using the media. he learned at a early age that all publicity is good publicity and he genuinely believes that getting his name out there in all of these different ways through his entire life, from being seen with the prettiest models and celebrities in the 1970's although we up to his rallies today with lots of stocks on saturday night live what he didania -- with that is the idea of donald trump as a brand and image. someone that people could aspire to be like. he did this very thoughtfully. you write just as he did at school, donald trump rebelled
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against the rules. arguing with his father. nonetheless, fred told his son he was a king. host: -- he was giventher, the award for coming up from modest means and becoming a big success. and what he told him was that you have to do what you love orals you will be a nothing. throughout his life, donald trump has tried to live up to his father's admonition to be something big. host: that explains the from the book. "though a creature of his father's business and a and forary, he year something more. his father's outer borough empire -- donald trump wrote, it was not a world i found attractive." aest: fred trump was successful builder.
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donald trump saw this as not reaching for the sky. not reaching for the oppression on of the business. going into manhattan and the toughest real estate market in the country and being around all -- wealthythy will people. he wanted the challenge of taking on the world. so he loved his father and what his father taught him about the business but he wanted something more. he thought of his father as not quite having the killer ambition that donald trump found in the mentor and in the exciting society of manhattan in the 1970's. host: his dad did not understand that early on? guest: his dad had a philosophy of building study and doing things as cheaply as possible and he advised his son not to go
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to manhattan. and his son did go to manhattan. he advised his son, don't go into debt and his son proclaimed he is the king of debt. guest: this is a foundational story for donald trump. donald trump and fred trump were running a company in queens, there are this -- their office was a modest place. they had thousands of apartments they rented. when daily pursuit for racial bias. they were not renting to blacks. decideald trump had to whether he would settle the case or fight. boy: advise donald trump -- thet settle, fight government. when they hit you, hit back 10 times harder. so he was a very important advisor and they did eventually
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settle the suit against the government but it was important to understand donald trump's arc that he kept this philosophy -- when you are hit, hit back harder. host: two more sections from the book. you write "donald trump built his rotation selling real estate but the thing he had always wanted to sell was donald trump. his career would finally make trump into a household brand." guest: this was an interesting transformation from the real estate developer role, holding buildings in new york city and around the country to realizing that he didn't need to put up his own money. he didn't need to finance projects. he could make a lot of money simply by selling and franchising his name. of hisecent years, most projects in the united states and around the world have been cases in which donald trump has rented out his name for a
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guaranteed annual income that he perceived, whether those projects received or not. likent reporters to places panama who look at some of the donald trump projects that are not donald trump projects. other people put up the money. other people create these buildings and golf courses and donald trump rents his name. get if the building doesn't off the ground, he has a guaranteed stream of income. much more secure than the type of risk that a developer takes as he did earlier in the career. host: you write about the letter that donald trump received from he had beenn, how eyed as a potential politician, about his visit to new hampshire in the 1980's when he was talked about. in 1980n you write -- " seven, trump declined the democrats invitation to raise money. prominent republicans continue
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to court him as a donor, donald trump reveled in the curiosity about his ambitions and emerging political profile." guest: that's right. chapter 16 is titled "political chameleon." donald trump changed party affiliations seven times. republican, independent, reform party, and change positions on abortion, immigration, taxes. he hadn't seen himself as a member of one party or the other. he sees himself as a business person who has tried to court politicians who would be helpful to him in getting tax breaks. he has seen himself as an outsider and what that has meant is that he is not on a uniform track. we asked him about this. , what do you say to potential voters who say, what are your core beliefs, since you
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have change positions so many times, and he didn't push back and found his desk with his best and say, of course they have wase beliefs -- instead, he a business person and he needed friends and that was the way i viewed it. host: i want to share with you, this is a brief interview we did in february of this year in new hampshire on the weekend before the new hampshire primary. just want to share with you what we saw. we are going to change and renegotiate our trade deals and you are talking about tremendous numbers of hundreds of billions of dollars. with that i have thousands of people back here and i have to go. host: what would your father think of this? would be very proud. he was a great guy who had a lot of confidence in may. host: what has this experience been like for me -- for you? >> amazing.
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i've always been a businessman and a builder and a jobs producer. host: are you willing to spend what it takes to win? >> unlimited. host: have you been in the white house before? >> 25 times. host: how would you change washington? >> i will change it by getting the greatest people in this country, the greatest people in the world, to help me run the country. host: we show that interview because it gives you a sense of how he is focused on the questions but also the crowd waiting for him he kept referring to them during the course of a five minute conversation. guest: he has an uncanny knack for reading a crowd. of his genius performance in the primary season was his ability to those liveh settings. he feeds off the crowd. he obviously has a big ego.
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crowds.d by the kind of awkward sometimes to see him in the more constricted settings like reading off a teleprompter. he doesn't look comfortable there. donald trump truly believes he is best when he is going from his gut and instinct. he is not much of a reader. he is not one to study issues. he is skeptical of things like reports and briefings. he wants to learn about issues by hearing a quick summary from someone and then making his own decision on the spot from his gut. marc fisher, senior editor for the washington post and michael kranish, part of the team to put together this new book, "trump revealed: an american journey of ambition, ego, money, and power." cassie is joining us from colorado. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i had a couple of things -- first off, i think our nation,
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as a whole, should take a strong the mobile labs on computers and we should update our capitalistic government to puts us into the space age. a terribly cold, calculating, everything has its price. i always have. within that, you have people limiting a president to a total of eight years to get elected, get used to the country and have them get used to them and then start different programs, which president obama did and with great skill. i'm a big fan of his. but then, at the end of eight years, obamacare has glitches. it has problems that it needs to work out. he can't do that if he is kicked out.
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after eight years. you need time to be able to put those into practice and say, this works and that doesn't. throw out what doesn't work. host: so you're saying it is time to change the constitution? caller: well, for an update. do -- if we are not changing, we are dead. host: let me take her point a step or there. donald trump says he will fundamentally change washington. we have heard that from jimmy carter, ronald reagan, bill clinton and barack obama. caller: washington is broken. most people would say this. the nation is divided. so i think a lot of people are looking for an outsider to come .n and change the experience you need the cooperation of congress. here's a man who is obviously not liked by democrats and by a a lot of the members of his own party.
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he calls himself a deal maker but he has turned off a number of people he would need to make deals with, including paul ryan. so to get things done he needs to work with those folks and that remains to be seen, as to whether he can have a big victory. host: these are two photographs. you talk a trump and his second wife. he has reportedly said he was bored with his second wife when she was walking down the aisle. that after two failed marriages, he appeared to a found a partner who will filled his long-standing desire for a no maintenance woman who did not generate headlines or seek to upstage him. donald trump, especially with his first wife, had someone who was his match in beauty and brains. was a he actually business partner.
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he put her in charge of one of his casinos in atlantic city and later at the plaza hotel. he came to regret those decisions. tooame to feel there was much competition going on within the marriage. he questioned her management skills and decisions and he resolved after that to have future relationships be with women who would not be a challenge to him or competition to him in business. and his third wife, melania, has a very separate business life and is more of a homemaker and business person. but donald trump's view of women is controversial. a number of people around the country see him as insulting or offensive to women. he contends that he has promoted women to the very top of his business throughout his career and certainly, at least one of theexecutives was one of first women to run a major construction project in new york city. so he has done that. but when it comes to his wives,
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he wants a more traditional wife like his mother. host: could you make the argument that his daughter, he is on the trump, in the same mold of donald trump in terms of a business empire? guest: no question that he is close to his children and he takes great pride in to what they have done. when we interviewed him, his children came in, we don't know if that was something stage for our benefit or they just happened to be there but you could see there was closest there. coming in and talking about going to florida where they have a golf course in development and she was going to talk about that. they had a very nice conversation back and forth that we were able to observe. you mention the marriages and reminded me, in the book, on we quote donald trump talking about the day he got married to marla maples -- he said, i was bored which he was walking down the aisle.
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pontificator's. we are trying to go in and write a full story that tells the donald trump story. inks donald trump has said over the years to fill in gaps. so that gives you insight into his thinking. he then divorced her and married melania. they have a young son. but that is part of the full story. understanding his relationship with women is understanding the story of donald trump. guest: and the interesting connection between his attitude towards marriages and his attitude towards politics. faceted --he is most most fascinated and he is at his best when he is pursuing the hunt. he says, when he gets things, he is not so interested in them. are michaelests kranish and marc fisher, the co-authors of the new washington
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post project, "trump revealed: an american journey of ambition, ego, money, and power." we will be covering the events as part of c-span2's book coverage. caller: good morning. perfect persona that we need for president. ,omebody to go out here and say let's build something. let's do something. instead of the trash that we have had for eight years. this failed obamacare. the throw the police under the bus -- why don't you write a really nasty look about the eight years of destruction that 722-year-old, have lived. the news every day on donald trump and hillary clinton. and i want to tell you. she is absolutely the worst person. host: marc fisher?
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guest: well, we set out not to write a nasty book about anyone. we set out to write a book about who donald trump is and how his values and pencils were formed. why he believes what he does and so whether you think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread or a menace to society, i think what american voters need is a comprehensive look at the life. the first person since dwight eisenhower to run for president as a major party candidate without previously having held elective office. so he is not being vetted in the same way candidates usually are. have a lotoliticians written about their lives at every stage in their career and that is not happening to donald trump so that is what we sought to do. caller: good morning. you know, i am the latest
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appointed in the degradation of the quality of your programming with these two fellows on here. this is really nonsense. what are they, psychiatrist? trying to do psychoanalysis of donald trump? i'm going to vote for donald trump. the clinton foundation -- look at her husband. what do i care that he has been divorced several times? a nice-looking guy with big money is going to do that. so this whole thing is nonsensical. these two guys wrote this book to make money and attacked donald trump? to try to influence the election? opinion and imy am disappointed in c-span. it set of talking about the bring on these two
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fellows. it is really disappointing. michael they are here at our invitation and we are talking about the book because it is a newly released publication. looking at the full life of donald trump and it works because you weigh in and share your calls and express your point of view and that is what we are all about. so thank you for the call. guest: we appreciate the call. we understand the behavior that is out there about what is going on in the country. this was done at the washington post -- it is a very evenhanded job. the effort here is to try to understand the rise of donald trump and the stagnation of the economy has led to that. talking about the president, it is important to know personal writing aand biography helps you to understand who the person is and how they have done things in the
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past. see you can dig a list of campaign proposals but you need to understand what they have done throughout their life. host: and this weekend on c-span's two as part of booktv, we sat down yesterday in an interview with ann coulter who is out with her own book on donald trump. she did sit down with tucker carlson, the editor in chief of the daily caller and a host on the fox news channel. here is a portion. trump sodonald loathsome, it is his opposition to immigration. if you narrow down what makes is hisealing it opposition to immigration. is the greatn unifier. >> factoring in the fact you just wrote a book on immigration, do you think there is evidence of this? the exit polls do not tell us that.
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when they say that, i look at what people do say is their number one issue. all of these things like jobs, terrorism. cultural changes. they are synonyms for immigration. americans are nice people. the cents, with the media telling them this, if they say it is immigration, it is as if they are saying something mean about immigrants. we like immigrants. hispanics.p loves that is my favorite tweet. >> you like the taco bowl treat -- tweets. her interview will air this weekend. our afterwords interview.
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you can check out the schedule at there are a lot of books on the market that are pro-or anti-donald trump rants. 's is very much a pro book. we try to not take a side or look at the major themes in a candidate's life. that is what is most useful. you choose someone not because of their views on immigration, but based on how they make decisions, how they taken information, how they way what what to how they weigh do. how do you absorb information and pick what side is right. he does not like to read long reports and briefings. he prefers people come in, talk and tell him the merits
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or do of an issue and he will a decision from his gut. he thinks he can bring that to the white house. in 2008, thevoter, donald trump voter in 2016. what did you learn? what they were looking for in a president, a number of people kept telling me they voted for barack obama in 2008 are now supporting donald trump. spring to mind an obvious pattern, so i worked on the story. it was published about the obama trump voters. they are the hope and change voters. by thewho were drawn in
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idea that barack obama was going to change washington, bring people together, and the charisma that barack obama and donald trump brought to their campaign. a lot of those people feel burned by the presidency. them are regretful about their votes for barack obama. these are guys who wanted to come in from the outside and change washington. they are frustrated about the paralysis. host: improbable did not begin to describe what donald trump began to achieve. angry outsiders had run for president before, but donald trump was going to be crowned at the republican nominee. over the years, there have been third-party candidates who have made a big impact. in. perot came he was impact full in the 1992
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race. ralph nader in 2000 might have bushnough votes to force w -- to force george w. bush. donald trump was able to tap into that same view. we have had a reform party, a tea party. there is no third party. we have the libertarian candidate who could make an impact in this race. party, he republican is not a natural fit. he wants to be an independent third-party person. he is within that party. that is the reason you see some of the pleasant poll within the party. to walk thattrying fine line. he does want the base, but he wants to go beyond the base. is carriedprogram
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live on c-span radio. we welcome our guests. us from saintng augustine, florida. caller: i would like to ask you what you think about the blurred line between celebrity and politics. i bring to mind john kennedy. for more than 50 years, the kennedy family has been on our consciousness. passed away orve had failed lives. we still elevate them to the point of a king or queen because they were glamorous, months like elania. like trump and mala value to know the true live by.iticians what the past behavior was, what
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they really believe, rather than what the media and television is trying to show us. you ask a really important question. the whole question of celebrity is one that donald trump has thought about for many years. we get into the evolution of him as a showman. it is not an insult or something we are laying on him. this is the way he describes himself. he went about creating this public character. there was a rhyme and reason to that kind of production of a public care of he was trying to as a cartoon character the tabloid reports about his marriages and break of he was trying to transform that. chose to do the
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reality tv show. it would create this idea of donald trump as a man people were drawn to and they would see him as a tough, decisive leader. he created the sense of someone who is humane. he came -- he became famous for the line you're fired. shows some humility. he listens to his advisers. he changes his mind when they have something persuasive to say. celebrity helped pave the way for this run. , the candidacy of
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donald trump would not have been possible without "the apprentice." to the lady that talked about president obama, why do republicans forget what bush did before president obama? you skip that over. how do these veterans vote for this guy who had 45 deferments because of bone spurs. you veterans vote for him? you veterans back him up. 45 deferments he did not have to go to. all of the bone spurs, you
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republicans, you veterans back this guy up. he had four or five deferments and sent you to die and to watch your buddies die. you sit up with your hats on. host: you can sense the passion in these voters. guest: i covered the john kerry campaign. campaign, a lot of people said yes, he served, but he left early. here is a candidate who did serve and people will criticize that. the caller said about deferments, donald trump went to a military academy. he did not volunteer to serve in the military. which got himurs out of potential military service.
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the comments donald trump made like john mccain, i don't people who got captured as prisoners of war, that is very controversial. his aides were surprised. was not something planned ahead of time. he is trying to walk around that. members of the same party. this is the position the party finds itself. the presidential nominee starts attacking leaders of their own party. that has been an incredible story of this got the, donald trump nomination and to go back to your point, the rules do not seem to apply to him. regardless of what happens in 2016, what happened in 2020?
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even before he was on scene, a gradual but clear decline. people have less and less of a sense of ideological detachment and. he of ideology. -- ideology of call -- ideological detachment and -- of ideology. he presents himself as a dealmaker willing to talk to anyone willing to go in any direction to get to the bottom line. is key to his success. from caller: las vegas, joey.
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what donald trump accomplished, if he was president, when they brought that bill about the big , it winds up costing taxpayers $24 billion. when they had that $50 million bridge to know -- to nowhere in alaska, that was -- that would have been left off the desk. look at the money i saved in two seconds. you understand? these people don't know what they are doing. it is sad. guest: it is interesting you
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mention the big dig. trump came to the attention of many people in new york city back in the early 1980's, when he came in to save the day. government had failed repeatedly, spent millions of dollars trying to repair an ice skating rink. donald trump came forward with a plan where he would pay for and fix this link in record time, under budget, or he would cover the whole cost. he came through. he built it in a matter of weeks and did it for less than he had said he would.
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he is someone who believes he can cut through the bureaucracy and red tape. as employees, he has hired thousands of employees over the years. a lot of times, when he has been in financial trouble, and has had corporate bankruptcies, the people who lose out are the employees, the vendors, contractors, the people who end up being stiffed. guest: one of the points the caller was making was the spending. he was able to get tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks. donald trumpdonald trump is benm things the government has granted him. he has talked about the need to rebuild infrastructure.
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know if he said specifically this is how i am going to take money from x to y. calling jeb bush sleepy and tired, lying ted, going took hillary clinton, this place with rachel maddow. it is an interview that was conducted. hillaryhe issue of clinton's health. guest: he likes to think of himself as a provocateur. he likes to tap into that and win a big reaction.
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coarse language , heinflammatory language learned in the 1970's and 1980's, that the way to get that kind of attention was to be inflammatory. he sees that as a way to get attention and build his brand. and localearly supporter of the birther movement. in his typical fashion, donald believes you do not explain or apologize, you just push forward. clip] , the letter is absurd. we contacted the doctor to get
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background. he was using a medical credential on his name that he is no longer entitled to use. for one, a gastroenterologist is an internal specialist. as the campaign manager, can i make a request to you, that we get a more substantial medical statement. the request.sed on i was told by an anchor that hillary's doctors had to release part of her medical history. i look at hillary clinton not being out there more as a strategy.
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it is scarcity as a strategy. people are reminded that she americanhe 70% of the spread she is a person who has i cannot imagine what comes after the but. host: there is a seed of doubt that dashes down on hillary clinton's health. guest: the full medical record from donald trump has not been released. those kind of questions are asked and you don't want to just let it lay there, the campaign will push back. you turn your focus to the sides. aten times a can sain is
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daily effort to throw things against the wall and see what sticks area this has gotten a lot of play. reduced moreon has records on her medical background been donald trump, her taxhas released returns. hillary clinton will say, where are your tax returns? a poker see this become game as we move on here. i am not going to vote for either one of these people. i am so upset with what we have to vote for. we have a generation that cut their teeth on talk radio. cable news of hate and anger.
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this is how we wind up with the people we have running today. said if he wasce to run for president, he would run as a republican. we got hillary. she is the one who first started issue withr president obama and found out there was nothing to it. she handed it off to the republicans. they pounded it until people started believing it. there was nothing to it. there are still people that believe his mother went to kenya or what ever and had him. it could go back to him going to school and find out he has been here all these years. he has a birth announcement that he was born in hawaii and it was the hospital that put that out.
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they are still arguing. there are stupid people holding onto this and will believe it. years, -- we have some crazies running today. what's clear about the campaign is that both of these candidates are deeply unpopular. it is hard to think of another race we have had where the two or asparty candidates unpopular as hillary clinton and donald trump are. there are in norman's differences between them in terms of policy and their personality background, the way they think about power. people are being forced to cross overcome their doubts about the candidates and make a choice based on those other factors, who are they, where do they come from, what are their true beliefs? she has a clear
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set of principles and values and positions on issues she has laid out in excruciating detail. in donald trump, we have someone who is vague on policy but is all out there as a personality. is give you a do sense, from his own voice and our interviews with donald trump and interviews with those around today, ofhe way up to who this man is, how he makes decisions, why is he running for president? find is a sense of where he came from and why he is running and what makes him tick.
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>> this review in the washington post. a portrait of a sad donald trump. a new biography reveals a troubling portrait of donald trump. the new biography offers a complex look at the man who would be president. are fair reviews. we are trying to provide a fair portrait of a complicated figure. they are not a straight line. they are a series of contradictions. if you go back to the founding of this country and you look at the people who have run for president, they are complex figures. thomas jefferson, who wrote all men are created equal, you can go back to the beginning and say
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we have to understand these are complicated figures. to understand how they come to these conclusions. see with, what we donald trump is a man who is pivoted throughout his life, changed positions many times. he talked about not wanting to pivot. he said he might soften his stance on immigration. like he ist sounds doing what he does a lot of. is this your photograph from the cover of the book? >> this is what we got from a photo agency. host: go ahead, marcia. the book.want to read i interested in finding out who is the real donald trump.
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he is pivoting back-and-forth on different issues. this will give him some type of character. -- he is ai can only promoter more than anything. he stirs the pot. the only figure i could think of king, in boxing, when he was a promoter. host: he was at the republican convention in cleveland. brought up the allegations he is fermenting racism or has said things that are racially of unzip. i told mr. trump about a cab the driver said
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i agree with mr. trump on a lot of things and would support him, peopleis against racially or ethnically. donald trump said i am the least racist person in the world. that donut a newspaper king publishes in ohio in which don king supported donald trump. this was his idea of how to defend himself against this charge. there is this question of racial insensitivity that boils down to donald trump being in the world view of the. period when he grew up in the 1960's. he thinks of himself as the
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least racist person in the world. she and the conservatives winning in 1979. at an event in jackson, andissippi, antiestablishment vote. let's watch what he said. [video clip] >> i would not vote for hillary clinton if you paid me. [applause] i would not vote for hillary clinton if she paid me. [applause] the message is clear. the parallels are there. there are millions of ordinary americans who have been let down, who have had a bad time. who feel so many of their
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parts of thees are liberal media elite. they feel people are not standing up for them and they had given up on the whole electoral process. you have a fantastic opportunity here with this campaign. you can go out and beat the pollsters and the commentators, you can beat washington. you will do it by doing what we did for brexit in britain. whoad our people's armie went to meet people, where they work and where they socialized. they inspired people to go out. vote for change. you want to you, if
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change, you better get your walking boots on. you better get out there campaigning. , anything is possible if enough decent people are prepared to stand up against the establishment. farage made his comments in jackson, mississippi. he is behind the brexit vote. are there parallels between what great britain went through and what we see in the u.s.? guest: there is economic anxiety. to what is going on. what is the problem? politicians have been trying to come up with a solution. congress is not getting much
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done. there is that parallel. we are not withdrawing from something. there is the sense of anxiety. answer to that? you want change and there is anxiety of how to we change things. a they don't have all the solutions, but they hear the message and this person is different. we have had clinton's before. there is an appeal out there that donald trump tapped into. the question is, what would you do? globalism is a big issue. people argue if you do that, it might be worse, then you get to the finer points. the message is a powerful one
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and has been. host: john, jonesboro, georgia. if mark is the editor reporter, iis the would like to know how many articles they ran on the hillary clinton e-mail scandal and on the hillary clinton foundation, bill.n the arkansas land guest: we have done in-depth ,rticles throughout the months going back more than a year, about both of those issues and other aspects of the campaign,
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raining questions about her candidacy, issues of honesty and authenticity that surround her campaign. what we have done with donald trump and in this book is to take a rigorous look at donald trump. we are doing the same project with hillary clinton and trading a long series of stories. same approach with both candidates as we do every four years. let me ask you about family influence on donald trump 's decision to run. guest: every four years, he stepped up and looked at it, he was on the ballot in two states.
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he said it was not going to work out. the story is told that his wife said if you are going to keep talking about this, you should do it. if you are not going to do it, you should stop talking about it. he decided he should finally run. him you'reably told going to do this. if you are going to do it, now is the time. an ah-ha moment? one of our visits, before we sat down to begin the interview, he said come with me, and he took us a ross bohol to a conference room. with stacks of magazines. on the cover of every magazine was donald trump. what he said was look what i found.
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even know this room was outside his office filled with magazines of hymns health on the cover. moment to have this man who is the republican nominee for president to be so enraptured with his own image on these covers. it was a revealing moment about in hise in ego plays life and his sense of self. it was fascinating and disturbing. it was fascinating and disturbing. host: our conversation with mike and mark, the co-authors of this project. >> hillary clinton's running mate, regina senator tim kaine, c will campaign in tallahassee tomorrow. watch live road to the white house coverage here on c-span. later, a conversation on the
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effect climate change has had on building design and construction. live coverage from the national building museum in washington, d.c. begins at 5:30 eastern. >> white house spokesman josh earnest took questions about the earthquake in italy. russian intervention in syria, and the zika virus. this portion of the white house briefing is 15 minutes. >> good morning, everybody. it is morning nice to see a wall,. -- csee you all. kathleen? ani wanted to see if you had updaten
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