tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 27, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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o'hanlon of brookings institute on turkey's role in fighting isis. miami herald reporter carol rosenberg on the future of guantanamo bay detainees. ♪ host: good morning. 27,s saturday come august 2016. interest rates are likely to rise according to the federal reserve chairwoman, janet yellen. job growth. the battle against the zika virus now involves blood banks as the fda calls for screenings of blood donations to keep the virus from circulating beyond south florida. commando from a texas second-grade teacher announcing she will not formally assigned
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homework to students, instead asking parents to spend quality time with their kids. how much homework is too much? should schools eliminate homework? we have special lines for today's question. parents can call 202-748-8000. teachers can call 202-748-8001. all others can call 202-748-8002 . you can also reach us on social and also onitter facebook. sent home tot was second-grade students in texas sparked a debate about how much number is too much. that's how much homework is too much. said "after much research the summer, i'm trying something new. ofework will only consist
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work you are child did not finish during the school day. that is the note that went home to some second-grade students in texas, sparking a debate as to how much homework is too much. a debate that is playing out in the headlines, including from "the washington post." out parents are just opting saying this was a moment, a fiery moment in the debate over education and how students spend their time. .arents can call 202-748-8000 teachers, 202-748-8001. everyone else, 202-748-8002.
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let's take a look at what the teacher had to say about her decision. [video clip] --new homework policy homework will only consist of work your student did not finish during the school day. there will be no formally assigned homework this year. research has been unable to prove that homework improves student performance. things i ask that you do that lead to student success. eat dinner together, play outside -- i want students to live their lives. develop their whole person. my students go home, they have other things they have to learn their. there. have to learn the homework needs to be
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meaningful and engaging. i decided it wasn't relevant and it wasn't engaging for my kids. , learningnting money time, subtracting two digit numbers. these are very basic things and parents are informed. supportive parents are welcome to practice at home. i think that is wonderful. we have a number of computer programs that i encourage them to use at home. took a picturets of the note and posted it to their facebook saying she loved her new teacher and she was excited and it took off from there. host: that was brandy young, a second-grade teacher in texas, talking about why she eliminated homework in class.
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"the washington post" article talking about this decision pointed out what happens when parents simply stop forcing their kids to do homework. those interviewed by the post explain their reasoning to and say and principals they were mostly met with support and their children did not fall behind. that is one of the reactions, some of the reaction from that not assigning homework to students. jeffrey's calling in from greensboro, north carolina. you are a parent. what do you think? is there too much homework being assigned? caller: at a point, i think not. the circumstances in north
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carolina that we don't have a lot of teacher days. it appears there so many days that come up where students miss a lot of days. in his absences aren't made up. is your child really getting a ?roper education you're hoping that these professionals are trained to instill that knowledge and learning process for elementary school children. host: do you have elementary school age kids? caller: yes, i do. can you quantify the amount of homework they get? is it too much, too little? caller: it's just about right. if you look at certain breakdowns today, a lot of
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teachers express the frustration of the expansion of students in the class, the teacher not being able to give the full attention to all students. if you take away the homework iscess, it's like, how much the child come pending? that comprehending -- is that child comprehending? once a teacher is reviewing the homework, she can see the strong points and weak points per student. if they are turning in their assignment, they can at least focus in on the students that are having difficulties. host: how much time do your kids and spend on the homework? -- do your kids spend on homework?
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caller: no more than an hour and a half. host: some figures we have according to the metlife survey of the american teacher, 45% of students say they do an hour or more of homework each night. grades 3-6, 37%. 50% spend more than grade 7-12.ght -- minnesota. good morning. caller: this is the most idiotic thing i ever heard. i mentor kids. from a veryuated prestigious university because we work with them. and you have totally eliminated
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the little bridge you had with the teacher. you need that. when the kids come home from must be donework -- host: what about students who parents --o-working two working parents who might not have as much time? caller: don't use that excuse, two working parents. i had a full-time job, my wife is working full-time, we had a part-time business and i'm 67 years old and i still work, i still mentor the kids. best -- they this
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work. this is what i see with the kids i work with today, the coworkers i have. but all i wanted to say. -- that is all i wanted to say. host: elizabeth is a retired teacher calling in from conway, south carolina. do you think homework be eliminated? .aller: no, i don't i think it is very important. i'm a retired teacher and i have grandchildren as well. important in our family. working parents -- usually the
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kids receive instructional homework. the parents can help them with the hard parts. sometimes my friends say the kids don't remember that say they -- sometimes my friends say they don't remember how to do the work their kids are assigned. can't: if the parents learn the elementary school math , maybe they need to. i think homework should be relevant and engaging. i know the homework i was giving was not that, so i decided not to give homework. why not improve the homework assignments? citedone of the reasons
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in "the washington post" piece i mentioned earlier, it pointed out a bit of disparity that can exist when teachers decide not to give homework. parents opting out of homework are generally in a place of privilege. cooper said these are typically parents who have the resources and capacity to substitute their own choices of academic things to do after school. parents whose first language is not english or parent to work long hours, homework can be a good resource. that's parents -- parents who work long hours, mark can be a good resource.
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kathy is calling from california. -- homework can be a good resource. kathy is calling from california. caller: when i was a kid in school, i hate homework. day.h sweat it every it was way too much. i'm 69, so that was many years ago. homework, no. but projects, yes. projects, some kinds of book reports. yes, definitely. for the average person who works for a living -- i worked for 45 years -- you don't have homework when you get home from work at night. you go to work, you come home. our kids go to school, they come
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home, they should be able to play and do what they should do. host: do you think perhaps for to third orkids up fourth grade, there should be a difference in how much homework is given? none,: actually, i think all the way through high school. unless it is a project. i do think projects are very important. you have to do research and study and bring back your product. i think that should still remain. but daily homework, the daily grind, half hour to an hour and hour a day, i have
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children and grandchildren and now i have great-grandchildren. i cannot see them coming home from school and working another work.nd a half on school host: up next, beverly calling in from michigan. should schools eliminate homework? caller: i believe that a lot of parents are not able to help their kids with homework anymore. in some areas, they are not even practicing cursive. i have grandkids. helped theirs wife kids with their homework, and they did worse. why are we talking about this? how about having juliana sans on ge onscuss -- julian assan
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to discuss corruption in our country? host: this is one of many issues we discuss on "washington journal." according to the christian science monitor on the issue of homework, a recent study published by the american journal of family therapy found elementary school students are doing far more homework than they should be. up next, ginny's calling in from odenton, maryland. should schools eliminate homework? caller: absolutely not. please don't cut me off. child was labeled as
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gifted and talented a couple years ago. had to take four different standardized tests to be labeled as gifted and talented. this year, the school year to started last week and we got an e-mail from the county, all the gifted and talented classes have been eliminated. we were like, what is going on? learnant all the kids to the same or be up to the same standards, but the problem is, not all kids are up to those particular standards for whatever reason. should schools eliminate homework? no. my oldest child completes homework within five minutes because the homework is not to the standard that she has been labeled as gifted and talented. so, i give her extra homework to
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do. there's particular websites that parents can go to. calleds a very good site it is very comprehensive. do?: what should students you are clearly taking a very active role in your child's education, but parents -- not all parents have the ability to do that. should the onus be on the parent or should more be done by the school? caller: it is a collaborative effort.
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apparent decided to have the child, so they should take onus for educating the children. -- a parent decided to have the child. child would be bored out of her mind. when she comes home, i have to give her additional work. eight hours a day, she is sitting there, not really learning anything. the standards should be higher overall in the country. that is the problem. host: robert calling in from tuscaloosa, alabama. you are a retired teacher. should homework be eliminated in schools? caller: absolutely not.
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some students don't grasp the concepts of what's being taught in the class at the time. i think it is the amount of homework that should be considered. i was a math teacher. problems on a10 new skill that students can go over at home. it should be correlated among teachers. the students do the same homework every night. it should absolutely not be eliminated. host: when you were a teacher, how did you gauge how much is too much? out?id you figure that caller: i realized they had five or six other classes. i would maybe give them five problems with a skill that is
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good enough for them to practice with. most teachers give busywork that is wrong. busywork.achers give that is wrong. each problem should be gone over and graded. teachers give a lot of homework and then take it and throw it away. the amount should be limited in most cases. host: results of another study, this one from the american journal of family therapy on homework and family stress. an overload of homework associated with the decline in overall school performance.
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parents viewload, of their ability to assist with homework and language and cultural factors can contribute to family stress. toledo, calling in from ohio. you're are a teacher. should homework be eliminated? caller: absolutely not. i tell my kids -- school just started for us. how many are in band? they will raise their hand. how many are in choir? they will raise their hand. do you guys go to practice? you go to practice and practice before game day. that's what we do with homework and all day during our day at school. we practice. , youit comes to game day
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had the opportunity to practice. the practice football, they practice band, they practice choir, gymnastics, whatever. host: when you have practices like sports, they have coaches there and they know who the coaches are. in the case, the parents study, not every parent has the same ability to assist their .ids at home how do you compensate for that as a teacher? caller: what do you mean by unable to? host: they are unable to assist with work, whether it is because there is a limited barrier, parents at home may not speak --lish, they may be working not every child has the same amount of support at home.
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from the time i walk in that building to the time i leave, every minute, if you need help, i am there to help you. i have 102 kids this year. -- 132 kids this year. ,ll these people have phones they can do all that. at some point, parents have to be accountable for their children. we do all we can. to have a child is a wonderful thing, but you have to have accountability. it cannot always be on the school. with the phones and youtube, i give notes as simple as pie. when i give homework, i do not grade it for how many are right. --'s say i give 10 problems isthis spot or this stage
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where the breakdown is. i can help them there. when you do homework, to me, that is practice. i would not expect it to be perfect. host: according to the national education association, there are benefits to doing homework. homework usually falls into one of three categories. practice, preparation or extension. the purpose usually varies by grade, individualized assignments that happened to students's existing skills or -- tapped into
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students's existing skills or interests. parents can call 202-748-8000. teachers, 202-748-8001. all others can call 202-748-8002 . up next, gil calling in from jamestown, north carolina. the you think homework be eliminated -- do you think homework should be eliminated? caller: i taught at the college level. i do not believe homework be assigned for first, second and third graders. i agree 200% with the previous caller with the students doing projects. homework should start around the fourth great. about 20-30 minutes of homework. host: why should the younger kids not have homework?
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caller: projects are much better. i have a grandson who did a very nice project. it allows the young people to work on a specific project, say a geography project or a project on a book that they've read at that age. i want to make another suggestion to follow up on learning. schools start much too early for these children. andol should start at 9:00 run perhaps until 4:00. in then maybe a period afternoon where students can recap with a teacher or ask for on something they've been exposed to earlier in the day. school, theyng to are tired, they are not awake yet, they are not alert.
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starting the school day at 9:00, perhaps ending at work clock -- cap's ending at four clock would allow for more attention -- 4:00 woulding at allow for more attention. beginning after sixth grade and on through high school, there has to be more ,egimented, more structured called andfolks have sing the benefit of homework fits in there. -- saying the benefits of homework fits in there. host: jay is calling in. as the students move up the ladder, homework will be more difficult. comes in terms of
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parenting able to help their child. the conversation has to be made in terms of accountability. students are being held accountable. homework becomes a very integral part of the success of the schools and students. push back a little bit with the account ability part. part.ountability open the conversation about too many tests. this, we me ask you are not quite at labor day yet, what about the length of the school year? is there enough time during the day for teachers to be able to teach lessons to students and should that be extended to lighten the homework load? caller: that is a conversation
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to have. it is very hard to get a there are a lot of factors that go into it. we have just one kind of answer and unfortunately, we do not get a consensus. the school year should be extended. we know how we stack up against other countries and so forth. we have to do better. , practice,y to do it practice, practice. that also means more time at school. communities,ther they would argue we don't have to do that. that one answer thinking we can get everyone on the same page is something that just can't
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because schools are more locally-based and so forth. host: what is the level of school you are a principal at? caller: i'd had the benefit of working at k-8, primarily. what works in one community does not always work in another. we know our schools have to be better. we have to balance the process -- schools are being held accountable. we are blamed for everything but we control nothing. host: thank you for your call. tracy calling in from new york. good morning. caller: good morning.
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host: what do you think about homework? i do want to say, i have a lot of experience -- i grew up with my family and a family business. initially, my father pulled me out of ninth grade and i worked in the family business. i went back to get my ged. i tried for about eight years. that was a big problem for me. one day, i got inspiration from my godfather after my father passed to push me to go and get my ged. , it wase best teacher the right timing, i was prepared. it was also the best time of day. i was a lot more alert. when i finished, i was so
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when i got to college because i started in journalism, i wanted to write. i did stop because i had to take a break because of the fact that i had to change my major as i , my gpa started dropping because every time i ,sked for help in pre-algebra the professor would say i cannot help you anymore. your how do you think experience before and whether you had enough -- is it because of the homework issue? help and i ask for was told to get a tutor. i studied with the tutor.
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even when i tried to ask for help again from another professor, they would still reject me after a few too many -- i was told you can never ask too many, you can never ask a dumb question. what do i come here for? simplyid their job is to guide me and give me the thermation to basically be paper tosser and not the information provider. they told me to get a tutor. -- i have an attention deficit -- i don't know. when i really enjoy something and i'm awake and alert, i really get into it.
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light up when i learned how to do something i spent years trying to figure out. when i learned how to do algebra , i managed to learn algebra with my tutor. i tutor was wonderful. i ended up taking a break because i could not handle the fact that there was so much this -- if my gparegard went down, i was always the one raising my hand, eager to participate. host: students need that extra help from their parents. caller: yeah. it was an afterschool program in georgia. , there were three other rooms with three other
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teachers. i end up making it beneficial .or the children lines, thisthose piece has some guidelines as to how to make the homework routine early,art your routine not things out, have a specific homework area and create a dedicated space for doing that homework. -- work things out. homework is not always going to be fun. if you go into the routine dreading each day, your child's response will be just as negative. on how to make the homework experience better. guy is calling in from west virginia.
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should homework be eliminated? caller: it should be eliminated. how theyts don't know are teaching some of the subjects now. in math, they changed the block form of math -- the teachers don't -- the parents don't know how to do that. they were taught the old way. the teachers should be teaching the kids, not the parents. the whole time i worked, i'd done my own job. i did not send it to someone else to do. if they are getting paid to teach the kids, they should teach the kids. host: what do you think kids should be doing in the hours after school? that extended the time the kids have to go to school
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anyhow. it's burning the kids completely out. , they have toays sit down and do their homework and stuff, they don't have no free time. it's burning the kids completely out. they need to go back to the basics and teach the kids -- the kids don't have no common sense anymore. because they are not taught common sense. , butarents are teaching the teachers are getting paid for it. pence willnor mike give a campaign rally in personal bill, virginia. purcellville, virginia.
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gene from hudson, florida. you are a retired teacher. should homework be eliminated? caller: absolutely not. i was a teacher for 40 years. i taught math at a high school level. i taught pre-algebra and algebra one. practice practice, makes perfect. that's what they need. i considered myself a dedicated teacher. i always made available afterschool help on my part, but i felt learning was a collaborative effort between the parents and the teachers.
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instilling in the students the love of learning. the only way they're going to succeed and get ahead is to work at it and be dedicated. when different parents have different amounts of time they can dedicate -- as a teacher, how did you account for that? i made available time after school every day. the school day would go from 7:30 to 2:00. i would make available from 2:00 to 3:00 extra help after school. there were many years when i would have four or five kids come in, sometimes i would have and before anroom exam, i would have a full classroom after school and i would work with them. in cases where the parents could help, i would get calls from the
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parent agreeing to work with their child if they had the ability to. with common core, things did get as fare more difficult as subject matter was concerned and that became more challenging. i retired only three years ago. it was after a 40 year career. i always try to work with the parents and the kids and instill in them the importance of learning. host: burgess is calling in from delaware. do you think eliminating homework is a good idea? caller: no, i don't. but i worked as a resource officer. a police officer working in the schools for security. the school i worked at was in middle school.
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--t's was a middle school the school i worked at was a middle school. my relatives were in education, quite a few of them. my mother was an english teacher. told me if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. i got caught up in the negativity from the schools, the staffers. i had to take a step back and ask myself come was i doing to -- ask myself,m what was i doing to help any of them? the children really did need help, do need help. host: how do they get that help? caller: i started setting up some tutoring to help them.
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i was really upset when i saw a hadrt cards where a child really great grades but maybe in one subject, it was poor. to me, that is where the guidance counselor failed the student. they're supposed to keep up with where the weaknesses are and where help is needed. amazed -- when i was going through the textbooks, when i was in school, they only give you the example of how to do the most simple problem. the textbooks they have today, they actually gave you examples of how to do the simplest one, the middle level problem and how to do the complex problem. the students just gave up. they would not look at the backtrack.d try to
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host: burgess talking about the need for extra help. allen is calling in from hawaii. a very early good morning to you. caller: i hope you won't cut me off. host: we have a few seconds left. waser: my father self-taught because he was a concert violinist, an immigrant. he never got to attend any school, public or private. what i learned from his experience was that you don't have to go to school to learn a lot of stuff. i was a product of public schools. i got to deal with private school for one year. when i left public school, i did
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some student teaching. an educator at the private school i went to told me that everybody must be treated by the educator is having the potential for genius. -- as having the potential for genius. host: does homework help with that or not? twoer: if the teacher has large of a classroom -- too large a classroom and are relying on homework as a component to help the students get to a goal, the earlier years , the student is unable to meet the requirements. they have all these methods for measurement. curious to see what will happen in the future with the internet and other methods of a student using the resources to
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achieve the goals and homework -- and homework -- in homework. a lot of friends told me they would have extreme anxiety -- they did not want to go to school if they were not able to meet -- finish their homework. host: alan calling about the need for homework help. up next, we will be talking about the fighting that has broken out between turkey and syria in the fight against isis. we will be joined by michael o'hanlon of the brookings institution. , the ratio of staff to guantanamo bay detainees is 30 31. to one. we will talk about the future of the facility.
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♪ >> on american history tv on , the abraham lincoln presidential library foundation published a book of musings by public figures and ordinary americans celebrating or responding to lincoln's gettysburg address. replyitor of gettysburg reads passages from the book replies"- "gettysburg reads passages from the book tonight. >> he was a simple, yet deeply at deeplyn who looked complex issues plainly and clearly. he spoke the truth. lincolnieved transcended all other presidents. his great american story has reached and continues to reach
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across borders and oceans, races and religions, politics and party lines. el america, the march on washington. failedformation agency the march on washington for jobs and freedom and produced a documentary for foreign audiences. sunday at 4:30, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the viking mission to land on mars. surrounding the week in 1976 were incredibly exciting. had programmed in two photographs to be taken. so they could be delivered fairly quickly back to earth for
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landersconfirm that the had landed on mars. harrytorians look at truman's leadership and how he interacted with three prominent national politicians. madeleine albright speaks with michael about harry truman's commitment to public service as vice president and president. >> this is someone who should have gone to college and graduate school, deeply wanted to, could not do it because of his family's economic circumstances. thing he felt strongly it was when he became president, he wanted to help others. one way was to strengthen the community college system. for a complete schedule, go to >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us now is michael o'hanlon, the director of
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research and foreign policy at the brookings institution. he is here to talk to us about turkey's role in the fight against isis in syria. good morning, michael. thank you for joining us today. i will start with a headline from cnn to explain where we are. more than 80 isis targets were attacked in the first hours of operation euphrates shield. targeted a key isis held town across the border with syria. this is a major ground offensive by turkey in the fight against isis. explain why this is happening. guest: turkey is concerned about the attacks on its territory recently. it had a recent one in the kurdish area of the country. it's had other attacks like the airport attack.
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it's also had attacks by kurdish extremists against the turkish government. turkey is getting hit from all directions by many different players and the syrian civil war. turkey is vulnerable and is aware of that. asrefore trying to create much of a border control zone as possible so it cannot be attacked by these different groups. at the same time, turkey's underlying goal is to overthrow president assad. those are the same groups that turkey also fears would attack for turkey, there is no good guy in this fight. all parties are threatening to turkey.
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they do not want the kurds in syria to help the kurds inside of its own country because there is a terrorist wing with an turkey -- within turkey's kurdish movement. turkey does not distinguish. they're worried about any collaboration. they want to create that buffer zone. they were worried about the kurds, not just isis. host: explain how the u.s. is aiding in this latest turkish offensive. we have a dilemma because we are not against the kurds. we are trying to find a compromise in which the kurds occupy certain parts of the buffer zone but don't create a long, contiguous single area that could become the beginnings of an independent state. we don't want to encourage the kurds to feel any desire for independence from syria or
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turkey. turks to divide those kurdish zones, go after isis with turkish and moderate arab forces as much as possible, keeping the kurds to either side of this vector of turkish attack. that allows turkey to keep the kurds in somewhat separate pockets and don't feel like they are becoming a single enemy. is it ishe good news against isis. we're not going to encourage the -- ouro attack the kurds syria is theide kurdish forces.
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complicated. there are a lot of different parties in this fight. the find and americans some parties as good guys and bad guys, but we want to work with the kurds, the turks do not. this operation so far has managed to do that. we will see what comes next. host: we are talking to michael o'hanlon about this very complex fight between turkey and syria and u.s. involvement. republicans can call 202-748-8001. democrats can call 202-748-8000. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 talking about the complexity of all of this, vice president joe biden who recently met with rdogan, heesident e
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met with him on wednesday and said turkey's ready to stay in syria for as long as it takes to destroy islam it state -- islamic state. is this going to be a long-range offensive? guest: i see the civil war going on for a long time. i don't think turkey is likely to play enough wars is to defeat isis on its own. promised to prevent isis from having easy access to turkey. that will be the paramount goal. erdogan is against a sod. -- assad. he is also against isis and he is also against any big kurdish movement for independence. the old adage that the enemy of the enemy is my friend. dogan.not true for er
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to fight almost everyone simultaneously or at least keep them at bay. because he is trying to do that with limited military means, he will not be successful in engineering is civil war anytime soon. assad and isis and the former al qaeda there are other moderate groups, including the kurds, that we are willing to work with. we also are in a dilemma. statesand the united trying to accomplish objectives with limited means, we will not be able to definitively end this
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anytime soon. host: let's talk about the geography of this. in one of theing few towns in northern syria that isis still controls. it is a critical location for supplies, money and fighters coming into the area. guest: there aren't that many lines into turkey from syria. there's been some success in cutting off the other road access. this has been one of the few lifelines for isis. days, turkey was not so convinced they wanted to fight isis. the otherd to look way to believe that some of these extremist groups were a bit more moderate. ogan really wanted to
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overthrow assad. some of these lifelines were tolerated, if not even utilized by turkey as it sought to provide sustenance to some of these elements, some of these resistance elements. toy might have been friendly isis or even partly associated with isis. , qatar, saudiait arabia, united arab emirates, the all been trained to help they'veelements that all been trying to help certain elements of the resistance. we sometimes invalidated the credentials of groups we probably should have been working with because we did not have any choice if we wanted to defeat isis. veryone is trying to be astute in deciding how they
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support each group. everyone is helping their friend just a little bit. a very complicated proxy war. this city was one of the ways in which some of the foreign sponsors would help extremist groups earlier. but turkey's had enough, they've been attack multiple times by isis. any tolerance turkey felt towards isis is gone. now, you see the turks willing to cut up and isolate isis -- cut off and isolate isis. we could ultimately see the moderate insurgent forces go after them. host: our viewers have just as many questions as i do. jan calling in from los angeles on our democratic line. -- dan calling in. caller: i heard a report about
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the upcoming battle in mozilla -- mo battle in mosul against isis, and the commentator said battle in mosts to be completely demolished, which he actually expected, there are so many contrary groups, so much dissension within that area that it is just going to devolve into chaos. to any attempt been made prearrange some working arrangement amongst all these other groups? a great question. thank you for that. of course you are talking about the other side of this, the iraqi side with the city of in iraq.mosul i share some of the concerns you just mentioned. the government is our ally, and therefore i think mosul will be liberated because i think the iraq he army will do most of the
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liberating, but also kurdish soldiers will do so, and also some of the iranian-sponsored a shia militias will also be involved. what happens after mosul has been liberated? there has been an effort by the united states or try to encourage the iraqi government for plan, but i'm not persuaded it is adequate. general perjurious recently wrote about the kind of governance -- general petraeus recently wrote about the kind of after saddam 13 years ago, and he was concerned we have not done enough of that at this point in 2016. it was just in early august that he wrote this article in the "washington post," and i think goodwas probably a
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reflection of the state of play peered as much as we tried to cajole the iraqi's to create some sort of multiethnic governing council, to go in and oversee reconstruction good and after isis hasul been driven out, i'm not sure the iraqis have done enough yet to make -- they will try to run it out of baghdad, i am afraid. out of baghdad, at least you but a multiethnic governor, they are often at each other's throats in baghdad, and i'm not sure they are going to do a good job. i would much rather see a local group created to help govern mosul after liberation that reflect all different interest groups, and i do not know that that has happened adequately yet. i share the worry that even if mosul is liberated, it may not become stable thereafter. host: back to this offensive by turkey into syria. in yesterday's "wall street journal," they point out the operation creates an opening for
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turkey to carve out a buffer e in northwest syria that could become a thing to worry for syrians fleeing the fighting. talk a little bit about how the refugees play out in this battle. in broader terms, this is the safe haven question. hillary clinton gave a speech on syria last fall in which she talks about the potential usefulness of safe havens. the hard part is to figure out where they're going to be, who will protect them, and what you will do once you have got them established. it is true that it is easier to deal with refugee flows and easier to build up a resistance army that overthrow assad or at least resoundingly defeat isis if you had territory within syria that was essentially safe. there have been a lot of calls for this to be called the essence of american strategy. president obama has not really gone in this direction. he has not wanted to risk the
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american forces. he has waited to help the kurds establish a bit of a safe haven, but the cards are not really interested in helping, frankly, anybody but themselves. how realistic is it that that type of safe haven is possible? guest: it is only realistic in the northwest. you are talking about a different part of the country, which is multiethnic. it is only going to work if ,here is a significant military probably several thousand forces, help protect the borders, maintain control of whatever sewn you declare as that safe zone. this is in the city of aleppo, being fought over right now, the largest at least prewar population inside of syria. it is fairly close to the border inside of turkey itself. any safe haven you create northwest of syria will be near aleppo, and therefore the same parties that are fighting over aleppo could potentially threaten that safe even, if they
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wish. that includes the former al qaeda or al nusra front, that includes the moderate resistant groups that we're trained to work with, including elements of the kurdishthat includes the fol qaeda or al groups. i think it could be done, and turkey and the united states were each the boy to -- prepare to deploy several thousand ground troops, you can imagine toking with the local troops protect the zone, but i do not think the u.s. will do that under president obama, and i'm not sure turkey wants to do that much, either. host: we are talking about turkey's anti-isis ground offensive in syria with michael o'hanlon from the brookings institution. christopherhave calling in from texas on our independent line. good morning, christopher. caller: hello. thank you for c-span. i am more concerned about the kurds in northern syria. that from what i understand, the reason they are
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creating roadblocks as they have plenty of suicide bomber that attack their villages, and from what i hear, turkey is not helping them at all. i was just wondering -- are there any steps that turkey and the kurds are making in order to work together against isis? thank you. guest: great question, christopher. i think the answer is no cure you are right, the turks do not want to help the kurds and any country at any time because they worry that any such hell can quickly migrate into help for the so-called pkk movement on their own territory. they are worried that that group will collaborate with the turkish -- with the kurdish extremists inside of turkey. since there is an ability for kurds to cross the border, it is very hard to make sure that weapons provided to kurds in syria would say there.
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so turkey is fairly adamant that in fact the kurds inside a syria should not really be the core of the resistance movement. turkey's position is not really hold water because turkey does not have enough other non-kurdish forces to work with to achieve any of its goals realistically. overthrowing president assad or at least oversee the resistant groups that want to defeat isis, and it wants to do all of this within limited means. in the last few weeks, we have seen the turkish military realize they have got to do more than they were, but i still think the resources on the side of turkey and the various groups it is working with one of the adequate to accomplish all of these objectives. that is why i think the united states is correct -- we have to find a way to work with the kurds not only out of fairness for them so they can protect themselves but also to have any realistic prospect than defeating isis and ultimately even pressuring assad. i think turkey is in this
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position that is a little bit contradictory, but at least they have taken a step in what is the right direction because they are increasing their own commitment to the fight, and we have now got to find a way to keep working with both kurds and turks come even though those two sides do not want to work with each other. we have james calling in from rochester, michigan on our democratic line. james, you are on with michael o'hanlon. caller: thanks for a much feared he your i have heard mr. on -- thanks very much. i have heard mr. o'hanlon mention at least three times -- brushes and game is keeping assa -- russia's end game is keeping assad in power. guest: we have been in favor of assad being replaced, yet we are also working with russia. secretary kerry has spent a lot of time with foreign minister lavrov, working hard for
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targeting strategy, relieving the siege of aleppo. i think the way you solve this contradictory situation is to to stay in power but a governor only the parts of syria where maybe some of the christians live theater these are the groups that like him, the groups from where he himself the westernly in part of the country, and i think you have to have some kind of confederation arrangement with a new central government that would be a weak, sort of a couldla government, assad still governed chunks of the major cities and then the coastal region and syria, and then you have to have some kind of a kurdish zone, some kind of a moderate arab zone, and and protection for minority rights within each of these zones because you will not have
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perfect separation for each of these groups. and then an international peacekeeping force to call the whole situation down and stabilize it. i think that is the only way to reconcile the otherwise contradictory positions that you mentioned, james, where we essentially try to work with russia, russia is trying to protect assad, we're trying in theory to defeat a see ai do not correction unless you go to a confederation model were again assad stays in power over one part of the country, but the sunni-muslims that he has been thorough bombing, the kurds that he has no particular affinity for, they get to govern themselves. host: how would you set up that sort of arrangement, and what is the likelihood something like that could happen? guest: i think the likelihood is greater than for any other plan or proposal, but interns of how you set it up, for some extent, bosnia is model. the accords created
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three different zones within bosnia. i do not want to say that it's easy to do, and bosnia has not been a stellar success -- it is a small country that is still in economically struggling because these groups are not working together very well with their loose federal or central government, but at least it is relatively at peace. that may be the most we can hope for with syria. i think it will take a year or two even to get to that point because we will have to help strengthen the moderate insurgents more before that kind of negotiated outcome is possible. carl up next we have calling from landfill, pennsylvania on our republican line. good morning, carl. caller: hello. what is the whole ideology really of the kurds, and what are they fighting for? what would be the end game that would favor what they want? guest: great question, carl. well, the kurds -- most people who talk with the kurds really know the kurds would say their real endgame, the real dream is isurdish state that
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carved out of pieces of iraq, syria, turkey, and perhaps even iran. thos are the four countries where they have 3 million the sixth million people. the entire kurdish population is around 20 million people. be todream would have their own country that unifies these groups. realistically, none of those four countries are interested in giving up the territory to this would be kurdish nation, and the kurds know it. outside powers like the united states, they depend on for help, are not interested in encouraging that in the near future, either. they are interested in autonomy as much as possible in those different zones or those of four countries where they have historically had her homelands. would nottent, they mind extending the current areas where they concern things to a little bit larger space because there have been some boring -- border areas, especially in iraq they have some
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villages, some representations, but may not be in charge today. the short-term, their goal is to consolidate the safety of their people in iraq, syria, and also turkey and iran, and maybe extend the zone a little further, so they have greater influence in all those different parts of historically kurdish lands. long-term, they would love independents and their own country, but they realize they cannot go for that now. we are talking to michael o'hanlon of the brookings institution where he is the director of the research and foreign policy program as well as the 21st century secured he center codirector of research for foreign policy program at brookings about the latest turkish ground incursion in syria. now, turkey come as we know, there was recently a failed coup attempt their. re. in yesterday's "new york times," they talked about how that
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impacted the operation cured at first, it seemed like turkey was unwilling or unable to join the fight against isis. instead, the opposite happened erdoganesday, as mr. edito ordered special services into syria -- host: one of the latest border strongholds in the islamic state, more turkish tanks rumbled into northern syria on thursday to support the rebels, and the turkish military seems to be succeeding in clearing the border of islamic state militants. how, if at all, did the recent coup attempt affect this operation? guest: that is an excellent point you make. the coup was a big threat to erdogan, to his government, maybe even to his
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life. attacks of these bomb and now the attempted coup, it is stunning how much has been going on inside of syria. it is a state of remarkable turmoil. in this particular case, whether or not, theerdogan united states was against the coup as a matter of principle, but it looks like we're benefiting to see it as a coup in practice because some of the military leaders who were in power before the court -- before the coup were either arrested or killed, and they were the ones opposing turkish individual -- intervention in syria, so this operation that has a lease in isolate isism help further was opposed by some of the turkish military leaders who were displaced in the aftermath of the coup. do the was able to operation that previously he wanted to do but his own military refused to carry out. that is at least one happy
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consequence of this otherwise very troubling to attempt and may lead to a situation where erdogan seems to have shifted in his thinking, is able to impose his will more effectively on his own military. host: ok come up next, we have randy calling in from virginia on the republican line. you are on with michael ha o'hanlon. caller: good morning. i think too often we in the west think that the people in the middle east should think like we do, and they value the same yougs that we do, but, know, i think most of these people, i mean, they are mostly still in the stone age, and we are expecting them to come into the modern world. it took us hundreds of years to get to where we are at now, socially and economically and everything. i think the only way it is going
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to be resolved as may be resolved is maybe if there is a really strong leader who comes up and unfortunately through fear will look at all these different segments in their place. thank you. a goodwell, randy, it is point. a couple of things i would add to what you just said. first of all, turkey, you know, is sort of half in the west, and turkey itself is a thriving country, it is struggling now with all the aftermath of the coup and the spillover effects of the syrian war, but it certainly is at least partly in the west. they are a country we can work with. they are a nato member. the cities are spectacular, specifically in istanbul, and much of the country, it is a wealthy place. $20,000ta income, maybe per year. i would not put turkey in the same category, and maybe were not either. in terms of syria, part of the
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reason why president assad was even though he had a mediocre human rights record even before this war, as we saw along the lines that you mentioned that this was a strong leader who at least like his father before him was also a ruler of that country. , good contain the ethnic unrest, like some of the other dictators to were especially brutal. that is for a long time why people tolerated assad. secretary kerry when he was senator even called assad at potential reformer before 2009 or 2010, just before the arab spring. just before the war began. were going with that logic you mentioned that maybe we should tolerate a strong man because the alternative would be chaos. low and behold, the alternative
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was chaos. but they rose up against him in 2011, andpring in syria start to say maybe it is time for this dictator to go. we want some of that democracy ourselves. the united states did not want to oppose those protest movements, and the next thing you know, assad is using brutal force and set up trying to work with them. even if we take your theory, which is not a bad 1 -- i agree in principle -- and the united states went with that theory for many years, the syrian people themselves decided that they did not tolerate that strong man, did not want to tolerate that strongman any longer, so they rose up in protest, and then we had a civil war that quickly resulted. the russians see it very quickly -- very clearly. they say assad is the only guy we can tolerate, and we should let him do what it takes to repress the resistance because anything else will be worse.
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the problem is, the russians are in the same position of supporting a guy who is barrel bombing civilian neighborhoods. whatever hope we had that assad could play the role that you outlined i think has been lost, and he has turned into a very brutal dictator. there is not the person you were hoping for, even if we might have wanted that approach to work. unavailable is not candidate to be the strongman in syria. host: we have more calls to get to, but i want to point out one point that the "new york times" made yesterday in its editorial about the situation called the "obligated alliance with turkey," about the difficult relationship. it says the competing goals is -- the growing authoritarianism of president erdogan --
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host: can you talk about that a little bit? asst: yet one more element if it was not confusing and complicated enough. president erdogan essentially blames this turkish leader living in pennsylvania for the hope to. letter member -- for the whole coup. it is easy for us to use the word "coup" casually. this was an effort to permanently dismember and dismantle the erdogan and to perhaps target erdogan himself. toerdogan, this is a target his political future and maybe even his own person, his own life. that is what happened a while ago in turkey. he managed to suppress it, but if the military have been better
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organized, they probably could have all that off. so erdogan will say as much as i my first businesses to stay alive in my own country against my own internal enemies. that is why he put maybe 15,000, 20,000 people in jail. blames it all on this sort of eccentric but probably relatively peaceful turkish dissident living in the hills of pennsylvania. and he wants us to extradite disguise of he can punish him gulene sure that the network is shut down. we are basically saying show us the evidence because we do not -- whetheris guy you find him a good leader or not -- we do not really believe he is behind the coup. we do not see any evidence for tha, and the phone calls he has made or public statements he has made or anything else, and meanwhile the sky, gulen, he has
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supported a lot of schools. there is their own eccentric concepts involved in some of their curriculums, as i understand it, but not necessarily a violent guy. so erdogan is looking for a villain, he is looking for the source of the unrest. he has identified it with his one guy, and therefore he sees us as almost being indirectly condoning the coup because we tolerated this guy on our own territory living in peace with complete freedom to get his ideas out, but we do not see any evidence of violence. so you could see turkish american relations moment,ate again at any could see this as foreshadowing a big new turnaround in the war. i am not that optimistic, necessarily. host: of next on our independent line, we have ben calling in. good morning, ben.
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caller: good morning. i was calling into offer in the opinion that turkey is actually more interested in supporting they are in defeating them because they would rather defeat the regional enemies like the kurds and assad isil or any other arab forces take power in the region. so that they may ultimately take power themselves. i think that turkey moving into syria is more of an overall increase in the war against isil, whatever small loss will have, a larger blow against they are taking over the region. and that is where i wanted to call and say. thank you. guest: well, that is a good point, and i actually would have been with you up through last year at some point because
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until that time, i think turkey's number one enemy was assad, and a number two enemy , also may beia providing arms and encouragement to the turkish rebels or turkish people living inside of turkey itself, but in the last year, we have seen isis carry out a number of attacks in ankara, most recently at a kurdish wedding, and i think president erdogan has changed his thinking, and i think he has recognize that isis as well as a series right to his country. that is my interpretation. i cannot prove it. your theory is a good one to have on the table as well because i think historically that erie does explain -- that theory does explain erdogan's thinking before, i just think things have changed. unfortunateow in an
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position where almost every major party in syria he has defined as his enemy. he does not have the military will to take them all on simultaneously. we are trying to figure out the ones that we can tolerate more, even in a mix of actors, none of whom is ideal. erdogan have assigned assad, i sis, and the kurds as his enemy. he is trying to tamp down the disagreements with russia. he is trying to collaborate with us where he can fear he is not happy with anybody else in the syrian civil war, so i do not this early think he is all about defeating assad at this point. i think he is trying to limit the losses and limit the dangers to this country in whatever direction he sees a threat at this moment. host: of next, we have joe on our democrat line from bel air, maryland. caller: good morning. just a quick question if you could please address turkish army readiness.
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you had a great article with petraeus thegeneral betray other week. can turkey sustain a long situation in syria? guest: i think that is a valid point. turkey has the second largest military in nato. it has a good military. it is reasonably well equipped and trained, but you raise an important point, and the idea that turkey could come into syria and make a substantial and prolonged sustained effort is probably dubious. most countries do not build militaries that are good beyond their own borders, and even this is right next door to turkey. if you imagine a situation where they try to move 20, 30
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kilometers into syria but all roccay toward damascus or , they would have a hard time sustaining that. i have not done an analysis on this, but i think for turkey to sustain more than 10,000 or 20,000 troops in syria would be probably maxing out, and i do not think turkey even wants to do that. willingine they were reelin to, that would probably be the range that they would keep going. there'll militaries roughly half a million -- their whole military is roughly half a million, plus or minus, but 10% of that is in syria, and that is not going to be enough to defeat ssad'smnants of a army, to defeat isis, to defeat hezbollah, which may have 1000 or more fighters, to defeat the 5000ans, which may have
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plus or minus as well, so turkey is going to be looking to do some limited things near its own border, and that will be the extent of the capabilities. host: before we continue the discussion with our callers about the situation in turkey, i want to get your reaction to another complicated situation, quickly if you can come of the american university in afghanistan. who was behind it, and what is that signify about the stability of the country? guest: i do not sure who was sure who wasm not behind it. as where's lori lucy to and is part of the taliban, and they have gone under americans the last couple of years, killed a couple of americans, and the network is ruthless and brutal. they have been willing to go after american targets in the past. we wouldd guess that
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say the taliban in general, we network inct this particular, but i do not know the definitive evidence yet. don: up next, we have calling back in. caller: you are saying it right. this is my first time calling. i have been listening for decades, and i am pleased with your station. with the responses that we have gotten this morning, you seem to, you have actually said if we could actually have peace in an area, a dictator is just fine. you said that at least one time. has done that multiple times. i am almost 90 years old.
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it is a large times that we have done that, and when did we ever get a benevolent dictator? that would be justified for the death of the people that he is oppressing and making peaceful. guest: thank you, don, for the comment. if you recall when that conversation happened, i was not endorsing dictatorships. the caller was asking if that is the best we can hope for in a situation like syria, and i said theorys sort of thes behind american policy. for one reason that we tolerated before 2011 when a so-called arab spring led to the unrest in the civil war inside of syria, i was essentially going with the syria of the case , and whatever logic might have been behind it, whatever hope we might have had for it, i think you are correct that we salt merely that it would not work,
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even in syria. there is certainly no putting humpty dumpty back together at this point, even if there might have been a hope at one time that president assad could be a relatively benign dictator, he has proven himself to be a brutal dictator, pitting with your point, and so i think you have been validated. if there ever were a case for that, it is too late now p or we are to have to find some way to push assed aad aside. i do think it is tolerable to ine him in power for a while the owl away and christian parts of the country because those people do not necessarily feel he is up with it. he has not barrel bombed their neighborhoods. still be inld charge of one part of syria, but i think he has to go in terms of being president of the country as a whole.
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up next, we have john calling in from sterling, virginia. caller: good morning. we have seen right now john kerry and the foreign secretary of russia having a deal. it seems to me that this is a game that these two countries are playing. -- we have is, assad seen what he is doing to children, while people are fleeing this war, at the same time, we do not stand up and tell the russians enough is enough. at,ywhere you are looking there is a bloodshed going on. turkey is defending their borders, and they lost the trust of the united states. now, as you are aware of it, michael, the president of turkey visited russia to make a deal with them, to start a relationship with the russians. that itself is telling us that they do not trust the united
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states anymore since this coup happened. so how can we tell turkey to work with us when we know that we are not helping them as far as going after isis, as far as getting the people out of this place and putting a lot of pressure on assad. host: let's let michael o'hanlon answer your questions. guest: well, you are right that turkey does not totally trust us, and we do not totally trusted them shirts as has been a difficult war, as we are all aware, and the united states and turkey have disagreed a lot over how to handle the conflict. we feel that even though turkey shared our view that a side go, turkey was willing to tolerate groups iny extremist order to put pressure on assad. isis as atwe saw thet a great a threat, greater immediate threat that we
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had to confront, so there have been many disagreements in the past, and there is no way that we should tolerate -- we should not have tolerated previous turkish groups just to make on ankarahppy --o happy. to, down thatnts dispute because the last thing we need is a fight between russia and turkey, because we would have to come to the aid of our nato allies. go toe got a long ways to de-conflict all of these different interests. host: we have a few seconds to get our last caller, john calling in from boca raton, florida on the in the . -- on thekly, what is independent line. john, quickly, what is your question or comment? the plan cia, seven countries in five years, saudi
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arabia, all the other arab countries, getting rid of assad. they want regime change. that is what i make of it. guest: that may have in our original goal and hope. we certainly hope that the protest that drove president drivek from power might president assad from power. we should not oppose peaceful demonstrations, and that is how the whole thing began. then there was the hope that assad could be quickly displaced while the different groups that you mentioned, and that was part of the original aspiration of u.s. government policy. organize itself around in the first year or so. but whether we wanted it or not, whether we liked it a lot, that is the right word to use today because there are multiple parties fighting for partial or complete control of the country. than the civil war. it is a multiplayer civil war in which alliances shift.
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there are a lot of different outside forces, so it is an intense, very lethal and probably prolonged civil war at this point, i am afraid. ok, michael o'hanlon, director of research and foreign policy programs at brookings institution, thank you for joining us this morning. guest: thanks for having me. host: up next, will president obama be able to close the detention facility at what time of a before the end of his term? caroliami herald's" rosenberg joins us to discuss whether that will happen. they tuned. ♪ stay tuned. ♪ c-span 2, 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend. programssome featured this weekend. tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern on "after words," the presidential candidacy of donald trump is the subject of indicated columnist
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ann coulter's latest book, "in trump we trust: e pluribus awesome!" she is interviewed by the cofounder and editor in chief of "the daily caller." ann: i think he saw so many things going around that he can fix. in that opening speech, he said summoned to the effect of if we cannot stop this now, it will be too late. >> later, april ryan moderates raised in america, a -- race in america, including an examination of the rise in origins,cidents, their and possible solutions. at an :00 eastern, antonio martinez, warmer twitter advisor manager,ook product
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talks about his book "ko's monkeys," which gives an insider's perspective on the silicon valley tech world. also this weekend, "the washington post" reports on america's nuclear arsenal. former army sniper nicholas irving recounts missions in iraq and afghanistan. increase workers ' wages. go to for complete schedule. >> sunday night on "q&a" -- >> it was an average of one racial lynching a week in the south, and it was a brilliant psychological device to hold down a race because if you were afraid this would happen to you. leamor talksrence about his latest book "the lynching," about the 1981
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killing of 19-year-old michael donald by the kkk in mobile, alabama. michael as a teenager, training to become a brick layer. he is the youngest of seven children. his on want him to go out and get a pack of cigarettes, give them a dollar, he puts it in his wallets, an old buick pulled up nosend him, james tiger know orders him into the back of the car, and he knows when he gets into the car what will happen. back then in alabama, you know. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q&a." >> "washington journal " continues. miamijoining us now from as carol rosenberg, a reporter at "the miami herald," where she covers guantanamo bay, the facility, and will be talking
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about the future of detainees at guantánamo bay. thank you for joining us. guest: good morning, kimberly. start off by talking about your recent article in "the miami herald," talking about the guards and staff outnumbered captives by a number of 33-1. can you talk about that the economy, and is there a land to wind down the amount of staff that are currently at the facility as the number of detainees diminish. 33st: right now, there are assigned to each detainee. they have not downsized since 2013 wendy southern command -- when the southern command sent troops and during the big hunger strike. to consolidate the last 61 detainees into fewer than four or fi facilities.
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e facilities. 20 of those detainees that could be gone by election day. what we're talking but is a tiny .rison of 40, 45 prisoners at some point, it will be hard for them to justify such a huge staff that was built up over time. at the height, there were over 660 prisoners down there, so a sense, but they seem to be unable to sort of wind down the pentagon side of it. host: ok. let's take a look at who is being detained there and some of the numbers that you pointed out in your piece from a couple of days ago. today, the prison holds 61 detainees, 10 of them charged with war crimes in at least four different sites in the defense in center zone. 45 or fewer are held in two
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penitentiary-style buildings. cam's and six, capable of housing 300 prisoners. but until one of those buildings that shutdown, commander rare admiral peter clarke does not think it is wise to reduce the guard force. let's talk about detainees who are left. describe who they are and the likelihood that they might be transferred elsewhere. guest: the 22 are cleared for release have gone through the area's parole style hearings or interagency government reviews, and many of them are yemeni. their yemenis who cannot go home, so they got sent to the back of the line in terms of finding places to send them. they sent out over 700 detainees through the years, and many of them went back to their countries. but with these, they have to find places to put them.
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there have to be negotiations with countries that will take them into rehab programs. s we said, there are a another 10 facing charges, five accused of putting together the september 11 attacks. they are in a death penalty tribunal that actually has no trial date because it has been a little bit difficult getting these tribunals started in a large part because the men did not go straight to guantánamo for trial. they spent three years, four black site with no red cross, no lawyers, and they are still try to figure out evidence and putting men on trial who basically did not have for 3, 4 years, and then went to guantánamo and eventually got lawyers. we at "the miami herald"
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call these the forever prisoners. war prisoners in the global war on terror, they are not p.o.w.'s because the bush and administration made a decision at the beginning not to call them p.o.w.'s. they called them "enemy combatants," "unlawful belligerents." so they are being held as essentially p.o.w.'s in the forever war, the were on, because there is no leader on the other side to negotiate an end to this war. so one by one, these men have been evaluated, and the panels in the government under the obama administration have determined that they are too dangerous to go, so they keep them there, no charges, essentially in these like penitentiary-style buildings, as no sentencing and no and date, and the boards will look at their cases through the years and decide if there is a way to send them away.
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sorry, i do not mean to step on you can we have a tiny bit of a delay. i apologize for that. we're talking to carol herald"g, a "miami reporter, talking about guantanamo bay, those who remain, and whether there is a chance that the facility will be closed down, as the president vowed to do. carroll, a little more about the 15 detainees who the president did send to the emirates, according to "new york times." it says the detainees sent to the united arab emirates, including 12 yemenis and three afghans, the united states have held each of them without trial for about 14 years. reduced the list of prisoners approved for transfer to 20, as you pointed out, but it also says the obama administration has made a sustained diplomatic push to persuade persian gulf states to
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resettle detainees from troubled countries like yemen, american secretary security officials see them as attractive places to send detainees. how tough is it to convince ,olks to take these detainees as the president seeks to close down this facility? guest: so president obama and his administration have put a lot of effort into the gulf cooperation countries, saudi ae, as youan, u mentioned, have taken between them close to 40 some odd yemenis because yemenis cannot go home. so there are neighboring countries, arabic speaking, hopefully familiar, and they have spent come i would say, at least a year engaging with the gulf cooperation council countries and asking them to step up and help obama out to
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take these men who cannot go home. these countries, saudi arabia, uae, have the rehabilitation programs. these people are not walking the streets of abu dhabi. is why the detention rehab centers, where they are supervised, and they go through this process that is meant to evaluate what they can and should and would do once they are let out. maybe a halfway house style living. there has been some effort, certainly in oman, to bring in families so they can have family visits, to help them get onto the next thing after 14 years in prison. in some instances, they sent wives. these were men in many instances who were captured and pakistan and afghanistan 17, 18, young 20's who had run away from home or left yemen to either join the
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jihad or in some instances, they say they went there to study k now or learn koran, and they are 14 years older, getting , and they havemo said they want to move on with their lives. they want wives, families, careers, and so these programs in the gulf are designed to help them get to that next step. apartment, wives, jobs. carol rosenberg, i know you cannot see it, but we are showing a graphic that has -- of countries that have taken 30 detainees. oman has taken one of the largest numbers, as well oas the uae, which is taken 20, saudi arabia has taken nine.
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various other countries have taken anywhere between one and 8 of the detainees from guantánamo. we have a caller eager to talk to you. iowa, you areque, on with carol rosenberg of the "miami herald." caller: i see you are doing these facts and these numbers. what about the 80% that are not returning on that return to the battlefield? you are just a left-wing rebel that will not -- liberal that the not reported, like obama administration, totally the worst administration in the history of the country, and the return these people, and then they go back and kill our people. let her address the issue about where these detainees go. guest: that is the other spectrum of american concern, when we let these people go, they will actually turn back into combatants and attack americans.
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figure,er heard your 80%, but i have heard well over 30% of the more than 500 prisoners who were sent back to their countries by the bush administration are suspected of ,r have been confirmed to have as they call it, reengaged. the director of the national intelligence has a unit that tracks former guantanamo detainees, and there is a huge concern that, without proper resettlement and with particularly these large-scale releases during the bush years, these men have not gotten on with their lives and have not settled down. in some instances, we know they have turned up in syria. bush releases as part of isis. we know that some people actually have, in the bush years, are responsible in afghanistan for attacks on american or allied troops. so does is not that we are papering over it, it is that the
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statistics are a little opaque. we have numbers. not 80%. but we don't have a lot of instances that explains exactly what those episodes are. you put up, graphic kimberly, kind of explains the effort to get away from the recidivism figure, with the exception of the few transfer to recently, they sent people to resettlement situations in ones and twos and fives so that there would be more of a social network supervision of these men to help them get on with their lives as opposed to come as the caller said, return to the battlefield. but the recidivism, as it is colloquially called, is a huge return, and they talk about all the time curate i think it would be helpful if the national intelligence directorate were a little bit more transparent, telling us about these episodes.
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in one instance, a kuwaiti released in the bush years turned up in iraq as a suicide bomber. is, nobodyabout the is hiding it, but it would be nice if we can get more understanding about what return to the battlefield means, kimberly. host: ok, carol rosenberg, we will take a look at what josh earnest, the white house spokesman, said yesterday about the guantánamo detainees trencher process and how it works. [video clip] sec. earnest: the process works by working with our partners around the world -- there are a wide variety of countries that have worked with us to ensure a safe transfer of these individuals. there are extensive diplomatic negotiations involved, and in just about every case, there is attempted discussion about what sort of security precautions are thesed to ensure that individuals do not pose an ongoing threat to the united states.
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reporter: including surveillance, i can imagine that, too, or some sort of monitoring mechanism. st: in some cases. we keep tabs on the individuals who have been transferred to ensure that they don't pose an undue threat to the united states. host: according to the "wall street journal" report on this, it says the u.s. usually pays for and governments to monitor transferred detainees and underwrite resettlement language, instruction, vocational courses, and the like, up to $100,000 each, a senior administration official said. while officials won't discuss specifics, people familiar with the metal says the u.s. specifically conducts electronic tabs on them. reporting,d on your can you speak a little bit more about this surveillance that is
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done? is it sufficient? guest: well, i think the example that people bring up is the syrian man who was resettled in uruguay who left the country and is apparently now in venezuela. there is concern that some of these monitoring situations are not as robust as they should be. what the administration tells us is that the security are intended to try to keep an eye on, keep tabs on these men or certainly limit their ability to travel outside twocountryieies for one or years. one thing to ask the country is not to give them travel documents. i think the true answer is there are different packages for individual detainees depending on, sort of, what the intelligence on our side and the country on the other side is willing to do. my understanding is the united
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arab emirates, they really are not able to leave the facility where they are in the rehab program, and it is going to be sort of like a step down program into halfway house living. what i don't know is when or if toever the uae intends give these 12 yemenis and afghan travel documents and the ability to go home. the u.s. senate is to the emirates because they felt -- the u.s. sent these men to the emirates because yemen is having the bushar, and administration before them was willing to send them back. in the instance of the three afghans, apparently the joint chiefs of staff said afghanistan is just too unstable right now. do not send them back. so the real question is -- individual security concerns, what are they?
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we don't see those. host: of the we have dave calling it from omaha, nebraska on our republican line. dave, you are on with carol rosenberg from the "miami herald ." caller: good morning, carol. to solve this monitoring problem, has the obama administration considered to resettled these detainees in chicago? we would be able to keep a good eye on them there. guest: congress some years ago and pose restrictions on the transfer of any guantanamo detainees to the united states. congress for you it's under any circumstances, not for trial, not for sentence, not for medical care moving them from guantánamo in cuba onto u.s. soil. at this point, they cannot come to the united states. as to whats a debate ,o do with the detainees, carol
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should the guantanamo bay facility be closed down. can you talk about that? i know there is question about them being housed in their under maximum facilities here. guest: the only way that would happen, the only way it would close down is if congress lifts its restrictions on transferring people to the united states or if president obama decides as commander-in-chief he has the authority to defy congress. irre is what is called the thecible minimum that united states is unwilling to let go, unwilling to settle in other countries, so in order to actually shut down that prison operation, you would have to move some of these men -- not release them all, not open the cells and let them go out, but there would have to be what we at the "miami herald" call eight guantánamo north.
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so far, congress has for bid it. to build a new facility, no money to use, you know, american military aircraft to move them, and they said not on u.s. soil. so it does not close unless the president, this president or the next president, gets congress to lift the restriction, or this president believes that he has the authority to ignore congress and build guantánamo north without their permission. host: ok, we're talking with "miami herald" reporter carol rosenberg who is joining us from miami. our viewers can't dissipate in the discussion. republicans -- our viewers can participate in the discussion. republican can call (202) 748-8001, democrats (202) 748-8000, and independents (202) 748-8002. up next, we have anthony calling in from new york on our democratic line. good morning, anthony. caller: the morning, c-span, and
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thank you so much for the opportunity. i really enjoy the education and opportunity that you allow us all. good morning, miss rosenberg. i have concerns as an american layman. they are hiding documents that direct attention from saudi arabia for actually causing the attacks on 9/11. i have a hard time reconciling, not knowing each individual detainees, where they were picked up, or what have you. causing it? is a were locked in a box for 15 years for something i did not do , perhaps i would come out very vengeful myself. are we not creating terrorism m? porsche and rumsfeld, they basically shocked and awed iraq.
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a -- will that an there any ever be any responsibility? guest: just to unpack one aspect, these detainees were not from iraq. it began with what they thought noe foreign fighters, almost afghans, actually. and men were picked up in pakistan and afghanistan and brought to guantanamo. in fact, in the invasion of prisonersreated our differently. a different status. they were treated as pows, not war combatants or more prisoners or prisoners of the war on
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terror. this guantanamo is from the legacy of the first invasion in afghanistan. that is not to say that all of the men were captured and afghanistan, but they were not taken from the iraq war. the iraq war captured men and treated them as pows. in the instance of saddam hussein, they were put on trial. the war court that was set up had not been used for prisoners of the iraq war. host: let's talk a little bit, you were talking a little about the people at guantanamo bay. let's talk about one instance in pr particular. you explain who he is and
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why he had a hearing last week? guest: sure. he is a palestinian man that was captured in pakistan in 2002 by pakistani security forces. he was taken off to the secret prison network. he was not brought to guantanamo until four years later. he was put in secret prisons and interrogated with the most -- he was waterboarded. in as waterboarded, put cage, left nude, the cia's most extreme interrogation techniques. they call them and hence interrogation techniques, most of which have been outlawed i obama. they were used on him to find osama bin laden. andas quite badly abused
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treated by us. there is a continuing debate over whether what he gave the cia was the product of the torture and the waterboarding or washer some of the material he was they never managed to charge him .ith anything specific of the experimental test subject in the black site and has been in guantanamo since 2006, but has never been charged. under the he goes periodic review board and makes
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an argument that he should not be held at guantanamo. that he should be released, the he wants to go and have a life outsideof detention and of jihad. host: what is the likelihood of that happening? guest: hard to imagine. part of the issue is that people held in the black sites, the cia does not want them out in the world talking about what was done to them, by whom, and where . some of the techniques and places are still classified. it is hard to imagine, from what i say, that the panel will say, we cannot charge him with anything, we will let him go. there are 30 days after the hearing, and we will see what the answer is. host: up next, we have john calling from michigan on the independent line. you are on. caller: good morning.
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curious, why don't we either classify them as pows or take some to the world court. i just want to make one statement. if we are going to try to get the rest of the world to come why don't we, avail them to our criminal justice and court system and show them that t our system is better than most of the world. it seems like we keep saying that our way is best way, but we do not want you to be allowed to use any of our system. that is all. just some thoughts. host: what you think about his statement? atst: the war court guantanamo was set up as the theunal in part because of
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classified nature of some of the evidence against them. what the bush and administration wanted, and what the obama administration continued are u.s. very american tribunal set up after the 9/11 attacks. it has been no such a, in all of my years, covering guantanamo that any of these people would be sent to the international courts. the truth the matter is that one of the reasons president obama wants to get out of the guantanamo business is that the international system has been pretty critical of not just the styleurt but this pow war attention. if you listen to the president, he says that have harmed our international relations. there was an interest at some point to take them to federal court and put them in the more civilian system that we have here but congress has blocked the possibility. host: looking forward a bit, we
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are in a presidential election season, and the two candidates, the two nominees have different views as laid out in this editorial this week. just briefly, it says, to people seeking his job have staked out opposite positions on guantanamo. vowed to keepas it open, expand it. hillary clinton has said that over the years guantanamo has terrorists than it has in prison. how do you see the different approaches and how it might be viewed internationally? polar opposite views. donald trump says that he will loaded up with bad views. secretary clinton was externally supportive of the efforts to shut it down. as the secretary of state, she saw apparently the impact of it on foreign relations.
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i think that those two views symbolize perhaps the way the world would see the u.s. depending on who is elected. it is not guantanamo alone. they are two different views of the global relationship. that is maybe emblematic of the global outlook. ont: up next we have mark the independent line. good morning. guest: good morning. thank you. i just wanted to comment that this new worldwide never ending war includes the united states. however the people are treated at gitmo is the same way we will be treated domestically. we already have predator drone's flying over our country, armed or not, to be determined. do you see any prospect for peace? is is to be a never ending war? when we are acting the same way as they are, we are torturing people, and our allies are the 50 heads inut off
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one day. guest: i have a very narrow beats that deals with guantanamo and don't have the global view. my impression is that we will have guantanamo for the first viewable future. there's no way we will get out of this kind of forever war calculus that we have. whore holding people successive governments have not let go. will possibly they will be convicted and there will be a normalization, but in terms of this forever war, you determine war on terror, you're not having terror on the country. how do you surrender? thennot speak more than
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guantanamo experience. it seems this will be the standout person of our time, waiting for the last prisoner to die to close down the facility. been covering guantanamo bay since before 2002. we have lee calling again. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i am great. what is your question? caller: my question is there is not too much i can do about guantanamo, but i'm worried about president obama's legacy. i heard that he wants to give up our land lease. i understand that turkey, iran, therussia are posing up to castro brothers. if they do that, are we in imminent danger?
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guest: that question is about whether or not president obama wants to close guantanamo, if you wants to close the base of guantanamo. there are two separatist we issues. when obama talks about closing guantanamo, it becomes shorthand for closing the detention center. i've been talking for years with the various organizations and there is no interest in getting out of the base. they have a seaport, and airport, and the ability to do .umanitarian relief missions believe,at some people or fear that what we are trying
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to do is give back the base, as it were. you talk to the pentagon and the administration, and that is not on the agenda. by raul castro, true normalization of relations would require returning to guantanamo. it is not that is it is not in the news, it secretary kerry has just said it is not on the agenda right now. host: next, we have rick calling from the republican line. you are on with carol rosenberg. go ahead. caller: i appreciate you being an expert on spending all your time on the guantanamo bay. thehave displayed all intelligence that we need to know about. here is a solution. have you thought about the fact detainees,st of the
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the fact that they have been tortured. we need to transfer them to more knowledge country inh than any the world about muslims. have such a poor relationship, in some ways. they could show their compassion and how to work out problems with the muslims. the fact that they are the they go this to us. host: let's lick your respond to that. that, just aack bit, i think the admiral would want you to know that they don't torture people there. this is a tension that is more
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style detention were people are kept in cells. pastere were abuses in the , that is longer go. i think that for a lot of people that is confusion between the sites where they use these .echniques guantanamo is more like a pow holding camp. people in guantanamo would be hurt by the suggestion that they are hurting people down there. in terms of sending detainees to countries, obama administration in particular has been looking for places where they can do some sort of resettlement rehabilitation program for prisoners of war who, in a sense
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have aged out of war. if they were young enthusiastic people who ran away from home or went to the jihad, they are getting older. i think what the approach is is trying to figure out how to get them on the next thing. as we said earlier, help them find jobs and homes. a lot of these men have told the lawyers that they are aging out, they want to have families. in some instances, they want to know their children. they are trying to tailor the settlement packages to specific countries increasingly to find them places to resettle. i hope that helps. have iris: game. you are on. interestinge was an
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aboutjust on tv incarcerating prisoners at guantanamo bay in the life led by people stationed there. the point is, these folks were in elsewere taken someplace and brought someone else. we do not take prisoners of war anyplace. the president has said it on tv. we do not sign peace treaties. we are going to be at war forever. host: what is your reaction to it? guest: we have called it the forever war for a reason.
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camp x reaction takes place at camp delta, a more modern upgrade. in some ways it does capture the monotony and revolving nature of the natural guard down there. they go for nine months at a time, get called up from their homes, go down there, do shiftwork, walk the block, and then they go home after nine months. it is not the worst service in the world. if you are a guard at guantanamo, you can get permission and sponsor a trip ande your family can come, stay on the base, go scuba diving, and have a bit of a socialite. guantanamo itself has quite a
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vibrant small town feel to it. it has a church, a bar, a couple of cinemas. it is small-town america in the corner of cuba. host: we have charlie up next call again. you are on. caller: good morning. i do enjoy your program. i just wanted to clarify a couple of things i heard from you. that most of that most of the detainees were from afghanistan, pakistan, and they were foreign fighters sent, or captured, and terrorist training camps are trying to kill american soldiers. is that right? guest: that is not what i said at all. the majority of men brought to guantanamo were foreigners. i would say that at least half .f them were arabs
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they were certainly not afghani's or pakistanis. as a general rule, we did not catch them, they were handed over to us by either pakistani security forces or afghan security forces. the northern alliance swept up foreigners and handed them over. in the early days of guantanamo, it really was about trying to figure out and interrogate these men who were not afghan to sleeperut if there are cells. u.s. military intelligence figure it they were saudis who primarily carried out the attacks. primarily we want to figure out
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if there were other cells out there planning 9/11. what they did was swept up these men. they were foreigners, identified as foreign fighters, and some of them definitely went through the cap. the: carol rosenberg of miami herald were a report on the ongoing debate over whether to close the facility. thank you for joining us this morning. up next week open lines, take your calls on the situation in guantanamo or on parents and homework, or any other topic we talked about today. republicans can call (202) 748-8000. democrats, (202) 748-8001. , (202) 745-8002.
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first, c-span 2 "newsmakers" presidentd the naacp about policing, voting rights, and the sears election. here he comments on hillary clinton and donald trump's responses tha. [video clip] >> did you get any response from the candidates on the pledges that you asked them? , certainly. the pledge.with the pledge to protect our lives. we crafted the pledge with five key elements. majorch out to candidates. we addressed the pledge in length and detail. we have not heard from mr. trump whatsoever. he declined the invitation to
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come to the convention. he declined the imitation of the urban league and a number of groups. we have not heard in depth or detail from him in respect to his plans for the program. whether it be policing, or any of the challenges that face us inthe realm of the injustice the justice system. we continue to press forward .ith this >> you said secretary clinton addressed the pledge. did she actually sign it? >> she did not sign it. we are calling on her to sign it.
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ensuring we have a minimum standard of conduct when it , thatto law enforcement we not find law enforcement agencies that engage in the pattern and practice of investigations. >> for campaign 2016, c-span continues on the road to the white house. >> this is as real as it gets. >> we will make america great again. thehead, live coverage of presidential and vice presidential debate.
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monday, september 26 is the first presidential debate life from new york. on tuesday, november 4, vice insident candidates debate farmville, virginia. on sunday, october 9, washington university in st. louis hosts the second president shall debate, leading up to the third and final debate taking place at the river state of nevada in las vegas. live coverage of the present and debates onential c-span. listen live or anytime on demand on stateformer secretary of
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several years ago, i happened to catch a documentary and i can't remember the name of it and the man making the documentary. the whole thing with him traveling around the world. he was interviewing the best and the brightest minds on the -- folkseople like winners,et surprise and nobel peace prize winners. just the smartest folks that we have. if we don't make some changes, there is a real chance that we will not be here in about 100 years. that is mainly dealing with the
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environment. of all the answers i heard, the only one i can remember is by a man named david suzuki. have you heard of him? host: i have not, but can you summarize for our viewers what his message was? caller: yes. i think the reason is stuck with me is because it is so very simple. is verythe answer simple. it is love. love is the only thing that is going to keep us from going extinct on this planet. it for we are trying to do here is not based upon and grounded on love, it is not going to work. that thatted to say is the answer to all the problems that we are facing. it is that simple. to love one another.
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there is a very good quote that i heard recently that said, people are created to be loved, and things are created to be used. the reason the world is in this state today is because things are being loved and people are being used. host: up next we have george, calling in from florida on the republican line. what is on your mind? caller: good morning. the guantanamo situation appears to be a very withicient way of dealing
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some violent terrorist who are not really -- host: how would you think would be a more effective way of dealing with these folks, some of which, some of whom, the government says are too dangerous to be released? caller: we should be able to deal with them, my issue is that we go out there, and send the drugs all the way to yemen, or wherever, and kill all kinds of innocent people, we kill one guy and end up killing like 50 other people around them, drop bombs on iraq, and kill millions of people during the gulf war. notever the case is, we have
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moral standard. idiots infew hundred this guantanamo. why don't we kill them or give them to saudi arabia to behead them? just get rid of the whole thing. host: ok. next we have joella on the democratic line. good morning. mind today?ur caller: i would like to know how the media portrays people. i would like to know how anyone can vote for donald trump. any member has to be made to minorities in their homes, and had to be sued by the federal government should not even think about running. i'm not particular about either
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one, but to know that neither is host: as bad as he is. why do you think that hillary clinton is not as bad as donald trump? caller: because she has done a lot of things. done aheard that she has lot of things. can you mute your television what you are talking please? caller: i'm sorry. host: you were saying why you think that hillary clinton is better. caller: the reason i think that she is better is because she has done a lot of stuff for people. she has been accused of so many things. i cannot say that she didn't do -- the thing is why would we want to vote for somebody who feels the way they do about women, children, mexicans,
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anybody. when you are president, they have to be for all the people, not just for one. host: up next, we have henry calling in on the democratic line. i want to remind everybody, when you call, you your television, and listen through the phone. what is on your mind? caller: what is on my mind is a few different things. bys election is fueled hatred. i'm saying, trump. it is just vile. i'm not just speaking on top -- the top of my head.
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let me ask you this. there are folks supporting candidates that both americans would like. i'm sure there are some people that have bigoted views supporting both candidates. why are you focusing on mr. trumps supporters? hate speech is crime. manving that way, and this hides it. he does a very good job hiding it. as you mentioned, on both sides, i have yet to hear someone say they don't like a person because of their religion, ethnicity, or race. i just don't hear it. that is what fuels the other side. host: ok. next we have eva, game.
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n.ller: good morning c-span i believe that the republicans are going through a bit of a karma. they have been trial for the last seven years. trump is that donald the manifestation of what the republican party is. since obama has been elected, they have been just file. host: what specifically? you have millions of people who are members of the republican party. what specifically is troubling to you? caller: the congressman who lied at the state of the union address. that man should have been thrown out of congress. thehould have never been on floor.
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thank you. ellen,p next, we have calling in from indiana. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to respond to the first caller who said the answer was love. that is absolutely true. i'm even three years old and i have studied history, politics, and bible prophecy. it was when israel became a viable as part of prophecy. that is when i learned that we could know the true god. what is happening in our news
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is and how it will and prophesied. if america is going to survive, we need to get back to the judeo-christian principles that we were founded on. c-span like to recommend check out the book, the naked communist, written in 1958 by a discoveredagent who the 45 communist goals to create a one world government. that is what is going to happen. because not electron, hillary clinton and the democratic party are fulfilling those communist goals. you can look them up on the internet. 45 communist goals. host: ok.
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launched a company against nelson mandela and the people of south africa with economic reprisals from the united states. they insisted on invoking their rights. ultimately, nelson mandela and the south african government less them to die to aids. host: without knowing the ,eporting you are reciting from is there something you can say about the campaign, information that you have received from the candidates? have you been satisfied with that? the man is currently hillary clinton's campaign
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director, john podesta, who has a pharmaceutical officer before. cap, in terms of racism, first, bill clinton is responsible for killing 500,000 iraqi children. host: ok. of next, we have dj calling from pennsylvania on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning, and god bless. host: what is on your mind today? caller: the more happens, the more my head spins around like jodie foster in the exercise -- orcist. groundhoging like day. they do not understand basic
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civics. host: in what way you say you have been working with voters? caller: first of all, trying to get them vote locally. that is for you have your real power. you can go to these people, hold them accountable. needes not matter what you to vote, they should provide you with anything that you need. , the averaged person who is going to the polls does not only go in between. they wait for the presidential election. , they aret realize shocked to learn that all the promises that were made in 2007 have not come to fruition. it is not because of republicans or because of moderate
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democrats. when the republicans took over the house, democrats still had control of the senate. senate,y got 54 in the they changed the rules so you need 60. basically, for the first 2.5 years of the present administration, there is nothing that the democrats could not do. senate, the house, the the white house. it did not do immigration or criminal justice reform. quality.not do paid now, it cannot be done. now, whenever our president tries to get done, he has harry reid blocking him. host: ok. just a reminder, stay at 3:00, republican vice president shall candidate, mike pence will be at
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. campaign rally that will be carried on c-span,, and c-span radio. of that, we have diana calling on the republican line. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. it has been a hard time getting through. i want a woman for president, i will not vote for hillary. she has been in office long thegh to know, to keep e-mails, and what have you, private. not on the public server. host: it was a private server that she had in her home. caller: yet. she blames trump for watching television when she is not in public office.
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mean, the smear campaign that she has put out is disgusting. hopesd of saying what she to do, she has done nothing but put trump down. host: what would you like to see more of in the political discourse of this year? caller: they have to bring down spending that keeps money while the government tells us how we can spend our money, how we should stay a out of deb, and their killing the united states by drowning us in debt. i think it is time that we got somebody in there who can manage money. host: ok. of next, we have joe calling from virginia. what is on your mind? caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. c-span allowing
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this coverage to occur. it seems that the campaign this year has really shown a lot of negative sides of the two primary parties. that is a little bit of of thete -- a tribute reporting system in the media. having thisu for kind of program where anyone can call in and talk about the topics. there are other candidates out there. i think we could find less negative reporting. when we think about that pillar of our democracy, where the media is there, the newspapers, an educatedovide
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populace, to meet the requirements of a democracy, we need to turn off the left wing news media. we need to turn off the find-wing news media, and the balance. , if notn i ask you c-span, where do you get your news from? caller: i have to scan a lot of different places. i would say that my regular reporting system, i appreciate the most npr, while driving and my car. bbc is a good reporting agency out there also. the media here hyper focuses on issues that are not global, when we live in a global world.
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taking a look at some of the other headlines that i mentioned at the top of the show as we continue to take calls on the open phones. it is the fda's decision to tell blood banks to screen for the zika virus. the food and drug mr. safeguard fromation's blood supply the zika virus, calling for all blood banks to screen for zika virus, even in areas where mosquitoes carrying the virus are not present. it is an effort to keep the virus from spreading throughout the united states. john, calling from
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florida. caller: good morning. thank you for giving me a couple of minutes. host: what is on your mind? caller: people have to not atand that trump is politician. he is only multimillionaire who has jumped in to try to save the country. the fact that some of the republicans are jumping ship is they want the status quo, they want money rolling in, they want tons of money. the people in this country are suffering terribly. the other thing is that is $19 trillion in debt. host: let me ask you this. mr. trump has come under fire
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for changing his position on some things like immigration. ?oes that bother you you have to think -- listen, i came to this country in 1946 -- my parents had to wait to come here. to have a country, you have to , you have toally check them out. isis is not dumb. let me finish this one point. 19 trillion in debt. theybody is forgetting interest on the money. the interest on $19 trillion, we will probably run it up to $40 trillion. that is what the last politicians have done in this
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country. we hired them to do a good job, the best of the best. they ran us into the ground. ground. hillary clinton and a lot of other politicians, they don't care about this country. donald trump knows this country is in trouble, very bad. i'm sorry, go ahead. saying ias just appreciate your call. in "the wall street journal" he has moderated his tone on the signature issue of cracking down on immigration.
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juana up next, we have on calling from maryland. things i want to say, i am a native american, 100%. first of all, the woman who alled and wanted to give civics lesson, saying that harry reid wanted to change the rules, saying that we would require 60 senators to change anything, he wanted to change the rules when we were the majority. beend, i think there has so much misinterpretation on donald trump's racism issue that
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they are not seeing things objectively. as a result, we will have one of votes ever tod have occurred in recent times. host: of next, we have samuel calling in from north carolina on the democratic line. votes ever to havecaller: thank you for havin. comment about this. iss guy, since 19 they too, scamming people, especially about the dominican , and the russian mafia. if we give this country to this man, the country will go to hell, a few swimming which. i'm considering voting for
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hillary clinton. been a lot has also written about the e-mails, revelations about her connection -- connections between her foundation and the state department. do any of those things concern you? .aller: absolutely she has responded in a way so that people understand what is going on in this country. what else do she need to respond? dannyup next we have calling in from michigan. did i pronounce your name right? caller: yes. host: what is on your mind today? caller: can i make a comment? host: go ahead. thatr: i would like to say donald trump is the best thing that has happened to our lives. who he clinton is a criminal and
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there will be more e-mails coming down. i think the whole world will stop her on her face. she needs to be in jail., we have she's calling in from missouri. are you there? caller: and here. .- i am here this is america and everyone has the right to vote for who they want to vote for. you should sit back, listen. people for trump hear what they want to hear. they hear about immigration. everything else these days, they make excuses. it doesn't matter the he is a politician, he is running for president. he should have the same standards as everyone else.
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he came out of the gate thing distasteful things about hispanics, but they want to be on hillary. i feel that she would be better for us than donald trump. those are the two choices that we have. host: how much has the rhetoric surrounding the campaign affected your decision-making or were you a hillary clinton supporter from the beginning? caller: i've always been a democrat. republicans have never done anything for me. -- i wasn't for obamacare worked all my life -- if it was not for obamacare, i would have no health insurance at all. host: up next, stella is calling in from florida on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for having me on c-span. host: what is on your mind?
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caller: i promised myself yesterday that i would not watch any more media exploding on either side about their views, which are really not helping the loader. host: let me ask you this -- caller: c-span, open phones, i said, let me try one more time to get on. host: we only have a couple more seconds. what would you like to see more of covered in this election? we are going to know more from the debates. sit back and wait. you're not getting the information correctly about either one of these people. calling inwas stella
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from florida. tomorrow, we will have alex simendinger, a white house theespondent, talking about latest of elements in the 2016 present campaign, including president obama's role in it. lind.l also have howie he will discuss donald trump and veterans. eisenstadt. michael he will be talking about the theent and future role of u.s. in the middle east. come back at 7:00 tomorrow. have a good saturday. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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