tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 30, 2016 12:31am-1:06am EDT
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treasury department, looking at the issue of terrorist financing. has been working on this since i was at the state department 15 years ago. that effort is ongoing and complicated. we are building better tools to better understand that phenomenon. coming out of paris and brussels, working with european partners, we were able to uncover some of the connections using financial tools. nott is part of the fight, one that we have forgotten about. tool in important dismantling organizations across the globe. >> i think we have come to the close of our event. i know we have many more questions.
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both of these gentlemen have busy schedules. we will have to close. i am happy that we had such a great turnout for superb experts on this topic, sharing intelligence threats facing our country and the globe at large. thank you for the hard work you have done when you helped the presidency of the eu. general taylor, for everything you and your team have done in protecting the united states and partners around the world. big round of applause for that. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> coming up, the privacy of health care and data. later, a look at the fight against terrorism and whether it has changed the us. washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you.
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coming up tuesday morning, just givens, research and policy director for the economic policy calls discuss his what he one of the slowest economic recoveries in u.s. history. epa willstead of the talk about the obama administration's plans to limit greenhouse emissions. journalshington beginning at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. >> leading up to president obama's trip to china this week, the stimson center hosts a discussion on u.s.-china relations. that is tuesday on c-span. tuesday, arizona and florida hold primaries. senator john mccain is being challenged by kelly ward.
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patrick murphy and alan grayson are competing in the democratic primary to face marco rubio. follow the results in these and other races on c-span,, and c-span radio. >> with the house and senate returning from summer break next week, on thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, we will preview key issues facing congress. federal funding to combat zika virus. >> women in america today want to make sure that they have the ability to not get pregnant. why? mosquitoes ravage pregnant women. >> today, they turned down the very money they argued for last may. they decided to gamble with the lives of children like this. defense and policy programs built. >> these are vital to the future
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of this nation in a time of turmoil, a time of the greatest number of refugees since world war ii. >> gun violence legislation and criminal justice reform. >> every member of this body, every republican and every democrat, wants to see less gun violence. >> we must continue the work of nonviolence and demand an end to senseless killing. >> and the resolution for congress to impeach the irs commissioner. ,> house resolution 828 impeaching the commissioner of the internal revenue service for high crimes and misdemeanors. >> we will review the expected congressional debate with the senior congressional correspondent for the washington examiner. join us thursday night for congress this fall. the c-span radio app makes it
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this is going to be an interesting conversation. food we have? >> ardy adrianpour. >> we have linda avey. this will be moderated by dave whelan of bespoke business strategies. >> how many of you have wearables on now? how many of you would be ok with going to gene spectrums and shifting things around? we have a great panel right here that will be talking more about that right now. >> welcome. >> thank you. perfect. works. actually hi. i am dave whelan.
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i spent many years at the intersection of technology, health, and wellness -- everything from genomics to community building apps. i have built businesses, destroyed a couple, and always looking to add on the positive side. if you watched the news these days ish, watching videos on snapchat, you have been hearing a lot about the sharing economy. you can share a car on uber, homes on airbnb. you arese google, sharing your information with google incorporated or alphabet incorporated and their advertisers. as my five-year-old son likes to shape -- say, sharing is caring. in the health care world, there have been a lot of changes.
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things like the affordable care act. we are continuing to see many changes coming down the line. those have opened a huge opportunity for what i call the health care sharing economy. today, we can share our step count with coworkers. you can share your medical records with new doctors if the system works. can contribute to health research using apple and the research kit. the connection is strong. we were talking backstage with a company called color genomics, founded by a former twitter person. they brought on the chief marketing officer of twitter. this economy of health care sharing israel. -- is real. before we start, a couple ground rules. buzzwords like big data.
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we will avoid the presidential election. theranos. of >> sounds good. >> let me start with linda. you are the ceo of we are curious. years ago atr five a conference in new york. great to reconnect here. tell us who you are and how you got where you are. a little bit about what is going on a curious. linda: great to be here. always fun to come to los angeles from up north. how i got here really came from seeing how research was happening in mostly the academic world, where we saw clusters of studying owing on, whether it was autism or chronic fatigue. i was first thinking about this over 10 years ago. you would see these little studies being funded by nih, but
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typically, they were underpowered. we were not able to get in of people enrolled in the studies or get big enough grants to fund large enough studies. that led to the founding of 23 doing, a whole new way of genetics research through crowdfunding and crowdsourcing. that was before kickstarter and indie gogo. it seemed like a logical way to solve a problem that was not being approached fast enough. 23 and me led to a genetics-forward opportunity. i started thinking about the other data we have on us and around us. with the wearable space starting to boom, it seemed logical that each person should control their own data. now you have the ability to tap into it through sensors and monitors. with all these things going on around us, why don't we build a
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platform for people to do this? that is the idea of we are curious came in. we believe it is your data. we are helping you assemble and make sense of it. a social layer on top of it. find people to have conversations around the beta. we see forums all the time. you can start a community around a disease or question or topic. the problem is that a lot of times, these turn into conversations that go nowhere. they have people comparing things. they might have ideas they want to pursue, but they do not have the means to do that. we are trying to provide a way for people to share questions and say, let's track migraines and what we eat every day. our analytics come in look at patterns and trends and feed those back to people. it looks like when you eat this
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food, the other thing happens. it is about gathering data and hopefully getting something productive out of it. david: you are wearing a cool ring. tell us about the ring. linda: happy to. thatan see in the graphic sleep is one of the biggest things that people have questions about. when people compose questions, the great majority are around sleep. we chose that as a topic to focus on when we launched curious. how can you track sleep accurately? luckily, i have an investor in finland. i was lamenting wearables on the market. i said, there is no great way to track sleep. he said, i have a company for you. aura, a investor in ring-based sleep tracker.
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of all the technologies i have seen, it is one of the better ones. it tracks deep, rem, light sleep. during the day, it has accelerometers. it will calculate, based on your activity, what your readiness is for the following day. it takes it to that next level of what you are learning from that. we pull the data from the ring into our platform. you can track things like consumption,lcohol things that might affect your sleep. david: great. ardy, chief business officer of basehealth. i have only known him a couple months. honestly, i feel like i have known him forever. same thing -- how did you get here? you have a great story from early days. what are you working on? ardy: thanks.
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i feel the same way. thanks for having me at ideas 2016. great venue. the drive from san diego was not too bad. so, you know, we live in this amazing era, i think. the era before was kind of the computer era. before that was the industrial revolution. i believe that biology is definitely the era we are going to be living in next. beyond that, it is about health and wellness, becoming our own health destiny. the consumer is definitely being empowered in different ways. i was fortunate enough to be a stupid kid that grew up in san diego, biotech beach. started my career at the salk institute. i was not smart enough to get into research, but i was sharp
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enough to understand, you know, that genomics and sequencing and clinical diagnostics, you know, is going to hit every human being at some point. toave been fortunate enough be at the ground front of launching, you know, different next generation sequencing tasks in the market. that has changed genomics forever. i was one ofyself, the first people on the planet to be whole genome sequenced. lots of various different panels done. most people obviously know of genetics and genomics from the consumer side because of the work that 23 and me did. what people do not understand is that there is so much more information in genetics. fanmics, even though i am a of it, is one piece of the pie.
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there is lots of other data that comes into play. just like you said, sleep data. how many steps we take, fitbit data. all this stuff is great. what do we really do with it? at basehealth, one entity i am involved with, we are into predictive analytics. as we hear more about artificial intelligence and natural language processing, how that is really driving various different decisions from the predictive analytics side is very interesting. i believe that, you know, definitely health is the new wealth. we all strive to get an education, make some money, have a family, and all those other good things, right? once you accomplish that, you
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understand this is kind of boring. what do i really get interested in? die healthy. is to we all know that but we do not put enough effort into that. the only way to do that is if everyone gets involved. david: raise your hand if you have ever had a genetic test. ardy: about 10 people in the crowd here. raise your hand if you have been fully genome-sequenced. i am the only person, i think, here. i drink the kool-aid. but we are at the infancy of changing medicine forever. it is not just about medicine itself. it is about disrupting health care. is,you disrupt health care the next time someone answers -- asks this question, everybody
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answers. david: perfect. you only used three buzzwords. [laughter] actually, both of you touched on a point, the challenge around access and actually. suspect, data is inconsistent, and not very actionable. if you have a device telling you something, all it tells you is that you have not done 10,000 steps or you have done 10,000 steps. not even why 10,000 is the right number. genome sequencing is still too expensive for most people to be doing easily, readily. integrations are challenging to say the least. how do we get past these hurdles and get the right tools and ultimately the right results? linda: i think it is going to come from these initial insights we are going to have, even if
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the data is not that accurate with wearables. if you see people that have been taking 10,000 steps a day, if they were not active at all, it is a benefit. we are seeing positive signs coming out of this extra data space people are entering. maybe their employer gave them a fitbit. now they are more active. we will start to see these baby steps happen. the wearables will get better with time. i think we will see a converging of people starting to get more into the market. fitbit has done a very good job on the market. i think it will just be a matter of getting the value from the data at the quality it is right now. a lot of theses, companies in the wearables stage right now are looking forward to the clinical space. i think it is a smart strategy for companies to come out, get it into consumers' hands, generate data, and find
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applications that might have clinical relevance. we are at the very start of this. are seeingh that we positive movement in that direction toward something more clinically relevant. david: fitbit has done a great job.jawbone, maybe not that great of a job. now that they are going back into the clinical market, levering technology they got -- linda: exactly. david: they are starting to see the shift. on the genomics side, how do we take advantage of it? ardy: it is about education. it starts with education of people actually knowing what they don't have. dnall have the blueprint of inside us. it is sort of locked inside of us. we have ways of extracting that easily. not people that are
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educated and do not know about science and technology do not understand what dna is. they think it is csi. ask your next-door neighbor named jennifer or joe. he will probably not know what dna is. he knows what blood is, but not what dna is. it is about educating the consumer. we have seen that within technology, that has happened quickly. a good example is uber. uber, you never knew you would use something like uber. it kind of always existed. you can call someone and maybe get a ride somewhere, but no one really thinks about taxis anymore. it changed the whole paradigm. not because uber change the paradigm. consumers changed the paradigm. when you are in dc and you want
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to catch something, you have a friend with the app. you download it and use it. consumers want to know what to do next. that is the key thing. with health and genomics, it is the same thing. privacy and hipa- compliant. we are doing that with bank accounts and finances every day. why can't we do that with personal health? we actually donate. it is not about sharing. there are some companies that share. but that isreat, the tip of the iceberg. it is about getting masses of people involved. doing that,a way of nonprofits, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies looking for clinical trials -- we all come from
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various different ethnicities. within ourselves, we have various different diseases. depending on the population you were born into, you have various different genes that really affect your family. if you want to have offspring, obviously, you are going to pass that down. there is lots of information within, you know, consumers, where they can drive certain things. david: you mentioned privacy a couple times. uber is a good example. people are concerned about safety with uber or airbnb. in the health world, you know, people, whether it is individuals -- the government, that,pa and things like there are layers of privacy and security. personal health data, your we get data, how do
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around that in a way that will make it come to life and add value to individuals, physicians, society, without stepping on the government's toes? ardy: that is a challenge that is going to involve more than one entity. it is a challenge that, you know, people are going to actually want it and know that you can utilize it. if you can monetize and control your own data, it is a powerful thing. i have a company working on this exact same thing. the key is, you know, you get people who are interested in making a difference for themselves. peoplely, there are sick who are interested in various different conditions. if you are affected by breast cancer and you carry the gene, you are part of a community,
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whether it is susan g. komen or some other community. that is a small population. what about everyone else who is healthy? i am interested in what i call the healthy genome. i think we can learn a lot about disease if we study healthy people, not just sick people. i think we all talk about -- physicians and clinicians talk about the sick people. you need to help the sick people. i think how you really help, you know, sick people is by concentrating on the healthy population and motivating the healthy population from a social impact and social dynamic. one quick example -- instagram. it kills me that so many people share so many things on instagram i do not think twice about it. whether they are on the beach in a bikini or in the bathroom taking a selfie, they do not
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think about how much private data they are sharing, right? what if you can actually a anonymously share or donate or data in your own health various ways where it is protected? that would be key in getting, you know, even the government, for example, involved with that. ande can see from the nih joe biden and the cancer moonshot. that is a great example of how governments around the world are interested in population genetics. you have to get over the fact, is this really private? we are sharing other things that are way more private. linda: the benefits have to outweigh the risk of having access to the information and trusting a company that will store it for you. there has to be a reason you choose to take the risk.
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it will always be a risk. no data in any database is 100% free of that risk. we have gotten over the hump in the financial world. numbers get stolen all the time, but people still choose to buy things online because it is so much easier and there is a benefit to that. it will be the same with health information. we have to trust that doing this brings a lot of benefit. we have to be willing to put up with some risk and hope that companies storing the data are doing the most they can to keep it private. that will always be the rub in the system, but i think there is a benefit to having access to your information and sharing it when appropriate, either with doctors or researchers. there is a lot of benefit we can get from that. that is one of the questions with 23 and me. that is my genetic data. we walk people through the
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question -- someone gets access t's.ur a, g, c, and when you talk people through that, they are like, i would rather have someone hack my genetic data than financial data. from a genetic perspective, it is a risk that someone will figure out you are at risk for a disease, but what will they do with that information? you have to take it to a logical process of what does that mean. i think it is healthy to have that conversation. david: we are here in los angeles, land of movies. in every good story, there is a villain. who is out there who is the big obstacle? who stands to lose the most from these kinds of shifts happening? elon musk is doing his electric car, and you have big oil worried about what is going to happen. are there companies, entities,
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trying to slow this down that will ultimately be destroyed by opening up genomic data? linda: early on, in the case of >> this was back when they existed when they were valid and they had jeans and they owned it. . think they will be disrupted iny are all prefer mentioned . i think casper prevents a is -- kaiser permanente is a good example. .
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when you have systems like that, putting people on medication is not a good outcome and so .nything that concerns that we are moving in a direction where the industry will get on board and be supportive of the measures where we will keep people off drugs. --ig movement against sure sugar and the dietary things and we have to stand up to it. feud.change your view of it is medicine and that is another industry that will be threatened. think -- >> i think
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health systems that's everything you want. barrierit is a big because let's take a scenario, what's talk about the doctor and you have some kind of condition, they give you bloodwork. they'd get your data and they ask the health questionnaire and get information about you. -- thereappening now my angerany that sells data for $12 billion last year. most people do not know it because you are automatically confessing certain things so someone else can take a piece of your health-care data and sell it. i think the health systems themselves are a problem because , you know, then don't talk to each other, and if you want your data. it is not easily accessible to
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get it. consumerst the runaway have all their data, whether is whatever electronic form it is or a platform, i think that opens a new economy for both. researchers, institutions and the consumers. are ag the health systems variegated -- are a barrier. >> there is a huge movement about that. it was very vocal and natural. for thousands of years, it worked the same way and it was going completely commercial, corporate and we were seeing a shift.
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here is what mine looks like and i did really good and they might not be good for you but if we consent to get that information in the hands of people and they can share that with others, we need a social network for help that can rival something like facebook. brinkhink we are on the of an era where we don't have to pay for genome sequencing. i think we will get it for free and somebody else will pay for and i am interested in having that platform where people can their information in one central location because all the data is silent.
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