tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 31, 2016 12:00am-12:50am EDT
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and our iranian friends. ] heers , we willsomeday celebrate next to the statue in the square in tehran. that was where she was murdered by iranian thugs. i thank you all. i thank my wife and my children. campaigns are hard on the families and the candidates. we have been through a few. this one has a ways to go and it will not get any easier. thisld not have done
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without patience, love and support. you to every arizonan who voted in the primary. those who supported me and one of my opponents. to the former, your support is a privilege and i promise to work as hard as i can to deserve it. to the latter, i promise to fight for the policies and principles that i believe are essential for building a better future to make the world safer for our shared values. there is a lot at stake, my friends. a stronger economy that offers honest work and a fair chance to prosper to all americans, no matter where they started in life, their backgrounds, or their beliefs. the economy that creates jobs,
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produces more, grows more than other nations on earth. a safer world where we face adversaries with wisdom and the new threats with courage and confidence. the power of the greatest force of good and values on earth. a nation secure from internal annexed oral -- internal and external threats. a health care system that delivers what obamacare has not and will not.
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it is affordable health care insurance that manages risk and doesn't abandon the entire communities, like in to he. in pinnel county. these are some of the biggest, but not the only things at stake. forwardans must put common and effective policies and we must resist from a position of strength. whoever occupies the next white house, that might take the country on the wrong track must be opposed. it is important that we have a appointment next president
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to the supreme court. it is important that we offer alternatives to policies that double down on mistakes of past administrations that reinforce failure or create new problems. most of all, it is important that republicans fight for the resources that our military needs that a lower the men and women to continue to do what they do best, keeping us safe and all enemies exemplifying values that we believe all humanity is entitled to. it is just as important for national security policies to be grounded in learned lessons and formed by and in fir experience, not wishful thinking, like years.
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i have served this country my whole life, in war, he and in peace. experience and wisdom. i have made mistakes and i think that i have done good. believe me, i have never made the mistake of not appreciating the privilege i have been given by you, the people of arizona. you have let me live a life in service to the nation that we call home and i hope to make history. you have given me a chance to continue to serve arizona. thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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by barry goldwater. he won a primary challenge. had the numbers. now, just over 54% of the ward.compared to kelly the others were in the low to single digits -- the low single digits. 2000ran for president in and became the republican nominee in 2008 and lost to obama. senatehe chair of the armed services committee. we want to hear from you about the results in arizona and florida. the primary and murphy is the democratic candidate. on the democrats line, good
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morning. congratulatee to senator mccain. he was humiliated by donald trump. his heroship was disrespected. as a veteran, i encourage every veteran not to vote for donald trump. he is a person of no character. mr. mccain proved he was able and he deserves this tonight. host: thank you. trump confirmed he will go to mexico tomorrow at the invitation of the mexican president. both trump and clinton were invited. trip agreed to take the and will travel there.
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he was in washington and he is scheduled to be in phoenix for a speech on immigration and we will be covering that. beverly is joining us on the republican line. where are you from? caller: good year, arizona. i voted for mccain, because he supported trump. i'm thrilled that rubio won and i hope that both of them have the common sense to support donald trump, so republicans take the house and the senate. host: arizona is a state that down trump says he can win. caller: i believe that arizona will vote for trump, even though we have hispanics.
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some of them have common sense and they know that it is proper and right for us to support orders and it is necessary for the country. i do believe that they will also vote for trump. so, i hope that mccain comes out and verbally supports donald trump, along with mr. rubio. host: thank you for that. joining us on the phone is jeremy, who has been following all of this for the capital times. he is in phoenix with john mccain. thank you for being with us. jeremy: no problem. >> a lot of attention to this race and a win for john mccain. opponent was not a that mccainonent
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critics have been looking for. that of people were hoping a conservative congressman would jump in the race. kelly ward jumped in and never got a lot of support she was looking to get. she did not get much traction. outside groups backed off of her early. the mccain allies casted her as not serious. host: what about her statement to msnbc where she focused on his age and that he turned 80 years old yesterday. did that backfire question mark >> to some degree, yes. it did not do her any favors. she talked about how it was time for mccain to retire and there thathe implicit it's
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mccain had been around a long time and that he is an elderly center. the comments made last week did seem a little beyond the pale. i do not know how much it hurt her. arizona does have early voting. it certainly did not do her any favors. host: kirkpatrick will be the democratic candidate. what should we expect? patrick -- kirkpatrick gives them hope. she is one of the strongest candidates ever fielded and she is one of the only strong candidates fielded against him in 30 years. this is a republican state and it has been. mccain has never faced a serious challenge. she has a lot of money and has a strong campaign apparatus.
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been seekinge has to tie john mccain to donald trump. they have had a strained relationship, of course. host: how will john mccain thread the needle? he needed trump supporters in the primary and he is trying to expand his base. how does he do this without alienating republicans and bringing in democrats? jeremy: doing what he has been doing. he supportsthat trump, the republican nominee. he always seems somewhat tepid. the relationship between mccain and trump, he has endorsed him. it was different from last year, when trump made his comments of "i like people who were not captured. talking aboutd."
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clinton competing here, trump is still expected to win and kirkpatrick -- confirm for our audience, john mccain has an 18% lead over kelly ward in the republican primary. you can get these results at politico. tomorrow, a speech by donald trump in phoenix on immigration and he will travel to mexico to meet with the mexican president. what are you looking at? jeremy: tomorrow? well, we will see what he says about immigration. there could be a shift. if there is, it will be
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interesting to see if there is a blowback. this has been a pillar of his campaign and it attracted early supporters. this could be signaling a shift. host: the invitation was given over the weekend. live from joined me phoenix. thank you for being with us. jeremy: happy to come on. host: we have some calls. good evening. caller: thank you for taking my call. i'm glad to see mccain won the election. i hope we keep this seat and we continue to control the senate and the house.
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as far as donald trump, i have a hard time voting for him, because of that statement about not supporting nato and he wants to give up on nato. that is not right. we need nato. i do not know if i'm going to vote for trump. i think he is one the worst republican candidates we have had in a long time. host: will you vote for hillary clinton? caller: in the end, i will vote for trump. i cannot see myself voting for clinton. they are two of the worst candidates we have. mccain is the chairman of the armed services committee. on the independent line in alaska --
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caller: this election and thing is nuts. i am a student and i am 21. the world is crazy. i'm from new york and iran to alaska and i don't know. john mccain,, arizona is a crazy state and i know people who have then there and they have been pulled over with weed and you go to jail for years and years. you go to colorado and you can get it legally at the stores. alls crazy and we're worried about this crazy election and who is going to get elected, man. host: we will continue this conversation tomorrow. washington journal is every day at 7:00 a.m. kelly ward came out twice this
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evening to concede this race to john mccain. harsh words to the gop establishment. here is her speech. all amazing people and this was amazing. we are concluding an amazing chapter in our lives. -- i do notave think we can make up the votes. i want to fight to the end and wait until every single vote is counted. maybe there will be a miracle. we will see. have hadg this way, we
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literally thousands of amazing people. many of you are out here and a lot of you have sacrificed incredible amount of time, talent, and treasure to speak out in support of conservative values that found and sustain this nation. yes. establishment seems to have won the battle by spending untold millions by calling the liberal, week, other things. i will not mention them. senator mccain said that it should not be beyond us to substitute character assassination. campaignslash and burn to avoid ideas. did you see ideas? i didn't. i hope the senator rest comfortably with his conscience, as he continues to lectures
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others -- to lecture others about civility. the republican party cannot keep nominating career politicians who have the only objection -- objective of reelection. now, look at this room. i'm confident that there are people of every rage cap -- race, age, nationality. we are all americans. our movements will continue. those of us who believe that liberty should be the direct end of government, as patrick henry road. -- patrick henry wrote. we fought the good fight. we finish this race and we have cap faith. this battle may be done. the war for america's soul has
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-- will certainly continue. this is only the beginning. stay here. have fun. get some pictures. do not be dejected. my staff and my husband are so sad. i am not. we bought an amazing battle. you know? we did something that everyone else was afraid to do and we took on the beast. we took on the beast. do not give up. the day is not over. if we lose this election, it is an election will stop i build my life on my faith, my family, am i my profession. they cannot be taken away and we have to be fearless and operate in faith and be fearless to make change in this great united states.
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rubio spoke to supporters in orlando, florida. . i appreciate it. i look for to working with you. this man has an incredible future and he has served our country in incredible ways and i am grateful to him. my friend, who we are old enough to know each other for two decades. thank you. as i always try
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teaches, think jesus christ. in the fact solace that he will come to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. it gives purpose to my life. notuld be remiss if i did think the people who do this with a. me.ho do this with it is my wife and my kids. i will tell you that we have to leave pretty quickly. i want to see as many as i can. they have school tomorrow and daniella has a test. she will be there. they are watching. unusual.says ben as you know, after my race for the presidency ended, i was prepared to become a private citizen.
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i was excited about what that meant. time with them family and other opportunities. i was not at peace with the idea that we would lose the balance of power in the senate and there is a vacancy on the supreme court. chuck schumer could be the majority leader. with all of these issues facing america, i'm grateful to be here and with your support. thousands helped us along the way and i'm grateful for this opportunity. for the republicans in the state, over 70% of them have .eturned me as your nominee's the people will have a clear choice and this election will present a clear choice to the people florida about the future
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of our country. i am proud of our service and my time as a speaker on the floor of the house. i am proud of my time in the united states senate. i am proud that we passed the v.a. accountability act, so those who are not working for our veterans are fired. am proud that we pass the toughest sanctions ever on hezbollah. proud that we passed a bipartisan law that goes after human trafficking. i am proud that we passed the foreign aid transparency act and that we have accountability and transparency over how your money is spent. i'm proud that we got rid of the obamacare bailout fund and your taxpayer money cannot be used to bailout private insurance companies. i'm proud to have led the effort
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thepass the recognition for segregated unit of our armed forces who served our country and have waited too long for the recognition they reserve -- deserved. i am proud of the work done on behalf of the people of our proud of how we supported constituents and people in the offices. over 40,000 have came and we have helped, including 5000 veterans. asking people in florida to return me to the senate, so that i can continue this work. be a proper role under the constitution and it will one. with day it is the senate that must confirm the next supreme court
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justice and it must be someone it will apply and interpret the constitution as originally attended. -- intended. if the constitution means what you want it to mean, it means nothing at all. the democrats and their hand-picked candidate will be our opponents and i look forward to illustrating the differences. like any candidate, patrick murphy will have to justify his candidacy. he has tried to do that by talking about how successful he is in the private sector. the problem is that it is not true. he liked to say that he has degrees from the university of miami. that is not true. he likes to say that he has experience as a cpa. cbs has found that he has not worked a day in his life as a cpa in florida. he likes to say that he start a
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successful business. he did not. he never got a single contract to clean up the gulf. he will not be able to run on those promises. run on his years in congress, where he was ranked as ineffective. it is hard to achieve in a congress that is as ineffective as this one has been over the last 10 years. he will have to answer for his liberal record. he liked to call himself a moderate. limit to you about his voting record. he is a supporter of the nuclear deal with iran. he still supports it, even after moregot ransom and took american hostages after that deal was finalized and they captured 10 american sailors and try to humiliate them. he still says that deal will
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bring peace in our time. the last guy who said that was the prime minister of england in the 1930's and he regretted it for the rest of his life. he wants to close guantánamo and release the terrorists or bring them to america. he supports the export-import bank. it is a bank with loans that go to politically-connected companies. when offered a chance to vote for that amendment, he voted against it. last year, he voted with barack obama 94% of the time. patrick murphy is an old-fashioned liberal and his ideas are wrong for florida, are dangerous, and will leave us vulnerable to stop you may ask yourself how patrick murphy, was done nothing to be successful and in his years of congress, how can someone be elected to
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the u.s. senate. he has a sense of entitlement. with everything being given to you, you think you deserve it all. that manyerstand people come from families that are politically-connected, if wenzhou, dominate government. not here in america. in america, we are entitled to nothing other than the liberty not has given us. connectedt matter how or employed to his family is. he will have to earn his seat by beating the son of a bartender id who came to this country for a better life. campaign. for to this the best ones are the ones that give you a clear choice and this one is a clear choice. it is someone who has achieved
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for the state and someone who feels that he is entitled to the job and that everything he has ever wanted has been given to him. that is not the way it will work for the senate, the state, and at this time in our history. this is not an ordinary time. america finds itself at a crossroads and we have been here before. the truth is, for over two hasuries, each generation stood where we stand. each generation has been called to make the choice we have to make. the choice is the kind of country we want to be and what kind of country this will be when my children and your grow up. they will either be free or they will inherit a country that is worse off than their parents.
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the road we are on will leave my children and yours as the first generation to inherit an america that is worse than the one for their parents. that is what we are on right now and this the road that murphy will lead us on. i believe in a different path. we need to rebuild the military, which murphy supports cutting and i support rebuilding. enterprise.ace free murphy does not believe in it. i believe it is essential. we must embrace all the things that make america special and open the doors for all americans . no matter where you start out in what, if we do these things, i believe our children and grandchildren will be free and prosperous and that is the road that i am asking us to choose. that is what i have always been
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continue what i will to be about, if i am honored to once again serve you as your senator. i look forward to the opportunity to do that and this is a time of great challenges and opportunities. this is exciting. that our opportunities are greater than the problems that we face. you have to have the right people who believe these things and have done these things and they are not just on the right side of the issues. he can show how they get these things done also i have. murphy has not. i hope we embrace this and we have a senate that takes the role in the constitution rights and it will act as a check and balance on the executive branch, no matter who wins the election. the only person who will not be mp for theta
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executive branch is me and we .eed that more than ever' i'm privileged and honored to stand before you today. --i walked into this gallery gathering, i went through the kitchen and iran into people who are breaking down a good party that happened in another room. it reminded me of me and where i came from and i say this and will always say this, i think it speaks not just to me, but to the country. this is where my father worked as a bartender behind a rollaway bar. we are trying to save money. bar so that id a would have a chance to be anything i want to be.
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they wanted their kids to have the opportunities. had they gone anywhere else, they would not achieve it. they came here with nothing, barely speaking english, no money, no connections, really educated -- barely educated. they retired with dignity and let all the children better off. this is not just my story. this is our story. this is who we are. this is what i want us to remain. we did not become this by accident. we became is because the men and women who stood here before and the time has now come for us to do what needs to be done. if we do what needs to be done, what our parents left us, the single greatest nation. schultz onesserman her primary and she spoke to -- her constituents
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in florida. debbie wasserman schultz: i want to thank the best volunteers, supporters, and constituents. thank you so much. thank you for your love and your support and your friendship. for not want doors, making phone calls, practically living in our campaign headquarters. most of , i want to thank
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besides supporters and friends, there are thousands and thousands of doors i have knocked on, fields i have stood spent a lot of time running around this community and i want to thank my incredible family. all of you know my amazing husband. i have been married to him for 25 years. and thedible children twins that have started the senior year. i cannot believe it. and, my amazing parents. they are the ones who raised me to believe that a little girl
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could be anything she want to be and that around our family dinner table, the idea of our faith and traditions of repairing the world and making it a better place when we are fortunate, that it is our responsibility to make sure we can uplift others. that is what my parents taught me my whole life. [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: i am sorry, my dad gets mad when i make him cry. when i took those values and made it a career choice. because in the 1980's when most of my friends in college were going down the corporate path and making as much as money as humanly possible, i saw another way. i saw a path that was what by the idea that i could devote my life to making other people's lives better.
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that i could be the voice of people who have no voice, to amplify the voices of others, to go to the nation's capital to make sure that we can really have people standing up for the idea that we can have an economy that works for everyone, make sure the people will have a chance to reach the middle class, get a good job that pays them well, not just a pittance that the republicans are willing to throw at them. make sure that families across this community have a chance to send their kids to college, and that they are not having to pay for it into their 40's and 50's. college debt eclipses credit card debt in the united states of america today, and that is absolutely unacceptable. and it is only republicans a
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stand in the way of changing that. we have got to make sure and work together. [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: we have been forced to vote in washington 64 times to repeal the affordable care act or dramatically change it. enough is enough. as a breast cancer survivor and someone who has faced her own mortality, before the affordable care act became law, i can assure your that 129 million americans who live like i do with pre-existing conditions are not going back to the that old days where insurance companies could drop us or deny us coverage. my wonderful constituents who can keep their kids on their insurance until they are 26 years old are not going to go back to the battle days where they have to worry that their kid may not make enough money to pay for health care. because now they can make sure until they get more firmly on their feet that they can stay on their parents health care.
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they have given me the greatest or professionally to represent them, they deserve better than a doughnut hole, that they have to ask the pharmacist to cut the pills and now so they can lengthen the times those pills last. we are saving millions of dollars for seniors on a fixed income. that is what the book services about, going to bat for people who need to make sure that someone is focused on their well-being. and that is what i will do every single day. [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: we have a general election, right, broward county? [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: tomorrow we turn to the general election, not just to the 23rd district, but at the national level. we know that in broward county, we will have a democratic nominee that will carry hillary clinton all the way to the white house.
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as florida goes, so goes the nation. we commit right here and now that broward county, florida will carry hillary clinton to the white house. she will win florida. thank you all so much for the incredible support. i love you all, and cannot wait to get back out on the trail. [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: i have one more important thing. one more important thing. i want all of my incredible staff, so many of us, extended family members who have been here with me over and over and over again. there are so many of you, former staffers came back, we had former staffers fly in, they
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came from all over. this is my amazing, incredible team that is still coming. this is the best, professional public service team that any public servant could ever ask for. so please join me in thanking them. thank you all so much. [applause] rep. wasserman schultz: and then, two more, i want to single out two people. where is jody? [applause] [chanting jody] rep. wasserman schultz: i think everybody in this room and practically everybody across the
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district -- as much as i am known as just debbie, jody is known as just jody. and she has been the most remarkable, focus, dedicated, loving, kick-ass campaign coordinator that you could ever have. she has two beautiful girls, a husband who we should call saint jonathan, just like i am married to think steve. -- saint steve. and the other one i want to thank by name, the remarkable steve.
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this is the other steve in my life. this steve has been amazing, we have been together almost 24 of the years i have been in public service. we have been involved in many campaigns together. i have a feeling we will be involved in many, many more. thank you for -- thank you to the two most incredible team leaders anyone could have. [applause] >> from sunrise, florida representative wasserman schultz
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[applause] >> thank you. a lot of the absentee votes have been cast, we are down to about 6000 votes. we need to win today by a landslide, and we need a good turnout to overcome the 6000 votes. i am in weight and see -- wait and see mode. i will talk about what we accomplished. we came out of nowhere. tomorrow, whether we pull out and upset here or not, or if we win tonight by long odds, the general election against the republic -- against a democrat in a republican area. and if we do not pull it off tonight, i get some sleep tomorrow. [laughter]
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