tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 3, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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policarert khleenray previewsondru's visito black chur ideoi as aay wta yr cls he n inhe conversioon faceok and twier shgt journal ine. ♪ good rng, today i sarday, septbe3. the fbiaselsedome intotsnvtiti io hillary inn's prate-il rver. e i pvid to coreiol cmiee includg s ppt. mewhe,ond ump's tideetitodo et themrsf the blac chch. huiceernes ttg the eastern seaboa. weeto all tse headlin and more ts morng. first,e s r eson for u. shouldchlse requedo teacpatriotism doldru h sgeedha th sul leusnowh y tnk here are t leso ll decrats at (2)4800 republicanat20 7-8001 d dependents at 02) 748-80.
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n yos @cspwje is na trumproughtf e suofatriotmn our publ schoo dina ee earlier th wk t amic lio he was a littlbiofhat he had s. [vid clip] >> 're going to wo oso many sregoals. wa to begin by dcuin onoal tt i kn iso portantoou ominamericri a trti i amec's schools very iornt. [alae] n a trp mistti, pl two dirtlwith t amicegno ho o commonals d hp ense
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eyre taut america' childr will sp. ppus >> they wa o kids lrn the cribchvents of era'histor s instituonanitheroes ho: in recentallup ll lel of 52 amicans idhear exemy pro tbe pt of th cnt. at lows wn fm a hi o %ft the terroristttks 21.mb 1h, thpeak wn00 yan see now 52% arins say they a erelyro tbe eran thateclines ing leby unadults in partular. e mbf unadtsho say eyrextme proud to arins has falleny6
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rcta pnt sce 23. coar to thnuer of ppl wh arelder than 65hoay ey areroud to be ameca. atumr s clinednlby pcentage points youan see theecnehe being led yngdus rmofheumr ppl wh sayhearexemy prou toe ericans. do tt mn at ourchls ould be teachi priism? l's brinin reporr om the military tesanew tillmans joining n oth phe ne go mni. dr, e u er gues yes, odorng ho: tl us abouthadold trump has said aut teachg patrioti in public schls wh was h msa tth americ lion? gut: i hadn't heard h talk outh bor clrly, hwataetg this rticul aience to some gr. or himspoke with what
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und ke ltle bit of ecicy in terms o ecifically teachg amerin ilen abouthenstituons - d generall coeyg a sense of priis othin tt hwatohi anssue tt s boma tt b moreonoversi, rtully in nsvave circleshese ds. isdea thatomow toriculumshlde alter dopl native pects of amic hto, d ome re posivon. host: wt le doethe fera gornnt hav i any, in suesting or tledn e cap of criluthat schoo shlde teacng tdionallyt
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had almost ne. is myndstandi tt e lawshat createthdertnt ecation bacin 1979 spifally said athe pame oedatn woul provid spo and fdi and trni but n gng to get inlv ith magen o cuicumnd pceres an ogmsn e public schools. now,heurrentomn re rrul ds yo t me stanrd in setti snddsthe do haveomtes atsk queson atanfft e y that teacrs tea. but, t law iprtyxpci that the federalovernmt s t d cannot and shoulno b ndg wn spefi guideline fo schoocurricum host:s therany sense thatf
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patrioti were bome a gg pt o crilu wh tt would lo le? w ulweegin tteh trioti? reay od a question. that is the undeyi qstion. i think many peoe ul disagr autharesely at means to teach trtism. tnkhaha been some ntveieover tp.s historcls that is ught t senior thereyf lahoma, s scussi abouthiathe statehouse. chl ard aig elti ithdenverre abt is. bacay, what e critics say is that erisoouc emphasis o t sveolngf the unng fathe, d t eaenofhe native amics by t conialis. maybe, how t ciligs movents ptred ihior bos. those arrely t pce
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where ople rlly disagree about where you crosshe le fr histoca accuracto gavi opaiosm host:o u veny sen o hothis iueigesaton the mpgnra? don' rlly. i lie this is t first time --t s e first ti i heard hispk abouth. i did little biofesrc ancod't nd himpeing abt this fore. it ll'kn h sote i got some feedbacfr the story wre atompele out isas great ide i spe, like many thgs he s enayg,t ll soteithico groupf ppte a wl oblye offpting tthe peopleha don't ppt m. host: hisheengon rert atheilary tis, like it mh for ki time to jn ts morning. ouqution tyouhis
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mornin sulscolbe quedo ac patriism? th isothg atond umhameiod on t caai trail. hr more c fr ar's storin the litaryim. mela tt tp histo cosemphasis negave ascts ofuratn'histor whe itngr miniming potive aec. e ory goesn s tt blic schoo nationwere nd blol mmunits with metate money itehls rei del ndg,urntedal w ohitth fm excing a direconnd peisn or contr or e rriculumroam of stctn admistration or peonl a educaon initioscol or ho syem hehorn n t lis. u can calls d aryo thgh. moatat20 7-80, puics (202) 74800 aninpenden a(2) 748-8002
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ho stem,ou neeto ve sse of loing to urountry. ieaowlscawe tea our chdr? ouas an edutoow yoteh aten o trti? ll: we haveo bk to, me, theistory, for exame,n oo or we viinia, t hto othe ste. ifouav nothi ee fall h did itndut come a ste. ho wehe peoe iold? hodithey bome sonid that thewaedo ata? howaour ute state it?
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kw.a pbl, peoplerefrd,ou can't -- ca ht mee's fein. d't think a teach would hurtomn's elgsy yi ware unid ates o america. errd allight, stop is omtacallinonhe mocratic line. od morning. caller: hello. o. rpoe the queio eyhould te quin paiotism. thedha, rert from e miliryimes s- am yi weve some tugsere-
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the te sty the utestateseing taught thgood and the bad. ifoueeon the patriis pa you' lviutow we ead e erican indians. suchs w nyeoe ow ou whahappened i1890, lavese, or how e were tat i missiip. aut.what nds to sohey gea te story thuned states, not aked story. ho: a rhtth ibeard from uh the doctic li. l's rn now to lirnia, rois up rly ancainon the puic le. ller:isn,hen i grew up
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yo put your hand or ur hear we sawlag raisininhe rng. plee allegiance tth countr id l of thgshat inuded readi abouthe undingatrsnd all that so of thing. atast tieft wld r whe theroganda reasn all sid, i evy country in t wle world . erwapropagandabo why the wereig. the en h tir w, e ssiansadhe way. weerivg dedes beus othe thatf clr r. heouingtnk bk, fatherat theimof the fodi fatrshe were coni, 6 million ppl in the olofhenid at. todahe i32miioan weivin gbal soety. it is wholeiffere te look at the thg.
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the is no doubt m md at my mo ho hnau was nerrien abo proper bk thoseay istly eat hero. erarsoangood heroes in e ited state you veo udhiory. thhiory th write iea onofhe soo is totally different. icolelyrong. eyo't lk abo are jasoand his tra of tears takinghendns outf e flora d e lfies. er i -- the stheast. artyf ffent ises hiory isomex ho: a rhtthank y. rng o tfo lauderdale, flid crles is on the dendent line. go mning. ll:el. st hello. ller:ello, e you hearing ? stereoure on e r.
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ll: tnited at is us, alof us. i thin tt the pledgef algiancendheill of bts sulbe kwn evyone. ts.ul bableo y hi whod imat the slash arin. u' eher americ firstr some oth cnt tt u e oms ureritag we he o much hi rin-american, enis eranduh america w should elinahat. ho:hais chaes from flid ne uisoe frogrd ledg michig cli on the indendt ne go mni. n ucator tha ught gerenand soal uds.
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thoug tchg patrioti w cse to aching ci. i ullove to s howard n's "peoe 's histy of t uted at." brout toheurculum for e ghnow, the dangeus rt of patrti is naonism. priotism len to racm yr vw? caller: it teacheyotoe intolera oanhi else. atshat weave done. isrynhi u. this courys most a mythog its a myth. it could be put into t language arts depame. school, do u sohe pledge lliance? treny typof acknledgment othfl oa dailoregaras? ll:eah, r governor rick
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yd and republican congress pass tha it doe'chgenyin its stnoerhi that dso. dtrt en you talkbo patriotism anthe thgs, they live on t other si obeg rginalized from thsystem. i thinkhat is wheret a fae pretense. its fae ingauto ds. patriotism cmied tohat? ey sawhat happenedn 200 erwas thpatriotism than? host:ere is story out of llahassee, floda, i thout meant facoopoedy the ho's pledge of allean waiver is getting lot of attentio th cldlementary scho i taahassee.
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his niece cameomwi a pled oalgice optut iv fm. my niece brough this on from school today, what is happening to r uny? follod with another post plaining it as parof the student handbo a pen are reired tsign iand return it to confirm they recveit athi lie it i step in the progreiv political vent to destroy the edatn system. he lot of american values d aditions t tm be withering ay of the see the co notsfn s facebook ge. to alaskadia is calli othinpendent li. eyethat rig? ller:es. ho:hat is your thoughth rng? ll: ain my 70's. i s rn and raised in alask
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i was shockeatouqution for the da wwen'hk tehi priism. i ewp tht. .ou relyeaed it you had ecar on eli who said you startn e me. when you gto theourth of ju parade, you p your hand erhe hea when the ag sses. yota authings on meri d and veterans day. you pticipate in the in. yowere taught in school e sty and the founng fatrs you go up learni me and more. th iornce ofhe values and iqness ofmerica and its lues andtandards. americanxceptionalm n meant to say we are bett tn anyone ee e worl ats t at exceptionalism an -- waysheay before
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we we founded, and thealys we have ournie a exemplary. that is why people flo t america. aui ade, becausi ew up in aska, hvi iolved thheilary up here, we had to put t perveur nds or tn all the gh off ri raids. there were timeshen wead hat art which meant enemy anes we erad i ewp with a real ns about w. people may ha dked beatthr sks but it s't ite the same as really fein andelving a kninth a bomcould trump onou ho: tt may ask you is
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eson, is teaching hiory engho ach patriotism to r stunt is that suffient tensure that students who learn to becomeatriot arins? it sttsn e me. if you aren immigranor s from different ciy,opul you he me here with anppciation of some kind on some of of america for e opportunitieyo he the eerience yo'reoi to havotr thin y will arwhile u're here. you learn someinabt e alues that u are joying here th y m not eny meace else. ithould srt in the home. ithould continue in the schos. you shlde taught awens. u shoulde taught tlo f it. wh y see all the flagso home had ave fl-wing.
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nt cleisicfrom portland,regon on the democricine. good mni. ll: goomoing, i'm callg is the son of someone who worked on the naon edationssociation for ove 30ears. wh indstd the edatn syst so far, beg raised on thotr def it ishat ecation isn't somethg u get to chang yod't get to determine whether onoot history doesn'reecgreat al maybee should teacht moreatriotism. me patrti is beg ed as brand word. it is either enjoyhi oge out. ad't necessari owe feeling towards thhiory of e unit stes which often tis ida, oo, d t
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n dl with clesa,her mo ming a thology of erhing is great. 's in that t campaign th e moving goalpostsowoe back farth a farth and rther into a diffent rriv iv credit to rtn op would so le meeoe teseainghaevolution n't real in tebos. at what points to we say that probably not t bt y be educatg rid hostrickfrren,hang s outs dave, from pennsylvanias our nextalr t independent li. dave, the ure, go mornin caer: i h the fortunef owing up in a houhold wre adas a world war ian korean waretan these to sw e tial th o tv -- i don't ar you yme. st: youre on the air ahd. ll: he ulstand up in our lingooand puhis hand on hi hea.
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i w atxamples a cld ii't ednybody pushing it fci ione. i unrsnd the val. i am a veteran. i t tk some dsnd terans day abo wt means baeteran e the interesti thi you loacaty esentation and talked about blue arnd goldstararts. eoltarecame a siifant thing after one of e conventions. thinlting of a gdta faly. i reiz tt steople at atoi did not know what ldtapants wer obl star. i was glad that hoolistrict ife thepptunity to come in on veterans day and arthat for t ks that you havtoea ibu ju srehat i did as a ten. the didervingn liry, why th i important
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and how it helps us have gd way of le. two other things, the acal scho stem whe mkids g to high school, the american leon wrehey wee eangi am also aember. theater program call boys and girlda igchle the hig school won't share that formation withheids or encourage th tgo you are not forcing her lu or way of okg his, is an excellent program by the amican legion that tch ki how our fm gernment isupseto work througa weekng summer sin at a college mpus beforthr seni year. st: l's hear n fm stanleyn harl, georgia on thdemocratic line. caller good morning. i a scicay eaking of
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e aic-arican hyenio i think it waecauseflack were partila w 3/of cizen a y could't te hocould you not -hocould u feeloure a chew american? we - true american? n are ourselves as at but we were putn at position becsee reot fullamics. we had t say sethingls we t the positn be somethi ee. ats how thatamabt. as f apaiotisms ncerne i remembegoing vinam ancomingack. hild couldn't eventtd
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some of the sools because they retill sreted. host:llight, stanley,ro gegia. re's coent from twitt. teach cicsndeally history std d priotism should followatal. we a tinyo calls and oughts this morng on whethe or notchools should requir toea patriotism. ne uisohn from alquerqu new mexico go moing. ll: goomoin host: what are yohoht caller: we, my tug this morning -- am not t stngt eranhat there . i v't been able to obtain dent job. i drive fo uber d lyft, a ha a college degree. i c'find abody to even teiew me about ln feme a job wi a pcheck at 5 years d. getoheta of askingor joanthey s well, it is
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tradcommission. sh uand se se solar stemsnd we llay you in e customer pays us. that is not a job. i i am as priic as anybody. was rsesanghelee aegncevy rning. were all on the meea we'rellryg reach the me e, keare o mies feed oursees. shs whathelee ou itay to a trl a othe sa tm,heampa. o c leave yut. en thoh,t yearsld feel very ftut wlde e first persono y is is a crpy cnt, e althy peoplgethrs they pullethlaerp the atc. no one else aoprtit i a white man. i'teinyou, this cntry sus. st that jt e fromew
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c h a story ouing meac fm e pledge oalgice it was publiedorhe fir ti oo temper 18 1892 and s plied -- on stember 18th 12 cebte the 400 nirsy of t discoryf era. 54 prede dwighd. senhow aedhahehre undeonbedd tthe plge there was a chaenge to th cotitutionaly of t pdg itueiowhher the phse under god sulcoinue to be us
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is fm rth cali is our ne cler onhe indendent line. gohead. do t inyoan acpaiosmut i tnk eris aroemroth hiorthat is being ug i ouchls our chdren'schooloo are wrten by lira academiwh want to diort amic sty. foxampleth call riopr lumbus aurre geci askedalsos of propagda thath p iou childr's heads. they dnotalk abouthe diseeshat were bug from rope into americth kille thamic iia. th dnotalk abo t realy t pdgof lean bngrieny ciis. tho not talk about t american slavewns at were black. .h do notalk about reali eyalk about erhi ia white m's probl, theic
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ho erydyow i dnot think atroper histy beingaut in t scolho: tt cistie om nor carolina. illingn,he n on t doct ne you for hosting this proamnd would likto anc-anor putting it on and althmeanwomen bind thsceneshat weo not see that bring uthis great ogram, it is a bssg r the natio ho clas nor beui aatriotnd a prd him. oine9000t and childr wh lea th mesim a great patot. am going tootfodold trp ii'gog tl you ghno esther tru, that -- mr tmpthat priis we is keve i-- le
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love it or leave it. u veotoct lika ma bein th wlde good srt in isoury. ect t nt ller i fromarn,outh carolina on thindependenmi. tt peoewlday wavinghelaanshowinhow prd u e arica, that n rlatotm. it itoovand defendour countrev though youight digr wh her peoe. being ableike critizeou patri -- your country ipatriotism ceain pic dnghings at e t ght, bng ablto itize, a c inot ju meroone group ppl who isei ctized.
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erarthe peopl t oer pele, eyavgoto be le also ae t come e wronfowh wrongs. ho:s it possie tch th in public schools? priotisi think startst ur hse. th startatouou. blvefourynd bei torici yr untry en idog ong and lo i when idoes rht .ost:rifrom south carolina weavso iormation fm e aclun udt'igs the plgeflliae. n eye made toece e edge of aegiance? e a.c. says no, e pre ptes has redha it 'rit to y n
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say something. publiscolyouad fuse tpaicipate in the ed oallegicendhoe to remain qutl sted a stead- stead. u not have the ght to srupt the ocdis. bre om bfa, w rkn the puic le. odorng ll: gd mni. myomnts tt eyhod ach paiosmn the public school. weeed toavanppciion for thbi o rhtth gis o fed. the e my uniearnd the rlth he moacy bu yeto t ve the bilf righ tt lo tm the eem sec, eem thprs,ndther tngs. thats oni. alngromler thdecric line, jane is
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llg from riv ee,ew rsey. ll:oomornin my thohts thatatotm caote tght. beevit is mp tri th you he youroury wever,n the her hand i inhat empathcabe ug. simplyalng a mile seo y ask anif childr csttl h would u feel if thisapneo you, you would bsurid at so oth awe. i belveheouinfaer we aunch o bules sll he problewith buying in our school ery stutn,onestc th h sves building our cotr they klethnave amecans linger we are tght th w iou be, bngout thbe in
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us nning rsev srtg warserribl ho: isodsike yoelve thcurricum andhe way tha we tea u. sty ou be changed. caller y, do. thk tranarcys evytng thtrh is everything. womedino he -won ve ssigs anlaves ri thti oou fouin it is st ridiculous. st: je omiver ee,ew jeey. i wanto bring in f oer headlines. thwainon post has ato abt e w i cuntth we readn iday rat toillarylio's ivate maerver. ay former crarof statclintoand hestaffers us an informal and sometimes
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pharsyem f ehain inrmioanwe unawa o unncneofheta dertnt pic ewcumentsevled tails abouhe-ml t and shedhainstats unmuip attems by ckers aess clt's st. emrac esential ndatsa s med it -- edt as a matter nviee l e was secretary ofta. long ierew ds ntn n major revatnsutheoffer esdeilth cnton' clinic oppontsile- ining ikae wlis, staff iter at th hill nepaper. guest:ood moing. st:elus ltlbit mo abthawafod these docunt -- i thin think
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prab t most striking tng is t nbeof times tt mrs. innaid she cod t rellheirmsnces surrouinhese of e rv. its denofim touout th11ages of the summarof r intervi. she saishe could t meer being tined bth ste partment on hali classiednfmaon, shdi not recall reivg mas athod t ve bn on an nd she ste peedoto ow thai alpanttil theme wke athe top o t pagph anthinrmiobew was nsidered cssie this iimrtt because iis ndf theinchpiofan crinalases t f w gng to be ab to bud aiter investats had to prove tha sh wou -- sh intend miane foation. ho: ty decided t psu the imal crg.
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well they sond-gus at decision gut: ihink is imrtt to member thathe'a tf juy rcstantial detaiin ese pas t no rl mbshel. - we alreao kn from decr m's stonanorin sma ofhe iesgaon tt e sentnfmationhawa coidered cssified, including cuments th we mke clsied, through her sve peleiltake o othis wh tyan u llhi rubcans wl e is as muti as we teth ctil retch of thelection. th se his,er campaignsaying athese pages show why shehod not ve been crg. stavyou hed omond umyet? whataseehareon t thatt dataum h already
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respond d idhat th ft that sheasn chargdees beef h usethwords "t ay wi." you have bso o playing in t public perceptionhacltois unusory. he ioi tusth ihi at eve oorni that he ha s tiby wilam stf writer for t hl. ank yofojoins. e report is availlen sp's weitifouou like to re it fo youel that is thrert frothfbi shinso othe documents thatt rovered from hillary clt's maerr. gettimore mines your pne cal a tugs out whhescols should be qued to teachatotm. omainesville flori, debbie othdecr line. ll: gd rning, tha y fotakingy cl. doothi ishoulde
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taht. thk trioti isothg at you feel. iki o leesct is meinth you canno dendyoea it. imptahat we ach hiorbumo iornt thate acth pse. yocannot for pplo y pressed fd st gd. pele wanto eat fre fd cae tte gd ifouanpeopleoe patrtic th have bhost outhpren ene ntueo have twpay syst tt il u d we see our infrastruur crblg and r ansportion fain u, r al care st le ery other aand , has go world sile-payer healtca a w ha ts il hlth ca syem a aowing corpat lobbsts tounour presidtialampaignsndur nars and reprentatives,
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op iones th a nlongerepsein .s, onlyepse tons ifoueach that d have reform of our stean e t wae, fraudan ase, beus wereemrhaging. we a aowg emo b bld. sthaisebe om flid. llm om dixon, nnesseis next. od morning. caer:oomoin thank you. i do not thi priisshld tght. its most le a bng rc tbeev something that weo not expernce. ctrs almustikin . a tghthis ichool. what wneed tteh is te sty. thhistorth itahtn scolisotheru.
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it is dtoed we claimhachristher lumbus disvered ari alough some y we erickn was hereefore heas-ei erkson was here fo heas th neith o discored amicbecause the s op livingerwh ty meer ,eiishouldaveen ericks a cistopher columb wre theirst europesbuthe iev ooth eopnsere here long bore eitherne of em il the oan. weeed toea t truthnd tt a dtoed msa op have hg a paiosm host: that s lliam from teessee. r st calr will co fm yta beac florida, ca i on the indendentin caer tnkougoorng
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the on tng wtetoay is, stf the itis agnst patriosmasee cricm directedt vement, directedt history, reed at e y in a taught real tsehis n be changed. itasotngo do with trti per s pelean sti bpaioc d agasterinul ofaw t steinenal doothink iis wro t tehatotm. love oflike teamlove ochool, love of ty. wehod velliaeso me tngnd ones our uny. lkrod e world at hecountries,hear teible. cnt,rt
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reective of aturnt even a takinple gh no ourytoeatotic do n mn atoure acquiescintohe injusti. hosthat is carfr dto beh, floda atonud our fstegnt thisorng mi une wre goi t ta aut crime ith.san whher weelvelas that crimisising eru ames gwe wl wh u survey,rren an00,000 sdents re ysalunhed ding th 13/201scol yea weil tk aboucorporal pushment. wl rht back. ♪ ts boday, cpan
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coins r road to the it house coverage. moayfternoon at 2: we ar li a clevela wh presential cdidate hla cltoanvi psidentl ndidatsenator tikae th lay out tirla f t onomy. and enrear presidti canda and her vice presidentia candidate speak from the- bertarian rtyandatearjoson stops in d mneowa, -de moinesiowa agrdvw iversi. wor on-sn tha fus on thlatest nfti bk leaseshrgh th interviewan bk diussion throamarn in-dth li teeoulo at an th' look. it as the firssundayf every moh nn eastern.
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conversaonetenn thor anth interview w i either aoualt, plic pocy meror legislator and oftewith an opposing vwpoint . every saturdayt :0p.m. eastern we wl keoucross e country visitinbo festivals ereutrsal abt eiwos. netrk oy clivy devoted to noicon tell -- nfiction books. " contuejournal host joining us from new yor isme grart from the ren center of justice, reo lk out cmen the u.s. and separate fact and fiction. es goo morning. st c you srt by gings picref w mh im i happening in t u.s. d how thatomreto previous years
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guest: we are currtlathe bottom oa yr tndoward fe cie it is mo uarled the isry.ry's spe at you might hear about inr cities aoss th country, theecent ventas t ken asarrom the hioriclose. weid sdyasyear of 30 of the largestities and rat ofverall crime were mo change from e bottom low o 201301 we saw somineas in violent cre d mder, tt e maab tngs we looked at ere those changes re happening. almost hf t mde were in tee cities --almore, shington, d.c., a chicago. amerinsctllare safeut many americans n believe th ty e saf. the storin theuffington post
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recely found that cointo , stectolls americanincorrtly believe th crime is u if we are safewhdoe think cre is ring? guest: theerptn rs reity iseryntesting. it has not just pped tod, h bn ing on for dede people judge crime by athe see on the eveng newand that mit rarkable eves their neighborhood, and that cod contribute ta lief that crime is inup wh y dnot seso clearly t historical cte which is compad 2years ago, it is a completely differen country. in new york city where im da tre were more than 00 murders a year in 1990 a i was downo 352. ihard for those raw numbers to sink i host: thihaalso bn issue t campan trail.
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re's aampling of son o donald tmp- se dold tm's tweet lo how bad iis getting how mu more crime, how many re sotgs will itakfo african americs ve r um th know will stop the slaughter going on. wh dyou think guest: he is responding to something that is real, and tt isn 2016 ceaiciesaw marketncasin crimes. citiesike milukee or trump stoid e sheriff to talk .ut cmean baltimore hes reacting to somethinth isappening b t mista is generalizi fm ose spif experienceto a broad natna trend. ifouook at those cities a how crime hasreed, orders e wnn cities like baltimor mwaeeand st.
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louis it points t to me that when we ta about crimet is easy to be peraded by short-term ans, but its overreactiono y at though orte changesre a reversalf ngerre. to let ouvier and lieners ow that they can in the conversatiowith as grawert fm the renin centerf juic e mb f the democrats i (202) 748-8000 republica, 02) 748-80, d indepdes . 02) 7480 werelso readinyour tweet onir. we t, y e bottom of a 20eadeclinin im at has led to americans in safer? eshas a go question, and cdued study last ye called at caused the crime decline.
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wt facts might ha ctrut tthe lo-tm tndanonthg that really stks outs rger numberofole officers,ha arpolicing thniques. if you like osomeonwho theds out cme dy, is aitto cit -- it i data-driven policing. prrams like this have ma a americans remarkably safer we have se lg-rm chang in ireing bacncome, crsi per and unemoynt those havellontributed to ericans inoining a hher standard olingndt has out crime down in the press. ho: can you give me information h t da coected what idefineas a crime, soone who is arrte seone who is convict? guest:hat happens every yr
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is that eachitpolice depame cles daton crimesheha observean responded to. f fr a prosetor years soanelyoabt e dfence beeen an re, a crime, and a convti lice collect data oevy re tt leads to a crimil ar tt e to a conctn, whicgoes to th fbi. is the go sndd r crime dat ae e looking rwdo crimda for 2015 mi o in just a few weeks. it is a standardized measure of atities are experiencingn termof cri. lalho t year, poli departmtslsrert data to e bl oa somewhat llg basis. websi go to the nd where the trpocen d.c. u ll see a lk to tir f atheg reond a icompares with t hisri numbers.
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in new york gs ck t 10 so ishs you how ch crime ha changed since tn. it is a soriaid. itill sh you -its a soriea it will owoue e safer. host: kenne from richmondn the democrat lin caller: he a question and a comment. how can mr. doldru g aw wh inabt the cme and the uptic isn'th press supposed to press him? y he is alwed to flip-fl, because he is not a policn? a ip-floshould be fl-flop. ames? think mr. tru is probably rpointonecdotes th hse.
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iminiluk re last ar is upo us as researchers to do the hard rkf holdg m to tac and we have done a lot of work on that. he t t lot of reports recently showing that mr. tru's claims at the cveion th reverl cme is ing undone. that is not ue i think as he sees more stiscse llrobl changeisunand we will be rkg on that. st davfrom fort lfr, virgin othrepublicanin caerha y for c-sn. you guys a just wondful. d so, i have jusa eson for youruest i appreciate yr visi sir. i am jt wonring, cely hed wh the aenof concealecay permits that the
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oltris against indiduals had decreed someing like, it was aar sothing like 70% or 80%. i was wondering ifouig have aomnt on at. wloedt concle cay wsnd weapons lawas part of what caused the dein decline. we didotina lationship tween e owth of coead rry and a decrsen crime but th is a closely ug academic debate. yowi have people le jn lott saying h aolutely coribute i do nothi tt correct. r po stethe case tt our data arencclive but it definitely an area fo further reseah. om from sarasota, flora on the indepde le. caller: iust wa tsa that
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leso e e rd "remkable." like tusthat word as well. enlack pple, hpacs minority are killed,hais rerkable especiay the moms. so remarbl host:omwe heaoupoint. ames grawert? es we work hd--hd th gup of lice officers who beliehat the wo o bringing down crime cane done at t same me aenting reformthat me r cisan -- crimil juste system tthan that cut dn t tric shoin wha seen erheumr. notk its impornt to phraset as a conflict betwee police officeran commuties.
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pocefficers ancommunie ne to work tetr heal. some pole first theapd know tirfficerneed twork tt buiing trust in the communit a ty have had meucss. appreciate you briinup thatroem thireal concern and i its mething weeetoe reful t fmet as us veushe st en ough you say that imoverall in the nati's at near 20 ye lows, the rept at you put out fd violent imrose sghtly a01 and 15 up by 3.1%. cayotalk aut what is hind tt number and wth or not that isonrng? guest: any re vle cme dinely ccein umre 3 -3. reec is the nbeof
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violent im iso californiaities. it could be due cnges i the cities, changes ihothe uttiesept their da, ther way isothg rt of attti. violent crime also incde murd and our reporal showedhe was an increa in murder in some citie. iaid eaie that laely cfined tso cies th he eneared inhe wsectl itoeno reflectheatna trd and it does n rle the avagamican iinore danger than a couple yearsgo stour rertocuses on e .rgest citie y it fosed on trolanreas? es t shortnsr is data coecon andoc o cme criminal jusce are at e rcy of whada ipu out and how muchimwe havto collt e da.
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its si t cle t da from bigits cause my tm potubcly. fostisticsikcrying in ra are, oen havto rime in ral are, ofn veo wait for fbi pbayvetates any ans iniont crime and muer most cminal ste research s own cies are more daerous and have gh cme ras r 100,000 people tn rural eas. if you s a 3.1ncreasinig cities, mht n tnslate acro t brdn e untry. he wt d e r that nt calls om lowell, sshutt jonathan is onhe demrac line. caller: im jong thive mu. a yr stastics,e ve spt blis ilg out, tendin umpyment benefs,
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d we he g enormous u reatle oraveacrs that wcaot ctinue d beusthey wouldote conser staab. erileoustatisticsre accura f t lt quarr-nty, i dnohave a t cfince goingorrd that we caneptha peh outo thprons of co county jail, d know eris coelation beeebatimes d highri. thupper asses are n geing proseted, but thear ealingoaoa ofon as a rcta,ndt suaibl whe umanotrs hav poteit outyou cannotoo to theppitn rtfoa luon yoshld looat somofhe brazilianxperience or they vehr cop shootgsve tw day in theirig city, rio deaneirowhich is n en the biggest tyanthave a poli for- thk u ou read bk called
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olicinbeus wiece big issue oell istiluanfreebi run ou pelere going t bisd. ho:llig, ats jonaan fromaacses. es iis cre that e cotry isacg veryerious obmsside from just crime. its difficulto dw ain betweeho wprece me pes ofri than oer i rsal wldopth people suld bbrought to ste e matter what cme they comtt, t ia tougise, for sure. host: next call is om nnesota onheeplin line. te gd morng. heo. go ahead. call: jt want to knowhy 6%ver diussed tha 9
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ofifimcriminals thatre jl not kw thr abc' i ve been studying a tehingb's f aut 70 y fivehiren, ne anhiren, a two eagrdcldren. q'sy allre- ty have ov 1. imesifouay abc' four a y a bab byixons, eyilkn tir abc' ithe as grawert coeconeten education a crime? es thi is an ierti quti. if yook at theopulatn ameri'sai a psons, a disppoiote number tm e strugglg thsss ke bsncadctn d ntal heth ' not dngerwey them
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or bnnan cenr,e on somethi boncrime statisti a cme and polingwe woronnding ss caeration. belie tt weo inrcation air resor meeoe e serngrison ntces who could be bter handled in divergeroam so eyight bab to rerno a producveif op aossheolic sptr bievetrglth we neetoo a beer job lpg pplso tt when the lee is, they c find jondave a wer chancef committi oerris its iornt issue and one ofhehings ce ouat e brennan nt, too wisconsin is on thdecric lin gohe. ller: y, od mni. host: y are othe air. okwh they talkbo
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wch-sn lot. am very wise man. te y that. warelylessedita eami. i n' think nobody inhis cotry knows aut amecaik io cause have a great md d a great memy. ialys about t b tibuth nev s thgsbo pplkiin their olfaly ho: all rig, we hr ur int th mni. guest:e in uan important question. ourertarer thi yr owhatri ichagis signifancoributor to iminhenid stat. ' wki on a report later thisonanits no secret tonyeha cri ichag istill o oha. the estionfhys aough one, a we trtonsrtn
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e cong report t chago suriennt of li ga apeh vw monthgo owg tt % vti of shtis higo in e ar date backnay, 80% coecd t shootgsere onhigo's stragicubct lista stf op they know commit vle cme it is highlyorrelad to gain itayehacrimen g citiesike chagcod tied to a vemall number of didus. ats prle tbeur. t w iac t ara person on e street ats not ed up in the violence anher qstion. idenilyomething we arloing at ho: thereaslsa od inabt e media's re in thcovera of crime in amica. cayou ta about the responsibityheed h in rertg ese issues gut: sure. can glossve events like
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wh hped ialmo, but idaers. it ia ngous naate. y ask pole offics, some th wwork wh,hey wanted o do tse jobanwo in counieanbud os bos. ed nrave parate comniesf col agnspoceitisks jeoparzing that evenor eaaboutisri ineas of crimehenoin wasort ohaeng,veth n sue mht cat with trust nd te a msud ok what is happengn e uny d t turtowardha ge the bt adne j ionheeplican ne goodorning
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stanouefe at ceurcity is? gut:hiisot somhing am eiry familiarith. refersancar citie tommraon pic a tt n setng wk squaly . can tell u meinabt states in tse loinataltimo and miaue, cits reri rose dramacay st yr. it s o armelacss the uny. your todaycre in tse ti iexpect to fall. it i aimrtant estion, one th i hope our upcomg port wi awe h dable sht-rmres cme al a. if wee spike yr--yr, cawexpect tcoin? okg adata in baltimore so famight suggt no. i lie san ancisco is als a cy ataseecaed
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centur city- sanctuy ty saraiss e tyha haseen some incrsein im b ty e conste th yeator variion. st lisa from le i tas inpeenli. ller: goomoin ller: he heara t go points. give ats musto these ople aetr y of ling whethre caerated. ow, buthas gon i do see the miaoverage. fe tt enhey ha h a tm,ifre cor anras, tnkha ineas.
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wn e di i b do thinglikehath it kethituatiucwoe, and eyhodeinulhe venghe stoes wteectly that the publichould ke cnc toispel fr a cfrt t re probls o cmil steystem,atr tn rr aboutri resha a peaps iorrect seen tnge ve thla yr is tt theris a sialpptutyorea crimin justi ror eaiethis wk,au rn eeng h spo f crin justi ror there is aeetoefm e imalusce stem here a
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one ofheroemweoc o isve incarraon as cnt, have 5% oth wod' pulationit25% of its iser wlo anccetion trdsver thas25ea, h n contribut ta crsenri res 27tas veowedat a thamim weeea rdook atha sos punisenwese in the criminalusce ste, how we can be tt bdiert li cic, d w lice cabud tt ts th mmits. st o nt lls om cifni,lls puic le. go ahead. caeresgoodorning unlosi you meiod e fact thayo are a pseto. iou le no, what i heke,irnowhat we
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--t jt and w,here thpresidt now wl ek tealwi ppltoetut jail ear orimes at re hrific a tngs ofha nature sohado t arin peop ne t kw, omour pot ing a osut a sh? i personallyo n tnk som peleeetoe aiut eyrendf ur, ats atapnsf u sething wron ,ei ayouerecve unloand su, r, whais urakonha wh mhte inon so with oba a pplbeg idut -- ho: a rht
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am gwe? es o othresear projects 'reorkingn a poouileen the ll atilmeure how ma amicsrencarceratefo that plisatyean there is a rsotonccete peop, but therisn effect the thoughth y wl t commit arime f fr of going pso a tt deterrent vae esut at ceain pot. my cuen re, i' sken wi many retuing cize w have sreer -- rv time pso a se e anged mommialyyhe experien a lrn areat de a cnot ear to rebui thrifnduraw from activiti ty d the pt. t count, nd to ge op t oion to rebld eiriv
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th meanse needo me lling to eenthhand o clen. othote at my repitsreotiont imalthere op that mmte a jug cmehaface harsh sentce do to me ntci ls atave been siemeed. th a not pubc safety res. theyreeoehoavlene thr lessoanne tbe ven a chan tstt er thhaoro gu o w edto be behi bs andho can be leba o into communitieis a tough choic the president is rhto evaluate them ce bca. wldikto see sghy icr cefhe riews o pele whoig der coutation. ho: cl om jackson, florid othdecraticine. go ahe. call: good morning. wod like to are the as for thelack-on-blk crimes. beevits because a , and we need
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toeto e rd-core proble the root of the pblem, of t black-on-black crime. people are just trying so many times to live and being denied the opportunity to do so. they turn to crime, and when they turn to im they t invoedn e ug sne and wh they t voedn e ug sneth fm ggs wh ty fme thesean, theyavterritie ifne gg meout of the teitory to ath gg's teity,heittas aar d eyta kli o anhe ho:megrercan yotalk abt e lef ggsn commti vle cmein era? es sure. gd ealrak
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in inurasrertweood why cre y ve ireedn ti le ico a.c its aidt tt e ciesren adnetoth souc cie wh ve diict sty,acof pouny,eggaon reing igorodin chag iisaritie wre toava irhae at le. thk itr tt vey, unplme, lg-rmres li tt its do corite to crsi cme itig me oscies more frage srt-term chge that drive cme. for exame,ouig s a nginbetwe ral ge ti le chica. thinkf wcalift up people d lpix long-te pbls in inequit wwi s crime
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thqution the fact thate have a lot o dferentthc background crimes gogn,uc as riotsther than afcaamerican, whicisot on the ns. have ever c arican peop bng on the newsers othe corth have the same things going o, d atas t en b iue ho: a rht weeayo gut: h. sure, that is diicult eson. weefityeeediaovin stories liion ferso an inaltimo. ctalynow crime owno lo pele of erra a ery age mm crime weno t mia is ssing meart ofheews about im a lk the ones that drawhe best heain.
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age at we edoto ke crime anrinausce white rs blackss, ft .s rht issue nd make e iminal ste stem fre nex up from silr spri, ryndreblican ne go ahe. ll: hey, t fddie gray bwe the police anth neighbho, nhe guyho itfrdieean gr, he sd eddie ayas rashing aroun t sd meing inrein he said enhe reptewa tainto h, he sd did nospk the pole,ute oktohe homicidetti, ich waunny. athe is this ctu i thinrits, aculture.
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therarpeople in the ne cies- ey areotormal .eigorod erisinofn aggrsine bween the poli a t ridc er host:ou thoht guest: if we lookt e ta weanakupome ofhe nsn betenole d mmits. d chicago,he clearance rate fo homicides, e tet whi cresreolved by pice, i mu lerhan thnation ere. iarnd6%nd chigo the nioide averagisrod six 4 e -is around4% one ofy llgu wl analinclrae tepretty soon i do not know iisn inneciroblem. doothi iis bck probm or itprle
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is a obm atveryon acknowledges yowi see wl-intentioned lice doinghe bt fix itanyowill s cmuty leads yi tfiitas ll host: i want to a authi opd t whitoos itn eakeedy, a sing floathe myld public policinite,ho gu that filendri is on the sen jo cities. herites thatny clas that ime harin ncehe opponentsft rpo that theraron uicks i aew city t he ss tionwi da r the rssimohsf ery ye, and nn rarded , imfigurefor the first lf of 201wareport, owing siifanineases of fin cre teri. theutr goes otoayha thr n alisf large ciesinds ari irain overall and irees are sprd evly across r cntry.
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what do you think abo this aliswhh seem tha a ffencoluonhan your own? gut: ihulewh you said his name, because is a visitingellow t american enterpri institute, ielve, ane do aotforwi them. i mese klyarer thi we and whington, d. he a igr oonof the stmpta pnt ithe fid,hi itondass incarcation. when it comes cme, we visl look the numbers dierently. hirert of shn sing crime and risi mdeanso ousnow itr whhethe tnd are durle d whether ty gnal a reversalf 25-year trend was fer cities isothg we e l moniri. think fusorn ttg e data inonxtanth i amicbeg feth iever haee t fm masonoh,
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the ne calleon t decraticin go mning. ll: goo morni. i apecte y takinmy cl th aience shou b aware th itakes a guto stoa gun. op d'reizthat t pocearry gs. ty lod reonaled carr, pelereacrod iwod sp cry, a lot ofrimes. most criminals a car. host ames awt? es ihi t re guns d imisn intesting quti spt suern nd aut decader ago. emembewh the lonn poli aumedha peoe ul nobe up sp cris cae ey do not veuns. acal s a mgi a
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ogss in ndon, d e li we leo tir bs its t cle tmehat mo guns mn less crime. it ia ffulquesti tt depes a loonheulref e cnt, of cie at tnk it setng at desvemoxpration. its notle tmehamo nseath. st:rein georgia, republanine. ll: gd rng. mes,stnorr. wod't be mo pfibl look a morpantal type teaing ,h aea he lo d t s aotf cme increa bau of per a, you know, l oti. host a you aui tt
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hoscolg ght he ruc cre ari? ,utay n aui thscolne tle me wards teainkids when they owp w betr res d stayoghenosting inedittis,uto lea mo tar t fhean moer ho:llig. t'he fm otheralr d getomthgh froou gut. ca othe reblanine is next. caerctll iishe moat le. ats l ghthgh i am pttmaathe moat ho: may y sulha calledn t iepdent ne caerhais rig. yocaototin the pma ifou a an indepeen
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becausofhe rgesyem. so aa gistered doct. anayno secret that le nds dohe dev' work. as wspk re, w're droin soore d lf1 billn some dd ete cnt. congreas not appveth prident inwhev his in we have thon. comniolgeor liry 17ea o, athod a ve dso't owhato dor they graathi sooango rahto mmity colleg fore--e veheon. will not rse tes its ll aocinth moy rrectl th tm a to couny coeg a tex othe mita. th ty llavandefo a reer. ctllage one imrtant in and that is
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at the amounof moneye ve in our imalusce sts,heilonofolrs ako n amera's pronndai,s obly investment th sulbe look amore cse. we have t enny strg rrelatnin 10 bwe inrcatn d crsed cres statesave decread bh,o may wl te tte n d overrelnce on pronan i heard th moneyepe o pronand jails to uciol pgrs a t juiceiesen a t prra tt pand opptuty stop imbere it starts. ho: te r one na cl. tae omaranonhe puican lin caer gd rning. anyoorakg my call. waedo ke aomnt weave to stop thyc o silearenting if we'reoing
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to do ytngitthits. i undstdt. i s prucof sgle pantndowou neeto pp resnd hseldo ac thki a hp rse the ki. is alback the pen. fe op tt he fferenkids in five dfent res has o d. stoufil outs gut:e in up an testg poi. i thinkf kw,fe or i nye clday who a shadow odot wt us crime,e ulalha nel iz. o reah,e un tt crseecom oortunity, so hing to do th familie does ctribute to cme buit is colesoal enen, d are glato eha for my tin amera,hireina ry feoury rothegrer
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brennaenr r ste, anyofor joinushi moin guest: iwas a pleare. cporal nime inchls is sllappeni. coin ta w rv, or 0,0 ds i21 stewe suecd to i we wilta to sarah ar a riswaon of uciowe r at they fod tir research. that is coming une. >> ts bodaween americ hto ton cpan3 has thredays ofure ogrammg. toghon ltures hto, a berield cle pfeor ar h psol fil hiory autheatna farmwoerasciio chavezs absent wasbsuty blowinghiup
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e ventf rmrksas ddenlyecingnged in ghngorag a wki conditnsutlsmoling rolicns. inow some oyomeiod isonf eesfrnds of ithkeedyily falystting wh hnnd enobert d eichdr. 60aevin a unmecan aif aifacts we visit the national cuty archives at or whito unerty -- on eran arfactsweis t natiol cutyrcves at geoe shgt uveit >>e pick uth bgh young liisonesans sponsor, donald rumsfeld. rumsld is a stemt the flooof theou a 16 a et gdxplanaonf why e ll bece re mory ll in myv
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differenieces of o les commeralinstal persal dicare, soalecurit s rt nd theig tgethose cos t t ancies to be abltophold r n. ou sndd ling, lerty, eem. orng at 11:00 stern, t national park rve rkg its 0t anvearat arlgt hse, thrort lee morl. wepo wh e form nps reornd a fme elyo w wl ere a yr-ng statn t msi, avquters, d ous. wwe ftunate thawe reblto really il our specif ndsor a kdsf in, r the meu oec, e tereti, a t phic fesndonruio th ndeto hpen tthe budis and t htoric grous d garde, and we we leo present at $12. mli wenerouy nad for thato pp.
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>>or cple helego c-spaor. "washinonournal coins. a n arest sah ar, aisntdir ecaoneek, a chsthe sns, sditor ojt ianduti wk. th a he tk out corpor pisen andubc schos. ank yo for beiere. sah spar, can you summarize wh you all fndn your recentesearch onhiissue educatn ek we fod rpal nime w a lot me event, even in 26,hawe out eviously. the mo recent feral da showthat me tn 100,0 stents were snk, ddled, herwisphicly dciin , d atasn 21 stes. ho: h ds at dfefrom thnuer o sdes onuer
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states weavse ithe pa? guest:t isn the cle d a pretty strg decne ban 200e woulsemo th 3,0tuntbeing sclined in tt w. soven isteshastl lo i iis shrinng oueltoer,an us ltlitboowou l cduedhirear, w you fi corpol punishment? gut: 'reoong at feradabase colleed b th offe for virits pa of thu. darenof ucio a dwing oth b federa database ahich h been gng on r whe. onf the ce this outh reurs that h eand d fferent kis o inrmion isei expand, we ud e most rectat
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available, the0120 soo ye. lk t numbe of studen rorng to ve ceed corra pishment. ats y rtf e phic dciine, snkg, ddlingcaning f a discipnary cte i soo. lk the da ro t cotr threlts ar really siking. itaseeon dli ithe past 1yes s thindeef corporal nishmeasecnebybo twthds eno, a f my op i this cnt, iss an out of sight,ut ofinissue. so pplwill bsurprid at .t still hapnsn state as matteof ste law or at pic stearal ov t brd 15tas locooral pushnt. is peminute per seven stateso t y e y anothe sits aow.
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for thmajori ostatesth prohib cpoteunhmt. sot is n eryerin t cotry. in1 at, happe. therelee ri tremendously, forore than hf e hools dtuntto very al fctns the stes wreheos stents a affected tendo inheeepouth,eay nning omrinahrough xathugthde southnd thearinas ats nd of wherth cor ofhihaenanwhe h been t mt event in the st. ho:e e owg apf whicsteso locoor nime steshaallow an ur re iyeow withinactate the ds allo ow do upunhmt, derme icscolysms ghusth dcipliny th? gues iraesily om
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stattota. nytasll tir schl stcttoece. rxampleissspimo th hf chools do e . but e dfenc ihow th levs ewhat gre paddd snk ione wa ho my meth cit hoser ssi, l ardiffert omchl dirict to schoolisic ste--state host: a treny bes prtis e gutis ou coor pisen gut: o of thcoerning in wha fnd about rpalunhmt tre i viuay raining, vy ttleuincve ltl cotali f ts actice .
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memethe pelehate okto sd athelene hotoo iitr cause ey re paded as kidsheels pdess,e r acr do that. wdinofind any aua training. n uriersanoi e nvsaonitsah ar a ciswaonf ucioweek. y spo cpol punime, you n ll 2-8-00 ifouppe rpal niment, call 202-74800 nnheinreininng uresrcwath treas mevinc o ria diary acrdg t sryou ot bh itanla stents, reiky e students of oth rac tt tend achl atlls
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ob pisen tla udentsreisoptiaty ke txpiee phyca discipne ris quan'nd-ri swso c y tk ou th? es when u ok withith 21 stas eritccs,t no erywheritn os at. echlshe corpol niment tdso sed, eyend toavhigher rctas wtend rin-erantunt eyanav hhelel portancan be locatedn raenronments a tneto sll. me ke tbeur counies inma tns th sde dogphs e itstki tthtwroups xpseorrao pushntrefranmeca anwhe students. wiinhe soo, u ve ryntesng ovean unrrrent gups reti toho soo. rin-erantudent a
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hily overrrenteditn hools. eyre morlilyo be in hos that havcoor nime. iheppitfowhes whesreess lilyo cee rpalunhmt the hos. nosuring ybody o inbour ertys cpol nime a w receis , bu me sdents e onth most hhl oveepreseed grps. learovreeste females ar uerprend repits. its al aifre sry yo lelooofei eos t envirme tt es rpalunhmt pends on yo pover lel socioenoc and ci bagrnds, a wth y yoseill exricet
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al very muchietoho faor ho: sah srk y meiod tt eriso guele bt practicefo coor pisen whats e range ofunhments thatouresrcand reportg covered? esel iis vy bjtian. rpalunhmtadee us f eryinrom tain inla, inartuing yo hewk inat uto reeve inikulin orightininheal anweou iacsshe ar hath lk a adnirarsay they ar trngo do thtwh en op w a against cpol nimentayhe soo a usg ors a alrnivtousnsn, it lletheidn,ivth a uple of lis,enth ba to css.
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anits seens a w o keinki iinndn class. bu thean odiipline ay ts pldo e as ashechl stcts th u it ho: l's turn tthphe ne mico,fm buere, isalng iopsition o corpor pisen wh iyo tug? ll: gd rng, andhank u r is dcuio ha aayonrewhy adtspe smu time inkingbo h to de with rporalunhmtnsadf beincrti wh r chilen whc't come wh adult th tnkbout ws hp inru ahi wn ey have do setngro, th th to pisenfowh ty haveone wrg? host l'he fm e re
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caer a tn rno r est. jo fm tneees llg suppo of corporal pushment. ut i yesi ppt , calsppcie go dete it iprobab gd ta rtngemae t thd-ader frth-gre. tnks r hen, i thteheor pncal whveis ginpushnto the d the spanking, tnk u ve to lithe numr li tee. anit depends on e acr inpathat ds . if they ha aeah obm dibityf someort, ty ou n bivghe anking th cld ms and hit e chilin the back or erm and usa dabit a p t
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scol in basiatn. im tulyaking re ass topseorra nime. n e ainingifhe isotortrning tnha the ou dinitel bat least anour orwoou o trni. d w aeaeranth hainerce traina t. reomneanivtw hosrainon h tcouct th. t le sa, tethag of frtgrei dnose coor pisendog any od host: allig. saraspks ese founcoor pushnt throughveryra, ominrgtealthwaup throh gh schoo so there w n a lim i wt es receid a wchne
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di not. that we do have aut 50 ars ofesrc n tt showst not ascied with t ocomes atduto gerlyant it bascied wh. the was rely b sdy that jt me outhiye fr t uveity of tas at fndt associate wh gher drees oonte afan, grsi, ment hethsss,owdutial tcesorhese studes. andthrearerarno raomly aigng ks b paleorot pdl, b ty e le tdoomvery son comparonros me re thesar vy mir sdes d ok at eiouom or time. d aoss donsf studies, ey areotindingood ouom. es t pk othat,
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haeninllraevs and sts uay. ou% 6oftuntn thelementary, mileand hi scol levels receive corra pushntn schos atse tit so it i vy dere. aboup othpoint vi me eaveetdso ape sten behioi tnk e t iortant ws to thk out coor pisen and what 'reinng he i thcoexofhearr scsis ouchl scipline me gerlyth thg viewers e pbably rried abouis zer terce discipne pics, vy stri follongf res tt ulinudsuenons an expulsnsor dciiny frti. e ncn tn t lyur udtsecvi aor o sclinehamanobe feiviner oadesng , ao mos
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them frothrelalearni coex sooure outf sool a n learni, u e a detenon om it is a dole rey -- it ia ub wmm part othe raone for orporapushntsou n get deitany stunt n t cko the asoom anke on learng. ats e of t p/cs er in the past fe yrsthe is mu me preven of otr posivei bevioral arohes that t toddss theehio and vy ch kpi i md t epg studtsrothleni coex y tk out potive behavior interventions? gut: i caniva ea examplof this. restate justice iwhen t sten i rheth hin anbsac punisenfoa
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miehavio they tulyav to do sething that keit u tohe, presumably,ictims if th weakg a lot of ck i cla a ming it hardorthertunts toea , en themight itan ology tm or hp read with littlchdr, methin li that make ce home tm at they ha de. an pite bavr teenons and suor, pdif', icargeina t more pul right n, is a meth ogiving each sdent a pl f wt their discipline oue, trngo tcth doingoo and ao rt of rain udiipnes it goes. iftse oked at
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th h higher rates of cooral punishmt ri the apt pfey h number of oer sciplinary praic bau they we lileoncerned abt wfthacorpor pushnt was bei used. itasutheir use o corporal pushntore thanoufold. so tsan you goo alternave when they' are intertein loweringheate oforral pushment. d when they st sit down d have dcuion abt it. louisianas i calling in suppo of glal nishme. caller: y, i am yrs old now, and i pn4 ars in e blchlss aeaer nd science from four
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grade tou 1h grade. bib, which a lot pelehink that all ligiou books c compa with our bie, buthe bib ss ll es should ts is - foolishn is bound ithheart of the chd, but theight of coection shallrive ifa fr tm. anwe do out of le. know when eyakur boards ayrous, i had been aching for abo 12 years, and yodinot haveroblems. yota ce iright there in fro othe whole class, and sent right baown, and you went on wi your less. anyove, veryeldom d t wh, but when y d, you take care of him and did not put u wi all t stuffhey are puing up wit today. e biblal says at if you n' love him,ouilno ip h.
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froishaes losiana. this sto i abc news. in some u. schools, resian to endingorporal punishment. inomples, this i an entrened part of the scliry system. es iis a it habeen ud for arshaesenon. it is ki othe w ty d business and it is also practice that kd of culrally entrench inerin par oheenry, so me thanths re these arpuic soo. its intestingohink, kind ofiven thealr's exrience,or change. nos e ffencross ffenregions of the uny, and they chang ove ti. take any nber ofsss that
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e t o ntroversial now, but yearsgosome may he en virtuly unspeakle i tnkorra pisen may be ltle like tt. d tnk people are surpse it sll hapns in schools a all, given their own expernc and there lle oers that ndf thinits perfectl fine. publilemeio t aspectf obal punhmt. pliinapn somelas d ively and otrituations areheay iss mistednd regulateisllvethple. think it is gd to remind ouelves justhathoverall senten in the uny aboutorrapunishnt whetheatchoolsr mies its not e mes as0 or0 ars ag
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d y have beea ffent experience forhild to have be punisd in soowh i was kid, en charles w tehing. buit is a ve dfent .xrice pottily today d not do bl oni poing about is, but weo okt at isrein it is chesacptable in e ew of e publi, whether is fali spanking eir childr or teachers d oer educationapresons admistin corpol nime. inoascctae as it us t b xpieeectinth a stent tas d en i haen it wl n aecso greatly. foso sdes, it wl very dagg r them somethg thats autifor th. pa o tt the potential shamg aspect oit host: ausout on twier. therentsant uch each
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li augbutehers c beat tm. atinofor ithis? otr e aboutisple home. sun from nnessee is calng oosion of cpol pushnt caller gd mni. bk des o, d rth grade, fif gra, it was a pratechoolbufoso as, eyavee .sgnntoo 16 pag ocounm. anweidotavcomputers ckhen. ,eadoo t library serapodsf bks. mothethght itas dilous becau she thought i f communism bui deup onlgeing six pas, and atasot
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acceptable, so iashaed0 times wi aoa. swear,tarms me to this day. the was a wne. the assttriip was standing the. and i was gein the whacks, about e urth one, i stte to run down thchchisles. iny hea, kn iwa wrong. but ca bk andinhe when got home, the blood vessels in my rear enndac down mle wereron,ndy moangrdmother got tetr , d eyo t ve clue on wh t d stdoe ll the pole? no, we n'beusit is e pastor. but it hntse this day wod lovtoakth pso an bendimver thewan
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a his behind fetimes. host: sah sparks? guest:haisort ofoes to the inweound or at over agai the administrats at tke tohoseorralunhmt, eyeropatg in gd fait. ey thought,ike the edator we skeo befe,hath s oodiipnary practice d ulhe the kidgr u toe goodstngembersf ciy. iis a vy,er easy r th wrong dreof presse, th wrong ale, th u o sothg that is 20 ihe lg -alidwho is 60 pounds of tho tng c me mh moreikyhaa udt is
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gog bseouslynjured and atou be emotnay physal. d at we founs the situation your mher an grandmother were in athat time, th is still t siation da beusthe supremeou rin onorporal punishmenwan 77 a the crt rin since he ally n favor parentortuntve i some pttsereas of coor punhmt. gog to the spalbeg t soofoeeks, having seous iurs do not mean .'re likely to w i court tres not lot ofeg cose if somethingoes wrong. ,t as rtf ur research yopo wh a studennad
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9:00 am
inrvw educiowe d. sarah sparks, atapnein is stunt's gaas at washe conclusion queson atue: -- wh w t conclusion ndnoer sde were suingndnoertunt re sui at thsame time for a corpor the school had paddled ty severatimes t pt. he did not have a obm with . s mom,hetheyald, she id, go aheadndo , d send himactolass. th isothg we found i many, many lawsts wndent comeinnd they cominth eithe choose toe pdled, their parts d and for it, please
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geth bk to class. itoes not takeuch to have sothgo a lile wro, d somethingadan hapn t kid. he's rt of disconneedro school b aer that th cae headdling incide an the iurs teth, and the wst. scroly le entirely. he is now in colleg puring a nursing degr but ito him a while come bk being inveed i ecaon that is sothg at is a skhatan. guest: and is a really coelng story and i wld take age thvierto lo athe longer accnt in se stce i think iis e perfect utna tal
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th iatunthoad peendorral punishment fo a it ha not seemingly afct h very much proorraf t pushntort of gunte earlier. t oeran it do n ta much to go wng. th w ainance tt nt very muca ride inoonly physical ju of the you m, but heso his disengament of ho stem. its intesting. colef lors earli mentiod, if we suldo thi it shod administered very cafuy. pfession th tes going ting ry seriously.
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it iin a cnt that is ver risk-averse its testing to tnk about wh sools wld open themselvesp tt nd of risk in th d and a. one little tiny thg n on a icaseriously deaca rs's life and brg lot ofontroversy. host t nt caller is mille. od morng. ood moing. thk u r taki mca. wtelie some parts of both guestsre saying, it i cuural. i se ce from itaan mian. idwas a veryig issue. sichdren.
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fe was itied. where do y g wh ar of me, sool, crc fearg w fr, fear, in fif-gdendix-grade the ac childre-- fih-grad--the acr got upt with o othe chdren, he came om lgeamy o 11hiren. he needed a tt extra teio to thone point, if you do n stop ti u i wi sp e three of you back t nt boat to africa. we, by the time he g bk fromecs,chl s os, , allkettaed cae the teacher. she was single, she h n children, and s owto hav these obursts. it gs a oanon
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uc talkingbout tehers n having corol of th cssomit is more looking at wt the idce sayss e reffti w ofetngonolf t clsroom. thamostpoint states ithcountry don't .llow rpal pishmen nentesng point i no jt e pe of disciine requiredn hools, but how pantcaopt out if the d't aeeith it. wh a t optio f pen th y fnd isll oveth
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the e sometas at allow stents topt ou ths erth can be oveidn in effect. is diict to figurut how that wor. its iertithomments, it is very importa f all students to learn the e ffenways to mata that kind oorr and diipne. thquti inowhhe coor pisent is gooor d. its a largerueioabt at is rpal punisent met do. ift t pvi aood learning o o -enroen the edee thatugst
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rporal punhment n t watoo . erare otherisssnsha ne tbeooked at in oer contex. th a sial ste. stents a ppl teachs arpele hoth lrn andxpiee e rld ivery mh ot in soalndulral norms d .tctures en youooatherelee cpol punishmenover ti, i carly dlining tot ianffti way intainisple drder in thclassrm? thathaes over ti. ha iry muc efcte,iv h sdes are rseanhothtehe teach,nd wt experiences udts bngo e ho.
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thk ats how we have to lo at corpor pisen orin cta w n anmay haveord a diffenwa50ea a. i found tre wera lot conflts andtas, withi ataws. opalp, texaof aut nime. e chilprotecveerce anthfoerysm qued o t tes d has an annl itten statent to say tt ster ki were t bjecte t corpor pisenin schoo. e asinwa that itou dageheir ality toru adults. th cldavraa tir ckgrou aherefo wld traumaroneoga
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fromhi thatasnntesngut addiction th w fou ia t oftasecse polaons in higroverty hos. thsa challge that op itcod ke som reaudabl t penalat of effects >> "whito jonal" conties -pontl gaveffts ho:e's arrom an caininppitn o coor pisent. good mni. ll: gd rning. i'relyappy to ben the r. ank you foc-anespecially fo"whington jona e unmain theocenry
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e desechar he y c te t spke the sns oth bill, or even e entoc. oso're lookingorhe rrent ogramsndo't nt src t veoibry, t hopa has pgrams ady fo your iedte vieng c-anrgs a publicerce ofousalle cle ovider ifou a a-span tcr, che >> "shgt jrnal" continue ho: wco bk. a oning upheho lis yourhohtan coents for t rt of o sh ts morng. rerehe numrso al moat your mb i(2) 748-8001 reblan (2)4800. indendts, e ghfoyo is (20 745-82. werelsreinyour tet acan se us a sse a
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@can he are a feweadlineshi moin this jt pped one of the larst ethquakes inklomrale the mwe on saturdafr nraa texa the uned stas ologic mnitudeaid 5 eahqkeapned in rth-ceraoklaho, ua engy produngegion. aj damage wa iediately rert. dallasv station eed tt hook tir studiouss well. apolitical" there h bee anuncement aut the
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derato hdlinghe presidenal debe thi season. atill beester ld marthaadtzandersonoor, chris while isnd a lki .o -- elaine quijano they wl be mering the deteth fall, accdi t te commissn in charge o dete n to yo pne lls. weilhe firstrom job i ocnpt,ew jery the independenli. od morningo u. caer gd morng. hearque,out think that is terribl oklahoma does n usually see a t of sung ethak. jacob, whwa apparently2 arold. thank you for calli again.
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ne up idad lling on t decraticine. go ahead. call: good moing. 'mxcited i veeetrning for months. host: cohead wi your thoughts caller: iant to announce m suort for hillary cltoan r policies. i've been a supporterince bk inhe0's. beevshishene that can n e country properl wou like to make this announcent i would like a pitia to fos andn one of t mt serious probmse haven this rl now. it is im agriculture. it h bnno t cause extreme problems of climat change. ficausing all kinds productionsar as
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o2, runoffe, from theewer and tngli .hat i looked at th renreport legal riew.ord ital about the efftsf thwater sply. iteqre about 500gaon of fresh water tproduce one pound omeat. ho: we hear your oughts this moing. let's hear now from andrew was caing on the republican line. i was calling in regaing the child cpol punishntchls
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i cannot believe tt sll an issue theseays. i thought thatasying o, when i was aid ju tnkt is hrie. i want to also extenmy heart toeoplen oklahoma. mosprsi t ise now is global warming, alongithheilary. ithod t be a onon-one debate. it should always be 99 scientists versus one. we oy have one eth. at is really the crux of what we have to dend. ho: tt is arefrom north rona. front pages out om florida tod aer rrican hmi slamm into the gulfoa over the past en he four hou or so
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ays "tampasery" y times." emocrat," "bigee recover."forlo inthe citrus cnt chnie," yocan see some piur o the flooding ther at is a man pulling hiatr alg ystal veas they d to get medicine for their moth. again, they were damedyhe flooding, as you c s, on urcreen. wl turn nowack to the onlis. gregs callingrohusville,
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alamon the repubcan line. goodorng you are the a. about: a quick comme corporal punishmen i s years old and in e thlass as a kid and doing -- i had a good math teach, very good teacher -- metimes he write on mdesk. ner g pdl before. decidedhort, he that the writing on the desk was ading and he hit twice otop ofhe back of my legs. for aboua week aft tt,t o lkfcult the battleas actually 31
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inesong. that w me of an assault bn a paddling. i'm nosu ii'm totally opposed to corrapushnt bu'm1 ars old no and i'mti mad at tt acher. think it was aasult, not a ddng the teacher kes priden paddng its dilo. st: that isreat. you can lln d share yourhohtabt the su of the y a of the isese havealked about today. decrs,202) 748-8001 republan (202)4800.
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