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tv   911 15th Anniversary Events  CSPAN  September 11, 2016 8:40am-12:31pm EDT

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> honor guard.
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♪ oh say can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hail at the twilight's last gleaming stripes and bright stars
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night gh the perilous we watch m parts were so galantly streaming red glare ckets in air bs bursting f through the night ♪ that our flag was still there stars y does that wave d banner yet ♪ over the land of the free
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and the home of the ♪ brave. [applause]
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moment of silence.
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>> good morning. my dad worked in the north tower. remembering back to the horrible day 15 years ago has changed my life. i was ten years old. my brothers were eight, seven, and five. today i'm proud to be here to memorialize my father. this is the place that gives me a chance to think about beautiful memories, like christmas eve when dad took my brothers and i to work to give my mom a break. on 9/11, the nation came together. people really tried to help us.
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i spent endless summers at a camp for kids who lost family members on 9/11. the counsels helped us to laugh and have fun, to let us know we were not alone. this summer i had the privilege of working with kids who had their own horrific loss, kids from sandy hook. and this time i got to be the one to care for them when they needed it. these kids lifted me up and wanted to know i wanted to give back as much as i can. sometimes that bad things happen in our lives put us on the pantsdz to where we should -- path where we should be going. ps, i love you, dad. and now as we remember all those we loved and loss their families and friends will once again read each person's name.
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>> reading of names. eading of names.
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reading names.
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eading of names. we miss you, dad, we love you. jesse's graduating college this year. woo hoo! niko and his girlfriend are doing good. he should be doing good soon. jesse's doing good in baseball. we wish you were here to watch him, every day, and we know you're up there watching him. we wish you were here still taking us fishing all the time. love you, miss you, keep it good. mommy's doing great as well. >> and my father. go blue! [applause]
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reading names. reading names.
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reading names. my dad. will never ildren get a chance to meet. we love you, dad. [applause]
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reading names.
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eading of names. >> my uncle and god father. 15 years ago i was too young to walk or talk. however, today i stand proud now able to read the name of my hero. every day i try my very best to
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make you proud. i know you are always watching over me, until we meet again. >> as many referred to, i can't believe it's been 15 years. sometimes it feels like others an eternity. i'm really at a loss for words and people who know that mean that. since you died 15 years ago, there's been a void left in our family. no amount of time can heal. until we meet again one day. [applause]
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>> my husband. there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about you, talk about you, or laugh about you. you always had us laughing. rachel, jake, and sophie have grown to be amazing young adults. i know how proud you would be. we love you, miss you, and you will forever be in our hearts as well as the thousands of other hearts that you have touched. >> and my father who i know is always with me, glenn wall.
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[applause] reading of names.
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, i speakving husband for my entire family that we love you and miss you every day. , jim, we loveher you, we miss you, we thank you for all the great times we shared. you every we are proud of all you accomplished in your inspiration to all of us and always will be. we love you. applause] [reading names]
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[moment of silence] of names] >> and my uncle. we miss and love you so much. i know you are reaching over me. you will never be forgotten. i love you andr we miss you. i know you are watching over us.
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[applause] my husband, worked on the 103rd floor of the world trade center. time and a a long short time ago. lovedof us who have lost ones to violence form a kind of group.
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grief ande shock and anger that follows. it will not heal. to thatearned connection can also bring us comfort. my daughter and i are jewish and a few years ago, we went to speak to a muslim family in a month, jordan. for what they lost they -- their oldest son in a terrorist attack. as we all tightly held each other's hand, we knew we understood each other's loss. we -- the things we think
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separate us really don't. we are all part of this one earth in this vast universe. we are all ordinary and we are all special. we are all connected. time by precious thinking otherwise. my husband was an astrophysicist, and i used to call him my star polisher. this makes me think of him. somebody has to go polish the stars for the eagles and's , they saynd goals
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they want new ones we cannot afford. red and yourur polishing jars. somebody has to go polish the stars. [applause] [reading of names]
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and my husband just as john berry. i will always love you and miss you. children, you have eight youthful grandchildren, your family and mine and all your friends. we carry your heart in our hearts, joe.
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today my daughter brooke remember jackson, we and honor all those lost. we have missed you so much over these past 15 years. you were only 23 years old. you never got to meet your , but we tellusins you about how kind, compassionate and beautiful young woman that you were. i hope you know that you are always in our hearts and we will always love you. don't forget to take care of daddy. [applause] names]g of
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>> and my firefighter brother joseph patrick henry. generally, we love you. knowing you are up there protecting me and watching over gives our family strength every day. ,his past week we lost a friend
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and fdny brother jimmy dunn. it is comforting knowing when jimmy went home, joey was there and all of the fdny brothers were there to meet him. much and you will never be forgotten. , he loved the lord and the church. and he deeply loved his family. his beautiful spirit always reaches us. applause] [reading of names]
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and my father. dad, the whole family misses you. it has been 15 years. and year i apply to college i know i will make you proud. >> and my uncle, firefighter michael boyle. [applause] reading of names]
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and my uncle. you will forever be in our and my father, love you and miss you dad. applause] names]g of
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>> and my uncle.
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>> and my uncle. [reading of names]
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>> and my brothers. many who knew my brother called -- my mother calling joe hart, he became the heart of the family. even though it has been 15 years , the pain and loss have not diminished. much as aen us so brother, father, husband, nephew, uncle, cousin and friend. we are so happy and we had many
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good times with him and we will never forget his style, his trademark smile that will light up the night sky. .> and my brother whom we miss today as much as we did 15 years ago. life will never be the same without you. until we meet again i will carry you in my heart. [applause] names]g of
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>> and my uncle. we love and miss you every day wishes sure danielle that you would have been able to walk her down the aisle. >> and my husband. not a day goes by that we don't miss and love you. with youry goes on
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grandchildren, one of whom was born on your birthday. >> we will take you live to the pentagon. president obama laying out these. flight 77irlines striking the pentagon at 9:37 a.m.. live coverage from arlington, virginia. ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen please direct your attention to the flag on the pentagon building. the flag hangs today from sunrise to sunset in honor of patriot day and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon.
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ladies and gentlemen, the national anthem of the united states performed by the united brass army rask went -- quintet. ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the chief of chaplains margaret gibbons. >> would you pray with me. weighty and eternal god, atse the state in this state monuments and memorials around the country to remember husband's, wives, mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters, friends. to remember the warmth of the smiles, the touch of their hands, their last words, the
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gift of their lives. help us never forget. that has been your grace which has allowed us the time we were able to share which has enabled us to hold on to the fondness of memories and provides us moments like this to cherish forever. rememberto stay to those who first responded, the unsung heroes, civilian and military, emergency services, law enforcement. who fought valiantly that day to reserve the lives trapped within these walls and those who over the last 15 years have crossed the globe sacrifice their lives defending the freedom our enemies thought and still seek to destroy. the us never to forget examples of coverage and fortitude to his men and women demonstrated in the face of danger and hardship. nor to forget the ideas which defined our nation's which they
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died to defend and which are now the responsibility of every american citizen to a old. you notmember, we ask to forget us. allow your will to transform our memorial into a lasting commitment to those whom we have lost, to the nation that you have reserved and to a future defined by the values that we hold dear. it is in the strength of your name we pray. amen. ladies and gentlemen 15 years a.m., the pentagon was attacked. please joining us in observing a moment of silence to remember those who perished.
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>> the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general joe dunford. mr. president, secretary and mrs. carter, distinguished guest and most importantly to the family and run of those we lost on september 2001 and to those get it here and survived the morning.ood it has been said that the manner in which a nation or immunity cares for its fall and reflects the people's respect for their land and their loyalty to high ideals. we are here in that spirit, to honor those who lost her lives on 9/11, to maintain our commitment to never forget, and
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to demonstrate our loyalty to high ideals. whether they were ordinary citizens going about their daily lives, or those in uniform protecting our values, those we lost 15 years ago today were killed for what they believe, what they represented. over the years i have heard the attacks attack by some as senseless acts. it might have seemed senseless or those who have endured the loss of these house, father, mother, brother, sister, or friend. for the individuals who conducted these acts the loss of life was not senseless. 9/11errorist was struck on did so with a sense of purpose. they did so on a direct attack on our way of life and our values and as we recall the events that took lacey of 15 years ago, those still serving should ask for god's blessing on those who died, those who
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continue to suffer from injuries, and those who were left behind. we should also recall the we are and what we do and why we serve. soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard and civil servants serve because of their belief in america are we serve because of our belief in high ideals. we serve to protect our families , friends and fellow citizens. if today in the years ahead recalling the memories of 9/11 gives us the renewed commitment to our sense of values, if us,y's gathering reminds of then those who were taken from us who were taken and know their lives have meaning. and there will be pride in how we are carrying on their legacy. it is now my privilege to introduce someone who is that his life in service our secretary of defense the
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honorable ashton carter. [applause] >> today we return to the site of an attack motivated by barbarism and hate. an attack that rattled the world. that shook this mighty building, and that took 184 lives from us here at the pentagon, as well as thousands in new york and pennsylvania. president, chairman dunford, honored guests, family and lost, todayhose we we come together as we have every years has to go in one. we come together to remember those we lost that day and to stand again with their friends and families, to honor those and never forget.
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together to reflect on all we have done together to recover and rebuild, to respond and to retaliate. we come together to recommit to our hard but certain mission to protect our country and our people and to make a better world for our children. to all those here before us who lost loved ones 15 years ago, our hearts and deepest sorrows are with you. we know that we can never fully know what you feel on this day. know we fully know, what your loved ones sacrifice means to our department and to our country. and what you resolve means to all of us as we come to work each day to continue the mission your fallen loved ones summoned as we do your example makes us stronger.
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for that, we are grateful. we need that strength, and we have that resolve as we continue to confront and effete those conspired to attack us then and all who aspire to do so today. when someone strikes at the heart of what we stand for, we ofpond with the full might the finest fighting force the world has ever known. our memory is long and our reach and resolve are endless, our enemies cannot hide, they cannot escape, they cannot endure. wherever they are, they will surely, no matter how long it takes, come to feel the righteous fist of american might. september 11, 2001, america's finest men and women responded to the
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attacks and to defend what is best about america and civilization itself. our freedoms, our values and our care for life and our way of life to it is because of those americans, their service and accra five. the united states has hammered those who have attacked us with every measure of american power. networks, andist bringing osama bin laden to justice eternal. it is because of those americans that 15 years later as the threat of terrorism evolved, our fight continues. whether they still call from -- isilthemselves al qaeda or , nothing changes to terrorists are or what we will do to protect our country. for we possess limitless resolve wind of goodness that our backs.
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even as we confront the forces of darkness, the united states has continued to light the way towards a better future. weather and world wars are the long battle with terrorists, our men and women in uniform steadfast have provided the security and uphold the values that have allowed millions upon millions of people, not just in the u.s., but around the world, to be safe, to raise their children to dream their dreams, to live lives that are full. now,result decades from with visitors to this memorial was to remember the lives lost here on september 11, 2001, they will honor the men and women of the 9/11 generation and give thanks for all they accomplished . they will forever be the true reflection of who we are as a .ation and a military a powerful memorial to those we lost 15 years ago, and they
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charge to us at a time of great change and challenge that we must continue to meet. dedicated to more doing so then our commander and chief. president obama has taken each year of his residency, the time to remember 9/11, whether here, in new york or elsewhere, he has never missed a year, not one. he has also never forgotten that day or those we lost. i can tell you that nobody pays more care each and every time he sends men and women forth from this building into harms way. i can tell you he never relaxed in pursuit of those who threaten america. ladies and gentlemen, for those and many other reasons it is my great privilege to introduce the president of the united date,
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morocco -- united states barack obama. good morning. us let not still fast love and faithfulness for sake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. secretary carter, chairman dunford, outstanding members of our armed forces and most of all dayivors of that september and families of those we lost, it is a great honor once again to be with you on this day, count a day i know is still difficult but which reveals the
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love and faithfulness in your hearts and in the heart of our nation. we remember, and we will never forget, nearly 3000 beautiful lives taken from us so cruelly, including 184 men, women and children here. the youngest just three years old. thoseor the courage of who put themselves in harms way to save people they never knew. prayer, andher in in gratitude for the strength for the -- that has fortified us throughout the years. and we renew the love and the faith that binds us together as one american family. 15 years may seem like a long families whothe lost a piece of their heart that day, i imagine it can seem like
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just yesterday. perhaps it is the memory of our last kiss given to a spouse, or the last goodbye to a mother or brother.ister or we wonder how their lives might have unfolded, how their dreams might have taken shape. i am mindful that no words we offer or deeds we do can ever truly erase the pain of their absence. the survivors and families of 9/11, your steadfast love and faithfulness has been an inspiration to me and to our entire country. even as you mourn and you summoned the strength to carry -- in the names of those you lost, starting scholarships and volunteered in your communities.
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you have done your best to be a good neighbor and a good friend and a good citizen. in your grief and grace you have or might it us that together there is nothing we americans cannot overcome. the question before us is how do we preserve the legacy of those that we lost, how do we live up to their example, how do we keep the spirit alive in our own hearts? we have seen the answer in a generation of americans, our men and women in uniform, diplomats, intelligence, homeland security professionals, all who -- who have support to serve and who have risk and given their lives to keep us safe. thanks to their sterner service devastating blows to al
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qaeda, deliver justice to osama bin laden, strengthen homeland security and prevented attacks lives.y lives -- saved we did everything in our power to protect this country. we once again today tribute these patriots, civilian and military, including those far away from home in afghanistan and iraq. perhaps most of all, we stayed true to the spirit of the state by defending not only our country but also our ideals. 15 years into this fight, the threat has evolved. with our stronger defenses, terrorists attempt attacks on a smaller but still deadly scale. hateful ideologies search people in their own country to commit unspeakable violence.
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we mourn the loss of innocence from boston to san bernardino to orlando. qaeda, like isil, thatthat we will never -- they know they will never be ,ble to defeat a great nation instead they try to terrorists -- they terrorize in the fear that we will change each other. why it is so important today that we reaffirm our care , people drawnn from every corner of the world. , every background , bound by a creed as old as our founders, e pluribus unum.
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.ut of many, we are one , ourow that our diversity heritage is not a weakness, it is still and always will be one of our greatest strengths. this is the america that was attacked that september morning. mustis the america that we remain true to. across our country today, americans are coming together in service and remembrance. we run our fingers over the names and memorial benches here at the pentagon, we walked the hallowed grounds of pennsylvania field. to the gleaming tower that pierces the new york city skyline. in the end, the most enduring to those wemorial
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lost is insuring the america that we continue to be. that we stay true to ourselves. that we stay true to what is best in us. that we do not let others divide us. withmark this solemn day you for the last time as president, i think of americans i have been humbled to know these last eight years. americans who are believed in body the true spirit of 9/11. of, -- just 24 years old in the south tower, the man in the red bandanna who spent his final moments helping strangers to sell -- safety for the towers fell. the civilians and the firehouse on 8th avenue, patriots who lost more than a dozen men but who
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still suit up every day is the pride of midtown. it is the love of a daughter whose father in his last moments on the phone from the towers told her, i will always the watching over you. it's a result of those navy seals who made sure justice was finally done, who served as we must live as a nation getting united,r's back, one mission and one team and the ultimate sacrifice of men and women who rest not far from here hills in perfect formation. americans who gave their lives in faraway places so that we could be here today, strong and free and proud. us. every american who gets up each day and lives
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our lives and carries on. because as americans, we do not give into fear. ,e will preserve our freedoms our way of life that makes us a beacon for the world. steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you. write them on the tablet of your heart. how we conduct ourselves as individuals and as a nation. we have the opportunity each and every day to live up to the sacrifice of those heroes that we lost. may god bless the memory of a loved one's here and across the country. today,main in our hearts and you watch over these
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faithful families and all who foreverus and may god bless the united states of america. [applause] ♪
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[crowd noise] [trumpet and horn music
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♪ [trumpet and horn music playing] >> there is president obama climbing into his limousine. he is heading back to the white house. and just about seven minutes , atr 10:00 eastern time 10:03 was the plane striking the ground in shanksville, pennsylvania. your seen the memorial there in pennsylvania. a reading of names and a moral service on the way in pennsylvania. cemetery me tell you about what we will do here on c-span. we'll watch this.
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when this is over, we will take you back to new york city. we expect that to be in progress , the memorial at ground zero. you can watch any of this coverage live on our website all of these events will play in their entirety there. >> this bill awarded three congressional medals to each attack site. the national september 11 memorial, and the pentagon memorial. is a juniortoomey senator from pennsylvania. he is served as senators since 2011. after three terms as congressman for pennsylvania's 15th district. he joined fellow members of the congregation of aggregating for the fallen heroes act of 2011. is aess and bill shuster
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representative for pennsylvania's ninth district. he asserts seven terms in congress. to his work as the chairman of the house transportation and infrastructure committee, he supported the development of flight 93 national memorial. thank you. thank you family members for the remembrance of your loved ones. and for the readings, as well. 15 years ago today, the course of american history changed. in this humble field, here new shanksville, the united states pentagon, the twin towers in manhattan, and every single home and heart, americans and people abroad. today in every day, we remember september 11, 2000 and one. ofant to knows the families the 40 or gathered here today. and that thousands of other
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family members of those who lost her lives. yet known the terrible pain of loss. none of us would want to trade places with you, but we are your sacrifices and those that gave their lives for the rest of us. we are gathered today among friends and neighbors, visitors, and dedicated public servants to join in remembrance. i want to give a particular thanks to the public servants, to steve and jeff, the superintendent's of this wonderful new national park site since its beginning. to the men and women who wear the green and gray of the national park service to tell americans serve -- stories, the painful and joyful ones, and those that shape a brighter future by learning a lesson from the past. also be elected officials on stage in the audience, thank you for your service. you are on the firing line. this is an election season. we very much appreciate your service.
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in the center governor wilson, he is with his family wedding is to be. we cannot have done this beautiful remembrance without the support of many partners. the families of flight 93, led by gordon phelps, who you'll hear from in a minute. such great work helping us on land acquisition, designed in memorial, understanding the family percent to -- family perspective that was so important. people who are long-term partners of the national park service. have assisted with fund raising, programming, marketing, fundraising, i want to give a shout out to the volunteers here. we cannot operate this facility or tell the story without your help. for those who give their time and treasure, the families and please of flight 93, join me in a thanks to them.
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[applause] i also want to recognize that the fundraising to develop this could not have happened without the support of the national park foundation. thank you very much. certainly, the men and women of flight 93 had no idea that they would be our nation's heroes and layines, or that they would down their lives for the nation on that day. or for someone else's nation, as in the case for a number, but we come together as their champions, because the actions saved the lives of untold numbers of people. who were oldyou enough to remember that day, we know where we were. i was in alaska the last day of a business trip about to head home. foundo many of us, we ways to understand. i found solace in the great
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outdoors, and in people that i did know and didn't, but all i got to know better. last week i saw a brand-new musical that is about to play in new york, the spring, but it just opened in washington, d.c.. a is called come from away, wonderful, poignant musical about how people came together in newfoundland as planes were diverted all over the world. it is a great reflection on how on that day we saw the worst of human kind and the best of humankind. this, where weke are today, where we have the opportunity to reflect, and rekindle our patriotism, and what we stand for as a nation, and also what we stand for as human beings. i've had the honor of participating in the annual memorial observance here twice before today. in 2013, my first year on the job, i joined in the evening.
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a somber walk. and in the morning event with the tolling of the bells of the groundbreaking of the visitors centers. we put stakes down, and the flight path of flight 93, it was powerful. and last year as we do the grand opening of this incredible facility that has now welcomed hundreds of thousands of people who pass through to better understand what happened that try to make they sense of the tremendous loss, to remember and reflect on the bravery and courage in the sacrifice of the 40 passengers and crew. nearlywe have had 400,000 visitors just this year. over 120,000 individuals checkbooks to help build this memorial. many people returned to see the
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new exhibits and are emotionally moved that your stories and the stories you shared with us. what a testament to the life and legacy of the passengers and crew of flight 93. so many have come to pay the respect. in their own words, visitors have shared their reflections in the visitor center logbook. i like to share a few of them with you this morning. many of them put into context what we always struggle to grasp and perhaps even understand. the one person says, united you stood so we could live. you'll never be forgotten. you have shown that normal, ordinary people can be true heroes. says, i touched every name on the wall outside as if it was touching them, the way they touch me with her love and courage. i will never forget that day and i will never forget them. one of the most striking, by a
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visitor who has no memory of the horrendous attack, but prove that americans, no matter what age, will always honor those who fell to these attacks. youth whos to the drove from ohio to be here. thank you for being here. you're all done a completely selfless act for the good of our nation. i was only two years old at the time. i did not remember it happening. that does not mean i have forgotten what you did. thank you so much for your sacrifice. you will be rewarded in heaven for your courageous deeds. god bless america. rest in peace. so these thoughts prove that this truly is a moving memorial to everyday citizens who came face-to-face with evil, but their courage and selflessness, saved untold lives to protect
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another sacred and symbolic american site, the u.s. capitol. final restinghe place, but also a place for us to honor what they had given to all of us. what president lincoln called the last full measure of he stood onen another pennsylvania field not too far from here. forgetus here will never must announce, we the growing number of americans, like my own grandchildren, who have no direct memories of these attacks. as mike said, the national park service is charged with interpreting moments and people like this for future generations, and to ensure that parks are relevant to all americans, especially now, as the park service enters its second year of service, having celebrated 100 years as american storytellers. --ional parks are nationally
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are actually american and democratic. they reflect us at our best, rather than our worst. haveuld just as easily been referring to the passengers and the crew of flight 93. we know that when confronted with unspeakable realization of their situation, those 40 men and women formed a plan, and did the most democratic thing imaginable, they voted before deciding to carry it out. national parks preserve what is best about our country, including the foundations of the democracy on which our nation was established. from places like independence hall in philadelphia, to gettysburg, to seneca falls and flight 93, americans for 13 national park units we've and bind together the diverse stories of our shared history and unique cultures that make up our singular national story. the 40 heroes and heroines of
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flight 93 well understood that the collective strength of our nation is found in a creed that is as old as the founding of america itself. e pluribus unum. out of many, we are one. thank you. [applause] >> it brings me great pressure to bring to gordie phelps, the president of the families of flight 93. his brother edward died on that day. he has worked tirelessly to make sure the voices of the families are heard and reflected in the visits here. his day job with his wife donna is supporting a cap that serves autistic children. i feel blessed to have known him since 2013 when i first came here.
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he is a true champion for the site and for everything that the heroes and heroines of flight 93 demonstrated are the best in humanity in office. him.e join me to welcome [applause] good morning. regional director caldwell, secretary jewell, senator casey, reverend button, senator toomey, congress and schuster, families, tom, wally, so many wonderful people i see on front of me today. members, tounity all who has taken time to anniversarythe 50th of september 11, 2000 and one. i wept with you and offer you my
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gratitude. i have my gratitude for actively remembering our losses. the individuals, the collective actions, remembering the hero is him and the life changing events that unfolded here on the hallowed grounds of the flight 93 national memorial. as well as in new york and at the pentagon. with each year we have seen this beautiful memorial rise before our very eyes, growing from a few bales of hay on yonder hill, aat served as a beginning of temporary memorial, to the development of our sacred ground , the wall of names, the visitors and learning centers, the pedestrian bridge, and all the aspects of our memorial designed to stand before us today. our final design aspect to be completed is the tower of voices that will stand at the entrance of this memorial. i-93 foot tall tower containing
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40 windchimes that will represent voices of our loved ones, standing proudly and defiantly to be seen by all who enter this historic site. with a phone to the day in 2018 when we can dedicate this tower be able to say we have done our memorialreate a proper ofwhich future generations visitors can learn about the 40 heroes that help change the course of history on a dark morning 15 years ago today. yet, today is about so much more than the surrounding structures, our losses, and the effect of september 11 on our lives. today is a time where we can devote our entire and collective consciousness to remember the 40 passengers and crew members of .nited flight 93
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most of us here today do not tower ofle walls, a windchimes, or even a visitors center to remind us of the sacrifice made here 15 years ago. the local community of shanksville and surrounding communities of somerset county do not need to be reminded of how their lives were and continue to be affected by september 11. many politicians in washington, d.c. don't need to be reminded that if it were not for the actions of our 40 heroes, their the course of our country's future would be more addressing the altar that day. embrace the we memory of each and every one of the 40 brave heroes. for as long as we live, as long as we remember their spirits live in the sacred ground and in our hearts. the structures and design aspects are not for us. they are for those who have
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forgotten. they are for tomorrow's a children. so that the events of september 11, 2001 are not lost in history. it is important we embrace the lessons learned that day, and take time to record a factual accounting of the events here at the flight 93 national memorial, that unfolded before many of our eyes that morning. all will eventually a road emotional connections to september 11. if there is nothing left to remember beyond emotion, there's nothing left to remember. please don't let september 11 become just another day. i fear the day that september 11 is a balanced on the nearest monday, providing a long weekend and an excuse for a picnic. fight to remember. let your remembrances guide to where you conduct yourself in your everyday lives.
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tell stories of september 11 and encourage a new generation to learn about that day. be better. the braver. be stronger, be more willing to stand against tyranny. remember, the lessons we learned on september 11, that as a community, as a country, as a world, we stand stronger together, rather than as individuals. thank you. [applause] ♪
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[applause] >> let me first think the choir again for those words.
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they give us comfort and hope in our country is blessed by their talent. britain, gordon fells, and all the families of flight 93 who are here, secretary jewell, michael caldwell at all at the mark national park service, congress and schuster, cardinal miller, tom mcmillan, and the choir, we gather at this sacred site to do a number of things. of course we gather to remember and to express gratitude. we certainly gather to mourn and we hope to comfort. we are reminded of those words from the beatitudes, blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
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we hope today we can provide a measure of comfort. ,art of today is to pay tribute to pay tribute to those 40 americans. remarkable people that we remember today. we gather to pay tribute to them. also to draw inspiration from their lives and from the actions. on that horrible day. in this place. is difficult to come up with the right words. sometimes you just have to turn toscripture and sometimes prayer into hymns. the choir was -- as we are coming in today, singing " thatca the beautiful
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says important part, oh, who more than self their country love. maybe the best description of their actions on the day. n goes on to say, oh beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years. the may not be a better word to describe those 40 americans than that single word "patriot kobe cause in that moment, in that hour, they had to prove themselves to be patriots. we all hoped we could do the same. i'm not sure that i could. horror, theyour of acted, like so many generations of americans before them, on battlefields across the world,
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and indeed on battlefields here in the united states. but they acted to save the lives of others. people they did not know. people they did not meet. people their families would not know or meet. let's meet those patriots who did see beyond the years to a better day, to a day when others would not be so threatened by the horror of terrorism. them,s day, we pray for we pray for their families, of course, and we pray for our waylies, but in a special on a daylight today, we pray for ourselves, too, that we may be worthy of their valor. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> now, i want to introduce to you my colleague, senator pat toomey. senator toomey: thank you, senator casey, representative schuster, secretary jewell. to the familyks and friends of flight 93 for allowing me to be here today. of septembertory is a story ofhis, darkness of the most brutal and a grated aspects of humanity and the many innocent lives lost at the hands of terrorists. but september 11 also reminds us of the best of humanity, the , ones who are all around us
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that day. americans who performed extraordinary acts of valor and self-sacrifice. we remember the first responders of the up the stairs world trade center to save lives and to enable other people to run down. who neighbor be employees of the burning to escape debris. and of course, the 40 passengers and crew members of flight 93 who died here and sacrificed their lives to save an unknown number of others. this place, this memorial, their verysm, the memory are all personal for me and my family. like many, i believe the target of flight 93 was the u.s. capitol. capitol isng in the a member of congress that day. it's entirely possible because of the heroes of flight 903i was
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family.go home to my my wife was spared being widowed. our two older children grew up with her father, and our youngest was able to be born. so, we will never be able to find the words to adequately express the appreciation we have two the 40 euros of flight 93. but what we can do is we can do our part to keep the memory alive. and we have a duty to do this, for this and future generations, to remember both the evil that killed nearly 3000 people, but also the virtuous this and the bravery that saved so many more. as my wife chris and i have often spoken with our children about the courageous act of the ,0 on flight 93, and in fact
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two years ago our kids were here for the breaking of the ground of the beautiful visitor center and learning center, driving in for the compound where the visitors center would be built. this is one small way we can understand the important history that occurred here. the grounds of pennsylvania have been hallowed by critical moments in american history for necessity -- valley forge, gettysburg -- in 15 years ago today, in this field, it history was made again. it is the birthplace of euros. it is the final resting place of euros. our country is safer and more free because of them. -- it is the birthplace of heroes. ofis the final resting place
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heroes. god bless the soul and the memory of those brave americans and got bless america. thank you. [applause] it is now my pleasure to introduce congressman bill shuster. represented schuster: thank you, families of flight 93, secretary jewell, all the members of the park service, today it is truly an honor to be here with you. i am humbled to be standing at the spot. today though is a day of remembrance of the 40 and their heroic act of stopping an attack on our capital. they were the first counterattack in the war on terror and we should always remember and honor them for what
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they did in that day in that day and those hours. but also we must resolve to let this happen in our country. on september 11, i was in the capitol complex in washington where we believe flight 93 was headed. so, the crew members will forever hold a personal meaning for me and my family. we created a beautiful and appropriate national memorial here, so it looks quite different than it has in the past, the open fields that were anniversaries,t but it's a beautiful memorial to remember. havethings in our nation changed, but if you haven't. we have not forgotten. across america, people are this,g ceremonies like
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remembering 9/11 and what happened to our nation. the other thing that hasn't changed is i believe we have our hope and i know we still have it. .ope for more peaceful world hope for a united states which i believe is the greatest nation in the history of the world. that, for hold onto as andy to frame -- andy dufresn e says in one of my favorite movies, "the shawshank "honor never dies." continue to bless the united states of america. thank you. >> the newark boys chorus has
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provided us with touching music for today's program. they sound wonderful. please give them a round of applause. [applause] absolutely beautiful. thank you all for joining us today and helping us honor the memory of the passengers and crew of flight 93. the visitor center will open to the public at noon, and you're invited to join us at the 0 p.m. forlaza at 12:4 the wreathlaying at the wall of names. ladies and gentlemen, please for the retiring of the colors. was the colors have been retired, please be seated to allow family members to enter the visitor center. and then -- i may have skipped a musical number? ok. that stephen of years in a row i think i have done that. we will do a musical number and then retire the colors. thank you.
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we will get this right. once you tell the navy to go, they go. [laughter] have we will now actually a closing music provided by the -- give me chorus hope. thank you very much. ♪
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>> ♪ listen tot he sound of my voice listen to the beat of my heart give us hope see?ou look in my eyes can you feel? my head is reaching give us hope and will show you the way listen to the sound of my voice can you feel the beat of my heart listen to the questions i have
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listen to me we are the future help us believe give us hope my voice is calling can you see look in my eyes can you feel my hand is reaching give us hope and we'll show you he way ake my hand now look in my eyes ell me what you see give us hope my voice is calling can you see look in my eyes can you feel
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my hand is reaching give us hope and will show you he way ive us hope my voice is calling can you see look in my eyes can you feel my head is reaching give us hope and will show you wayway show you the show you the way way ♪ou the [applause]
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♪ [indistinct lyrics]
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make the whole world better for you and me me ♪ou and [applause] >> so there, the memorial service and gentle, pennsylvania wrapping up this morning. just to give you an idea what we are going to do, we are going to take you back to new york city where the reading of the names at ground zero in new york city
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continues. when that event is over, we will bring you on c-span all of the their from today in entirety. we will bring you pennsylvania, the pentagon, and the new york ceremony. now live from new york city, more reading of names. live coverage here on c-span. ames]eading n
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>> lee charles lose weight. thomas lugano. >> daniel lugo. >> marie lukas >> william lum jr. lunden.el p. >> christopher --
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>> jame francis lynch. >> james t. lynch junior. a. lynch. >> michael lynch. >> michael f. lynch. jr.ichard dennis lynch >> and my brother -- we love you, we miss you every day. shotd my father, patrick murphy. dad, i remember the days of you carry me around on your shoulder and now i am here. you would be so proud of me and sean. we live our lives like you did love, humor, and
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generosity. we love and miss you so much. >> robert henry lynch junior. lynch.p. >> sean patrick lynch. m. lynch.e michael lyons. >> monica lyons. lyons.mon >> patrick lyons. >> richard blaine madden. >> simon madison.
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maerz.le c. fail -- jea must nnieann maffeo. >> joseph maffeo. >> j robert magazine. >> ryan mcgee. >> charles wilson mcgee. >> william mahoney. >> takashi makimoto. ldonado.a ma maldonado-agosto.
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>> alfred r. maler >> gregory james malone. gene malloy. >> christian maltby. ryan maltby --nd .hank you, new york i have thought about you every day for the last 15 years. i have very grateful for our wonderful time together and will never forget all that we shared. your spirit lives on in your youriful daughters, family, and your many friends. we love you. father joseph --
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daddy, i never got a chance to hear your voice or hold your hand. life was not fair and it took you away before i was able to meet you, but that doesn't stop me from loving you, and it never will. yous hard to move on, but are the angel that keeps me strong. i love you and i forever well. -- i love you and i forever will. [applause] >> sarah elizabeth manley. ra m. mannetta. >> merion victoria manning. >> terrence manning. unis.mes mao
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>> alfred gels padre joseph marchand. >> just of march banks junior. >> hilda marcin. mardovich.oseph joseph margiotta. mariani.neil >> kenneth joseph marino. >> lester vincent marino. >> vida marino. >> kevin marlowe. morrero. >> john marshall. >> shelley marshall. >> james martello.
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>> michael marti. >> that the martinez. >> edward martinez. >> josé martinez. >> robert gabriel martinez. >> will left a martinez rivera. lizie martinez-calderon. >> lieutenant paul richard martini. >> joseph mascali. leand my husband -- david s. e. david, your mom's is you terribly. you did not get a chance to meet your nieces, your nephew casey.
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you missed the birth of our son. his name is ryan, and he is, in many ways, just like you. we miss you. we love you, and you will always live on in our hearts. father -- i love you and miss you. go packers. [applause] massari.ia ann philip william mastrandrea jr. mathai.h >> charles william mathers. william a. mathesen.
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>> marcelo -- nancy t. mauro. jr.harles a. mauro auro.rothy m >> robert j. maxwell. may.rone edward mozella jr.
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>> john robin mcavoy. >> brendan mccabe. colin. r. macarthur. ken. m. mccarthy. >> michael mccabe. uncle, my and, in my cousin -- thank you for watching over me, keeping me out of trouble for the last 15 years. i love you and miss you every day. >> michael desmond mccarthy. -- we brother richard miss you, richard. we love you. we wish you were here.
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[applause] g. mccarthy. >> stanley mccaskill. >> katie mccluskey. >> giuliana valentine mccord. ruthth mag with nine -- gdaline mccord. ccrann.les a. m matthew t. mcdermott. >> joseph p. mcdonald. mcdonnell..
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john f. mcdowell junior. >> scott martin mcgovern >> william j. mcgovern >> stacy mcgowan >> francis noel mcgwin mcginnis, jr. >> patrick mcguire >> keith david mcafee >> ann mccue >> dennis mccue, the third >> michael edward mccue, jr. g. maclaine
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>> donald mcintyre >> stephanie mckenna >> molly l. mckinsey >> barry j. weak on darrell mckinney patrick, jr. brother, firefighter, working in his old company. he has two wonderful daughters and they will always both know you. >> and my dear cousin and , nephew, uncle, brother, and son, richard h.
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stewart, jr. over the past 15 years, there is not a date that goes by that we do not honor your memory. you were taken from us are too soon into quick. we never had the opportunity to say thank you. so i am taking that moment now. with peace and love, thank you, rich. your deeply missed and we love you very much. [applause] >> robert mclachlan, jr. >> gavin mcmahon >> robert z mcmahon >> edmund mcnally >> daniel walker mcneil >> walter mcneil >> christine sheila mcnulty >> sean peter mcnulty >> robert william mcfadden >> terrence mcshane
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>> timothy patrick sweeney mcwilliams. medinaail >> anna medina >> damien mehan han, meah >> raymond my eisenhower >> manual meija melendezo >> mary p. melendez >> christopher mello >> elena -- >> stuart nelson dora marie >> charles mendez >> lizette mendoza
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>> siobhan mendez >> wolfgang mins a >> steve john lazar is >> wellesley mercer allen harvey -- marinofina >> george mercurius stepfather. i miss you and love you and your family misses and let you. spanish] and my sister, lorraine green lee,
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we still miss you every day. through the on beautiful memories that we were lucky to make with you. my heart still aches for you. we love you so much. from my cousin, firefighter nicholas, who we miss and love nic, you would be so proud of your new granddaughter, annnabelle. [applause] deborah merrick >> raymond joseph er jill ann metl >> david robert maya william edward --
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>> martin paul nickel stating >> patricia mickely >> ronald d. >> peter milano >> lanowitzry mi >> sharon christina milan >> cori peter miller miller j. >> douglas miller miller, >> joel miller >> michael matthew miller >> nicole carol miller >> philip d. miller >> robert allen miller
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miller, jr. >> benny milmen , jr.arles m. mills >> ronald keith milstein naraobert j. m >> william george minardi meavino joseph >> thomas -- dominic lakot says >> susan --
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richard p. -- effrey peter -- rank v. lewis joseph john thomasrother, and her sister-in-law cecelia. and their unborn child. john and sylvia, it has been 15 years since we last saw you. sometimes it feels like forever, but most days it feels like yesterday. since we lost you. it never gets easier. you should be here. a betteryou are in
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place now, and i would be too if i could see your face. you are loved and missed by all more than words could ever express. -- sending us we all -- we love you all to the moon and back. >> we love you and miss you. [applause] >> dennis melicka molinando >> man well jesus molina >> carl molinaro >> justin junior >> franklin monahan >> john gerard monahan >> kristin lee montero >> craig montano
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>> michael g. >> >> carlos alberto montoya >> antonio jesus montoya valdes >> cheryl and monarch >> carlos moody >> sharon more moraboitaee >> carla man well morale us >> paula morale us mercedeso >> john christopher moran >> john michael moran >> kathleen moran >> stephen morello * george william moraneo
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>> vincent morella >> richard morgan > >> dorothy morgan nancy morgenstern geronimo maroacha dennis gerard mulroney >> and my father james. >> and my father todd in my aunt kayleen. [applause] >> irene morris seth allen morris >> steve morris >> christopher morrison >> fernanda moores >> brian moss
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>> marco petroni >matroni >> peter -- >> david o'neill -- >> christopher michael -- >> stephen vincent mulberry >> michael mullen >> dennis michael mulligan >> peter james mulligan >> michael mullen >> james donald -- >> nancy nunez >> carlos munoz >> teresa munson >> robert michael mock >> stephen morello >> marque morello >> charles anthony murphy >> christopher w. murphy
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>> edward charles murphy >> james s. murphy the fourth >> james thomas murphy >> kevin james murphy >> patrick murphy >> patrick sean murphy >> raymond murphy >> and my beloved father, richard ross and dearest friend kindnessur legacies of , extra ordinary compassion, boundless generosity, lester, and happy tears are enduring and continue to inspire us. we did not get enough time with you and we treasure what we had and are so great that we had it. mabel of your memories be a blessing, especially for peace. >> and my grandfather, richard ross. i never got to meet you, but i know you are in a better place.
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i know you are up in a happy cloud ocean. [applause] robert edey murphy, jr. >> john joseph murray >> john joseph murray >> susan d. murray >> valerie victoria murray >> richard todd murray >> lewis j. mackey the second >> robert nagle >> mildred naiman john robert napier >> frank joseph naples the third >> john philip -- nardellirine n. m. -- >> karen susan navarro
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>> joseph navis >> francis joseph is reo >> >> -- >> luke -- >> lori nero >> ann nelson >> david william nelson >> ginger nelson >> james nelson nelsonr >> gerard nevins >> oscar nisbet >> gerard terrance nevins >> christopher d. use in -- christopher d. newson >> and my father, port authority
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officer, robert. we miss you every day. 15 years have gone by way quick. we love you and we think about you always and you continue to guide us from above. thank you for being an american hero. i love you. >> and my uncle pedro. we love you, too. [applause] jody nachillo >> kathleen anna -- john -- >> gloria -- >> troy edward nielsen >> paul nimbly >> > john middens
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terrance noel >> michael -- >> daniel nolan >> robert walter nuñez >> robert grant norton >> daniella tarboro -- daniella natora >> jose nuñez >> jeffrey roger -- >> james oakley >> dennis patrick -- >> james o'brien, jr. >> michael p. o'brien >> david o'callaghan timothy michael o'brien >> diana j. o'connor >> keith kevin o'connor >> richard j. o'connor
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--amy >> douglas slacker -- uncle, identical when to my godfather. your memory lives on in the stories i hear from my relatives. word, ian put in a good am applying to medical school so till the big man to look out for me. rest easy until we meet again. >> and my father, port authority police officer. daddy, mom and i miss you very much and hope to see you again in heaven. [applause] philip paul -- bernaskiover
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otissuel oittissin william >> gerald o'leary >> christine olander >> linda mary oleeva >> edward oliver >> leah elizabeth oliver >> eric bolton >> jeffrey james olson >> barbara olson >> marine lyons olson timothy -- >> shamus o'neill >> john p. o'neill >> peter j. o'neill, jr.
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annette >> michael opperman >> christopher g. > --ginia ann >> kevin o'rourke >> peter keith james murray >> alexander ortiz >> david ortiz >> emilio pete ortiz >> pablo ortiz >> and my uncle, robert thomas. you are missed more than words can describe. give everyone in heaven a hug for us and keep an eye on us down here.
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though you are not with me, i know you will be by my side every day of my life. >> and my cousin terrance. 15 years ago,aby but you have always been a part of my life. you are loved every single day. and my cousin, peter, you are a hero to our family and to new york city. [applause] ortiz, jr. >> sonja ortiz patrick o'shea >> robert william o shea strauski. oh straus >> jason douglas oswald >> michael john --
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michael -- >>. joseph lida wen, jr. j. o >> israel, jr. >> michael benjamin becker potteadro >> jeffrey matthews palazzo >> thomas palazzo >> richard -- >> joseph palmer >> frank anthony palumbo >> allen -- >> christopher matthew --
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>> dominique lisa -- >> jonas martin panic pansinni >> edward joseph papa >> salva tore -- -- ames nicolas >> marie -- >> and my brother-in-law, steve. it steve, 15 years and we just plain miss you. there is no other way to say it. it is the same size same shape and same feeling.
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my mind still talk to you, my heart still looks for you, my soul knows you are at peace. 15 years and i have learned there is no other side of grief. because not something you complete, but rather you something you indoor. -- endure. you do not finish it. 15 years and we accept the way things are. what happens in this world is bigger than us. we have learned to embrace the good and the bad. the lesson was strongly tested with13 when we were faced the life -- knowing you were there with open arms to greet her was easy for us to accept this loss. the family thanks you for that. for now, we continue one day at a time greeting the good with the bad while waiting for the next rainbow to appear.
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rainbows always come. they come in the sizes of nicolas, your grandchildren, your great grand nephew, this tiny new generation results help. rainbows come in the upcoming weddings of our nephew, philip, and your daughter celeste. and the rainbows are certainly here in all shapes and sizes on this beautiful plaza. happily ever after you deserve and keep watching over us and giving us the signs of hope. you are always in our hearts until we meet again. god bless you all. son.d our beloved the man in the red bandanna. you saved many lives on september 11. your example of courage and
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selfless care for others continues to inspire and to bring good into this world. thank you well for the gift of your final hour. [applause] >> james wendell -- >> deborah harris >> george paris >> philip parker >> michael pott >> robert park, jr. parrowrt >> diane marie parsons >> lopez caswell >> gerard pakins >> robert -- >> suzanne pacero
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>> manish patel >> james matthew patrick > -- james matthew patrick >> george clifford patterson, jr. >> sierra marie patty >> james robert paul hugo paz >> stacy glen peak >> richard alan pearlman thomas nicolas -- todd douglas policelino
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palusoony >> robert pennington >> richard al penny >> and to my brother, patrick view see, we got it right -- patrick busey. we got it right. susan has done a phenomenal job will with theand support of many families. >> and my brother, john anthony candella. a. we love you. we miss you. we will see you again. [applause] salvador -- parazort david
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angel perez >> angela susan perez > >> ivan antonio perez >> nephew perez barry perkins >> amelda perry >> glenn. perry, sr. davin peterson. >> donald peterson. >> gene peterson. >> william russell peterson. >> mark petrocelli. petti.lip scott
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>> glenn pettit. >> dominic pezzulo. >> colene elizabeth bouzouki. sneah ann phillips. >> gerard phillips. >> matthew picerno. >> joseph pick. dennis pierce. nicolas the trenton. father, who is deeply loved and missed every single day. 15 years ago, you and so many others were taken away from us and without any warning. family, onee country and slowly, moment by moment, we began to move
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outward. you are missed more than you know. time passes by quickly, but you are forever in our hearts. [applause] susan pinto. >> christopher pittman. >> robert slager the third. william howard palm and. polemus. >> darren can't tell. portillo. >> daphne parenthesis. brandon ell. antonio dorsey.
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>> gregory m. >> wanda. >> vincent. >> kevin fryer -- kevin prior. richard a pretty. >> john puckered. >> patricia m uma. my brother, stephen and my uncle, francis. [applause] joseph j pcr jr.. python -- edward python.
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lincoln clack. betheth and quickly -- that ann quigly. >> james francis quinn. quinn.rdo j >> carol ramallah. leonard reg elia. >> eugene reggiano. >> laura marie reckon ec. >> michael. >> peter. raines.
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lisa raines. edward rall. >> lucas. >> maria ramirez. >> harry raymos. deborah ramsour. >> lorenzo ramsey. additive -- adam ram. >> jonathan randall. rhonda.
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>> robert. >> marcia rochford. rathkey. briancousin, fire captain christopher hickey. see you on the other side. >> my aunt, lillian. we miss you every single day, and i know you would be so proud of the woman joanna has become. and year, she became a wife five months ago, she became a mother of a beautiful little girl named after you and i know
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she will grow up being just as caring, loving and kind hearted as you were. [applause] >> william rob. >> gerard rousey. sera red heifer. >> michelle reid. >> donald j reagan. >> ronald m reagan. >> thomas reagan. >> christian reagan heart. isch.ward re james riley. >> kevin riley. >> timothy riley. >> joseph jr.. frank reisman.
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>> joshua reisman. >> karen renda. >> john armando rao. john thomas rest of. >> david reddick. >> todd rubin. bruce reynolds. >> john rhodes. >> francis. >> rudolph riggio. >> marie rep. maloney:. eileen rice. >> tenant rice.
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>> cecelia richards. >> vernon richard. canadian,e, a proud kenneth william. today that iell me was too young to remember the day, most people tell me i was probably even too young to remember the man my uncle once was. the reality is, i was a five-year-old boy who was pulled out of school, and watch the same horror that the entire world watched that day. i sat there like millions of you in shock, confused as to why anyone would do this. my wide eyes turned to tears when i was told who would not be coming home because he was stuck on the 106th floor of the north tower. regardless of how old i was, that day will always be a nightmare burned deep into my mind.
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most people assume people of my time will remember. -- most people of my time won't remember. i remember. i have moreunsel, memories of him than most five-year-olds can expect to have of their uncle. he is the standard for who i strive to be someday, a testament that hard work leads to great success and a man whose whole family, certainly his home -- his nephew, idolizes. you will never know the impact you have on my life. elven.usband, there is a beautiful quote that sorrowful,ou are look into your heart and you shall see that in truth, you are weeping for them which has been your delight. you were our heart and joy.
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joy in this world that left a lasting impression on everyone who met you. gabby, alex and i were truly blessed to be yours. we love you, we miss you i we will never forget. [applause] gregory richards. >> michael richards. >> vanessa richards. >> jimmy riches. >> alan richman. >> john rego. >> frederick romilly. >> rosemary riso. joseph ravelli. >> carmen rivera. juan rivera. >> gwendoline rivera.
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joseph reverse so. >> stephen roche. >> jos and roberto. >> arthur roberts. >> michael roberts. >> michael edwin roberts. >> donald robertson jr. >> jeffrey robertson. >> michelle. >> donald robson. >> antonio. roche.ond james >> lauren rockefeller. antonio hose a rodriguez. >> anthony rodriguez. >> carmen rodriguez. >> gregory rodriguez. >> marcia rodriguez. >> myra rodriguez.
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david rodriguez. >> my uncle and godfather. i wish i got the chance to meet you. i know you were waiting for nana when she went to heaven this march. we love you both. >> my uncle, john. my mother told me when i was younger, i reminded her of you and i could not be prouder. [applause] >> matthew rogan. >> gene. >> carly rogers. >> keith michael roma. >> joseph m room enola. elfin romero. >> james remained oh. >> sean rooney. >> eric thomas roba took.
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rosario. >> mark roseann. >> brooke david rosenbaum. >> david rosenbaum. >> cheryl lynn rosenbaum. >> lloyd daniel rosenberg. >> mark lewis rosenberg. >> andrew rosenblum. >> joshua am rosenblum. >> joshua allen rosenthal. >> richard david rosenthal. >> philip martin. >> daniel rosetti. >> richard barrie ross. >> norman s roz mel. >> nicolas p resume on no. rochford. craig >> donna rothenberg. >> mark david rothenberg.
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>> james michael group. >> nicolas charles alexander rove. >> at word rowan horst. -- edward. timothy allen roy senior. >> paul ruback. >> ronald ruben. >> joanne rubio. >> david am ruggles. andrew, lieutenant engine one, formerly of the nypd. , theke to one of his guys last one to see him. he said that he got everybody out and had to go back in for one more woman. that is what firemen do. god bless the fdny and the nypd.
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thank you to new york city for making a place like this that we can remember people can come from all over to see what happened on this day, 15 years ago. that can'tfamily bring it to themselves to come you,here, andrew, we love a true hero. [applause] >> to my two equally lovely and judyiful first cousins, fernandez and maria. we love and miss you so much. it has been 15 years, yet the pain and sorrow is still else by your family, relatives and friends. most especially, your parents. your brothers, victor and
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raymond and from judy's side, parents. your brother richard fernandez and your sister. and miss you so much and we continue to pray for you. please continue to be our guardian angels, give us the strength to live each day, leaving the tragic past behind us. memories,for the fond and the moments shared will always be embedded in us. we miss you dearly. god bless us all. [applause] art joseph. >> susan rice jarrow. >> gilbert ruiz. >> robert russell.
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>> stephen russell. >> stephen roos and. >> michael russo. >> wayne allen russo. >> william roos. >> edward ryan. >> john joseph ryan. >> jonathan stephen ryan. >> matthew l ryan. >> tatiana riche oma. jason sabbagh. >> thomas sabella. >> scott saber. >> charles sabin's. >> joseph suffered out. >> jessica sachs. >> francis said ochoa. >> june saucing.
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seo.d >> john salomone. >> -- solace. john salerno. richard sill in already jr.. >> wayne, john solomon. >> gilbert solman. >> catherine salter. >> frank scylla tara. >> paul silvio. >> my father, jesse. daddy, you live your 49 years with honor, glorious purpose and
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never-ending care. friends, yourour community miss you tremendously. we keep our precious memories with you, and our hearts forever. i love you. [applause] and my uncle, christopher edward, we love you, we miss you and you will be in our hearts always. [applause] samuel. >> carlos. >> john. >> james samuel jr.. >> michael phillips. >> hugos on a. jacqueline sanchez.
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>> jesus sanchez. >> raymond sanchez. >> eric sand. >> stacy sanders. >> herb and -- santiago. >> kiersten santiago. .> maria >> susan. >> christopher santora. santor.centaur -- >> mario santoro. >> rafael. victor.
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>> paul sard. gregory. sauer.n >> anthony. >> vladimir. >> john. >> david. >> robert. dennis. >> john sharp. >> john g sharp. angela suzanne scheinberg.
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>> scott mitchell shirt stir. >> sean mitchell. robert schley goal. karen schmidt. >> iron schnider. frank scott jr. >> gerard. >> jeffrey schreiter. >> john schreier. >> shoes and -- susan schuler. >> edward. >> mark sure meyer. >> john schwartz. >> mark swartz. my aunt margaret.
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infinite love for family, friends and life. >> for my late husband, mark. my late brother in law stephen and my brother thomas. later, the love you have shared ball you were alive still lives on in all of us. you are never forgotten, always cherished and forever remain a part of us. please continue to give us your strength and hope. in return, we will use the rest ,f our lives to honor yours remembering to remain kind, compassionate and loving to each other and the world. goodbye, butaid all three of you said hello to your boys.
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thank you. [applause] janice scott. >> randall scott. >> christopher. >> arthur's:. seaman.el anthony saguaro. >> carlos o'gara. >> jason sex or. michael sells. >> howard selwyn. >> larry simcoe. >> arturo serino. >> frank issa rondeau. -- frank -- frankie serrano. >> adele sessa. karen seymour.
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>> davis sets no. >> thomas's roy. colin shaheed. gary charmaine. stanchion our. >> earl shanahan. jeffrey shaw. >> robert shaw. >> daniel james shea. >> robert john shea jr. >> kathleen shearer. linda june she end. >> robert shara. >> john sherry.
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>> mark shulman. >> thomas schumer. joanna sigmund. gregory sikorsky. david silver. >> stephen stiller. greg silverstein. >> diane simmons. >> bruce edwards. >> george simmons. >> donald simmons. >> kenneth simon. >> arthur simon and my sister and best friend, larissa. she would want me to thank the 9/11 memorial and also all my family and friends who supported the scholarship and her name as well as supported our oldest
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daughter who is now married as well as the two daughters who are now in college. thank you to everyone. [applause] >> and my uncle and godfather. we miss you, and we think about you every single day. we love you so much. [applause] simon.ael j >> paul joseph simon. >> marianne simon. jane louise simkin. >> jessica simpson. jess simpson.-- thomas stinson the third. syracuse.
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ebola.michael >> francis -- paul albert vincent robert slavin. >> robert. >> paul. >> stanley. >> wendy small. >> greg smallwood. >> catherine smith. >> daniel lawrence smith. >> gary s smith. >> george eric smith. heather lee smith. >> james gregory smith. >> jeffrey r smith.
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>> joyce patricia smith. >> carl key smith senior. >> kevin joseph smith. >> leon smith jr. >> laura and smith. >> monica rodriguez smith. >> rosemary smith. >> bonnie smithwick. >> michelle snow. >> christine snyder. >> diane snyder. >> leonard snyder jr. >> asterisk snow on. >> naomi solomon. >> daniel song. >> marie sutter.
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>> timothy patrick. >> gregory. >> >>. >> thomas>> john. sears jr. >> robert. george spencer. my brother, peter. we miss you so much and we honor you, trying to honor you every day by modeling your kindness, generosity, openness and love. god bless america and thank you to all who have given so much. [applause] >> and my aunt, danielle.
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i never had the chance to meet you, that i have heard so many wonderful things about you and how alike we are, such as having multiple alarms to wake us up in the morning. have our passion to i want to run the new york marathon in your memory. comes, i will think of you and carry you in my heart, for ever. you are loved, missed and you will never be forgotten. [applause] >> robert spencer. rondeau -- mary star rondeau. >> joseph scored jr. >> fitzroy saint rose.
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lawrence stack. >> timothy stackpole. >> richard. >> eric. >> gregory. >> alexandra. mary stanley. >> anthony still rita. james. >> patricia. stout.g >> william stegman. william r steiner. >> alexander steinman. >> edna stevens. >> andrew. >> andrew j stern. >> norma lang stern.
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>> michael james stewart. >> richard h stewart jr.. >> stanford and. >> douglas stole. >> bonnie stone. timothy stout. >> thomas estrada. >> james j strain jr. strauch. >> edward trap -- edward strauss. >> stephen strauss. stephen strober. benjamin suarez. >> david scott suarez. >> ramon suarez.
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william christopher sugrue. david mark sullivan. >> christopher p sullivan. >> patrick sullivan. >> thomas g sullivan. james so oslo. >> my beautiful mother, barbara walsh. you so use -- we miss much. as you would want, we have carried on. have been so proud of your grandchildren.
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they would make you so proud. we know you are watching from up above. give us the strength and continue to give us signs. we love you and god bless you and god bless america. [applause] >> my nephew, port authority police officer charles christopher. chris, raw emotions rise to the surface every year when we meet, here. the memory of what happened that day will never be forgotten and will never leave us. just know that while we continue to mourn your loss, we also make sure to celebrate your life and your smile. on behalf of your sister, your mom and dad, and your great friends, we love you, we miss you and we will never forget you. [applause] >> colleen said penske.
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celine sutter. >> suzanne sutton. >> john francis swaney. brian david sweeney. >> madeline amy sweeney. kenneth j swenson. >> thomas f swift. >> derek sward. stutz. >> norbert p sir caskey. joann. >> norma. >> michael. >> takahashi. talbot. >> robert tell tommy.
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john. >> sean. >> paul. >> marita. >> rachel. michael to michio. keith to nike. michael anthony tanner. >> dennis gerard terra mena jr. >> kenneth joseph tarantino. michael c taro. >> robert. >> deborah. >> darrell taylor. >> donnybrook's taylor. -- donnie brock taylor. >> leonard e taylor.
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>> larissa taylor. >> michael morgentaler. >> sandra taylor. >> sandra dawn teague. paul tech meyer. anthony temp has to. stanley temple. brian. >> lisa terry. >> michael theater rita's. my cousin who was a firefighter, his father was a firefighter, the brother, uncle.
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tommy did what he loved doing and he died doing it, but he loved and served and that is what we did and we are all proud of him. my brother bob and i were raised with him. [applause] >> my brother, john. happy belated 50th birthday. daughter, your and all your dad , we all stillhews grieve for you. we all miss you and love you very much. laugh.e us --
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god bless you. [applause] >> thomas. >> leslie. >> ryan thomas. >> leeann thompson. >> glenn thompson. >> nigel thompson. >> perry thompson. william h thompson. >> eric raymond. >> nichola angela for. thorpe. william. >> kenneth. >> stephen. >> scott charles.
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>> michael. >> jennifer. >> robert. james tipping the second. hector. >> michelle. >> alicia. >> john. >> richard. vladimir. thomas todd. torres -- lewis duardor o torres -- and wae torres.
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walter phillips travers. james. >> mary. >> lisa. >> >> michael trinidad. >> francis. >> gregory. william. >> lance. >> james. >> simon turner. >> donald.
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>> robert. >> jennifer. >> john. >> my father, i love and miss you dearly, and i wish i was able to spend more time with you, but i know you are up in heaven watching over me. >> my lovely niece, julie. we love and miss you so much, our beautiful julie, at age 27, your experience and love lives on, especially through your andnts and your sister brother and their families. may you and all who lost their lives here never be forgotten and forever carried in our hearts. god bless us all, peace and
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goodwill to all of us and we pray to make this world a happy place to live on. god bless america. [applause] >> tyler. >> michael. >> jonathan. >> anneal. >> allen. >> diane marie urban. >>. john. -- john. >> william. >> felix. >> ivan vale. santos ballentine. ballentine ---- valentine. >> erica.
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>> caret. daniel. >> at quick -- edwick. >> frederick. >> david vargas. >> scott vasil. volk.ald >> archangel velazquez. >> sideshow baskets. >> peter vega. jorge velasquez. >> anthony. >> david rivera.
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>> matthew. >> robert. >> celeste victoria. joanna vidal.- frank. joseph. clara bell. sergio. >> chantel. >> melissa vincent. >> francine. >> lawrence. >> joseph. >> joshua. >> maria. >> lanette. alfred. >> gregory.
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karening wagner -- wagner. .> my nephew family, all your ants, uncles, nieces and nephews love and miss you every day. you would be so proud of your family. we still have the big christmas every year. you were the one who told your mom it is not matter when we celebrate, just that we celebrate as a family together and to the 3000 other souls lost that day, we want you to know no matter what, race, religion, nationality or gender, all your lives matter. god bless all our first responders and the men and women in the armed services and god bless america. [applause]
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>> to my nephew, firefighter kevin michael prior. and itbeen 15 years still does not seem like it was that long and on that day, we lost a big part of our hearts. you were always the light of the party, your smile lit up our your parents miss you terribly, they love you. time, weof you all the feel your presence with us. we will never forget. [applause] elizabeth. anna. >> courtney wayne's worth. >> victor walls. >> benjamin james walker. >>.
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blend wall. wall.wall -- glen >> robert wallace. >> rory michael wallace. >> jeanmarie. >> mesa waller. >> john wallace jr.. >> barbara walsh. >> jim walsh. >> jeffrey walls. michael. >> stephen. >> timothy ward. >> james. >> brian warner. >> christopher washington. >> charles waters. >> james thomas waters jr.
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patrick j waters. >> kenneth watson. >> michael henry way. >> todd christopher weaver. >> walter edward weaver. >> nathaniel went. -- webb. >> joanne wilde. >> michael weinberg. >> stephen weinberg. weinstein.rge >> steinman weiser -- simon weiser. >> david thomas weiss. vincent michael wells. >> deborah jacob welsch. >> timothy matthew well she. >> vincent wimmer's.
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john. >> whitfield west jr.. >> meredith whalen. >> eugene michael whelan. >> adam white. >> edward white. >> james patrick white. >> my uncle and godfather. we love and miss you every day. >> my sister, debra lynn and my best friend. we love you and will never forget you, thank you for being our guardian angel and thank you for that rainbow we saw in the reflecting pull this morning -- pool this morning. [applause] >> john white. >> kenneth white jr. >> leonard anthony white.
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>> milosevic white -- elizabeth white. >> sandra white. >> wayne white. >> leeann marie whiteside. >> firefighter mark whitford. >> leslie whittington. >> police officer michael foley. >> mary wyman. >> jeffrey david weiner. >> william j whitman. >> allison marie wildman. >> glenn e wilkinson. wilshire -- m wilshire. brian patrick williams. >> candace lee williams. >> crossley richard williams jr. >> david j williams.
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>> david lucian williams. >> gabby l williams. >> duane williams. >> kevin michael williams. >> louis anthony williams. >> lewis calvin williams the third. >> chief john p williamson. >> donna and wilson. -- donna n wilson. david harrell winston. >> glenn. >> thomas francis wise. >> allen. >> frank. >> david whiz wall. >> charlotte weiss. >> markle wittgenstein -- michael wittgenstein. catherine susan walsh.
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-- wolf. >> brent james woodall. >> james john woods. >> marvin roger woods. >> patrick j woods. >> richard would well. john bentley works. >> martin michael. >> rodney james walton. john w wright, jr. sondra wright. port authority paul jurgens.
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my brother, thomas edward jurgens from the new york state court office. the whole family misses you and those you did not met -- did not meet. your heroic actions are spoken of often. your life is memorialized by hours. we love you each early. we love you eternaly. ati will continue to work the 9/11 memorial with your love in my heart and try to show the same passion that you did. [applause] john. >> vicki yancey. >> shoe pyongyang.
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shakeel jazmin -- shakeeequila jazmin. >> kevin patrick york. >> raymond r york. >> suzanne martin human. donald macarthur young. >> edmund g young jr. >> jaquelyn young. >> lisa l young. >> joseph. >> a dell zachary. and when. -- edwin. mark. >> christopher. kenneth albert.
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>> abraham. >> martin. mark scott. >> michael. >> charles zion. joseph. >> andrew zucker. godfather, my hero, my uncle, firefighter gregory. i apologize if i mispronounce anyone's name, but my uncle, you
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will never be forgotten. [applause] uncle,odfather and richard s gabriel. on behalf of my family, we will never forget you and today is sacred to me and it always will be. i want to especially thank all the firefighters and other first responders because for a long time we thought he died alone. a later learned that firefighter and battalion chief reached him on the 78th floor and i have a special place in my heart for first responders not because my brother is a firefighter, but because first responders and their families do so much. so thank you. [applause] karen everly jr. john paul bocce.
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sean booker senior. >> kelly and boone. >> mary jane. >> kevin l balser. >> marion r brinson. >> patrick john brown. >> richard george brewer. >> kenneth john cuban. >> vincent colucci. william garber rini. >> thomas j hetzel. >> stephen and highland jr.. >> lindsay moorhouse. >> peter nelson. >> brian sweeney. >> to my cousin, for authority police officer -- port authority police officer -- there was not
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a day that goes by my family does not think about you, we love you. brotherschroeder and my william h kelly jr. may has kindness to if you are a stranger, he treated you like a friend. if you were a friend, he treated you like family. let us all treat each other as family. [applause] ♪


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