tv Washington This Week CSPAN September 11, 2016 4:30pm-6:31pm EDT
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i have learned that connection can also bring us comfort. my daughter and i are jewish and went toars ago, we speak to a muslim family in jordan. son in a their older terrorist attack. tightly held each other's hands, we knew, we understood each other. the things we think separate us really don't. we are all part of this one earth and this vast universe. we are all ordinary and we are all special. we are all connected.
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we waste precious time by thinking otherwise. was an astrophysicist and i used to call him my star polisher. this: always makes me think of him. has to go polish the stars. they are looking a little dull. somebody must go polish the stars. complainingbeen they are taught -- they are tarnished. they say they want new ones that please getf words your rags and your polishing jars. somebody has to go polish the
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kevin l. bowser gary r. box gennady boyarsky pamela boyce allen p. boyle michael boyle alfred j. braca sandra conaty brace kevin hugh bracken sandy waugh bradshaw david brian brady nicholas w. brandemarti alexander braginsky david reed gamboa brandhorst daniel raymond brandhorst patrice braut michelle renee bratton ronald michael breitweiser lydia estelle bravo frank h. brennan
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edward a. brennan iii peter brennan michael e. brennan daniel j. brethel thomas more brennan jonathan eric briley gary lee bright paul gary bristow mark a. brisman and my husband, justice john berry. i will always view and miss you. to theirr children spouses come your beautiful grandchildren, your family and mine and all your friends, we carry your heart in our hearts. my father, we remember and honor all of those lost and salute all of those who keep us safe.
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missed you so much over these past 15 years. you are only 23 years old. you never got to meet your that we tellusins, them about the beautiful young woman you were cap we hope you know you are always in our hearts and we will always. don't forget to take care of daddy. [applause] mark francis broderick herman charles broghammer keith a. broomfield bernard c. brown ii janice juloise brown lloyd stanford brown patrick john brown bettina b. browne-radburn mark bruce richard george bruehert andrew brunn
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vincent edward brunton ronald bucca brandon j. buchanan greg j. buck dennis buckley nancy clare bueche patrick joseph buhse john edward bulaga, jr. stephen bruce bunin christopher l. burford matthew j. burke thomas daniel burke william francis burke, jr. charles f. burlingame iii thomas e. burnett, jr. donald j. burns kathleen anne burns keith james burns john patrick burnside irina buslo milton g. bustillo
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thomas m. butler patrick dennis byrne timothy g. byrne daniel m. caballero jesus neptali cabezas lillian caceres brian joseph cachia steven dennis cafiero, jr. richard michael caggiano cecile marella caguicla and my brother from ladder 21. joey, we love you. knowing you are there, protecting us and watching over us gives us strength every day. this past week, we lost a friend and it is comforting knowing that when jimmy went home, joey allthere to greet them and our brothers were there to greet
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him. we miss you so much. you will never be forgotten. >> and my brother. he love the lord, he loves the church and he deeply loved his spiritfor his beautiful will always reach us. [applause] richard michael caggiano cecile marella caguicla john brett cahill michael john cahill scott walter cahill thomas joseph cahill george c. cain salvatore b. calabro joseph m. calandrillo philip v. calcagno edward calderon jose o. calderoolmedo kenneth marcus caldwell dominick e. calia
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felix bobby calixte francis joseph callahan liam callahan suzanne m. calley gino luigi calvi roko camaj michael f. cammarata david otey campbell geoffrey thomas campbell robert arthur campbell sandra patricia campbell sean thomas canavan john a. candela vincent a. cangelosi stephen j. cangialosi lisa bella cannava brian cannizzaro michael r. canty louis anthony caporicci jonathan neff cappello james christopher cappers richard michael caproni jose manuel cardona
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dennis m. carey, sr. edward carlino michael scott carlo and my father, dad, the whole family miss you but has then 15 years. this year, i'm applying to college and i know i will make you route. uncle, firefighter michael boyle for we miss you day. day of -- every david g. carlone rosemarie c. carlson mark stephen carney joyce ann carpeneto jeremy caz carrington michael t. carroll peter j. carroll james joseph carson, jr. christoffer mikael carstanjen angelene c. carter james marcel cartier sharon ann carver
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vivian casalduc john francis casazza paul regan cascio neilie anne heffernan casey william joseph cashman thomas anthony casoria william otto caspar alejandro castaño arcelia castillo leonard m. castrianno jose ramon castro william e. caswell richard g. catarelli christopher sean caton robert john caufield mary teresa caulfield judson cavalier michael joseph cawley jason david cayne juan armando ceballos marcia g. cecil-carter jason michael cefalu thomas joseph celic ana mercedes centeno joni cesta
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john j. chada jeffrey marc chairnoff swarna chalasani >> and my uncle, who we love and miss dearly. ourwill always be in hearts. >> and my father, stephen lewis roche. i love you dad and i'm issue. >> william a. chalcoff eli chalouh charles lawrence chan mandy chang rosa maria chapa mark lawrence charette david m. charlebois gregorio manuel chavez pedro francisco checo douglas macmillan cherry stephen patrick cherry vernon paul cherry nestor julio chevalier, jr. swede joseph chevalier alexander h. chiang
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dorothy j. chiarchiaro luis alfonso chimbo robert chin eddie wing-wai ching nicholas paul chiofalo john g. chipura peter a. chirchirillo catherine ellen chirls kyung hee casey cho abul k. chowdhury mohammad salahuddin chowdhury kirsten lail christophe pamela chu steven paul chucknick wai ching chung christopher ciafardini alex f. ciccone frances ann cilente elaine cillo edna cintron nestor andre cintron iii robert d. cirri, sr.
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juan pablo cisneros benjamin keefe clark eugene clark >> and my uncle, albert mason. >> and stephen frank macy. [applause] >> gregory alan clark mannie leroy clark sara m. clark thomas r. clark christopher robert clarke donna marie clarke michael j. clarke suria rachel emma clarke kevin francis cleary james d. cleere geoffrey w. cloud susan marie clyne steven coakley jeffrey alan coale patricia a. cody daniel michael coffey
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jason matthew coffey florence g. cohen kevin s. cohen anthony joseph coladonato mark joseph colaio stephen j. colaio christopher michael colasanti kevin nathaniel colbert michel p. colbert keith e. coleman scott thomas coleman tarel coleman liam joseph colhoun robert d. colin robert j. coll jean marie collin john michael collins michael l. collins thomas joseph collins joseph kent collison jeffrey dwayne collman patricia malia colodner
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linda m. colon sol e. colon >> and my brother, many who knew joe.alled him my mother called him joe hart. he was her heart and became the heart of the family for the even though it has been 15 years, the pain and the loss have not diminished. much. given us so he was a loving brother, father, husband, nephew, uncle and friend. we are so happy we had so many good times with him and he will hisr forget his smiles, trademark smiles that will light up the night sky. josephmy brother,
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francis holland, who we miss as much today as we did 15 years ago. life will never be the same without you. until we meet again, i will carry you in my heart. [applause] ronald edward comer jaime concepcion albert conde denease conley susan p. conlon margaret mary conner cynthia marie lise connolly john e. connolly, jr. james lee connor jonathan m. connors kevin patrick connors kevin f. conroy brenda e. conway dennis michael cook helen d. cook jeffrey w. coombs
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john a. cooper julian t. cooper joseph john coppo, jr. gerard j. coppola joseph albert corbett john j. corcoran iii alejandro cordero robert joseph cordice ruben d. correa danny a. correa-gutierrez georgine rose corrigan james j corrigan. carlos corterodriguez kevin michael cosgrove dolores marie costa digna alexandra costanza charles gregory costello, jr. michael s. costello
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asia s. cottom conrod kofi cottoy, sr. martin john coughlan john g. coughlin timothy j. coughlin james e. cove >> and my uncle -- we love you and miss you every day. i'm sure danielle wishes you were here to walk her down the aisle next september. >> and jeff levine, not a day goes by that we don't miss you. your legacy lives on through our grandchildren, one of whom was born on your birth day. [applause] andre colin cox frederick john cox james raymond coyle michele coyle-eulau
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eric a. cranford christopher seton cramer james leslie crawford, jr. denise elizabeth crant tara kathleen creamer robert james crawford lucia crifasi joanne mary cregan daniel hal crisman john a. crisci kevin r. crotty dennis a. cross john r. crowe thomas g. crotty robert l. cruikshank welles remy crowther grace alegre cua john robert cruz francisco cruz cubero
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thelma cuccinello richard joseph cudina neil james cudmore thomas patrick cullen iii joan cullinan joyce rose cummings brian thomas cummins michael joseph cunningham robert curatolo laurence damian curia paul dario curioli patrick joseph currivan beverly l. curry andrew peter charles curry green michael sean curtin patricia cushing as themy brother, from why rescue 32 sacrifice his life along with all the other first responders who lost their lives
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in the service of others. your family's love and miss you. we honor your memory and your lives and all the lives we lost that day. , -- my sister,r maria. it has been eckstein years since i've seen that beautiful face and funny smile. i know you are my guardian angel. please take care of mommy and daddy now and i wrote you this little pelham -- this little poem. death leaves a heartache no one can heal. death leaves a heartache no one can steal. rest in peace. [applause] gavin cushny caleb arron dack carlos s. da costa jason m. dahl brian paul dale john d'allara
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vincent gerard d'amadeo thomas a. damaskinos jack l. d'ambrosi, jr. jeannine damiani-jones manuel joao damota patrick w. danahy mary d'antonio vincent g. danz dwight donald darcy elizabeth ann darling annette andrea dataram edward a. d'atri michael d. d'auria lawrence davidson michael allen davidson scott matthew davidson titus davidson niurka davila ada m. davis clinton davis, sr.
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wayne terrial davis anthony richard dawson calvin dawson edward james day william thomas dean robert j. deangelis, jr. thomas patrick deangelis dorothy alma de araujo ana gloria pocasangre debarrera tara e. debek james d. debeuneure anna m. debin james v. deblase, jr. jayceryll malabuyoc de chavez >> and my amazing brother. [speaking spanish]
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johnny boy, we miss you, baby. >> and my uncle -- i believe whenheartbreaking thing is someone hasn't finished their story and yours certainly was not in his. we miss you and keep an eye on your sister. [applause] paul decola gerald f. deconto simon marash dedvukaj jason christopher defazio david a. defeo jennifer de jesus monique effie dejesus nereida de jesus emy de la peña donald arthur delapenha azucena maria de la torre vito joseph deleo danielle anne delie
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joseph a. della pietra andrea dellabella palmina delligatti colleen ann deloughery joseph deluca manuel del valle, jr. francis albert de martini anthony demas martin n. demeo francis deming carol keyes demitz kevin dennis thomas francis dennis, sr. jean c. depalma jose nicolas de pena robert john deraney michael derienzo david paul derubbio jemal legesse desantis christian louis desimone edward desimone iii
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andrew j. desperito michael jude d'esposito cindy ann deuel melanie louise de vere jerry devito robert p. devitt, jr. and my sister's husband, from latter company number two. i tried to live my life just the way you wanted me to. our lives have never been the same without you, especially our annual football game. alongside jodie, i daughter have helped fill some of that void. i miss having you as a brother and playing wiffleball against you even though you beat me are less game. there's not an a that goes by that i don't think of you. >> and my mother, frances.
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to my mother and to all of our family members who perished this day 15 years ago, we deeply miss you still. rejoice in loudly saying hello from the other side. and, to our heavenly creator, we pray, dear god, that you buy -- you inspire our world leaders toward peace and guide america and helpnder-in-chief make america safe once again. jesus this in the name of christ, amen. [applause] dennis lawrence devlin gerard p. dewan sulemanali kassamali dhanani michael louis diagostino
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matthew diaz nancy diaz obdulio ruiz diaz michael a. diaz-piedra iii judith berquis diaz-sierra patricia florence di chiaro rodney dickens jerry d. dickerson joseph dermot dickey, jr. lawrence patrick dickinson michael d. diehl john difato vincent francis difazio carl anthony difranco donald joseph difranco john digiovanni eddie a. dillard debra ann di martino david dimeglio stephen patrick dimino
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william john dimmling christopher more dincuff jeffrey mark dingle rena sam dinnoo anthony dionisio george dipasquale joseph di pilato douglas frank distefano donald americo ditullio ramzi a. doany johnnie doctor, jr. john joseph doherty melissa candida doi brendan dolan robert e. dolan, jr. and my grandfather, edward. we love and miss you every day. >> and my brother, alfred russell.
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♪ >> neil matthew dollard james domanico benilda pascua domingo alberto dominguez carlos dominguez jerome mark patrick dominguez kevin w. donnelly jacqueline donovan william h. donovan stephen scott dorf thomas dowd kevin christopher dowdell mary yolanda dowling raymond matthew downey, sr. frank joseph doyle joseph michael doyle randall l. drake patrick joseph driscoll stephen patrick driscoll
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charles a. droz iii mirna a. duarte luke a. dudek christopher michael duffy gerard j. duffy michael joseph duffy thomas w. duffy antoinette duger jackie sayegh duggan sareve dukat patrick dunn felicia gail dunjones christopher joseph dunne richard anthony dunstan patrick thomas dwyer joseph anthony eacobacci john bruce eagleson edward t. earhart robert douglas eaton dean phillip eberling margaret ruth echtermann
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>> and by on -- my aunt. and we you, we miss you, think of you every day. >> and my father, craig douglas montana. we love you, we miss you, and you will be forever on our minds and our hearts. [applause] >> paul robert eckna constantine economos barbara g. edwards dennis michael edwards michael hardy edwards christine egan lisa erin egan martin j. egan, jr. michael egan samantha martin egan carole eggert lisa caren ehrlich john ernst eichler
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eric adam eisenberg daphne ferlinda elder michael j. elferis mark joseph ellis valerie silver ellis albert alfy william elmarry robert r. elseth edgar hendricks emery, jr. doris suk-yuen eng christopher epps ulf ramm ericson erwin l. erker william john erwin sarah ali escarcega jose espinal fanny espinoza billy scoop esposito bridget ann esposito francis esposito
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michael a. esposito ruben esquilin, jr. sadie ette barbara g. etzold eric brian evans robert edward evans meredith emily june ewart catherine k. fagan >> and my father, jack. i know you are watching over us i speak for our family and friends that we love you and miss you every day. >> and my father, james patrick. in the words of your favorite musician bruce springsteen, everything is everything, but you are missing. we love you, we miss you, and we will never forget your heroic actions on that tragic day. [applause]
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>> patricia mary fagan ivan kyrillos fairbankbarbosa keith george fairben sandra fajardo-smith charles s. falkenberg dana falkenberg zoe falkenberg jamie l. fallon william f. fallon william lawrence fallon, jr. anthony j. fallone, jr. dolores brigitte fanelli robert john fangman john joseph fanning kathleen anne faragher thomas james farino nancy c. doloszycki farley
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paige marie farley-hackel elizabeth ann farmer douglas jon farnum john gerard farrell john w. farrell terrence patrick farrell joseph d. farrelly thomas patrick farrelly syed abdul fatha christopher edward faughnan wendy r. faulkner shannon marie fava bernard d. favuzza robert fazio, jr. ronald carl fazio, sr. william m. feehan
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francis jude feely garth erin feeney sean bernard fegan lee s. fehling peter adam feidelberg alan d. feinberg rosa maria feliciano >> and my brother, timothy riley. may our light and spirit continue to shine on us. >> and my brother-in-law, my brother, my buddy, dr. lee alan adler. we miss you and love you always, lee. [applause] >> edward p. felt edward thomas fergus, jr. george j. ferguson iii
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j. joseph ferguson henry fernandez judy hazel santillan fernandez julio fernandez elisa giselle ferraina anne marie sallerin ferreira robert john ferris david francis ferrugio louis v. fersini, jr. michael david ferugio bradley james fetchet jennifer louise fialko kristen nicole fiedel amelia v. fields samuel fields alexander milan filipov michael bradley finnegan timothy j. finnerty michael c. fiore stephen j. fiorelli paul m. fiori
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john b. fiorito john r. fischer andrew fisher bennett lawson fisher gerald p. fisher john roger fisher thomas j. fisher lucy a. fishman ryan d. fitzgerald thomas james fitzpatrick richard p. fitzsimons salvatore fiumefreddo darlene e. flagg wilson f. flagg christina donovan flannery eileen flecha >> and my brother, louis anthony williams, who we miss and love dearly. i just want to say that the devastation has been so deep, that it took 13 years for us to come and support the memorial. but i pray to my brother, and i
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guarantee you that this, as long as i live, someone will be here to support your memory. god bless the whole world. [applause] >> and for our brother, brother-in-law, husband, father, and joe, now grandfather of four. joseph, we miss you and love you. we are looking out for them. you keep looking out for us. [applause] andre g. fletcher carl m. flickinger matthew m. flocco john joseph florio joseph walkden flounders carol ann flyzik david fodor michael n. fodor stephen mark fogel thomas j. foley jane c. folger david j. fontana
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chih min foo delrose e. forbes cheatham godwin forde donald a. foreman christopher hugh forsythe claudia alicia foster noel john foster sandra n. foster ana fosteris robert joseph foti jeffrey fox virginia elizabeth fox pauline francis virgin lucy francis gary jay frank morton h. frank peter christopher frank colleen l. fraser richard k. fraser kevin j. frawley clyde frazier, jr. lillian inez frederick andrew fredericks tamitha freeman brett owen freiman peter l. freund
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arlene eva fried alan w. friedlander andrew keith friedman >> and my late let -- wife, laura lee. you, we think of you mom, day, we love you, dad, jeff, craig and me. livecans, one day we can in peace. maybe one day we can all live as one again. >> and my father, port authority police officer nathaniel. you are missed and loved more than you will ever know. you will always be my hero, daddy, and now i get to share you with everyone. [applause] andrew keith friedman paul j. friedman gregg j. froehner lisa anne frost
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peter christian fry clement a. fumando steven elliot furman paul james furmato karleton douglas beye fyfe fredric neal gabler richard peter gabriel richard s. gabrielle james andrew gadiel pamela lee gaff ervin vincent gailliard deanna lynn galante and her unborn child grace catherine galante anthony edward gallagher daniel james gallagher john patrick gallagher lourdes j. galletti cono e. gallo vincent gallucci thomas e. galvin giovanna galletta gambale thomas gambino, jr. giann f. gamboa ronald l. gamboa peter james ganci, jr.
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michael gann cesar r. garcia andrew sonny garcia jorge luis morron garcia david garcia marlyn del carmen garcia juan garcia douglas benjamin gardner christopher samuel gardner and my uncle, michael. although i have not met you, i love you. and my grandma and grandpa miss you dearly. we all do. my grandparents cannot physically make it today, but i love you too. would be proud to know you have two nephews both named after you. i love you. [applause] >> harvey joseph gardner iii christopher samuel gardner. my cousin, police officer joseph. we love and miss you dearly. [applause] >> jeffrey brian gardner
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thomas a. gardner william arthur gardner frank garfi rocco nino gargano james m. gartenberg matthew david garvey bruce gary boyd alan gatton donald richard gavagan, jr. peter alan gay terence d. gazzani gary paul geidel paul hamilton geier julie m. geis peter gerard gelinas steven paul geller howard g. gelling, jr. peter victor genco, jr. steven gregory genovese
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alayne gentul linda m. george edward f. geraghty suzanne geraty ralph gerhardt robert gerlich denis p. germain marina romanovna gertsberg susan m. getzendanner lawrence d. getzfred james g. geyer cortez ghee joseph m. giaccone vincent francis giammona debra lynn gibbon james andrew giberson brenda c. gibson craig neil gibson ronnie e. gies andrew clive gilbert
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timothy paul gilbert josephmy big brother, michael. he was only 43 years old. 15 years are like 15 seconds. the hurt is still there. hole is still there. you live on through your family. we miss you every day. and everyone, tell someone you love them today. and on behalf of our entire family, i would like to stand thomasd say, my brother, francis, we love you and we miss you. with all our hearts. [applause] [bell ringing]
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jeffrey john giordano john giordano steven a. giorgetti martin giovinazzo kum-kum girolamo salvatore gitto cynthia giugliano mon gjonbalaj dianne gladstone keith alexander glascoe thomas irwin glasser edmund glazer harry glenn barry h. glick jeremy logan glick steven glick john t. gnazzo william robert godshalk michael gogliormella brian f. goldberg jeffrey g. goldflam michelle goldstein monica goldstein
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steven ian goldstein ronald f. golinski andrew h. golkin dennis james gomes enrique antonio gomez jose bienvenido gomez manuel gomez, jr. sharon.y aunt, not a day goes by we don't think about you. we love and miss you so much. >> and my uncle, robert. [applause] >> wilder alfredo gomez jenine nicole gonzalez mauricio gonzalez rosa j. gonzalez lynn catherine goodchild calvin joseph gooding peter morgan goodrich harry goody kiran kumar reddy gopu
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catherine c. gorayeb lisa fenn gordenstein kerene gordon sebastian gorki kieran joseph gorman thomas edward gorman michael edward gould o. kristin osterholm white gould douglas alan gowell yuji goya jon richard grabowski christopher michael grady edwin j. graf iii david martin graifman gilbert franco granados lauren catuzzi grandcolas and her unborn child elvira granitto winston arthur grant christopher s. gray
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ian j. gray james michael gray tara mccloud gray john m. grazioso timothy george grazioso derrick auther green wade b. green wanda anita green elaine myra greenberg donald freeman greene gayle r. greene james arthur greenleaf, jr. >> and my beloved brother-in-law, chantal rooney. you are with your mother. and my sister beverly. our families miss you every day, we love you and we will never forget you. may god lead us into a path of peace. >> my brother, i love you and
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miss you so much. i live my life in your spirit of giving, and never forgetting. love you always, ronald j ruben. [applause] eileen marsha greenstein elizabeth martin gregg denise marie gregory donald h. gregory florence moran gregory pedro grehan john michael griffin tawanna sherry griffin joan donna griffith warren grifka ramon b. grijalvo joseph f. grillo david joseph grimner francis edward grogan linda gronlund kenneth george grouzalis
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joseph grzelak matthew james grzymalski robert joseph gschaar liming gu richard j. guadagno jose a. guadalupe cindy yan zhu guan geoffrey e. guja joseph p. gullickson babita girjamatie guman douglas brian gurian janet ruth gustafson philip t. guza barbara guzzardo peter mark gyulavary gary robert haag andrea lyn haberman barbara mary habib philip haentzler
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nezam a. hafiz karen elizabeth hagerty steven michael hagis mary lou hague david halderman >> in memory of my aunt. zany,d my beautiful, generous, forgiving, hard-working, friendly unconditionally loving mother, ruth. she made this world a brighter place in the 53 years that she lived, and she lives on in the hearts and memories of those whose lives she touched. she never got to meet my children, but she inspired the prayer that i stay with her grandchildren before bed at night. let us pray for our families and friends, those who we have lost, but not forgotten, for the said, the sick, and the lonely, for our leaders to make wise choices, for us to choose wisely
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,o, for us to help each other and not for each other, and for peace. amen. [applause] >> maile rachel hale diane hale-mckinzy richard b. hall stanley r. hall vaswald george hall robert j. halligan vincent gerard halloran carolyn b. halmon james douglas halvorson mohammad salman hamdani felicia hamilton robert w. hamilton carl max hammond, jr. frederic k. han christopher james hanley sean s. hanley valerie joan hanna thomas paul hannafin kevin james hannaford, sr. michael lawrence hannan
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dana rey hannon christine lee hanson peter burton hanson sue kim hanson vassilios g. haramis james a. haran gerald francis hardacre jeffrey pike hardy t.j. hargrave daniel edward harlin frances haros harvey l. harrell stephen g. harrell melissa harringtohughes -- melissa harringtonhughes aisha ann harris stewart d. harris john patrick hart eric hartono john clinton hartz emeric harvey >> and my uncle, norman scott.
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i am 15 years and three months old, so i only knew you for three months. i feel like i have known you for ever. i love hearing about you from stories from my family. i'm sorry i never got to see you smile, laugh and, take your chocolate chip cookies with nuts. i'm proud to call you my uncle and we will love you forever. >> and my uncle, firefighter patrick dennis byrne. we love and miss you every day. you will always be our ultimate man. [applause] >> peter paul hashem thomas theodore haskell, jr. timothy shawn haskell joseph john hasson iii leonard w. hatton, jr. terence s. hatton michael helmut haub timothy aaron haviland donald g. havlish, jr. anthony maurice hawkins nobuhiro hayatsu
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james edward hayden robert jay hayes philip t. hayes, ret. w. ward haynes scott jordan hazelcorn michael k. healey roberta b. heber charles francis xavier heeran john f. heffernan michele m. heidenberger sheila m.s. hein h. joseph heller, jr. joann l. heltibridle ronald john hemenway mark f. hemschoot ronnie lee henderson brian hennessey edward r. hennessy, jr. michelle marie henrique joseph patrick henry william l. henry, jr. catherina henry-robinson john christopher henwood robert allan hepburn
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mary herencia lindsay c. herkness iii harvey robert hermer norberto hernandez raul hernandez >> and on behalf of our family, firefighter salvatore. today for the 15th time, we mourn the loss of you. we stand united to commemorate the bravery that was displayed on one of the worst days in american history. we love and miss you dearly, and your memory will live on inside of our hearts, we honor and remember all the following , and pray for the end of violence and terrorism.may god bless america . [applause] and my nana, barbara a shaw, who was killed when i was just two years old, and never got to meet my younger brother.
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i plan on honoring her by serving our country, just like my mom honors her through her cooking. we love you, and we miss you. [applause] >> gary herold jeffrey alan hersch thomas j. hetzel leon bernard heyward mc sundance brian christopher hickey enemencio dario hidalgo cedeño timothy brian higgins robert d. w. higley ii todd russell hill clara victorine hinds neal o. hinds mark hindy katsuyuki hirai heather malia ho tara yvette hobbs
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thomas anderson hobbs james j. hobin robert wayne hobson iii dajuan hodges ronald g. hoerner patrick a. hoey john a. hofer marcia hoffman stephen gerard hoffman frederick joseph hoffmann michele l. hoffmann judith florence hofmiller wallace cole hogan, jr. thomas warren hohlweck, jr. jonathan r. hohmann cora hidalgo holland john holland joseph f. holland jimmie i. holley elizabeth holmes thomas p. holohan herbert wilson homer leroy w. homer, jr.
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bradley v. hoorn james p. hopper >> and my father. dad, we are so proud of you. we love you, we miss you, and we miss your love. >> and my all time godfather, paul. we love you and we miss you every single day. [applause] montgomery mccullough hord michael joseph horn matthew douglas horning robert l. horohoe, jr. michael robert horrocks aaron horwitz charles j. houston uhuru g. houston angela m. houtz george gerard howard brady kay howell michael c. howell steven leon howell
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jennifer l. howley and her unborn child milagros hromada marian r. hrycak stephen huczko, jr. kris robert hughes paul rexford hughes robert t. hughes, jr. thomas f. hughes, jr. timothy robert hughes susan huie lamar demetrius hulse john nicholas humber, jr. william christopher hunt kathleen anne hunt-casey joseph gerard hunter peggie m. hurt robert r. hussa thomas edward hynes robert j. hymel joseph anthony ianelli
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walter g. hynes thomas edward hynes zuhtu ibis jonathan lee ielpi michael patrick iken daniel ilkanayev frederick j. ill, jr. >> and my father, john patrick gallagher. bad, me and mom think about you every single day, but we will never stop loving you and missing you. john josephd, murray. we continue to be inspired by you and we love you and miss you every day. thank you for everything. [applause] abraham nethanel ilowitz anthony p. infante, jr. louis s. inghilterra christopher noble ingrassia paul innella stephanie veronica irby
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douglas jason irgang kristin irvine-ryan todd antione isaac erik hans isbrandtsen taizo ishikawa waleed joseph iskandar aram iskenderian, jr. john f. iskyan kazushige ito aleksandr valeryevich ivantsov lacey bernard ivory virginia may jablonski bryan c. jack brooke alexandra jackman aaron jeremy jacobs ariel louis jacobs jason kyle jacobs
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michael g. jacobs steven a. jacobson steven d. jacoby ricknauth jaggernauth jake denis jagoda yudhvir s. jain maria jakubiak robert adrien jalbert ernest james gricelda e. james mark steven jardim amy nicole jarret muhammadou jawara francois jeanpierre maxima jeanpierre paul edward jeffers john charles jenkins >> and my uncle, donald walter robertson junior.
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we love and miss you so much. your memories f not just today, but every single day. thank you for being our inspiration. until we meet again. >> and my uncle, fighter fetter peter alexander.15 years ago , you were checked out by doctors for injuries you sustained in a fire earlier. without hesitation, you came to manhattan 10, and climbed the towers to try and save lives. your strength, dedication, encourage, your example would live on a in us forever. we miss you and we love you. [applause] joseph jenkins, jr. alan keith jensen prem nath jerath farah jeudy hweidar jian eliezer jimenez, jr. luis jimenez, jr.
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charles gregory john nicholas john dennis m. johnson lashawna johnson scott michael johnson william r. johnston allison horstmann jones arthur joseph jones iii brian leander jones charles edward jones christopher d. jones donald t. jones ii donald w. jones judith lawter jones linda jones mary s. jones andrew brian jordan, sr. robert thomas jordan albert gunnis joseph ingeborg joseph karl henry joseph stephen joseph jane eileen josiah anthony jovic angel l. juarbe, jr. karen sue juday
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ann c. judge mychal f. judge paul william jurgens thomas edward jurgens shashikiran lakshmikantha kadaba gavkharoy kamardinova shari kandell >> and my brother, daniel. let it be a reminder that those who attacked us have been defeated not only by their own hatred and the brave men and women who served our country, but also by the enduring love that shines down from those re-remember today -- we remember today. >> and for my brother, christopher michael. whenever you were a ridiculous a ridiculous shirt such as the one i am sporting, we did not know whether to laugh or cry. today i will do more -- both.
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friends, yourour four siblings, three nephews and two nieces, especially our two sons, who play, who fight, and who russell just like you and i did. -- and who russell just like you and i did. nobody should ever have to say goodbye to another brother at age 23. i'm sorry i never got to say goodbye, bro. [applause] >> howard lee kane jennifer lynn kane vincent d. kane joon koo kang sheldon robert kanter deborah h. kaplan robin lynne kaplan alvin peter kappelmann, jr. charles h. karczewski william a. karnes douglas gene karpiloff
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>> 15 years ago, at this exact moment, the north tower collapsed, and my world collapsed with it. jimmy was killed in the north tower. fitzgerald.r kerry he was only 23 years old. me.y loves he loved us. he loved my family. he loved new york city. his beloved new york mets. he loved this country and he loved life. personally, i wanted to do something about that.
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. wanted to serve my country so i joined the army. tours in iraq, and one in afghanistan. today, i dedicate my life to serving military veterans, through an organization called team red white and blue. [applause] looking back, it was hard to get through those weeks following 9/11, but an important part of me misses those days. because as a country, we were never more united. we were never more inspired. i know in our current political environment, it may feel that we are divided. don't believe it. anniversary of september day,or one day, just one
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shut off your televisions. power down your phone. go outside. say hello to your neighbor. volunteer. engage with your community. do not sit on the sidelines. be the inspiration we so desperately crave. be the connection we all desperately need. and then tomorrow, by dawn's early light, wake up, put one foot in front of the other, and do it again. be the unity this world needs. thank you. [applause]
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>> andrew k. kates john a. katsimatides robert michael kaulfers don jerome kauth, jr. hideya kawauchi edward t. keane richard m. keane lisa yvonne kearney-griffin karol ann keasler barbara a. keating paul hanlon keating leo russell keene iii brenda kegler chandler raymond keller joseph john keller peter r. kellerman joseph p. kellett frederick h. kelley iii
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james joseph kelly joseph a. kelly maurice p. kelly richard john kelly, jr. thomas michael kelly thomas richard kelly thomas w. kelly timothy colin kelly william hill kelly, jr. robert clinton kennedy uncle, we keep your memory and spirit alive with stories of you.we love and miss you every day. >> and my father, police officer paul, we love and miss you always. [applause] >> thomas j. kennedy yvonne e. kennedy
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john richard keohane ralph francis kershaw ronald t. kerwin howard l. kestenbaum douglas d. ketcham ruth ellen ketler boris khalif norma cruz khan sarah khan taimour firaz khan rajesh khandelwal seilai khoo michael vernon kiefer satoshi kikuchihara andrew jay-hoon kim lawrence don kim mary jo kimelman heinrich kimmig karen ann kincaid amy r. king andrew m. king lucille teresa king robert king, jr.
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lisa king-johnson brian k. kinney takashi kinoshita chris michael kirby robert kirkpatrick howard barry kirschbaum helen crossin kittle and her richard joseph klares peter anton klein alan david kleinberg karen joyce klitzman ronald philip kloepfer stephen a. knapp eugueni kniazev and my uncle andrew. i have been to the ceremony and though i have never met my uncle it doesn't deal that will -- way. him rightwn up with by my side.
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andrew had an impact on many peoples live. andrew, we can't describe how much everyone loves you. and my uncle and mainstay -- namesake, brian. [applause] james knox thomas patrick knox rebecca lee koborie deborah a. kobus gary edward koecheler frank j. koestner ryan kohart vanessa lynn przybylo kolpak irina kolpakova suzanne rose kondratenko abdoulaye kone
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bon seok koo dorota kopiczko scott michael kopytko bojan george kostic danielle kousoulis david p. kovalcin john j. kren william edward krukowski lyudmila ksido toshiya kuge shekhar kumar kenneth bruce kumpel frederick kuo, jr. patricia a. kuras nauka kushitani thomas joseph kuveikis victor kwarkye raymond kui fai kwok angela reed kyte
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andrew la corte carol ann la plante jeffrey g. la touche kathryn l. laborie amarnauth lachhman ganesh k. ladkat james patrick ladley joseph a. lafalce jeanette louise lafond-menichino david james laforge and my nephew david rosenbaum. the entire family loves and misses you very much. , ir mother left us last week suspect by now you have found each other. you will remain in our hearts and minds forever. my brother brian thomas
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cummings a larger-than-life member of our family whose network of friends. we miss you. you are awesome. michael patrick laforte alan charles lafrance juan mendez lafuente neil kwong-wah lai vincent anthony laieta william david lake franco lalama chow kwan lam michael s. lamana stephen lamantia amy hope lamonsoff robert t. lane brendan mark lang rosanne p. lang
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mary lou langley peter j. langone thomas michael langone michele bernadette lanza ruth sheila lapin ingeborg a.d. lariby robin blair larkey judith camilla larocque christopher randall larrabee hamidou s. larry scott larsen john adam larson natalie janis lasden gary edward lasko nicholas craig lassman paul laszczynski charles a. laurencin stephen james lauria maria lavache denis francis lavelle
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jeannine mary laverde anna a. laverty steven lawn robert a. lawrence, jr. nathaniel lawson , we willfe arlene always remember your smile and we love you forever. joshuamy beloved son todd aaron. josh you are in my thoughts and heart always. i miss you every day and i love you. [applause] david w. laychak eugen gabriel lazar james patrick leahy joseph gerard leavey neil j. leavy robert g. leblanc leon lebor
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kenneth charles ledee alan j. lederman elena f. ledesma alexis leduc daniel john lee david s. lee dong chul lee gary h. lee hyun joon lee juanita lee kathryn blair lee linda c. lee lorraine mary greene lee myoung woo lee richard y.c. lee stuart soo-jin lee yang der lee stephen paul lefkowitz adriana legro edward joseph lehman eric lehrfeld david r. leistman david prudencio lemagne joseph anthony lenihan john joseph lennon, jr.
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john robinson lenoir jorge luis leon, sr. matthew g. leonard michael lepore charles a. lesperance jeff leveen john dennis levi alisha caren levin and my uncle and godfather sergeant timothy allen roy. doemiss the silly things you to make me smile. . still think of you until we meet again may god keep .ou in his you were the hero in our family long before some number 2001. we love you.
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[applause] neil david levin robert levine robert michael levine shai levinhar daniel m. lewin adam jay lewis jennifer lewis kenneth e. lewis margaret susan lewis ye wei liang orasri liangthanasarn daniel f. libretti ralph michael licciardi edward lichtschein samantha l. lightbourallen steven barry lillianthal carlos r. lillo craig damian lilore
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arnold arboleda lim darya lin wei rong lin nickie l. lindo thomas v. linehan, jr. robert thomas linnane alan patrick linton, jr. diane theresa lipari kenneth p. lira arevalo francisco alberto liriano lorraine lisi paul lisson vincent m. litto ming-hao liu nancy liz harold lizcano martin lizzul george a. llanes
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elizabeth c. logler catherine lisa loguidice jerome robert lohez michael william lomax and my father. in the past 15 years hundreds of families, family friends have come in your order. some have participated in athletic events around the world. you continue to guide us and i hope i make you proud. until we meet again. >> and thomas edward hines my of our and father 14-year-old daughter. we love you and miss you. so much, tom. you are forever in our hearts. applause] stephen v. long laura maria longing
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mark gavin ludvigsen lee charles ludwig sean thomas lugano daniel lugo marie lukas william lum, jr. michael p. lunden christopher e. lunder anthony luparello gary frederick lutnick linda anne luzzicone alexander lygin ceecee lyles farrell peter lynch james francis lynch james t. lynch, jr. louise a. lynch michael cameron lynch michael francis lynch michael francis lynch
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richard d. lynch, jr. mi brother firefighter kenneth. any we humbly thank you for your hair was on on the morning of september 11, 2001. you are an inspiration to us, we love and miss you every day. and my father patrick. days of youber the carrying me around on your shoulders. now i am here. you would be so proud of me and sean. we live our lives like you did every day, with love, humor and generosity. we love and miss you so much. applause henry lynch, jr. sean p. lynch
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sean patrick lynch terence m. lynch michael j. lyons monica anne lyons nehamon lyons iv patrick john lyons m robert francis mace marianne macfarlane jan maciejewski susan a. mackay william macko catherine fairfax macrae richard blaine madden simon maddison noell c. maerz jennieann maffeo joseph maffeo jay robert magazine brian magee charles w. magee
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joseph v. maggitti ronald magnuson daniel l. maher thomas a. mahon william j. mahoney joseph daniel maio linda c. mair-grayling takashi makimoto abdu ali malahi debora i. maldonado myrna t. maldonado-agosto alfred russell maler gregory james malone edward francis maloney iii joseph e. maloney gene edward maloy christian h. maltby francisco miguel mancini
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and my husband brian murphy. thank you new york were continuing to honor the victims of 9/11 and for the privilege of reading your name. brian i have thought about you every day for the last 15 years. i am very grateful for wonderful time together and will never forget all that we shared. your spirit lives on in your beautiful daughters, your family and your many friends. we love you. joseph.or my father daddy i never got a chance to see your face, hear your voice and hold her hand. life wasn't fair. that doesn't stop me from loving you and it never will.
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it is hard to move on but you are the angel that keeps me strong. i will love you forever. applause] joseph mangano sara elizabeth manley debra m. mannetta marion victoria manning terence john manning james maounis alfred gilles padre joseph marchand joseph ross marchbanks, jr. laura a. marchese hilda marcin peter edward mardikian edward joseph mardovich charles joseph margiotta louis neil mariani
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kenneth joseph marino lester v. marino vita marino kevin d. marlo jose juan marrero john daniel marshall shelley a. marshall james martello michael a. marti karen ann martin peter c. martin teresa m. martin william j. martin, jr. brian e. martineau betsy martinez edward j. martinez jose angel martinez, jr. robert gabriel martinez waleska martinez
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lizie d. martinez-calderon paul richard martini anne marie martino-cramer joseph a. mascali bernard mascarenhas stephen frank masi ada l. masoacker and my husband david lee. david, your mom misses you terribly. you didn't get a chance to meet your nieces and your nephew casey. son,iss the birth of our his new is rhyme and -- his name is ryan and in many ways he is just like you. we miss you, we love you and you will always live on in our hearts. father.y
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i love you and miss you. go packers. [applause] nicholas george massa michael massaroli philip william mastrandrea, jr. rudy mastrocinque joseph mathai charles william mathers william a. mathesen marcello matricciano margaret elaine mattic dean e. mattson robert d. mattson walter a. matuza, jr. timothy j. maude jill maurer-campbell charles a. mauro, jr. maurer-campbell
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thomas joseph mccann kevin m. mccarthy michael mccabe justin mccarthy and my uncle and my aunt and my cousin. menk you for watching over keeping me out of trouble for the past 15 years. i love and miss you every day. brother richard avery. we miss you richard, we love you and we wish you were here. robert g. mccarthy stanley mccaskill katie marie mccloskey juliana valentine mccourt ruth magdaline mccourt
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charles austin mccrann tonyell f. mcday matthew t. mcdermott joseph p. mcdonald brian grady mcdonnell michael p. mcdonnell john f. mcdowell, jr. eamon j. mceneaney john thomas mcerlean, jr. daniel francis mcginley mark ryan mcginly william e. mcginn thomas henry mcginnis michael gregory mcginty ann walsh mcgovern scott martin mcgovern
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william j. mcgovern stacey sennas mcgowan francis noel mcguinn thomas f. mcguinness, jr. patrick j. mcguire thomas m. mchale keith david mcheffey ann m. mchugh denis j. mchugh iii firefighter dennis p. mchugh michael edward mchugh, jr. robert g. mcilvaine donald james mcintyre stephanie marie mckenna molly l. mckenzie barry j. mckeon
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evelyn c. mckinnedy darryl leron mckinney george patrick mclaughlin, jr. and my brother fdny fire fighters brian. rescue company number one working in squat 88. you have to wonderful nieces now and they will both know you as uncle brian. andnd lighter cousin , nephew, uncle, brother and son richard stewart junior. over the past teen years, there isn't a day that goes by that we don't honor your memory. you are taken from us far too soon and too quickly. we never had the opportunity to say thank you.
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i am taking that moment now. with peace and love, thank you rich, you are deeply missed emily love you very much. [applause] robert c. mclaughlin, jr. gavin mcmahon robert d. mcmahon edmund m. mcnally daniel walker mcneal walter arthur mcneil christine sheila mcnulty sean peter mcnulty robert william mcpadden terence a. mcshane timothy patrick mcsweeney martin e. mcwilliams rocco a. medaglia abigail medina
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ana iris medina damian meehan william j. meehan, jr. alok kumar mehta raymond meisenheimer manuel emilio mejia eskedar melaku antonio melendez mary p. melendez christopher d. mello yelena melnichenko stuart todd meltzer diarelia jovanah mena dora marie menchaca charles r. mendez lizette mendoza shevonne olicia mentis wolfgang peter menzel steve john mercado wilfredo mercado wesley mercer
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ralph joseph mercurio alan harvey merdinger george l. merino yamel josefina merino george merkouris and my stepfather. and youru and love you family loves and misses you. >> and my sister lorraine. day but miss you every you live on through the beautiful memories that we were lucky to make with you. mommy's heart still aches for you. we love you so much.
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for my cousin firefighter that who we misscolas and love so much. you would be so proud of your new granddaughter annabel. [applause] deborah merrick raymond joseph metz iii jill ann metzler david robert meyer nurul h. miah william edward micciulli martin paul michelstein patricia e. mickley ronald d. milam
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