tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 28, 2016 9:00pm-12:01am EDT
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is done. so why don't the republicans? here you are once again voting on another continuing resolution just hours before a devastating government shutdown. the last shutdown in 2013 cost american taxpayers $2 billion. that's a lot of money that was wasted because republicans refused to do their job. that was money that could have been used to tack they will zika outbreak or the water issues in flint or provide much-needed assistance to flood victims in louisiana. in this last-minute c.r., we are finally addressing zika. that's after months of ignoring this serious issue. we could have, should have done better. pregnant women and children affected by zika deserve better. the same goes for flint. after thousands of children were poisoned by lead we have some assurances that the contaminated ater supply will be addressed.
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i'm proud to have fought alongside my colleagues to make sure they wouldn't be victims. even the one thing the congress is tasked to do, fund the government, is -- we're not aloud to do. the c.r. doesn't do our job. we are kicking the can down the road and setting ourselves up for another 11th hour band-aid. we can do better. we are elected to do better. and better will simply be doing our jobs. that's all the american people want from us. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield such time as he may consume to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. graves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for -- mr. rogers: for the purposes of a colloquy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my colleague for
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yielding and wish to engage the gentleman from kentucky, the chairman of the appropriations committee, in a colloquy. before asking my question, i want to recognize his efforts in reaching an agreement on a ckage to fund government through december. earlier, the people in south louisiana experienced an extraordinary flood event, about a 1,000-year rain event. seven trillion gallons of water fell in about 48 hours. roughly the same amount of water discharged in the entire mississippi river system into the gulf of mexico over the course of about 80 days. if you live up north that equates to somewhere in the vicinity of about 25 feet of snow in 36 hours. if you live in arizona, in some areas, that's up to 10 years cumulative rainfall. as many as 110,000 homes and more than 100,000 vehicles were damaged. all told, more than 20,000
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people were rescued, 10,000 sheltered and and 13 lost their lives. it's estimated this will cost upwards of $15 billion and fema estimates it will be the fourth most costly flood disaster in history. we've discussed the flood and extraordinary impact on our state several times. during those meetings, we discussed the devastating impact i just spoke of and the need for both immediate, unmet need and a comprehensive solution to provide certainty that congress will address the long-term needs when we return after the election sms in those discussions we discussed and you acknowledged the dire situation so many are facing and will face in coming weeks in louisiana, that of handing over their keys and walking away or sticking with it, knowing that congress may provide them with a hand up. mr. chairman, families are facing foreclosure, businesses
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are facing bankruptcy, and local communities are struggling to provide basic services such as policing, fire protection, schooling and others. disaster funding provided in this legislation, though helpful, will not address all the financial challenges our community is facing. that's why i want to engage the chairman tonight. mr. chairman, thousands are facing bankruptcy foreclosure, the need for flood protection and other financial challenges as a result of the august flood nevpbt south louisiana. is it your intent as we discussed to deliver a package to address the needs of our local communities who so desperately need it when we return? mr. rogers: will the gentleman yield? mr. graves: i will. mr. rogers: i want to salute the gentleman from louisiana who has been tirelessly working to help the people in his district and the state of louisiana for the terrible disaster that has stricken that state. i want to thank you for your
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efforts to share information about this with me and the committee regarding the devastating impacts of the flood. many of the members of congress from across the country that you led to the flooded areas have also reached out to us, advocating for assistance to louisiana. it's my intention to work with the white house, my colleagues in the senate, as well as our respective leadership teams over the coming weeks to head off the personal and fiscal calamity so many are facing in south louisiana. and sir, you have my commitment to work toward that end. mr. graves: thank you, sir. the recovery dollars is the difference between a viable recovery and decades-long struggling in louisiana. i thank you for your commitment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky
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reserves. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: i'm pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from connecticut, ms. delauro, the ranking member of the labor, health, and human services subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. ms. delauro: i rise in support of this continuing resolution, though i prefer full-year funding for the government rather than just through december 9. it is good that this funds veterans and military construction through next year. while i'm pleased it includes $1.1 billion for the public health emergency, i'm disapointed that it comes seven months after the president's emergency request and is $800 million short. zika is a public health crisis that's waited too long to be funded. congress should have provided this funding before local transmission began in florida and in puerto rico. zika is far from over and we need to provide additional
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resources to combat the zika virus in the future. in the interim, the supplemental does address some critical zika related needs in the united states and its territory. it includes $126 million for health care service including contraceptive services for puerto rico and the territories to help nearly 20,000 people infected with zika, including more than 1,300 pregnant women. another $400 million in the zika supplemental is for advanced research and development at n.i.h. which will support clinical trials of vaccine candidates and advanced diges noics. i'm pleased that state and local health departments, which are under severe financial strain, will be reimbursed the $44 million taken from their budgets earlier this year. i am disappointed that we are not providing the people of flint, michigan, with immediate relief.
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after failing to provide relief for over a year. i hope the chair will have the same commitment to plint in, michigan. i'm disappointed it contains almost a half percent funding cut. we can and must do better going forward and i yield back the plans of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield such time as he may consume to the chairman of the military construction and .a. scomm.
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>> it is exactly the same as the milcon v.a. conference report approved by the house on june 23. thanks to the leadership of chairman rodgers, mrs. lowey and the ranking member of subcommittee ranking member sanford bishop the gentleman from georgia this conference report was negotiated with the senate and will provide necessary funding for the department of veterans' affairs and military construction projects. this conference report demonstrates our firm commitment to fully supporting our nation's veterans and service members and their families. the total investment is $82.5 billion for military construction, v.a. related agencies, $2.6 billion over last year's level. this bill provides comp rehence i support for service members, military families and veterans, , morale.t ours troops,
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to take care of our military families. it funds veterans health care systems to fund those who promise to care for those in sacrifice of the defense of the great nation continue as those men and women return home. we owe this to our veterans and are committed to sustained oversight so programs deliver a promise that taxpayers are well served by the investments we make. on military condition instruction side the bill provides a total of $7.9 billion for military construction projects and family housing including base and overseas contingency operations funding, oco funding, an increase of $28 million over the president's request. the funding meets d.o.d.'s most critical needs including priority projects for combatant commanders and funding new mission requirements. it provides $304 million for
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military medical facilities. it provides $246 million for department of defense education facilities for construction or renovation for schools. it supports our guard and reserve through $673 million for facilities in 21 states. it funds military family housing at $1.3 billion and it provides $178 million for the nato security investment program which is $43 million over last year's level to deal with the increasing threats and necessary investments overseas on the v.a. side, the legislation includes a total of $74.4 billion in discretionary funding for the department of veterans' affairs. that is a $2.-- that is $2.9 billion above fiscal year 2016. v.a. medical services, the bill funds v.a. medical services at $52.8 billion, many members expressed concerns about medical services and we were fully able, we were able to fully fund the
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budget request for hepatitis c. at one point -- at $1.5 billion and i believe that's about 70,000 veterans who will be tretted for hep-c. veterans homelessness at $1.6 billion. long-term care at $8.6 billion, office of the inspector general at $160 billion and caregiver sty spends at $10 million over the request. for disability claims we provide $30 million over the request for the veterans benefits administration which is a $148 million increase over fiscal year 2016 and the full request for the board of veterans apeel which is is about a $46 million increase. the bill will enhanced transparency and accountability at the v.a. through further oversight and increase for the v.a. office of inspector general's independent audits an investigations. this legislation also contains $260 million for the modernization of the v.a. electronic health record which includes language restricting the funding until the v.a. meets
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milestones and certifies interoperability and to meet statutory requirements this is a major priority for the committee, i know for the chairman and ranking member have spoken at length about the health record and we've got to get this done. major con sthrux we continue to focus on major construction oversight and maintain strict requirements including holding back 100% of the funding for the largest construction projects until v.a. meets our requirements. we include bill language regarding improved standards for the suicide hotline and certification of mental health therapists to expand access for veterans who need their care. we include major new whistle bler protections for v.a. employees to avoid retribution for the mes. in closing, this is a very solid, burn bipartisan bill focus neends of service members, vets -- veterans and all their families. in a manner ion,
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that's fiscally responsible in the act adopted last year. we are going to do a lot of good with this bill. it is generous. though on behalf of our service members, military families and veterans, i urge support of this legislation. let's take care of those who sacrificed so much for our country. i urge support of the resolution. with an aye vote. once again, i thank the chair and the ranking member and mr. bishop for all their support in this legislation. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: mr. speaker, -- mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i am very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from georgia, mr. bishop, the ranking member of the mill -- subcommittee and i'm so pleased that mr. bishop and chairman dent were able to craft such an outstanding bill to really support our veterans who have served us with such
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distinction. thank you, thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for two minutes. mr. bishop: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentlelady for yielding. mr. speaker, division a of the milcon-v.a. portion provides robust funding for military construction and provides adequate funt funderburking for both the -- funding for both the active and reserve components. i was pleased the bill provides $35 million above the f.y. 2017 budget request to help speed up the cleanup of former defense department sites within the base realignment and closure account. the bill provides $74.4 billion, $3 billion above the 2016 enacted level, and discretionary funding for v.a. programs. i believe these resources will have a profound impact on the lives of our nation's veterans. a couple of v.a. items i want to highlight are the $1.5 billion for help tight c treatment, which is -- hepatitis c treatment, which is above the president's request.
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in addition, the bill includes $78 million for veterans crisis line, and overall $173 million for suicide prevention. furthermore, language is included that requires certain professional standards for the suicide hotline. this is a topic many members on both sides of the aisle were concerned about and i think that we've taken some important steps for it to function better. mr. speaker, the funding provided will help the department of veterans affairs provide better care and better service to our veteran. i believe that the resources provided in the bill will help lead to the elimination of the claims backlog which is now under 75,000, down from a high of 650,000. the bill includes funding for the board of veterans appeals. furthermore, mr. speaker, the bill carries the authorization for several major construction projects that were previously funded. i believe it's past time to get these projects going because the demand on the v.a. is going to grow.
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as i stated earlier, the milcon-v.a. portion of this package is a good one and it's one that i think that we can all be proud of. mr. speaker, i'd like to thank chairman rogers, ranking member lowey, my colleague and friend, chairman dent, for the hard work on this bill. i couldn't have asked for better partners in conducting our business and fashioning a bipartisan bill. with that, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. >> i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i am very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from florida, ms. wasserman schultz, the ranking member of the legislative branch appropriations subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from florida is recognized for two minutes. was was thank you, mr. speaker -- ms. wasserman schultz: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentlelady for her leadership and for joining me in pushing for us to reach the
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point that we have, where we now have not all the funding we need, but $1.1 billion to finally fight the zika virus without also fighting the political weight that had weighted down for many, many months. while i rise today in support of the fiscal year 2017 continuing resolution, i also rise to express my significant objections to the delay in bringing this bill to the floor funds to attack the zika virus. in south florida we've waited more than seven months for congressional republicans to drop their political games and approve funding to stop the spread of the zika virus. south florida, as many probably know by now, is the epicenter for this virus. and yesterday the florida department of health confirmed its 900th case of the zika virus. despite this heavy toll, congressional republicans repeatedly put partisan politics before women's health care and inserted a provision
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in the zika bill that would have cut off funding for planned parenthood. my republican colleagues spent much of the past nine months firm in their belief that the most appropriate response to a virus that -- mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman will suspend. the house will come to order. the house will come to order. if members so need to speak, please take the conversations off the floor so debate can continue. debate will not resume until he house comes to order. the gentlelady can continue. ms. wasserman schultz: thank you, mr. speaker. despite the hefty toll of the 900th confirmed case of the virus, congressional republicans repeatedly put partisan politics before women's health care and inserted a provision in the zika bill that would have cut off funding for planned parenthood. my republican colleagues spent much of the past nine months
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firm in their belief that the most appropriate response to a virus that overwhelmingly affects pregnant women was to place a politically motivated ban on funding for reproductive health care and that was unacceptable. this is shameful conduct that hurt women all across florida and puerto rico. and while some may praise today's agreement as a breakthrough in the end of our action on zika, i must warn my colleagues that the mosquitoes that carry the zika virus do not know if they are biting a republican or a democrat. they don't know whether they are in florida or georgia or michigan or louisiana or any other state. or whether congress has passed 11th hour stop gap funding bill. they simply bite you and infect you with zika and because of that risk, our work in defeating this virus is far from over. we must drop the politics and stop playing politics with women's health. thank you, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i am very pleased to yield one minute to the distinguished
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democratic leader, nancy pelosi, from california. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california is recognized. ms. pelosi: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentlelady, ranking member on appropriations, for yielding. i thank her for her great work, being involved in the appropriations process, which i shared with her for many years. but a place where so many of our values are reflected by how we allocate our resources. i particularly want to thank wasserman swoman schultz, congresswoman delauro, for their relentless persistence -- persistent, -- relenltless, persistent, constant advocacy for this flint -- relentless, persistent, constant advocacy for this flint money. it was february when president obama sent over a request for $1.9 billion to address the ebola crisis. this was an amount of money based on expert evidence that
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related to science and evidence that related to how we would do research for a vaccine, how we would do vector control, how we would do prevention. as our colleagues have mentioned, how we address the issue that this is a very unusual situation because it is sexually transmitted and we had the obstacle of saying, no contraception. that held us up for a while. so today finally we come to the floor and i think it's very important that we take the action that we do. but i do want to remind that $1.1 billion is still $00 million short of the $1.-- $800 million short of the $1.9 billion the president requested. some of that other money was taken from the ebola resources, which were sorely needed, continue to be needed there, so while this is an important, giant step, it's not complete in terms of what we need to do. the continuing resolution
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that us must recognize more than 23,000 americans, including almost 2,100 pregnant women have been infected with zika. the bill falls short of the $1.9 billion, that top public health -- billion that top public health officials said was the full amount to help protect american communities. but i would say this. i think there's some good intentions in a bipartisan way, the distinguished chairman of the appropriations committee and others, working with congresswoman lowey, congresswoman delauro, congresswoman wasserman schultz, to think in terms of anticipation rather than reaction. that perhaps we could have a fema-like fund for disasters of this kind that affect the public health, the public health system is a strength of our country. and when it is threatened, we must have the resources to
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protect it. so perhaps out of this long delay, one of the things that could come together is a conversation that says, let's ve a fema-like, biomedical research, whatever it happens to be, reaction to a public health emergency that enables us to do the research necessary to protect the health, the public health of the american people. earlier tonight the house took an important, long overdue step toward addressing a man-made disaster in flint, michigan. the success of the flint amendment is a tribute to congressman kildee who has been an absolute lion, a lion for the children and families of flint throughout this crisis. thanks to congressman kildee, we have a -- we have sent a message of hope to the people of flint. it is my hope that the house -senate were to conference with that, we could move forward
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toward the flint assistance that overwhelmingly passed the senate 95-3, that amendment did , strong bipartisan support, passed earlier this month. while we preferred to deliver those funds to the children in this bill, we are at least on a path to meaningful action and that is important to mention. in this bill, our distinguished chairman made this reference, certainly our distinguished ranking member on the committee , mr. bishop, made the point about what is -- what the bill contains to increase our funding for the military and veteran caregivers. so much is in this bill about veteran and, as we say in the military, on the battlefield, we leave no soldier behind. when they come home, with leave no veteran behind. so many in this room, on both sides of the aisle, have been champions in that and certainly bishop. ng member, mr.
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i continuingly want to highlight that -- i particularly want to highlight that in this bill we continue funding for caregivers. strengthening the support for america's hidden heroes. the hidden heros who are named such by -- heros who are named such by -- heroes who are named such by elizabeth doll. yesterday in the capitol, in the visitors' center, in the theater there, hundreds of caregivers of our military and veterans, families, came together to talk about the shared challenges that they have, to be engaged in a hidden heroes launch, launching of cities and -- in conjunction with the actions of the hidden heroes initiative. i'm proud to be a co-chair of the congressional task force caucus on hidden heroes with senator mccain and senator reid on the senate side and congressman, our chairman over here, jeff miller.
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in this bill there's $10 million to boost the v.a. caregivers initiatives that will help address the increasing demand on v.a. services, as service members continue to come home to their families. hidden heroes, do you know how many there are? 5.5 million military and veteran caregivers in our country. how these families raise their children, care for their loved ones, siblings, spouses, children, is remarkable. this legislation recognizes that need. the need to assist with training and all. we must ensure that the v.a. can meet the demand of a growing population of caregivers,ing more staff and coordinators to make -- care givers, hiring more staff and coordinators -- caregivers, hiring more staff and coordinators to make sure veterans get the care they deserve. with this c.r. we will keep the government open and prevent any
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self-inflicted wounds to our economy. -- economy that have been inflicted before. i want to especially thank our ranking member, nita lowey, for her leadership in helping to craft this bipartisan path forward. thank our distinguished chairman for his leadership, extend my gratitude to the speaker for us coming together to address the issue of flint, which has enabled us to come forward in this legislation. for that reason, i will be supporting this legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky still reserve? mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. he gentlelady from new york. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlelady from texas, ms. jackson lee, a member of the homeland security and judiciary committees.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: let me associate myself with the words of our leader. let me also thank ranking member lowey. all of the appropriators, chairman of the appropriations committee. this is a terrible time to shut the government down. so i rise today to support this c.r. for a number of reasons. a few month ago in texas, this in houston, i organized the -- in houston, i organized the regional anti-zika virus task force. the committee members representing public and private health professionals talked about active surveillance, concerned about the number of infections among pregnant women, talked as well about the issue of mosquito control, research and a vaccinate -- vaccination. i'm glad that some of the funds here will be able to help us in dealing with these issues. long overdue. coming from a flood-ridden state, let me say that i
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appreciate the funding for baton rouge. i thank those who are involve ed, particularly cedric richmond, who on -- involved, particularly cedric richmond, who on our side worked so very hard. i also want to make mention of the flint dollars. can i have a couple of -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentlelady from new york. ms. le wie: one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields the gentlelady from texas one minute. ms. jackson lee: glad that the amendment of mr. kildee and others passed in the wrda bill but we must deal with that question as well. so where we are is that we are keeping hard working employees and government services going. we're helping our veterans, we're making sure health services are going forward. we're making sure the necessary facilities that our public uses will be open, what a shame to have closed a numb of these
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facilities that are so important. but as we go forward, coming from houston, having experienced the tax day floods, the memorial day floods, i'm plooking -- i'm looking forward to working with appropriators for funding that will help us do a massive study on the bayous in the region, an amendment i have submitted to the energy and water bill. finally i would say that it is time that we recognize that government works for the american people and what we have to do is not borrow to pay paul and we should have given the $1.9 billion in zika funding. it's $1.1 billion but i think we can do better. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired this egentlelady from new york reserves. the -- has expired. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i yield one minute to the distinguished whip of the house, mr. scalise. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from louisiana is recognized for two minutes.
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mr. scalise: i thank the gentleman from kentucky for his leadership in bringing this critical piece of legislation forward. i specifically want to talk about the important language that's in this bill to help the people of south louisiana recover from the devastating flooding that we saw last month. over 100,000 houses were damaged, thousands of families are still making decisions on whether or not they'll be able to rebuild and this legislation gives them not only hope, but gives a serious down payment so that people will know that the federal government is there to help them get back in their homes and rebuild their communities at such a vital stage. so we saw so many positive things come out of the resiliency of the people of louisiana. you saw the cajun navy, citizens, helping their fellow neighbor, saving people's lives other and over again. faith-based organizations coming together, mr. speaker. so when you sea the worst of times like we did during that
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tragic flood, you also see the best in people this bill makes a serious down payment to help those people get back in their homes and rebuild their communities. i urge all of my colleagues to vote for this bill so we can do the work of the people of this great nation and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back they have gentleman from kentucky reserves. he gentlelady from new york. mr. rogers: does the gentlelady have further speakers? mrs. lowey: i yield back the balance -- if you are ready to close? i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, for all the reasons you have heard tonight, we need to pass this bill, to keep the government operating and key the lights on in the government and to provide the assistance to the nation's needs as you heard described here. i urge the adoption of the bill and yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. all time for debate having expired, pursuant to house resolution 901 the sque on the motion from the gentleman from kentucky, mr. rogers. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the motion is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: those in favor of vote big the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, a 15-minute vote on the motion to concur will be followed by five-minute votes on h.r. 1694 and agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal if ordered. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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all members, please take their seats. please take all conversations, seat -- cease all conversations. he house will come to order. the house will come to order. please, all members, take seats. of -- any member stands in the aisle, standing in the well, clear the aisles, clear the well, clear the back aisles, take all conversations out of the chamber. he house will be in order. for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin, speaker of the house, seek to be recognized? the speaker: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. the speaker: my colleagues, i have the bittersweet task
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tonight of paying tribute to a valued member of our team, one of the most widely respected people in this institution. that is our director of floor operations, andrew: bradberry -- operations -- the speaker: that is our director of floor operations, nne bradberry. as many members now know, this is her last week on the job. when we return in november, this house will convene without anne on the floor for the first time in 11 years. it was speaker john boehner who had the good sense to hire anne
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in this post and it is not hard to figure out why he did that. she is just absolutely first class. the absolute consummate professional. always focused on getting the job done. there may be times when we get hung up on small things, trying to figure out what the heck just happeneden the floor, and she's always out there working on the plan for the next steps, a mile ahead of everybody else. when everybody else is thinking short-term, she's out there thinking long-term and not only in term os of this vote or that bill -- terms of this vote or that bill, but how to protect this institution. and anne bradbury has been here for 11 years, protecting both the majority and the minority. the fights for this house as an institution and i'm sure that leader pelosi and mr. hoyer would agree with that. you have anne, i hep thought through how this is a huge inconvenience for me.
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who am i going to call when we are in a jam? take -- who do we get to all the chocolate that gets gifted to our office every day. anne has been such an indispensable help to us, especially taking a job in a middle of a session not having experience doing something like this i just can't conceive of having gone through this past year without this brilliant woman. the last point i want to make is this. to do such a big job so well for so long as anne has, it takes certain things. it takes a really thick skin, for one. but it takes a very, very deep desire to serve. and you have to have the support of the ones who thaw -- the one this is a you love. anne has two great boys, john and clayton, an they are 7 and 8 years old. great kids. and on so many nights, just like
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this night tonight, they have ad to share their mom with us. woe we owe them a debt of gratitude and i want to say, on behalf of every single member of the house of representatives, anne bradbury, thank you for serving this institution, thank you for serving the people's house, you will be sorely missed. thank you. the speaker: it is my pleasure
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to yield to mr. hoyer. mr. hoyer: i thank the speaker for yielding. anne, apparently my colleagues did not understand the gravity of this occasion. the solemnness of this occasion. and they did not dress accordingly, apparently. anne, i want you to know that i just left the crown prince of denmark and princess mary because i told them i had to come see queen anne. i've risen before and talked about our extraordinary staff. the people who really make this institution what it wants to be.
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they're the best of us. whether they're at the desk, whether they're with the sergeant at arms, whether they're recording our debates. and the best of them, who have one of the toughest jobs, is to help us as the speaker has said, manage this floor. sitting next to me is the floor director on our side. ou cannot leave. anne, as the speaker so well said, serves us all. shwanza does as well. their job as the speaker has so
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well stated, is to help make this institution work in a democratic nation to make our citizens proud. very frankly, they knew the work of anne bradbury, and others who work on this floor, the level of their pride would be much higher than sometimes it is. because they are people of extraordinary ability. great reticence and fairness in dealing with members, all 435 of us. and anne, you have been a shining example of the best that is in this house. quick to lways been share your views as to what needed to be done.
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you were always fair when any of us talked to you. i know when i talked to you. there were differences, of course, as one would expect. but there was no acrimony. there was no judgment. there was simply an attempt to make sure that this institution was working well. anne, we will miss you. the speaker, as he says, will be inconvenienced. we will be sad, and we will be a lesser place for your leaving. you always worked with my chief of staff, alexis covey-grant, who was at one point in time the floor director. th shwanza and alexis have unrestrained respect and affection for you. you've made us all better. whatever you do in the future, i know you will bring the same
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quality the same commitment, the same energy, the same judgment, the same fairness, and they will be advantaged as we have been. god speed. the speaker: i yield back the alance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, five-minute voting will continue. the unfinished business is the vote on the passage of h.r. 6094 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 6094, a bill to provide for a six-month delay in a rule relating to income thresholds for determining overtime pay for executive,
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administrative, professional, outside sales, and computer mes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on passage of the bill. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] ousted as long with this continuing resolution for friday's deadline. that bill passed earlier today by a vote of 72-76. when the house finishes up tonight they will go back to their districts and work on their campaigns. the will come back after the november elections.
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 246, the nays are 177. the bill is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. pursuant to clause 8, rule 20rk the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the journal stands approved.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to take from the speaker's table senate concurrent resolution 53 and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title. the clerk: senate concurrent resolution 53. concurrent resolution directing the clerk of the house of representatives to make a correction in the enrollment of h.r. 5325. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to the consideration of the concurrent resolution? without objection, the con current resolution is agreed to -- concurrent resolution is agreed to. the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. he house will be in order. he house will be in order.
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the house will come to order. the chair at this time is prepared to recognize one-minutes. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house, revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized, but the gentleman will hold his remarks until the house comes into order. the house will come to order. he house will come to order. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last sunday we said goodbye to a true american hero. not just in the gulf world, but in -- golf world, but in
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american life. arnold palmer was larger than life, both on and off the golf course. after learning to play golf at age 4, he never quit and changed the sport forever. the king, as he was known, had 62 victories on the p and g tour, including -- pga tour, including seven majors and 10 on the champions tour, not to mention his own signature drink that has delighted the masses for generations. mr. allen: mr. speaker, i have the honor of representing the 12th district of georgia and the good people who live and work there. georgia 12 is home to the augusta national, which hosts the most famous masters tournament. in augusta, we consider arnold palmer one of our own. arnold won the coveted green cket four times, 1958, 1960, 1962 and 1964. he took the masters and golf to a whole new level in the sports world. the masters will never be the same. like tiger woods said, it's hard to imagine golf without
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him. i'm not sure we even want to. arnie's army mourns together, we remember the king of golf, the legendary arnold palmer. arnie, you will be sorely missed. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina eek recognition? the gentlelady from north carolina is recognized for one minute. ms. adams: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to talk about a past president of the north carolina association of educators. throughout his career, rodney was a talented teacher and a steadfast advocate for north carolina students, educators and he worked relently to -- relentlessly to improve public schools and fought tirelessly for equal education. a cherished friend and kfdanlt, i never met anyone who worked harder or gave more than rodney ellis. he will not only be remembered
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as a champion for education and kids, but as a dedicated and devoted family man. who loved his wife and five children. it was an inspiration. his loss will be felt throughout our entire state. rodney was a titan, with a genteel spirit and a heart of gold. north carolina has lost one of her most extraordinary educators and one of her greatest leaders. my thoughts and prayers continue to be with the ellis family, his friends and our community. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? was was was -- ms. wasserman schultz: unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. spoment the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from florida is recognized for one minute. ms. wasserman schultz: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today as we approach october to recognize breast cancer awareness month. the statistics are sobering. one in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 41, i quickly understood the importance of knowing your risk for breast cancer. i learned that as a jewish
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woman, my chances of having the mutation linked to breast cancer was significantly higher. that is why in 2009 i introduced the early act, which equips young women with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their breast health. though we have made significant advances on some fronts, there is still work to be done. for example, there has been no statistically significant improvement in survival rates for the metastatic cancer community in the past 20 years. we must do more to support those who are affected by this deadly disease and do everything we can to eradicate breast cancer once and for all. thank you, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i send to the desk a privileged concurrent resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 166. resolved that when the house adjourns on any legislative day from wednesday, september 28, 2016, through friday, november
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11, 2016, on a motion offered pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its majority leader or his he isingny, it stand adjourned until 2:00 p.m. on monday, november 14, 2016, or until the time of any re-assembly, pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent resolution, which ever occurs first. section 2, a, the speaker or his designee, after consultation with the minority leader of the house, shall notify the members of the house to re-assemble at such place and time as he may designate if, in his opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. b, after re-assembling pursuant to subsection a, when the house adjourns on a motion offered pursuant to this subsection by its majority leader or his designee, the house shall, again, stand adjourned pursuant to the first section of this concurrent resolution. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider s laid upon the table.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today on a motion offered pursuant to this order, it adjourn to meet at 10:30 a.m. on friday, september 30, 2016. unless it sooner has received a message from the senate, transmitting its concurrence in house concurrent resolution 166. in which case the house shall stand adjourned pursuant to that concurrent resolution. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, pursuant to the order of the house of today, i move that the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it much.
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the motion is agreed to. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10:30 a.m. on friday, september 30, 2016. unless it sooner has received a message from the senate, transmitting its adoption of house concurrent resolution 166 in which case the house shall stand adjourned pursuant to that concurrent resolution. >> a bill allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue the saudi government. it's the first veto override of the obama presidency. they passed a bill authorizing $5 million for the engineer water projects.
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providing $170 million for communities like flint michigan to flight -- fight lead contamination. >> secretary of state john kerry on the u.s. the tpp response to the north korea nuclear program. after that the house debate of overwriting the president veto. john rendon on global threats and the 9/11 lawsuit. >> washington journal is live every day with news on policy issues that impact you. david price on the recent police shooting. republican congressman steve king from iowa. live at 7:00 a.m.
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thursday morning. >> the next president right front of the net -- the next president of the united states will be donald trump. for hillary clinton in the white house, you get what you are supposed to get when you have lways looked up to -- the presidential debate between presidential -- vice presidential nominee mike pence and tim kaine. et withg at 7:30 p.m. the preview of the debate. at 9:00 p.m. live coverage of the debate followed by viewer reaction. the 2016 fights presidential debate, watch live on c-span life and anytime on-demand on and listen live on the free c-span radio at.
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>> now remarks by secretary of state john kerry on the future of u.s. trade and the tpp trade agreement. he started his remarks and the passing of former is really per minister paris. [applause] >> morning i am chain harmon, resident and ceo of the wilson center, recovering politician and very related about those events this morning. ambassador martin to hand in of switzerland, ambassador anders of mafia.
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our former chairman and his wife elma and daughter kathy and a number of our cabinet members and dearest supporters. myaugust i went with eight-year-old grandson and if you family members to poland. -- in a small town in southeast poland i walked a trail into the woods where members of my own family were forced to march to an open pit where they were shot in the back with 1250 others. seeing that level of depravity of close is a brutal experience. one that the world should never forget and never repeat. been then, there has
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rwanda, and now syria. some countries have tried to address the growing harbor. half a million dead. half the country displaced and historical artifacts reduced to rubble. it says 250,000 people are cowering in basements in aleppo with no school, no light. 100,000 are children. stopping the killing and addressing the refugee crisis is complicated because are so many agendas. like who try to help angela merkel face chances in their own political party but one man keeps trying. no matter how daunting the odds that manner secretary john kerry and through the decades of our friendship and collaboration i've never admired him or. thank you for coming to the center for the first time a secretary of state and for
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addressing a different subject directly in our sweet spot, the importance of trade. in 2002. i gather that number went up to 28 and 2015. out of 186. you don't have to take it from writtenajor ceos have an op-ed in the washington post today about why trade in the transpacific partnership is good for america. throughout the is that the anti-trade wings of both political parties are growing. that is dangerous for the u.s. economy and our national security. president obama and secretary kerry deserve enormous credit for continuing to push for ratification of tpp.
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of u.s.e cornerstone rebalance to asia. i-16 secretary of state, five term member of the , john kerry. [applause] >> jane, thank you for a wonderful introduction. support,preciate your counsel and obviously, we're looking in complicated times. i want to thank you for many years of remarkable service to our country. jane was reminded me as i was walking a. , by happenstance on a flight shether many years ago,
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secretly informed me of the wilson center and said, but should i do? i told her she should take this job and i'm not sure she did it in half a second following my advice but she did. i think we are all better for it. she is one of the countries leading voices on intelligence and national security issues, on capitol hill and today, as president of the wilson center, everybody knows he's contributing enormously. -- she's contributing enormously. thank you. [applause] before i dive into our main topic for today, i just want to say couple words, everybody here is mourning the passing of one of the world's great statesman, a giant of history, the founding father of israel. a true warrior for peace. shimon perez.
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i first met him 30 years ago when i was a younger senator. ever since, have to tell you, shimon has been an integration -- inspiration. source of tremendous wisdom and insight and a friend. with himbbat dinner last year. listen to him talk and well into the night, sharing incredible 92, incrediblege energy and commitment to going on into the future. he always said, the lose your curiosity. your projects, sense of what you have to continue to do. i think it is both projects and vision that kept him going forward. he dedicated his life to the
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cause and israel that would be safe and secure, democratic, free and the homeland of the jewish people. he never lost that vision. so my times when i was traveling over there so frequently to me with the prime minister, he would express frustration. he always felt restrained and necessarily respectful of the incumbent prime minister. he never inserted himself inappropriately in the dialogue. i can tell you that he was impatient for peace for his country. lostient for the opportunities passing by. when i was at the clinton spoke. dedication, he he was one of the most eloquent
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people. i went up to him afterwards and i noticed he had just jotted down notes on the back of an really one ofave the most moving speeches of the day. man who was long a towering figure of moral in twohip, and as i was jan talk about what is happening in syria, never has there been a moment where we need our global sense, personal sense of reality more than now. shimon perez will be hugely missed. a great gap exists now. everybody who knew him, admired him was inspired by him and by his example for the pursuit of justice and peace. remain continue to inspired and motivated.
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i hope his memory will be a blessing for all of us. in the coming days, global payments final respects to him. i hope to be able to carve out the ability to go and share in that. this morning, i am delighted to be here with you to share with all of you a discussion about the connection between american strategic leadership and our policies on trade. there cannot be a better place to do that than here at the center given woodrow wilson's history. days, wilsonollege entered a debate contest where the question centered around protection versus free-trade. ates were chosen by taking slip of paper out of the hat.
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when young woodrow wilson through protection -- drew protection, he tore the slip to shreds and probably returned to his seat. heaven would compel him to advance arguments for a cause that he thought was so flat out wrong. the episode took place in 1870's. tilde something not only about wilson's personality, but reminding us that we have been debating the virtues of free trade and assessing the diplomatic value of those economic ties to other countries for a long time. this is an issue that has been around, settled at times, on which we have moved forward continually and yet, it comes back to haunt the political debate. state,st secretary of thomas jefferson, said that all the world would gain by setting
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commerce and perfect liberty. that did not stop a lot of his contemporaries from arguing precisely the opposite. remarks were so frequently focused on the subject that one early 19th-century congressman joked that the dictionary definition of man should be changed to an animal that makes tariff speeches. this long-running controversy of questionlects a larger that we have been posting to ourselves throughout history. should we use are many advantages to help feed the world orlead the should we stand apart from it and pretend we can survive on our own? should we engage far beyond the water's edge or use our coasts as barriers to try and keep the
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world at bay? at ther the answer particular moment, there is no abating the fact that america, from its earliest days, has been america and -- maritime nation, manufacturing nation and our great nation all at the same time. through the years, we have pursued overseas ties that helped us sell our products are brought and established our country's reputation as a land of innovation and opportunity. increasingly, we came to understand as a country the link between our well-being and that of other people. while others increasingly drew a connection between their destiny and hours. you have to think about that. it is a long continuum we are talking about.
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1865, as our war to end slavery neared its successful conclusion, the italian patriot declared that the american question is about life for the liberty of the world. 40 years later, it are roosevelt chose to advertise america's arrival as a global economic and political power by ordering a convoy of u.s. battleships, the great white fleet to circumnavigate the earth. hear people talk in terms of history about the importance of that display and the meaning of america's engagement of that great journey. as president, woodrow wilson sought to keep america out of the european war. exactly a century ago, slaughtering the young of a generation on the battlefields
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in verdun. we understood it. ultimately, our commercial interests combined with our sense of right and wrong drew us into that conflict and thrust american leadership into a spotlight that has remained critical and bright at the same time. todayrld that we live in is a world that is far more complex than the one i just described. it is more crowded, more interdependent, less hierarchical, more influenced by nonstate actors and filled with connections between economic issues and a social, political and security concerns. inextricablygether intertwined. from the changes we have lived through that brought us to this more complex world, the basic
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question persists: what is america's role in the world? how should we play it? judgmente answer in my , much more clear after almost four years as secretary of state than it has ever been in my life, that is that we, the inted states, have to lead our leadership requires us to pursue high standards, innovative initiatives like the transpacific ownership. -- partnership. a proposed agreement that is not only a boost to our economy at home, and keeping our commercial iss, but in agreement that also by strengthening our national security and strategic leadership. to fully understand the importance of this landmark landmark,, it is
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unlike any trade agreement have this ised on, different. within the four corners of this agreement, there are environment of standards that never existed before. there are labor standards. begin with a very fundamental proposition in understanding this agreement. at the united states of america is an asian pacific power or we are not. the not carry serious consequences. we can't just stand up and say to the world, we are pacific power. we have to show it. we can't pick and choose where and only want to be involved. we can talk about the rebalancing asia one day and then sit on the sidelines the next. and expect to possibly send a
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credible message to partners around the world. foreign policy does not work that way. not in our ever shrinking, rapidly changing world. out at a time when international friendships are based through large measure on consistency of action and consistency of purpose. and consistency of partnership. for more than a century, that consistency is exactly what leaders in asia have come to expect in the united states. host of good reasons for why they have come to expect that. first, geography. united states is one of the few nations that straddles the divide between eastern and western hemispheres. add to that the strong economic bonds that we have artie developed -- already developed.
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five of our top 10 for the partners are in asia. beyond that, decades long security alliances and history of defense cooperation with japan, south korea, australia, new zealand, the philippines. our close consultations with partners in a pack and all see on and diplomatic agenda that covers a host of concerns including cap tourism -- counter terrorism, nonproliferation, cyber security, climate change, sustainable fishery practices, maritime security, human trafficking, just to mention some of the most common. asia-pacific countries are major actors on two additional issues that touch on the vital national security interests of the united states.
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they would be affected by us turning our back on an agreement artie reached -- already reached, led by us which we turn around and perverse and say sorry, we do not mean will be set. first, the provocative north korean attempts of nuclear weapons and element of long-range nuclear missiles that violate you want to could council resolutions. the dangers posed by these activities but now and in the future or a genuine threat to the united states and our allies in the region. it is essential that we work way about allry of our values and interests. from a position of strength with our partners, south korea and japan as well as china, russia and others who have stakes in k. outcome with the dpr
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with the help of these nations critical to further intensify the pressure on north korea to take it to reckless behavior. and maintain our unity. issue isd security prompted by competing territorial and maritime claims the south china sea. trust inies put their the diplomacy, and accept the ,ulings of international courts the south china sea problem can be solved peacefully. if countries choose instead to be aggressive and taking unilateral steps outside the norms of international behavior and creating new military infrastructure, then tensions may continue to rise in a way that benefits no one.
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and increases the possibility of confrontation and conflict. as i have said many times, united states does not take a position on the merits of any individual claim, but we have made clear our insistence on freedom of navigation and aviation and because we have argued repeatedly that differences ought to be resolved in accordance with rule of law, we do recognize properly rendered legal adjustments by properly recognized institutions. here again, our presence, our influence is essential for the protection of our own interest believe me, that presence is welcomed and highly valued by from throughout asia. our partners in
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new york just the other day. to a person, they talked about reliance on the united states in terms of our leadership, the importance of our presence in the region and the importance of for those nations that a party signed up and are prepared to go forward and be part of it. line, whenbottom crises arise in asia, the impacts are felt in the united states. that leads to this elementary and undeniable truth, it is in our interest to be able to have a positive influence on the course of events in asia. the second fact leads inexorably to a third. the transpacific partnership will reinforce our status as a world leader intimately connected to the dynamic
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economies of the pacific rim, the fastest-growing economies in the world. it will help strengthen norms and standards that are important to us, not just other people or to everyone else in the region, but important to every citizen in the united states. reverse islear, the also true. if we reject tpp, we take a giant step backwards. we take a step away from this idle platform of cooperation. we take a step away from our leadership. we take a step away from the production of our interests and promotion of universal values. we take a step away from our ability to shape the course of events in a region that includes more than a quarter of the world's population. and where much of the history of the 21st country is going to be
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written. be that tpp is not simply a standalone deal that just affect some trade barriers and hair for its. it is a -- care of rates. -- tariff rates. it is a vehicle for raising the standards of doing business and standards and expectations between countries regarding transparency and accountability and resolution of conflicts and commerce. it deepens our commercial bonds. it steers us towards closer commercial ties and diplomatic ties. it enhances our national security. credibilitygreater and cooperating with our pacific partners on a long list of shared challenges that i've mentioned a moment ago. you don't have to take my word expressing --m
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what i miss president is the consensus view among top military and defense experts and officials of both political parties and the monkey leaders at home and abroad and among ex-president's and secretaries of state across the board. consider whether wide-ranging group of generals, admirals, secretaries of defense had to say, if we fail to secure this agreement, our allies and partners would question our commitments, down our resolve and look to other partners adding that america's prestige, influence and leadership are on the line. consider what my old colleague, senator john mccain said, if tpp fails, america's leadership in the asia-pacific may very well fail with it.
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borders, consider the choice laid out by prime singapore, not doing the importance of tpp, the prime minister observed that where we wind up over the next half century, really depends upon whether we go towards interdependence and therefore peaceful cooperation or whether deficiency,f rivalry and a higher risk of conflict. way toput, tpp is a key gauge american engagement in the asian pacific and parts of our own hemisphere and around the world. it is an essential platform to developing closer diplomatic strategic relations. it embodies the recognition are part that in this era, there is no such thing as standing still.
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no matter how much people resist, i know there is no politician, a political party, a person can stop what is happening because people have an ability to communicate more effectively with each other than ever before. no one is going to turn that off. if united states just continues to will be cap in the past, while others do more and more, we are not going to be holding our own. we are going to be falling behind. make no mistake, if we retreat from this agreement, every , everyent in the region business, every commander of every army and navy will notice. they will notice it in a way that does not work for the
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united states of america. it will be a unilateral seating of american influence and power with great consequences. rave consequences. if we can count on the united states, where else should return -- can't count on the united states, where else should turn?. we turn -- we if america will not enter into partnership with us, why should we look to washington for guidance? the inescapable bottom line is that with tpp, we will be far better positioned to enhance our national security and protect our interests from the globes most dynamic region, we will be without this agreement.
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from my perspective as secretary of state, the strategic case for tpp is not just crystal clear it cannot be more vital to the national security interest and long-term strategic goals of the united states of america. you from my years of serving as a senator and being concerned about all issues economic, it is directly connected to the economic case for our country. the basic commercial arguments for tpp are well known. the facts are often misconstrued. certain mythology that has grown up about this agreement, it has somehow developed in ways that really demand an effective answer. most recently when i was in europe, i found this. in germany and elsewhere.
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there is a huge mythology that has grown up because he been so focused on dealing with other issues that people don't understand completely how this works for them. i want to lay out the primary components of this as plainly as possible. this is a critical agreement in every way. it would unite nearly or to percent of the global economy. stretching from countries like canada, chile on one side of the pacific to japan and australia on the other. incomesedicted to lift for american workers. it will open up more markets to our farmers, ranchers, businesses of every size. these are markets that include tens of millions of the class american consumers. $18,000 oflish
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foreign taxes -- 18,000 foreign taxes. abolish 18,000 of those foreign taxes and reduce or on textiles,iffs car parts, fruits, vegetables, beef and other grown in america were made in america goods. other made in america goods. it will level the playing field for our products by ensuring that those products are treated the exact same way we treat those products that are coming from abroad. is also an agreement that is designed for the realities of the 21st century.
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this is an age where if you're going to grow your company, the economy, you have to export. why? because 95% of the world's customers live in other countries. marketplace isd over there somewhere. .n another country shut down and start raising tariffs and get into trade wars, we went there once and we got a great depression. we have been there. you can't sell to yourself and expect to be able to compete and lead.nd this is an era where trade in services is accelerating. all around the world. on price move overland land, sea, air, cyberspace, when
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globalized surprise change means goods crossed orders multiple times. this is a. when-- this is a period traders to factor in many different factors. ways that were unheard of in the past. negotiated with the dynamic nature of our economy front and center. not going to stand here and test your credibility by claiming that his is the key for every economic ill. it does not. the trade agreement is or can be. i know that a lot of people question the value of trade or point to trade today is a reason for slow growth. i don't know how you get there. given the fact that 95% of customers or elsewhere in most countries are exporting and that is how you grow, these claims
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about the problems of those are simply not accurate. not what ise is responsible for the complex economic challenges that we face in the world today. just consider all of the force of the going to shaping the modern economy. above all, technology. technology is what is changing jobs more than anything else. the movement of capital. , markets, natural resources, human resources, education, training, infrastructure, not too much intangibles like inspiration and innovation and creativity and drive. the ability to go to garage work out of your car for a year and a half. find some capital and get an
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angel investor and start something up. brilliantly available so you can make products for the world. far more than any trade pact whatsoever, the things i just listed of the things that i do with an economy forward the absence of which hold it back. clear, i know this well because i worked hard in the senate for trade adjustments. yes, there's dislocation that happens. it is not trade per se that brings dislocation, artificial intelligence is going to bring to its location, technology is good to bring dislocation, if you can do more with less human hands into a faster, everybody in the world will choose to do that. not --e clear, it is what we have to do is not look
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at trade itself as a problem, it is the lack of adequate response the social structure that does not deal with that dislocation problem. does not make sure that people have ongoing education, to haveon, ability health care despite the fact that they may be in that transition, those of the things that make a difference. incomes that rise as a consequence of the work product that everyone is engaged in. everybody in this room and everybody in america knows, we know this well, the tax system of booksuntry is names with individual pages written on behalf of one company alone is not working for all of the american people. it is not trade that did that. inis what happens here washington and the login process. tpp isis promising that
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going to solve all of our social or economic challenges. let's understand where the real culprit is and deal with it. i can promise you that are rejecting tpp, i refusing to participate in it, our competitiveness is going to suffer. our economy will fall a step the hunt we will miss out on opportunities in some of passes current markets on the planet because we will not have subscribed to the very agreement we asked everybody else to subscribe to. yes, we need to have a national debate about the tpp. that debate ought to be based on facts, not on exaggerated and misguided fears and negative mythology. they have been voices of everything a generation, including our own that insist that protection, trade wars will produce prosperity and more openness to trade will ruin our economy.
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this, thosestain voices have consistently been proven wrong. i've heard these calls over the course of my crew. near seneca my participating in the debate on each trade proposal that was passed were debated in the course of 30 years. of doom to predictions and gloom every single time. guess what? every time the united states of america continue to grow, continue to outpace other countries, continue to create jobs, continue to petite -- continued to compete. today, we posted the strongest, most innovative, most creative economy in the world. that each trade deal has not had some winners and losers, sure. that at the transitional issue we talked about. good agreements succeed in making economies more efficient.
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there were productivity and competitiveness. paychecks byd giving consumers a broader range of affordable choices. increase vital export opportunities for our farmers and ranchers and manufacturers and giving businesses large and small the ability to hire more workers at higher wages by selling or goods and more services to customers abroad by electing the marketplace which is accessible to even the smallest business in america today. thingsl do all of these but with one added positive twist, any country that science tpp is signing on to the highest level standard trade pact ever reached. labor, theards on environment and other key issues
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are not part of a side deal was reached and easily ignored as you know happened with respect to nafta. i complained for years about the fact that both labor and firemen were not being enforced. environment for not being enforced. they are in this deal. participanthat each has to keep the promises they make or face tough sanctions for every violation. this is not just a matter of economic fairness, this is central to our strategic interests. why? higher standards mean more open workers, safer workplaces, cleaner environment, stricter intellectual property protection. less corruption with increased transparency. that are government and greater accountability.
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elevated standards can give to people across the pacific rim a window into a future of reform and human , a smoother and more equitable path to prosperity and ample reason to build up this -- businesses and never turn to tearing down society and resorting to conflict. this is part of how you fight extremism. here is one more thing to : if we don't that these rules, and advance our values in the context of our trade agenda, you can have no doubt others will be all too eager to fill the void and move in the direction of lower standards or no standards at all. right now, there are already countries in the region the gray shading agreements on their own that leads us out. you can bet that those
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agreements are not focused on protecting workers rights or clean air for thing water or intellectual property or a free and open internet. the choice for us is clear. help define the shape of global trade and strengthen our security and leadership at the same time. the playing field to countries and actors who don't care about high standards, who would rather ignore the rule of law and would prefer the united states of america to take a backseat in the asia-pacific. let me be clear, we cannot renege on this deal and think that that somehow gives us an advantage and trade or on any other issue. we can't withdraw from tpp and still be viewed as a central player in the pacific rim and undisputed force for peace and prosperity across the globe. we cannot disengage without
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consequence or advocate our responsibilities. and still expect the world to observe high standards and trust us to keep our word. the question is not trade, but urgent matters, public safety, stability, security. our partners worldwide need to know that they can always look to the united states for principal leadership. no uncertainty, no doubt. the transpacific partnership will send that message loud and clear for the nations of the pacific rim and countries across the globe. to conclude with a brief story. on this day, 75 years ago, a young baseball player named ted soxiams of the boston red stood on the threshold of greatness. it was the last day of the
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season and williams began the day with a batting average that rounded up to 400. a figure that only a handful of baseball giants had exceeded -- succeeded. the manager told him he did not expect to play. d doubleheader that day was meaningless. once could sit on the bench and not run the risk that is average would drop. responded, of course you would be in the lineup. if he was right to make history, he would do it on the field, not sitting in the dugout. the night before, williams paced the streets for hours and able to sleep. in the afternoon when he dug his spikes into the batter's box for the first time, he said, he had been shaking like a leaf. maybe can guess the rest. he hits a single the first time appeared than a home run. then another single and another. by the end of the day, he had
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raised the average to .406. a number that no other player has approached cents. -- since. what does this have to do with tpp? i don't think i'm stretching. [laughter] is, and whatesson did isdid -- williams you are and how you are viewed by others and what you think of yourself depends on what you do every single day, it is not enough to point to what you might have been able to accomplish in the past, it is about making a commitment to higher standards, demonstrating that every commitment you are going to show it every chance you get. the same way, tpp is not necessary to show that we can lead.
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we have been doing that for a long time. by voting yes, we can show we are not about to sit in the dugout and dwell on what we achieved in the past, we are committed to doing more in the future, aiming higher, pushing back the boundaries of what is possible and fostering greater prosperity, and higher batting average for us and our partners along the pacific rim. to do so, just like ted williams the playing field that is level and fair to all. bottom line, i believe tpp is absolutely essential to the economic well-being, national security, continuing sustaining leadership in asia of the united states of america across an ever-changing globe. i hope that in a few weeks when the election is over and congress returns to washington
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to finish the people's business, it will take up an approved tpp and take other steps to preserve and protect and defend the best interests of our beloved country. thanks again to the wilson center for inviting me here. [applause] >> one question. in keeping with the wilson secretarydition, kerry will take a question. i will pass on my own question. the woman with her hand raised. wait for the microphone. >> thank you for your service and all the work you have done
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up until today. thank you for the very comprehensive presentation. i am a vietnamese-american. i hope everyone listening to you understands clearly, i have one question which includes two parts. have you talked to our presidential candidates about this? think we can get the consensus in congress? >> i'm not allowed -- i'm out of politics. i'm not in the business right now of engaging with the candidates. i made this piece today because there is an important debate taking place across america. it is important for people to hear the facts, which i think i laid out today very clearly.
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up, they willgned benefit enormously. i might add, vietnam, the fastest-growing countries in the region will have labor unions that have a right to strike and engage in negotiation. it is a remarkable -- who could have imagined that 25-30 years ago? this is a sea change. this is what changes relationships and provides opportunities to people. answered thene other part. i apologize. >> we understand. we are grateful that you took the question. the wilson center is prohibited by our charter from lobbying congress. that doesn't mean we can't express our opinion. many members of the wilson staff, we are in violent agreement with the case for tpp.
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the problem is the rhetoric in this campaign and the miss that trade and tpp will take american jobs. asould answer by saying ambassador carla hill, former special trade representative, the retail case has to be made better to each member of congress. they have to understand that jobs will grow, not just appear -- disappear. congress come i hope will vote in the lame-duck session that there's no indication yet that the issue will be put up for a vote. i want to thank everyone for coming. secretary kerry has to leave. [applause] one more thing, go sox! [applause]
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> coming up, a senate hearing on north korea's nuclear program. in a house debate on overwriting the veto. then cia director john brennan on global threats. .c-span's washington journal live every day for the us policy issues that impact you. thursday morning, north carolina democratic congressman david price on the recent police shootings and the 2016 campaign. then the public and congressman steve came from iowa about the fundingn government numbers. watch c-span's washington journal at semi-caulk and eastern on thursday money. -- 7:00 eastern on thursday morning. testifiest of seo
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about the unauthorized accounts. deputy secretary of state testifies about the civil war in syria and its impact on other middle east countries. we're live on thursday with the senate foreign relations committee. c-span.orgch live at or listen live on the c-span radio app. >> the next president making appointed to the supreme court of united states is going to be donald trump. >> with hillary clinton in the white house, the rest of the world never forget why they always looked up to united states of america. >> campaign 26 and continues with the vice presidential -- 2016 continues with the vice presidential debate between mike pence and tim kaine on tuesday
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night. beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern. 8:30, pre-debate briefing for the audience. at 9:00 p.m., live coverage of the debate. the 2016 bytes presidential debate, -- vice presidential debate. watch life on c-span or anytime on demand at and listen live on the free c-span radio app. >> next, hearing on north korea's recent nuclear test and the purpose -- u.s. response. state department officials testified before the subcommittee. this is about two hours. >> welcome. we want to thank the cooperation
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for this important hearing. he has a pity job on this committee. it is much appreciated. this committee has done a great amount of work on north korea. north korea just conducted its nuclear test which is the point since 2009. the regime's second test this year and largest weapon they have ever tested yet. yield of 10 kilotons of tnt. the rapid advancement of their program represents a grave threat to global peace and stability. failure to stop has been a bipartisan venture over the last 20 years, this administration policy of strategic patience crafted undersecretary of state hillary clinton has resulted in the most rapid advancements and north korea's arsenal. at the washington post editorialized on fabrinet,
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president obama's policies in 2009 has failed. ly consisteds most of ignoring north korea and cajoling russia. if they're experts have reported that north korea may currently have as many as 20 nuclear warheads and has the potential to possess as many as 100 warheads within the next five years. clapper has dated and the testimony to congress that north korea has also expanded the size and sophistication of its ballistic missile forces from close range to intercontinental boosting missiles and is committed to developing a long-range nuclear armed missile control of -- capable of a threat to the united states. making the vast network of clinical prison camps. -- political is in camps. -- prison camps. 2014, the united nations found
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that north korea's abuses constituted a crime against humanity. we also know that pyongyang is quickly developing cyber capabilities as devastated by the sony pictures hack. a recent report by the center for strategic international studies, north korea is emerging as a significant factor in cyberspace with both military and clandestine organizations. aggression,cord of this congress can together on february 10, 2016 to pass the north korea sank a policy and enhancement act. this legislation signed into law was a momentous achievement. congress proposed stand-alone sanctions on korea. this was a message that strategic patience have failed and time for a new policy of strength. now that we are more than six months out from the enhancement
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act, i hope to hear from the administration regarding compliance with the law. 90% of north korea's trade is with china. i also hope to hear from the witnesses of a detailed examination of the people's republic of china record -- china's record. whether patient has used little to avoid painful compliant and what the united states has done about it. sections are not the only two in our arsenal. -- sanctions are not the only tool in our arsenal. we must assure that aggression against our allies will result in support for the united states. as carter segregated -- as h cartertated -- as stated that we are standing guard 24 72 the turn against the north korean threat. tubeding conventional abilities, missile defense and a clear about. we must repeat these insurances to our allies.
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you must continue with show of force exercises to demonstrate to the regime that it will bear a heavy price for any aggression. the b-1 nuclear bomb in -- bomber overflights were a good start. we must expedite the placement of terminal high altitude area defense and republic of korea and i want to take our partners for the decisiveness and commitment to this critical capability. we must strengthen and build a genuine and lasting trilateral alliance. there have been encouraging signs. i think both soul and tokyo for pursuing this past of cooperation and partnership. we must also explore possibility for asymmetrical action to put additional pressure like the redesignation of north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism or imposing a global treaty embargo
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on pyongyang. the gravity of the threat assessment takes these conversations to guide the actions of the administration and set parameters for the next administration. i yield. >> thank you. and that's been a pleasure to work with you on the subcommittee. korea presents one of our greatest challenges retort to witnesses, i thank you. i know that we have to adjust schedules and thank you very much for being willing to be here today to share your vision as to how we can be more effective regarding our policy with north korea. this committee has taken action at the chairman has indicated an congress has passed legislation giving additional tools to the administration to deal with the activities of north korea of
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from the most recent tests of united nations has taken action. council fast security resolution 2270. it was our hope that china hoping with republic of korea, united states, japan and others that would be able to put sufficient pressure on north korea to change its behavior. that has not happened. efforts, thef our current policy is not to turn north korea's activities and acquiring greater nuclear capacity. the question today is, what more do we do? how can the administration working with congress provide the leadership internationally to change north korea's activities? we know we need to have more effective action to china. what will it take to get china to really exercise the leverage
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it has over north korea to change that behavior? north korea's current trend is is not just a security challenge to the korean parents look, not just a security challenge to that region of the world, but directly to the united states. what plans do we have in order to protect the security of our allies as well as our own security as a result of north korea's activities? these are questions that we want to explore today. we have to incredibly talented people who have given the public service over a long time. we thank you for that. we look for to sharing your observations as to what we can do to prevent north korea from destabilizing that region and presenting security for united states.
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i would ask artistic with ministers to keep their poor marks to no more than five minutes. our first witnesses the honorable daniel russell. >> thank you. garter, thank you for -- chairman gardner, thank you for holding this meeting on korea and inconsistent bipartisan support of u.s.-asia policy. the threat from north korea's nuclear missile program has posed a serious challenge to the last four administrations. today, we are using all of the tools at our disposal, including tools that the congress has made apollo gold -- available to us to counter the threat and roll it back. our strategy is based on deterrence, diplomacy and
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pressure. through aorth korea strong defensive military ourure rigid -- rooted in lives of with south korea and japan. we strengthen our alliances with both those countries to an unprecedented degree. we have expanded our deployments , exercises and weapon systems in order to meet the growing threat. diplomatically, we connected the world so that north korea is denied regular access to the international system so that they are isolated and widely condemned. at the same time, we continue to make clear to the north that we are ready at any time to engage incredible negotiation on team clears asian -- denuclearization and offer a path to prosperity,
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a path that others have chosen to take. the third component has been pressure. the tremendous pressure that we applied through both multilateral and national seriouss has generated regimeds for the dprk and impeded its ability to generate desperately needed hard currency, proliferate arms or nuclear material, attract international investment or economic assistance or to extract confessions and eight from the outside world. -- aid from the outside world. in response to the latest tests, who will develop a new u.s. security council resolution that squeezes north korea even harder.
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together, we will expand and courtney our unilateral impose as cleaning costs on north korea until it agrees to negotiations on denuclearization and comply with its international obligations and commitments. together, we will shine a light on the egregious human rights violations and push for accountability by the dprk's leaders. we will defend ourselves and allies against north korea threatening behavior and make clear that there is a high price to play -- pay for provocations. insured thathas kim jong-un has nothing to show for his intransigence. he has made holes in the ocean with missiles, yes he has these are bad
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things, it has netted him nothing in terms of what north korea has indicated it needs, respect, security, economic support, diplomatic recognition. he has failed to extract material or political benefits from his threats. as president obama has made clear, we will not reward bad behavior and we will use all of the instruments of national power to defend our homeland and allies against threats from north korea. it may well be that negotiating an end to the program is the last thing on earth that he wants to be. to showe are determined him that denuclearization is the .nly viable option thank thee -- committee for this attention to
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this critical challenge. with permission, turn to my calling. >> thank you. ambassador daniel freed. state department. he served in various positions including assistant to secretary of state and european and european affairs. and also as united states ambassador to poland. welcome. thank you for your service. >> thank you. i will continue where my colleague left off. sanctions are a key component of our strategy and the sanctions apply to north korea have created significant problems for the regime. because sanctions work overtime as their impact accumulates, the
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administration" nation with key allies is examining our sanctions toolkit in identifying ways to improve efficacy. we are working through the end and -- u.n.. this has been a year of intensifying pressure in all three areas. security council resolutions by an important role because they have the power to oppose universally binding sixes. the five previous security council resolutions on north korea targeted north korea's missile and nuclear programs. they did what they did the the targets were narrowly focused. thearch, 2016, after january 2016 nuclear tests, security council resolution 2270 imposed measures targeting economic activities generally
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that supported the regime probably. not just revenue streams directly connected to nuclear and ballistic missile programs, this is the first time u.n. with the support of all the secret counsel permanent members took this step. that crossed the line in a good way. in addition, congress and the administration after the nuclear tests worked together to adopt broad domestic authorities that operate on the principles of we must go after the revenue streams that support north korean regimes. -- the north korean regime. follow the money. sanctions signed by president obama, we have principlesused its and requirements.
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the administration has supplemented the act including by designating kim jong-un himself. most recently, on september 26, the treasury department designated for chinese nationals and one entity complicit in sanctions of asian activities. was a significant and hopefully effective step. working with our partners and allies around the world, especially south korea, australia and japan an , weeasingly european union are encouraging him pushing when countries to curtail their own economic ties with north korea. we have had some good results. downve essentially shut the operations of north korean
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ocean maritime management company. we restricted the lending severales -- governments have imposed visa restrictions. south korea closed the case on industrial park and that virtually 60. taiwan has halted its imports of north korean coal. there's more to say about this. there's also more to do. china is by far north korea's major economic partner. north korea's coal exports, mostly to china generate over a billion dollars in revenue for the regime annually. an account for about a third of all north korean exports. curtail north to korea's ability to export coal and iron ore and limit its foreign currency earnings. we are also looking at north korea's export of labor which provides a source of revenue for the regime.
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secretary kerry affirmed last week that every country has a responsibility to vigorously enforce your infections said that north korea pays a price for its dangerous activities. a global to pursue pressure campaign on north korea and to urge the necessary push. i look for to discussing this further with you. >> thank you. you will begin the questions. i commend the administration for finally designating a chinese entity and for chinese individuals this week as you mentioned in your opening statements for north korea's sanction violations. i wonder if these designations would have taken place without the studies released by the center for these studies and asian institute that public we identify these entities and received widespread media coverage.
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we did not have happened without the studies? hoping this is a strong message to beijing. it is important to see a change in the administration's work and policy as a result of the heavy involvement from congress beginning with the enhancements act and continued oversight. this round of designations should only scratched the surface of eligible violators. in a new study, harvard and an i.t. found that north korean state trading companies have by hiringeir strategy marketable chinese middlemen who can more effectively handle financing, logistics into a business with private chinese firms and foreign firms operating in china. and take up residence in abetting themselves in the mainland which increases their effectiveness. number three, expanding the use of hong kong and southeast asian regional commercial hubs and four, increasing the use of --
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vehicle up her kerman -- procurement. on september 16, 19 members of the senate sent a letter to the president, i will insert this into the record, i will start with some questions from this letter sent to the president. aremany investigations active and currently ongoing pursuant to the north korean sanctions? we are current to my knowledge providing the mandatory report in that act. we have sent up all of them required to do so. frankly, we appreciate the opportunity. the administration and congress are living in the same direction. to where we send a
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signal of united american decision, the stronger we are. i thank you for that. treasury department, state inartment, are active pursuing a number of potential north korean targets. diligently and downssively in tracking violators of sanctions both u.n. sanctions in american sanctions. hearts of the state department, my colleagues who work on nonproliferation have their own stream of activities and investigations. they follow arms shipments accomplishments, they do this in great detail. i can assure you that they are aggressive. i can't give you a number of specific investigations but there are a lot of them.
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we follow but public material. the aussies intelligence information. we are in a forward thinking mode. >> how many of these investigations are taking place of chinese entities or individuals? >> i don't want to get into specific numbers in the session. this, it is important , the question, it comes to the heart of the matter, it would be best if china itself came to the conclusion that it needed to put increased pressure on the north. my colleague knows this better than i do, china has expressed concern about in opposition to north korea's nuclear testing especially. the best option is if china does this itself.
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it would also be useful if chinese banks and companies understood that increasingly dealing with north korean companies, especially those that are sanctioned is going to be risky, frequent not worth it. thosest sanctions are that do not have to be applied. because the credible threat of sanctions act as a deterrent. -- action government's action earlier this week demonstrates that we are in earnest. i can assure you that we are. there's more we could say in a classified setting. i think you understand the direction you're headed. may be simpler way to ask it
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come are additional chinese firms under investigation? >> we are investigating treasure and state -- we are investigating a number of companies around the world. there are no limits and there is no administration redline of exempt countries or companies. we go where the evidence takes us. >> i think the answer is yes. >> i would not argue with you. testimony.u for your i agree with you that we have done a lot in leadership on imposing global sanctions against the regime of north korea. it does have a major economic impact on north korea. no question about that. it does not work.
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north korea continues to accumulate materials. it continues to nuclear as weapons. it continues to develop delivery systems that could threaten the region and the united states. ambassador, you mentioned countries that have been helpful to us. we appreciate what australia is doing and the republic of korea and japan and canada and even the eu. it was notable that you did not mention china netlist. china appears to look for ways to weaken the impact of the security council resolution. imagine coal exports. you mentioned how dependent north korea is on the exports of coal. it is perplexing because china does not want to destabilize the
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korea peninsula and is not what korea to have a nuclear arsenal. it could do so much more. what can united states to? the united states do to get china to take the steps you could take to put the type of pressure that they will change their behavior in regards to their nuclear program? thank you, senator cardin. i first started working on north korea 25 years ago under the george h dubya bush. have a healthy appreciation of the challenges faced. china toating cooperate with us.
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the difference between 25 years ago and today is dramatic. the difference between ages ago and today is dramatic in terms of the extent to which china has cooperated with united states an effort to freeze rollbacks and eliminate the program. >> don't you agree that china could very easily put the type of pressure on north korea that would change the equation? >> we agree that a change in china's behavior is a prerequisite for getting a change in north korea's behavior. china has potentially tremendous leverage over north korea. >> what can we do to get china to move? first, unfortunately, north
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korea's actions in increasingly egregious behavior, which we don't like, is generating a change in china's behavior. have we seen that indicates china changing its fundamental position in regard to north korea? china changes behavior, not necessarily fundamental position. that behavior is manifested in his cooperation with the united states in trying to stem proliferation and enforce resolution 2270 and creating barriers -- exemption beenod interpreted the way china interprets it, it is a loophole that effectively takes china out of the equation when it comes to putting pressure on north korea.
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without china, we could have the strongest sanctions globally but north korea's protected. >> we agree that placing restrictions on china's ability to export coal to china or anywhere else is a priority and they focus of negotiations currently underway over a new un security council resolution. exports, toea's china, grown by 27.5%? they are not only not helping us, they are helping north korea, are they? >> president obama, after meeting with president she champagne in which he has a dprk andchange on the section policy said publicly that china can and should do
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more to tighten sanctions. this is a goal of u.s. diplomacy. this is only one facet of china's behavior. there are significant improvements in china's cooperation with the u.s. and republic of korea in both implementing 2270 u.n. sanction and in pushing back against the risk of provocations or proliferation. >> that is a pretty general statement. uslaugh at you give information on how china has been so helpful. it is to me because of the economic relationship with north korea, the relationship with korea, all the work we are doing on sanctions globally is being
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compromised dramatically because of china's economic relationship with north korea. that does not seem to make sense. >> we share the concerns that china's purchases of coal and other economic activities create a lifeline that reduces the andct of global sanctions we are working directly with chinese steel leadership to encourage and persuade them to tighten up and toughen up for the purpose of bringing about a change in their behavior. it is hard to believe that china is serious about effecting change in north korea's behavior when they continue to share a billion dollars worth of coal exports and continue to share 90% of the economy. at was thatgetting
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china's cooperation and if they are willing and if they are willing in the state security resolution to narrow or limit the livelihood exemption that you mentioned. that is what is under negotiated now. we certainly hope so. we are working to that end. at the same time, we are pursuing law enforcement cooperation and other forms of sanction enforcement and implementation in an effort to continue to tighten the net on the purpose of changing their behavior and bringing them into real negotiations. thank you for holding this hearing. i think you're right, all the issues you raised, i think about what is happening and i looked at september 9, 2016, defense secretary carter discussed the most recent nuclear tests by
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north korea and says, china has interest in or to responsibilities for the development and has an important is possibly to reverse it. usesys is important that location, history and influence to further the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. i ask you, is china willing to againstny consequences north korea for this most recent nuclear test and what specific actions could we her general it -- her general actions --heard general actions but specific? >> i agree with what senator carter said. the president has met repeatedly with china over the course of 2016 as recently as early this
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month. our forcibly presented specific recommendations in terms of practical ways that china can enhance the effectiveness of truth -- sanctions. limiting access to the chinese bank, limits on other modes of transportation, shutting down .orth korea's cyber bad actors the list goes on. president obama met again in new forcefully.hed we have both a strategic and economic dialogue with secretary kerry with his counterpart of china have delved into this. worked directly with
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improve enhance and their cooperation and implementation. we are not fully satisfied. there is much more that we believe that china can and should do. we look for ways to demonstrate that it is very much in china's interest to do more. , includingonstrated to the decision of the bad system, united states and allies will take the steps necessary to protect us against the threat posed by the dprk even when the steps are unwelcome by the chinese. the appointed out that the abouton to the concerns the behavior of u.s. military in northeast asia is for them to in changingectively
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their behavior and ending their program. >> but we heard is that the president has pushed forcefully and has not been effective. i want to talk specifically about trade between china and north korea. china's north korea's largest trading partner. china has worked hard to put loopholes and exemptions to many of the north korean sanctions. that seems to be the way that china's working. there's an exemption under the unsc resolution that allows north korea to sell coal and china continues to import the coal and iron ore. what would be the impact of a complete and on china's imports and if therea's coal industries and working to garrett of these loopholes?
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>> we are working to address the problem of fog crinkle exports generally and specifically. in sanctions, you follow the money. money takes you to coal. it also takes into some other sectors. the question was the coal so i will stick to that. the most effective way would be this gray you -- through a new security resolution. they are universally accepted and legally bonded. if that is not possible, there are other options. can seek to convince chinese individual companies that it would be in their own best interest to avoid dealing with the most suspect north korean coal exporters.
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mondayions on designating chinese companies demonstrates that nothing is off limits, including this. i don't want to get more specific at this point, but the are exactlyom you the right ones. sign becausea good those of the question of the administration is grappling with christ now. -- right now. >> this year alone, north korea's conducted almost 30 missile test. double the number last year. but we hearing from our friends in japan and south korea about what is happening? >> there is immense concern in
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japan and south korea about the accelerating tempo of north korea's policy the selectivity. -- ballistic activity. and ability to work with the nazi to promote military interoperability, information sharing, joint exercises in a variety of other defense-related programs that are increasing our ability to deter and defend against the significant threat. i want to thank his work on the legislation. >> thank you for holding the hearing. i want to offend -- commend you on your active leadership. together on the policy and has been act. i appreciate that. that is under the calls we are using to try to push back against north
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