tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 29, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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king about funding the federal government, the override of the 9/11 lawsuit bill veto, and protests over police shootings. ♪ host: good morning. it is thursday, september 29. congress sought to wrap up its legislative work before heading home to campaign ahead of the november election. resolutioncontinuing funds the government for 10 weeks until december 9. both the house and senate voted overwhelmingly yesterday to override president obama's veto allow citizens to sue a foreign government over
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the 9/11 attacks. it could put americans overseas at risk -- we are opening the phones to get your thoughts. . -- democratsn call can call 202-748-8000. republicans can call 202-748-8001. .ndependents, 202-748-8002 you can also catch up with us on social media. a very good thursday morning to you. we will get you the details about continuing resolution in just a minute. we are beginning to show by giving your thoughts about this so-called 9/11 bill. what you think about it and the congressional override that happened yesterday. here's a few of the headlines in the wake of yesterday's votes in
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response to that veto override yesterday at a town hall event with veterans. [video clip] president obama: the concern dot i've had has nothing to with saudi arabia, per se, or by my sympathy for 9/11 families -- we are exposed to liabilities for all the work we are doing all around the world and suddenly finding ourselves subject to the private lawsuits in courts where we don't even know exactly whether they are on the up and up in some cases. it's a dangerous precedent and -- sometimes,why you have to do what's hard. i wish congress had done what's hard. i did not expect it. perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before election, not surprisingly, that is a hard
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boat. that's a hard vote. but it would have been the right thing to do. said this is a bad idea. the secretary of defense and it was a bad idea. -- said it was a bad idea. voted fore people who it said we did not even know what was in it and there wasn't a debate on it. it was basically a political boat. -- a political vote. host: for more, we turn to gregory korte cannot white house reporter for "usa today." -- , white house reporter for "usa today." caller: there's a long-standing principle of international law that pretty much every country calledworld recognizes versu
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sovereign immunity. it helps prevent this international chaos where you iran suing the u.s., u.s. countersuing iran. thatis the principle president obama is trying to protect here. by carving out this narrow exception that allows lawsuits against state sponsors of terrorism, you could have an -- international norm go by the wayside. the other nations may reciprocate. some countries have courts that are not on the up and up. they might not have the same rule of law. they might not have the same burden of proof.
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how much work to the administration put into trying to stop this veto override? concernse some yesterday by those against this measure that there was a lack of effort on the administration's part. the president still has a lot on his plate. there's a lot he is trying to get done legislatively. i'm not sure this was his highest priority. you have the press secretary answering questions about this everyday. it's not clear how often the president himself got on the phone. the biggest indicator of how hard the white house is fighting on something because the most valuable resource the white house has is the president's time. how much the president personally invests in lobbying lawmakers to sustain his veto,
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probably not very much. host: is there anything the administration can do now to soften the effect of this legislation? override, i'meto not entirely sure -- once the president signs the bill, it goes into effect. this will go into effect in the number of days once it's enrolled. there is a provision in this law that says the attorney general of u.s. can intervene in any one of these lawsuits. if the secretary of state signs a piece of paper to certify that the u.s. government is in good faith negotiations to resolve the underlying dispute, they can get a stay of the lawsuit for six months at a time. congress does this pretty often.
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they will make a big statement with a bill but provide a release valve so the administration can still deal with these concerns the president has. we don't have a lawsuit in front of us, we don't know exactly how this would apply. it's possible this president or a future president could still use their executive power to put one of these lawsuits on deep-freeze. host: the significance of the first veto override? caller: i was reading the newspapers this morning. most of them have characterized it as a rebuke of the president -- an extraordinary thing. in terms of president obama, the first veto override of his theidency, the first since
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late george w. bush administration. this was not one of his signature programs or legislative efforts. he did not spend a whole lot of political capital fighting this. i don't know politically that this damages the president. we've only had 111 veto overrides in our history. is a whitery korte house reporter for "usa today." thank you for your time today. we talk about this first veto override for president obama, a list of vetoes and veto overrides. override after 12 vetoes by president obama.
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two overrides for bill clinton. we want to hear your thoughts this morning. gladys is up first in san antonio, texas. a democrat. the morning. -- good morning. caller: i really do feel the president has a really good reason and i do feel there will be some repercussions that we will be sorry for later. i wish there was some way they could sustain or keep it on hold for six months and maybe there would be some way the 9/11 victims would be able to get some type of compensation. i do think we are going to regret this in the long run. want to see the 9/11 victims get some type of compensation. perhaps our government can work on a solution in another way. host: john is up next in
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pennsylvania. independent. good morning. caller: good morning, john. this is a political show from both sides. wants to get equanimity for the 9/11 folks. president obama wants to protect the cia and the u.s. military for killing people all over the world. this will backfire big-time, i think. but nothing will happen because -- unis on reciprocity reciprocity in courts in iraq, afghanistan, somalia, you can keep on going. they will look to put many or atans in jail least get retribution because we have killed civilians all over the place. where do you fall in terms
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of what should happen here? caller: i think we should join the international criminal court as a step. we are saying to the rest of the , the laws apply to you but don't apply to us. fred is up next in maryland. a republican. caller: good morning. what president obama's been doing, it defines his anti-american agenda. is for america, he's against. he's given money to iran. billions of dollars that was supposed to go to families of
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terrorist attacks. anything that helps the other side is what he's been for. against republicans, anything that hurts republicans -- just the opposite of common sense. host: some of the concerns expressed by the president and those clips we showed, they warn will open/11 suits the door to lawsuits against u.s. officials and u.s. servicemembers overseas for drones, iraq war and more. it is a slippery legal slope. that should keep us more honest in the future engagements. host: that is fred in maryland.
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members of congress tweeting out their votes yesterday. georgia said -- there is eric swalwell -- he tweeted a picture of his voting card the voting yes for that veto override. john is up next on the phone and district heights, maryland. good morning. caller: i wish people would understand that money that went back to iran was not -- we froze
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their money during the iranian crisis with the hostages. in thee that money american banking system. now, they are simply giving the money back. we're not talking about the iran nuclear deal. we are talking about this 9/11 bill. caller: the last gentleman through that in their -- threw that in there. the last guy was right on the money. most american people don't have any idea how much killing this nation has done all over the world. said, go back and play that again later on. i don't listen to any nation -- all they do is talk about what people are doing to america.
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most people don't know how many military bases we have an islamic nations. they don't know how many people we kill with those drones. if this country was about justice, we wouldn't have these people doing what they're doing barack obama is defending the military-industrial complex, the .ia i agree with the callers. that bill should go through. then, the american people will see what we're really doing to the rest of the world. front page from earlier ,his month from the daily news the day before the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. the front page that has been seen and read tweeted out by those pushing for this measure theo through congress,
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writing "don't choose them over us." as we saw yesterday, a veto override from the house and senate. allen in maine. caller: your last caller is exactly right. the issue that is missing here is the fact that the u.s. has been captured and controlled and is nominally the global headquarters of a disguised global capitalist empire. your commentor greg talked about the madisonian government. the madisonian government is only the government of a manyratic republic --
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academics and experts on the field of empire and modern empire, a disguised empire like , theichy regime in france since the era when the cia and nsa were both formed have turned over national security to what amounts to an empire which heights behind that hides behind the two phony political structures which i would call party or the smoother -- both ofberal con those parties are controlled by the empire. hoped bernie sanders would
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mention this in his political political -- revolution is a sound bite the way bernie uses it. political revolution against empire is what the u.s. people have to do. we are the only people in the world that can overturn this empire. host: alan in maine this morning. front page of "the new york times" this morning. law immediately alters the legal landscape of american --rts
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the story noting that the commission left open the possibility that some saudi officials may have played roles. we are getting your thoughts on this legislation that became the first veto override of president obama's time in office. randy in missouri. a democrat. caller: good morning, john. have said --lors callers have said, this is a bad idea. if you want to support our troops, we have troops abroad -- any incident that takes place, let's say they are accused of rape or beating someone, they
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will be drug into the courts of nations -- the next drone attackcommand a type of -- when greg was talking about the escape hatch the u.s. can use, that will not prevent the international actors from going forward with their lawsuits. they are not suing the united states. they are suing the actual actor. this is really bad. clip let me play you a from the congressman from new .ork he talked about this legislation yesterday. [video clip] a carefully crafted narrow bill which would hold governments that
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knowingly provide assistance to terrorist attacks -- despite the overblown rhetoric, it will not pose a threat to american military personnel. jasta applies only to governments. personnelake american subject to liability. engaging inwould be an unjustifiable act of aggression. states can already do so. we must not hold just as hostage to imagined fears. 15 years ago, we suffered the most deadly terrorist attack on our soil in our nations history -- its effects were felt across the country. we all have an interest in
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ensuring the 9/11 victims and their families bring to justice anyone responsible for these vicious attacks. we will look for comments on our facebook page. on twitter -- we want to hear your thoughts this morning. rick in new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. this basically means the saudi's ill move up the price on oil now. what do you think is going to happen? americans my fellow driving and walking and ,istening to this channel
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listening on the radio, go back and read the history. you have moving companies throughout the u.s. -- they are undercover companies. they are connected to 9/11. wake up. host: we are you getting that info from? over come's all online come on books, on fox news, they took it down. -- it's all over, online, on books, on fox news, they took it down. it's not that hard. it's just being censored. host: anthony in florida. a republican. good morning. forer: i have a question c-span. and comeyhy the fbi is getting away with covering up
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for the clintons. do a series onto why everyone is getting these get out of jail free cards? k t: we have covered james comey's investigation. from "theheadline washington post" on that for you. he says the bureau will not reopen clinton's e-mail he was at an -- hearing of the house judiciary committee.
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there have been several very material issues that are notbling and with those requiring a reopening of the investigation to solve those issues -- that was the question posed. if you want to watch the full back and forth and all the questions, you can go to our website, jacksonville, florida. an independent. caller: good morning. -- thelem is this american people have not paid attention to the fact that politicians jobs are to get reelected. especially in congress, they spend 90% of their time campaigning instead of actually working. this has already been proven. this is another smoke and mirrors tactic that is used to distract people away from what they should be thinking about. this is something that could
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backfire and create more problems. every politician that voted for this, many of them spoke against it before they voted for it. they understand what's going on but being reelected is more important -- these are millionaires that don't care , the the everyday lives situations everyday americans face. we have donald trump, who is a byproduct of reality television and dog whistle politics. people like him because they say he speaks the truth. actually, he is saying out loud what the politicians have been saying for the last eight years in cold. that's why he is so popular. nobody's really thinking, they're just reacting to a motion. host: a comment from jan on twitter asks --
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it is talking about the september 11, 2001 attacks. haveies of the attacks long sought the right to sue saudi arabia for any alleged role in those attacks. the kingdom has denied any involvement. we are talking about the a bill.ed jast george, in fort maryland. -- thismy comment is doesn't make any sense to me. overriding the veto by the president. company -- imagine every country coming up to the u.s. to sue them.
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is the wrong vote by the congress and we should overthrow them. we want to keep getting your calls. democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. you can keep calling in. many congressional races that are happening the cycle. up, all ofthe senate the house up in 2016. we're trying to keep you updated about the developments of the senatesional races -- democrats need a net gain of four seats. five seats if republican donald trump were to win the presidency.
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in the house, democrats trying to take over the house there, they would need 30 seats. , the two largest outside groups supporting s --cratic senate candidate the senatorial campaign committee has purchased $30 million in television time for commercial sets to begin running on tuesday of next week. pac has purchased nearly $1.1 million in ads set to run through november 10. a survey conducted earlier this month showed him leading young -- the north carolina senate race, an update from "the washington post."
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is counting on public anger over the gop political takeover of north carolina to help her upset richard burr. the race is pulling in billions of dollars in outside tax money. ross's strategy of criticizing seems to belicies working with the traditional democratic and moderate independent voters she is courting and that race. this story from rollcall. -- housefrom members members running for a different office have missed 10% more rollcall votes through september
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22 and their colleagues seeking reelection. than their colleagues seeking reelection. sanchez showing up only 22 of 63 rollcall votes. the story noting a chart showing absences and attendance records for those rollcall votes by house members running for other offices. you can see the rep. sanchez: there at the top, 35%. -- loretta sanchez, there at the top, 35%. a bit of congressional races to
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keep you updated on. we will keep doing that for you as we move closer and closer to the november election. back to the phones on this issue of congress overriding president obama's veto of that 9/11 bill. morris in upper marlboro, maryland. a democrat. morning. i side with president obama on this issue. muchen ourselves up to too involvement from all countries around the world. we are spread out all over the world militarily. this should not be. is ridiculous. congress is out of hand. host: you think we shouldn't be spreading ourselves all over the world or in doing that, we should be protecting those folks that are out there around the world as best we can?
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caller: -- belonging to the religious leader of an organization whose headquarters is now in new york. the books were promised to be promised to president of the u.s. by soviet premiers. congress passed a resolution urging the books be returned to no avail. they sued the russians in russian courts and went through an entire stream of russian courts all the way up to the supreme commercial court, winning each verdict, only to have the politicians refuse to have the books returned. court in in federal new york or washington, i forget which one, and the federal judge finedin favor of him and
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the russians a substantial amount of money each day until the books were returned. the russians ignored the verdict and have never paid any of the fines. there's a long history of this. host: this is something that senator john cornyn brought up yesterday in his floor speech before the senate vote on this bill. [video clip] >> at a time when international terrorism is spreading, fbi director comey warned of a terrorist diaspora. ta will send a strong message to those who sponsor terrorist attacks on american soil, --luding federal governments
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current law already allows for american victims to sue foreign governments for many different offenses committed by their employees, commercial wrongs, salt, drunk driving, rape, human trafficking, among others. that is already part of existing law. would clarify that sponsoring an active terrorism in america is added to that list. lawsuits forhe contract breaches, drunk driving, we should allow the victims of a terrorist attack on our soil the opportunity for their day in court as well. john cornyn on the senate floor yesterday. we have seven minutes left. we want to hear your thoughts on this veto override. steve in -- republican.
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i have little regard for president obama. -- i support his decision see the backlash. it seems to be political fever. i'm a retired marine. i've traveled the world. the status of forces agreements, those kinds of things, it's political theater -- i'm disappointed in the leadership of our country across the board. pretty disappointed. host: what does that mean for your vote in the upcoming election? caller: i'm torn. for donald j i don't like how he says things
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-- i am somewhat pragmatic politically. hillary clinton, there is some substance there, but there is so much smoke. one of the reasons i cannot get past is the classified material issue. i am a 30 year retired marine. a 17-year-old marine in boot and how tothe perils handle classified material. i can understand how the fbi director would allow that to pass. host: did you get a chance to watch that hearing yesterday? caller: i did. i'm not goingu -- to say i lose respect for the men because the body of work of his life is significant. it is politicized. he is a very intelligent, congressman.
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-- very intelligent, accomplished man. to lose theirle careers forcibly not putting a document in a folder. for simply not putting a document in a folder. the secretary of state, all those credentials, that she simply did not know. add to that this fifth amendment truly lovetorn -- i my country and truly, i think we have a bunch of amateurs running the show. host: you mentioned the campaign trail coming over clinton appearing on the campaign trail with a familiar face, senator bernie sanders.
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there is a picture of the two of them right before she took the podium. george in illinois. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. one of the things i was thinking -- african-americans have been seeking reparations for slavery. this would give us a reasonable credibility that may be america will move forward with that move. i understand the 9/11 concept and what they are trying to achieve, which would also be good for african-americans push for reparations. host: it opens the door more legally for that? i think we lost george. randy in wisconsin.
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a republican. caller: good morning. this question you've got today here, congress overrides this -- it should have a little extra. people have read the bill and understand the bill? don't go by what the news media puts out there because that's what a lot of these people today .re doing it was 97-1 in the house. in the senate. host: have you read the bill all the way through? caller: little parts of it. 9/11 people who have lost their
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loved ones, would you please call them and get their opinion? this guy that just called from north carolina, i agree with everything he said, talking about the hillary deal and everything. had the government running this country for all these years -- the mainstream government out there, look where this country is. don't you think it's about time that we finally -- let's try a businessman. what do we have to lose? the way it's going, it's not going very good. we are trying to elect an outright proven liar? host: randy in wisconsin. our last caller in this segment. from 9/11ike to hear
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victims. we will revisit this topic at the end of our show. funds will be open to talk about this topic again. , we wantre out there to hear their stories as well. one story i did want to come back to, we mentioned the continuing resolution that will fund the government through december 9. congress heading off the $500own shutdown -- million for flood relief in louisiana, maryland and west virginia. leaders agree to put up work on the water crisis in flint, michigan until a water project bill comes back to congress after the elections.
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on the issue of the flint water bill, that issue that was holding up this spending measure , a deal came together this week, republican said that issue was better addressed in a water resources bill. the maquette have said they don't trust house republicans leaders to follow through on that come only after the house toed to attach $170 million its water infrastructure bill wednesday did democrats agree to move forward. something to look out for among the many issues that will be coming up in the lame-duck session. we had that election between now and then. that will do it for our first segment of "washington journal."
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up next, we will be joined by david price. we will talk about last night's vote to avoid the shutdown that would've happened at the end of this week. and later, congressman steve king of iowa will be here. and histalk about jasta vote yesterday to sustain president obama's veto. ♪ >> "washington journal" is having technical difficulties. will be president donald trump. >> with hillary clinton in the white house, the rest of the world will never forget why they always looked up to the united states of america. >> the vice presidential debate
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between republican governor mike pence and democratic senator tim kaine tuesday night, live from longwood university in farmville, virginia. at a quantity, the predebate breathing for the audience and at 9:00 p.m., live coverage of the debate followed by viewer reaction. , on demandon c-span at and listen live on the free c-span radio app. what makes movies or stories about people in crisis or in a in the crisis changes them more changes everybody else and if you don't show conflicts and you don't show flaws and you don't show someone growing out of their flaws, you are seeing something you cannot really connect to and it doesn't have
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the same impact. , editor ofight commentary magazine and movie reviewer for the weekly standard talks about the movies he's reviewed, ranging from lincoln, apotlight to straight outt compton. classicdate of the showbiz story about how the band got together, pretty strikingly effective. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on q&a. >> "washington journal" continues. att: congressman david price our desk. he is a member of the house appropriations committee. are you satisfied with the deal that came together to fund the government for 10 more weeks?
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yes, i'm satisfied with the immediate deal. i'm not satisfied with the situation -- you are in bad claimif you have to victory when you avoid a shutdown. that is not a good way to run a government. it's indicative of the kind of breakdown we've had around here. , wer the circumstances could do pretty well because we have this lame-duck session after the election, we have 12 appropriations bills that have been partly through the process, there's a lot of bipartisan input. if we can stitch those together into anonymous bill -- on the bill-- omnibus -- host: will it be one big bill in
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late december? guest: that's what we did last time and it's become the norm, almost. far short of ideal, but we have these budget patches two years at a time that get us off the sequestration levels. the freedom caucus done except that. -- don't accept that. but the leadership does and they worked with democrats and that keeps the government open. we will have the benefit of the work of those in committees. that is the likely outcome. a will be much better to have reasonable set of budget goes to govern us through the whole process. --t: as opposed to wait
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these bills would come through individually and you could have more impact. guest: compared to the way it used to work and ought to work involves the true drivers of the deficit, mandatory spending and appropriations. 1990's and in the like we balanced the budget with in the 1990's. that's what we need going forward. in the meantime, we are stuck with sequestration and these patches that overcome it a year at a time. i still would rather be on appropriations than anywhere else in the congress. your bills to have to pass. one way or another, you will have a budget -- our bills have to make it.
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the work we do does bear fruit. sometimes in indirect ways. it still has a relatively bipartisan cast to it. those bills sitting there ready to be stitched together a pretty much bipartisan products. call and it's not universal, but it is relatively that way. this is an institutional function. this is the power of the purse and it works best when it's not just the program of one party. host: at what point in that process do you feel like the partisanship leads into the process? it at least starts off in a bipartisan manner. guest: if we were to stick with , that is aon
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partisan benchmark which simply means we cannot go any further. we cannot write bills to those guidelines. there's no bills that would have any democratic support. once we pass that up and get work honestlyn we on many committees -- some of them are still so constrained that there is a sharp partisan division. is in bad shape and it's hard to get partisan unity on that. is somewhat better. i've had a cooperative relationship with the chairman from florida, and urban representative. he supports a lot of the housing in transit work. we work together pretty well. bipartisan -- do we
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get swamped by the larger parts in the house? hopefully that will be overcome in the lame-duck session and we will have an on the best -- omnibus bill. host: 202-748-8000 if you are a democrat. republicans can call 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. we want to ask you about this vote to override the president's veto. you voted to override the president's veto last night. guest: i did. i felt it was narrowly cast. this is a challenge we need to address. allegations -- there's lots of material in the 9/11 report about how many of these
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terrorists were saudi's and what might have influenced them. the victims need to be able to follow every request. -- every request. the other side, the president setes this would possibly up a situation where we would be retaliated against. we would have to revisit this at one point because it will not be workable. call. a close there's also the question of the politics of this. this is not something the administration pushed terribly hard. for the congress to do this, the theident to have defended i'm not surets, politically how that works going forward, but it's an interesting role reversal because the
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president has been under attack ever since the iran agreement abandoning the alliance with saudi arabia. in this case, he emerges as the defender, in a way. there was a lot of soul-searching on the floor. host: it was not a close vote. in the senate, there was only one. host: harry reid being the one vote. raymond is up first in silver spring, maryland. a democrat. caller: thank you for taking my call., i have two , the republicans have slow down the economy --
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election time, you democrats are not making enough explanation to the country why the do-nothing republican congress have actually hurt the country since 2010. repeals withme on no replacement. over 60 times. guest: that's right. caller: a replacement vote one time. host: do you want to say your second question? caller: the second question is about the terrorism vote. invasionraq with the starts suing the u.s. for the false invasion based on the claim of nuclear weapons there?
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what about the drone strikes in pakistan and afghanistan with the civilians that got killed? those countries could turn around and say we're going to sue the united states and the military -- the president was right to veto that bill. guest: quickly on the last point, there is a good deal of uncertainty about that and what might be opened up in terms of ,ther countries retaliating there being some legal action against our country. this is narrowly drawn. it broadens an existing piece of law, the law on sovereign immunity -- there are exceptions already. this broadens the exceptions to include other kinds of instigation or support of terrorism that takes place on
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our soil. the acts of instigation could be overseas. it will have to be tested. i understand what you are saying. if these victims cannot pursue the perpetrators, which is what it is about. it is tricky to put it into law that does not bite us in terms of other countries and retaliating. the facttalk about that in the presidential campaign or in political campaigns generally, you don't get a very good take on congressional politics, and the kind of shenanigans we go through at the end of the fiscal year. i could not agree more. i could not agree more. speaking earlier, i don't accept this and don't think anyone should accept this as the new normal. we talk about budget constraints
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as if they were handed down from heaven. no they weren't. they were handed down by a very deliberate enactment in 2011 called the budget control act. that is what gave us sequestration. number one, they don't solve our fiscal problem. they don't touch mandatory spending. they don't solve our fiscal problem. they strangle us in terms of the investments we need to make. i don't think the historical lesson this too far to seek. it was back in the 1990's when we did bipartisan agreements. we had something for everybody to dislike. it was tough politically. we did some entitlement spending and we did the amount of appropriations imbalanced the budget -- appropriations and balanced the budget.
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what is not to learn from that example? the difference is that the republicans these days have signed a pledge saying they will never touch the tax code and we can i get the comprehensive agreement that we need, so we do these patches year-to-year. i am the first to say that those are inadequate. environment, they have a passion for this year to stick with that. appropriation0 bills in november, that will take us through the rest of the fiscal year, that is a worthy objective, and it does appear to be something we can achieve in a bipartisan way. host: when congress in price talks about what to learn, you are a former political science professor at duke university. how many years did you do that? guest: 11 years. host: how long have you been in congress? guest: 28 of a possible 30 years.
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i was retired in the midst of one of those budget fights. i love the election in 199014-1996 --i lost the election in 1994 and came back in 1996. host: kate, a democrat. good morning. caller: my question is how have we been funding the wars? because i did not get a tax increase. and i have been worried about this for a wild as a grandparent while as a for a grand plant -- grandparent. we borrowed money quite frankly. there was a good bit of commentary about back when
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george w. bush at one point seem to say how you can help the war effort, go shopping. the notion that we would have shared sacrifice seemed pretty far-fetched, so we brought money. -- so we borrowed money. it is more complicated than that. most of the defense budget is subject to the budget process, so we have some semblance of balance between money coming in and money going out. imbalancehas been an for a long time, in addition, there is the so-called overseas contingency. they are treated like an emergency. our republican friends, i am afraid, when under the constraints of the budget that byact, they fudged putting more money into that so-called emergency account.
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that is even more egregious in terms of budget discipline. host: and the president announced that more troops are heading to iraq and will help train and advise iraqi forces as they prepare to take over the city of mosul. are they going to be funded through that overseas contingency operation budget? guest: well, i am not certain how that will be funded in the end. that is a good guess. host: the numbers on that about 5262 troops in iraq to help in that effort against isis. that is the target usa today noting there was 100 choose back in june of 2014. guest: that is a very good bet that that'll end up on that account. jonathan is in leesburg, virginia, an independent. caller: i want to comment.
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i believe and how much upper hillary clinton's policy. i lean more towards gary johnson. my question to you is when it comes to the deficit, is is our overall goal to get a surplus? whyderstand the reason sequestration was put into effect. i understand the intent behind it. because our deficit is still there and our debt is so high, is in that the biggest concern? admiral whenth the he said the biggest threat is our debt? is beingh attention put to removing the deficit completely. makeerstand we have to investments, but at the same time, we have to make sure we don't put ourselves in a whole we can dig out of.
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i understand there are things we have to worry about socially, but we have to weigh what is more important. host: jonathan, thanks for the call. guest: that is a very legitimate concern. it does not mean zero deficit, or zero debt. there is a certain carrying capacity that our economy has and most economists would say you need to keep this at a tolerable, steady percentage of gdp. having said that, if we do something, we are on track to say at the safe levels. i do not think the republicans have any means going forward or any intention really of bringing the budget more closely into balance. 's plans would
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wildly increase the two related debt -- would wildly increase the accumulated debt. the democrats have a more balanced approach. that is what president obama and john boehner wanted to achieve early in the obama presidency a grand bargain -- presidency, a grand bargain when you take on everything. you do adjust taxes. you do discipline the. mandatory spending curve -- you do discipline the mandatory spending curve. approach,prehensive you can map out a fiscal future that keeps us at a tolerable level of debt, and also lets us invest. that is what our present politics do not permit. i don't think jerry johnson has the slightest answer to this -- gary johnson has the slightest answer to this.
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if he does, i would like to. . if he does, i would like to hear it. any of this presidential debate, you can listen to it for a long time, or other campaigns around the country, you can listen to it for a long time, and not getting grip on this because these are not very popular subjects. but they are fundamental. i do think hillary clinton has the elements of this solution in her program. i would hope she is want to be president, and i hope that we will have the kind of reckoning i am talking about early in the new administration. host: mark is a republican from st. paul, minnesota. you are on with congressman price. caller: i have two questions. i am looking at a chapel borough article and interview with a representative -- with
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representative price from 2013, and an interview related to a shutdown. in the article, it says, this was a reckless action by representative price, and it's is a couple of paragraphs down, and a quote, and then your default of 2011, price called the budget crisis, then said it quote, did a lot of damage in terms of economic losses in the private and public sector. numberquestions are, one, representative price, where you willing to allow all of the deleterious, economic effects occur with regards to the budget shutdown this time over the flint water issue? and my second question is, if you were, what is the difference?
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is it just that democrat shutdowns are better than republican shutdowns? thank you. guest: good for you doing the homework back on the 2011 prices. i certainly was concerned. i never voted for that budget control act, never voted for sequestration, and would not do it today. sequestration was a miserable failure. the idea was we were going to provide incentives for a grand bargain. republicans and democrats, at some level, agreed that that was necessary and desirable. so, sequestration was supposed to be the alternative that we would be forced to do a grand bargain. well, it was supposed to be a domestic spending cut that brought democrats to the table and the defense spending cut that brought republicans to the table. but guess what? republicans guarantee their anti-tax strategy.
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maybe if there had been a tax surcharge, maybe that would have worked. i said so at the time. but it did not work, and so we have had this miserable situation ever cents, which i said earlier, we cannot accept as the new normal. we have to recalibrate our fiscal --going forward. that will require political courage, bipartisan by in. but we can do it. this is a man-made crisis and the solution can also be man-made and woman made. host: his second question, our democratic shutdowns better than republican shutdowns? guest: no, shutdowns are never good. it is bizarre to describe this last shutdown of a democratic shutdown. ar crying out loud, we had plan going forward for a clean
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10 year resolution and emergency funding that would deal with pressing situations in louisiana and other states suffering from flint,g, and in michigan, a crisis that has gone on for a year without any kind of recourse. naive enough to think that in some ways, this makes it simpler because louisiana is mainly presented by republicans and flint, michigan, democrats. going forward, it is obvious what we should do. republicans did not do that. out for did they hold months for the zilka. we can get into this more if you want. in my district, that was damaging to critical research. zika finally getting resolved.
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and we needed to deal with this emergency funding. republicans left outflanked. -- republicans left out flint. finally, we got it worked out. there was no question where the shutdown threat was coming from and it was not because of flint, michigan. host: i want to ask you about a crisis closer to home, what happened in charlotte in the wake of the keith scott shooting. one of the questions that came out of that is when the police should released police videos, when should officers involved in the lease shooting should be identified. do you have any thoughts on answers to those questions? guest: it is hard to give a general answer to those questions. situation, and of course, it is part of a nation-wide picture here where we have these encounters with the police that often ended badly and there are questions if
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excessive force was used. we need to come to grips with this and we need to come to grips with better training, better protocols for police, a ,ot of work on community dialogue, community relations, so we don't have these situations going forward. there is a lot to do. in the specific case of charlotte, i did urge that the videos be released as soon as possible. turns out the videos were not as conclusive as some thought they would be, so the investigation is going forward and needs to be very thorough. as quickly as possible, we need to get resolution on this. but the situations cry out for a longer-term approach. host: cisco to mitch in chattanooga, tennessee. -- let's go to mitch and chad nuven, tennessee. he was talking about when the republicans took over the house, was he charged in the
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committee back then? committee after committee after committee, bringing people up for hearings when they thought things were going their way. we had a plan when he put obama in there and he said he was going to put money out there and do high-speed rails and do this and that of some of these places sent the money back. look, you guys have no backbone. democrats have to fight back. these guys are throwing us a look at the place, and you guys are not stepping up at all. well, wel right, certainly did have an intense couple of years after the 2008 elections. pushhen we had a major back with a major push back with the 2010 elections that gave us the budget control act and sequestration and lots of other dire things that we have not
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recovered from. you talk about high-speed rail -- i represent nested where we had pioneered with passenger rail. , it is go into charlotte certainly the way to travel and it is being utilized very heavily, three want each way, each day. we have deuce recovery act money to straighten out those curves and get the train up to speed. we need to do the same thing raleigh to richmond and onto d.c. and regions across the country, we can utilize rail travel in a very positive way and also create jobs. that came to a crashing halt with the republican majorities of 2010. the notion that we did not resist is just not accurate. however, we were not in charge, and therefore, just to take high-speed rail as an example, zero funding out of the
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republicans ever since. finger in his have the two years to get things going. host: you're the top democrat on the subcommittee on transportation and housing within the appropriations committee. a question,tter has how much money to be spent on transportation? and why should the federal government spent any money in these areas? guest: well, the transportation budget is divided between the money that comes in from the gasoline tax. that is the main revenue source. that does not appear to be on the regular budget, so that goes out to the states, and in addition to that, we have a multibillion-dollar annual appropriation that funds things like air traffic control and whatever we do for rail and transit another items. host: are we talking tens of billions of dollars? guest: yes we are.
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we are talking tens of billions of dollars in missing is true of housing. housing is not nearly as large overall, but there we have multiple programs which are funded through appropriations. and they are all squeezed. i defy anyone to name a program at hud that is not under resourced. host: let's go to gary, republican in florida. caller: good morning congressman price. my question is, when we get into these unfortunate wars, why are we forced to pay for all of them? host: as opposed to who, gary? we pay foropposed to most of that, the government pays for most of that. defeatedwar ii, we japan and germany and still paying for the defeat of japan seven years later. that money can be used to help
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our vets. host: congressman, go ahead. guest: we have to meet our international obligations and promote the security, world security and support our vets. surely, you don't think those two are opposing purposes? of course we need to support our vets, and this is one area that the budget wars have not been as damaging as they have in areas like building highways or medical research. we have bipartisan support for strengthening veterans' health care in dealing with some of the problems that have emerged at the v.a. donald trump has been talking about our international obligations very loosely. i thought secretary clinton did the right thing at the debate to face the camera and say, look, this is an american presidential
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campaign that is very unusual, but we cannot have the signals go out that america is wavering in its commitment to the defense of japan and south korea. and for that matter, our nato obligations. so, and she also make clear that japan contributes plenty to its own defense and actually has recently changed its loss of a can contribute more and can be a fuller military partner. billion thate $4 japan pays each year by way of helping maintain the military presence, the u.s./military presence on the islands. this notion that other countries are free riding on american defense -- yes, america leads the world, and other countries need to pay a share of their own defense, and we do have those
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discussions, but the notion that any presidential campaign, the leading candidate presents the rest of the world as deadbeats and downplays american leadership obligations, i think is very dangerous. i hope it will be repudiated thoroughly. host: grace is waiting in north carolina, a democrat. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. my question is, why aren't we as a democratic party doing more to step up to the plate and speak the things that have it done by the administration for the last eight years? only michelle, biden, and hillary speaks of a positive effect have been done. i don't understand why we are not being more astringent and overshadowing the campaign with trump saying, make america great again, when there has been so
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much progress for someone who has inherited such a mess, that we are not doing more to change that. what other the great things, the good things that have been done as far as an overall democratic party? guest: good. i hope you're talking to your neighbors. it sounds pretty convincing to me and i think you are exactly right. we need to understand sometimes our memories are pretty sure they may need to remember that this economy was absolutely flat on its back in danger of collapse when president obama came in. what a mess health care was. tens of millions of people with no coverage whatsoever and just turned down flat if they had any adverse health history and on and on. yes, we need a little perspective on things. what was done in those first two years when there was cooperation with the congress, those are lasting achievements.
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we still need to keep working on those things, but we have had seeingjob growth and are much better figures in terms of weight growth. there have it wage lagging behind, but now wages are picking up. i think we have a lot to learn from in terms of governmental policies and leadership that have brought us to this point. one reason you may not hear that so much on the campaign trail is campaigns are about the future and what we are going to do going forward, so we naturally talk about things we still have to achieve. we are not there yet. we do not have equal pay for it will work for women. we do not have a decent minimum wage. games ofoo much of the the economy going to the very top.
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mondayary clinton said night, depending on some kind of trickle down assumptions about who else might benefit. so, yeah, there is a lot to debate and a lot to be concerned about going forward. in north carolina, you know very well we worry about our state being set back. we have been one of the most progressive southern states that prided itself on a diverse economy and expanding opportunities. now we see that threatened by leadership in raleigh. yeah, and a campaign, you claim credit and take note of what has been achieved, but you also aspire to do better. i just think in this campaign we have to do both. host: north carolina, to landis, north carolina, jerry is a republican. good morning. caller: good morning.
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backe a question getting 9/11 suingivors of saudi arabia. why i have not heard that thention survivors have already been compensated by our government, the taxpayers. is that any consideration of what you decided to allow them to sue saudi arabia? you will never compensate the victims for what they had been through them with their families have been through. i don't think anybody think there is a point at which, well, everything is settled. that is not the way it works. to the extent that it can be proved that there was some kind
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of saudi encouragement, and i am not prejudging that. i know what is in the 9/11 report. i know where the preponderance of the attackers came from and someone. i am the prejudging that. case forto me, a good making an exception to the sovereign immunity act, which is what we did yesterday, with would let this be pursued. and that is what we are doing. in putting aident bigger picture on this, did stress what you did, that there had been some compensation, considerable compensation. of course, there has been a major international effort led by this country to pursue the perpetrators of 9/11. that is what the afghan war is all about. that pursuit of terrorist organizations continues to this day and probably for a long
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time. if you are saying we have done nothing about 9/11, or about the victims, or about retaliation for 9/11, yes, of course we have done that. it simply opens up another avenue. host: john, democrat in brooklyn, new york. john, good morning. caller: how are you doing? thank you for c-span. guest: sure thing. caller: i would like to ask one or two questions. number 1 -- why did democrats don't publicize that they may try to do, and the do-nothing congress blocked it? -- why don't you single out republican congressman democrat congress? forer two, on this bill suing saudi arabia, you just said you were not sure about retaliation of country suing us.
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why do junot figure that out before? -- why did you not figure that out before? guest: on the latter point, it is somewhat uncertain situations often are, a tangled international question like this one. consequences -- what the exact consequences might be or the corrective actions might be. if we waited until all the questions were worked out, we would not do very much. i think there is a legitimate set of questions that we are going to have to continue to work on. i don't think the vote yesterday was the end of the matter. in terms of how we portray the ,ongress and who is doing what i hear what you are saying a whole lot and i really think of it myself. it is not just congress in
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general, this is a republican-led congress. this is a divided republican thatity with a right wing is breeding great problems in terms of keeping faith with budget agreements. we have a budget agreement. we had a two-year agreement to get off of sequestration and get our appropriations bill passed and do a job of funding the government. we have some bipartisan by you as to what the bills looked like. i hope we can get this done. nobody should think that this is the way to run a great country. we need a comprehensive budget agreement. a my opinion, we need comprehensive approach to the
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budget and an investment strategy worthy of a great country. host: kathy from fremont, california, up early waiting to chat with you. kathy, go ahead. i was going to ask you about the fast-track training california, but you answer that. how do communities deal with education when they build houses for people, and more people move into the area, because there have been problems in the bay area with that? and i also wanted to tell you, i enjoyed the national parks program that you had. kathy, can you repeat the first question? about: i was going to ask the -- host: the education question? ofler: they built a lot houses.
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they are having a lot of trouble accommodating children and education buildings and the districts. guest: i can identify with that. the area i come from, raleigh, durham, chapel hill -- we are attracting many people who want to live there, but it does put pressure on schools another local services. many communities are dealing with this. it is a better problem to have and people leaving your area, that is for sure, but still, it is a challenge. it is not a totally federal government challenge. ofthe area of education, 93% education these days is funded by local and state dollars, that would include peter's salaries. -- include teacher's salaries. helps toitle i that close the achievement gaps and
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help low income students to do better. we have early childhood support. a need to do much more from the standpoint of federal support with teacher recruitment and teacher retention. there is a lot of of money we can do to improve education. to the extent we can get the federal government in the game in a constructive way, that will help states and localities to which they need to accommodate the growing populations. but it is a challenge. we need all hands on deck. host: you talked about north carolina quite a bit. it is a swing state obviously in the selection. , they had this month donald trump up by five. according to the average, is trumped by .3 in north carolina.
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what would be your advice to hillary clinton on how to win your state? guest: she certainly comes there a lot, which is a good idea. she was in raleigh for a very, very enthusiastic reception a day after the debate. we were happy to see that. spent a lot of of time invested in clearly a ground game. there are offices with enthusiastic volunteers. you have to be on the media and really concentrate with all the campaign tools we have. the main one thing, the most important one is people, enthusiastic people. figuring out how to get those volunteers talking, not just to their immediate circle, but reaching out in the community and helping generate enthusiasm. i think the message, we have talked about a lot of aspects of it this morning, but that central, economic message that we need an economy that works for everyone.
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whole, we have a had leadership lately that has not lived up to this, but over the years, we have been a state that has a progressive outlook about it, creating jobs, a welcoming state, hospitable state for diverse people of all sorts, and the state -- and a state -- i am not a native myself. i chose to live in north carolina. i have the enthusiasm of a convert, you might say. we want to keep that going. hillary clinton does represent the kind of politics that is been very successful in north carolina. it is worth politically and has worked to help undergird our policy of life. to make that as clear as she can and we will deliver a win for her. an intenseo have governor's race.
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it is all hands on deck in north carolina. host: congressman david price represents the fourth district in north carolina. next, we will be joined by congressman steve king, a republican from iowa and will talk about his vote last night. he was one of 77 house members to sustain obama's be tell of the justice against sponsors on the terrorism act. we will discuss that next on "washington journal." [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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>> this weekend, c-span's cities tour will explore the literary life and history of pueblo, colorado. >> it is the railroad in: industry -- it is a railroad and coal industry that brings public to what it is today. it is a natural day to settle. people keep coming back to this place because it is a natural place to build a city. c-span2,k tv on colorado's state university professor. the rockefellers and the legacy of ludlow. talks about the deadly strike of minors which resulted in a public relations nightmare for john jay rockefeller, jr. tofrank walks out rockefeller's car and tells him to turn around.
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>> matthew harris discusses his book and the debate over religion and revolutionary america. >> they did not talk a lot about religion at the constitutional convention. one of the only things they said was you did not have to hold public office, or you do not have to believe in the bible or some form of christianity to hold public office. >> on american history tv, here about the ludlow massacre, which took place to the colorado coal strike of 1913 in 1914. to the curator, victoria miller, about the colorado fuel and iron company. >> this is the shift change whistle. learned howchildren to tell time by this whistle. toure c-span cities public, colorado, saturday at noon eastern on c-span2's book tv, and sunday afternoon at 2:00
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on american history tv on c-span3. working with our public -- working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. washington journal continues. i am with republicans steve king who is one of 77 voted againstwho the obama's terrorist act. it is rare to find you and obama --the same side of issue same side of these issues. the president is not always wrong. i do take a look at the situation in the globe and the arrangement of international law and are basic domestic laws we have. i am concerned that we would lay the foundation so that people who are victims, and have been victimized, pursue a foreign
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common sovereign country and we attach assets in the country. what happens when the shoe is on the other foot and a third world country decides to sue the u.s. and attach assets wherever they might be? this opens up a great, big can of worms. if relief is what is coming, we need to find a better way to relieve weather than opening doors. host: what is a better way? guest: i don't know what the claims are. i have not looked through that. we did appropriate money for many of the victims of september 11. these claims go on. and they go on from the medical implications that are regulated over the last two years. it is the wrong principle. you step into something like that, you better take a look at the long-term. in this case, i think the president got it right. i wanted to be on the right side
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of history. it does not happen often. host: i want to talk about the lobbying campaign for this legislation. here is a new york daily news front page got a lot of attention. don't choose them over us, the u.s. did you get a chance to talk to any of the 9/11 families and explain this? is that a tough thing to do, if you did? guest: i did not have those conversations in the short period of time. they have taken place over the years some time to time. know, davy crockett had a statement about years and years ago about how much latitude we have in this congress and a sense of philosophy. i don't want to say that there is not recourse for people who are victims. to all of themut and their families and those who
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lost loved ones and those suffering from the lingering illnesses that are a product of the cleanup process, too. it is back to the precedent. gives the united states. there is enough distinctive dislike of our prosperity that we would launch lawsuits from all of the world against us. that was the central principle involved. maybe there is not the perfect remedy. so, you want to do the right thing for the long haul. that is the most important thing that applied when i put my boat last night. host: we are copied -- we're talking to congressman steve king. lets put up the numbers. he will be with us for the next 45 minutes. on this veto override, this was the first veto override of the obama administration. he had 11 other bills that he
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vetoed the republicans have been unable to override. has that not-- why the nickel to happen before? josh earnest saying yesterday, republicans' inability to override the does in the past is a function of the inability to function in congress. guest: he is about as bipartisan of a press secretary you can have. have a two, we don't thirds majority for republicans in the house or senate. we don't even have a filibuster-proof majority in united states senate. when you see democrats, they don't really, if i was going to use his vernacular, put the shoe on the other foot, many demo that will blindly follow the president -- many democrats will blindly follow the president. yesterday, there was emotional
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lives him -- there was emotionalism involved. many decided to go with the compassion they had for the victims of 9/11. republicans alone can never override a presidential veto. it takes a two thirds majority. congressman steve king of iowa. randy is on our line for democrats in iowa. good morning. king.: congressman, i am not so interested over the veto thing. what i am interested in is and only ag question. over the last few years in your district, we have had problems with salmonella in eggs and the bird flu problem. now it seems that the congress
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two years ago approved shipping these birds to be cleaned and processed overseas. i am wanting to know, in europe, they don't have to refrigerate their eggs. they can't leave their eggs on the counter because they cannot delete their chickens -- they cannot delete their chickens -- they inoculate their chickens for salmonella. because of deregulation, i don't know why we aren't taking care of the small problems, but the bird flu and salmonella are a problem in iowa. why don't we have these protections? guest: randy, i can think of a few fairly lars salmonella outbreaks -- i can think of a few fairly large salmonella outbreaks.
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they are usually cleaned up in a short period of time. watching the pattern, i believe the pattern is the egg producing industry in the united states is the largest in the world, became clean this up in a better way. i know it costs a lot of money to do so and every time you do alte them, you slow the development of it. i want to go back and take a look. there has been trade conflict between us and the europeans. we slaughter process chickens in a way that europeans reject. that is something we will look as we negotiate with the european union. i am glad you brought this up. we will dig deeper. host: oxford, maine is next. jim is a republican. you are on the congressman
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kaine. -- understand king. -- congressman king. caller: i have a few things that would solve the budget problem. every dollar that goes into political contributions should be taxed at 50%. all the time and take up to raise money, they should not be paid for. i will take your answer off-line. guest: thank you, jim. a couple of those ideas, the one about federal employees paying back taxes, that one hits home. i call that one a home run idea.
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i will start for those who work with the irs. if you have people collecting taxes from american citizens and don't pay their own, they either not have a job or have their paycheck garnished until their taxes are paid. if we cannot enforce that some employees from the irs, who can reinforce that? taxing the political contributions by 50% is a different deal. i would suggest many of them are taxed at about the rate of 50% because they are not a tax-deductible contribution, which means have to pay all of your income tax, sales tax, every time you turn around tax, many people writing these are taxed at a rate of 50%. so the contributions are coming out of after-tax dollars. being in the business when i need to come out and raise money, i do not need to discourage the donors in any
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way. this where ihrough had to put a lot of money up to defend myself against a lot of money. it hase balance of time, come out the other way in that if you go out and do your job, if you are available and have to all 382 and we go towns in my district, you will have a network where people appreciate it and you will not need as much money to win and election --win an election. third suggestion was campaign time being unpaid. maybe you can explain how payment works for members of congress. guest: it is a salary. everybody in the house and senate, with reception -- with exception of the dashed line re-froze are wages and 2009. our wages in 2009.
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and you keep a home in washington d.c. there are many members who sleep in her office because he cannot afford it, or decide they do not want to spend the money. witho you break that up the time you are working versus the time you are campaigning? and a house of representatives, you are up for reelection every two years, which is a fast turnaround. when did i not have a political opponent? that i did not have a political opponent was st. patrick's day of 2014. it is essentially running 20 47. running essentially 24/7 hours a day. host: alan is an independent. caller: good morning, how are you? i would like to ask representative, what happened to
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the $2.3 trillion rumsfeld said he lost on september 10, 2001? what happened to the rockets with nuclear warheads on them? why was there no investigation on that? and the 22 million e-mails that bush and cheney seem to have lost? investigation with benghazi on hillary, but nothing on the war in iraq which costs us so much money and blood. i was wondering if you can answer those restrooms? thank you -- i was wondering if you can answer those questions? thank you so much. guest: it is hard for me to respond to these numbers that i don't recognize, or the news you are speaking up that i don't recognize. 22 million e-mails, i have seen no story like that. eraou look back over that of going back to iraq, the number we see is usually over $1 trillion.
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that is a normal allocation. i would take a number and subtract from it the costs of operations of our military to be ready. there is the additional cost of ammunition, fuel, and of course, the loss in american's lies and limbs -- lives and limbs. human beings are human beings and we are all god's children. when there is loss of life, it matters. broader and deeper topic with a lot of details and i would have to go back and read your material fight can comment. in westephen is virginia. good morning. caller: hello, representatives king. the previous caller stole my thunder. as a citizen of this country, perhaps the lawsuit issue might be a good thing for this country.
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i look at the behavior that our government is engaged in overseas, the drone strikes, the wars that have been committed without consent of congress. if these lawsuits were brought to this country, perhaps we could focus more on having congress do its job. that would be one comment. and then the other question i have for you is, what is your position on the convention of the state? and pausing or trying to pull ournation back -- and pull nation back in a congress do its job by calling for war in the first place? i will take your answers off-line. thank you. guest: thank you, stephen. first, with regard to lawsuits that would affect drone strikes and military operations, lawsuits that might come from how thatountries, and would work, i think that international litigation is a result --international
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litigation would try to resolve the disputes that would flow from them is a huge can of warms. i don't want to see those camps of one's open up -- those cans ofd worms open up. years on the constitution committee and house of representatives and another six years in iowa senate where i focused on those issues. from the convention of the state, my apprehension is this, if we call a convention of the states, how do you narrow the subject matter down, and how do limit it to the subject matter you want? when i get the convention of the states, i don't often hear, what are the amendments they would likely pass? so i would pose this question back to you, and that is, if we convened a constitutional convention today with selected groups of representatives or leaders to rewrite our
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constitution, could we end up with anything as excellent and beautiful and practical, and with the longevity and the durability of this constitution have today? my answer to that is no. i cannot imagine how we would write a constitution as good as we have. it is difficult to amend. i don't see those amendments coming from the people. host: are there one or two amendments you would support? guest: there are, and one of them would be, i would say our supreme court up and give each of them a district in united states, give eight of them a district in the u.s. and have the districts set up in such a way that the electoral votes would go to elect a supreme court justice, and i would have the chief justice elected at the electoral votes to elect the president of united states. i would have them rotate every 10 year so they don't come up all at once.
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amendment drafted. the court has become utterly political. judicial --is senator of the judicial committee made that point a few months ago. host: how would make that less political? guest: it would acknowledge that it is political in the court would be accounted -- accountable to the people. right now they are insulated from this. just think of this dos it united thetes -- to think of this -- united states congress passed a law that commanded every state conduct an honor same-sex marriages, the court would have thrown it out. they would say we don't have the authority to do that. they don't have a constitutional, legal rationale, but they write the decision anyway. the day before the decision imposing same-sex marriage on america, i am want respect that decision.
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the supreme court did not have the supreme or to do so and created a command in the constitution. i pose that question for legal scholars. if you like a policy, that is a different argument. the day before, the supreme court rewrote obamacare and wrote words in obamacare they do not exist that congress did not approve. another era, they would've kicked that case back to obama. we have to define the language that is in the bill. if the supreme court can write law on one day and creating new command the next day, they are out of control, and united states of america needs of the people step up and they need to feel that the people can look over their shoulder and overrule them. host: baltimore, maryland. fleetwood is a democrat. caller: good morning. agreevery seldom that i
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with congressman king. it must have taken a lot of commitment to this. -- whenime, republicans republicans would with obama, it was like a death sentence. process, theygs can come back and do the same thing. killed.had people suppose all these drone strike people would be able to file a grievance against the united states? will cost taxpayers a lot of .oney
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they had been oriented to the job they are doing. we could wait for the first weekend in january and will with the new congress and that congress can anticipate the wishes of the next president. we do not know who that is going to be. looks to me that roughly two months ago, leadership take the day. one december 20, they opened up the vote. resolutionontinuing that extends the funding to figure 28th and reduces individualized spending from the
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gail. go ahead. caller: good morning, sir. i am very proud to thank you and support you. up, i willhat came be voting against every democrat in thisl be running upcoming election. your voting democrat because of this 9/11 bill? is that what you are saying? caller: that is what i am saying. king, the political implications of the 9/11 bill. guest: i am smiling when i hear that because it is interesting.
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it is been a joy of my life to watch the talent. intern, do a job as an you get to see have the organization works on the inside. i recall how i studied government and civic center if i were teaching it today, i would teach it entirely different because the organism is a lot different i encourage you to follow through. some of the members will pay stipend. i encourage -- i encourage other members to pay that, too. we get more bright, young people who have less built-in advantages. it feels good to be able to identify someone who has really good talent and gives them an opportunity to see how they can
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move on. we had to interns come and simultaneously and you can see the real talent. these two guys are something special and one went on to be an intern to chief of staff and the other one went on to go on to be a brilliant and attorney. -- brilliant patent attorney. the reach of the philosophy and what they learn goes well beyond what they do is interns. anchorage other members to look into their budget. host: lisa is in florida. good morning, lisa. caller: good morning. . am disabled i understand we need to help the refugees from other countries,
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but enough is enough. people,we find those when we cannot even find and pay for the people and our own country who are disabled, including the veterans? and how do we know when we are opening up our borders to these people, that they are not going to bring more crime and to our country? lisa, your points are right. i point out some data that we do not think about very much and that is that we haveow people that are coming from terrorist producing countries that are snaking into the united states. we encounter them sometimes along the northern shores of south america and the islands in the caribbean that of finding their way into mexico and the united states and terrorist and
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terrorists sponsored entities, and the easiest way to get into america the think is to our southern border. aside from the terrorism that is there, if you look at the highest statistics in the countries and the world with the highest filing death ray, and you have to go with what you have, but some of that data i have looked at shows the six most violent countries in the world with the highest violent ,eath rate are south of mexico not mexico included but south mexico. the united states ranges between 46 [indiscernible] in mexico's runs about triple that of the united states, but once you get into el salvador, he was the 74 per hundred thousand and honduras and nicaragua have rates that compete with that but not quite that high. when you bring
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in younger men, say 15, 17 or 18 years old out of that kind of environment and put them in the united states? will be moree crime in the united states because you are bringing one of the most likely elements of crime into the united states and i could get a lot of trouble getting the congress to pay attention to the facts. am glad you brought them up. host: i want to ask about a phrase that has gotten a lot of attention in recent days, you say coulter oh suicide by demographic transformation must end. cultural suicide by demographic transmission must end. what does the term cultural suicide by demographic transmission main? -- mean? guest: it amazes me how critics go right to raise. to beal does not have necessarily race. it can be independent of race. often races a component, but if you notice, i see your pad,
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there are european leaders in the picture that i sent out, and i have gone over to europe and i have blocked in that epic river migration humanity that is filling europe out of the middle east, out of north africa, and the numbers they are bringing into that part of the world are so great that it is shifting the culture and organization and importing law into europe. it is importing a belief system. there is a limit to how much immigration can bring into a country before the culture itself is changed. if we brought one billion chinese into america and one billion indians into america, you know the culture would change. it would not just be population but the culture because people bring their culture with them. inhave been successful america because we have assimilated people into the american culture civilization. an example on what is happening in europe, they have a crisis of
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confidence in the culture and civilization. some months ago, i was sitting in sweden and listening to two journalists who it's from the to preserves trying swedish culture. after about 1.5 hours of the 2.5 hour meeting, it occurred to me they are speaking of the swedish culture in the past tense. these are the defenders of that happensre and across western europe. i went to save and preserve the good things. whatft the foundation of made america great and it is not the race question but of dewey preserve the rule of law and the foundation of christian values? do we preserve the age of reason? do we take lessons from the enlightenment and will we continue to be an industrial country and grow us into the next generation of humanity? there has been a robust success rooted in western civilization and western civilization is not a race, but it is a belief and our founding fathers understood
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this and they articulated it and put it in the declaration and thatest comes from god, so the judeo christianity has been the foundation for this cold sure, and we have been able to assimilate people from all over the world into it. i do not want to see us lose our values because they are values of real success. because weour reason continually throughout the race card, then in the end, our civilization moves into a downward spiral, and i went to see his have an ascending destiny and not descending, not only in america but the world. host: a few more calls. adam, go ahead. caller: thanks, representative keating, i support -- --resentative king i said, i support the quote, unquote,
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[indiscernible] then the united states will say, there is a consequence for these actions and maybe they will not do them to kill other people in foreign lands because that is what we are doing. i would like to take your answer. thank you. guest: if i understand that, if the president's -- if the president had not read of the we goast night and if with the 9/11 bill the way it is, i understand from the caller that it would be [indiscernible] to commit a similar kind of action. i am not convinced that is the case. it would be a discouragement for america to commit actions because there are the consequences for americans overseas and that he is ok with those unintended consequences
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that president obama is warning about. guest: i get that, but i think americans -- we have to be involved in a lot of international operations. unchallenged power in the world and it does not mean we have to be the policeman for the world, but if we do not get involved. we watch as president obama has pulled back from the pacific rim, and has backed up somewhat on our presence in europe along the nato alliance, and we seek other countries get more aggressive and more robust. i think it is better for us to become a stronger nation and beef up the military again and stand strong in the face of people that are trying the expansionist policies and prudent is one of them and the south china seas is another and the north koreans are another, as muchuch territorial as rattling nuclear sabers and
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intimidating. my belief is that let's not be discouraging america from being strong or let's make good, moral and sound decisions and get back to our constitutional government. from richarde call in new york, new york, democrat. go ahead. caller: good morning. first off, i would like to thank you for your support of president obama on this bill in voting against the override a veto. i think that someone else touched on, this, in a lot of ways, the override was a pretty strong chance to cynically give the voters some red meat because it is only about one month before the election. if this had come up a year ago or one year from now, do you think that the veto would have been overwritten? thank you. guest: well, it is a hard question, but i am going to guess that if it had come up
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when you're go, probably not. i think a factor in this that we have not said this morning is the president's political power is on the decline and this is a strong increase -- inclination of the decline of any president in his last term in the last months of his presidency. his political power is declining and it will decline out until january 20, but at the same time, as you said, it is right before an election or 1.5 months or so from an election, and that makes it more acute from the political standpoint. i would say it is significantly less likely that the president's veto would be overwritten when you're go, but i cannot say it would not have been because i cannot get myself back into that period of time. king, wegressman steve appreciate you sticking around and joining us on "the washington journal" this morning. guest: thanks. host: next, we revisit the
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question we talked about in the first 40 five minutes, congress overriding president obama's feet above the so-called 9/11 bill. we want to get your thoughts on the veto override and share what you have to say about the justice against sponsors of terrorism act. call in now and we will be right back. ♪ >> this weekend on "american history tv" on c-span three, saturday night at 8:00 eastern, on lectures in history, terminal justice repressor george michael's describes the relationship between the extreme right subculture and current politics. >> at first, trump said he did not really know enough to categorically reject the support but a couple days later, trump formally disavowed any support from the parties. be that as it may, that did not
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stop the media from caricaturing trump and supporters as racist and bigots. >> sunday morning at 10:00 on "road to the white house rewind ," the 1988 vice presidential debate between indiana senator dan quayle and democratic texas senator lloyd bentsen. >> we would be pushing very hard to open up those markets and stand up to the american farmer and should -- and see that we recapture foreign markets, and i think we can do it. >> to come in and tell our farmers not to grow corn, not to grow soybeans, that is the kind of foreign policy will get under the caucus administration and when i think the american farmer rightly will reject. >> at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the presidency -- >> henry kissinger wanted to make sure that no agency had particular entree to president elect nixon. he and kissinger won it to control all the intelligence globe but he did not want the
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agency in effect trying to sell itself as the premier actor in the intelligence community. >> with the recent release by the cia of some 2500 presidential daily briefs of richard nixon and general ford. historians of the next and presidential library and museum discussed the changes presidents have made to the daily briefs. for complete american history tv schedule, go to "washington journal" continues. host: we end our program today back when we began, talking about congress overriding president obama's beetle of the so-called 9/11 bill, the story -- obama's veto of the so-called 9/11 bill. the congress left town ahead of the november election. here is the front page of "usa today" this morning, "obama suffers first veto defeat, is " is the headline.
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override the obama veto of 9/11 bill, the lead story of many papers this morning. just to give you a sense of what this means now doctors law has been enacted over the president's veto and the objections of the white house. "the new york times" noting this morning that immediately it alters the legal [indiscernible] they could pay for any judgment obtained by the september 11 families and they have warned -- and saw the officials have warned that they will need to sell up hundreds of billion's of dollars in holdings to avoid an outcome. the override comes at an already frighted moments in america's relations with the kingdom of saudi arabia. the saudi government has denied that it had any part in the september 11 attacks and the commission investigating the plot found "no evidence that the saudi government as an institution or individually
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funded al qaeda for that attack ," from the new york times this morning. one notes in the story, talking about commissions reports on the 9/11 attack. the commission did leave open the possibility that some saudi officials may have played a role "theidually, that is from new york times" story. we want to hear your thoughts of that peter override. tash of that veto override -- veto override. soviet is up first grade good morning. it is about glad time somebody overrides obama. he has given money out to everybody else to kill us, so override his bill, show saudi arabia and the other ones that , soica is still number one what goes around, comes around. you heard us, our military men and women, we look though it
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back at you. host: can i ask what you mean by he gave out money to other countries -- caller: to iran. they should not have even got that money. they should not have gotten it. host: that is soviet in north carolina. , louisville, kentucky, independent. robin, good morning. caller: i have a comment and request and challenge to all the members of the united states house and senate. my comment is i believe it is important [indiscernible] axa for enterra to get justice and that could be a system of checks and balances its citizens could depend on keep our leaders from dismissing the death of our loved ones as necessary losses or expendable. if our leader's only consideration for gains and losses of cash and commodities, this will ensure value is put on lives. here is my request and challenge
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to our senators and reps in washington. fat monday's debate was an embarrassment. there is more -- i thought monday's debate was an embarrassment. we watched two people credulously attack each other from known hypocrisy. it is time the will of the people be honored. the electoral college is no longer necessary to the current technology and mitigation methods. i am asking you, the members of house and senate, to go back in the final days of session and one without attachments to suspend the electoral college ,or the upcoming events election, and make the popular vote counts and in the next term, commit to the permanent cutting upd communication between the states and making such a representational vote necessary again. pr representatives or prepare to
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be thrown out. thank you. rabin, under comment on that happening before the election, the house has ajourned and the senate has brief session expected today, but members expected back after the november election for the so-called lame-duck session. that funding measure passed yesterday to avert the budget or a budget shutdown of the federal andernment is for 10 weeks and december 9. john is up next, democrat. caller: good morning. i want to say one thing. look, the congress has not done their jobs what they higher americans for. is really getting more difficult to deal with. can sayon is congress
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one thing very clear. we need to understand one thing. how can these people get money from saudi arabia? out of 18 of that the attackers came from saudi arabia and investigate and we sw that there was no evidence, has nothing to do with saudi arabia, how do they waste our money on the time to say that we are going after saudi arabia? remember if we open these kind of doors you are going to see a lot of iraqi families coming to the united states and suing the american government. you will see a lot of african families suing the american government. you will see somalia and families suing. we are going to the wrong direction. we need to stop letting politics about this thing. this is very dangerous what we are playing right now. host: we have been playing some of the reaction from administration officials.
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here is cia director john brennan at the washington ideas forum yesterday. he was asked about the senate override vote. >> i think the legislation is badly misguided and doesn't take into account the negative impact on u.s. national security interest. i think we all recognize the emotions associated with 9/11 are still quite culpable. museumt the ground zero this week. the victims families are still seeking justice. commission report said there was no evidence that the saudi government or senior saudi officials were responsible for the 9/11 attack. piercing the concept of sovereign immunity which has undergirded international relations for centuries as a
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very dangerous slippery slope we are going to get on. foreign governments are going to start the past similar legislation that is going to haul the united states into court overseas even for the most frivolous of charges and allegations of what the united states has done overseas. i think it's much more than just going after the saudi government. it is what does it mean as far as this concept of the community. >> stay on the issue of the senate. when you go to senators and say, you are hurting american national security if you do this what do they say to you? have talked with a number of legislators who recognize there are real downsides to this legislation. there are political considerations. there are emotional considerations as well. i find it hard to believe that they are supporting this
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override when i think many of them understand what the impact is going to be on u.s. national security interests. was cia director john brennan yesterday. we are getting your thoughts on this veto override on the 9/11 bill. you can keep calling in. .emocrats (202) 748-8000 republicans (202) 748-8001. .ndependents (202) 748-8002 a few other headlines from usa today. president obama noting that an additional 600 troops will be sent to iraq to help train and advise iraqi forces. secretary ash carter was quoted in that story saying the troops would provide logistics and maintenance support in addition to training and advising the iraqi military.
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the white house has said they are not combat forces. the story also with a chart showing the uptake of u.s. troops in iraq over the year whening in june of 2014 100 troops were sent back to iraq. 5262.that number one other story from here in the u.s. breaking this morning. the latest from local news stations out of new york. a train has crashed into a new jersey transit station in the numerous social media posts. new jersey transit officials would not confirm the incident. the associated press has reported a train did crash into a rail and emergency crews are on the scene.
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we will keep an eye on that as our program ends this morning. back to the phones. we have been asking you to call in about the congressional override of the president's veto of the 9/11 bill. in maryland. democrat. good morning. caller: i just want to know what the lion king mr. trump has to say in regard to the veto. and as everybody has been saying so far this morning. decidesraqi government to write a similar bill against the u.s. host: ok. we have been looking for reaction this morning. talking to our members of congress as well. david price and steve king joined us this morning. both their segments will be online at the in florida.ext independent. good morning.
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caller: excellent news about the override in congress. terrorist's.ia and several of whom have been subsequently found to be living in parts of the world. andalso some saudi arabia diplomats have accused the united states of being of -- involved in 9/11. real truthful answers to all the questions about the 9/11 commission. from the editorial board of the wall street journal. the editorial board siding with president obama and his veto. they say the law is supposed to help the families of those killed on 9/11 to pursue saudi arabia. nevermind that there is no hard proof that the saudi government was complicit in those attacks were that americans can already
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sue nations designated as state sponsor of terror. all it takes is a trial lawyer to persuade a judge that a foreign government is liable and we are off to the races. testimonyll subpoena from the u.s. and foreign governments will complicate american diplomacy and security. what do you think about that? and we lost the collar. mike is in new york. republican. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm siding with trump on the issue. this is going to put saudi arabia on the spot to expose the mujahedin in the 70's and how they became al qaeda and how al qaeda just happens to be our friend in libya, in syria. even back into the european situation in kosovo.
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saudi arabia is going to get tired of being the fall guy and they are going to expose the cia's involvement in the al qaeda and even entices today. host: ok. byron is in baltimore, democrat. what are your thoughts on this first veto for president obama -- veto override? i would like to clear up something first. the saudi's, that was their money that they withheld when they had the sanctions and stuff. this is not money we are giving to them. it's their money. i'm so tired of people -- host: are you talking about the iran nuclear deal? caller: no. i'm talking about when they gave the saudi's the money. it was money the united states withheld from them when they had the sanctions and stuff. moneyow how they withhold
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the same way they do with cuba. uphink this is going to open pandora's box. millions of dollars spent on lawyers fees. who gets to sue? the mother, the father, the sister, the cousin? it's ridiculous. other countries are going to want to sue, too. what about africa? this is ridiculous. was opposed to 9/11. if he was foru -- they would be against it. whatever he does they want to do reverse. this is nothing but something blameo making the president. all the problems we have in america and we have to spend all this money litigating this crap. say we need to be
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paid for being hurt when we heard other countries and we don't pay them. i think every human being is equal, of equal value. host: we will go to james in calhoun, georgia. republican. your thoughts this morning. caller: good morning. i agree with congressman king. presidente that this does that i do agree with but i am absolutely when it comes to this veto. it was the right thing to do. my goodness. there at people over the united nations right now rubbing their hands with glee going, oh boy we get to go after american money. let alone iraq. happened in syria. what's happened in libya. we've got strained relations with egypt because apparently they are mad muslim brotherhood
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is not in charge anymore. turkey is not looking very good. strained relations with israel as well. now we want to cheese off saudi arabia. reason they use saudi arabian's this 9/11 attack i it was tos because get the country under the radar so to speak. this is just a bad idea. i support the president's be so. a blind hog can find an acorn every now and then. host: this is not president obama's first beta. it is the first congressional override of a presidential veto. 12 vetoesobama with the since he has been an office in the white house. 12 arew. bush also had in his time. four were overridden by congress. bill clinton with close to 40 the toes while he was president. two were overridden by congress.
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you can see the chart from the wall street journal. we are talking this morning about the congressional override . one of the members of congress who spoke about this yesterday who was in favor of overriding the president veto was democratic new york congressman jerry nadler and his districts he he represents is home to the site where the twin towers once stood. here is a bit from his floor speech yesterday. this is a carefully crafted narrow bill that would hold accountable foreign governments that knowingly provide assistance to known foreign terrorist associations the launch attacks in the united states. despite the overblown rhetoric of some critics of this will it will not pose a threat to american diplomats. it applies only to governments. to the extent that a foreign government might past broader legislation that country would
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not be reciprocating. it would be engaging in an unjustifiable act of aggression. any rogue state inclined to target u.s. interests can already do so. for thenot hold justice 9/11 families hostage to imagined fears. 15 years ago we suffered the most deadly terrorist attack on our soil in the nation's history. my district in new york was the epicenter of this attacks but its effects were felt across the country. we all have interest in ensuring the 9/11 victims and their families can bring to justice anyone who is response for this vicious attack. one other democrat who joined the votes overriding president obama's veto yesterday was eric swalwell of california. he tweeted a picture of his cards yesterday.
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he writes on that card for the american souls we lost on 9/11, may we give them some measure of justice. 348veto override was passed to 77 in the house. jonas is waiting on the independent line. caller: good morning. i just wanted to say that i think it's a blessing and a curse. it could stop some globalists from slaughtering innocent people nationwide, worldwide. i actually think we might find out there might be some u.s. government officials involved in a cover-up which they might be held accountable and we might have to charge them as well. it's definitely a pandora's box. we might not like the results. host: john is in florida on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: good morning.
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thanks for taking my call. i'm a veteran and i was stationed in korea. there was some agreement between the u.s. government and korea where a soldier could be charged if he broke a korean law. and it was terrible. the prison conditions. the rice that the soldier would have was terrible. now here it is. the override is correct because we are opening up a pandora's -- we haveny country been hitting a lot of civilians all over the middle east by mistake. that would open up those families to be suing. a perfect example of this cultural suicide by demographics. because what we are doing is throwing the soldier under the bus for money.
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we are leaving them out there -- people whoning served the 1% of the minorities. they should good to not throw the soldiers under the bus. host: valerie is in california. good morning. morning.ood i actually supported obama vetoing this bill. and i am appalled and offended at the glee with which congress announced that they actually succeeded in overturning his veto. whoe are the same people are still trying to push indians off of land that they had been given through treaties while they are still terrorizing black people in our country. terrorizing the world and participating in killing of
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other people just like that attack on our people. although i was willing to fight after i saw that i do not believe that they need to be suing nations when we have been knee-deep in blood and dirt all over the world. thank you. in new york. a democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. i believe one of the reasons we were attacked is we had our troops stationed in the holy cities of medina and dar es salaam. i believe that's one of the reasons we were attacked. whether it was state bonds earn or just individual religious people i don't know. that is something we have to find out before we go ahead and on saudi arabia. that's one of the things that we have to find out. was it states on certain or not. host: this is declaring war.
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this is just allowing lawsuits to go forward on this. saudi arabia has denied any involvement and u.s. officials have actually backed tony arabia on the position. caller: its financial war. government fore actions that may have been taken by just a religious sect. it may not have been the government itself is just a bunch of religious fanatics that attacked us. host: ok. one other story we have been noting for our viewers this morning. congress yesterday in another aries of votes staving off potential government shutdown. here's the story from the wall street journal. they avoided it with about 48 hours to spare. the weeklong partisan impasse broke when lawmakers agreed to provide federal assistance to residents of flint michigan in
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separate legislation this year. the government will stay funded through december 9. the agreement to include flint aid in a separate bill authorizing a range of water project mitigated most of democrat concerns that congress would do nothing this year to help the city's residents. opposed theemocrats spending bill because it did not include immediate aid for flint most said they felt comfortable with the eventual two bill solution that was brought together yesterday. congress staving off potential untilment shutdown december 9. certainly until after the elections. bill is in norway, michigan. republican. good morning. caller: good morning. honestly, i'm just baffled by this whole situation right now.
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there are millions of people who have seen this documentary. it's called 9/11 in plain sight. it shows first response to the pentagon. there's no plane whatsoever. there's maybe a 15 foot hole in the wall. it shows one plane supposed to be the big story. all these people calling their loved ones and everything. it shows that plane on a tarmac. host: where going to hold off on the conspiracy theories this morning. we want to stick to the passedtion that congress allowing victims of 9/11 to move forward with lawsuits. it was a congressional override president obama's first veto override that he has sustained since he became president. donald is in st. cloud florida. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning, c-span.
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i think that veto override was the wrong thing to do. for eight years congress hasn't gotten anything done. no highway bill. .o funding to flint i used to work for the flint water department. that was the republican set of them that created that problem. i fought the democratic congressman that stepped over to the other side and supported that ill, it goes to show them not supporting their president. that really burns me up. god bless this country and go hillary. on twitter. one tweet saying they agree with the override.
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this was also an overwhelmingly bipartisan override with prominent democrat supporters like sheila jackson lee arguing against the veto. jerry is in washington, pennsylvania. independent. good morning. good morning. i feel this has nothing to do with politics. this has everything to do with taxpayer money going into the lawyers pockets. to control our government. if you probably look at all the congress people that override this i bet they are all lawyers. and eventually what's going to happen with this is the only people that's going to benefit are the lawyers. all of the money is going to go in their pockets. the best thing this country could do is pass a law that if you are a lawyer you can't be a politician. i bet the whole country would straighten itself out.
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george in clarksville, tennessee. republican. your thoughts on the veto override? have a i don't really problem with people being able to sue. they still have to prove their case as far as i understand. they still have to prevail. host: it's just allowing the cases to go forward. caller: i don't see the big deal. itsaudi arabia was behind they shouldn't really have anything to fear. i do have one question. in 2001 i don't believe we were in guantanamo bay so why would they attack us if everything is because of guantanamo? host: you don't think it is because of guantanamo? caller: in 2001 we didn't have anybody in guantanamo. host: so what's your concern?
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we have had some callers say what they thought drove this 15 years ago. what is your thought? caller: my thought really has nothing to do with anything except for the fact of what they believe. what they are taught i guess from childhood is that we are bad and israel is bad and whatnot. i hear these days is that guantanamo is causing everything. back then guantanamo wasn't even around. let's go to patrick in trenton, new jersey. for republicans. caller: good morning. the override is good for two points. we finally saw the democrats go
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against obama. finally seeing obama lose his power. that was beautiful. it's going tong, bring out the truth about 9/11. the truth comes out over time. -- website,b's day pilots for 9/11 it outlines the whole cover-up of the truth of what really happened. nukes to bringd down the towers. that will eventually come out. host: all right. let's go to wayne on the line for republicans. caller: good morning. i have been listening to all this tugging and pulling. and veto overrides and money for flint. money for this. money for that. nobody in the final analysis when the gavel goes down has told me or the american public, has this increased the federal debt and if so, how much?
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certainly we could've asked while members of congress were on. we will keep it in mind for future segments. janet is in georgia. good morning. caller: good morning. like -- everybody is just looking out for where we can get money and stuff. and saudi arabia has lots of money, lots of oil and all. that saudis no proof arabia had anything to do with what happened in 2001. and peopleelevant don't have any -- nothing has come out what exactly happened in new york. the victims think
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and their families should be allowed to make the case? to go to court and have their day in court to try to make that case? it's just not right. what about the building? i'm sure the building was insured. there's no proof of who exactly what. even the attacks that were done somewhere else. there's no -- nothing has come to the table and said this is what happened step by step. now people are just wanting to get money. i don't agree with it. host: we are going to ted in shelton, washington. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. i was calling on the 9/11. the problem with saudi arabia is
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they are an enigma for the united states. pay and an ally that we there's no doubt that we probably know that somebody in their government had knowledge of the attack. but other countries know that we -- we attacked their countries using surrogates and stuff. so it's no different. people make a big deal out of this, and it was that they knocked down the twin towers, but it doesn't matter. juste long run the suit is going to hurt the military and all of the civilians working abroad. there are a lot of them already arrested that we can't get out. people don't realize this is not a tit-for-tat thing. the way politics is done. our government is as bad as the rest of them. host: do you think it matters to the victims and their families?
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terry strada is the chairwoman for 9/11 families and survivors united for justice against terrorism quoted in usa today. calling the override vote a tremendous test of our democracy. she said do we have a democracy or to saudi arabia onerous? -- own us? what do you think? we lost ted. we will take you now to testimony taking place on capitol hill. wells fargo ceo is testifying about unauthorized customer accounts. this hearing is taking place before the house financial services committee. we will take you there now and we will see you back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on the washington journal.
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