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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  October 4, 2016 12:00am-2:01am EDT

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dollars to foreign banks and foreign lenders. [cheering] ms. clinton: or maybe he hasn't paid any taxes. now, shortly after the debate, it was discovered that, indeed, back in the 1990s, he apparently lost a billion dollars on bad investments and failing casinos. [booing] ms. clinton: ask yourself this: who loses money on casinos? [cheering]
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ms. clinton: really? and you know, yesterday, some of his supporters said, well, it just shows he's a genius. that he didn't pay any taxes. well, what kind of genius loses a billion dollars in the first place? [cheering] you know, in the debate, he said not paying taxes made him smart. but think about what that means. it means that all the rest of us who pay our taxes, right, what's he saying about us? but more than that, zero taxes means zero for our vets, zero for our military, zero for pell -- for pell grants to send young people to college, zero for health, zero for education, and you stop and ask yourself, this is the same person who's been going around really just dumping on america.
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he says our military is a disaster. well, he could not be more wrong but thank goodness the rest of us paid to support our men and women in uniform who have done so much for us. [cheering and applause] ms. clinton: today in colorado, he claimed he brilliantly used the laws to avoid paying taxes. well, that just shows, number 1, he is the poster boy, the poster boy for the same rigged system that he would make even worse. just think about it. he paid zero at least for about 20 years, we believe, now based on what we know. and he's advocating for huge tax cuts that would help him and his family even more. what's he want us to do, pay him to lose money? [laughter]
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[cheering and applause] ms. clinton: but you know -- [chanting "hillary"] ms. clinton: you know, there's a lot more to this story, and we're just slowly getting it into the public eye. so we know he stiffed people, didn't pay his bills. we know he took bankruptcy, depending on how you count, four or six times. you know that he paid no taxes for probably 20 years. we don't know what his taxes would be after that. he's always talked about how he can't release his taxes because he's under audit but he admitted everything before 2009 is not under audit, so donald, release everything up until 2009. show the american people your taxes. i'll tell you another thing.
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if i'm fortunate enough to be president, we're going to pass a law requiring anybody who is a nominee of a major national party to have to release their taxes. [cheering and applause] ms. clinton: so what did we find out today? well, a story just came out saying that donald trump used chinese steel and aluminum for two out of the last three construction projects. so instead of buying his steel and aluminum from american plants here in ohio and pennsylvania, instead of supporting hard working families and american jobs, he once again stiffed us. he sent that money overseas. now, he spends a lot of time bashing the chinese, right? you hear that all the time when he talks.
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it turns out he bought his steel and aluminum from the chinese. it turns out he owes big money to the chinese. so this is another one of the episodes of his reality television show, where he is saying one thing and doing something else. now, for years, china has been undermining american businesses and workers by illegally dumping cheap aluminum and steel into our markets. you know that, right? and it sounds like donald trump has been buying that dumped steel and aluminum. how can he make america great again when he won't even buy american products in our country? [cheering] ms. clinton: and i'll tell you, this is personal to me because as a senator, i went before the international trade commission
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on behalf of steelworkers in new york, who i represented, and as secretary of state, i went toe to toe with the chinese. i have put forward an agenda to crack down on trade abuses from countries like china to stand up for american workers and to rebuild american infrastructure with american materials like steel and aluminum. [cheering] ms. clinton: and today, in toledo, i pointed out --because chrysler just announced an expansion of the plant there for the new jeep wrangler about 700 more jobs, right. [cheering] ms. clinton: i pointed out when the automobile industry was flat on its back, and 850,000 workers in ohio could have been
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absolutely out of a job more than we can even imagine in terms of the long lasting impact on the economy here. donald trump said he didn't care. save it, don't save it, didn't matter to him. where i stood, i stood in favor of saving the american automobile industry. [cheering] ms. clinton: and look what we got. last year, our auto industry had the best year they've had in a really long time. and so we've got to keep building it. we've got to keep making sure that there are good jobs, and we've got to protect good union jobs against the assault that is coming from all sides. [cheering] ms. clinton: so now i know that ohio is a tough state. you've got to get out there, talk to people, answer questions, make your case. that's what we've been doing.
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that's what we're going to do all the way to the end of this election. but i need your help to talk to anybody you know here who thinks they might be voting for trump. i know you know people. i know you do. and you've got to stage an intervention. [cheering] ms. clinton: you've got to sit them down and point out how everything he says he wants to do is absolutely opposite of what he has done, and how everything he has proposed will help people like him and his family but not the vast majority of families in ohio. in fact, if you look at his tax proposals, they benefit him and other wealthy people, hedgefund
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managers and the like, and they would actually raise taxes on middle-class families. [booing] ms. clinton: well, that's the kind of contrast we're getting out in the campaign, but that's why we need your help, to make sure you go out and talk to everybody. and you know, i know people want change. that's part of the american dynamic spirit. we want change. well, i'll tell you one thing that is certain is we'll have change. it's just what kind of change? it's whether or not we have change that helps the vast majority of americans, hard-working americans, middle-class families, or continues to only help those at the top. i want an economy that works for everyone. not just those at the top. [cheering] ms. clinton: and that's exactly what we're going to fight for,
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and that is what we're going to get. i'll tell you, i've been called a lot of things, right. i've never been called "quitter." if i tell you i'm going to get up every day and fight for you, that is exactly what i will do. [cheering] ms. clinton: but i know i can't do it alone. donald trump stood on the stage of his convention and just, once again, painted this dark and dire picture of america. and then he said, "i alone can fix it." he gets confused between leadership and dictatorship. [cheering] ms. clinton: he has a hard time remembering who our friends are and who our adversaries are. he has a weird fascination with dictators like vladimir putin.
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we have a lot of people living in this part of ohio who either themselves or their parents or grandparents came from countries that were under the yolk of e of oppression, and we're never going to let that happen again. [cheering] ms. clinton: and so when trump basically signs up putin's wish list, that's bad enough. but then when he's cavalier --and i'm not talking about basketball. when he is cavalier about nuclear weapons saying that, oh, he doesn't care if other countries get them. in fact, if there were nuclear war in east asia, japan got nuclear weapons, if south korea got nuclear weapons, hey, just go at it, folks. he even said he didn't care if saudi arabia got nuclear weapons. one thing that has been a bed
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rock of american foreign policy through democratic and republican republicans, going back to the dawn of the atomic age, is we were committed to trying to keep other countries from getting access to nuclear weapons, to be able to stop proliferation. and now it's even more important because it's not only states that we have to worry about like north korea, we've got to worry about terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weapons. the last thing we want to do is just act like it doesn't matter because it does. i was involved in putting together the sanction against iran that drove them to the negotiating table. and what i learned -- [cheering] ms. clinton: if you use diplomacy and you're tough about it, you can actually get an agreement to put a lid on their
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nuclear program, and we're going to make sure they follow it to the period, the comma, everything in that agreement i'm going to enforce. [applause] ms. clinton: and we still have challenges with iran, but i think we're in a stronger position given the fact that they are not racing for a nuclear weapon because we have intrusive inspection. so i know diplomacy can work, because i've done it, and i know that -- [cheering] we can defeat isis and the terrorists if we work with other nations, if we have a coalition that actually takes them out from the air, takes them out on the ground, and fights them online where they are doing so much damage by radicalizing and recruiting young people. [applause]
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ms. clinton: i've been laying out my plan for what i think it will take to defeat isis, and i have no doubt we will. and donald says he has a secret plan that he won't tell us about. well, there's no secret. he has no plan. and we've got to do more to make sure we protect our country. we need the best intelligence we can get, the best cooperation among law enforcement at all levels of government. i will not rest --you know, as a former senator from new york on 9/11, i take this as a personal responsibility. i will do everything i can to keep our country safe and to work with others to defeat the threat posed by terrorism. [cheering] ms. clinton: and finally, my
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friends, we've got to bring our country back together. [cheering] ms. clinton: there is too much divisiveness, too much finger pointing and scapegoating. you know, our diversity is one of our strengths. [cheering] ms. clinton: we have to listen to each other. we don't have to agree. that is not required, but we need to be respectful. we need to listen, and then we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work. when i was first lady, senator, secretary of state, i worked to find common ground with everybody. i worked when i was first lady with republicans and democrats to create the children's health insurance program that insures 8 million kids. [cheering] ms. clinton: when i was in the senate, i worked with practically every republican i served with. and you know, they always have
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nice things to say about me when i'm not running for something. and i will work again to move our country forward and to change the economy so it works better for hard-working people. and when i was secretary of state, we negotiated a treaty with russia to lower nuclear weapons, to try to lower the threat of that. and we had to get 13 republicans, and i worked tirelessly. we got them. we did that. there's a lot we can do if we start listening and respecting each other, and avoid the kind of name calling and insults that we see too much of. so i'm excited about the campaign, but i'm even more excited about getting to work for you, being able to get up every day and find a way to try
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to help somebody. i mean, that is how i was raised in my church and by my family, and that is what i have done through my advocacy work and my legal work, on behalf of people who needed a voice. and i will do everything possible to make sure i deliver results for you, and the reason that i have published a book with my great running mate tim kaine --it's right here. [cheering] ms. clinton: it is real simple, i want you to know what we say we're going to do, because i want you to hold me accountable. [cheering] i don't believe in
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bait and switch, where i say, oh, we're going to do something and then i really am over here doing something else. that kind of reminds of somebody, doesn't it? no, here's what we're going to try to do. we're going to pay for it by raising taxes on the wealthy and closing loopholes on corporations. [cheering] ms. clinton: and i am the only candidate who ran this whole campaign saying i will never raise taxes on the middle class. that is not going to happen when i am president. [cheering and applause] ms. clinton: so please join this campaign the last 36 days. talk to your friends. remember, friends don't let friends vote for trump. [cheering and applause] ms. clinton: i am motivated every day, because now i'm a
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grandmother, two beautiful grandchildren. and i think about their future. i think about their lives. i think about our country. i want our country to be the land of opportunity, the place where dreams do come true if you're willing to work for them, not just for my grandchildren, but for every child. i want every child in this country to have a chance to live up to his or her god-given potential, and if you will help me win this election and then help me work to make it come true, we will have a country that delivers on our dreams and a future we can all be proud of. thank you, and god bless you! [cheering and applause] a no mountain high enough inc. no river wide enough
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to keep me from getting to you ain't no mountain high enough ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, baby oh baby now ain't no mountain high enough ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you oh baby now ain't no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, baby remember the day i set you free i told you you could always count on me from that day on i made a vow
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i will be there when you want me someway, somehow ain't no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough an't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you oh no darling know when no way can't stop me baby no no baby if you're ever in trouble i will be there and the double -- be there on the double my love is alive down in my heart although we are miles apart if you ever need a helping hand i will be there on the double just as best as i can 'tn't you know there ain
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no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough enougho river wide to keep me from getting to you, baby ain't no river wide enough ain't no mountain high enough ain't no valley low enough ♪ >> ♪
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so different from some other
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[playing bruce springsteen's "the ties that bind"]
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[playing demi lovato's "together"]
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[playing capital cities' "safe and sound"]
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tv-commercial tv-commercial
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[playing jennifer lopez's "let's get loud"] ms. clinton: i am hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> you work hard and you. texas -- pay your taxes, then why won't donald trump pay his? and report shows he may have not paid federal taxes for almost 20 years. >> iffy thinks -- if he thinks that makes him smart, what does he inc. of you? >> how stupid are the people of the country?
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>> can most important job any woman could have is being a mother. i am ivanka trump, my father will change outdated labor laws so they will support american families. he will provide tax credits, paid maternity leave. this will allow women to support their families and further their careers. >> i am donald trump and i approve this message. is on thelinton campaign trail in harrisburg, pennsylvania, tuesday. our live coverage starts here on c-span. >> donald trump campaigns in arizona tuesday. will join him live at 5:00 eastern on c-span two. next president making
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appointments to the supreme court of the united states will be president donald trump. >> with hillary clinton in the white house, the rest of the world will never forget why they have always looked up to the united states of america. >> c-span's campaign 2016 continues on the road to the white house with the vice presidential debates between mike pence and tim kaine, longwoodight live from university in farmville, virginia, beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern. at 8:30, the predebate preview for the audience. the 2016 vice presidential ,ebate, watch live on c-span watch live and anytime on-demand at and listen live on the free c-span radio app. >> coming up on c-span, the debate between incumbent senator roy blunt and his challengers
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for the u.s. senate in missouri. then a preview of the upcoming vice presidential debate between tim kaine and mike pence. later from the washington idea forum, a look at education and health care issues. ♪ >> washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up, we are alive from longwood university in farmville, virginia, the site of the vice presidential debate. the professor at longwood university and joshua, media theory and assistant professor from purdue university will discuss the history and importance of the vice president of debates, their effect on the presidential outcomes and what to expect during this debate. also from longwood university, the editor in chief for the redundant.
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men from the university of michigan will talk about voting machine security and vulnerability. we'll speak to the longwood university president. be sure to watch washington journal live at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning. join the discussion. >> the debate for one of missouri's senate seats. andblunt faces jason kander three third-party candidates. topics include gun-control, immigration and the cost of higher education. the debate is hosted by the missouri press association.
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>> thank you, dennis, and again, welcome to between 16 candidate forums hosted by the missouri press association. earlier today, candidates true numbers to determine the order in which they will be making opening remarks. first, green party candidate jonathan mcfarlane. democrat jason commander. -- jason kander. constitution party candidate -- republican roy blunt, after their opening statements, i will ask the first question and we will proceed to questions from our three panelists. our three panelists are tim nugent of the st. joseph press, carol stark, and our guest from the washington missourian. candidates will have one minute to answer each question. after each turn, i will decide if rebuttal time is necessary. if so, candidates will receive an additional 30 seconds for rebuttal.
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if a candidate fails to answer question i reserve the right to prod them to try again. signs will be held up in the front row showing the time remaining. candidates, please adhere to the stop signs, and audience, please hold your applause until today's event is over. with that, let's begin. opening statements, first, for green party candidate jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarlane: thank you for having me. i appreciate you allowed me to speak today. first of all, i would like to thank god for bringing us here and my wife for her unequivocal support. i would like to thank the volunteers who help to get the green party on the ballot in the state of missouri, the missouri
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press association for having us here. i am here because i believe we should have good ideas and not just big pocketbooks. and i think representatives should always show up for work, and i also believe that -- that we need real change. and i would also like to thank my son abraham for a long me to -- abraham for allowing me to be away from him today because otherwise he would be right here in my arms because he is two. he would not know how to compromise. so -- [laughter] thank you. >> jason kander. >> thank you. thank you for the missouri press associations. --parents were probationary were juvenile probationary officers. my dad worked as a police officer, later ran. he told me that what was important his courage.
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that is why when i saw the plane hit the towers on 9/11, i knew i felt called and i was going to join the army, so that is what i did. i volunteered to go to afghanistan to do anticorruption investigations. i learned a lot from my deployment. it was not easy. there were times i was alone in an unarmored suv with just a translator and no backup or with two or three other soldiers in kabul, dressed in street clothes, and gathering information. it was the first time i was on the receiving end of decisions made by people making those decisions -- we often did not have the proper equipment. i thought that what i saw was very clearly wrong. so, after a few years, i came home -- or a few years after i came home, i felt the need to take on corruption in the missouri state government.
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that is what i decided to do. as a state representative, i worked with republicans and as your secretary of state, i worked to ban special interest money and gives to politicians. -- and gifts to politicians. washington is broken and we will not change washington until we change the people we send there. the time has come for the next generation to step up and take a lead in shaping the state and the nation and with your help, that's exactly what i'm going to do with as your united -- when to do as your united states senator. >> jonathan. >> i would like the of my things thanks to theive missouri press association for holding this debate and inviting all of the participants. also i will ask jason and roy to make this about issues, not personal insults. as many of you know, we are faced with an incredible time like many of you, i am concerned with the direction of our country. we have all seen the commercials being played nonstop.
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the negative ads, and i have to agree with them both. they are both bad for the majority. promised the you great people of missouri, standing up on the stage with me that you would go to washington and you are going to repeal obama care. you're going to restore our freedom, lower our tax burden. the fact is, you have done none of that. the only thing you have done is vote yourself a raise every single year. i truly believe the biggest political problem in america is the career politicians and i think we need change now and across the board term limits is the answer. if elected for senator, my first priority would be to pass legislation enacting term limits for congressmen and senators. congressman should be restricted
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to six two-year terms and senators to -- two six-year terms. politicians are like diapers -- they need to be changed often and for the same reasons. if elected, i promise to stand up for your economic freedoms and your fiscal freedoms. they are one and the same. please stand with me this november and vote libertarian. the time for voting for the lesser of two evils is over. >> fred ryman. >> our founding fathers had a dream, and nation of free men where power resided with we the people. at the same time they understood human nature. they understood they had to create a government that would protect us primarily from our own government. every man who seeks to expand
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the size or the power of our federal government betrays those founding principles. the mere desire for a strong centralized government shows either one's ignorance of human nature or ones wicked intent. the job of a u.s. senator is to represent the interest of his state, to protect states rights, to restrain or even rollback the ever-growing federal tyranny. obviously i'm running because i don't think senator blockheads done a good job. -- senator blunt has done a good job. we cannot hold senator blunt accountable by electing some of the party that is even more subversive all those founding principles.
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i want to thank the missouri press association for having this forum, for allowing us to be here on equal footing. it is the one time we will all have an equal voice. i sincerely want to say thank you. >> roy blunt. senator blunt: thank you, david. thank you for the missouri press association for this opportunity to hopefully talk about the issues, but the opportunity to be here. in the 150 year of the missouri press association, i suppose every time there was an election , politicians said this was the most important poet -- most important election we have ever had. i do think when you look at the facts you can put on the table this time, you can put more of those facts on the table that might suggest this is exactly the time we are going to make decisions that will impact us for a generation. we have lots of opportunities.
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rolled through demand is going to double and 35 -- world food the demand is going to double in 35 to 40 years. more american energy, what can happen in health care research -- what can happen in transportation -- actually all of those areas. we need to be focused on better jobs for stronger families. but so much of the time, the biggest obstacle is the out of control government regulator. obamacare and the disruption it has created in the health care system, regulators that pass regulation with no apparent interest in what the impact is. a foreign policy where our friends do not trust us and our enemies are not afraid of us, and this is the time to move forward, away from all of those things. i am a fifth generation missourian. i had a chance just a few days ago to speak at a high school. the first job i had, teaching high school history, the first job that anybody in my family ever got were you had to have a college diploma to get the job. my grandfather's job was a
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janitor at that same building. that's a pretty good story. in our country there are a million stories better than that one. the promise of america is something we need to hold onto. i have been listening to missourians. i have been trying to find solutions. i hope i get a chance to do that. that is what voters decide on election day. >> we will now go to questions. whoever wins this election will have to work with senator claire mccaskill to represent missouri. senator claire mccaskill recently complained that the senate was scheduled to work fewer days this year than any time in the past 60 years. do you view this as an indication that washington literally is not working, not addressing important issues? or do you think this is a laudable display of limited government?
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that goes first to jonathan mcfarlane. mr. mcfarlane: i like claire mccaskill. i sat across her in many rooms. i think as a senator i would like to work more days, because being in the government is a lot of responsibility, there is a lot of work to be done. to negotiate with people, to work with people to get some kind of agreement and come up with some kind of compromise is the best way we could do anything. and so, i would like to be more involved in the governmental process and working with everybody i can to achieve those goals. >> jason kander. secretary kander: it has been 60 days since the u.s. senate worked so few days. it's not because they are getting so much done.
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the senate just got done with a seven-week break, they decided to give himself a seven-week orak, either to go campaign take a vacation. it was not as though they had gotten all of their work done. they had plenty left on the table. they just finished funding the government. they had to hurry to do that. prior to that, everything to the zika virus to the fact that they have not updated or debated updating the authorization of military force against isis, the greatest military threat we face. in missouri, what happens when someone does not get their work done and takes a seven-week break if they get fired. -- seven-week break is they get fired. senator blunt is a member of senate leadership. he sits at the table when they come up with the schedule and apparently no point did he say, hey, fellas, since we have not gotten our done, maybe we should not go home. >> jonathan dine. mr. dine: america's founders did not see career politician as a full-time job. serve a few hours, returned your
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profession, be a representative of the people. today, most are lawyers. the times they work together, it is usually to steal our freedoms or our money. you look at this bipartisan saudi arms deal. they said, hey, we're going to sell our frenemies billions of dollars of weapons. i don't think our government should be in the business of -- in the process of destabilization and weapons sales. the less you guys work, probably be better. >> fred ryman? mr. ryman: i think it depends not only on the senate schedule, but the senator. whether i am in washington, d.c. or back home in missouri, i suspect i will be working almost all of the time. you cannot simply go to washington, d.c. and serve and stay there and when you are off duty, you are off duty.
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you're always listening. you are always trying to get feedback from your constituents. time not in washington, d.c. should be spent here at home. >> roy blunt. senator blunt: i think mr. ryman has a good sense of what you do in this job which as you both places. over 1600 meetings in this state. people knew i was coming. they reported while i was there, and people knew what was said while i was there. i have been in all 115 counties in the last six years at least three times. i have been all over the state. i have been listening in doing the things that need to happen here, but also how much you work is not always how much you get done. as far as senator mccaskill and i are concerned, when things impact our state, we almost always figure out how to find a solution we can work on together. we were able to work together to
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get together a major national security site. the national geospatial agency, looking for a new place to go after 70 years in st. louis. they are keeping that great work for us and our state. -- work for us in our state. i have been working with lots of members on both sides of the aisle to get things done and i will talk about those as we get time. >> the next question is from mr. newton. thank you to all of the candidates for being your today. the senate may be called upon to confirm more than one member of the u.s. supreme court, plus others in the federal judiciary. can you please tell us about how you would approach your review of those nominees? >> jason kander, you are first this time. secretary kander: i would start by meeting with them. when asked why he has not, he said he did not have time.
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when i was in afghanistan, there were meetings i did not want to go to in dangerous places, but i went as it's my job. no matter who is elected, when i am in the united states and, no matter who was president, no matter who they nominate, i pledge i will meet with them and consider their qualifications for the court. >> jonathan dine. mr. dine: i would look to andrew napolitano, to someone who would really believe in the constitution and what it fans -- what it stands for. for far too long, the supreme court, supposedly the defenders of the constitution have sided with the state. your fourth amendment rights have been violated by the nsa, the government. we need someone who is not just going to play lip service to these things and to actually stand up for your rights. those are the types of people i would look for. it is a rare quality.
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judge andrew napolitano is one of the best examples. >> fred ryman. mr. ryman: we would want to look at the prior rulings. we want to make sure they are constitutional. i think your question did not go far enough, because it is not simply about approving justices we believe will rule constitutionally. we have justices and judges that are ruling from the bench in such a way that they are creating new law. the senate should be working with the house frankly to impeach and remove justices going far beyond the bounds of what they should be doing. i can give you several examples. an eminent domain lawsuit where the courts basically substituted public benefits for public use. in determining whether property could be condemned and given to another individual.
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south dakota versus elizabeth dole on issues of denial of funds. again. we need to remove those that are not ruling according to the constitution. >> roy blunt. senator blunt: i think the next president will have an opportunity to reshape the court that you probably will not see happen for two or three presidencies. we know there is one vacancy. i suspect them of the three vacancies, -- one of the things voters ought to be thinking about is who is going to be nominating judges to the court and who is going to be confirming those nominations. it is the senate and the white house. and i think we need judges who will read the constitution and try to figure out what the constitution says rather than look at the case and try to figure out what they think the constitution should have said.
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this is a big moment. voters get a chance to be heard on this moment. there was no reason to confirm judge garland. he's a perfectly nice man with a perfectly bad judicial record. >> jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i think the constitution reads that the president will select a nominee for the supreme court, and there's not much left to the imagination. therefore, president obama is the president and therefore, if he chooses somebody for the supreme court, i feel i would have no choice but to honor that choice. and then, you know, make my decision. but i strongly feel no matter who the president is, no matter who that president chooses, i would at least entertain that idea of making that choice so we could continue with our democracy.
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>> the next question comes from carol stark. >> we get numerous reports across our desk everyday that shows the epidemic of opioid prescription abuse. how do you hope to stem the tide, especially in your own state? the only one without a prescription drug monitoring plan? >> jonathan dine. mr. dine: drug use is a health issue, not a criminal justice one. far too many people are addicted to drugs, but the stigma of persecution makes it hard to seek treatment. making them live underground harsh reality. people are sometimes forced to do illicit drugs out of the unintentional effects of elevation. -- effects of prohibition. one example, the k2 spice that has been found to give people brain damage. if there was not this
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prohibition on marijuana, kids would not be forced to do other things. people who are truly addicted to drugs deserve treatment, compassion, not to be persecuted. half of what we spend on -- we have the largest prison population in the world and half of them are and therefore drug offenses. from a fiscally conservative issue, it makes sense. our resources could be better spent treating violent criminals with real crimes. not wasted on these things. >> i would agree with the premise of your question, saying that missouri does not have a way of tracking opioid abuse. i do not really feel that this issue rises to the purview of the federal government. some may disagree with me on that.
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but i would disagree that that is something the federal government should be involved in. it is the state's responsibility covering that, definitely. >> roy blunt. blunt: this is a place where listening does matter. i talk to someone he reads your paper every day who has a daughter who has a huge problem with this. we had a discussion some months ago. before this became a big national discussion, we cut other programs to triple the commitment we had to opioid abuse. our teaching hospitals are all looking at how you prescribe pain medicine in different ways. i sat down with three with them in st. louis, kansas city university and kirksville, to talk about how they are doing this differently.
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me and senator mccaskill only vote together about half the time, but this is a case where in the bill we just passed to make a more defined approach to this, we put a provision so our counties could link together and own prescription drug monitoring system. >> jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: we need to help alleviate the problems of nonviolent offenders in jail. i don't believe we should he penalizing everybody because they are doing drugs we should treat it as a health care issue.
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that is a very important distinction because we need funding so we should do that as a coast to throwing people in jail, which we also use funding for. that would alleviate a lot of our problems. we would be able to remove those people and put them in health care facilities. prisons are not help. they are not made to help. we need to change that. we need to not change prisons but change the fact that people need help. >> jason kantor. secretary kander: we do need a prescription drug abuse program. we need leadership to get it. we need to do more. there have been good steps taken, but we need to do more. i have dealt with people who deal with this on the front lines. they do not think this will do anywhere near enough. i believe we can do that. we need a new generation of leadership. folks who will focus on solutions.
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become of letting this partisan so often. we also need to recognize that ultimately drug use of every type tends to follow economic concerns. at a time when we have folks in congress protecting trade deals that send jobs overseas, that does not help any situation. we need to focus on the middle class and make sure that they have more economic opportunity and traditionally when we have done that, we have seen problems like this tick downward. >> the next question comes from bill miller. mr. miller: in this campaign year, there has been a lot of talk about precollege education college a free education for every student. i would like to know how each of you feel about that. i would like to know if you think it is economically feasible to do something like that without a huge raise in
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taxes? >> fred ryman. mr. ryman: bill, this is going to go back to what carol is talking about. no, i do not believe in free college. we have seen one a free public education has done for our free iblic education system and used to be a teacher myself. i'm not speaking from complete ignorance here. i went to college for two years. i maintained a 3.2 gpa. when i went back to school at the age of 30 and had to pay for my own education, i maintained a 3.8 plus. when i went back at age 40, i maintained a four point oh. you appreciate what you have to pay for, but more than that it's the general philosophy developing in this country where we look to the feds to solve our problems.
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and i'm sorry, but the federal government is not the solution to most of our problems. the federal government is the problem most of the time. >> roy blunt. senator blunt: i think the fast talk about free college education without any real idea how to pay for it is foolish. one of the things i have tried to do and i believe we will get done this year is returned to the year-round pell grant. this is the grant you get if you truly are qualified economically to get, not alone, but a grant. you can go to school in the fall and the spring and stay in school in the summer and particularly if you are the first person in your family to finish college, like i was, that's not doing anything that disrupts that pattern, makes a difference. if you are going back to school as an adult, not having to take that semester off.
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if you get full pell in our state, there's no community college. it pays for all tuition, all books, all fees, and a couple of our four year schools. returning the year-round pell would be a big help to students struggling to get college. >> jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i believe free education is a great idea. i believe that the american people to be much more intelligent with such a device and we can work on it. we can work on it by getting their economically. we can put together a program for a free educational system. and if we just allow our tax bracket to just be -- if we allow our taxes to go without loopholes and just allow rich people to be taxed fairly, we could see an increase of two $4 billion in our funding of the free educational system. >> jason kander. secretary kander: i disagree with those who say we should make it free. it is too expensive. here is what i think we could do. we can refinance student loans. we can cap interest.
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those are concrete things we can do that would help a lot. i was amazed when senator blunt said something along the lines of the reason folks are graduating with so much debt is because of their lifestyle during school as if the extra bowl of ramen and in the microwave was the reason that folks are graduating with an average of $36,000 of debt. it's interesting. senator blunt voted to cut pell grants five years ago and he's talking about a situation where he has worked to restore the funding back to where it was. he is just taking it back to where it was before he cut it. senator, someone who sets a fire and puts it out is not a fireman. he is an arsonist. mr. dine: you think college is expensive now. wait until it is free. let's get government out of the loansharking business.
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if the government was not giving out all of these loans at ridiculously high rate, colleges would be forced to let people in or go out of business. it is the same concept that went to the housing market, because -- that caused the housing bubble. we are in an education bubble. we need to reevaluate our educational system in particular. we have these kids for 12 years already and we can't get them ready to join the workforce? they should graduate with a high school degree that should get them in a job. the idea you have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a piece of paper that says now you're ready to make some money does not make sense to me. they should keep the wise words. give a man a fish, feed him for a day. teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. job training, skills training, plumbers, technicians, things of value. i'm out of time. >> senator blunt?
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senator blunt: when pell grants were eliminated in 2009, president obama was in office, democrats were in control of the congress. if you think student spending has nothing to do with student borrowing, ask anyone at any community college or for your school what elements they are most concerned about when they talk about the money that students are borrowing and eventually have to pay back. >> jason kander, would you like thirty seconds? secretary kander: sure. senator blunt, it's interesting. they have it on video where you pointed out it was student lifestyles causing it. and that's clearly not the case. in not sure if that is what you had in mind when you voted to double the rate that students pay on their loans. this is not an issue on students. this is a middle-class economic issue.
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the state andnd do, it ise, as i affecting three generations and their families. i have met grandparents who have suspended their retirement. this is affecting people throughout the state. not just students or interest groups. >> next round of questions. mr. nugent: where you stand in regard to undocumented residents and giving them a path to citizenship and along with this, how much of the nation's resources should be committed to strengthening border security? >> roy blunt, to you first. senator blunt: in terms of border security, i think that is the fundamental issue. there are three questions. how do you secure the border. what are the legitimate workforce needs of the country. what do you do about people who came or state illegally. that is about 50/50.
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about 50% came in illegally. in about 50% came in legally and just stayed. i think people will be pretty forward leaning about trying to find solutions. i was absolutely opposed to president obama's executive amnesty. unfortunately, a federal judge -- and fortunately, a federal judge in texas agreed. i a lot to say about that at the time. i am not for citizenship for people who came to the country illegally. >> jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: securing our borders has a lot to do with mexico rebuilding the economy. i was in mexico and 2011. and a lot of people say after it was passed, what they had as resources was taken away.
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then owned by a large corporation of the united states. i know nobody knows about it because we keep on pushing the agenda of mexicans having these drug cartels or whatever. i just happen to know otherwise. so, i believe we need to help mexico and not punish people who have been actual historical migrants. 500 years ago, people for mexico came to the united states, what is now the united states. and we need to honor that. honor what they had. america is a place in which more or less it is taken from other people. >> jason kander. secretary kander: our immigration system is broken and we need comprehensive immigration reform. had i been in the senate, i
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would've supported the bipartisan legislation put forward by senator rubio. and had that passed, we would not be facing the same problem we are facing right now because we desperately need comprehensive immigration reform and i would have supported that bipartisan effort. i know personally the promise that legal immigration holds in this country. my wife came to the united states from the soviet union at the age of eight in 1989 and i have seen the contravention to contribution to the made and that she has made.y in-laws have but we need people focused on solutions and not so incredibly disagreeable they cannot move forward on important issues like this one. that bill, that i would have supported, senator rubio's bill, increased funding for security at the border and that is where we need to start. mr. dine: our resources should be used to protect us from people attacking our country, not from people who want to be part of it. immigration needs to be reformed
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to streamline the process. many people are coming here to work. if we are making it possible to get a work visa, people would line up at the wall. give them a social security number. they can pay taxes. you might as well make them a useful resource. the idea that all immigrants are bad stems from the war on drugs and the propaganda. if we ended the war on drugs we would not have to worry about the drug cartels, people like colorado where they are making money hand over fist, giving money back to their citizens. immigrants play a valuable role in society. many industries would be devastated without migrant workers. these are skilled workers who provide a resource. tax them. make them a citizen after seven years, give them background checks so we know who they are. let's bring it from underground to up top. mr. ryman: i have been hearing about comprehensive immigration
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reform since i was a teenager. that's about 40 years ago. i'm sorry. never once has congress acted to secure the border. it has not happened in 40 years and i don't look forward to it happening anytime soon as london's we have the same crowd talking the same language. one of the things we have to do in order to secure the border is not just build a wall. that is something politicians do to make it look like they are doing something. all they are really doing is wasting our money. what we need to do is turn off the magnets that are drawing people across the border in the first place. the real criminals are not the people crossing the border trying to feed their families. the real criminals are the companies hiring illegal immigrants against the law,
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underpaying them, and taking no action at all against them. almost no action at all. i would say we need to beef up the penalties, not only an force what laws are on the books, but beef up those penalties. >> next question from carol stark. >> on wednesday, after months of infighting, congress finally approved $1.1 billion in funding to fight the zika virus, which is now spread into the united states and affected some pregnant women. has congress waited too long to attack this problem? >> that goes first to you,
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jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i do think congress has waited too long. we had money set aside for the ebola virus. myself, i was one who wondered what was taking so long to handle the zika virus because it was right on our shores and entering the united states. there is at least one fatal case in missouri. being that my wife is pregnant with our second child, i was really disheartened about what was happening with the zika virus and how we were trying to treat it. so, i just believe that congress should act faster on things that are very important to the american people. especially when it relates to threats to future americans. we could really handle this situation a lot better. >> jason kander. secretary kander: yes, congress waited too long. they were too busy taking seven weeks off to campaign or vacation for those not up for reelection. this is something urgent that
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should have been dealt with and it goes back to the makeup of congress. right now we have the fewest veterans in congress than any time since world war ii. it is not a coincidence that we have so few people who have the ability -- people have the ability to put aside their differences or their opportunity for career advancement and work together. in the military, we have folks from different backgrounds, different places, different perspectives who come together to get things done. they rally around the mission. in this case, getting zika done on time was the mission, but they don't seem to have the ability to put their differences aside. i believe it has something to do with us, friendly, having too few people who have served in congress. mr. dine: how many viruses has
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the government cured? to me, i think it will unfortunately be a waste of money. private industry should be doing the research. there is plenty of research institutes, colleges -- they have alumni. special interests, some individuals lobby the government and they will get rich off of this. i do not believe the government has ever been a good steward of our tax dollars and all of this knee-jerk reaction to pass legislation and funding is -- i think the unintended consequences are worse. mr. ryman: the zika virus issue is another one of those that crosses over the line between state responsibility and federal responsibility. we do have these centers for disease control that can speak to such issues, but as was that, i don't think we are going to find a cure for these eco-virus. certainly not in a matter of weeks. that becomes more an issue of controlling the spread of the virus, which has more to do with killing mosquitoes thank controlling a disease. that again is something i
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believe that the state or local municipalities are equipped to deal with. where is the federal jurisdiction beyond curing the disease itself? i don't see one. the federal government is not going to get into pest-control, i'm sorry. sen. blunt: the federal government once again saw a crisis and overreached and try to make the most of it. they ousted for money, $85 million of it for new buildings at the cdc. $500 million of the ebola money had not been used. so we can quickly to $1.1 billion.
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senator murray and i came up with the compromise. i wanted to get it done before we left in july. they're talking about trying to find solutions -- even hillary clinton, whose secretary kander is one of the cochairs of her campaign said what congress should do is pass the blunt-murray compromise, and we did. >> we have time for one more question. this come from you, bill miller. mr. miller: we have been viewing tv ads where where the candidates is using a rifle, taking apart, and putting it back and so on and i have heard comments from missourians that they feel that is an insult to their intelligence to think that being able to handle a gun, shoot a gun, take it apart and so on is proper preparation for serving in government. >> jason kander, that goes to you first.
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secretary kander: well, bill, i support the second amendment. here's the clear difference between myself and senator blunt. i'm a gun owner and a learned how to use a gun in the army and i'm also a father. like all missourians, i'm concerned, very concerned every time i see a school shooting or any other time when our citizens are not safe and i believe what we need to do is we need universal background checks. we need to expand criminal background checks to include suspected terrorists. i believe that's very important. senator blunt is about to talk about his nra rating in mind, but i would happily put my marksmanship badge against a political reading any day of the week because i fundamentally believe there is no conflict between being a supporter of the second amendment and wanting to protect the second amendment, making sure terrorists and
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criminals do not have the same access to guns you and i have. mr. dine: the whole barrage of usually negative campaign commercials have become aware of life.olitical way of you cannot turn on the television show without one of these coming across the airwaves. the world is going to end if you vote for this guy. i wish you guys would give me commercials but to me why i should vote for you. what are you going to do? what you going to do and not just slander the other guy. i think it is indicative our political system. but roy just proves my point when he said we worked on this is zika virus year built together, republicans and democrats, coming together to take your money to build two new buildings and expand the scope of government that has little to do with finding a cure for the zika virus. i do not feel a steward of tax dollars, and to me, politicians and police should encourage gun ownership in education and training programs.
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a responsible, well armed citizenship is the best defense against them is the tyranny and foreign invasion. mr. ryman: i am a strong supporter of the second amendment and i do not believe the second amendment is therefore sporting or a hot. it's for our defense, more of our family, also against our own government if you want to read federalist paper number 46. but i have a long-winded explanation for my support on my website, i want to say with the remainder of my time that i am is appointed we never got to trade. trade is a hugely important issue with respect to job in the united states. senator blunt voted to fast-track the tpp and i'm sorry, but free trade with underdeveloped nations kills american jobs.
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i would definitely say free trade with depressed countries kills us economically. senator blunt: the way that this works i get 30 seconds to respond to the seek a comment and the fast-track comment and a minute to respond to the question? is that right question of you get a minute right now. senator blunt: to respond to the question? with gun control, of course, no one wants terrorists or criminals to have guns. what a foolish line to drawn. officially secretary kander wants to have a gun, but he's not nearly as concerned whether other people can have guns are not.
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he got a f from the nra in the missouri general a simile. not easily done. p with and 10% of the missouri general assembly managed to get an f. he says he is a defender of the second amendment. no one who watches these issues believes that to be the case. freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the second amendment, the fourth amendment, all of the amendments have impact on how this senate and the next president deal with the court will make a big difference in whether we are able to secure those freedoms or whether those freedoms are taken away from us. >> jonathan mcfarland? mr. mcfarland? i'll think this has anything to do with the requirements to being a politician. i know people who have gotten their conceal carry licenses and they feel cheated by the new
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rule just past that allows the most anyone to carry a gun now. i think it caters to our lowest nature. and am sorry -- what he said about trade, we have a great opportunity in missouri to really expand trade. especially in the solar panel industry. in the midwest, missouri could be a great producer of solar panels. we can do a lot to improve our economy. >> jason kander, senator blount, if you want an additional 30 seconds, we can do that. secretary kander: sure. the main difference between
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myself and senator blount's on the mentally believe my second minimum rights in your second amendment rights are important enough that if somebody comes from area and they are a suspected terrorist, we should not give them the same opportunity to buy a gun. senator blunt can call that foolish. senator blunt: you should not have suspected terrorists coming from syria. on zika, i think i was clear. we did not build additional buildings. we stopped the administration from building those buildings. we looked at this carefully and agreed to do one part $1 billion. and i think that money arrives in time. i would have preferred if the thing was done in july. but we have the expanded vaccine test now. zika has not been held back. if congress would pass the compromise bill we passed this week several weeks ago, it would have been a better way to deal with it. >> we will move to closing
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statements. roy blunt, you are first. senator blunt: thanks, david, for doing this. there is a clear choice in this election. i have been listening. i spend a lot of time at home. i understand the state in ways i think takes a while to do. it's a diverse state with a lot of opportunities. a lot of discussion about disagreeable things in the congress. i am able to reach out and find solutions. senator brown and i got legislation passed for advanced manufacturing that will have an impact on manufacturing jobs. she is from michigan. we got the excellence and mental health act fast, which many say is the biggest step forward in mental health and 50 years.
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it will let states treatment will help like all other health. for too long, we have really required law enforcement and the emergency rooms in the country to become the effect of mental health system. senator koontz and i were able to get the legislation, even though the obama administration, for reasons we cannot understand, did not want it extended. senator murray and i got the first increase in mental health research in a dozen years. we got a 7.6 percent increase
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last her. we propose to that and i think we will get it again this year and to do that, we had to eliminate over two dozen programs that were not effective. everything is a priority. nothing is a priority. missourians deserve a congress that will look at their money and not take any more of it than absolutely necessary. it it is a great honor to work for missourians. the last thing i would like to say is i would be pleased to have your vote and serve you for another six years in the senate. mr. ryman: i believe the desire inmr. ryman: i believe the desire for most americans is to be left alone. to live our life and run our businesses. we are fed up with the overreaching, over regulating federal tyranny. we are fed up with lifelong politicians who rule over us instead of representing us and then going home. like senator blunt, who has enriched himself and his family. in what should have been public service.
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defending the barbaric practices are planned parenthood. to find social programs not illegal immigrants. to fund green programs in foreign nations. morend more and more in your accuracy. i believe this election is about one thing, accountability. but you cannot hold senator blunt accountable by electing someone from and even worse party. by electing someone from the even bigger government party. theand here representing constitution party of america. that auys will tell you vote for a third-party candidate is a wasted vote. but let me ask you all, how much your voted could
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possibly be than to be cast yet again for the two parties and of given us $20 trillion in national debt? folksime, this time when step into the voting booth i want them to remember just how wasted their vote was last time. this time, if you're going to waste your vote, wasted on me. but the constitution party. but for fred. mr. dines? was elected in 2010, 1 of the biggest problems was that he was going to repeal obamacare. in the last year, roy only sponsored to peaceably just nation sent to me at rest he has a completely ineffective senator or at worst, he is a liar because he did not get anything done. americans in here, i am concerned about the direction in which our country is headed. i am tired about the counts to fighting, the hostile mentality
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of us against them. hasing the other team become more important than solving america's problems. voting for thert lesser of two evils is over. americans on the brink of a are and both republicans and democrats are to blame. neither are serious about restoring the budget, limiting freedoms, restoring economic involvement will stop we have an opportunity to make history. if you want to break up the stagnation, send a libertarian up there. i promise i will fight tirelessly as your senator to his monster legislation for elimination of the federal income tax. the power should be returned to the people. one time.tarian just
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like my friend says, if you do not want peace, prosperity, and freedom, you can vote tyranny next time. check out where i stand on all of the issues. see who will best represent your voice and our government. kander: thank you for doing this, david. thank you all of this for posting this. over the past year, i've been to every county in the state and people in each state and asked them what they were due to fix congress. over never, they have told me they just want people in washington to work together to get stuff done for their amway's. we have not heard in the past our one single idea from senator blunt on how to fix the problem. he has been protecting the status quo because the status quote has been great for him, his family, and his special interest donors.
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before middle-class families got benefits, things were shipped overseas. that is one of the things i want to go to the senate and change. onator blunt has raised his page 12 times while families in missouri struggle. today, senator blunt lives in a $1.6 million mansion in washington, d.c., and only visits missouri when he has to. he is not the same person who was a history teacher, who had my current job. live and are not, the senator used to be a reformer and say we needed to get money out of politics of missourians could get a fair deal. but after 20 years in washington, he has changed and no longer slaves that. ien i signed up for the army, did it out of a duty for the country. i was excited to do the job. that is why i have never hesitated to stand up to my party, to donors, or to special interest to do what is right for
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missouri. i have spent my life fighting for missourians. now i'm ready to go to work for you and your family. mcfarlane: i believe in democracy. that politicians don't i believe weideas should throw around these ideas and make them really work for us. i believe.t
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i believe in the american people. the forum.cludes let's give our candidates a round of applause. [applause] >> here's a look at some of the hats. -- advertisements. >> senator blunt is been attacking me on guns. being in the army, i learned to use and respect my rifle. i supported second amendment rights.
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i also believe in background checks. i approve this message because i would like to see do this. >> some people can put together a gun blindfolded. some do it really fast. fast.eally, really some do it upside down in blindfolded. only one of these is a hillary clinton national campaign chairman. for one supports amnesty immigrants. when it comes to the u.s. senate, missouri voters know what is important. >> i am roy blunt and i approve this message. >> is is what afghanistan looks like when you are the extra gun in a suv. >> i am jason kander. army rootingu.s.
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out corruption in the afghanistan government. when i came home, i saved tax dollars for the senate. i approve this message because there are too many politicians in washington who will only care about themselves. we need more leaders willing to sacrifice for their countries. >> one bipartisan solutions solve real problems, i am for it. i worked with senator brown to pass the manufacturing jobs bill. to pass breakthrough legislation. i led the light or victims of child abuse. we got the first increase for help research. it is not getting things done. i am roy blunt and i approve this message. >> c-span coverage of campaign 2016 continues wednesday with a debate between me candidates to replace retiring california senator barbara boxer.
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state attorney general, law harris. livedemocrats face-off here on c-span wednesday 10:00 p.m. on c-span, a preview of the vice presidential debate between tim kaine and indiana mike pence. then from the washington ideas form, a look at education and health care issues. later, c-span wrote the white house coverage continues with donald trump campaigning in public, colorado, and hillary clinton in akron, ohio. >> c-span's washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up tuesday morning, we're live from longwood university in farmville, virginia, site of a vice presidential debate.
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professor and a assistant professor will be on to discuss the history, importance, and impact of vice president julie debate, the effect on presidential outcomes and what to expect in the debate between tim kaine and mike pence. also, editor in chief for the a computer science and engineering prevents them the university of michigan will talk about voting machine security and palm ability. we will also talk to a professor about it. be sure to watch live at 7:00 a.m. eastern tuesday morning. join me discussion. >> tuesday, a look at the epa regulatesr plant that . we're live from the bipartisan policy center tuesday 10:00 a.m. eastern huron c-span. >> fisher marks the there to
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anniversary of the u.s.-soviet nuclear weapons in iceland. tuesday, nuclear deterrence experts discuss the agreement and the currents date of arms control. see it live on c-span. >> before the second debate, we are looking back to past .residential debates this saturday, the 1992 town hall debate between president george h.w. bush and arkansas governor bill clinton and businessman ross perot. theou can move yourself to border, pay a dollar an hour, have no pollution control and no retirement and you do not care about anything except making money. there will be a giant sucking sound going south. >> if indeed all of the jobs were going to move south, there
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are lower wages now and they have not done that. i have just negotiated with the present of mexico the north american free trade agreement. reince we have to grow the economy and reduce the deficit by controlling health care costs, cuts in domestic programs, and asking the wealthiest americans and to pay their fair share of taxes. announcer: been need debate george w. bush and advise president al gore. >> if our national security is at stake, if we have allies, if we've tried every other course, if we are sure no other military action will 16 and the costs are proportionate to the benefits. >> i take the use of force. seriously. i would be guarded in my approach. i do not think we can be all things to all people in the world. we have to be careful when we commit our troops. >> and the 2012 debate between
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barack obama intimate romney. >> i am planning to get us energy independent. energymerican independence within eight years, you see manufacturing jobs come >> we cannot just produce traditional sources of energy, we have to look to the future. is why we doubled fuel efficiency standards on cars. the middle of the next decade, any car you buy you will end up going twice as far on a gallon of gas. >> watch past presidential debate saturday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. listen that 8 p.m. eastern on -- c-span radio app stop radio app. >> the vice presidential debate in farmville, virginia. c-span live coverage starts at 7:30 p.m. eastern. for the next 2.5 hours we'll take a look at the candidates,
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tim kaine and mike pence beginning with some of their earliest appearances. first, we'll hear from tim kaine on c-span washington journal in may, 1997. he was then serving as a member of the richmond city council and was joined by rick white of washington discussing a deal on taxing the internet. in 1998, and included a three-year ban on taxing certain internet transactions. >> joining us is tim kaine, good morning. you will be testifying before a congressional hearing on the subject. what is your point of you? is thisoint of view bill concerns the internet tax freedom act for a couple reasons. bill is purpose of the to preempt state and local taxation for an indefinite time for internet services.
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we have a real concern about that first eight philosophical one. , whenderal government congress starts to tell families about what local activities it should or should not tax, we have a real concern. we do not think there is a need for a preemption of this kind. my constituents are glad to call and complain about taxes. i get complaints a lot. i have never had a complaint about an internet transaction. i have surveyed other local officials who feel the same way. for anide preemption indefinite. concerns moratorium us. finally, carving out this area of commerce, it hurts local potentially is
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unfair to businesses that do not transact over the internet. why should we have an advantage for internet commerce and not for non-internet related commerce. theaurants, etc. one have benefit of the statute. it is just for internet-related commerce and that causes concern. we principles are ones that favor. we don't want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. there are way taxes are carried out. general taxesny when i go to the internet to buy something? when you get income from the internet, you still have to pay state income tax. if you are a company that sells something, you still have to sell something.
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i'm not saying you have to taxi same sort of transaction you tax locally because it happens on the internet, what we do not want to see is people taxing the internet just because it is the internet. jurisdictions around the united states, that is the problem. we have to make sure before we withoo far down the pike different taxing schemes, we figure out what this new medium is about. >> how long winter moratorium last? >> we do call for a two-year study. we appoint a commission. we tried to think about what makes sense in terms of taxing me internet and will have a report two years from now and have there is a good reason for lifting the moratorium, we well. >> what about it being unfair to other local retailers who are not on the internet and have no plans to be on the internet? try to do in our bill
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is to make sure if you conduct a transaction that would otherwise be subject to tax, you have to pay that tax. we're saying you cannot tax it just because it is the internet. to understand the reasoning, i fully understand state and local governments need tax revenue. they have a lot of obligations. it is just that they are so creative, you have to stay one step ahead. there is not a good reason to tax the internet because it is the internet from a state and local standpoint. it is not like cable tv. that,here is none of there is a new medium. >>te and local government
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you will see the phone numbers at the bottom of the screen and specifically, it will be the topic of a hearing on capitol hill today. i go online to something like llb, people don't know what we're talking about, you can go bean located somewhere in maine. d.c., whoseington taxes do to pay if i order a coat? >> it is not that different than mail order. you're supposed to pay sales tax in the jurisdiction you live in. in these localities, it relies on self-reporting. >> i have to tell the government thatd that -- i bought code? >> everyone acknowledges this is an area of tax that is poorly and forced. this is not the same as exists with a catalog but you were
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supposed to pay in your locality and they will add sales tax. i could bely somewhere out west ordering something from the northeast when i live in a third-place? ranks it is not that complicated because the internet uses the phone lines like you do when you make a phone call and we're not trying to change that at all. you should still have to pay sales tax. whether you get into the l.l. bean website or call on the telephone. what we're trying to eat prevent is someone in california who has all of the internet service for the west coast and united states taxing me transaction. it happened in seattle with someone and manges because the internet servers located in california.
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that is what we're trying to avoid and that is what this bill is addressed to. >> how did you get involved in this? kain: i am on the telecommunications policy advisory board and an interest me. like congressman white, i am a person with young kids. i am getting familiar with the internet most of because my kids are teaching me. this is a genetic index in art of the economy will stop putting it off limits for local tax purposes causes us concern because it is such a growth area. the taxes should be fair, they should be worked out well between localities. there are many businesses that do business across state line and jurisdictions and they have been able to other taxes harmonized and i grew the congressman, it is not that much difference in ways telephone or analog sales. we have been able to work out
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taxation with respect to those sectors and i do not see there is any reason we cannot do so here, either. so we do not need a moratorium on texas. announcer: our next section features mike pence after his election in november 2000. he won the seat after running unsuccessfully in 1988 and 1990. the c-span interview to place on capitol hill. pence is the representative elect from indiana's second district. an orientation so far, what have you learned about setting up a new congressional office? mr. pence: it is a massive undertaking. we are trying to build on a solid foundation of people with experience you can focus first on meeting and addressing the ongoing needs of the second congressional district. the second congressional district of indiana is heartland america. central indiana hand
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marked by a couple industrial part,s but for the month a lot of farmland, small communities. he delightful place to represent as a conservative. >> i would like to focus on once we keep our promises to senior citizens, we seize this time of extraordinary budget surpluses to bring about tax relief for working families, small businesses, family farms. also, i am hearing a row concern about military readiness and national security and i am very much hoping to be part of a discussion of rebuilding the military. >> tells but your background which includes broadcasting. pence: it does. although trained as an attorney, of mythe last seven years life working in syndicated call-and radio. like c-span without the cameras.
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i enjoyed being a daily syndicated talkshow host exclusively in indiana and i did a little bit of television work and hopefully that has prepared me well and taught me to be a listener. host: what have you learned about what your constituents concerns are? mr. pence: people are mostly concerned, lou, with what touches their lives. the security of their families. the strength of their jobs and local economy. children.ion of when we were talking about issues that came close to home, we struck a responsive chord. i hope to focus on those kinds of issues. >> and you have three children? pence: all under the age of eight. we are the hardest campaigners
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and all of the indiana. >> how do you decide what to do? this depends: a difficult decision. where one to make plans in the short-term to homeschool some my wife, who is a 15-year public school teacher will take on those duties and permit us to live in both places. and sessiongresses i want my wife and children have with me but as an as we're out of session we want to be home in indiana. >> i want to talk to the bipartisanship of the freshman class coming in. how will you reach across the clinical aisle? mr. pence: i always uses in my radio program miami conservative but i'm not in a bad mood about it. i believe stability is essential to the survivor -- survival of the republic. we have to develop in the congress and national government the national debate. a new civility with a sense of humility, a sense of humor, and the ability to argue issues
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city of richmond and the u.s. historical society unveiled a statue of abraham lincoln. according to the new york times, members of sons of confederate veterans held a protest that same day at the grave of jefferson davis. the statue commemorates president lincoln's visit to richmond, shortly after the city fell to union forces near the end of the civil war. then virginia lieutenant governor tim spoke at the dedication ceremony. [applause] sen. kaine: thank you all very much. the lincoln-douglas debate often took four or five hours under a hot sun. this is about one hour 15
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minutes and we are getting to the part -- critical part and thank you for participating. what a great day to be in virginia. it is a great day to be in virginia. [applause] sen. kaine: there are some who have asked the question, does abraham lincoln belong in richmond, does abraham lincoln belong in virginia? what a great joy it gives me as someone elected to statewide office by the voters of the commonwealth of virginia to answer the question is i, yes, we claim abraham lincoln as one of our own. we claim abraham lincoln as a brother. we claim a virginian. [applause] sen. kaine: we claim abraham lincoln as a brother in virginia and the cause of family connecs.


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