tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN October 5, 2016 3:15pm-5:16pm EDT
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hillary clinton's tax increases and the worst economic recovery in the history of the republic. was able to point out that under the obama-clinton doctrine, we have china on the move, russia on the move, iran has had their nuclear program legitimized. and the clinton administration was to claim credit for that, giving millions of dollars to the largest state sponsors of terrorism. it's mind-boggling. pence focused on import questions. is the economy working for my family? we need to change. a saferng to bed in america? we are really not. there are two sets of rules, one for washington insiders, and the americans.eal
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i think mike pence has helped to reset the debate and this will clearly help. >> we are in the spin room. it has been coming from the other side that mike pence did not adequately defend donald trump tonight. >> i think it is more important to talk about their policies and what they will do to help real americans. why did hillary clinton 30,000 e-mails? i think she has created three or four jobs, that's when she hired people to help delete her e-mails, and then they ended up taking the fifth. mike pence's job was not to play lay out at was to vision and go on offense about how disaster is four more years of these economic policies and
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national security policies would be. hadkly, i think tim kaine too much coffee. you know, the guy just interrupted ad nausea him -- ad nausea him. i don't think he did well tonight at all. >> thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> governor pence said several times that the clinton campaign was insult riven. can you tell me about that strategy? >> i wasn't in on the clinton strategy, but it was clear that all the name-calling was coming from tim kaine. some of his charges were so over-the-top, it's something i would expect to see in a grocery store tabloid. i think he lost credibility with the american people. he was launching charge after charge. he couldn't keep his charges straight. because het's
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very least, whatever you think about trump, he has a message that is very clear. we can all make fun of make america great again, but it gets to the anger and frustration they feel. i asked to crystallize a message from secretary clinton, and they go on and on. can you do that? i am not trying to be facetious. >> absolutely. at the core of this campaign is the belief that we are stronger together. when everybody is around the i think farmville adequately represents that as the birthplace of the civil rights movement. we are stronger in the world and stronger at home when we have strong alliances. contrast, obviously, to
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what we hear from the other side. i think for a lot of americans it's very clear. are tired ofe being divided. i think people are tired of divisiveness. i think people do believe it's important to have alliances in also, partbut that of being stronger here at home is having an economy that works for everybody, not just those at the top, and having a plan that will strengthen the middle class. is clear to people because people want to come inether to solve problems their lives and in their communities. i believe both she and senator kaine do because there is an for somegment that
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people, they have not felt the improvement in the economy yet, and we have to deal with that. for people who feel frustrated -- that is why in our jobs plan we talk about training, and how we help people prepare for the future. obviously, a lot of it is oriented. a lot of people, when they hear make america great again, they wonder great for who, great from when? there were times when women couldn't vote and people of color couldn't vote. i don't think that's a time any of us want go back to. >> thank you for your time. >> you're welcome.
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>> what did you think of the telenav to night's debate? >> i thought mike pence's tone ne of- think of the to tonight's debate? >> i thought mike pence's tone was steady. i thought tim kaine came off his unhinged. morer folks who wanted in terms ofr pence answering for donald trump, did you feel like he answered? >> not only did he answer, he showed why hillary clinton is a terrible candidate. i thought that was one of the biggest parts of the night, and certainly why he won.
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any of the vice presidential debate, go to on your laptop or tablet. shoes the split screen or switched camera options. you can -- shoes the split screen or switched camera options. you can even go to specific questions in the debate. share your favorite moments on social media. desktop,g on your phone, or tablet for the vice presidential debate.
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>> first lady's is the name of the book. what is this? singleave taken every one of our programs on the biographies of the first ladies and put them into narrative chapters. every first lady has a chapter in which you learn about their greatphy, some who had influence, and some who had less seven implements. >> was it hard to find records on first ladies? >> some were easy. abigail adams had thousands of letters between her and john hims where she is lobbying to remember the ladies. then she is lobbying him on slavery. martha washington burned almost all of his -- george washington
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burned almost all of his letters with marcia washington, so only to exist. go further in time, and you see the adaptation of technology. a very publicis role for most of these first ladies. >> former first ladies running for president. on hillaryter clinton, for anybody who wants to know how she approaches campaigning and politics, if one,e read that chapter, you know right away, she is the most well-known woman in the world. trail in 1992, things were getting rough for bill clinton.
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it shows how hillary reacted. >> what did you learn working on the book? >> my favorite stories were ones where i knew nothing about the first ladies whatsoever. lucy hayes, known as lemonade lucy for prohibiting alcohol in the white house. someone like grace coolidge, you have the silent calvin coolidge, and then grace coolidge is almost a rock star. she is the opposite. you learn even about modern first ladies. bird johnson. all first ladies really go back to her as a role model. she takes on causes. eleanor roosevelt did, but then there was a break of first ladies taking on causes. he learned that they really do , and with the public
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stage in the pulpit they have now, they can get a lot done. richard norton smith is a great friend of ours. it was his idea for the series. marthaa guest on the washington program and the betty ford program. he makes a good point. some first ladies, when you think about it, probably have as much if not more influence on the way we live our lives. look at betty ford. she comes out for er a. -- for the equal rights amendment. her causes after her time in the white house. way, that had an effect on people's lives, maybe more than some of the presidents have. available ats now your favorite bookseller and online.
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>> looking live at the white house rose garden here on c-span. we expect that shortly president obama will be out to make comments on the paris climate agreement. the deal takes effect 30 days after 55 country's, accounting for at least 55% of global omissions, have adopted it. we expect -- global emissions have adopted it. we expect to hear from the president shortly. earlier he was at fema talking about preparations ahead of hurricane matthew, expected to hit the southeast coast this weekend. >> as well as a number of other agencies, army corps of our national guard has just briefed me on preparations we are making.
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on the possibility of serious effects from hurricane matthew. direction, fema has been on the ground in florida, georgia, north carolina, and south carolina working to prepare officials for the storm. we have teams and supplies ready to help communities in the region. i want to emphasize to the public that this is a serious storm. withs already hit haiti devastating effect. it is now in the process of moving through the bahamas. because it is not going to be hitting enough land, it is going to be building strength on its way to florida. wewe anticipate by tomorrow morning it will have a significant effect in florida, then has a potential to strengthen and to move up the
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coast during the course of the day. i want to make sure that everybody is paying attention. >> the president from earlier today. to the white house for a statement on the paris agreement. hurricane matthew good afternoon -- president obama: good afternoon. paris i said in before the world we needed a strong, global agreement to setce carbon emissions and the world on a low carbon course. the result was the paris agreement. last month, the u.s. and china, the two largest economies, were formally joined in the agreement together. and today the world has officially crossed the threshold for the paris agreement to take effect. today the world meets the moment, and if we follow through on the commitments that the agreement embodies, history may
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well judge it as a turning point for the planet. of course, it took a long time to reach this. when reason iran for office was makeran for office was to the u.s. a leader in this region. in 2009, we salvaged because you audit climate -- a chaotic climate summit, adopting the printable that all nations had a role to play. at home, we led by example with a growing industry like wind, solar, and a steady stream of new jobs. we set the standards to limit the amount of carbon pollution that the plants can dump into the air that our children believe -- breathe. from the cars and trucks we drive to the businesses where we were, we have changed the way that we consume energy. keep in mind, the skeptics said that these actions would kill
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jobs, but instead we saw, even as we brought down the carbon levels, the longest streak of job creation. we drove carbon solutions to their lowest levels in two decades. we continue to lead by example with our joint announcement with china two years ago, where we put forward ambitious targets and that achievement encouraged dozens of others to set more ambitious on the targets of their own. for us inaved the way paris, the idea that no nation, not even one as powerful as ours, can solve the challenge alone. all of us have to solve it together. alonehe paris agreement will not solve the climate crisis. even if we meet every target embodied in the agreement, we will only get to part of where we need to go. make no mistake meant this
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agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. it will help other nations ratchet down dangerous emissions over time and set bolder targets and technology advances, all under a strong system of transparency that allows each nation to evaluate the progress of other nations. by sending a signal that this is going to be our future, the clean energy future, it opens up floodgates for engineers, scientists and businesses to like we'veestments never seen before. this gives us the best possible shot to save the one planet we have got. i know that diplomacy can be easy and progress on the world stage can be slow come of it together with a persistent ,ffort, strong leadership optimism and faith, we are proving it is possible.
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and i want to embarrass my senior adviser standing over there, because he worked tirelessly to make this possible. everybodyn kerry, and on their team has done an extraordinary job to get to this point and america should be as proud of them as i am. and i want to thank the people that have moved quickly to bring this agreement into force. i encourage folks who have not yet submitted their documentation to enter into the agreement my to do so as soon as possible. and in the coming days, let's finish additional agreements to limit aviation emissions and phase down the use of carbons, all of which will build a world that is more safe, more free and more prosperous than the one that was left for us.
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that is our most important mission. to make sure our kids and grandkids have at least as beautiful a planet and hopefully more beautiful than the one we have. today i am more confident that we can get the job done. thank you very much. >> president obama speaking on the paris climate agreement expected to go into force on november 4. earlier today, the president concerned about the incoming hurricane matthew expected to hit the south coast of the u.s. sometime this weekend. he visited fema to find out about preparations. president obama: as well as other agencies, the army corps of engineers, the national guard, have just briefed me on preparations we are making for the possibility of serious
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effects from hurricane matthew. matthew could affect areas femas the southeast, so has been on the ground in florida, south carolina and north carolina, working with state and local officials to prepare for the storm. had responseady teams to into the region to help communities. i want to emphasize, this is a serious storm. it has already hit haiti with devastating effects and is in the process of moving to the bahamas. because it will not be hitting enough land, it will be building strength on its way to florida. we anticipate that by tomorrow morning it will already begin to avenue -- have significant effects in florida, with the potential to move up the coast
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during the course of the day. so, i want to make sure that everybody is paying attention to their local officials. if there is an evacuation order, you need to take it seriously. we anticipate that not only is there still a chance that the core of the storm strikes states and some of the further north, but even if you do not get full force of the hurricane, we will still see those tropical force winds and storm surge, which could have a devastating effect. everybody needs to be paying attention and following the instructions of your local officials. if you get an evacuation order, remember that you can always rebuild, repair property, but you cannot restore a life if it
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is lost. and we want to make sure we minimize any possible loss of life or risk to people in these areas. want to make sure that we say thank you to the folks at though -- at the national weather service and fema for the outstanding work they are doing. wecase folks are not aware, -- he is familiar with the hurricanes and has family that could be affected by the storms, so this is personal for him and he will be working around the clock to make sure we are preventing any potential loss of life, trying to minimize the impact of the storm. but this will be a serious storm and we want everybody to take it seriously. even as we prepare for the hurricane at home, i want us to keep in mind that haiti, one of
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the poorest countries in the world, is already suffering from a range of previous disasters and has been hit really hard by the storm. we anticipate that they will need substantial help. there may be similar needs in the bahamas, so i would ask that people who are willing to contribute and help to visit the center for international disaster information, the website is you can find out how you can help make life a little bit easier for people who did not have a lots to begin with and are now getting hammered by the storm. last point for everybody in the potentially affected states, even as you are waiting to get instructions from local
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officials, now is the time for you to prepare in the event that you have to evacuate. even if you do not have to sense for youakes to figure out what kind of plan to have, what kind of supplies you have and if you need help figuring that out, go to, because that will give you clear instructions on how to make sure that you are securing your property and keeping your family safe, which is the priority for all of us. so this is something to take seriously. we hope for the best but want to prepare for the worst. i would encourage everybody in the affected states to pay close attention to your local officials and the broadcasts coming through over the next several hours. thank you very much everybody.
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>> road to the white house coverage later today, one day after the vice presidential debate. tim kaine is in philadelphia speaking at a local union. and a full evening of state race debates at 8:00 this evening on c-span. the missouri governor's debate at 9:30 p.m., and at 10:00 live coverage from california of the senate debate between two democrats. 10:00 eastern. and the indiana governor's debate tonight. that will be starting at 8:30 p.m. eastern, the debates. -- our campaign 2016 bus is asking voters what you would ask the candidates at the debates. is thomas i have a question for both
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candidates. traditionally speaking, the u.s. has been among world leaders for the graduation rates in college, but those numbers have diminished significantly. what is your plan to increase those numbers? from northern virginia. the question i want to ask is, what are you going to do as far as improving quality for college students, making college more affordable for all of us? it is really expensive. , thethough i am an athlete price it takes and the toll it has a my parents to semi to college -- i want to know what you are going to do about that. >> my name is shelby and i go to college in virginia. i was wondering what the candidates think about the south
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china sea and how we protect the islands? >> my name is andy and i go to longwood university. my question is, what do you think about illegal immigrants? ♪ >> voices from the road, on c-span. >> campaign coverage brings you a debate between candidates in the missouri u.s. senate rate. roy blunt facing jason kander and third-party candidates. they answered questions ranging from the control and immigration policy. it is hosted by the missouri press association. ahead of that, comments from a reporter covering that race.
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host: in missouri, the senate race has democrat jason kantor try to unseat republican lower, roy blunt. joining us is eli yokley. his work is available online at thank you for being with us. thank you for having me. host: let's talk about the polls that show this is a surprising race. many thought that blunt would walk away but that's not the case? is ajason kander compelling candidate. a lot of the environmental he was were not set when announced last year. he is a young guy, a democrat elected in a tough year. he is a military veteran and if you were to design a candidate that has the opposite of everything blunt is, you would come up with a guy like jason kander. in the last few weeks with everything we have seen with the other races, this one got more
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attention and the polls are getting closer. even though roy blunt holds a small lead in missouri. this race is shaping up to be a where likepecially thanio, -- is doing better expected, and in florida where marco rubio is holding on. states like missouri and indiana and north carolina. host: are there lessons from the claire mccaskill victory a few years ago and does she have a political machine that would help him defeat the republican? eli: she is helping him raise money. senator blunt has a long history. their parents served together in the state legislature. they have been friends since i got to washington. they have been together quite a bit. blunt campaigned against her back in 2012. she has not campaigned to much against him. obviously, she wants to win this race. she would love to serve in the majority.
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this race will be a big part of that. it was so different from some of the other senate races. lincolnhe issues of back there, that shifted that race. this race is probably not going to shift. of course, we have some of the dynamics and politics where sen. will answer for things donald trump says, although he is trying not to. he is taking the mitch mcconnell approach of focusing on the senate and his work there. he is focusing a lot on the supreme court and how this can be a check on whoever the next president is. but i think this race is a race of its own just because of all the different things, especially with trump at the top of the ticket. host: how much outside of money is pouring into the race on both sides? eli: a lot.
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a lot of the money that usually went to places like ohio has been pulled out. $20 week, they moved million for some of those states where they have competitive races, like indiana and missouri. an outside group dropped another $1 million in missouri to focus on some of these issues about roy blunt, and the lobbying they do. all 3 of his adult children are lobbyists. his wife is also a lobbyist. and so, the democrats are really to gain into the connections -- really digging into these connections, to make the case that he is a part of washington. host: let's talk about the friday debate. the only one so far scheduled
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between jason kander and roy blunt, and also the negative ads airing in your home state. eli: they are trying to do more. this was an issue that came up when roy blunt was first running for the seat, when he was a congressman from southwest missouri. in fact, one of the campaign ads was a mock debate with a cardboard cutout of roy blunt, to make the point that he did not want to do debates. jason kander is trying to make more debates. he was able to push his message trying -- in fact, stating that to roy blunt. nobody has heard of the other three opponents, and some of that has to do with the outside money fueling the ads. fromhat you'll remember
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the cycle jason kander put , together a rifle, talking about background checks and his service, putting that against roy blunt. he said that he would put his marksman badge against anybody, including blunt's nra rating. is tryng that roy blunt to do is place jason kander as close to hillary clinton as he can. , lot of democratic politicians they are banking on that. host: and the ads now airing, what have they been like? eli: they have been rough. the kander camp has not shied from taking shots at roy blunt and his family. one shot they have up there right now, a picture of his wife
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and three kids, talking about contracts. one of the things the senate majority pac has gone after, in 2002, when they were forming the department of homeland security, roy blunt tried to get a provision that would help phillip morris, where his soon-to-be wife was working. so talking about his relationships with washington and taken advantage for those folks back home. sounds like the democrats will be trying to find more of these as they tried to make the case that they failed to make in 2010. , eli political reporter yokley joining us on the phone. thank you for being with us. eli: good to be here. host: up next, some of the ads now on the air in the missouri
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race, following that the debate that took place in branson, missouri. blunt has been attacking me on guns. in the army, i learned how to use my rifle and in the state legislature, i supported second amendment rights. i also believe in background checks, so the terrorists cannot get their hands on of these. i approve this message because i would like to see senator blunt do this. ♪ >> some people can put together a gun blindfolded. some do it really fast. some really, really fast. some do it upside down and blindfolded. but only one of these is a hillary clinton national campaign chairman. only one of these receives an "f
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" after his failure to defend the second amendment, only once, -- only one votes for amnesty for illegal immigrants. >> this is what afghanistan looks like when you are in an unarmored suv. i am jason kander. i enlisted after 9/11. when i came home, i worked to reform state government. state tax dollars as secretary of state. now i am running for senate and i approve this message because there are too many politicians in washington who only care about themselves. we need more leaders willing to sacrifice for their country. ♪ >> republicans and democrats disagree on lots of issues. but when bipartisan solutions solve problems, i all for it. am i worked with senator brown of ohio to pass a manufacturing jobs bill. sarah kunz and i led the fight for victims in child abuse and senator murray and i got the first increase in health
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research in 12 years. , it isbs to alzheimer's about getting things done. i am roy blunt and i approve this message. >> thank you, dennis, and again, welcome to the 2016 candidate forums hosted by the missouri press association. earlier today, candidates true -- drew numbers to determine the order in which they will be making opening remarks. made inremarks will be reverse order. i am going to introduce you to the candidates in the order of their opening remarks. first, green party candidate jonathan mcfarlane. democrat jason kander. the constitution party candidate. and republican, roy blunt. after their opening statements i , will ask the first question and then we will proceed to questions from our 3 panelists.
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our 3 panelists are tim nugent of the st. joseph press, carol stark, and bill miller of the washington missourian. candidates will have one minute to answer each question. after each turn, i will decide if rebuttal time is necessary. if so candidates will receive an , additional 30 seconds for rebuttal. it will be reserved for those who are involved in an attack. if a candidate fails to answer question i reserve the right to prod them to try again. signs will be held up in the front row showing the time remaining for remarks. candidates, please adhere to the stop signs, and audience, please hold your applause until today's event is over. with that, let's begin. opening statements. are green party candidate,
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jonathan mcfarlane. mr. mcfarlane: thank you for having me. i appreciate you allowing me to speak today. first of all, i would like to thank my wife for her unequivocal support. thank thed like to ballot access volunteers who helped to get the green party on the ballot and the state of missouri press association for having us here to speak. i believe elected officials should have good ideas and not just big pocketbooks. i think representatives should always show up for work, and i believe that we need real change. and i would also like to thank my son abraham for a long me to -- for allowing me to be away from him today, because
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otherwise he would be right here in my arms. he would not know how to compromise. thank you. .> jason kander er: thank you. thank you for the missouri press association. my dad worked as a police officer and later ran a security company. he told me that courage was important. that is why when i saw the plane s hit the towers on 9/11, i knew i felt called and i was going to join the army, so that is what i did. i volunteered to go to afghanistan to do anticorruption investigations. i learned a lot from my deployment. but it was not easy. there were times when i was alone in an unarmored suv with just a translator and no backup or with two or three other , soldiers in kabul, dressed in street clothes, and gathering information. it was the first time in my life
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that i was on the receiving end of decisions made by people in public office, and those decisions were negatively affecting my life. we did not often have the proper equipment or vehicles. i thought that what i saw was very clearly wrong. years after i came home, i felt the need to take on corruption in the missouri state government. that is what i decided to do. as a state representative, i worked with republicans and as your secretary of state, i worked to ban special interest money and gifts to politicians. washington is broken and we will not change washington until we change the people we send there. the time has come for the next generation to step up and take a lead in shaping the state and the nation. and with your help, that's exactly what i'm going to do states -- as your united states senator.
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>> jonathan done. i would like to thank the missouri press association for holding this debate and inviting all of the participants. also i will ask jason and roy to make this about issues, not personal insults. i'm concerned with the direction of our country. we have all seen the commercials being played nonstop. the negative ads, and i have to agree with them both. they are both bad for missouri. roy, in 2010, you promise to the people of missouri, standing up on the stage with me, that you would go to washington and you are going to repeal obama care. you said he would restore our freedom, lower our tax burden. the fact is, you have done none of that. the only thing you have done is vote yourself a raise every single year.
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i truly believe the biggest political problem in america is the career politicians and i think we need change now and across the board term limits is the answer. if elected for senator, my first priority would be to pass legislation enacting term limits for congressmen and senators. congressman should be restricted -- 6, 2 yearrms terms. politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reasons. if elected, i promise to stand up for both your economic freedoms and your physical freedoms. to me, they are one in the same of a two-sided coin. please stand with me this november and vote libertarian. the time for voting for the lesser of two evils is over. >> our founding fathers had a
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dream. , wheren of free men power resided with we the people. at the same time they understood human nature. they understood they had to create a government that would protect us primarily from our own government. every man who seeks to expand the size or the power of our federal government, betrays those founding principles. the mere desire for a strong centralized federal government shows either one's ignorance of or one's wicked intent. the job of a u.s. senator is to represent the interest of his state, to protect states rights,
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to restrain or even rollback the ever-growing federal tierney. obviously i am running because i do not think senator blunt has done a good job at that job. we cannot hold the senator electing someone from the party that is more subversive of the founding principles. missouri thank the press association for having this forum, for allowing us to be here on equal footing. it is the one time when we will all have in equal voice. and so i sincerely want to say thank you. >> roy blunt. roy blunt: thank you david.
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senator blunt: thank you, david. thank you for the missouri press association for this opportunity to hopefully talk about the issues and for the opportunity to be here. i suppose every time there was an election, a politician said this was the most important election we have ever had. i do think when you look at the facts you can put on the table this time, you can put more of those facts on the table that might suggest this is exactly the time we are going to make decisions that will impact us for a generation. we have lots of opportunities. more american energy, what can happen in health care research, what can happen in transportation -- actually in all of those areas we can take advantage of what could happen. and we need to focus on better jobs for stronger families. but so much of the time, the biggest obstacle is the out of control government regulator. obamacare and the disruption it has created in the health care system, regulators that pass regulation with no apparent interest in what the impact is.
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a foreign policy where our friends do not trust us and our enemies are not afraid of us. and this is the time to move forward, away from all of those things. i am a fifth generation missourian. i had a chance some days ago to speak at a high school. the first job i had, teaching high school history, the first job that anybody in my family ever got where you had to have a college diploma to get the job. my grandfather's job was a janitor at that same building. that's a pretty good story. in our country there are a million stories better than that one. the promise of america is something we need to hold onto. i have been listening to missourians. i have been trying to find solutions. i hope to continue to have a chance to do that. that is what voters decide on election day. david: we will now go to questions. who ever wins this election will have to work with senator claire mccaskill to represent missouri.
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senator claire mccaskill recently complained that the senate was scheduled to work fewer days this year than any time in the last 50 years. -- 60 years. do you view this as an indication that washington literally is not working, not addressing important issues, or do you believe this is a laudable display of limited government, that less is actually more in this case? jonathan mcfarland -- mccfarlane? mcfarlane: i like claire mccaskill. i have sat across from her in many rooms. i think as a senator i would like to work more days, because in government, there is a lot of
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responsibility. there is a lot of work to be done. to negotiate with people, to work with people to get some kind of agreement and come up with some kind of compromise is the best way we could do anything. and so, i would like to be more involved and work with anybody i can to achieve those goals. david: jason kander. mr. kander: it has been 60 days since the u.s. senate worked so few days. it's not because they are getting so much done. they decided to give themselves a seven-week break, either to a -- to go campaign or for those not up for reelection, to go on vacation. it was not as though they had gotten all of their work done. they had plenty left on the table. just the other day, they finished funding the government. and they had to hurry to do that. prior to that, the zika virus. they had not updated at all, really seriously debated the authorization of military force against isis, the greatest
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military threat we face. what happens when someone does not get their work done and takes a seven-week break if they -- is they get fired. senator blunt is a member of senate leadership. he sits at the table when they come up with the schedule and apparently at no point did he say, hey, fellas, since we have not gotten our done, maybe we should not go home. david: jonathan dine. mr. dine: america's founders did not see career politician as a full-time job. serve a few hours, returned your profession, be a representative of the people. today, most are lawyers. they are the ones being represented. the times they work together, it is usually to steal our freedoms or our money. you look at this bipartisan saudi arms deal. they said, hey, we're going to sell our frenemies billions of dollars of weapons. i do not believe our government should be in the business of destabilization. the less you guys work, probably the better. david: mr. ryman?
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mr. ryman: i think it depends not only on the senate schedule, but it also depends upon the senator. whether i am in washington, d.c. or back home in missouri, i suspect i will be working almost all of the time. you cannot simply go to washington and serve and stay there and when you are off duty, you are off duty. you're always listening. you are always trying to get feedback from your constituents. and time not in washington, d.c. should be spent here at home. david: roy blunt. senator blunt: i think mr. ryman has a good idea of this job, which is it you are in both places. i had over 1500 meetings in the state. people knew i was coming. they reported while i was there, and people knew what was said
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while i was there. i have been in all 115 counties in the last six years at least three times. i have been all over the state. i have been listening and doing the things that need to happen here. but also how much you work is not always the sense of how much you get done. as far as senator mccaskill and i are concerned, when things impact our state, we almost always figure out how to find a solution we can work on together. we were just able to work together to get a major national security site, the national geospatial agency was looking for a new place to go in st. louis and they are keeping that workforce in our state. i have been working with lots of members on both sides of the aisle to get things done and i will talk about those as we get time. david: the next question is from mr. nugent. >> thank you for being here. the senate may be called upon to confirm more than one member of
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the u.s. supreme court, plus others in the federal judiciary. can you tell us about how you would approach the review of the nominees? secretary kander: i would start by meeting with them. the senator has not met with them. when asked why he has not, he said he did not have time. when i was in afghanistan, there were meetings i did not want to go to in dangerous places, but i went because it is my job. no matter who is elected, when i senate,e united states no matter who was president, no matter who they nominate, i pledge i will meet with them and consider their qualifications for the court. david: mr. dine. mr. dine: i would look to andrew napolitano, to someone who would really believe in the constitution and what it fans
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-- stands for. for far too long, the supreme court, supposedly the defenders of the constitution have sided with the state. too many examples to list. rights havemendment been violated by the nsa, the government. we need someone who is not just going to pay lip service to these things and to actually stand up for your rights. those are the types of people i would look for. it is a rare quality. you really would have to look. judge judge andrew napolitano is one of the best examples. david: fred ryman. mr. ryman: we would want to look at the prior rulings. we want to make sure that they are constitutional. but i think your question did not go far enough. it's not simply about approving justices we believe will rule constitutionally. we have justices and judges that are ruling from the bench in such a way that they are creating new law. the senate should be working with the house frankly to impeach and remove justices
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going far beyond the bounds of what they should be doing. i can give you several examples. an eminent domain lawsuit where the courts basically substituted public benefits for public use. in determining whether property could be condemned and given to another individual, private individual. south dakota versus elizabeth bennett, issues on denial of funds. again. so we need to remove those that are not ruling according to the constitution. david: roy blunt. senator blunt: i think the next president will have an opportunity to reshape the court we probably will not see for the two or three presidencies. i suspect that there will be three vacancies, there could be
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four of them. i think that voters ought to be thinking about is who is going to be nominating judges to the court and who is going to be confirming those nominations. it is the senate and the white house. and i think we need judges who will read the constitution and try to figure out what the constitution says rather than , look at the case and try to figure out what they think the constitution should have said. this is a big moment. voters get a chance to be heard on this moment. there was no reason to confirm judge garland. he's a perfectly nice man with a perfectly bad judicial record. david: jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i think the constitution reads that the president will select a nominee for the supreme court, and there's not much left to the imagination. therefore, president obama is the president and therefore, if he chooses somebody for the
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supreme court, i feel i would have no choice but to honor that choice. and then, you know, make my decision. but i strongly feel no matter woulde president is, i entertain the idea of making that choice so we could continue with our democracy. david: the next question comes from carol stark. ms. stark: we get numerous reports across our edge, across every day that shows the epidemic of opioid prescription abuse. how do you hope to stem the tide, especially in your own state, the only one without a prescription drug monitoring plan? david: jonathan dine. mr. dine: drug use is a health issue, not a criminal justice one.
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far too many people are addicted to drugs, but the stigma of persecution makes it hard to seek treatment. making them live underground in a harsh reality. people are sometimes forced to do drugs out of -- illicit drugs out of prohibition. one example, the k2 spice that has been found to give people brain damage. if there was not this prohibition on marijuana, kids would not be forced to do other things. people who are truly addicted to drugs deserve treatment, compassion, not to be persecuted and incarcerated. onf of what we spend enforcement, to what end? we have the largest prison population in the world and half of them are and therefore drug offenses. our resources could be better spent treating violent criminals and real crime and not wasted on
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these things. mr. ryman. ryman: i would agree with the premise of your question, saying that missouri does not have a way of tracking opioid abuse. i do not really feel that this issue rises to the purview of the federal government. some may disagree with me on that. but i would disagree that that is something the federal government should be involved in. it is the state's responsibility covering that, definitely. david: roy blunt. >> where listening matters, i talked to someone who reads your paper every day who has a daughter with a huge problem with this. we had a discussion some months ago.
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before this became a big national discussion, we cut other programs to triple the commitment we had to opioid abuse. our teaching hospitals are all looking at how you prescribe pain medicine in different ways. i have i sat down with 3 with louis,e of them, st. kansas city university and kirksville, to talk about how they are doing this differently. senator mccaskill and i only vote together about half the but in this case where we had the cairo bill, the bill we just passed to make a more defined approach to this, we put a provision so our counties could link together and have the ir own prescription drug monitoring system. david: jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: we need to alleviate the problems of nonviolent offenders in jail.
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but, i know a lot of -- i have met a lot of opioid abusers and i do not believe we should penalize everybody because they are doing drugs. we should treat it as a health care issue. we need funding so we should do -- so we can do that. as opposed to throwing people in jail, which we also use funding for. that would alleviate a lot of our problems. we would be able to remove those people from prison and put them into health care facilities that can help them in the long term. prisons are not help. they are not made to help. we need to change that. not change prisons, but the fact that people need health care. kander.r.
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need ader: we do prescription drug abuse program. we need leadership to get it. we need to do more. there have been good steps taken, but we need to do more. i have dealt with people who deal with this on the front lines. they do not think this will do anywhere near enough. and i think we can do more. we need a new generation of leadership, people focused on solutions. we also need to recognize that ultimately drug use of every type tends to follow economic concerns. so at a time where we have folks in congress protecting trade deals that send jobs overseas, and backing those bad trade deals, that does not make any sense or help any situation, including this we need to focus one. on the middle class and make sure that they have more economic opportunity and traditionally when we have done that, we have seen problems like this go downward. david: the next question comes
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from bill miller. mr. miller: in this campaign year, there has been a lot of talk about free college education for every student. i would like to know how each of you feel about that. i would like to know if you think it is economically feasible to do something like that without a huge raise in taxes? david: fred ryman. mr. ryman: bill, this is going to go back to what carol is talking about. no, i do not believe in free college. we have seen what free public education has done for the system. i was a teacher myself, so i am not speaking from complete ignorance here. let me tell you i went to , college for two years. i maintained a 3.2 gpa. when i went back to school at the age of 30 and had to pay for my own education, i maintained a 3.98 plus. when i went back at age 40, i maintained a 4.0.
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you appreciate what you have to pay for, but more than that it's the general philosophy developing in this country where we look to the feds to solve our problems. and i'm sorry, but the federal government is not the solution to most of our problems. the federal government is the problem most of the time. david: roy blunt. senator blunt: i think the fast about free college education without any real idea how to pay for it is foolish. one of the things i have tried to do and i believe we will get done this year is returned to pell ge health grant -- rant. this is the grant you get if you truly are qualified economically to get, not alone, but a grant. you can go to school in the fall and the spring and stay in
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school in the summer and particularly if you are the first person in your family to finish college, like i was. that's not doing anything that disrupts that pattern, makes a difference. if you are going back to school as an adult, not having to take that semester off. if you get the full grant there's no community college. , it pays for all tuition, all books, all fees, and a couple of our 4 year schools. returning the year-round pell would be a big help to students who truly are struggling to get to college. david: jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i believe free education is a great idea. i believe that the american people could be much more intelligent with such a device and we can work on it. we can work on it by getting it economically. allow our tax bracket to just be, if we allow our taxes to go without loopholes
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and just allow rich people to be taxed fairly, we could see an billion in like $4 our funding of the free educational system. jason kander. secretary kander: i disagree with those who say we should make it free. it is too expensive. here is what i think we could do. we can refinance student loans. we can cap the interest that they pay. those are concrete things we can do that would help a lot. i was amazed when senator blunt said something along the lines , the reason folks are graduating with so much debt is because of their lifestyle during school as if the extra and -- ramen in the microwave was the reason that folks are graduating with an average of $36,000 of debt. it's interesting.
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the senator voted to cut the grants five years ago and he's talking about a situation where he has worked to restore the funding back to where it was. he is just taking it back to where it was before he cut it. senator, someone who sets a fire and puts it out is not a fireman. he is an arsonist. mr. dein. mr. dine: you think college is expensive now. wait until it is free. let's get government out of the loansharking business. if the government was not giving out all of these loans at ridiculously high rates colleges , would be forced to let people in or go out of business. it is the same concept that went to the housing market, and caused the housing bubble. and the educational bubble. we need to reevaluate our educational system in particular. we have these kids for 12 years already and we can't get them ready to join the workforce? they should graduate with a high school degree that should get them in a job.
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the idea that you have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a piece of paper that says now you're ready to make some money does not make sense to me. they should heed the wise words. -- give a manfish a fish, feed him for a day. teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. job training, skills training, plumbers, technicians, things of value. i'm out of time. david: senator blunt? senator blunt: when pell grants were eliminated president obama , was in office, democrats were in control of the congress. and returning the year-round pell would make a difference. if you think student spending has nothing to do with student borrowing, ask anyone at any community college or four-year elements they are most concerned about when they talk about the money that students are borrowing and eventually have to pay back.
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david: jason kander, would you like 3 seconds? secretary kander: sure. it's interesting. they have it on video where you pointed out it was student lifestyles causing it. and that's clearly not the case. i am not sure if maybe that is what you had in mind when you voted to double the rate that students pay on their loans. this is not an issue on students. this is a middle-class economic issue. i meet people where it is affecting three generations in their families. i have met grandparents who have suspended their retirement to help students pay for school. this is affecting people throughout the state. not just students or interest groups. david: next round of questions. mr. nugent: where you stand in regard to undocumented residents and giving them a path to citizenship? and along with this, how much of the nation's resources should be committed to strengthening border security?
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david: roy blunt? senator blunt: in terms of border security, i think that is the fundamental issue. there are 3 questions. how do you secure the border. what are the legitimate workforce needs of the country. what do you do about people who came or stayed illegally. that is about 50/50. about 50% came in legally. and, illegally. 50% came in and just stayed. i think people will be pretty forward leaning about trying to find solutions. i was absolutely opposed to president obama's executive amnesty. and fortunately, a federal judge in texas agreed. i had a lot to say about that at the time. and i have a lot to say about that.
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i am not for citizenship for people who came to the country illegally. david: jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: securing our borders has a lot to do with mexico rebuilding the economy. i was in mexico in 2011. and a lot of people say after it was passed, what they had as resources was taken away. and then owned by large corporations from the u.s. and i know, a lot of people do not know about it, because we keep pushing the agenda of mexicans having these drug cartels or whatever. i just happen to know otherwise. so, i believe we need to help mexico and not punish people who have been continual, actual historical migrants. before 500 years ago, people for came to theco
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united states and people from here went to mexico. and we need to honor that. we need to honor what they had. america is a place in which more or less it is taken from other people. david: jason kander. secretary kander: our immigration system is broken and we need comprehensive immigration reform. had i been in the senate, i i would have -- i would have supported the bipartisan legislation put forward by senator rubio. and had that passed, we would not be facing the same problem we are facing right now because we desperately need comprehensive immigration reform and i would have supported that bipartisan effort. i know personally the promise that legal immigration holds in this country. my wife came to the united states from the soviet union at the age of eight in 1989 and i have seen the contribution to the community she has made and our, my in-laws have made. but we need a new generation of solutions andon
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, not so incredibly disagreeable they cannot move forward on important issues like this one. that bill, that i would have supported, senator rubio's bill, increased funding for security at the border and that is where we need to start. david: jonathan dine. mr. dine: our resources should be used to protect us from people attacking our country, not from people who want to be part of it. immigration needs to be reformed to streamline the process. many immigrants are coming here to work. if we make it as easy to possible to get a work visa people would line up at the , wall. give them a social security number, they can pay taxes. it is going to happen whether we like it or not. you might as well make them a useful resource. the idea that all immigrants are bad stems from the war on drugs and the propaganda. if we ended the war on drugs we would not have to worry about the drug cartels, people like who live in colorado, where they are making money hand over fist,
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giving money back to their citizens. immigrants play an important role in society. many industries would be devastated without migrant workers. these are skilled workers who provide a resource. tax them. make them a citizen after seven years, give them background checks so we know who they are. and who mr. ryman: i have been hearing about comprehensive immigration reform since i was a teenager. that's about 40 years ago. i'm sorry. never once has congress acted to secure the border. it has not happened in 40 years , and i don't look forward to it happening anytime soon as -- have the same crowd talking the same language. one of the things we have to do in order to secure the border is not just build a wall. that is something politicians do to make it look like they are doing something. all they are really doing is wasting our money.
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what we need to do is turn off the magnets that are drawing people across the border in the first place. the real criminals are not the people crossing the border trying to feed their families. the real criminals are the companies hiring illegal immigrants against the law, underpaying them, and taking no -- and we are taking no action at all against them. almost no action at all. i would say we need to beef up the penalties, not only an force -- and forth -- enforce what laws are on the books, but beef up those penalties. there is something called the drug kingpin law that would be the policy. >> next question from carol stark. >> on wednesday, after months of infighting, congress finally approved $1.1 billion in funding to pay for the fight against the zika virus, which is now spread into the united states and affected some pregnant women. has congress waited too long to attack this problem?
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>> that goes first to you, jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: i do think congress has waited too long. we already had money set aside for the ebola virus. myself,ndering wondering what was taking so long to handle the zika virus because it was right on our shores, and already entering the united states. there is at least one case in the state of missouri. being that my wife is pregnant with our second child, i was really disheartened about what was happening with the zika virus and how we were trying to treat it. so, i just believe that congress should act faster on things that are very important to the american people. especially when it relates to threats to future americans. such as those being born now. we could really handle this situation a lot better.
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david: jason kander. secretary kander: yes, congress waited too long. they were too busy taking seven weeks off to campaign or vacation for those not up for reelection. i don't think that was the best use of their time. that is one of the big differences here. i thought that as something that was really urgent and that should have been dealt with and it goes back to the makeup of congress. right now we have the fewest veterans in congress than any time since world war ii. it is not a coincidence that we have so few people who have the ability -- in either party, we don't have this. people have the ability to put aside their differences or their opportunity for career advancement and work together. in the military, we have folks from different backgrounds, different places, different perspectives who come together to get things done. the way that they do it is they have a mission. they rally around the mission. they know it has to get done. in this case, getting zika done nowime, much earlier than was the mission, but they don't , seem to have the ability to put their differences aside. i believe it has something to do
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with us having too few people who have served in congress. dine. jonathan mr. dine: how many viruses has the government cured? i think it will be a waste of money. private industry should be doing the research. there is plenty of research institutes, colleges -- they have alumni that find it. special interests, some individuals lobby the government and they will get rich off of this. i do not believe the government has ever been a good steward of our tax dollars and all of this knee-jerk reaction to pass legislation and funding is -- i think the unintended consequences are worse. the government shouldn't be in the virus solving industry. mr. ryman: the zika virus issue is another one of those that crosses over the line between state responsibility and federal responsibility. we do have these centers for disease control that can speak to such issues, but as was that,
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i don't think we are going to find a cure for these eco-virus. certainly not in a matter of weeks. that becomes more an issue of controlling the spread of the virus, which has more to do with killing mosquitoes thank controlling a disease. than controlling a disease. that again is something i believe that the state or local municipalities are equipped to deal with. where is the federal jurisdiction beyond curing the disease itself? i don't see one. the federal government is not going to get into pest-control, i'm sorry. the administration once again saw a crisis and overreached, and tried to make the most of it. even though they asked for $1.9 billion, and $85 million of it at the cdc buildings
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that were clearly not going to be built as part of an emergency response, and 175 million dollars would have transferred to any other agency for any other reason, and then $500 million of the ebola money had not been used. we came quickly to $1.1 billion. senator murray, a democrat from washington, and i came to the , compromise. 79 voted for it. i wanted to get it done before we left in july. we didn't get it done when we got back. it was our effort to get it done. they're talking about trying to find solutions -- even hillary clinton, who secretary kander is one of the cochairs of her campaign, said what congress should do is pass the blunt -merry compromise, and we did. david: we have one more question. bill miller. mr. miller: we have been viewing
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tv ads where where the candidate is using a rifle, taking apart, and putting it back, and so on. i have heard comments from missourians that they feel that is an insult to their intelligence to think that being able to handle a gun, shoot a gun, take it apart and so on is proper preparation for serving in government. david: jason kander, that goes to you first. [laughter] secretary kander: well, bill, i support the second amendment. here's the clear difference between myself and senator blunt. i'm a gun owner and a learned how to use a gun in the army and i'm also a father. like all missourians, i'm concerned, very concerned every time i see a school shooting or any other time when our citizens are not safe and i believe what we need to do is we need universal background checks. that needs to include suspected
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terrorists. i believe that's very important. senator blunt is about to talk about his nra rating and about mine, but i would happily put my marksmanship badge against a political reading any day of the week because i fundamentally believe there is no conflict between being a supporter of the second amendment and wanting to protect the second amendment, making sure terrorists and criminals do not have the same access to guns you and i have. david: jonathan dine. mr. dine: the whole barrage of usually negative campaign commercials has really become a political way of life. you cannot turn on the television show without one of these coming across the airwaves. the world is going to end if you vote for this guy. the world is going to end if you vote for that night. instead of telling me why i shouldn't vote for the other guy, i wish you guys would give me commercials to tell me why i should vote for you. what are you going to do? what you going to do and not just slander the other guy. i think it is indicative our political system.
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he just proved his point in my last answer, where he said we worked on this zika virus year built together, republicans and democrats, coming together to take your money to build two new buildings and expand the scope of government that has little to do with finding a cure for the zika virus. that is the only problem i have. i do not feel a steward of tax dollars, and to me, politicians and police should encourage gun ownership in education and training programs. a responsible, well armed citizenship is the best defense against domestic tyranny and foreign invasion. mr. ryman: i am a strong supporter of the second amendment and i do not believe the second amendment is there for us for sporting, or for hunting. it's for our defense, more of our family, also against our own government if you want to read federalist paper number 46. but i have a long-winded explanation of my support of the
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second amendment on my website , i want to say with the remainder of my time that i am disappointed that we never got to trade. trade is a hugely important issue with respect to job in the united states. senator blunt voted to fast-track the tpp and i'm sorry, but free trade with underdeveloped nations kills american jobs. kills local tax basis. i would definitely say free trade with relatively equal countries is one thing, but free trade with depressed countries kills us economically. senator blunt: the way that this works, i get 30 seconds to andond to the zika comment, 30 seconds to respond to the fast-track comment, and then one minute to respond to the question? is that right? david: you get one minute right now. sen. blunt: to respond to the question?
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with regard to gun control, of course, no one wants terrorists or criminals to have guns. what a foolish line to drawn. apparently secretary kander , wants to have a gun, but he's not nearly as concerned whether other people can have guns are not. -- or not. he got a f from the nra in the missouri general assembly. not easily done. fewer than 10% of the missouri general assembly managed to get an f. he can stand here and say, i'm a defender of the second amendment, but no one who watches these issues believes that to be the case. the second amendment does matter. all the amendments matter. that is what the supreme court is so important this time. freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the second amendment, the fourth amendment, all of the amendments have impact on how this senate and the next president deal with the court will make a big difference in whether we are able to secure those freedoms or whether those freedoms are taken away from us. david: jonathan mcfarland? mr. mcfarland: i'm glad he said
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what he said about missourians feeling like their intelligence is insulted. i don't think this has anything to do with requirements to be a politician. i know people who have gotten their conceal carry licenses and they feel cheated by the new ,issouri rule that just passed that allows almost anyone to carry a gun now. i think it caters to our lowest nature. what he said about trade, we have a great opportunity in missouri to really expand trade. especially in the solar panel industry. in the midwest, missouri could be a great producer of solar panels. especially in the midwest. we can do a lot to improve our economy. that way, and create a lot of jobs. david: there were a variety of
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issues there. , if you wanted another 30 seconds, and senator blunt, we can do that. secretary kander: sure. the main difference between myself and senator blunt on this issue is that i fundamentally believe that my second amendment rights and your second amendment rights are important enough that if somebody comes from area and -- syria, and they are a suspected terrorist, we should not give them the same opportunity to buy a gun. senator blunt can call that foolish all he wants, but i call it protecting americans from suspected terrorists who come from all over the world to hurt us. senator blunt: you should not have suspected terrorists coming from syria. that is the big difference in president obama's view in my view. on zika, i think i was clear. we did not build additional buildings. we stopped the administration from building those buildings. we did not give them $1.9 billion. we looked at this carefully and
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agreed to do and i think that $1.1 billion. money arrives in time. i would have preferred if the -- it be done in july. but we have the expanded vaccine test now. it starts about october 9. zika has not been held back. if congress would pass the compromise bill we passed this week, several weeks ago it would , have been a better way to deal with it. david: we will move now to closing statements. roy blunt, you are first. sen. blunt: thank you, david, for doing this. there is a clear choice in this election. there are four different alternatives to me. i have been listening. i spend a lot of time at home. i understand the state in ways i think it takes a well-to-do. it's a diverse state with a lot of opportunities. i have been fighting for missourians. a lot of discussion about
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disagreeable things in the congress. i am able to reach out and find solutions. senator brown from ohio and i got legislation passed for advanced manufacturing that will have an impact on manufacturing jobs. these are all democrats. another senator from michigan, we got the excellence in mental health act passed, which many people in the mental health community say it is the biggest afford in 50 years. it will allow eight states treatment, to treat mental health like all other health. for too long, we have really required law enforcement and the emergency rooms in the country to become the de facto mental health system in america today. senator coons and i were able to the victims of how the views lot extended. even when the obama administration, for reasons we did not understand, did not want to extend it.
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senator murray and i got the first increase in mental health research in a dozen years. after zero increase in health care research for a dozen years, and wea 6.6% increase proposed it last year. i think we will propose it against this -- again this year. to do that, we had to eliminate over two dozen programs that were ineffective. everything is a priority. missourians deserve a congress that will set priorities and look at their money, and spend it in the most effective way possible, and try not to take anymore more of it than absolutely necessary. it is a great honor to work for missourians. the last thing i would like to say is i would be pleased to have your vote and serve you for another six years in the senate. david: fred ryman. mr. ryman: i believe the desire for most americans is to be left alone. to live our life and run our businesses. as long as we don't bring harm to anyone else. we are fed up with the
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overreaching, over regulating federal tyranny. we are fed up with lifelong politicians who rule over us instead of representing us and then going home. like senator blunt, who has enriched himself and his family. in what should be public service. and yet, he pulls money out of your pocket in mine to find the barbaric practices of planned parenthood. to fund social benefits for illegal immigrants. fund green projects in foreign nations. more and more bureaucracy. i believe this election more than most in recent times is about one thing, accountability. but you can't hold sen. blunt: countable by electing someone by the even bigger spending party, by the even more pro of bush --
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pro abortion party, or the even more bigger government party. i stand here representing the constitution party of america. aese guys will tell you that vote for a third-party candidate is a wasted vote. let me ask you all, how much more wasted could your vote to be cast yetan again for the two parties that have given us $20 trillion in national debt? this time, when folks step into the voting booth, i want them to remember just how wasted their vote was last time. this time, if you're going to waste your vote, wasted on me. though the constitution party. vote for fred. david: jonathan dine. mr. dine: listening to roy appeared tried to defend his record, telling me about all this legislation he passed, when he was elected in 2010, 1 of the biggest promises was that he
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would repeal obama care. in the last year, he only sponsored two pieces of legislation. at best, he's a completely ineffective senator. at worst, he's a liar who doesn't want to get anything done. like many americans in here, i'm concerned about the direction our country is headed. i'm tired of the constant fighting between the democrats and republicans, the us versus them mentality is hostile and counterproductive. beating the other team's now more important than solving america's problems. it is time to start voting for the lesser of two evils -- the time to start voting for the lesser of two evils is over. we are on the brink of a fiscal disaster and both republicans and democrats are to blame. need or are serious about balancing the budget, restoring freedoms, limiting economic involvement. we have an opportunity here to make history. if you really want to break up the stack nations of the two a libertarian up
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there. i promise you i will fight tirelessly. as your senator, i will sponsor legislation for term limits, elimination of the federal income tax. to me, the power should be returned to the people. vote libertarian just one time. if you don't like peace, prosperity, and freedom, vote tyranny next time. vote -- go to my website. check out where i stand on all the issues. siegel best would represent your voice in our government. david: jason kander. secretary kander: thank you for doing this today. thank you for hosting us. over the past year, i have been to every county in the state. i have spoken to missourians all over the state, and i have them.ed to when asked what they would do to fix congress, what they have told me is they just want people in washington to work together, to get things done for their
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families. over the past hour, we have not heard one idea from senator blanche about -- senator blunt about how to fix congress. that is because he's part of the problem. he has been protecting the becauseuo for 20 years, it has been great for him, his family, and special interest donors. he has allowed companies to ship american jobs overseas to continue to get tax breaks, way before middle-class families in them.ri whatever get that is one of the things i will go to the senate to change. over those 20 years, he has voted to raise his own pay 12 times. meanwhile, middle-class families in missouri are continuing to struggle. today, senator blunt:'s in a $1.6 million mansion in washington, and only visits to.ouri when he has that is because he is not the same person who was a history teacher, or the county clerk, or even had my current job as secretary of state. believe it or not, he is to be a reformer. he is to say, we have to get money out of politics so we can get a fair deal. but after 20 years in washington, he's changed.
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when i signed up for the army, i did it out of a sense of duty to the country. i knew what the would require of me, and i was excited to do the job. that is laughing never hesitated as a rep -- that is why i have never hesitated as a representative to do what is right for missouri. i have spent my adult life serving our country and fighting for our values. now, i am ready to go to washington to fight for you and your family. thank you. david: jonathan mcfarland. mr. mcfarland: you know, i believe in democracy. i believe it works and i believe in the idea that it needs to continue. i don't believe politicians have all the ideas. i know president obama ran on a change. of we are but i really believe that we do need change. we do need real change. that change won't come from the top down, it only comes from the
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bottom up. everybody and every american who has the vote, who could possibly have an idea, and all these ideas we could collect and hear about them, and we could throw them around to see how we can make these ideas really work for us. that is what i believe. i believe in the american people, and i hope you believe in me, and vote for green. david: that concludes the u.s. senate candidate -- candidate debate.let's give the candidates a round of applause. [applause] ofit is an evening full state race debates on c-span. beginning at 8:30 eastern, in missouri for the governors debate. at 9:30 p.m., the first
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congressional district race in arizona. ann kirkpatrick is running against john mccain. the senate debate california this time, 10:00 eastern, two democrats. both running for the seat, being left vacant by barbara boxer. that is 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. we wrap it up with the debate in the indiana governor's race. in just over one hour, 6:00 eastern, we are in philadelphia for more road to the white house coverage, the day after the vice presidential debate. tim kaine speaking to the sheet metal workers local union at 6:00. if you missed any of the vice presidential debate, go to using your desktop, phone, or tablet. on the special debate page, watch the entire debate, choosing between split screen or switched camera options. go to specific questions and answers from the debate, and
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name the content you want quickly. to the video clipping tool create clips of your favorite moments to share on social media. on your desktop, phone, or tablet, for the vice presidential debate. chairman of the ford metal company was in washington, where he sat down for a discussion with the head of the economic club of washington. they talked about the future of the transportation industry, international trade, and the presidential campaign. >> ok, can i have your attention, please? everybody, please, quiet. if you are still eating, please eat very quietly. ok. before we start, i want to
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acknowledge the presence of additional people who showed up. deputy secretary of commerce .ruce andrews is here even better, he used to work at ford. honorable mary ellen is here if anybody has any claims you can talk to her. and the former majority leader and former ford board member. current ford board member, and a former carlyle partner, and former chairman of the fcc. and a ford dealer. [applause] ok. we are very honored to have you here today, and let me give people a little bit of a
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background. bill was born in the detroit area, and went to school at hot's kiss went to princeton. when two, got a job at ford. worked there for a while, and then went to m.i.t.m and go, a masters in management -- went to m.i.t., and got a masters in management. over years atrked ford, and became a member of the board in 1988, and then chairman of the board in 1998, and then the ceo in 2003, which he did until 2006. he is currently the executive chairman afford. that his company great-grandfather, henry ford, started in 1903. it is worth $49 billion. the revenue last year was about $149 billion.
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have about 199,000 employees. bill is active in not only helping to run ford, but also in various philanthropic the -- activities in the detroit area. is it a fly fisherman, hockey player, and is a black belt in martial arts. he is someone who has been active in helping to reinvent and renovate detroit, and try to make it a much more habitable active in has been philanthropic events in the detroit area. up, did were growing you think the ford name was a plus or a minus? mr. ford: it is certainly both. i never wanted it to define me, but it was something i was proud of. it's interesting, for me, academics and sports were very
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important because they were great equalizers. nobody cared what your last name was. you either did well academically and you are a good teammate, or not. that is why both areas were very important. you got honest feedback. >> so when you went to princeton and your last name was ford, people would say, are you related to the car company? would you say it is a different ford? mr. ford: it depends who was asking. [laughter] sometimes i would say, that's a common last name. >> if it was an attractive young woman, what would you say? mr. ford: whatever it took. [laughter] >> you played sports. mr. ford: i played rugby. >> then you went back to the company. was it something you had to do? mr. ford: no is the sword answer. the company was in one of the downturns, and i thought things were looking pretty grim. i had this naive notion that i needed to go back and help, if i could.
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i had actually interviewed for , but i wentlsewhere back and i remember my dad saying, don't do this if your heart is not in it. he said, you will be lousy at it, and you won't be doing the company any favors. i thought i would give it a year and see how it went. david: to put in context, henry ford had one son. mr. ford: that's right. david: you and your father. david: your father was in the company for many years, by your article henry ford was the ceo for a number of years mr. ford:. mr. ford:right. david: after you were at ford for a while, you got a masters degree, but you went to the sloan school, named after the head of general motors. [laughter] mr. ford: it gets pretty incestuous at some point. david: did people point that out to you? mr. ford: all the time. [laughter] i had a separate bathroom, by the way. -- afterter you went
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you graduated, you went back to fourth, and you went through various positions. was it obvious that you would rise to the top? mr. ford: no. i thought i could do it, but there was certainly no guarantee. there were many people there who wanted me to succeed. there were many people who did not want the family to succeed. then there was this notion that my value did not always align with the top managers. --ent through a help period whole period, whether this was the place for me to leave my mark in the world. david: your value is being pro-environment. you thought internal combustion engines were not consistent with that? mr. ford: it was a couple of things. the notion that when i got to college, i grew up thinking that cars and trucks were the greatest. people writing songs about them, people in detroit celebrated them. i got to college and realized there was a whole school of thought, that the auto industry, industry in general, were not
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necessarily such a great thing. it really opened my eyes. i thought, we have to change if we are going to get the next generation of the best and brightest. if we don't, any company is about the people. if we cannot the next and best, we will not win. david: did everyone agree with you? mr. ford: no, i was viewed as a bit of a bolshevik. i was told very clearly, stop associating with any known or suspected environmentalists. [laughter] because --i didn't, remember back to those days, that was when people were plugging discharge pipes, picketing, it was a very turbulent environmental time. there was no dialogue between the two sides. david: so and so ford had four sons, or for children? mr. ford: yes. david: how many cousins came out
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of that? mr. ford: there are 13 of us in my generation. david: was it obvious you would be the one to run the company one day? mr. ford: probably not. im 12th out of 13 in age. i was probably the one that was overlooked. maybe that was my advantage. david: when you were the ceo of a company, you began to do's have people said was very dangerous. you borrowed $23 billion. mr. ford: i just want to say, di ck, his leadership was so valuable in getting us through the darkest period in auto history. our two competitors went bankrupt, and we didn't. i will always believe it is with -- because of the leadership. he was an absolute hero back then. [applause] i should have put in context that appeared before the great
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recession, you decided to borrow money? david: that's right. a couple of things happened. david:mr. ford: at the time, i andthe chairman and ceo coo. i went to the board and i said, tough times are coming. i need help. they said, what do you need? do you need ceo or coo? i said, i don't care. it has to be the right person. we also had to borrow a lot because restructuring is expensive. we had a massive restructuring ahead of us here at we hired allen, who turned out to be a terrific ceo. we bought all this money, and then we went to work. thankfully, it did work. when the great recession happened, ultimately your major competitors were bailed out by the u.s. government. you off thatf piss you were not bailed out and they were? mr. ford: at a certain level, yes. but we were in the odd position
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of supporting our competitors. because the entire industrial supply base in the country was under tremendous stress. particularly, it general motors had gone under, it would have taken under a number of suppliers, and probably would have dragged us down, and another -- a number of other industrial companies. we are in the odd position of having to advocate for the bailout of competitors. david: you have shareholders to deal with, who worry about the company, but also the family. the family controls 40% of the voting power. do you have family councils, and do they say you are not doing a good job? mr. ford: i was very proud of the family and how they hung together. you can imagine the family meeting, when i said i had borrowed $23 billion. we had to mortgage as part of collateral. david: well is the reaction? -- what was the reaction?
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mr. ford: a little silent. [laughter] one of the things we spoke about was the importance of having the family united behind us, so that the management team and board of directors never spelt -- felt distracted by the family. i was very proud of them. they all hung together unequivocally and said, we believe in you, we believe in the plan, go do it. and the 1960's and 1970's when american car manufacturers dominated, people said maybe automobile companies got a little fat and happy, and they were not prepared for the onslaught of japanese and german cars. it was often thought the quality of cars produced by japanese and german manufacturers were better. do you think that was a fair analysis, and you think it is fair today that they are better? mr. ford: not today, but i think back then, absolutely it was fair. kind of fat and happy as an industry. there were tough lessons
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learned. david: but today, you are unionized, as are the other major american manufacturers, but the companies from japan or germany when they produce here, are not typically unionized. is that advantage for you? mr. ford: it is not a disadvantage. people had strong opinions about unions one way or the other. we have a great relationship with our union. maybe it is because our union has one industry they support, the auto industry. our success is their success. people forget during the dark wass, our union leadership fantastic. they actually took all the health care obligations of our balance sheet and put it on there's -- theirs. i sat darkest moment, down with the head of the auto workers and asked if he could help, and he said absolutely. that is a tough sell to his membership. i will never forget what he did for us.
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david: did you ever said -- say you would help them by getting other people to be unionized? mr. ford: you have to be careful about that. there are laws about that. [laughter] great relationship with our union. david: you have 199,000 employees. how many of them are blue-collar and how many are white-collar? mr. ford: the majority are blue-collar. david: and your employees, how many in the u.s.? mr. ford: we are about half in terms of sale, half u.s. and half international. david: recently, you announced you are building a new facility in mexico, and somebody mentioned -- mr. ford: you heard that, really? [laughter] somebody running for president mentioned that was not appropriate. do you have a response? mr. ford: yes, i do. [laughter] i would like to think ford is everything that should be celebrated about what is right
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with the country. let me explain why. we did not go bankrupt, we paid back our loans, we did it the old-fashioned way, we pulled us we haver bootstraps, hired 26,000 people in the united states since 2011, when we got back on our feet. we made $12 billion investment in the united states since then, and we are the largest car and truck company in the united states making cars. we are not the largest car and truck company, but we make a disproportionate number of our cars inside the u.s. aboutst announcement building a plant in mexico and moving small cars there, we are not moving any job in michigan, he cuts are putting new vehicles into that plant -- because we are putting new vehicles into that plant. that is what is so frustrating and infuriating about this. i feel like we have not only invested heavily in this country and are adding lots of new jobs,
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but i think he and others should look at us and say, that's how you do business. you pay back your loans, and you hire people, and you invest. [applause] did you have a chance to explain that directly to him? mr. ford: i have. david: did he change his mind? mr. ford: well. [laughter] i had a very good meeting. he was a very good listener. he knows the facts. but who knows what the campaign trail is all about? i certainly don't. david: let's talk about cars for a moment. when you manufacture cars, you , it is like dealers on consignment with a consultant back to you? mr. ford: no, they take them. david: so when you go to buy a car to the dealer and it has a sticker on it, is that the real sticker price?
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[laughter] is that where you start negotiating from? everyone feels the sticker, you should have to negotiate. it varies dealer by dealer. dealers are independent business people. we don't control the dealers. what they do is -- the practices are unfortunately quite varied. david: a dealer will say i have a need for certain types of car, and they say you make cars of a certain type. how long does it make to produce here? like this one over what's the price, i can negotiate? so when you drive a car, you drive i presume a ford product. [laughter] do you test them? david: mr. ford: yet -- mr. ford: yes, and i drive the
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competitive ones as well. i drive everything. david: what is the best value for money? suppose i wanted to buy a car today. a ford products, what would you recommend i buy? let's say i have $25,000. mr. ford: yes, but it is completely dependent upon what lifestyle people have and what they need. it's like asking, what is your favorite child? that's a tough one to answer. david: speaking of your children, you have four children. do they drive non-ford cards -- cars? mr. ford: they will be disowned. [laughter] david: when you are driving around michigan, let's say you need gasoline, do you pump it your self? do they know who you are? mr. ford: they do. i have lived in the area my whole life. my kids made sports with all their kids. i live a pretty low-key loci -- lifestyle.
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i love the fact that i can just go hang out with everybody. for it is thought to be in manufacturing hardware, cars. now, you are moving into the software area. you have coined the phrase smart mobility. can you explain? mr. ford: if you can bear with me for a second. i gave eight had talk in 2011 saying that the weight people -- eight had talk in 2011 saying that the way people were going around it worse wrong. the growing middle class, like india and china, and the power industry was extrapolating out. we can sell x number of cars and trucks. i said timeout, where are they go?g to we already have gridlock in cities all over the world. the notion that we can start jamming cars and trucks into overcrowded cities makes no sense to me. we have to have a completely new approach in what it means to move people, and health care and
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city centers. -- around city centers. --t embarked on a dirty journey of solving gridlock in cities. but then you expand beyond cities and say there are mobility issues everywhere. for instance, there are 800 million people in the world without access to health care. what if mo ability can provide that? in -- programt where we go to villages where there are no doctors and we is connected vehicles to transmit healthectant mother's back to hospitals in the city and then advice is transmitted back. if we need to deliver medicine, we can do that too. the whole notion of mobility, most people are focused on cities. there's also a poverty element to this. harvard did a study that says the number one cause of poverty
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is people not being able to get to where the work is. what if we can enable mobility, so that people can move freely around cities, and then that would be a great thing. notion is mobility us, not just us, trying to figure out how do we move people, how do we move food, how do we move health in an evermore crowded world? david: some people say that larger companies like ford, it is hard to make decisions quickly, and then people can disrupt you. are you making electric cars? do you expect it will be a major part of the business? mr. ford: yes, we are, and it will be a major part of the business. we are being disrupted at every level. the powertrain itself from internal combustion to electric, the way people access vehicles used to be you went and bought a vehicle and it sat in your garage. now you have uber and
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