Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 6, 2016 8:01pm-8:30pm EDT
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called in that area, you know that, right? hispanics and latinos. we had tremendous response, just tremendous outpouring of love. and you know, people that are here illegally, they don't want people coming across the border illegally taking their jobs, homes, where they want to take. and we want people to come in. i want you would come in so bad, but have to come and legally. we have a country and we have laws. we have a border. and if you have a border, you don't have a country. i think the biggest surprise, two surprises, we are going to do great with african-american. you look at what is happening with inner cities, it is a disgrace. and the democrats have been running the for up to 100 years. and the african-americans, believe me, i think we are doing -- you see how the numbers are changing. one thing they don't have a lot of confidence in hillary clinton, she has lied to them for years, she does not produce, she just does not produce. but i think we're going to do great with the
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african-americans. you look at the poverty in the inner cities, the crime, the education and there are no jobs, we are going to do fantastic with hispanics. i believe that. [applause] we are keeping it. whitaker, from here in sandown. mr. trump: hi, karen. thank you. i like this audience. [applause] >> how do you define the income range for middle-class? they cannot be based upon where you live, because the tax goes to discriminate on geography. mr. trump: taxes are too high, jobs have been taken away from you. a lot of our companies, a lot of great companies have left our country. they have gone to mexico and other places. china is making so much of our product, we don't make any product anymore, like we used to. such a great question, because
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the middle class has been treated so badly by the politicians. we are lowering taxes, as you know, way down for the middle class. we are changing the tax structure completely. we had seven brackets, now we have three. and we are bringing it down actually for those making not a lot. it is zero. and we don't want them because it is huge bureaucratically and extremely costly, but we are bringing the race down to numbers that are much lower. you have seen the numbers. much lower. and you are going to have a much lower tax rate. hillary clinton is raising your taxes way up. i don't even know what she's thinking. we are already the highest taxed nation in the world. every once a while, they will fact check me. now, there is a nation you have never heard of. we are just about, of the industrialized nations, we are the highest taxpayers in the world. we are the highest taxed nation in the world. business will be 35%, 50%, we're
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cutting regulations. we want regulations, for environmental. we want regulations, for safety. but the regulations are massive, their massive. and we're cutting the regulations at a tremendous slope, and i would say 70% of the regulations can is just stopping businesses from growing . and i think you are going to see a tremendous change in this country. we are going to see jobs come back. we're going to seek countries them back into the country. we are leaving. it is a one-way street. we have a one-way street right out of the country and they are going largely to mexico and other places, but mexico is the eighth wonder of the world. i have a friend who builds these massive plants. he says you have to see what is going on in mexico. i said how about our country? he said not so much. we will switch that around here and we will get along the mexico
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by the way. it is a one-way highway out of the u.s. >> capa? i recently graduated magna cum laude with a bs in chemistry and i'm having trouble finding a job. what is your plan to bring jobs back to america? mr. trump: that is the biggest problem, that takes place with so many. and even though it is 100 degrees in the room, it was not meant for that many people, you do know that. i heard the other night, i was making a speech and we had tremendous, massive crowds and it was really hot. so, a little warm, there might've been a little bit of sweat. one of these dishonest people said donald trump was sweating. sweating? it was 100 degrees. [laughter] [applause] and guess what we are all sweating tonight? that is ok. it is healthy. the biggest problem you have gone people go to college. that is great. getting out now, it is
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fantastic. but people go to college, they borrow money, up to here, up toe debt.neck in they get out and can i get a is such a massive problem. the really good jobs are gone, and they have gone to other countries. and so many other countries are making our product. i want to see the day when you can get those great, incredible profession, which you love probably, or you would not have been so high up in the class, right, at the top? i would to see the day we have those jobs back in this country of the highest level. i want to see the day when apple will make the iphone in this country, instead of making them in china, vietnam, all over the place. [applause] ok? and believe me, i will make that happen if i'm president. i use apple, but apple is not making them here, mostly china, now vietnam, which is becoming
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very strong for this. they're not making them here. we have the most unbelievable people. if i have learned one thing in going around, we started on june 16 of last year, and i have got to know the people. and we have by far the biggest rallies that people have seen, far bigger than bernie, he was second, far bigger. now, bernie's not so big. he made a big mistake. bernie sanders would have been legendary, if he did not make a deal with the devil. when he made that deal,'s stock went way down, way down. honestly, even as somebody that has disagreed with him on a lot of things, other than trade, we agree very much entree, very, very much, except i will do things about trade, because i like free trade but i want to make it, he was right because our country is being ripped off on jobs and everything. but we are going to have a country that makes product again. we are to have a country that apple and these other great
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companies are going to make their product in our country, and we're going to have lots of people working, including yourself. we have to do that. ok? thank you. [applause] >> is bob swanson here? bob swanson? >> one of my favorite questions. when you become president, can you are sure the american people you are going to clean house from the top, at the fbi, justice department, state department, v.a. and in what order would you stop? [applause] mr. trump: well, i guess we are talking about this for a while to come, but have to tell you, it is one of the saddest things i've ever seen happened to our country. what is happening with hillary clinton, where you send e-mails where they send a subpoena, and they want all of your e-mails, i
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mean, if you're in private business and you do what she did, it is called -- ok, the united states congress, congress, sent a subpoena wanting e-mails. and she gets the subpoena and she deletes 33,000 e-mails. and it many other things, including lying all over the place. and you see people who have suffered greatly, including general petreaus. that is a tiny fraction. we can is a you are all night and talk about it, but the lies she told the congress and the life you go to the people, with the life he told the congress, oou see the fbi give her a n anything, no swearing in. you don't have to even swear in? they questioner on the fourth of july? and then, they released the finding on labor day, right before labor day.everyone is gone
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, they're going here and there. i think what has happened with respect to death because i have said respect for the people in the fbi and i have such incredible people, what is happened to the fbi and to the justice department and the highest level, honestly, i think it is one of the saddest things i've ever seen in this country. whether we like it or do not like it, to look at what is happened and to look at the way it has been handled, and you know, every time i speak, this is mentioned. the subject of the people going crazy, the people in this country are very, very angry, very, very, angry. and i would think that, i don't know this, but i would think that some of these great fbi agents and the people that work within the fbi, i would imagine as to whatst furious has happened to the reputation of the fbi. so, i mean, i think it is an amazing question. honestly, it is like we are a
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third world country. it is one of the saddest things i have seen happen in this country, and it happened to justice, and that is probably i guess the way you feel also? yeah, it is very sad. >> a quick follow up, what would you do with comey? mr. trump: i just am very disappointed. you know: you read the charges, wow, 3, 4 -- i'm saying, they're going to do the right thing. then, he goes, essentially, however, it was amazing. to go point after point, that was only a few of them. so, it is very disappointing. very disappointing. >> sharon osbourne from auburn? sharon? sharon? >> with the conservative holdouts mr. trump were not on the bandwagon yet, what can you
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say to convince them that your support for traditional conservative rights should endorse you? mr. trump: we don't have too many. i will be honest with you, the press likes to report we have some of these long-term people that have done such a bad job. look at the problem our country is in. i would never use these people. and they know that. they announce a group they are going over to hillary, right? you understand. they announce in the group. we have tremendous support, including a couple of your very distinguished folks from new hampshire, who are against me, who are now for me. and you are allowed to announce the names, but we have tremendous support in new hampshire. one of them was very tough and very smart. go ahead. >> johnson nen? mr. trump: he is tough. that is good. i thought it was terrific. i mentioned the other day. and, i'm sorry, i think they're
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great people, but he was tough. i tell you what, he was really hunting for trump. and you know what, i respect for someone that it is not that easy to pivot, as you would say. but i very much appreciate the family and the fact that they are with me.and i am with them . and they are going to do very well. he will do very well. i see the numbers. you know, one of the things that happened, they thought oh, tru mp, i have never done this. i've done very well in life and business, a lot of things very well, but i've never done this. all of the points that we will take down the center and the senator? you know how well their publicans are doing? i guess there is a gentleman in illinois not doing so well. this guy was actually taking out ads against me. maybe he is a democrat? he is not doing well, but hey, that is his problem.
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he was not for me. if you look at, there were political reasons, but if you look at what is going on, now they are all talking about -- in fact the other day i saw very interestingly, you know, donald trump is having a very positive effect on these races. the republicans are going to hold. they're doing terrifically well, far better than anyone thought. and frankly, we are winning states and going to win some states that would never in a million years -- you know this, be in play. we have some states like colorado, summary also not do well. we're doing great. i think we are leading colorado and one of the polls that came out. i just left, we are leading a lot of places, and doing at least very competitively in a lot of states that absolutely would not be for republicans. and one of the funny things, they do the maps, remember, i watched the people that do the maps. it is tough for the republicans,
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i have to tell you, but there is a very small path. i was watching the other day, same person was saying, wow, this pathway is getting a lot wider. does that mean they were happy about it, but the past -- now four different paths. nate silver, you know, he did not predict us in the primary. he never called a loser before. he has always been on the right side of what happened, in terms of at least his predictions. he did not predict me in the primaries, and in all fairness, he has never seen me, never spoken to me, never saw what we did. you know, had 17 very counted people. one by one by one, it was a beautiful sight to watch. beautiful. by the way, those people, most of them endorse me. ben carson, chris christie, so many of them endorse me. they are great. scott walker has been incredible. >> he helped pence.
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mr. trump: mike pence has been incredible. he did a great job last night. [applause] >. that brings me to another question from lois, and brett was. ntwood. were you upset about mr. pence's debate success, as john harwood said? mr. trump: john harwood was the worst moderator out of all the debate we had, 11 or 12? he was so bad. this guy knows nothing about it. i was so happy. i saw today that someone on cnn, the clinton news network, who knows nothing about us, they use john king actually. i like him on the maps, does a good job. i like them better than i did a few months ago, now all of a sudden that map is getting very red. [applause] know,hn king said, you they always have a source, they
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always have a source. nobody talks to him. nobody talks because he is like the enemy, the enemy, but a few of the people said donald trump unhappy, happy, then because mike pence did so well.quit jumping up and down . i will to you what, he is a great human being. you cannot root against them. you can't. i was telling chris christie, can you imagine the people saying that i would have loved to, you know, see him not do well because that makes me look better? these people, that is why a guy like john king has stayed in the same position that's how old is he? i think someday he would be an anchor. guess what? he is still doing the amps. maps. no, i was so happy. i can give you my word on this, i was so happy that mike did
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well. we were talking all during the day, i was giving him some ideas, running things by each other. it is so disconcerting, even when you hear, tonight they said donald trump is going to new hampshire to practice for sunday. this has nothing to do with sunday. it is like they make me a child.i love the people of new hampshire. this was set up a little while ago. they were going to cancel it, and i said why are you going to cancel it? forget debate prep. give me a break. do you think hillary clinton is in debate prep? she is resting. she wants to build up your energy for sunday night. and you know what, that is fine. but the narrative is so full mesh. i amoolish. i'm here for one reason. i love the people of new hampshire. i said was when to be here, and i am here. very simple. [applause] >> this one is unsigned -- mr. trump: that is trouble.
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>> what advice would you give to people trying to pursue the american dream? mr. trump: always love what you're may have parents pushing you one way, but you know you have to do what you love. i say this all the time in speeches and everything, i mean, i will speak in front of young people that they love doing it, i say always follow your dream. always go into what you love. and never, ever quit or give up. i have seen a lot of people, big people and not so big, usually not a big because if they quit they won't get big, the most successful people i have been with never quit and never give up. they just do not take no for an answer. do something that you really love doing, because that is not work. and never, ever quit or give up. do one or two more? [applause] >> i think you have dealt with this one before. it is from al over there.
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stand up, al. mr. trump: hello, al. >> al wants to know what you are doing with the v.a.? al trump: the veterans, as can tell you and a lot of veterans i recognize in the room, because i have come very close to the vets, in iowa and new hampshire, but really a close to them. i tell you what, in many cases, their living in hell. what is going on with the veterans administration between the corruption, along come along waits, 22 suicide today -- i thought that was a typo. i said, that is impossible. much because day, they cannot get to see a doctor. at the end of the sixth day, the doctor says, i'm sorry, i'm going on vacation. vets tell me this, they have really good doctors, but getting
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to see them as a most impossible. finally,ing to solve, the problem of the veterans of ministration. we have illegal immigrants that are many cases treated better than our veterans. you know that everybody knows that.they are being treated better than our veterans. one of the things we're going to do in the lines are a impossible. just days and days to see the doctor. when that circumstance happens, we will let our veterans go across the street, around the corner, two miles away, and see a doctor, private. or a hospital, public or private, where they are looking for work, would have wonderful people looking for work. take care of the problem, and we will pay the bill. and that is going to be the cheapest thing we can do, the cheapest thing we can do. [applause] al can tell you, a lot of the vets i recognize the rent
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can tell you, everybody is in love with a plan. we will keep the plan, but keep the veterans of ministration, keep the hospitals, the buildings, is a thing that is important. we have to take care of our vets. these are people that we would not be here if one for them. but when they are waiting in line, and they know there is no end in sight, and honestly, they are dying. they need a simple procedure, they need a prescription, they need something very easy, and they end up dying. is a very sad thing, so there would be able to go across the street to a public or private hospital, to a doctor, and we're going to take care of our vets. for the first time we're really going to take care of our vets. [applause] nashua?from says hillary clinton wants to give social security and medicare to illegal immigrants through citizenship. won't this bankrupt the
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program? mr. trump: let me tell you, you have heard that, most people do not believe that, but it is true. she is open border. rder, when the boar patrol, they have never endorsed a presidential candidate before, but these are great people. they want to do their job. it is much harder to do the job, but to stand back and let the men. catch and release is a disaster.but when they want to do their jobs and it is much more difficult and they come out and endorse donald trump, who is what happened to the jobs? we're going to build the wall, stopping coming from in. more than any other place, i made this in new hampshire because i really cannot believe it, i said if i win and i become president, first denomination. that happened. become president. i promised the people of new hampshire that we are going to
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stop this crap from coming into your state. 100%. 100%. it can be done, and it can be done even before the wall goes up. the wall is necessary. i asked the control, ice folks that endorse me, patrol folks that endorse me, how important is the wall? you know, i am so committed to the wall. i was pretty sure they were going to say this, but i was not 100%, they said mr. trump, it is absolutely necessary for us to do our proper job. which made me, you know, gave me a little additional security, as far as the wall is concerned. we need the wall. we have to stop the drugs. drus, we have to stop. it is poisoning our country, poisoning our youth. and we are going to stop it, and what is stopping fast. long before the wall comes up.
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i get them belfast. fast.filled long before, we will stop that poison from coming into our country. ok? one more? another question. >> i would ask you the kind of question hillary clinton gets sometimes. i'm in, easy. mr. trump: she gets easy once. by the way, i am getting boom, boom, boom. what would you do to fix the economy? that is much tougher than you understand, and you doesn't have a clue, but you see the questions i was getting. laura from hampton, new hampshire, are you here? laura: a fun question. >> what is one of your earliest memories as a child and why you think it stands out, and then she goes on -- you.rump: thank you, thank i think just the relationship i had with my parents.
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you know, my father built houses in brooklyn and queens,. negotiator. it was not that he taught me, he would be on the telephone negotiating with the plumber or electrician or sheet rocker, and i would hear this, and i will be playing with blocks at his knee on the floor. and it was always so vivid. he was always negotiating. and you know what, that is what we need in this country, because people are running away with our country. you look at what is going on, whether it is the border or our depleted military -- the greatest people on earth are hour military, but they have old equipment. they show fighter jets that are 18 years old, so old they don't make the parts anymore. these are fighter jets that our people are flying now, and they have to go into plain graveyards, graveyards to get parts. go into museums to get parts.
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no, we need a strong military. we need to protect our second amendment. we need to take care of our vets. we need borders. we need great education, getting rid of common core, so important. and by the way, one thing, i know john and a lot of other people felt this was so important when it came out so strongly, united states supreme court. we needs -- we lost a great justice, justice scalia. great justice. we need great justices, who are going to uphold our constitution. and if hillary clinton gets in, you are going to have a much different country. so, so many people feel it is important, i personally feel it is the most important -- the stop the have to people from coming in looking to
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do us harm. they are pouring in. and hillary clinton wants to have them coming in at a rate of 550% more than president obama. we're going to stop it. you know the statement, we are going to make america great again. and it is going to happen quickly. so, thank you very much, everybody. >> i have one more question for you, donald. i will let you read it, number where you are tonight. mmr. trump: oh, look. [laughter] [applause] course, it is boston. >> donald trump, give them around of applause. donald j. trump, the next president of the united states. thank you, donald trump. the luck to florida, good luck in wisconsin tomorrow, good luck
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