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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  October 8, 2016 2:40pm-3:31pm EDT

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>> and a look at preparations today at washington university in st. louis, where donald trump and hillary clinton are set to face each other tomorrow night in the second of three debates. it is a town hall format that will include questions from the audience. the moderators are cnn's anderson cooper, and martha raddatz of abc news. our live coverage begins with a preview of the debate, followed by the debate itself at 9:00 p.m. you can watch every minute of
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the debate on c-span, online at, or listen on the free c-span radio app. vice presidential nominee mike pence is commenting on the 2005 video made public yesterday by women trump talking about in a taped segment for "access hollywood." >> governor pence was scheduled to attend a fundraiser in
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wisconsin today in place of donald trump, but there are reports that he is now canceled that appearance. the event is taking place in house speaker paul ryan's congressional district. we plan to take you there live about 45 minutes from now. until then, we will hear some of your reaction to the 2005 video, and donald trump's apology late last night. of that videotape posted yesterday by donald trump roiled the political campaign. anald trump was on the set of soap opera when he was recorded vulgar terms about kissing, groping, and trying to during a ith women 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone. that, quote: when you are a star, they let you do it.
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video posted by the washington post. hat video caused an immediate reaction causing donald trump to issue first a written statement a videotaped on, reaction to that. donaldake a look at what trump -- the video donald trump released last night. said trump: i've never i'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone i'm not. i've said and done things i regret and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. knows these ows me words don't reflect what i am. i said it. i was wrong. apologize. i've traveled the country changing america but my travels have changed me. i've spent time with grieving have lost their children, laid off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great
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country, and i've been humbled by the faith they've placed in me. a better man tomorrow and will never ever let you down. be honest, we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important are facing today. we are losing our jobs. e are less safe than we were eight years ago, and washington is totally broken. her kind inton and have run our country into the ground. i've said some foolish things, a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women, and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. at the debate on sunday. ast: that was donald trump in video released last night in esponse to the video posted on the washington post featuring comments that he made 11
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years ago. bob is calling in from miami beach, florida. of you're a supporter hillary clinton. aller: well, i have become a supporter of hillary clinton, and i'm sure if there was any viable republican candidate, i supported them. but the loyalty to party cannot a loyalty to the constitution and the safety and the good of the united states of america. i just can't -- the media allows s to go on and everything -- everybody makes excuses, but he has raised some tough issues, and he's raised issues about racism. any kind of ism you want to talk about. and i'm angry that it is resonating with some of my fellow americans. ask you this. do you think that this latest revelation will make a in the election at all? caller: absolutely. a hink it just proves he's
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chauvinist. i think it proves that his is good for a man and women aren't good enough. just astter and they're good as men at what they do and now it's been proven if you're a woman, you have to work twice as hard as a man to get -- host: okay. appeared to have lost bob there. in the other news about the wikileaks release of more -mails about hillary clinton's campaign, apparently through a hacking of the e-mail account of one of her campaign aids. politico, it says the batch of e-mails which wikileaks promised is the first many more to come, provided a glimpse into the inner workings offer campaign and telling details on views about trade and the middle class. of the most notable changes, linton campaign research director tony clark e-mails
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other members of the campaign on excerpts of hare her paid speeches that could come back to bite the campaign. flags from the hrc's paid speeches we have from the hwa. highlights below. there is a lot of policy positions that we should give an policy, carrk h writes. calling in have lou connecticut. you're a trump supporter. good morning, lou. caller: good morning. my call. for taking well, donald trump -- this was nt from donald trump taken back in '95, i believe. host: 2005. caller: 2005. with the agree rhetoric. that it was ate miked.
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we've heard of locker room talk. unfortunately, some males do speak that way and wind up regretting it. ost: let me ask you this, as a trump supporter, are you concerned of the reaction from some other republicans. today, donald trump was to appear in wisconsin with ryan.speaker paul he was disinvited from that and now mike pence will go in his stead. are you worried that republicans are going to be skiddish now? caller: i don't really believe that that's going to happen because true trump supporters stand behind him no matter name because the hillary is so tainted, and it goes all arkansas ck to the days. a rapist y defended who raped a 12-year-old girl and even come up in the media, and she laughed about it. so we could talk about all the with her and bill clinton, and that doesn't really
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come up to the surface as much media. host: okay. let's take a look at one who did -- who has withdrawn his support from after this recent revelation. jason lican congressman caffitts. take a look. i'm out. i can no longer in good endorse this person for president. it is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments you can imagine. my wife and i, we have a 5-year-old daughter, and if i can't look her in the eye and tell her these things, i can't i'm out his person, so of the endorsement here. i don't know who i'm going to vote for. 'm not going to vote for hillary clinton. there's no way, under no scenario. an i cannot offer endorsement, for whatever that means, of donald trump.
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> house speaker paul ryan has pulled out of a scheduled appearance with donald trump tomorrow. what's going on behind the at the g.o.p. tonight. >> a lot of shock and dismay. a lot of scrambling. wish that ot of us mike pence was at the top of the ticket. moralk he's a man of high fiber. still cry on my pillow that mitt romney didn't get elected the president of the united states. at i do wish mike pence was the top of the ticket. why should we have to settle for anything else? it really is sad, because what a opportunity and a great talent and i think the message f donald trump was a good one, but if this is the way he acts. and that apology, that was no apology. for getting pology caught. that was not an apology for the behavior. use a baseball metaphor, i've got to call balls and strikes as they come across plate. why should we tolerate this? presen presidency of
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the united states of america. can't do it. host: a fundraiser in which mike appearing in in donald trump's place will take place today at 3:30 p.m. you it on c-span as well and the c-span radio app. from nie is calling in wisconsin, a clinton supporter. what do you think of this latest revelati revelation? caller: i think it goes to show that there was something behind about his -- you know, he gets away with this private persona that, you know, politician, so supposed to 's not be held to a certain standard. have to be he does held to a certain standard because he's running for the in the land and here in wisconsin, the event he a supposed to come to is huge republican event here, and this was all this hoopla that he
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speakerng, and that the is going to be here, and the head of the republican party and, of course, our governor. now he's been uninvited. , you really speaks to now, this -- let's just say some challenging issues within the republican party. i could say tong a couple of the other speakers. guy thing andst a locker room humor. some of the comments he made to rape.valent and when we start talking about to le, i think they need remember if they have children or if they have wives and they would think of somebody talking them in that way, they ould be completely offended, and that would be not acceptable. and so when we have a candidate that way -- and i on't care who it is, that's something that goes beyond any
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or, you know, nudge-nudge, wink-wink. it's not like that. host: okay. what house at speaker paul ryan said in reaction to the video. said: i am ent, he sickened by what i heard today. women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. i hope mr. treat this situation deservesseriousness it and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater for women than this clip suggests. longermeantime, he is no attending the event in taking placeich is today at 3:30. hat statement comes by way of politico. andy is calling in from lexington, kentucky. a trump supporter. you this video affect how vote or affect the campaign in your eyes? caller: thank you for taking my call. it's not going to affect my vote. i like mr. trump.
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he's the only hope we've got to country back. and what he said in a private like jesusn, i mean, said, who is among us that is without sin cast the first stone. amazes me how all the republicans, paul ryan and all off the ship. when hillary deleted 30,000 e-mails. illed four people, really, literally in benghazi and all the lies and the tales she's and the cheats and the muslims in middle eastern supporting her foundation and they're going to jump on trump for something he conversation, ate it's just beyond me. i can't believe our country is headed this way. that, the gged about earlier, they talked about how getting that out rapist off. that was on a court tape and she didn't know that was taping just like trump was taping and they purpose. did it on they were probably taping. the mike was on.
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who knows. host: okay. et's get more reaction on twitter. this coming from pastor mark ifns who tweeted: therefore, any man be in christ, he is a new creature. passed away.e all things are new, a quote from bible coming from a trump supporter and pastor mark burns. next, we have joe calling in from sarasota, florida, a clinton supporter. good morning, joe. caller: good morning. donald trump calls raped s rapists and he his first wife. his first wife dropped the got millionsse she in a divorce. i'm sick and tired of hearing people that support donald they say oh, hillary clinton, thanks to her, four died.ans okay, lets go that way. died on new le
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-- 9/11 in close to 3,000. a the other person, he was she was by the way, against the iraq war. host: let me ask you this. do you think that this video or do you ference, think it's just one more revelation? caller: absolutely. that tells you what kind of man he is. or a because he's rich millionaire, he has the right? cosby is u think bill not in jail? millions. has if bill cosby was poor or broke, believe me, he would be in jail. up next, we have a caller from woodville, texas. supporter. good morning, rusty. caller: hi. comments comments few here. i don't think this tape coming out will change a lot. i think people are pretty
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entrenched already. you're just seeing another trump resurgence. all the people coming out that were never big trump backers. big a deal, at least, i don't perceive it to be. supportede anyone who trump the day before switching their minds because of this. the type of guy he seems to not being a e of career politician from inside the loop. republicans are still going to begrudgingly cast their him.for and i think hillary supporters will still support hillary. he question is how do independents feel about it. in my opinion, i think it's a resurgence. i think it really depends on whether, you te know, he's still got a chance of becoming president. you this.y, can i ask do these comments change in any feel about the
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candidate? caller: i was a reluctant trump supporter. he wasn't my first pick but he's what we got and through the what's up there. bernie supporters may be supporting hillary now. with the g.o.p. now. you've got to get in line at point. would i have made those comments? probably not. but he thought he was making conversation.vate whether people choose to admit it or not, it's pretty common stuff. like his camaraderie may be boastful, something along those lines. i don't think it's outrageous or crazy talk as people are making he wasn't e or that crying rape, or equating it to rape. that's ridiculous. host: okay. just a programming reminder. between s debate hillary clinton and donald trump can be seen tomorrow, live beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern time. ou can catch it on c-span, as well as on the c-span radio app.
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in fromhave fay calling corbin, kentucky, a trump supporter. good morning, fay. good morning. last night, we were listening and watching hillary clinton as tweeted out that she was disgusted. this man is not fit for the presidency. now, let's go back to bill clinton. after he was caught having sex oval the desk in the office, hillary then went out him, and he ed for won the election. people said they voted for him for the economy. i am the reason that voting for donald trump, is the economy. host: let me ask you this, fay. that case, if it was bill clinton running or bill clinton this ready president, case, it's not hillary clinton who did that. she's the candidate. case, it's donald trump himself making these comments. does that make a difference to you? no it doesn't, because last night, she said that donald to be president because he made this statement.
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as far as i know, he has never raped anyone. allegations coming out against clinton, a couple of the him even settled with after they said he raped them. ut if hillary clinton is so outraged at donald trump now, hy wasn't she outraged at her own husband. donald trump is a private citizen. president of the united states. just think about it. how in any world could we have xcused him after he was a president, having sex in the oval office. host: okay. who is making his about donald trump is david letterman, the retired an -night host, sat for interview recently and talked about donald trump, one who he according to " this piece in the new york interview.that lermman was asked about donald trump, who has made several show.ances on his in the past, and has appeared on
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other late-night talk shows this campaign and letterman says, if i had a show, i would have gone right after him. i would have said, hey, nice to see you. asked, what ave gives you the right to make fun less uman being who is fortunate than you are. that is where it would have nded because i don't know anything about politics and trade agreements and china yuan.uing the but if you see somebody who's not behaving like any other known, that means something. they need a psychiatrist, a diagnosis and a prescription. letterman talking about donald trump in an interview before the one latest revelation but after a of controversies surrounding the candidate. we have herbert calling in from new york, a clinton supporter. how do you think this latest tape will affect the campaign. i don't think it will affect the campaign,
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unfortunately, in regards to trump. he can say and do it.hing and get away with my thing is that here in new trump has ow that and a con man te for most of his life. the greatest criticism must those who have been supporting trump. they have been conned to believe hat this guy can make -- can change things in this country. phil says that to judge at's future behavior is look their past behavior. only trump's past behavior, it is his present behavior. is a mental and personal degenerate. host: up next, we have anita, a
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from supporter calling in naples, florida. good morning. caller: good morning. haven't even had my coffee, but i'll tell you, the bumps in and the things rush limbbaugh said this week about hillary's husband, you know, biggestpresident is the and most important thing in the world for us. -- i hope i don't have to tell you this. here was a woman that was killed on the phone that was that he raped her, clinton, i'm talking about bill, hillary's husband. host: anita, let me ask you find bill clinton's behavior unacceptable, shouldn't he same standard be applied to donald trump and the things that he said? he implied that he could get a woman groping against her will because he was,
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star. a caller: that was 10 years ago, and he wasn't even a politician. opera.on a soap the man -- everybody has a right to change. a right to change. and i'm sorry, i just woke up a heard this. d i host: okay. up next, we have joe calling in from amsterdam, new york, a supporter. does this affect how you will vote next month? my vote was already pretty much decided already, but i just got say that anybody who supports this guy, if you support -- you racist ormay not be a you okay st, but are with having a racist and white house? the this guy, do you want him negotiating with world powers, this guy who's just a loose off the hook? i don't understand how people can support this guy. before, and especially now.
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thank you. next, we have dalia alling in from miami, a trump supporter. does this affect how you will vote next month at all? it won't., those were words, not actions, mr. clinton. hillary is a liar, and she should be in jail. wikileaks just came out and told about her views, about the world, and i hope they on coming. host: okay. a little bit more about reaction from top republican lawmakers. tv says ort from ku governor gary herbert and chaffetz they son they won't vote for trump in the light of video making comments
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women. and former utah governor jon jr. and senator mike lee, in calling for the billaire businessman to leave the race. more reaction from prominent republicans on this issue. daniel is calling in from robins, illinois, a clinton supporter. will , do you think this affect the race? this : i hope so, because up and -- i stayed listened to what was supposed to apology for what he'd done, but that was really no apology at all. just keeps saying things and doing things against women, against minorities, and i don't why people keep letting him get away with that. a very rump said terrible thing i cannot get out of my mind. he said he'd like to go with his own daughter and no one is talking about it.
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the republicans trying to sweep rug. under the he didn't say that, oh, that's not that important. can you imagine how damaged that young lady had to be, having to defend her father. me ask you a question, a point made about donald trump in several callers about bill clinton's past. do you think that it makes the former ce that the president was -- so they had xtra marital affairs, is that relatable to what donald trump is accused of doing? you go what i think is back to bill clinton, anybody else in the world, what donald and it was as wrong rotten. i don't care who else did what. terrible. man said was if you look at all the other terrible things in the world to ake donald trump's thing okay, that's okay with you guys but i think it's wrong and i don't you say. you can't wash that away. host: okay. tonia , we have an calling in from summit, new
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jersey, a trump supporter. what do you think? affect how you vote? caller: no, it really isn't. stunned when i saw what i saw what he did 11 years ago. but at the same time, i know talksin the respect of he the way he talks and he talks like an east coaster here. i was more surprised that billy bush was with him, who i been on and he's "access hollywood" and i believe he's on "good morning america" him.s with and i know billy bush is a christian guy. know billy bush is not the same guy he was 11 years ago. he's respected. people.mired by the he did the olympics. he is a very good hearted man, is, you know, that this is kind of a witch hunt. supporter right from the beginning with trump. i don't feel that this blackens me, because i know what
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i'm listening to. is 11 years ago. even with his tweeting. and st says what he says, that's who he is. but hillary, on the other hand, both i've studied candidates very closely and i've read everything. seems to be.o she she has a lot of lies. many involved with so -- make her very deplorable. she has more secrets more hidden. this is the conversation, but hers are actions. host: okay. a look at reaction from jeb bush, who is an uncle bush.lly it says as the grandfather of two precious girls, i find that apology can excuse away donald trump's reprehensible degrading women. and coming from mitt romney, the governor sachusetts and the last g.o.p. presidential nominee, he tweeted, hitting on
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married women? assault? such vile degradations demean daughters and corrupt america's face to the world. some reactions from some prominent republicans to the revelation about that. also, john kasich tweeted make mistake. the comments were wrong and offensive. they are indefensible. and up next, we have steven gainesville, om florida. a clinton supporter. good morning, steven. good morning. host: and what do you think about the trump video? o you think it will affect how you vote and do you think it will affect the race? caller: personally, i think people that are voting for trump sexist, and just are misguided. into trump's past, he raped a 13-year-old girl, and
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in california, and that was dropped. now, got a new attorney and they've got a new witness, guy's body brings up this past. the guy he used to hang out with n new york is a convicted pedophile. so do fact checks. me.'t listen to but these people who keep voting know, i was you in nes jack, i'm a navy my life on the line in world war ii. stand by y, i don't mccain, but as a human being in family, the gold star mother and father. it's just on and on with this man. host: okay. next, we have john calling in
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from columbus, indiana. supporter. does this affect how you will vote next month? i ler: this won't affect how vote next month because hillary bad on's done so much stuff. i mean, our government. they tell us what we want to hear. like, trump, it seems y'all, he says exactly what the american people want to hear and he's the type of person that would probably follow through with it, and as far as clinton, they've done so much bad stuff over the years, and people have he's the type said a lot worse in football locker rooms. i mean, i'm not -- i'm telling right now, he shouldn't have said it. but who taped the conversation? know. host: okay. this piece from law news by dan ebram gives the latest about the
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alleged case against donald rump that was brought up earlier. it says the complaint alleges billionaire convicted had a le jeffrey epstein woman pick up teenage girls at his parties. of the girls was jane. in an affidavit, it says both the and epstein raped plaintiff several times. trump has repeatedly denied the allegations. raquelle calling in from hartford, connecticut. a clinton supporter. how are you. good.: i am how are you today. host: i am good. how do you think this latest affect the race and do you think it will affect how you vote? caller: yes. -- i am shocked to hear video, and whoever released show -- it amazes me how
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people say oh, it was 10 years ago. they like to bring up president clinton. see these people are biased a biased. forgive , how they can this man talking like that, he's pervert and should never be the president of the united states. and i commend es he speaker of the house who came out and had respect for women. women should be respected all way. this man is sickening. host: up next, we have troy from eastern maryland. troy, you're undecided. does this video affect you or direction or another? caller: yes, good morning. a lifelong democrat.
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but i wasn't going towards hillary. and i was thinking about donald trump. but, i mean, he keeps putting in his mouth over and over again. and i wasway from him even thinking about gary johnson and i just think he's an idiot. man.m like oh, so when donald trump said what he says, i guess i'm going to hillary.wing towards host: and what is it different revelation atest that was different than the others. donald trump has said a lot of taken asat people have offensive. caller: yeah. at his news conferences. he said something that might be little -- that's offhanded or whatever but this, i mean, he is just blatantly saying that, oh, up and grab women by the genitalia. that's outrageous. 10 been in the navy for years and have seen a lot of crazy
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: no, it doesn't. after is white, and he has adopted black children. said, that enjoy what you look back on your own life. i have said things are bad or -- you have said things that are bad or worse. if you want the same junk we have had for eight years, vote for hillary. those e-mails had classified information on it. that affects our nation. what he said -- whatever the junkie said -- that has nothing to do with the country. host: people say that reflects
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-- caller: she believes in abortion. that is killing people. if you don't believe in abortion, you need to vote for trump. host: next we have herbert calling in from river edge, new jersey. how does this affect your vote. caller: i am more than ever for hillary. i do not think he will debate tomorrow night. i think it will be postponed. i would say to supporters, would you hold him up as a model for your children -- would you want him holding the highest office in the world and to represent this country's values? if you cannot say he would not be a role model for young children, you cannot vote for him. host: next we have can calling from cincinnati. caller: this was meant to
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overshadow the wikileaks information that came out about what hillary said when she was talking to the people on wall street, and there are a lot of things that hillary is doing, and anything -- anytime something comes up, they go to this time warp, and pull something out from the last 10 or 20 years and get the new cycle to talk about that. what hillary did his more recent, and what she said is more recent than this particular tape. from 11s, it was a safe years ago, but donald trump has said a lot of things on the campaign trail. he insulted rosie o'donnell. he got into a fight with fox news's megyn kelly, where he called her a bimbo, and said things that offended a lot of people. is this evidence of an ongoing attitude toward women? caller: this is the old divide and conquer for hillary to
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surround her -- get angry at donald trump, say i will never vote for him, and overlook the fact that she wants to bring over 100,000, syrian, unvented refugees here, turnover american .ities to unvented refugees i tell you, there is more to this. this is another distraction. hillary clinton is the queen of distraction. heat starts coming down on her, she comes up with another rabbit to pull out of her head. i will compare it this way. i would take donald trump's words over bill clinton's actions. so, yes, maybe he did say these things. things,did say these but did he act on those. we have some very serious problems facing our country, and if we don't really look at our national security, look at the number of people coming in here -- as a matter of fact, the number of bombings that have escalated under the obama watch
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over the last few months -- if we don't really take a serious look at this, we are going to be down the path of destruction where we may not be able to come back. host: ok. others reacting to this video -- the editorial board of the new york times today leading with an editorial titled the sleaziness trump, calling out some of his supporters for still backing the candidate. it asks, has he gone too far at last? the editorial says governor mike pence, you are crowd to -- proud to be a christian conservative. is this the man you would want at your dinner table, let alone the oval office? speaker paul ryan -- you could not possibly want mr. trump as it will model for your children. why do you diminish yourself by urging him on the country? and senator kelly ayotte, you race for week in your
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reelection in new hampshire, you said you still plan to vote for him, even though you are not endorsing them. will you continue to tie yourself in knots like this? next, jackie from baltimore. jackie, you support a third -party candidate. does the video affect how you will vote? video: no, it end this disguised -- discuss me because some dumpster diver went to the gutter, dug it up, and splashed it over national tv. this is not where we are in the country. women talk about men, men talk about women in their private lives. this was not onstage in a debate. this is something that happened whenever it happen in a private conversation that was state. host: can i ask which third -party candidate you support? caller: i have not chosen when yet, but i definitely will not
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be pointing on -- voting for a democrat or a republican. on the fact that this was a private conversation -- we have heard donald trump make statements about women in the public. caller: let me say this about donald trump and women in general -- bill clinton, sitting in the oval office, putting a cigar and monica lewinsky's vagina -- hillary clinton was his wife, and he stood by bill clinton while he denigrated that woman and did not say a single word about it. who is a champion for women? women have to be champions for themselves. en from work, rhode island. you are undecided. does this change your thought process? caller: not at all, but i am into this. -- i am not into this. i marvel at what has come over the country, how pious it has
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become over 20 years. 20 short years ago we reelected a man who had sex with an intern in the oval office as president of a country, and today we are going to say someone who said something is not qualified. it is marvelous to behold how wonderful this country has become, and how deeply religious and everything else -- these people like jason chaffetz, and then you hold up david letterman as a paragon of virtue, who is andn by his own admission, known to have had illicit sex with members of his offices, as someone who criticizes trump. please, let's get real. thank you. host: florida. stanley, you are a clinton supporter. good morning. caller: hello. am i on the phone? host: yes, you are live, stanley. how do you think the video affect the race? caller: i think it will be his
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aunt. first of all, he is not a good businessman. he went bankrupt three times. miles casinos within five of each other. he is not a good businessman. he is not a role model. he is a loser. he will always be a loser. he's people said he just did this -- a video, five years ago, he was married nine months when he did this. this is ridiculous. this guy is a paid -- he will be a pig until he dies. bill clinton is not running for president. hillary clinton is running for president. from --ishil calling in sorry -- paul, you are a third -party supporter. who are you supporting the month? caller: i cannot believe how righteous all of these people have become all of a sudden. -- akes me host: paul, do you have a
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candidate that you have already selected, a third-party candidate you will vote for? ok. caller: no, i haven't yet. host: ok. naomi from madison, wisconsin. a clinton supporter. good morning, naomi. caller: good morning. host: and how do you think this video will affect the race --does it affect your vote at all? caller: it does not affect my vote at all. i see it is affecting other people's. i hope he steps down. i hope he calls it quits, get smart, and cuts out. i think this would be a good time for that. what i wanted to say is about thevideo -- it is obviously real person that he is. i mean, he was hanging out with the guys, and he did not think he was in the public eye, but it was horrible.
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he won't apologize. he can't apologize. that video apology was no apology. he does not know how to apologize. he is never had to apologize for anything. he has never been forced to. and, you know, there are going to be a lot of people, i think -- this has been talked about, too -- a lot of republicans, a lot of so-called trump supporters that publicly say they are trump supporters say that because they feel they have to. host: naomi, on the point of it being a private -- you know, being what he really thinks -- do you think there is a line between judging what candidates say publicly, their policy decisions, and what they say when they do not realize the conversation will be playing before a worldwide audience? caller: oh i think the bad politicians think there is a big line -- they can get away with saying anything and doing anything they want as long as nobody is going to find out about it. then you get somebody like hillary clinton who is actually
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an honest person and has integrity, and walks the walk when she talks the talk. host: next, jenny from lincolnton, north carolina. you are a trump supporter. are you -- is this affecting your vote at all, and do you expect it to affect the campaign? caller: no, it is not going to affect my vote at all. i just heard the woman say -- [indiscernible] host: i am having a little bit of trouble hearing you. i think you have a cell phone inception issue. can you try again -- reception issue? can you try again? can you repeat what you said? caller: i heard this moment. i'm a trump supporter all the way. this will not stop me. i heard this woman say hillary is an honest person and trustworthy. she must be drinking something. you know, then talk like that in
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locker rooms. when in talk like that. it is a lot of talk. no action. but, you know. [applause] >> hey, there. how are you doing? thank you all for coming. every thank you all for coming, every year, paul ryan has a fall fest. everyone comes to the fall fittest to show their appreciation and their support for paul. >> not no more. >> ok, a few are not going to be for the whole ticket -- >> i'm for donald trump. >> why don't you listen to what i have to say instead of interrupting me? there's something about courtesy. paul ryan is the top elected leader of the republican party nationally. [cheers]


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