tv Washington Journal CSPAN October 14, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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david brody on the evangelical community's split over donald trump. at *;308:30 celeste katz on the role millenials are playing in campaign 2016. ♪ host: good morning. this friday, october 14 p.m. we have five days until election day 2016. the went to hear this morning from all the voters out there -- we have 25 days until election day. we want to hear from the voters who will write in a candidate for president. if you are republican and thinking about voting for somebody else besides donald trump, you're going to write in a name, 202-748-80001. democrats, if you are deciding not to check the box for hillary clinton but right in a name, 202-748-8000.
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you can also join the conversation on twitter @c-spanwj or goto we will find out in a minute who you plan to write in on november 8 rather than voting for the names on the ballot. first, let me show you why we are asking this question to all of you this morning. here is cnn's google searches for write-in are off the charts. google trends data indicates that the online searches for write-in surged by 2800% hitting a record high since 2004. the states with the highest rates of search are not battlegrounds. but republican and democratic strongholds. in the state of arizona, senator john mccain is up for reelection.
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we have been covering many debates on c-span for senate and house candidates. in a recent senate debate, here is what senator mccain said what he will do on november 8. senator mccain: it takes a big man to know when he is wrong. and to admit it. mike pence: and have the humility to apologized -- and donald trump last night show that he is a big man. host: that obviously was mike pence. i will show you what senator mccain had to say, but first for all of you out there, let me say again, if you're planning to write in a candidate on election day, tell us who that is going to be. no to the lines come republicans democrats and independents. tell us who you plan to write in. here is senator john mccain in his election day strategy. senator mccain: when a person
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legitimately wins the nomination of the party then obviously it deserves that support. i have expressed my disagreements. i expressed my disagreements with ronald reagan when he sent the marines to beirut and tragically they were killed. i said to george w. bush had to fire his secretary of state when we were losing the war in iraq. when i was running, i said i would rather lose a campaign than lose a war. there is no doubt about my criticism when i see that there is something that is wrong. >> who are you going to vote for? senator mccain: i might write in lindsey graham to her he is an old friend of my. seriously, i cannot vote for either one. host: that was senator john mccain in a recent debate. what he will do on november 8, writing in a name. he is not the only one. senator kelly ayotte as well saying that she withdrew her support recently for donald trump. she says she'll write in his
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running mate, indiana governor mike pence. nbc says say kelly ayotte and rob portman and cory gardner all have said they plan to write in the name of trump's running mate. john mccain say he might write in his fellow senator lindsey graham. talking about writing someone in maysan like a convenient option for republican politicians who find themselves caught between swing voters and their base thanks to trump's misogyny but in many states, those votes will count. different states have different rules for write-in candidates but they can be divided into three categories. nine states -- arkansas, hawaii, louisiana, mississippi, nevada new mexico, oklahoma, south carolina, south dakota -- will accept any writings at all.-- won't accept any write-ins at all. europe very early. who are you going to write in?
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-- than you waking up very early. caller: well, i was thinking of writing and ralph nader. he has done a lot of good for this country. he brought a lot of awareness to the senate. through the years, he has been an intelligent, successful person defending the rights of people. i'm going to write him in. host: barbara, do you what do you think about donald trump? let me ask you that. caller: well, my goodness, this is supposed to be the christian right's answer to the world's questions of being better and living up to the standards that god has set before us? and that's -- there's no reality there. i'll check in with god. host: what if it looks like, by
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you writing and ralph nader, you could put donald trump in the white house? then, what will you do? caller: then they will get the reality they are going to get, won't they? those christians had better stop pretending to be something they are not. host: stephen and gladstone michigan. an independent. tell us what you plan to do here. caller: i plan on voting for jill stein. host: tell us why. caller: because i cannot support hillary clinton because bill clinton deregulated the banks. i cannot support donald trump because he is just, i can't see - say what he is because you will cut me off. ,we need a change but we do not need corporate change. we need real change. host: is that the message you
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hear from dr. jill stein? caller: yes, it is. she wants to bring infrastructure in and stuff like that. and she is going to be very good for her to be president of the united states. host: did you see earlier than in the week, c-span sat down with jill stein and gary johnson? did you watch that? caller: yes, id did.. host: what did you think of her answers? she was able to talk to voters like you. caller: it made a lot more sense out of her answer then trump or clinton. let me say it's been a great honor to talk to geta. reta. host: thank you. if you want to hear more from jill stein and gary johnson whose names will be on the ballot, you can watch it on our website lee in pennsylvania is a democrat. what name will you write in?
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caller: pat robertson, not necessarily -- john mccain. host: why? caller: because pat robertson shows enough fortitude as a preacher to mention the word politics on tv and actually discuss it civilly for the moral authority, pat robertson. for pure american politics, john mccain because he knows what it is like to be on the front lines of a theater war. -- vietnam war. it is the gateway to healing this nation once and for all. host: roger in overguard arizona. an independent caller. good morning to you. caller: good morning. host: you have got to turn down that television. tell me, who ar going to writee you in? caller: bernie sanders.
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host: why? caller: mainly due to the fact that as a lifelong democrat i witnessed the democratic party steal the nomination from bernie sanders, even though bernie was sweet talked into backing hillary, i still am a bernie sanders supporter and i will be for probably the last election of my life because i am 72 years of age. host: roger how will you vote in that senate race? caller: the senate race. um, i like john mccain but i'm a lifelong democrat. so iw will probably vote a democrat. host: there you will vote for the democrat and for patr--? what if you hereby voting, by writing and bernie sanders that you could hand over arizona's electoral votes to donald trump?
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caller: then i would say the united states of america deserves what they get. host: that is what the first caller had to say as well. ed in new jersey a republican. ed who do you plan to write in on november 8? caller: good morning. i intend to vote for donald turmrump. my right and is going to be down ballot. i do not plan to support any republican candidate down ballot. because of people like jeb bush, ryan john mccain. so if they are not going to vote for the party's canaday, i am not voting for anybody down ballot. i'm not voting for anyone in my own twown. host: you will check the boxford donald trump but you will write in other names down ballot? ok. ed in new jersey, a republican.
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they are asking voters if you plan to write in a candidate not vote for your party candidate, or for a third party. if you plan to write in a different name, we want to hear from you this morning. republicans at 202-7548-8001. democrats 202-748-8000. independent 202-748-8002. let me share this story in the washington times. " donald trump at risk of losing gop stronghold as mormon voters look to one of their own on the ballot. the usual cohesion of voters in the conservative republican stronghold of utah has been blown up by donald trump's volatility and crudeness bringing uncertainty in a must win state for the gop nominee --
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i was going to support donald trump but because of my conservative views, donald trump has really turned me off. and just especially with what has come out easily. i cannot support him. host: what do you like about evan mcmullin. we are showing our viewers him right now. caller: i think he represents where i stand in terms of social issues and from the background that i have done on him, i really respect him. i know he is a longshot to win but i have got to vote my conscience. and he fits that bill. host: what does that mean that hillary clinton could be the next president? caller: that really bothers me, because she certainly does not represent where i feel strongly about. but then i can't support donald trump, either. i guess i ahhave to let the chips fall where they will.
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host: in california, independent. we have some early risers. thanks for calling in. what do you plan to do? caller: i have nothing else to do but watch you. you know i thinking -- i was thinking it is a good question. i would put paul ryan as an independent. host: you will write in paul ryan, the speaker of the house? caller: since he does not represent republicans, then he must represent somebody else. you know, because in this dirty, you know, personal interest politics that we are living, really nasty think that you have you believe on principles in the party. then you give your money. they represent themselves or they represent somebody else or something else. so, paul ryan should be an
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independent. host: jim in quincy, massachusetts, democrat. good morning. caller: how you doing this morning? guest:bernie sanders. the corruption that is being shown through wikileaks, they are talking about -- might have murdered. this is getting a little deep. host: have you gone to the wikileaks website? caller: i have been on it for three days. i'm sure they have not even -- host: what about that bernie sanders, your guy has said my policies and hillary clinton's are more in line, and he asked you to vote for hillary clinton? caller: the e-mail thing, his wife's life was threatened. i don't doubt that -- [inaudible] host: it doesn't matter
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then? caller: huh? no no. i think he's being coerced and threatened to support her. look at how many people have been killed by the clinton crime network. host: what evidence do you have of that? caller: evidence. have you looked at the e-mails yet? host: jim why do think it is important to do so? tell our viewers. caller: why look at the e-mails? it shows the innerworkings of what these people were saying to you. justice scalia was murdered. host: clinton now says speaker e-mail system was never clear. hillary clinton admitted she does not recall asking anyone for permission to use the secret server and e-mail account during her state in the state department. mrs. clinton said she did not
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recall seeing a 2011 warning about increased hacking atte mpts, and she did not write another warning sent under attorney. " secretary clinton states she does not recall being advised, cautioned or worn during her tenure about hacking of her account." host: "usa today" hack shows hy clinton cap wall street speeches -- kept wall street speeches a secret. they write this. " assuming the wikileaks e-mails
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are accurate, clinton's support is more prone of of free trade that she has been during her drive for the presidency." she now opposes the tpp and has few good things to say about free trade. she she also proclaims her sustain for income inequality and vows to reignn in wall street. "clinton could've inoculated yourself by releasing transcript months ago or could have turned down the speaking engagements in the first place." is this one of the reasons why you democrats plan to write in another name? if so, tell us why. let's go to alexis in silver spring, maryland, another democrat. what do you plan to do? caller: i'm undecided. it is either joel stein or bernie sanders. i would like to hear if there is some big movement one way or the other -- it is either jill stein or bernie sanders.
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host: before you make a decision? caller: yes. i know bernie sanders is trying to swin ghis support towards her. i am disappointed with him. hillary is not a progressive. i do not trust her. there is a lot of damaging things she has done in the past. i think basically when she gets in there, she is going to do whatever she wants and she's definitely a moderate. the fact that she's willing to work with republicans says something great about republicans. doesn't say something great about her in terms of being a progressive. i don't like the things she said during the primary trying to associate bernie as not being an obama supporter and all his supporters being naive.
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i and idealistic. i'm 53 years old. and he has really been the first candidate ever that naive. i really spoke in mainstream in terms that i agree with. jill stein does as well. unfortunately, neither one of them gets the coverage. i also feel like it was really rigged. the fact that he -- ran as a democrat gave him more coverage but they completely -- they did not give him the coverage and till they had to recognize that he had a force behind him. host: if two days before that tuesday november 8, bernie sanders comes out holds a rally for hillary clinton and says if you write in my name are vote for a third party candidate, you are putting donald trump in the white house. what youdo you do?
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caller: i despise donald trump but i do not like hillary either. at this point, i feel i'm so tired of being blackmailed and pushed into voting for a lesser of two evils. i'm really upset with, you know, the democratic party for, you know manipulating and getting -- and democracy just happened between bernie and hillary. i'm going to vote for what i believe in and whoever else gets in then that is how it is. they need to learn to let the democrats decide. don't manipulate the system. host: mineral wells texas. independent. good morning to you. what will you do on the election day? caller: i am writing in jill
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stein. guest:i'm 36 years old and i've always watched elections in my family. my grandparents and i have never found anybody worth voting for. and jill stein is the only one that has came out and touched on every single subject i have every wanted in a president. -- ever wanted in a president. i can't stand handing my children and my grandchildren over to hillary or donald, even if it means voting for her means trump getting in. i'm out in trump land, now. he's a giant mouthpiece. and hillary is on the brink of nuclear war. i can't hand that to my future. host: a caller in texas. donald trump was on the campaign trail, in florida.
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here is the headline from "the washington post." trump says the " women's claims written about in the new york times and people magazine are part of global conspiracy. he says the clinton machine is at the center of this power structure." compare that to the speech michelle obama gave. in a pair of speeches, the race is crystallized. let me show you first donald trump yesterday talking about these allegations and then we will come back and show you michelle obama's speech. mr. trump: how we address the slander and libel is that was just last night thrown it me by the clinton machine and "the new york times" as part of a concerted, coordinated and vicious attack. it's not coincidence that these attacks come at the exact same
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moment and altogether at the same time as wikileaks releases documents exposing the massive international corruption of the clinton machine including 2000 more e-mails just this morning. these vicious claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. and the clintons know it. they know it very well. these claims are all fabricated. they're pure fiction and they are outright lies. these events never, ever happened.
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and the people that said them fully understand. you take a look at these people. you study these people and you will understand, also. the claims are imposters ludicrous -- preposterouas and defy common sense and logic. host: that was donald trump in palm beach, florida, yesterday. michelle obama was at a rallyl for hillary clinton in new hampshire. here is a little bit of her speech. mrs. obama: too many are treating this as just another day's headlines. as if our outrage is overblown or unwarranted. as i f this is normal. just politics as usual. but new hampshire let's be clear, this is not normal.
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this is not politics as usual. [cheers and applause] mrs. obama: this is disgraceful it is intolerable. and it does not matter what party you belong to. democrat republican, independent, no woman deserves to be treated this way, not of us deserve this kind of abuse. -- none of us deserve this kind of abuse. i know it's a campaign. but this isn't about politics. it's aboutut basic human decency. we simply cannot endure this or expose our chilled into this any longer, not for another minute and let alone for four years. now is the time for all of us to stand up and say, enough is
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enough. this has got to stop right now. host: veteran "washington post" the take column this morning says this about those speeches. "the presidential campaign has been building towards this day after day after day, the rhetoric has intensified. the charges and countercharges have escalated --" those speech is part of our road to the white house coverage. if you miss them, go to president obama will be on the campaign trail in cleveland, ohio. 11:15 a.m. on c-span, c-span org and the radio app.
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we will be covering donald trump this evening as well as paul ryan. you can go to our website c-span org. find our road to the white house coverage as we are 25 days out from election day. we are asking all of you this morning, do you plan to write in a candidate on tuesday, november 8? as we said at the top, there is different rules for different states. for nine states if you wrote in a candidate -- arkansas, hawaii, louisiana, mississippi, nevada "the -- they will not accept any right -- write ins. then there are a handful of states including kelly ayotte, the senator of new hampshire her state has no requirements for write in candidates. most states, including rob portman in ohio, gardner in colorado and mccain's arizona are in the middle.
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they except writing candidates but require them to file paperwork ahead of time for their votes to be counted -- let's hear from greg in alexandria virginia, a democrat. caller: my write in president and running mate would be ron -- paul. i think he picks up, all of us who support hillary's -- that would be a great president. the running mate john gotti so we can pick up the resume builder that hillary has on all her criminal activity. we k now that criminals have
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that mindset and that psychosis to make a great leader. host: all right greg. keith in washington. independent. good morning to you. caller: i think it is a little funny that all ofthat all of this stuff about donald trump is coming out as the revelations from wikileaks is coming out, and a narrative that clinton is saying is it is not their side, it could be edited. the fact is, wikileaks never has, and never will release fraudulent documents. they are just distracting us. i am writing in allison kennedy of the socialist workers party. host: why is that? caller: i don't believe in either of the major party candidates. neither of them represent me and i believe in democracy in
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voting for somebody that represents me, not somebody who is scarier than the other. i don't believe in a two-party system. host: ken in hudson, florida. one are you going to do on november 8? caller: i am thinking about running in somebody but i don't know who. i would vote for stein if i didn't vote for trump. what i want to stress is, this tape that has come out on mr. trump is hearsay, and people are getting sucked in to believing what is going on. i don't think it is fair to him. i watched abc news yesterday and there was no mention of this problem with the wikileaks going on with hillary clinton. they avoided the situation and what is coming out with them. the thing that really worries me
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is the fact that if people are writing in, somebody from pennsylvania a few minutes ago you are taking away from mr. trump. that is what bothers me. host: so you would like to vote in jill stein, but if it looks like that could mean that florida goes to hillary clinton you would vote donald trump? caller: correct. people better wake up in this country. she has accomplished nothing as secretary of state. her commercials are i save the children, great. as far as the medical conditions go for children. the fact is, she has done nothing. there is turmoil in this country. her foundation accepting all this money. this person is not -- is not, in my mind, for the good of the
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country, to be elected president. host: have you always voted republican? caller: i have always voted for the person, democrat or republican, who i thought would be the best person to serve our country. host: did you vote for bill clinton? caller: i did not. host: what are the similarities you see between jill stein and donald trump? caller: again, it is for the people. jill stein, to me, the times i have seen her speak, she is for the people of the country. i think hillary clinton is for herself. i think donald trump is for the people of this country. i am undecided to vote for stein. i feel like i'm helping hillary clinton. host: how will you vote in the senate race? caller: rubio. host: tell us why.
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did you want senator marco rubio in the primary, to be president? caller: no. initially i thought he would win in florida. time went on -- i think he is too young. he has not served enough time to be president. again, mr. trump has never been involved in politics and people are saying that he is in the process, no experience. mr. obama had no experience in years ago. the question you got ask, are people better off today than they were eight years ago? if not, are we going to be better off with hillary clinton if she is elected? host: let's take a look at congressional races, speaking of that race in florida. democrats need a net gain of four seats it hillary clinton wins the white house come in the
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senate five it donald trump wins the presidency, in order to gain control of the senate. in the house, democrats need to that 30 seats to take majority. in "the salt lake tribune," mike lee canceling events to campaign for others. he plans to launch a tour on thursday in draper. a beginning of town halls to reach out to voters before election day. those have now been canceled. instead, he will barnstorm for more vulnerable republicans in places like nevada. a growing concern that republicans may lose control of the senate. then you have this story in roll call.
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a quartet of democratic senators swinging through states over the weekend. that is they were campaigning over the weekend. female senate democrats getting involved in this as well. then you have this from the arizona republic. they have not endorsed a democrat in their 126-year history. they came out yesterday and endorsed senator mccain over ann kirkpatrick in that race. they say mccain should be sent back, even at 80, he is aggressive. some have said his age is disqualifying, but even at his age, he showed his meddle in the
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campaign. it says that mccain was right about the surge and putin. more than ever, the senate needs his leadership. finally, the huffington post -- that is something we discussed on newsmakers when we sat down this sunday. paul ryan will be speaking today, he will be talking to college republicans in madison wisconsin about the republican agenda. politico has this headline.
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we will have coverage of his remarks at 1:00 eastern time on c-span,, and you can listen on the c-span radio app as well. back to our calls and questions. do you plan to write in a candidate on election day, and if so, who? david in washington, d.c. good morning. caller: good morning. i would just like to ask people to be very careful about writing in candidates. a lot of states will disqualify your ballot. also, a lot of the third-party candidates, stein and johnson have done a ton of work to get on the ballot, so you don't need to necessarily write in a candidate in order to not vote for trump or clinton. i would also like to ask c-span, i don't know if you have had it, or will, but have an expert on these wikileaks to come on and
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talk about it. there is a big timeline going on with them as far as the letters go, put in context with the dates of the primary and election cycle. it is important to understand what is going on. there is nothing wrong with the campaign writing internal e-mails back and forth strategizing, coming up with its talking points. but there is a problem when it is prior to the primary being decided and those e-mails are going within the campaign to the party. that is against the party bylaws. that is shown to have happened in the democratic primary. not sure about the republicans but i know about the democratic primary. and it doesn't stop there. those two entities were also corresponding with the press. there have been e-mails that have shown the desire for the democratic party in the clinton campaign to prop up trump
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through the media. early on in the campaign, prior to bernie sanders declaring his candidacy, e-mails between the democratic party and the clinton party talking about how to suppress the other candidates. host: so what does this mean for you, and is this what you are writing in somebody else? caller: i am pretty sure stein is on the ballot in d.c., so i will just bubble her name in. the one opportunity we have -- and all the frustrated voters have out there in this election cycle -- i personally think trump is detestable and i despise the machine that has put clinton in as part other choice and props trump up as a scare tactic so i don't have a reasonable republican to vote for.
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what we can do here is, we need a third-party party to have legitimacy in the country and to show up in the debates, to show up nationally and on paul's. i think there is a 5% threshold they have to get in these elections. we don't need to run up the store for clinton. she needs 270 electoral college votes. if you lean toward trump, he does not need to win every single state. host: i want to talk about what the landscape looks like right now, but to your point about e-mails, "the washington times" has another story that we shared with you about her sworn statement to a court that was just released yesterday, but there is also this. e-mails reveal journalists friendly to clinton.
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other stories in the paper today noting the donald trump campaign is leaving virginia. the republican party staying in that state but "the wall street journal" with the path to victory diminishing for mr. trump. we are asking you if you plan to write in a third-party candidate who that will be. charles from richmond, virginia. independent. good morning, go ahead. caller: i would write in rudy
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giuliani. host: and why? caller: i just think he would be a good leader for our country. i feel like washington is broken. it sounds like all the republican senators are going against trump. they are afraid that he would get in there and clean house and do something besides what is going on up there. people can see it is broken. i think rudy would be a good choice. i think all of this stuff that hillary is pulling out on trump is just a cheap shot. it is just a mess. host: let me get to william in false church, virginia. william, good morning. caller: good morning, greta. thanks for taking my call. host: what name will you write
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in? caller: that is where i'm uncertain. i do not want to waste a vote. i was mentioning to the screener , it is a duty of hours as citizens -- as frustrated as we are with the choices that we have to make between the two candidates, i still think we have to bite the bullet, so to speak. the same obstacle the president may have, whoever that may be, will still have to work with the hand they are dealt. as a nation, we have to still contribute to what is going on. we cannot sit there and say i will write in mickey mouse. we are doing a discredit to our rights when other countries wish they had an option. we have an option regardless of whether we agree with the candidates 100%. people forget that we cannot agree with everyone 100% of the
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time. i don't think i will write somebody in, i think i will make a choice sooner or later. i am leaning on the side of something new. i think we all know what we will get with hillary clinton especially in light of the wikileaks. with donald trump it is a roll of the dice, but it is a roll of the dice regardless. the ones who are uncertain, i hope they choose the right thing. host: i want to get in a few more campaign articles. bloomberg businessweek. a look at the univision chairman. inside they have this headline. and then there is this from "the
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in case you missed it, the letter sent back and forth between the new york times and donald trump's lawyer. here is the letter that his lawyer sent to "the new york times" after they published to stories of women's accounts from many years ago. they say -- "the new york times" lawyer responded to mr. trump's lawyer. here is what they wrote.
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orion in emeryville, california, an independent. you are planning to write in a candidate. who will that be? caller: jill stein. i didn't want to say, jill stein --[indiscernible] host: i apologize, you are breaking up. it is difficult to hear you. we are going to take a short break. when we come that, we will talk to david brody with the
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christian broadcasting network. it is their chief political correspondent. we will talk about the split in the evangelical community over supporting donald trump. and then celeste katz for the millennial news site we will be right back. >> before the final debate between hillary clinton and donald trump, we are looking back to path presidential debates. this saturday at 8:00 on c-span the 1984 debate between president ronald reagan and former vice president walter mondale. >> we must understand we are a democracy, we are a government by the people, and when we moved, it should be for very
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severe and extreme reasons that serve our national interest and end up with a stronger country behind us. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i will not exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience. >> then the 1988 presidential debate between george h michael dukakis. >> you have a president that will work with the congress and the american people. we can bring the deficit down steadily, build economic growth, build a good, strong future for america, invest in those things in which we must invest in, economic development, good jobs. >> i wish he would join me in appealing to the american people for the balanced amendment for the federal government and the line item veto. i would like to have that line-item veto for the president
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because i think that would be extraordinarily helpful. >> and a two thousand eight debate with illinois senator barack obama and arizona senator john mccain. >> the situation cries out for bipartisanship. senator obama has never taken on the levers of his own party on a single issue. we need to reform. let's look at our records as well as our rhetoric. that is really part of your mistrust here. >> we are going to have to make some investments but we also have to make spending cuts. you will hear senator mccain propose whole bunch of new spending, but i am cutting more than i'm spending, so it will be a net spending cut. the key is whether we have priorities working for you. >> watch past presidential debates saturday at 8:00 eastern.
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host: we are back with david brody, chief political correspondent with cbn news. what is cbn news, and do you have a political leaning? caller: we are a 50 13 c profit, so there is no waiting at all. times in those campaigns when he was running for president. we have interviewed hillary clinton, go down the list, harry reid, everybody on the democrat side, republican side. in essence we are a news organization and a ministry at the same time, really proclaiming the gospel of jesus christ to the world, and we do that through a worldview that is a christian worldview, so there are a lot of folks that want to know that perspective on the daily news. host: you wrote in a recent article that evangelicals will pull the letter -- a lever in
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trump's favor, hoping for a generation of what they hope to be 5-4 decisions and they are voting for him because of whom he has surrounded himself with, principled conservatives like mike pence huckabee, and they are voting for him because they see somebody who were not given to the political correctness of bashing christianity. and one more thing. they're voting for him because they believe in an active god who has the power to use trenton anyway he deems fit. guest: that is the argument for people that are supporting donald trump. let me take a step back for a moment. there has been a lot of consternation within the unit of local community about this, and i get it. i get the anti-trump and the pro-trumps side of it. it is my job to explain both sides of it.
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they are, what i wrote, was basically the pro-trumps view. if you are faced with two him oral candidate -- donald trump is not the most moral boy scout in the world, and hillary is not either, so what do you do? what i was saying there, at that point, the tiebreaker for many of these evangelicals is who will be the candidate who will ultimately push those judeo-christian principles to the forefront, and that is the moral tiebreaker. host: and that is your headline a shakespeare headline for voters. to vote or not to vote. where is the split, for trump, against trump with evangelicals, and how big is the split? guest: i think it is significant. there is a lot of toxicity. host: hard to say it at 8:00 in
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the morning. guest: there is a toxic environment, no question about it. the split from a frustration standpoint israel in the even jellico community and frankly there are a lot of pro-trump evangelicals that pretty much have to wear a scarlet letter. you go back to 2008 and barack obama, there were evangelicals voting for barack obama, and within the church environment they were looking at those and saying,, you are an individual called that votes for barack obama, thanks. same thing with donald trump. they think differently of you. so there is a scarlet letter factor here. host: let me show the viewers the split by showing them two quotes, one from tony perkins on the donald trump video. he wrote, as a husband and father of three daughters, i find it deeply degrading.
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how much influence does tony perkins have do you think and does this helps way those evangelicals that say, i cannot vote for donald trump? guest: tony perkins has influence, there's no question about that, but this will ultimately be decided in the pews of america, the grassroots. to wrap up any sort of power in all of these evangelical leaders would be missing the full story. the full story is that these are pastors that have to talk to their flocks on a daily and weekly basis about the choice in front of them. that is some of the conversation going on. i think there is an important point is the single issue. for the pro-trump evangelicals,
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they are saying, if you are a prodrug evangelical, you are saying, i make it exceed percent to 70% of judeo-christian framework next four years with donald trump but i'm getting zero with hillary clinton. if you look at 60% versus 0% the last time i checked, that is greater than 0%. that's part of the calculus. host: let me show you what students at liberty university had to say about donald trump. guest: obviously, jerry falwell
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has taken hits for this, not just from his students, but within the christian community and he is not the only one. it will be interesting. whatever happens to donald trump happens to donald trump. what had this to evangelical community after this, that is a c-span discussion november 9 and beyond. host: describe the power of the evangelical vote and where it stands, what states? guest: we could go on and on. the power of the evangelical vote, in one word, maybe a donald trump word, huge. big league huge. george w. bush, in 2004, won the evangelical support of 78%. donald trump will have to be in that 75%, possibly close to 80% of the evangelical vote to win. that is a tall order right now especially with what has happened. can he do it? there is a puncher's chance he
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can, but he will have to continually engage with the evangelical community. a lot of times we go back to the primary and say he did well with evangelicals yes, he did, but in the general election, you have many of those that were for ted cruz, ben carson, and others so no you have a larger pool that he has to play two. those are the ones that are having that this taste for donald trump. even those evangelicals that were with him at the beginning are still with them today. host: i have a couple of questions in my head. what about mitt romney's support among evangelicals? guest: it was good, did not fall off the map or anything. evangelicals were also dealing to a degree with the mormon issue. but he did well. i don't think there is any question about that. we will see how his voting
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statistics compared to donald trump's, but he was in that 75% range, which is good. but here is part of the problem for you evangelicals. they don't vote. people will say, they are a huge voting block, we hear all about about even uncles. these numbers have been validated many times over. there are roughly 90 million self identified evangelicals in this country. half of them are registered to vote. that is 45 million evangelicals registered vote in this country. and it gets worse. of those registered to vote, only half of those actually show up and vote on election day. you are looking at about 27 to 30 million evangelicals in the country that vote out of 90 million. those numbers can fluctuate depending on certain surveys how you identify and evangelical. here is the bottom line. tens of millions of evangelicals are not voting in this country.
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host: why? guest: a lot of reasons. you have a camp of evangelicals that say god has got it under control, we are good, god will take care of it. jesus is coming, so i will just sit on my couch. the last time i checked, god gives us free will. part of that is getting off the couch and voting. another part of it is, goes to the self nature of folks, which is they are disgusted by the politics, disgusted by the way things are going in this culture. there is a little bit of a throw your hands up mentality. it is a combination of a few things. host: we want to hear from evangelicals in the country today. we have divided the lines by evangelicals and all others. if you are an evangelical, (202) 748-8000, all others, (202) 748-8001.
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connie is in illinois, evangelical, go ahead. caller: good morning. i want to ask c-span, you had that reverend on that spoke at the dnc. i wonder when you are going to have pastor robert jefferson that speaks for donald trump? i will say pastor berber, he slapped the bible in the face of god. he prayed to god, and then he threw in jesus christ, as a palestinian jew. jesus was from the tribe of judah, a true jew the son of god. hillary clinton stands against evangelicals, against catholics.
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she stands against all godly principles. i will be voting for donald trump. host: your statement about hillary clinton standing against catholics and evangelicals, are you referring to the e-mail between her staff? caller: yes, you should know this. i voted for bill clinton when he first ran. i did not vote for him when he ran the second time mainly because of the partial-birth abortion. the baby is half born, they put a solution into a needle, poke it into the back of his neck run it up into the brain, and turn the baby's brain to mush. when he signed that into law, i thought there is no way. host: we will leave it there so that david brody can give us his thoughts. guest: connie actually
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represents a lot of what evangelicals are thinking. on the abortion issue, we hear this a lot. they believe donald trump will appoint pro-life supreme court nominees. they look at mike pence and they see a pro-life dedicated believer. they are very comfortable with that. mike pence did a lot for this ticket with evangelicals. talk about having cover. that is major cover for donald trump beyond the fact that donald trump has actually come out with a list of supreme court nominees, many of them showing pro-life cleaning. connie -- leaning. connie is pointing at this underlying issue, that abortion is a major part of the calculus. host: jim in florida. what are your thoughts this morning? caller: my statement and question would be, i think we
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are all missing the ball with the moral issues. what we need to concentrate on is the banking issues, what was said at the bankers meeting. they need growth to sustain this house of cards. what they are going to do is, instead of doing the hard work and going down and stimulating growth in the western hemisphere by investing in infrastructure they will that open borders, all of these people into this country, and then we will support them through social programs. what will happen is the american taxpayer will have to pay for this growth through their taxes. then all the bankers will come in and sign this money up. all of this other stuff is nonsense to deflect us from where the real issues are. i just want to know if evangelicals are going to come out and vote on financial issues , which will really affect them. the same with millennials. they will be left holding the bag. instead of a rocking the vote, they will be rocking their parents basement.
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guest: i wrote a book in 2012 about how evangelicals and the tea party are coexisting, how that relationship works. one of the big issues for evangelicals is the moral issue of the debt and the deficit. yes, evangelicals care deeply about the deficit. it is not just about the life issue, the marriage issue. yes, those are important, but it is much wider than that. i also think it's interesting, we heard from connie, sounds like a trump supporter, and then we hear from jim who is talking about trade, progrowth, the economy. now we are starting to get a sense of how donald trump is going beyond traditional lines traditional political lines. that is a bit dangerous for the hillary clinton campaign. i was talking to a democrat strategist who says they are extremely worried about this
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silent majority that is out there. the polls may not pick up, but will there be a surprise on election day? i think it is a deep concern within folks inside the hillary clinton can't. host: so you are doubting what "the wall street journal" put on their front page, that trump's path diminishes. he is trailing in battleground states. guest: not at all. obviously, the polls are the polls. first of all, two things i'm telling you when democrat strategist are telling me, number one, so it is their words, not mine. there is a concern about these online polls. yes, some of them are fly-by-night.
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but they also represent anonymity. anonymity could potentially be translated as the closet trump motor. we run into many across the country. we have been on the ground and we are hearing from these closet trump voters from california to maine who say, don't tell anybody but i'm voting for trump . it will be interesting to see what that polling looks like. host: do you think that has at all changed since last week when the 2005 tape came out on friday? guest: i guess we will find out. we are seeing some full that there is some movement and it's not good for donald trump. the best news for the trump campaign is that there is still three weeks to go. in this crazy race, anything can happen. we could literally be talking -- our interview may be dated in an hour because we just don't know what shoe is next to drop. host: you get to talk to joe mccutchen in georgia who is an
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evangelical and calls into the show religiously every 30 days. no pun intended. caller: thank you, greta. love c-span p i have been calling over 30 years. there is a minister here who is also the barbecue king. there are 26 million small businesses in the country. we are working with them to vote for donald trump. a lot of them are evangelicals. bringing up what you said, i see nearly all of them for donald trump. i call in on all the talk shows. and getting calls from all over the country from small business people who are evangelicals voting for donald trump. i don't think the major media has picked up on this. i predict, and steve moore says this, the 26 million small businesses in america will elect
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donald trump. i fully believe that to be the case. guest: that is what i'm hearing on the ground as well. and it is all anecdotal. we are never quite sure exactly how this translates into real votes. there is a group called the american renewal project, run by an influential evangelical organizer, who is doing quite a few of these events. he is getting pastors in a room. donald trump spoke to this group in august in orlando. basically, these are pastors who are going back to their flocks to not talk about donald trump but how it's important to speak up about the judeo-christian principles in this country, and that it is a duty to vote, not a right. that has been a lot of the talk. i know the faith and freedom coalition is on the ground. the republican national committee is on the ground knocking on doors, doing phone calls.
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yes, were the comments he said in 2005 "it?" yes, but he can recover from that. donald trump has an interesting play here, the mainstream media card. in the next three weeks, what he could do systematically -- and he has already started to do it -- with the new york times story, and now it is october not august. he can make the case to his base and possibly independents beyond his base, that the mainstream media has it in for him. the media will trouble at that -- chuckle at that, but it doesn't matter if voters buy into him. host: we had two women cannot from "the new york times" story, others previously said donald
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trump did not just say those words, he did act, there were actions. that's an argument he made up the last debate, that these were just words, never acted on them. these women are saying, no, he did. guest: at some point, how much water can be in the boat before the whole thing tips over? i remember the kids came, don't spill the beans. you go back in the campaign, there is the john mccain bean, the forgiveness bean. at some point, what is the bean that tips the whole thing over? that is a fair analogy. but i will say this, there is a difference politically, if it became a woman, let's say, once he ran for president, something recent, in the last few months. that seems to be at a much different level, if you will, then something 10 years ago.
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host: let's go to kathleen in chicago. caller: good morning, how are you doing? what i don't understand, i'm listening to this program and it says evangelicals. these are people that are supposed be close to god. please don't cut me off because i'm trying to get a point across. i thought anybody in the christian faith is supposed to be getting people close to god. what i heard donald trump say and i don't know who it was that asked him, has he ever asked god? god is the one that wakes everyone up. without god, there is no man. how can you evangelicals sit up here when that man said, no, i have never asked god to forgive me, because i have never done anything wrong. that was enough to make evangelicals say, what is this man talking about?
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then i heard you say something about mike pence. the first thing that came out of his mouth, i am a christian. if you are a christian, you have people out here that are leaning toward god and want to come home to god, but the way that you are carrying a long, what are you showing the sinners out here? this man means more to us and god. that is what you are saying if you elect donald trump. i don't care if it was 10 or 12 years ago. the only reason why he apologized is because somebody told him, you better apologize. and he didn't apologize. host: before we go into too many areas, david brody, jump in. guest: she is making the anti-trump case, whether you're an evangelical or not. i get that side of it. then there is the other side of it. look, there is so much to unpack here. donald trump should be thankful
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to evangelicals because evangelicals know a thing or two about forgiveness and grace. in other words if anybody is going to forgive donald trump it will be evangelicals. you can make the argument that that is a wonderful witness to donald trump, if some people don't think he is necessarily a believer. but the bottom line is, grace is sufficient. evangelicals know a thing or two about that. host: what has donald trump said about his religious believes? guest: it's interesting you say that. a lot of people talk about those comments that he made in iowa in july about a month after he announced his candidacy for presidency where he said he does not ask god for forgiveness. two months later, i did an interview with him in california, you can look it up. i said, do you ask god for forgiveness? he says, yes, i do, and it's very important. then he went on to explain it. then he said it again a couple
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of other times. i know privately who say they are alongside him talking about this and he is it knowledge in of that privately. he is a new yorker, he is a street brawler, he is a strong guy, proud, you will not see the softer side of donald trump in public. but what is going on privately is a different story. a lot of folks may not know about that, maybe they will find out after november 9 when some books are written, but the point is, sometimes we don't know the full story. people need to dial it back on that. host: did you ask them how often he prays, does he go to church? guest: i did ask him that. again, that is all up there on the internet. he in mitzi does not go to church every sunday, but we know as christians it is not about being in a building but your relationship with jesus christ. does he have someone to do on that?
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yes, but so do i and other evangelicals. that is where the forgiveness and grace comes in. once again, it does not mean that evangelicals that are for trump are excuse his behavior. a lot of people say that if you say that you are exceeding his behavior. not saying that at all. but they are saying they can't afford him forgiveness and grace and they are seeing a force from the trees a little bit, in other words, they believe their moral vote here is for judeo-christian principles to move forward in the public square, rather than getting caught up in the morality of one man. host: jonesville, virginia. floyd. evangelical. good morning. caller: a couple of comments and then a question for david. a woman called in right before i got on, she was talking about how evangelicals, how could they vote for trump? let me tell you, hillary is for open bathrooms were your little
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daughters and sons have to go in and sit down behind -- beside a pervert, homosexual, or predator. she is all for that happening. the democrats and hillary is also for abortion, which has killed over 60 million babies in america. that blood will be on everybody's hands that votes for hillary clinton. another thing, wikileaks recently released e-mails where they -- i want to ask david how he thinks anybody, christian or anybody, can vote for anybody like that? guest: christians voting for or against a candidate is between them and god. plain and simple. i definitely will not get into any of that because god judges our heart.
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i do not judge anybody's heart, but god knows the heart. i will just leave it at that. i will say, one of the arguments on the pro-trump evangelical side of this is who he surrounds himself with. it is important to know, the bible says it's important to know the company that you keep. evangelicals will point to the fact that he surrounds himself with ben carson, jerry falwell, dr. james robison, mike huckabee. i could go down the list of people of strong born-again evangelical leaders who are around him. and some will potentially play a role in the and administration, if it ever gets to that. evangelical see that as part of the calculus as well. host: montgomery, texas. kathy is an evangelical. caller: first of all, we are not voting for a pope, we are voting for the president of our dilapidated country.
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i am a deplorable catholic voting for trump even though he is rough around the edges. i want to say -- he cannot compare to the clintons. they are so corrupt and evil. please, please get out the republicans. go register so we don't have to have another four years of a barack obama, who has totally turn this country upside down. they are so anti-christ it is pathetic. guest: was it mary? host: kathy. guest: sorry. you bring up an interesting point about morality. it is a touchy subject, but let's go there for a moment. what sliding scale of morality are we on exactly? let's start with this, donald trump and those 2005 lewd comments. more than inappropriate, plain and simple, ron is can be. he has apologized for it.
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the question then becomes what is moral and what is immoral? many evangelicals believe what hillary clinton has been doing throughout her 30-your career is immoral. donald trump, back to immoral as well. but whose standard -- your morality may be different than my version of morality. that is where evangelicals believe god comes into the equation. god never changes. it is moral and sound and it is good to not have a shifting sand of morality. we as humans have different standards. god has one standard. god sees sin as sin. it is something to consider. it is actually a good think tank discussion at some point. host: if viewers, other evangelical voters see them as equally immoral "washington
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post" says it is beyond that, character, intellect. it says this. guest: right. two things. one, the pro-trump evangelicals would argue that you could probably write a list of that with hillary clinton with all those adjectives as well. once again, we are back to lots of adjectives on one side, lots of adjectives on another. the question becomes what is more moral and what is more immoral. that is for voters to decide. but the fact that you read from "the washington post," you could probably read from breitbart or another publication and get the opposite view on hillary clinton. host: peter is an evangelical in
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norcross, georgia. welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning. this is very interesting. mr. brody, i wish people like him understood the damage, the very damage they are doing to christianity in this country. i came to america 30 years ago. i used to watch cbn in the 1980's. people like you, the damage you are doing to christians in this country, with this election, with mr. trump, if you understood the damage, you would run far away from trump. you guys have put so much hate
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in our minds, i have to convince i own kids that christ is real. i cannot understand how you as christians, jerry falwell people like you that lead the christian sect in this country can associate yourself with donald trump. let's assume mrs. clinton is bad. donald trump is the antichrist. he is a demon walking on the earth. you pretend as if it is just normal that he lies for the past 70 years, and it only began when he became a candidate. what a joke. you say that this is normal. no, mr. brodie, this is not normal. host: david brody. guest: there it is, the
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antitrust evangelical view. it is definitely understood in the evangelical community. you can make the case either way, so nobody is saying anything about that. it was interesting, david french who was thinking about running for president, a conservative evangelical, came out the other day on twitter. we had a back-and-forth, we'd exchanged our views. he said, from now on any pro-trump evangelical has no right to question the character of any other presidential candidate moving forward. i thought it was a good point, a valid point, kind of what to what peter is saying. then i wrote back in 140 characters or less, good point, but also let's remember, the anti-trump evangelicals will also have no right to complain about every 5-4 supreme court decision that does not go their way in the next four years. so it cuts both ways. you can play the character card, and it's a legitimate card to
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play, you can go there and make the argument for it, but you can also make the supreme court argument the other way. then you are back to where you going to go? each evangelical has to decide for themselves. host: what do you make of this headline in "the washington times?" mormons are looking to cast their ballot for evan mcmullen a mormon, or gary johnson. guest: i think it is dangerous territory for him, no question about it. donald trump mention this in august when he spoke at the pastors and fuse event in orlando. he said, can you help me out in utah? i need some help. he understands the terrain is not good. mormons are not a big fan of donald trump. obviously, you put all that together, and that is a danger zone for donald trump, no doubt about it.
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the reality is this, before we get to utah, he needs to win north carolina, florida, and ohio. people talk about battleground states, forget about that. he loses any one of those three and it is over. host: going back to utah, if we can -- if mitt romney had said i'm going to support donald trump would that have helped? guest: maybe at the margins. not at all with folks who are tired of that gop establishment politician crowd. maybe at the margins. in utah, i think mitt romney's word matters. for sure. could it took the balance their? -- there? i think it could. nationally, i don't think so. host: maurice is in reston, virginia. caller: thank you for taking my call.
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longtime listener, first time caller. i have never call before but this particular subject compelled me to call in this morning. i am listening to this man and he is calling people anti-trump. david, they are not anti-trump, they are pro-truth. you have this guy peter calling in telling you how he felt, how he had to convince his family about christianity all over again. this is the damage that people like you, you closet trump supporters, are doing to the christian movement. why don't you be consistent and stand by the values of the bible you claim to follow? this is the problem. people listen to you guys and you say one thing and do another. where in the bible does it say that a married man like trump
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should be going after another married woman? he confessed that on tape. [video clip] you talked about guest: biblical values. what are biblical values? there are some that donald trump and hillary clinton have broken. we are back to square one on that. the last time i checked jesus is not running for president he's busy running the universe so there isn't a perfect candidate. there just isn't so we need to understand as evangelicals that president of the united states will not save america but we do have free will to cast our vote and that's what folks are doing. you said anti-truth. i think what you may want to
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understand is the reason i keep saying anti--trump is the truth is it's a binary choice. let's be honest. gary johnson is on the ballot and you can write in a candidate and you can not vote but i'm pretty sure hillary clinton or donald trump will be president of the united states. i say that with sarcasm dripping. that's why i'm saying pro trump evangelicals and anti-trump voters evangelicals because that's what will come down to. you're either for donald trump and for hillary clinton or four hillary clinton and against donald trump even if you write in or don't vote or go for a third-party candidate. either way, it is a binary election. host: women voters lay a big role in every election. the headline in one paper is
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that trumps female supporters are sticking by him because they don't like hillary clinton. guest: that's it. it just comes down to that. i know that bothers folks. it's because they want them to take the moral high ground. if they are going to take the moral high ground against donald trump, in essence, it's a vote for hillary clinton who they would see as an immoral candidate as well. for example, there are a lot of evangelicals where donald trump was not their first choice so they went with the moral candidate, if you will, whether it be ted cruz or whoever it they decided. their guy is not in the race and now you're faced with the choice we discussed. host: i will get in one last phone call -- an evangelical in new jersey. caller: good morning. i am calling because there are a lot of us who were never for
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trump. the rnc silenced the delegates and trump got ahead but at this point, i would vote edwin mcmullen but it's late to have many of us look into it. many of us are but some are not. between who will win or not, you talked about a binary choice. many just want to stick with winning especially when it comes to a strong issue like abortion via voice for the voiceless all stuff, both candidates are absolutely immoral but when it comes to voice for the voiceless, that's why sometimes some would vote for donald trump because he is pretending to be of that issue more than we know hillary would. i would not vote for donald
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trump knowing about the morality. many are and they want to vote and it's a binary choice. we have to talk about the causes. many are saying donald trump is not acceptable but hillary clinton is also not. when it comes to a voice for the voiceless, donald trump is on the side of some of the issues we are on. it's more of an issue thing. they want to be a voice for the voiceless in some way or another with two options that are both that. guest: this is a gray election and it's a mixed bag. the question is -- is this the
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best we can do? my answer is yes. people ask what do you mean by that and we are living in a very broken time politically spiritually, morally culturally. when you live in that environment and you have politicians let voters down for decades, you will go to your corners, retreat and what we are seeing today is the polarization of america and to candidates that represent that well. i would suggest that's exactly -- these are exactly to write candidates. before twitter goes crazy, the right candidates in the sense of what america is facing right now politically, morally culturally spiritually. it makes sense. host: you are very active on twitter. what's your twitter handle? guest: that's a therapy experiment. host: you can also read david
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rudy's insight. -- david rudy's in -- brodie's insight. a shakespeare moment for evangelicals to vote or not to vote for donald trump. thanks for being here and having a conversation with their viewers. we will take a short break and when we come back, we'll talk to celeste katz, senior political correspondent for to talk about this important voting block. . >> initially when i was trying to come up with my documentary for the studentcam, i was daunted because there were so many different elements i was trying to put into it. there was a lot of information to communicate in seven minutes. then i took a step back and
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realized it is really like a visual essay. i have been writing essays throughout high school. it was something that became less daunting as i looked at it from that perspective of just gathering information and instead of writing that information, i am filming it. i would urge anybody who's thinking about making a piece for studentcam to reach out to as many different people as they could to get a lot of interviews and get as many different perspectives as you can because there are experts out there that are so much more knowledgeable about the subject and you are. as many of those people you can get in your peace, the more credibility the piece will have it wilma just be a high school student trying to solve this massive problem. it turns into you are contributing useful information by compiling these different perspectives. >> this year's theme -- your message to washington, d.c. what is the most urgent issue for the new president to address
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in 2017? competition is open to all middle school and high school students 6-12, with $100,000 awarded in cash prices. -- prizes. you can reduce a 5-7 minute documentary and include c-span programming and explore opposing opinions. the grand prize is $5,000 and that will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. this year's deadline is january 20, 2017. marker calendars and help us spread the word to student filmmakers. for more information, go to >> with the supreme court back in session, we have a special webpage to help you follow the court. go to select supreme court new the right-hand
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top of the page and once there you will see the calendar for this term, list of all current justices and with video on demand, watch oral arguments we have aired and recent c-span appearances by supreme court justices. >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us this morning from cincinnati is celeste katz who was with to talk about the millennial vote. remind viewers what is. guest: it is a new site for millennials. we have about 30 million readers and cover news politics am a technology health, science, arts and culture music identities so issues of race ethnicity, sexuality. the entire gamut of topics. host: who are the millennial voters?
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how many are there? guest: millennials are generally -- there are different measures -- they are between the ages of 18-34. there are about 69 million millennials who are eligible to vote which is an important number. that brings them right up to about the same number as the baby boomers which is pretty germanic. host: we are also showing that 46% of eligible millennials voted in 2012 compared to 50% in 2008. will they turn out and buy what numbers? guest: that's the question. that's what all the campaigns are looking at hard right now. there is the question -- there was excitement around barack obama in 2008 and in 2012 things got quieter, and we have seen an upsurge again at least
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in the primary stage of the election particularly around bernie sanders in the democratic primary. it remains to be seen if millennials will turn out again for the general election or if they will figure they are not really sure if the candidates appeal to them or if they will write someone in or stay home. it's not clear yet but everybody is gunning for that vote which is important. host: who is winning it right now? who is winning the millennial vote? guest: it's interesting, hillary clinton was going to have a big push to win over it the young people who supported bernie sanders in the primary. there was a so-called bernie or bust movement where many people set if it was not going to be bernie, it was not going to be anybody and they would not vote for hillary clinton. those numbers seem to be moving in her direction that there is a substantial number of young voters who say that they might
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be interested in a third-party choice such as gary johnson or jill stein. they say the major party system is passe and does not suit their interests and they are looking for someone different. host: what about bernie sanders saying to his supporters saying that you need to support hillary clinton and you need to vote for her but not a third-party candidate because she and i are more in line on the policy and we cannot have donald trump in the white house? is that argument working? guest: it's interesting because ironically, a lot of the young people who were energized by the bernie sanders revolution first got into politics by hearing bernie sanders tearing down hillary clinton during a very bitter primary. their first exposure to this electoral politics seen - scene
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was bernie sanders lobbing sharp critiques at who became the nominee. many people of said -- have said they will go secretary clinton because they do not want donald trump to become president but i have spoken to other people who have said i would be pretty much -- i would do pretty much anything bernie sanders one ami to do but i am not voting for hillary clinton. host: we want to hear from millennials this morning. millennials are 18-35. and we have a special line for you. celeste katz is in cincinnati. donald trump at a rally there last night all stop did you see any millennials in the crowd? what was the mood like and what was it like to be there? guest: yes, there was some young
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people there. there was a good mix. i would not say it was predominantly young people but there were certainly some people flying there trump flags. it was a big rally but i'm not sure it was as big as he said it was. i think the arena holds 17,000 people and he mentioned something like having a great crowd of 21,000 people. i'm not sure how that math works out. people were very energized. there was a lot of talk about locking up hillary clinton. also animosity toward the press. the latest donald trump difficulties have had him attacking the " clinton machine" but he is also fixed on criticizing what he calls the corporate media.
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he had people turning around and taking a look at those of us in the press and we heard some noise when the travel press came in. there are some harsh feelings there. host: did you feel the tension? what security measures are in place if any? guest: certainly there was a police presence and there was secret service and local security. there were plenty of uniforms. i did not feel like we were in imminent danger but there were certainly people who were turning around and expressing their displeasure, shall we say at the job the press is doing in covering donald trump during this election cycle. host: what are both campaigns doing to try to attract the voting block of millennials and get them out to vote for them? guest: on the hillary clinton side, you see a lot of activity.
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more so, she made a speech where she made a particular appeal to millennials. she said you may not agree with everything i stand for and you may have support another candidate before me but she says listen to my argument and give me a chance. i want to be your president as well. they have been trying to reach out to a number of different -- through a number of different means with either surrogates. al gore has recently come out to spread the word not because he is a millennial, obviously that he is a meaningful figure on climate change and addressing issues with the environment which is something that is very important to the millennial voter. they have done this through service -- through surrogacy and ground game and online outreach. on the donald trump side, you
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see it differently. he has a very strong social media presence. we know he likes to tweet and post things on facebook and instagram. he has an interesting snapchat presence. they have snapchat takeovers. some of that groundwork is also being done at the state level and through local republican outfits that are helping try to drive the vote out for him in november. host: let's get to calls. first up is ohio. caller: hello. i'm calling to say that i am the mother of a millennial. i am 62. i would like to say that i wish the millennials would seize their power, organize and become politically active much more than even they did with burning. i would also like to say that the failure of bernie sanders to
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make it disillusioned them very much especially when it was verified that hillary clinton and the democrats were conspiring against him human though i don't think he would have one, that hurt them emotionally. they are really disillusioned. i would also like to say one more thing -- it's time for the baby boomers to let go. they don't have a long-range view. you have two old candidates, very old, john mccain running again in arizona at 84. these people will not let their hands loose of the power. it's time for the millennials to step up. they do have a long-range view. they are concerned about the long-range future which i think baby boomers -- are done any to get out of there. guest: i'm not going to sign on to tell anyone to get out of
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there but i take your point. i think millennials are politically active. i think you see more of them running and seeking office and i've written about a number of them running from congress to mayoral races in different cities around the country. millennials are very engaged very outspoken about the things they care about. i think the caller is certainly right that what happened with bernie sanders and what was later revealed about how the dnc handled some of that was possibly upsetting and discouraging to young people who really put their faith in the political process for the first time. will that keep them from participating in the general election? i don't necessarily think so. i think there are some people coming away from that primary with some serious suspicions about how the american electoral system works all stop rather than turn their backs on a, they
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may be more even -- they may be even more energized to get more involved whether by advocacy or running for office. host: maryland, scott is a millennial, good morning. caller: good morning, i am a 33-year-old atheist voter. within my family, i have one younger brother two years younger than me. none of my family is affiliated with voting in the primary. as far as my conversations with random millennials, i don't know how educated they are but they don't seem very informed. i have heard them joking about voting for what's his name. guest: vermin supreme.
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caller: yes, they don't trust the election at all. they think every level of government is corrupt. host: let's take that point. guest: yeah, i'm sure that vermin supreme must be overjoyed to be the subject of discussion on c-span this morning. what his political future is, i'm not quite ready to predict. you certainly talk to people -- i was down in asheville, north carolina for example, speaking to some voters there, some young people. they were pretty much disgusted i think is the right word with the entire process. they live in a very big area of progressivism which is surrounded by red territory.
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they say where they are, they are comfortable with the tenor of the conversation and politics but otherwise they feel there is a wasteland around them and things will not change very fast. they are frankly frustrated with the way things are going. obviously, this comes back to the question of turnout and participation when people get frustrated and save they are going home or do they get up and get in line and vote? that will be the question. will the anxieties about what is happening in the country and the world drive people to the polls to participate in shaping who will be the decision-maker in the oval office or will they leave it to somebody else's choice? host:host: what are you hearing from millennials about the wikileaks e-mails that show what hillary clinton said to wall street companies like goldman sachs
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when she was giving those paid speeches? what are millennials saying about that? guest: i think that young voters i have spoken to seem to have -- i think they feel, in many cases, that hillary clinton is more experienced and would be more qualified for the role of president but that does not necessarily mean that they like her personally or that they find her especially trustworthy. to be fair, we are looking at a situation in a clinton-trump race where both candidates have had extraordinarily hot negatives. this is not been a question of who voters will fall in love with and run to the polls to support. some people are voting while holding their noses and doing a lesser of two evils act.
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in general, i have heard from people that while they feel that hillary clinton is competent and experienced, in some cases, they feel not only that she might be to moderate and to measured for their taste some of her track record does not particularly instill them with a sense of confidence in her honesty. host: west virginia, ted good morning. caller: hello and thank you very much for c-span. where did you get that beautiful shirt? host: we will talk about shopping later. ask your question. caller: i had one comment in one question. comment -- the comment is i hope that the millennials will take a look at the economy after the eight years of the different republicans and democrats and
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recognize that if you are looking for economy, the democrats will grow the economy and even though the republicans say that the democrats spend like crazy, the republicans are the ones who cost us a lot because they will cut a $10 thing which will cost is $100. the question i had for your guest -- what do the millennials say about things like the surplus of bill clinton and the results of george w? thank you very much both of you. guest: if the question is how do millennial voters view the economic legacy of the two presidents -- these are the presidents that might have been in the first consciousness of
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the millennial voter. i think people look at the time of bill clinton perhaps as a time of prosperity. president bush might have been remembered more as a wartime president for better or for worse. certainly, millennials will look at the attacks of 9/11 as a pivotal or formative experience in their growing up and development and coming-of-age. those are two different views of these very different presidents. it's fair to say over all that economic concerns are definitely very important. if you are looking at people who range from 18-35 that's a pretty big horizon. at 18, you might just be finishing high school and starting college. at 35, you might be getting married or have a child and be ready to buy a home.
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it's a very big voting group the millennial echelon, but it's not a monolith. there are many different levels of interest in many different subjects within this one demographic. host: one issue is the issue of pro-choice and emily's list in their effort to attract millennials. we sat down with the executive director for emily's list. here is what she had to say about her group's efforts. [video clip] guest: we were on a multimillion dollar program to reach millennial voters and have been working with communicating them over the past year or so to reach them where they are at online especially but also talk to them about hillary clinton. most of them weren't around a man to learn about her public service and experienced over the last 30 years.
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we have been doing a lot of work on that and i think we have seen movement and i think we're seeing things like president obama who set a vote for a third party is essentially a vote for donald trump and millennial voters are smart. we want them to scrutinize things. we want them to take a hard look at these candidates but at the end of the day, i believe the young people understand exactly what to stake for them. it's about their future and i think there is no other choice. the honest truth is this campaign is about two people and they will have to choose from those on there is no question they will choose hillary clinton, especially the women. host: you can watch that entire interview this sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern and it x p.m. on c-span and here on c-span radio and newsmakers is available online at celeste katz, what did you hear about groups like emily's list and what impact are they having?
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guest: you have groups that are really sort of targeting specifics like the electorate. there are broader groups like rock the boat o who are more general who say to get out and vote. then you have a lot of how millennials see themselves. i don't want to say it strictly identity politics but people tend to associate themselves with causes or ethnic groups, with experiences they have had in terms of education, social economic back ground and so on. all these things that shape them may be ways for people to reach in and draw them out to the polls. you have groups that are targeting latino voters, targeting young women targeting
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even state voters, younger state voters. in this case, if you are talking about groups like emily's list there was a years ago, a real surge that i saw when i covered that election of excitement about the possibility of having the first female president. i don't think it's that younger voters are not excited about the idea of breaking another barrier now that we had the first african-american president but i think it's different for millennials that it might be for people of the older generation. among young people, i think there is a confidence and the comfort a little bit that surely we will have a woman president. it is not out of reach and if it is hilly -- hillary clinton, so be it but if not, we will have one in the future.
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power and the women, you know what i mean? the only thing that bothers me, he getos t.v. and says he likes the war, how did he dodge the war back in his time? think approximate that one. must be rich. all the rich people dodged the draft, right? he wasn't in the jungle. he came to vietnam one time and seen all the soldiers cut up and people with their heados stakes and bodies cut up, one of the biggest things the government couldn't handle when the report came back, they couldn't believe people were that bad. that swayed me from him. this guy has never been to war, he wants to play war. host: david, where does war or national security issues, where does that factor in your daughters who are millennials where do they see that issue? is that a top issue or not? caller: it is. my daughter told me a few days ago, she was listening to t.v., she said you know, dad, this guy talks about war and a few other things like he's been there and everybody knows he
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wasn't. host: okay. what do you make of that? guest: i think certainly, national security is an issue of concern for voters and millennials are not outside of that. i think what you see is some concern about the way donald trump says he would handle it. younger voters, millennial voters are very interested in issues of equality and justice and fairness. so when you have a donald trump out there talking about things like banning muslims from coming to the united states building a wall to keep out "rapists," and "drug dealers," from coming across the southern border, that does not sit well with a lot of young voters. millennial demographic can very
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diverse and interconnected group of people and they do not tolerate in general that kind of rhetoric, they find it abhorrent and they cannot stomach the idea of somebody who might, whether or not any of the policies could actually come to fruition, they don't see that as something that they would like as the head of their government. host: stephanie rockville, maryland hithere millennial. caller: hi. i am bernie sanders supporter. i did vote for him in the primary. reregistered myself as an independent and now when i was before the debate started happening, i was undecided voter, i didn't know if i was going to vote for jill stein, gary johnson or hillary clinton. what made me go to hillary clinton, my god, was the fact
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donald trump and the way he spoke. i don't hear this very often, but he says very dictator-esque things. the holocaust museum, you can't do that with the refugees, freedom of press coming out, we will be limited. i don't understand why those things haven't been brought up to the public and why that has been allowed? host: mrs. katz. guest: when you say haven't been brought up to the public the press has been getting it from all sides in this election, if you read a critical story about donald trump, you have 20 people on twitter jumping on you as to why you aren't going after hillary clinton and how biassed you must be and you must be in the camp for somebody and so on. we try to do, obviously as much as we can with the people we have and the time that we have and i think you have seen some really, really hard-hitting
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stories on both sides. in some cases, watching or listening to the speeches, again, from either candidate although i think donald trump has generally been considered to have been more incind iary red rick sometimes the candidates speak for themselves. donald trump is heard on tape making remarks about how he would behave toward women or -- physically or otherwise that might tell a voter something. on the other hand, if hillary clinton is heard at a fundraiser calling half of donald trump supporters a -- putting them in a basket of deplorables and saying they are beyond saving, that also sends a certain message and i will obviously let everybody take away from that what they will and take it to
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the voting booth. but, i don't think it's the case that the press has in any way try to conceal or play down the weaknesses of either of the candidates, because this is the most important job in the country and perhaps in the world. host: "new york times" editorial board for that caller she may be interested, they write today, donald trump versus free press. donald trump threatening to sue the "new york times" over the story they ran a couple days ago about two women who say that donald trump did kiss them and grab them without their consent and they say that, they write this about precedence, in his opinion for the court, justice william brennan, jr. wrote public discussion as political duty and this should be fundamental principle of the american government, such discussions may well include costic and unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.
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in donald trump's view these principles shouldn't exist, he said, i'm going to open up liable law when is they right horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money, he said in february, never mind as president he would have no power to alter stable liable laws. "new york times" concludes by writing this, of course mr. trump's threat to sue may be an empty one as many previous threats to energize angry base have been, it is yet another frightening reminder of what a trump presidency could bring. peers in fairfax. good morning. peter, welcome to the conversation. caller: thank you, greta, for taking my call. speak to this young lady, mrs. katz. i wanted to just take a look back, in 2006, when -- against obama, the millennials went for obama because of hillary
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clinton's stance on war. iraq war is still raging, the syrian war all over the world there is turmoil. part of the reason millennial children chose obama was her chance on war. the warmonger. this is election circle come out of the contempt hillary to describe describe -- that is what they call her. take a look at what is going on in this country today. believe me, this -- political system is -- democrats did the millennials. wanted hillary to be the candidate. they put bernie sanders to bring -- what did they do?
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they they -- from iowa to new york, what democratic party did to bernie sanders? they on their faces. -- political parties, republican or democratic partys all want power. they don't care. should go back to 1972, -- was democratic party, see what they did with her. host: okay. peter, what is your question? caller: my question for this young woman is -- has to produce base for -- [indiscernible] --
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you guys will vote against your system by not political system. thank you. host: okay. all right. celeste katz, he was breaking up at the end when he got to his question, were you able to hear him? guest: if you want to help me out a little bit. i think -- host: yeah, i was having trouble, i think. i think our viewers heard his point, we'll move to chris in new hampshire, a millennial. hi chris. caller: hello. it's nice to be talking with you guys this morning. so i guess my first comment is, i kind of find it funny how people can say we're uninformed actually i think millennials are most informed when it comes to war, when it comes to the
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economy, when it comes to just about everything. i look at multiple different views. i mean it's really hard to listen to the rhetoric that comes from donald trump and then also try and listen to his policies and stuff and you know like i'm listening to him, jill stein, i've listened to gary johnson and hillary clinton and out of all of them, hillary clinton is the only one that actually is addressing any of the views or things that are concerning me. not just me, but what i think concerns a lot of the african american community, which is, you know, one of the big things is the economy and it seems to
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be brushed under the rug whenever we talk about it. host: chris, i want to pick up on that point, the economy, how important is that to millennials? guest: exceptionally important. you have young people who are coming out of school with incredible debt loads, just staggering amounts of debt that will go on for years and people really want to know, you know, is there going to be they have been talking about everything from refinancing to some candidates are talking about outright forgiveness amnesty, and the government's role in how these loans are given sxout how they are repaid. that is a very big deal. job security. i mean, in the past, older generations may have spent their entire lives working for one or
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two companies, it is now more common to go through many iterations of one's career millennials are not afraid to move around, take a jump, take chances, but that also comes with some risk. then again, if you talk about things like the cost of purchasing a home or an apartment, which can be very expensive if you are already carrying you know, big amount of student debt or other debt. these are all things that are very, very pressing issues not only to millennials, but to everybody, millennials just starting out in the race and looking at time horizon where they may have to wait longer to retire, where the future of social security is unclear, where there are discussions of changing the way other federal entitlement programs work. you know, these are all things that are critically important to the voters and they want to hear
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as much from all the candidates on this as possible. to the caller's point, i think millennials do a lot to educate themselves. they may not do it through the traditional means of opening up a newspaper or sitting in front of the television prescribed hours, but they spend incredible amount of time taking information from a variety of sources, to say they are apathetic or uninterested in educating themselves is untrue. host: kiginal mountain tennessee, hey, there. caller: good morning. thank you for your opinions, i want to ask if you saw our first lady's speech glft new hampshire and what your take is on that and how it will affect the millennials? thanks a lot. guest: you're talking about the speech in which the first lady had some -- the enough is enough
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speech, is that what we're talking about? host: yes. guest: okay. i think that was a very big moment, one of the reasons why the president and first lady are surimportant surrogates for hillary clinton, her campaign is because president obama did so well with young people and michelle obama is a strong figure, a role model. for her to come out and to come out swinging, sort of to lay down the law i believe i read a reference to the president having watched the speech afterwards and saying when he saw that, he was reminded of the reason he wanted to marry her, he found her impressive and passionate. that was a big moment. now, will it move the needle? i mean, many times as people
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have asked is the donald trump over? no, he's defied many predictions and we're a short ways out. my short answer, if everyone watched that speech, if the election were today, hillary clinton would probably win, but the election is not today. and you know, 20 plus days or so is eternity in politics. host: donald is in new york. good morning to you. caller: good morning, i hope you are having a good morning, as well. host: you, too. your question or comment here. caller: comment and question actually. my comment actually is me being from military family myself, i have come to appreciate the rights i have and i am going to actually pursue my right to vote
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only because i may not agree with the -- in question, as far as what they're saying. they are expressing views on what should actually be done in a nation. there is a lot of mud slinging going on. and not focusing on what the american people actually need to know what they're going to do. but my thing is, i want to urge other young people like me to go out and use their right to vote because a lot of countries don't have that. host: donald is a millennial. sal, we will get in this last phone call for celeste katz g. ahead. caller: hello. i'm from san antonio, texas to correct the record. host: thanks for calling in. go ahead. caller: yes, ma'am.
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at the age millennials are, i recall in my time, i know i held a lot of jobs, but i always gave 110%. there is a lot of millennials, seems to me this age now, where everything has to be right now. they get discouraged about things they are doing, working for bernie sanders, let's say and then they get disappointed and say, i'm not going to effectively try and give president that we can trust and at least carry on what we've been trying to do for the past year since we've been a country, but where i see, now that i'm 68 years old, i work hard, but a lot of people don't seem to want to work that hard. host: sal, i will take your point for celeste katz. basically saying millennials might not show up because they didn't get their way with the two candidates that are on the
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ballot. guest: well, i think might be true of anybody who was as dedicated to a candidate as some people were to bernie sanders. they may feel that there is no substitute, nobody who can compare to whatever that candidate offered them and i don't think that is limited to a particular age group. if you recall, there were a lot of bad feelings after then senator obama defeated then senator clinton in the 2008 democratic primary. there were certainly people in the hillary clinton camp who said they would not support senator obama, they would, you know, their involvement had come to an end. there was a lot of fence mending to do there. i don't think this is that historically different or limited to single age group. sometimes you don't get what you want. you can either again, sort of take your ball and go home or you can stay in it and try to
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affect some change. host: you can find celeste katz reporting on senior political corspontent, follow her at celeste katz nyc thank you for your time. guest: thank you so much. host: we'll take a break, when we come back, open up the phone lines, call us and tell us your take on campaign 2016 right now or any other public policy debate. join us on twitter and facebook, as well.
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>> tuition and fees are less than half and sometimes maybe 30% of the total cost of attending college. the real hang-ups students have are need to pay rent, pay utilitys to buy food and they can't do those things in the same way when they are in college because they need to spend time in the classroom. so those kinds of things we saw trip them up over time. it really wasn't tuition and fees. >> go to book t.v. dot org, for the complete weekend schedule.
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>> "washington journal" continues. host: and we are back and open phones for the remainder of today's "washington journal." call in about politics, the campaign presidential election house senate races or any public policy issue. republicans 202-748-8001. democrats 202-748-8000. independents, 202-748-8002. mike is up first in lebanon, new jersey independent. hi mike. caller: hi greta how you doing today? host: morning. caller: i enjoyed your discussion on the millennials. i'm one of the 66-year-olds who if i would like to advise and recommend to the millennials how they have been given very good donald trump has served them very well. he has forced the establishment elitists to out of desperation to expose themselves. the 75% of all americans
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consider the united states government corrupt. that is a poll. what they didn't know, that corruption which is based on the clinton foundation donors, also donors for the other republican and democratic establishment is clearly the other poll or the other column of that corruption is the media, they are susceptible to the same payoffs and what we've seen here is to the milleniums is that the mobilization and the ability to unify whole media mainstream media to script to smear a campaign is the other part of the corruption of our government. and consekwently, they should learn from this, because the same way that this mainstream
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media corruption elects officials now for the american people, they also are the ones who sell the wars on lies like the iraq war, they do that. they are owned by the government okay. the government wants furth erer regime change necessary war and donald trump doesn't comply with that. hay want hostile relationship with russia because they have intentions of continuing regime change, which is hillary clinton establishment line. now if you have corruption, 75%, how can you vote for hillary clinton, who is the embodiment of that for the last 20 years? i want to give one example before you shut me down. okay. host: i need to get to the other calls, make it quick. caller: can you please give me one statement here. host: go. caller: wikileaks revealed, this is the smoking gun of hillary
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clinton, barack obama and michelle obama, okay, they're, you know careers about human rights. you know what wikileaks released that hillary clinton, barack obama fully knew that saudi arabia was providing arms, weaponry, scombment funding isis in syria, iraq and libya and the other sunni-muslim brigades to overthrow the government. they knew that, okay. yet, she authorized with barack obama obama, saudi arabia the number one arms purchaser of the united states. consequently the implication of that are simply, this is a country that has no human rights for women, for other religions or freedom of speech or anything. host: okay, mike, i have to leave it there now, you might be
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interested in the wall street editorial. obama's iran missile war, they write this, the destroyer uss tomahawk cruise missile to take out the yemen coast, believed to be manned by rebels. it is denied, the pentagon believe they were responsible for the missile attack against the uss mason, no mere warning shot. the mason had to use intercepter missiles to prevent a strike that could have killed dozens of sailors. peter cook, called limited self-defense strikes conducted to protect our personnel, our shifts and freedom of navigation in this mrnt maritime passage passageway. another way "wall street journal" says minimum the u.s. sailors could do to stop the firing. we hope it works. they write that the u.s. ought to be helping the saudis in the
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proxy war happen nothing yemen, u.s. ought to be help withing enough support to win in yemem, pulling support fromsaudis would be a sign to move aggressively against the house of saud. we covered the pentagon briefing and peter cook took questions about these strikes against the radar sites, missile launch site necessary yemengto, or listen to reporters asking variety of questions taking different angles to get him to answer questions about this. to aubry in college park, maryland democrat. hi aubry. caller: hi. thank you for asking millennials their opinion. i think we are powerful and i think we are very informed. i think millennials and the american people right now, there is a reason american people wanted bernie sanders and donald
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trump. the current system is not working and they have kept america working hard, we are barely making enough. the life is changeing and elite being supported by media has created all these problems by our government. it leads to problems with education system, police brutality is up, jobs are being taken away cost of live suggest sky rocketing. pharmaceutical company crisis, too many innocent people are in jail, we have so many problems that i think we need to focus on our problems at home. right now we're not interested in the war. when you are listening to debates, you don't hear, i don't think my friends, we don't hear hillary clinton or donald trump talking about those problems. we have so many, all they are talking about is throwing cheap shots at each other or some shots, there is a reason why they are upset. they try to keep us devices into
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republicans and democrats, it's worked for so long, i think the only reason we seem divided, we can't agree on which institutions are most to blame. i'm not a donald trump supporter, i do believe his rhetoric is dangerous, i don't think he cares about the environment, but i understand why he has support. i was a bernie sanders supporters and i believe, i think that we are really need to star focusing on third-party candidates. i know people say that is just, you know, they are not going to be able to win but people are so upset with trump and hillary maybe this is the time they can actually become a popular candidate. host: okay. aubry, there is one final debate coming up next week, october 19th, we will have coverage of that beginning at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. leading up to the debate at 9
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p.m. eastern time, we'll bring you to the room around 8:30 and let you listen to the sights and sounds in the debate hall as that gets underway. 9 p.m. eastern time, after we will take phone calls and get reaction to what you heard at the third and final presidential debate. dan in iron ridge wisconsin, a republican. hi, dan. caller: good morning. just like the previous caller said about not being able to pay for anything as far as college and everything i mean, it's the current system that put them in that situation and hillary clinton and obama and obamacare. it's buried younger people as far as debts and things like that. that is something they have to realize and they're pushing for younger vote and women's vote, but like i said, again, got to realize the current system put them in that situation and they got to get out of that situation. and the fact they are voting
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just because it is a woman is just plain wrong, you got to look at what their agendas agendas are. host: dan -- caller: obvious hillary clinton doesn't care about the agenda as far as what she does because no matter what she does, she is clear of it through obama. host: okay. caller: it's sad. it's sad that our politicians can get away with this. host: all right, those are dan's thoughts. go to washington, d.c. randall a democrat, you are on the air. caller: yes. one of the things i wanted to say as an african american, i vote democrat because the republican party has not offered any policies that would help me. i mean now that i look at how the republican party is it's because it has for 40 years
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reduced taxes to a point where people the government can't function and not that african americans want anything from the government, but the government has been the stopgap between stuff like staged rights, which, you know promoted those jim crow policies and such. so i just think that the people, the white people that are upset who voted for reagan, voted for those policies over the last 40 years, i could honestly see that white people working white people were voting against their interests and i don't understand how come they could not see it, except for, i think there is element of race that they thought because those people were white, they would, they were okay, the policies they
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were passing to send jobs out of the country, you know, first negatively affected african americans, which is like almost every policy negative policy outcome. host: randall, let me hear from don, in west virginia, republican. don, we are open phones, what is on your mind? caller: good morning. speaking about the millennials, that lady earlier mentioned that they -- the idea of laws are born through them and about keeping out drug smugglers rapists and jihadists. i think they are underestimating millennials. they may be impatient, but they are not stupid. they see the grasp of the establishment, you are kidding yourself if you don't think there is going to be a mass protest vote against the
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establishment in november. host: okay. grade in north carolina, democrat battleground state there. grady, what is it looking like for the presidential election? caller: looking good here in north carolina, seem like the people here in north carolina are finally coming to their senses and i think the democrats going to be victorious this year in north carolina. host: okay. caller: when it comes to the millennials, yes, the young people they have intelligence. there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. when you get to be 75 years old, you learn a lot. i have a lot of knowledge, but i also gained wisdom and i can see that the young people they really got to think about what is happening to them. when it comes to the big armys and big navy and the big services and all and all of this
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big stuff that candidate system promoting, strongest this and that, guess who going to be in the boots and on the ground? millennials. i think we had enough wars. blessed are the peacemakers not the warmakers, we need to make peace, keep our relationship with our allies. when it comes to people worried about wikzileakswikileaks, okay. somebody sending a message to your e-mail you don't have no control over. somebody is running for president, young people, that is encouraging hacking. right now someone can hack and take over your grids, take over your ships, your planes and they can take over your banks. the person, one of the people out there running is encouraging it from russia. host: okay, grady, we'll leave
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it there. headlines about campaign 2016. courtesy of the museum here. chelsea clinton stumped for her mother at the university there. she was campaigning for hillary clinton at the wells conference center at university of maine on thursday. and then also donald trump's daughter hitting campaign trail in pennsylvania. vision and passion is the headline there, yvanka for her father in one of the battle ground states, as well. donald trump is trail nothing pennsylvania. star telegram, trump has slim lead over clinton in texas, the republican his 4-point statewide lead, fares better in north texas, cities like austin, texas. the spectrum and daily news with this headline, in utah, trump is at the top. results for another survey were released. we told you about evan mcmullen a mormon, according to the story, another poll in the tight
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race for utah's sixth electoral college vote, donald trump up six pointos hillary clinton with independent evan mcmullen back 14 points. so that out of utah. houston chronicle with headline something we discussed earlier with david brody, the christian broadcasting network, trump sparks evangelical dilemma. caught in intense debate over how they should vote. and back to your calls, ian in oceanside, new york, republican. good morning, ian. open phones. caller: good morning. i hope this next debate is more sad because the follow-up questions and driving the taxes with trump was just pretty unfair and when she deflects and lies and like she says one thing, means another, she's talking about abraham lincoln, it would have been nice to hear, you will release the tapes so like bernie said, they must have been good tapes if you paid that
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much. release them and we will see the context in which it was said. she can't remember or recall little things, she doesn't know confidential and classified or abc, we got real issues with her. she's ethically and morally bankrupt. she lies. look at pat smith. look at glen daugherty, these people bucked orders three times. hillary's mentality, she would be happy to kick back and not save people. these men did what is in their nature and they get kicked out of the military basically when they should be awarded everything under the sun that we got. here is a person that people got to think, this is what you want to put two-faced -- i think bernie was in on all this garbage, how could you be so like against hillary and everything and then give up your principles -- host: all right, bill, in sebastian, florida.
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bill, what is on your mind? caller: i more or less agree with the last statement. i'm very upset about the situation with bernie sanders and the debates have been a debockal, no talk about the wages, the breaking up of the unions, look at liu, in new york city. teachers got laid off. there is no coverage of that in the press, as well as climate change there seems to be absence of the agenda with the climate change in the newspapers, as of late. and the charter schools, as well. they bother me and they seem to be terribly narrow minded teaching to test. host: bill, on climate change, we covered al gore campaign withing hillary clinton in florida. we covered that speech. he talked about this issue, one that our previous guest celeste katz said is important to
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millennial voters g. to another programming note. donald trump was in florida yesterday, palm beach. that speech contrasted with michelle obama is making front page news. trump said women's claims are part of global conspiracy, part of the clinton machine and then they also say that they quote the first lady saying, none of us deserve this kind of abuse. and dan bolt, below that, contrasts the two speeches in the "washington post" saying that the presidential campaign has been building toward all this day after day after day rhetoric intenseified charges and counter charges escalated, it is between the trump and clinton coalition and has widened. we covered both donald trump yesterday and michelle obama we have their speeches, cufind them on our website you can also, today look at
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coverage, we'll be covering the president, campaigning for hillary clinton, as well, in cleveland, ohio, a battleground state, 11:15 this morning on c-span,, listen on c-span radioed app. we are covering speaker paul ryan, in madison wisconsin before college republican, 1 p.m. today. live on c-span,, or listen on the c-span radio app, go to the website,, for more what we are covering for campaign 2016. our newsmakers conversation this sunday is about campaign 20 let 16 focusing on senate and house races, impact that the top of the ticket is having on them. we sat down with emily's list, executive director jessica o'connell and talked about what the pro-choice group is spend nothing this year's campaign and the role women are playing in senate races.
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take a listen. >> you are for pro-choice female candidates in 2010, you spent 27.4 million. 2012 -- 45 million, what is the number this time around? guest: a big one big one. biggest cycle for women in our lifetime. we are spending very high levels, we are supporting women candidates from the top of the ticket hillary clinton, throughout the senate, we have an opportunity to elect historic number of women senators this year and we are playing in races, the chances for democrats to win back the senate this year runs through women. we are a big player in this and have been with most of the women from day 1 one. host: the battle for the senate, republicans have majority and there are democratic women running in seven competitive senate races. it is looking like women could be the key to take back the upper chamber. guest: women will be the key to
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take it back because we have tremendous candidates running, women are the key because they will decide the election this year. yeah, we have tremendous opportunity in new hampshire, pennsylvania nevada, the first latina ever elected to the united states senate and of course debra roth in north carolina where things are changing on the ground there. some democrats didn't believe in debra, we were with her since day 1, the race is close and i believe debra will win north carolina. host: watch entire newsmakers interview with executive director of emily's list, on sunday, that is 10 a.m. eastern time, 6 p.m. on c-span. you can hear it on c-span radio and newsmaker system available on we have been covering a lot of tight senate races and the debates the candidates have been having over the past weeks and we will continue to do so leading up to election day. tonight we have two debates for
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you, live on c-span, and, the wisconsin senate race, and the nevada senate race following that 10 p.m. eastern time, the nevada senate race. start with wisconsin at 8 and then go to the nevada senate race at 10 p.m. you can find some races on the website at go to the schedule there. timothy in michigan, a democrat. good morning to you. open phones, what is on your mind? caller: good morning, greta. i could have swore that i heard like during the first campaign that donald trump invited russians to hack hillary clinton's e-mail. all of a sudden, you know, he flat out the hacking thing, that sounded like that is a little bit like espionage or something to me. host: okay. caller: i think, that, you know, why would he say something like
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that and inviting another country to invade the united states politics? host: all right, timothy. ellen in indiana, republican. ellen, your turn. good morning. caller: good morning and god bless c-span, i hope you will give me enough time to refute and make my point. number one, trump was not saying what the man just said he did. it's different. he was joking about having them hack in so we could all find out what is in hillary clinton's e-mails. number two, he did say that he wouldn't -- hasn't asked god to forgive him because he was afraid that the next question they would ask him is okay, tell us what is the worst thing you have done.
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instead, later, he said, i only ask forgiveness when i take the bread in mind, referring to the lord's supper. there is other things they say about him, it is not true. i want to finish the book "naked communist," written by a former cia agent. gave the 45 communist goals going to lead to a one-world government. i want to say number 10 stubborn international -- i'm sorry. number 11, promote the united nations as only hope for mankind when the charter is rewritten demand set up as one-world government. host: all right. allen in houston, texas, independent. caller: the american people need to wake up and understand that the republicans control congress. nothing gets enacted in this country without going through
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congress. and what their stated goal in congress? to obstruct and stop everything. when you derail the economy, and it is not gdp is too low, guess what, congress is blocking everything and they're not doing their job. if i got a job at a company and told you in an interview i will not do anything, obstruct everything, you would not hire me. why would you hire republicans to do anything but take vaoccasion. host: we will take that point. james next in virginia beach. democrat. caller: hello. host: morning. caller: yes i'm concerned with how they're classifying what donald trump said on those buses, on the bus. host: okay. caller: it should be, it is more consistent with being a jail-house confession to another inmate, not locker room talk. i played many sports and hung out with a lot of people. the other thing is hillary
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clinton worked her way through the ranks, she didn't get everything accomplished she wanted to, but she gave it all her effort to. donald trump hasn't did anything even close to that for the people. host: all right, james and everyone else, we have 10 minutes left in the conversation with all of you on open phones. we'll continue taking calls. keep dialing in. first, another programming note for you. this weekend c-span city tour continues book t.v. and american history t.v. travels to peoria, illinois. explore the city's life, the mayor is talking about peoria's major economic drivers. >> you know peoria is really kind of surprising to people that come here for the first time. it actually has a profile. we have some pretty impressive buildings. we're the largest metro area outside the city of chicago in
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the state. we have quite a diverse community, which we attribute to some of our major employers. we're the home of caterpillar's world headquarters. i don't know if you will see a city of our size anywhere in the country that has fortune 50 business in their community. we are unbelievably blessed by that for a lot of reasons, not just because of the prestige of having caterpilllar's world headquarter necessary our town. we are the beneficiary of a lot of knowledge and a lot of brain power over there that they will loan to the city and to different other groups in the community that need expertise. and the second largest employer is the healthcare community. so we have a level one trauma center, we have affiliate of the st. jude children's hospital and
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united states department of agriculture has a lab here there is a lot of focus on healthcare and some of the other venues that feed into healthcare. between caterpillar and the ag lab and the hospitals, i think the number is around a million dollars a day is spent in this community on research and development in those areas. host: to learn more about peoria illinois, tune in to book t.v. and watch the video of the city and all the cities that we visited on our c-span cities tour go to david in woodhill, tennessee, a republican thanks for waiting. good morning. what is on your mind? caller: good morning, ma'am. i know we're in these programs that we're hearing that hillary,
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she makes the comments she's going to protect the united states. well, how is she going to protect the united states when she couldn't even protect benghazi and when they pulled in and overtook it and she was too busy or in bed and couldn't get up to send forces, which was two hours away to support those people over there and maybe we wouldn't have gotten people killed or overtaken benghazi. host: okay. all right, david, heard your point. taylor an independent in washington state. taylor good morning. caller: good morning greta. i want to start by thanking you for everything you do. you are very patient woman with everybody on the line every morning. i did want to touch back on your
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comments regarding the u.s. saudi arabia relations and the strike in yemen, i want to say i'm independent democrat i believe in liberal social policy but strong defense policy, but we need to know that the saudis are not our friends. we have a long long tie with them and we have a strategic coalition with them i refuse to believe their interests are ours. host: taylor, are you interested in what is happening there in yemen, given what i read from the "wall street journal" editorial board? caller: yeah absolutely, i think yet again we're wandering into another quandary here with yemen, regardless of whether the rebel-backed coalition from saudi arabia is valid or not, i think it is just one more big cluster for us over there. so -- host: okay. taylor in washington state with his thoughts.
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debra in milton, florida, a democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. i live in milton in florida. you know what i saw the other day on maine street? confederate flags on property that i pay taxes on. and it really, really scares me. you know, donald and his son and his ceo, you know have embraced the white seupremacists. they are going out to vote and will vote strong because trump and his son have told these people that they will have a voice in the white house. how are -- host: when did they say that? where did you hear or read that? caller: well i hear it on, i read it on the internet, but i have heard news in my hometown that is saying these things and it is scary. they want a white town in the
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united states. they hate blacks, they hate hispanics, you know. what are we going to do? donald trump is just bad for this country. host: all right. debra, i'll leave it there. get in a few more calls. first other news besides campaign. the nixon library hopes to update legacy, head tlt line in today's "wall street journal." 15-million dollar overhaul of the center aims to challenge perception of the 37th president. that will reopen after $15 million renovation. this on the new wells fargo ceo, many of you, c-span watchers probably watched the former ceo testify og capitol hill and he took a beating from lawmakers up there. the new ceo, the headline, he faces tough job in salvage the bank's reputation, he's been with the bank since 1987. and then there is this from the business day section of the "new
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york times" about members of congress and other critics already dismissing the new ceomrshgs sloan as the wrong man to make changes to move past the current predicament. one congresswoman, california democrat, said i remain concerned incoming ceo tim sloan is cullpable in the recent scandal. also there is this from the "u.s.a. today" about mr. stumpf the former ceo of wells fargo, may have suddenly given up his bank job this week, two other big public companies still pay him $648,248 a year to sit on their board and watch over things, that is retailer tarring sxet energy company chevron paying mr. stumpf respectively. what he is earning from sitting
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on the board of the two companies. michael, alabama, a republican. go ahead in remaining minutes. what is on your mind? caller: i want to speak on the serious sex allegations. like last night you had fox news bringing up bill clinton's three women and it is like it is just crazy and i fear these women are going to play political football and be scared to come forward if something does happen because they're just like -- is the media taking them serious or playing them for political points? it is a serious issue. trump is like off in conspiracy theory and all this crazy stuff and says he didn't do it and i
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think it is dangerous and i think he is dangerous. i'm a republican and just he's not going to win the election. host: michael, what are you going to do? how are you going to vote? caller: i probably won't, i may vote down ticket. i'm just, you know, it is a serious issue and i just, you know, hope these women if something did happen, they do come forward no matter what or whatever. i just, you know, pray for them. host: okay. dave is a democrat, hi, dave caller: hi, how you doing. he's either mentally ill or crazy, wouldn't be a good president the way he treats women. i want to say like he is -- he shouldn't be runing and nobody can see that he is the way he talks, i can't believe anybody
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would vote for him and also guy that doesn't want to raise minimum wage ain't for the average person, he wants to -- minimum wage like in mexico and talks about building wall and sending people back to mexico, something wrong with that guy. he is hateful. he should be in jail if anybody should be in jail. >> moderator: brian, independent, we'll get your call in good morning. caller: hello. basically almost a millennial. i've seen basically what has been going on in the media and there's lies on both sides. and looking at the whole picture, they don't speak out quite yet. and when you finally hear them speak, it is either for both
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