tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 15, 2016 4:00am-6:01am EDT
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favorite kind of governor. the kind who ran for president and lost. now, how, you're right, a campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes. blue jeans in the morning, perhaps, suits for a lunch fundraiser, sport coat for dinner, but it is nice to annelly relax and wear what and i wear around the house. >> watch the foundation dinner with clinton and donald trump on c-span and, and listen in on :00 p.m. eastern with the c-span radio app. weekend on american history tv on c-span3, at 6:00 mstern, historian chris ikowski on the courthouse, which pitted ulysses s. grant and
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robert e. lee. moves left and south. couple ofbeen for a days, they fought for a stalemate, now they go left and south. what do you think that puts in his mind? then at 8:00 on lectures in history, a duke university professor talks about america's cold war immigration policy toward refugees. find refugees politically as anti-communists, who are our allies, what type of prototypical american would fight oppression abroad? we have an obligation to let them in because they are anti-communist. >> sunday afternoon at 4:30, bob baum and nancy kessel talk about their years in congress.
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nancy: we were in the senate 18 years together, bob was leader for six of those years. bob: 410. nancy: no, while i was -- bob: sorry, i thought it was leader even after i left. [laughter] y: but you made sure, as you pointed out, that you were working together, and i think that is what we need again. and a 6:30, the 1984 presidential debate between president ronald reagan and former vice president walter mondale. daysd we were warned five before that explosives were on their way, and they were not taken. the president told the terrorists he was going to retaliate. he did not. mr. reagan: we are not going to simply kill people to say that we got even.
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we want to retaliate with those who are responsible for terrorist acts, and those are >> for our complete tv schedule, go to in the wisconsin senate race, incumbent ron johnson is up .gainst incumbent russ feingold they spoke about health care, national security, and education. this comes from the wisconsin broadcasters association. >> from the studios of wl u.k. in green bay, the wisconsin broadcasters association foundation presents the 2016 u.s. senate debate with incumbent republican senator ron johnson and democratic challenger russ feingold. wba president and
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ceo, michelle vettercon. michelle: the broadcasters association is pleased to welcome you to the u.s. senate debate between two leading candidates, senator ron johnson and former senator russ feingold. tonight's event originates from green bay, wisconsin at wluk tv. behind me is lambeau field, the symbol for excellence. tonight's debate continues the long-standing commitment to excellence and public service. the debate is underwritten by the wba foundation and the wisconsin association of independent colleges and universities. it is being broadcast on radio and television stations across wisconsin and on c-span. let's go to our moderator, a veteran wisconsin broadcaster,
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member of the wnba hall of fame, and professor of integrity, joe ill geisler. jill: thanks, michelle. hat are relevant, fact-based, and fair. candidates answer with specifics. no ducking, dodging, or changing the subject. the panelists have researched and done their part. we are incorporating a social so that we can pitch in on a topic or two. viewers can do this via #wbad ebate. #wbadebate. there counting on candidates to do their part. let's welcome ron johnson and russ feingold. gentlemen, let me remind you and the viewers of the rules of the
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road to which we have all agreed in advance. he will have 1:30 to respond to a panelist or social media question. we will alternate so each of you has the opportunity for the first and last word. if your responses don't really answer the question that was asked or you need context or theification, i will invoke moderators option and give you 30 seconds to give me a specific reply. your opponent will also get 30 seconds as well. there is a countdown clock in the studio. it is big and we can all see it. if you go over your time or intrude on each other's time, i will give you one warning. if you ignore it, your mike will cease to function. withly, we will conclude two minute statements from each candidate. we flipped a coin. the first answer will go to russ
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feingold. the first question from tom no more in of wl u.k. green bay -- wluk green bay. >> as it relates to a recent law showing 53% of likely wisconsin voters say they were uncomfortable with hillary clinton presidency and 60% said uncomfortable with a donald trump presidency. you have called trumps recently surfaced comments about women completely indefensible but you have not said you do not endorse him. you did not, endorse clinton until it was clear she would be the nominee and still have not said whether you voted for her in the wisconsin primary. with senator johnson, do you stand behind your party's nominee, 100%? yes or no, and why? ron johnson has the first answer. been veryn: i have
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consistent with how i've been dealing with our nominee. there are areas of agreement. on growing the economy and making sure realizes the full isis,ial, defeating securing our border. we have to doing that. certainly, appointing judges as .pposed to legislators someone who'll change washington. i have been supporting those areas of agreement and it has been -- i have not been shy about disagreeing with our candidate and our nominee. i'm not going to defend the indefensible which is a different stream of self then senator feingold who might be the last american that thinks hillary clinton is trustworthy. he has completely supported her ofn though she has decades corruption, lying boldfaced to the american public, a
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dereliction of duty in benghazi, i believe it cost for americans their lives. anduld call it negligent reckless behaviors regarding some of america's top national security secrets. it shows she is completely disqualified from being president. for areas of agreement and support those areas of agreement. that i will hold whoever is president accountable. i will work with whoever is president trying to solve the enormous challenges facing america. beyondingold: this is areas of agreement, it's about being the leader of the united states and these most significant percent of the world. it is my view that supporting donald trump is completely irresponsible. and that no one should really do it after they have seen the fact that he simply isn't qualified to be president. he doesn't have the temperament to be president. divisiveness, said
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horrible things about various ethnic groups and others in this country to get himself the nomination. appears he's done a lot of other inappropriate things. this is no person to be the role model. i think it will be very frightening. he has the chance to follow the lead of other senators, his colleagues that have said no. enough is enough. i'm not going to support donald trump. this is one of those times you have to be an american first. an american who is worried about the future of our great country. i have supported hillary clinton and bernie sanders both. i said all along that i would happily support either one and i am confident having worked with secretary clinton in a number of
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contexts that jill: she will be a next will and president. at's -- that she will be great president. jill: we will go to the next question. panelist: the pulse nightclub was the deadliest shooting in u.s. history. then five officers and alice were killed in an ambush style shooting. we need to do something to reverse the problem. 85% of registered voters in wisconsin say they support closing the private gun sale loophole. mr. feingold, you have been outspoken about expanding background checks and the possible use of an executive order. votedr johnson, you against a bill that would have allowed the attorney general to bar people on the federal terrorism watch list from buying guns and voted against another bill requiring background checks for guns purchased at gun shows and online. the one thing you
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pledged to wisconsin tonight that you will do if elected to better protect our communities, and still protect our constitutional rights? having grown up in wisconsin, i understand the importance of gun rights and the second amendment. i believe people have the right to have guns for the purposes of self-defense and funding. follow the common sense of the people of wisconsin. the one thing i would make sure of is that we follow the common sense of those that demand overwhelmingly that we have background checks at gun shows and on the internet. i would work extremely hard to make sure that actually occurred. are republican senators that have been bipartisan on this issue. senator johnson has not. senator johnson does not follow the common sense of the people of wisconsin on this issue. he follows the rules and the edicts of the nra.
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he will not buck the nra and -- on anything on this. something is common sense as background checks when you buy a gun. you want somebody who respects gun rights and believes an appropriate regulations, or someone who will only do with the nra permits him to do? that is the choice on november 8. ron johnson: there is no doubt about the fact that additional laws don't solve the problem. you would see the gun rates in chicago going lower. i have provisions to increase enforcement of purchases. the vast majority of gun purchases in gun shows go through background checks. the problem in orlando was not one of gun control. we have not achieved the goal against isis.
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president obama laid out the goal against isis. we have not defeated isis. do, we have to lead. it will heal our economy. we have the leadership to actually accomplish the goal of the feeding isis. the type of loan wolf activity that was saw in orlando and san bernardino. have you ever heard of sammy mohammed hamsa? we have the potential of an orlando sized terrorist attack right here in milwaukee. buy a fullyg to automatic weapon on the black market.
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jill: specifically, what would you do for guns beyond isis? the gun-control bill that would increase the enforcement of purchases and increased enforcement of the violate current background checks. it is to try to bridge the difference to keep people on the from getting guns, but the problem is the bills offered had no chance of passing through the house and were proposed by the nra and aclu. if we had more time, i think i would've been successful. >> he noted it was his action and proposing an nra proposed idea on this. thatwas a bipartisan bill was going to try to solve this problem. because senator johnson has no
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independence from the nra, this bipartisan effort failed. that is the actual story of what happened. jill: next question. figuret: the most recent shows 91% of people across the country have health insurance. at the same time, premiums continue to rise. in wisconsin, premiums will go up by an average of 16% next year. tot solutions do you have reduce insurance costs? russ feingold: your way understating -- ron johnson: you are way understating the problem with obama care. we really got hit the first year. groups, thehic lowest price increase of those is 1.8 times, the highest is three times. or $ paying $180 obamacare has been an unmitigated disaster.
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yesterday, they asked, would you turn back the clock and go back to where we were? , because ofgo back obama, absolutely i would go back. allow states to continue to regulate. eliminate the individual mandate. allow individuals to purchase across state lines. those things actually worked. feingold knew what was in the law and said if there's nothing that would prevent you from keeping the health care plan, you eliminate the higher -- if you like your health care plan and dr., you can keep them. premiums will decline. those were the three promises. those were lies. it never occurred. we have to go to free market patient centered reforms that put patients in control. freedom of choice will work.
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russ feingold: fraud is pretending these problems didn't exist before the affordable care act and pretending it didn't make real progress. senator johnson was very straightforward and said he would turn back the clock and take away all the things that have been accomplished. that means 20 million people that have been covered under the affordable care act would lose their coverage. 20 million people. that's not just import and for those people, it's important for hospitals and others that no longer have to see these people as charity cases. they couldn't get insurance. the affordable care act takes care of that. he would remove that.
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there are people with mental health issues, opiate addiction issues that are very serious and they are now covered because of the affordable care act. it is not perfect and i agree that the deductibles and others have got to come down. to beave the opportunity the senator, i would act on this instead of defending deductibles as senator johnson did on an interview. panelist: we have been hearing from citizens on this topic. cracks some say it was put -- >> some say it was put in place to quickly. if you had to keep one part and dump one part, there would be one on each side that you would have to do? i would get rid
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of the tax. it was something i opposed at the time and effects perfectly legitimate policies and is one of those things i think would be a beginning step to improving it. we need bipartisan efforts to try to change this bill. there are other problems as well like the so-called family glitch. that means somebody that gets evaluated as an individual for the affordable care act, but not in a situation where they have a family. the premiums and to dr. bowles are under control. up -- andigning deductibles are under control. insurance companies have indicated that they have dropped out or are thinking of dropping out because the mix of people -- a lot of people tend to be sicker as opposed to healthier.
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the better possibility that those will remain will be a better mix and will allow them to make the appropriate profit they need to make for this to make sense. they will work in a bipartisan basis. , a frivolouswsuit lawsuit. it was thrown out in the seventh circuit court because he has litigated instead of working with other members of the senate to try to say, how can we make this better? ron johnson: one thing i would keep is to allow kids under 26 to stay on their parents plan. the thing i would definitely -- eliminate would be the federal definition of health care. it has driven premiums through the roof.
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all of those things have not come true. premiums have skyrocketed. is not as bad as people are pretending it was. went from $276 a month to $787 a month. to quit a part-time job, she is a mother -- she had to work full-time because the premium went from $500 to $1200 a month. millions of americans lost their health care. 20,000 in the high risk pool. you had to know what was going to happen because you said you knew what was in there. access toosing doctors that they now and that they trusted. 95% was obamacare, covered by insurance. , it hasn't had an impact other than people who lost health care they can afford.
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premiums have doubled and tripled. we are out of time. we will go to our next question. we would like to stay on this topic a long time but we also have other important topics. panelist: u.s. troops are advising iraqi forces as they plan to capture more from isis fighters. news broke just a couple hours ago about the milwaukee mended been charged with trying to help isis. a recent research poll shows 87% of people questioned say terrorism is their top concern. but let's focus on isis overseas. you both served and have similar backgrounds. there are different solutions that deal with this threat.
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starting with you, tell us about your specific plans for shutting isis down in the middle east. >> the first is the hollowing out of the military. the democrats insist on more domestics and bending -- domestic spending before we fight isis the way we should. york, theren new were ambassadors. they are begging for american leadership. we need to lead. america is begging for leadership and we have not been doing so. after two years, the cia director said despite our efforts, isis remains a
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formidable and resilient enemy. and the global reach, that's pretty sad. against the elements. he voted against authorizing the finest. now it is part of his plan. he's the only senator to do so preventing law enforcement from having those tools. he also wanted to close down guantanamo bay. senators, a strategic blunder. russ feingold: it's not a time for listing things people have done wrong that have nothing to do with it.
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it's beyond politics. do to destroy this organization? what you just heard was no plan at all. first of all, we have to knock off their leaders. we have to kill them. there is a special force and they got the number two guy, they think. it needs to be intensified. increase human intelligence. the chairman of the homeland security hasn't lifted a finger. recently, there was a tragedy but we didn't have the right information and killed syrian troops. we need to cut off their oil supplies. it is producing oil and transported. i have served on the intelligence committee for five years and worked on that.
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tough. to be in some cases, they are exporting a radical idea of islam, hobby is him that is that a colliding them around the world. these are the elements of an actual plan. jill: we will move on. panelist: let's move domestically. we have seen the videos of body cams, dash cams, showing us shootings of african-american men. some of the demonstrations have been violent. research by gallup and others indicates distrust of the justice system. police leaders like green bay's chief acknowledgment the deterioration of community relations across the country. the u.s. justice department pledging to undertake its most ambitious project to date. the tracting the use of force by police officers.
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rebuild theou do to trust in our communities? be specific. >> we have to recognize that nobody wants to be in this position. the african-americans i met with feel very uncomfortable. many friends of mine are police officers that feel uncomfortable and worried. it can be a scary time when they leave work -- leave home for work in the morning. had you do that? specifically, community policing. reinvigorate the funding for community policing started in 1994 and was very beneficial for communities. people in the neighborhood know the police officers. there is a problem with institutional bias. they don't have the normal elements you would expect from a community. you have to properly fund public schools.
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we have to stop discrimination in lending for housing. we have to make sure that there are actually businesses in the neighborhood, a real neighborhood where people get to know each other and protect each other. does not enough contact. there shouldn't just be a presence in milwaukee at the time of the tragedy. the should be a presence there all the time. the u.s. senator should go out and listen to people. and throughout one's term so that you can constantly be part make sure thato the tension is reduced. ron johnson: you need to be involved. i have been involved with the community and i have shown up. i have done far more than show up and talk and call for more government spending and taxes. what i have done is i have acted. i am very proud of is
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my involvement with the joseph project. there's not one manufacturer that can hire enough people. and you have all this high level of unemployment. how can we make those connections? the greater church of christ that identifies people in that situation, formerly incarcerated, we go in with just one week. we provide soft skills, training, interview skills, training. 20 companies. it is transforming people's lives.
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my nine-year-old daughter is finally proud of me. you finally engage, you act, and you turn people's a lot -- people's lives around one at a time. the united states is the only industrialized nation without national paid family leave according to political fact. of 41 countries examined, the smallest amount of paid leave required with the exception of the united states is about two months. on the state level, a handful have paid family leave for birth or adoption. paid family leave, and for what length of time.
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>> whether it is strengthening the military or providing opportunities for economic growth. my three things are the massive overregulation of government that cost $2 trillion a year. i realize we're getting immune to these massive numbers but that is $14,000 per household. it would be another federal regulation to increase employers. it is costing this $12,000 a year. not allowing them -- would you rather have the 14,000 of the cost of complying with federal regulation? it inld you rather have your paycheck for your family.
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tax credits, it's leaving money in taxpayers money in their pocket. that is something i can support. leave more money in your pocket. senator feingold wants to grow government. it is absolutely going to require increased taxes. ron johnson: this -- russ feingold: this is where we see having your own views and telling people what they are. what people tell me is that they are having a heck of a time. because of this problem, the failure of the economy to keep up with wages. so people want the minimum wage race. they also want a family leave.
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because the business is saying that we value you. we want you to have a good family life and it will make that person more likely to stay with that business. it really is a shame that instead of siding with the families of this state. senator johnson will only go with a position that is oriented to the corporate view. support family and medical leave. it is done in so many other laces and it has not brought the economies down. what it means to be able to bond with a child. he just responds to the big corporations.
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panelist: it shows that if nothing is done, the trust fund will be exhausted between 2029 and 2034. it is rising to 67. what changes would you make to ensure the social security fund remains solvent? >> social security as a foundation for so many people's lives and existence. for other people, it might be that and a small tension. i have never tried to suggest that there would be privatization are some other technique to threaten those accounts. senator johnson has called it a ponzi scheme. advocates george bush's idea of private accounts.
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the idea of these private accounts, it makes it very concerned. that is the scare tactic. make sure people pay their fair share on fica. it cuts off at 118,000. lebron james is having a great year after letter he and financially. he could pay more. make onef congress hundred $75,000. we could raise it to that level. wealthy people get social security. i'm not proposing we change that. but it is only reasonable that people pay their fair share. help -- it avoids the terrible idea.
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the asset of the trust fund, that is because people like senator feingold when given the chance to actually invest those surplus funds, he voted no. he voted not to protect it. benefits, those actions don't save social security. let's talk about how you do that. solving social security and medicare. we have been growing at such a low level. the difference is a norm us.
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is $14 trillion of additional economic activity over 10 years. trillion.s $29 even with the meager economic growth we've had, federal revenue has increased by $1.1 trillion a year. regulatory burden, have a better tax system, and energize the god-given energy resources. jill: let's go to the social media desk. panelist: one subject we haven't talked about yet is energy. what would you do as a senator to move us towards energy and combating climate change? focus on the energy part. what do you see is the most important energy source in the future and what is one thing that can be done to help us get there? hydraulicn: fracturing and horizontal drilling, we are finally energy independent.
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soviets -- let's utilizes resources. president obama said because of his policies that senator willold supports, rates necessarily skyrocket. the best thing to do is to affordresources those controls. not opposed to some government funding for wind and solar, those types of things to fund basic science and research. in the end, it's got to be market based. based, rates would skyrocket. that's not good for an economy. we've got to focus on economic growth. i am a person that believes in an all of the
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above approach to energy. you also have to put in something about climate change. changed in my lifetime. it is a frightening prospect. senator johnson doesn't see it that way. man-made climate change. that climate hasn't warmed up in the last few years. it was indicated that it was the warmest month ever. we have focus on the alternatives. solar andwe look at wind. to use coal.ue we will use other renewable resources because it creates jobs and because it will reduce carbon emissions. this has a positive element as
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well. industry, weck want to do something different. they agreed to lower their omissions which will have a significant impact. about trying to do something about energy. it's also about the economy. time is up. panelist: we will talk about defense spending. created 19,000g jobs. due to something called sequestration. it is something defined as mandatory budget cuts passed by the budget control act in 2011. it is still going through 2021.
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they called on ending , and it is simply too important. how did each of you stand on this? do you support more funding for the military? >> we can't afford to cut out the fundamental way. we have to spend the money. spendingto tailor the to the kinds of threats like isis and al qaeda and other threats that may emerge around the world. find places where money isn't being spent wisely. it is a plan with about 35 provisions and says there are things we can do to save some
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money. it can be used for other purposes in the military. some 1000 abrams tanks. only about 300 of them need to be retrofitted according to the military. we need to do is be smart, take a close look at what is wasteful. i don't support some kind of cut to the military across the board. i support making sure the money is spent wisely and it is related to the problems that exist around the world. they look at these is combined. that. seen i had the ability to work for the president in africa. these people work hand-in-hand. jill: your time is up. -- ront: defense hawks
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johnson: defense hawks don't -- i have always supported the military. i believe defense of this nation is the top priority of government. course, we have to resource. i thought it was the craziest policy and i know it will put our homeland at risk. the problem we have is senator feingold party consistently blocks republicans will try to increase defense spending because they ask for domestic spending that doesn't work and sometimes exacerbates the problem. we have to bring things like defense appropriation bills to
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the floor of the senate. we should audit the fed. government is not efficient. it's not effective. but we have to fund to keep this nation safe. right now, we don't have those resources. on the subject of the military, let's go to tom. panelist: regarding the medical care veterans receive. more than 30% of veterans receiving care say they don't believe the v.a. hospitals or medical centers are giving them high-quality care. more than half say they are not prepared to handle their own care after discharge. these the veterans that need the care the most. 95% of veterans seeking care served in a combat zone. mr. feingold, you said more federal money may be a solution. senator johnson first with specific examples.
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how do you propose improving the care? have supported the choice to access private care when it is too far away or the wait time is too long. i have also acted. when i found out about the health care center, i had become chairman of government affairs. i had my staff begin our own investigation. we made public more information than they did in three years of their investigation. because of my investigation, my hearings, and my reports, we upheld those people accountable. the executive director that turned a blind side -- a blind eye. senator feingold, his office was
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repeatedly advised. 110 years of total service, we take these things very seriously. i'm not quite sure why senator feingold did not raise the alarm mail layinghey got out the problems. calling it candy land. is that because the staff didn't care or senator feingold didn't? he knows for sure it wasn't true. it was testimony that made it very clear that my office had never received anything of that kind. this tragedy occurred five years later under senator johnson's watch. so this is a sad moment when someone who knows for sure that something is untrue repeats it because he's a politician trying to get reelected. it's awful.
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but what this is about is making sure the veterans get the care they need. if they have to travel, it's not too onerous. that is what it's about. i've been all over the state. whenever i meet a veteran, i ask them. how do you feel about your veterans carry? i really liked my doctor. i got these glasses at the the a. there are problems in the need to be improved, but i guarantee you that most of the veterans in this state want to make sure as athis program continues federally guaranteed program. i do not wait until my fifth year to start acting on veterans issues. i was responsible for new health care kenexa in sawyer county, news centers, green bay, and i got that done. senator, can you do something about it? , not just when my
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office dropped the ball. jill: i will invoke my privilege, what will you do moving forward? ron johnson: make sure it has adequate funding. supportive ofly choice for veterans, allow them access to the private sector health care that's closest to them. the daughter of thomas barrett who died of neglect, had she known about these things, i never would've taken my dad there. she comes from marshall and they have excellent care. -- v.a. is not particularly it has a lot of problems and we have to improve the choice program. russ feingold: talking about choice programs in general programs but there are specific things you can do. i had a nice conversation with accounting board member of north etc. want to about the problem. you go to your doctor and he
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says, you need to see a specialist. apparently, you got to go through some bureaucracy to get that specialist. i don't think it should be that way. if the doctor says you need to see a specialist, cut that red tape out and make sure it happens. do it in the context of the v.a. as a public row graham. -- public program. panelist: 73.5% of students borrow money. the average debt are those students reaching over $30,000. institute, the reports from 2004 to 2014, the average debt of graduation rosette more than twice the rate of inflation. -- rose at more than twice the rate of inflation. it hinders students ability to achieve life goals such as purchasing homes, starting families, investing in small businesses, or retiring from the workforce.
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what is the role of federal government and what will you do if elected to ensure that higher education is more affordable and more accessible. i've gone to theeingold: counties and people tell me that it is affecting their middle-class lives. the most commonly mentioned thing is the cost of student loans. the problem it creates for the family and also for the community. so we do need to continue the federal role. we need the student loan program. it is a very simple piece of legislation that would help. you would be able to renegotiate. senator johnson voted against it. concern about the terrible position these and people are being placed in?
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i think it's a denial of the american dream. they can use the money for whatever else. they can use it for that. i think it should be prohibited. these are specific things we can do. senator johnson says young people think it is free money. they don't. they know what interest is. the cost of college has increased and everybody has to ask themselves, what in the world is a different about what colleges and universities been their money on -- spend their money on? lecture at$8,000 per
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stanford university. when colleges have that much causes the is what an affordability of college. we've got to address the affordability issue. we already have 38 different programs. the study of the 70% of people defaulting on student loans had no idea these programs exist. it is already existing as opposed to creating a whole new government program. it is adding to the deficit and it is something we haven't even talked about. by deficit will increase $103 trillion. senator feingold had for opportunities to vote for a balanced budget amendment in the
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90's. twice he could've been the yes vote. the debt has increased by $14 trillion. it does not help students. jill: we have 30 seconds that each of you could have one more kick at this. you madegold: i think a good choice because the world that senator johnson describes is one where he says, it's too bad about the student loans. it's too bad you have all this debt. he didn't suggest a single specific thing to relieve the burden on the students right now. if you want to represent the people of wisconsin, you need to get serious. that needs to happen now. not when billionaires and multimillionaires are redoing -- jill: times up. working and i was
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supporting the student loan's certainty act that lowered interest rates. i want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to build a good life for themselves. it is a matter of how you make college more affordable and we need to address that issue. gone far toome has quickly. it is time for your closing statements. russ feingold's first. russ feingold: thank you for wisconsin broadcasters for doing this. it has been a tremendous privilege to have a chance to go around the state the last two years and here people's concerns. and the amazing innovation. this is really doing things with fresh water. and you come up. with green bay. i can't stop eating the mozzarella you get the quiktrip.
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good chip or falls and you see .- chippewa falls a fascinating company is taking old machines in manufacturing them, selling them cheaper than some of the new machines. this is the good news. there's a lot of it. there's also the problem of middle income and working families. wall street is at the highest level it's ever been. we have lower unemployment so they say, where's the fairness? medical leavely and they want pharmaceutical medicines to be affordable. they wanted addressed in a real way. they don't want jobs shipped overseas. senator johnson thinks these agreements of the greatest thing since sliced bread but they are not. i think the people of this state deserve a senator that is going to vote with them instead of
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voting with the corporations. that is the matchup. it would be different with me. i would stand with the people of the state and if you elect me, that's exactly what i will do. ron johnson: the number one thing people say to me is that i am in their prayers. i can't tell you how much we appreciate that. is toxt most common thing you guys get something done? working with senators frank anen and making sure that the bridge is under construction. by finding areas of agreement that unify us, we have a comp list things. 28 have been signed into law. being an outsider business persons approach to get
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things done. what wisconsinites have asked me to do is exactly what i've done. it is a stark contrast to individuals. feingold was a career politician and doesn't have a lot to show for it. it wasn't a very good return on the investment. i helped start, build, and grow a successful wisconsin family business that provided hundreds of wisconsinites good paying jobs. some of these folks are with me still. company.that we export products. i understand what it takes to grow a business and how hard businesses. i understand how much harder the federal government makes it. i want to grow the private areor where long-term jobs created so that wisconsinites can keep more of their hard-earned money. senator feingold will have a plan for everything, but the plan involves growing government.
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i hope people understand government is ineffective, inefficient, and when it grows, your freedoms will reseed and they will demand more of your hard-earned dollars. i've got a record of doing so and i'm asking for your support and your vote. jill: gentlemen, panelists, thank you. we hope you've inspired people to get to the polls. election day, november 8. apple's will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. you can register to vote on election day and you must show photo identification. here is a website to help you. you will find information on correct id's and how to get one in advance of election day. you can find info on absentee ballots, the location of your polling place, and a preview of what is on the ballot.
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-- this election includes more than the presidential and senate races. there is the house of representatives and county offices. with that, i thank you all for joining us tonight. for joining us for tonight's debate, and opportunity for citizens to hear from the leading senate candidates in a nonpartisan forum. this debate has been sponsored by the wba foundation through a grant from the wisconsin association of independent colleges and universities. wisconsine thanks to radio and television stations who worked together to produce and air this broadcast. for the candidates, our moderators, and panelist. is tuesday, november eight. exercise your right as an american and vote. as always, member stations will be on duty to bring you the results. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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obama campaigns for hillary clinton in cleveland. donald trump makes a campaign stop in charlotte, north carolina, followed by today's "washington journal" life with your phone calls. today on c-span, donald trump holds a campaign rally in portsmouth, new hampshire. watch our live road to the white on c-span,age, or listen on your smartphone with the c-span radio app. don't write a column that comes from the left or the rights, and i think i am the only one who does a political column that is not have an ideological plant. "q&a," "newght on york times" columnist maureen dowd discusses her book, "the year of living dangerously."
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maureen: when they get in trouble, they try to blame someone else. in trouble with monica, the white house aides would say, well, thomas jefferson -- dead presidents they are dragging it, right? at 8:00 eastern on c-span's "q&a." tv bringseekend, book you 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. here is what is coming up this weekend. 28thtv is live from the 20th annual southern festival of books in nashville. it features over 200 authors from around the country, panel discussions, and book signings. today, our coverage begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern. authors include hochschilell "strangers in their own land," chschild, beth
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macy, "truevine," a true story of the south, and patrick phillips, "blood at the root." and then at 1:00 p.m. eastern, featured authors include joseph beck, "my father and atticus "huntingelly oliver, marinani "strong marjory wentworth, herb frazier, bernard powers, "we are trusted," and then "after words." rab talksdrick-
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about her book, "paying the price," the betrayal of the dream.n dream your -- sara: the real hangups that students have are the needs to pay their rent, to pay their utilities, to buy food, and they cannot do those things in the same way when they are in college because i need to spend time -- they need to spend time in the classroom. it is those kinds of things that trip them up overnight. it really was not the tuition and fees. for the complete weekend schedule. >> yesterday, president obama spoke in cleveland at a campaign rally for hillary clinton. he told supporters that donald trump's comments about women make him unfit to be president. polls show hillary clinton and trump in a statistical tie in
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pres. obama: hello, ohio! [applause] pres. obama: thank you! thank you so much. hello, cleveland! [applause] pres. obama: now -- >> i love you! obama: i love you back. i do. [applause] pres. obama: the head of the airport here pointed out that in 2012, one of our last rallies was right here. some of you might have been there. i have to say, it was an amazing rally, and everybody was so enthusiastic, it was a beautiful -- still fired up. but the one thing i have got to say, though, since i have been
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in cleveland, this time, it seems like there is an extra pep in your step. [applause] pres. obama: i do not know what happened, exactly. i do not know whether -- did something happen here in cleveland? [applause] pres. obama: did lebron have something to do with it? [cheers & applause] pres. obama: well, congratulations, everybody. [applause] [laughter] pres. obama: could everybody please give jackie a big round of applause? not just for her introduction but the service for our country. pres. obama: we have some outstanding members of congress who are here. marcia fudge is in the house.
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[applause] pres. obama: your outstanding mayor, frank jackson, is here. [applause] pres. obama: although he is campaigning elsewhere in the state, i want to make sure we give a shout out to your former governor and the next u.s. senator from ohio, ted strickland. [applause] pres. obama: well, i know, i love you back. thank you. keyway. thank you. [applause] pres. obama: this will be one of the last times i visit cleveland will visit cleveland as your president. i will come back to cleveland. i will just go to a game. [applause] pres. obama: understand, michelle and i -- our lease was only eight years. [laughter]
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pres. obama: we are making sure we did not break any china, making sure bo has not ruined too many carpets. we want to get our security deposit back. [laughter] pres. obama: we are so grateful and so blessed to have your support all these years. i remember when i was campaigning here on the closing of, and we were in the midst two long wars, putting an enormous burden on our families . we were in the early days of what would turn out to be the worst economic crisis of our lifetime. you had all kinds of challenges from health care to climate change where we were not even pretending to do something about it, we were just kicking the can down the road. i told you then, eight years ago, that i was not a perfect
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person, i was not going to be a perfect president, but what i guaranteed you was that i would work every single day as hard as i could to make sure working families all across this country got a better deal. [applause] pres. obama: and you gave me the honor of serving you, and eight years later, we have fought our way back from recession, we have helped our auto industry set new records, our businesses have turned job losses into 15 million new jobs. we have slashed our dependence on foreign oil. hang on, young men. don't be interrupting everybody.
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come on, sir, come on. everybody has -- come on, everybody. let's do our little chant. hillary, hillary -- [chanting "hillary"] pres. obama: all right, i think were ok now. i noticed this has been happening everywhere. you have to organize your own rallies. if you are confident about the other guy, just go to his rally. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: i feel confident about my candidate. that is why i am at this rally. [applause] pres. obama: you do not have to spend time over here. go knock on some doors for your guy.
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that is a better way for you to spend your time. unless you are just being paid to be here. in which case, hey, everybody has to make a living. where was i? eight years ago when we were in a tough situation, because of your resilience, because of your faith in each other, in this country, we have slashed the unemployment rate in half. incomes are rising again. incomes went up last year by the largest amount that has ever been measured. poverty is falling. in fact, last year, poverty went down faster than any time since 1968. 20 million people have health
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insurance who did not have it before. the uninsured rate is now at an all-time low. we brought more of our brave troops home to their families. we delivered justice to osama bin laden. marriage equality is a reality in all 50 states. by almost every measure, our economy is better than it was when we came into office. that is not just true across the country, it is true right here in ohio. you just look at the auto industry that was flat on its back when we came into office and now is selling the best cars in the world and is doing as well or better than ever before. that means there are hundreds of thousands of folks here in ohio that have benefited.
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we have been busy. i am here to tell you -- you want me to tell you? i am here to tell you that all that progress goes out the window if we do not make the right choice right now. and it should not be a complicated choice because it is a choice between somebody who is as qualified as anybody who has ever run for this office and somebody who has proven himself unfit to lead or represent this country that we love. i have said this before, democrats and republicans have always had their differences, and that is a good thing. that is how democracy is supposed to work. when i was running against john
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mccain and when i was running against mitt romney, we had serious disagreements in debates about economic policy and foreign policy and social policy. those elections were close. i thought i had the better argument and i would be the better president. but i could have seen either one of them serving honorably, not embarrassing us on the world stage. they would have engaged in legitimate debates and normal democratic processes. but that is not the case with today's republican nominee. democratic processes. he does not have the temperament, he does not have the knowledge, he does not seem to have the interest in acquiring the knowledge or the basic honesty that a president needs to have. that was true before we heard him talking about how he treats women.
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[crowd booing] pres. obama: do not boo -- what do i say? pres. obama: do not boo -- vote. that was true when he talked about how muslims are unpatriotic or how mexicans were rapists or when he made fun of somebody who was disabled or when he talked about our veterans and our troops and our goldstar moms. you do not have to be a husband or a father to know that that kind of language, those kinds of thoughts, those kinds of actions are unacceptable. they are not right. you just have to be a decent human being. for those of you who did not have a chance to hear michelle yesterday --
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[cheers and applause] pres. obama: -- talk about what it meant to her, i could not be prouder of her. i said yesterday, this is why i married her, to improve my gene pool. [laughter] [applause] pres. obama: so my daughters would be smarter than me. she was speaking up -- yes, she was speaking up for women, she was thinking about the lessons we are teaching the next generation. she was also talking on behalf of men who know we are better than this, who do not want to teach our sons the kinds of things we have been hearing on television, that believe that one of the measures of any society is -- how does it treat its women? how does it treat its girls?
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are you treating them with dignity and respect and equality? if you believe we are better than what we have been hearing, the good news is, as she pointed out yesterday, there something we can do about it. right here in ohio, a battleground state. ohio is always close. you can vote, vote early right now. early voting started on wednesday. i know everybody here is early voting. because otherwise, you would not be here. if you stood in line to get in this rally, then you have enough sense to go early vote. but for those of you who may not be here, you do not even know if you are registered, go to you can find the early vote site
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nearest you. mail-in ballot. i will repeat that -- this is not an infomercial. [laughter] this is an: opportunity for you to exercise your right to vote, your civic responsibility, the essence of citizenship. and you do not need to wait until election day. you have a chance to reject a dark and pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against each other or we turn away from our role in the world. you can reject the politics of fear and resentment and blame and anger and hate. you can choose the america we know ourselves to be. a country full of courage and optimism. a country full of generosity and ingenuity. you know, we have got real challenges.
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when i ran eight years ago, i said we will not solve everything in one presidency. we have got real challenges. there are folks out there who are still struggling to pay the bills. there are students still trying to figure out how to pay off student loan debt. there are parents who are still concerned about caring for a sick child or worried about whether or not they will be able to keep their home. everybody is worried about political gridlock. all across the country, people are concerned about the possibilities of increased racial division. there are pockets of ohio and pockets of america -- despite the progress we have made -- where they have not recovered from factory closures. there are young people who are worried about whether they will have the same opportunities we have had. but i will tell you this, i have traveled all 50 states. i have talked to hundreds of
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thousands of people. what i have seen more than anything else is everything that is good about america. everything that is good and about america. i have seen people working hard. i have seen people start businesses. i have seen teachers teaching kids, taking money out of their own pockets to make sure they got school supplies. i have seen doctors out there serving the indigent and poor , making sure they have health care. i have seen our men and women in uniform serving to make sure we are safe. i have seen police officers and a law enforcement and first responders who run into danger instead of run away from it. i have seen young activists who call on us to live up to our highest ideals. i see a young generation that is full of energy and ideas and is not going to be held back by what is right now but will seize what ought to be.
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and i see, most of all, americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together. young, old, black, white, latino, asian, native american, folks with disability -- all of us pledging allegiance to that same flag -- that is the america i know. there is only one candidate who has devoted her life to that vision of a better america, and that is the next president of the united states, hillary clinton. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: her opponent has made it pretty clear -- he will drag this election as low as it can possibly go. he figures if he makes our politics just toxic, then maybe
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you will get discouraged and just not vote. but do not fall for it. i am telling you right now, hillary is one of the smartest, toughest, best prepared, most experienced person ever to run for this job. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: you know, there is nothing that completely prepares you for what it is like to manage a global crisis or send a young person to war. but hillary has been in the room when those decisions were made. she has been a first lady, a senator, my secretary of state, and in each and every job, she has worked tirelessly and diligently, and she has listened to the american people. she has done her homework. she has performed. she knows what decisions a president makes mean for a worker who needs a good job,
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even in the middle of crisis, she keeps her cool and she pays everybody the proper respect. most importantly, no matter how tough the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, she does not point fingers or wine, she does not talk about how "everything is rigged." she works hard and gets the job done and never quits. she does not quit and she does not make excuses. [applause] pres. obama: and by the way, isn't that what you want from the president? i noticed her opponent -- he seems to be in the middle of the game, making excuses all the time for why he might be losing. it is always interesting to see
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folks who talk tough but then do not act tough. because if you are tough, you do not make excuses. you do not start complaining about the refs before the game is even done. you just play the game. that is what hillary clinton is doing. she is out there playing the game. she is just in the arena for you, fighting every single day to make sure that everybody gets a fair shake. that is what she is doing. pres. obama: there is not a person out there who has been more qualified to serve as our president -- that includes me and that includes bill. and she is going to be great at it. she has real plans to address the things she has heard from you. specific ideas to invest in new jobs. specific ideas to invest in
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company profits. specific ideas to make sure fewer jobs move overseas, to make sure that jobs come back in places that have been abandoned, . to invest in our people and put kids in preschool and put students through college without taking on a ton of debt. [cheers and applause] you know, her opponent may be getting headlines this week for picking fights with everybody in his own party. threatening to sue the press for story see it is not like. meanwhile, you know what hillary has been doing? hillary has been talking about what we need to do to fight climate change. she has put forward a child tax credit that would help millions of families. she was not complaining or whining or fighting. she was just doing the work. that is what you want from a president, someone who has going to sit there and do the work for you. [applause]
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pres. obama: her opponent does not make specific plans. if you ask his supporters right now, it would be hard for them to describe what exactly they were going to do. he says he is great at making deals. as i pointed out, i do not know a lot of people who operate a casino and manage to lose almost $1 billion in one year. usually, the house always wins. you know that saying, the house always wins? unless he owns the house. then, it loses $1 billion. i do not know a lot of people that use that failure to avoid paying federal income taxes. he says it makes him smart.
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it means he is not doing what all of us as citizens should be doing, which is giving back to our troops and our veterans and our roads and our schools and making sure that america continues to be the greatest nation on earth. that is part of citizenship. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: not trying to weasel out of your responsibility. that is not smart. and then you want to lead the country? are you going to teach everybody how to avoid doing the responsibility? he rooted for a housing crisis because it might help his real estate situation. he said, "that is called business." filed for bankruptcy six times and then that allowed him to stiff small businesses that he and workers that had already done work for him and that he owed money. when your concern is not the family in foreclosure or the small business just trying to
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make ends meet, you would rather make a buck off their dreams but not be honest on the other side of the deal, then you cannot claim to lead this country, you are not fit to be president of the united states. and i have to say, he is getting some support from some working folks. i want to say to them, look, if a guy spent 70 years on this earth showing no regard for working people -- there is no record that he has supported minimum wage, supported investede bargaining, in poor communities -- and then suddenly, he is going to be the champion of working people? come on. come on, man. [laughter] [applause]
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pres. obama: apparently in a speech yesterday, he started talking about global elites, the at it was the conspiracy of global elites. this is the guy who spends his time hanging around trying to convince everybody that he is a global elite. talking about how great his buildings are, how luxurious and rich he is, how great his buildings are, paying out with celebrities -- hanging out with celebrities -- now, he is acting like a populist out there. saying, "i am going to fight for working people." come on, man. you want to know what someone is going to do? look what they have been doing their whole lives. if you want a leader who values hard work and respects working americans, if you want higher wages and a fair tax code and equal pay for women and stronger regulations on wall street, you should vote for hillary clinton. [applause]
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pres. obama: if you want to know who is going to keep you safe in a dangerous world, the choice is even clearer. hillary is going to make sure we finish the job of defeating isis. and hillary won't have to resort to torture or ban entire religions from our country. she has the knowledge and the experience and the temperament to be the next commander in chief. you cannot have a guy who has insulted pow's and attacks ed a goldstar mom and calls our troops and veterans weak and cozies up to dictators and tells our allies we might not stand by their side unless they pay up first. he may be up at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, but it is because he is tweeting insults to somebody who got under his skin. that is not the kind of president you want. he is not fit to be commander-in-chief. and not fit to lead the world's greatest democracy.
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and, by the way, this is somebody who threatens to jail his political opponent or silence the media. who welcomes russian meddling in our electoral process? the electionif does not go his way, it is not because of something he says but because it is "rigged." you know, some nations do operate that way. they are tyrannies and they are oppressors. they are not the world's greatest democracy. we have fought against those kinds of things. around the world, we talk to other countries and say, "in a democracy, you cannot just threaten to jail your opponent. there are things called due process."
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no, in a democracy, you cannot just ban reporters or press that you do not like. because there is this thing called the first amendment. [applause] pres. obama: in a democracy, you have a concept, but if you lose, then you say congratulations and move on because the country and our system of government is bigger than any single individual. that is what we do. the united states of america has always stood for something better. which, by the way -- i said this last night. i have to go back to us again. is part of why i am disturbed
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about republican elected officials who know better but are still supporting this guy. i said that, in part, what has happened here is over the last eight years, republican officials who know better -- some of whom i talk to, they are sane people, normal folks -- but what they have done is they have allowed a lot of crazy talk to be pumped out again and again through all kinds of these media outlets, conspiracy theories -- i "was born outside this country," and hillary and i "started isil," and we "are going to impose martial law and we are trying to take everyone's guns away," and crazier stuff than that. a lot of republican elected officials have stood by, a lot of house members, a lot of
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senators stood by, and they did not say anything because it was a way to rile up their base and it was a way to mount opposition to whatever we were trying to do. over time, because a lot of the hard-core republican partisan voters were just hearing this stuff over and over again, they started to believe it. that is what allowed donald trump suddenly to emerge. donald trump did not suddenly build all this crazy conspiracy stuff. the republicans who knew better stood by silently, even during the course of this campaign, they did not say anything. i know some of them now are walking away, but why did it take you this long? you said you are the party of family values.
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what, you were not appalled earlier when he was saying degrading things about women? when he was judging them based are they a 2 or- or 10? that was not enough for you? it was not disturbing enough for you when he was saying mexicans who come here are rapists? or suggesting that people, patriotic americans of the islamic faith, somehow are suspect and should be treated differently? that was not enough?
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i am glad that some of them now say, "wow, that is really bad, i guess we need to walk away." if you are doing it just for political expediency because you are looking at poll numbers, and you say, "this might get me in trouble, that is not enough." how is it that you stand silently when you nominate a guy who says a guy he admires is the former head of the kgb? if you say you are about the constitution and you are opposed to what obama is doing with executive action because "that shows he is a tyrant," but you are ok with a guy who says to his opponent in the middle of the debate, "i will throw you in jail" -- how does that work? [laughter] pres. obama: it does not work. and that is why i want everybody to understand what is at stake
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here. one of the things i have learned these past eight years is that progress is hard. you have to battle it out. even when you have victories, like the affordable care act -- it is not always perfect, and you have to work to make it better, and you take two steps forward on something like climate change, there will be folks who try to push you back . and the special interests are strong. and it is true that the country is so often divided along party lines, it is very hard to get folks to compromise. hillary understands all that. but what she also knows is if you stay at it and work hard, good things can happen. she knows that in a democracy as big and diverse as this, we cannot demonize each other. we cannot just refuse to compromise, even when we are right, we have to work with other folks. she knows you have to listen to each other.
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and see ourselves in each other and fight for our principles. she believes there is common ground out there. she believes we can and should conduct ourselves better. that our leaders will not be perfect, but we should aspire to at least express the decency and goodness of the american people, not our worst impulses. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: we should conduct ourselves with just a basic sense of what this country is about. a certain sense of dignity. and that is not always flashy. that does not always grab headlines. that is not always the thing that will get you on the news. that is not always going to fit on a tweet. politics does not always lend itself to that. but if we want progress, we have to work for it.
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progress does not always come right away, and we do not always get 100% of what we want. theif we keep at it way hillary has kept at it, decade after decade, progress happens. ask the 20 million people who have health insurance today who did not have it before. ask all those autoworkers right here in ohio who had been laid off and thought their plant was going to shut down and now, they are working double shifts because we are cranking out some of the cars. ask the proud marine who no longer has to hide the husband that he loves. [cheers and applause] after the young person who is getting more help now to pay off student loans. change is possible. it does not depend on one person -- it depends on all of us. young people -- especially -- out there, i want you to know, you have been through a lot, you have grown up through war and recession and all kinds of
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incredible change, but i have seen in you, the best of america. i see that you do not try to turn against each other. you are trying to look out for each other. i know you care about being open to the world, not turning away from it. i know that you believe in an inclusive society and an innovative society and a vibrant society. you believe in democracy. i see the same values in you that have always driven this country forward. decency and honesty and hard work and civility. they are not old-fashioned values, they are timeless values. they are what bind this country together. even though sometimes politics can seem frustrating, even though sometimes our democracy can seem mean-spirited, you have a chance right now to reject that kind of politics.
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you have a chance to reject the politics of fear. lift again back up the politics of hope. let's not go backwards. let's go forward. you have a chance to elect a woman who spends her entire life trying to make this country better. do not fall for the easy cynicism that says your vote does not matter. do not fall for what trump tries to do and just make everybody depressed. do not believe it. i promise you, your vote counts. your vote matters. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: there was a time when folks could not vote. when you had to guess the number of jellybeans in the jar to vote. the number of soap bubbles on a bar of soap to vote. folks were beaten to vote. folks risked everything to vote. in this election, whatever issue you care about, it could not be easier for you to vote.
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if you care about inequality, you need to vote. if you felt the bern in the primaries, you need to vote. [cheers and applause] you can vote for somebody who only cares about themselves or somebody who will fight like heck for working people. make sure we have got a minimum wage raise, make sure we have got equal pay for equal work. you care about criminal justice reform and civil rights. you can vote for somebody who has fought civil rights or for somebody who went undercover to make sure minorities had an equal shot to get a good education. if you care about the environment and climate change, you can vote for somebody who
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thinks it is a chinese hoax, or you can vote for somebody who believes there is something called science and we should pay attention to it and protect our planet. if you care about immigration reform and you want to see this nation continue as a nation of of love and a nation of immigrants, then you have to get out there and vote. [cheers and applause] pres. obama: donald trump's closing argument is -- "what do you have to lose?" the answer is everything. all the progress we have made is right now is on the ballot. civility is on the ballot. tolerance is on the ballot. courtesy is on the ballot. honesty is on the ballot. equality is on the ballot. kindness is on the ballot. all the progress we made the last eight years is on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot right now. so if you want to send a message, make it loud.
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turn back the voices of ignorance. turn back the voices of cynicism. send a message of progress. send a message of hope. send a message by voting for hillary clinton, and show our kids and the rest of the world we remain the greatest country in the world. thank you, everybody. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. hey! [cheers and applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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debriefing for the debate studio audience is at 8:30 p.m. eastern, and the debate is at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stay with us afterwards for your reaction, and watch the debate live or on-demand using your desktop, phone, or tablet at listen to live coverage of the debate on your phone using the c-span radio app. download it from the apple store or google play. every four years, the presidential candidates turn from politics to humor at the al smith memorial foundation dinner to raise money for catholic charities. reagan: i never understood the logistics of dinners like -- andhealthy absence how the absence of one person caused three of us to not have seats.
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>> vice president, i am happy to see you here tonight. you said over and over get in this campaign that you wanted to give the election back to the little guy. mr. president, i am batman. gore: out, your great grandfather was my favorite kind governor, the kind who ran for president and lost. romney: al, you're right, a campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes. blue jeans in the morning, perhaps, suits for a lunch fundraiser, sport coat for dinner, but it is nice to finally relax and wear what anne and i wear around the house. [laughter] memorialthe l smith foundation dinner with clinton and donald trump thursday night at 9:00 p.m. on c-span and, and listen in 9:00 p.m. eastern with the c-span radio app.
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>> join us tuesday at 6:30 p.m. eastern for the white house state dinner for the time prime minister, matteo renzi. arrivals through the white house east wing, the grand staircase official photo, and the dinner toast offered by president obama and mr. renzi. decor, talk about food, and protocol for the state visit here we will also revisit previous state dinners. we'll talk to the italian minister to the u.s., and a fashion critic will review michelle obama's state dinner fashion for the last seven years. the state dinner for time prime minister renzi airs
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tuesday at 6:30 p.m. a political reporter for the "boston globe," and editor of the blog ground that new hampshire is once again donald trump's political home. james is joining us from boston. thank you so much for being with us. james: thanksh for having me. ost: why is new hampshire critical? james: in a lot of ways, new hampshire has really matter. if you go back to the 2000 election, it was decided by 5000 votes or less, and that was ralph nader's vote. if al gore had won new hampshire that year, it is a campaign that both parties have been berating themselves ever since up a little -- that
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pivotal year. looking at donald trump, there is something highly unusual about all of his events. as you mentioned, this is his fourth trip in a month to the state, for trips in four weeks. it is entirely disproportionate compared to everywhere else in the country. you know, this race is really coming down to watch her big four big state session or the carolina, ohio, florida, and pennsylvania. polls to make an argument that donald trump has a chance to win and can't command a lot of electoral votes in terms of the thinking over the past month. it may look a little differently over the current moment. but it just ask watch her electoral votes, so it has a lot of people scratching their heads. his quest, what is his path to victory, and what role would new hampshire play in that
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path? ands: he has got two paths, they are getting narrower by the day. one is to sweep all of those four big states we mentioned -- ohio, pennsylvania, north carolina, and florida. if you does that, he gets there fairly. two ofer way is to win those states and then a collection of smaller states -- iowa, for example, he is doing colorado, newa, hampshire. that is the way in which he can do it. but again, it is so disproportionate amount of times he has been here. he has been here eight times since the california presidential primary in june, basically the kickoff of the general election, and for that is more trips than he has spent in states that are tied right now and much bigger, like arizona and georgia combined.
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those two states and a couple of others if you have them up. than has been more here any other swing state outside those big four, and he has had more campaign events and new hampshire in the general election so far than mitt romney didwatch her years ago -- four years ago. mitt romney basically lived in new hampshire during that 2012 campaign in his lake house in wolfeboro. so it is highly disproportionate to see a candidate spends so much time here, but there are reasons for it. one is that the trump campaign, you see these polls shore up by they% consistently, and say the racist titer, and secondly, which i think is really honest, it is just closer to new york city. when trump is going to schedule an event at the last minute, he can get on a plane, he can come to new hampshire, he knows his staff can put together an event
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because they have during the presidential primary, it will be a fine event, and he can get back to his plane and sleep in trump tower. host: one of the numbers of who controls the senate, democrats and republicans in 2017, how is that affecting the overall tenor of the campaign, and what effect do you think it will have, james pindell, internal in new hampshire? ways, it islot of incredible. it can come down to just two states -- pennsylvania and new hampshire in terms of those contests. this contest in new hampshire is a markable for so many reasons. it is the most expensive in-state history. is the most high-profile race into women, a sitting u.s. senator versus a sitting u.s. governor. both are relatively well-informed on a policy, running really smart campaigns, and the first question at
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everything will debate in the general election for these two candidates has been about the presidential race. president' race is overshadowing everythings. host: we can read your work online at james he is joining us from boston. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for your time. >> donald trump dismissed sexual assault allegations during a campaign stop in north carolina. the rally begins with remarks from the "women for donald trump coalition." ♪
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